Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Nov 1876, p. 2

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Tm-1 recent favorable turn given to Hamilton & North \Vestern Railway . affairs in_ this county should he lmiled with pleasure by every one anxious to ~ see the road built through this district; and the action of the reeves `at the late conference should meet with universal approval. Dissatisfaction, however, is osxpressed in the South with the course` taken `in regard to the County dcben-; tures, and the reeves from that section : are being roundly abused for consenting . to the farrangement_ decided upon. e Whatev'er the people in- the dissatisfied townships can mean by their opposition to an a.rr:1ngement which had everything to recommend it, we cannot understand. ~_' dzxv. ` UllUl1(.7lI iVJ.V.\'I"l`ERS.--' li0\". .I\.l1l'8.l -uean :~`te\v:u't, from Orillia. was here last week ' to attend a meeting called by the Rev. M G. A, Anderson to`:u-range the best . means of raising a su-lzwy for :1 new In- V cumbent. On the occasion, but one gen- M t ouu1n at-tended the meeting} reasons obvious. The Rural De-an can, if re- quired, doubtless give full p:u'tic`ula.:s. Essa. [("arre.$pomIence of the ,Ariv.'anrr.] ALMOS1` A SUlClDE.---A certain lady, iwife of u. respecuible farmer, residing 5 near Elm Grove, almost ended her life 5 by taking 9. dose of strychnine the other _ . She no doubt would have accom- pliahed her purpose, had she not taken fan overdose, which brought on vomit- ;ing. With medical assistaxice she has 'been `restored to health again, Her Their inter-es's have not been sacriced-- .. , . _ h 1 $1 th I reason for the act is ` she was tired of no money as neon ll`0\V'l1 away- e m-e_.. e . - 1 ; - that; {{'-d ti b't.l1:t*!- .. 1 - - . _-7 1' if 5 effect that a youngrman -was lately kil-i 3911 310 33 C -V91` they WCYG: .\`v'1t1I $1118 {led at Sand Hook, in Teemnseth-, while 3 . dierenee, that whereas hitherto they Int :1 chm-ivari. The report says he was" have been of. no practical utilit , now S'17\1k Onllle o.I1 by 3-i) 11.; _v1*1d7 _in `i they have been turned to good account, it1:;:Efeh:kmi:f.r:3:r($3;.1$d;grWg:8 } . ,v'gl1_ii will lzqmade use of in the safestiand ' __ , , _ _ _ From_ the nmnner in which I got the most benecial manner possible. The story, I have no cause to doubt its truth- ;~.nnncial.a'airs( of the compenyewere in ' ' ` i V fulness. a-`3"sIi eh t_i,_c"ouditi_on' _ae to p_i-eclude the pos- _ . . . .o ( . HIGH. 'WINDr'i--'0.1i'ThP$d3Y illishtbfjz E " *)5i_bility__of the road being built }through _last weck.__ a`;_atrong.wind passed `over. ; "V 1g.o:=f(_3aunty of simco "without az.1_rggm;2 this p.urt.- . 1n'3dditi0n-9.039!.i!l0,P damage. i%:2::i ` ' `_Wf.=l*P1F1:ri\' tint-aid frbin `l hurl just 'ben=.fin"is1id,4 ;i;iag$i.s;;t;;y to ' IBSLUU. uaugu DUI ). . Edward Moore was appointed lamp lighter, . on trial, at a. salary of $5 a month. E \'[v 1-Tnrriunn Innvu for a uhlnuvnllz n.. H. F- Messrs. Ross,, Macn:1b,' Brown and Sewrey were appointed to compose a court of revision, to revise the schedule of assess- ment for dr:fm;1ge1)u_rposes; the rst mectin of the cnurt to be held tlu's.du.y week, llit; inst., at 10 xfclock. I Xfv nnan Innvm} Hnnnn/lnrl Iu.- RI ... A...1.... ` Mr. Ross moyenl, seconded by Ur. Andex-. I ton, that 9. PClS.ltlOl1 be, presented to the Li- cense Coinunssmners to have a census of the .5 town taken with :1 viewto iucremed hotel ac- ;c'omu1odation. Mr. Macnal) asked if it was certain there was population enough to en. title the town to more hotels. Mr. Ross re. v lied there wazs--suicient to allow two more, llle held that the town was iusuiciently pm. I vided with hotel and stable accommodation : and allirmed that it was absolutely uece-:s.1ry . to have more. Mr. Dyment wanted to know ' if a census could be taken without expense to ' the corporation. l Mr. Anderton said it would cost about $30. I Mr. Macuab strongly opposed the motion, luiug of opinionytliat the town had at present all the hotels it required. The motioxi was ` l nally ut and carried. l I `Mr, Tm~.nn.'h mhverl fnr lm nrnnfinn at in... 11130., zu. 1U u UIUUK. I I 3 nauors pnsseu. ' > ` I The reason of the delay in the construction . of the lamps lately ordered was/askecl, and . M r Ross replied that they were ready, and `the Committee were just wa.iting for the I moonlight nights to depart before having them put up. Economy was their motto. ` land, in the matter of the street lamps, it I g could be exercised as long as the moonlight ' ilasted. (Laughter). ' _ l`lalWnl'k1l \1'nnrn was mmnninfml I.-nun linki-...~ .` i 011 DFIIU, ill} a. salary U1 8'0 it IDOUUH. ` Mr. Harrison moved for a. sidewalk 0-1 the : I west side of Ulapperton street, Rdj=>iIli1l2 ; '`s hotel. Mr. Ross supportel tlfc } motion. 1 `u- n.........a .\......\.....1 :4. ..-.. .4 ,1 1 BARRIE `rowni courc_u.. 9|-\rI,uwa- _ l Barrie. March.29.' 1876. Axvuu-m :uurr'A1\`u! GUUUS con. . n _ ' stantlgwfbeing made. ' _ IPRESCRIPTIO -5X1-zEFULI.Y MADE 5 U UP. P ICES MODERATE. - tn@"G-IV _-AL-Os.LL.`ca W non ? ' ._ %s.~m=` 1 *9 mm" ,nnv.G,,.s'wn:._:aPRosrrEL mm a.ugnnr.no1fm.- .. _ II- GEO .. as`; H 5 llgiih` Q: IRVK ~ - . - .-- - - V` -:'.-_-1 oPPosI1' TI-IE BARRIE HOTEL, I ; DUNLOP-ST. ` [ D31-I `V IICIIII ! grgpdwcll. ' prmg. . . . ` { Barley I-P088 Avaraae amoum I::xs'iub.~;s ihc lust rive . . . . . . . . .34 (laiig Ausclcs lm Juu':r. i876 .. . . . . . . . . . ,. 5 " Annual Im:ome...... . .. 1 Paid to Policy Jlcnzh Ulaium, mvidom!-4, .`.Iu1ur:-,d, 1".ndmvInt.-M.-4 . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. Dividend:-x diviulcd with P1 \' Hnldc-ra. I876 . . . . . . . . . .. paw . . Hay . . Straw - Dnbn `Inn o I l i 9 JV UIUODB, LVIIIVV IUKVLX, Ol'lAl'4 l"l\Ul'l$1DlUl\- One dollar and [we've-nn:l-hnlfcenls for post age enclosed to Norlhtopr. Lyman,'l`oro;n.o,0nI., ' genera agents for the Dominum ,will insure a b'ou|e,r-.ontainin, over 50 pills,by return mml. Sold in Barrie, hv John Woods ; \Valsnn J1 Cm, .We|ls Bros , Tnlexnsk Mcbennz B*ndl'nrd, - Dea':un;Craighurst, Green 61. Bram, and aHmedi- A nine dealers. - . . 1._l.l;Il.\L`J.L\J mtw n the undersign- ' ' oak llers, &c., in the. `as t as day dissolved by"; All abilities owing by the ;e paic y 15. H. Edwards. A . I.` `ll 1.`I'\\\`AD1'\C' 3 _ I-`O .- Icd as St tiou i Town of Ba i , ; mutual cons 1 . i said rm wil 1/` .-?:_ wr'h 0 iace 11 various news- papemdis ii) ( t_ out thirty States, willbe so 1-f . _ . c . Accurate inser- ' I , ? L 1 e i I: _tions guarain Lg` 1; f tjxe papers,` giv- rmrr (lady aria weakly c culatlr-n and prmted . sc cdulc of rates?` sen free on application to` GEO. 1 . ROWLLI vertising Agents, York. & 00. Newspaper A(1-_ 0. 41, Park Raw, New . 45-3m ` _ U1 llllh IV:-.L1.~.I.I&Il-It, v: ----v---- V _ _ , * _ mannusn, , _ ' E A LEXANDER- ARM OUR. --'iAt,t;X1eMnnse, ; Barrie, on the I 6th inst-5, bythe Rev. M. 1 Fraser. .\Xx:.Axcu. ALEXANDER, of Van ban ! township, to 31135 Fn._o1>..a A_R?-1OUP., of ing. ` . PARKS-ANl\'Al\ .-At the residenc of the g } .bride s father, on the 7t-h inst , by the Rev. 1 3 M. Fraser, Mn. Gzxzma PARKS to M133 ` E }:ILLF..\ Axxax, all of Barrie. ml \Vlxca(: .. 'l`......1uy.-.1`! an-aw Potatoes `per bag, Butt.-r-tub . ; . _ _ N` 1-Ha 1gggs.... . . . . Beef-hind quarter. . f` fore quarter . Mutton, by carcass . Dz-eased` Hogs . . . . . "' --..o_... Phis invaluable medicine is unfailing in lhr fur: 01 all llzo'e painfulund dangerous d'sz-uses . to wii:c.11l:cl`e:nale. ccnsiimlinn is snbjx-.01. l v in mmlcrates a!` excessmxd remove allubslrlxcixom ` and a-speedv 1 me m-`Iv l-e ra-.'i;-E on. ' TU .\lARlill`.-1) L.-XDIES `his peculiarly` suited. ll will, in :1 short linu- bring 03 the V period willx regularity. In all other cases ol'N::r~.-um: and Smnal Aifeu bring the y.per1."u '.\`:ll:regmar1ly. all at N::r'.'o',t.H and Sp1n:1lA'eu ti ns, Pmnsm the Bank and Limbs, Fatigue on - , slight exertion,PaloE'.u1ion otthe Hum-1. Hysteric: and Whites,thcse Pills will effect a cure when , all other means have ftiied; and although a V powerfuT re:ne:Iy.c'o not cwntnin Iron, caknne], anlin|ouy,ornnytting hurtfutto I-heconslituliou. I Fnlldirecli-main the namnhtet around each WTONTINE uhiiiiliiwrvdni .:=oucv~7s : |.lIl|l0I|y, orunyu HIE nuruux l0 H18 CODSIIHIIIOIL Fulldirecli-main the pamphlet around each I pack-ge,whic'n shook! be carefny preserved- ? JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOIL nan Jnlhur and lv.In'ur-un-I.`hnH'nn`n!u l'nr nut! _ III. S} HID. ` 1 MICK.-.-it Barrie, on the .-'m1'inse., the wire 2 of Mn. W. H.;\Ix.CK, of a son. . . 5 F5)F-E(U) cu rolls Lard pcrlb. . Ema; . . _ . . . . . I1 Errs's UOCOA.--GBATEl-`LIL up Comronnm. ; 9 <-.By a..thoroug11 know1e(_1ge.of the natural ; E lawia wi11.c`l_x'go\'er111tll 1e operaitklms ofldigest-ion 5 _n.m_ nu rmon am ' :1 cute u a ication of I 6110 ne p1'opc rties of)we1lse`1ecte({)l<):0coa, Ur. `[ Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a ` 1 delicately avoured bevera .e which may save 7 ps :_11q.11yl1ea.vy doctors In In. W It is by the ' Jud1c1_ous use of such articles of diet that :1 - c(_mst1tuti'>n may be gradually built; up until istgrong enough to resist every -tendency tn; ] lmeqse. Hundreds of subtle nmladies are ' I tioatm_g around us ready to attack v.'l1crcvur . : there IS a weak point." \Ve may esca us ma.n_\` ` 3 a fa.tz_:.l shaft by keepin ourselves we 1 forti- I ed wltg} purp_bloml `am :1 properly nourished ' g-;':(X:ll1`(:.ts-l-lL'1l1l (}uze(o.,-H8:)1g_ (mg in ` ' _ nae en. - .\.\1`2;s `PPS ' `o., um. ' a:o({)at111c(`;l1exn1ts, 48, 'J`hreadneedle Street an 170, Plccadxlly, _London. . c I. J4-\\.I.I A _L.L1 \A .I.LJ.J_`l L LILV\J.l.J.\J.L\)1 15 of nutrition in aiding the digestion and {assimilation of nourishing food for the fur- } mation of pure ` vitaii;-zing blood,' Du. \Vum:L'r:n's Uompouml Elixir of Phosphates uaud Calisaya affords the only really radical [ remedy for the treatment oiCLLV'SUi\IP'1`lON. 5 By its use the patient soon 1'ecm'c1's weight. g and strength, resumes a healther aspect, and I experience sensations of returning vigor and ` icmnfort. The great number of cases of this v disease benefited by the Elixir 18 something - remarkable. ' innuG7roRE, 3 albums: nnnnnnnnnnnnnn g. LGEO. 'ii}I:E'>;'.'MAAN,! % (Late of \Ve1ls Bus. an Vntsyii awn.) E'__,:___ ____,__.,1 A.L-l.._.`,, , P I -I - - IDUMI. My EH1` ll1U(,llClHU llU2|.LCX'S, ICTICC, Zd CB3. | S. N. THOMAS, Phelps, l\'.Y. i And N ORTHROI 8: LY.\1A\ , Toronto, Ont.,' p. Sole Agents for the Dominion. Nn'PE-Enl.,nIr'irt--Sehuzlzml n.n/I F.lm~h-i'.vnJ_ sn'or1ng from the errors and indisomtirm.=' , \.141L\|J---1\I 11151 vv 1l.\J .11\l'4 I | 1 0 youth. ncr\'0'.1s \_\'eaknc:4s. 9u._rl_\' dccay.__loss of I nmnhoml. &'.c., I wnll send :1 rec-xp`c llmt. wnll cur iyou, Flt]-11'} OF CH.-\I{(E. 'l`l_u.-3 gm-at rouu-d.\ , was tiiscowrc by IL miaslumu-y Ill .~.`~nmh .~\lllC!'i("il Send a self-udd1'os.~:cd cnw,-lope to the II. . J05!-IP1l'l'. l.\`.\x.\.\'. Station 1). Bible House, .\'t-w ' York City. 23-limo I Barrig, New 13,/1876. Elurtyerxt} iyimncr. W11.-vr 'l`IH'-Y'SAY or IT! A Few FA(:T.~. 1-`on 1'm=:.1 r.oI-mz.- 1here are but few pre- parations of medicines which have withstood ', the ixnpartial judgment of the people. for any _greatlcngth of time. One of theseis Dr. ` Thomas. l'}<:lcci'.r1c Oil. {end the following i and be convinced :--'l`hc.a. Robinson, Farnlmm, Centre,l .Q.,writes, I have been alllictcd witl.- ` rheumatism for the last ten Vyczu-s, and l1ll\`(` tried many remedies wnthnn any relief, until I tried Dr. Thmnas Ecleetrii: Oil, and since i then have had no attack of it. I would re- commend it to a1l,--J. H. ]`l:u`l, Hotel Keeper, \Vest h`heli'ord, 1 . (3., writes, I lm\'c ` been troubled with liver complaint for several . em`s,, and have tried different medicines with ` little or no beneflt:, until I tried '|)r. 'l`homax ' Jelec-trio Oil, whie-l1,gave meinnnediute relief." ' and I would say that I have used it since with I have tried it on my horses in ease.-1 of cuts. wounds, ete_., and thinkvit is L-quail as good for horses as for ;na.n."--A. Mayliee, Mer- chant, \\'nrk'; . ..tth, writes, I have sold some hundreds of bottles of Ecleetric Oil, and it -is pronounced by the public, `one of "the best. medicines they have ever used; it has done ' wonders in healing and relieving pain, sun- tl|l`0a1.i .S, ete., and is ,\v'()rtl_1) of the greatest confidence. "--.J nseph H iman; 'I`own's`hip Percy, writes, [ was persuauletl to try Thomas Ec- lectric Oil for a lame knee \\'hi(:h troubled me for three or four years, and 1 never found ` :1nything like it for curing lameness. lt is a great public beneiit."-.\. M. llnn1ilton,\\'arh- worth, \\'x-ite-3; `5l"m' \vecks I was troubled the best effect. No one should be without it. ' I with n swelled ankle, which annoyed me very , much. M1`. Maybee of this place induced me to try Ecloetric Oil, and before one bottle was used I was cured. It is 3 most !`8lIll'l{lll)l(` lnQ(ll('lC. ' Sold by all medicine dealers, Price, 25 ets. Q, N THOXIAR pliplnq \' V L.I,ol_):._I2oscs Periodical Pills. mu: ngeuns I01` me uomuuon. NOTE -Ecl.ctric--Selected and Electrized. PHE (};rREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. ?::m1F2ps%% 4iisc{}i:iif Y Ex0;'p_1N_G ms FUNb'r1os _. ,J.'._._L', , u V :aQUi?i.2$.33LE Life Assurance Socieiy. fcAh\i5_A:L5r`(.)"XI.,`L.Wiid pm an`.u-Inna P.-nu Hun nu-Ionvvc nu.-Q :nA:.-......o periul BA RRIE MARKETS. `ii. E. `i-`J.I')'\"\-`XIEDS. 1:. H. LAIR D. ,1! `IL L U 4553: hnho Equitable Life Ax-c4l1rnm'r- Sn(rit.'1_\'. Amount ofPolIc{.puyabh`. m dc:u`.x.$|0.000 00 V Unsung A}nnunl y uwmuu :u.:1-d :15 263 so I '1`otifCoat 11:20 years... ....... .. . - 5 276 00 Estinum-Ll Amount of ,l ul,ic,\' with The uiulersigned Jfers for sale that valu- able Farm being composed of Lo_ts ' Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in the tint range, l`own`3hip' of Om, 170 acres, 90'of which are elem-cd,~ and-"the. balance Beech and Maple bush, with good frhme buildings, younr orchard, beautifully situated on the shown Kempen- Vfeldt Bay, `Lmilea from the Town of Barrie. TFO? particulm-a;apply'to'_. V ; ; .ARD'AGH`, STRATHY & AULT, lettgr . ,r : ~ JAS: ANDERSON, . "Myrtle R0. ' WET : V . . _ . . . , I)_(zireTto tiinnk their gnnhyl cnstomersfor theinliberal patmnao during thc past season, and I A.`V'i3ih confidence solicit a coxitiliuance of the same.` We.wou1d respectfully inform them 1 V - _ and the public generally that th(4.y now. have their large shop cx-mnxm- - V ' ' ' full with rare lmrgains ix` a1I.the lines of the trade --g<-nu.-ml gmnv-Mania :11. a SPEI&LTY, JJ.I.\l.IJ IJ ..I.'j.I' \.I ll I2 I 4'` K1. JJ ` I large hall, 30 x 44 on the first at, op- posite the Q apply t_o VZV; B. CAPON. . .ueen s ' Hotel. For_ p:n'ticuIars 43-tf -14 13:11 T nuwms ilomazg !s1'RrrcH & HURLEV, sez:w0RTERs, [N0aTEa% %: ililsccllnneons Books, stalloznory Cases, Pocket, cum:-c n& Famliy Bilcs, Scrap Books. 2 "sum B0oks _ V 3 Scrap and Photo Albums, I F61-xV).l_l Churches, in \'m'iousbim1in~,\;s, ul allpriuc-sl ~ `V||Ul|'-I Desks, | Account lzohks, ` Satchels, Purses, V ' :PIaIn' as lancy Stationery, Pocket Books, M _ {',]|Ia'gazinesTanTd Pcorlicgls sz_Ip])l-ied tq order. Toronto D ;u`1_,/i and We/ly Papers. W1`ri 191n'?.I,.', - Palm` at Toronto Prices. ` mars, cm, rams, 3:-mwm, 1 Mantles, dcc., dcc. 1m'mcna.~x tllvmcu uh l (Ii~_g- . 9 Holders. 1876.... .. 4,. $l.'-,(`AN.' { " To Policy Iloldcrsssinco 1859, for : Dcuth (.`luim~uuul I)i\'muI ..s .. 25,0u0_0nu Wllow to double your nnolwy in L Twenty Yeurv, and have tom-V! Life Insured meanwhile. ' ` . V v v * ' --'- 1 i Having bought the Bunkr p1: Stock of; MO0I_{ . 8: LILE, nolivs his frinmls :m.,1 the i - ' that he is now :_ nu xunm-nsc stack of on my kind nf ` `_ _.__ _.___,,, BOGTS AND SHOES, RU`3BERS,. oV111:%s,;J0Es, ----~:u:------ I` NQ'l`E 'l'IIE,1 [..'~\(.`1-I:~ 7`.I`.Ii II\'1'I, DI -.\'L)l"...\"1`. " - -- --:1 Fcling sxitizsccl tlmt for variesty, qua.lity,_ and` p1`idc, his present assurtinlexlt will Q - ~ fav_0n3.})ly wgm any Llnuse north of Toronto. ` ` I . , j -A-__ jt:Patte1-son S'?sr'avv Ctltters-a% ? [AT A S.r\CRIFI(`}-1; ALSO A m:\\' ` . ' Slowing Machine_s; by (0011 Ma!z.ors: 3 . | I I I 50 Sets nfink E!`-`i]i`S at .7$EanLziacIIzz'ci`s i)i'i('fBS Ct5W1d 5he9Po 331'}- ;`/`(i(} to ,3->"`75. (`Tall and See us. Berkshire Swine- 1 . I susxs,%s*rm@mv we msmr'ess,i Fr;-vcling stizscd variety, qlmlity, mn1'pricc, present assortment will .. ... .... _- I ``1{:;+ NEV? % Ciocns T ns WEEK? ALUABLE FARM FOR `SAL IN THE TOWNSHIP OF 0110.. | I COOKINGSTOVES, 5 PARLQR STOVE8. I|lll1lUl.Hy l|)U!`bUl| 1.{l'tl 01) ` `F010,! Coat ycxu-su......:....._... 5,z76 Amount at l uhc,\' \H`.ll Pmln, payable in (Tush, M mu! `:0 ycam. to lmmn-di! he surviv.-,3|o,59o 00 5 MUs,'[` 1;]; (':.].)`\_|{}-1]) (_)I'fJ` AS '15 ARI-I l)l{(')l l`L\'(: 'l'HA'l' L].\'I-I, ._\.\'l) WILL H1-I I ' SOLD .-\'1` LESS 'I.'Jl :\}\' C().~.'l`. ` vr;if"'Iv EIv3 S SPLEETDI B PP nan-A Pt-wvis E31'os.,iN0rth Side Damiop-Stu Barrie. -1. . Sin M .33. R 131 g Rgfrf H FIR s "Barrio, August 31, 1375. Barrie, IO-.-tober 31st, 1376. NEEDLESSLY EXERCESED. k \> \ IV[, ($0., vvlaich, he THE SUI'3SCR IBER RESPEC'I`FULL.Y 1:<\91'1`us4-Ax xxsmccriox 01: ' - -. . :sfroc_1: or V V V V i . 3.-i>`(`:'oss-Gut Saws, Axe; and General Eiardware _.':U [ALL T0 L E'T-'1`..0 IzET A _ ,.._L 1.1-1. -., PEI RVES EB ()'Il` EERS; Dunlop-st., Barrie,` n(5"OPPC)SI`I`2E} TIEIE QTJ EEl\`lS HOTEL.- V`, -vv A.;I:E1=z.UP=1= ZP.`B. IC> E]S.; -- :0: -_._. unj- AOIV IS THE TIME TO SA VE ZIIONEY." Which will be snI1:u.b prices to suit the times, vfuzj C.\.\`H. A ]:n'ge stuck of Du'2*fin House, Dunlap Smc/, Ecast, I3(m'ir, . }m!. `ll vvlsvu .._. ___. At 'S.1a.'L1-;23;h`$er Priceg. A l.AIl1`21-I A.\'l) \ s'I'ILl. SIZIJ-I(','1`EI) S'I"OCi{ .\'L" `W3`L*a.';:>`.`.:=,-:33 f7V'11o1sa1c a.11<:1 Ilctail , M Q 9 3.5 . I\` \ll`\1\hx` `c. Tvr1- l\'0\V U0`JN(1 ON AT ISIIIENSE 1`.I~1[)'\. C 1'}`()."u'$'. 353533;-9 512231 !:Rc.~:-\2:-at-.`_1a THURSDAY, NOV. 5), I876. V 'WmTHER.--'1xe weather of the past week has been del7gh?:ful,:.but today a Jdrizzling min is falling. gFa11-syheac flpakswell. ' . ' I 1 Ia;-gp(']e2;d,-and we ca.ns_ee no` reason to transfer with disfavor. ` The ` gifvn that the line ' ik) .lBiuiii6`b_'g;nq3{tVf:}ll, -.` or -15:52: , " , COI\'SIS'1`lN(:- or _ _G%R.EAT BARGAINS ma :::::sT G(PGl)E Tim c:. muons! I-goers, $1 7o.Js~w saw HORN swag. ._..'r '..--.u-_.-- . . MAMMGTH 2 vation. The prop . ._..:. __ The unxlernigncd oiftwa for sale tmntmluablo I famxheingcoxnposq.-:1 of tho,-_ Nortlx half of Lot 1`. ,_lst C`9n.; Ves_pra, contaming '84 acres, of ` Wluclx 44! acres are lam-ed zmdArca.dy for culti. M in. sitnate'_ ve mug. from Barrie on the P tang`. Rbgd_ F0, ` terms apply on the 103 aflliiin " I474.-lat P.-9,, Iron) narrge on me rang` terms apply on lot` adiui go .. ' i'4i,tf fsulitxk: EXCHANGE; I `L; .----- A Brick Cottage, South side of Wnraley-at opposite the Court House,_ containing 8 rooms: ! budding-new . Apply to ' F l,` ARM F01: SALE I.N`VES15R}&. .-..._.. \\r1 ARV NOW .\H()'\\'l.\'(l _ ,....._ __...___......_~.,__.___.. | 0U SE FOR SALE. AT scrap Scrap Books, ' IIIDBTCSD at: U P" "' . r ': Lnrs .1p'.l\` in .\h , 1 E 1' further pa tlru _ ." . 9 V I ` Lml`:lt& I.ounf, -"t-*3-W -""~"v -"` STO M A , `mt nme )1;-_ ..'uur[)h($u1'uluI:,Angu- _ I . -cfnigc, or tn .\Ic(':L1`{lv_y, E t\l':x}:ior'.~s Suliuitvnls, I -nrrio. ,I_ 1:, l`uI'|'l-II: TII-ll AT 'm1; is oiferizgg at .. sco-1'-1-.1 4 35-ly I L. MOORE. w. R. GRAHAM, ...,,..-nag. 130811. F0!" divining, or by letter A uuu. UAVE B01254, Barric HIS. compare 1 Ti& '7'EI:Js+ " -I-4-ly plnplh PHI cent. per annum , For (.`:1tulnguc'a ap {.\'e\vton Brook; .\l ' ljfodge & Kctchlv. ' _ Lemon, Thomhill; ' _:.----*-"` ' EGISTIIY OFFICE __Mulctu:1:cr Street. 2 I A; I Q ` Saturday, the 25th day of % N,,vember, AD. 1873, | AL In ,.',.h.m.L- n n . ` The nlmve are all pure Incl 1 worthy the attention of .~\gricu!tu and live farmers, includin-_v as th. ,.tcnnin1 zuul mzmy other prizv win: ' have been bred, not with :\ vi: \\ only, but the useful qualities uflm wool and mutton, and c-11-.-xp punk .x`AI.I`. PH.\'I'l`l\ |.` 2. \\'l'l'Il1.|'I` E........ 4 \/>111: I L : t\. \3 ll lI\'l I ; TI-`.mI.-< :--350, and unvlu.-', (':\~} . amount eleven months` credit , jomt notes, with n. xx: Li: per cent. for 4-awh. For (":1f'.nlmmn-.. -\1\v\`uv a.. 1.` 1 . 'Pl`B0ns re( uiriu v we Sm ..... , Ib"!'3 of zny kizds, House Maids, 491`-91_arfcmalee, wl be furnished : fsthow. , Tgistered with us on receipt ( ' .~.n5-'?-=BecuI:e the desired persbu. Adams -DOMINION mnon Am B08 170. Buocxvm. A1; 1:: u cxuuun uuun, Lnc rouowing ]; i --The l'Jas_..l hall 0] Lat 26"" E` Conccn.-Ion pl Fur-n, iu the ( I Simcoe, (exccptmg thcrcont .\'im.-t( `oi the Soqth part thereof sold for tax property 13 snLuat(l_ on n"'.zt)ml WM] 1 mile from the thr1_\'xng \ 11!:\;_;(; of A ` the Nonthcrn l a1lv.ay; wcll timhc : llcmlock, Beech, Maple and Birch, - is of excellent qpul1ty, being szmdv] (`by bottorp, suxtablc for furluing '1," ..'1'here W111 be a. reserved bid, '1'; Iu your Pmpcny in the ' J`! 1 ' Q -17 -15'; fwednesday. November 15th ...... ...... unuuuull, uuu L'u~':l1I [NIL 3 .;`oALE I`USI'l`l\'1'2 & \`.'l'1'1l(l' '1`n..`.. 3--n - - ; October -:7, 1876. min m ;xssum mm>m ' 'AkJ.1 AVl..l$Vl`l\".`l I I, Asstlmncrc has jnez l):' I Company. where, by :1 parxu { Proms. rates of prulnluin 'rll.\x H.-\\'l~: LII-`li .-\s.~.L'I<.\.\'(*r:. _ The 1`ollowi1_1'!.; are the 1-;~. ouch $1.000, \\'ll|I prom: up to: wmh registered and ncquqx 3.-:1` vA'l'lU;`3 II U:|-:-- - _ P978011 : out of employment, male or funulc-. ing for employment on recoup 't `Wire a. situation. _ es pf Meclnanu-4. .~--D ,, . . - nun Inn uunnun-`nu H18 SOTVIC nteul of Hmt upm- t of 50cLs. Surc 3 tI|o undqg-signed, James R. Cutt _ - , y of this Court at Bxu-ru-, at tire ma" , -CIV . k noon rthe following land,~ ~-locc 1 at 26 m-'--' At 12 O fa,` ` "1 V ; ouy nonwnl, uuxuamc Iormrluin . H ; W111. reserved bi.l.L ._1;ut no enqunry to he made L5. the Mr I prior to tax deed to A. (.`. l`l;.m,,,, (Int 1 February, 1869, which shall he take 1 root of title. The othc-.r 1-nnulitinlls sin. 2 Standing Conditions of the ('m:rtuf(',j,. 1 'I"I.`!? \l'Q_I Inn .'.n`lu .1,,.. .. I u '" E IVIDIIIIIIE, `"1" '" III` I IKIIVI-3!. Inzumncn Cump:u1,'.'. 1_ o)i: L-s jssnxcz. from Bun-iv.` Toma.-. . rt lr':u ant. A..,...a- n 9 _ sent to the said .`-I:-.Lihl;t 1' I5 I5 IIITPXICX Ul'|lUl'Q5|l LHHL 4'! Hill of (lomplamt, emlc; 1 ggenmnl orders, and :1. cu], `= the post-oicc, in 3 ]`nI'(:-pnicl 5 tohcr at Atlnlcsvnlle, 111 tine Take notice, that ifyn . dcIn'.u' to the Hill, pm ` order, the Plaintiff H!-|_) ( the liill as uoxnl-sued : ` (`onrt may gnu-t such r ltitlcd to on his own Is} not receive any fmtlur ` proceedings in the cnzun Ymur rnmwnr in to La 1 ` 'I".E-IQFl]Nl'I{II.nI_:, ON 'I`.. S/tart Horns, 22: ) Cofs and 60 B.-r/as-/zz 7'r.\`. `HE *` MINI.\llV.\l' I lm 1 Cumlmnv. \\'hm-:- l..--. m.~x.. r<:\'m< : Lu-'1: .-\s.~.m:.\.\"cr.. i l.0()\`-'il!'!r nu-. _00hrm the arrangements -modation and other rights mm 1 'U1'1UJ': .15 'll'11\l';U1 \Ix v u.-. _ That the Toronto, (in-_\' and .'~`nu:x` Raxlwav Company will apply to the Lt-n__;i. t!'_0f the Provicc of Uutnrio at the nut Sessxon thereof, for an Act tomneud the :~`c\'t" ml Acts relating to the mid (`nnnpnuy and 1 made with Hm 30Ildh01ders and other Creditors 0f the .:w[ CmI3!lny, and to extend the same tn snvh 0! themvgg have not \ cf, _1,cc-ptcd S`.Ic]| :lrmng- mlltl. ind to coniirmgrants of station zu--'-vilv 10 to the snul Company by other I!`-I){'n)' ('rm1p:mies, .-uni f0l"ol.her nun-nnsr-51. Vn__ _ . ' - VA . IL Dunn Solicitor for the . 'T9'_to, mm September. 1370. V ?- ipuauc AUCTIQN l [ vuthc Ilmlemiuucd. Juxm-.-u 12 n_ U _ , Dlnnuulg uuuunm-us In 'I.'EI{.\IS-Unc: Lt-ntl p paid into Court m :1 1 ` interest at 6 per cent. l<'m- further um-timn A "bonus o_f 20. pm` mm. to I 0!ir,` lloldcraia gi\'o2n.'2s'u Mociicul emu-i nation required. , ' 1` ll IVI I III! B'rw1:r:_\' SA.`-lI,'H. m:m'u.1.; ' 5 \| h: ll|slIl\'l-huw . _ Upon the applinatiun 1.!` tin; 1 Plaintiff`, and upon }1c:u'in;; 1'1-avl j ljumplnint herein, the .\H2J;n l)ri':H, and upon hearing Hw .\r,] (-031! ;\nvxIio.'uIf. H . 1'-1 4.)-Jun-;..I 91.. IITIHHI, illl IIIIUU IlU'U'HH' [I said Applicant-, it isu1'durL--I :.l:mt Matilda Cuv.-kcrlixu: .1. E Twelfth day -)fJammry uuxt ; tn the Bill of Complaint in it is furthex or1crc1thnt:m I?! A` l"nunnl..Cnb .....l..... ! prucclxungs In me cause. _ Your answer Is to be Iillt:-1 at U.\: ` the Deputy I`.egi3u':xr of the (':.;!i .` ccry at the Town of Barrie; in thu t`. ; Simcoe. \l..t\l:1"u\' `ru.\'.- c u.v. I .~j'.'._...__._._, _.-----~ -- ! Theabovc table, and :1 mil c'\plm " Minimum " :syslo1Il. urv publi Jml. ; had upon npplivutiun. I A. G. RAMs.\\'. H . hfnnmtingr l)ix'm-ml-, uoxnpany by osner forother purposc-3. = xx CHANCEHY, I A. u. RAMs.\\j. I Managing I)I1'1.`l`10l'. l Agent at Barrio, I ___.___.____.- ....._.. ~ nomlmdu man r GENCY SITUATIONS Gmumrz El). ,_;. .....]n nr fa-nmit`. lat Novcxnbt.-r, 187:3. Insure n;:u-iusl IZ\'J_Y,7IZ Y of D!~`..\'l`ll 1 _~ kEB.lC!- 5!... A lI1`IY|1.`\7 l` l\'ITI) l \`l`I` -22} iii: --E -v. -...'_;.v_, ...-- - o f ecluni .` ;}Petl0ns requiring the 30X`VlL~fai:ls Swim Ahnrarn nf nnv klnd. nous .`. 1 _ mo .. __ ._....._. .- _`_ E1-6I_I..;NCERY. MCARTHY-;: In Clmlnbc-r3. "1 HEAT J()Il\"i` T v,co'vv'N on:-` BARBIE, Q OTICE is` T1{{iiBy (:1 x. m|__'; u,, m__ ..L. 1'_.-.-\- and Rnm` Thc undersigned will obr 1'--r s.n!-- JUUIL ll dun! : '4 I curt House I.\' THE 'J`v.'cl\'e miles north of '1`.- At I2 01-1-14 ".\1cCA1:Tm', ImY.~' 5. mm I"lv. ' ' I .'..o2 . 'rla Cca,/.'erIin 7 1576. . , 1835-13-1, I`, JO H N I().i'l' if !i :1 f.'0i'.`}\' I-IR LIN K, t\.ul, r.I. HRH` in; ]HnUI\ ('I|l.'_`/ (";:1L'r1iII:, ) Luu nu` <'a~._v]_ 5 apply to I-`. \l, .I ('...-|. `:1 pm: I war:-D--3 General A gem. .\'o:'! I-.1-ru_ (mt ario. Tllll -'1.IA:.\"1 min Qiied persbn. ON Af `:} {.__-__._._.___...._. BBOCl{\'lLLP., Us r. , 110011, IJTCL` {ATE I! DA `{. Jun` ..~' Il. BI~)A'I"J'\'. -- 5-,... Hm Annli urn]! nth BOTHWELL. . . .1 lRefo1'nx," as evidenced in the i}!'(`:1l5 want of death-deserving criminals, has ' Inst many 2!. staunch chiunpion. Add in A this the many other causes--Mr_. Mill.~i' Free Trade notions and Yankee proclivi- ties for instance---wliicli will opo1'am- against the G overnnient, and the (lefenti of the Grit candighitir is all but assured = Such, at least, it is ll0l`i l], will he the cam. The men who coiiipoxso the Min- istry of to-day are surely reckless and unreliable enough, without luwing 9.d(lu(l to their nui_nLer one of the cliwsacu-1' oi ; Philosopher Mills. The logical GUCU1` tricitiesf as the Globe te1'xus,- ;\Ir..Mill.~i frequently avowed .~scn*.imen`.s of dis loyalty and diswegurd of L`-anadi-mi in = taresta, might be ovex-looked in :1 px`iv:it(- } citizen ; butiuia ;\linistei'of the Crown I and one possessing no little inllnence in I the Government of the country, they are A: rather too dangerous to be liglitly re-I garded. We hope the electors of Both- -well will resent, at the polls, this at- tempt. of Mr. Mackenzie to hoist into ~ "yr-omincnce, so oonfessedly an enemy of Canadian interests and of-.\ll'th-at _should be held sacred in the Constitution and_' government of the Dominion. mowing I, In land, \ ix : _ (`uI'l`l-EH, n .\Ia.~,tcr at l n SY.\"l`l'I.\I ....-: gmni, purdmer hmnsnn datul W: i taken aathn itions shall he the `nu rt of (7h:mce~r}'. 1:, lmlzuxvv In In: then-aftcx, _wI?h 0! Jleuumu S(`.WH|_: -:..I....`l A list 1 1:. KAl.\;(l;`. v.; m .\l-aw. Vngh, .\trath_\' 3 nn. .`\h"n. \|-- l'U.IU'J`! Sfm-ekI'"' xlll, ` Applicant Us :. 1!. rmnu, - ul \'.r.--:1...-n {hum .\X.\'l`l H /1.1 .x -- nn,I..~ .\'H'r|` [8, nuvnu, , a listuf t of 50-h. `. SIl`0[t,/x; uu.".'.~ > ' , _ r'._ 11. c1._\1:1<.;:.;em. vn - $44.31` ,n;-4' '29.0...._o'~.;. H ~---I ,uoo,ms, h 0 _ `T 5.33 -,om T `THE`Spanisli Premiei-,. aiidrqsnfng a ~me eting of3Depu `es, has declargftlxat ;;itii8 j$h6;;in1 Aliti6n :of the pt. " ` E . HIGH` Wxm).-`-_On Thursday night ofl`-. 1 f this part. '11: addition hoiguinqr damage 1' it. blew down the .sca'olding.o_f the spire I of the C._Chll_lfO]1, Alliston, which ! had just been=nished,;_p1-epagatory to be. [ginning the,sbe'ep_le.' Lossta c_o`ntpactors g$15o~Ts . - - '. ' ( ilast week. a1 strongwind passed over , I A REPORT is in circtllation here to the . young man -was kil- 3 Med Hook, while: : at {Was I E 3' ruck head a young lady in 1 i defence of her misess (the Abrir_l'e_) while } they were taking her out of her bed. manner I" fsbory, cause doubteits !!fu1n ess. ', T >|. v I I 3 - Cutmczx M_.\'r1`t-:ns.--Rev. Rural Dean ? Orillia.w:1s _' Rev.` f Anderson` to`:uf::mge ` a-lary for 1 but one j a.!-...._. ..LL-...1,.1 Ll. ..-..,......... ..n.~.n,...... uuuIU\.7u.\a. vu uuu uvvnuuuu, uuu uuv bvll` `t meeting; obvious. The cam, doubtless p:u'tix1la:$. Lusisz; 'sm'.\'c;L_1~:s,i ACCIDE-N'l`, m mi. Ll1j~`1"~Z`& F.-\R.\1,ST(3L`AK 1.\`Sl;'HA.\ _3E. "REM. :'rA"'rs 3; 'ncxa'r orsncs, -,----$eo,ooo~+ m_1_' , -r on the Islands and north shore, all re- . cold, and anything but agreable to the sportxamen. Ducks us well as part:-idge ,a.1-c fouur.1-genera.lly' `in single biiris, the "large ocks remaining up-the lakes or further inland. DUCK SI1oo1'ix(:. -- Seve1|'.1l parties from here have been out duck shooting turning with Awell'1lcd bags. The weather, however, has been wet and >possession of the Hutcl built by Mr. [(`mrr:.spomIeur.c of UN Adrrmre] , (.`om-:mN1) s NI-l\\'~I;{OT!~2L.-- Mr. Cln-k- son, from Barrit,-, ll:`.S :\l'l.`i\'0(1 to tulw ' _ George Copeland. It is a splendid and jcmnmodions building and when fully 3 ?completed will be an ornament. as.\wVcll E : as a gre:Lt. convenience to the town. May Mr. C,`-larkson succeed in his undert9.k- ; lug. He will I 11111 sure, by his kind nnd i '; genial nmnner, gain the good will of the , people here. , 1, _ __ ~ , ` _ l U 1' to the time of going to mess re'~i- :dlc rctu1'n. of the Pr:-.:zi:Icnti':\l election ncm9.3't]u>. ho:-do)`, had not been rt-,c(*ived.', The contest. was :1 very close one, and it is uncertain who is the .victor. From .the gures given, however, It would ap- pain` that u! ])cmoc1*:1t-S lmvc bc-en` sue m:ss1"ul. and t.1mtv'1`1Iden ls Prcsnient of . the Great Alnerlczm ]l(\publ1c;"V Un- ~` certainty regarding the Vote in South I I 3 Carolina. stands -in the {my of c;`nl'n'mu- {;`.n11`0fv this . ` .._._-., .. - . .~- .:.--.. .concluded_. .Tlie petitioner and his A good many votes have been struck oil THE Lincoln Election case is `ob im- - : decided, the scrutiny of votes noh being I friends have worked like Trrjans (go gain their end and unseat Mr. Rykert,spend- ing lots of monev,'pand bringing the: most mlisivputable tactics to their `aid. on both sides, and it; would be diicult 3 to say how the scrutiny will result l nally. Mr. Rykerl: has so fail` no .caust=. to lose hope of being `able tocome out of the ordeal safe. I ' A:o'i`m:n (`ubinet Minister has given up his place at Octaw:1--Mr. Geoffrioin, A whose ill-health has long prevented him mxttcnding to his duties: as Minister of The Inland P\evem1e,_l1ais resigned. position has been offered to and accept-~ 0:1 by Mr. Imannne, member f0l`J:\CqLl(!5 Ga:-tier, Quebec. The re`-electlon of the now Minister `will be opposed in the (_.`unservz1tive interest by .Mr. Girouard. I 1 i > 1 'j:u.<.-1y kc! ; L-nu ,\_/nu: uu, ux _.uq5uguu L_|,uu.|_ g ~ ermscientioxts convictions,fw?hik3. hg`. bc~ .3 enpied the }xig11V_position`6 f .ofthe`J Jatllcdr-.-.1 in Victoria, taking with him? s !a1'gc'porf.idn of thei'cougx'1tion who iwizwd the lleformed Episcopx11`()hurch. s X5 delegate to the VBcf".')i'n1ed Episcopal } Cis\1l'ch hr. Jzxtely `visited England, and g i in some intergasting lette'_ xfefersto th_e.'; F1-cs (`lmrch of England `now in close? ".xn`i:i1 with the zl e_`:*z'-tnerl` Episcopal} L}ixL:1`c}2. He mentions .th-at some 30 r(~c.:-5 ugo ..U1e first congregaticn was I10)-xnml :anr.l,tlm usttul pcrs=3cution`s fol- ` lowed ; other congregations wer ::Hm'- wanls formed, lmtlzt was not `till 13; ago that they vwerq -assoqiatexlg uxgim- tlrc u:m~.c- of the Fl'(8 Ululrch. 0f_ ` "` - VA. - In L...... ILU LIIHH 'il1L-re are now ovr -2%) con lll"U`I' {U U1, "nghimi. gI`(`g:1_ti1;us:, with two bisliops, and .2. pro-*2 port-ionatc immhcij of Clergy. One of the fcatu:c3 of the `movement is compre lgui 1.11:5 uuuu.u- u; hncling some c-hux`ch-es of the _Counlcssi 1 . 0fi'I1i1lh`il)gd0I1_ Counectiomsome seven or ' Ahigilh of Lhc.~. r,- with their Ministers hav- ; ing 1'cta;incLl the liturgical worship`. The ;. f -mini of the i"rcei(Ihurc11 is the lil)u1'v.tion ~ uf congi-e;;ution3 from the {the relief of faithful yoke of EC.- clcsiasticisxix, to go into Pa1'i.~si1es where ohc anti-Prat:-stunt, doctrines obtain, to Uhm' Enghmd who desire it pure iiiexnbdrs of the.` : \-.'c.i':s}ii]i according to the Refoimmtirin. i ~ Members of both ciergy and 1z\i_t-y, still ; * in the old church, have shmm sympath and appro,\'a!. With the Fi'ec`Chui'ch liturgical won -zship and order of the Church according to the principle ofitho lefonmttimi, and :1 revisedpra.ycr-hooI; making sacerdotzxlismi impossible. A : f Fnghinid -a with the P.e['o1'medCh\n'ch, s Whe ohiect and design is to p1'o\'idcu= [(,Hn.7:_u1:ic:l 11),] I It is know}; to some ofour reador aha: J. -isglzv-p Cridgc,'of Bri'ish'Co!unnbi2i, `fan-ly let . the Clmrch of England from j.- ..m;-..?on+i.-.nsx `nnuv3r-f.inns:."whiln be`, ()c- S ' ...___4....- Tt1 5_l`~Il`i"OR`il3.VA'\!D FREE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. ' I-i:Nm:rm\:t~;3nsIEan; That Mr. Mncl s new Ministt-:, David Mills, is not going to climb so gracefully into his berth in the (:.mimu:, is amply attested by the entlinsiustic ic- oeption his opponent, Mr. Jauucs l):1\~.'- 8011,1138 received at the hands of tha- Olectors of Bolhwc-ll. The campaign in t.heRiding has now opened, mul it-ll0 elec- tion will take place next \Velnesda_v.` 1 resent_ indications f-.1v01'a iC"\)]-3' 1'-:2 Tln: Grl'it:~ are divided, and nnmy of them will re the Conse1'vatin,- cmulitlate. cord their votes against the (10'. c:`nm0nt, while the Conservative electors am to a man united and wmking nobly in bx.-lm'f of their candidate. in this riding was A enacted the Somhra tragedy, the; guilly p.\rt.ies-iu which, through the unw:u'runt- able intervention of the G1-it 1\Iiuist'cl' of Justice esca ed` the mni.~sl)1 uent; due 7 their atrocious crime; `This uircunnstamwr. of lthlf, has sickmtul herctofoxe sup porters of the p1":_v1ll.- _inist-ry, mm - THE coUN-I Y7 Tau, gab sidewalks in 7Cookstown' .a'fter ii `novel fashion: A subscription 6 '1 list goes a.rou`1id,`contributaions are given`, ~ ` and then a number of villagers club to- gether and do the work of cousin-uct.iou,.` This in a rather better plan_than `theblde favahioried way of presenting "`petition gt` John-Smith_ and otghry 'pmying,`&p, _&c.: ta,_(.I'o\i1_;i[s,j,\t.he' inmbgxfs of which . seemem tak,.ai`.19I1inh d,9l`lt.-Ii1.1- -hay-, ~ `thxn-`hgf_ half _a. 31,6. :1 " e ` I W "N" 1 -THE Ezpositor is out in a double E ban-cled blast against taverns in gen`em_l but Orillia. taverns in particular. The editor thinks the tavern keepers If they. wished could put down tli mdre; repre- _ Jaensible featnfes of` the liquor` traic and ` make theifirade more reapectglile. `The .trouble is the people who frequent these places put down" too mziclrqf the more won t: give "the _p1_tblicans 9. `qhanoe; . .~ . raprehem-:ible faiiin of the traic, and . ';st11'11*iscd the other cveninrr. -A (n~:x1'L'.~:.\JA1\' visiting Orillia the other Snnclay is 1'ep"rted by mm of the ' ` p_upers to have dropped =~8V- he supposes : in one of the _churL-hes. This is consid- $ cred a singular incident in ()ri1lia-not the loss of the -moneyghut the fact of anybody in the town lmving so much. '-hen`. Mr. 3*.-.k<::r, of Cookstc-wn, was _ The E ;editor of the Atlvacatc waxes eloquent} V Oveg 3, description of the feast, and winds 3 up with the appeal: F1'7pnds, keep the i i ball rolling; we want, to share in such a social gatherings. Is the poor man @ hungry `I A - ' ._____3n_' a,,,.: 9 I I m._.. _JfL_.. -1 L`... TX`--- Tm: town fathers of O1-iIlin.J12we re? solved to economize, and to make a. be- gimiing are going to abolish rewood from the market building. The citizens ought to show their appifeciation of such j rcmarliable economists by locking them 3 all up some cold day in_ the building and letting 1e`m~have 9. good square taste of i i i i 1 i tho firoless place. L I` _ `I3 2.. ___n_ :_ - j-,1`I. THE ,eccentric correspondent, as he 3 styles himself, has another effusion in the f Orillia Expositor this week- \Ve had I hopes that he had ed the country and I got mixed up some way with the slaugh- I {touted `Christians in -Turkey; but our, hopesi have been blasted. The .unfox'tn- I .; nat`e,1-`eaderso of the Exp).-'. have our syvIn- U path y. ';. T- , _. . .. _ ; l`m:xu-: are about eight mi?es of gs '; s'cam-pipes in the Orillia asylum. i A R1-:s1m:`x'r of Orillia, whi'_e over at: I! the Centennial, visit-ed some large print ` wo:-ks in Masssichusetts, and was told by `P one ofthe proprietors that-, if x'easona.ble 1 i inducements, by bonus or oblxerwise, { WCl'e' held out, they would be willing to ' 1 remove to U;1nuda._\vorl costing $200,- 000 and employing 400 pe_rsons. . x his strong disapproval of the, Pacic aScu'm1aI," and a_notl1e1' hints that the` same gentleman received a portion `of the 3; Allan Fund. What these oifgatls don't Euuu. u.LL. Al Al-l|r\JI.l A'A\l&Ill:lUAl.V LAIIIUDDUU gknoiv . about Mr. McCarthy, and the > 1 Scandal" would fill a. very large bqok. ' rn . g ` (G1 sanings out County: Exc1\anc;s.j ' :.1.1.\'qwoon bns lmd an elbpemne. ~ A i II{LH.R0NI(.' society `is ialked of ;iu TL`:-illia. V V . 1! All DLIVDUI liugwood. y'THl}'B]_16()`b'QW]S. and wasels-` on tfie fstreels of Crilliax. " ` 1 ` BRADPOIID `Pt-csb3'rt1'i:m Church .is_ going tq 1w.\'e`an_ organ: ' l 2 I I , - . . , . ' DISVORDERLY houses abound ix_1 Orillia . One was pullkl- the other mglxt and . ' the inmatcsned. - ' V ` ' _ . ., 5 Tmzm: is rumor of another stage Ime Erunning to Gilford-thr,ough lilie from j Alliston and -Basement, ` Tm; Northern Railway Company are Eerectving a. windmill" and an immense 1 water tank on their grounds in Coiling-' ; yvood. l """'D"J ` } Tm: editor of the Keen-ansville Sen!i- {Mel solemnly ainn_s' that his paper isg l:&l(l by more people than any other ?3Jou1'nal in Simone or Ca1'dweli. If`; i there is. ztnybod y who thinks there_ is not {at present a first-class mocfern Auaxgias ; living, let him enquire down around ; Kcermlsvilie. . . ' '.` f ' - I ONE Gr1l._paper 1n the county asserts ` that`Mx'. D'A1fo:1 McCarthy expressed his: uhvnnnr [He-vnnvnvol A`. {Rn `D..nH.. I E MR. Anm Dudge:oi1,Vit'is i;ufno1'ed, n will succeed Mr. Hogg asvteev of C01- | I `I n rnunnrl `Two farms in, East'(.)1-'0," of 10.0 and 150 acres, sold recently for $3,500 and $44,000 respectively. ' ,--7 To` Ldan on IlIJ_pro\'cil 1-`:u`m_ and 'i`o\'\'n I ro;n:-1'1; van;-mum:-an gg...-.. --...... -4. E IT gives one an exalted ppiuion of the 5 Bradford News tosec its lehding editorml = headed ` The Dunc-.u1 Act. l I i VVVV" I Lo.\'G $03., C01lingwood,_, have in-; vested in . ncw- stcauner, the vSte.1iuhr}/], .which will be placed on the (colgiant Bay route, next sczison, ' I -fuanmy $3,000 on 'comlit_wn um um 1 mad be built by U10 end of next year. I; The Company want tfll 1880. ALL1s'1`oN will give `the North Simcot I y , - | ; A mm, in Mezlonto is reported to have 1 1 1"efu:~:ed to many :1 fellow who laud rod i hair. J ustasif red hair wasn't as handy 3 to grab as any other kind oflmir. T ` , 7 i TIIERE are two Cooksitovm youngjmen ' {playing the mzxuimoniul mh'art.isen1eut gdodge, anal triing -with the hearts bf ;ever so many yomlghulies as crazy as. | themselves. A H , . ! ``T.\IP;s'` ._isi wln9.t`the Cookstown /ldur ; cake called the lads who celebrated Hal- | low E en in the village. I f this editor's stock of gates, sign boards, back kitchens, 3 &c., has suffered any un-accounLa`ble idiminution, he need notatbribtlte it to} 3 wandering tramps. ` | a . . .- 1 I | E I i Tim public fountain in Orillia is" an lunapp1`eci9.ted, neglected piece of town , property. We knew it wouldn't. answer ! any good purpose. You can : weziu Oril- ; lia people from t.he_i1' accustomed bever- 2 age by placing an old tnnrble fountain on g the main street. _ , . I ( A RL`.\[:`.-R has maliciously been put; in circulation by :1 Barrie paper to the effect ;that `Mr. John Regan has resigned the V leeveship of Orillin and Matclxedaslx. The Ox-i}li_n Times is authorized to state { I {that such is not the case, nor lias Mr. ' . - {cgun any intention of doing so. E 7imrs,11et.tcs(I over two lumclred whine fish and sallnonnout within twm1ty-four ! 1 hours near smne lslmul close to Beaver- } ton. E A. 1-`XSHERMAN, accm-ding to the ()1-illiu n I The Eaztrprize renutrks of at comet pln._vc-r, who is going to play in Golng- wcod, that he is more blu_m a. nmster of the instrument. He must bctlne K. creator of it. T v `|D,0% Acres of Liuil in Sinxg-one County for sam- JOHN Cheer, 9. B/Iid1and~-railway con- ; Iuctor, came near drov/ning' on Matche- ;dash Bay, recently. His bout capsized- lbut he managed to swim ashore. 1t'm% r now in order to sing --' Cheer, boys, checx-"I" I E get this llnllow-E en. ]Ie was called to { his door, and on opening" it a henvy gate ' post fell upon him, knocking him seme- , less. I `I ' A ` ' A (`ITIZRN of Orillin. wilVl not soon fol`-I -5uI`J'1\*T`Y MES. PI UIIIQD ' , > , Holslssavtn.- l`he lives of lhouzauds of K htrsu have be_ea saved dozing the pant yen, g. andjha cresit. is due to."Da:-lay : Condition ! Povivdsra and Arabian Home Remedy." 5 l`bis~p:epzu-ution is being extensively uses} And exacts from all the -highest pniae. No-' . . thing of the kind has ever b:f:re been half so I sncoesslulox give suzh universal satisfaction; i i tcannot. lie gqnalled; We can condently: rtcommendit`, and would advise all-who own hoxieajozkeop n.|lPP .V of iron huId-,-`I; may 9 he 'the_"I_6l_Ll. or-iav1_n J 11rgborse s 'lifo,I pg tho unxpg 43:11 who gguatum ' V6?-9 .x& 0.119 ' "1`3.Ie;" o,'9I'%h.f!P_- . A: . " L" .. . oz. 13* The lirst approaches of consumption an 3 so insidious that thousands remnin nucon- 5 anions 0. its presence until it has brought them 1 to the verge of the grave. The immediate use .` of Bryan's Puhnonic Wafers" upon the x-st appearance of the cough, pain or aorene aof; the throat or chest, would generally preclude n ' fatalresult; .th'srcfnre, when you take it cold I usn Bryan sPnl1uonic Wxfcra," and thus rre- ' vent the anecessity for taking them in more ! dnngerou complaints. Tobe ohuiued ol` all ' _Drnggis_ts and country denies-a._ Price 25 cents perhox. 2`-1' V: n.,-_`..-`:.;..`.'. mu- 1.--_.' -n n......-...1_ -2`. I AWAM Sunnxln.-'-The public have long i felt. the want of something that could be de- ` ended upon -fot the cm: of rheumatism, sprains, bruises, neuralgia; bowel complaints . &c., and we are happy to, any that want is now In? lied in the shape ofthe (lnnadian . Pain Destroyer." It is truly a. most wonderful madicine.a.nd `one that cectd and immediate i "and pevmanent cure in all once for which it is recommended.` Sold by all Medicine Dealers -I)8&IaEle auu uymelni. [This, of course, practically prohibited. the construction of the sidewalks moved for; ' nevert1_1eless, we observe that both walks have I since been completed and are in use; and it is , now in orjder for the ratepayers to enquire, why and by whose drdcrs was the work per- formed, iu the face of `the decision of the Council.tl1zLtitajl~onld not beproceeded with.] "' a . I at: wuluu vuw w>r no sucu ouuay so-mgma. ' Mr. Ross moved that the piece of sidewa.ll: I in question be included in the motion for the sidewalk at the Simcoc`hotel. The Council 2 divided and the motion was lost on the follow- 2 ing vote:--Yeas; Messrs. Ross, Harrison and I Macnab ; Nays: Messrs. O'Brien, Brown, .Bea.ttie and Dyment. ! T This. of cnnrsm. nmntinnllu nrn'Ml\H,n.l 4-Inn "unde_i"stziT:1d thznt evmi ilnpjqx-h1nb"hangL E6 xin1tle inTt.he ' conveyance of mails to points surround ling 0!-illia.. `Atlrrly, _EIpte1`gro\'q, 1 | Brechin,;Cold`water. and Wa`xxl>:1i1shene, I will be supplied by Midland Rail-waf, and~exist.in_g arrangements with March- mox1nt,Wb.mxinster, J air:-att. s, C`-reighton, 3 and other places gin1il-.;rly sRuate(I, will I bechanged to correspond. . * 1 A "raw weeks ago J. K. McKewan. a highly respected resident. of_0rillia, who ` had for` some weeks `previously `shown symptoms `ofderangement, became much worse, and persisted in leaving home for England. On his starting from home` Mrs. McKew_an te1eg1'o.phed' to his so1i- -citor` in Toronto to nieet himat the train A and if. possible have him" placed in the asylum. Her. instructions, " howevt-1', `seem not to have been acted upon, as the following paragmph from ii. Toronto paper p shows: -.- YcsLcrduy' P. 0. Mc- i Lellan, while on his beat on \VelJington 1 sheet; observed '9. man acting in a very strange manner.. The oicer questioned I the men, but could elicit ndintelligiblo i answers. Finalfy, the stranger took off _his hat,-and placing ii on the pavemelxt I Eknelt upon it and commenced praying} ivehemently The policctnanecoz1\'eyed ; him _to the Central Station. ivhere h< ` gnre his name as J.AK. McKewan, of 5 ()1-illin. On being placed in the cell hr ` E contmucd praying for some time. Mrs. 1 McKewan has _s7nce gone to Toronto to I seem the welfnre 01 her husband. . uuuuu ngunuac. Luv 1:1: 1 tn u n u x ;n n , ADOIDENTHI the A_(,`(.`H)l'.'.\"I` INSUII .-\.\V`(.`.!j C0)H .1.\' Y OF (?.`..\'Al).\, 1\!)c u '.\'c-;`- 61-35 yon1'_wil|- my-m'c $20 per mam} white$d. or?-1_0(.1`H'f mu.-r1-, ur 3. pA'f,H is caused Ivy tlfc u`u:id(-:':t:\'-.'itl:ix1 liq}: mantha. i IXCEYB n3CVVI'C_) .. V . ' I ; Gentlemen," he aaul, You see that piece ; of work hurt to be d_one, sometime or other- } and-a.m1-I--tl1a.t xs-- and tlgn the "whole [ story" came out-. Mr. Henderson threatened i Q tlnat. 1f, thrgugh the want of 9. sidewalk, the iwater got mto lns- cellar and dama.'g_ed his gpods, l1e.w lnpld the co1'po1'a.tion respon. sxble. Feurmg _tlus, t`he rgeve_hml onlered 3 t.l_1e \yo_1'lr, but If lzhe (/o1u1c1l_ms_approycd of i I lus actmn they mxgllt order _1t discontinued. ; , E_Ie thou hf, however, that tlns extra cor )om~ { ton wnr should be done this year an the 2 cost clm.rged to next yoar s account. l LII`. () B1'ien tank the nnmtnqnf nf Hm c I Ill! Hall HUVCF UI'lll'UU any Ul LIIU 'UI'K. Mr. Brown said he knew. of such work h:z\'- 2 ixig been done. And then some one asked I who ordered the new sidewalk on Owen street 3 alrmcr 1\Ir. Henderson's new premises. 1 |(]n'f.,._.[ /Hz]n f." n.-nnn frnm L.-.l1.i the awful charge. . ' 111011 XVII . nen(1erson's IJGW DTCIDXSCS. fli_(1n t, _ --I didn t" came from both; E sides of the table, tili every one of the meme 3 beta had solemnly declared `his innocence of . Then :1 avr-.3 turned tnwnrdn Hm DJ"-(`.}m:.. I i 1 Ullc EWI lll Cfge. Thn all eyes turned towards the 13ig', V` wherein sat the only one who had not spoken- ' Reeve` Scwrey. nnnmnn " hp said \'nn can 4*l\nl- 1\:nnh I CUSU ClIill'gC(l 130 HCKD y(IH"5 aCCOunt. Mr. U Brien took the occupant of the Ma.yor s chair to task. For two years the Councilvhad kept within the estimates, but now, with the town heavily in debt, and the need of economy on all sides pressing, the policy of drawing on next year's resources for I funds to to this yea:- s work, was advocated. I He would vote for no such outlay to-night. Mr. Ross moved that` the nienn nf :i.1mm.ll.- I On Wednesday night of last week was hefd - the meeting of.Cm1nci1 which Shnllhl hn.\'e fa)- `len on the following .\1uI1(1:'l}'.V here were present, heshles the mm-.-_ Messrs. O_'Brio.-n, Sanders, Harrison, .\xn1crton., Ii-rsst, fylncnal-', Dymcnt, Beattic and Brawn. A pcbitioll was re(;ei\'e(1eaulrlplainilrg uf the 0'.)Stl`l1cl'.i0!1S (n the creek which crosses Elimhcth street, west of Mary street. VAfter an alnmst int:-rminal.]`e discussiun, an-`tn what (`f:1ll`(.`n1 the uhstz-mt;<.~11, where it \\'::.:<, aml who \~.'u:< rc;~' Vfuur it, the' Mrs`--I t.).vZ.<;i, the spat and have it rcnmvwl by manta moans-or other. It \ppL'al`.~5 tlmt a f';L:no building, either :1 hn or storehouse, hr she] ur suurething, built right across the ur-.u.-`,;, has sunk down so as to prcrent the flow of the water :ur.1 L'!1T1:0 i\n'innndati0n of the surroundingprnperty. The 'I"in:1nce Conunittee snlnnitted :2. report Whit,-11 remullnemled the pnynn-,nt uf ucuntnrts tr) the umnunt nf $l'2.'n." It also cont:1incd n dhlft of the agreement hetween the town and crhxnty councils, with reference to the gu':\ran1 teeing of the corporation debentures. port was adopted. 11 _ _ _ , , ,, The re- 'n____ 1 r__,,,' ,, : IIIOUOII. ` ,| Mr.. Dyment opposed it, saying that a]- 3 ; reayltrle ex1)en(l1t.11r; for sch work had ex- ' ceec e( 1e up 10 na xon. e went on to`sa I E thafra great dI( :alI:>f the road work lately dog ` ihad been done without the sanction of his! Committee, by indkidual members of the I 5 Council. ' ! :u.. 1)-... ..n.,..: r,......;....... .1....I-..:.._ "4 \.'UlUlCU- _ I M1`. 1035 akcd for names, declaming t'nat~_ i he had never ordered any of the work. I " .\Jr. Rrnwu amid hn lznmv nf smnh wm-L hm ; nuauy un auu curueu. Mr. Iacnab moved for the erection of four street lamps on Elizabeth streets, wait from 1 Bayeld-st., in addition to those to be placed I on Dunlop street. II... {\ I1wInn>u'l . . . . A . .. t......z. A L! , ..,.._,....... ...., .......-....- ... ....,-. W W 1,w_.`_.u I I Mr; O'Brien suggested one in front of the i town hall. The idea. was -received with ap- ! proval and the resolution to erect the iIlumi- 3 nators passed. 'I`lm reason of the delnv in the nnnahqu-Hm. . nae ;MT:nvTa,'..T.I nTn7u;1T:onm. % Tyrunna nun (`ummnn -. Uni-In-7:-A i'..'nn:

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