an sun .13. --The exahlilmtions for JC_x1trdncc't() the High School were held. on Tuesdzxy and yes_ terday. `There were 80 ca.n(li:la.t:es, from all parts of the County, a large fpropnrtion of whom will probably -pas.-1. The results will be made known next week. 1-: , AL, _.,_,__ .13 L1 _ ,___,,____`L,_` smooa COUNTY coum`. A 1 . I01` mu uluuuuv, qzvuuazo mus. Jomwsox.--Au action entered ightuing rod agent to recover the value ate given bydnft for rod put up on his ATM ;jmjy disagreed and were; dis ;. Roans. -M-As_-s.umps:it -Verdict_ xIa' : \.tl\vv: sun} ..uuunv-vu- - GEO. MURPHY, Formmi. .\ T) a mm: A X` ;f_-':.I.`-izladsyAt4_ I M11. D. M. MAUNDRELL makes 9. good dis- play. ` He has 3 prime heifers,`each 1600 lbs.`; 1 extra sfc_er, a. 5-year old, `I750 lbs.`; 12 Leicester lambs, averaging 72.lbs.; 6 ne sheep, nvem,r.v,in_g 112 lbs.; poultry, cured. hams, corned and spiced meats, sausages and lard, in profusion. Ths beef, lamb and mutton was raised by lxiinself. ` STALL N0. 2 sAs'r. .fMn. GEO. i\IAUNI_)RELL,, Sr.., exhibits 3 three-year old heifers, prime quality, fed by himself; 6 choice spring lambs, averaging 60 lbs.; a choice stock of. poultry; sugar cured hams, pork, spiced beef, and sausages. The display at this stallis a. fine one. `STALL N0. 3 vmsr. M R. \V'm:' Balm` has gone in for a. (`me show. His stall contains 1 prime heifer, and 1 prime steer, fed by H. Thurlnw, Flos, and averaging about 1000 lbs. each ; 1 extra. fine 2 year. old hnifcr; fed by Thomas Drury, Oro, weight 1300 lbs. Those, with 0. number of well fed sheep, lambs, poultry, &c _. make up his dis- play. ~ . .-mun: tfn `I urn:-rn TIIE GOOL THINGS TO BE SEEN AT THE, BUTCH- The Xmasi display at the butchers stalls Jthis year is qui\';e'_ up, we believe, on the whole, to any previous one. An_ ADVANCE reporter has, been "the rounds and thus re- ports :-- unnfv inn 1 1:191! Msssns. CEXIERON & MAUNDRELL do not slmw as extensive in stock as last year. Yet their stall is full enough and their selections nude with a knowledge of what the public wants. Theyhxwe 3 splendid steers, about 1200 lbs. -each, bred by. VVm. `Bremner, Ves- pm; 1 fine 1000 lb. heifer; 12 well-eonditiom el Southdown sl1ee`p_and lambs, averaging about 80 lbs., nndrbred by John Pew, Shlsnty Bay; a good stock of poultry. " ' STALL N0. " wI-*.s'r. , M R. BINGHAM makes a. magnicent display of splendid meat. He shows. 2 heifers 1100 and 1200 lbs., bred and fed by Mr. Coates, ,Vesprn.; 2 prime cows, fed by J. Bingham,` Barrie; 2splendid heifers and 1 cow,'l300, l :_ssco, F103; 6 splendid lambs and6 prime sheep, fed by J .' Bingham; 2 fine bricks shot invltluskoka, 250 and 220 lbs. respectively; an immense stock of poultry. = .'~'l.`AI.L N0. 3 w1~:s'r. M R. `Tues _ Low}: makes an exhibit of 4-ex7- tra. ne heifers, averaging about 1200 lbs., two one by Time. Addison,_ Oro; 10 of as V ne lambs as ever entered` the market, fed by him- pig,'fe(1 by T. Berwick, Shanty _Bay; 2 ne Muskoka deer; large stock of geese, turkeys, ducks, &c. ~ ' 1100 a.n lbs , bred andyfed by Mr. , fed by himself, one by Drury Bros., Oro, and - self, and averaging 80 lbs`; one extra 3001b." --Mr. Doyle, Barrister, of the rm of O Donohoe & Doyle, Toronto. has been rusti- cntixlg afew days in the neighborhood` of Keenausville. ' ' - ` IUWH lift lu aau uucu. U1. uuuu. ..... -... ..... ....... '-The a.xn1i\-ersary services in connection with the Barri: Methodist Church were held on Sunday Just, Rev. Dr. l otts, Toronto, . `preaching both morning and evening. 011} Monday evening Rev. W. H. Poole delivered, ' in the town hall to a small audience, . his lec- :3`lliB.51titled Our Gates or Englo.n`d s Strong- O I p 7 . V 7 II` n __L__. In A Tnnnntnr nf i_ -Onr readers "will remember the case of I i`.Ir. A. A. \Vi-ight \vho'wus- `shot by the In- dian Keesn over .1 year ago, up on the French River, Keeso, it will be recollected, was sen- tenced by His Honor Judge Gowan to Peni- tentiary. Mr. Wright has never recovered from the cifects of the wound, which is still `open and tlisscliarging. The other day ve splinters of bone and onealug were taken out `nf his thigh, the operation being performed v.7it.h zl.j`:1ck-knife and pincers. 'An incision was made an inch and" a quarter long, in to _thn main bone. Another large splinter, which is still rmly atteachxl to the thigh hone, cannot be remdvcrl fur some time yet. '--O/i Di! that one of .B'radford s eligible "young men is going off the books on Xmas Day. ._ The lady is one of the village belles.`r;ot unknown in, Barrie. ' T.WLi>}-v`.;eg &xwx;;;a};.i*:terue. g,. N5. 6 Co. . 35th Butt. have been raised to the rank of Sergeant. .' The former is only sixteen} and the youngest officer in the Batt. 1: - QA 4}j1`-- LL 'IY7_.L ru_:n:._1..__..; L-.. - u a nun. .... .. _,~._, -Ex-Warden Ruth-(lge i1appe11cxl in our den on Satunlay, I looking hearty as ever. Mr. I{ut1culg_;c-Lloclines to take a nomi- nation for th;:`ree`.'e:=hip of Medbnte; so satis- ed is he with. air. Cmig s record. ' \l.. \,`|'-..I- (_`.-....J,. D... ....2..4-mp :...hul In --Mr.fWm. Lux'n`mis, la.toVof VVyebr-idge,' has urn-i\'c with his family and,takcn up residence in Barrie. Weyjome! . -- _ >` -. _| H _,......b.... v--~v-V- .-. -_- -...-.. .' .-1\I`.-:.jor Tyrwhitt, West Givillivnburv, ha.s, we hear,` fallen heir to a `fortune. Of $20,000, through the death of a relative in England. We wish him joy of his bonanza. - U` 1:-v 1 n .'u 1 111 1 5,11 ...,.. ....... .,-t, --- ..-_,. _ 4 ' -'-Mr. W. H. Hnmrnill. re_eve of Tecumseth, was in town ysterday and xnvaaqd our sanc- tum before going away. _ ` ll ~1Iv,., r,__.___._ `_L_V -1 t1r___L_:1,_-' I -Mr. Mm-k Scanlon. Barristeg acted in the capacity of J iulge at the late sittings of Lb:-. Division Court held in Mulqnur, Adjaln and Alliston. He did so by re nest of Hi_s Hnnor Judge Gowan,, His onor Judge Ardagh being ill. ' - " 1 vnw.5 D tnuvlun J11`. uuuuuu. ' w - -Mr. Wm. Hula, of the P-u:kct', dropped in on us the other day, He has_been ill lately, mm} in mnnincr slnwlv. >7 me omcr uay. _ and 15 mending slowly. ' no 111 it rr____:I noms." V T --Mr. J M Buchan, M. A., Inspector of High Schools, paid a visif. of ispection to the Barrie institution on `Wednesday of last. week, with the results or which he expressed himself as entirely satised. In the coursg of , his address he pai_d'a high compliment to the school and hoped soon to see` it rank as 9. Collegiate `Institute. ' - . L, r1___.::.... a........' Eu - u_.. .w......,. p 4 --Mr. P. Brazal will run his mill this .' winter.`- He has dissolved urtnex-ship with Mr. Durham. ' '- ' ll vtv_, rI',,`I- -1` L1... D..-l..l .1_-......I 3.. -Mr. Hafywood, traveller for V-Messrs. Wm. Ramsay & Co. , Toronto, gave us a. call on Friday. - ` ' " ' 7 ` n,._.. _:u _...' 1.:.. ...:n LL:-l V1CCl\t (j3r3w'c]l, the fefnpcrance sick azx_d lisrd up, and a fund for hi! rel_1e_f u._be_mg tame ' ` ' A. --- ' I 1 ,,_II.__ R-.. \l __-._.. HUD. 101' MAD LVIVIJVV 9-au_;-,-u--v 3 ` _ , " _ _ , 5 --Mr. M. Young, _' Secmtar;' `H, 83- N.` railwaycalledonuson Sgturday. V " ` . ` '. -Mr. R. Rogers, of_ the Bank of Tbmnto, VPe1:erboto , is home to spend Xmas." - --L -_._-J' _..I_!L_ -'2LL -Rein `lift; "G1,-iin_ex_cham'red' pulpit Rev. Mr. Stobo, Co11mgwood.: on Sunday. T 2 l\_I-._ 41 _- 'n. ,m_..;._-1 . -'-Mr. Oslenof Oelex-,wy`nnro Hamilton, was up on Court` buainepa this week. ' ' V , I,,L._,, _, 2- ._!_L """"""" '-"' """/"4 4. . '-Mr. D. A. `Sullivan. Bafrigil-,' To:-oxito, zyttentled t-he County.Court. -\~ 3 r, -- , '1: ____ ..._._ .I..._I:-... _'.. .. ..'.:_--V avucnuvu van \.-..._-J. .v..... --\Ir. An us Morrisdi; d;:linVv:s",r;a:-n uii`ziiiV;_i tion for the oronto Mayoralty,' u :2 xr-.._._ .a,...-..&.......~u nv vUnn\o u rnaollvvnunvnn .n...u. --.Fu.nuers and nthemiwlm dct:1in str:1y' cat-" tie ten days witlmut '.1 make thu.n- selves criminally liable. _ "L- \V....L`. QI......... IV..- ,- I,_11 , ,,,. l',, Underneath my window .. Whore tho snow lies white, I can hear sweet voices `' Singing in the night. . .' . . As the night-wind varies ' So they rise and full, `In this quaint old carol J oinixig one and all. Chow-in- In the Easta gray light Prophesis the mom, Up ! and` hail the (In light. _ ;._=_ _ Christ the Lord ihorn I" Ah! that quaint old_ carol VVcl,l its words I know, First sting in the village Long, long vearsjzgo. _ In thegrowiug daylight Many a. time and ofb . Have the dark woods 1-e{`1dered- Back its burden soft`-"- ' . ` As 9. child how often . 7 Through the mirlnight dim, Have I walked` and waited ; For that Christmas hymn. ' Heard the footsteps com ' - Heard. them stop benea 4-. For the burst of music Wombat; with bated b_raa.>l'.h-i _V W U .! if one have wt}-ongod thee _ $9 the wrong forgiven,` V - _ Uf! ifany _lq3_ze thqa . -.-, do:-`thinks tolleagzgzr so ?1nv~he'ait'-inbernrtn ;- Clmrus-`F II; the 5 Simple words of wisdom- ~ " Christ the Lord is born 1" - 'n.. u 1.1.-.. .....I $..`A,`.:..n. " UIITISF V0.3 IJQFIJ. I! 00111 Ug X {hen and be doing n the Christmas morn, Up 1 and aid the fallen, - 'I'Tn Land hn'In- the .'nntir, Up 1 8110. am. me xauen, `Up I and help the poor, Keep for all your fellows . ' Open heart and door. - ` 1 _o1o.m_|mg*to V IIBIIKIUI E_uluIsu wquugcy _So'my`heart=interp1_etg A` A . ThAis>o1d_-_melody,. A 1'jt.};;negt11 iny"v'vin:Zow4 " " ....}?~I7 `"3? . > Chad`; -3` in the East a gray light. `|\'.8vEuguu_y .unJunvu an Univ u 5. --There does not seem to have been much. judgment exercised m the ' erechou of the ' lamps on Elizabeth Street-. Three in :1 bunch on that street near the corner of Brmlford street throw rather more light on tlx`sul>j than is required, While other parts of the ` town are In sad need of illumination at `night-. > . nu _.._-. _.._....p... u. nnnvuunhnn 'V(`Imv"u.-?-`_v`IVx1t1'1e_East n gi`a.y Tc:-Ims'rM.`as 0: -Isak. CHRISTMAS ct-u Ma_s.' _ _] phone: t';.~Inor ' A. Wvp`-.r -mi %uair::e1:.Mw1:a:;e -;'ch:ine1t;:q;.vo g STALL N0. 1 WEST. S'1ALL 11:0. 1 Just. By _Tom H9011. Tun man who_lms unde1'ta.kcn to keep tbtuyner rink free from snow during the winter, was immersed while attending to" his duties the other day, thaice being too weak to bear his weight. " Collegiate Institute. . V -As several of the Canadian team` for Wimbledon may nbt be able to attgnd the campetition,-the names of seven other_matks- men who come next to those chosen, are. given. Of these the name of Lieut.__Ewan. 35th, -stands rst, And that of Dr. `Mo; n...1..... ,.r 41... um. Ruth , third. In all Dro- MESSRS. P. D. Kelly, John Stewart, and R. Clmppell are in the field for the Allisbon reoveship. - Mr. Geo. Fletcher does not desire re-election, a fact which will be learned with regret by his col- leagues in` the County Council. . Mn. Hammill, Tecumseth, doesvnot intend to be 9. candidate for "the reeve- ship -this time. We agree with the Card- well Senvznel when;it. says tlnat-the` town- ship and county cpuncils will have lost 2 faithful and eicient member thereby, ,,}`n`Ex.ed_ibor of the Brad-ford News is qujte as much at home on a.T printing committee of the town council, as he is on the nance committee whfch pastes the accounts sent from his oice. Miss Monroe, who lately visited Bar- rie, gave reaclings at Brampton the other `night; to :1 very small a._u<.1ience. It is_ a positive shame that an entertainment such as she gives dogs not m1 mo:'e favor with the Canadian `people. ` QUOTING- om" ginragraph about `the Secretary. of the Collingwood Public- Shool board writing out bills instvzul of pa-.t.ron`izi11g the print;=r, the Advocate adds: - The same kind of -`skinintism `is displayezl in Cookstown. V ' n A STAYNER vocalist having received a. note congratulating him: on the style in which he sang the Cumphells are com- 1n , on the evening of the demonstra- tibn, rettxrns his thanks tqthe sendur of the note for his `attering econiums'- - whatever that may be. M1-:1:'rIN(:s are being held in the town- ship of N ottawas aga, `with th view to have the. municipality 1`ep1'eseI_1ted by - farmers for the ensuing year. F03 ToSo1`ontio- `reeveship' Mr.-Mo Dcnnnghwill be opposed by Messrs, Jas. Gilmore (liosexnont), and Jchu _F.eher (Alliston). Mr. McDonough's changes are, we hear,` xce}le1it.- 2 Tm-: Bradford News wonders that candidates for Municipal ofces in Barrie announce the fact in tvhe,advertis'ing columns of the local papers. Sensible candidates usually take this means of making known their candidature. `THERE is a lady in Orilliu. six - feet four inches in height, sa.ys_ the Packet, but, it adds with a. sigh, St. Cutlmrines has a belle four inches taller. And _then there's Mrs. Capt Bates ! `Oh, you can't _capt,ure the tallest in the country. T Bet Ater be satised with that 6 ft. 4 in. one. 35th -stands first, and gum; or` 111'. mu- Cunkey of the same Bath, thlrd. In 811 P70` hability these two will have a place _B-111038 the Wimbledon markampnr qulw 9 h"? for Barrie. ' ' l\ r! . - 11.. -`1-.'.....L Dnllnrcnn, ' Fox: creating a distur`oo.nee'ata. recent temperance meeting held j in the town hall. 9. couple of Bmdford boys were ned _by` the magistrates. T ` v `AT 9. Bradford entertainment one of the pieceswas entitled Hark 1' Apollo strikes the lyre. The News editor -was scared and.did not attend. ' u :- BRADFQBD mechanics Iustibhte has had addinionsof books to the value of $200. T - `II .1 1- '. nu ' BEEToN s- new Lfetboist dhurclx will be dedicated on Christmas Day Rev. Dr. Ives, of Auburn, N. 17., will preach. ` Tne Pa`c/cat man utters himself that he is a judge of A No. 1, groceries. Must have clerked in a store some time linihis life.` MR. SANDFQRD E1.E_:MtNG., the dis- tinguished engineer paid 1|. short visit to Collingxvoqd last week. While-in town he had a look at the harbor, and promised to do what heeould to assist ;.l`i'a* :t0_:r1 deputation in securing "a Gverurnent `grant. Mr. Fleming, selected it over 20 years ago as the terminus of the North- ern Railway. ` ' - _-`.__- city of London;'t.hau it is 'MESSR3, Sanders and Henry are the candidates for_ Reev-aship in AStafyne`r. 1-. -- '1:l;E price ofvb} .;ad is: `cl1 eaipe `ht/116] I'_r is staed that M1`. Cook. sent a pnesent. of Ta caseof choice bgandy, 9. few days ago, lpone of his enthusias ic sup l'port.ers in East Simcoe,`but some bibu- lous; friends, discovering the .destiniition and "natu're of the case," broached the contents, and sadly diminishes! the; quan- tity in [drinking to the health of the generous` donor.--Pa cket. ` Tm`-1 Stnyner Sun is indulging in very coarse and unseemly. criticism of Mr. Sanders, reeve of the village. [The diffi- culty appears to have arisen out of some disagreement with respectto the recent Lorne Demonstration. ; but whatever the origin there is no excuse for the hagd knocks lieing given` by the editor 0? the _Sun thtfough his paper, and by the rcevve through a. Colliugwood paper. Come, gentlemen, qnit- "Or, _do you wantgus tocall in the Marquis_--Q1f end-. for the police fl. ' ` " REFERMNG fa` the paragraph copled by THE Anvmsca from the Monetary 7 Times, and having reference to, a default ing cheese factory superintendent, at Blue "Vale, At-he` Cookaiaown AdvAocazeV nan . lot |'3El'Tleo ` - _ ' a Friday eve-n`ng, Mr; JO. 11 P379 5n' B._z-1%` of -England, `devered a. feature undgx` the auspices of the Battle Y. M. A-p n the Temperance Hall. Rev. John Lexper. W_ 9 is a personal friend of the lec_turer.3.3'1 mi duced him to lecture, occupied the chau-. M1-g.` Patteruon s subject was T,`The'WilH.1d W; dom of the Eu lish, Irish-and S_i:ot<.=l,1 Rwz :' % and '11: Hnnahan H . VAPI7 nlmmrlv. ` .'< ~ 'Bion's Bpgsg B;n-.aoig_g;;es_=_- "- A"LL1.'ro:_v has a `-' comet}; Aba2:xd." ` CpQKS'1?0W:_1mB English spmbwg, DoU.(_iLAs' CommeLrciul_-School, Orillia, has` closed. ' . no smallox in 0rillia,.7a*2'1'er- ronegusly reported; _ 3 V rn_._ ,,,pI. 1- | ' I. .. s}y_: "."J"" In order that the above 1n_ayV not be the means of throwing cold water on the erection of a cheese fsctory in this place, we may in- , form the farmers inthie section that'Mr'.' Henderson will_ y cash 10 the Treasurer elect, Mr. Geo. inwoodie, (`for the m11k`_re- ceived, before 9. pound of cheese leaveeithe village, and by, the farmer rune no ` Coupmxxi is made by the Orillia. Packet of the vendors of candy, station- ery, pictures, and "cheap and nasty -wares generally, `?who are permitted to swoop down upon a town in a choice V business seaaon,`and carry off} * rge pro portion of the" egg!) _in oiyff `;_tia_`,"ap- parently',wiLhout `let or hind, r 00 xfrotn the'authorities. These J _ s .ofpas- sage 7 .payno-taxes, and leg':}e' little or none of `the money vtheyfgeoeive the; - plabe, `and that-their visits 3o'.'iously-_af- _fe.ct_I:he btjsihss of 1'g'it,iniato trade;-"s, is .byongV'qnesIiionL"V'7$[e join with our con, jaaxnpiiruty in}-;peakin`g '~ out . - h9:;< 7`~.`F9i9";F *r'i*r=;~ Whx wt The Best Salvg in-the wor](1- for Cats, ' -BrnVi_ses_,?.Sori;a`,.-_I_I1cer's,' Salt` Rhenni, Tbtter; iHad-M CI1i1hlp.ins .C' r` and .; of .. _I( _ 'f`.`h .`a"-x'- . an vn nu. cu u wvuno 31-I-ll! LIIIVH Ill guIsruu- F ;e:sl'6`iW9"9erfi i5`?' cm: or L1*dr :8s1a;B3: L `. Ame . ASui.``!drss` AND O33ERYATIO}I` pr 1;9j'w3' mrxds An; In rats n`zsTnxcr.-Evi:t:Yrnrxd mesa, run AND FULL,` ` K9TKIN 9% `_1`_!"-`.` %AI-is-J Irish and scotch Ewes and he handl 7 it very cleverly. _ fl`Q"t1y exciting the risibilitica bf the aud1e_nce.. K. The, attendance was small and 0.111) , D-_ fW _d_.u A were realized. ' _ * Q -A 1.30 o'clock esterdt _m0l'nil| `5l_*',5.. in-n`:n nut 3n n hlnni nf For the ensuing year, I `beg to snnounc my: self in the eld, in the interests of progress and `economy, and ask your suffmges accordingly. - ` G;;:'rLm1Ex,-Having ,bach spliited by 9. Saxfgc number, of the Ratepayers tq become a Czindidatc for -GENTL'E.V1EN---Hzwing served you for the past six years in the positions of Councillor, _Deputy-Rceve_a.nd Reeve, and being solicited byra. large proportion of my fellow-ratepayers` to present myself for re-election, I.bVeg to any that I have consented, and hereby announce myself a. candida.te for the position of Reeve- of your Town for 1879. Should yon again honor me with your condence in electing me as your Reeve, I trust that by strict attention to the affairs of the Town to merit a renewal cf your sixpport. V - Vnuuua `nil-Lin?!" A GENTLE1!iEN,'f- H.H.V'_ing been requeatdto be :1 candidate for the repriasentation in the next Council of this \Va.r-.1, I'b9g to announce my- self as such, and to state that if elected I ahalldo my duty by my constituents and the town generzzy. ' 1 _ GENTLEMEN, '-{av;ng decided to again be a. candidate for the representation of your \V.m1AI respectfully ask your suffrages. Trust- .iugtlm.t'1ny record since a member _of the cmncil has been such as_t) entitle me again Tho` your condence, r Barrie, Nov. 13, 18754 Barrie, Nov. 20, _l378. GF.NTLE.\lE`.\',-0Wlng to the rapid progress made by the Town` of Barrie in point of Wealth . and population, it is this year entitled to Va second Deputy Reeve, and having been solicit- ed by a. very large portion of the Ratepnyers of the Town to put myself in nomination as a. candidate for the said oilice, Izbeg to say that I have yielded to their request andam a can- didate for the position of second Deputy- Reeve of the Town of Barrie for 1879.. My sole interest is in the welfare-'and prosperity of Barrie. For many years I have carried on a_ prosperous business and own considerable property in the town. The prosperity of the town means my prosperity. I ,am an advo- cate of economy based upon the good`- -' and efiicient working of every department. I hzwe served the town sis Councillor for some eight years, and as far as I am aware, no im' proper motiveor action has been` ever attri- butcd_to me in the discharge of'my public rhxties. Should you see lit to honor me with the town. , ` your condence, l will as in the past do allpin my power for the best interests and welfare of 7` ` Gsfrwnlau ii`:t ; -;i1`s kprc- senpatioxx ofjyqur Ward in th'wCo,u`nciI, I re- spctfully solicit is renewal of_ yoixr auppprt.- V Very truly yours, ' _ _ ' I T. 0, McCONKEY, . --A:l: 1.30 o'clock yesterday _lII0I'I_1!||g 9-'"_.. broke out in a. 11106]: of frame b!1dm3.5'`?; Bayeld streep, 9. litmznorth of .'Dnn1_12-3.-.. Iina brief spziiic of time the ame: E9-l11.d,__ much headway, but `the fire eepg!1_l0; p!'0V`?3 more than a. match for ~them:_`exVhn|li5hi4P8 `them inquick style, The b;u'd 38 were 1.wo_in illllllb`/`cl",_IId oecnpl Thompson, Tailor _nl'.u1 keeper, _nio_v . ti. msaaazsapaa. ELESTIONSE 1879. ii; Second D_e1m`ty Reevesh-ip Barrie, December 3, $873.. To THE 'R'ATEP'AYERS OF 3.u V 1 1 ' `Barrie,7November 13, 1878.` ul Wipay for Tm; ADVANCE to the 1st of Janu- ary, 1880, to all New Subscribers commenc- ing at qnytime between this and 1st January. \`l"'L`Q`l 1317 n. `l."l\Yru _u_Lu.n uun UU H , Wllin wnne m'easI:,. and tip of her horns Baweul off. Any `person re- tnmingithe animal will besuitabiy rewarded, and any pergon retaining her after this notice will be prosecuted. `- , 4. I '1 \V._ EDMANSON. B92-ie,` Dec, 2, 1879, - 49-3f__ IIII-\ . up-u-.\ \- ' --- F-our head of Cattle `strayed from the pre- mises of the undersigned on or about the let of July. Ono Brindle: Steer, two years past; one Yearling Bull. red, 'with white, face, with white under belly and on the end of tail; one Yearling Heifer, small, brindle ; one Yearling Heifer, a. brindle or brown, a muley. A reward will be paid for the recovery of the same to the owner. - ' . 'Nominh.tion. 'Mnngl9.y, 3bfh= ihst,; Monday, January 6th. _ A '._ 4 . ` Barrie. December 3, 18`-'8.` _' . '49-t_:d Barrie, De. 9,_ 1.73, ._-- "Special Elition.-*. of Tm: AD\"`{N(}E' are being is:-med luring the period. prior to the lloliday Seagull. Advertisers will do well to take a space and in: sure themselves :1 large Xzuas and N e_w Year's Lrzulv. ` ' TliE`A.DV`A.'CE HA5 A>LAR(`}l`.R CIRCULA- 'I`l0N IN Tm; Comm`) or` Sn1c ANY ormm mm-:1: PUBLISHED IN BAnRII~:. ` An; nuuuu nun; n u |J'\LU u-u.--. l u -433` an error, the name of the prosecutor was inserted in last wecl: s AJ)\'.\x."1-`. instead of the name of the prisoner, in the case of cab rescaling xeporte.1.". The prisoner. who calls; himself Jae. Neison, was CO1l\ icf(`(Ib( fO!`(`. His u Honor Judge Gowim on Fnday and sentenced to ten days imprisonment. - - g n :. .. 3-..; ..,..:L.m... ,;...1....+ _'.m., " To the Elcctbfs of t.'7.} '1"ow>z"of Barrie: To the Elfctors of iTown of Barrie : ; arrayed trom Barrie `in October an aged KRINDLE COW, with white breast, and tin of her horns smvml n`. Anv `nay-smn m. uvu .Lvu Nov"e1'nber`27. 1878.` The Partnership l;e;e-tefore "subsisting `be- tween Peter B. Brazel and James H._Dux-ham es Lumber` Manufacturers, under -the, name and style of B1-aze1& Dui-ham; has been this `dsv dissolved by mutual consent. The debts (life 91' aecruin due to the said nn are to be nail} 15 ies uni `Paint: 11 R`:-n-nn`I at `Run-Ii: As 6UNcu.L.21z't;5rehre1$rege;aa:ix; cit St; .A.ndravv a VU"ard._. 15-01: '40 Jul in-the .E,`j,_2/ms o_/ Amlre'u2 s Wdid Vliicitedfof V ' "3!-removuy In-rs. mn_ '` . Vvsand W. ?a1merfo1-$300 ' I10 imm run on l`hn`7IV'n" 5 ,-'1`; 3?3EE'rE1 n" d`EJi3"h37a"&'Emfl `.233? paid to the sari Peter B, Brazel, at Ban-i`e, sindtthe liabilities of said firm are to be set- tled by him. 'h.:....: .1. o_'.._:- 1.1.- naLL -2: \1'L_-__L--' ii-'l-]&`3 Electors 0/ St. George's Ward: ` unit I 1378.. 5011;. .;0'-;h`!---Ev.'t';I_(01.'8 of St-_.-;m_:lrew's I V_Z"(2 ml vurun `;auA.3\oiL7 II` _....Ba.rrie, NOV}, 3243; 1378. _Nov. 14th, 1373. ......................................... I-1-:u-Iu'In'-u'u'In`--'Iu'IaHuiII - TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER19, .1878. kl .-- Strayed from Barrie `in October gcd, 3RINDLE cow. mu white breast- .....1 n: J u..-- A, galad at, Bait:-Hie the 26th of: N dvembax-,` .8 . r Re avSsn1p, |OW_ si:RAvY_ E.-D, IISSOLUTION on? KERR SHIP, . ' Q ffI7' " IUNICIPAL ELE0T1oNs,75. l UNICIPALL ELEC1`I(:NS T1379. kj U3r1c1_1n.L ' ELECTIONS .18`79} T6 the Merchams of Barrie and ' T/:A3;.:L__ I `am, Gentlemen, Yours truly, J OSEPH ANDERTON. I remain, Genylomen, JOSEPH `CLEMENT, ' . -- Lot No. 17, CherryCreek P. 0. . An I-.....`o'7 lava ~ Yours, faithfully, Yours r>:spectf-ally, nu: , Yours'{mithtu1_1y, TJODT` VIN L." OLIVER! P. B. BRAZEL. * .. JAMES DURHAM. \7V'iiSii.vIV3E _s;1:11~I_G. W. 33; URXDDOCK. 878. Xmas is here (almost). V W7}2e e'z;.:377t is just awamng the pul) z'c !a malce ticir .\`n]n/-Ifnrn /'/an 79-am.-..ln n;u'.J 41...... -.... .-........~....._._,, 1:031`. KING, JR; "d. H. ROSS. *A'7 ` Cara: nan. '4s.n_1 46-td. '4 (~td v.....- .;....u4-4 STAMPING FOR BRAI-DING, 4 ' CUSHION TASSELS, &c., &c. - w..[ 1:1, _F_EMAN TOYS OF [ALL -E11 Ds; ' , DOLLS,'AN IMMENSE srrocx Bohemian Ware and China Goods. 9600 Worxlnvlo 0219030 from, BRAI DS. LACE-S, ' BERLIN AND OTHER WOOLS, ' _ UNDER()l.()'l`HING, &c., &., GOLD, SILVEIHL OTHER CARDBOARDS, WAX FLOWER REQUISITES, _ SLIPPERS, OTTOMANS, ' CHEN EILLE, nr-n Ailrnxfn HA1) `D11 Afhllfn _..._j__.._...._.._...._-, _.__.._...._......_...- C'HRIgs.TMA:_` f I A ` gavavaa Paaacm NEAR AND REAR OF THE MARKET, - BARRIE. , Tn-n `ll lQ`7Q ')C>f ,__.._._F..:,-w Remember the Stand,` Moore : Bnr:/c. Block, nearly opposite the ;S'2_am- mersett House. J. I. :..1:.\1.'n..|.;.\.1a.V 11 11.114 JJ.|`J 111.11 L'I`J . at the next Session of the Parliament of the Provixice of Ontario for an Act to amend the Actsrelating to th_e_Hami1ton and North VVestem Railway Company, to legalize and conrm a. 'oerta1n agreement with the Company, to authorize the issue of preference` stock, and to provide '_for dealing with the same, to zmtliorize the construction of an ex- ension of the said Railway from some point on the main line of the RzLilwa.y_ to the City of Toronto or some point on one of the lines of Railway leading into that City, and to pro- vide for the issue of Bonds or Debenfure stock or other stocks in respect of such extension and for other purposes. - A Hamilton, 2131; November, 1378. Y\1\YYr'IV `xv . 1- 1w-nu` .. ..--..____ 2 V ion tefd -into (h!;partn51'- `ship with Miss Jae!-:aou;. and remuvezl -0 new premisbs, , Du.*z- o:- S'rm:'.'r. Sotwn, _ orrosris /mm Bmxixz I.{o'ru:x;, begs to inform the public -of these facts and to state that she is umv better than ever able to meet the requirements of her increasing trade. The new rm rc- meatfullv ask 1. mall fmm hdinn 1-muirinn mu . QI.Gl' xncreaagng `Fl'8vll6. '4l'n0 K1310 Hf b ttully ask a. call from Xndicgrequiring uny- ' _t xingin the line of . Barrie, dctobr, 1878. Wishes to infgrm her cvn;-.tomers that shea. prepared to _receive orderafor Ms M!) mm: mm: gs*r`aAw, worm, s1'A=3'1".:>1:eG P03 BRAIDING-2 L.UJ.CASTER S I`REE'31.`, . no Insurance. . 3| -Ian. 14. 1878. 48-Gt. $5 to $20_perEl_'easi1y Made m.L`1`1:o` Y, muas s AND MAN- ` aim: MAKING. The uu(lersigned.hi;.s for sale the fpllowing I Patent Rights for every Towxiship in the County7<')f Simcoe, which he will dispose of" very cheap :-.- Ellawm-Ih s Perfarmed `Atmos- nhnru-. lnnrn l\uuIInlI , HOLVIDAY SEASON nllalvurura rcruaruuyu lI.llI0l- phone Clmrn .DalI0l`, Warranted to churn c_1-eam, if Mia right tem- perature, in. 10 minutes. . ll('1sl\ir7:ck Ts77iprln,-_z Beds, The best Spring Bed for cofnfort and case .e\fer invented. Also half,i_nterestiof - Em-le s Patent Clothes (Dryer, It will save labour, time and money; no lines to break, no snow to shovel in the winter nor mud~in summer. Moore : Electric`!-`lulAi arid Lamp ' ' B nrncrs- l|'lI.llll'6'l _.__nu:uu'u:_l' lulu ann hlllnp ` Burners, _ At same rice as coal oil, making a light sa ft, cheap, 8 e and beautiful. ' 11 T18 .on. . 'A':l2mdnle . . .` Victoria .. .. . '| hurnton .. . (xuksbown . . Brveton. . . ._.. Tnttenham . . Gaorgotown . H:svn1lt.')n . 41.19:; a VIAUIUU uuvujlx UL GROCEBIES AND [ ii0VIS!0W which will be sold 011` at cost. Three stores to `lease, as the undersizzncd is- givin up brai- ness as `soon as he can` dispose of ' is stu ek. Mir particulars apply to .1` A . `t-up-\rrI1=r lH_ALnvI-mlr ml 4. .-:Barr ie (melt Vicinity :` 49-41: ~...,;- BEST Bvnziva on. [L1 - .. ~ g. was wonw. `, . %Tr4YA.*%.;I5jn>- .1igT:E';3f y1;.1;s;`;I':;1_.r;'?);; 5 tiio ig'i{r"; zI' Pin a:glso*'!eu`conIh,hstib d burn:/_lc ngert man "1 .. ~,c"P0K: ~ v "~ ';pgs_il Quinta-Bqlehl.` K A icing Q Vhitlighb it is is sin.-onger ..light and yet i.n{=I _}0ll.J'a sight, and 'in`VIIaO1e:l:'om ` `V 'b " '7ind"b|'1'1-`nu 1: mm: :1;-m .Pcrfect gsfaction in Lgll work guaranteed. -V. The largest stock of Goods suitable for the . 'ia:m%=,.ah Iivving Hnmilton . . . Georgetown Tattenham . Beeton `. . . . Cookstown . '1 hornton .. . Victoria .' . . . T A1lzmda1e' .2 B-wrie .. . -:n1m-an **** . )ARTIES WISHING.TO MAKE MONEY READ THIS. PPLICATION \VILL BE MADE K ..J- H... nu; Q......:.... .: 4.1.- 1.)__1I_..__.__L N OATI c'5+3f 0'l`IOE!: ME1{IC`AAN7 Ever` bx-ought into t11e County. 1' e` 3; "ii{1fc,7, }'x?E{i:'fa Zumox, ,Q..!:..:c...... :__ A__1:._._; BARRIF,.- Rsidence, East side of -..__._. Also `a choice stock of w`I DlI',\n-. -Q?-Q -`.._pn wnu V111; vv a'A.s :Boo-1-13:.` Merchant,` Box 13')` Barrie P. 0. -{ani i:L_LI.'5I..I`i~'ai:'ir'; my .`..-w.4...v.a<'uu\.' ..... -..-v uu JJ\lL|.|.\.IJV, Solicitors for Applicants mama & mxsom. ADVANCES MADE ON [NOTES AND , II. Jamesnow holds the .AL;cncy for three of the principal Loan Companies of Canada. and is therefore in a. position to plaice Loans on most. favorable terms to bOl`1_`0 wcm. ` FIRE INSURANOES E ect in ENGLISH swom: COMPANIES at moderate runes- Ihrrie `A '.l....A.. -n.. v VIJ y. ..u.u..-J -u.-uv. I -- 1he.Narth Simkme Grange 110111 a meeting . in Barrie the ul:l1cr cl:-.y, abcnw ilSL'.Qr'_c of mem- bers being present. Bro. T. S; .\'Icl.eod, \V. 0., occupied '1... .1.. PI ',.F .. 1.. SEVERAL CLEAR!-ID Farms and Town Properlies=rSa!e A 1. vm-v Inw crn rm. { H ..a`aTix..zzEs hnnnnifn Dnut f\R`lnn Dov-v-in nut R. `H. J ABiES,__- 1`:Ianager..] ..MONEY'T0 LEND'-()_lV'-FA.Pu2uI AND 'owN V PROPERTY AT 3 rm CENT. Mom'GAc{: BOUGHT. PEIESCENAL 1>'1iom:_1:'1'1'. Rents and Accounts Collected. COAL OIL FOR THE MILLION. BY THE mmmfoit cmogxu 1 The uhderignal has the sole agency in I Barrie for_ the [Xmas and EQ1rea:% ems SILVER STAR BR?-Ml HF CGAL ']!L| (3 APITAi:." Lowerthan can be Bo1`12h' in - . Toronto. 1 .__ :. `I :-r I\_( - Especially bought for the Tihde, which `are now. being displayed in his large Show ' ' Room. Such an Assortment has never been seen in this town before, and at ~ ' ' prices which cannot fail to satisfy all. n I .0 `I 2 It ,9 n . .u '12 . ............ .. ..- __ __ __, __ ,_,V,__,_. ._- -.... -...J .-uvu stun gvuclulv Klsulljp As'onr`g'ooda' must be 1afm1 out before the 1st of January. The inhabitants of Barrie and ' . ` surrounding district are respectfully invited to n_. n 1 n ' . 1 r1 1 n 4- - -n - - ----`-vv------'-5 -'-'--V` IV IVVIJVVVDWIIJ OIIVIIIULC II`) Cal. and See these Goods I2 cefm'e '-Pure/lasing elsewhere. CALL EARLY `IN ORDER THAT YOU MAY HAVE A GOOD CHOICE. ------- !!'If.-- I '1' LIVJSICPUUL AND LUN UUN --l*`lH!`} AN] LIFE. LIABILITY OF SI1AI1'EH0l.f)EK.`)LIA}/TEN. CAPITAL - .. ,. .. Fu.\'1>sI.wsa'mn0v1-:1: .. .. ANNUAL INCOME Ow-:1: .. . .. . Rzasxmvt-: 1`.u.\'n .. .. .. l)amsm:o wrm mm l)o;u.\'xox Gov1m.\'.\n-:N'r .. Bar e, Scp_t.l1. I878. ; CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR mans up its... an... I..- .. swarms Hewmnw EGQE mrgszwolnx. ll /7.....- , .- Money advanced on easy terxs for long pcriuu|s=, E repuyable at borro\ver`s option. - I ,,_,V_,._, l_-_._- -~--v-,---~--vy-'-on-II Eshblishegl` 1803. Capital, $ll,0'J0,`q0_0.` For Fire Business Only. - ' *."I{":'i:f1Lws1)'xi1:: nonmsw, " _ Appraiser for the Canada,'nt Ioan and Savings Company. V (IAPTTAT. - an no mm ALEX. MORROW, Agent.` JAMES 1?if)"ivAuJ > .99, ' c'02\*V1:m:.*(iz:1, ' Issulsn or-' MARRIAGE LICENSES. August 29th, 1877. .' -HE AFREEI-IOLD LOAAN AND? SAVINGS jCO., 'l`0 RONTO. . - I Prm'Jent_ - erratum. Tmu,, Inspez`tur,- - A A_Oomplete Set of Hzuu=na's MAGAZINE, npw comprising 57 Volumes, in neat cloth bmding, will be sent by exvreqs, freight at ex- peace of purchnher, fur $2.25 per volume. f8ingh volumu, by mail, :-oslpaial, $3.00. Cloth euel, fox-.bi_nd' '38Aceuts, by mail, postpuid. ; "R.lni_tt`l.neeI Id be mpdb b Post-Uice `.H_l)hb"Ofdet or `Draft, to.avo' gchanoo of `deed: ngnprmqa xmornzns, 1., York I .... , 1.-1*-Hi. % UT _B.99__ PEWSIWHV. "'1/;;`:)'~'V Possible Figure. Asour zoodamust cleared out before the lat; of Jamlzn-v 'm.,. ;..1...1.:+...+.. -: n.._-:- -_.. Begs to inform the inhabitants of Barrie and I surrounding country that he has commenced business in the above line, and by his long ex- 1 perience of and practlce in the businss he hopes to be able to give entire satisfaction to 2 all who patronize him. _ - Ladies Dresses in Silk, Satin, Velvet, Men-inoes, &c., Dyed or Cleaned equal to new Gem! .smeu s Sum: Dyed or Renovated and nicely nished. ' , 11`mal>.hers_ ' Laces. Umbrellas. Sun S`.h.-ulna Ziubxpvrperg are not to opg lbs`; aiverlimnml he ezpmgord,cz, ff Burns G: Bno-rm ` .IIl. 1 Irz:1:r'c1i{oLm1::2%, man &smm; and mcely n_msueu. I Feathers, Laces, Umbrellas, Sun Shades, , dyed all the newest colors zmddressed. Kid 3 Gloves Claned. i Allzklnas at otasohoid Drape:-yi Cleaned or D) ed. Carpets, Grumbcloths, Hczfrth Ruins, &c.,.! cleaned, Sh`c_ep7Skix1s Cleaned or Dyed. } vwnnrnryvx 'I'\lVl \f'1 vxvaxvrxvv-.rnu1v\ 1 iqperior 3 -quality of liturat:ire.- Watchman, age.---Lomsvrze vourte -.: .-urmu. No other Monthly in the world can show so bifilliant a list of contributors ; nor. does any furnishjta readers with so great a variety and Boston. --.-.q The volume: of the Magazine begin with the Nnmberh for June and December of each year. When no time is specied, it will be under- stood that the snbadriber wishes to begin with the current. Xnmher. llAllPBlvs E-`inlonxcans. H.ARPEB.)S MAGAZIF E, One Yenr...$4 oo HARPERIS WEEKLY, 4 00 HARPEIVS BAZAR, - V . .. The THREE publications, one year.'. . . AnY'1`W0. ona'vau-.... 1.116 1.l.Blh.l.'J puoucsmons, yet: Any TWO, one'_year.... . SIX subscription, one year. . . . . .. "l`AI'!I`Il Far `Inn-an ..`l..k. I.....:..I.....l .. lug`. uuv_Inu;yuUuB, uuu yuur. QC n u o u :40 UV `Terms for large clubs 'urnished on applica- tion. ` - ASTE NOT 1 W ANT` `NOT. ` LAUOHLAN, MKEDONALD, .`}X'fHBZ;I*.` L B 1{`Ii1zbw\;ED. I500`) I815 D116 SUDBCIT the current .\ umber. `HI 0HE,1.QBN0E no gnu:-u._--.-.n.. uu . an... . I 1 NORTH EAST CORNER OF GOLLIER ANUE . T V BAYFIELD SIREETS. ' Registry (mice for Servants. Barrie, April 15, 1878. 16-ly l_ Harper : Magazine is the American Maga- zine alike in literature and in art.--Boston V Traveller. ~ rm... ...-..; ....'....1.... \;r....u.r.. :.. on. ....;..m __ 'l'ravcw:r. A A . V The most popular Monthly in the world.- N. Y. "Observer. TL 2.. .... AlV}p|l\1lt\`\& nI\vv|V-rI'I:t\Yi `nu; {Jun unnnn N. I. Uoserver. It is an-ogxoellent companion for the young, 9. delight -to-tho mature, u solace for declining age.~--Louisvi'le Court-2;-.l:ur'n.1l. No other Monthlv in pat: vuq -E. cc to all cnlwcribers in the United Sqafn yr Canada. . ' ORDERS so LIOITE1). W. B. GFAPON, IX nnnn nun l'\-.. 1J'u-any `D . ....... AGENIS 's7\rAN:t-Ezra. December 10, 1878. POST OFFICE BUILDING,` BAIIRIE. Tho'best on ever offered. mm public, 11 I `In I G DING NORTH OYAL JNSURANLEE c_0'Y Br` :'`I.IVEl1PO0L AND LON DON --l1ll*3 AND ;ARRIE LOAN, INSURAAICE AND DISCOUNT OFFICE. ' ARPER S MAGAZINE, 1879.} ILLUSTRATED. , |I.f 4--J-u&4I7-G-.12 Opposite Post Office. Barrie. Out. 6- -.A.I,.EX..A.1Nl'I3'i?;2E=l. soo-I-r M|8OEl.L;\-N_ EOUS. ~..v\..~..`/...,\\,~/v. \ _-.~. ..,.r_. , _ "' - `_" ""7 Oprosma Q13m:H's HOTEL, BARBIE. Noncns or Vrn 3 mass. Remember the place : PIG? llfil RF lll - JAMES EDWAR nuumz, -_ (`nmpnny`u ,\'alu'a.tox-. _.._._:_ ' murcs Faluyun PropVerty Vanrl Privartvozgwelllingao . (1apital,.860 u, 000. ' `CITY? DCIIIDIIDIIIIY A__; _` At. very low gures. `G141.-su srmzu L; moderate rates. II Tfl l)O}ll.\`lON _ _ I 1- 150.001. = JAM ES EDWARDS, Amant at Ilnrrir`. 1 FANG? G90Ds, `Dunno? `STREE r, BARF{lE.. Has just received Several Hunflred Dollars: wofth V In Ezmiloss Variety at All Prices. HQN.' WM. Mc.\I.xsjrmI. (_}_II.mLIcs [tum-:I:'rs0.\'. , .0l:?IR X` AuMs'n:0,\'u. '.|a mu-an Ha, 1 Agent :xt_ Barrie. l ?i?iFa'mi% M W.;lI\X`UE am -.-. 0_ Lpgabn; Englzm 1, Established _17sg." 1 A w -my -nnnuuu n--.uunv --1--1- :1-:3---f 35-3m new ' ` ' ` """"'-" meal. nootrs A.\'l) SHOES, - ades R5159} -N3.-SLDE Cl.0'l'llI_N;9,=-. Kid;And all other goods kept in a]Ir'st;`cIau General Store. Cheap for Cash. c in my ncighbo'rI1om1 will nd it to d- vantage to inspect my stock and zoompure & . ' pV_ricesvbEo1'cpurcl1va.sing elsewhere. I -`. i 0-: . V I .--....... -._.,..r _:_. ery I .i `\1:A.IGI-IU1:>T CHEAP S'1`OBE.':' 3 New and carefully selected stockidfl i;AY`FI1i1 ST 'G R0CE RYV maonzv $A_VED I3 MONEY EARNED;-nu The subscriber whilst thankful for tho libero. v . patronage giv_en in the past, respectfully. Licits u. continuance of the same, and be to state that his "l`-`F n In manta:-up in r. A -mica:-nn.-gn- ms, Gas;fe?fiF"E'rauvIs1nus. Uannbt be beaten either for quality or pride. " Ho deals in the Best Markets, and cannot be : nndersold by any house in town. ' o. As much as M can L'~.; his ham` .. on. bought," Vllid the highcw nmrkct price paid. . u come ..aod'm. 1'a`1_~:T NEW` BRICK STORE, NORTH SIDE `[ `cm DU){I.().1 STREET; _ - <- T H o M REE N N_Q _)<. SE-IEESE. & FRUIT AG`E}P .:`~\~1?`A.NIED. `$5 to :3!!! 711` day to canvas for I hotogra.phs, Anzbrotvpus, .&c. Great in-. .ducement..'a. ' Address sirz:r1u:::.<;' comma HOUSE, B0; 141. Bglfrlo. .GROCERlES AND PROVISIONS MMMMMIH` I E\v'ER,YBO1`)`( WoNDERs 5 un... .;..,.\. A-M...L VVELL, I_`;\'iI!"t_3ll yup, he gives every aim; -good eatnssfzzutzoxx, and one sendg mou,.,._ They are leaving their orders for choice Pho- bu;_'I:af:I1s tjx s_cm'x to friends in di!'an_h,nd;_ .\. 5.--UV/11)! fa sureh IL!-llI:ll1J;n nnnuhh. uuglu rub` w mum to menus In (.ll.'l'E!l3,Lllldl._ N.f5.--0win;_5 to such :5 deuxandin copying ol-J Pictures, I have opened more; extensively into the business. Having a large sta of hands I am enlarging: pictures at such rice: as never was heard of 1.-eforu in Ontario. ` __ . - --...I 1 Lost, on \Vednesdn.y, 28th nltg,` afmmiu sory not of 8140.00 against -. and James W iams. and in favor of Win. I `drawn on th 22nd of March. dig" ' of .November. eThe public are -npgoang thogamcz. A" '7" :"WM. V V `The Igiglakjul Risk AI_nurance_ Co. ::g%FLERY" Ex. KENG, JR's.; |E'a`ll Wheat! L; 2" x3 Xx}. 1:. uhew ningtonK6tol.' en oouV'e1;ld.*(-`.)lreet. Bgro `/*-` E1378} T3M0THY;,; cmvnh, -F1730 s T. -.u . - -_ _.__..__.-v-- - v_vVII`IIt-II? _VVhy Bitch crowds are making their way to , can-In-u-u~a---.-__.__._ __......_......._.__..__...-.. , -..._.-_.._......._-,. . ..._.. Wlmliv1%$v.\s=.W?w _ --\Vo call the attention of trumps to the fncf, to which we invite the attention of trumps, that 1:. trump has struck a mine in No- \`:1`d:x,which yields him an income of $2,000 a. day. We call to this fact the attention of- tramps. rm. --..-..,:r...4:-.... cm. .1.`..a....`....,.-4,. um yam GL1 SNH B U xiii./11_o Us E 1 - I Of his Plxotogmphs is Superior tonny `, ' tht-y lm.\'c had taken yet. 47-8m 'pzc'r_ 3:525 mnnnmcl Nqv. 13th..1878. ILEADINGE Hmvv IS I':I:- FOR-FALL sowmja. .--STYLE AND FINISH- PHOTO.GALLERY mIcMs:s=7i5nonIJc3,~ ..,1_ __u_, _/uao uwuunuwt-5' BN4`; /1141} be (U `IILLUCL b'l.(;'LT *2:-leccian for Presen/.9 and 1/zerz we laws 23-. The M'e. Sa2rlr,rs' Jewelry Store is the we: 3/ plus-2 to look /"or them. For Ladies Gold Watches. (7/mirzs, I/1c rcts, and al/the etccteras that nzu/cc a. _/i-st-class as can rnent of Jewelry. Fancy Goods, `Ulnc/.-s, Elccztr.) Plated - I/Vave W(l(ll7: l. z`ms Gem Ri71'7.s`. ! P7 7 33 . J" 14- (If) I7l'-I.K-?A I`_' ` 'II..,.. n-n- I That. so many people ndw to ..-0"`-O A splendid Stock 0; choice xv PHOTOGRAI-;lA-.l;l;(3.. A -nu.-u.n..n..--.u . .. ....._..,._ . GROC ERIES, Oppodfe the Quc_m s Hotel." 85-17 . AND ALL THE ccdusc tho.y nd the. : purclmsxug elsewhere. '. wesepn 'sw&N. . IQTQ AR.`-`v ._A'1V_` --pr- ..-~. 41. 00 i"L1.r:j.: L$:.; '11. J {in} prepared to gzve rxzra value and guar- antee sa&2'sfa:t`;'o'r1 in every sale. ' ;_ AT... VARIETlIS_ are canonudfacninl , 2 r1 `vM--nta9!!r- '_4.o_.fa'* ROUND',TO`JV13l:fE);x33-!?E3-. f AMILTON &, NORTH-WES? TERN RAILWAY. '_ - *scxix.% ;naaaow%s`Aw-+3? \.......\..,....A .5,` ..\...uvw.u_n.a..-wsnn.-s.-4-. :9'(}'1I`..iz+f;T F 0` RT T`II`E 7c'A?>~lLL.' 1E;3ob,'658.' * W . ALEX. N10112:!) UV, Agent. "T'}xi;si'f'i6z{ii`.iiz}in;. __L..._.._.. "n, ql --uv- ALEX. MORROSV. Azcia!-[ --The Count) 'I`rca'~.11x'r=r'.~3 Lantl Ta.\'..S;a.Ie ~ took place _\'e8bCl`(1.t_\'.' iuycrs were numexjous - and competition keen. I4` .. . .1.:_':.. .. n\Jll'-OLA L J Vicingit}. . _; 1 .uu Ixprcsmli f A. M .- 1 Express ['Mixed. A.M. 1` A.M. Express. J`. 1!. I 3UU 9:10 10:35 1 :47 11:17 11:30 11:42 "n.:',4 I12:/'} 12:00 A.M 7:00 '7.r\P1 EWi$il g"1:1;e`;i; ` c I -1: xv ucu uuJ:r 13:11:. Auvnannnvnavg -It is a. fact, writesn corrc.=zpondent,-sur- prising but nevertheless unrleui.-xb1c~-tlm.tany. entertainment for the benefit `of the Metho- _. dist: Church of Barrie is patronized very slim ly by the membm-s of that dwomiuation. The attendance at the town hall on _Mondn.y n1gnb=i;ax;;i)}13atration of this. 1*}... 1..,.......'7.+r-rnnnf. kn n r-ntfm-. in which .l\'. I: . 7:30 1I.`2l\ I HIU 8:10 9.!!!) 'II $1,75.0O0. Kliifpl-e.'". ' P. 31. K . JI- 3:20 K.-n'\ UZSU 6:4` n.:Q .,v....`_....... v... ........ . ,--The c:u'c1se'of n `nnrvc !5'|a.r>lc 1195.1` shot in ` V _ _ a J I the max rhhorhoml of l encLa.n mced the L 6 3 `shop of Mr. `T. Lister on S:cturda.y.' It `weighed 270 lbs,,, mid had a superb coat of fur. " ' ' ' H2511) 7.0-) ..a- 7.`!-"x I ?')-l .7:47 7.50 1331- 2:40 ' 2:47 03:: _ ` ruruuxuu. Grand Jury Room, Barrie, l _J)cc. 10th, 1878. - G.u.LAoin:n vs. SUMMERSETI`.-+T|1(': 1313., .\I r. I{ obt. J. Gallnglier, whoisa school tE:'achcx_' in .VIulmur, sued to recover` from Mr. Thos. .'5`um.'ucrsett, the value of agold watch,prouiis- zory note and `$13 incash, which he claimed to have lost while a ,-,ru:,st. at the Summcrsctt House. on the night of` the 12th of August last. _The' evidence for the pill. wont toshow that he a-zizcd for a key of the room which he , was to occupy and did not get it. Having in ` hie '[JOSSt':3;`lUIlzl. patent door fastener pill` np~ plied it "to the door but foundit_would not work. He accordingly left the door unlocked. The room was double-bedded ; one of the beds l . was occupied by an old gentleman from Dell- ville; and the other by pllf. "and two" friends '_ of his. _1n the morning "the old gentleman [- rose and and left the room first, and after he left pllf looked at his watch and foundit to be about twenty minutes past five. `About an hour afterwards 'plll'. himself, who -thinks he took a nnpin the inl:er\'a.l,'g0t_up, and on `loolnngfor his watch found it missing together with the other articles mentioned". He notiiied l the acting landlord;-`\l r. Sa.uibrook-who instituted sscnrcli w'ni_ch'proved fruitless, ex- . cept that a key was discovered in the room on _the The evidence for the de- fence was to the ellbct that when ths pill`. asked for a. key` one of his frieinls suggested tlmt the patent fastener woulddo as well, to ' which he agreed The evidence furtlierteud-A ml to show that the fastener had been on the door during the whole night, and that the pill`; . did not-lose the whole sum claimed, as he was seen with bills in his possession after the alleged loss. An .import:.n.t feature in the evidence adduced was the existence of a. promissory note discovered in the possession of a psrty in Alliston, and which answered in every p:u`ticul:x.r the description of the lost note. This note, it come out, was received by the party in question a consider.-:.lilo time before the night of the l.`?th,. and had been out of his posswssion up to the time of coming to court. . Later on it transpired there was still another note of exactly the sonic znnount and entirely similar, picked up near the .`~fumnicrsctl House on the 13th, and was produced in Combat` the conclusion of tlnj. case. The production of this last note seemed to indicate that :1. forgery had been committed. by some one, as evidence showed the exist- ence only of one such genuine note. Counsel" for the defence urged strongly that plff. ` did not exercise the care which a. man of ordinary prur.lnce should have exercised at -such a. time and under such circumstances. The conten- tion on the part of the counsel for the pl . was that plil. had not been guilty of any negli-' gonee whatever and that deft. had -been, bv. not furnishing` the pll}'. with a key,.&c., or keepiug safely vahablcs in his (pl"s.) posses uion, -Not having the Statutory notices posted up in the rooms of his hotel, deft. was subject to the i.inkoeper's common law liability which i xvas much greater than the Statutory liability. ' Under the same `circumstances had these "notices been posted up (left. .would~not have been liziblu to over 540- in anytfeveiit. The i clan.-`so of the Act relating to the liability of I innkeepers will be found v in the Revised istatutes Chap. 147-under` Section 3 The jury retuructl with a. verdict` of $105, . the full alnount elaiuxcd, pllf. Mr .l\IcCartl1y, Q. U., and i\Ir. Pepler, for 'pl'.; Mr. Lount, t.;..C., and Mr. J. '1`. Lennox, for deft. '_ ' `v . rial inn I IHUCIHIUU I01` ZIIIOEIICT HYIH, `V LU. l\a'.HlltH1:_y 0) U0. I_ It appears that pltfs. nephew, Coleman Bros.. Coakstdwnx. hotel keepers, were inrlebtaal to "both rms; f.ha_ $222.13 was atlvauced to thc.-m by their uncle the plff. `to pay Wm Raxnsay & Co. This amount was through a mistake sent to the dtller rm \V. `J. 1-`nun-. &_Co., who reiuaed to return. it. The plff. accordingly sued, and recovered the full zmiounf... _McCartl1y, Boys & Pepler, for p1'.; Loun & Lount, for dgftgi. _ .' ' . Imyu 4 E deft. W. R.'CoI.F.M.-nz vs W. J. RAMSAY & Co.- This was a suit to recover money re- ! ca1vedb3 defts from the plff. and vwhich was I ixitemled for another firm, Wm. Ramsay & Go. I H-. ~Inr\n-Ira Hun! nTH-"u nxznknm nnlnvvxnn urns: _.-,,_.. ._, _-_ `VTTTU KI.Y.\`l{ vs. THE Nom'1mI:>: R\'.--The pm`. ;~*uL'_ght to recover da .xnag<-s for the loss of a \. `horse which was killed on the track between . drift Stayner and Collingwoml. The `evidence shnwed tlmt the Co, put up a. fence which did mzt meet the requirements of the law, and the h:r53_e got over it to the track. The jury re-. tumcd_ a. verdict for pl". $100 McCarthy, Boys & Pcplt-:t`_ for plff.; Lount & Lount ovr Jltglltiia a|j_ luucvtauuu us unnxu. , ~r . ... I`he horse'5.ttz;,`cued to 2:. cutter. in which washlrs. Judge Ardagh, bolted on Tuesday `while being driven down Peel Street by the coaclxman. The cutter was upscb and Mrs. Ardagh thrown` out but happily wiihont being much hurt. The couchman, Robcryt Golding, A waselightly injured in the log. ' rm....n Anna uni-. -mnm +..s have hnen mun}; _ RL"1`1[ERI`0RD vs. MoLs1oN s BAN1<.`--Inter- pleurler.--The Sheriff se_'.zad f )1` the-Bank uncle:-e1_:ecution against James Tu,dl1ope,.hn.:'d- `ware Incrchamt, late of Barrie. _ The plff. `clainaed under a Illortghge. ` Verdict. for deft. .\rIc():1rthy, Boys & Pepler, for plff ; Ardagh, Eitra-.thy & Ault, for deft. " ' _ _ t~4 .. .. .-c- "" .1 TE.\'DAL vs. CASSELMAN & PI.i:'\vLcs, (Wye- The defts. put in n. contra account of fire- wood and lmuse-rent. , Thcvclaim was with- drawn, after henrino` evidence of the p1ff., and verdict for the full? a.mmm(: consented to by 1` bridge).--The plff. sued_ for wages due him.- 5 defts . counl, for $217 96 1 Mcf`-a.i"thy, Boys` I` & Peplcr, for pli; Lount'&, Lount. for defcs; 117-. - -.... -.;. \Il n~..1-.n.n Yul-.-...n1m..Jm.. VPI..- .0`rd withdrawn. .. ~AbN".I:(V2~'G vs. Roarms.-Assumpsit -Verdict for p_ltE.$l30.58{ , ' > ' - A Moomw vs. MoDoUc._u.1A.~.-z`,::_sgmpsit-' Record withdrayvgn. A . V. H. `. ` ' Pun: vs. Px:}u3cg . ! iAknx,Na VS. -,. -.-":_l'he Pub_1i ma I_.Iix~; satio1g,'c;osd i.._.`._ 'i1ri(iu3".` for-%&1i*X!'D!.~ OW :6 'Th.'ZS6IF | Pepler tor Gem. P. Mc'EvoY `vs. P. 0 CoNxm.L.-Qommon Counts-Plt_f., a labouring man, lived with deft., and deft. borrowed his money at different times, giving`no voucher_for"he same. Pltif sustained by evidence his claim, and gets verdict fdr full amgunt, $198.34. . - V- ___.- .... ' 'I'nI:luan"\l' _.Kn Bl1t8I'd> 153 L] RT. ` harged. ~ 1) . `mun . - nu a.\-11113:, pvt Lu-.n, ..u......,. ..---....-, -v. .....-... .ZWrI.LI.\'(`, v. Molmow. --Intcrp1ez_\d er`-The Sheriff seized on I lttf s. husband, `under ex: ccution from deft , and the wife (pltff ) claim"- ed certain of tlxegoods selicd asher own pro-" Fpertv. Verdict; fo r,p1tlI`. Ardagh, Strnthy 8: Ault,'for plttf. ; Lount &. Lount for deft. ........ .1 vn... nvnxvn .u1...;.:..1-.. nun nu tun. , ........- -- .......... -.,.. ..---. CANADA PAPER 00. vs. HENDER. & Wu.sox-_; Assumpsitg -.~Vcrdict: for plttf. $212.71. JJ. VV. H. Wxlson fo_r pIbfI'.;_Ja.mes Fletcher for d=fts. ' ,,__ ;,. 0..-`..- f1..'............ f1...-...L;. (li I D5. ' - V CAMPBELL vs. S'rI1m;._--Comxnon Counts- Referred to Thus. Driill (Bradford). .Mark- .sc9,n1on for plttf. ; J, W . Wilson for deft. _ ...u .__.._..-.. .... 1):-inn-r\v. ,r*.m.....m.-. ( 1......a-.. bcamun IUI pxuu. , u. u .3. .. ...,.... ..,,_ u_,_ - MCLAUCHLIN vs. BRO\YN.---Common Counts. --Pltff. lived at Prittie e Hotel, Lefroy,'and was employed by qeft. to lopk after property beonglng to Pnttxe, on whuch - he (deft) had a mortg re. He sued td recover wages. Ver-, diet for p tff for full. amount, , $122 75. Me. Cm-thy, Boys &,Pepler `for plhff. ;_ J. W. H. Wilson for deft. ' V V ' - Lowrr & LoUN'r`vs. THOMAS LAw`mr.Ncr..- Aaeumpsit--Verdict : for plt'a., $129.47. Lount & Lotint for p1tIfs.;_ McCarthy, BoysA& Pepler for deft. 1 j _ ' ' a n `M :-`Ti`.vnV `vs. P. 0 CoxNELL.;-._Gommon ---Nleclumics Ins; meeting to-xnonu-_o\\` night. ---A Ba.ZflX' in crmuect;ii)n with Trinity` `Church is going on to-daty "in the Tuwn Hz-.l|. 'm.}...., ...... .. ...,..._| ..,...`;. ..x,:..x... ..... u... Verulpu nu uu .... ..-, ,,__ VP1LKmz_vs'. JouNsoiw.-A1 by a lightning agent of a note byidnft 1 1...... * The :inrv disagreed U1 D uv _ba.1-u. ' AL awn?` \~ nuau, ;.v. .,n....., ....v...... 5V -.V...... .... ..-.... M.u vs. Emv. BY1:.~u, A1ln1idnlc.+ Common Couuts.'--Referred. Lennox 8:. Len- nox for plt` ; Lonnt &vLouut for deft. I). usunus (1,. `cm LY!-<\vvsv O. 111 .... -. `._-.5. ...., lI\I ,............. . _ _ Thatthey have to congratulate Your Honor on the absence of criminal cases. tocnmo be- fore the Grand "Jurors, not that it is the entire 4 absence of such -in the county `but the entire condence that is placed iii You`: Honor by those criminals desiring to be ~tried~ by -you without a` jury. The-y ore also much pleased to congratulate you on your return in good lu;-alth from your visit to the old country and to see you occupy the Bench in thehew Court` House (which building is :1 credit to the -'Jount3,). Long may Your Honor be apa.rc(_1 to occupy that seat. They have visited the gaol and find it a model of oxder and cleanli- ness. , , , - All of 'uVlllUll i.3 rcapccully submitted. {`l."1'-|- \1TTDT)[Y\7 nuwaraa, Mrs. 1'. 5 son, Mrs. Brunton. (Bufur His, Hmor Gow'n ) V aamn "av/nv rnss1z:n_'M1zxrr. To His Honor Jwig.g Gcwun: ' ` The Grand Jury of our Su '.'c1'c:' gu Lad y t!1e. Queen beg to present: '|"L..J.'LL -__ u__.__ ._ ,____..4...1_4n v...... n.....-.} 1' 1 W, W)` {very ihtefistin. es:-jn ` bi1ti'6i::)t:tb e ' durin the past yearshowing contributions re- `lowing constitute the ofcers for the ensuing . y dressolixtlre , .. `i.b1e.=".:"n~R. _ sin. and Tnrkeyfqrjngthe'_-L1t_-vgnr. _.5.(`-h_a;" Secretary gave amtntemont "of the .na'noes caive, in town to_have_heen 9104.5. " The io1- - year: Rev. J. Loiper, P:-Aes.; all the Protestant Ministers of the town, vice-Presidents ; Mr. C. H. Harrison, Depositnr; Mr J./J. Brown, Sec. - Trans. Cmmzittccz-- Hia Honor Judge Anlagh, I\`l4.;:;s.-'5. Jpn. Bhck, '\Vm. Boys, J. G.-StronE:, '1`. Johnston. 0. Morris, E. B. Cmmptpn, J. Dickinson, H. Edwards, M. H. Harrison, 8. Varley. Lady Collectors : Mrs: Gowan, Mrs. J. A. Ardngh,` Mrs. H. Edwards, Mrs. T. Shoi-treed, Mrs. Jno. Wat- son. Mrs. Rmnfnn. V.-, .. . `--frhe niniml d * *> ~- of the Up})er Canada ib1e`8dcicty. M in the Re `ox-med E iecopal _Churh.on Thurs` ; ` dsw last. the Rev anon Max-mm in thechnif. 111 me nerormeq gcopal _unun:;:j.on 4_u.u__ [day last, the Rey :anon Mot ,an an thcgchxnfg Ihzv, W. W, Rosa,vagen,t_of-t eSocie'ty,qa'.ve nvvorv n!:s.rentina. enmmtv and rsdifvinc ML u The` C;)_l:Qfclt;.$:. 6 ` H \,IA|llVl4l 13 EUIIIEI VII II|l`\'.I-"V Ill |-'lI\Q J UVVII Llrdllu -Thcre are a good many _sI.-igrhs `on the streets every day without be-I15.` This should not be. '