(.`U.\':s`T.7\.\"'I`l.\-' IHl.\'H .MAm:. ON Z)N HAN D. '#CV;.?sV2C55;GE MONK MA N. IZHV ASSURTM ENT 0}. - PATENT MEDICINES, ' 1*css:.r.-:7 ARTICLES, LAMP FEXTURES, &c. A L L WOR K IN PLAIN VAND ORNAMENTAL HUNTING, SIGN WRITING. Mme in th 11ig}1cst style 0f.tl1e art and (:1Iu.'1p. Perfect aatisfaction guztrzmtccd. 1M)N"I` I : lift` TH E l l.A( `E 1 A I/I;wnx; I an 5 rn I.`l'."I` mnnvru l`.\1 I-IR n_\.\'(;1:\'(:, &i bllbzllullgqin - _. fupgn" _tiq7|;o,.@ho 5011 and nfter nltimbhfilia itoiihk crop may be ex- PICTURES 1013' I23 if Ly.-mm`, Cmm-: & Co., Nonrrmur &. LYMAN, and LYMAN Bnornms 8: Co., who obtain them at very low rices, from J. F. Henry, Curran & Co., of 7 ew York, and this trash is supplied to unprinpipled Retail Vendors`, who sell the same as my genuine Pills and Ointment; which are manufactured . only at 533, Oxford Street. London, and may be obtained from the following Firms, viz, ;_ Evans, Mxzncm: & Co., Montreal. A : Messrs. AVERY, BROWN & Co.,-`Halifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B; BAn_Kmz- & Soxs, St. Jphn, N.B. UUJJXG HUJ 533 0 mi Street, `Zc.., zma; January us, 17f, u.u<'lmu -)'rR.EP. l`, hO.\`D0.\'. Vile and spurious imitationt of Ho11owny's Pills and Ointment, are manufactured and sold under the name of Holloway & Co., by I. F. Henry,Cnrran &, . Uo. , Dmggiats,of New York; with av assumcdtrade mark, thus----- -In C a n a d a, the p ri n oi` al '_ Wholesale Dea- lers ' in t ese . 2 . Counterfeit: are uulu Lu any part ot the U.\'1'rr:n S'1'A'I`ES. . Each Pot and Box bears the Rrilixh G':."ern- `m'nt L-`lump, with the -words H0r.LowA\"s 1 u.'Ls- AND Ul.\`T31ENT, I.o.vnu.\", engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, Oxmrw Smzyr, I.m \7n and `av-m..:....... :._:a. L:-._L ,r uh` 1'- I deem it my duty to state that my PILLS ,_x.\'n OINTSIEXT nrencithcr manufactured not sold in any part of the U.\'1'rm) STATES. and Rm: Imam Hm my.-:;.:. 4:v.,,-....... The l n.Ls_ l _n'riI'y the Blood, cor'rcct all dis orders of the Liver, Stnmaurh, l\'i .11ey:-5 and Bmvels, and are invaluable in all coniplaiilts incidental to Fcinalcs. _ 'l`hc 0I_\"r.`.tI~:.\"r is the nnly renicily for Bad" Legs, Old \\_'oun Ulcers, of how- ever, long standing. . For Brnnchitis. Diphthe- ria, C0l1gllS,U()l(l8, (:`out,gRhsunmtisin, and all Skin Diseases it has no _equal. if there e er was a man wuld look ba.ckw:mls on `now- mm `GREATEST wounzntw 9.1035394 TIMES1 Il'()lll pm: p:u_,n 03 nztturc and over Indulgence, The Spcultic Vi-Iicinc is tlu: result uf a, life study :1m1m:my yen.r.s of (`,X[)(;X'ie]1ce in treating; these -.spe-cizd Full p.'u`ticu- luvs in our })an11l1I+_t, v.'h1<-h we duirc to semi free` by mail Ln c\'cx'y um`; Thu: Svxnnhr `.[1n:'Iu-1" \."I`11 1... all I\..... n u1 Unt. tZff\'o]l in lizzrrie lvy -lnlm \\'nml.%`.,. am:l by` all other Druggists. , . Nurtlxrop & I.ym:1n. 'l`nr \\'l1;l-sale .-\<,:ents, who will supply l)ru at Pru- 1>rietor's pri<-es. 37.13, !`amus:~a &:;E%%Em?.% Dr .. ` V` ` 11.`... Before Taking Cures all Newman l)i.-A_>us(*s. such :15 Tl{1~`;1\10Il.\`;l)E};lLl'l`\', l 1:n.<'ri{.-.'i'm_\', \`c., wliich, in many cases :Lreprm1uce by over inrhzlgy unce in the usrnf tobacco and nlcnlz->liL' spirits; but the Specific .\Ic-diciue is Innrkt csp` -inllv rf-,(:L)luIl1(:llLlcLl 38:11!) unfzziling curc_fnr S . " ' \\'i~:.\i\'~.\'Es.<, .\'1*i'.m1,-x l`0l:RHE.\. l.\H'(.'l'L '\', aml all diseases Lliat fuIlnw':1:~; :I. wqiicuce of` helf Aims.-, as Lu.~'.~' .1-' Mi:.\mm`, ['.\'i\`i:i<.~.\ 1, L.~\Ssl'l'l'lIH, l .u.\' l.\` "rm: lixru, l)i.\i: u1~' \"i. l l:P..`~l.\'l`l'R!Z (mu Am-2, and inanv other diseases that luml tn l.\'.~'.\.\'1`1`\`, or ('n_\~- .x`L'.\1i"1'io.\';azul :1 l'I:l-`\l.\'l'l'i:E (ii:.\\'1;,` all at which, as :1 rule, are" first C:l1ISl,`(l by ili~.`.'i:1tiu from the path of nature and imliilgexicei; The Sncvitic tln: rvsulix M` n [FCC Hy Ulilll Ll) CVCKIY The Specic .`-Icmlic qists at $1 per p.'1<-R:-. nr \\'in In`: luv KKSLS ilh CL VIII" pc'H'KL'.:_"'.Z -E`-") or will he st,-1n`. by :1 money, by addressing \\'H.l .l | P Ep['I= I c :33 E Eii:Ja ft] Who i ear To steal A bit kiss noo an then frae his dear, I! May the wretched auld sinner I 'Ne er manat e to win her, \Yho he thinks wit out kissing will yet be 9. sin. What matter although they lhok sour now an than. * . 11113 GREAT -POWELL 85 co., FRAME T`EM1 ()]:lARY On the site of our luie st01'c.zu._ h-.ujin5.; ' l - l`(.`('ei_\'l?(1z_!. new stock of ~FRES.H' AND SALT MEAT 1)'|10h-51..Opposiig Suznn1cr:~,:cIt's Ho:(~J. acmaczmss, \1'e m-opurt-d tn small. (_`hcupt.-r than the (if every kind _u_hvu_vs uk our old cuslmm-rs` ll` UIIIIIKIIT 11': nne, Like themsel a mnist divine, _ Fell in each othe;~ s arms an kisa'd over agam. .-\Ilm1tst:1ndin;'z .-\m-u before the I.-;t of July 1 01hr.-1'lmm'.s= for cullrrctk (;'1i()(TK ER Y. (L.\ S.~,`.\\'.\ HE. S:('.. impoft them direct from here moms H ; tfnrtl Strut, ID I`! A April 27. 1871:. _..-__-___ PATENT MEDICHNIES. p..\.`...__.__., 7 POWELL 2; Ci;.;?..- We have re- the I.\' .\'| QUAIR'l`EI{.\'. lrusslxuz \\'1I.ll.1..\l _:RAY & \\'(...1.. . nlied lo m tins cow Correspondents.) .A William Gray`s lll.'.\. the , Sores and how- . Gout, -Rheuvnatisxn, thus no mung` \FIl\'.' ' -inc ix :~:n1`. by all Drug- I,-, or six pi1(.'>k.'! _;L;\` for r mail :11 rec-_-ipt of the [7 1-uums not puial will he put inv us h:reIt0fv,re, - (`houpa-st. ,, _- --,. xngcul`c_f()r Smn. . 1:m:.\. l.\n-(,-ru_\"\', W115 uxmm`, [,'.\'1\'+:x<.~'.u. II Innny ; (`US- `vm: r-nncn luv . ........ h.J.ml ` -:`.'S\\ 1` _l`" VAft3r '3.'-1""'-T3'- tux 1 N L 1)., \Vim1.~xur, (mt. \.U(J(.\.` `and u Dunn:-nun nv 1 u bnmunvvrr *<-.:o`. lGeo.Ts i - % In th, Furmture Emporium, _ __- - _-av u\$``.I\ , H:1n:ju'st reccivea kunller .~s Dundee (lr:m,g'e Mu (`1'n.~:sc & [lm-lm*cll`s Black 1 wGREEx \/V ...-- .L_1 J_`J ..V v Jn 3 anal .3 pound (Hun srmm: AIrtiiBu__{RaN HOUE_ ]gANToN T STORE I '1: m.\'(-ml }1.'m :1 lmj-_;e': In ` . 2 he-mg in cxccent` yvvvvv VVVTT ya-v- v - - znunn BY J. M. BOTHWELL. can an mutter: reliuinn In lhczte Sulyiecls will [Goons Hm` `Barrie, April lltll, I676. s1=x:c1,2.L'1*:as : H Luuu Juu-vv uv mun. .......v_-.-.~.--_, . `Dress Goods, Tweeds, Shirting`8. Cottonades. __, A-.- - .,~.n nnuYL`V HLGVES. COLLARN, &(_ REMEMBER-G reat Bargains are to be East of the Queen's Hotel, Dunlap Street. ,, .. .... -_,.; .u.. .u w .umumn Ale, in quart mul pin` . .. . ., _ c.\'cL-ll:-1.1:-m-Em->11. at we zmu .51 '. .IU`.g:dIo;/.1`! %nUNTum,URRm 1QA'.\`r:>1:>1--y,-n A-.\....._ A . In :_Mg_}%.NISHINQg3 Have now received azma opcuuu K- P V . 1) R Y G 0 01) L . NEW E NEVV NEW 1 N E W NI-Z\V 1 NEW I M ._A. R R IN ` -.\'E(`K MANGEL-WURZEL. Ev2'ytlei7:g in In 153' a;- (MP8, _.---j__'f'_. ; :31}; i MING A 787*=:SPR 150 an zlqsurtmcnt of I V.~\nchov_v l :;stc, Urns: |ter.~:l1i1'c and liczulix And are now pre1um~c,_{ to over greater i in th now received and` 0` -~ A. A p` -1 IJIIU ' IIllII lllll-g --- . \Vhic_h must he sold immediately, for whatever I nrr GOODS, REAV"` ,__-;\I\o./\J -._ ~..,,,,;_.. IJI4 SILLKS, ' BLACK LUSTRES, , I (JULORED LUsf1`1-ms, ' TWEEDS, , V I ' SH}CE'1`]l\ (_:S,- SHIRTINGS (C_}1'ey cu White,-, I 1-{I'l"1*'LI.\'G.\', ('()LI..-\R.\', CI'FI"[\', 'I"lJ h"l')L`l\' OF L.`l)llC.`s" & (:I'I - The .\`ubsuril)er begs to i and surroumhug C` T `1k'iiun' K\ em 2 EAVTIE `STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, on:-:23 GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, pmms, COSTUME CLOTHS, mums __ ___-.__ _..--_..-.A LHEGEST. um AxDciiE;i'P`f\}})?ff(3 In this section of couutn-. whi..). .... : In of country. PLANING ANT) Tii On the shortest notice and mnnf: ......,...,. ,- - GREY COTTONS, BLEACHED corrons, HOSIERY, 'r.:>.mIMmes, &_ READY'MADE UT l|H:l;I.l1'-It `t3 EI- and hm: x,. FELT HATS in :~xnllc~'.' mri:-:.v. GENTS `FURNISHINGS, ; We ta]-ze pleasure in rcturnin r thanks to our numerous friu.~ul.~ fan liberal patronage bestows on us smce we 4,-mmm-nccul lmsnnn-:~~. H `we soli `it acontinuance of their favors. '0 are mnv HlHm.`i11;; l... .2 1"; 1\/r M.-' 1:-. 1:.-_ rMpoRTATIoNQ Iieajdy-J IULUUUS U] LIIIUIII5 non UIu!J|v,|uvur, Au a. buggy, and taking hortoalonaly bush two of them brutally outraged and -left her in an almost inaansible condi- `beoogrreated. tion. The woman i.s |,1 newly-arrived emigrant, and won, with her husband, seeking work. Onoo f the Ireland: has T"_i'p:Q;f'gLg1o;v;.4_lwn,_ will better re y j ".gonerousjt:eatment in: air `Quay will -the ` mange!- . c.` Nsw um nouns sranrj. 'l`EliMS CASH. PRICES LOW. ONE l I(l1,'}') H,\'L\. BAYPIELD STREET, GEORGES BARBIE AND COLL] _;_.._._ 1 _n..n. I. \ shorts: 12`;:"Furxxituro Works an I ,, ...I \-v-. BOOTS & SHQE-`::_.EV EIi&"FI{ING. CLOTHING, A7 FULL STOCK, moss. -- ----~-;o: - _q!'I*ilI:.*:. mm: I -~- U" ' s'rmTcI -T; HURLEV, ned qut their new SUMMER STOCK of l:,.mm audaope --1-rY 1'1 `Tr (~` T-YT `T -IL? l!l'I.\l}'I.\lIEl 'I'lll". l`I..\('l'I \\'c.s1 En In -lhmhm Sh-1-I-Y, /f._.__ HOUSEHOLD FURN|+URE 3 "'\/`~J\r\/~.r\/\/\_z\r\ .- A - --A brutal outrage was committed` in the township of De|eware,va short distance from London, on Sunday night of last week. Three young, scoundrels named E. MeLennan, and David and Walter Ireland, induced a woman to accompany` them, under tire pretence o! finding her employment, an .. Immm. and tnkimz her ton lonalv c mnul tur fu? ` . OF EVERY i`.\ U 1'll0l,'l5I.E TU .\'HO\\' (}())I>>'. Hf\'E IJVUIKD) A Iv vv-"I `xx-'u~:1`>ow LACE. Hosmxw. GLOVES, :02 UM1\a.h3.1i L.LV.I..x.'\.1\.L.:.-.s._x..LkJ.L` which are arriving every day. The St-4Ck WI cornpx-i. HUNTER,TI1-?:..L, & co, fJs'={".-.7`) rIo*] \)fF1:-.~\1.:- <.;. . - -I1); , ` ottc1 .\1e.-:1t., Ha.mz1u:I (`hi Urnsse & BI3.ckWeH"s (`nrrio Pun czuling .`<:mcu. ('rns. & Iilzu-kv: Y`}?Ii:.'f>Il@2: a13ea .-.,.,.-cu u.1n:n'n supp mge .\I:n'u1u.I:u1c, L ('urrzmtJcU_v, i`,......L.. .. A ,1.`-5: uavww. W WL%%.%'_*A* .W nrinn tlmv mm. ]n'in*I _ H U are .'\Jn'n MI? I} L A C K . I I I .. L the` train. W-'{v;Ia, 7{ii}}e},}}Z}I&'E::IiL:I2'on mur- derer, has been removed to - the Pene- tentiary. `He was very violent, and` relused to let the officers into his cell, and by placing his sheet through the ' bars of the door, seizing the ends with his hands and bracing his feet, he kept them out for a time. When an exitrance _was effected he savagely at- tacked one of the officers with a bucket, but was at last secured and taken to rontinuance or tnelr Ia.\'0rs. n u un- mm .-uumxng; ...,- I 1\Af 1-3 IR IBIPOBTATIONS -_- ..._.....:.... .......n- Jar Tho it (-1: u/I'll 1-r-rnnv-L .. \\'c aim :1` A (*1 IN` .-\.\'I) ' ALSO 5 intimate to hisf ug Country that he I p-.I-__-~ g`. I-l./ t r est notxce most tea and St(`)l'(!-rncvnn A--- ~ " {.l.UJ sonablc _ "l'H.\'l` HE II.\S 0.\'. --This is the way inhuniuu ofcers of vessels are ,)u'nished at Montreal :- Frmncis Marie, cook of the Like Sun-T cue, accused-.the c-Jp!am and males . of that vessel of jassaultmg him on the 13th ult., by hanging him up alongsrde oi the mast. The captain, S. A. Hal- crow, was ned $570 ; the second mate, Wm. James, $60 ; and the first mate, Wm. Barge, $40. uu, , ,,), :,, ll`, __,;, I .%1y1:;-Qife Clothing ,_:._ LL... Inn-n |mw.I..6'...... I. IN "ALL ITS BRANUII 1~;.~:. \/ Jx ` (1 iv I Jwh will be fnnnul nt'A.\`prv: tuntinn of purchase Ln:uIi:u1.-He. in nu."-t - XSt1`S, 125 cents: 7.) cents; Lace (*1 ;i'RlTCH & HURLEY. which; on in.-`;pect'ion, He also does ` -.--~-- 1/s.upP].Y ` f Our Stock of (-lnml.~4 is I1)wcnI1x];]6:t' in x`\- v which has been eclectctlwith ;:n~.'Lt I-.'.:` , to mcry advantage so as to ggiw; U. . ` the 'n'L-nefifnf the Best, AG()u(l\ | Lowest. Prices. _(_'rm-i.-.t:!: NEW DRESS (;()Oll.`:'-. NEVV 1ll'I\'I5i{.\'.1Bl..}`I III NE\V PHIN'I'.\' _\I:1j.r1;`-Iico I\'}`I\V C`,()LLI`IR.-\l'l'I.\, Vhito`), v v v11`.`. -___ N EW' CARI !C'I'.\' .`.\'l`}' (_'()TT()N.`, H In-_`.' ' T177..- -.a eater i.n41n`cements than h'wc hem. . . ` ' of . . m this Town. ML hm` *L-rm ,__-A. ` '=': w -'l`l*e police records in Toronto show A that dru`!<+-mess on `S-atdrday nigln and Sunday -has increused V since the new liquor law came into force. This, the pofice authorities say, i_s- me to the (act that the tavern keepers, being afraid to open their back doors, us they were in the habnt of doing befor_e _the law was so stricb'.y enforced, dnmkards buy whiskey`in large quantities, and, taking it home, make not on|yt'nein- selves but. their neighbors drunk.` u'1-.,.1 .|_'- ..,;_, :____; n_u_:-__ ..___,, EANDSOMEHEARSE " Funeral Requisitcs 1*'m'nislu-d. nu U1 FRAWLEY &. DEVL`l':N. ..--__ A. :o:----- LCJT OF 2e most reasonable _tcrm.~1 :-rooms opposite the Registry (Mix '---:O: __.v_ obtained at the Dulfcriu Hm cornluc, Gnocsnz,` go N ,_--;-.1;/xix. AA- E5`._u`3;:.l. II`2.2'xQ:sl`;`l'_`.: iar the Barrie Foundry. --The accounts ofthe Toronto Water Commissioners are to be thoroughly in-` vestigated in` response to pubhc ,criti- cism and numerous rumors. There have been no pubiic audit of the vast sums which have passed through their - hands since` the first `inslitu :ion of the Commissioneus, ' V - ...~....m quart a. $1 -114: E, UNDERTAKING, &C. AA-" 5 fricmlz-. :1n:'iAthc [~L : Manufactxzrcs .-mul HTS. kl!) l!.H\'I{.~', .\.Vl) . 'I_\'T.\" I".'I1.\'L\'1!I.\'H`. `DESCRIPTION, ;- price they may bring, con.~4i.~;tj;; of the .\'u:\\` -'9 Barrio, Ont- --A terrible runaway` took place at. Mr. Alex. Smit_h s store, Aiinza Craig, recently; Mi, Henry Stceper, of Mo G1llivray,huppened to leave his huts-es fora moment, when they took frighi. Mrs. Sueper was thrown a cunsiderab'c distance, gotonalcg broken, and sus- tained other severe inguries. Her little ] child was killed inslamly. M I`, BARBIE. ul pint In C (`tr/..n Es, COLII-Alis, , will prove to hepest stock of (lttlu n . Fl`ll.`.ITlfR.? '8: (2lCII.`(,</)_ IING ' -;--At the opening of the` Chnrc_`a`0{ England Di0cesanb'ynod at Toronto, the Bishop oI Toronto, in his Inaugural. uddres<', sand he considered the cect on Christum teaching produced by the re- cent dircussiun in `the pressnnd else- where of the doctrme ofeI`er_nal.punish men: illjllrilll. His opinion will not meet wxth very general support. -One evening last week, `a nurse girl took a little baby out in 9. boat on lthe St. Louis dam, Ottawa, and started to sh. The boat canted slighlly and the girl dropped the child imo thn water. The little thing sank in 3 short. time, the eorts of the girl toisave it| piovng Linnviii!ingL' T -Wm. McKay, 9.. Pdrt Rowan coh- stable, attempted to arrest James Harris the other morning, and, on the latter` showing ght, 1\IcKay shot him twice through` the body. He died in Jwenty minutes. The constable was exonerated from blame. --A -while etigle, belonging to Mr, Geo. Whiteley, livery man, of Sealonh, seized 21 ne large pup belonging to that gentleman, the other day, and scared away with the animal in his bank. Neither. bird or dog have since been heard of. ` `HID BUM. lulu Ill-DI ' `; ; jlio qwiug crop maybe ly `Kin `mi 16? tur`n`zps,and `the:-_e _ --Tn Guelph, last week, Rev. Geo. C. Moore, accused of indecent assault, was found guilty. A ne of $125 and costs was impqsed. prisoner to be con- ned in the common jail until it is I paid. ` A | _--The County Council have resolved in submit the Dunkin Act to the rate- payers ofthe County of Gray. The vote stock '19 for the Bii1l,a'ud 15 ugmnst. T $4,, u --A lacrosse match 1" Te champion- ship of the world w4a:s`f1 ayed in 'I`montc..- Lhe other lay by 1116 Ontarios and To- mates, and vgdn by the furmer in tht_ee stmight games. ~ -- --our . I 1 rc 1 - I uuulgzu. guuscu. -.-Mr. Ggllectoruaven, of Guderich, .nnd o`1<;p"r`Craig, nt \Va!kerton, last week Zlaized a quantity of illicxt dis- Iilling/ nd malung apparatus erected in 11195/ashery of one Ralston, at Paisley. HOIzT[CULTUI .5L Saen:'r\'.-We do not agree with your animndversione. If the committee Werewrong in fixing so early :1. date for their show, the general meeting which was after- wards called, had it in their power to alter that date to any other which might be more ulvisable. The meeting failed tomake zmy chzmgge, -hence the onus rests with it, not the mmmittee.` The Toronto Society, ' after twent_v-ve nrthirty years experience, xes theirs for the 29th inst. Are we three weeks later here`! You should also hear in mind that the Society has to meet the requirements- of the public gene-m1ly--not of any one indi- vidual member, however auxmous they may be to do so. - Llctuuuu vl u.\........ H... --.I., ,___ -Lox'd Dufferin contribute 5,5500 to the fund tq relieve the `sufferers by the Quebec re. ' -.p . :1 I , ____'_l 'l`he othe: day in `A'.lr(._ra, while] some children were p`-zwing, one 0] vhem, whmle `looking mm a tank, dis- covered 1: dead infant. ---`Rev. D. J. Macdon1:eIl_ has baen granted leave of absence for three months to visit the old country. He was presented with a purse of,$500. u n Rvsncvs. t is early enough for Swedes; "after which Aberdeens may be sorrn ; next White Globe; and latest the earliest strap Reaved varieties. The Orange Jellyis the very best variety of taible turnip with which;we are acquainted. As a. keeper it almost equals the Sweedc. ' V Lguczuau uxuo __ _,At Lind.s::y, -Nelson Gphec \w_1's ccntal`.ce(] to three fycius at head labor ior horse stealing. ` --. -I . L, ___..l._'.._. Indeai.`?_i_ll-{"u,ll_foa3ee, no. mere: now mncyjlbpgpyekd gnenure is employed, it p|yl;fq.st _ _ti11_kling of unit on the WP ovmua.-nihnntinn:of4the.eo1l and IUX. IIUIJD uuuulnuuau ---Kingstoryis said to be wsxkzing up to lha !uIl_v_0f ail0\".:1 g the P.I'ecl.iun oz voodcu_bui!dingswithin the fire limits ' F_LoRA`.-Some sort of shade is absolutely necessary for your green-house if you are now keeping plants in -it. The cheapest` and simplest is ordinary whitewash, to_ which is raided 3. littlemilk to make it adhere. Give all the air poa$ible._ ` 1 p n 1 Ill cvcu uuau vhsnuu bv -.._--._ .7 V D. lnatead of being tbo Ia.'be,. `we; consider` now about the most favorable tim toset out celery plants. It is also, should the season prnve an ordinary one, quite .early enough for cabbage plants. I 1- I 1 , 2.. _L_-1__L_'l;_ _ ---Major General Smylh' has sailed for England on leaveofabsence. * nm un-4.1. ___._:.-......_.... Al cl... mu Si:r_n:nnn.-Thei.e is do positiff l`V`i`8i1~; tive for the raids of the black y, ` though .. ......:..m.-.... -4: .a...+m- lime. soot. sulnhur.' raids of the "black ny," nmnuugn a sprinkling of plaster, lime, $0013 3]P}"': ' or even dust tends to check theilf 8 V D.-Instead of late. we cn8i 1Il\`I1 ..1.....+ +1.. mnut fswnrable time A\'I n4:.nb.u.uu v.. .....,._ .. .V.r.____ --The 127th anniversary of me set- ilement oi ilaiifax -was kept last week ~ -vx IV` - . I, I ,. .`.Kf\| | 5.. CAN ADIAN CURRENCY. lxsiirlins7r0'"bo1L:REP6DE1~'T$. begin to think seriously ol the girls at a very early age ; by the time they attainto the ripe age `of sixteen or thereabouts they are usually anxious to marry. Their first sweethearts are generally several years ol:ler than they are ; they re- gud the young girls of their own age as mere children. Their first love is a notable event in their b1story.~ _It,t'akes a great iieal of that irrepressible, youth inl conceit out ottlhem before they are [throi_igh with it. `It makes them more manly, `It teaches themvlhat alter all they ai_'e_ nothing but boys, T `Rnm; 1.3...-` bl"... 1 -Ia'..'__1__I_*.' . L ' Although it will grow on any soil on" whiohthe turnip will succeed ; yet it best .0! an on a rich, friable soil," Vjellworkedad Ofnriohed with `ma- Ilnro.- Where practicable, it is advis- able to` giyrq,-i.t_earlIghle'r soil than,the turnip]; and if articial manure is em- oydnmhing.ig.m:goo as refuse salt. no, rnaver how :` mnin"6n`nmnlnvad. it .-_-J -5 _ . V . u nus uuln uv on _ Boys have the heartache a great deal before arriving at maturity ;th_ey endure enough agony from their ts: sad lessons in loving, to entitle them to exemption from further. inward ' pain duhng the remainder of their natural lives. `Their wounds all heal shen they become strong and study may, and they ggput int.0;: chef-.w;oila_ nd ` learn to become self-`reliant urno;_t"end` .-,n-fnl A_fbrc.-quent external applicmion of an apple switch or a trunk strapwill be lound very -benecial (to boys of thistcharacter. They. are productive of good health, good morals, gocd be- havior end sober and industrious habits.` - . Bad boys will work twie as hard to do a bad act as they will to ac- cemplish a good one. They have a great nattuai aversion to. doing any- thing 1h-etis uselnl.-' A ,. N ` , y` 1- _. ... There are two kinds of 69}, good boys and had buys; We {sat mentioned `class "of beings are mostcoxnmun . fl I I ,,., M, K`_,._A._.._A_I.. J3, : Bad" boysxra the misery of" school- rnitre.sses of a sensitive and nervous nature. They chew gum, eat green applx-1, whittle benches, put caycmxe pepper in the siox-_eva nd plaster the cuihhg with Spit-bP.||S .in:s:'nool times. They delight 'in ' slingmg stones through the windows of unoccupied buildings 3 they rob`; apple orchards and melon pitches, and engage in u -hepyoulhtul pastimes equaliy pro- table and mtereslin-g, ' n J I_.,,_ _~._:n _,,_ I_ .__-- - "u 1 Boys arenot of- much cunsequence beiurc !hcv are twenty-o:_1c. They are naturally novy, obstinate, lazy and .grcen,. ']'+cy think Ihat may under- stand ghuinun nwuru a great deal bctlef than grown people do. They get taken z'na great mzmy times before _they d'.sc3ver flu-.t.ll_1ey are not infalli- b1e,and learn wisdom and common sense oniy m the b|l!e:'scl1ol of exper- ience. - _._-- -. _.7__-D. __ __ ' (laud boys unfortunately die at in [very early age. They seldom` arrive |:\'. 9. healthful and vigorous maturity. I: do nut purp0se'10 say m_ucl1 about them. 'lhose who are. curious to learn particularly `of their tastes, l1:1bi!s`and p<=.culiurities, can ascertain what may wish by consulting any Sunday school library. 1).) L...-... ...... -4-. oL.Z'.l. .... .._.._ - Bad boys are as V quitoes by the banks of 3. SH pond .in summer line, and they are ubuut as rnaljcious and troublesome They are.not unfrequeutty the sons of mm- istcrs and gwd deacons; `Who excel in everyth-rzg that is good and -right. leous but in the proper tuinfnxg of their children. Such bnvs gatso uczustonl. ed to good advice, thut,- as u distin- guished writer 0120:: said : It don L have any more e'cc". up:u:lr_em then caslor Aorl upon a gmven image. whisk as mus-I :. -.It`_is outy. a country weekly Htes. zjthatisyatt. But do thosejwho allude V. G .to it wjthpan aitttanttonal sneer ever re- ' eotupon the duties and mission per: 3 I ned bythe poor, obscure count-ry weekly, which is as much,` nay, more, to its few. hundred ieaers in the country, as is the great metropolitan daily to its thousands of readers in the city 1' Oh no; theyinever think o_f plac- ` ing `any estimation upon the worth of v a country paper; it has none within the. narrowlimits of their supercial and . contracted brains, They will not admit v of the utility ofany form of a news- paper save one which is crammed full of telegraphic dispa.tcl1'es, givi_ng' -the minute details of some revolting `and nauseating socialsctmdal ; the hour at which the chamberlain of theiililpetil {nlace at I spahan put his inostserene and mighty highuess the shah to bedgthat the ` savage Gatlas uf,AbySS.it.ia had abjured `the tene's oft-he Coptic faith. and ind liowed down in adoration at the shrine of Mecca's prophet; that the poor, un- cffending Papuans of ` of the Cvlebes were being shutglitered by the Dutch invaders from the neighbouring isle oi - Macassar, and so on, il'l'at1 innite va~ ritey ofdctail, all `of which is read with an avidity that betokens the im- portance of these things to st citygant` Le` mau. But. the nancial, commercitxl, agrictilturztl, i'ieligiott.<, and social condi- tion of the millions of his fellow-citi- izene residing without the environs of his mighty empire of a few miles in Iarea is a sealed book he has_ncveropan- ed its pages to inquire within ; he knows nothing of it ; put him to the test and you will nd `he: lmows ` more about the condition of tho Bctbersoi Northern Africa than he does about the pcopleiutlte neiglilt tang comtt'..- We turn from the ccntetiiptatiott of this . httmun stipcrficizility to the [:raclt'cal and Coltfntoll- St'l`..$e' man, 'c.`ho ._W i.SilC5 to be infer-meal as tat the pmsnits, cort- dition. and prospects of the people of his own immediate .S~:at9~aitd cottntv He finds in the rural p'ip :r the inform- ation he seeks. Th .:>ttntiy o'g_al1 i~ to him the uavtzeira-.1 z,c:'(Za which fetish- fully portrays all that occurs; it is in a great measitre the ref} -x of the cltttitlcr ter of the people comprisingtliecountty tvherciriit is published. But what is the i_nt ers.. which even he derive from it;,'*duinpared to that which is felt and `entertaitted by the country people them~ selves ! ~_ It is everytlting totltcm. In it is found news which they alonr.-_ pro- hably_ can `appreciate and urtderstanri ; ' ittformation regarding their trieitdg and neighbors, the condition of the crops A` and ntarket qtiotutious, which to the farmer and tradcstnan inithc country is Oi[)l lll1:Ll y importance ; matters of local. cotistdcratioti wherein they are inter- /ested, and 0. hundred ani on`e`di'eient things which ttfi-act and interest them, hoth privtttelyatid publicly. The coun- try orgjm performs another function_ wlticli can only be effectually done by`. it. As a medium for advertising it offers facilities which are unsurpassed. By i: the former, the lahm-er, and the mechanic become acquainted with the ` goods and writes of the fradesman; they loam where they` can purchase [what they desire, and at the lowest pl`lC8. The county ttewspaper is to a county what nutritious food is to :1. con- valescent ; it helps to .build.it up and d_evelop'oll that is good in it. The county that is without otie is like a waste plain without elevation, front which 8. person desirirgto examineithc surroundings can ma`.-re no observation. -Ezch272ge. - %anLy{;`a5ai?ig:`wgxi.` I` ' The time has now arrived when the attention of farmers must be directed to that portion of their rotation which, an fortunately, occupies, at present, in our midst a very secondary position.l The root crop is the sliect-arrchor of all good farming. And althcugh we, with our rich, virgin soil, can aflord to dis- pense with it to II. much greater extent than some older countries, yet every `year brings each and all of us nearer to that time when it will become indis- pensible. Without manure we cannot, for any length of time, have even a middling crop. Without cattle we can- not have manure; without attention `to our root crop we cannot have evcn moderate success with our cattle. So that instead of the root crop occupying the `position it now does, it should have the primaryione; as really, the whole economy of the farm hinges upon it. We believe there is no other root-not even excepting the turnip--which isso admirably adapted to our Canadian climate as the mangel. It requires no more skill in raising than the swede ; it has fewer enemies to contend with ' --being free from the attacks of the y it stands heat and drought better; it transplants readily ; on many kinds of, eoil it will average a greater weight per acre, cows fed on it give more milk, ofa better quality, a_nd free from the taste which turnips invariably impart. I We do not wish for a moment to be understood as advising our readers to substitute mangel forturnips, on the contrary, we want them to sow even more turnips than they do. . If rightly and intelligently understood it is im- possible for the two to clash. We want our readers to grow both ; but we want them to employ them in their proper season, and, in consequence, obtain the best return from them. From winter sets in until the turnip beginsto sprout they are in season, at their best, in fact, We know that ;when growth com- mences a change takes place in the bulb, which renders the root more stringy and less nutritious than before; and, in fact, becomes as a food, of much less value. With the mangel the very opposite is the case. It is only alter that growth commences that the man- ggel should be employed. Were we to begin to feed the bulbs in the {all or] early winter, the effects produced would be in no proportion to that effected when employed in their proper season. Immediately the roits begin to sprout, however slightly, a chemical change takes place, which `converts the starch and other matter into sugar This change generally takes place about February or March, and is retained far into the summer. Nothing can be more erroneous than the iinpression geaerally held that it is only valuable as a food for cattle. Cooked "or raw, there is no other root; which can be more advantageously fed to all kinds of farm stocl:._ In an expeiiinent re- corded, it was found, that by giving a stone of the roots daily to horses, one feed of oats could be dispensed with, and the animals continue in equally good condition at full work ; and the calculation made as to results wculd be, that by employing the roots rai~ed on half a mod of land a quantity ol oats will be saved that it would require two acres to produce. And as a food for hogs it has no equal. in Ireland, where they are credited with being an fait with everything ccucci-iiing the pig, " the crayther, they employ it largely in conjunction with other food, nding animals fed on it fatten much faster, and the flesh produced having a peculiarly delicious avor. Take thn tnrnin, vim urn inrlnl-irml tn Boa- jL Jj T J 1 - , ..,,.1`.*::=:,:;;..' :*;:o`;:.:.Y,,2:*:;B1:*23is.`:::31*i*:z,%2;':1.`::e ? "*`' "M", We macro. Axf _a.' Waggon ndaker '2 . 3 Be t dsulk Fell c rriage,W dsulky Spokes.Hub ' ' 1 and . qggglzatlgag Ax! y Sp ;-g : Ilnamclledcotg %3I:xtmns,Sllvet-ed and 'a.pa.n W Ir au` ._.v ',:...r r----. /- V . -%a;:ango1em&:~m .kioo.ks.-r`Irth .0. A. MAODONAI.D s- wheels. Shaft couplings, Ba.nds,Ca1"_la.gea.nd -ie `ff; Buy your Knives upd Forks, Tea and Table Spoons. Clothes W;-ingers. Preserving Kettles Saucepans. &c.'. at Are You Going to Btiilcl? D` 5' -'`"A'-0'8 "I Buy. your Nai1s,'H.inges, Screws,hI4Jck`s. Glas. Putty. Oil, &c.. at D A. - . V > . Are You is. Partner '2 A ' "`D"M-9'3 noh`r' 33?i'c`i: S mc13as"3.11`%o3%xu`Ean?'{`%%a3`ii`iI1;f`2'. ?'a? *`? 93 -`aistoness ~ ` o.A.`M' Are You Va. Painter '2 - I . TAbD9"-9'3- Are. a.. 'P.1i1fer IQ _ Buy Knives and Clothes W:-iugerg, &c.. at _ ' _ D A. ' __ -,_ ,, - . . ll \ Are LY< >u. a. Eoudekeeper 2 pp|_aEs.-1L-.1,.\".r.~:, o11;;<,_(:o.1.oxis. (:`1,.\.~s. PL"l"l`Y. L ;A_D. (ull ;.;ro.des.) . -.\'e.'\'t l)om'ltn H. Vl7recn'1:m s l"m'nitur~ Stnresx. where full i,nfm'mati will be given giintis, by thc Pmprictor, who` will be happy to attend to all the wzuits that fall in his line of _ lmsi`n_css`,Aa.m1 a.l;_the lowest possible price for CJLSI-I OISJ LY.` FARMERS HOME F `R HARDWARE- s(:\"1'm-`.3. (assom-,1>. si\'A'rm:s. ms` so1'le(l).l.{Al(ES. (assorted), FOR! 8, (ns.~50rted,, ll0l'aS. (No. 1), ll0lES..(\\'ee1ix1g, new 1>uttcrn)' Sl Al)ES. (.\'0. 1). SHOVELS, (u \'m'ic_t,\'. . " D .~ m$."p';`.`Pw 3??-14"` 5"` F9 ""-R WARE LA'l`(.`liES(u \-'ariet_v). . ~ S.-\ \\`S. ((`.unudian). .H'.\\\'S.`(.-\n1(-- Nib, LOCKB. 1lC11;:lmlI1. LOCKS, lcumuliml). LOCKS. (.-\1n(-rim-am). I\> .B.-711; is to your at1\'mge to call at 'tV]:is Station, `next door to F1'eeman s Furniture Store. UUBIIIILIJ uvl IUAVBIO lnuvuea Like the turnip, we ure indebted to | Germany for the mangel-wurzel, from `whence it was introduced into'Bi'itaiii In 1786. 'l`h_re are many varieties 01 `it in our seed lists--all being improie ments,-or claimed to be siich,-ofthe three principal varieties : the long red, the oval or turnip rooted red, and- the yellow or orange globe. Many of the newer varieties dier materially from their progenitors in appearance and qualities; and each grower can select such as he considers most suitable for his particular soil and` situation. It xnustfbe premised, however, that for shallow and light soils the globe, parti- cularly the orange varieties, are -hose .' liestaclaptad ,i -while on deep, stiffsoils the long.-varieties will give the heaviest ratunl e .-.- e I- -_'_,-II _.._.__ -._' _..-. __.'I __ HARDWARE! HAR s1gn`o1' the cross-out saw. . 7 `""'HYN "l\" "7 ? ' l.1`l'\TI'\ I 7 A "IIVi`I I \ f'\ `I"I'V`l V A 4`,-un-x____, ` ` [THROUGH Tami, ALL ABOARD 1| l ;xss'cr`1go.1-s going: West will please chzu1gc'u:u's it BARBIE for ' lGraddo ck -s Ngw_ Hardware Stow-le 'W3.\I[ OR:\RY QL.'Al{'I`El{L\' IN ("I`.().\H".[`(.)N`S UH S1i.~\I\"I`\", (UiIN1'Il'. |)`U.\"I.OP ' .~\.\'l) .U\\'J~I.\' .\"['lll2l'L'. ` ' D......:.. \1.._..L n `10-';- an 1.. PAIN'l`S, 011.3, GLASS, PU'1"1`Y, \ A1':..\`Is1T1, I AIN 1`lRS & (`IRAINERS 'rooLs. ALL KINDS OF s'mo1< AND TOOLS USED - IN (rm: PAiN l`lN(,; BUSINESS. B:m~ie, March 9, 1876. CAP.RlAGE PAINTINGL ANQ TFUMMING IN ALL Rh ITS BRANCHES. IDEOALCOMANIE. OR TRANSFER` `VI-IE1 : manner lulauuugu navy Iuvn nu-u nun u.- then, Toss their heads an avow they care nothing for men ; _ When the opposite sex is - Inclined to perplex us. _ It isonly because they want kissing again. They tease us because they want kissing again, Becansethey want kissing and touzling again ; ' Let nuld maids mak' faces, Auld bachelors griniaccs, "Pin the want o't m'ik`s them look so. wrinkled t in. Then-wlm is it (lax-es to ca` kissing a sin `: Then what, is it dares to ca kissing a sin 2` Although" mostly aiane, When it's aftenestilunc, ' Yet, 1me'thelesa, nane "dare cu. it a. sin. j f3. % V PLAIN &(>RNAMENTAL SHELF AND H.EAVY HARDWARE. '0` _ wmsmc YOU WILL FIND. A LARGE..&ND w:~;_LL: ASSORTED STOCK < DRUGS AND MEDlG:NES, ova STUFFS, _ PERFUMERY, LAMPS, l. l`.l`I.\;C?l{I PTI().\'.\` C`5AREFI.'LI.\' ..I-.-\lH-j III . I RIL`I.\` _\l0D!:`.l(.\ ]'I~T. ni:`G-IVE ILVIE A (Lzite of \\'el1s Bros.` and \\'z1ts0n & CO.) Having assumed thefhu'sines's formerly carried (21) by (`. A. .\'l1cppan1', ll),-;5 pleasure 111 offer-mg to the puhlxu :1 mil and c()n1plufc stock in the - ' scvcral llncs of the Drug busim-s_~. ' j._....U. --- ...__. . I)ont Forgot the Stand l`m:" m:.l,'(: .<'l`()l:I~I. m'PusI'I`:-: TH!-J u.\mm-: 110'!` iii. 11:11-ric. .\Iui-(:11 39. 1576. `l?EE'47E"E` * =_.__ \ ' Oh, whI;iaei'dnres`1:o ca. kisaingaain '! Oh, wha. is it dares toes main '2 Though we're mostl algne, When it : aftenest une, For I that, wha is there ca it a sin ? I doubna , when Adam an Eve met thegfthef. The first thing they did was to kiss ane amther, An thmkin it ne, Lilrn Himnnnlk mnint div-inn, THEBRUGSTGRE l\l\l!ol\QI"I'E 'I"l.l= K_"A!)E!ll'.' lJ!'\'1.'E1 l'\llnlI an au- Dun1op' Street, Barrie. ---~--:0:----- PAINTING, PAPER-HANGING, DECALOOMANIE, &G. DRUGS, PATENT nizoacmps, CHEMICALS, 8.4.0.` OPPOSITE THE BARRIE HOTEL, DUNLOP-ST. I02 George 1\Z[oic11=;1nan, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDVVARE, 840. :2 no Q % ":i:).'. A. Maaona1a - V-"-g. 8 `SIGN 02`. mszcaoss-GUT SAW, BA1_IRm,' " Ni:\\' AI)DI'l`I(L\'.T\' T0 TH]-J m"uL'1{ or -A LARGE rdalnaaaaa .. -. .... -----....._._. Queues on matters relating lb He Subjects be re. nliedlom this column under re head of Nolices In Corremondeuul.)