of-I8 UZ&l"3 ..I`4lnDa8By an it mun: unu vuu .pneaent,was too signicant for England to _alioI_v topasn unnoticed, and the course } , ` .t(ken to decide whether the Ameer's at- `. ftftnde was-one of actual hostility was ` jilstied by circumstances. " His i V ,;however, .p:-oves deant, and us exchange the friendship for 'ty of` ,Great Britain. _ {He has . by his`nefusalUto xeply to the .ed 1_1a.nds at 55c I.o.c. reas were pure nominal, being nexther olfered nor "wanted. \J3v\I5.-.sa-nloouou Hay ......... ... `Straw Potatoes per bag. ,, --tubu...` , , Rhttar rn1ls.. .. _ .. "K0185 ` I 0a.ts.. re in Rye...` Dmmec Rye-....... 1.}... Dressed.Hogs.... Beef-hmd quarter; -Mutton ..... Chgfena par Du" s . 5196.". (I-aaae.I:a1(.3h...... `#5 want Va` .109 `ipeziui Nattres, The little cnpleasantness whichl has cropped uphetween the Almeer of Afghanistan and the British Govern- ment, dates back some years. Occupy- ing, as doesiShere Ali's realm, thenorth- west boundary of the British Empire in India, the importance of maintaining friendly relations with the Ameer, as a means of securing his territor_ v as :1" pro- tection to the frontier, has been long re- cognized by the Bx-itish.Government. Having in view the establishment of such relations, about ten years ago the Gladstone Administration negotiated to form an alliance, with the Afghan Ameer, guamnteeing` him the recogni- . 0 LL- l.......A.n-nun unll nanny-g] CU LU. BEATTIE Baos., Bumm. TORONTO. MARKETS. ' BARRIE M:A.1:K1:Ts.- COMMEROIAL. \/\/\/\I\/\/\/\. E (From 13;; Mail.) `LT-.. nm N ov. u `an no ; Nov. 27th, 1878. Age... A .\|llUUl.', suau.-.u\.us.-nub ...-... -.-- _-,_C tion of the boundaries and general V Government of his possessions and plcdg- ` ing him the support of Great Britain. in, the event of foreign invasion `of his ter- ritories-`-which alliance was finally con chided. The understanding arrived at -was made known to and had the friend sanction of the Russian Cabinet, a circumstance which seemed to dispel any fears entertained as to encroachments on the part of the Czar. But Russia, tour years afterwards, took possession of Khva,rand this alarming the Ameer, he communicated his apprehensions to the Indian _Government and asked a ful- lment Cf the pledges made as to his protection`. Lord Northbrook, then Governor General of India, offered as- mrances of England's support in easel any immediate danger threatened, but the Ammer required something more tangible than mere assurances, and al lowing his passion to get the better of his judgment, grew angry and nally gave the most unmistakable proots .01 his `intentions to terminate the friendly re~ lations existing between himself and his . I3..`L:.L nn> ` % -23th," 1s7._ 'nnnr.: nc C 1'1-114.32, 21-6m. " . up Flour, per I ,|%a.rIey. . . . . U353 cannon.--cu uno- Potatoes . . . . . . . . ; . . . . Oatmeal, per 200. lbs. . Cornmeal V Pork, per 100 lbs. . . . . Beef, hind qu:'n-tern .. Beef, fore quarters. .. Hides . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` Butter. . . . . . . - . . . . . . . VVool............ .. Vang nan Jnrr Whent-Fall......... Q.-.5-n U01-..n-a-o . Eggshper doz,` Hay, per ton.. fund ....._.. -Wheat-Fa1l . I 6 Gun}: British auy. . Since the accession to power of the . present Government, other overtures have been made by England to the Ameer, but the offended potentate has `not seen lit to fall in with them. His latest act indicative of the nature of his ` feelings towards Great Britain was the ostentatious reception of 9. Russian em- ibauy, "and the refusal to receivea British ' envoys of whose coming he had been em cially notied. 1 For this he has been taken to task by the British Govern- - inent end asked to apologize and make suitable amends. The cordial reception '. ofie _01.ar's Embassy at a. time like the -----=._:. ....... s... ..:....:Amm&. {`m~ England in IFU33 . 0ata........ Ba1j1ey........... Huy............. Pota.toes.........` Apples.....;..... Butter........... Eggs-frcs11 Cheez-se.... Pork. Beef, per quarter. Cordwood Hides . . . . . . - - . . .- K} .- __:_ One Grover S: Baker Manufacturing Ma-V chine, for Tailors use, in excellent order, for `Sale Chap. - Q. P. MCKAY, T -t...\. [Bx-:31` value in Jexvglry qt Sm-_Ie|'a Bx-03'. jewellers. . | . -Lefroy, Fov. 26, 1S78. 1 ' ' W " . ' { LADIES Gold Watches of every description _~_i and (iuality from $18 to $100 at Sandcx-3 Bros., - i juwe lets, - . `L11 . '-'_' , . Your Vote :n_x:1 int.-rc;st. are respmtfully so- licited for i<-j`dv t -:_Qr- --- 2:-.1 - ---- As CUUNCILL )1! for the 1'eprcsc;itatiou of . St. .A.13.d.rovV s "VV'ard- ru - `V !\ . ID .. H...` I -VL.xR(:E_s'r stock of Wa.tcl1cs, all ,war;-anted, at Sanders Bros., jewellers. ' i ``"" I IIIIIIULIU UAIDVM British ally. a:...... nu, D?:Y:`:<%.1. u1`V.13 a- v . ' ---` V T V } Stmyed from the premises of Mr. John M-'.',L_c:0d,,LO$_ 23, Con." 10, Oro, a.b-.-uf; the lat- , ter partnf June or beginning of July, 2 Ewes `and Ewe Lambs. Infornvntion as to their vwhc-reabonts may be left at this oi-:0, and all !v..-xpensc-3 connected with tht.-xn will bu de- . tznvm , ' "F112; 1)l:.1-c:}rfn1- \Vedding 1:i;1gs and Preseut;, at Sanders Bro~s.,- jewelers. I , I I I 4.2; ---~-- I A .\'ight; Sclmol. to be taught by Am F. J ' Gxruzspm, under the mxspices of the St. ra- tricl; s Society, will be held in their h9.ll,l)un- lop Street, on "Monday and Thursday even- jugs of each week, commencing on Monday ,eveniug. the 2nd of December. The school Lia open to every person for the sum of 50 cents per month. . ' ' i . JNO, l\/T4` A T.l<`.P.R. Barrie, Nov. '26, 1378." M 6331`-`G A G E s A L E V L uzx-' \'V.-iLL'ABI'.'E imam PROPERTY I" ' , 1 Under and by Virtue of Powers of Sale con- : taiued in two certain Mortga.gc's made by g Rcbert Neil and Jame McClinchey to the 5 Vendors, which will be produced at the time of Stale, and in payment of which default has i been made, there will be otfercd for sale by ;I{'iTE'F s1:nA?ED_. _c3-no Bin 0 Us 1-3, Saturd'ay, Deccmb er 215%. 1878, THE AFGHAN `Q UES 1'10N. -V-:\_\ -.\.\.\\ \~~x ~,~..\.\ ~ .\\.\4\'\\\ ~.\ \. EW_1NG MACHINE FOR`-fsigl-;}`EL .pu- -._-.g.`,.... V -- Barrie, Nov. 263, 1378. ' ` 7} '_"" }|A r. One o c1cc-k p.m., the East half of Lot )\ n 1`! in the 511}: Cnlmm-'.:inI1 ni thn sz.-23:1 ."\T: Unc 0 C1CCK p.ID., BBB DESI nan OI LOB No. 12 in the 5th Concession oi the said Tov.'n=_'-hip of Mono, containing 109~:1c1'es, moi-cor less, of which ahcut 20 acres me c1en.'red, fenced axnlmnlcr fair. cultivation. Cn it are :1 Log Dwelling House zunl Sheds, in guod, repair. ' I I. TEll.\lS.--Ten (10) per cent. at the time _of Sale, Fifteen (15) per cent. Lwithin one month thc1'e9.fter, and the balance to be secnrcd by Mo1-tgage with interest at 8 per _ cent. half yearly; or if mlditional security given no cash l need be paid ; or ter_ms may be varied in any , ma.sona.ble way to amt purchaser. 1 11- :.._a.L....' .s....|.:....1...... ..'....I.. 4... `ID .... .. I Lxubauuuun. nu-J av wnlu `as--VIIIAJVIO For further particulars apply to E;\iEP.\' McLEA.\', Auctioneer,.Omngev1lle, or to `I \YVrI\TTTT\T`l'.V I\:1`I"r1`n n \v(\nnu i '1`drunt0, November 25tl1, 1878. ` Gm: Rings wjtilx Diamo1_1:1S->:'ttiug,' just the thing fo.r`cngagem\nt rings, nt`Sanders Bros jewellers. V . ' 7\hn2rtia2um1i:' TOWNSHIP OF MONO. "NEW ADVE}RTISE`\II~J;`i i`.; ($pcc&ziIy re.po_iled7 for the ./Idvance.) ' Nov. 13th 1878. [1eat-Fall 30701500 80 Spring . . . . . . 060to0 73 mt .' . . . . . . ...,... . . . . . 4251204 25 . . . . . . 0401:0050 . . . . . . . . . . . 025to0 30 Ijley . . . . .......c...._ . . . . .. 050to0 70 y................`...a..... 7_00to 800` tatoes . . . . . .....'.. . . . . . . . .. 040to() 50 pIeS.....;.......... 00Cto000 tter ..... ..... ..... .. 0121500 14 `gs-frcs11 . . . . . . . . . . . 012to0 14 .eese.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0001200 00 1-1;. . . . . . .. 3001:9400 cf, pe .. . 5 00-1206 00 rdwood . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 001502 50 des . . . . . . . . .. 550to600 imam &v1mgE PROPERTY} Under Power of SA1e_coxxtniped in a Mort. gage to the Vcndors_, winch W111 be produced at`. time of sale, and in payment _ of which de- faulthgg been made, there W111 be soId~by PUBLIC AUCTION by ._h-. Joseph Rogers, Auctioneer, at : the BARRIE HOTEL, in the Town of Ban-1e, on Saturday, Illa lzuh any 01 December,` 1518, _at the hour of 1,30 :o clock _p.m., the followmg property in one parcel, `'12- =_- i V n__, ,._-.. rm... `l:`...L half at 61.`. Q....LL L..1: (specialliy rcporld for the .advance.3) ' Nov. 27th, 187 .... an-n.,1 In uuu y..ugcn, van. . ' Fms'rLY.--The East half of _ the _South half of LotvNo. 13, in the.8th Cohc_es1on of the said Township of Innxsl, contalnmg 50 acres, I more or less. cmmvnr v_.AH 1-.h'n.l'. `hart nf the N m-+11 half pUBLIs`AUaTI02$ ` less. Sx:coNI)LY--All that `part of the North half of Lot No.16 in _the 9th Con. of the said Township, containing 1 mod, more or less, de- scribed as follows: Commencing on the West` ' ern limit of said Lot at the distance of 13 chains and 8 links-from the North-west angle of said lot ; thence Easterly parallel with the Concession Line 2 chains and 50 links ; thence a....n....-Iv mmllal with Penetzumuiahpnn Rum! Uonccsslon Lnne z cuiuua auu uu minus unenco Southerly parallel with Penetanguxshene Road 1 chain ; thence West_;erly ara.l_le1 with the Concession Line 2 chums an 50 links ; thence Non-l:he_r1y along the Western limit of said Lot _ 1 chain to the place of beginning. nu. _ __.__......A.. R...` Juan:-sail in aibunlu. ....-._ IIII I)een'wrmuuy uvuxuuzu ugmuuu _ ` Amour; agd ;before_: 116 j V1 uuuun In! on: Puauv vn. Days The property first described `is; situate near vthe. Village of Victoria and about 2 milgg Westerly of the Bramley Station of the Nor` thefn Railway. Some ten_ acres are cleared, the balance being covered with Valuable Tama. rack, Hemlock and Cedar. The nmnertv aecondlv described is situate rack, hemlock anu ueuar. The Bro rty secondly is situate in the i1 e of Vietona; is" well fenced and fronts on the Penetangnishene Road. On it is erect.edaFrame Cottage 18 feet N 24 feet clap-boarded, witgh `kitchen attached, and a good Frame Bmldmg, used as a Slaughter House and Stable.. .- . , . TERMS OF SALE.-$200.00 to be `d on day of Sale; aufcient wxth the said 00 to make one-half of whole pm-c_haee money in 3.0` days from day of Sale with Interest at 8 per cent., balance to be secured by`_Mortgage pgy. able in 5 jmmul instalments .-w1th' interest at 8 per cent. half-yearly "W ` IF..." Sn-LI-uncu nnnhnninna .I'\9`|`II -A.` `Inn-.. Toronto. 0 PCI VIII-IVI llCI5l' `'`'`D I}- For further 1:ar_tic:1lars apply to` Messrs. Howlaud, Arnold: jar. Ryeraon, ,Barriate;a, HQWLAND. ARNOLDI an Ifmmson. - ` ' ` ` V.endorfIo1icit<>.rs. '_ ._- -- ` i g`. . nn-n l:P9 N9v.9I!129!?.1_-ta 1875- [UNICEPAL E-LEOTIQNS l879_. COLLINGWOOD MARKETS. "1QH71?'s01.gIooL. Township of Innisl. TOWN OF (`)`RgNGEVI!.LE. : B"1 G A G E s A L E ORILLIA MARKETS "(JSLEK & MOSS, ` Vexidors Solicitors, . u n-u un-n J NO. MCALEER, Sec)`. _CommitteL- 48 -3t. ."i3'is. ;;4-;., Left-03 . 10 (IL peace and plenty within ourt bordera; W9`13day :ne:_kt appdjntd A by I9 DQmini0!1~G9i'rnment to be_' ob- M aervedaa a.'day or-'Naeioua1'rmmksgav. 318- As a peop1eC:m:ulians have many reasons to offer up` prayers of thankful- ixess to the Give: of all goal. A_ haunte- ous harvest has been reapad; there is our `country has suffered none ofthe :ca1amities--plague, pestilence, famine- which have during the year visited other nations ; [an em of national `progress and prosperity has (1`J.WD8dv; and a. brighter future is in store for our young Domin- ion. Let the incense of prayerful gmti tude rise to the Almighty from every sunctuan-y `in. the land. -s.: of the'Provin'ce of Ontario -APPL1UA'1'1um Vwluu Du may. at the next Session of the "Parliament . for an Act to amend the Acts- relating to the.Hamilton and North Western Railway Company, to legalize and conrm n certzun agreement with the Company, to authorize -the issue of preference stock, and to provide for dealing with the same, to authorize the construction of an ex- tension ofthe said Railway from some point on the main line of the Railway to the City of Toronto or some point on one of the lines of Railway leading into that City, `and to pro- vide for the issue of Bonds or Debeuture stock or other stocks in respect of such extension and for other purposes. Hamilton, 21st November, 1878. BRUCE, WALKER & BURTON, 48-61:. ` Solicitors for Applicants - Tlmunderersignerl, under instructions from G. VV. BAKER, EsQ., will offer fnr sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on Tut-sclnf], the 3rd day at llecembor, 1E':=%. at 12 o clock, noon, at the Ponce Co'Ur:'r. `mm-.112, `the following Valuable Real Es.i.`..-, viz :- The East 13 of Lot 31 East of Ow-en ritreeb, in said`Town of Barrie; on which` is en-.cte1 n One Stoxey Plastc-red House` containing 8' Rooms, Verandah all round said House. Good Well and other requisites. ~ The Garden con- tains Valuable Fruit Trees, &c. Said property is under Rental of $100 per year ; the tenant would remziin-at same rate if agreeable to_pur- chaser. 5-3.1 nmnnna-G17 will lit! Slnld SlIbleCt to 3: ZR eai V.-Zi$='1'..sta1;e.l chaser. - . Said pro erty will be sold subject Mortgage 0 $450, payable at the expiration of 4 years from date. _Intercst yearly, 'tE.1MS, - - - CLSII. _ Further particulars may be had on applica- txon to the proprietor and the auctioneer. ' TAQDDII nnrzwna . . Barrie, Nov. 22nd, 1878. A _ . . . CEN'I'LE.\lE.\',--n.\'ll1g been S01lClLC(1 by a. large number of the Ratepayers to become a Can_dida.te for ' November 20, 1878. 1 The safe arri\(a.!' in Canada of their ` Ercutlieacicx tihc Mirquis of L3:'21e,e.:1 ; wife, will be heard of with much plea.- |. sure.` Aftcranex\j:3:dingiy stormy voyage 1 which the good ship 'Sdrm'zI.ian npbly. weathered Canada's new Goveirnor-Gem 7 , oral has rcuche-.1 thevshores of `the Do minion over whose dentiniea for a. term of years; he will fpx-aside as representi- tive of Her Mast Gi-acidus NI-ajety Queen Victoria. The peopla of Canada luziite with one v.ice,iu bidding Lord `Lorne and his royal bride welcome and .1 . .1 9 ,A_,_4___A__L _Lu __ &. 0. I-, SANDERS, 7 .Ius"r A_s\'agyE o_1 /`E0 ? _BA1u:n-1. ' For _the ensuing year, I beg to mm}>uncc nfyl self in the c-l U10 interests of progress mid "economy, and ask your sulfmgcs accornlingly Barrio, Nov. )3, .1878. i 13A-ii"];1E4Z`> i I |MumciP:u. ELEGTIGNS I 1e79. .4... \I l'As` A A.u4.vL lJL1"`l lc-6| Ills -1'... v-.u Jun mg. m... Deputy-Reeve zmrl Reeve, and being solicited by .1 large proportion of my fellow-riatepayircrs to present myse1t' for ye-election, I beg to `saf, tha.t I ha.ve'eonse'nted, and hereby announce myself 9. candidate for theipositiezi of Reeve of your Town for 1879. Should you again honor me with your condence in electing me a.s.y_our Reeve, I trust that by strict attention to the affair; of the Town to merit a renewal pasf:,si.\: years in the positions oi'Uo11nci1l)r,|\ cfyour support. _ ` . v,....... :..:4.1.:..n., . ` To the Electom of 3 2:: '1 `own nf Barrie: GEN I`LE.\1EN --` _-my scrw.-:1 you for tn ___1_ _: ____- 4.1. . . ,.5' 1V.\.......H.`. Barrie, Nov, 20, 1878. GEN l`LF.)lE`.\',---UWiI]g to the rapid progress made by the Town of Barrie in point of wcallfr. and population, it is this. year entitled to 2'. second Dcpnty iecve, :mdh;`.\'ing been solicit- ed by a very large portion of the 1{ate_payc_r.-; of the Town to put myself in nomination as a candidate for the said oice, I beg to say that I have yielded to their request and am a. can- didate for the position of second Deputy- Rceve of the Town of Barrie for 1879. My ole interest is in the welfare and prosperity `of Barrie. For many years I have carried on 9. prosperous business and own considemblc property in the town. The prosperity of the town means my prosperity. I am mi advo- cate of economy basedupon the good and efficient working of every department. I have served the town `as Councillor for some eight years, and as far as I am aware, no im. proper motive or action has been over attri- buted tome in the discharge of my public- duties. Should you see iii: to honor me with your confidence, I will as in the past do all in my power for the best interests and welfare of `the town. , V V ---- 15 Men to Chop Cordwood. Apply to A. HUME, tn ,_1.. 1 the Second Deputy Reaveship. unlnuu I~I.|\a ..... -vJ -- V V _ V .- in hoping that their enjoyment of re- bl sidence here: may never be marred in the slightest degree. The" new ` Viceroy comes not only highly recommended by his predecessor and lry illustrious states- men at home" whose ability to judge of his tness to fill the ofiice assigned to him is undoubted,--but . he comes -under peculiary nuapicea -- as the husband of the Queen's daughter, nml as such bringing evidence of ,` Her Majesty's high regard for her l eolony,ithe Dominion of Canada. The ' people of (_}zu1-ado. have reason to feel honored by having in the person of the wile of their new Governor General a be loverl daughter of the good` Queen of England. In this connection we have n 1 word or two to say." The iarriv-al of H- i H. ii. the Princess Louise is rega.r:.led in. ismnc quarters as maiking the (lawn of n 1 | new era. in society circ`.es,x the pre- lsence of royalty at Ridean Hall being ' l .v.uppose(_i to mean the introduction into 1 Caumdu of all that pertains to attendance ` - } on, and association withroyalty, and the . % complete re-org:1ni7.ation on a grander i l {scale of all the usages of the Ca,u9.dian l fashionable .worl-.l.. This notion is cer- -tainly a false one. We believe__ Her ' ` loyal Highness to be a. woman of sound . 5 sense who will not encourage any such 1 I society innovations as are l~ )0k8(]`f01'- _ ward to in upper-tendom. If she has , not nlrrady leatrned it, her good sense l : will soon teach her_ that to please Cana- ' : l liun people and. have herself regarded w : with the high esteem in which the F modest yet graceful, gracious and good- " hearted wifec-f Lord Dufi'erinwas held,shc must conform to existing circninstancext rather than aanctionthe introduction V into Can:ul_i:in society of a royalty " element which would not he a.greea.blo to general public sentiment, and the obligations of which even those high- ? I strung wcturies of fashion who appear to *3 i regard the prospect with such delight ii I might not he equal to fullling. r . ' l,` D .l 1 :2? T0 the Electars_ of the T own of Baavie : u \lV\lQ4j. Barrie, November 13, 1878. PPLICATION WILL BE MADE _.. u... ....-+ .Q.m:nn nf the Parliament .._ UCTION SALE 1=:.e evzship. PVICTURES TAKEN? Of his Photogmph is` Superior to any / _ ` they have had taken yet. 47-6m ' in V {-UN1'~of15_.xL TE.r.E0'1`Iu1 13%" ANTE3: Hovv_ IS IT PHOTOLGALLERY -STYLE AND FINISH- I am, Gentlemen, Yours truly, TIIC 77!`! (`I That so many people now go to 01-` VA LUABLE Because they nd fhe Yours, faithfully, Tin: new C'ax1`adian Lion has afrivecl. Wbu will cure for Hanlan now`? ,_L.._._._. ( L. A OLIVER`. aux. .. ....~. -.\. VJOS-EPH Roaiis, A nnf;nnn{J u... -. .4, JOSEPH ANDERTON. an um-un C. H. 11053. . W ; \J.v4 Slxahiy Bay. .~ A; uuunuo, Auctioneer. A18-It ' 4 I you the ` ' ..:n.-... >`. 1 `.... ";}{.&{ ` 16.-td ! Iv nxuv .l./ . V v . . . .. .-l.-__.,, town agitator, joins in with Brother Boyle, Brother Beat-on and .Broth1` Phipps, than-e_ will be some sort'._ of re- organization, beyond ax duubt_._ We are xvaiting to chronicle the appointment of I ofoers for the current21ye:u'. will pay. for `I'm: {KDVANCE to yhe lat of J _ my, 1880, all how Su1 3acnbcrs crx;1n?:.?~_ ing at any tlme between thls and 1st January, \VESLEY Rx In-.~.. .u. .-:_---w----- -~ ~----- --.._ .,, TIIANKSGIVINIO DAY. -Competitors will shoot at Pigeon} upcl fur Turkeys and Geese. A but ccp vnll also he unmneted for. The Commlttee have mmh. xx 5|lIl.A\A L)lLvuunu- I-IAQCUVII un yu uunl H3 SHANTY BZY conN:ms_ wnnwnsnaiwbmczmjann 4. mn c \vu'urIVIrY `l.'I1!`K0y8 nnu ueese. A may ?n\:I:p will also be competed for. pave mxuiu every arrangement to makehe alfalr a grand success. Trains leave Ba_n-no at 11:22 n.xn.; Gownn, 5:30 p. m. Commxttce--A., W. Bxown, Barrie; M. Shanncy, Barrie; R. J. Fletcher, Qhnntv Pmv, ' 4711}. narnc; m. DJ Shanty Bay. I-(`\..|TwJ.V.l. .l'\JL'\o unuu 1.;1 xuu ).- Being composed of South 13 Lot 18, 10th . Con., containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, balzince ood haulwood. The farm is well fenced with cedar and pine rails; the soil good clay loam- free from stones and in a good state of cultivation; A Log House, Frznnc House, 2 Log Barns and 1 Frame Barn are on the )rexi1ises, which are watered by a good Wcl anda Spring Creek. Th_e property is 4:} "miles from a. railway station. For further particulars apply to , 1 A M1-`R nnnxr A \T 47-4in p ii-TTIFCATED FEMALE TEACH. ./_ ERS \Vanted for School Board, .\lor- rison. Sslary $250 per nnnum. Appiy, cu. c10_a-sing testimonials, to . ` JAMES H. ffxcxsox, FARM FOR SALE IN FLO 5.- _ Being_comp (3r1 Souflx lg}, lot], --.____. Tm:-1 Fishm-y Award has been p.id,anl1 Great Britainnholds of 0 Uncle Sam's wealth $5,500,000, which will go into the Dominion Treasury. A protest ac-' companicd the settlement of the little bill. But we are not thinking about protests, juizt. now--il.'s the money "we look at. At any rate, Uncle Sz1m spro- test, IQ niakc use of his own elegant vernacular, ` doc_s not amount to shucks." No one who knows him [expected he 1 would settle up gracefully. .VIorrisoxi, No\;. 15, 1873. .wunu.uu \ll ..-.. --.....-r. Ilalrpe-r s Maguzineia the American .\lnga1- zine alike in literature and in urt.~-Bm!un r:-..,.....n.... N. Y. Ubserver. It is an excellent companion for tho _y0un;_(, a delight to the mature, a solace for declining age. --Louisvi'!e Cour;-:r-Juurvml. No other Monthly in the world can show no age.--LauIsv1 Ie Cour;-:r-Juurwu. No other Monthly brilliant a list of crmtrilxlxtors ; nor does nny furnish its readers with so great a variety um! superior .1 quality of litern.ture.- lVut'/umr';_, Rn.el';n_ ' The \'o1umes'of the Mvrguiuc begin with tho: Nl1ln])(:I"3Vf<)l` June and December of each yoear. When no time is specied, it will be undz-r. stood that the subscriber wishes to begin -.viLh the current .\ umber. l'rmwu`r. , The most popular Monthly m the world. N. Y. Observer. . n. :. ,... mmallau. nnmmmmn fnr tlm \'nuu- lIl)Ul'lUl BC-slcn. ll-`Ali! lhlir I -.-v--urn,-`..-_- .. ' HARPEI`.)S MAGAZINE, One Ycm'...$-I 03 | HA1 .PJ~31 .`S WEEKLY,` .1 no HAl{P}`.l{ S BA /.AR,' 4 no The THREE publications, one year. . . .10 0!) Any'1'W(), mgc yuan... 701) SIX suluriptxoxxs, one year . . . . . . . . . . . .21: 01) Terms for large clubs _fumishcd on `appliczv tiou. V V VPosl':gc F as to all mbscribcrs in Ha: l'z.i!uI .\`.`u'm nr (`an-.rlu_ ' Nov. 14th, 1878. A.Con,p1ct._. set of HAM:-:n`s .\I.u;.\r.m', now c`mnpri:m1_g 57 Volllmei 1" {W35 01"! binding, will be sent by expresis, frcxglxt; 1; ex- pense of purchaser, for $2.2. per vulzuuc. ,v.,,g[,, w]u,,M,. by1nai[,]:(:;~`![)!lI'1I, 5Zf.(;0. Vlxfth cases, for binding, 33 cents, by mm], postp:;'ul. RmnH.nnr-pa should he made hv Post lnhco: LORD LOIBNEUS ARRIVAL. I01` mnmng, JD ccuw, U_y umu, [Iu:x.1mn|. Remittances should be made by I 0s_t .\Ioncy Order or Draft, to a.vo|d chance of loss. ` - - . . , , 1:: ML. IUDHI New`/2 rpr_rs are ml to copy {his wlzvcrlim. wit/tout thcexprcss order of HAl{l'HR S; l I: Iraq V. -\.-ullalres '47 -t f. J T- A grand Shooting Match will be held at IlnI7'II' IRA`? l`,lIH\TI .Vt|n HOOTI HG MATCH. Notice is licrchy given that after 'l'mnt_\' days from'thc first publicatiun h('l`cuf, -\i.-xr- garet Willoughby, of the T0\'.`nship of I-iws in the Cnuixiy of Simcoe, widow of tin`-, ]:.t:- John Vfillnughby, of the some place. f;uniur. will apply to the Judge of the Sl1rrug;m_- (`amt ` of the County of Simone to apjmint hur, Hm said Margaret \Vi1Io1ighby, Guardian tn Mu tilde. Jane \\'illou1_:!xh_y, John Hem-y \\ nil- 0uqhby,_ \\'i1limu Jain:-.3 Carr \\'i]]nu:_:hlr_\` nndJu1ia Ann \\'iIln11_qhUy, the infant chzl drcn of the said John \\ il1oughhy,' ulcccami. at rvA1\II\rn1' 1|4\\V.1 a nun: vu- __,__,__.'_- \<.<.. -`_ R7nen1.b:'r- the Stand, 1VI(m`e'.< 12'Iiu : Ijfuc/c, nearly opposite the Sum- ` mersett House. -,._ -.__... ..__. `__ -v- . ' Solicitor: - For Margaret Wxllotlghby, the .-\1 -pliu:xu_f. Barrie, Nov. 2nd, i378. ~16-`St (\1&_A1'GT1U1:sT CHEA1 $1131: 15;" And all other voods kept in_n'li:st General Store. cheap for ('::sh. The 1 in my neighborhood will kind it tn 11:21 vantage `to inspect my stock :uu1_c-I -prices before purchasing elsewhere. -.an-----.- east] ` um*a%%3'EiE`,L'tinkKim BOOTS AND stun-zs, ` lf:_A1)_Y-naAI_1 CLf)Tll!NG: 0+9 HER Royh` Highness Louisa Carolina _Aibe1't:\ is the fourth daught_er*am1` sixth child of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. She was born on March 18, 1848, and is therefore in the 31st; year `of her age. She was ma.i-ried to the 1\Izu'quis of Lorne in March 1871. Sir ' John .DougIs Sutherland Campbell, the L\l-.u'quis of L01-xieis, the eldest son of the Duke of Argyle and is `thirbyifout I yours Q1` age. - b o-Q-_.-`--:- L I ---'-. A 300 acre Farm fur sulr: near Barrio. 1'.`-'j acresclenrd ; well fenced; l)ein;.: l-Inst .'_. 0| Lots 1 l and 15, C011. 6, \'o.~`pra. Uuuxl Frauno Buildings-2 large Barns, Driving lluu Stables and Sheds, all new. The l.'1m11s_<\I A 1 quality, and cannot be surpassml .101 rowing wheat. There is also :1 good |.~w"': rchargl and Garden on the place: also It s lendid Well, and other water f:Ici1iti`9-V he above Farm is wi hin thruc 'mil\-3 of Bar- rie-good road. Will be solxl cheap and on reasdnablc terms, as the subscriber is retiring from business. 1 . - . -...'. 1\.\I) c\' ll.UfEl :ER !o I--:~:_nIom(mI.s. . r. I\1Vl\\A`l \1' A ru I 'lI \YI." Ix..- \'...... `at I FARM, Pm-ERTV. 1\4ZR- E. s. MEEKING `\\ 1LL SELL l|\' _1?UB.L1o .A[VI[CTVION At Twelve o'clock, noon, The South half of the West half of Lot 11, II! the mth Concession of tho Towxmhip of Urfn under Power of Sale contained in n ccrpnll Mortgage which will be produced at tIu,t1u16 ofosuha. - `.- .. . . u .4. Ll.-on . hear. u; paw. Th Property is well situated. 350 ",; 1 miles from the Village of Ilugbv. `W1 3;'f.r_ miles from Edgar. About 22 acres are e V ed,,balance hardwood bush. ()n thq P""P`~" :1 therein ood Frame Barn, L_og Shed .3 Frame ousa, plastered outsule. There I also 5 qice young Orchard, commencing t ..-.v. Ill UHU LUVIH Ul Lhtlllu, V-- Salurday, November 30th, 1373: A L 'I`....\l.... .J..I....l- "mm ARPERS MAGAZINE, z.~ _ILLUb'TRATEU. ' O Barrie, November 12th, 18'i8` no I Tim trooly good Collitxgwoodh organ does not like to come out too boldly. This is the way it puts it: ___ .1_..La. LI....L LL. D`n'rn Nov. 13th. 1873. Barrie I-Iotel, __...;_.__,___________________,.- _WANTED. ,,0_;!"I_e..nl.1ort1y to clve-.- Apply at thus 03" 42-tf 100: o Terms made known at the time of Sade. For iurjzher particulars apply to ' McCAR'l`HY, BOYS 8.: PEPLER. ` Vendors Solicitor!- ` - -- - --.. --_.. )1! `Ni. __.._._T ___ _ I ___,.......-A `ARM FOR SALEN EA 1: BA 1:1:1EV 5 New and carefully selected stock of I nnnnn pannnnnnn-A 4.-uanaun "' "o` 4 7 ML'CA1 .'l`HY, BOYS & l`Jl'[.]-IVII. #_U.C T 10 N `s Afj .. .......-n.-u Ann-nnss, Lula In Uuc waj nu lI\ILu am. There can be no doubt that Mr. Blake could easily find 3 seat if he has any wish to enter arlia.1nentagain. " * * And if he shnul so decide we are of opinion that there is no pcsitionwithin the jgiftof the Reform party, either present or prospective, too high for him to fill. \Ve hope Mr. BInke s health" and` patriotism will be strong enough to carry him to the place where he belongs. I m. , 1-:__,; ..r...'.. c..:.....1 ,1.........;=. NOTICES OF THE PICESH. `in the Town of Barrie, on BVARPPIIR & BI10 l`ll}51I:.<, EU '"'wA N. JAMES DOONASI, I`|.. Ll... ........_ . ____ ,_ ...-.. our -uunuly, VVEELEY & KING. Chairman, . Severn Bridge. .-.:- >'\I u vv.u-..v, On the premises JAM ES D011.-\.\', BARR]!-2 P.'U. New Ynrk. Tm: _ London (Eng.), Standard :- When will our ru1ers-begin*to see that _ free trade _without` international reci- procitj; is the voluntary assumption of -`a dfd weight wh`ch is Fatal to -the success of domestic industry?" Canada has recognized this, andtindications point -to Et1g1;md's rec)gpition of it at no very distant day. What the world wants is either universal Free Trade or universal ! 1 Protection. V j . `- _ -.g...____. . liurnbt Bar-rings and Sung, Gold ; and silver` Watches, Chains, Gem Rings, Elcctvo-Pluto. Toys, &.c., Spectacles, Clnldn-cn s sleigm and Carriages. `Two Doors West Barrie Hotel, E wocncr, 47 -2t ' Io--Iv nu .... .'l.bIl11)(l|'l4' |UAIv---. 46-3t. uuu DU mu: lltauu vvuuu: nu; uunun.-5-n V ` Thus f iland after friend departs. 1 Poor Mackenzie! V OUR well be1ove brother of the Oi'il- A lia Timrs expressed himself the other week as 1'ather.i1nxious aboixt us, and, saying that he had not for some time past paid proper attention 0 tohis young fn epd, promised to make amends. Here (1.. l_!._.JI.. up-.. :um n-kink `uh n`2n'a nu 7 k?'5n}""}I.'aI }aZ1l.'i.2"k;;1}; in charge this week : _ nnr vmma friend of the ADVANCE will be `the occasion complained of. ' in charge mus ween ; Our young friend of the glad to learn that the Reeve of Graveuhurst is in excellent health and spirits. He paid us a visit a day -or two ago, and expressed his regrets that business of a very important nature prevented him from visiting on r. Tailor will be. pleased to take him in hand- -nnnhf him with All the {PS8 `gnu .....,,...a.. .. -...v .. ......,. The `young friend tenders his grate- ful acknowledgments ot the` interest takenia his welfax-Te--but the` "free; drinlcs," he fancies, will not be Ta. 101' W11! 00 plqasea Bounce nun mvuauuv an supply` him wxth all the free drinks `he on manage to stow away. . ` an L__ ,1.`,,_,1,_-_ ___-L_ THA NKSGIVING DAY. _?_..._..___._. \Vm-N Brother `Spence, the Cooks- -` I'1,,L'L-_. NOTES AND coM-n7FENTs. ' iwhierjr -mu-ahi 1.-agreb.ito'I 1aair 3 illnssiof H6n_or`Juclge Ardagh, who" is suffering from 9. severe bmnchial a.'ecL tion. It is hoped his indisposition may be of short duration. Mr. 1E. S. Lally, Sr., Ins 3130 been confined to his resi- dence for some dayv, owing to the e'ecta of a cold which has settled on his lungs. His physican, we are glad to learn, has hopes of his early recovery. V A Tall: ex Lieut-Governor 5: Mxnitqba, Hon. Alex. M_orria,'is spoken of as the likely candidate in the Conservative in- teiest for East. Toronto, Mr, Justice Cameron s late constituency. Tl1e elev_a- tion to the Bench of the late leader of the Opposition in the Ircal Legislalzurc, and the election for the Commons of Hon. Wm. Macdougxll, leave a. vacancy which the presence in the-"House or Mr. Mdrris would go.a. great way `towarcls lling. ` V ..-o-o-...__-. ' FROM various quartera'comes the voice '` of the Reform presslcelling for the . cleposal of Mr. _MliCl{6hZl0 and the ele- M vation of Mr. "Blake. -' What acammente arye it is on; the fealty of the Liberal" ' path/_tha_l: the man who hes led that party faithfully and uninchingly for many years and whose rigid adherence to the very doctrines which that Party espoused and declared themselves will- ing to ght for to the death, cost him place nml- power, should be now rudely thrust aside and the. man who forsook them it the hour of their need called to the front to take his'p1u'cc ! _ _ , T Tm`. candidates iuithe several wards still hold back, and it is impossible to ascortain as yet who will `and who will not` stand of" tliosakvhoso namoi are mentioned. Mr. -Mucnab, it appears, will oppose Mr. Anderbon for the 2nd Deputy-Reevealiip ; but. there is no op . position thus fzu` to either the Mayor or Mr. Harrison. Mr. D. Purvis, it will be seen, in-xl;o3.liis how through the me- dium of Tim ADVANCE thiaiwcel: as .3. candidate in the Centre \Vu.rcl. `I6 is about tium that tho ratepayers were ap- prised of the. \`au`if)\13 candidtites for councillors; a._nd if all `such will kindly give us their xiaines '.ve.smxll be happy to give t-hlern to the public. In the mean- time_ we can only wa.tcl1 and wait. .` I 4 V THE. Montreal Wclrzvess has been com- paring Sir John A lvlacdonald to Jack 4 Code and Ben Butler, hecaus of his * espousal ofn National Policy for Canada. We reniember u._ good de.il abouteuthe English Reformer" and the Democratic candidate in -Massachusetts but -; \v11at- ever mnylze said oftlieir peculiar style of canvassing. there is one thingwvliich history does record of them _ Neither Jack nor the General ever owned 3, news I paper which`, owing its existexice to the charitable instincts of the public, could, nevertheless, exhibit itssense of `grati- tude toe the people whose subscriptions and `F teetinioniul funds kept it alive, by persistent and uncalled for insults offered to them through the medium of its political articles. 7 Can Mr. J chn Dougall say as much for himself`? MR. Biickingliaun, who during the live yearsof the Mackenzie regzme act-` ed us private. Secretary to the Premier, was one of those appointed to oice in the last hours of the moribund Minis- try. eHe was given the position of de- puty of the Minister of the Interior, from which position Sir John has seen fit to remove him, giving him a place in the Public Works Department. Of course the Grit oi'guns_ure wild over the affair. In the absence of any greater grievance," this ' outrage furnishes them with a subject on which to grow eloquently in- dignant. It does not seem to strikethe organs as being quite natural that Sir John should have the choice of his own deputy-und that not being Cl8siI`OllS of having the late right hand man of the ex-Premier as his con(i.iential' clerk, he should remove him to another `office. ' But apart altogether from this-view of the case, `either the manner of Mr. Buck inghu.m s appointment or` the fact that he is known to be a bitter partisan, whom it might" be unwise tcrhave in too close intimacy with the Government, would of itself amply iustifv his_remo_val.. [`(`orresp*1zi:'zce_the ./1(it'll..`lC.] Tmxrsmxcr: MEErIsG.-A meetin was held in the Tem erance `Hall, Hillsda e, on the evening of Gt inst., when a lecture was given by Mr. Flynn on 'I`emp31'ance and Prohibition. Rev. Hr. Porter occupied the chair. There was a good attendance and the audience were highly gratied` At the close of the`mectin'g a vote of thanks was tendered to the lecturer. On motion of Mr. Flynn, seconded by Mr. Moore, the following reso- lution was adopted: Resalvc_d-That war .persist.'u\t and uncompromising a. ainst the liquor traic be persevered in; t e license system we denounce as contrary to the peace and happiness of the people and to the pro- press of our new nation ; we only know one oe and we appeal to all patriots by the love they beartheir country to join in exterminat- ing this foul and bligliting curse ; and we re- cognize the principle of total abstinence, which is based upon christian morals and sound philosophy; we do not believe in `the omnipotence of moral suasion ; past exper- ience proves the impossibility of ever convert- ing mankind to the practice-of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors simply by preaching the beauties and advantages of temperance, while the traffic in intoxicating drinks` is legalized and encouraged. We will never be contentel with less than entire sup- pression of the traffic by legal enactment. V -"""' 0 "C" 1. , I . A DEsPA'l`CX-I from. Strou-1 say thata con-' tractor named Thomas Aylintr, after collecting" all amounts due him, has aiascondeal, taking his family with him. He has left gever:11_credi- to:-_s for large amounts. . _ ~ . _ ... .u ' .9 4 STAYNER village was the scene of a grand public demenstmtion in honor of the arrival of the Marquis of Lorne. A short addfess of welcome was sent to Quebec by telegr. h and was acknowledged by their Excel encies through the Marquis secretary. ' H "Fun .-nu:-(n nnn"`nInaI\ nvkn 4510;! `IE;-P |IllAUll`'lI nus Jqxunxluuz wlovlvvluuiu - Tm:`youug.gentlcmeu who had their hair cut with on lawn-mower and -jack-planes last summer, are now up rchensive that the frost will catch their ears. -'--Ex. (Young. gentle- men of this sort could vcrywell afford to lose a section of ear. _ H _- ' ADVANCE this V week du_ly credited. PIRACY ;--The Bzsrrie Anvnm: copies an essay which appeared in ourissne of the 25th ult , on fanning, without giving cr_e(1it to the Face Grant G rum. ' Our contemporary will remember the essay was to be continued. We waited for the balance which nbpears in THE -1111 Jewclry-Sanders Bros. Babylmd-D. Lothrop 8.: Co. ' Auction Sale-Joseph Rogers. Night School-John McAlc-er. Sheep Strayed-Juhn McLeod. Election Noticc- David Pm-via. Notice-Br'uce,,' Walker 8; Burton. Mortgage Sa1e-Bethunc, Oslcr & M031. Setting Machine for Sale--G. 1 . McKay. Mortggge Salc-llowland, Arno1di&: Rycrson. A Great Paper-Fami1y Herald Publishing Co. . eh* ~*i'%`* '.l`8E steam mg Dory nrougnt. uown 150 um- vlingwood last week a man from Byng Inlet,` who had been severely `bruised by 9. tree fell- ing upon V him while ._h9`wa,a chopping in the woods at Frenqh Rxver. He is a. French- nnmed Chas; Lesser; from Montreal, `end been in the emgloyment of Charles voix, ;'13I;:e egnfortunate.ln;sn yes; weak and euucnlseu, l.(."(,|!l.ooony,' I `whose .t1-egknent he iaatjpraegt,-hu 1 `t`lI.3tfhe;~ my `yeti:-ooWI' A1` Grsvenhurst on Thursday David Sharpe, 9. son'of Mr. James Sharpe, Deput Inspec- tor of Weights and Measures for uskoka," was wcidentallyshot throughothe thf h and lower abdomen by a_ man named J. orrow, oi Toronto, while carelessly handling a revol- . A 7 . . 1 . . _ uni nuisance coma De ouvuueu. unougu . " . av ADw.:M`7>5>ed - 1 3% `I:-aa.h'nent.ha io"at nreaent.-ha! 1 TV 'teamtu Do `bro ma eocol. inggnmgl last was]: ntymnn :1-gm 122?: Inlet.` THE. C'OUN I.`Y lllLLSl)ALE. r. p ,, , . ._.,.s.ni1 . Iionuearrive fat` `Halifax 9n`~_Sn mrhing;`=a;1d ide'?the_ t'_ 1594' ~ ling-ion: Mondarecaiving 9. most nth,?,8i_`-i , rgceeiajg. -; Tile-`Mn-qnisv.wns. awest- , iii:-as Governor-gGsnergrl got? Canada,` and recoivedjand replied`-to an 1address iroxn _'the-corporation-of,Halifax. In the even-- . ing their Excellencies` dined with Lieu ' tenantGo,vernor Archibald, "`-and the .31! Princess held as drawing. room.- The `E ceremonies" in connection"wi'th therecep-. ..'_' tion ;were of the grandest `nature, and were taken part in by the Cabinet Min- BE -isters, J udgesg, Senators, v M. P's`. ` Church dignitaries, `dcc , &c., forming a_ ` `L procession a mile and a half long, which El` mu.-3. ix-1-gmrz-zted by the societies and , " ..-i:E;::.:s. '.;~a:,'i-ze-regal party will reach ` Montreal on F:iday,a.ttend a grand ball, M, and leave for Ottawa on IiIonday.--Hon. ,. Mr Lixngevin, Postmaster General, has . : been elected by`acclama;tion for Three E .ltivers.-`-'I`he 'Ita.1iani Government has announced its intention of taking repres- : sive measures against secret revolution-T nry societies. There have been 300 ar- _, rests in Naples. It is stated that the ` , Govermnent has proof of the -existence E1 of a vast Association` the object of which t is to-kill the King. In is stated that g; ? the Internationalistsliold 2,500,000lire,' or % the proceeds of a recent bank robbery-- Ft 7, M. Gambetta and M. De Fourtou fought ` - aduel on Thursday, which arose from 0, 1 some personal recriminatious that had w V occurred between the two in the French I E Chamber of Deputies. Each red one 0 shot, but neither was hurt.-A terrible S} explosion occurred in a coal mine at Jc Sullivan, Ind., on Thursday. Out of `V thirty men in the mine thirteen were 3 0 killed-outright, and many others were " [1 badly wounded.-The advance of the British troops into Afghanistan com- menced on '[`h_ursday last. The fort of Ali AMusjid has been-captured. A few engagements have taken place with loss - on both sides. _ The British troops will occupy several strategical positions just nowand wait for the spring to open be- fore commencing `active operations.- Over :2. million dollars have been sub- scribed _for the relief of widows impover- ished by the Glasgow Bank failure.- An investigation into the cause of the Central Prison `re has taken place. No decision was arrived at as to the cause of the fire, but spontaneous combustion," ` and arson by some maliciouslydi's__rosed discharged prisoner" were ::u9;gcsted.-- A collision occurred on the Great West- ern Railway at W'inona, near Hamilton on `Sunday, killing one man, a foreigner nzixncd Chiaretto, V and wounding eleven other passengers.-The British Pnrlia ment will have :1. special session in Dec. 8th. in View of complications in the East. -Russia has given further assurances of good faith as to the execution of the ch -Berlin Treaty only demanding that the Porto do the sa..ne.-The Government g is is reducing the number of clerks in the \ 1 he Ottawaepsxrtments--.-The correspondent = id, of the Mail at Hzrlifnx recalls the ' fact ;i- that eigliteexi years ago, Sir Jolm Mac- .ns donalrl, as Premier of the Province, met 78, Albert Edward, Prince of \V-ales. below Its Quebec; and, still the Premier of Can- ads, he receives in the person of the hn Princess Louise another Royal guest and ` child of Queen Victori-a.--The steam- ship Pommewama was struck in the be English Clnnnel by n Welsli sailing ctr vessel on Monday, fty lives being lost. ' . Another collision between a ferry boat re"! nnda ship at anchor in the river hlersey resulted in the loss of several livcs.-The l g- Biack Prime, commanded by H. R. H. the Duke of Etlinburg, will sail for Eng- land on Monday. 07`, -----1&-o-j---- WE have not taken stock in the Marriage Questmn chscussnon when some of the papers have taken up, but nding the following seixti-A meats in a. Bmdford exchange we are tempted to give th'eIn space as showing to wh-a.t depths `of depraxity bachelofdom can sink a. man :- Now; Sir. I think tlnt if the heading of this of depravity uneneioruom can sum a. man Now; Sir, I think heading article (Single Bliss) was the" motto of at great many who -have shown a weakness through the city dailies, we would have in thisvCu.na(la< of ours more men of higher culture, and intel- lectual renement, than we'ca.u now boast of. But instead wliat do we nd? Why, ' Sir. nn sooner have the boys left their mothers npron strings and their daddies little: nger, than they get into their heads, (especially if they , have an income of $400, o'r'$500 :1 year) that foolish _:md mind alilie-ting desire to launch their frail barque on the sea. of` everlasting I wretchedncss and misery. VVhe1-ens if they would conclude to enjoy Single Blesscilness, which only the weak-xnimled and semi-idiotic abhor simply from their lack of cerebruxn and supembundance of cerebellum, they would ex- alt their reputation and become of much more . use to their" fellow creatures in various ways not at all necessary here to repeat. 39E.`..?, ?. Wm! mac Au yxxna .Lxuv.:..u,u. A NIGHT school has been started under the auspices of Burma St. Patr1_ck s Soc1ety. See advt. ' -. I` n n '1, ttr,_L 1\....I__ __L __I'L Tovh at Sanders '|r:ds:..- jets-'ellers . I ' | Go to Powell & Co s. for frcah Sausages of ` thevbest x_nn'.;,e. ` - . n ,,_-n _.__. : ., In..- A ........... L- i IILICV IIUQU lillu-l\,vI Oxz Dou..m will pay fur Tm; AD\'ANCF. to January 1, ISSO. - 1 1 , ,L m... n_ -. ..... ..._, V, BILL Hza.ms,x1eatandchea , at Tm: AD- VANCE Othce. v . n V , ,,`lI ___.LL1` Aunt`. \Iuu.-.. IF you Want to buy rr sell anything a.(l\'er- tise in Tun`. AD\'.1\'(.7E. n 1 u , L__.. ..L_._L...`l ...__I_.. LL- LIVE , E B1-`."l`lIEl.,Sf)l}h}A1~5MO \Vest Dunlop-st.,.se1ls `the best brmuls of t0b:v.e*:-`:9. cigars, pipes, and all smbker`s sundries. Call null try him. - ,` :1 LL-_1:_1. .t`1I_......L 1\l :..-.'...____. uu uluuxxcl B nuuus-ya. Vuu --nu u. , unu- . PR1Mn'rv1=:` Methodist _Church> Missionary services will ba held on Sunday next, and the Missionary meeting the following evening. 7 11.. `[2! `AT `llmn-.u-un In}-a nf \. fr\I1:v-nu` Lou .VI.13HlUIl'l'_y ILIGUULHE IlLl\4 l.\l{l\I Iv an-5 vv vunu. MR. H N. E'r1m:u, late of Montreal, has -started a. furniture mzmufactory on Bradfoi-L1 Street, and turns `mt smut; excellent work. V n n... -4: "um u......t..,.L.... u'm.=.. I>......:,. Olal'UU, uuu vIt_`u:r luv uunnnnf vauvvnovnnw uxn... P. PAE, of the Mazuchestazr House, BJ.rrie, is retiring from buwxinessnnd his lnmre stock of Dry Goods and Ready-maie Clot iug is all selling off at a great sacrice. 'mne. A ...-Jun:-ac.`-xv .Q'xr-1.-Cont: in r-nrinot-Hnn allluus uu an u blvwv ..uu........... Trm. _Anuiversa.ry Services in connection with the Allandale Methodist Chxufch will be held on Sunday, Rev. J. McFa.rlane preaching both morning and gvening. The Anniversary Tea.-meeting will take place on the Monday eveningfollowing. Music will be furnished by the Barrie Methodist Church choir. D um. nan _"|"l-an n'n'lv mnanne in thewnrid "f'"IiU'ii'Si )X r',"i 's,'" i"7 8'. " THE I1URoN""'A.N'b 9Nmzz}o A sum CANAL . ` Dy lillv Duulv u;.\.wu-aunau \lAA\nnvnn ....v..- , BABYLAND,--The only maF(`g1azi_1:e in the world expressly for the Babies. `Hay cents a year. Free of Pgstage. Take it for your`Bab3. Eight large quarto pages. _ Fine amber paper, thick and strong. Sweet wee stories, dainty pictures, merry jingles, and funny bits of baby-life, all in large type with words divid- ed into syllables. A Kimiergartm in itself. Address, D. Lo'mno1=-8i 00., Boston. 117.. L-) L1... -.`l....m`n'.-n unulm-n-n'v nf vinminir AQQY888, ll. LAILIIHUI u: \./vs, auyu-zvvu. _ WE had the pleasxire yesterday of viewing at the establishment of Messrs. 1.. S. & 0. L. Sanders several sets of what is known as Eng- lish coldred gold jewelry, with gem-setting, in Csmeoand in jet. The quality of, the metal is high-,15 carots--the color is rich and the nish is sim ly superb, These goods have been impdrte direct from, England for: the Christmas trade, and are sometlnng never, be- fore o'ered for sslein Barrie. "L-~--AA- -----__-- - LL- ___. lUl.'K= uuuncu Aux nauv,;n- uu--.u. , DEnxcATIox.-Openin services of the new Baptist Chm-ch.--The a ve Church will be dedicated for Divine W'orsl_1ip on Sqndzgy, the 8th day of December. Sermon; morning and evening by Rev. J. H. Castle, D.D., of Jarvis Street. Toronto. Sermon in the afternoon by Rev. S. A. Dyke, assistant secretary of the '8. M. C. 0. On Monday evenin following . 1. tea andpublic meeting, His onor Judge Gowan presiding. The Reva. Dr. Castle, Dyke, W. Stewa.rt'(Hgm_ilto1_:), Donavon, late of Montreal now of Toronto; Stobo (Collin?- .......A\ any! 5'11: lnnnl (`Jun-crv AI-A` Arnnnlm 0: Montreal now or roronw, awn!) (unsung woodzi, and the local Clergy are expected 1 atten . . ~ A ru,_._ l\.___ I\._ _._.._L ___LI3- _._-LL-. nllvvuun A GREAT PAPER --On most public matters now-a`.-iaya there are great differences of opin- ion, bnt the people of all classes seem to .be quite united on one question.` `Every person who hnsoseen itgdmita that the Fanzily Herald t and Weekly slar..of Montreal, is the. very best ; weekly newspaper in the;oonnh'y. _. Itis _real- ; .1y'a..phli3Ii!011,th&tno gnn_jan wgu: word` ~ -:do without, .-;'.1_-`.'4i`.*.i'5 9.11`!!! 1.11.; It` than not ` ` >19 99 ( _3!+*9%.. ..=r-* 3" Ituf The priqeiis. .0151 .$l.0Q_ 8 "year, and "Oah_va.u_ersget upland: __eom;n1ssiu_ns.-. It is i?`I'I:)Bshed.'by thy '_F.um.Y Hindu Publishing Summary of News} ---43... NOTICES. Ajui lcaviestibt or oisorih Jns are reoqminhdatl `{6}? iizdigetion ` Th'e`beuet- ii de{2yd"p;`arzly"from` the increaaetl u? of tha salivary md, and partly` from 1211}: tonic and ssimuiau mg aoiion of thq leaf chewed. Bfore mezisjs agtnttertime to try the remedy {ban after. Tim leaves most like tb be beneficia.` are pine, spruce or black thorn trans, curram. and was bushes, Immt, the petals of mcrs, and the 3`u!ls of rnounmin diialas, and thetender porv fmn of the atziks of grain or grasses. _ ` It will be noticed by the report of a meetinghc-ldlast week at Mr Ca.preol .~x 1 oice in Toronto, that the Huron ind` Ontario Canal project lms not l)y_any means been abandolietl by its energetic projector. The explanations given as to the probable cost, route, means of con atruction, &:c., will not; only lirove i'n tmesting to those more in1mr:'.li-ate! y can`- l. 1 ~---:I -_ u... ....L......,. 1...} will ulun '29, . daughtefz BRAY .--In Barrie, on the 24th inst., the wife oS.mU1-:1. Bnu, (J. E., P- L. S., of a daughter. ' HOLDS \vo1u'H.-1u Bmie, on the "th inst.. the` wife of MR. GEORGE Howswoxvru of a` IIITJII a V n n-zu. _ A MOORE.--In Ba.rrie,- on the 22nd inat., .JosxmI,.fourth son of MR. JOHN Moom:,. aged 10 years and 8 months. % The Best Salve in.bhe world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chagpatl Han-Is, Chilblains, Corns, and.a1l kin of skin Eruptions. This-Salve is guaran- teed togivc perfect satisfaction in every case money refunded. Price 25 Uents per Box. For Sale By W. T. Georgen, Barrie. V 41-tf A CAR.D.-T0 all who are suffering from the errors and indiL=.cretiona of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c , will se'm1 a. recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This gt-"eat remedy was dis covered. _b_y 2)., missionary in `South America- Send 3 self-addressed envelope` to the` Rlav. Josnm T. I.\'.\{A1\',' Station D , Bible H-um, [V -m Vm-Ir (`flu ' ' ` AN HONEST M DIGINE FREE OF CHARGE ~ Ofiall medicines advertised to cure any at. l fection of .the Throat, Chest or Lungs, we - know of none we can recommend so highly, as Dr.'King's New Disc-ovvry for Consump-7 tion, Coughs, Colds, Astzhma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Hoarseness, tickling iu the throat;, 105$ of voice, etc. This medicine does positively uure, z=.ud that where e`very.thiuq else has fail ed. No medicine can show one-half so many nositive and permzuaentcures as have already. been `effected by this truly wonderful remedy. in. .5.-.i.hm.-. :`_ndHr()1u`,his it is :1 merfectl JOSISFII L. .l.\ M. V. In York Cifu. `$1.00. For sale by W. T. Gcorgiu; Barrie. ' I I been etfectctl by mas vrtuy wonucnux rcmcuy. 5 For Asthma and Bronchitis it is a. perfect: spcic, curing the very worst cases in the , shortest time possible. We say by all means give it a. trial. Trial bottles free. liegtdar sizc_ 41-It -We have always on ` hand an assortment of First Class` Pianos and Organs, also Stools, Q Uovers and Music. Good! second hand Pianos for sale; and to rent. A first class tuner and repairer always in. town. Orders left here will be attended to. . . T\,_ f`D.__._._ `and harmless yet acting with more certainly _... . . CorEL.i.\'D's S\vr:'s'i' CA.sT()I . OIL , equally suitable for children and adults. Eiillnrscd by l over 6800 doctors in Cu.na.da. The dilliculty of "l :1.dmi'mstering nauseous- medicines, and the I desirability of having them pleasant to the taste, inducedl`. Copeland to undertake re- searches, _wl1ich resulted in the discovery ofa. I Sweet Co.stor Nil, perfectly palatalzle, of the I same strength and medical qualities asthe ordinary Castor Oil; and while equally safe ma producing neither nausea nor griping.V; Some children say it is honey ; others call it 1 V syrup-they all say they like it. One parent 5 says--- My children drink it like water; another - W e had to hide the bottle or tl:ey,i would h_u.vc nished it right off; another-- at M..1:4Hn n-6! l1n: 4`.-.ul.'nn it f.\x.ine'witl1out .'1n\' 1 I-R,l"UUI.IU5 UV UIIUDL4 IlA`ll.\1 .-.....~.,..-~.._-, , , ` cpmed in the scheme, but will als Ina,` the-means of bringing it; again promi- It neatly. before the public and having per l h_a_ps more earnest at,teut.i-.n direcbedv to?! I . wards it tha.nvit'haSl1ither:o received. . . -a A___ ____1 would l1_u.vcm11sneu. In mgm: uu; uuuuuct.`--- ., My little girl has taken it twicevitllout any 2 trouble, and does not know .what it is, though "she hates the ordinary Castor Oil, and we ; never couldgct her to take it without a I fight ; yet another---`` I wish you success oil your`Swect Castor Oil ; it_ is a splendid thing- 3 sure to take the place of_ all common oil. I Tho nv.-tmnrdin.-:.rxi demmul for this improve- 2 to take the place or_ an Commuu nu. The extraordinary deimuul improve- xnet of a staple household medicine has vl)I`0ll; I.llt_ fraudulent imitations into the market. 1 but the public can guard themselves against 5 substitutes (which unprinciplcd parties are at 5 tempting to sell on the reputation of this { article) by seeing that the mime, Copola.nd s .3 I 1 Sweet Castor Oil,- is on both _wmppcl{u.11d direc-- tion label. 7112"` n...lm-_nnnr1 lanuinn nit)-ltlinslntl \l(!:`.Sl`s him) label. g The m1(1ersigncd, having purchased )Ies.srs | T. Copeland & Co's interest in the above prc- 1 pamtion, are now ma.uufa.cturing it from thn ' origilml xecipe , V ' l N ORTHROP 8: LY MAN. Tc-ronto.` Ask for Copc1and s Sweet Castor Oil. Ob- 5 serve the name. Do not be deceived. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents. 41j::x ' \-~\\\\.s\\s\\\\\\\;\.<\s\ BUGKLIW3 AR_mcA SAI.VE.V ` AAAxvvv - ADVANCE Oice, i Barrie, Nov. 27, 1879.` '. The local markets during the past week I have been"\'ery quiet, the bad weather pre- venting farmers coming in f to town. 011 S:).- ` turday only about half a. dozen vehicles graced the square, and thedairy and vegetable room ._..... ..1.`...-..+ rm.-nhy \\'hn4-. Inn: nnma in was: .f6`i Ki\"n'"c>":u_< 3.T:-IE AOHILDREN. mu: aqucuc, ausu uuv_uv.u_, nun. ...b...,.7...-., ..,_,,., was almc=st e._mp_ty. What has 7 come in was 1 bought -up at uudermeutioncd qtxotatiuns. m _-.....- g..--...... u-'....-,.... n.,,..:..= nr uUu5uu'u14 mu nus...-...-.-.\...-... .r....~._._... ` Tono.\"1`o STREET l\Ilu:Km*.--Receipts of wheat were about 400 bushels to-lay ; price]: I l were firm, at 80 to 950. for fall and 80 to 84:2 for spring. About,200 bushels of barley sold at 60 to 900. and 200 bushels ofpeas at 50 to 62c. May was abundant and steady, at from $8.50 to $13. Straw was also plentiful, and went all` at $6.50 for loose, and $7 for poor rye, and $9 to $9.50 for cat. Hogs were more plentiful, but rmer, at $5 to $5. 50. ' - .o 1-1 1- L ._,1,L:__._ L'` `'` ' I * Fomsm.\' MAm;s'r.-s.-Ena1ish quotations to-day showed an advance 0? Id on red and 2d on red winter wheat, and of 3d on corn; carrvoes were the turn dearer. Montreal was uncxanged. New York wasrmer. Western markets were easier. Wheat wasrm and wanted but holders were not inclined to sell even at rm prices No. 2 was very scarce. and `would have found buyers at 90c. or per- haps 91c. No. 1: spring wou1d,hs.ve brought 86 to 87c and No. 2 spring from "S3 to 84c f.o.c v0ats'remaiued purely nommal. Barley was rm, No. 1 was very scarce with buyers at 98c, and No. 2 was wautetl at 75c; extra No. -3 sold in car-lots at 65c, and N0 3 chang- ed hands at 55c f.o.c. Peas were` purely .......:....l |m;...~. nm'lhm- ..m.m1 nnr 'w1nterl, Fall Wheat . gregdwell, . prmg . .. .. Barley . . . . . . -Pam: .`.. ... vuuun to tun... .. ....., ...-_...-- _ __,_ The present is an age of invention and general progression. Gigzmtic scliexnos ' of one nature and another are lining con- ceived and carried into practical ellcct. lacheme should not be seriously enter- .` productive-is all that stands in the way of making this great project, with the! undertaken. We hope, "indeed we are I I. l 1 Why this Huron and Ontario ShipOanal ; tained by those who possess the power if ' they onlyhad the willingness to can-yit, l or at least promote its being carried out, does not appear to us. `The undertaking, `though one of great magnitude, is `be- yond douht within the range of -practic ability. The complete success (f the ' canal if constructed does rnot-appear to be questioned, so that the capital to build it-and there is surely allundancc in this and the old country lying by un- incalculable national benets that would aocotnpany it, an accomplished fnct--for no one doubts but that the Government aid in the way of a land grant would be forthcoming were once the work actually inclined to believe with the inclefatigable projector and chief `pi-omoter, that the present century will see the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal built and " in run ning order. 7