" .D Alli0n--I-I-cCart.hy may wll upon the honors whih he has A ' um: plucky thing of mm m f " a'gh9p>.s.guuin neat like Cardwell and onzo in which'he_ 158 _' - V1l5V . In McCarthy. V I Cook. 7 on 161 341 unnwnnn 1'0 Loin) nur- j rnnm. Tux . Muxcxpanxwtps or Oxrumo av" 'rH'x.m Rnnzsnlvravns TENDER H13 Excnnmncr A Jonrr ADDIIESSQN `rm-2 EVE or 1113 nspzuvruxm mom CANADA. 1 A HAPPY sxuzncn IN REPLY mom rm-: Noam; Loan. _ IILIU up .n.n.v- --.--' ......J. _.._...u nrs-s~5.~.~-r~-n. Dunn, Esq., Warden, and (.201. Hunting, 06. Clerk, of T Siuicoe. `Replying tothe address His Excellncy ` `_"""_` `_```J "' `I..""" '---' ~~~~~ bled aeeonvention-of delegate; from the various municipal corporations of On- tafrio whose name were aixed to a. fare? well address to the departing representa- tive` of Her A.Majeety. Among those I\ 1\ _,, 1.1-- TlT....J.... UCILI -T ' V A few weeksfo the heart of every and woman in Can a. was profoundly moved by the intelligence, not only, that the;Govern ment of Great Britain was about to send out as England's repreaentativeto this country one of the most promising among the younger eneration of our pilbllc men. but that the aueen herself was about to intruat to the keeping of the people of Canada. one of her `own daughters. [Great aplause] If you 1-`unit-oi` anti illnntrntinn of t e resnect. affec- desired any luusliramon or cue FEBPEUU, aneu- garded by your fellow-subjects and by your sovereign at home, what greater proof could you require than this? or what more gratifying, more delicate, more touching re- cognition eonld have rewarded your never- failing love and devotion for the mother coun- try and its ruler? [Cheers] But though the Parliamant and citizens of Canada may , well be proud of the -condence thus reposed in them, believe me, when I tell `you that quite apart from these special considerations. you may well be congratulated on the happy choice which has been made in the person of - Lord Lorne for the future Governor-General of Canada.` It has been my good fortune to befconnected all my life long with his family by the ties of the closest personal friendship. Himself I have known, I may say, from his boyhood, and a ` more conscientious, high- minded or better qualied Viceroy could not ` up under exceptionally fortunate `conditions it is needless to. say that he has proted to the utmost by the advantages placed within his reach, many of which will have tted him in an especial degree for his present post. His public school and college education, his ex- perience in the House of Commons, his large personal acquaintance with representatives of all that is most disguished in the intellect- ` ual world of the United States; his literary and artistic tastes, his foreign travel, Wlll all combine to render him intelligently sympa- thetic with every phase and aspect of your national life. [Great applause] Above all. he comes of a good Whig stock, that is-to say, ofafamily whose prominence in history is founded upon sacrifices they have made in the cause of constitutional liberty. [Cheers.] When a couple of a man's ancestors have perished on` the 'scn.'old as martyrs to the cause of political and religious freedom. you may be sure that there is little likelihood of v their descendants seeking to encroach, when acting as representative of the Crown, upon the privileges of Parliament or the indepen- dence of the people. V [Loud Cheers] ' A .. cm. mmwfntnrn `Princess. it wnulrl nnt ls?- tion,' and condence with which you are re-. have been selected. [Great applause] Brought ` lugaggizergfviarevgtVagplausetjv I? 37); desired any illustration of t e respect, affec- {:inn' and mndenne with which vou are dance or me people. [uouu uneers, 1 - As for yourfutnrc Princess, it would not br- comc me toenlarge upon herlmerits She will be among you, taking all you hearts by the grace. suavitv, sweet simplicity of her manners, life and conversation. [Tremendous n.pp1sus.e.] Gentlemen,_if ever there was a lady who in earliest years had formed 9.` high ideal of what a noble life should be : if ever there was .1 opportunities within her reach, and to create nd impediment, a useful career and occasions fbencfitting her fellow creatures, it is the _ rincess, Louise, whose unpretending cxer- tions in a hundred different directions to be of service to her country and generation have already won for her an extraordinary amount of `popularity at hem. [Applai1se.] highest order. and innumerable personal gifts and accomplishments, all combined with man- as to put everyone who comes within reach of her iuuencevat perfect case, you cannot fail to understand that England is not merely sending you a royal Princess of Majestic line- age, but a good and -noble woman in whom the humblest, settler or mechanic in Canada will nd an intelligent and sympathetic friend. [Checrs.] So. that, gentleman, I hardly: know which pleases "me most, the thought that the superintendence of your destinies is to be conded to personsao worthy of trust, or that so dear zffrientl of mincas lord Lorne. and a personage for whom I `entertain so much respectful admiration as I do for Princess Louise, should commence their future labors in the midst of a. community so indulgent, so friendly, so rcady to take the will for the deed so generous intheir recognition of any efforts to serve them as you have proved your- selves. 13:. av.-mllnnnu than lnnvnm-nmalu rpmnrlterl human being who tried ` to make the most of V When to this we add an artistic. genius of the ners and an address so gentle, so rmpretendina ' for herself. in spiteiof everv possible tramm ` The other day at Quebec there assem~ . 1 , ,,,,;,_.,__ -p _)-1.......a..... c........ -1.... selves. His excellency then humorously remnrkerl that, although Lord Lorne had a multitude of merits, there was one drn.wba.ck--he was not an Irishman ; and nished an exceedingly hnppy speech by saying that as along as he lived it would be one of the -chief ambitions of his life to render Canada faithful and effec- tual service. DONALD Darmch, died last week in N ot`a- wnsaga, inthe 96 th year of his 9. e. The de- ceasedyhas been a._ resident 9f t e towzgship Fnr nvpr 2] v.'~m`sx. cease-.u nuns uuuu z\_ for over 31 years. nu v.-- V- _,-_.-. _ fA RAIl.\V'AY mvvy dmppad into Sbayncr the other (`my with 3. story that he had been robbed of $13 and a pair of shoes. Drunk, of nnn I-an UUIAFBC. THE Stayner Fm tells of a man named Turner who was working about 3 threshing machine on the farm of Mr. J. Wilson, Nat- tawasaga, -and whose clothing` being caught by n projecting bolt at :1 coupling of the tum- bling-ahnft, in half a minute he was stripped naked. This reminds us of a story told us the other day of !\ young man near Everett who had his whip lash caught in the tumbt ing- rod while he was driving the horses He tried to loosen the lash, but his finger got wonud rmly around by it, and seein that he would be drawn down he resolutelyraced himself, ggleve :1 jump backwards, nnd.wa.a-re- leased. he nger came off, as he thought,` but it was better to lose it than an arm. . n n I-fun .- ...... _-,,-_ -- _-_- -7 -,__.V SOME of thulperaqnng who went from Sunni- dale to Manitoba, last spring, will be home inafew days, and will take their families with them to the west in the spring. Tim Pilkington got drunk and iznderlnok to demolish the windows of Mr. W.*Pn.1mer s store, Collier-st. He plendednnconscionsness of his acts as he was intoxicated. Fined $2 and costs which was aid. Geo. H. Eady, from _ 1 Oro (colored) inb ed too much and wns.cap- tured on the market square. 81 and costs -9 gaid. James `Johnson;-$1 and costs -paid. ohn Fitzgerald-20 giays atthe castle. /' \ Wm. Arterie was charged by Elizabeth Wallerwith petty trespass and abusive lan- guege. .Fined Sl and costa.. Susan Rayner and Harriett Bpbinu, resident: of Elizabeth- et , Appeared to prosecute .in e charge of tres- pass "against two volenteers, M. Molgennn _mdGeo.'H.1ll. They charged. the tqfo men "with visiting their house` an endeevori'ng to gain entrance, but were unable to anbstantmte `the chews. .' ` $l"DA"I N l'l A Imumv um um} Th following business was transacted by His Worship the Mayor .31; the police court ninne Innf. immn. I nu: vvurxsxup but: since has issue. Un Mommy mornmg 5 man nuvmg In ms possession; a cbw appeared on the market square an oered the-animal to Mr. John Bmgham, butch :1-.9 Mr. Binglmn bought the ` mimnl and `dawn the mu 89 on account.` tell-. Blngnam, bI_1l:cl1:l'. ml`. mngnaxn Dougnc line animal and `gave the man 39 account, tell- ing himvto come in again for the balance. A short time after the purehase, the butcher was called to one side` by constable Rogers. who enquired if he had not been buying a cow. Mr. Binghem replied thnt he hul, an! the vendor bemg oloee by he pointed him out 1 to the eop,`_who going over to showman too,k_ hip: in custody, and brought him across in ` court ewhege e charge _ste*e1i_ngj:he ' ptvieyradbtwh. -Huchmon (lo_1=_1_6. yogoutognwuumnu '1"_38ml mu `chinion immedintel 9&5. . hmieaoainum ` '=ot: :....a ,:..u .'..`:_-~a;..`. .3. n.'aaAI..` .n-anal: L " of ' undu- L ivqd of the rm: mxconn ma ml: mgr wmzx AT mm - . wsmcs MILL. uv UILQIIUO V . a'rnu.INa L cow, 7 On`Mondny morning a nun having in his was-mm a. ebw mnan-ed on the market POLICE COURT NOTES. COUNTY NOTES. Thus the People of the Dominion Choose, and . the `Pairty of Purity . e sustains a Crush; ing Defeat. A Real 'Re_.ac!ion which Re- stores to Power a conser- - vative Government and is the Salvation of _. `Canada; TEE.l'JR8ABY l)0WNPOUR. spans ALL `nxaov- ` gmrr or mm on rt, mm mm. nnAvn nova Aocxrr THE nIscom`oR`r wrm sonnunz-uxn mnmunn, AND GRUMBLB zwr--'run 9F`l-_`I- cgns 01? -rm: nu-r.u.rox wmn UP wrm` u nmmxda nnss To wmcn wan INVITE.-A The incessant rain. added to me gcuenu coldness of the atmosphere, made the camp-- ing ex rience of the 35th Butt. this year one w ich will lon be remembered for its ` len`ess. 101: a tent in the eld but was terally ooded; _ scarcely a. soldier but was thoroughly drenched-and yet there was no complaint, the men accepting the situation * he became old soldiers and hardy Canncks. The `drill was carried on as best it might be, ....a anml wnrk nut in. though the amount `drill carried as nest in nngnv uu, and good `work put in, though the andstyle was not what under more favorable ans ices would have been. The parade on Friday was a ne one, the whole contingent marching through town and presenting a splendid appearance, looking like the- model Battalion it is known to be. At the" conclu- sion of the march the soldiers returned to camp, endured another night, were paid of on Saturday and went home in ood spirits. On `Friday evening at the oicere. mess _a few civilians, friends 0 the officers, were present`; .-L .. , inltnntinn to have nresent a much larger 0UlI.ll"' ' of th M -or-G'e';ieral who was to have in- specd tfg Battalion in the afternoon so as to permit of mass at an early honr, prevented the carrying out of this intention, the resmt being that only a. few of those invited put in an appearance. The oicers of the Battalion present were: -Lient -Col. `Mackenzie. Brevet Lt. -Col. O'Brien. `Major Tyrwhitt, Capt. Graham, Lieut. Ewan, Capt. Hamilton Lient. Knight, Capt. Cook, Lieut. Rankin, Capt. Ward, Ca 1:. Mackenzie, Lieut. -Harris. Capt. Sutherlari , Lieut. Armnon. Cant. Burnett, Lieut. O Dell. Capt. Sutherland, Capt. Me Laren, 'Lieut. Colqnhoun. Capt. Hnnley, 1.:....t Tundnll. Lient. Wallace. V 5i7ri1};I'f*?' it was the 1 `H nlIA$ nnuvln Lax-en, ` Lneut. Uolqnnouu. uu Lient. Tyndall, Lieut. Wallace. Amnner the quests nresent wet Lieut. Iynuau, menu. VV_n.ui.wu. Among the quests present were noticed :- The Mayor, W. D. Ardagh, Esq. ; the De- puty Reeve, M. H. Harrison, E_sq.; Council- lor Sanders. -los. Fennell, Esq., Reeve of West Gwillimbury : A St. A. .Smith. Esq, Bank of Toronto; Capt. Wheeler, Coiling- wood, together with representatives of the M127. Globe, Examiner, G~:.eltn and ADVANCE, in the persons of Messrs. Steep, Fleming. Nicholson. Kim: and Torrance, resper-tively. After an ample discussion of sundry delecta- hlediahes, Lieut.-Col. Mackenzie proposed the toast The Queen and Empress of Inrlia, which was duly honored. The mayor, re- marking that as it was the- evident intention to dispense with the usual routine of toasts. proposed the health of Lieut.-Col. Mackenzie. which toast was drunk with enthusiasm. Col Mackenzie. in responding, took occasion to re- fer to the fact that, though in years past companies of men were drilled for ve or six months in order to bring them up to the ne- cessary standard, now only eight or ten days are spent in the same work, and yet some people. veryunfnirly, contrasted-the relative conditions of such men. The militia force was an establislierl force and could not be dis pensed with. Having no army or navy it was necessary that Canada boast some means of protection against foreign invaders or other sources of attack. A day would come and was perhaps not for distant when the Dominion would feel the need of its mili- tia foree.` He considered the present state of " the militia to be a credit to the countrv and I I advocated all encouragement to it. Our coun- try was one that every Cmarlian should and doubtless would be always ready to defend. Great Britain had handed over to us the re sponsibility of preserving the peace and pre sent relations of this Canadian dependencv-_- and were we the men who would let slip what it took the blood of Englishmen to win ?- (Cheers.) - mm fnllnwinn toasts and responses follow- EVENING < . rxw numms. Three Cabinet Ministers. Gart- wright. Jones and Coin. are among the Dead." Blake elected-to Stay at Home- ihcessnut rain, : ...u...a nf the atmosn (Cheers. ) l`he_fol1owins.v, toasts responses ` ed :- The Mayor and Corporation of Bar- rie," proposed by Lieut.-Col. . O`Brien. re- sponded to by the Mayor and Mr. Harrison The County Council of Simcoe/ , proposed by Major Tvtwhitt, acknowledged by -Capt. Cook and .\Ir. Fennell. The Press, pro posed by Major T)I'Wl1il5t and responded to by the representatives. The Backward Mem hers. Lieut. -Col. O Brien and Councillor Sanders. proposed by Major Tyrwhitt, and acknowledged by the bashful ones mentioned During the evening songs were sung by Lieut ` Knitzht, (Nancy Lce,) Capt McLaren, (The Blackbird and Whjtebird-,) Capt. Rogers, (Red, \Vhi'te and Blue,) Capt. `Rankin, (The Jolly Squa.d,") Major Tyr- whitt, (Viva la compr1gnie,) &c., &c. Other toasts,songs and sentiment followed for a. time. and the company broke up at a seasonable hour and in the customary loyal fashion. -'-Mr. Henry Mick, an euthiisiastic bi'rd-fan- cier, has a splendid collection of canaries which he has raised himself; among them are some of the most `beautiful and musical of such birds as we have ever `seen. Besides these canaries Mr. Mick has also several English sky-lurks, one of which was hatched and raised by a pair of the imported birds --a very rare thing in Canada. a . VVE are pleased to see in the face of the severe examinations our teachers have had to undergo that several passed through town on Monday,-en route for the Normal School, to add 5` professional" to their record. We noticedamong them the kindly face of Mr. Neil J. Campbell, of Oro, who . has turned out several of our exemplary teachers. VVe wish them all success and hope to see them back with their laurcls at Christxnms. I--. H. R. Srnvxs. I-Esq. nu" Cir _'l mnal gm H. R. Srnvgxs. IHSQ. ` . Dear Sir.+l must state lhnl ynur Vegeune d('ser\'t-:- in be called :1 valuable blood purier; renuvmor and in. vigomxor oflhn: whole systrm. My vvlfc .eu_`-red fur: length of time with u scrofuln Sglje on ll`:e leg. sh: vi vnuuor oflhc My wife cull:-rcu xur :- length time scrofpln Sure the` holg several boufes rif Veyzellue. The results were sun nri.-mug; it cured her, wlule all the fqrmcr l'E.'lnedi('~` fared 10 give sgllafnclnolx Re::neclfuH\'. I knofmc above 10 be true. ' HENRY WER'l`HlMER. Druggist and :\po1h=cnry,],30 Monmouth- Vxmz-zrncx-:.-l-`or cradiczuing all Impurities of ! wood from the sysjem, it hnsnn equal. Ithas nz-V flu]:-.d In elfecln cure. giving lone and sgljenglh lo I Iyslem dclnliuue-I by disease, MR. :1. u .~41'Iwxxs:--- _ Dear Sn.--l have been using Ve mine for some unne wuh the grcalesl ebulsfuclioxr, an culljnghly re- commend it an a great cleanser and puner of the blood. . - ` ~ M R. H. R S-ruvux.:-- n___ cw... I |__.__ n_- `ma OPPOSITION MAJORITY 15` Nervoumcss, and all derulgemenls `of the nervnul system. are usually connecled with u disensed,condilim;. of the blood. Uelnll't'y is a frequent accompaniment. The rslthinglo be donuino improve xhe ennditiun of the blond. This is accomplinhed by lulnng Vegelmcv. 11 is n ncrvul medicine. and nossesses a coulrnllinu accomplinhed by lukmg Vegelmcv. H is medicine, possesses coulrnlling -power ovemhe nervous system. . I mu, :1. n. v--um`: ;- Dsar Sir,-l have used your medicine,'the Vggetino. for Rheumatism with great mace, and behave it to be the best medicine fog that cqr_nplnint lhatthere is, 1 also know it Is ugoqd blond pt_mhcr. and at the rreunt time -am using it as the begtapnng tncdlcnne that know off, 1 take great pleasure In recommending the Vegetnle ta mv ieztdg. u aulu n Tncusands will bear testimony (and do I! voluntattly) that Vegctino is the best medical comp-Iund yet placed before thepuhlic for renovating and purifying the blood, onidu-atmg all hnmors, impurities. or-poisonous `secre- tion: from the Iyltem. Invigorating and strengtlhemng the zyi-tem debilitated by disease , III fact, it i0,n.s many have ctlled it, Tue qregt pqnh Kcgtorq;. ! "D-af;ru.;i;:;?-1'12;-v-o`-;veen| nsmg Vegetine for Dy: psi: and nd mum relief from i' then all the other In icmes I aver used. '. There is nothinz like it for Dyspepsia. R. u.sn`vms. Esq. ti... 1:. _.'.r |.....,|.. relief from I` than all the other medicine: I ever ', naming Dyspepsia. ` - ` ' MR8. M, E. POWLKS. _. , _._,._'_n._a---..` _.-.a ._:.1_ u_. n-...n._ -_ uunu. nu, no rv -v uno. -| _pnonlly; acquainted with Ian. Fowlh, and En comfy am the IIJOVB statement is cue. w. `c. Pap:-1`... :1. n_ Ashley, HI: "l`hnnnn'dI 8pez{k.- Vcgetme D` gchmwleiged and .ru:ommend`e".l b phylicinnsnlld agothecmu to ba the but purier an cleu|9er_onho` lond yet. CIIIGOVBIOII, uul thousands speak In no pfllf who hue been I!- uox-_ed to health. - 3 . A Whole Batch of prominent `- standard Elevators have to say Good-Bye to Ottawa. lknofllxc above to be true. I] IDA! UV 7 [L M. HTIVIIIIV l'AIQo Dam Sir.--'-I havtlveenl Dggix ma relief i` It. a. stniligl: onnn. sllqss. main `asou `by .14; iprmuza. J ,7 -ma V1'u1-an I:-'lEl..D. vEn?IN. w_n.I. cum: Ri-n=.u|v_IA1'|sm..' EGET[NE VE3ETlE5,.E~. PURIFIES THE BLOOD. friends OI 17118 01110811, WUKU pruauuv , e intention to have present mpany, but the unavoidable absence [83-or-General was to in- he afternoon 5 at hour, . ' . . .,_u;_ u... result. A. vsnluls. -4: ---.-::-..n - frgnhnvsparsnl _ . V ASNOY, IL, Jun. 12, 187 ' nu ll`-A Sound the loud timbrel o er land _ ' and o er sea, ' V . Sir John A. has triumphed, ' the people `are free! Rnh! for the might" of old Big Push is broken, ' His Globular thunderings, or A gleeful, or vile, How vain was, their boasting. the people have spoken, And Brown and Mackenzie are now not the style ! 'l he returns, as complete as possible, of the Dominion Election, held on Tues? day, will be found below : -- ` ONTARIO. _ _ J; 1., HANAFORD, Pastor of Eglcston-square M, E. Church. GURED - HER. `ATTALION WIND yr wl.1u._ `nu THEY INVITENA added to "the genernl ,..1...-.. made the camn- I I In: I--I.p\.r-u Boszon, Mass" Jan, 13, 1877 Respectfully, 1` I Cincinnati. April9, 1 I808. ; . 12`...-. . flan no. H. MUN 0. Charles Street. my, 'I`_ F. TAICK, Both well, Mills. Brant 'N., ' Fleming. -`Bran la`, S , Patterson. - Brockvxlle, Br'uco,`N., Gillies. A Bruce, S.,' Czird Well , Carleton, Cornwall, Dundas, Durham, E., Durham, W., Burk. la`l..!.. Ti` ' ' VII , 1&7. \-\~}ss-.-s~- 71?! -`7573 0o<`:;::(;7n:rxruL sup Conroamxa. -By a. thorough knowledge ' of the- natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, sud by a careful a plication of the fine properties of well selectex cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately avoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors bills. It is by the judicious use of such nrticles of diet that a V constitution muybegradually builtup until sitrong enough drto resist every teixuriency to 'sease.' Hun eds of subtle m ies are oating around us ready to attack wherever there is 9. weak point. We miy esca efnmny a fatal shaft. by keepinrr ourselves we 1 orti- ed with pure blood an of properly nourished frame.--Civil Service Guzeltc..-Soltl only in Packets labe1led-JAnn's EPPS & Co., Hom- tno athic C_hemi_sts, 48, Threa. Street, an 170. Piccadilly London. __ , n--._:._ ,_ r....... 51...` ill-lu. LIV, Luau:-u-uy 4... . A CARD.'--To {:11 who are suffering from the errors and indiscretiona 0! youth, nervous .......I,........ ......I.1 Aamm lnsui of manhood. Sac. . and indiscretiona o! youm, ucrvuua weakness, early decay, loss of manhood. &c., I will send a. recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This grat remedy was dis- covered by is missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the _RE\' Josnrn T. Ixnurz, Station. D, Bible House` `New York Citv. 21-Gm __ -_;__ -.,Y:1; ELn:c'mxc'rLY! TIIOMAB' , Excnnsxon ELEC- rmc OIL! WORTH `rm: TIMES rrs Wsxoxrr x_.\' GoLD._-Pnin cannot stay where it is used! It 18 the cheapest medicine evermade. . One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle cured bronchitis. `Fifty cents worth has cured an old standing cough. It positively cures cater-rah. a.sthn1_a. and croup. Fift centsworth hos cured cnck in the back, and t (5 same quantity lnmc back of eight years` standing. It cures swelled neck, tumors, rheumatism. ueuraliariin. contraction of the muscles. stiffjoints, spinal liiculties, and sin and soreness in any part, no matter wh re t may be. or from what cause it may arise, it al- wnys does you good. Twentli-ve cents` worth has cured bed cases of chronic and bloody dy- sentery. One teaspoonful cures colic in 1.3 Vminutes. It,wi1l cure any case of piles that it is possible to cure. Six or ei ht aplplicotions is war- ranted to cure any case 0 exco nted ni plus or inamed breast. ' Forbruises. its plied o ten and bound n_ , there is never the sllg itest discolora- tion to t e skin. It stops the pain of a. burn as soonvas applied. Cures frosted feet, boils, warts and coma. and wounds of every description on man or beast. . S. N. TIlOJI.\S. PHELPS. N. Y. 'And`NOR'l`l{R0l* S; LYMAN. Toronto. Ont. Solo Agents for the Dominion. ' . No'ri-`..-E'rr.Inr --`:`clectcd and; ;' ` J03l'4'1 . 1. .lL\A!L `New 1` u I All: - ,__,_......... ....... ........_.._.. .. -.._-.._..._.._ ..- N[I'! CIIEl`.LS ui:Lr..\im.~zx.i 1. 1-imvrn 1.\'m.\ RUBBER` 1 or::):7s l i..\s1`i:i:.~l`licru never has ben a.- time when the h(`lLiill; of so 1u;my(iiil'cr- cnt disea.2._es h1l.`1b=J:lc:!ll3li by mit\\'urd_uppli- cabionus the present. It is an undisputed fucl that over half of the entire population of the. globeto the use of ]ll;l.S?Cll. -'l`hc prin- cipal ingredicnt`s'.lsr:d in making these Plusters are Gum (lllinnuni-or beiicr known as the b`r1mkincens9l{uhbi-2'. and llui-gu:ul;' Pitch: which. whu.-n scziczitiilcnlly cnvnpmxmlcd. is full of electricity. anal when cuxnlxincd. with the pure merlicinal gums, is found to bc,on:.: of the grcz~.t.- est. healing incdnuns ever brought beforczlxc hu- man race 'l`hsy are acknowledged by all who have userl them to act qnia.-`.;r-r than any other Plustcrs tiicyevex-`beforetried. and that one of these Pla.ste1~3 will do more real service than :1 hundred of Lheorclinar ' kind. All other Plnstc1's are slow of action. an require to -be worn con- tinunllf to cifectn. cure : but with these it is u-.n- tircly iffercnt; theinstnnt one is uppliecl the patient. will feel its effect. Tlicy possess all the` soothing warming. sunporiiigg nnd s3i_-cngtl1cn- feel its effect. They all the` warmimi. _ur'portiug strengthen- lug qualities of ul 0`. er l lns-te-rs. .\_luuy who have been relieved of RHEUM.-\'l`lSM, 'I`I(,`~ D()llOl!.lCUX. and various other pains in the l{Il)Nl~JYS. BREAST` or SIDE, and believe it is solely done by the electrical qualities which the Porous Pluaters contain, and which is impmte-l to the system. thus restoring them to r. health? condition. They are verysoft and plinhle. all very nd.l1e'sive ;_ and u sure cure for WE.-\-l{ B.\GKS. 1 .-XINS 1l~"l`lI,l-2.5`Il)l~J ANI) Bill-I.-\.*=,1`: and are invaluable to those who liriv n Cnlll) of long; stuxiding, and often xx-event. UU.\'SUMl - 'I`l=').`l. Some even tell us! my believe theywero entirely cured by the use of them of u. lnn'z-sealed . Consumption. Prepumed by Gliollfll E. MIT ClIE14L. Lowell Muss. Sold bvnll lllrnmzists. i Co1`1:I.AND s S\\'EI-2'1` (}As'1`oR OIL, equally suitable fur children and adults. Endorsed luv `over 600 doctors in Canada. The diiiiculty (if administering nauseous medicines, and tin? desirability of having "them pleasant to the taste, indueed,T. Uepelzuul to umlertiike re- searches, which resulted in the discovery of a Sweet Castor Oil, perfectly palatable, of th= same strength and medical qualities as the ordinary Castor Oil ; an(1`wl1ile equally safc and harmless yet acting with more 'cer`tainl_v and producing neither nausea nor griping. Some (.'l`.l1l`.l(l1'(-311] ieay it gs holnley ; others call it syrup-t ey a. sayt ey i eit. One parent snys-My children drink it like wa.ter;" anot1l11ei'l-- EV e tag to hidlc: tliebottle or they wont uve_ 1113 e it rig is 0 ; zumther-- My little girl has taken it twicqwitlxout :=.1`.y troulble, 11.11% doe: not know \Vlla.l6lli is, l`al(l1Ol1L-;l1 sie latest e or inary Castor i, an we never could get her to take it without :1 ; ght; yet m1other-I wish you success-of your Sweet Caster Oil ; it is a. splendid thing- sure to take the place of an common oil.- _ . The extraordiimrv (lemmul fur llxisximr.rnx'er Constituency. 111- ., Sure DU IRIKC IIHU IJHSCU OI il-ll UUllll1lUll UlL' The extraordinary demand for this improx'e- ment of n staple household medicine l):u. brought fraudulent imitations into the market but the public czm guard themselves agaii::~.L substitutes (which unprinciplcd parties are at- tempting to sell on the reputation of this article) y seein that the naxne, Copeland's Sweet Castor Oi , is on both wrapperund direc- tion label. ' ~ 'I`l . n . . n.lnC.-onnil l..n.Z...~ .-....mI....~,\.1 \| ,.-...... non mven. u The undersigned, having purclmscd Messrs '1`. Copeland 8.:-Co s`intercst in the above pre- paration, are now ma.nufactu1`ing it from th -:; mig'ma.l recipe , . . NOI{'l'HROP &7 LY;AY_ Tnrnnth, 4L\ U1\LD.I\Ul Q) 7 LI 1 .VLA..\. J.Ul'UuE0. Ask for Copeland's Sweet Castor 011,- Oh- serve the name. Do not be deceived. Sold. by all medicine dealers, Price" 25 cents. I'\._ V 151-.. ...J.. 'l'7.....-. . ..,.. ....' \(7._ . L`.-- . ___ .... ........-...- .......-.-, - ..-- ..., ..-..w. DR. Fo\vLeu .~: E.\;'m.\cr or Wm: STRA\\'- m;nm'.-Thxs plepznratxon stzmds peerless as a remedy for all ummez` complaints Il:r:c you , .liarx'l1oea2 It will positively cure you. [lave you cholera. morbus`: I!) \\':ll p<:siti\'cl;.' cure yuu Have you colic or c.'.1.tnpi; in the st! mac`-.1? It will positively cure you. Is your stomnch. sour? 5 will pa;-siti'.'el,\' cure you. `Are yo:1-goin;; on n. 30;`. voyage `. l. e sun: and take a bottle of the St.r;uvi,>cr:-_y in your haver- sack, for -use in sea sicl;11ess,'\')n\ltix1g and other irritations of theostoannclx and bowels; it will positively cure you._ E\'e_ry one speaks highly of it. "I have no l1esitan'cy in recom- mending Dr. Fm\-'ler's extract of Wild Straw- l)erry.--G. '\V.' l~}o_rl, St, Catlmrixxcs; I would alvise any one suffering from summer com laints to give Dr. Fowler's Extract; of Wilt Strawberry a} fair trial-.-- Carlnan M. Gould, ;\I.D., Uastleton, ' Dr. _FoWlers Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry gives perfect satis- factionf Thomas Douglas," Cambmy. , Can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of \Vil-I Strawberry with 'conti(1ence.-Jurlge S.` Peck, Minden. My customers bear high testimony to the virtues` of Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild StraWberry.w-'1`. Stevenson, Orangeville. Milburn, Bentley 6: Pearson, Proprietors, `Toronto. A q.;. .n...mm w.m- Mn- "am! AMONG THE CHILDREN. L Lullllvvulu Aununavvo `A STEBBORN F.\(`.'r.-Dr. Fowler's Extract - of Wild strawberry is, without. a. doubt, the safest .'_md most reliable remedy in existence for (_lio.ri-hma, dysentery, cholera morbus, sour stomaclx,- sea-sickness, and all summer com- plainta. It acts like a charm. Its effects are m-m`rcl1ous--relief instantaneous, cure speedy. Physicians and all who use it recommend it It should be kept in every home at this season for use in cases of emergency. For sale by all dealers. Milburn, Bentley & Pearson, Pm- prietors, Toronto. ` ' _ ? `- This 3: kn nu.-445:: I!-ind Au uvlf- I......`-... I... yn uvvvn n, ;.\n vuuvn Thisis to ceffify that my wife, having been `troublcdfor a length of time" with a.sth'.n.-i and general nervous debility, and having been treated by medical men and used mu.ny_ rc arationa, nally .tried_ a bottle of'Victoria iophosphites, and realized the most im- in iate and permanent benet she ever got from any` previous medicine. She felt like :1 new person. 7 Acacia, Norfolk Co. Yours truly, ` R. G. Scidmore. _ I .\JIC .. . I3 After war, pestilence and uatempernnce ! _-colde load to the greatest destruction of hu- mzm life,-`mainly hecan-.e it is considered by mzny robe of no COIISBQJEIJCE and hence gys ternaticelly neglected. until e. simple, cumble diseascs converted into a fatal pu`monary one Every one troubled with what is called a eligh' cold or cough, shculdimmedintely use Br .a'n'3 Pulmonic _Wafers"-they allay irritation at once, `and exert a most bencc al inuence on all the Bronchial and pulmonary organs. Sold by all Drnggiats and country dealers, Price 25 cu per hox_. . Scmrrmc Inns -A writer in Putnam Magazine says: "It is a curious fact that there is never a. whrte ct.lt"norn blurk calf. The whitest horse was bluekest. in its birth. and the jet bhck cow was unmixed red." Whether this is correct or not, we cannot positively say; but this we do believe, that the best medicine for removing pnin fromtbe nyitem in the Canadian Pain Destroyer, In easel of rheumatism`, sprains, bruises or severe oolds or summer complaints. `t stands unequalled` Far sale by all Druggists and country dearer: Price 26 cents per bottle. 13113111, 1'4. _ Elgin, W., Casey. Essex, ' Frontenac, Glengarry, 9 G ren ville, isr. Grey: E-a Grey, N., Grey, S., Huldinland, Thompson Halton; ` Hamilton, 53:11:11; pm gmmI&.| .5pti;1I`NO_lt. nu 1'80} [)8 NOR 1`HROP'&, LY;\[A.`S'. Toronto. |- 3;. nnv\n`nnJ'a Qun-`AL lV...uA.. f\.'l I'M ._ Victoria Hyphosphites. This famous vital- | jzing medicine acts like magic," rapidly re- stonng the strength and appetite, promoting sound and refreshing sleep, and imparting tone, vigor and energy to the whole system. For consuxn tiou, wen lungs and chest, and` throat " es, it is the best and surest Remedy known, and it is unparalleled in its etlicac3 as u.Genera_l Nervous Tonic and blood Agmt. For sale by all dealers. The stomach. liver and bowels are puried, by National Pills. Like a lamb. disease advances upon the by Nstional'1 11_1s. Like lamb, disease upon. the citadel of life but soon becomes a ravenmg ' lion. destroying the very Vitals. Very often, it attacks the kidneys, and works sad havoc in the nrinery system, in which `case there is nothing superior to Victoria Buchu and Uva Ursi. This sovereign remedy is also good for Bright s disease, diabetes, derangement of the kidneys, etc. Sale by all dealers. _ N at-ional Pills purge and cleanse the system Do not live a sin le hour of your life with- out doing what oug t _to'bc done. If you have a cold cure it ; if you are hoarse, seek ' - if you are troubled with a cough, up ly the proper ren1edy-Hagysrd s Pectoral, sam. This pleasant and powerful remedy is the finest curative agent known for all colds and those bronchial and pulmonary complaints arising from a. cold. For sale by all dealers. f National Pills are: applicable even for in- ants, as well as adults. rt-1...... nrn f.hirf.v`thuI1S:IlI(1 20{lS in the well There are thirty `thousand gods the Chinese reli ion, and not one of them is worth as much as `agyar s Yellow Oil. For burns, bruises, sprains, cuts, wonds etc., the Yellow Oil is wlthout a rival. For horses it is wonderfully "curative in galls, scratches, spavins, etc., and is the best friend of both man and beast. For sale by all dealers at 25c. per bottle. l\Ii1burn,' Bentley & Pearson, pro- nrietors. Toronto. Dottie. l\1l.l'JLll prietors. National P1115 ke4 prictors. '1'omuto. National keep the bowels in ; dition. - We IIHVC (l_l\V(l_YD nix: LAN!-I\A an assortment of First Class Pianos and Organs, also `Stools, Covers _ and Music. Good second hand Pianos for sale and to rent. A first class tuner and rep"-xircr always in town. Orders left here will be attended to. ">4-- T)-An 'nAnnIn l Fall W'hc:xt_ . Trczulwoll. . Spring . . . .. Barley . .. . . Pmm .>.. ... l Uil3 col . . . . . .- Oats Hhy . . . . . . ..'. .. Straw . . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes per bag. - . -tnh . . . . .. 1/ ul umua, v lElgin, E., l 0Ui|50".`S ])`Jl' uag. . . . -., -tnb......... Butier rolls La.rdper1b.... Eggs .... .. . . . . . . .` Mutton, by carcase . Sheep Skins . . . . . . .. Dressed Hogs . . . .-. . Hides . . . . . Bccf-hind qu:Lrter.. fnrrn nr!n.r!:r-r. . | " Iorc qt Turkeys each Geese E l.!ucL:3 ` VVooI_ . . . . . . . 'Fnl`l` Wheat . . . . . . . Spring \Vhca`:. . . . . .. Barley... Oa.ts.... . . . . . . . Pens . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rye . . . . Dressed Hogs...'.... Beef -hind quarter . ` Mutton . . . . . . . . . . Chickens per pair. . . Ducks per brace . . . .` Geese, cach.. . . . .. Turkeys . .... Butter;..... . . . . . .. Eggs per dozen . . . . . Apples per brl . . . . . Potatoes`, per bag. . . Hay. . . . . . . - . . . . . . -1- '-"' . The South Half of Lot N0. `2 in the Is. Con., Flos, adjoining th oman Cath()Ii'.' Church, and c'mt.1inin I mety acres. Offers for the same will be ceivcd in writing ad- "drcsscd to Vcr_v'l`.e . \'icar.vGe1 al Iiuouev. Toronto, until z [TENTH 0- OCTOBEI: .\']:`X'1`. Tenn -- 0ne`fourth of the pur chase money c , and the balance` by ins.t:1- ments as In c agreed on. A clear tith- wlll be gm '1. _ f2....-:.\ Qn-.6. IQLL lo-o H1 n n `DUNLOP saf S E?;Lo`:. 11, andE I Con. of Vcspra, containi which are cleared, and i tivation. Good xlwclli house, with luml and sofl:.watcr, two fr ebarns, frame stables and other outbuildings together witha thriv . ing young urclmrtl, 1 trees of which .1:-cv bearing-fruit. The 1 opctty is situnc live l50 acres, 120 of a good state of cul- I2, invthe 4th , miles -from Barrie, :1 d is within .13 while of - four s_a.w mills, grin mill, Post Office _an.l store, with blaoksmit and Waggon shop on the let, and a. school ousc opposite. This lot willbe sold in one or ore parcels to suit pur- cllasers. A`an Gnu un`n Q- `\7 in` O l'|,...' A `V .... .__ clmsers. _ Also for sa.1o_S'\V 7 lot 8, Con. 4,, Vcsprn. 5'1 acres. 25 or 30 :1 es cleared, fenced and cultivated. A spri creek runs through this lot which isradmira ly adapted for pastcragc. . For particula. apply to V A N MCGOVVAN, On th Premises, or Midhurat I .(,). cg; Mn. 19'] `on I _, c-cur-wl rl I I\II` On 1:11 remises, on _lA'l`URDAY, IIE FIFTH DAY OF _0 OBER, 1878, At 1 n :-Jm-1: n m n `I?...a. 'n..u ..c 7 .4. v..___ ' VALUABLE FARMS "1`Ou` TOWNSHIP OF VESP . Hastings, E. , Hastings, N., Hastings, W.,_ Huron, 0., Huron, `N., Hilton, S., Kent, Kingston, Lambton, Lanark, N., Lanark, S., Leeds & Gren- 7 ville, N., 1- Q -1- ,, Sept. 14:, l2_3]A We have always on hand ,A,,__..L .."l]`:...g1> (`INCH |rMaMi~ :i6iiEn1v1 Under and by Virtue of :1 contained in a certain M gage made by Robert (`odds to the Ve rs which will be produced at the time of ale, and in the pay- ment of which default as been made, there will be oered for sal by 3". I3 AIIQ2--r-3 `ower of Sale urn _\.rIJ IIIDIJIII, 13.5, At 1 o'clock p.m., e East Half of Lot Num- ber One inthe Fou h Concession of the said Township, East of urontario Street, contain- ing 100 acres, more or less, 85 cleared, free from etnmps and in a good state of cultivation and well fenced. it are a H8W01.1` Log House, Barn, Gran y and Stable. TERMS:-Ten p 1- cont. gt time of sale, 15 `per cent. ivithina oath, and balance in 8 years, to be semi- tereut at 8 per soon:-i - no cash _ F_u er partic `by a` Mortgage with in- 1:. By giving additional yment need be mqde. murmur pamc art: may be had on apnlil hm` 5 Henry Lean, Auctioneer, or to R . `lTM"l'`_ nanny 5. mnau Usns-on lx1omn1'xou.-Itu mid ma` oliv oil administered internally in an excellene remedy for the gout, and 13 also benecial in vperelysis, `and epilepsy ; but for the cure of rhenquism; neurgia. colds and colic`, and the removal of pain generally, there in nothin like the 0enedien_Pein Delzroyer , it `e bv.-most reliable remedy. For sale!) Drug- 1 we end country dealers.` "Price 5 conu- _ .3 mu. us. 5. V... Barrie, Sept. ISbh, 18.78. TowNsH-{#5: MONO, IN TEEVCOUNTY OF SIMCOE. -Lennox, Lincoln, 4 London, V . Midd1esex;_ E.,'I Middlesex, N., Middlesex, 'W., Monck, V Muskoka, . Niagara, Hughes. Norfolk, N.`. Charlton. Norfolk, S., Northumb d,E., Northumb c1;W , . Ontario, N., . Wheeler. Ontario, S.,. `Glen. H Ottawa City, " Oxford, N., Oliver" Oxford, S. ,o Skinner._ New ?\t:n2rtism1mi. 4` ARM FOR SALE. ..... V`! ...,..-..._y -ucmu, Aucmoncer, or to .B UNE,.0SLER & MOSS, 7 Vendors` Solicitors- spt,1_.'th.1s7s.` A 33 3c. -`lllIUl llulll DUI O fore qtmrtc-r.. I\IVII not ,.I. T)'17.1`GAG.1s ' SALE .UU IU. ` BEATTIE Baos-.,T 'BAImn:. . BAl .Ii1E MARKETS. T01`.0l\'T() M AR KET (From lodzg/`.2 Mrxil.) Qont TRH OF VALUABLE w--aq-u, 1:: I 9; East Lot said : 85 cleared, x 1 y and IUD]; Perth, N., . Perth, S.,. Trow, Pgteboro . E. Peterboro , W., Prescott. Prince Edward, 'Rentrew, N., Renfrew, S., _ __ ......11 Sept. 7 < 4-mu.) Sept. 18th, 1878. nnnnL-I r BARBIE. oarr. 19:11, 1373. nn:r.\ n 7 150t0] 0] 0 5. : 120060 .8 00 to 13 00 1 good con l.l.UIu_u;vv, ~u,_ Russell. Simcoe, N. ` ` Simcoe, S.,- (M Stormont T ` Toronto Centre, Toronto. E., Toronto, W., . Victoria, N., Victoria, S . Waterloo, N., Waterloo, S., Welland, V Wellington, 0., Wellington, N ., Wellington, 9., Wentworth, N., Wentworth, S., . 33-'3;t um; . held ursnant to The Voters Li Notice is. hereby given that a court will he at!` '2: His onor the `Judge of the County (E: by . . , "M of the County of Suncoe, at the Brick Hr,-h House, All_antl`ale, on the I'\VI*)N'I`\`.'[`[{1]`:[& (lay of SEPTEMBER, l_878, at H0'clnck_ m, to. hear and determine tlw_ several com. plaints of errors sud _omrssrons in the vmm List of tho Mucrcrpallty of the Town _ V _ ship} of Inmsl, for 1878. All persons hll.Vlng1)ll3lllHm . at the Court are required to attend at the said n" "1 pk CHAS. PALLING Clerk of said Municipality, Dated this 3rd day of September, 1878. 3o}.g.1 :. __.. j_:__._:__:__.;.__ _X___ OYAL INSURANCE co`-yu. ' LIVERPOOL AND LONDON-- mm; _LIFE_ .. JLVIJ . LIABILITY 01-` SIIAREHOLDERS 1.1311151; Capnuu. .. .. ,_ 1 FUNDS Ixvssmn Ovmc .. ,_ ',g'%~% ANNUAL Incom-: Ovrzn .. ,_ Mm-W` RESERVE Fuxo .. .. ,, 3')-W Dnposrrx-:0 wrru THE Dosn.~no.v ' ' Go\'xuNMa.'.\"r . 150.00 ' HE FREL;1fo_I.T)' LOAN SAVINGS C0.. l'0I{(')N'l`U. President -' -. - ux. WM. Mm] H . S'e:mary'- Tras., - - .(,'u.\m.x~:.~a l:t1:{:}'r":;r~.l-`N Inspector, '- - - lion:-;u r x\1.\1s':':}}\}a' . Money ndinnccd on'cnsy terms for [on ' - ' repnyuble qt. borrowcx-`s option. 1 pt Md" TA\I`DQ L`l\\l7Ah nu .. J A M E s TEIWA R D CUNVE Y./l.\ CER, `)'r_ I ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. nu.-vnu: \ l` 'rH 1' bl-'r.i_,': _-'_'"-i - I 0S'I` OFFI(_ /`E BUILDING, li;\l{liIl;, Barrie, Sept. 11. 1878. ' Fit for'I"arming purposes in tlic TU\\`1ls'lIip.-3 .. Sunmdalc. nml l'os0ront.o m the Cullllty of Simcoe. The undersigned will `offer for sale, by Lulu, um York. N., York, W., E1152 Acres! lwiia" '7fI?DS {PUBLIC AUCTION In the, Village of Brcutwood, -County ~ Simcoc, on ' BR-oWN=s IE-IOT1-EL, Wednesday, Oci. 2nd, A, l)., 78 At 1 Vo clc,ck p. m., thy; following l:m.i East Half of Lot 3 in 6th C<;nccsgoiu;1: '1' ship of Sunnidalc. 'l.nszf. Half of Int 4 in GU: (Hun-n:<:im~. T SIHP OI x3lXl|l.|1ui.llL'. V East Half of Lot 4 in Gt}; (`UIlL'CI\"1';lII ship of Sunxxiclale. Lust Half of Lot 1 in 2nd Conccasiu ship of Sunnidule. Lust 'l`1xree-Quarters of Lat 4 in '2: cessiun Township of Sunnidal. South }{:I.lf of Lot 3 in 3:11 Cuxxcusaiu ship of Sunnidale. _ Ink '7 in 3rd Concession '['n'\7nmhin 1 croxmo. ' - -South Half of Lot 33 in 7th (Ionw.-:m..n Township of Tosorontio. '? TERMS OF P.-\Y.\IE.\"l' :-'l'cu pear cm! nf the purchase money at the time of sali- Balance to make one-thinl ofthc ]Ill!`k'i1.' money on the 17th day of" UL't'Viwl'. 25.: The balance in three equal Annual lIlSL.`kiIllL`I.'.- (if required) with interest at eight I:-.-r mm per annum, nayable zumual_ly. On the saw`: 17th of October, Deeds will be given rm ii! charge, and Mortgaigus at the cX1)(ll;~`L` vii 11.. purchasers-\vill be taken for the unpaid [M chase money. A \ tVnlIlu'l"4 IIHVIVV une. . .\orth Half of Lot?) in -1th 1`: East of Sunni-.1a-lc Road, Township 4 dale.` ' I "G "2-') in RH: l"..n.~.nuL-inn 'l`nu-uv-J. Quebec. .L. .. . .. New Brunswick. Nova Scotia. . .. . . n `r! 1`_I____1 uzue. Lot 3'2 in-6th Concession 'l`own:s crontio. k',...Al-. l.T..\l AC Tab `I ! in "NI. amp 0: a_uuu1ua.It:. Lot 7 in 3rd Com.-csslon '[`0'wmaln1 I W 1 dale. , `. \r..4-M II-.15 :.F l..0 0| in JH. l`..` . For sale on reasonable terms `Vest 5 L 21, 7th com, Om, 111 acres, 80 zicrm clc;i_ri soil first class and in a high state nf vul:.~.a nion, .1HCV!.`l`. failing "stream of \\'.'ltl'l` runn.: through the premises, :\ goml iivell -5 '.\`:.ur the Hnusc and. also one at tbs I)ri\'in: Ila: A good large young apple orcliriral, twv. mi motions" Fraine Burns, a. large-. l)ri\-iuu Horus Two Dwelling Houses, Bln'clmnitli's Flu` `Post Ollice with Store, where tlicrv has l-w agood business done for the past few _VL'. ll an-l. other .out l>uillin:_.;s. l'he ,pru}Icll}` convenient to schools and cliurchcs zmil situated 10 miles from the Town of larriv. 1 County Town, and about 3 miles from La Simcne. A rare thing to find Sucll [irnp4.'r ._\ the market fof sale. /\ L... I at \'.. L` 2.. 6l\n`|.-.J- 1n\l\ \'...v.r-i IL: IIIBTKCD I01` Sill0. Also Lot No, 5 in the `lat con., Vt-s the Pt-.nct.mxguisheno l(oa1', and 3 from the, Town of Barrie containi acres. Soil can't; be_ cxcelle-1 ; ubuut under cultivzm m, and mostly sued-.- clover and timot.h_v ; 15 acres of chm}; House and Barn ; n nevi-r faiiin: :1 water runningle whulu length 4! `L1 and emptying into the Liam Lu which the real-_of the farm lmrdt-r.'. did chance forvany `parties \\'is`.Lil1_,' chasca dairy or grass farm. 'l`l:a- nix parties will be sold cheap on easy turn IV .- I I L aavsm. PALAGE gm % `Rs Li,*;aL7`st`T 1`owNsnu73r Inzusm, oInLDm1\"s C.~\1H`.IA(:}~).\`, mm) c.u:1:s, .\1m"rm-:~`. ?i\$. VE RY CII EA I`. BERLIN VVOOLS, LAI5IES' FANCY GOODS, .Totals........... 62' 127 Majority -for the Opposition '75.` These returns show how complete has been the victory gained by the Liberal Conservative party, to which ;-nearly evecy Province of the Confederation has contributed; Three Cabinet .Ministere have gone down before the wave of action-'--'while such men as B1ake,Young, f_ me, have irtetrievably lost their songs on T wit i!*,*!!!?99` Tom-? Dylnond, Wood, Ir.-ving, _ Devlin, Ross, _ ......-...4v 1. AAV\/ - hrv V. _ B0111-`..\`ll.\.\' CHINA `GOODS, S'I`ATl7'l`l'I-' .1 .-IIAH |--HOUEUEHSLH`%ilHiTURE-- vu;g1n uuuuu ULI` ` U _ _ _ Y ` GLASS .\`lX;\l>l'I.` STAMPING FOR Im.unm:, ._..._.._.._ .._ ..._.___..._7 l)ESIRABLE FARM FUR SAL . Bein the North 50 news of lot "1.L`i40"I1l` Oro. plendld land, under cult-:34 3 ,'p1 .5 be sold at a bargain. For terms &u`..)FlP ' MA1 uK1;: Ht`-1~'Ba'o. 0, go Shanty 3 n_-.in F ARMS -F01: SALE - 1:A1:+; CliAN(,`ES. vvvvnnlnlvn vv, -..uv- FARMS FOR SA LE on IN THE '1 OW.\'SHIP 01` COUNTY OF SIMCOE. The undersigned offers tqsell or W folbwin valuable farms "1 VP1f,,h1.u.1. ahi :-01: 6, Con. 8, (for sale) DIM 6 (jun. W timbered ; (for sale or rent): 10' Con. 12, 30 acres cleared. W of E41 , W; 3;, 10, 20 acres cleared, Log House, 5'5 ed on it. s.m Lot 3. Con. go, nll c1c;m;,, .,..: orchard good wells, 1 cxstern. 01 aw; To 1:E.\'T ... .. , 1 4 ' ' and house. Good '9 ocv T.g*?;$h! F93 ""1 PM ` nuuaxg and goou nouau. uw lot. 001, churches, atom 32 within one mile from mob 109- nxn IV`-er -I91: 8. 1628; _ UCTION SALE UF` Dated _this 3rd tiny of Scp., F."~I:'T `iiilii I \` EW s1*1uNu (;ouu'sT rnvv Wu. JOHNSTON, Barriaten-,Vl November 30, 1876. 4?:_j_,_...- Immense Stool: at the CRYSTAL PALACE S'1`ORIa`.<, Or to OF VALUABLE L-41Q .3 QA ma .4.._-_ For particulars apply . ` mu: \_- 4 S110; e s. uul Lvwvl D Upuull. JAMES EDWAIIDH, 1:.` mm +:, C"1P3")"B Vuluuto`-_ G. R. F0 R D, gig, mm the two _IIg'mViltons',-f-thinkv; of Trnuuelurl usn Three times rejecting the suit of M the Liberal-Conservative candidate,-a _ and perseverance has been gaineci-the fourth wooing, and "the wayward (lame lnlheen won! The reward of pluck merits of him and his cause have been at last recognized--the laurels so long held from him have at length been placed `upon his In-ow--and D Alton McCarthy "II to-day the representative in the Com-. ilnons of Canada of glorious old North `slmcoe! All honor to the Rugged North" which has thrown o` the Ihnoklea worn for years and erased from its fair escutcheon the stigma which has I0 long tarnished it--Jthe stigma of being abriber's borough--tlie stigma of being bought and controlled by the money of a Grit corruptionist, while i the man to whom it properly owed allegi- ance-,-the man whowould havic done it .honor-the man who offered his high talents and all his activities and inu- onces in its service-was . thrice thrust aside. Well done, electors oi the North I Tardy though you have been, your re- nonnoement of Gritism is as complete as it is creditable. -"Among those of the ` old time Grit strongholds that have ', wheeled into line, the least notable will` not be the one which has now given McCarthy a place in the Par-liament of the Dominion. .;: ":7 ,1,_,m JAMES aowmms, Anzem m n...-: BRAIDS, moss, A. N. ClH;I.~'.TUl l'l1 WlLLIA.\' G. wuuv. J .. McCAUG1H~1\'. ..q..,.,,._, ... . THUS. (Gl7'l'liTIHT,_ (Iuthnc 1 . U.. Auctioneer, . UNl)E1`.(7LUrm.\"4. Lsr. cun., vuapm, -'u owl , 3` Hxilw tie containing I210 llc-:1 abunt -1-I avres .1stly-sccd-.-d dnwn W LCl`L`S cl1u'ppin.; -, .1 `(-r stu:.1Iu-I length of 'thc fmm ` Little l.nl.c." M m .\ >l~1\'n' es tn wr- -nu l`|u- x\'A` mu- :uwARD8, Agent at Harrie. 1s7s. 'o.m (,`O'Y or AND- ax: ;|::1;1_1;e"(')ppoit_ion` 3.. mg; `_1.-:..' u.rn....._:- .1.-. ._..'___'-'..;_- .n___- H:.-\ .\x i-:.~ SE1` Till-I \'..x.~'1~;, SALE. ll, V1 -"' 484 A:.;..1::.2?%,;...;;.:;.:; Tptfvsnoe fix; vhieh we `3"P?i'%f#1Pt9i21iT d'e?6t -V fl Minislrriul. A ylesworth 7 Gunn.- Mackenzie A. rd 1: .,_ :n. (Maj- 715) JLLIIURT IIlll\.I< Galbraith. Brbwn. H01 ton. _ A Cameron. - ofhe Simooe Boy. His was a good which no honest, patriotic elector lfelt safe as to what story the polls _wou' - not altogether an overwhelming one," o men, and when we say so, we this, however : Had it not been for `majority would have been up in the This victory is no surprise to us. Every indication pointed to the success cause, and he a good candidate. The 3 iuue was afair and square one, in de- could possibly fail to see his duty. . It was country or party---_~.md we tell. The majority for McCarthy though ` in the general sense of the term, is per- hope as much so as could be expected, under the circumstances. The contest was waged on our side calmly but reso- lutely and decently: -our opponents` tac- tics the contrary -were those of V des- need scarcely particularize. We can as- the hull-dosing and bamboozling of Grit ietuming oleers, scrutineers and others in aposition to play a bluff game, the hundreds. There were many votes lost, too, throng A delay, from one cause `and I&tll0l',_ in" going to the polls. (iuthria `f}3$a1, Oppos-iii m. Mcllo y. Shaw, T. \Vhite; Rochester. Ben-gin. Ross. Williams. A Fitzsimmons _ Sproule. Lane. T J ackso_n. V Arkell. Patterson. Kirk patrick l\IcLenu-an. THURSDAY. `swig-i3.` T'1'a':'1'1',":'2's"/73'." Stevenson. T Farrow. Macdougall. Robertson . Kilyert. 1 Haggarb. Ferguson. Jones. Hooper. Rykert. Carling. McMillan. Coughlin. Currie. McCal1u m . Bowell. Wallace. Keoler. Cockburn; A Elliott. ` Hesson. But-nham. Hilliard. Routhier. McCuaig. \_Vhit.e. ' Pannerman O Connor. McCarthy. Little. I-H'|g`lyU:IlII Platt. Robinson. ' Cameron. McQuado. Kranz. Merner. Bunting. Orton . Drew. ' Boultbeo; Strange. Wallace. . , Bot vwe have no disposition to quarrel War the result; it is 9. vict_ory-and as that we accept it and rejoice over it Nor do we wish to gloat over the dis- bomfiture of our opponents ;they have meta well-merited defeat, and if our Iympethy be any consolation `to them we are generous enough to accord it JJI Inn!`- Fulton. -'-an d so thinking" need you ask_ yonfl self if thetide of Coneervetive reaction is amyth? "J.`he.ve reignof an in-_ competent Administintion has come to a _s_ndden and-=inglorionTsAe'nd-ant'i_ Sir John Macdonalil will go back to Ottawa once more the head i of the Government and. with a lnrgevand united majoritv at his It is true he has lost his seat through the bribery of his opponents; `but he,-as `well, perhaps, as some of the other leading Conservatives simliarly situated,--Messrs. Plumb, Langevin, Gibbs, Mitchell, Palmer--will soon nd another eonstitnencyf or redeem] their The defeat of the Mackenzie Admin- istration, foreseenas it must have been, seems to be taken, quite resignedly by the vanquished. Even the Globe, after all its vaunting, after mu lofty assur- ances` of the Ministry being sustained, has accepted `the result in reniarkably graceful style. Hear it :- u nn.........,.. nu. ......... nf +1.. mi...-.'1 A.-ram. EIBVUII-AA av Av: `Luau. _--.. `.` Whatever the cause of the Liberal defeat may have been, the change of situation is a great fact. We accept it frankly.` The elec- toral contest has been fought faurly enough- our opponents have won the day-and it only remains for the Reform party to close up their ranks, perfect that which may be ' amiss in their policy and o anization, and stand by their time-honoure principles more rmly and vigorously than ever. - ~A _......:1.1,. -3--- -4` ...1..:.m Hm! Nnt lulu. VISUTUIIBIJ IIIHILI UVCLo . `A sensible piece of advice, that. Not having . stood by their time-honored principles, is what has brought the Re- form pnrty to earth -and the injunction to dobetber in future is peculiarly time-, ly._ But a btirnt child dreads the re; the Grits professed too much and performed too little--they have cruelly deceived the people who` trusted them,,an`d so long as the Comiervative Government adheres to its time-honored principles | (and we have no reason to think they will very soon be departed from) just so long will it he supported and the bogus RC- formers be keptiin the cold shades. ' For Galway ! (or. more ' 'proper_Iy.%for North Simone !) heorbily. V H. H. Gooi:-_is, politically, a dead man. His old-time antagonist V is inthe sale sense the liveliest of live T men, and has before him along career in the piiblic-service,which there is the beat reasons for prophesying will be as bril- liant as his record up to the present has ' so nu: Pi:oPLn- DECLARE` Al` was 1-_o1,s.s : T IHRICE EEEEATED, AT LAST TRLUMPHANTLY ELECTED. . 7 Below are tlfe maj of the respec- tive candida_te_s for North Simcoe, as per official returns : - BM1-ie..........;. Collingwood Sta ner...`...... Ori ia........... Penetang V . . Sunnidale. . .'. . . .\ ()`ro............ Nottawasaga Vnnnrn . . . . . . . . ` Tiny.` Winn. . U103-n-o . u . . . -on-I |Medontc... VI`-.. _Lueuuuw.... ...... . Tay . . . . . . ..` Orillia & Matchedash Majority for McCa1-tliy ' _victor assembled in procession headed by H" the hand and went on with the custom- Lua uuv Au: Luuunn Ian: J J was, as might be expected, intense, V and in the evening the anxiety to know the guised. The telegraph oices were he siege.l--theA street corners surrounded by crowds, and the thoroughfares wholly taken up by the citizens. As return after return came in, cheers rentthe air, from the throats of either party, as the case might be. About nine o clockthe outlook for the Liberal-Conservative candidate looked rather dark` ; the news seemed to gratify the Cook men, and on the strength of the reports received they began." to rejoiceand _he glad." But arrived which put a different aspect on the state of affairs," and- in a short time there was no doubt of the triumphant election of McCarthy. When the true result was learned the friends of the ary form of celebrating such an event. Mr. McCarthy received a perfect ovation and was cheered with all th& strength of hundreds of pairs of lungs. He spoke briey to the crowd, expressing the pride he felt over the victory gained .by his friends and returning his thanks` to all who had contributed to it. ...-. . ,-u. 1 1 I I 1 _ their jubilancy was short lived-returr.s_ ` - i The excitement on Tuesday in Barrie _ result was everywhere great and undis- . IWBTHY THE MEN We have a word or twoto say in refer- ence to the partisan conduct of the_ Re I turning Oicer. This functionary in theexetcise of the authority vested in `him refused to grant certicates to cer-V bin Conservative "voters who were so tixcumstsnoed as to require such docu- Dents. The law does not bear out the name of Sheri'~McConkey in this re- Qeot, he cannot but have known it. A: a partisan; however, he chose to hot, and his refusal to give necessary telticstee had to he quietly submitted to. Under any cincumstsnoesthe par- Gian conduct of 9. Government ciciai is ioensure. Under the circum- refened to it is doubly so. The * of . Simeoe by his course on Tues- -, day has laid himself `open to a charge , "i `ihioh e"ms'n in his position can not af- _ WE!!!-`C0 hevejlnidy at his7door.r T i Last night was inv_Col lingwood, where he met with a. attering reception at tye hands of his supporters. Ln each of us do or `duty `(in polling. day and D'Alton McCarthy will be the worst hanlmn man ;n flln |')nmininn_ and U1-neon mcuanuy mu beaten man in the Dominion. , 9,, LL - __'J2..-- IIGIIICII Illiill Ill UHD Iluluaulvna Ir, everywhere in the riding, the friends of Mr. Cook put forth such efforts as are rea- sonably expected from them there is not the shadow of a doubt that .he `can be oleotei by 250 of a majority. He has an porters enough in North Suncoe to give him t is pre- nnnrlm-nnnn nf vnl:en_ `V Pvlluwuuvv VI. vvvvvc N nxr week we want" to con tulute our friendn on a magnicent victory ui North Sim- tuna, A ntmmz null from now to Tuesdav friends magnmcenn vxcwry 1n norm aun- ooe. A stro pull from now to Tuesday night, and we ya it sune. _ . 0001: will be isnstainod in -North Simcoe, and Mackenzie will be in the Do- mininn "l"|u-n-A {I unit A nhndtnw of A ddllht hf and Mackenzne vnu be sustained xn me no- mixaion. There is not` A shadow of I doubt of ..:s .. - ' - with an your xmgnt Imm pan: (:1 c. r When night comes you vnllhear of the grand- est victory North Simooe Reformer: have had formanyaday. o n nc-,....u.a... um` m'm+.ina in A GIWIIUT. . _ Gm` out: early on Tuesday mo ' and work | with all might until the pains close. Winn niohi-. mines van ml] hear 2r9.ud- i w: u:u" I Au! gether the nieeting, was a eplendid one and did much good. It was largely in favor of Mr. Cook, as will be the re- sult of the voting on Tuesday next. 0011;` cannot; we tlzxglk, titre doubted, that .0 spx-ospecteo ec `on were never ' t_- er than they are today. Electors of lgogrth Simone workhnrd for efew day: onger__ end vvictoryieagginotlu-e. K _ . ML... loin; C7I`n-3a.\ new IIIIAIAI/1 Iunnph -run -3- nuns '4 T?-oyam TULA- V J V nan. _ ' They (`me "`.|.'0nea") Ire uranuy Deate;1,8_wI chad _ mum medowntoqmmwxth powe aifoct. '&it 9119133 53 and their hone: destroyed ; and they 80 1390 3%`i.`.;`..:L a;c3`ye71"?'. nd"chZ}g'3"iZ1o m a . , mi - ' ` `I10 11$ 01] '. I inhg hoe. TOta1 on-.gaIII` Predictions and. _I'heir'V6ri- ` cation T Vluliy la Iggul Ugllna _ They (the `V"1`oriea")n.re Already =1... dam-msinn ha come down to them mth [From the Cook Organs of 14;! Week.] , 1,,;_,._, ._,u-,__ A , V_3'X!'IQAT0Na . 1`ne1_t enprgy ll ;dgqtr'oyed;I'ndtheygo1nto