Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Oct 1876, p. 1

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ocx l`0(,.`K LU JJ\lIL.L1 \I.u (fill Estate. Bond:-:. ctc.. Ldinn Mormmze '1' 0 13 A Zf1#: I:....I h`...a.. Hnnriu nfn Id. eygryunng, Lconcaved V or 25.11 \I LLLV \JU1..l..l1lD, V n1'.ILl.`L1lVA1{ Y :40. F'h-re and Life Insurance A nt. Re- si cncv.\Ve1-st Side of Mary Street. case to 1). King's Grocery, Barrie. Surfeon.G1-nduato Ontario Vetcrlnory Col-4 Vle e. A. I \ .ll.l.l1..I`J 1.J.---`fl. lb...` dation for the travc lixw public. wcll supplied with thebc~sL. Good stabllng and smrenti\'ehostlo1's. Luggage of guests convgycd 1'11-etumltlfmxn all trams. Few doors west of .\_lurlwt-sI., on Dunlop-st. Bar and harder llll()\\'.\'. Pro rietor.-- Excellent accommo-` - uuxuulu ADIILULV ,A U Apgmlsr, and Valuer. All orders promptly attende toin either town or country. Charges moderate and sutisfaption guaranteed.` Also Agent. for the celebrated Smger Sewin` Machine. lie has several excellent ones for as e_n.t the store. Address. Dunlop Street. East. Barns- -U LL\J.L 1211;` JL\JLFAlJ, `L151-Ce Ucellnu) F1 1!. `G. HIGELO\V. Propricmr. This House will be kept on the European principle. Meals ut all hours." Oysters in every style. and everything usually kept in u rst-class housg. |UA1|\JL\ lL\J.I..I.'l1.J, \JU\l1\DJ.UVVlV.--'- J. 'l`.' GLASS]-`Ol{l). Pro rictor. 'I`his~housc has been thorough! ' rcnoxjole and furnished in lrsl-vluss style. an affords the best. accommoda- on for l`ru.vellcrs. Table and Bar supplied with the bosnurticlcs. Good Coxnmcrciul Rooms. Stage to Uuilford twice dui1y,Alliston & Rosen1onton(-,0. . GI-JON. and Graduate of Ontario Vcterinn W. College. Oiqe and Stables. Dunlop Street. East. nearly opposite Graham's Tanner . Barrie. Ij.JL.Ll|1I\kJ\ILV ALUUUJJ, lJ:LJ.\.l.l.ll`J.-- JOSHUA CLARKSON. Proprieter. Corner of Mulcustcr und 1)unlop Streets. und opposite tlu:An\'.\.\.'ch: omw. Barrie. 'l`his commodious erstuhlislnnent iii wcll tted up. and will com are favourably with any house 0 the kind Kort x of 'l`oronto. Good accommodation for Commercial Lmvcllcrs. The best of stubling uttuched, attend- ed to bf obligiug and experienced hostlers. Stages `.ou\'c I IlS house daily on the arrival of the up lruills. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors IRES W AVL. JJLJXKJIJ L JJLILJJJJJJLI. \J\.IJ.V' 'I`1h\U'I`()R.. Plastcrcr, &c. All work done rm the shortest noucc and most reasonable terms. ~3ulisfucliou gmu-m\t<:`ud. Address--Buyeld-31.. near the Burricl-`o1mdr,\'. l5[1L\:.ll.l..|`J .1 JJIXJV LLVLX L!J.11.4.11.'-`\.1.lJ\J. B.-\l.l., Cm-punter 8: Builder. and Manufac- .urer of lloors. Sashes. Blinds, Mouldings. &<'. Planing of all kinds (lone promptly and satisfac- iorily. Scroll Sawing. Dressed. 'l`on ucd and Grooved Lumber in stock- All materiu. furnish- -d at a low gure and, satisfaction guaranteed. A-`actory. Hayeld Street. Barrie. Auctioneer. 0loe-Mul pposlte the Roman Catholic 0 C88 x\.\~x~.\.<. \ - \\/\.\ s.-`A.-xxx -v~A ~A.V ORROW. T LICENSED ter Street. near- hurch. Bax-rie._ `Il1L` CK; kJL.LI4\}.L`\J,[ .IJ\JL.I.J.lJJ.'l.LI.'|J, Contractors, and Archit.ccts,Bru.dford Street. Harrie. ` All classes of building work undertaken and executed promptly and satisfactorily. Plans and :-3 )(3('i0.liOllS of buildings fuI'n`i_shed at u. rea- aonnb e gure. , UN-11613-1-HI (5TEL, CO0KSTOWN.- 'l`. GLASF0lEB:.x:o`Prictor. 'Fhjhqu hm: hum. vhm.m....I. .. .... ...._I A--- .vu\'c uns house nuxly the arrival of the supplied liquors `llld 1-igars. ' L`4\J. .11.. .lJl.Ia\J II 1.1, 4;LI.\Jl.J.J...l.1LJ\/.l. Houses to 1 .cntnn_d for Sale. RESIDENCE- .\IcI)onuld Street. Burma. 7 KIA |.`.L J1 1l\I\J..I.21\-L), \41I.LJ.'lL' \J\J.LV` 4 STA BL}-3, County of Simcoe. O!ce-Po1ice Jourt, Hm-me. ~31. MACEY, BUILDER. CON- 'I`lh\U'I`()R. I lastc1-er, nun who qlunrn-at nmir-n nnd mm-xt. rmninnnhln t.m'Im-L w'uw;_M1ll. Ux'lS_L mm workmg Mnchmery. \./L\4L\JlI.Ul.\J.LItl.J, .1. J.v\J V 1.1.1 \J.Ll.'L.LJ - Land Surveyor.Pcnetanguiahene. Parties, for Surveys on_ North Shore-promptly` organized. All business wlth C. L. l)eparuncnt promptly nt- `ended Lo. . 24-6mo ALXIVIIB 1`UUJ.V .lJ.L\..L , L11.` Ur.u.V u up BOILER WORKS.-H. SEWREY. Manu- .'a.cturor of every deacriqtion of Engines. Boilers. iuw `Mill. Grist Mill. _S lingle. Lat . and VVood- workim: Machinery. _ l IXLV .r1\J\J1J .l.\al`J|J.L\.lLlJ'JJJ.-*.1 .LII\JJ:. - Herbert's Essence-of -Life is ucertain cure {or Seminal VVcakness, Nervous Debility. Mental . md Physical Prostmtion, &c. All suffering from Canons or \'oL"rn, send for a Circular to HU- 'iER'I` 85 00.. Sole Proprietors. No. 22. St. John \'l.l'I'>.Rl .. Montreal. ALVLLML-UL` J.V.1'JJu1J1.1.u:.zu, Bailiff` llth Division Court of the County of 3`im(`.0o. Money to Loan at 8 per cent. interest on ` furm property. O1`1-'xc1~:s- -New Lowell and Cree- nore 2s-ly _ENRY GRIST, OTTAWA, CAN- ` ADA. Solicitor of Patents for Invention. 1-0.. pm ares Applications for Canadian. Ameri- 1 :an,un Euro can Patent Oiccs. and for the ; itcgistrntion 0 Trade Marks, Timber Marks, Dc- ` siuns and Copyrights. "3ER'I` 85 00., 501 Street, Montreal. N I`; W .lJ.l V HIV 1 D.L'.\..lJ1.J1.'AL).-'.I undersigned has opened a Livery "Stable in he premises lately occupied by \V. H. Crosby, ,)wen st., 0 site the Post Office. Barrie. where Horses an ehicles, Double and Single Riggs, md all re uisites of 8.I`StrCl&3S `Livery can e found. AL IX. FRASER. , ' `JILL I.` LILULJV .I.L.L\I.LVJ-.LJ\l.LV, \JJ. V LJJ JULY.` (`:ll\'EER, Proviuciul.La.nd Surveyor. Archi- recl, &c. Barrie and Alliston. ' 6I`1>1f "1i6"13:Rs,TT CHIEF 00131 t_ S l;`\BL_l-3, |I1ULu11D Lu W D, .D u .I.\.u.1nu nu u Poultcrel`. begs to inform the public that he .1us-rtaken Stall No. 5. in the Market House. Barrie, wlnoro he will carry on the above business. N T A R I 0 `MARBLE WORKS takin thelcnd. Grange`?-ices-no a ents tn mnv 1 n um nnw nnllinxr . nnuments. rave .LV 1 A n 1 U 1u.xJ.\..uuu v_v \IJ.VALl9 GmngeVPrices-no to pay. V e are now selling ; onuments. rave stones Marble and Iron Fencing, &:c. &c., from 15 to `.30 er cent. below any other firm in the County 0 Simcoe. A call is respectfully solieited before ordering elsewhere. Beat qualitaro of ma- terial used. Satisfaction guaranteed.` V llier-at.. wyposite Public School. A. L. BURKE. P. 0. Box 50.261. Barrie. . -. . "- 15. UUUAL, 1D rnprnumu \J o undertake the putting in of TANKS of my description on the most reasonable terms and with prompt -fullment of orders, All Work ` Guaranteed. References furnished if rc uired. * I n (`,()nI{F`.4'l`m'0nto street. Barrie. A dress. IVU. I UJNUULVJJ vv.u1.4.u uuuuu, on GEN`-ylNE.Il__C No. 1"! II No. 2.7? to No. L"_ of this brand. are unsurpassed for bod and ongliancy of shade. Packages contain fu nctt weight. The ublic are warned that certain other brands are 1} 5. short in every so called 25 und package. -Examine the brand and do not put _us _.. .1. :_:.._a.._ ....:..o..- Imm nu-am in nlwnvn lbs. in canon zo gonna ;)acka c. e Jff w th interior paints . The anew is alwa.s 'JllEAPE3'l`. Sold b any respectable dealers n Paints throughout nterlo. and to dealers only by E.LLIOT.& ..TonoN'ro. a*Fo1-salein Barrie by John Woods, J. P. -ma. Watson 85 co.. and G. Monckmnn._ - . _ . . l111\UJ.I.\JL .l.1.1`Jl.\ I.1.xLI.1.vLn7\1;.V, JJAJ` POSITOR of the Barrie Brunch Bible Society. imnlup Street. . . itcgistrntion of `frame signs Copyrights. EW I. undc I: n nrnrn with prompt -fullment or oraers, All worn furnished rcguired. L B. COOKE. Toronto Street. dlresx-1. )pposite the Drill Shed, Barrie. _ John woods. Monckman. j moval of Household promptly attended to.` - B. JUIILV Dun, .D_u .|.u.v;.u, nu- C PORTER of and -dealer in Goals of all kinds. and Georgetown G:-ey.and Guelph White` Finishing Limo. Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks and Plasterers` Hair. Oioejnd Store- house at the Northern Raliwa Switch. foot of John Street. -near the depot. : _ bond of this n u, , _ ;_ 1_-LL.... ohnndhnlt nf nnv: nd house an me street. Lime is hett mhn nish` all better man`: the finish` superior.` . . Keeps,oon8ta.nuy on uuuu ALLKIDm0F eons s1-um. rouu:mv. ` noun-`rue .. ggqo _.Bl_.A9|IyMJl"_l:'il- |;'l nu. . _'_;...` ....;....;.....,.~ ..... AV`. A, .~-.... ,.,,,.,v\,.,, . V 4 \- H. SCOTT, DEALER IN LIME, - Wood. Hay. Straw. &,o.. delivered in any put of the town: it required. Also General l`ea.tnster. Has the best conveyances for the re- Household All orders nmmntlv ` V owe; N9. 1., TH E QUEEN. S IEIOTEL.--A.%-\A?V\V7-. ` H()\\'N, Prnnrinfnn _, l.`\-nnllnnt .v.............. - -reams 31.00 m A`nvAuoIs.1 E31113?` UOATES, V VETERINARY Sumeon.G1-nduato Onmr-In \Vmm-:........ n..v HOTEI8. x pU1 EAN HOTEL, (Late Ocean.` Jd ,lI._'G. Pronricmr. This um: `1l.[F'I9`() 1iI)T I`1`i(v)1\> [>SZ) ldt\I`,/ Ei\?fL EN. I Hl`.\'l<`.l<`.l!, Prnvim-.iul.l.su1d Sn:-vp.vnr Aw-hi. 1WI..tiRK;SO'b-Iw1{>'()USE., BARBIE; I ,lnRHl'A (VLAL-lzan\V n........:....._ n.._..-_ -QAN ' & STRONG,! BUILDERS, I [:`nn1ru(-Inru nnil AI-nhitnntn Rrndfnrd Sh-pp!` ,- -........., up-nnsc. 1EORGE AsHj.1'oN,AUC'r10NEE1>. A A_.ppm.isr,u.ndVa.1uex-. All m-.1... .........--:3 E0. I-I. BROWN, ARcE'ECT. ` r H uuuuu the In Ihsnt nnrl fnn Quin l?l.`aInvuru.~ xi1RI"sT0PH1 R HARRISON. DE- 9 I nnutvvnn ni Hm llnrl-In nmmnh Rihla Qnnintr PHO V AS LOWE, BUTCHER AND Dnnhm-m-' lmm: In infm-m Hm nnhlin that he {YXVIERIE FoIi1~?13iaY, ENGINE & nnn Ir!) urntnze _n :l`.WRF.\ `Mnrm. VARGHITEGTS & BUILDERS. ,- r . A. ,\_,-\r~./xrx/a/s4\. A1i151E PLXNING MIf.L.--GEO. n u I I r..........on.. 0. `l)..:I.l.u. ..uA lfnnufnn IE; RY GRIST, A Qnlir-ifnr nf Patents for Invention. X~1;T.IiI()-(5I)V RESTORED.-PR()F. u....1.....v.. I2` In 11 nnrtnin mu-n ['AMIL"1`-ON NEELANDS, u..u:a-' nu. n:u:ah-m (`nnrt nf tho (`.mInt.v nf B. COC)KE,` Is PREPARED TO . nnrlm-inlrn thn nnttimz in 9 nu... ...... _-_-- {A B R 1- ECVQ;A_.2L_"_:O-=F _F I 0 E. ----..y ,_;_--- ,, .. _. .__...._..__.__..._._....-.__4 _vI-:1'nmAnv.; BAILEY, VETE RINARYA/S\I ;f1;. Graduate of Ontario v..+....:...--- J. C RICK MORE, PROVINCIAL . Lnnrl Qnrvnvnr Pnnnfnnrruiahnnn Dnriina #IniE:ELLA;EO-I.J s. H. I~>.oss'-0 F.F I 0 E 0 v E 1': u... I)....I. "G I` nnnnnnnnn nn &C-As L. J\a\l>JL):\J .l.`v.1: J. the Bank of Commerce. T13iiX15i`6RD, CONSTABI;im& l Yhimnnv Ynmwntnr. Rm-rie. J)l\..t1.IJ1'\J.L\JJ, \./\l.L\L. Chimney Inspector. Barrie. `WOOD; LIME AND77OOA|..V ,\,..~..., \--......,...~.,.,...~....~........,..-. S. JOHNSON, BARBIE, IM- unnmwn M nnd -dumlar in Vol. % "I 's~at.-i_l1e'Northem Railwa swxwn. root or depot. . he bond otthis better thsuthat pt _any other kln_d. and nigh ` nulnnrior. W. 1=;:I+f5'"N ES . .1`E".`:..'I.. L. I-.`ln I x GROUND WHITE LEADS, ...... n. n u xx,` 1 us any,` Q71 `and NO_ ......:.......A 1.. m-m.-ma n `Livnr-v 'Qfnhln in 10 .!.v Auovaouazns; r.*\r\.\.\.\.\\.\\\-..\.<.\- \.\/~.u _ _ .b UQ"'[l(' U If C &-I `J_3 it".1='$IE`T FOUNDRY.. % mmtm gmamm .r.-.--up, up-nurrwg l'IlI`l' K7! Built to order on the shortest notice and at roa- sonublc rates. Oars of every stge on hand or made to order. Skiffs. Family leasure Bonn, and Yachts. on hire by the hour. day or seasoln. A competent person a1ways_on the premises to supply boats or aid in managing Yachts. Racing she 13 built on the most approved plan. ' . .-..-. _ -_-_~-v;___ FOOT OF MARKET STREET. "BARBIE, Is now ready to supply the public with every facility for boating during the season. Havi ng builtincrensed accommodation, and made a nu m- her of new Boats. he is assured he can meet a ny demands made on him by the sallin public. 3.`I3oats sold or rented for the eason at no- duced rates. - ncmanns made Tl +H'Boa.ts x .o:-- 'roi's, CHINA GOODS STA '1` U ES, VVORK BOX ES. GLASS SHADES, DESKS. _ CR YSTA LS. J IMVELLERY. BERLIN VVOOLS. AND EVERYTHING. GENERAL LADIES` `ANCY GOODS. Canadian and . I HousunLn I= unuI1un.| A [IQ l`VlYnnn a nun YAEHTS; sum-`rs, PUNT8, qt. Builygygp oryleroxl shprtest Barrie. May 4. 1876. HARNESS :u|__pm iIyI_4I.z `l)....I..I.x LVA._ . -.---_-nu, vru-I9&w' XVI] ' At prices as low as any Establishment this side ot Toronto. , - ` l`Rnin(r nr-at-Hnn) uvnv-lnunn um nah ................ apnng anu summer HATS. CAPS. BONNETS. MrLL1.\'Im'Y or EVERY -Dmcauvrloxl MANTLES! SHAWLS. FEATHERS, . FLOWERS. msnoxs, ZLACES. &c.. Which will be sold at reasonable rates. _ .S!1C>@`BS!`El@- f'\Cn\II.:_.I...__-J-A-"` ` ' ' J'OI;] .\'l' CARLEY, BOA T BUILD ER, STREET. -RARRIW Bnyeld Street. Opposite the Simooe Hotel. SADDLES,_ HARNESS, A AND HORSE cLo'rI-Imo, -rnuuxs, VALISES, &c., At nrinr-.9 ma lnw ma nnv `Rutnhliuhmnno em ..:a.. -1 Toronto. c$`Bcing- practical wo_1-km`cn we an guarantee first-class work in every branch of the trade. Trotting Harness. Jackson`s & Rockwelrn Over 3 RAYM ER 3. 'rI-Iqlvlpson.` Successors to M. Moore. Bayeld Street, Barrie. L P.-WA.RNER,v _ SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER n.......... 13...`... .....I 11....n_I.1 aA_,_ JJKIALVD U1.` v;.`1,vvu *:;uu _' , . l|p\\'zn`(1S. for three to fteen .`r=n~a. lxm-re-~.1 u! H} pe.I cent, payable yearly. 1-un< Hn-l<-1' .'iI.on.) on the yearly re mymcnt svs- , "" "V lH'inv'ipul uud interest. App y to JAIHES Kln\\'.\ R lb`. \`on\'o_v:1n(:cxv. Money. Land and In- 57`_-uu'_- In-uk:-r, and Isslmr of.Mm-1-iugc Licenses. 0mm in {hr Post-Oicc building. Ba.r1'ie. 30-ly. \/ any I-Ind *!|!`Ll)t(:?d.` Comer Dunlop and Bayeld Streets, Barrie. The advertiser being an exerienced Saddle and Harness Maker, is enabled to warrant all work made in his cstablislnment to give thorough satis- faction. mnmass, ` SADDLES, COLLAR8, TRUNK8. GARPET BAGS] VALISES. ox HAND AT Low PRICES. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO LIGHT SINGLE 81._@llBLE HARNESS otamv d. .a tood sii)[;c:1<[1':?ce'eand Jn `i-|<.:zaf)s`(`)n`:s'};;eat1l:`x)-rrzt:?t Do`. Barrio. Am-il 14: mm m-st-class work in branch (rude. _ Trotting & Rockwell's Over Checks. Knee Boots and Hack Boots a speciality. a _-_`r jg-wTI'- Begs to inform her friends and the public gene- rally thm. sh,0Vhaa l*emoved t.o.more commo- _ dloua premises, nnnlTD nnnil n nng - - - ----- umua premlses. |oPPusIrsnwAnns &. uumrsl I ;B@n a3iu><:>u3.uI. Where she will keep on hands. rst-class stock of - Spring and Summer H A TR 1'` A DE nnlvnv mmn uunu uuuvc allu I Barrie. April 16, 1876. .._,,_._ ..._._ ,--..._.__._._.._ , runm-rune, rnliiv (39008, 1-nu.-1-utu--.1~u-Ian:a-luneIIu'-aDIu'IIIuP-Oiulucu-no-n -4 runuu u unn, I-Aucv (39053, &c_ Ill:IIunu-n.In..u..n..nuq.,...,g..,...." I-P-0!--`Ination Iluiuu 'INR'|TF4`.T\/fA1\T'Q (`1D'\ramA 1- n . 1- . l\l'I axcEI's'iE>"i{`Is'Kk'"a.":-ii? vs}--tiara. ; J by Ih- A\-{)I" | of S601!!! _DRUGS, T CHEMICALS, DYE A VSTUFFS, PAINTS, .- VARNISVHES, OILS, ` TOILET ANT) FANCY ARTICLES. :l_;;)VI..v;EV\3z.M c'LE AN, no A 1 an: 11- urn-an ']\HFJ( MEDICAL, DISPENSARY, DUN_LOP STREET. SOUTH smm. BARBIE. - One or the largest and. mbst complete smoke In n}}uas,unnIc?i"E'KNn SIINDIIIIIS. Dimlop Street. oUR1c.A'vrH.uvrIc PILLS.` WINE. AND COUGH sum? :33 univonxsai acknowledged to bgthe bestin use. _ Pdrfumery and Tpllet A1-tiglol-I @'0o'AL' OIL AND LaMPs._p; rams, Oilsand Varnishes. ` - _._-.., V... .-.V.. . ...-.-.-v-p Every axfti<':le old warranted to give aausxacuon. STORE ACCESSIBLE VAT ALL HOUR .1. 9: man, ' -_ nxspimsrxa cnnmsr. ' bwuu I'lv'I-1;!-'-I , mini". V TWO poonsxonmol-*BANKor1'o A_m1mth.`18v5. ` . wig. |BE$T: auuIs~Ir_I__.1n nommmq J; l?[_E.S' V;A-RD ,, 50,000T lntvm-~11 VMI_2_s. n'6INsoN czrcm|.on:n'!s cARnIAas-ex I......A:..-. .... J ":uoLI_su poof! M,AKB. Imuuzsfrnm. ._ 7 {AM*Eg; /'71;ii/C')`1\NIUi (v)`N NSV` ' SADDLERY AND ljll1`. ----..__. -------------------- -ua--u-u-nu`-alugllunuoiulnooi-nun 1`REEMAN S CRYSTAL PALACE . STORES. ' V vw-----vv 1| B] ' 'l`.~\BLES. BU REAUS. I )ESKS. SIDEBOARDS. BL-\'[`R F v$_QI 3_`/I)_!..ERY AND HARNESS. ., ,. -,,~ .~r/-zsr.---v.\r.4`z'\~.`.r.r/v\/`n./susrshlvv mu.mImv, MANTLIS, Nah/\;\/\r~a\ A-\;.a.,u.a.Ano.p.A..... _..-_ _ DRUGS AND` CHEMICALS. -7 -.vvv\-u I-ILLINERY, '])RESS`E1:IF];"1iN-l TLE MAKING HOUSE. 90,006 . "rnmr en mu` lim Sole manufacturer in Barrie of the aoo-rs AND anon. ` A4. 5... _. \,\...,-_..,... Q;-\_...-_-. l Anierlcan, Handsome and Cheap. DEALERS IN PURE "Worms ARE T[INGS. AND A DROP or my rximxa UPON A THOEGIIT MAY PRODUCE THAT WHICH MAKES THOUSANDS THINK.--B\'Bo.\'. W50:-IN An'CEv. I 9.90 CUPBOA RDS. PILLOWS, MIRRORS. BOIBTERS. CHAIRS. 850.. kn Barrie. 0nfa,_rio, Thu1"jsd%ay, Octobet 5. 1876. ` I -Barrie. May 4. 1876. - ruuuunnuueu vvrulhtl v'1Ji1Kiis' KN mum umnns. _ __.,.._ _._... ..- -.. - -,._..,_, V- .... ..... .., ... -lIv\l\lll. CdRNIGE VVORK. PLUMBING. GAS AND STEAM FI'1`TING DONE. A SPLENDID STOCK OF IESTOVES AN D, T1 N WAR ESE o,. u,-,, ldno puma spared picture. First come, tion uid to co ying, old lcturoa. `vcryoi 1-can ts and correctness \V `n EI_I..._.-IEA _.:.._.. pllmlre. First o0I_ne,nrsI served. S ecial atten- ymg, enlarging on improving lllctums. `vcryone is speaking of the fine of the work in this Gallery. N.B.-Splendid views of the Town of Ban-le always on hand. Also choice Stereoscopic Views of Barrie in endless variety. We sell big orders dailyln this line. All work _c.\'ecu[:c(l promptly and In latest styles. REMEMBER THE PLACEA-In New Brick Block. tipaposite Hunter, Harrell &: Co.'s. Dunlap Street, rrie. ' `.ILAJJ.\JJ.|4\lLVK\.I.I.J.LI L).ll.\J.l., Owen Street. a few doors north of Post Olce is where on can get work done in all branches of Tinamlth ng. cheaper than the cheapest. 'l`in. Sheet Iron and Copper \Vork done in a superior style. Also every style of Galvanized Iron Work. ' Eave-trouszhimz and Tin Iloomz o. snec-iult,v. lie- MARKET S1TREET. ._.__. STOVE & TINWARE EMPORIUM. SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, And has now every facility for fullling his num- erous and ever increasing engagements. _--- w-.- 71C? --uu-or----I-4 Jobbing done cheaply and quickly. Don't to t the Place :-The new Tin Store. F adjoining cCs.rthy`s Block, Dunlop St.. Barrie. J In SIDSWORTIPS BRICK BLOCK. nearly Op- posite Edwards 8:. Laird's. I Jklwaygn hand and ready to serve up _the most H vdellcxous ICE CREAM of various avors. LU l;\J[1.L\ \JJ.V I.`1L\/ALI ' 9 sc('urit_v, patynblc at end `of .l"rrunr .'m_\` time without notice to the lender "M \~'1t1np11t vxlm charge. Interest not in ad- Wlvt-. .\nintc1` paid up grinclpal. Mort- ."3 Apply to VVM.J HNSON. Otce. bf In-wk mock, apposite the Quccnfs Hotel. W01) -"KIWI. Barrie. . 19-1)` ij __ .__. . _._ __ 1,- ..,v, _._ -_... ..-..... azmudl `cvmy Ema Cakes. Confectionery. Canned G67)-(is. &c. Fruits of every kind in season. Balls. Parties. &c.. aunnlled with Ice Cream at or kind in Balls. Parties, &c.. supplied with Ice Cream at ' reduced rates. f)..--In II_._ II `and! -A `H Ice Cream Sod}. Water I Fruits in their Season. Groceries. a-L1::rNH 1:-yo oM:s=a Accessible from the Rawa Station. in oonneo- `tion. Meals at any hour uring the day from 6.30 .m.. till the Qvrivol (if the last train at night. Everythi 6 no 13?? Ch esMod rate. ngPr'i vat:pI9:rlo1s8f'or 3' es. 8 IB1Vl.naAVl.I)l`4l.V 0 posite .'I'I\E`1 uuuunnluocluuluu HE"'-I`0RON'l`O TIN SHOP, Street ii whom vnu 1-nn.o'nr u-nu-I: Anna in n" hr-onnhna n` style. Also style of Galvanized ' Eave-troughing Roong s )eciu[t '. in and obbing executed n-ompt y. C antes or work moderate. J. C00 ER. 33-ly The undersi ned has recommenced business in the OLD POL CE COURT BUILDING. on Mar- ket Street. and is prepared to do all kinds of nu-so .. .~.._-....... __ --_ ,___. ,.__._ ._ ._. 7,... -_ .. .... WVIQ .. l\Au nu Ti, c61>PER & SHEET-IRON WORK. ,, ,, __-.... $` Hm r` I-nk And general Locksmith work done and warrant- ed to give satisfaction. Repairing in all its branches promptly executed. a.n..L4 A4 %icmm&f6~vw10J~nhYswim opm; Ft)-R; THE sup/11~:1Z CIMPAIGN. i Mway on the ' _CREAM avors. [ Tut-"'r's Anc1'Ic SODA FOUNTAIN `nun, _u n__._.,, _n n#,,.,. gusnumnuuensac , Begto notify the nublic that they have onened OPPOSITE THE QU EEN 8T HOTEL. BREAD BISCUITS; CAKES. AND GENERAL CON ECTIONERY MANUFACTURED. nuuu uvuuuua nu u-II no; use. Cirdn, Cabinets and Large one: . to!-`I-ante. . _;,, uuu AuA.'uu\JvJ`4;) xx 1.110 [New STORE, SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP S'l`RI`.I`.'l` _-__W__ __.__-- ..-' Beta.` th b-livthatth ha a an : .`.3.`:r ..2J.":m. ms` , u.eE-m!%1%c? It In .\i .\IC~\";x'L"1`*,1`.9s-L"-"Iii n F 31$}?- . III :4: I H. .. l`mn.Iv nf \'in\r-nu. . I. Barrie. Aux. 24th. 1876. _-_ -- _ --w - v------ -- ---o-_--_n-55 Fofthose choice and beuutifnl pictures now in such demand in all styles; .x -u_...,- _._- 4 __ _ `THE WEST. END PAINT srfor. nuvn-. {mun nnmm "Am FNi1W'P0'1'IiGiB MERYI ' ` FOR YOUR T T Painting and Pgperhangmgn All work inthese lines prompglfyt attended to and executed in the best style he art, cheap. GN WRITING..GILDING, GRAINING, AND . ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. nInnIA.nQ II!lID`D alt?-on nu Iunnzl 1'5-.---....L..I |IIIL`lL1&LV L311 I.'L.IlV'l'.Il`\,- Sun :0! work always on hand. Ornamental 81?. H apooinli. t . All n-nnteed nu cf: ` given. Remevggr e Stand, West End. Paint. Shop. Front Street, opposite Spencer`: '1`. Stage. A E__)G`ITE|V`IENTI Jo"-H'N' LAWREN cm, .HfEEI.'B.A.LIS'I'. wnnnnn llIl\II'7\7avv-vi-I an no-pnoxn DVD. 'A., Room." "BIl'l'|e`":i!V."K.- "W '"'m" G .0. com? Bu-1100;! wmun;srT;1f"c:" udqhnwhdo. . . ' - any human mung.-wIcnI.ma1'0N HOTEL _. nu` cumin. 'ruvaabA,e and Szdnnaxs. 25-p ALEX. MORROW, AGENT FOR f,*vrin{)_'r E`:;:':a':1%i.a;`:.2:;`.:%=2Io';`: L'L Ln1.{l1|n(]\_ Queen, (of London, Jnglund). puncuuhirt-, (of L0ndon,'Enghmd),y Provincml. (of ."`ldnL K:-mime-.d Risk. (Of C&n,9'da!l- C`m`d9 sm..,T.;+;;.;z;4a}'w}.m I'|lVl\IIAl!lI nnvn nuvnvvn .n nun.---an.- ' vnspm rowxsmnoo. smcon. ovnngtgble, Herb and Root jjr. `I Lzjgvn: YOITEBRDER AT ' ALFRED `G-R..A.'V'ER. S 5 WESTEND.PAINT SHOP Tnvslili-I ;6':'I75iuus. oun- nmu. IR sinus. uoaoruu, --ARD-- A good stock of Stoves. Cistcrn Pumps. and General Tinwarc will be kept. KUUHIEU THEE: Barrie. myu.1s7o. Aim 1 .choi;6Ui Pumps and Iron Piping of all sorts in Stock. unnxvvnm unnnwr nw Ivntruvsvrw .-. . n . .. -uu)- OGIUCUTTIQN. - Wllttanlloeranees ' be she tram Am 3III|!'LlI1lnI._VIl>!'I:_J3I-9 8in.ru1:o't:I%JVeI|::-us: 32'; ETEPHNS. mac 1" ""'-'E` In a), Provinclnmox ".u-31""x;3.3:83?u.35r "Canada. mnada 1-Ire Stock insures Horses and Catt c against M! by Fire. Disease, or Accident- _._....4 'OHN PLAXTON, HAS REMOVED 'l`( ms { EFRESHMENT- PARLOR AND EATING ROOMS. w. nMAu5n & sou, 4313: REFRESHMENT P'AR|.ouRs. `TB AIL VS'T4I ._ L......_- .. ..._-.____._---___- ___,_ PAINTINVO, onmunua, ac. -It u - -.-..-to-w cw-.-- - w.... With all avors of Syrup, in lull blast. 1-.__.__ ___A4-u p---. _ -up-vw-wr-rur--r-u-rt VEMOVE ! REMOVED! -;'rovEs AND TINWARE. V COUNTY OF 'sIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER. No pains spared to get every one u 1 re. oome,rst served. Sfecial a` `d to nnnvinm mnlm-urimr an inmu-n . PEOPLE 1?7sHmG TO 8,1` E P Ii E E S ~ -am 141 V Jauruuh. 14V V`*` " Globe lxnsupunee Company Available As- ` :1?`-3`3T.0l)O.0()vJ. Losses paid in course of Thirty- . ' ,)'cu.r., -, , d Fo ty Millions of Dollars 1? ifgo mie. csumnted at zwarlg mm-000 ur uidatedas tastes adlute llhout dedm-.:.ion gccurlti. Pmmp` P5'mt" `g liborulitv in adjustxncnt of its losses are the m. . $i.. Orders solicited for his improved Pi;-iI;)_1"vO.a-lIAP|'IlN(3. SIn'hII|nOhalI-}u0n.nln4n-.-I-454.-_.a._` lmlerencel can be uhownitrom Amos :a'L`:'?3 E. ' "1...., Z3':`Afr. n: fho'mulIhe1-lnaton. Veunm: GEORGE PLAXTONX. . 18- y w nu a.-unava- WV]. EDIMIISDI \J A` u-- 1]. .114 U . Lnrgeag assortment ever shown um Bat-me. ' ' J. A.` V7 1`! D , 1 HARDVVAR E. and SEEVVING MACHINES. a J. P LLA Opposite xmenuaxxs 11 n niturg: Store. Barrie. ' 1. V 1:1 ` D all the New Patterns in great variety. R E.L1v1s1:PooL, LONDON -AND . _ _ . A . ..,. :}.:>..L. .1..n_sun.mce C91r;I*.*:"'...:.`.`:?$h..5. T I N W A R E, HARDVVARE. s`.1.`_\x'l1cr: M AIIIJ l\Yl:`u J. P LLA ' pposileb cenmnNs11 :r- niture Store. Hm-rip, _UNs_'rHE 19-1) I In my case the course of true love ran, or appeared to run, with "remark- able smoothness. The sight of the golden circle! that was to be her wed- ding ring did not alarm her as a `simi- lar suggestion had done on the part of her last lover; and one day a romantic curate of the neighboringparish, whose acquaintance I had made, pronounced us `man and wife in the very shadow of the old Druid oak. '1 hen, in a shoot- ing box amidst the Scottish heather, whither I took my bride for three short months, I indulged in all the luxury at love s young dream. And she too was happy. It takes fully three months for a woman to explore all the miracles of nery and furniture with which the fashion ot the present day surrounds a bride ; for although I had married her. in her wild gipsy garb, London milliners and npholstereas had prepared her home. ' 1'; _..-- l...-.._I_.I_- AL_L l.__l-_ `L- r-v --v- --v- --v---v It was knowledge that broke the charm in Eden. Well, the rst cloud gathered over us upon the day that I gave up wandering over the hills with my gipsy bride; and having unpacked I case of books, ventured to appear be fore herin the character ofa pedago- gue. I wasjust explaining to her the awful meaning and signicance of the letter A as it appeared on the first page of 1! primer, when she broke away from me and rushed away through the gar- den and into the woods. Smiling at the result of the first lesson, I lit a cigar and fell to dreaming of the plea- sure I should yet have in guiding my dainty little wife along the rough roads that leads to knowledge. It would be 1 labor of love, and, however painful, the result would surely repay us both. And surely her ignorance was sweeter than all the accomplishments of an- other woman. That very night, as I was closing the shutters of my room previous to retiring, I was startled by the gure of a man upon the lawn. Something `in his gait reminded me of the lithe form that strode away from us on the first day I met my love; Iu\ttached no no portanoe to it however; and yet during the months that followed, I met him three times always apparently on his `road to or from my house. is The singer sat in her lonely room, As the stars peeped out of the haze, And her voicepoured forth in itsswectest gush, Though none was beside to praise- `- I`il1 she saw a form to her window creep o And crouch by its misty pane, An old dame wept at the wondrous song That gave back her youth again! The singer stirred not, nor made a sign That she saw where the listener stood, But once and again she raised her voice , And mured out its golden ood, And oniy ceased when the minster bells Shook out their evening clung- Then one thanked God for the song she heard, And one for the song she song ! puts! L 11.. \'.-l.`U ` W I _,_, 'l'he cheeks of my gipsy maiden were losing their roses ; she could no longer roam through the heather with her hand in mine, and I shuddered as I thought of the consumms_tion of thetrial in store for her. At last I ordered the servants to pack our belongings, and I hurried away with my bride to one of the suburbs of London, where she might have the most skilful physicians to attend her. I will spare you the re- cord of the long Weelrsduringswhich I had no other care in life than to watch over, wait upon, and care for the frail form of a woman whose heart had long since passed out of my keeping, if I had ever possessed it. For what [ mistook for disease was nothing more than the longing of the Zingari blood for the freedom of its native forest. Like a bird in a cage, .lw_as killing her by my care for her. I can not tell you how well I loved her; still less could I give you an idea of the rapture of thanksgiving that possessed my soul on the night that they put her baby in my arms, and told me her life-was sate. Yet mindful of my duties as a host, I quickly surrendered the infantile wonder, and hastened to accompany the weary physician to the door of our house. I lingered a moment watching him as he passed the gate, when sud- denly there darted from among the trees the same gure that had grown so lamiliar in the Scottish Highlands. The moonlight tell on the handsome face and showed the sam . iixions ex- pression my own had worn during the past weeks. The man seized the doc- tor by the arm, apparently asked some eager question, to which he received In Iiuillltive answer, and then dis- appeared. _ , Buta great anxiety was upon me. 4 The singer stood in a blaze of light, And fronted the owery throng:.~ Her lips a. art with her greeting smile, Her son soared out in her song. nu! Iuuynu-:n~n Ira an ;lII1\l';hn!IAl` k;rA ...v. -.r-. .- > ... - ....., ..-._ ,.---...,, .......-, sonf in Now hovering like an im risoned bird With its plaintivp tr" 'ng nigh, Then faintlv sweet, as thejcapcra hear A Iark afar, in the sky: - And forth like thunder the raises broke, And the sin er bowed an smiled,_ And owers f fast in a scented staun- nnf 9`-In Inna hnf. GA 114: In-A11 Ana UOWCTU I811 IBSIZ In 3 sci-n1'.e(l. 30"n-` But she was not to be wiled. L "$119.11 I throw my gifts to thus ckle throng? . She thought, with a. bitter sigh. `What do they care for my simple song ?" And-she curtaeyed a glad good-by. I never saw him but once more. Amonrh later_-I had nursei my dar- ling back to health-when coming back from a short journey to London, .[ saw a carriage driving rapidly away from the gate. There were only twoo c- oupanrs---my rule and her gipsy lover. Inetinotively I rushed toward them and - seized the houses by the bridle- Then (sudden lsh, lollowed by: report, _ and the bullet intended for my heart buried `itself in my lungs. I11 n--n-nab Ini` man n-cl.-I ".hI'--._.I -----v- ----v-- -- ---1 ---'a-'- 1 I cannot tell you what followed. Alll-know is thet whenl saw my ohild ngein at was over thtee months old. After that Iwent road. They tell me that I wondered eblut from plneoeto plaeeoll over Europe, while people wondered e't'the silent men, out Ill motion, and olwoyl eooompom- l ed by a nuueand infant oluld. Atlas: ZILLAH T_n_ cwsv. E.:..:;;;.`i moons. ` `ml hhunlvr mrs Nnrlh {rm IIU Ell LLBUEILISU I`-IUVV I'o Now the glories of self-sacrice are not for the week. When the human heart becomes the scene of erce strug- gle, the body that contains it must needs be strong. . Zillah s passionate prayer for strength to endure her trial was answered by increasing weakness, and once more Hastings watched a woman he loved better than his life fading before his eyes. From afar of! he saw the and approaching, and knew that he must let her go. No word was needed between the two, but each understood all that the other would have `said, when the father nally announc- ed, I have written to Dalton, and the girl bowed her head upon his hand and answered, I tried, indeed I tried. Then the roses bloomed again in the gipsey, cheeks; but the 8l6|'H of the in- valid grew slower and that fatal burden of lead presred ever more heavily into the weakened lungs. whdln ant` nnlad utnpn flu: tinrnnldnn laguur, rluauugax . Only that she died. The habits of her people where marrage bonds are quickly shaken loose when love fails, made it seen: no crime to leave me; but when the wild desire to be free was gratied, they say she pined and died. But you have not answered my question. Will you leave me my child. Will you let her decide 1" In the silence that followed Zillah stood in the doorway. Slender and beautifu1.with the longing of love in her soft dark eyes and the stern rigid determination around her mouth, the clear voice answered, I have de- cided. .1'!\- I_---_.- `l`\_IA.._7.- -..l'..`l`H ........ m?1`l:il;`t7;;ne the girl spoke with less effort. N o, 1 do not. 1-..-.. ......I ....ll.... n..lo.-.... .......o L:. I-III? VVCGEUIIUIJ Illlls White and cold were the carnelias that graced the wedding, and white and cold gleamad the same owers within a coffin ere the year was our. Exhausted by her bitter sorrow, Dalton left his wife, to follow the sad proces- sion winding toward 9. grave. As he turned away from the freshly heaped mound, he murmured ; I 1fiu 9|-An ntnru :1! loan `7nI;nnrI nnl lhllllll-Ill, IIU ILILIIIJII-LICK-I , It is the story 01 lean Valjean and Cosette over again ; and, translat- ed into bungling English, he repeated the lines that close the history of that sorrowful life : .l. circumstance aroused me. The news oime that the exeou'ors of my father s will had contrived to lose my ioituiie, \l1d_ I was poor. Then we came to New York-'mv little Zillah, whom I tamed after `my mother, and I. Here we have lived Dalton; here I have dragged out the miserable existence of an invalid; here I have brought up my child from infancy to womanhood, un- til she has become to me something of what her mother might have been; here we have been together through better, through worse, and much of it has been worse. Now you propose to ake her from me, knowing that she is ill I have in the wqrld-thut What- aver she may be to you, Icannot live without her. It is" an awkward thing to wind one s heart abouts woman, he she wife or child. 1 have done it, and mine is a claim no man shouldfdis- piite. Will you withdraw your de- mand, Dalton? Methinks there is a mrallel to it in the story of David and Uriah. uluuu. To become Dalton s wife 1" quer- ried the bitter voice of the invalid. A single word, sharp with pain, cut the air-Never !" Yet you love me, Zillah 1" pleaded the lover. I`l1L:_ A:._._ A'__ _!__I _.._I-- ___2AL I--- VIAUI in LVU, 5 UV uvto Angry and sullen, Dalton want his way. Yet. she did love him, and both he and Hastings lmow it. M1111? fl-In n`nv:nn n` ....lL.-.muGn- urn. He sleeps, though livin glue was sorely tried; He suffered; when his angel left him, died , As V When the sun leaves it away. peacefully and gently as the day, , into evening fades Tarzan 13 a man out West so close that when he attends church he oc- cupies the pew farthest from the pulpit, to save the interest on his money while the collectors are pusing the plate for contributions. ' NA fa -2 us ""`-A/\/~..rx 1% ENGLISH SHAV `*D. E`. 291 ; x'm1as _ U1 1 1 5 ea2,:.`:..: :?,...:...P.' 'II`_iJI - --'. L0 A,r.rv ING PAR- Bqrrio Hotel. and next ` ware Shore. Having hclaas workman, when-_wor.k being Poupnr, what am dat what goes when do Waggon goes, stops when do waggon stops; it am no use to do fig- gon, and de waggon`oan't. go witbgul it? Igib it up. Clem. " Why de noise, ob course. "D;d you evef hear of the mother again, Hastings? I Unlu that ghn died, The hnltn nC Tana: is more philosophy and enter- prise in a be__a s lower extremity, than "there is in that class of stick-whittlers who think their mission upon earth is to buttonhole editors and tell them just how to run a. newspapar. `A move but uneducated judge closed a sentence with the following touching reproach : "Prisoner at the bar, nature has endowed vou with a good educa- tron and respectable family connec- tions; instead of which you go prow- ling around the country after ducks. Onn Jobber: I wiqh I'd got my bro- ther on this heer job with me." Inquir- ing Employer: Why my man, vour brother specially 1 "Odd Jobber ; Why, ye see, iir, he : got a rare check on him, Inybrother has. Why , he'd think no more of aekingrfor e quart over a job | like this-tha.n nothink. THE baby was doubled up by the cramps and yelling at the rate of a mile a. minute, as the father and mother etood over the crib with the latrdanum battle between them, "No` Mariar, he said gently , but rmly, you `pour it out; that child: growing so much like your mother thet I can : trust myself. .eouree. -But what are you going to . Owns lot Edilors.-V-"-Tommy, my. J gun, what are you going to do with that T elubl" Send it to the editor, of ` send it to the editor for?" Caueo he says if anybody will send him 9. tolnb, he will send them 9.. copy of his paper." The mother eeme near fainting, but recovered lheteelf sufficiently to ask, But, 1`onuny,'deet, what do you sup- poee-he unite with a club? Well, I don't know," replied the urelun, `iunp-A leee it into knoek down sub-toliben es : don't pay tor{heir papers; I suppose . theu._ni , plea .y 9l~;ml\;moeu people -f` Owns for Edilors.--L"- Tommy , nn- what any van nnina in tin with 4 FUN AND FANCY. No. 40 Whole No. 1287. . I0ng he _t""*I`l; ISLVU-Q1511 Dnnv .Luu L1|v- Q 11.0 o it ` Hotel ,;':;D.A.`I?:ll)):nt:1 jrdware Sl:ox:e. '99 the services of 5 mat-class `W T33 5 %'? :"%2&.`%"-`a`53y`3.?L i` ' en as 0 one . . . i L!!n.aL Dex-teutlv mean. .;m:\1Ion~concave9_.9r Now that the weather is cool and pleasant the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia grows more and more ar- tractive. The number ot visitors in- creases with the approach of the fall season. During the present month, the great show will be at its best, and the many who can go will not fail to ` visitit. The-rates of travel are low, and the expense of living in Philadel- M phia is remarkably reasonable. The exhibition is as much a triumph of" Canadian industry and intelligence, considering the exhibit made by the Dominion and the difference in popu- lation, as it is a triumph ofthe industry ` and intelligence of the United States. V Tm: last four or ve years have wit- l nessed a return of the Jews to Pales- tine from all parts, but more especially from Russia, which has been altogether unprecedented. The Hebrew popula- tion of Jerusalem is now probably double what it was ten years ago. Then they were conned to their own quarter, the poorest and worst, but they now inhabit all parts of the city, and are always ready to rent every house ! that is vacated. THE first newspaper dates from 1703. Peter the Great took part personally, not in its editorial composition, but in correcting the proofs, as appears from sheets still in existence, on which are marks and alterations in his Majeslys handwriting. Only two copies of the first year's edition have been preserved. They are in the Imperial library of Stockholm. A SUBSTITUTE for gunpowder has' been invented in England, in the shape cf paper impregnated with a chemical combination of chlorate ol . potash, nitrate of potash, coupled with ' a little powered charcoal and tinder.` The paper is rolled around these latter ` in the desired sizes for cartridges.; The advantages offered are that no; danger of explosion exists except from f actual contact with re; the interior of ' the arm is not soiled, less smoke and less rebound are made than with gun powder, and less damage takes place from humidity. Very satisfactory trials have been made of the new ma- terial. , l POLYNESIA, with its 12,000 island!-1,l lhas been Christianized in a century. Heathonism is now mainly conned to ' the islands in the western part of the Pacic. The missionary societies are combining their labors upon this west- ern section. The London Missionary: Society has undertaken the work on: New Guinea and the islands at its; eastern end. The Melanesian Mission will ex'end its labors to the Banks and 7 Solomon Islands. The Presbyterians. will enlarge their work on the New` The Wesleyans have in-' Hebrides. cludei New Britain and New Ireland in their eld. The American Board, in connechon with the Hawaiian chur- ches, is enlarging ils operations in Micronesia. i t 4 1 Sunuass of fool is a great druw- buckle the health, for nature craves a vunoty of elementv. Tm: best material {or inner clothing is woollen ame`, the worst linen and silk, even in summer tune, because in case of actual perspiration the material becomes damp, clammy and cold, which cannot be the case With woollen. Loxnox is getting economical. The Common Council lately discussed a resolution limiting its entertainment Committee as to expenditure. It cost the city nelrly 850,000 to entertain the Sultan of Turkey, and the Shah of Persia necessitated an expense of $63,- 445. After the latter came the Czar of ltuszia to $63,000, and they begin to think it is time to econoznise. i ' Alan uuvcluulub UH-8 Ueclaeu K) iNlHl.$'(a IN the Liverpool Daily Cou rier of ` "`fl`"e`3 and l'dn0P-5 Whn `lf ~`*n" 3 recent date we nd the foow_ i to exhibit at the coming Australiiui Ex- ing :--`'In addition to the trade in live ' P9iln- Intending exhibitors nnuir cattle and horses which has recently 5 f``n1-Sh W0 Minister Of `AgriC`t'ure) bi` spmng upbetween this coumry and J fore the 6th of October, with is full (lt'r~`.< ganadmwe have now, chmnjcig the cription of the articles they desire to creation of another branch of business ' Send and 1111155 113%` Snell nfticlen Tend! C with our mmsanamig o|ony_ The l for shipment not later than the 28th of latest instance of Canadian enterprise 3 0Cf0lJ0!`- is the exportation ofaeggs by D. D. 1 Wilson, 01 Seaforth, . Ontario. These l ceeded in holding 9. Council with Rut eggs have found their Way _to Liver 2 Cloud and his followers. The Indian pool and Glasgow, and notwithstanding ; chief expressed his willingness (0 gm, their Journey of over 4,000`mi|es in the ; up the Black Hing country pmvidml hottest season of the year, have pi-e-l d h _ I h , k bl tthe reservation tobe given the tribe 3"l`l w'l exit`? a`D`d:bgu'mgfen:were siiited to its wants. Another 2:: 0', wo is ow on if` as to 3 Council was held on the following day 9 , r A l h t t d ' h this country, and to whom the eggs T X08233 E}, rf:eyC%[::::i3?ige:8ewt:;m;gl:;:` were consigned, is so pleased with the i by both parties_ satisfactory issue of this new venture ; . _ that he has made arrangements to fur; ; A CASE 0*` `nn`}`"'k1n8 Cn"'`l nish supplies of eggs to this conntry on : f'lY the `h_1` "'"n`n8 0n the Cnnndn an extensive scale. Considering the ; 5``h"_ Ra11') near BI'0Wn8V11l0, P0- scarcity of eggs here particulariy during x sulting in the New York eastward bound the winter season, the importation of ; 9XP e33 b"18 `hTWn {F0111 the track Mil . Canadian eggs will doubtless be hailed NOW" an embnnkmenli SW -n89 '50 33) . with satisfaction. 1 P0 f the P333n89"* Wl: t_3_!`i0nl) _ _in; '........l VIVL- _, ' Tue Sioux Commissioners have suc- A spmvn thrift somo'imes grow can- ~f. I; but the niggardly, liberal, never :J Ir a person falls down, snores, and la is insensible, it is apoplexy; place him 1 in a sitting position, for this favors the 3 . aw of excess of blood from the head ` by gravity; if the has is pale, body, motionless, and breathing not appre- '; eiable, it is a faint, because the blood ; from some reason does not reach the` brain from the lungs; this is favoured ; by placing the patient at on his back, 1 then let him alone; this position enables `. the heart to send the blood to the head `; with less ebrt, being on a horizontal Q line, than at right angles as in a sit- i -tin g positi3n.' It a perso1 falls into`. convulsions, seemingly senseless, with violent oontortions, it is epilepsy, that is, St. Vitus dance; do nothing except to prevent hint injuring himself, and 1 , he will nnnlr nnmn In `I ! n-- I-I|-i sv iuvfuut nuns; llljullllg IIIHIBBII, nd he will soon" come to. If one falls; senseless from excessive heat, skin I warm and dry, it is sunstroko ; set him up in the shsde,snd pour streams of V cold water on the hend,not `continuous- `- ind gen- ly on one spot, until relieved. Egyp- ens pour oold salt-water over lbohead [$2.00 IF NOT IN ADVANCE. rrams or Infizf. T 4 I "' 1 _THE Government has decided to assist f desim _ I to exhibit , I must V of be I fore the des- ,]cription , i send, readv ' s (if , October. Tun? are making our in England. by `crushing the grain with a machine form ed of innumerable little trilrhammera. By` the explosion of 9. cannon at Pan- ? ama. recently four persons warn 1 killed, three dangerously wounded, and iseveral slightly hurt, among the latter the President of the State. I Tm: close season for speckled trout: has been xed between the 15th of Sep- tember and the 1st of May in Ontario, .and the 1st of October and the Int 01' E February in Quebec. A FIRST shipment of-six hundred sheep ' has been sent as an experiment from ; Guelph to England. The venture in ex- =` pected to prove more protable than 5 the shipment of cattle. l.\` Ottawzi the other (lay a puintor . named Alfrt-:1 .l. Tuppo-,r, had a. qunrrul with his wife about lu-r supposed intitlo-l 4 it)`. She defied him and nally struck him with a chair, and he in rotuliutioxi hit `her with his list. She stumbled nnsl ' fell and in falling struck her head mi in. sewing machine which killed her instant- ily. The husband was acquitted. n. G A. BINYON'S SI-IAVING PAR- su`; {111. in the Hew.Br1<;k gloclo over G. 8.. um,;dn's Boot and shoe to. ' All WY`k 8"13l` g,,W::iar.\cmry. The are the xggggg. 50. 3105- `ml `5v ` .` . `Hi.-D 1 a):,'{vhmIg|>.;;g;t.:h arl]1)y,e H0. at 34118 ; 'pqF|orn.1l, `re- aggfgmlloiwd. Commorclul, ruvellers will We h;mu9u_ ,L$ r,-,3 ~ Tm; latest. outrage " reported from 3 South Carolina, occurred the other day, land is said to have been occasioned by by 21 stipposititionns attnclqby two ncgruvs , on a white woman In the encounter be-. tween the coloured people and the whites ' the former were the sufferers, their loss; ` being variously estinmted at from 30 to I10 killed. None of the whites were = killed. Tnomxmz is anticipated in the Penn- sylvania coal region on account of :1 further reduction in the wages of miners: and labourers. IT is announced that the Supreme Court Act will be allowed, the Imperial authorities having decided to advise Her Majesty not to exercise her power of of disallowance. flux. T. '1`. Freeman. Conservative-, has been elected be the House Common from 'r3uckinghz1mshire to ll the vacancy ` cullsretl Lv the Mr-.vuf.inn n4 \l- T\;........l: 1 YELLOW fever is reported epidemic in Cliarlrston, S. C., but the report is sub- ~ sequently denied. The disease has been i traced to persons who communicated ; with quarantine refugees from Savannah. :At the latter place the destitution is ' very great, and relief is urgently needwL ; Baltimore is so far free from the scourge. j but at Brunswick, Ga., its ravages have i assumed hideous proportions. n I run A. - Tm: international match between Um American and Irish teams at Creedmom the other day, resulted in 21 victory for` the Americans. SIX persons were killed the other morning on the Panhandle Railroad near Columbus, 0., and one unknown mun by a cnlliaion on the North I cnns_v1\;uni:; iailroud. nu-u\.r\AlI6uull13|.lllU uu uu HIU VH.(.'tI1Cy cuusctl by the elevation of Mr. Disraeli to` the Peerage, by a majority of 196. rn `r n -_ - Tm: Mongk R`efarm- Pres: tells about `twoflndians who dressed like white men and spoke English uently having gone around buying liquor in order to p1'n.~::(:lAte :1 nmulwr of tavern ke(*pe1'H ` and get half the nes. `GERMANY, following the fashion of other nations, will hold a. `great. inter- national exposition in 1882. 1z.::.\..\N1)1:u b"1`EEN, CONVEY- \'.-vln a;....m--.1 Aqmm ln<|n-nu:-nu l".'m-l- A YOUNG woman, named Groslight; tried to poison herself at London tlm other day with a dose of aconite. S.\1ALLPox is raging among the Indium in the neighbourhood of Victoria, B. (2., and many deaths have occurred. Tm: new Sultan of Turkey 13 mportml to be df a. liberal and enlightened turn, and to be bent upon introducing impor- tant feforms. T:-u-: Manitoba crop reports, show that the yield this year is one~sixth less than expected. A HEA\`\' oods occurred the other night in Pennsylvania, causing much 103:: of life and considerable damage to property. A wn-;ALTuv San Fmncisco widow has pleased herself and shocked her friends by Inurrying her coachmau. ' Tm: fjovemor General is expected to arrive at Ottawa aboutfthe last week in October. M Tm: result of the Newfoundland sh- eries this season is `below the catch of l,..L #-_,, 01 Lou vunn pm year. 2 train-wrecking occune-I {early other morning Canada. ; Southern Railway, ; in the express and 1 down Strange any i none of the were seriouly in- ; jnred. The engineer was badfy ecalded jand has since died from the injuries he g received. One of the econndrels who 1 caused the accident has been arrested. 1. __ _ , The Smiles vs._. Belford publishing case hm: been decided in favor of the plaintiff. A Twsmv-foot eel or a. river-serpent opposite Brockville is the newest sensu- tion. _ Fizsn-I MAIL unpnuluogw. SMALLPOX is raging in Montreal. A DOG wonya swimming match with a man at Hemdon, England. 'b"Il.`1IEfotherAafwmoon at Clifton, the ; yoamanwasfound inon ice-bx ion the roof of a. refrigerator cu o::)a. agreight specialgoingeaston the Great, esbe R il L L . A ' 5 who r: ataatgvcl bgoghe 113:1] st:::ll11t;u:: {the body was badly decomposed and E I_nust have bntthgo ssvemleddagzl It. `.18 Supposed a e eceag got; How tho box with the intention of mar- . mg a qde and was suffocated there. I .... __ UV IEUCHKL lhylllllo I LIU HIE :;'hg;:apidly earthward, driving his logs into the ground up to his knees; his fam- headwaa cut open and his nose broken by the basket lling on him. His back- ishadly hurt. and it is . thought he suf- ared govene internal injnrie; which will prove M ; 2; GEORGE Winthrop made an ascension in 8 hot-air balloon, at Paxton, Ill, last: week and at the altitude of 500 feet the ba1`oon burst. with a. loud report and ,began to decent! rapidly. The man Ishot ranidlv earthward. drivimr his legs .A(;E ,_ (IRT Y H I01` ,\' '1' .\-1Luiixf,"-ii.aR121sTERs, . -..-y..\.::~I.:n\'. Solicitors in ('lmn(:m-v. ALEX. L.-\ \\',7l-`Jl.E(}:11~{`I((3I- AI'\7I A N%D' mu! ll.-n'ri.~'()n`.~1 Brit-,1: Hlmek lmnlnn U. - +:.\'}_\`I_\' .u LENNOX-, BARRIS: I -. .mI \ll0rn<-_\ 1--at-law. Solicitors in Clmncery. 1lil>A1:H. "1`1:..{*1"rI i"T & ZTUITT, .-mzm-z-. uml ;\llIm|ev.-x. Solicitors in (`hun- (K I I1 ll} .\\('l'lR Hu`nnx'uIl' Cxi:'1`Jx\', LI!-Mi-l0X`~`. .\l ._ _._.._.__j._..._:.___ 'Mhiit?ugavau:e IS ISSUED iu'siJ'RANc. AP '1`. BROWN, AGENT FOR THE Rm. rnr mm `um-nnm Fire and Live Stock In- T ' _"' _ LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. - `~`s v\I\- - ~, _- \.~~\\- .1. >11NsON, :15ARRISTER, . .-.;~~m-r.m-I.:nv. Snlicltxn-in (Tlmnnnrv > meouAL'A:i6"BE:i'1 -ELL , south i n ll! Umfu, ] J1. .. / 1 and .\1 ._ .\1.~{:. suaouuxn, ooMM1ss1o.\*1~:1il .....m- I.i:-nun:-H v\m-.limu-'m- } \ 1U U \l U (fill Estate. Iioum-:. ctc.. - .\'m-Ih Scotland Cmmdiun Mort-mgc my. (l.iIniIcd.) Modern.u:,lntcrest. ' imo Hurrmvux-s. \\'Eh`I.EY F. ORR. Agent. nl I-...-riu R:'nH\vrs:' hnnlnmem, Store. C01- CONVEVANCING, 8:0. .\. M}\Ci{1NN0N, 1x1E.\11 xi. . l'uHn-r.- nf Ph\'4i4~inn~1 lllll` .<|Il`l'0-lllili .lNE{~' IA` .,....- .,-- L`|jl'_ (}('zI(`!`(|1.`\}.f( ;und Ih`|)I-- ('()H(`1' |h.- Um-M1 MONEY V1'o LEND. vvvx lI'I'l)\\'L`l`.w'. ur\'ls `Bu 1. l:u'm'. `"WA'\T.`T_PA3'--.R- `A/VNJ`/\/\/\/\/\ ' u. 1'.ns..x'NKO, DFJNTISVE m 1-!` !'.]\\'nI-1|: R |.nimI`c Hnnl: \`1nv-n .)\IlLL`.k)\.lL\, . LJILLVJULKJLJMLU, I .\I1-i:~n--y-at-l.u\\', Solicltpr in Chancery, my, :9-. (mice. _ opposite the Qucen`s 3410;: .~': :1-cl. Hun-ge. 19-ly \/"A`I\I.:J.I., \ll.|:'L.1l\J.CL.Ll4\.Il_ l'I1i\'u-1-sit)`. .\I0ntI'0ul{ I\I-mhcr Royal ~`u:-;.:nv.1.', Emglund. Mcmbcr Unllcgo um um] .\`ux'gc0ns, ()m.. &c. l{csi(lcmre. 1|" (`oInxuL-.rc;: Buildings over I\_IL-ssrs. '\wll--1'3` Store. und two doors eat of .- lion-'.. l)unlop1~`Lreel, Barrie. lHr\lll'l'-H H4) nx-n1 v.U. E IXUUULJJ, uu L'LLVLA.k)|JL\/a.` L. ,(Ium'o_\':Lnccr. Licensed Auctiom-`er. fur Ihc following lnsumnce (?om item: 5: Im;nm11ce (lompuny of Montreal \v`I'id(~nl and huummee: Head (mice , Tm-uuiu. Victoria. Mut,Im.L lluaxd nilmn. U. P. Mills. President: Wm .<.`,-(-xu-tnry and 'l`x'cu..~4un-r. This (`om- nn1H'1'.~4 .Il4)ll-hI|Z;l1`(10llS properly. Ad- mnn I 1) rt- ` 3'2-Iy .:< m` K m , 0153(1) UA'r]%: BF _ l'ni\-m-uitv Kinnh-mil` '\I4-mhm' Rnval ISA. l'.ll\ LJJIJ \|)\J\J\Jl'4|J|J\J.ll . .\ | l`h. l hy.~si-ian, Sxmzoon. and . Graduate of '|'uronlo L'ni\'cI'sit_v. .\l.L'.l`. & S. Ontario. Oicc und mgus. (mt. `.11-ly . NI<:C;\I{'FHY-_OE`FICl .. 1\ In]... .1. z1A1`Mi1iiIAN,T"DEN. Km-x-in Ontario. (h~ndn:n- nfllm Phil- - 'l_\' uppo: >`u.~h 2*';L(`!ur`\'. . IL ll|lA`L` \lA\, AJLL\.I.lvL_bJf I-n -\ Chancery, -. ()m-- ;1b:)\'- Post omc.-, Owen .1, 1. Lnnnox. lIm1ghtu111.(;nnox. , p'lll.I.Ll.L.L BU IXLIIJL, ;\t_mrnc_v.-5, l'uhliu_ (`un\'cym1(:crs. Barrio, Co. \\`.`l). ;\l`(1{\g1l. 11. H. Strathy. !u.\`(:. I : ii A K fi 13. I l`I_ h\'.~'.i-inn. Surzzcon. RU BINSUN, UON VEY- mu ninn nvx-I- L Work 1L\J D11.` ))\.lz.1 , u\1;w v 4.4 J. V and Hvm-ml Agvnl. Oice over 1 Nllliincry tftore. Dunlop Street. 28-1); _m1lml!-I, mm {L syucx Ul uuuxqu xuncy .. .-];;.-s of prmgmg. . m` owx-_v l_c.~;cr1p11un m stock and :xIll.ll)l(} nru.-es_. . ..- S|1l)s:ri1)l10n -81 per nnnum, ,4-.~- if not sopaid. - , :11. l.\'(;. }<}i;.:hl cents per line for uni two ('('nt!5 0:11:11 sglbscqucut in- rurdn not cxc.-ednng one inch _.1-, >'pct'iul contracts for yearly . .-L-:1 into at rmluc-e_d mlps. `Writ- lw .~~m fpr_ the d1scon_t1nurLncc of .,-1 ud\'o|'l).~`)!|g. '|`mns|e_nt notices _ Fm` $2111.`. &c..,&c.. not exceed- `w uvilllillvd fm':5 cents each in- ._ m-1i~'m|1(~nls orxlexfcd by strumzcrs lmm thv pmprictnrs do not deal - m .\n\'.\.\'m~:. u. rule which wili .-(I-10. .\'mic--.-; of local births. 1!--H115 inserted free of charge. ...... . To LEB: APPLY TO A \h\l.|1l{\\\' J f KEATING, ATTOR- .1`,\ W, Solicitor in Chaucer? and ,\l}1;e_\' to Lend. 0lce- Vater zuxs l(`l\L'. .-rtisnng 1 at-In-(tl .|i JLV ULIJL 1J.rxu1.nJ run in\ t`slHlClll on good freehold l 9 per mm dependant on the .. .\u prinoip-.\l xnoncy re: uirod H-rm. .r\l{l)A(,~`-H & S l`]{A FHY. I-nu-in LOANS OF $51,000 AND ..~....,l.- 63... ohmm in liftnnn Il\ r|,14'LL` J\\J, JJFJA` LLKJL. 1\1\\`zu'ds 8:. Lu.ird`s Book Store. 1 , uxr ; u \v a. 4:41. uuxv, \nornc_vs, Snllnllorx. 8:0,. Barrie, h-t'.n-thy. Q.(`. Wmium Boys, , `. I . l'n-pier. I-`runcis Rye. ` a. ORR. Agent. Brothers Implement Store. _A-LL To LOAN ON FARM In mum}-an nl mud `nf lJLA'l JVI.l_ll|IL`.I.L14'.`, IJ]JLV' . Ontario. Graduate uftllc Phil- `M10 -1-. ulso 0t'th_e l(u__\'a1(`0llog(: ~. OI lcc - Uppusxlc Bumric Hotel. `IS lSUED`v y THURSDAY`, .____. v..'..+ u,...o ..r1\f. .1 u -\ I , .Il4xLUL\.L|JL IJLMJ, .:x'-\'. in ('hun(:ory. p.~`t1-um, Bur:-iv, Stu-m-ssurs to Illnn. l.uunI.. Buys it Stcwultt. . \\'. Loum. ~ LIL` g`\IL" ;'j.lJ4II+JJJI.U _ . uml S1I1'gc()11.-1, |(I~:. III-I (`Ii John Street. the -<-ll); ummsuelhc Presbyter- `J25-ly \;w1J\LLL Ljhll. 1.` L912 on the \\ c:st side of John umm.~:ilv Mr. (it.-0. Bull's. L(`!ur'\'. }smEs% 3; PEPEEE, wnvvsx. Hull:-.llnr-91810,, Run-in LJIJLJKJJ. l|l\/IIXAV ."\LV1J i.~'0n`.~s Block, Dunlap ,, ,_,_. mhlislncrs and Proprietors. J.LLJ.11LI, uum vg;;' l .-\;.:un1. h1s1n'un(`-cs l'2'ocI- l)(`l'l('(l. ()mc(: u_1('upun s u:c:1'.-z Hotel. Burnc. 37-ly igx.

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