Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 24 Oct 1878, p. 4

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Waier.-It is a great mistake to ` itint animals in water; 75 per cent oi v-their weight is water. Digestion can not gd on without i'. Water is there- {ore food in one sense, and an ample Iupply should be provided for every _` inimnl to drink when inclmed. T I ID\.Vl..I| vn _. -_-... UI bnv lllvllv nu -- Vl|l.|.lAM GRAY AND 00-WINDSOR, OIIT Sold in Bame by Geo. Monkmun. Druggist. inn GREATEST ' . WONDER OF _l@_|l_ERN TIMES '1'he.PxLLs.Pu1-ify the Blood, correct all dia- oi-ders of the Liver. Stomach, Kidney: and The k ILLs.J:'uruy tne moon, COITBGF an uns- orders Liver, Stomach, Kidneys Bowels, and are invalneblein all complaints incidental to ,Feme1es_. , The OINTMENT is the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of how- ever long standing. _ For Bronchitis, Diphthe- rie, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases ithasjno eaunl. Spurious imitations of Hol1oway s Pills "and Ointment, are manufactured and sold under the name of Holloway & Co. , by I. F. Henry, Curran & Co., Dru gists, and also bythe` Metr_opo xtsn ` Medicine Com pany of New York, with an . assumed trade mark, thus-- ---Again one Joseph Haydock of New York, likewise passes of!` connterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway & 00., haviniafor a trade mark a Crescent and'Ser- pent; cKessen & Robins of _New York are agents for the same. These nersons. the better to deceive you, _~-._TBVEV\I_A`|-`tE kos-' T NEW YORK COUNTERPEITS. agents 101' me same. These persons, you, unblushingly Caution the Public in the small books of directions aixed to their Medicines, which are really the spnrions imitations, to Beware of.Counterfeits. ` . Unscrupulons Dealers obtain them it very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada. as my genuine Pills and Ointment. I mnnt em-nesv and resnectfnllv nnneal to Uannda. genume runs ana Uxnumauu. I must, earnestly and res ectfnlly up eal the Clergy, to Mothers of amilies. an other Ladies, andto the Public generally of British North America, that they` may be placed to denounce unsparingly these frauds. A ' Ian:-nlnnm-nnlnoulal look to the denounce `nnlparlngny mesa Irauus. Pm-olmeers n-lnould look the Label on um Pots and Boxes 11 f the address I: not 633,` oxford street, London, they are the Oonnterleits. ` - Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medi- ' Acinee, bears the British Government Stamp,` with the words HoI.Lowu s Pugs AND Ommmr, Loxnozw," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, ' 533 Oxronn srnnrr, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. Partiee who may be defmndedPl:-if Vene don selling spurious f`Hol1owa.y e ' Is and Ointment, nsof my genuine make,` shall on communicating the particular: to me, be ::.np1`y.r`:2munerated, and theirennmee never THOMAS HOLLOWAY, Lozmox, Jammy 131,187}. Lost the earrings wheels oizthe horses feet ' Should crowd her down in the slippery street. xoruxe llll wuroe IOGOIVOG In wunng Id-_ dreI_sed`to Va:-v'B.ev.` Vicar-General Boone , Toronto,` nntif *thef1`ENTH or ooron . NEXT. "1301-mI:--One fourth 054116 put--' monoyguh. -nd-iih9,,b.-1-ne,.- by .:-nae-4,-.Im-_:r bus!-411` `A. tl-,. s " A ARM FQR` sA:L1i:. -`:Tho8oi1't:lIV.HdAf of_I:>?No..'.2, in he=1It ' N` V fop.tha'|1|na":in|l-=b :3 0on.,,FloI,- mdjoinjng the ;_Rnmun- If the nuns 'will=be unurcn, Ina oonuluung .11 gngsy lcra. _ vnerl M ved in_wrihng- ad-A u -nnnuftn Val-v'RAv_'~ `Vi-.Gana`rn`I RnmIav_ Emporium 9! Fashion ! KNOW tuvssw M-nah nflxhnhxtcd Vitulil I II I Vlnhl on receipt of price. 1: treats oflxhnhstcd Vitality Premature Decline, Nervonn and Physical Dobiii _ concomitant iils nnd untold cries that result ihorcirom. and containnnore than oorizinal pre- lcri on:-. an one of whichisworth tho price hi the TKls.bookwn.swi-Ittcn by tho uioatcx- ghuid the endless" muive ma nrobablvthc most akilml practitioner " (horcaom. ooriglnal uons. bookwus writtcn native and probublythc akilmlpnctmoncr In America. 16 wk 9 awnrdctgalguld mdjgw. elledmednlbvtheh onnllicd! Auoclstlon. -_-Ti ; _NI:essrs. Sanders BrOs., CARD OF KS: Fall Pigs, may bocanied over on A_ pkilq milk, a few cut corn stalks, pom A. loan or roots, with a little. bran, and plenty of fresh water. .By reixding and practicing the iucstimnble truths con- tained in` the bcst_ medial book ever issm.-d,,_entitled SELF-PBESBBX ATION Price on] $1. Sent by mall ramp: of price. It Vituliw. Decline. _ ISUCCESSORS TO H. BENNETT. nouse. Jrmnnm, -- u 18-ly |wHAT _g THIS 1| ms 5} cF"_p_ new I: 9 _. _.... ._-- g -__ Wnu.,.I-will tell you, he given over; sitter _ ood aatinfnction, and one sends another. eysre lesvin their orders for choice Pho- togaghn to sen to friends in distant lands. _n\r:nn n minds n (In:-nan.` :1: nnnuinn '50 Ill 50 sent: 50 Inenua In (113533? 131103., g, .-0wing to such a demsnd in_ copying old Pictures, I have opened more extensively into the business. Having A In-as staff of ` At last came no of the merry troupe. `Tho-pyost hddio of all tha group ; ' He iued beside her and ;vhispered low 2 ~ `.`-I `help you across, if you wish to go."_ `Ker hand h t g, young arm She 1-bnced, andmaio. :'i1:l:'<`))\I1!t hurt or harm, Ho guided the trembling feet along, frond that his own were rm and strong. 010. I.'lC'FIH'$, I. DIVO OPOIIOO. ll10l.'6 0XU6nllV8ly into the business. Having a large staff of hands I am enlarging pictures at such prices I as never was heard of before in Ontario. l'E\iE1%Y'Bc5o\(' wofmil-:i=.s} '1 Why Inch crowd; are making their wny to I:-GM-I.-ERYi-I 85 to "sub per day to ca;1vuss fox-_ Photographs, Ambrotypep, loo. Great in- ducements. = - _ Addreaa STEPHENS OOPYIN G HOUSE, Box 141. Barrie. v '.FnWsi1?fi mm: This gallery in now-r-o-p:n-ed out and in full work. One visit will convince those wishing to have Superior Pictures Taken [hat this is the spot to come to. Parties de- airing Good and correct Llkenonen are invitodto call. You can rely upon getting -_A_ _...4:___-_.-A DUNHSP STREET, OVER FRLWLEY & DI-:Vl.lN ,8 GabinetPicture?l Enlargements ` GOOD PH_o'roe'a'AI3Hs' Pastures of Every Description Taken daily. Includlnl Cartel- de-Vnlte. T Then back again to his friends` he went, V Hi: young heart happy n.m1_ well content. " She nomebody s mother, bo 6 you know, For :11 she's old and poor an slow ; ` " And I hope some follow will lend A hand, To help my mother, you under: tand, " If over me : pom-land old and grny. When her own dear boy is far away. - ' `A11-1::-i;1Ti.s~ofV 0|. PICTURES cDPl_EII AND ENLABGEDI 7.. _ ........__.... __-__.... A WM. 0. REEVES, ` Proprietor. November 7th, 1877. - 45-ly For sale on reasonable terms West 4} Lot 2!, 7th con., Oro, 111 acres, 80 acres cleared, soil first class and. in a high state of cultiva- tion, anever failing stream of water running through the premises, a good well of water at the House. and also one at ths Driving Barn, A good large young apple orchard, two com- modons Frame Barns, a large Driving|Heus'e, Two` Dwelling Houses, Blacksmith s Shop, Post Oice with Store, where there has been a good business done for the 1-past few years, and other out buildings. he roperty is convenient to schools and churches and is situated 10 miles from the Town of, Barrie, the `County Town, and about 3 miles Iom Lake Simcoe. A rare thing to find such propertyin the market for sale. Alan In} Kn Q in I>hn`ln4-. Ann Van`-nun nn we um-Ken Iur sale. Also Lot No. 8 in the lat con., Ves m,. on the Penetanguishene Road, and 8 miles` from the Town "of Barrie containing 130 acres. Soil cau t be excelled; about 40 acres under cultivatun, and mostly seeded down to clover and timothy ; 15 acres of chopping ; 8 House and Barn ; a zncver failing stream of water running the whole length of the fun and` emptying, into the " Little Lake, on which the rear of the farm borders. A splen- did chance for any parties wishing to pur- chase a. dairy or grass fann. The above prop perties will be sold cheap on easy terms. `IN... ._-...L2-_I-_- -.._I-. L- ggjleaolo agency in |sILvn ma mun or l:0AL 'J|L| _ Orrosrrl BA.nnn; Auguezoth, 1877. 86-3111 Ii Tnnmnmrix oammn 1| . The ever o'e1-etnl to the public, Lower than can be Bouzhf `in Taronto.` - GHEESE &FhRUlT| V Atopouof `guy descnption which ~' intamionuily or accidentally T ,,. __6} 19 quid, be rendeypd `: w Aggpquntly hnrmkis by simply; .` [Rio gills ofsweot-Voil. ' A'- ._;=|!ih~.!",'r!:*"II!:*oonntilvtion: V tat; 'og':Iyf=n`wio'a !ho'qnu_ut;t_'y.'E um NEW BRICK sronn. Nomfn sum Eon 1_)m{I.or`s1nnn'1'.; t - __.__-..__--. .REsmENcE WANTED. with of at- hhed, inn loality in "0, for yhmuqpau mAlltnddgwithhilax; ,, Tr.` `, 1-'.`; I` ` KING, JR-s.,| E` ARMS FOR SALE -- RARE CHANGES. ORDERSTSOLIOITEI). `VI. B, GAPBII, "1'OAL OIL. FOR `THE MILLION. 01-to =NGL ISH BUN` Hons E A` For 'pu't_icu.la1-5 apply to ` nurrnn 1'11 And "Ioxnebody a mother " bozved her has} It: her home that night and the prayer Ihe mud Wu: "God biavkind to the noble bog, . Who is somebody : son and pride an joy 2" AGENTS WANIED. Tuu?r3?iAhuuua. A I[i1en}1id.Sto9k of choice -. erooE'R;1Es`; % ' G. R. ram), . Auctioneer, `In Ta. superior manner. ___,V . ._4 Iuuw- .1; this Gallery. I180. I185 `I116 l( Barrio! fo1-`the -.4T" ' _+i=p.Y'c"-7 T_,, Sutu.rctrr..--It is a familar fact that J - AI potato-vine growing in~a dark cellar J is white, puny, and without strength. It would be almost precisely the some with a child confined in a dark room. . Itiswell known that light is some- u what essential to health, and vhat.sim- - ple sunshine is the best medicine in . -many diseases. Brit it is not known how the "hygienic eect is exerted, T thoughthereisreasontohelievetheeffect is mainly due not to the color rays, but to the nctinic--the invisible rays that paint the picture in the photograph, ` Ind penetrate to the seed beneath the godrgnd quicken its germ. Some ex-' periments, however, recently presented 7 _ `I, H, English Royal Suclely, have a hating on the solution of the question . They prove thatvthe presence of light "7.*:`t\'l| es ecislly of direct sunshine, pre- ,y.,s'nt t e davelopement oi the micros- ' 'lBcpic fungi which are associated with putrefaetion and drcny. When-there ; are germs already present in liquid, it destroys them, and perfectly preserves n putrescible uid in which they have not yet been developed; While this ` lssprvative quality is most powerful 1|,-t,l|_s`d_irect rays of the sun, it also ex- ists lndiused light. Thevhygienicei-cts nilight will doubtless sometime be tally understood. Meanwhile we know, _Q_llo_lI`g_h_l0 make it a sin against health jj jttp-"to -let sun have free admission to Ilnrdwslltngs. "` "rr'd ' mos. GUTHRIE, Guthrie P. 0., 01-0. H. BENNE'1'I`_! Mm. wm1j;@R @s 500 Indies Cloth M.ne1es....'...... ...s 600 Ladies Shawls, Fifty Dozen Ladieq KidGloves ..~..... Winnnv . . . . n `Ann III-o-lOIgIIOOllIlI0IO_ ureuuuouu, ....... Another` lot"'I(;&l%Tea, 56 Boxe$iatZ_25c per lb. A ...__-- .-;--I -1-` an-v A.'$'l'1 _.._.___..._._..__.._..__.__.:_____.__...__. -_ ._. I878;| IGOLDEN We beg to nppme our Inenus (Luv pun; nvuun .. ...... .......,...-.., ....- -....- ..- are showing many Novelties. ` T ' FGOODS NEVER WERE SO `CHEAP?! And we think will not beno low again for a long "time. We are ghowing 3 Ipecinl 4.... ._.`.4-.--n-n: in 316 j5fgggT%Leooas---; -.:--- gut-:2 . |, ___ __ _____ ' ----20:'----- - A Case of Fine AMERICAN WHITE COTTONS, SHORT PIECES, Ranging from 8'to_15 `Yards, at 10 Cts. per 9 Yard, Worth at Least 14 (7ts., Besides many Bar - gains. Also a Complete Stock of M1LLIN- L ERY, MAN TLES 8: CLOTHING, ' tN'sPBo'1'Ir.>N AND COMPARISON INVITED :n-2jQ.nI 3 33 the farm autl ttcbcu; [CARPE'l`S! AatPn;'rs :2 -AEo_ A com Mmma, MA'rs,rLnun on.-cLo1u.l THE Emromum, - JOHN WATSON. ONE DOOR WEST OF THE BARRIE HOTEL, IALARGE LOT 011' NEYN'__Egg1NELsBouuHTvEHYLuwa| BRUSSELS, 'l`APES'l`RY, KlDDERMINS'[`ER., UNIONS, &c., &c., ,,__ on-__::. :---:;U~ 'A Special line of French Wool Cshmeres. in all the new Shades. ---._;0 ' AT EWAN b OTHIS WEEK] . '._.._j- a - [CHEAP GOODS!l| GEN'I"S FURNISHINGS AND READY-MADE` GLOTHING COMPLETE IN THE NEWEST LINEQ OF` ENGLISH. SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEED8 WORSTED COATINGS AND OVER-COATINGS. WHICH WILL BE MADE TO ORDER. FOR STYLE A\TD CHEAPNESS SECOND T0 NONE IN TOWN. Bncuuv nlvonn TO MATTIRI 9031- k .- om.-ru-nu., Smrruur um Cumunv. 1 NiEW'1>R11ss GOOD 8, _ --'-- :o:----. 7 . We beg to apprize our friends that our stock is. now complete, andvthat we nu-A nhowimz manv I Begs te umounce dust he has just received his Spring Stock of WALL -PAPER AND BORDERINGS, doNsIs1*1NG `or ovmn 9000 L ROLLS or ENGLISH AND AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, RANGING IN PRICE mom 50. PER. ROLL UP. ' |W.xLL PA_PER 1 WALL PAPER!I |Aj:Lg:ga% `Assortment; of PLAIN and FAURED nunns ` . _ .g SW1J"!_f';lI'aY- oitnumnr HISTORY or ENGLAND mu) oumn 5011001. 50039 a'sE1'..:i:.. AT cos` .----J Don't forget also that you cal: buy $'c;11r Carpatglhare at wholesale prices. ' The largest stock to chooae fmm, and the ' _ _ _..;jj :-u no njnj Tm; %`LARGEST STOCK AND BEST VALUE nvngt` snows ls B_AlllllE. ' Feedingfor PcrrIc,may be beat begun a! ' Mac, using up the soft and poor com nk. Some feed grcen stalks, cut ne, V` `had mixed with meal; thiswill bring ; Ibo ign into thrifty condition, to be nis on very rapidly in November. ~ aid and ed and ' Jvijth thdchill orf.%ho winborgandiyg nnv GOODS, R `by-inn: o|.o'r|-mm, onoo:m:s,=:ac._ WMwW~W EMBRACING EVERY DESIRABLE SHADE AND COLOUR. WE ARE OFFERING? :E"1a.n.11e1s and Vvinoeys, AT BOTTOM PRICES. ` 4.. D. n4:A.o1\T`Zn:B dz: soNs E;=;@2oAi{I$i5i:`TE,)<+_-gg_Igjs_ITo.a*3% ~ 1 j: .1ll3IA E WE P0 R IUM ! All at the Closest Prices. 20! _ a-Locz's OLD STAND. $3` 3Q,X!>"IvT&'IIO' "'*""" NEW SHADES at 12% Cents par Yard, tIr..u 117.... IE In an (`.4-mtg- :0: G-1v'e up at Cal]. and be convinced AARE SHOWIHNG A LARGE AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF, A Stains,-B.rood'sows should be well fed now, so that they will be in ' good condition for coupling next month for Much pigs. Gradeeor hall-breeds of '-any good breed are more protable than lull-bloods for the farmer. Keep `no pig over a year old for fattening, if `most prot i_s looked for. ` . A Beautiful Assortn:e;;:t of New Dress Goods. .._.---- 303 nutozviflqjsjz-gi[z- in qvjgszv-s mm, nv1vLop_,sm1zE1'.-a- 1_j;U;__.-.- OUR ` TAILORING DEPARTMENT ' COATINGS AND OVER-COA'1`INGS. WHICH WILL BE MADE T FOR STYLE AND CHEAPNESS SECOND TO NONE IN TOWN. ' an A.__])_. MAQWNAB & SONS. .. A--.-. . -.-A -. '\w1 oath A-\o.A~-...._ A-.. ..._ . --_. _---.. __ .. IN EVERY -DEaPAR'i`MENT. : {Q12-jjj-3 OABPETLS 2:: ATTHE N01`: 11-VI: FOLLBWING Panels: V NO. 1. ONTARIO BUILDINGS. OPPOSITE OLD STAND. DI-INLOP-ST. ` ..............o No .l,UUUr1I|ruLuuuIs1.ungn<.ruuu......... ........'..5 And 10c Heavy BlackLuIt}re, ................ Poutto-y.-If eggs are expeoted dor ing the winter, they must. be provided ffor now-.' DISPOBB ofvlhe old hens ; se- lect as many of the best young pulletw Ind feed them well. Give wheatsoek ed in hot water oncea" day. Barley, buckwheat, and corn, in equal propor- , tionu, may make the rest of the food ; - chopped cebbages will help Provnde clean quarters, plenty of water, gravel, old mortar, and charcoal. -Make the hot_ue_wnrm ; do not crowd too many `inBo`ir, and a good supply of eggs will '.'uI` o s co '1'.-r W I-nu ouvn `V:--- Well Worth 18 lo 2o'cenu`."' THE NEWESEI`: DESIGNS IN data the me 01119 easy-Q stock of sDY"MADE m nifiii `+3 mw 3`g'ein; `ET E.V5E6iFIF'F6_N_; 66. "I'-run vsrsrtnrn JHUST Anmvnn. AT B_o'1'roMl1>RIcEs. Feeding rsheep for Marleen, is pro- teble for those who have judgment to buy well, to feed well; and to sell 4 well. Two prole can easily be made: A big manure heap, and good payfor lead and one will be returned to the skillful feeder. [For more detailed in- formation, Stewart_ e Shepherds Man~ unl" may be consulted. New BRICK BLOCK,` IN GREAT VARIETY. ----!02 "LL? B12." -s1.oo so Dozen Trimmad me am, .. 1.00 Scarlet Flmnel,........_.-.--.---.-u .. .25 Men sSuitof'0lotheu, .. .. .05 1,000 Pairs Men : Long ma Inn `Hanvv Black Lustre. . . . . . . . ......... jii--u-w MoOARTHY -BEOBK. DUNLOP-ST.v, EXRRIE _comer s., near the mu-ket.x ` an ucwner, walla uewnnusuu w r our Stock before removing, con- sequently wil A11 at EWAN S, WV Q R'I'.('1K lTlTN l.nP_R I" RAH TO OUR .;1TT_;.cc>TT' BEAVER ` runs?-cuss I Iiosswoon as muwt OC>I`I'I1\1'8 With Hearse furnished In addition, BOALE or-' . Reduced Prices. ` egg F9]! 0381 vvvhf. `Moons. UNBERTAKER beihgs who. pased Her by; the glance of -her anxious gyc. cANTor3f __j_- '-..:r- ulu .l-'J-nla -- -:-- -- EXTRA CHOICE YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWER, JAPAN, IIKUIJEIIIEU rnul I , DIG w~u-uumnw-u nun: v W`-I"-`V-I `lm 198$ 3`f"I\f\F lDVfE'EV`CT"T1\3"O RTIXTTGNE Further consignments just to hand. Havihg secured lull benet of recent decline in price will sell at greatly reduced .1. eezmeasom SPRING IRE P9.R i`AT[ON . ' '`I--.-'T T . Constmtly on hand. Shrouds, Head Lin- ing, Gloves, and all Funeral Requisites. HEARSE FOR HIRE. Orders by Mnil or Telegraph promptly attended 4,_ 'PLACE'0F BUSINESS--John-St., On Door smith of Ball : Planing Factory 1` V ' " --- ---_ II n The Assortment is Complvte Of Hal-vesl Tooli on Ilaml. Everything Cheap [to sun the Time! out st_ock was never so Complete, nor our P:-Ices no Low. 19-6m `II OIVWIKOI; DORE wuu. suguuuu sun 5. ,jn g..di|h,:wjlh one crust. When lobe, but the whites of thren eggs,` with half a cup" of fins sugar, and pour. ,..... oh. um` and an! it in tha mum to --------_-.v J I . . , {WATCH & CLOCK MAKER ._._.-:`f\'j;.- ---:0: To the Queen'and -Royal Family, and by special uppvointmr.-nts to H. R. H. the I ri".' Wales, I. R. M. th9,Emperor of Russia, the Maharajah of Burdwnn, and to several Ind! Princes. . vv mun, Princes. 6 6 Of we Wdeg ~ . -W -er: "'Dt1on - W`th2 Kayla L a Elllablef Dwine` of Eraevemt P1-ea ormclimat Dial &8 Rogm Ifitrenggh --enttion Re3.from 2 - ' . bl-3 ' Clock Eat t2l)0 . Milt "n 0' Aftxgti ry; Ca - 3 for h 8: Rail 3111113`! 5 5 Flo F-ngr '"age 0 rah Way G ,- Ch ;ud5i)egold :.5:1',:1,t;Ja3,{;>ean;s,'aei`::;g=(;d E[?1'1'T0`:_"lt1s. :';Lg1i)ls_o1a2:?:g;,0c:m. ~. Gen}; f , n . w'`; o. 103-~ `}nen'u _"::1oug_ M,,a1sn_11e:i0inthC Tlcheszvfties 0, lp:_`es`Vedg.,I:,0d Prpegu,1%:'{`38, Dmmg or shiplmlxedto m e mocha B1?`1l's, kite` "1031; ex em.-8. Ma1m10thg,waI_:md3, Wind 39 013131 :55 Wham Of the"613ts, Nreefxesigng (}],`;,mt1lt` desigi s$.t1g by 3:; 83!13'8'11 to wgua r_D'.lVthe 9 Buyers 011x-1;, H1 3003, Lo ` lllogt ' ' Mouogm ' mm hbeml.1'V, 3,1, lllmnufac au-as .` on-.01. Fketg R. accomplish 1, Cr ~ but andm tory th Peclauy - _ D135; L lugs and efi Artlstgingh '11? dime elect; Bet;-0 e 111 Hlvxted glushed all kmd .. _ 1; to 1011 c 'P1&tg_ . 5tr&3d v baf _l e1- 3 Of bljoufcm the ...[...:`:n`::o*:*;`1e tr?-ii`%1: :8 i :`c;*e 33?g2i;m;r';"~ e . . e a w . Ludgate Higestgtogi fix:(;,has noztgxlllltgi, Clocks, Ehnggz: Dson'3 P `0l'ld. O 'l the discount: mphlcts onr`T"3 Should be "05 Clocks, en,Vo1,,h n Phte `mi Jeweuar - Y 80111:, post Free ` '} Vat-..:h.. .43 sent safe by Post to 811 RM: I III, of the W 91-ld_ 8 nd cut I sn..,w R00 uh lmdzalo L0 . _ 0 Run." . human . d 30 . nd strum. 3,3; ~g IAIIIIKIIIIIQ Ishod 1749. ` . TO NEW STORE 1v:EIx;-J:- :Doo1=L{'1-o B; H1ND9- )IS THE( I-ARGEs1'[& BE_$T |N:'HE couNTRY TEAS 'I'I-I A-I-'` .A.2EI.El TEAS. u m n . n n n r nu vnrrxrn uvonv I T A D A \".' DE` A on 2 ]pnIcEs% THAT um COMPETITION. ~- T . .-V---:0:------- `gguamaaa `n-u-: men or THE BIG BOOT WI l.H__9T..BE UNDER_SOLD. 4_.o1f` I IIIII I cup ul uun jusun, ....... F... I; thytqji and set it in the oven to NEW FRUITS TJ"L`Ji' ARRIVED. ' Of `Glass, dect from Antwerp, the only shipment received this season in Barrie. We . vluive bought at the ' GANDIED PEELSW AND ALMONDS. GLASS I GLASS! GLASS! GEGRGE S Mi'l`, Another car Ldad o`rnn(;;1:1:3;I1I`1g`;;1l`g,5;_`h1_Iand being 03 4-1.. Cub...` l.Z..A .- BEN so N's`:wATc H E_ Lovvest Possible Prices, A_.I ._lI ...II no..." 1-... "l"l... ......1:A.. J- Hl\:...........I Gt..- " NPRIZE MuALs-LnNn_gN. nuaun AND mus.` T The Subscriber be to intimate to his friends and the ublic 9! Barrio ma gungup '13,; Country that ho_ Manufactures ans dads 1n --mg-` -j- -3!` HINTS FOR WORK. umluuun uuul nuu uuu......... .......... `II ..,....__m__. In this section of country. which, on inspection, will prove to be the has - . He also does *` -4A--- --{ t-..`_ Ur EVE.` ' :---yw-u-u naval`, AND THAT HE HAS ON- HAND TH . LARGEST, BEST AND GIIEAPEST STOCK 0F FURNITURE . 5... .4 ...m.+..-v. which. on inanection. will prove be the hat. 119 8180 (1085 Planing and Turning n. LL- -t.....4-...l>.m.inn ant` mnnt rmmnnnlfln tm-Inn aa;vm`ou - Anna. on. - A` VERY LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK :jal7-I-I-L-Ll. $dIv.--%- 1 `run: 1115;.` On the Ihox-teslt notice and most reasonable term: '_Fux-nittue Works and Store-rooms opposite the Registry Oloefh :o:----- w1LL1A`uUNTER, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UNDEFTAKINQ, [T0, AA ~- \/\/v\rv-\/~\.-V LONDON, LAYER, VALENCIAS, SULTANA, CURRAN _I`S,| HOUSEHOLD um'1-s . WINDOW GLASS! mus HOUSE nmbvfn 1 - NEW Cashen s Block, Baq/field:Strcet, Bahia. It &u-nu`: j T-rjjrwya-19' -1- .-c-- And will sell very low. The quality in Diamond Star." "HEAVY Alia fs-I-TEL? HARDWARE. ac. Jxzx/\1~._4 .. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA `i3'n'id:iii:'I"`i=R`u|1',"Ei66I'i`sfiE_ nuauahul uulunulnunuunsuInuIIuIu0~u-waru.Iv vvvn zvvuwn to two`! -wvv---v UV -1- Of the Select kind, free from all dust and Sliver: E v E a Y" I -DESCRIPTION, A\I'I'\ ml.l`A'l` HE Tl'.\H 0N- HAND THE - -- :o:---- Hnving purchased A first-class Hearse in F prepared to do Undertaking Cheaper than any other Dealer in this ' purl: oi the country. & - A A - HEALTH HINTS. !o r, amid the throng git {he cfouing and waited long ---:.:;U;-.j - wILI.u'jmE_I_g`IT1-IR. AND WILL BE OFFERED AT won nlwuns E RY DESCI JUST ARRIVED OUR J_:., ;s`m'E <-- 1`Jn.d.erta.k.1ng IN ALL rrs BRANCHES`. HANDSOME HEARS! THE STOCK OF PU y,I_` 3303., T- __;L (`.'_l.. And,a11 Funeral Requisites Furnished. 'l'?:z;zl:21:st.,7V-o-rt`}: :S"i:1,e, Barr *7 jjj jj: j I JAPAN PEACO, VERY FINE BLACK TEAS, ORANGE PEKOES FOR FLAVOURING I-'IR8'|'-OI-All ROSEWOOD .&. IALIIT _ OOFFINI 8OA|.lM`OP Reduced Prion._ '58 ":." `*1 ` 51-ll T SOROFULOU8 `HUMOR. Vegetlne will eradicate from the system every` taint of Scrofula and Bcrotulous Humo;-. it but permanently cm-ed thousands in Boston and Vl- cinlty who had been long and painful sufferers, cnucsn. onuozsaoiua I-Iuulon The marvellous eect or Vegetine in cnsoof Cancer and cancerous Humor chnnenm the most profound attention, of the medical ultg matxlzy tg whom are prescribing Vozetine tothe pa en VEGETINE QC!-DO? IE` iscnoFuLm ' The Vezetine meets with wonderful suceu in the euro or this class of diseases. , . SALT nnlsun Tcttensalt Rheum, Scald Head, &.r'., will eat" painiyyield 00 the great altentive eirects of Ve`_ zetdne. Emnly Rune?!` gvuuvo ERYSI PELA8 Vegotine has never failed to cure the nioat. in veto:-ate case of Eryslpelu. PIMPLES 81.. HUMOR8 ON THE BABE L _ `ya: out and and gray the chill of 0 winter 3 day; Reason should teach us -thn.t 5 rougn.blot}chy or lmpled skin depends entirely u 11 an Intel . nu cause. and no outward appllqat on c9n_' gveg depends entirely an mum a pllcat can ever curt; the defect. Vegetine the great blood nuner. ' V . cure U10 ` purier, TUMOR8, ULGER8 `on on) sonzs Are-caused by an impure state of thobloodo Cleanse the blood thoroughly with Vegetlne. and these complaguta will disappear. ` ` . cA1'Anm-I ' . For this comglalnt the onl substantial benet can be obtaine through the load. Vecetlno is the great blood purier. ` ' ' _ ' Vitli I nu ruu It-v Vogctlnc does not not a. cathartic to debiliute the bowels. but cleanses all the organs. enabling eachm perrox-m.zhe functions `devolving upon them. . each to Ve etine has long restored thohaanda to health who ve been long and painful suerera. [ C D8PP8lA It Vegeune is taken regularly. aooordlnt to di- rections, a certain and speedy cure will follow muse. > _ FAINTNE88 AT THE STOIVIAAOI-I ,,.u__ 1- _-A .. -A.1._..I..Al_... LlAA__.. -...`Ll..\. "XII`II`1X l'Il III: ituwuruuu Vogetine is not a stimulating bittars which createsactitious appetite, but a. gentle tonic, which assists nature to restore the stomsbh ma heulghy action. ' ` 7FIoa'nr: I0! Cue.--'l`o the white efcwo eggs whipped lo a sii both. add _ puivexized sugar to make it sti enough to spiced with a knife; avor to um the taste. A. tableapoonful of com -Ihteh improves it. Q .' BE-out Punnma.-M-One cup of milk, . one-half eup oi moleseee, one-third of a_ 6Iip.`oilmIt_er, or cream, two-thirds of 9. ' cup, of nieme etoned and chopped, two :1:`onp_u of our, one-half teeepoonfol of I _ e,end spice `to mete. Steam one- V`_"' ' Hiour; .'_Eetfwitheweet'souoe.` SILVII. P|I.--One lug; poteto. pe'el- g [A . _ edend g:et_ed.; add the juice and rind- . . `wot 3 lemon to the white` of an egg,wo_ll 5 ._ V `jiedd one,,o,_opeoteu`ge..t and one V ALL 0 `utter; beat we1l;t`ogeth'er' end `.' In - Alain Jnilh an: aunt. -Whan Vezetine acts directly. upon the causes of theseeomplaints. It lnvngfmtaes and strength- ens the whole system.` me `upon the secretive organs andallays inammation. _ Inthia complaint the od e1YeoteoftheV - tine are realized imme ately eftercommenc 2 to take it: as debmty denotes deficiency of the blood. and Vegetine acts directly upon the blood. Umcu serve I30 snow vne mgnu or ulna- good health and happiness to make us for at 11:. Iiealthiabest secured and retained y $000 DGEIUII SDQ DBPPIIIBSB F0 IIIRKB I15 I01` GU Healthis best seen:-ed_ y keepin the nervous euergyat its maximum force, 1`. e blood pure, and the nutritive func- tions strong and vigorous; Victoria Hypo- phoshitesaccomplishes thedesired end. To business and professional men, and brain- workers enei-ally. this mediciueis invaluable. For sale _y alldealers 1`memnn s Woim Powder were nave:-I known VIII` lint! Ve tine has never tuned to cure most in- cxl Ie ca_se_ ot Canker. _ For sale ny an ueauera . _ Freeman s Worm Powder were never known to fail. - ' Annzl nmnannu nun nnvnnl-ivnnn C-.1-nu`-11:]-I uth to fall. Aged persons are sometimes troubled with demngements of ' the kidneys and urinary organs, and will be glad to learn that Victoria Bnchu and Uva Ursi is prepared with the especinl Yurpose of meeting these troubles and making ife happy to the aged. Those who have used it speak highly of it, and it is high- ly recommended with condence for both the young and old, as well ss,tl1e middle-aged. For sale by all dealers. ' Nu-rnmr. Prnm are noted for their safetv ror sale py an nezuers. , . _ NATIONAL PILLS are noted them safety `and mildness. - . `I .~m-m us `li`r:n:r hum 1 nu-nnnr in-hm nf I-mnimama. lgpt bexng able to do better, may start on a small scale. A sudden cold is the little fish of diseases, as it starts on a. small scale and results in the greatestand most-to-be dreaded of all diseases-consumption. To kill this dangerous "little fish, use Hsgyard's Pectoral Balsam. the great remed for colds, coughs, hosrseness, etc. 250. per ttle. Worms are the bane of a child's existence .-_.. 11|... .......--. .. `Hana Dnvnnrn ` coughs`, noarsenesa, ow. zac. per uouue. Womue child : --use Freemen e Worm Powders. How little we knowfof eaeh other ! A. um nan 4.1-n-nnah` I-Jm inn:-nvy nf 'lifn_ 1` the trcet rith Ian hyer und shout, lllul In an fr`-aadnm of n on] 131: out. . 1.111 E %.::u V E G E T I H E _ ' Prepared by II. R. STEVENS. Bonon, Elllau. _ how mus; eacn owner`: As we pass through the journey of life, With its struggles, its fears, and temptations- Ite heart-breaking cares and its strife. V Many of our nearest and dearest friends often suffer untold agony, when the proper. remedy atthe proper time would remove their pain nsif by magxc. For rheumatism, neu-V ralgia, frost-bxtes, boils, surface wounds, etc., HA s Ynnnow On. in tone of the most u-nmmiinn Sn mm. For suds hv all dealers. N ATIONAL PILLS are purely vegetable, and not direct on the blood. ' ` . Tun Gnsn Suosnounes REMEDY AND Plus The success that these medicines have met with since their introduction to the public some years ago.` proves plainly to the most skeptical that they are medicines that perform what may are advertised to. The virtues of these me - clnes have been well tested. and have withstood their trial in a. most satisfactory manner. For diseases of the Blood. Liver. Lungs, see. they are unsurpassed. We have testixnonialsof miracul- ous cures of these diseases. and man others. If ' any one is afflicted-, let him try a me of the Remedy. and `a box of Pills. _ No injurious effects will follow their use to the most delicate erson. as they are purely vegetable ;` their be ng no mineral matter in them. The cost is small.` while the advantages derived from their use will doub- . iy repay you for your e enses and trouble. . The medicines are widely nown throughout the Dominion. and are for sale b the principal medi- cine dealers. Try them, an be convinced that these medicines are no humbng. No one who has tried the She shoneso Plllsha ever pronounc- ed an unfavorable opinion of t em. no family where they have been used will be without them. Full information may be had on all partienlars touching the use. and the experience of those who have used them. by securln the Treatise or the Circular from any Drug t the Domin- ion, Free. Price of the Rem y in- pint bottles 31; Pills 25 cents a box. - _ 7, ___.- _ . us... .9 15..-... minus 11!. can v., . nu. .. ..-..-- ._ _-._ Ensomrcrnvl Tnonss Excmnsxon Euca- nuc 011.! Wowm um wmm rrs WEIGHT IN GoLn.-Pain cannot stay where it 15 used! It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common; sore throat, no bottle cured bronchitis. Fifty cents` worth cured an old standing cough. It ositively cures oaterrah asthma and croup. F (1; cents` worth has cure crick in the bsck.._ and e same quantity lame back otelght years` standing. It euros swelled neck. tnmoz-s.rheumatism,ne _ 3 contraction of the muscles. stitfjoints, spinal culties, and rain and soreness in any part, no matte: -.where t; maybe, or from what cause it may arise, it al- wuys does you good. ,. Twent-ve cents worth has cured bad cases of chronic and bloody dy- sentery. One teespoontnl cures colic. in 5 minutes. It will cure any case or piles that it is possible to cure. Six or ei ht up llcetions is war- ranted to cure snycase o excor sted ni les or lnfismed breast. Fox-bruises, itanlplied o n and bound u , there isnever t-he slig tion to t oskin. .11. stops the in of a. burn as man ssannlied. Cnresvfros test. boils, warts test discolor:-" tho skin. the pain or burn soon aaspplled. Cures-frosted boils and come. and wounds of every deaorlpt n on man or boast. ' , _ __ and and man or boasst; inisn boost. S. N. THOMAS. Pnnnps. N. Y. And. NORTIIROP & LYMAN. Toronto. Ont. Sole Agents for the Dominion. ' N o'rn.-E'cc8m--Selecte_d and Electrized Du. ,Fowm-13's Ex-rescr or ~Wn.n STRAW- nnanY.--This preparation stands peerless as a. remedy for all summer oornplnints Have on diarrhoea`! It will positively onto you. ve you cholera morbus`! It will positively care you Have you oolic or oremps in the sto- mach? It will positively cure you. Is your stonnch sour? It will positive! curs you. Are vougoing one see vo 2 l sureend tekes bottleof the Straw rry in your haver- ssck, for use in selslickness, vomiting and other irritations of the stomach and bowels; it will positively cure you. Every ouespesh Uhighly of it. " Iluve no liesiteno _1n.reoom- mending Dr. Fowler's e'xti-iet of Struw-' bei .--G. W. Eu-l,T St. Oethsrinss. I we dedviseenyonesu ' trolnsumrner com hints. to give Dr. Fow er's;Extrsot of W` l Strawberry their tri_aLf -GermnnM; Gould, M.D._;0eot1eton. _ Dr. ,FoW.1ors-i;Ex; trust of Wilc1Strswberry;iv`es- perfect Z faction. Thoinssbouglss. Osmbrsy. `Gen Clocks serve to Show the ight of time.- mml I-mun-.h gm! Imnninnn to make nn for-oat vrith lau shot - 1!} the freedom of 001 131: out, faction." Inoznu Uougnl. uunnny. "um reoomxpend Dr. Fowler : Ext:-act_Tof Wild Sh-a`wberry with oondolgco.-Judge 8. 8, Dank. Minml; . Mv mntnmon but hilt]: strawberry mm oonnaolgca."--vuugu B Peck, Mindan , My onutomonboul humnnv m tho-virlnas of Dr. Fowler`: rook, 1mnuan,. "my MIIIOIIIBXI our testimony to thovirtues of Dr. Fowler'I`;:" bust of Wild 8l:n.whar`rv."- . Siovenloh. tiA !1:LI_.owpu.m one or was 1110317 gowerful remed1es_1n use. For sale by all ealers. `M An-wn\rA1', Pu [Q at-A um-nlv vnanf.nhIn_ and 0! 1,11`. T! 0&1? I _nx- kmt o A ` . '- vengoh, Orgngevillaf M ey &Peuion,' Proptietou. Toronto. ' . ... .`*-'. `W T;xi`siat6' oertd y thlt Iliy ! . troubled fa; 1| legigth of time with uthmniillsl gene:-:1 nervous doyillty. `Ind having 5_._L...I In. '.uu.3fg.I annn ant` sun-4| nnq genera nervonunepnury. um navmg pepn treated by medioalmen andusedmsn pro- Egationa, nally tgiod I bottloof-Y 4 i `_ hmphib9u`,;;nd_uplized the md muaness. L1'rrLI-: FISH have a. proper idea of business. . 1: Being able to do` better, they start on a {man nale. A sudden minoumnu. nlsznse _ Vegetine Sold by Jill Druggult. ~ Game the boys uxe I noel: ox wee , Bailing the snow piled white and gag-.p, Put the womn, so old and gray,I ' Hutoned the children on their way, FEMALE WEAKNE88 GENERAL na3ILrrv oousriimrnou . .; - -_LL__A.I- A onuxn ,n_.1 A- . FILES TIUIIIIIU I`-`AGE _ 43-Im .` 1 to ounce to the citizen: of B;-'1-iTe nnd surronnnxnyoonntry thatlthoy hive :p:d:1?in thtnabovo lino ip the reqnines _1nte1 _ occupied by H. Be_nnet!`., where; they will carry on the Merchant '1`a1lor1ng_ names: 152 _ xta branches. Havxng mat received 5 select stock of goods of` the latest deugns, consutmg of - - ti! .1 ,. Iff____.L-_'I _`.__-_'.L` tI--:l.. 5A'..I.-L V . ' nUe .-E Beg leave enndunoa to tl_:e Barrie sun-onnmng` nnauad out in the abdve In the premises lately occupied E Not offered I. 1101 hand to her, ` So Inoek, so timi afraid to stir, And Csnsdisn Tweeds, or which they respectfully invite inspection. . The subscribers having had 3 large experience in some of the leading-houses of Ssn Francisco, Uhicsgs and New York are prepared to execute all orders` in the lstest style snd gnsrsntee satisfaction to all who msy patronize them - . _ " Tlre undersigned inretiring from businasiwouldu return hie thnnkr to the ublic for tire liberal atronageextendod tohnm for thg past twenty-ve years, and wo d respectfully solicit or his successors gcontinuanoe of the urn. ~ 1'!` `I171! IT`? 73' ICIUCF IUNJE Ul. SUUILB UL uuu Auvucv \AvvAIuIu' vvuwlwya v Broad cloths; Wprstgd, &'Prex;;4 Goods, Scotch. English qiuiap non -jwv:.v.__ ._ j_- i.__ Mercllgpt 'fail0is,| -. .-... 1 --u av-vunun Barrie, Aug. 213%, 1873.- V EAILVUUD n.LV_u L.I.l..I.IdI.\JL.|.I u .;.- . BILITY.--A gentleman, having tried in ' vain every advertised remed . has discovered a simple means of self-cure. _ e will be _ happy to forward the &..x-tloulare to any suirerer on receipt. ofa. stamps and directed envelope.-'-Addrees J. T. Sawxnn. 11130., Lieburn House. Fnlluun. London, England. nn. vmum eninhs smmc InjucI'i'. on..- 11..-... In... L The Great Eng- Illh `Remedy vll especially .re- commended as an tiiileilin cure for Semiiia Weak- nesa, Spermatoh ,_ tehn, lmpotency, _, , _ _ > \`\`is:- . - and re diseases '* -\ '-, ._ - that u aw in 1 ` - Before Taking! seqiienceof Self. After TB-kmgv Abuse us Loss of l\Iemory,_Uiiiversal Lauitiide, Pain in the Buck Dimiiessof Vision. Premature Old age, and many other diseases that lead to _ltlBllll)' or Consump- tion and a Premature Grave, all of which as a mle are rst caused hv deviating from the th of nature and over indulgence. The pecilic Me ieine in the resuit of etudy,iiiid many vearn experience in treating these special diseases. Pamphlet tree l_)y' mail. The Snecicllledicine is sold by rail Drngggists at _31 per NEW FASHIOPJAI.ETAILj}lNl} umnusnmmr. Pamphlet tree gay` man. `rue Specic.MedIcIne all Drlgfgms 81 per packnge. or six pgncknges for $5,` or` wn I be sent by mail on receipt of the money by nddresung ` _..---__-- __-.. an- -A ulnunnnn nut! _ 7 (L`.cI;_e the boys iik ock bf thee see

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