Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Jan 1876, p. 4

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cu .-..a.u.a. v.l_l. QF THE CHEAPV . Funerals Fdmiahed.` ` $439 : Satisfaction Guaranteed. l\A|I 1-Jm ; 1-: }'i`< )()L.\', r IA: 11118 ' "orks and Store-rvopms opposite the Registry Oic. I \ 1\ f'\ 1"? /V ` "" "' l 111m IIERSONS. `Vl 1icke11,I%cfaxa1 Jimne, Strasbourg Meats, Mwqier, French I`.-spcrs in Bottles, \\ urces :l;wcll's, \\'hit_e s and other Pickles. ;_..___. V J - n `W11 prove to be the fact. He also doe} T\ 1111-1-mm`--_-_- -_ 1e following Seasonable Delicacies. ('mss<- & B1ackwe]l .-= Rt-,a1_Curr:u1t J:-lly. |_ cuchcs and 1 ;-ztree in 2 lbs. Tins, I in 21). 'l`in.'< '1) iIAi3AN TEAS, hf Smlrial l uluv.:nuI uinll ..>....u....u... ,, av no; Aawuvwn -, . - --_-........ _ _ . . . . .. | Dun Sm.-ln examining the Govern ; F ment Report for 1874 it may be seen` ` that American Life Insurance (.`om- panics collected during that year over '1 $1,575,000 of premiums in Camula, the r greater `part of which was sent out of ` Canada for investment in the Uni= ;el States. There was returned to (fana- dians for dead losses the sum of $272,826. 1 leaving a round sum of one million and l a qiunter of dollars taken from (".`an:xd:. , .for the enrichment. of our neighbors. It is well known and generally adniitlml that the material prosperity of the <:i._v . of New York has been greatly autvmiced by the large sumq, amounting to mil- lions annually, of life insurance money collected from various Stntesiin ihe Union and Canada, and invested in {hut V city. Do we, as Canadians, individually consider this matter when we pay our life premiums to American Conipnnim instead of to the many good (`anadiun institutionsvwhich reserve the money for investment in. our own country. and encourage the enterprises and assist the prosperity of our own cities I i The pins ' tion of absolute .<;at'ot_\' in in.=:1u'in_I_; in American companies, should :1 war break out between the two countries. has been `l'requc-ntl y raised, bu t. some clever young lawyer or some long exp adept in controversy has been employed to write I aoothing al`ticlt-34 on the treaties lu~t\vr-.=n nation:-5, and with plum-lible argumt-.nt.~4 have quieted the 1`e,Hti\'e doubts, and the iusurem have gone on paying zuvzrv `their money to the American C`onip:u1iu.s agent, while it is an -.ulmittud fact tlmt "in national difiit-ultirs,in corporate di'er- 911015, in reciprocal trade as well as in .indin'dual rights the United States lime acted with extreme littlcness in its deul- I ings with (`mmda ; so much an that some K of our leading statesinen have had re- cently to publicly udmit it, It cannot l he otlierwise than expected that cour- ' panics will not upon the contract which "Uiey have signed -ruul sealed, no matter `what statements are coninined in adver- tisements or made yen-bx-ill_v by interested ptrties or paid lawyers. The writer was shown :1 polix-._v the other day, which the holder lnul travelled 40 mile to present. for an opinion upon its valilit.y.. The holder was 21 country l11`1`('ll11l1i`, who thought he was insured on the 10 your I life plan, and had paid one premium. ln examining the contract there ' were erasures and interlineation: without the usual marginal initials of the purir.-s concerned, which are usual in any im- portant legal document of far less moment -than a contract which is to run tlrrougli the whole course of life. 'l'her<- was un- guaruntee either of payxnmits closing at the end of 10 yea.r.~:. Yet. the policy was ' signed and sealed, with all its: conditions I and imperfections _; and no wonder the holder of it was seeking advice. This policy was issued by a well known American company doing business in this city through an : gent, the policy bcingprepnrcd in the States. If people could see their policies before paying their money, it would relieve many from serious losses of their hard-earned money. in other contracts, all parties concerned hear or read them before signing or set- tling for them, and why not in life insur- nnd contracts? ' nu , ,ir ,. -1` L1... 'D..A......l {1nq.n.mvn.u\+ ;and the_ public of Barrie and surrollnding W`ILLIA;M _1oO12E.] HIS | 1 .I(`ES .-`UKE L(.`I\\". l`H.\'l.\` Till". Pl.A(']~I TU (30. of Furniture > adazftigunent ixisnothor A LUCVK S, L.~\ l"(`H l~'..\`. v-..;..A_alJ BARBIE, Ont. ,_,__,,_ akery, Teas, : and in trim a To the Editor of the Montreal Cazgllr. fl 51-ly 4.5`-1) ZO CUBIC: Tselling Imitition Gold Watch; in the market. This is a Pure Sslver Hunting Cased Watch ; Enlisli rolled Gold Plate ; sunk Second Dial ; F lJewelled; Expansion Balance ; Nickle Movements; beautifully engraved Cases ; and is equal in a pearance toe. gold Watch that costs from to.$l00. -It sells and trades readil for 825 to 860. If you Will! a watc Tor zonr own use, or to make monnv an em na- u 41 .11 .L uupnze packages in the'wor-Id? It contains 15 sheets paper, 15 envelopes, pen, Penholdcr, Pencil, patent Yard - Measure, package of Perfurpcry and 9. piece of Jewelry, Single package wxth elegantprize, post-paid, 25 cents. ' V . ----n -..- - -H - .......uu.. u.uuu.nx, n_nuu_u-u I Next In Bird : Bop: A: Shoe Store.` f nmzssns sun}; m 1113- LATEST STYLES, i AL moderate chm-.::-a. and with ptolnptneas. iS'I`R ..v AND FELT WORK RE-DONE . ;n. my . Inna nun` MILLuNEn7r,' n's' 5.. Whit: , `RA A 7&1-r1 ' . .j._.._ `- " -.-_`_:: .: Chrmnos for $1. The grandest cha.ncc_e\'er offered agents. '49 will mail to any address, post paid, . 12 beautiful Oil Chromos, size`) x 11, mounted, on receipt of $1. Sell for $3 in an hour. Try- 3, Chrome agency, it is the best pay. Aing agency out. Everybody loves and buys pictures. \Ve havewoxk and money for all, menand women, boys and girls, whole or spare time, daytime or evening, at home or tnwelling. Inclose $1 in a letter. Chromua by return mail. They sell at sight. 11]` A 1\Tr]1T.Tl'\A2enta for the hon. ...if:_.. uy rcnum maul. `J. WANTEDE H . nnntna I 5 ul-mad-... gold by my 1-olspectnble dealers in Pai throughout Ontarxo, and to denlgrz only by ELLIQ1` J: 00., . Tonmm S|`.\vA(;h`. 1'nLw.en.-I.ord \Va1-wick has contracted for all the sew:1ge- if the town of.l.enn1ington, `close to his fm`m of about 300 :icres_, the whole of wliicli is treated with sexvage brought in con- duit pipes from the town. .\I;mgnlrl and ltalimi rye grass are found to be the crops best suited tn the system of irriga- tiou adopted. The grass sold on the spot.g1-em: for about >3-to per ton, and twenty-five tons were got to the acre. '_l`lu= m:m_;ol _viel nearly eiglity tonju to tlieacre. and sold at the liezul for 8.1 per ton. The Italian rye gmss will absorb any amount of sewage: cabbage, foo, thrives nearly as well on it as mangold. The population of Lemningtou is 22,000. .Tho sewage of the whole town flows to a reservoir whose capacity is one million gallons. Thence it is every day pumped to Lord Warwick's farm 5 an excessive rainfall beingitlie greatest diiculty they have to deal with. _ ' Tondno. For sale 2: Burma by John Wooda, J. P. Kidd. Watson 6` C0,, and Well : Bros. vu.-nunuu N..1" NO 2-" and " N0 3," Of this brand _ are unsurpassed for body and hrilliancy o elude. Packages centain full nett weight. T116 public Ire warned that certain other brands are 1 ilbmshort in every so-called 25 pound package. Examine the hrnnd nnl An nno L- _... -n pacuugun Examine the brand an] do not be put 00 wii.h,infe:ic:- paints, The nnsw is always can?- In`. mas. aammsom Begum inform her friends and the public generally that she has removed to more ` commodious premises, nnnnnI'rl- Pflllll nnn n.. I nnma ..... .....\... vnnuu cvun was uruugul. ulna narne. lcmcmbcr that his stock of '1`c.1s_. Christ- mas Fruit, &c., is daily arriving, and cannot be beat in qlmlity, or fur cheapness in price. UUI Ill UUU. [U H3 PIUIIIIBUE, UPPUSITE EIIWAHIJS 8!.` |.A|D S __.._U.____ Be wil lmvc the best Christmas Meat uf all kinds that ever was brought into Barrie. lnltlwihnr flan} kin ul-A..L l\` 'l`---- 4 l"-~-5-* Hats, Caps. Bonnets, Millinery of Every Description, Mantles, Shawls. Feathers. . Flowers. Ribbons, Laces, &c-. "'A """" `'9 `"'5V\' X. IIIHIIILL 1~.:AxxNG.'- , ` MIS S MORTON, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. Next in III:-.19. nu... .. an... an.-- u UUHBIVESULD 9 The notice of the Federal Government Ihouldhe drawn to the fact that the amount of deposit is not a sufficient guamntee for the security of Canadian insurers in foreign companies. Some American companies have from $5,000.,- 000 to $8,()O0,0()() at risk here, and only $100,001) depositt-d, and that not ex- flllBl\`6l_\' for Cunatli-an policy holders, but for policy holders generally. p'I`he deposit also consists of United States bonds, while if a U1n:1(li2t11 company wishes to do business in the l7'.1itcd States it must deposit with the United. States Government, not Canadian bonds, but. United States bonds. ~If war shonlrl ever exist between the two countries, the American people would certainly , have the advantage over us in this ru ` spect, The writer of this is not rarticn lnry interested in either American or (_`.:madian companies, not even holding a policy in either, and can therefore look at the question from all points ; but lia.\'- ing at large slmre of p:ttrioLism, it duet U nee-ni singularly atrzuugc that #1 p:'e{'ci'e1ic. should be gi\'en by so many (':tna(li:u1s to Americzm <`0l]lp2U`lC8. with liigher rates of premium. for 21- policy lF`.Sl1('(l by .~4tr-angr-rs in a foreign t-ountry. who in- vest. the mcr.c_v in securitics of it doubt- `l'nl cliaravtu-r in remote regions fur ho- yond the siglit or control of the (`mmdim people. Hence the object of tliis. letter. tA:\'.\n1.\x. ' \l......._..l `l._..__.,__ 1.I Wu-n , :E3E>c:>u-5 51:51:-a;:r35:ii3';' When: she will keep on hand a first-class stock of Full and Winter OFFICE` - BARBIE CHRISTMAS MEAT, TEAS, Of a.l1kindsfmgulc to 01-d`er on the shortest. possible notice and on reasonable terms. n \v n.-n Il\-- . ,._ . Barrie, Nov. Hith, I875. Steam, Foundry, Domestic and Blac/csmz'th s Use. Oppositu Rania Hotel, Dunlap-st., Barrie. vmuA9.1`} PMN'i1m fiiziuM1N9. 1 Having removed to his New Premises, nearly opposite M. H. Spencer's Toronto 'l`en Stnre, is prepared to fill all orders in the fol- l0win*lines: -.\`ign \\"1-itin , (lilding, Grain-. ing, (mac and (Drnamcnta Painting, I a.pcx' Flanging, Plain and Decorative. Sample of work always on hand. ()rna1nental Sign Writ- inga speciality. All work guarantee-(1 and satisfaction given. Imncinlrcr mldress, Front-street, opposite Spencer's T. T. Store. llfiilih-E IVIjI`& Has opened out in the .\I:msion House I.lo.-k. Market .\'qum'e, Barrie, where he is prepared to (In, an the shortest notice, most reasnxmble terms, and in the he-.~t of stylc:<,'fa.shiouable nnnnnnnn nnuuun-unvn 1- n nun-unnnunvn R. King, .112. Agent for the Curwlu Life lmmmnce 00.. Bnrrire. 17.6; l`?f:;?s it`/a N@W;. New P3EMIsEs.! } Wr . % ALFRED GRAVER, TIIOS, i'.'ENN0X., w. P. JTwNEs ()llI)ER.\` l ROMl"I`I.Y A l"l`E.\'DED I0. I!.......'.. 1U......l. (141. 10": In 1.. .7`. - - U mes, Lzquors and Czgars, UF (`I1-`t I\r\n _ _____._ w H Pi" is "i_'%I-:7. D s ' "EN.,`.N.3"" - ._ - ' vegan \ll\lJIL1LnV IVIIUAU If I IA 1 A Barne, March 9th, 1S75. \ I\i\.\I .\Iont1'a-al, January H11, 1876. -.- vv V--. -v--unuw.-an 2-uvvnu v-- u \\']u'ch will be sold at reasonable rates. hCHARL.ES~-McGUlRE n \f_..-_'.._ Clothes vloaned onlthe shortest notice. . . . -.-_- -\r.*rA4-./'.r4 v -v\r.rv\rv\r./\r.n.o\.F.AAIv\4\/v-4vv [V-AH1ONABLE PAINTING. -`;:..-:. [I{R.IST.\l.Ab :ARRIE COAL nFFICE MILL NERYQ &.Q_._, It` \* GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,` " ems: PI ma .9; 5? rps co`nVst:1u'.! on hand all kinds 0 WINTER. BaCl@CD`I'3$_3E!rZI @ " PATNT I NE "L9..6TIN M... , A,-.1-.1-. .-.v.r..-.zvv.zv.-....p.;vvvu-zev :5 n or; ii i H a`ii`?'s HAIBCUTTING 8L DRESSING, smvmc- Ann snnrrooma SALOON. B.-\YF'IEl.1) .s"I'REE'l`. No. T1"E1i6iTJBL* gnu; uvl WITH (Mlle Bl' Y YOUR 1. may sell an sxgms. )Agenta for the beat seing pzepackages the'wor-Id. 5&4 Bauer. 15 envelnman ...... FOR FABEIONABLI 5H E E R. I-`t )m~DR V. DU J.\7. 10-ly /4'!-IV If [ .R'omembe_r_thof _..-........_, -. ulpullc auone excepted. ustom Work a specialty. 2 [ Golden ower. __..-.-.n. ,. -nnnvl -pruol, le p airing in all ; Tw D New Brick 03103:` 16-13 J M003 , _ ....... ; nuul D0015: ' L V SHOEPACKS, MOCCASINS, 810. Ladies Snow Eztclgtders, Ladies Felt Gaiters, a _ j tzon qf Manufactured Goods. -Of the best quality, newest styles, and : Kip Boots, Patent Frost Prooi n-rw .\-_ . V Have reinoved to their 1 st:-oety , -.--r J IIIIIIUVI -.--.... .. uy mu; 1; mrge and waned stock *n00'1'sLAND SEIJFAS! , . quality, atvlon, 9...: .4 r.---- ggfuur Jlagniticezzt Stock of Furs... . 20 per cent. discount ["Our Supei-h Sto-`k of Slw.w1s.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .At :20pe1- cent. discount @"()11rStylis}1 Millinc1'y...... . . . . . . . . ..........-it `)0 per cent. discount g;"Our Elegant,3\Iantl(es...... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ...At :30 per cent. disuount, @` Our \Vitney and (fanadiaxl Blankets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~\t 10 per cent. discount. [_2}`,V'O111' Stylish` VVinter Clothing. comprising Uin`t.1', Hudson l3:L_v, and other .)vercoats, Skating and .l.)e:i> Jackets, &c ........... . . .At 10 per cent. discount . I`ogether with In rge reductions on many other lines too nitmerous to mention. 0:,'?N()TE.-Th.e above -is a bona-fiie chance to secure N E\V SOUND GOODS, at 21 great Bin-gain. The discounts. &c.. named abrive, lieing from our lowest CASH RATES. and not reductions from fictitious or fancy values. . '5'-_i1\;r 115:: I` u.;-.-.------ - '1 _------._ v.--v-ow $V :43` Notice the Grant Special Discounts on the following lines, bringii clown to much less than regular Wholesalle Rates;-A-- - @0ur Magnicent Stock Furs. . . Elegant.3\Iautl(es....... @`Our StylishVVinbe1'.(Il0r.l1ing. U ln`Lv.1', am 1 svzWIA& mwmvms As we are about to cmnmnce our annual Stock Taking, and as we : making 3. CLEAN SWEEP of our VVINTER STOCK, we sh the balance of the same at mm ST-TAKING sax: saw nrnnmmmi . THE . ` o\ ` J ;,-`..;._-`\v I _;._ . . . . I , _."_a`;::V_s`r _-A. ` ."_-,;.V ._.`___.-.._' ...v_'-' | 72*` .__,. '.J`v__?-_ -. -ct`-`~. __ ~-.~. -7:65 <~o_~>= *-..:r-.:~\~_~ 3'2` I . uvwu.LUu U1 18 Em: NANTS 2 L.\I`.Gl~Z LOT AT N().\IIN_\L 1`lH(_)BS T1`) (LICAlZ. "IMPORTS RS, \'\'m'n-3 1 |, \`.`Ef0'l`I1C.* ':madi:\11.% h ......... --..._._-. HONUMi3NTs,To1l_B smmas, ao. \.f\I\ EXRRIE MARBLE WORKS 2; % Vs .G-EOIRGE SMITH MANUFACTURERS nw ' - `l"III -vnj " V` - -'-- 301 (SUCCESSORS Tn J. T SULLIV.lN,) ' 8.6 8. CD89. ['85 . _ ALL ORISERS PROMPT?..Y RTTENDED TO. Saveld Str%tfr?elg3vu]l1)3g{s South of 1%1_1 ESTABLISHMENT, \Vo hereby beg to tender thanks for the liberal V p:1tro`nagenf the past And have pleasure in stating that our business is steadily increasing, the last month s salon having far exceeded our expectations. [WEE EBB? V-'e solicit 9. continuance of support. from those who have traded with us, and from thoscwho have not, we ask the "smom: & l0UNT S %> NEW CASH DRY GOODS, BLBTHING 8:. MMINEHY and NEW GO0DS 4 U Believing that our system of business only requires to beknown, and our tirst-class stock inspected, to" insure a. s]mx'e'of theilr patronage. ALL OOOOS MARKED III PLAIN FIGURES AT LOWEST CASH PIIIOES._ Special Lines of Goocls at Greatly` .Red1./c- ed Pricea, well worthy of :zlten.tw7z. CLOTHING :' FAVOUR OF A CALL, 0G=A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. STRONG & LOIJNT, Three Moantlas McCarthy s Block, Banie. , _, ....-- vi vb! LE, sULL1V..4N,) it new store, Bennett : Bulldlnz, North Slde I Dunlap rt, and have tted it up with a large and varied of -`L1 - -"" And will be kept well assorted with AS THE TR! .Lr..,rc-'}A'roR _Hn3as, we . 5... pmpam`, igntor Boots in the County, to execute all ord as far the same. . material are warranted water-proof, and . u-noqudled for ?t.ed- - ' V l JJ` -` : Buick Fno.\zT .s"ronr:, Our Stock is now very I ,_...- .. .uvvcuu pl'lCL'. Proof oats, KS, MOCCASINS. Am A very large si no Grain Kne :2 IN NEW QUARTER .o;--._._. SUNDAY SCHODLUUNVENTION, AND ACCOM- PANY|_1\'(i Dl\'lNE-SERVICES. RAD E ~Rapai1-ing all itu:..Branchs.: i at lowest prices. A \ I MADE TO ORDER IN FIRST- |\ CLASS GITY STYLE. DEBI.-\NI)S. I)v.\'l.or-Srm-rm`, BEAVER. THE ll oc:1_'3 What of `tho? Meetings bf he c-|ergyTof`1lxe Ext Simcoe Deanery were held 1n Orillia, on Wednesday and Thursday, th 1211: and 13th inst, persuant to 'nOtice {rpm : the Rural Daun. Present-A. Stewart, ` M.A., Rural Dean, in the Chair; Canon . Morgnn,G. A._Ande:sbAn, M.A., Joseph Fletcher, B.A., _J_ohn Burkitt, Jn`mc`s ` \ 11. Hams, and w. 0. Bradshaw. 7111.- ____,_,.-.__ ___ -__ L_I_I '-_ \'!7_.l . , and ever y des.:r`ip.-- L large aockof , _!-'. 7 :1". Burma. are desirous of . shall offer (.`.\LL P.-LRLY.':ng them If00t9 # --...u lumhe Gun`: Snosnonns R . oftbe Emxnenr tndrun Mcnici`xx.:4`'.`' "3 Lewis Josephus,ol the Great Tribe gs .1) British Columb1a,ns workin the mm` """f and astunuhingcuresthe CV0, ""n'`mve..u; Never m the anna|s`olCunadian Medi.,'}'i""o1. . . ll 1 Iran Innlunumv-.n.-n......I-.lnL- ._ n. `PFDCLAIIJI THE C:1:AD ;IDIN(38 I"|..n|.- (1..-. _u..-_.-,_,__ .. _ Maura. [hum o_n urnlnerl,-3l.Jonn, n.- Mr. R. 3- i ri dv, Windsor, 0.1!. .MrI. 0rpen,Mbrdn, N 5. Mr. George C. Hunt. Jun-, Fredericton. [-3- Mr. W. H. Thompson. Harbor Grace. KH- Mr- J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, N. B. Messrs. W. 6: . Ynile.Monlrenl- Chu. I` Davie.-s,I"rodriclon. N H. b The medicine: are sold ulhelowesl wb0"" 5 us! Drum. m qunusiliu of not less Ihn" g ;';vIorlb-v1x,., 8:. 6d., 325... and 34:. p'r,*"` V i bone: of P211: or poll oxmutmem, for whx-*" ' mdulvet mull be sent ir advance. . ' . 1 THOMAS HOLLQWI - $3, Onfud und. '53 C` . 1onlou.J`Iuu umrsul. L To the clergy those two days were a 1 time at refreshing in every sense oi the l word. tThe hearty services afforded , them apirittal refreshment, the contact - with kindred spirits cheered and in- vigorate] their mental faculties, and the Rare Dean took care that there should be no lack of bodily.refresh- ment. His hospitality was unbounded, keeping open house _to the clergy during the Whole time of their stay" in l the town. Indeed they all returned to ` their respective homes under it lively sense of the hospitable characterof the" people of Orillia, and long shall `the memory of the pleasant time spent in that delightful town remain imaxggagd Iponthoit !FiUd'9_ ; A _ .; ...: = - 1. K 4 Coldrnlmi,ns workiin 'l-h.e"`l'11v0`IulI:;(,:" :4I aatunuhingliures the orld dun Never l\I::i::I"I'}l1'd has suchluccess Intended the Inuodnclio 1"! medicxne herelotorc; ' 01-) W}! Y? Ineutczne neretotorc. """ '1) SIMPLY B WHVY? _xcAunxthe alunblenct` vegetable ingredieuta.(Iome ol wlhvif-_hm`::m" mention, such nsthe Extract: (.1 wild C1" Bark, Podophvllum, Juniper,Quawa mm . S 'I Dandelion, Hyoecylmus, CODDOGDJ Colocynlh, Julep, eocolriue Aloe. (J-,,w`_"[ Qc. kc ) WhlQh'cnlCflDl0 the C0mpU!lllICno.;1m' combzrcd medttrme, are Iuch and no hnrnion ` LP- claastt ed and compounded,that it is made tlwiul `l searching curative in the Know ' " " not help bulact on the system in J I1 World, and ( 1:. . I vcr ml` l and desirable manner. No matterwhnt v.whcr{:;' ment may be,qr how long standing,1twti'.J'oqlh. spot and aatontnh ycu by the up ` Id which you are reatoredto perfect, heulixllgunu P nuu lu vi 0!. - his Medicine is pleasant and tlnlelo take .1 is warranled,and may positively be mien , to mnkea permanent care at all dlgeageg 0.5; /fhront. Lunga,Liver. KidneyI,D;gm_e Wt. 55. 56~.:.,as well as Scrolula, the vanm . xv` Diseases, Human, and all due 1., M8 M4: lm urity ol the BIood,excepu: I,t1.: fair; Sn. I at onsun-. uon. Fur!hcl'lul\..`ll1Lll0|., with v, directions or using the Great S..os':or.ea H;-ml. I 6: Pills. and containing Tcstimonttxlt and Cw cute: ot Curee.(-In be obtain-.-u by sumrin` 1.` Treatn:s,the Hand-book, or the Almnnar H. circulrrs from may renpectal-lc Druggw `D ' Dotniumn-trc:e. . Price of Remedy in lavge Pint Battle; 1 . 1 Inner Rnn0K .4. A aux` `l`l|'16I' Ha|lUo., Uharlolle mm- Myeaars. Langley Sc (74).. Victona . 8.0. Messrs. Moore 66 Co. VicIorin.B.C. D.-John Pallen,Chnl am, N.B. Messrs. M 0.019 65 Co., Montreal. Messrs. J. _Wmer& Co.,Hurilton,0nl. Mr. H. 3. ix ole. Toronto. Mr. .&.chi `nun Sm lh,St-John, N.B. Mr. John nd.GodcrJch.0nI. Maura. Elliou 65 Co.,ToronIo. Mr. J. Chaloner. St. John, NB. Mourmanin on Brothers,-9l.John, N3- M. R S-Pri :5. Windsor.O.Il. my med cines can be had gcnuinc from 19,9!"- Thefollowing i: the rms a-tl`d"`, _And I parttcularly recommend those who d"r*v` 3 ct my medicines to apply to some or the m tmed :- 5` ans, Mercer Jr Co Montreal. 1! M,` sra.Avery, Br0W`l1 dz Co_., Hnhful; -\' Mes,-rs.Forsylh dc L0-,'HllIfl),AV.S. _ H Mew -. T. B. Barker 65 SoDs.Sl.John. In - on,` ecaries Hall Co., Charlotte Town ME-.. Lantlev tic Co.. Victoria. For , he pfolevnun of the pub':c 1'3 -"` S0,, Alnerxon [deem u my duty to aim? ` _ my p,L,_., A111) mnxxnr are neither ulanulu-i` ed no, ,0 L-\ anv part ol lhe Umnzn .`.'AY.~I ' Each pomgd Box been the Brmm (`-5*" .;n. n... ..m..:. uunn,....n . P. t ea sold L I -luv pan on nu. Va: 11-. . ,n-~~ 041"" mam sm,,,p,`,x'th the word.-, Holloway .- P. and Ointment, L*ondon, engraved lhc-re~C`Iv "_` lhelablc is [he 3_ 1dl'8S3, 533, Ox]-`ogp DTIH` Lounox. N... .......... 1...- 1.-.. am: m-crnsnrv. .1 -`f'~"' Price a; Remed 81. P Zsprr B0195 ctx. [rlfor Sale by all Uruggista sad Dealer; i Mediciao. Axum-I you BAnau:.--John Wool Watson & Co.,Welle Bros . Toleu 3 yen : 0nu.x.u.--J. W.Slaven. COLLUl0woop___\`_. Clrbznter. `I7n.u -AIAII lnnumn _NnvIk._- A . Unpnnciplcd vendors cnn obtain xhI|" nvcry low price,and so ,do.-cewc \'uIl'z' the aameor m genuine Hr|lo'uny s 1` Ointment. hich are manufacture .533,0x!i$rd Street. London. `P.-vnnnn uykn mun Mn :|nnnv'\.'>-H "- J0! pleased to communicate Wllh me. Many respetuhle rmsm the Bun .-h T 7`' who obtain my medicines direct from h"': very properly suggested that Ishouldv `U > benelofthamnelves and the pubhcu-"',` `_ names inthe papers,that 11 may be kn ` gcnumc tY_1m- 'l`h.- fnllowinn is: list of the B|1l'd" R"Ei=bt*'f"5I3*.1-I371:6'1i~6ANAL ' MEETINGS. v 0.3.), UK l0|'0 blfetl . LOHUOD . Persons who may be deceived pleased communicate wnh Manv rannndnlnle firms 1 n lhe Hm ish Y UI|'DLIIlCl`. Waounu .\axu-rs.-Nonh;op ` LY. Toronfo; Lyrnnn Bros. & Co., Tom;m'.` iott 00.. Toronto. 3`; ` `(Trie Ur 1)J.\-\.ILVUIlLJ1Do': Suirlnltn. J. O. CHVKBIBLAII, Eeq. This illlo ..,--. tbltaiiout three year: ego I became .53 with Bronchitis which lasted ebou: g;,g._..,.: months. I wrl eo amicted for the wing; breath that it we: very difficult for me toicm endin the night time frequently throwing 2;. clothes of end ruining in the bed to keep in: etrnngling. I tried three oithe moat emmi physicians in the County of Northumbe:`..-i:. for about I year without receiving any`;. ~ In fectl continued getting worse :11 the LIE: At lasti was advised to try the Great .~fLuLo~ * noes Remedy. I bought 3 bottle ot it. end 'K':,e; it we`: about nished I begun to feel l:?`{,` better. I continued to use itjunzill had uh: three bottiee, when, to my utistnction, lfoc. that I wue.e_wei1u ever] had been prema to my iilneee, Ind have been .-oever since. ' _ ' JOHN SIIJID. ` JUUKV C1hV;,.".. I Sworn before me M.8mL:be1d,tbis Gm day o;ApI'i1,AnDA) J. I.WELLING I`0?v'.J.P. woxosarurf cum; or LUNG m:~'s.:.':z Runnlrvu Ln!-H `Oh 151"` WUDUEKIUU Dunn Ur ut-nu './.'rr..~.:'. Bnooxnn, April 5th. 1812. J. C. Czunnuu. EIQ-~eSlB;-Tb'.! 2: -: certify that my wife was very low with lnngtl ease. 1he Doctor had given her up. ll: :1`. her lungs were tubercled, and medici::ec::: not help her. A: at lut resort, l purchase: o bottle of the Great Shoohonees Remedr. ;: the expiration of two days, her symptom. va. decidely better. She continued toimgrrrgu rapidly tlnt by the time she had taken 0 we tle Ihe was able sit up. By the continuum the remedy she was perfectly restored t.~ lxu".` Ynv. msur nnhliuh the facts for the he-u-iv: ` H -Sold in Barrie by Jo all other tlruggists. \ ._AL..,... IL I ......... W- v.__.,._. . .\u-throp &. Lylmm, Toruntu-. V-3' Agents, who will supply l'r11g;,'i.~ts ..! ;n" tux-'3 prices. V fl? .-- M` -...-.... .._.,.,..-,7 can :1.-pend ~-1,. u kour and Him` of _y...e1' :4 an unfailing 131111 I 1- 1w ~n'1:'r:r*r 1 Iran '- `A4.-1.411411 Jk *"""*4-`""v 19- Sold by all Dnxggm` ev<*rw'h=. Prim , one br~x._5l; nix bn.\ 3. 9-'~: ~`-`kl W '4 free of pmtage securely sunk-l `YUM vi W`-""'-'~ -"-- For full particulars write fur our ;.~{w)'133"5- - we will send in a sealed cI1\'1']l2p\` In W! -"'3'?-'0` an ror~eiptof1v\ stamp to p*`c-pm) .- ` " Addrc-.~'3 all lcuers for pampl:Zv?!.u -i-r ;: . \\'XLLL4L.\I UI`..\ '1' J. "' [D0 remedy UB9 WI! pEl'lC\Jll] YFILUYIU ll` I1!I" You umy publish the facts for the bezeiza those siaaihrly sficzed I 1'. 0. BR( wx. Ininnnun IIAOFAAI-I Hi-..up AQI --uunuv u-nu vv a V. Ianuuvuvuluu -v - The morning session, held "on Wed- . nesday, was mainly devoted to the con_- &sideration of the diffarences which exist V nu`u;Iu0uy l -blnuuu Ul UM. LIEYIH, U".AI`1. ..'l .`L<:`.".~-.-~. Anson.` lieustruntlon. and ..:1n=.~-M kg, urn as Tcrmla Wctlknesa. They nte, . uuvi with the gr .2,--t care, under the ]x:x\;.'m.'."`jv.'- V,-M.-,;, Q! n ]u'xy.!:~i;-.11 who lino` made f.~.'~.'.`n J`:- ._~g_<.`.- ;L _.,, 1;-iul .~:n.iy 1'ur.xmmy years, am! :::-y 1 rm-1, _\,xL.._1;c_"1e on \\hi(,`h. `~ s.'(`DDT1PY\ 1' A`l \Yn('V y '/ '2'.` M /mun: . `v. 7r1l\ \\~_\~\\\\\\\ Cum L,_:~nrrl1u-:1 (or \`ul'Iitc-ac), P1`.-in.'ul Rhu- :4tru.'|tlou, I Iva-radon of the Cterun. OY:urL'.:n ` ".`.n' ` Ihm_~o...-u..._ .....4 .I\ 4:, IL.-nu. :~fv7KiiEjEi%_c@NTIEia'r`z1s y :4 was or BRONCHIT1S.-f 1 9...--- Omfavd umt. W1 0 !1'!!9"l- m1:i`I\L5.I.I-I R`EGL'LATO)".. .4 3 \,_. _ ..___..| 'M;xRR`11-:1) L.\DI1~.`% . IL; La... ...... I. U. DIVA W50 `Macon Ilothodin Iimmr iu the mode of conducting Divine Service in the several pxrishes of the deanery, with the object ofnssitnilating the dilrcnt uses as much as possuble. nu. . u n . n ur- ILI EOCVEI SHUT- JOHN SIL\ LR. |RA`r` old. 2.- J. w Chewy xum,Smmv. pound Iixlmt h Prormm. ` hm. hm Cut 139 dew ~ A The afternoon sessions, bold -on Wed-- M inesday and Thursday, were chiey occupied in framing a set of "rules for the guidance of future meetings, and making arrangements for the next meeting. "l`his`is appointed to be held in Shanty Bay,ion Tnesday and Wed- nesday, the 9th and 10th ofi\1ay. Mr. Harris was chosen to read an essay on the subject of"`Parochia1 Missions;Mn Anderson to preach the sermon on Ttiesduy evening, and Canon 'Mnrgan to madam essay on Lay C.-oparmion, on Wednesday evening. - h:uv:r\n Q . . . . -.-nu... .n nnnu\nn`un|\ ""91. _ ..._.v.....-...J - -v lwnnvllu Altogether the services were such as it is rarely our privilege to enjoy. The unusual number of clerg", each cheer- ed by the presence of his brethren, the hearty response that arose from an sides of the Church, the exquisite service of song so ably pe_:formed by the choir, the beautiful decorations, so svmbohc of sound Church doctrine, all combined to give a heartiness to the services which cannot failto leave a lasting impression upon those who were privilegedto take part in them. \\ a use from such services under the thorough conviction that after all there is such a thing as beauty in holiness," and it is tting that God should be - worshipped thorem. m. .1. ; -I_`.._,_ AL--- A.-. 1 - The responding was very good, (:3- peciuily on the second evening, and midedgreatly to the heaviness of t.`n.e. services, which was {Luther 1ncrc=.sed by the beautiful decorations with which the church was adorned. These latter reect great credit upon the tas e of the designer, the deft hands by which they wcreexecutd, and the sound Church teaching of the Incumbent, of which they are undoubtedly the reex, A In-_..aL.... cl... ..-..--:-__ --__,,, The musical part of the services was ably sustained by the choir, under the rnanagernent of Mr. Armstrong; Miss .0. Stewart preszding at the organ. \Vhrre all was su well rendered it may seem envidious to particularize,-yet I may say that few who heard them will Soon forget the peculiarly impressive cect produced by th0singin_.r_r of the Tn7sa22ctzr.9 and Gloria in Ezccelsis. The amhenrs were well choser1.andcunec1.' ly romlerc-d, yet for the purpose of public worslnp the simpler pieces seemed more hearty and eeclive, rnr , , 3- , U VI KL\.K|lUn!\lU I-IVVIIIIIEI Divine Service in connection with the Ruri-Decanal moetingv was held in st. James Church on \Vel1ln29duv,m. 7 p.m., in which all the clergy in atten- dance at the meetnmzsmok para. ` Tfunninrr nrnvnru urnrn nah] kn l\/Iv ---- ---"v~~'o ; . At seven p.m., a service for the children of the Sunday-School was held in St.Jarnes Church, well attended by persons of all ages. Ailpthe clergy present took part. A sound and practical sermonaddressedtothepparentseaclrers and cl7ildren,i from John xii. 1.3, " Feed my Lambs, was delivered by Mr. Anderson. A pleasing feature of the service was the singing of sevmal appropriate hymns by the Sunday- ' School children. `The manner in which they performed their part reects greit credit on tlxeir teacher, Miss .Stewa;-I; The Rural Dean then closed We service and series of exercises with the Benedic- tion. uuuuc av uav nun.-uupa suun runn- Evening pravers were said by Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Bradshaw. Mr. Bu:-km read the fn-st Lesson (Gen. :_ M1.-Harxis the secund,,(t{om. xii) Canon Morgan delivared sn1 eloquent sermon on C`.uiss!ian T2 tily. taking as 1113 text Rom. xii, 4 and 5 verses. A collection was then taken up to defray expemcs of the meetings. 'l`ha nmnn fnr I-Tnlv r`.rimm|nnnn urns: l which Canon Morgaii, in the absence . The Rural lleoii read prayers, after lot the appointed Essayist. Mr. French, [delivered a practical address on the subject of SlIudey School Training. l'I`he discussion was well_ kept up by thr-I lclergy. i\1i-. 1AINcrsoii and Mr. Fletch-i er urged the iiiipci-timce of preparation by the teachers. Mr. Bradshaw spilw on the Etl\':l')lilg( of speciziliservices for children. Nli. French, haviiig jtis . 8l rl\'eCi,11dllV6l edlllS addressoiz` Sunday School Training. He showed him- self master of the subject, having hada long experience in `England. Mr. lH.E1`l'lE spoke ofthc importance of teach- ing the children to respond as a means `of prodiiciug hecrtiiiess iii Divine Serving, 'l"..t: tlliairinan then requested na.j: of the tiiztclters who were present to take part. in Llle cliscussionyon i.l3l] Czipt. McNamara illustrated the dith- culty ol answering many of the ques tions naked by the scholars, mid` request- - ed the names of books which would be useful in assisting teaciiors to prepare tlienisulves for-their work. The Rural Dean strongly condemned the roving propensities of modem Sunday-School childi-en,and urged the duty incumbent on teachers to keep it super vision over their scholars. Mr. Bradshaw recom- mended u. book being `kept in which the name, age, residence, &c., of each child be recorded on its entrance tothe school. Mr. French stated that the plan suggested was generally adopted in England. The Rural Dean closed the iiieeting with prayer. . ._ ... ___.._.'__ I` .1 ||l: IU u\:llIAJ I-IIRIUI JLQ Ill I-IIU IIIUDHIIISGI '.l`he office for Holy Communion was read by Mr. Anderson," Rural Dean Stewart and Canon Morgan, the two |latle1' being ccleluants, All the clergy and many ofthe laxity pariook. The Rural Dem} dismissed the congregahon with the Bencdic!.ic_m. T r\ nu _,., J, - . 1.`\ .__ , B .,, I VVILII \l|U J)l}|l\.\ull\\'lUl`- On 'I`hursday,ut 10 a.r_n., a Sunday School Convention was held by the clergy in St. Parochlal School House. V ' nn r\ I I \ , 1 r. ._ ._.....v.;4.L.La1..l. .1. Give 9. can and judge for yourselves. t|n1I1Unn GEORGE SM.ITH..` C0 0 Winter! ruler of the invrted year; Thy sca.tter'(1 hair with sleet like ahes til1`l, Thy breath congealkl upon thy lips, thy cheeks Fringed with :1 beard made white with other IIIOXVI _ an 1 1 Jun Have the handsomgst, most complgte, a (.Ivo1vi*1H':i;Wir"-E35Uii}A`ZF23`}i`}:3u$m%Z'sED | ANDENTIRE SA TISFACTION GUARANTEED. . . _, -Barrie,_A}o1'il, 875, : ----~------ GEKEYTADVANEEEU: HARDWARE &. AGRICULTURAL` IMl:"_'_E_h`A_E_|\_l'_lS_ Hardware! Haidw '17e!] . .._.......;.x.:.;.1 \J - On the shortest notice and most rcasonalvlo term; ' Furniture. am -.-; SLEIGH BELLS, S GURRY GOMS, HORSE BRUSHES, LANTERNS &GLoBES HALTER CHAINS, R TRACE CHAINS, The Subscriber -beg: Count-ry that he Manufa` Than those of age, thy forchcatl w1'app l in clouds, 9 A leaess branch thy sueptrr-, and thy lln-one A" sliding oar, indebted to no wheels, But urged by storm along it; slipucry way: 1 love thee, all unlovely as than seenfst, Anal dreaded as thou art. Thou hu1l',st the -uGREEN. BLACK. _ANI V .....I ,'1 . ... In 2; zuuli 1 We have 1 ..s. 1.. nuulcl .s uuuucc urxuxggc .un.rm:uzmc, (,'1`(>.~`5L' & Him-k\\'c1I's Black Curr.'mt.Iclly, "I`mnntrms :1 --~----- 211; Also an :wsurnncx1t of l'nt-ted .\len.ts, Ham aw` ~ `-I .-\nchov_v l ;mt.*, (`msse x | 1:u:k'wu1l s Cur:-ir I'm [tc-r.~ .. .1. Ilc-.1-ling Snum-. ( Y: Bl.".c|;\ ,__?_.r.;, In UN '1` E R, H u" R R E L L & ' BARBIE AND OOLLINGVVOOD. ._-- -....--__.- ..., V- Va. ucmavuuaa um! _ ' . Have just 1'ecci\'cd afresh Supply of the f>l1o'wig ] Kcillc-r's Dumlce Umn r \I - ` ' . . go . :um:1lzu.c 1 (,-,_g~. . 3 . . v_, ('r(-an x- m...L...,.n'. m....u. r-........... ':..n.. . .. ' ?` 8 L1.".!`x R` AD (I. Laogfcst, best, `and 1 I n this aectin ot country. which, ;_ .L.?3NIIN G ' : 7::_-_. `yyvw-w.-.-Inc E- 8- M EKING. ST .,;: ix}. ;gAmom_*s`ro;as; J xuulriiulli nnsrorore, when you take 1 cold up "Brynn Pnlmonic Wafers." Ind than me- _vent the noeeuitynfor taking them in more lgnpuonu complaints. `To be obtained of all .;l)tniiIu and country dealer `Price 25 cents` land a Splendid Assortment of WHIPS l V AT TI-IE SEGN OF THE N CROSS-CUT SAW. v `.1 II :30 Dozen of Ale Tumblers at:$1.00, ' English Sauces: ompriaing Worcestershire 50 Dozen of Whiskey Tumblers at $1.65, Anchovie`s, l1ead'mg,Har\'ie's, Mushroom, andv Decanters from $1.00 to $1. 7. ) per mir. (`atsnp at '20 cents. Also 100 different styles of Felt ats from 751.-ts. upwards. V. The above are samples from :1 large Mazxufactllring House, and are marked e under first cost-. Also a. lot of Ca. n:1(li:1n Tweeds (Job) from 60 cents WCll_Slllt0(l for children's ear. Jul) lot of White Shirts from 7.`) cents. 3 l)c'r.en of Lr.ulies' White .`s`kirts,\vm'kL-ml bottoms, (just from England), from $1.00 each. - I \` D "l`L.-.1...l....,... A!` T L`....,...`L..........r..uA. .L [Y1 . . '\1 A. . H I ' -?l.UU UHUH. N.B.-The lyalmxce of J. Farq11h:1rsnu`s Stock consisting of Bouts & Shoes, Crnckery, &c., &c.. will be sold by Public Auction, on Saturday next, at 1 o'clock aadi vening at 7 fcluck. ' so YTHES, sm 72113.3, `HOES, SPA DES, 5 {cq=;:r1A1avE::TEns HOME FOR HnA`RDWA RE. =93 IRAKES, - FORKS, GRAIN SCOOPS, SHOVELS, | 3 BUILDERS HOME 1-on HARDWARE. @ Aucnonmms UPPOSIIETHEBMLlWAfi{$TAT|0N SBUILDIEEVS HARDWARE.} \\'()lILI) YCIL' l.Il`(]-Z T0 ' .1 I .......J,. \1.. h`.......~ Beams.-cam aha Mae Sluul ." T/zis Wunrlmful Place -is n0:rt`a'.0o-r to Mr. F recman s Fmvziturc ' Stan . fry Hi72z.. \ Illll ` , A prisoner in the ygt undawning east, Shortening his journey b_ctween morn HOOD. .-..__---..-_... -...._.v----uw---u: uuvuu nun-Ivan-uni`! w--yuan; .I.\.I pguun _-'-`\\"l' Mgsr . Smith 017` TIIL` I1rr1.I A n . l1 hi I LVL I41 I\ I} ll duor-to M 1'. Frccnmn`.s- I .\`1111 excepted, I _ , --_l\-v-Q-Mr-' .. .....4....;.`v J).LJLL\J.l\.` (1.LJ.J I ! 1.l. f1 1V 'i'bJAS,q':` and 5 pounxi `.";lll!li>'i5(`.r.~', `whim-In will he fuuml of b'peI:iaI Value, and well worthy the asl ./ < tention of pu_rcl1n.sers. ' ` on lmnd :1 1:Lr;;-ilot of (lzuimlian Ale. in quart and pint bottles. w as being in cm-clln-ut condition, at 75c and S1 2.`: the dozen. I . :0: - hich we recomlnend ottles to be returned. BAYFIELD STREET. NORTH OF BAREIE FOUNDRY. unmet m Lrown or County. - AV SPECIALITY IN .PIOTU.EE ` call Ila `liiaa fnw I1nn---`--- "` `Done in a. workmanlike manner, on sl1or_t notice. and most reasonable terms. W1`! vuq-1-o-1 --.-rm-- ---.--..._.._ A-on _- .Z____ # _ HIS -`(:;('i()DS }IR>`'l`-("l..~\N.'\'. HIS 'l`HlL\lS .-\l"{I". ( _`.-\.'\'.l*l. ........ uv -Ana uu uauu. ([18 west, cnimapcst stock Fl nu:-l>s'.;\n 1-.) ........_L___ -'J:3 ` frEAs,'dRocE`mEs; WIRJES; C|"QUbR." nuou, , And hurrying him. impatient of his stay, l Down the may west; but kindly still Compensating his loss with added hours Of social converse and instructnve ease, And gathering. at short notice, in one group The family dispensed, and xing thought, i Not lesslispersetl by daylight and its caxjes. ` > Cou.-per. '1/zef0llo`wz'ng Goods are for S'ale: n -1` A1- VI'L_.__I_`I_.__ .L.D\ AA IT GREATLY TO `YOUR ADVANTAGEAT0 kNbW THAT '9 at/5;` -I-L'I_ _~EVERYBO1)x"s Hr?-15E F65 HAiD}{v'ARI~:._ u-:-.-.-.._U_ n. A. MA .......uu, wul. prove to be the fact. He al ANING ANDTURNING tics reasonable tm-ma BAYFIELD STREET. . @3313, at. most chmnlntn .....1 -..1.--_`.- V 0 V6? 37 ' description, And that he has on hand the ~ (:.l.,\>.<, >'.\ W5. _ ,_. ...-v-_ -- an nu DAVID uuu. ow:-e-ro_oms opposite the ( D OUG'rA.L1 ,, 1:'rnn~n:- begs to i11i:Ai`tn;2:teHt6 is frVi}:nds'a ufactures and deals in AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE `(EOMPANIFSTIN CANADA. ---2-\/.:-:--- American Cut Nails. Paints, Oils and Glass, Carpenter s Tools. Boring Machines, &c. Spades Shovels &c. Am ~-~:(:.~-- \\'c :11": also olferiug some very choice )1` Alfr A`-r-rx v-._._ y uunsewes. column. _..__. _U. . ,. 1 M. HA I'.` \' 3 H so, then 140 to the New Store next '. I-`urnituru .\';ure. The Pmpriotor will be on exhiltion daily, , from 7 n.m . fill he shuts up at night. Admission Free. rug.` `.1! -...\-u.---- v..~-` -.-...`u\--v.1\un n.- szrccassozz 1'O J2`. GRAI/`ER. A: null. Jelly, : _ |.'C:l(.'hcS and I ;- l`4-nmtoes and l c:\s< m `.1 lb. '|`ins. tn-,, --_-_-a - : , AIICIIIIIIJI uplete, antifclzeapst stock of. all kinds of Furniureto be had either in Town of Com: ' ' run 31' |d.esc hand the h, on inspectioxi, V /\A n-no-9` ._...-.. ......_.. II The first appronchel of consumption arc to insidious tho: thousands remain uncon- Iciona o. its pmoncopntil it has brought them to the verge of the grave. The immediate `use of Bryon'| Pulmonic Wafers" upon the first `appearance of the cough. pain or sorene not ' tlo'tlI'ront or chat. wouid genernllyiprocinde 1 fauluoulti tlmofore, when take inn Bryn I Pnlmonic Wnfm-1. uni Hm: urn-

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