soRoLf:s"A W1:-JG, led. and Tonmuedand Gran-zed Lnm` _vvA'l'n'L_ LIME, And `.ao of his It: proved Patent l"I\1TI:nrn-r.- rut Ari" L1 1' 8_ UU'1'!`), Mnuumcturera of UARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS,_ AND SLEIGHS ..,1 Inna!` fI`rv1n- .....: -c.|__ M. -W-A-TEI; I`;-IME: `B0 of his Ii! nrnvml uy no , . GEO. H.` BROWN, ' -T On `latte:-`premis_es, Barrie. ` ll-ly 3-1; atnaua. ILAAIHIXD. LrWl:lA'l.' Pzeaent as a Gold Watch and Chain, Proaenl. as I Coloured Gold Set of Jeweller), Present on it Bright Gold 8:: of Joiellery, Present on 9. air of Gold Bracelets, 7` .Pre'ent as a # nrnet Brooch and`..o _ A- --=-w -'v w A as ~A;C`0MPLE'1`E STOCK 01" GOLD AND SILVERAWATOI-LES, AND CLOCKS OF A__LLTHE ; . BEST MAKERS. I:l'WHA'l` IS SO GOOD FOR A CHRISTMAS Present a.Gold Watch Chain, ' Present as 9. real Jet Set of Jewellery, Prguhtlas I otlewellery, Present :3 a Gold Locket and Chain. Prevent 3 Bright Preaent as Gold and Fancy Rings. . Ptegent of ' 7: V ` - Present as Violins, Ooncartinas and Trgfoliau, ..Pre-out an Brooch nn!~,l?:`{a'r-Run,` :_ Present: for Gents,LadieI, Boys! and Girls. to Present g.s`1_8i_lv_r Watch and-Chin fora. 8oy,~;,_-suit every pocket. . _ . A . l,!y_exybody.ahouldikuow tho; ye are tbe.mostf'ex_periencod hands on, Watcher, Clock: and . .` -' ` ` `~ . ' Jw_ella11,`NAo_rth'o{ 1foront'o._ A A - DH, III? -mun. `I -A80----- ' aura weu. Inere 13 only 14 lbs. to the bush-.-1. -2nd. The richest spot of ground you have is not rich enough V without a liberal dressing of 'well_ rotted_nynu}-e. _You will get three _ use pa Pre'ent as as a. Silver Watch and Oh Evetybodyehonld know th u. an at uom tsrecelete; '- ' ' end -_Ee r-Rin`ee,_ st we the most experienced Jewellery, North` of Toronto - A _GREAT RUN: ON ,fl`HE LONGINE` WATCHES" Aid GOLD .-nu Vinxins. O<;nc-ex`-'t .inea .36 Present: for Gents, Lndiea, to sin Boy, 3 suit on Clock: end .A'Nn `smvnn. .WATOHES, KB and JE WELLEBY, med'e._i'epei'redend- werrented. - , SIGNAQF]VA'0HAND*5P30't'A0IqES,noxtdootto 1:. 0tempton I; @;gEo1 7%mRWW{% m7w3w@m NEW mm M29 Mm A .- |-_-|AFlDWAR;E&. AGRICULTURAL IMELEMENTS 1 .` xA.\AAAA..A---- l4XV%V3'S'i %'XXVE:! A Also carefully prep.ared-EI-CKLES, of the best White Wine Vinegar, and JAMS ' put up by E. S. Meelcing. !TEA$m5r4V9,,WGEN%:E%BALR M5%9.cRIEsl Spring bringing i ' . PEN HOLDER. The solut_ion of the 'R3bu.s,. you-willpleaae - giencloae inan Envelope, which will be numbered as we recewethem, and ' on`Monday,. May 3rd, we will award the prize to the suocessfulperson. .-mj sise pew. givi.n'gVa co1`fec:8_ slutionot' mas:-new will be we moipient _rff%. 0. S. .q;;Np,a52s~.L{:;T wcu us we grass seeds great good. If the rass seeds are to be sown on barley or cats, t ien we can hzwe a freehand mellow surface to sow upon, iimnerliatcly after the barley or oats have been sown. Then follow the rass seeds with the roller, am] they are neary sure to -L,-mxv; or if not, the roller, :1 brush hnrrow, made by having a pole or scant- ling about twenty feet long, into which `nicl;~ -ory or other strong brush is fzistr-ned, so as to spread out and cover all the ground. A horse drawing this, driven or rode by a boy, will, with such a harrow, go over much ground in a day. Grass seeds sewn on the spring crops, such as barley and oats, are ,;:enera.ll_\,' out into the ground so late in the year that 7'1 .-:1: is less certainty of success tI.;u1ishad from sec 7 5 sown on winter wheat; and yet this is not always the case. Still it is so generally true that winter wheat growers make their calcula- tions to sow timothy and clover always on their wheat, and very rarely on sprin crops. The extremes of two early sowing an two lute sowin are to be avoided, so far as practicable, "and 1: ing the mean, t'1e average success will be greater. VVhile in some years the very early sown rass needs will do far the best, there will e other seasons where the late sown will give the best result. If farming were :1 gr-mm-n nu ununn 1,.......-.: SPRING! spawn 2:: SPRING :1! AT ` THE IGELDEN ` \ I And NEW *F.VERYTI-IIN }--except the style of doing business-which will be as hex-'ebofm-e, viz_:--'I'he BEST 0083. and the most of them, for your money, and ONE PRICE. '9 have se`vera.l SPEC. [AL Lines, for the '()1n.'11il1g trade, among which_a.rc a ne rah-are af -'\a/\-w- -;-s--\~ ------.--\ -\-- ,..--.-._.__.\ 2 1xuteon`_'m 75.-., worth .31 10;` One Case of 'urnoMm01vs' `GLOVE-I-`TITTING CORE'l`, JOB:-Slig-htly discolored in nishing, clearing at.90c. worth $1 50; on most of the abofe the imperfection is scarcely discernzthlc. Um` C;-]:3Iv:l'FjI{.1Q_J'4 .%'1',`(3(-11;?` iq ant-11 nu nnn nnhr Im u]-Intvn an Hun w:unH: n? VHC il`UU\'U I/My Ill|l)CI`H.`/SLIUII 13 SCilTUCly u1s(:ern.'um:. `Our G-EIQ'E_5I<..A.L S'I`OCII is such as can only be shown as the result of CX1)8l`iC!lCL-1 taste in buying, combined with a. k1iov.'lcdge of the requircinents of the t1-nde. Um` SPECIALIT-IE5` noted from time to time, a.1'ec:1cli, in tho.-mselves, a chance that our ctlstnzixefs, in justice to theinselvqs, canimt afford to miss. ` a-~z~r\u-va1n.n- IL\n..' I14"-..II' -1 A w u up ....--r-1---_ WELL WORTH KNOWING. ,...--......-g - u.`-uuvu-.u nuns:-\|. IIVII L..C.IVll:.lVlD' 'VVVVVv%AA- A "T'Iz'.V|(1 Q A `T -T('\4 AA - ju- -ooLo;RED 1.2: av---u v -n----n-jun.-Li ,`=-I-`I--j At 1." cuts per yard, \V_'0l`t]l 30 cents. .-U1 the folks in to -u-- - -..--_. .. ....-_-_.. .__ H u n urn--xv -Iuuu vuluvluu In-I CIIDIUUDU IIIIH Vf1UhIIEUI'&IIQ'i"' '15` > and, as usual, the Beaver is ready to foe the mark, Our stock is now about complete. VVe are showing novelties in every department, / `T , C\ \ ....--...... .. ....s...5 ujuvcl` uuu 1:m101;ll_V wnen Lin seeds were sown on the round that was sv. mellow that they fell into t 143 ne spaces and by rain or frost and thawingv were slightly , covered soon after being sown, and then ha i warm weather to bring it up, and keep tlwl plants growing until they h:ul acquired, - .- ` cient strength to .withst:nnl great L-hang`-s of the weather. Thus, we geiie1':1ll}= sow our timothy seed with our wheat; or if the wln-at is sown very early, sow the timothy about the `. 0th of September or 1st of October. If the timothy is sewn very early in September 4:` s the fall is warm and showers frequent "*1 g timothy will grow too large inthe fa . choke the wheat. If the timothy is to lu: sown in the spring, we gencrall_y,inix the seed with clover seed and sow both at the saiue time, taking distances that are as close to- gether as should be for the lighter seed of t!!!` timothy. Sometimes when desirous of loing `the work very nicely, we sow` the timothy alone and again go over the field witlrtln: clover seeding. ` As to the unnrli+.'inn M H... mm ....m+ c....,... DRY owiosi. CLOTHING} GROCERIES. 4 -\4\4--AA_--_ Read -Made Gloth+in, of a1l`Styles, Dry Loads and Dress Goods: _, The Iargest,sG.hJeapest and best Stock of Wincevs in Town. T _ Beets and Shoes 1n endless varlety. Pint and Quart Decantexs, T Chaff and other Baskets. --~---- A - . V ......_..__.. _....,_..... ,.__._,. /\/\a\/xix/x/x/-, \/\/N./\/\/`x/\./ AV-.,~_,\_,-._,.,,.` e;;;+.:`..-r Maoiemzzf uU. E . B. 0R0MP'11:oN & 00.. Tuvnn'm.`na (in: 'l|1.`\ T21: \ \'I.`n l\v~\-v nu Qmxn.-1.-~n R c uuvv.` hoof) "A15; cHEX1>_2 _`IF YOU Do, GET THEM OF _._--- ;u ;-'---- A-/ilrl H. (IR,/I000 CK, ` 1\`l'.IA 'l"l1`l'\ 1'17 Also Auctioneer, Valuer, App7'aiser, `c , 'c. V - _ ()p1;osite"the Railway Station. : its SILKS AND SUNSHINE. DALIGOES ANN GAU|.|l-`LOWERS,i* - and no Hahn] {Jun rlnnvnvv ie rnnu h. {van 6-Ln rvvnv-`V v.-_oq `J.-_w\; -.,v_-.4... -L-`\.aV&_` \J/ IMPOIITERS, Go_x.m:.\' Bmvsn, D[`.\'LO1 -ST1H`.I-2'1`, B.umI1-:. Chopping Broad and Bench, Hunter s Axes, Hickory Axe Handles, Cross-Cut Saws, Lightning, Improved, Champion, Dominion, American, Perforated, &c., -Common &. Patent Handles, ' `Patent &. Com. Bucksaws, Machine Drag` Saws, &c., &c. - T A rn IJJUVUI` seeumg. As to the condition of the soil must favmn able for the seed growing, it may be said that 8 slight covering is important, and for timothy this `covering must he very light--not more than half an inch. if winter wheat occupies the ground, then the elements are to be looked to for the covering; iieezing and thawing do the w k. hills :~.!. help to cover, and if `the 31.113` '~ of the ground is thawed, il11(l(l(:(`]n.l down ti e- frost is still in the ground, ,,..> . . . . . . u coming rut of tlns low doun lrost \\'ill keep the surface moist and CZHISC the seeds to fall into small crevices, and thus nd a covering. In very favorable times the seeds will live and take root if they are not covered at all. In case of dry weather following the sewing, and theelements are n.,t doing the work satisfac- torily, a. roller will flatten out the di' inarlcs (I assume that all winter wheat is sewn hv 3|. -drill),n.nd push them +:iLlew'a,\'s;nnl do the work of ilanting the seeds, and at the same time pu verrze the surface soil in the act of levelling the drill ninrks, and do the wheat (is _ well as the grass seeds great good. grass be snwn nu lmrlnv ";gsp;s,7m;;Laa;;;;;;;.;;;;sv.Tm.. .E- 8- M.EVEA|$!N.G T`ITf`I`I'7'1` `rum `Nev; Dresses. ) _ New Mantles, DO` YOU" WA N1: "Ii. 11:9./v 1;zei1es()zv .s. at.` ..-._J.L-IJ\J'\ Importers, Wholesale and Dunlap Street, _Barrz'e Y .VVooda, ' and rim.-3 nownredelohte ' Sincel]:l`i]:' e,the1\ihichdidj1lthemgrac6; 'Andall the elds do w.-:. the'ir'ividow d Itate; Since death their fil bowerdid latedeface. ::.`TJIn3fjinut ower in eld that ever grew Wu phel, that was, we a1l.may.rue. Hui country know them. 3EAvERJ I . Oromptonb; | '51 upon us, - ;. meme 5 son, B. A. dltcholl, nuuu numpeu on me Ianel. PRICE $1 Per BOTTLE. Sold `by all Drnxglnts. ' 1 Wholesale only by Lyman Bros. & 00., Toronto. Ellictt & 00., - Toronto. Northrop 8 Lyman; . ~ 7 Toropto._ 'l`.jBi\:kle 8 Son, " Hsmmon. '3.;A..-4mh.11.. -- {T . r.-ma-- sx: cnmuxonn or PROF. 0RUF'T_ Universft College, ' Be sure. you get the enuine A -nnunun ' onuwixiaverarn 3xF2'ge, TORONTO Beauro you get enuino Article, the Victoria. Hy phosphiies, with th ' Hewshmpegtn thellbela 0 Qyeen Plllla in Dar Rnllrmlu .3-..` ` use 101' the cure of llY.=aPEPSlA Buoucnirls, , As'l`llnlA, V L055 0f'A"PPE'l`l'I`E V GENERAL mani L1'rY Inc; The only Sy}-up prepared from Dr. Ou;-chill ! Fox-muln, and xx-oved on qnalnis tobe. _ (TET'I5I,'`T1'(r9 1T.'1T.'W inmnn m uue young plants. One of my nei aiders the loss 0 the clover and timothy as :1 very serious matter, liudinr that his early sown seeds were so far lost that he could not look for good meadows or pasture:-3 from the little that survived the heat and coldlof cz1rl_v lpring, he sowed over again at u later ]M*riu-i and after the weather had become umrc settled, and thus `saved the rotation of his crops from being sadly broken in upon. Our own clover plants of 1874 were very lllllull J J'n'ured in the same way, and wehavc one 1icll of 20 acres that we must plou gh up, l;c<;:u1.~.v the clover and timothy were injured by thr warm weather, followed by the ulry cul.I' weather oflast spring. I have had the very lmst success in raising clover and timothy when tln sown nh Hm nm.m,1 +1...+ .... ,.. . hbors, who, like myself, eon- ___ _...._, ..._,r..r ru-ya uvul ur. UlU'0lllH'I to be. m1w:cn<@Xi1:4m*sr Ewmma nuua: cea must be sent ir mlv nee. ` Chemitls a.;d -other vcudvrs-ol_Hol|oway s genu- ine Pills arid Ointment may have their names in- __..._.>.:.._.._:_..._.:.._- serted in the local papc.si_l`they will please apply I; ._ V ' . 7'6 THOMAS HOLLO WAY. 0:afb_'rd street, W. (J. ' . . London: 1lIaIc/131,31 I874- Wutuzsrs. W. M U. !u:1e.Mon`xreal- The medicines are sold at the lowest wholesale net DFICGS, In quzmtflies of not less than 5. "worth-v1z....8s. 6d., 293.. and 343. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots ot0n1m nt, for which le- miua: must be ir a.;d-olher vend.-mm I-Inlln...`....v,\ -__., Messrs. I1nlI'IIZ|0lll5l`.Ulhel'8, SI. Jonn, N.B. Mr. R, S. Priddv, Windsor, On. Mrs. Orp_en, Morden, N:S_ . Mr. Gcorgeb`. Hunt, Jun-. Fredericton. N.B. Mr. W. H. Thompson. Harbor Grace, N.F~b Mr- J. M. Wiley, Fredericlon, N. B. ` `Messrs. W. 6; 1). Yuil.Mon_xreal- ' wholes my meaacines can be nau genuine from them. The following isn list of the rms alluded to andl particularly recommend those who desire in get my medicines` to apply to some of the Huuseg named -`- V ` Messrs. Avery, Brown 6: Co., Halifax, NS. Messrs. Fqrsyllr Cc (.`o., H 1 lifas , N.S. Messrs. T. B Barkerk Sor_1s,Si. John. N.B. Mr, `I . Des Briaay, Clmrloue Town. P.E.l. Messrs. Langley Ge 02).. Victoria B.C. Messfs. Moore 6:, (36)., Victoria , B.(.2. Dr. John .Pa|len,Chalham, N.B." -Messrs; Munro & 70.. 1\Il`I]U'L'al. lVlessrs.5 J. Wincr 55 Co.; lluxrillon,Ont. Mr. H. J. Rose. Tt)l`O|l0. Mr. A.'Chip'man Sm lh, Sh Iolm, N.B. Mr-John Bond.Gaderi<-h.Qnt. . Messrs. Elliou c\'- Co.. Toronto. Mr. J. Chaluner, St. John, NJ3. Messrs. Hanmglon Bmlhers, SI. Jonn, Mr. IL Windsor, uo . ;\cw xork,`.-` primed thereon. Many respectable rms In the British Provinces. who obinin my nu`dicines direct from here. Imve vcry propcrlv suggested that I should, {up u benet Ofthemselves and the public, insert lhcil ham`.-sin the papers,that it may be known mm medicines be had genuine from them. Thefollowina listot` [he hnn nn...:..,a .- .lJ1e(1lCll1 nerewiore. - WHY ! ` _ SIMPLY Bsonuan the Valuable dclive medicim. vegetable ingn-edieuts,(some at which we `N ! mention, such as the Extracts of Wlld Cher?! Bark, Po;Iophvll_um, Juniper,Qunssia,Smanw=. 3;: Dndelion; Hyoscyamua, Compound Exmnj. J `Colo:-ynth, Julap, socotrine Aloeu, Catxshrlmy _c. aw ) which enter into the` composition on In} comL:t ed nijedicltte, are such and so harmontot 2.} clnsst ed and cempounded,thal it is made the most searching curative in the Known world, and can not help butacton the system in a. vcr sufslnctmv and desirable manner. `No matter w at V )ur tul- meut mail be, or how long BlH!)(]llH',, it will Smithy spot and astonish ycu by the ra id manner. L which you are restored to perfect eallh anu fu ; Vlgnz. . This Medicine is nleaaant and sale to lake. am. 'IlV.`!o This Medicine is pleasant and safe to tnke, is wan-anled,and niav posiiivelv be relied_upon to make a permanent cure of all diseases 0` ;he Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive Oi r an: ac. hm.-., as well as S,crcfu|a,' the varioi s; .-vii Diseases, HlunoI'8,Bnd all diseas ,=, 2 Ii8)..3 mm In; urity ofihe Biuod, exceptil 531.: Wait. Stay e at onsumption. Furl!ierxniu.:t.2{on., with ! Jil directions 101: using the Great 8L....;1;*.::ee Remus 61; Pi|ls,and containing Testimcnuzh bud Cerr_.ii,', cute: or Cures,'can be obtain:-u uy securing IL: 'l'reeties;thc _Hnnd-book, or the -Almanac Pl g circuirrs 1r om any reapecialfe Druggm in_Il:e Domiiiion-tree. " ' Price of Remedy ban lmge Pim Bottle: - $1. -Pzlls_per.Bax25 cm. fl-Wnr Quin hv all ')rntnrii-1?: rind Dr-nlrxru H1 and utntment, .hond0tt,"engraV.`cd thereon. It has become necessary to tnake this announce- ment, because the New York Cha.-,n1iual Cunt any |_\\ ho pay nubUd}.',] tinding at iilzl that thcz. ante has begn so exposed, have nssum:d the oue will but their xnelicines direct from them, so that they have made arrnnenients to supp! c.\'- , clusivelv the rm of Messrs. Hem 6: 00., on New York, with their so-called ` HoHoway".~ Pills and Ointment. It is presumed that, from the larbe connexion Messr:.I-Ie: ry 6: Co. have in the_ British l ro~ vinces and elsewhere, the public is very I kcly to be ll'l]p0:lt't] upon by unscrupulotts vendors unu others unless they exercise great caution to pre- vent their bcing milcd, by nding these tncdicines bearing a stamp w_ith the name at Ho!lo\'vay 5; Co New York, .-' printed thereon. Manv respectable rms in tin: Rritial. `D.m..:......, titlexof HolIov.'ay& Co. but, eve-1 now,t.v' ThattheAGn|:u' Snosnoumza guxmr my 5". r. ofthe Emmen! Indmn Meoicme-Man, Du. _ Lewis Josephus, of the Great Tribe ofshoshane .4 British Columb'ut,xs working the moat mzuveluut and asldnuhinglinresthe World ever heard or. Never in the annals 01 Canadian Medical Hism} `has guch success attended the Introduction of any medxciue heretofore. -_ WM V ? pins, as any time from the middle of March tn the first day of May is a good time to sun - grass seeds or wheat, and the later in the season, having the snow on the ground, tln more likely to have a good result. Very early sowing has not been the most successful with me, t ough I think-when the land was new, that is just brought into cultivation, 1'1 wa.s more successful than later. In the days of my father, 40 to 60 years ago, early` sowing was considered of so great importance that when he let out land" to tenants he would stipulate in the writings that the grass seeds should be sown in March, and then have a dressing of gypsum before the wheat had grown much; and thus he felt nearly -sure of a good catch of the grass seeds resulting in god meadows. But of late years this has no? en so. This last spring the early smnl clover seeds sprouted very soon, and then came cold weather, and killed 9. large percentage of the young plants. of mv lli(7l\l\nr: ...1\,. in... .....M1: .14.. Pt:3"oL_;uM`THi}: Gm TID] NOE I That IL- I3.-u-.nn Hunnnnnvvun Rnlllnv ANY: `:5 T. Lu my uxuulu, uuu uuvu "Jean SOCVGI SlXlC(`a . _ . JOHN SILV'.R. Sworn before me :.tSmithe}d,thiI 6tn dag ofApril,A.D., 1870, V J . H. WELLINGTON, J.P. WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEASE . `Baoonmm, Apxilth, 1870. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN, Esq.-Sm,--'1`his is tt certify that my wife was my low with lnngdie ease. The Doctor had given her up. He said her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not help her. As alast resort, I purchased r bottle of the Great Shoshoneea Remedy. A: the expiration of two days, her symptom .= were decidely better. She continued toixngrove 3/ rapidly thst by the time she had taken 0 me to tle she was able sit up. By the continuance ` the remedy she was perfectly restored \o heagtz You muv nuhlinh the farm: `Far 11,; '......,A-. . Luu mmeuy we was penecuy restored new-g may publish the facts fcr the benet ( those similarly aticted . '1'- n rmr nun. - Lg 'L lIIIIIO_:&Ip7 .LlUJI 50' Llllgl `I- !3'For Sale by all Druggists and Dealer: ii: Medicine. Aaxnrrs ran BABRIE.-J0hn Woody, Watson 8: Co., Wells Bros , Tolcn at Mcher L, Omu.1A.-J. W.Sl:wen'. CoLLmawoo1>.-Mr. Carp nter. 4 Yuan.-nn.n Aanw:_-.Nnrt}nnn J: T.u:-nu. ll LIL-I IJ.LU\IL`\JIl-LI 1&7! {J SKITEIIELDV J. O. Cavusnnumz, Esq; This is to cert thntabout three years ago I became niicte with Bronchitis which lasted about eightee: months. I Wl`: ,B0 aiicted for the want 0. breath that it was very diicuit for me to span} and i" the night time frequently` throwing the clothes off end raising in the bed to keep iron strangling. Itriad three of the most eminc-i physicians in the County of No:-thumberlm. for about at year without receiving any jbenet. In fac-ti continued getting worse all the time At lastl was advised to try the Great Shosho nees Remedy. I boughta bottle of it, and whe it was about nished I began to feel alitt.. better. [continued to_ I1l0it:UB1ilI had tixd three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, 1 fan. that I was as weli as ever] had been previcu to my illness, and have been so ever since. Jnxm mm. D ...._ Hol|oway s Pills and .0x'mmeuL manut`.\clun d nor sold in any part 0!hough lhu y may be obtain N- American PYOVIDCES. Rank Pnl anti Rnv [mars oh... 7)..` u - muencan rrovmces. Each Pot and Box beats the Brit men! Smmp;w1'th lhe words, Hull and Ointment, Londonengravcd 1!: necessarv lu n1n :p ch UBTD DWI`. ' Waonzuu Aaxx1~s.--NonlIrop & Lymgu Toronto; Lymnp Bros. & Co, Toronto; 15!! int &_Oo., Tm-onto.. 8S.'l- 5 A Pu`i37_1|c `CAUTION! v.I.u'.l'U.iS..lA ' COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT 4 ulnoliny \. .. . clover seeds on. a light snow. such as fxvquently falls in March. If tlu snows of winter havebeen thawed away, and the ground left Inked, and part, or all, n` th front is out of it, and then there comes 1: libs: snow, so that the tracks made by men ix sowing the seed can be readily followed, am? the weather is cold cnmigh not to have tlu now make too much mud to clingc to the fec-1` -when all these favoring circumstances com bine, at time from the middle dnv nf Mnu in n r-Ar-J I-5-~~ 4-A ~~-- "mas OF BRo$30h1T1s.' I HMJLULCU T, C, BBC W21. Iziacor-9.1 Hetz`-ndist Idininm Toronto . Toronto. A HsmihonL _ _ Londop M are neither of the Unixeu. med III the B iris}; Govern- :1loway's Fills hereon. % v(;e;1t-leE131 1 s Furni-sliing Goods, H;.t-s','C;1{)iss. < um STAND, mucn spoon, - - - - mmnop s'r.. B1 . wftit noun) IJVVV VII uuuu I UIIUIUU EEUUD Ul k7Ul1UHlIUlU \YUUU5; UUHDIBLIUQ 'Gl0THS, EADY-MADE cumuu ` . -- -v.v 1.1 U1 lllll H Vuull 1' k !/(":d': fly_ Comprises _everything in the line suitable for Presents, such as Fancy (v0 ' 7 col, &c., ALL CHEAP FOR CASH. , . ,; .' N.B.-Any kind of Furniture made to order in the moat workmanhke 1111111119 shortest notice and at:-low rates. ,5 6. u. uwun-5'1 _ Some winter wheat raisers like to saw their tunothy Vclover seeds light fxvrmentlv in March. If 11.. Is to be obtained. Thin isvno ~b1::,"I stock consists of Household Furniture, forfri boards, Lounges, Sofas, \Votnota, M I211 I?` FAsmomnzm' Eihin `T -3 Give a can 1 GEORGE) SMITH. II Have the h`itu(1s9u1ost, 1,. I also drmv 1e z1tteutio11 of-I in stock all 1; ds of the nest ] -s- \,\z\z\/s/\,\,\,~_,\,_,\,.. WHEN AND HOW TO sow GRASS SEED. % __.. _ The followi appears in the columns of thr ] New York Tr une, from the pen of the Hon. ` G. Geddil-3 0.....- _._-__ , 1 ALL KIN % BOTTLED A] E, POR TE12, 'W.E..E;R/43, ]gANToN 1` STORE. '1-`EAS, Blacks, Greens. JaV'as and Jstgahs, SUGARS. SYRUPS_ FRUITS. 13110, DIIIUKE, 111158115. JRVQE tum UGARs, smurs, FRUITS, CAZ\'.\'F.D Fl .L'I I`.S, BISCUITS, _(-JHOICE yvlxrgs 3'. LIQUORS, A LARGE ASSOBTM ENT( _ ' THE 134 um, nuzuusxm. 6: Co., 'aBMma`.7as mamm mzgagf Respectfully invites the attention of f. 1ei!bcu.:5]t0n1ers to the following lim_~__- of My -. U) - ' . ` `.A 00 s;-.. ` '7-(-.__;__,_.... TEAS, Javas Japan:-, (;`()FI-`IvIES_ Jan; 121.. 1.~.....,_;. .. -IYIIIGA HUNTER . , _ BARVRIE Al\T]D --------_.:o:------_.._. UR W` co \V1I EP.F. I (,\N GET THE c-In~:Ar1~:s'r AND nus; \1V M: u.\'L`\': HAM&_ Qnerlel on_ matters relating to lhehe subject: will be re _lled to In [his column under `the head of Notice: 1- l .3114 R01 % %_4a.-3:- P. I-II:C3I.2EIY S Ilgxase 0f % All Ntlim READY-MA ag.-;4-44;;44`.-AA - A _.-. as CL5_;i"I-#lTNmC. +21: oR|`Ng;g; ` -_-__;-v `mung `a-;\,.--.-.._ now on hand a ohouse amok qt" Seasonable Goods, uuumung ` -__.._- :_.4__4 __.__ ____-I --w --v--av-. uv-go , vvuvuun}, matsnresses, cnznrs, tfmows, bolsters, M- Berlin VW00'l'a-nd Fancy Store rise? like Uoo1.`.f' t\7....I 1.. pr: .-my . .. vwnxv-\ r . .* -vv--v -LL-.1 VJ..L.LI.L'.I.\-',`" v ` FJKIDI) ` 11` Is GREA`l`L\T TO YOUR ADV.-\.\"l'.-KGB TO K.\'()\\' 'rn,\1' "" lutessras. Sznith dc 1\[oo1.e=:;.;.. OF Tm: mu.` .11: Paul HERE no Yll sfuv} yop X GR0cER_|;E_!_N GENERAL -u.|1..n.'-r ;_ .; r: UIDIICIV III A bSPEC1A.LIT 1" I 4 _______ K TEAS, eaocsmss, wwss. LnQu6`; ?` 54; .5 .A1\4\A.. - - , o KEEr ALE uuumely <-1-opt netore it waswell grown, _ ] "L And clean defaced it in an untimely hour._, Great loss tonll that ever him did see, ` Great loss to all, but greater loss to me! Breoknowyour lands, 0, ye shepherd lasaes, Sincethe fair owerthatthemadornedisgone; The ower that them adorned is gone to ashes: 'l;ogethei' with the usual assortment of : , -n., I and judge for @m M@W,m9, `WW BAY 01+` FUNDY & scam GRANITE Mowumm; `MANTLEPIECES, WASH$TAND`5, COUNTER T(-)P.'5', T':=2?Ara11::":9:"A'i:j3Evv6is.z Also , 5 % TALL ORpER_S PROMPTLY ATTENDED T03 iayeld $treatfre:,eFzn{)(i);>)1".s South -of1E; B14 09% Head` Stones, and Mar/)'fm' ` ' ' Plots. Also m-euznowyonr lands, The ower them adorned is gone to ashes; M Never again let lass put arland; on; _ Instead of garhgd wear , cw/pi-us now, And bitter elder, brokefrom the bough. Lember the: Place: And other _a.ll kinds or`oU'.r STONE for building purposes . A` V at a. cheap rate. 1'3A1-`IE5 STl;f:l<).'I-'?.l`3l1IE:TlI'iI'E?' it l1n`. n en! l\`ur\ .; , _ .. _ -.-- -1 - ; nan st, lumst compI'cte, and cheapest stock of : either in Town or County. 1fy_y A T 1r111'r 1 up 'n run-r... HUNTER, Ho`i{1?i:?i.L, & C0,, Ifilfl haarncxrxr. .. (i>2"rn1z<:$ C0 ALITY IN QIUTURE J -yourselvcls. Funerals-`Furnished. See colxmm. Sa.tisfaction_ Guaranteed. 1'1 - ' Jtonumznws, mun sw ONE; \/\/\I'\/\f\/\/\/\.'\/\A l\ - -_..- .---, nu an-uunyauc. hnndf ciuu-sed foe hnkndwnb th cropt theatalkthm: Boreso `ne a. ower`! Untimely :- 1-opt before it was well _ And_ defaced untimelv ham. 2 . sM;r"1:-Y1 8; VICK, 11 rn 1-s-n--. BARBIE` GROC 4R] ES to numerous to mention. 4 v kept constantly on hand in '\Vool\ml Hem` "*' vf uuvwtuuuvu it 3 "' blow, but a visit will prove the statement tr!-`*3 "5``9 f01",l'ich and for 001-, such as Bedsteads, l`uW"`,"a_ Votnotg, Mattresses, `hairs, Pillows, Bolsters, 51 . . ,`. -'-7 ' 1- S .u.-a.n.-5 IJ.I.-I- THE C`Hl~JAP :`the public to the fact that I I FHENCI'l MEDICAL \VINES. UROCKER , INCLUDING FINE s;: :.'I` FRENCH HINA. V I H6 NOTICES TO CORRESPONDEN TS. _._.._ \, 11111 I l.)\'J.. :4 J 1 MY M UNEY ! MANUFACTURERS or LBYZTAI. mnnnn am Te largest; best and cheapest sto\`k 15`-A;`s;\( lUU3::' CUFFEES, Java, Riu, French Cu PICKLES, PUTTED M I-I:\'I'.~,, Sl`ICIS. T()BACC()S, (,`IH.\ R5 BUTTLED A LES & PUH1 F}; 6` \`.....I-. ... l..-L 1 ~ - /MW ___--.,. war 1 -41-! T] ' Sunrlries kept by tirst class (3: .._:._....- ones A E & BLAcn S uces and P10 ~ `DD, Drug; ,4! '.A\l\"1`.-XGE THAT :.j':`f ". . ;v J..L.l../ V 11.4.` .LlL\-`F"" "" " MEAL FLOUR, Queries lied this of Oonetpondenu.) ' ` . It ismx established fact that at B12..41v1\Y, ; CPODENWAR WILLIAM Mom ; ' all kinds of Furnitu ' enclosing `Cm FRAMES. advertisement inD| GIZV, I VA I.l. A mad ` 'EsLY 5,11`: bwl. ` L'uAux:- E;.M|l ' `, lite Barri `~`&'-`:`.' . . ulna, :1.-Lu E \`.nC9"(_'~: -Jul Hnn:.r_ ` ' V n. c` ~ 11):`! lb!` Imam: ().M's: Lnuluner "~ * nnud -um-1. Am u 0 C,g.- .,'\'. r! ., 1 t_1.c ` ` ' ' .38 my xx ` z; ` 0`.1r1!j.', an I] .0 ARDAIJ lilo. .futm`(z:1;i:lf'EVarUe'u. : untmnn n u. ' gpner L H L] ggq,-nted. Ago mnimn '1 ?n'r I ,.4?1fh it `E gs 1:. [kn ?nI:" ynrpzun `E ASKS cl snyxhiu ndilinn P BIOS toi_n:' all M. u nu. .v_ 1 M be wHi L` gme. Donnm} Iubscrihc; Thornton 2 Ullon P. W ,'I'NnY-C`R':-: -Survey` JHIWC IU Li! X ohn Szre-z, `I planing us. any for: EDITED BY" J. M.` --0 ;,__un - Elan ; , row `x: ; ,Bznuu;] fnamn-_ (1 A".'!.l` rv uuuu,r.v- ml Co`.1egc4 tsl Stxrgml -I V-!H0.\1.a.~f 11 hovkvh er, shad` d`bgr`V:`e!'y`-C:)`1?l';(_:t?()`:lu_a0:lV,i!`1`;g, .--The w `:5 varies; in tfie. molt popular dingy from 1'~e fact that the" _ _ I are 'tIfa}t::`:. '_r;otv]I;n. gar .-"etxencels verym e 111 Av`: o ere on: ' withre gnrdto ag s:or and keeping 1 'l,Ydthougl},no`rgn;t9 up early as the ` fgxr I5. LI. P113115 ~l d in his A`:- N RI ` srop; ' LVIU UIUWL \J Ill .-umee-o Lnntn. H. ....:.. |l'luuL.. LP:-ovinc II: In hxupgu};-_'.' zsuu oy me dry hot only cure for`-it'is leaves with mn}nu- ER.` . LAW.-` .. "51-Is. Member Co 4151'... In F --- <..l w"i`%1 )', \ .-\ttmm- *1 Va Born wnm. % 5 mt] -v. 1109'` [I11 `Of to thi HAM! (`A1 %ciiM DOOR 101'-It 15 . sulphur. I it exist uuulr nest suxts of clothes made in ,'1`oron7:o. 3. Now thereisno occasion todo an ' of e the kind, when we have in ourmidst . r Ma.cNabb, who sells as good and cheap goods C and makes them as well as inr- .l oronto or : elsewhere. So great indeed, is his famous I a rst~class tailor and cloth v no less` three parties,ha Toronto to get their clothes nudes _ [speaks Volumesinhisfavor. -A I o_n-e`lJ0;, 8:: six boges, tee of securely sealed unexr best suits 6f clothes 7 .. Now there is no 1 `the have :1 goo: as indee arst-class `tailor and clot I10 ]A.n\'|nn '61`.-nu- -A--43-- .. .......... uJvvI'\\-B Jr 18 QUITE TRUE. --Yw, there isno mistake about it whatever, iriend Stephens is the fmorite with old and young, rich a.nd.poor, wise and ignorant, for all know a good picture when they see it, and therefore one and all t}-cir likenesses of Mr. Ste hens, whose ' picture gallery is just above the edical Hall. FL'RNI l`URE! FURNITURE X-TheMessrs. Smith & T -,..In-e, of this town, evidently believe in pu.~'.hing business, by advertising and also by the fact of keeping the best of goods and selling them at the cheapest of rates. `This in tin`. f'.".'l'(-t of their unparalleled success. The. nublic patronize them, as it is believed they I Em; Worthy of their condence, and so buy of the above rm. S1:wn~zu M.A'cHINEs.--Tlgere erevany number of these machines competing for public favor, ' but we know of none that can excel the celebrated Wehster,? take it for all in`nll.' ; The Messrs. Fields Bros., of this town,-_are the _agents for this really rst-class im%len;nt,. ' and, we believe, are doing a good usinese with it.` ' I -. ..... -.., ......uu mm; ID auuu is rusn IO!` II. N `o HUMBUa.-Our readers if they pay the Chemist and Drug store of Messrs. [`o1en & McLean a visit, will not only benet the firm to the extent with which they patronize them, but will serve themselves as well, for every- thing sold by them is justvwhat the 1 say it is, and no mistakes. . - 1,_ ,, n, r-< -- , K2,, .,--_-_. To BE FlRsT ALL THE TIME.-The Purvis Bros.,' so well known to the farming commu- nity of this section of the country, are still the faxorites, because the Osborn Sewing Machine is really one of the w)nder_s of the age. N o wonder there is such a rush for it. Nb "1T\Vn1V(V 0.... .......`l -._..'-5 n - , ,_. _.. .......-..,.. My uuuvlnulu 111 11116:`. On, How Lovamr those 't0i1et4articles are that are to be obtained at the Medical Hall, kept by our friend, Mr. John \Voods. He has them for all ages, and to suit all complexions. Go get them. ` - ' I , m_,_-In - A number of our r-riuteinpomries are proud- ly clmnnng .lu .\cilsou, of~ Beecher case eelebriLy, as :LCanadian. We are very glad , to see one of our countryman holding such a position, hut, considering the amount of twzuldlc, sexxsoless questions side issues and ubs_unlil_y he allows to go on utterly uncheck- ed, we must my we are very glad he is not `on the (f.';ui:zlia-n Ben:-la. \\"e can spare the Yzuike-es all the legal iuminiu'ies of his calibre in the country, and ehallbe glad to do so, as some of them might get into judical positions here. We should like to see Messrs. Evarts, Fullarton, and others try such tricks. before Chief Justice Hagarty, as llwhole columns of the New York papers each day. But perhaps the learned judge was selected on account of some humorous proclivities, with :1 \'lCW to making the most of the greatest legal burlesque-_ ever -presented to the public. --Nut.'nnuI. , *2 .. . sin 2uu.irszniiYL7 Seeds !-Every variety of new Farm and (lzmlen Seeds at Bothwell s. ' NEw.-Ewan has just opened four cases of very choice felt hats, and two cases of collars and scarfs. ' ...-.. J3 av uuunv a5uu. 11115 15 it $000. Blgu. N01` To ma OUTDONE. - It is no use, the Marrin Bros. will not be undersold. Their large shock of spring goods cannot be excelled" in quahty by any other house in-the trade, and the rm cannot be undcrsold in price. ()1? T-Tnur T.r\\rI'.Iv1v J-1.....- `A.,:I_; ,,n- I 123, The Ca.pita.1 and funds of ith Canadd Life Assurance Company amount to $3,000,000. ./2:11;. - 11' IS_ A FACT known to numbers that those who , once purchase oods of Mr. Kidd, a. dispensary chemist ant druggist of this town, always go there again. This is a good sign. ` No1"T'o will large stock of snrintr mmln nnnnnl-, 1.. .,......n,.,: |\n>\e1`unlcnB xs uetaermmeu to proceed with me u-or}; of repatriation, and has appointed I `Jr. ('. I-L Hoitt as agent; to proceed to Fall rm c. auhl utlxor localities of Mu:=.s:1c11usetts to arrange for the return of French Canadians. /`.1;znmrmn-intinn nf s?_':nnnn lmu 1mm. ......1.. J ~...... 11 .u.u-no Juucl \.aI.'.`~-ub-lvnul. Tm-: Montreal Herald, speaking of the necessity of some measure of organization for the I\'ortl1-West, says that with establislied institutions there business will increase among our own people, and we shall have, our own traders, instead of letting our trade go to enrich the people of another country." And it says ,that St. Paul, one of the best cities in the United States, was built up by the trade` of the Red River territory. True indeed: that was done before we were able to help OlllfSf.:l\'(`.5; but, now that we might help our- selves if we willed it, the .\lACI{E.\'zIF. Govern- ment xleliherutely adopts-th_e scheme of a ! mere Cnn:ulian l)1':i.m`-lv ... the `N' I>m.`m,. . rvx-.;uu u::um:1'uLL:1y zuwpts - m_e scheme Q! (.`m1:u1i:m brunch w _the Northern Pacic railway, which will fn.-'1}: .-1' build up St. Paul, Duluth, Chicago, and Milwaukee; and Ameri- canizc the N urt}1~\\'esi:cr1i trade generally.- Muil. ` ' -.c.. w. ...--- . vv........ I-`non the Director s report. submitted at the annual meeting .of. the Union Pacic Rail- way. Company, held recently in Boaton,_it appems that up to Janurary 1st, 1875,` the Company had disposed of 1,058,548 acres of land for the gross sum of $5,944,365, an _average of 56 per acre. How much better are the Union Pacic Coiu*)any s lands than the fine territory, so dcscrilied by the Gov- ernment engineers and surveyors, of which 220,000 acres pcrfinile of road have just been granted to Senator Fos'r1~:r: and his` Cnnadiaii and American" collegues`! If we put this territory at only half the above average, or '28 per acre, the patriotic Senator gets land to the value of $45,600 per mile, or for 85 miles $4,875,000 worth of land altogether! 0* tlhu ehzuigo of Government at Ottawa. may . . not .r.;j_', say that there s millions in it" ~fo1' .SUlllC people?-_~ Mail. ""'ing to the depression in trade and manu. faetui-es in the States many Caimcliaiis are returning to their native land. The Quebec [Um ernment is determined to proceed with l reDati'ia.tion. and has nnnnintml .un.uu5u xur um: rcuuru OK 1` rencn uannaxans. .".1;uppra-1-1'iati0u of $50,000 has been made for the purpose of settling the returning Cana- dians ml the public lands. The settlements will be along the line of the Levis and Ken- n- in-.0 nu? Hm Sin-u-ha-nnlzu an-I] `l.`..a+.~..... 'l"......`, wul. nu zuuug we um: 01 me news and 13.011- u- hue zunl the Slm-hrookc and Eastem Town- s.` I1 Railxvays. Each of -the returned Cana- lizlyls will rec.-vei\'c a lmndred acre farm at sixty per am-1'0.-_\'ith four acres cleared and uthgr ilnpmvcments, equal to an advance of two humlred dollars, which is to be repaid in five years without interest. --Na.'1bniII. K 1`.... \I ....L_,._1 rr_,, 1: I - - -- ENQ,UIRl!R.-\Ve are not in a `position to _ vise you, the advertisement may be a. bona- _dc`one, but we should not be the least sur- riaed at your rec4_:iving---if at all-a packet ni . awdust or some other equally valuable corn. modity. ' ' -Run Srmnn.-It is caused by the dry hot air of your room. The dusting than nmlm. .:A.. .4 1.`----- ~ ' ' ' -which`clus_iA3r:w.iu!I!1__ am, " of the*PemnsuIar . numerically `double _.t_ha`t 'of, o ' The regiments of_the-format ' .-General Graham was infcommand of the `sic and ying ags. They put up at French's of the my-`wd" h distinctions from the; Napolion In honor of their previous services `and gallantry. allied forces,whicl;:'hn,d`,!1ot"e:.ve_n theradvantiage of experience _in the eld. i_ -- The po_s'it1on . of the English, :too,- was: , soriouily disadvantageous; the enemy having been able. to choose his own ground, which, it happenedr had been that which Graham had selected for himself. The ght of Barossawas short, for it lasted only one hour and a half, but_1t was violent and bloody. Fifty ofcers, llx , sergeants, eleven hundred British` so1diers,_and_' more then two `thousand `French were killed and wounded. Six guns,one eagle, two:Gene- rals (both mortally wounded), -tog-(lather with four hundred other prisoners, is ,.into the. hands of the victors. . Many, officers vbecame celebrated, dating from the "battle of Barossa. Gough was then the commanding oicer of the 87th, who rose to be Lord G_ongh, and a mighty soldier in China and Ind,1a;_-VVl_1eatley, who died Sir Henry, Privy Purse tohis Sovereign; John McDonald, who lived to be Adjutant . General of the British army, all crop ed hon-V orsfrom the enemy, to Weave a garanrl for themselves. Parliament voted thanks to the troops engaged, and the 87th regiment, which captured the eagle of the" French cor , was thenceforth called the Prince of .\Vales Royal Irish Fusiliers, the plume and name it bears till this day; In theo inion -of Lord \Vel- 1 lington, the bra-very of t e troops on that day saved the allied army; and from all appear- zmces and report, the oflicers and men who compose the 87th to-day are worthy succes- sors of those who fought at Barossa, when the fierce, rapid, prolonged charge of the 87th Be- "iment overthrew the French lines.--.dcadian v liecorrler. ` - The band of the 63rd Halifax Volunteer llattalion had their annual sleigh ride yester- day afternoon. --They left town at 2 o clock in two of Robinson s four horse teams, with mu- hotel, Bedford, where they were well provided for. At dinner, after the customary loyal toasts, the health of Bandmaster Blackman was proposed, followed by the toasts of The Guests, The Ladies, The Committee, &c. Songs were given by Messrs. Shanahan, Gough, Mabee, and `Anderson. After spend- ing a pleasant time at Bedford the party re- turned to the city, arriving home soon after 10 o clock. , They made quite a display of torch- lights and roe-kets.--Ib. V 1. ` n , . :1 Ll... ]|.'......L....'.. ......-..A. _..1._..:1.L-.I -1. Resienent. um; ; - % % f3'g"f1`i`nTi'am?."%"t`3u"s'i~'3's'c1.faZa7'?'o . .-`H03 M0033 BRICKLAYE3-3 thexr colon one`of the.1n nn7 g`1o1-lions -names J st'-M?`d"mt"?V' -"- l`.. which cluster around them. Afthis battle f;>_h|QPil{;a1!al;g.I;rvy.h;-;1t4mf:'):?Y`;n8ef1`;; 3f,f.i`i;`5`mZ'?hf`o 2`l Mm: E1i"'*"` SW`: B."~~ 1'15_'_ I "1. _. In-us, ' Go To T0R0N"lf0?--TlV1e!'8 are it few - Lrticulnr persons in this town who'gei. - set s_uits c1o'the Toronto. x_et-exsno oocasxon bodo mw+.l.:.... .: as goou and cheap inr Tgrantq fame as d merchant, that na.rties.have coihn F-mm mum r_Iuwntee, tor the Uounty of Simcoe, Ont. Parties wishing to buy Township or County Rights can dose by applying to the above, Barrio Nov. 17, 1874. 47-tf ______._._.______.__.____.__.____ nvw w anmza Buunl, HF BARBIE. who is the sole agent. for Ontario and owner ofdeed from Pantentee, for the County of Simcoe, wishing` to bnv Tnwmn m. n......._ chine, or by hs.nd~labor, or 3 woshboard. _ 5th. Lace curtains, uni all uefabrics, a.r_e washed in a superior manner. All fabrics, from the finest lace to abed-blanket, can be washed perfectly, and with ease, withont'the rubbing- board. ' V ` `union 4-. IIIIFR QAAC-n - - - - - -~ unmnuuau unu aomg up the breakfast dishes. 41h Clothing wears double the time, wash- ed in this washer, that it will washed by a ma- chine, by curtains. uni all 5:... r..r...:.... -_- Hunt, 101' we I0llOWl_D_2 T853035? lat. It does its own work, thereby saving a large portion of the time usually -taken in a family. and 1. .L'_.'_ _.._-L-H um nuuuun 01 J! an exception. IRIUAIJ - 2nd. It uses much less soup than is required by any other method. ._ . ' 3rd. It requires noattention whatever while the process ofcleaning is going on. A lady on do her washing while she is eating her breakfast and doing the breakfast Olothimr wears: dnnhlnm 9;... .....-u. pusuu. "rue wum;m':s EMEND washes with- outlabor. It will`dothe washing of an ordi-` nary familyin thirty minutes to an~hour. The STEAM WASHER is superior to 91! other .de- vices, for the following It dn its nwn wm-I: Hnmml... .....:.._ , g.......... V u u.u.;nru Will do`vourVwork--itis the latest, the cheapest and best; no rubbing on a. vsashboard, no pounding, no tearing or turning, no twenty or thirty dollars cnxpense,-STEA.\1 DOES IT ALL. Steam has long been known as the most powerful agent in removing dirt, grease and stains from clothing, and blecbing them white. `Paper makers hive for many years used steam in cleaning and bleaching their r gs, end they succeeded in mnlring,bvits agency,the iltbiest pickings from the gutter perfectly: pure and white. Until theinvention ol the swam Washer or Woman`s Friend, although, often gutempted, no met`.od had been discovered or applyinf; steam directly to the clctmag. whichcould be used in a. protable manner, for domestic pur- poses. The WUMAN`S FRIEND wanhna with- uuvu In u pruuuwxe mfmner, for domestic WOMAN S Itwil1`dothawmzhino nf' .. ..-..=- Ann oumuuo mamas; Of the latest and beststylcs and of the most ep- proved construction, Collier Street, East. sec- ond door from the Market, Barrie. As the ad- vertisers are thoroughly and practically; -con- veraantwith their business in all its detaila, employe none but the most ekilful workmen, end use only the best material, they can guarantee all work turned out at th air estnblialr ` ment to give perfect satisfaction to the purchas- er. Farmers and others look to your interests, and give us a call, we promise to give you bet- ter value for your money than you can get at zany other Carriage Factory in Barrie. l3 Also. GENERAL l .T.An1Z.~nLI1'virr.rr1:.. any Ul[.|!!l' uilrltsge racwry In tsarne. . _ l3 A1so, GENERAL BLAOKSMITHING in allits branches attended to. . Barrie June 18, 1873. ' . 545: ;19:----- I'Bo1d by all D11 :P=*9. one box.81; h-eeotnommam... \ g-sold by all bong boxm 85. game. I .1 u .;..u4;,.:. un..n.1u:x\J.lD H U.l'\1\D. L` Tho undersigned l1l\'l1lglCSE(l Malian- dress Old St:md,_wis]1es to intimate to the pcople of Angus and vicinity that he has on hand nlarge stock .of Carriage mid Waggon I\Ia.teriz1l unsttrpasseyl North of 'l`oronto. If you want a. rst-class Carriage, Buggy, Cutter, Waggon, or Sleigh, &c., just give him :1 call. Jobbing promptly and neatly executed on the shortest; possible notice and most rcasonztble terms. Also 1 zu'ntiug and '_l`x-imming done. In con-iiection with the above is a good Black- smitb's Shop at which all kinds of Jobbm Willbe done neatly. THOMPSON WIl.S().\'. .l..____., \,r, I 1...: ..-.__ lie undrsfgned begs to in-grm allparties-who may need such work, that he has always on hand 9. large supply of 111' A nmnn Ar! `r\ I lift` I n nu can, wnen ms predictions were not \'eri~ ' fied. I have only attempted to state the con- siderations that generally acquire attention, trusting that my readers who do not `already know more about this matter than I. do, will each for himself exercise -some judgement to meet"the changes of ever-varying seasons, and the circumstances of his individual case. Sprin operations in most, parts of the Middle gtates are about a month in advance of ours,a.s will benoticedgby the allusions in the foregoing to sowing timothy and clover seed in the month of March, but this year may prove uvztuuu {O11 Irv :.J.`lEx, Dressed, and Tonguednnd Grocved Lumber, every description, always on hand; and Idea to order. ' v u.....:..- 7-... ~ `- u n- I- l- I'\ ll , - GENUINE" . _v - No. '1, No 2, and No 3," of this brand, are unsurpassed for body and hrillizncy or shade. Packages centain full nett weight. The public are warned hat certain other brands are 1 Alba.-short in every so-called 25 pound package. ' Examine Hm in-nun! nu! n mu 1... ..... .a yuunugu. ' Examine the brand an! do not be put o with inferior paints, The n:s1"is always cunn- xsw. - Sold by any respectable dealers in Paints throughout Ontario, and to dealers on] by * ELLIOI` it (30 , Tnnnwm. IOWBBI fl PLAININGOF. nvmhi)'nscn:1PT1oN.| IUD LU Ul'U.Bl'u `Karrie . July. _j____.:_ uLJvLaL1Vl`4 D]JUUI\'! Which he will sell at the` loivest rates for Cash WI. Co Bayeld Sh, Barrie, _ Near the Foundry July 31, 1873. . 13-ly -1__ ror sale 1: nnrrxe by John Woods Kidd. Watson 5' Co, and Well : Bros. ~-:--Z-%- BIN] zlutcnmpry lot we manumcmre ox DOORS, SASEES, BLINDS. HOULDING, he and is prepared to supply these articles at the lowest price. m IIUIIYI1 nn IMIIEIIIV nlmnnumunv .-.v.--vuu uvu_:-\I\IlI\.l U99- -v~-~.,~,..\.-.,.,... , OV.ELTY CARRIAGE womcs. undersigv_1e _l1zn,`\'i11g1`<:_:1se(l .'l.m....! n11 Cu_-,, . ' " l. or `ADVANCE oice, Barrie. January 21st, 1875; ... In your room. 1`ne only i dusting the under side of leaves with E '._It will not generate nor indeed will m a moist atmoqihere. - R. ,._A 'hnn n` -....I - L_1p --I } WA K} &c. ..,\.\,,.,\.\.-.,.,...,/.. y " _ '"3?61y to JAMES Bantu, as BABRIE. {who T 3 owner nmma J` .G11._L`EM, THE JOBBING 4BUILD 137: . Combines dispatch,` economy, and dura- bility in carrying through each branch of mason, bricklayer, . plnsterer,'s1ate1`, white,- umnlmr a-,nlm-inognnner-ha.mrimz. Em. A trial ` LASTERING 2 ' VPLASTERING T: [ GEORGE H.. BROWN-,l .... An . unsum A v nu A nmnnun Ru` \gI-`rusty: ----_---v-- nu . PLAIN AND ommmmu. 1>ms'mm:a, &c., Begs to announce to the. ublic that _he is re- pared to do all kinds of lastering in the est manner and on the shortest notice. Centre Flowers, Tresses, and all kind; of ornamenta- tion-always on hand. Houses to Rent and for Sale. Also a Stucco Gothic on Macdonald Q4 `Inn gala An'n`17 fn I0!` ale. A180 8: DFIICOO ` I St., for sale. Apply to GEO. I I`4UIl\._ll!4 DIIIJIJ, ' U . V Carpenter, Buildar,&.c. Bag; to snnonnco to the public thathe has completed hi: _ gmmn M Dnmvn bnlcx1ayer,`.p1aa;er,er, ` l&&I'af_!.I', Auuu:i_ was ing coo ' jpaper anging, c. ' tri _ will enat';re santilslaxtion. Give em-Iy orders for sharp attention." ' Thlnlnn Street. East. IEO Bu -VIII ul 1>LAsi"r'11'1i` 0F___PARIS 1 Itvnlnnn up .,_- `--.--. ...._;v-u. , ,. JO Angus, March 16th, 1875. _ ,, __- ,-_-........ uvl muueu _w1u It exxst mom: atmos here. R S.-A bun el and 9. half will seed an acre well. There is only 14 lbs. _ThB SD01? ofnzrouna-1 vnn En-m `=- uuunu L G UU., Tonoxwo. For sale Barrie by John Woods, J. P. Kidd. & Co- and Well : Rma, -l5_-AT EN~T M AC/H mi-E_sT.`__ ...n. -uv um um Lupxuvuu IEIBDI STOVEPIPE BLOCKS! Thich he wili in at nu.-1,.i_..... -.....- r-_ n-- Nc.1GP.0UND . WHITE LEADS f3N'.NTTIlTl'v) ;un-ua L\JVV.I`J].\. and Machinery for the manufacture of ' nnns: susamasa nnmnsz unm ntun _WOMA`N_ vS FRlE_NAD n A- ........ ...-_u- ~67BUILDE11s`: HZORGE BALI,- r T - r eomploteu nu STEAM POWER -ul |'nou|\:-`Arc: "11- 6|.` -nn....l'.-4.._- -1 sown wiu give the best result. V farming were a science, as some learned men say, then they could tell us just when to sow each year, and all years; but as it is not :1 science, good judgment, based upon experi- ence, must guide each year's practice; and then two farmers, living for half a century beside each other, will not always agree as to the best time to sow their seeds, for their opinions as to-the probabilities of the coming weather will differ, even with the aid of an old- fnshioned almanac that has the weather all set forth. Each will act upon his own judgement, and will remember the instances in which he has turned out to be a true prophet, and forget, if he can, when his predictions I onlv attemntnd tn .+.n+.. +1.,` ..n..