can place his finger upon every `loss which occurs, and he _will be less than aerational being it he does not immedi- ately take metsures to change the method in which he has been doing business. Then `there will be few com- plaints that farming no longer pays. for if this business were not one of the safest and most prolable of any, the ,-.ma_1ority of farmers would long ago i Ehave been in a condition ot destitution ` d poverty. The farm offers at least i comfortable home, abundant and 4 nnnhlg Cu--I -- ---- _y U uruelve. column. ,,, _. ...... um unuu 0118 E,_ and cheapest? stock. y. which, an inspection, will prove td b4 >-7-I 9 A- American Cut Nails. Paints, Oils and Glass. Carpenter s Tools. :Boring`Machines, &c. Spades _ShovelS.__&.,c. `.44..n\J1.x.1 1J..IJ QJAJ -5,` which will be found of Special Val tention of purchasers. t Of Canad1anAle_ in nmn-ix and ..:..a. 1 ary `"iN|IU RE demo SUCCESSOR T0 E. GR./IVER. . Fans:- , urnihed; se} Satigfacti Guaranteed. - .... vnvu u; pu| uuuvl5Ul`B- nadian Ale, in quart and pint bottles, ` n, at 75c and $1 25 the dozen. Bottle ' In!---j No ;I ll do as I am. I have plenty and health, To nothin good any more tends: And I ll cud he no wife, nor toil for more wealth, To be spent by my brats or my friends. r/zeapest stool; of Fm'm'tm'e 1 to be the fact. "He also does . A \T'l\ 7'l'\`l'T1\\-rm---u __ . AT TIEE PU'_["l`Y, ' EDGE TOOLS, "Ii. 11E .7Vl)ERSOZV S. '&escr1jpt1<:'>n. L b8 on hand the .____.._.._,_.#__.-._. "E:A3mE'rwAaE. A4 AA- II English Sa.uces:-Comprisin g VVorcestershire Anchovie s, Reading, Harvie s, Mushroom, and Catsup at 20 cents. 5cts. upwards. The above are samples from a msiderably under firstcost. Akin 2 In M nu. The folldwing Is taken frbm an ex- change, which will be of interest to a large number of our,farm_ers:- fpkn nlnnn hf gL__ _____ __ _ _ _ _ _._l_A H- m991:E-1 ;, peer and Game, Strasbourg Meat , French Capers in Bottles, \Vorces I, Capt. White's and other Pickles. r choice v J-J-`LAVA! vv JLLVIJI HIS PRICES ARE LOW. ' THAT'S THE PLACE To (:0. .-.a. 43 1.1 Value, and ` r advertiaeme;;t' another ottles, which we recommend Bottles to be returned. LOCKS, LATCH v nuuvc at U 3ilIlll)1(.`S' IFOH1 3 Itvcost. Also a lot of Ca- Job lot of \Vhite Shirts innit frnrn 'Ia`nnl..n.'l\ (..-... Luv] at u cxrgulug people` W110 arms; 30!! pot, Or inopportune knock at onc's door. in Shoes, Crockery, Teas, t, at 1 o'clock and in the A uctiowzeer. .._;4 J.-.n3,` well worthy the at- s, isuusxsung pr OI VV BN8 DRIVES . England), from 51-ly 43-ly caupay men satisfactory. Li `I nun `i::`.,`r1,"..:::.;,:3:: :e`%:d*1,"2:; f1`0m$25t0 If you ' h yopr own use, or-to make mvmey :nw2th,-`;' Pce $17 only. We will send th is C. 0. D, subject to examination, if you will - (1 'th 1: I 3 Z`1 ,`.=.E.`3..: .f.: s`L' `$92615 you _ Gold Plate. ; sunk Second Dial; F V _ . _ W _ -vvv vs uuwully Single package wxth elegant r 25 its prize, post-paid: . can . igegigg mlmitstionl Gold Wutoh; arket. This is at Pure Sslver Hunting Cased Watch; Enliah rolled n J ewelled ; Expansion Bnlance; Nickle Movements - beantifullynlengraved Cases ; and is equal in: appezcrancefboa. gold Watch that costs from $60 to $100.` Itrgalls and trades readily for r.-m..stox+,. cm` tr - - I I 41 .1.` .L uupnzepuckages in It contains 15 sheets paper, .15 enve] Penholder, Pencxl, ' patent Yard package of Perfnrpery and a piece of A cents. v ~ BESTiE2;:gmi;'*::f`%:`f} Hvnr H'nnl-inn 11.--: 117-`; - .__... , _: ..._..____ ._.;____---.---- ----<~---:--- -------_i Chromqs for 31. The grandest chance ever offered agents. \Ve will mail to any address, `post paid, 12_bea.ntifu1 Oil Chromoe, size 9 x 11, mounted, on receipt of 31.. Sell. for $3 in an hour. Try a Chromo agency, it is the best pay- ing agency out. Everybody loves and buys pictures. We have work and_ money for all, men and women, boys and gu-ls, whole or spam ; time, daytime or_ evemng, at home or travelling. Incloae $1 In a letgter. Clu-omos by return mm]. They sell at sxght. 5 . TEDAgenm for the beat sellmg W N pnze packages 1n_the'world. T4! nnnhna Inhanlvn ---o--- ` . -` Tono'1u'o. For sale 1: Barrie by John Woods, J. P. Kidd. Watson 8' Co., sud Well : Bros. j__-_ "gold by any respectable dealers-in 1 : throughout Ontario, and to dealers on) by ELI{IOI` 60., _ 1----` uuu U11` K31" No.1, NO 2, " and NO 3," of this brand, are unsurpassed for body and hrilliancy of shade. Packages ceutain full nett weight. The public are warned thgt. certain other brands are I lb s.short.` in every so-culled 25 pound package. ' Examine the brand an I do not be put o withjnferior pnints,.- The nnsr is always can?- Irr. d Gull I... ---- --A- ` ' ' ` -- \.I Be wil have the `best Clxristnms Meat of 11.11 kinds that ever was brought into Barrie. Remember that his stock of Teas, (Jhrv'4st- mas Fruit, &c.,. is daily zmiving, and ummot be beat in quality, or for clleapness in price. BHBISTMAS MEAT, TEAS, OFFICE` - RARRIF`. THE CLOSE OF THE YEAR. Stam, Foundry, Domestic and Blac/csmit/z s Use. t Tues, 1jENN<)x., R \'T.`Y`C`I r\ umnn %C0ALsm V Opposite Barrie Hotel, Dunlop-st., Barrie. I NU-:;1?6as3%;5*'* W H I T E L E A D S - Ts `I II ll\Y.. n I GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TVz'nes, L27quors and C z'ga7's, OF '5`. f't'\r\a C -j-`/ Having removed to his New Premises, ucmrlyoppositc .\l. H. Spencer s Toronto Tea Store, is prepared to ll all orders in the fol- lo\\'i1xgliucs:-h`ig11 \Vriting, Gilding; Grain- ing,J{ouse.'1nd Urnmncntnl Painting, Paper Hanging, Plain and Decorative. Sample of work always on hzmd-. Ornamental Sign VS rit- inga speciality. All work guaranteed and atisfaction given. lcmexnber address, Front-street, opposite Spenccs T. T. Store. w. P. ;9RvNEs NEW PEEM|SES.l mas. mmsom 2 A BACHELOR '9 MUSINGS. j. Begs to inform her friends and` the public generally that she has removed to more Vcommodions premises, 1 nnnnm-rr `rnnunnn o. I unnn cmI:1Aammiilifjiliialumm. 1 oPPnsIr"`EBWR"2Z" LAIHIPSI Hats, 555$ 1E{1II6t','""' Millinery of Every Description, Mantles, Shawls, Feathers. Flowers. Ribbons, Laces. &c-. Which will be sold at reasonable rates. Of all kinds' `to Order on the shortest possible notice and on reasonable terms. Barrie, Novf. 16th, 1875. 45-ly @1161 R33 gs Mauc&1@ N@VVo . 8 __ {WEST END PAINT 'SHO.P. ALFRED GRAVER, L Where she will keep on hand aurst-class stock of` Fall and Winter \IlII\I'.suI--\I lVl\II'I.L- Ha opened out in the Mansion House - Block, Mu:-kct.\`q11arc, Barrie, where he is prepared to do, uu the shortest notice, must reasuxmblc terms, and in the best ufsstyles, fashionable tIlI\I'IlnnI-I n.--u-uuuvn .- .. .....----.---.. ORDERS I ROlVIl TLY-:-XTTENDIEI) PO. l.2......:.. M ......L nu. lbw: In -.. Clothes cleaned on the shortest notice. -} |IIRISTM.Ab' CIIEER. \Jl\lJl'4.|\.oD lr [\\I.Vl1> 1 L I A Ba.r1'ie, March 9th, 1875. Keeps constantly on hand all kinds 0 %"cHAa:..:_-:s MCGUIRE I... H l.f.......'-__ 1`r___- LARRIE COAL OFFICE EB@@EI3 @@.'.l3EE, `A./-ADJ`.-vx/xr-.A.AJ~Iv\r.Iv\/~ ,t_'v\ A p S IONABLE PAINTING. EA PI {3}-:* P; iFi\i A u PROF. Bl_NYON S _ v1 `:50 I -ll! opportunities are well .. In addition, there are small matters, as eggs, mltry, garden vegetables, , which are in excess of the no homestead, the.t are avail- Ljor cash or to exchange for ' V clothing. There are as { `g cfop or innriu-um nl'..o..-L B."-XYFIELD STRI-JET. __n 8.1@BJ'E3$! 8!IN@ `P A} `N 1' {iv 2: J aST ,, . A/\ -;u~.nzuv..JAnnAzu\n,vv..-..-mawvx A/vv HAIBCUTTINE 8!. DRESSING, I szmvma AND smnzrooxsc. I nyuua zor me? best sellin Jpnze packages 1n the'worl(i eta paper. [15 env.-mm... ..-- BUY Y0L_'n SALOON. FOR FABHKONABLE LtL x`1y'1llg, and uxumo1 pmce.. _ I FOUNDR V. '11} LU. 10-1y ~`~1% DS, ' CUPBOARDS, BUREAUS. . yrnnnnn 45%? ,__._.-.. LIIISIU are the crop or increase of stock __ if these cannot be depend- 'ld enough to pay taxes gexpensss, yet leaving. :1. _.(i.up as a nest-egg, ' g` wrong that must be _ er business offers such * fcnjzle rewards without \ It 13, therefore a .. . __ A lhf l"" ` `:19 Ill auxno way I-UH! IS eflslly Tached, directly its character is determined. It is unnecessary to refer to others which are far more fate) to the farmers prot than "this. Once the system is thorough- ly carried into operation, the farmer Then .-:..A- A` -uuuc m a. v. mkmanlike manner, on short uotie. a ml most reasonable toms. NONE BUT THE BEST OF MA TERIALS USE} AND ENTIRE SA T1:_SFA OTION G UAR AN TEED. B.umm`r.n mn .. \ll tlutau Aunt: cxccptetl. Woxk a Specialttf. Remember the Place-- BEE D-A--~~ - Ladies Snow Excluders, Larlzl _ _ , . --_. .-.., 4....u `aw lowest p1'lL'CS. A very large stock of Kip Boots, Patent Frost Proof `Boots, Grain Knee Boots, h'HOE1 A(`K.s', MU(.'CA.\`I~.\'.\', &'. es Felt Gaiters, and:every descrip' non of Manzq/acturecl Goods. Have removed to their St-ant Of the best qxmlity, ne .. .... .. xuxgt: aulu. vaned stock of EMDOTS uh) SHOE best mmlifv 111:1`:-nn ,...L- - _ I ' . Done :11 3 '0:-kmanhke \ R, D D 77!?` 'D\ --u i _ : newest styles, ` 1.` _ _ y `:1 doubt if Dame Forfune could` [to new store, Bennelva ] Street, and In-we titted it up with : CLOTHING` OG A HAPPY NEW YEAR T0 ALL. STRONG & LOUN'I'. Special Liizes of Goods at Greatly Reduc- ed Prices, well worthy of zttentzon. ALL Goons MAEKED in PLAIN rmunas AT LOWEST cAs:-I moss. ; I Believing that our system of business only requires to be known, and our iirst-class stock inspected, to ilxstlrei a shzsre of their patronage. FAVOUROF A CALL NEW GO0DS \Ve hereby beg to tender thanks for the. liberal ` patronage of the past And have pleasure in stating that our business is steadily increasing, the last. month's sales having far exceeded our -expectations. E:S`MBMSHMENT, s"rmmc & Loum NEW cAsH am 80008. cumsms 81. MILLINEHY Three Flonths Ve solicit}: continuance of support from those who have traded with us, and from those who have not, we ask the McGarthy s Block, Barrie. gnu g[C`3 think of 1 bound to I 't9.?E":.uI: ' (sL'cc1ssoRs m J. And will be kept wu-ll assorted with AS THE TRADE DEMANILS. Nwtrthesm. :.......... ..-._ I`. NORTH Our Stock is now very 21-, : IIVGFIY I\"' " _, -- ...uu uu is 0011110 '0 Jul to her. The habit is of great good to your motels, men, depend` upon it. r education makes us the moat emie nently selfish men in the world, and the greatest benet we have is, to somebndy to w be respect- nu- ` lg.-.u...1 4- ' 1 ` . . I 9* lowest I 90S- A \ cry "l\n`. 1)--.- IV, ' Ir .\ * / MADE TO ORDER IN FIRST- I 9 CLASS CITY STYLE. OR I-IIZDEAQ, we are prepared, 9 Cgmuty, to execute :11 ! orders for the szum-. n`r;Lnted water-proof, and unequalled for ' ` T SULLIV.a9N,) `rliulldlnz, North Side Dunlap 1 :1. large and varied stuck of 1 STATUES, 1 GLASS SHA.D1'dS. JEwEI`.I.lI:v 1: `D. .-avl-I DJ. l`JI\D 1 mssns, an-. , am... [9, Finish and Daub 'ty. `L /r A -A "- H! L -_.... .....u uuuulel ; but as a true ei; : euro 18 hardly ever tired fofwater, ` sauce and brown bread and butter. I protest; an sit-fora Whole night talk- ing to a` well-regulated, kind! about her daughter Fauny_or her boy Meson`. J. wmeroz Uo.,an'mon.u---- Mr. H, ,T- Bone. Toronto. Mr. A. Cfli man Sm !h,St-John, N3- Mr`. John . Dd.Goderich.0nl- Messrs. Elliot! 6.: Co., Toronto. Mr. J. Chaloncn 31- John, NJ}. ,8 Megan. Hauingmn Bro:hrs,St.John,AV- ' V Mr. R, S; Priddy`, Windsor, 0.11. Mu. Orpen, Holden, N . S__ , 5 Mr- George 0. Hum, _,'un.. Fredericlon;5.`L Mr. W. H. Thompson. Harbor Gm-u. M` Mr- J. M. Wile , I-`redaricton, N. B. Maura. W. G: . Yuiio,Momreal. ch... In D`vie. Fredeaog, `-f; The medicines are sold at the lowest Vb`; L; , N Pceis In quantities of not Ieu W`. A h-vIx.., Ga. 8d,, 294.. and 345. \ ' 56*: of Pills or pou-mointmenty for "liuincca mutt be arm in Idvanoe. WW], V - wsnv.-., moans HOL U`g Oahu-ma. M c 2:99:97: I Q ID) [I190 (`IDES CII1 De Dd genuine trtttu -'-y-'` The iollowiu is a list of the rm! ``"f'`,, and I particular y recommend thosc W5 "."; Rel my medicines to apply to some ul lb: *- nanred :- Evatra, Mercer 4- Co Montreal. ,`, Mozart. Avery, Brown 63 Co. Haifa! 5" Messrs. I-`orsyth dc Co., Halil)ax, 55.8. ,P Mews. T. B. Bnrlrer 6: Sons,St. Joh"- -" A olhecaries Hall Co., Charlotte To . oaara.Lan3lay 6; Co., Victoria B.C- Lieura. Moore 66 Co., Victoria .B.C. Dr. John Pallen Chatham, N.B. Meaua, Munro 3!. Co., Montreal. Mcstlru. J. Winerdz Co.,Hatrilton-0-75' Mr. H` ,7. Rose. Tornnlo. planned to communicite with mm , wm. " Manyrespedahle rms tn the Brutus? % 3, who obtain my mgdicincs dtre:t1f~`m,3` very properly suggested W I '.hw'h;:r`'. :: bene tofthemuelves and the PubN'nou':2 .; names in the papers, that it mug; be `him I my med vines be had tram . 4 following isn tmor the arms *Ii. Unprxncipled vendors can obuzz: '-' ` 3 Very low price, and so fdecewe vv"' ~ the aamelor m genuine Hrlln'uf-"'_r- Qinlmen}. hich are manur'mu-'9 033,0xlord StreeI.London. Prlnnt mhn [non ha .I..~rI`t\.' W 0->a,uxIord streeuhondon. Persons who may be dues?!`-' pleased communicate V Mnnv rnnnnolnhln R-ma .n U... Rrwlii - IJONDON. This nouce has become nu-ca.-..m'. quence ofvilc and spurious un M1 nnf " tawny : Pills and Ointment. by ng "!-"` 3" 78, Maiden Lune, N Y .7 -' 7 ntvlinazthemaelvcs `~ 11.. < W` Co.. with an at 3 ,, ` ma.`k,thul- I 5 cu nor soul nu anv part 0! H10 I'M -` Each Poland Box bears lhc lm:-' men: Stamy, with lhe words, Ho ` and Ointment. London, engrux-.~. lhelble is the address, 533. U.\:-uh Loxnox. l`h.'. nncnu. Lani. .... ...- _..._.-nu ----.--- For the protection of the pub It North Amenca I deem :1 my duty I my Pu.I.s AND mrMx:u'nrer..m1ncr ed nor sold in of the I'M P01 and Bnx hpnu Hm Rm. tau: Uulcr urugglsus. Northrup `99 Lyman. '1':-1'.-ntv. `v~ .~\genx.<, who will supply l'r:.:::~i~ ` pnetor's n-`ices. .._....__._. , BEWARE orgouursmrs ..._:--n ` Many a. man has goneudown fgom the hour when he first aim the society of good women. Your swaggerers, who are suckiurr the of billiard cues all night, all {e society insipid. Poetry is ' to a yoke}; beauty blind man- ' \ h?'.`0ll in Barrie by John Wu- all other Druggists. ' \'.u)....... I. l..-._.. '1' ., . . IFUIU Lm: pawn Ln nature Ilnrl w The Spcvic Mc(iiL ilIz' : 1 life study iunl mn.n_v yu.-in 0 treating these special dl-;;x1`l.`l,`ru late in` our pamphlet, which u free by mail to every one. The Specic Medicine is .-..-I. ists at $1 per package, -tr .<:V $5, or wii} be sent by xn.".il mi money, by Addressing '11 I .\ u 4 I tn xtulit lII&HIU Cures all Nervous Dlsca-cs. TR!-`..\l0}::.~`,DEHII.I'l`Y, l`a.._-"1 ::.\::m, ' in many cases are prmlmczl lg." ` xv uuce in the u.=e0ft0b:n-vu and .a! but the Specific .\1cdicim- is n. w - reconuncmlcd as an unfailixxgfuzr--{f ' ' WE.u<.\`2ss, H'l'l-ZI(.\l.\'I`um:lH:\. and all disables that follow '1: :: Selfzkbuse, as L03; 0}` .\Irw-1;'.. 3 `~ l.As.~u'u'm:, l`A1:~' xx "rm: 14.`. >\. I ~. Vlslox, 1 1uz.-mun U: 1 .\..A. .2 other diseases that lead tn Xv \\. v .~;l )U`T(O.\' and a i r.rM.\'H'):r I ; which. as 5 rule. are first czw from the path of nature mu! m':.' Tho Strnniu hlmH.n.. -4 9-. UIny(II,An|-My Low. ' JC H. WELLI.\'GTL -.\'. WONDERFUL CURE OI-` LUNG .'I: Bnooxnu, Ar-rii 51:. J. n C. Caunennmn Esq.--Fxn,-T; certify that my wife was very Eow w ':, I ense. The Doctor had given her 2;- I--' her lungs were tnbercled, and 2:1-Z, . not help her. Asnlut resort, I 1 .r.`:. bottle of the Great Shoshou-9! II-.':: the expiration of two days, her 53:31:. : desidely better. She continued m.:.r.` repidly that by the time she had 152.: tle she was able sit up. By the ('OI.'.1'..; the remedy.ehe was perfectly reston` 1-. Ynr. mnv nnhlinh thn fnrta (mu v}.r IUD KUILlCuy`UU WIH PKll'L".lj rC5'.U.'x" 1'. You may publish the facts for the: those similarly aticted 1'. (` pm w J. NELIS HDREMEJ` . F` J I I {>#I<>}- C}-FJ:T.'-\h;1'~ vgvnv 4.n.usA.u" n EGICF |(__I_%@_`E_IC~ :4 all 'IT..-..... -I. _' Um. Than he Gnu` Snosuouna R: oflbe Eminent lndam McoicihD7":~' ll Lewis losephus,oi the GrcatTnb:-M": `'1 . . . . IS British (uolumbm,1s workmglhe ml_'/~ ._ and aslonmhingfiures the Wmid av,-,..P' -. Never in the annals olCnnadian M,,: ,' has such success attended the inuod._;;I medicine hcrctoloro. WHY? SIMPLY Blclmnn I he V..I..-.. cl,` ., Ina \/ 55:: J. O. Cnvunnuu. E90. TL.s .. tbatnbout three years ngu l bfnfhn with Bronchitis which lasted ak,.,, month). Iwrz no aliczed 1 .~ 2;. breath that it was: very difficult :_ gmjjn the night time frequenzly 1;: clomea off and rnisingznthnbej ;l strangling. I tried three of {Le z_,, physicians in the County of .\'c:;; for about I year without receiving an lnfsctl continued getting worse n.. At last I was advised to try the UH: nees Remedy. I bought a bottle 01.: it was about finished I began to u better. I continued to use il:li. .l. I three bottles,` when, to my satisfn `:;~ that I was aa}well an everl had bu: to my illness, and have been son:- .lu\' \ rvvn IUD6 H) In Iuuunu, nuu unvc utcu 508$`? JOHN > Sworn before me stsmitheld. 1;. ofApril,A.D., 1570. - Ii ll WlEr.rr\'.~_-r. -Tz:2_'Pf" Y PROCLAIM THE GLAD Tm,` , Ix l`g1gtIh_e_ Sltosuorun Rn ... BIOAUIR the Valual, vegetable ingredients,(son.-_- mention, ouch ah the Extract Bark, PoJophvllu:n,Junipr, Dandelion, Hyoacyamu.-9, 4- .. a O '. Colocynth, Jalap, socotrinc A133: 4c. 65: ) which entermto the ' _ . "Um z coml/u'e'J medlcme, are Inch and ,op_.`,__i classlcdand cqmp9undcd,tha1nzsmag. searchm CUFEIIVC In the now ' " _ D Worlr. I,., not help utactonthe syatemma ., ' 4 erva,` and destrable manueh No nutmeg `,3. men! may be, or how long standmg, spotand astonish ycu by the [3 Ad :' ` which you are mutated to pcrIcc1`$m._. vigor. vigor. v'""'` This Medicine is pleasant audaagel, ., is warr:'.nted,and may posmvem,,, " no make a permanent care 01 all gm. - Throat. Lungs, Liver. Kldncy3 Dlge"1 s. dzc. &c.,as well as Scroiula, the vi`)? ' Diseases, Huinors, and all dllcah ,. I ',` ' lrn urity ofthe Blood,cx(-epu`; ,-Vyk -` ofgonaum non. Furthcr;nt:y,,,_-Jo` direction: or using the Great 8L..~,,tc[:`z_ . dz Pills, and containing Tcsiimumm, A cute: or Curea.can be obunm-'1 [,7 ' \ ELC V,r` Treazicnthe Hand-book, m 1heI,\T,T_"1` circulrrs from any reapcclall Domiuiuu--1ree. Pnbe of Remed in Za7gg pm. - D5! 81. P lsper B012,-')c;`,_ TFO! Sale In nll I):-nani.-. .._J . C lJn.g.'. `Lu L `$55 IIC7 Ca, I .I For Sale by :1] Druggig-_, W ." Medicine. Aolsrl yon BA;Lz:x:.;;..'." Watson & 00. Wells Bros. T:,=_,.""` 02nLLu.-J. W,Slaveu- C02..'.'S`3w-) Carpenter. ` " Wan? II]! I A arm-an _l.7....; UIFPEDIGT. Waouuu Aanra.-Nonm, Toronto; Lymnn Bros. 4': Co. 7, iot 8 Co.._ Toronto. ` ___._._-_.___________ = was OF BB.oi~zdH1T1.<:: , , IIVCDSIH '11.?! A M Mt. \ IGHJIUICH T. C. EEC W` Inilcoon Ilntrodisz 14' ..... xuu.nI: mmseu uappier by these lit- ` [16 expressions of -lellow-feeling and l good will? Silence, and a'sti', un- ' bending reserve, are essentially selsh "end vulgar. The generousond polite * man has pleasant recognition and cheerful words for all he meets. He scatters sunbeams wherever he goes. He paves the paths of others with smiles. He makes society seemegenial and the world delightful to those who would else nd them cold, selfish and toriorn. And what he gives is but a tithe of what he receives. 'Be social wherever you go, and wrap your light- est words in tones that are sweet. and .. .....:.__-. .- William Gray`s l\lI."`JQL; V . Tales; !.v,. --. ........a In wucs mat a spirit that is gemal. Think how much happiness you convey to each other by kindly notice and a cheerful conversation. Think how much sunshine such sociability lets back into your own soul. Who does not feel more cheerful anl con- tented for xezeiving a polite bow, and 9. gentle good morning, with` ya hearty shake of the hand! Who does not make himself happier by ,tle expressions of .laIlnm_r..,.i.-.... -.e u Generally, for the past few years, there have been serious complaints that {aiming does not pay. We know that some iarmers are very largely in debt, and that numerous applications are made to borrow money at rates which no business man could afford to pay. Mortgages on Western farm pro- perty are largely advertised for sale in the City papers, at ten to twelve per cent. interest 1 er annum, payable half- yearly. These are not favourable in. vestments with capitalists, chiey on account of the evident imprubability that such heavy interest is likely to be paid or the debts to be discharged at maturity. All this proves the complaint of the farmers 'to well foundered to some extent. Ftll't`.".li`g does not pay with some farmers. But in what is it , unprotable? Where are the leaks through which the prots disappear? ` No one can tell exactly what or where these are, but the nal result is one that cannot be explained away. The want of money to meet expenses is a. fact that makes itself felt in the most. unmistakable manner. In which way to turn to escape the dilemma is a question diiiicult to solve, because no- thing is clear and everything is mixed and muddled. One thing only is clear, and that is, there is not enough to sell, or what there is to sell is insufficient to make ends meet. And so year after year passes, and the farmers complaint is chronic. Farms are sold, nay in some cases even abandoned,.and a change of place, but not of system, is tried, but with no better result. There can be no change for the better without a change of system. The first need is to keep accounts and to charge every a, crop with every item oi expenditure, ,1 and to credit it with the receipts from 1,, its sale or use. Every kind of stock, 1e and in some cases every animal, should ,1. be charged with its fodder and credited rte with its yield, whether ofrnilk, butter, beef P'ks" W001 andvmntton. Then it. every leak becomes manifest. If a m eld ot wheat cost $14. per ac", 30 ll` plough, sow, and reap, and the crop ( TGWTIIS ODIY $12 P91 acre, a palpable , leak becomes apparent, and the need.`-H to have it closed powerfully suggests m S8. prupably be found [0 ch lie in some way that easily reached, Sc, directly its character in .i.......:....,z 1. -. At our feet the ocean stretched away in silent vastness; thesound or its waves scarcelylreached our airy lookout; away in the north, the huge old sun swung low along the horizon, like the slow beat of the pendulum in the tall clock of, our grandfather's por- lor corner. We all stood silent, look- ; ing at ourwatches. When both hands came together, at twelve, mid- , night, the full round orb hung1trium~ phantlv above the waves,a bridge of . f gold running due north, spanning the 1 water between us and him. There 1 he shone in silent majesty, which .~j knew no setting. We involuntarily took off our hats; no word was said. M Combine, if you can, the most brilliant sunrise and sunset you ever saw, and the beauties will pale before the gor- geous coloring which now lit up the ocean, heaven and mountain. In half an hour the sun had swung up percep- tibly` on` his beat, the colors changed . to those of morning, a fresh breeze nppled over ;_the ood, one songster after another piped up in the grove behind us-we nad slid into another i day. ` A scene witnessed by some travel- lers in the north of Norway,from a cliff elevated a thousand feet above the sea, is thus described: better time than the close of the year for looking into this matter,--for search- ing out weak spots in the management, and for t_u"rninge over a fresh page. E The mat thing that should be done should be to provide a suitable account hook or books, make aninventory of} thefarm stock and its value, and see i- clearly how matters stand. The next Q "thing to be done is to commence with the new year a clear, intelligible sac-j count, in which the-cost ofeverything { used should be charged against each` distinct portion of the farm business. to which it-be-.|o,ngs-!o each -eld, to ] each class of live stock, and also to the l household. The exact position of affairs can then be read off at any` moment. Masonry wears upon its forehead the gathered scars and wrinkles of a thous- and years," and yetit is as vigorous to- day. as resolute of moral purpose. as if it bore upon its frontnl'onlyt'ne glitter- iu dew of youth. The world is wide, and` the demand is great. enough to em- plov the energies of all; but Masonry leads the column of that great. army which followed the Church of Christ up and down. and to_ and fro in the earth, conquering peace and fraternity among men. Proverbs xi. 1._'};- xviii. '17; xvii. 23. Masonry is a country of charity. whose streams go out to invigorate ands gladden the sorrowful, to bear relief to famished poverty, to meander hy the widow s_cottage, and to lave the feet of the orphan. Its crystal waters cool the {ever of partisan passion, and baptize men of conioting views into a great brotherhood of mercy.-C'omer 1930928. WHERE THE DOES NDT SET Frcemasoimry 'l1_:1sa}it;:-1 historya his- tory full of generous and noble decds, well worthy lto be preserved and cherishedthrough ages to come. She has survived the vicissitudes, the wars and the revolutions of neariy thirty centuries, and has witnessed the rise and gfowm of an the civilized nations on the face of th a'".h'e ` .uu5-nu vl uuuu at PUl'u J'tlU ll HUI. NUUII so, our affections would have been turned from it as dishonouring fo that Cra`br, who kindled the splendid re side of the. sum. and who nnured the mighty oods from the hollow of his hand. ---- 5-owth of an vuu nu-usuvu uuvuvuv face the earth, The Dfinciples of our order inculcate honnr. proWYa justice, snlf-abnegation; they denour-ca, they condenm} dishonnr, falsehood, injustice and mesufnptinn. They teach mankind to live together as one great familv, _ Invimz, cheering mm to one another as God who is our Father, is trnefto us. Amid all the strife lwhioh hols Smi- dered Acommunities and deluged the world in blood, Freeniaqonrv has been in the enjovment of tranquil repose. It has been for s-ll who were under the tongue of good report. Had it not been can run nHnnO:nnn 1-uvI\II`:l 1.-.... L--- A 1)gche1of s`eAated Vgv.`-;uTs`iI')g his knee, { And sippinghis punch by the fire, ' Z Contented, thus spoke tohimself---Let us set , Than I have what moxje I could require. A man is.neVr_r, me oh] to practice hrotherlv Iove, relief, and truth. never _fnn nYd`fo bring :1 ripened judgment. :3 holv mid crunswfent lif'e`to bear on his younger bretfern. _ J ".2" " "" Masonrv has ever been loval `to it oivn princip`es, charncteristicq and Pimw; it has sought to do no work but Iitspwn. ` v_ _ ..-- ._....,...ug_:ne butts xlliard cu_es mght, call female from another; but epi- tiradfofwater, aancgbroyvq and bum. 1 -a.TL be constantly I ,__. ..- .......mua. ne soclal r sweet, and hat gemal. ` SOCIABILITY. MASONRY. me downward. shunned u. Yourclub Rina Hm '-" IIVU I JGEORG W `3 ,5MI..TH! IIIIQVUIUCUIUI The farmer is a business man. He invests his capital in a farm. He em- ploys labour; he buys and sell: with -the intent to get gain; he runs unavoidable risks as to the prices of his ware and upon which his prots depend; - in short, his interests depend as closely upon knowing exactly what he is doing as do those of a merchant or a manu- facturer. Yet not one in a. hundred keeps any kind. of books or accounts, or knows what his produce costs, and scarcely one in a_ thousand keeps an intelligible account from. which at the close of the year he can extract the cost cf his wheator corn per `bushel, the cost of his butter orvcheese, or that of any animal that `he _ raises. The great majority know nothing ofvtheir business in this respect, and the yearly settlement with the storekeepers gene- rally bring them into debt, and are sources of disappointment and dissatis- faction. A few farmers are shrewd and careful enough to avoid a credit 1 business and deal only for cash; but 1 these do not know whether or not there is any prot made on anything they 4 sell; or if the labour expended in pro- . ducmg has been paid for at a {air rate 1 or not. - , 1- ULIJU _ butts , an 1 1-'u:;LlJ Have the handsomest, most complete, 1 1.`u'nI Barrie, April, J On the shor1_ The Subscribr b Country that he Man egs to intimate to ufactures and deals in A I % O?1'%ev;ery"' Andthathd % l)aArgest,best,_ Mid!)/8": Tn ..'.AA' \;- ;_u.n.'.A,1.'JL`I:...lD.I.. 111,3. and 5 pound Caunistgrs,' Awife '." -a.m1 the jolly knave cloaeth an eye; No, no ; 1 know better than that; _ I've cared formyself far to long now 10 try To care for a spinstcr L-1` brat. \\'e have c .... I... ..... V. .... vuw mm.-u. Domes to be HUNTER, ;6: 17:"1iELL&c0. BARBIE AND COLLIIb`l'G-'VV'OOID. . :0: Also an assortment of Potted Meats, Ham and Chicken, Beef and Game, Strasbourg Meats, - Anchovy Paste, Crosse & Blackwell's Currie Powder, _ |tershire and Reading Sauce. Crosse & Blackwell's, Capt. and nth D:..m.... 6 , I - `I (J II,- In this section of country. I ` 1\ -1' ` " '7 _ __ _ ___,__g.u.y wt wJ&l UIBIIIUUI Have just rccived afresh supply of _the following Sensonnble Delicacies. ' l{ei1ler s Dundee Orange Marmalade, V Crease & Blackwell s Red Currant J ally, Crossc & Blackwell's Black Currant Jelly, Peaches and Pears in 2 lbs. Tins, ;Tomatoes and Peas in 2 lb. Tins. :0: HUNTERf3IT) fi3i.L, & ., fTEE`}R&ERS & @EsW&,;t;;f ggc;a.2a;s, ave ust recei_v_ed 9. f_re_sh the following Sean lfANFTdN T s-romsi u S 7 V - 50 Dozen of Ale Tumblers at:-$1.00, . Sances:-Comprising ` 50 Dozen of \Vhiskey Tumblers at $1.65, Harvids, Decanters from $1.00 to $1.75 per pair. Also 100 di'erent styles of Felt Hats from 75cts. large Manufacturing House, and are marked considerably firstvcost. A unrlian Tweeds (Job) from 60 cents well suited for children's wear. c from 75 cents. 3 Dozen of Ladies \Vhite Skirts, worked bottoms, (just from I each. . ' N. B. -The balance of J. Fa.rqul1:u-son's Stock consisting of Boots & ( I &c., &c., willbe sold by`PubIIc Auction, on Saturday next, o c vening at 7 o clock. EEKING, Awe Ternas cash. Li M Juan: money 1 1 qoum-, 11 Damc [Fortune coujdl tempt. V 01` beguile me with sight ofvrich ore; I"EtJuatso much that I m from care exempt, And I don t see virtue of more. A h-icml 9 T ... ....;.....;..-........- ..1`....'a... `I .....+ AUGTION ROOMS DPPUSI TE THE RAILWAY STATION E}9I;'!%$;J,F!.EADYrM!\0E otL0`i%iiiim, w--c - ---11%]! 5 %Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods. Hats, Cans. &c. luml) s1;A1\m, nnwnnnocn, - -_ - - nrxnor s'r., BARBIE ` Barrie Oct. 15th, 1873. ' - .-- ..-....... our luv unbuu. LALILLIIDDIUII 1'| I {r@-=1a21t{v1jTs`1*`IJ1Ta's#L5%~i+ I'i`)-M13 FOR HARDWARE. 433' SCYTHES, SNATIIES, HOES, SPADES, RAKES, FORKS, GRAIN SCOOPS, SHOVELS, Q BUILDER'S HOME FOR HARDWARE, I.` I I UL` ' :6: ` M `mu -Mum" `V W This Wondwful Place is next door to Mr. Freemarfs F2mn'tm`e ` ' Store. Try Him. ` V ,,,,,,,,, ,,_ :0: WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE HAPPY I If so, then go to the New Hardware Store next door to Mr; Freemnn s Furniture Store. The Proprietor wil be on exhibition daily, Sundays excepted, from _7 a.m., `till h shuts up at night. Admission Free. n.-;__n n ntrnnmnnnv -rn--h n -' --`-`-" --- * ` `.43.. ffA. 1\*rALD, I-Iareiviiii-"ed': I-Iardware 2 "More money 7 tenmt SLEIGH BELLS, R CURRY GOMBS, - HORSE BRUSHES, S LANTERNS & GLOBES, HALTER CHAINS, % E TRACE CHAINS, And'a Splendid Assortment of WHIPS IB.m;`;.m an the .hdde:' SIGN OF THE H CROSS-CUT SAW. ]BUILDER S ?HAR13T/fi i - ' tention ouhand a large lot of Canadian as being in excellent condition, an :ABlNET .____...._._. vvwur 2 Subscribr ham 4. :.....-.__., .. wumry. wmon, inspection, ;he a] PLANIN Gr AND TURNING orqgjpqtice and mosj reapoxiable terms- READY-MADE `CLOTHING; fi'7|LoP.ING.. 44-44- A I .L41vJ. l.l\I.1l.I. LJ HIS EOODS FIRST-CLA SS. HIS 'l`ERMS ARE CASH. V_Has now n hgnd a chance guock of Vsasonable Gioodsb, JnI5= LII-Ill-IUUI U1 UuIr>R1l|UUl3Z-- The close of the year is, or ought to be, a time for casting up accounts and arranging plans for another year's busi- ness. Business men "take stock" and balance their books, so that there may be a clear idea of how the year e busi- ness has turned out. Upon" the result depend the changes v:hiohit may be necessary to make as to future business. If this were not done the business men would run serious risks of very soon becoming a bankrupt. He would not discover his losses until his capital had seriously diminished, or had wholly disappeared. He would not know what part of his lusiness was profitable, and what was otherwise. Working in the dark, he would soon be obliged to suspend, and be recorded among the failures. When this ruin became com- plete, the complaint that his business was not protable would be met with no sympathy from those who knew his method of conducting it. They would hardly hesitate to inform him that his iate was deserved, and was simply unavoidable. ` rn|_ , I` - I - -- -V ._.,...._. _, ., ....._.____-_- VTEAS, anocamss, wwas, L|QUOFilS-._ I 4qAJN.;AAAA;AAAA-- _.____._.. . __ ........._. ____;__. ,- FURNITURE AKTS" a AA- .7e G00ds are for Sale.- Ale 'l'nmhh=.m .q+.'_~2l nn - I v.. ..1:-.1. c__, ,, il, 1875? 1 uuw, urosse db b1a.cKwel1's Uurrie P_owder, Franc; 3 Blackwell's, :0: _ - ` W',e are also offering some very choi RPM. 'I2T_Ar1-rr .-.-.-.` ...- EvERbDY*s H6uI}}:3WF:(3R HAul`;]3;\:;&.RE; \` COOTIQ I<`lI?Q'I`_r`I AQQ 1'1-rm 1\v\'I'r\11r\ .nn . .___.._...u \/v. J.l.J.._`.I./ G1.ASS, snvs, .`.--- - nuu 1 uon'I: virtue of _ A h-ieml `I I've acquaintances plenty, I wot. And frlends are false. ckle, or poor ; , ' '1` hey er free-going people who drink from one`: not.