Justice, 1 -* Annual 81; Lily. ' 2nd D. M {1;.Anc:""i?mT E35iiE5`5f-ions 2% lGOLDEN% _ A _ _ _ _ __' `1'-1 \-:--val . `L * `a----' :0: . I O ' "No. 1. onmmo BUILDINGS. bpposrrn om) smxn. DUNLOP-ST. - Cot ' 'ourjstock is now. fully assorted in eveiy demx-tmeiit, and we trust -om: customers and friends will favor us with an early call. VVe show full lines in - _ ` I PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS` GOODS, SILKS. RIBBONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BLACK" AND FANCY LUSTRES, PARAMATTAS. -CARAPES, PARASOLS:'UMBRELLAS, ' . A WHITE AND GREY SEI RTIN GS PRINTS, QUILTS, SHEETIN G, TABLE LINEN S AND N APKINS, TOWELLINGS; TICKINGS, `D ENIMS, WINDOW BLINDS, HOLLANDS, CURTAINS, LACE LA-MBRE UINS; CURTAIN FRINGES, &c. ~ ALSO FU LINES IN English, Scotch and Canadian Twees, V ` Wool Carpets, Dutch Carpets, Broadclotha,~Worsted Coatin'gs&rTrowserings Union Carpets, Stair Carpets. A - .0Bl)lBEl> CLOTHING madeup In the best and most malnou- able nylon and at moderate prices. sprung sum, Tweed, from 019 to 390, 1701-5304], from 892 to $26. Inna uylull ullll Ill lIl0(l0l'a!0 099, \'VorqIod, 926. i|877.} mew _sP"R_ji`_(:jcoons. {I871} 1`lIE_ BALANCE OF OUR STOCK AT 1 j 13 _-.._.. `We? shall dming tIz;.j2z-o-#12:]; of July o'e}_ .U;__j- SPEGIAL 1 A Large. Lot bf Remnants. at Nominal Pricesf 20- A-- A CALL AWILVL BE To YOUR. ADVANTAGE. cms canoe.-M :1 _'i_;_`:):nniine1-"iso:$, . , _` gernre `Q 8?l'e`Bches_ of clover. A ins eml La ' ` QC inodlmdvagzd meaggvmig wot -_ unpearling . the mo:-nmg. l-The orchds no looger are whitcpeci . With petals, snow-tinted and fresh, ` Th_e;fmhcsome-May~time has brightened. _' T No longer: the children ick berries In pastures e erspr ing the hills, `Nor crimson their faces with cherries. ml! '53`? `#5058. R_=An`v`-yubz? u.o-rmua. *cm o'o:n[n: s.- ad , AAA `AAA--- , A----A--AA44 ----T g$ NEXT DOOR 153 BARRIE `HOTEL. DEFY COMPETITION, ;u;---.--__ ' 'I'er1:n.s.-strictly Cash. :0; _._...__.._ . LARGE ARRIVALS or vv -- \' AW-LC` new noons wxgzgrp/1' WELLINGTON norm. FRAxvnI;!EYfjT"T9.tivLIN Which havebeen bfiught at bottom prices, and will be sold to suit the "present hard `times. . -r\u,:i, . 10 now tor a narveat or glory, Which, gathered and garnered, shall bless Winter so dreary and hoary 1 Thrice happy th pilgrim who never I . Forget: the great lessons of Time, `RM-, 1:"-.. 6.... u... ........:.... nu ..... -_ - V'l*7Wi r. :ia:ENDEJa.so:Nrvs. ,EMP0RIUM.K _Locks,; Hinges and Natilsg I f Carpenters 'l`ools,i .A'.1: Pricgsi to . E. 3. GROMPTON & 00., IMPCETEE5. _--:.--.- vijni SHOW THIS WEEK SPRING ----:--_- ---w : .A.'.'[' @315- Weae in the garden the cl;anges, Heralding the Winter` to come `On;-.F_athe: so wisely arranges. The worid in its hectic of beauty Betokens the death of the `vem-_ ms rccc-ntlypur c1_1:;sedat about EALFPRICE, the , as our FALL GOODS are beginning tocome forward. AT THE Je,rittsAMil1 Saw Files, Blting, "I.easher,.&. . _. Oils, oo1oj1, lxgmgs mi . nimnhvn V` The ohioigo-`Bu-n.Doov Hy Ag ' ` = thine new'nnd~noo!`1L 1 or (some. Lruizvmg 03;, Glaqs, Putty, calm {and - ad Hgavyaingsa umce nappy me pugnm wno But lives for the coming Forever ! FRAWLEY` & DEVLIN, -DUNLOP STREET, BARRIEQ _.... ., :I'-1:. nAD1:oo1:. 1 r vusvllav ya: u'JJUUI.' L1 new and good), }dO0Ds _HARDWARE!I BEAVER! n . able rentnL_ (hula-.-..1 Il;A'-l'--l-;; 1. an nun uuannu Bu purclllle D083! may IIIVO first choice new 1-om _u large auortment. YACIITI, SIIFF8, 0U'l`IIlG- BB5, gnd _every description of water craft built toorder on short nqtice. Out; 0_u-locks, and all yacht uld skit` `requisite. aunnlied. 1.110 world In its nectlc or beauty of the year, And whispers a" lesson of duty. vuu, u_u'10cKl, I uiaites supplied. "$0.: Home I000]! `MB. J._ O:RLEY Has been enlarging his _o1a'l]a of Yachts and Skiif during the past winter in nnticipstion of an increased trnde this summer. - Parting dnslirina in nnmhu- 1...`- ....-_ I._;_- of an increased trade this ' _ Parties dasirin to purohue bout: hue first ' 21-11y uwuuwe pomus an 5.90 am. and 3.45 p.m. From Lakeeld, Peterbox-o , Port Hope and intermediate points at 3.45 p. In.` For further farticulara see Pocket Time Cards, to be ha at all stations. V V Throu htickets fx-omA0rillia to Toronto. on i sale, an also to all points East on the G. T. IR.`:;`.rates much lower than by any other ron . . ' - _ A. HUGEL, 21-lly ,- President I rewruuro , uaKene1_u and lnwnnemgte poingg ::a:~.::..s:-4: W worm hw- e and xntermedlate pomts at 1,15 p.m. and 3.45 _p.m. . From '1`oron_to and points on_-'1`. & N. Rmlway Lzndsay gnd lntermedigte nomta at 3.45 mm. Fmm Tunsmu ma :..4..... Commencing on Monday, May 7th, 1877, and until further notice, trains" will leave Orillia for Georgian Bay, Wnubaushene and intermediate points at 9.20 a.m., and 3.45 m. For Toronto and points on T. & N. way; Lindsay and intermediate stations at l. 15 p. m.; for Lindsay and intermediate ints at 1.15 p.m.. and 5.10 p.m. For Port ope, Peter-boro Lakeeni and intermediate points 5 at 1.15 'p.m. Arrive from Georninn Rm .;- " "" -' r-` `--V.-V-v..'v1`F"`uI~ on -'1`. and intermediate points 3.45 p. m. From Lindsay and inter- mediate points at 8.50 and 3.45 intermediate points 3.45 mm.` mgueu ` THOMAS HOLLOWAY, LONDON, January H1, 1877. IJIIIIII lqlflulllu Each Pot and Box of the Genuine, Medi- cines, bears the British Govemm-nt Stamp, with the words HoLLowAv s P1l.I.9 AND Onmumrr, Loxnox," engraved thereon. On the label is the a.ddresa_ 583 Oxrosn drnnm, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. _ `Parties who may be defrauded b Ven- dors selling spurious Holloway s Pi ls and Ointment, asof my genuine make, shall on communicating the particulars to -me, be amply remunerated, and theirnames never divulged. ` - - l Qinnn ' new mac In me apnng-t1me of gladness And Summer of blossomip hopes, To watch for the `Autumn o aadxgegs !-- ' uenuuucu uusparlugxy meae xrzmas. Purchasers should look to the Label on me Pots and Boxes If the address In not 533, oxford street, London, they are the Countertcitl. `Rank Dal ml 111.: at L)... n......:_. u__1_- DBWEIB OI U0uFCl'l6lS. Uuacrupulous Dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the Public in Canada as_ my genuine Pills and Ointment. I must earnestly and res ectfully appeal to the Clergy, `to Mothers of gamilies and other Ladies, and to the Public generally of British North America, that they may be placed to denounce nnsparingly these frauds. Purchaser: should Innu In [Inn I make unuer DB8 name 0! nouowny.&.. (.30., ' havin for a trade mark a Crescent and Ser- pent; cKessen &. Robins of New York are agents for the same. ' These nernnmz. the hntimr in Am....`.m ...... BQCIIFS 101' `M18 These persons, the better to deceive you, unblushingly Caution the Public in the small books of directions aixed to their Medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Beware `of Counterfeits. nnanhnnI1`nnn h.~...l.(.... ..LL...'_ LL ._ , . -.... .. .. V---. \.r\rI.aI-I -:CIn`.|.'l&l U! Spurious imitations of Ho1loway's Pills and Ointment, are manufactured and sold under the name of Hollowa'y& Co., by I. F. * Henry,Curmn& ' Co., Dru gists, and also by the M etropoitan Medicine -Com- pany of New York, with an assumed trade mark, thus--. ---Again one `Joseph Haydock of New York, likewise passes of? counterfeits - of, his own make under the name of Hol1owny.&.., Co., 1 having for Crescent and Sm. .The PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all dis- orders of the'Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. ` The OIN'l`MENT'lS the only remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of how- ever long standing. , For Bronchitis, Diphthe- ria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. l'F\AlARF 31 """a"EWXEiE"6r ? NEW Y9,`_`.:99F{NT?,,`??'E.1T.+i Q.............. ._.- A `Ens GnnX7l7I}:s'r' lwounan orggaanu muss! HE BOATING SEASON OF 1877. ?A C Remedy to:-_ the __., _ . N OLDPEYSIOIAN. retired from native prac- hnd placed in his hands by an the formula or 3 Vegetable and permanent cure of msumptjon, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catanh, --nl gill 'l'Inv-tntnnfl IJIIIQ Afnnihsmn - Alan A Dani- To sow for aharveat of `glory, Which. anther-ed and rmrnara srv-gun...`--nu, ----.-.-...., ...-.--v-_-I ww--...-' nndsllThrout_nndLu Affection!` also nPosi- tive and Radical Cum or EOIVOIII bebmty and all Nervous Com hints. ho thoroushcllg tested its wondcrgil curative powers thousan otcsses feels ithisduty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and _s. conscientious desire to relieve human suering, he will send FREE OF. CHARGE. tonll who do- sire it. this recipe, with full directions for prepar- inn and successfully using. Sent by return mail 8!! . 5.3 "* & .`&'m.a'`:.n' 1'", .?." .`: by nddressling with stun 8. mini: , DR. . STEVJ . ugagnnd through an nhouldon. with my lune he I link birnunnod ndxor to gov wono. Iuilll but nu. whon I hdhoeomuo huluto tumble to don: hounworknt I umo. Ihdnunro uonueu nndpaln under Ihn Ihouldu 1 In my right I u thouxh nuts in w baring I dowmwnh coal nnl dc-opplzglin tho thton down It lhalnnxn. Such was my 1:0 Hon whom 1 to II to tan you (hurrh Romaly. one home 0! which and II pain: and gave me Ill Improved gppoun,m slur tour home: X was matured ohenlI.h.Io u to ho thin to endure hud Ind cc-nthmcd labor, Iurh II chop- ping and clnrlng had. at which 1 bus bun the It uuan. Ky recovery I Itldbulo so can ,(o the mo of your csumn Ballad`. um um rrfcoupa homo. 1! NB! sun: 3 V LE! I08 LIITLIYISLDYS CWBTITUTKONAL GAMER! lib! AND M3! N0 MEIR. ' ` 85-. Anna. P. 0.. Sept. 13.4876. HILL J . B. HARDING. Dun. sn,-Bcl.nx demons that othm may know nono- Lllnglnf ch: mu-us ol your con-nnn1onx. mnnn nu- uu, wish to lnranu you mm It In: done (or me. 1 ms at old: had boat; out of health tor about an yours. I employed time or {our dulonut docton, And mad vutoun ned.|cIneI,w!thont|eeolv|n my ormuuntbonoa ' but conumud rumor tow wono. nn had hoeotnuo Md 1.: to nnnblg do u; Boga`: york}: H7! YOIIT HOIBI NI 1'!!! can mask run 3 ME ad Drawing: wnhmml up. r. 1. 3. ' consumption ounan. \Yl\`l .TvD`II`%TfTTA\T u-`II-aul Inn:-n nnO{vn nun; rA-ram-. namcmu. 'How wise in the Spring-tzime of giadness of bloat-mminn hnnmt igned l-I I l'II II I I I cAN!l0'.l be cnndbySnns.W In I.ot-clappllcattanc. nomvuuls sum. -0- 9! (my 7-an standin- on I {an nhndlu. Mu mm:u?lrolygIrodbyc41xunI:- yurqgxgau. Cgnnlu n_IIgxn!._l`ornh 'l"Appllcntou.' 'n:oun.mh' all lhuo Deon mum; Jnauottnl E dmuhu. I! on o-um. In B. HARDING % a, with mu directions tor Iggy using. Sent. hxigturn Anni] . . mm paper. STEV S. Boxm. Rnmkvilla Ont mh `. 2. am WAY ng. sens; return man u m J: p-Sn; gs Diver. Boxes. Brockville. Ont. This leaves above ins are sighihg, Around in A wcarisome `rain ' The dead leaves are tfully g ing. ' _ President. FARQuHA's'6ii"} DUTTON, 7) I7/f'DI1TTf`rA7\nr\-- --WHITE .WAREm: IN CROCKERY-~ AT VSPECIAL QUOTATIONS. ' .1:-----nf f-1___.x_ u _ _.-.._._.___. . _ Ge11era_1.stoc1s'. or %unocEnIEs AND uouons, AA.t close Prices. -:---j: ::-._._g.j 202 Va are also olfering some very choice 1-"GREEN. BLACK, AND JAP1 In 3 and 5 pound Cannisters, which willbc found of Special Value, ; I . tcution of purchasers. We have on hand a large lot of Canadian Ale, in qumjt and pint bott as being in excellent condition, at 75c and $1 25 the dozen. B `H U N T E R, E L}1 & 00., BARBIE .A.1.\TD COLLINGVTOOD. 51-ly BARBIE TEA MART Have Just received afresh supply of the following Scnsonnble Delicacies. Keillor : Dundee Oran e_Marma.lade, Crossc & Blackwell s Red Currant J r" y,I I Crosaeh Blackwell's B k Currant Jelly, Peaches and Bears in 2 lbs. Tins, 1 Tomatoes and Peas in 2 lb. Tins. .n- - _.-- ...,.---..u-r vs guano! usuuwuwl NIIQUUUIIU3 _ _ :o: I Also an assortment of Potted Meats, Ham and Chicken, Anchovy Paste, Ctosse &. Blackwell's Currie Powder, '1 I tershire and Reading Sauco. Crosse & Bl;:ckweIl's, 1 HUNTER,3T)L. & Co., rgamggwaseamamaaci-`gas, ave us a fresh npln l'\..--.--~ \l'-~- ` ` ' -It whispers of Time in its ying, Fast sneedimz -the Winter of lif` ngih Beans, s~. arthy, '31; 2nd `B.8pOtl'on.'.-5Qc; Pole Beans, 131: D. **s2::g; ma . ,. :_.a. waver 1: *B'qfg2ii,~5'0c;._6 F4.)-1 Horn .ca mst a, us .___ 1).. Mc(,}sr.|=hy; 500;, . "Osnfota, Int .7. Rogers,` ; ~ ....}zo;599s13:Whi* `.`1G1';,~`2.n4i"li:': .!|I -an:-o.n.nu-.a-..o~.ru-no-u-.n n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .- QANTON T STORE. G1eo.Smith, Purnitureflmporium. near the Barrie#I;`gund_ry [aoUsnQ;.p; ;q:am1TUaE iruzrunmrunt Ewwomum Place bf Busin'ess--Johxi-'st.,T One Door south ' Ba11 s Planing Factor?- -FIRST-OkA88 ' 1 nossuoon an vumuur ' CQTFIKS With Keane furnished in addition. _-_`~'\~ % V 1NlZC)C)E.l'/I... NnnTAKEn soAI.: or % Reduced Prices. 1 '28 ' `?g'` '23 oggrcan 3% 2: 2% PAINTING, PAPER-I I Ere -n wnmpeu ox `rune m mu nymg, speedin Winter of life- Tho sorrow an anguish of dying! It whispers of fruit to be gathered _- n anaries waiting above, ` nrtho wild tempests are wclaathefed. - ~-- -- -uuunnuuu Inlthfs section of country; which, on impaction, will prove to be the fact . . -` He also does ' ma SECOESSORq1"0'D._ AND THAT HE HAS ON HAN D THE mnansw, um AND QIIEAPEST s'moK__o1r wnmunn JDAVIJD I)O'tTGrA.I.:.'.l.'.a, Barrio, The Subscriber begs toA intimate to his frinds and the Kublic of Barrie and surroun ing Country that he Manufnctnfen an deals in ` COLLIER STREET EAST, GEORGE CABINET~% MAKING no longer we woods, wuzn mexr uannt Deep-tinted with yellow and \red, BIl(__I tqmples for wnrbling hosannas. Barrie, HAVE msm OPENED our A1 . ' . Constantly on hand, Shrouds, Head Lin- E " ing, Gloves, and all Funeral Rcquisites. aearde for Ezlret Orders by Mail or Telegraph promptly attemlezl to. _.._...._......._..\n ..-._u;.r .n.\/..I.ll'\J...LI\J On the ghortcst notice and most reasonable terms 'Fnrniture Works and Store-roams opposite the Registry` OHice.'&`a .A. `Still to the fore wih the [best assorted and cheapest stock of WHICH WE WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE. ------s:f` `"RN|TU` OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, urn _._:-.m.IIA..I amonoaanno HOHICIZBIII-l'O iD rukurrunz, Junnfnxluo, Q` %&\mA&vw 'NI\a\..\_. farn{aulj qiarucw. gznooanlas. FRUIT, anscurrs, n..u.4._` ._ ..., BAYPIELD` STREET. BARBIE. IN THE _C6UNTFlY. ._...-:o; Unaertak1 ng IN ALL rrs BRANCHES Having purchased 5 rst-class Hoar-so 3; I. .' prepared to do Untlcrtmking Cheaper thnnnny other Dealer in this part oi the country. LL , R-HANGINGL HAHDSOMEHEARSE -tsznall C0$Qno x U1. yuruuzusurs. Ie, m bottles, ` : Bottle --:n: 1 FARQUHARSC-)N. 1'0 IUIIEUT Elle TIVBHIIK nusnes . A Of dluueta empurpling the West, G_ild apples with deepening blushes. Ad all Funeral Bequisiws Furnished. en, Beef and Game, Strasbnurg Meats, >1-,'Fren ch Capers in Bottles, \\'orcm_ .'s, Capt. \Vh.itc s and other Pickles. r, BARRIE fy UIIOICC JAPAN TEASC re, and well worthy the at `ottles, which we recnmnmid Bottles to be returned. A 8OALE(')F Reduced Prices. gig rqn 0,3 3! Ont No Ionger the vfoods, with their banners Dean-tinted with vellnw and \red_ `No longer the rivaling ushes. Of an:-meta emnumlina the W No the _b'a.rvests,' fgoldcn Wi "sunbeam: in memsome mot "l'Ju. I-.....o. .3 am ............. ...`...1...1.:.... no um tne_na.rvests, augomcn ` Wit merriqome mood, The hearts of the rcapers en_1bolden. '=~vionr'A'nnas tum murrs. .r\g-nu. muuuu, Lnuqn. ruwer, qu; znu U. 1!}. Sneath, 500; 6 Phlox Drummondii, let G. E. Sneath, 75c; 2nd R. Power, 500; 6 Stocks, lst G. E. Sneath, 750; 2nd -Dr. McCarthy, 50c; 3 Stocks, lst H. B. Spotton, 75; ,2nd G. E. Sneath, 50c; 24 A `Vorbenas, lst{R. Power, 82; 12 Verbe- ms, lat D. McCarthy, 81; -2nd R. Power, 500; 6`Verbenas, lat D. McCarthy, 750; 2116 H. B. Spotton, 50c; 6 Scabiosa, 15!; D. McCarthy. $1; 3 Soabiosa, lat Dr. _ McCarthy", 7505 2nd D.- McCarthy, 50c; 6*Zi_n!,1ia8. 1181:. D. McCarthy, $1; 2nd ~ DI. McCarthy, 50c; 3 Zinnias, lst E. Juitioe, 750, '2nd D. -McCarthy.(50c; 8 ` L1n!lI:ll18;9hildl1'en's pi-izo, 1stJan_ eSneath, _' o speoxmf anlst R.Power 11:! -DfMoG.r1:hv."50L"` p l. CUT FLOWERS. - PLANTS in rows. "Dr. F. J. Bancroft, president of the State Board of Health of Colorado, in the first annual` report ofthe board, makes the suggestion that phthisie pro- perly belongs to the clue of lth di~ senses, and can be controlled and pre- vented by attention -to oleenljnees. He an ports this View by the fact that where e is. inoonlable, and may enter the body through contaminated drink- e leg wnter.: . In 0olor`ndo'phthieis was unknown. nntil;_ouee {torn other states` `nought rt there.` Now, it ie;f_ound' ` among the nntivfe populejtion_."._ If _'l`hie view, to Another, `uvrite_`r::}i.;'g. 7 wk! "rmivw L , A NEW vu-:w-or oousujvirrlou. uu-vu nu uuxu uauw, uuxu H16 cllSI0lIl6l'a `_` I wants strawberries an day hez go"! to come an derefdre, lam me say dat I _waan t going out to-night` to steal chickens an - sell em_ to get` money. Ah ! you\wasn t 2 No sah `cause 1 pulld `em `in last: night, nu de"y1l be sold to a butcher dis evening; [DaI's do cold fact, mis ter, an. now wrap up dem `six-awbemes an doan abuse my oondenae. .--Detroit Free Pres. A ~ - OUILIU VIJU DIED- Boss,you hez pinned` me right. down to cold facts, said the customer. I Ixvnnfn .9.-....I....:-.`.A-..s .8-.. 1.-.. ..--. uwsyu nu; nuv wuub Ul SIIIWDBTIICS-. Does any one owe you 1" asked the grocer. ' No sah. Then how do you expect to get any money `P ` V A Oh, do pay wi!l be allmight. " Iguess not` You'll have to try some one else}? 11 1')--__--.- L--- ' `4 ` ` ` . uvw wlu ypu nave In men I" Don t 9.1:. ms, boss ; I'll have cash suah; In just praspiring death for the want of strawberries- `L `rings nnu nun nu... -.'-.- an '..I_ $1-{Lily single specimen 1st_R. Power ' -2nI1D. iuoearchy, am V . rEx'1'|us.-e-Double Portulaca, G), E. Collection of Balsams, H.` B. 1 Uan t do it+-you d never pay ? he replied. - n - I ll puy de money~afore eight o'clock in de mawning," earnestly continued the colored man. ll Dg.-Ln-m n... ...:_I_. 1__; 1 I uvuuuuuu HIU UUIUIUG Illlo . Perhaps you might but 1 don't believe it. If you have no money now how `will you have it than 1 it Dan ! no rnn L--- . nu u.._._ 1, A grocer doingbnsiness on Michi- gan Grand avenue was asked yesterday totrustacolorad man one day for `a quart of strawberries. IYnn't An 30` munch! ......-.. ..`...I! L. 3UDUIlIU|I ICIIUUUU QHU. Courvcrr. met July 26. All the mem bers present. Minutes of last meeting =-_ conrmed. Letter from A. Thomson, 1 Deputy-Reeve of Orillia and Matche- '-, lash, stating that he had been appoint- ed by his Council to` attend to expen-_ diture ofthc'County grant on town ine South Orillia and Oro. Mr. Mc- Kinnellwas appointed to act with him. Replies to enquiry respecting. township librar-y--Henry Fry, teacher, School Section No 1, has 88 volumes, 70 in good condition, the rest considerably worse for wear. M. A. Thomas has [00 volumes, 95 in good condition. J C. Steele has only a few volumes, not much used. Mrs. Cameron has about 12 volumes in fair condition. Martin Johnson requested the removal of a shanty built by one Christopher Harold on the road near his brick-yard, the sparks from the chimney endangering his wood-pile.` Angus'Woodrow up. I plied for money to gravel_a hill on 9.}: '1 concession, C.B. 6 and '7. Mr. Payne , applied for a reduction on account of 1 stntu-te labour in arrears of taxes charged against pt n e pt .11, in 12th con. for 1874-. A reduction of $3 was _ i made, and the Treasurer instructed to t accept $3 90 as balance in full of said arrears. $12 be expended at lot 11 .on the line concessions 4,and 5, being a sum formerly granted to said division. On" motion. of Mr. Addison, seconded by Mr. Ross, Mr. McKinnel was au- thorized to make arrangements to cover with new plank the bridge at 9th con"- cession, on CIR. 15 and 16.` Ad- journed to Monday 27th August at" 10 o'clock a.m.--Geo. Tunrropn, Township Clerk. `lots, but were unsold, and appellant u---- 'COUl'l'l` of Revision held its sittings July 26. Charles Hicklin , assess ment of 9519 in 1st:con..r. ucea $70, assessment 01. :1 W9,` 7 and s w pt 15 in 1st concession conrmed. ..Thomas Henderson s w}, of 14--in 3rd_ conces- sloh, assessment sustained. Phoebe` McPhaden, assessment_of 4:`, 21 in 10th concession conrmed. John William- son, part of- lot 22 in>l2'.h coua, ha.d been stirveyed and laid out in village wished them assessed as farm property --lots 4-, 7 and 9 east side of Main st. reduced to $20 each. James Davies,` pt. es} of 2 in 7th concession 4 acres, reduced to 8100. John Walker, s e} 19 in the 5th ooncessionwohanged from non-resident to resident roll. Thomas Milbee, and James A. Gardner entered as tenants of wi} 23 in let con. and as-- sessmeut reduced $70. nnvvmnsr nun} Train OR A II II..- ...._... I . uquuo, ' ' zucuuuus, 1- : _VlU.'.l.E(l88. 312.50, `- W. Jfgnc, Esq.; Fuchsius, 6' varieties, 82, `V. Ault, Esq.; Geraniums, tricolor, Q22`-viarieties, 33, G. W. Lount, Esq.; Geianiums, Bronze, 4 varieties, $2, Jr: R. Cotter, Esq.;4 Geraniums, Zonale, 12 varieties, $2, Dr. Bosanko; Hot-house Grapes, 85, H. H. Strathy, Esq. ; Toma- 'to_es, 12,62, J. J. Brown, Esq.; Collec- tion~of Vegetables", $2, S. Lount, Esq.; Verhenas,` 24 varieties, $2, Dr. McCon- key; Foliage Goraniums, 82, J. C. Mor- gan, Esq. ; Collection of Cut Flowers. $10, R. Power, Esq. ; Table Bouquet, 82', Dr. Mc Carthy; Hand Bouquet, Int 33, 2nd $1, Judge Gowan; Bridal Bouquet, 82, J. A. Strathy, Esq.; Rhubarb, $2, A. Arns,ll,- ' Esq.; Scented Gcraniums, $2, J. C. Mor- gun, Esq.; Celery, $1 J. C..Morgan, .Esq.; Collection of Apples, $2, J. M. Bothwell, Esq. ; Coleus, 6 ovariet-ies, $2 50, D. Mc- Catchy, Esq., M.P.; Ivy-leaved Geran- ium, 6 varieties, 82.50, D. McCarthy, Esq., M.P.; Coladium, 6_ varieties, $2.50, W.` Lount, Esq.; Fuchsins, 12 varieties. W 'T.nnnl-. Wnn - l4`.mm:.... R` ` \lIGllc av .11.. 1 uwur, Q0; uuugwnmn O1 egetaes, lat E. J ustide, $2 Rhubarb, 50c. . . A 'Ex'mAs.--Blood Beets, H. B. Spotton. The following is the list of special dona- tions: ' ~ lat H. B. spocton, :2; 2nd 1:; Justic'e,~ A-vwcn, Va, duuu 1:1. uuavwu, U}, U. .l.UI-I-g` `toes, 151: R. Power, 75; 2nd`E. Justice, 50; 2 Vegetable Marrows,` 1st` Dr. Carthy, 81; 2nd E. Justice, 50c; 2 Squashes, lat E. Justice, $1; 6 Heads Celery, lst W. Vair, 81 , 2nd E. Justice. 50; Red Currants,-let E. Justiee,_ $1; { Black Curmhts, lst D. McCarthy, $1; 2nd E. J ustiee, 506; White` Raspberries, lst D. McCarthy, 81, Red Raspberries, lst D. McCarthy, 81; Collection of Apples, Int G. E. Sheath, $2? Hothouse Grapes, lat R. Power. 85; Collection of `V;-m-+.nhIn. Inna J....+:..'.. en. n1...1.....-.. mtam, 56c; i;em'e, 1s E.` JiiAx:#I:1' ta`e,' Si~-` Peck_Potatoes, lat E. Justice, $1-';~.2;;d J Rnnnra KO... `I0 'I`.u..n4.~..m 194-`D Collection, unlimited, 1st R. Power, $10; Bridal Bouquet, lst R. Power,'$2; 2nd D.`McCa1`thy, 50c; Hand Bouquet, lst `R. Poxer, 83; 2nd D. McCarthy, $1; Table.Bouquet, lst D. McCart.hy,$2,- 12 Annuals, G. E. Sneath, $1; 6 Annuals, 18170. E. Sneath, 31; 2nd Dr. McCar- thy, 50c; 3 Spikes .1-Iollyhocks, lat E. Justice, $1; 2nd D. -Boume, 501:; ,6 Dianthus, 131: H. B. Spotton, $1; 2nd D. Bourne, 50c; 3; Dianthus, lst H._ B. Snn+.lu-m. lI-- `).m1 (1 1:`. Q......n.. 1-:n...n a.0\al\_l.UblJ%, III! .I`J.JIlU|I.IE, J Rogers, 50; 12 Tomatoes, 131:3. Power, $2; 2nd E. Justice , 81; 6.T01i1_g- ft H pnynu '15.. 0...!!! In-uuL:nn f'DE GOLD FAGT." 030." (Aie uu vuvl uwua uuuuay in iurwurmrg Slip-_ piiea by the British Government, and after many thousands at natives Bed perished. This year the oroppprospeots are very gloomy-whi_oh should make the people of this V colony, more thunk- ful `for the promise of bountiful harvests . whioh_ the ha`rv(esl_`eldeAgive fonh_-- . and it in feared that a perioci of famine moreeerious than the f_laetp.is threaten-. , ing'Souther_n India. '!`h`a V_aet `te': I,l'._ifUl'y, ~ which is now thzeatenedjby this visits, otion eoneti_tuteg_@ho most perilous pin of ihe Indian Empire. ., Weeks -and V month-- 6f.A4u8htila-'..-produced `a ' `oo:n.di.tio'n"of the` 0.r0P9L.Whih cqnnoeirc.-_ J61 " ` "Ethan" `in (tn . --There are more eheering tidings ' from Indiueregarding the prospective famine. India is peculiarly . unfor- tunate in the frequency of its laminae. Only three yeareago the crops pam- ally fa1l_ed,and a. dreadful famine fol- ldwed,f which was onlyelleviated after en enormous outla.y.i_n. forwarding sup: nhea bv the Bzimh Govammmn; ma -Bamum is trying to add Sitting Ball to his show. which is `going out on a two years tour of the country. - 'lhe Dramatic News says that no sent an agent and a -civilized Indian, three months ago, to engage the Sioux chief. They found him in Canada, and made a bargain with him, conditional on the .United States Government permitting him to_retum.to this country without arrest. Barnunin addressed a petition toiSeore'aary Schurz before ' e ta_rt1ngit'or Europe. ` ` I ' A ,-At the investigation into the origin `of the big re at St.` John evidence has been given to the effect that much of the destruction was caus- ed owing to the gas from the Com- pany e works not having been let of! properly, and that the re,_w.hioh was believed to have been the work of de- sign,..which re broke "out while the oonagration. was raging in another part of the _city, must have been caused by gas. --The town of Grimsby, in Lincoln-_ shire,"Eng.`, westhe scene of serious. election riots the other evening. A mob `of six thousand men" wrecked the `hotel where the newlv elected mem- ber was--staying, and threatened to burn it.` The troops were ordered out, nd twelve riotere arrested. Three persons were injured during` the dis- turbance . J-Ivuluv, vvu, u_ Lllliubull, 185 11-` 15. Spotton, 31; 2nd G. E. Sneath, 500; 6 Single; Petuniaa, lat D.McCarthy. $1,- Qnd H. B..Spotton, 50c; 3 Single Petu- nias, 131: B` Spotton, 75c;. 2nd R. Power; 50c; 6 Pausies, let G. E. Sneath, $1; 3 Pansies, 131: G. E. Sneath. .7503 12nd D; Bourne, 50c; 12 Phlox Drum- mondii, 1st.AR. Power, $1; 2nd G-. E. 1.5 nm.`I_ m 6 `D-.'u..mn...I:: _' -Stertling revelations have been made as to the condition and manage- ment` of the` Government Reformatory at Kingston, Jamaica, which appears to be :1 ventable Dotheboy s `Hall, with 9. worthy disciple of Sqneere at the head ofvit. I ' . -`-T.he`investige.tion into the collision. below Montreal between the ocean .steams ips Redewater and Elphinstone has resulted in` the substantiation of the charges against the pilot of the lat- ter vessel, who has beensuspended for one-year. , ` . ' -Hugh Hunter, Egxemont, Grey County, willnapply to the Dominion Parliament,-at its next session fora divorca from his wife, Catharine, on the ground that shejis living in adultryn with one Tait in the Cxty of Toronto.` -Seventeen inmates of the. poor- house in connection` with the county of Norfolk Industrial Farm were burnt to death the other evening`, and four` men were badly injuriedu The build- ing and furniture were destroyed. iv . no -- * -.The harvest has commenced in the-south of France and has so far been fuoured with ne Weather; The results of the crops are /more satisfac- tory than were expected, both in quan- tity and quality. ~--.--.-----, v --- -The Nationalisls celebrated the anniversary of the birth 0'!` `O'Connell by a demonstration at Belfast. A riot ensued and .the military were called out to patrol the streets. ` .--The GoVe1'nmeht have pumhuised a number of cromos of the Governor- Ganeral and_Lady Dutferin, to lye dis- tributedamong the Indians" dugiug His_ Excellency's' lri p. can _- . `--Tlne'Uuited Statesoonsul at Wit :- nipeg reports that Sitting Bull and his. lollowers make no secret of their in- tention to renew the campaign on the Yellowstone. ` ~ I --'-The.Mi,nist6r of the Interior has gone [to Washington to consult the British Ohargd d A'aires in relation to Indian-n_airs in British Columbia. .. -The village of Gemsee, near Mnrienwerder, in Prussia, has been de- stroyed by fire, and eight` hundred persons tendered homeless- A A . Ivy-leaved Geraniums, 1st D. McCarthy, . Power, 82; 2nd D. McCarthy, $1 '2nd R. Power, $2; 6 Foliage Plants, lst -xuxun, any .1. J uwur, 4:54;. arm 1). .010- C A y, 81; 6 Ferns, lst .R. Power, $1" 2:: `D. McCarthy. 50c; 12 Zonale Ger-_ aniums, 1st D; McCarthy, $2; `2nd W. Lonnt, $1; 6 Zonale Geraniums, 1st W. Lognt, 81; 2nd D. McCarthy, 50c; 3 Zonale Geraniums, lat D. McCarthy, $1; 2nd W. Lount, 50c; 3 Double Ger- aniums, lat W. Lount, $2; 2nd D Mc- Carthy, $1; 2 Double Geraniums, let W. Lount, 81; 2nd D. McCarthy, 50c; 12" 1 Tricolor Geraniums, 1st ' R. Power, 83'; 6 Tricolor Geraniums, let D. McCarthy, $2; 3. Tricolor Geraniums, lat D. Mc- Carthy, $l;`2 Silver-leaved Geraniums, 131; W. Lount, $1; 2nd D. McCarthy, ` 50c; 1 Silver-leaved Geranium, lst D. McCarthy, $1; 2nd W. Lount, 59; Col- lection` Foliage Geraniums, lat D. Mc- Carthy, 82; ,4 Scented Geraniums, lat PR. Power, $2; 2 Scented Goraniums, lst R. Power, $1; 2nd W. Lount, 50c; 6 $2.50; 3 Ivy-leaved Geraniums, lst W. Lount, $1; 4 Bronze Geraniu-ms, 1st 1 Bronze Geranium, 2nd Dr. J. L. G. McCarthy, 60c; 6 Fuchsins. 1st D. Mc- Carthy, 82; 2nd W. Lount, `$1; 3 Fuch- sins, lst R. Power, 81; 2nd D. McCar- thy. 50c; 1 Fuchsia, lst D. McCarthy, $1; 2nd W. ,Lount, 50c; 1 Ivy, lat W-. Lonnt, $1; Musk, lst W. Lount, 81; 2nd D. McCarthy, 50c; 3 Roses, lst W. Lount, $1; lARose. lst W. Lonnt, $1; 1' Lavender, let D. McCarthy, $1; 1 Myrtle, lst R. Power, 8]; 3'Abutilons, lat W. Lount, $2; (specially noticed by the J udgea.) Abutilon, 1st W. Lount, $1; 1 Oleander, lst W. B. Capon, $1; 12 Foliage Plants, lat W. Lount, 84; W.,Lou,nt, 82; 2nd R. Power, $1; 24 Flowering Plants, lst R. Power, $4; 2nd W. Lount, 32; Collection of 6 Plants not before shown at any exhibition of this Society, lst D. McCarthy, $2; 2 Hang- ing Bask(t:,k1tst 'W. ount, $1; 1 Hang1n' s e 2;, lat Power, $1. Ex'r15\s.-Ba.1loon Vine, Collection of 09, Cannes, Stand of ' Flowers, and Large 00 Calailium, W. Lount; Calla, J. Dickin- Inn. --Bellevil|e Zrejoices in crazy man in the neighboring woods who has eluded the pursuit of hns relatives for several days. ` --4Mr; Reeves, of Tetunle, `bed the honor of exhibiting the champion Ca- nadian 0:: to the Prince and Princess" of Wales. ` ..'rue Rt. Hon. Lyon Plalyfair will sail from Lixerpool on the 23rd inst. for a several months?. tour in the United Stm.es._ . [ - V - ~ .1 --Koehlenthe New Jersey wife-, murderer, who was to be extradited hanged himself in prison at Plymouth England. T `T \ --A disastrous re oocurtad at Ron- denu garly the other morning, by which 1 n bkzck of fteen buildihgs was de- " strayed. ` . ' _ ' -'-Apprehension; me ntertainod of coming hurricanes and aaithquaku in Jamaica, owing to the unusual heat. _-V-'I'he`Winnipeg' gar-urion `was dis- banded last week; most of the men` relurh to Canada. . '--The `P6pe gi1enltb ii apjatn.tIy imp:-o_v'iug, and heis continuing his audiences. ' ' ' - I I -Germnhy 1: said to be61fdaavoui- zngto acquire the Samoan Islands. . an -. 1 ..,..'rr.. Duuki:i"A'fwi11 in :txieA l {Q Ottawa. _ 'V L, 6 Achimenea, l_st Power, $2; 6 .vBals,a1n`s, lst D. Bourne, $1; 2nd W. ,Louut,D 500; 6 Foliage Begonias, lat W._LOnnt, $2; 2nd R. Power, $1; 3 Foliage Begonias, 131: W. Lount, $1; 2nd_V`D. McCarthy, 50c; 6 Flowering Begonias, 151: W. Lount, $2; 2nd D- McOartby, $1; 3 Flowering Begonias, 11515 .R. Power, 81; 2nd D. McCarthy," "60c; 12 Coleus, ls_t D: McCarthy, $3; 2nd,W. Lount, $1; 6 Coleus, lat VV. ,Iaount, $2.50; `2nd D. McCarthy, 50c; 6 Caladiilms, 131: W. Lount, $2.50 ;' 12 .Ferns, lat` R. Power, 132; 2nd D. Mc- Cjhv. In- 6 warns : `lat `R Dnvnnu or -Q-An Abyssinfhnl descent on Egypt is threatened. V r ' I Th: Pngi `\JV'nx7s , Dnsgifcnss 11` 'T3mzr-`-No'r:s'nou> am. 0v:n.`__ V I --The - Labmdj kcopd asherfi to-, [poxbtuVd fair. 1 I _ , and Amricazi Dist6n s Hand apd Oruohs-Gqt Saws, Canadian Fn-mer Chisels,"-_. Q _ ..A . % Boiinz Mohines uiu!.Ai?sew_ Bum$1_1 s,---Wamock a ma 3..n:.:.. Chap- Arte`;-having rceiyed fbr 'fo_nr ,g.... the liberal patronage `of our many friends, for which they have our/cordial thanks, wb oonddntly reqtiest a continuance of the same. Onrbuaineas is _now ivholly and as we are CASH bgyem and sellers we cannot,be-unde1f- iold, The following are a few 9f the !ings_:w_ l_: ;p:-'- ` _ ' i , ~ ----- v--v-- -v---V I :0 ?i?.)rrtsiee'l{`(?(?sb&11a}~`l?1Bils:I.{?Jez:cx1ce' Rivets 8: Bolts, spade. shovel. Pick. scyuua" Mechanics- Tools` cheaper than even - Smiths, all gradox; F0`l'kI, Hay & k;`*~exg5gI?`fig{1Q,`;1;`f7Id%'55B'5h5- Manure; liar Rakes as llendles. Andy. (:1 stock at Shelf Harlware.- - Locks, all grades. ' All the above Lines will be sold at REDUCE PRICES for the Next Thre Months. Ecell Early and secure before all gone. - - C?!` If 4-a-- - .-no -_--- Q2 .-. ----v yqvvwvvvvv . _1'rnn BY _.1. M. noruwnnn.` Quiet-l`e'a`on mhtters rclatin` to these sl iects a`z. % s.?%,"3`}:`3 ,'s,.`%`:.a n`: `""` ` . nnuuunuuaunan-u-nunun-anon-u IIIIIIIIIIVIII Bor'inAg and Morticing Mzichinclas, \ ' % .. Spades, Shovels. Rakes, `L %* % .' % `' Roong Ma.terials)| -Builde_r s"Hardware`, GREAT %nAnaAsIJNsiN%'TH& --`A 'I`.. L :roI-I1\T WATSON. Dunlop Street, Barrie; 22nd March, 1877. A V V C'Ah early gall sazzfmed. SPRING Goans: Important Announcement vv. (3E.ADDOOIi S HARDWARE {ST_'_QRE, A. Togther with many SPECIAL LOTS brccc-ntly purblgasecl at whole of which must be cleared out, are beginni nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn u PRIZE LIST.