LL ! ckl . will uwuull a V . .-- I Security. Promplplymeut, `and liberslity. in adjustment of i1.s.losaes are the prominent features of this wealthy company. Fire and Life Policies issued with very libei-a_lA conditions. ` ` HEAD oxmca, CANADABRANCH, MONTREAL, G. F. (2. same, ` . Chief Aunt {Ar I'imn:..:-- Oice, Police Count. ----:-.:--:_-. uxveeu zvony Mmious of Doll: Claims by Chiongo Fire, es $3,000,000, are being liqu ad":ate d without deduction. ecuritv. Prnmnt nnrvnn-`O Excellent eccomodstion for Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the 'l`rs.velling Public. Bests, Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. The Bar is well suppli- ed with Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling and attentive Oatlers N. B.-Splendid Speckled Trout streams in the vicinity. I . 48-ly-vy "`-""` '- -`--- In-.-A ..o .1... THE LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. ' Available Assets, 827,000,000. Losses paid in course of Tbirgy-ve yearn, exceed Forty Millions DoIlnrs., C_l_nip{s by Chicago Fire. estimated nf --`--1- .... -. 2 - Tbe`Simnoe, nnder its. new management, has undergone considerable improvement, and now presents to the travelling community a house nnexcelled for commodionane3send,eom- fort. The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of Liqnoraand Cigars, and in the charge of an adept componnder of drinks. Good 4o-1y Stabling and Sheds; *----- 'nAIx1`IT LIlI"I"F.L__.'. - -_... .u-u-nu ..__..__ OSEPH ROGERS, ' s V ' [late Clerk in Oounfy Registry Omce] Conveynncer, Commissioner in Queen's Bench, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses, Lands, Farm S:ock Household Furniture, Goods, for the collection of Rents, Notes and Accounts, ;`$`C-ash advancas madson goods lef; for Sale. Orrxo:--PoL_1crf.' Comm, BAxg:1_n: ) ares,`&c._ Also . pugnn - _-..____ _ .1. Charles Olarkson, (late of the Turf Olub Honse)`begs to intimate to the public that he has opened outs. first-class Hotel on the pre- miaea lately occupied as the Bank of_Toronto. The bar is tted up in rst-.class,style,i and Liquors and Oigars of the choicest brands can always be had. ' The Stabling is good and ample. The best of accomodation is offered to travellers and boarders, as the rooms are large and airy, and the best -of board is to be had. An attentive ostler always in attendance. V HARLES OLARKSON, roprietorr UDo HUBER? cuusxe-.oo:'suBL1c, county of-' Simcoe, Oloa Po!ice L-curt. Barrie. V __.-.jj_-,- --1.:-u-nu..- .. A - E` [L :1. I1. BOSANKO, (GRATUATE OF , Ph7'13v}eiphi'a. Dentni College), may be l\)Jndi!1bi30mCe every day. Extra charges mule tor professional visits. `Collier strut, ."...rrin TERMS 2 1,`! li PAINSVVICKE, . John 1!. Johns, . - Proprietor, . Latte of the -Victoria Hotel, Barrie. The subscriber has re-ted up this Hotel and made it the pleasanteat and most comma- dioua House of call of any country hotel in the Province Good Meals, and Good Bods may be rolled 'on.. Also. the.- Pureitof Liquor: and Cigars. Oommodious _ Stubllng and atbemivo Hoatler. 47-|y._ .-.__.._.._._._.__.._..__.___.. "" "~" VVV\*vv~rv/~.-.,V\,v\,vV. TTNTONI `I -1'n'l`Ii`T. nnntrcumnxwn IVIUUlU.. .,I\.In.u lulumtuhuIn-IulnluAIInIIuMVIlPIu'|.n..n..nuIu.r\ `Inll _ I ~ ` ' . USIG LESSONS. .--- PROF. _ " . _ TL. CAISSE. Pmnist and Organist, bu-gg to'i'I,mv.te that he : ` z a is prepqred to give initructionsjt _the residence or pupils, qnd also at his own xeiis Hangs, Oygpnu, snd;1felbdebun~Tuned :3a-MA I\_l.lL U1JJl.|r\JJ.lJJ L.I.\l.l. L214, 1/ U .4 JJUJ STREET, EAST. Edward Shanacy, Proprietor. Jence. nnuu: . 1 nd .Rp'.aired, .AnI1lI -anniy. '0` DUNCAN M. Late of Harm )0MITIToN. H0'rEII," ., ".`H().\1Ab` LOWE, I Butcher and Poullerer, MOS toinfonn the public tbathe has taken Stall No. 4, in the Market House, Barrie. where he will carry on the above busineu. atria. De.n-xnher 11th. 186 ! 60 os-. noamns, ' CHI ER`. 00 NS Ihluau - HE SIMCOE HOUSE, um door West of the Old Bank of Toronto Building, Dunlap street Barrio LLSHANAOY, - - -' Proprietoik ----: 7 ` - I -IDLAND HOTEL, (Late Royal.) corner` of Front and Goldwater atreetg, 0rillia,0nt. uncu vvluluut deduction. ecurity. Prompt. payment, i Justment 11.5 Inna: an my . ?0YAL STANDARD HOTEL,` )UNC AN M.Uuu1cuu, ruurmmu Late of Harwoad Razlraad House, Rm: La_Iu. anh alaous. \, `,.(\/\_/\r\,\r\/\x~\;\,-\A4 .. _ A Vol. xxrv. i $1 per.year n advance; \a- nun` . . Agent for Dominion. JOSEBH ROGERS, ice Aamu n....-:- MARKET SQUARE, , ~...... VI uvunuuo _ hiongo estimated at nehriy , liquidated as fast an nut ommon, PROPRIETOB. Md Railroad House. Lulu. qunnm, - - - ONTARIO Proprietor- t:l ROGERS, Aggnt, Barrie`. ,---.-,---- \.Jl .LA..|.aJ.v, Proprietor. .L1 Urn Eueet. nn E'"f&"i&5E.":"71EXi:iN9. % Oysters Steied, Fried and Raw; Luncheons, Hot and Co1d,.prepnred on short notice. A Good, Place to gt a Cup of `TEA. CONFECTIOANERY,VCAKESV. &o.,` mg. unmaonao MAI?!) INT A: moderate charges, STRAW AND VFEL I _.v-.----.v-.-v wa.-u A any l.I\'ll\Jl.I THREE Doons'Wes'r on THE WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. u U J.I.uU' D] Next to Bird ; ,-_ - .. _...uuu.a., .uuL\:J.\v.l..D9 Boot .2 shoe Store. DRESSE MADE m m LATEST STYLES, A_L`1_nudem_.te and with Dromntnsn. --u cw:-we vv\U=s's7lU` Il'5 ,Whilst thankful for past fa.vora,.begs to assure her friends and the public,that she has con- stantly on hand a full assortment of av-u an ncuuvululu full`!- HATS'& GAPS. Inn rrnru I Ar-in-new-1 is b-...`.... .. - `7 `RN11. 1.. G XC.{R;i`Hk- has removed, hi; J vF.~:e lo his new residence on the West side or Join Street, immediately oppo-its hr. Geo. b.`.; s plarling and ssLshfa.cto1'j,'. Dr, McC., has n \ n-am: Va` u atrnrlnnf Al-7| .n..:_\..A..n..n.IJ \JV laIL.!.Js. l.),' 01-` THE L.u*Es'r rnsluom, Fe: Sale, or promptly Made to Order. nnhna :1. up n -awn.--n -- - .-.---.-.. uv. Auvu-:I 51.} 1:52- MARKE'I`-'~I'REE'1`, . - .- BABRIE. uvl-unlit] vu noun 0 null l7.:5bUl`LKllEI OI MILLINERYI ha unit! (I? v-naAann-'kI- --..'.. LUTv`bqE?Trg&0gs1'mn HOUSE IYSTEhiSjI_YSTBli$!!| ur- _thc I <)"`I ;j3`%'i{""S . W. Edmanson &1Son, Llauin.-. 5...-.. ...-.....:.-um! nnln annals: in Ihp IeB...?AE*":I3?Z.T*3 - unrna rlirnril UL`f}&'.!l1h6l` 1 l < Have constantly o F1-ash Meal, Fowl, qlmhly an the markets (1! Amy moderate pric: IV... .....I I)....J annual!` -_---.vvIJ \J\J1-111 _ IMPERIAL, (or Lo;\'_noN`, EN(}I.AND.) PH(ENIX, f ~ ' c 5 4 I 1 c - A LANCASHIRE, PROVINCIAL . (or CA`,\'ADA,) ISOLATED RISK, ' ` ` ' CANADA LIVE` STOCK, insures Ham `and Cattle against Death by Fire, Disease, Accident. F131` " . #`\I-ILLCIVI-IIFVJL B` have- Having been appointed sole aeems in the County of Siuzcoe for me sale of W. J. Ellis, & Co : celebrated . __.__ ___...- g---j1:4.I CIIIII nvuuuu-u- w u w . _...u... . . 3. - Would beg'Io state that as the;-' come dIre0}_ from the packing house in" BuI'imore,lhey' can be relied bn as being ' E!RE3QE`.33E2a Stores, Hmels, &.c_.,supplied at Toronto prices. Oysletsservad in every style with Hot Coffee. As we have ned up acornforlable room with private uulraucc, purtiesvcan rely upon being attended to on` the shortest notice, ad al rezisonnble rates. :7 up ,,An nwnnnnci llilrnnihn TOBSOHEDIB TRIBE. ` N. li.~.-All oyncrsi . Guarankecd 'l?_'n-esh, or no `:3 410.- August,26xh,l874. ` ' ' 3.31-tf ommdms, PRUNES, V l@"C,A N Na_E>:_G o op sl |FRU7[_])EP0T.1 EVERY DESCRIPTION 05' A HOME AND 'F0:REI6_YN FRU1 TS, ` nnnanO3ni nf -j; ' r.nAu runvr..xun, Njarket StallNo.2,Barne. ` on hand a good supply of Flesh Game. .&c.. of as choice qumlny markets afford, and offer the same prices. , Umned Beet, Se uuges and Lard,together with :1 var'e!y ofother useful coxmnodilies, can always be had at No. 2 Stall. All nu.-nl.-um. Axlnmrntl (n unu nan nflhn unun UUIPQIISHS ' Pouches, Pears, Grapes. - ' Strnwbm-ries,,Quinces. Pine Apples, ` ` ` J ame, Jellies, Marmalade, Together with every variety of Guano Fxsa. 200 Barrels Ukoiczgc.-Variezigs` Cooking and Apples. V _1,Ana1r QUANwI*cvT5_noNEY IN cons; Ix:-uvnonzs `G:l_E:}td jzplcmoro ~,Cl_"sl( 3,yf__I,i(lx.()_n g_q_a-.I$9{.\n,1vo daily ` - -.; . MISS '1V1_o_R'roTN, . DUNLOP srxwnr, BARRIE. Next "0 Bjrdm Rant ,3. ti... n A - - `J-II (I>II I\W" QIIIIV `ASIA ! > ` `7 .. . ` _.--~---.--7 nornwnm-V . Buddha. Rnilnnv` Shaina INSURER .-w..._._ .3. OI-`Frc'E--Mulca,ster Street,` he Roman (hm!-.h:.Iin I-"1----L um-u.-:~:--.uu1ca,ster Street, Romanathulic Church, Barrie, Dec. llithf`, 1874. _._.j._.__;..___. ..-~\-- \ \ \: 4-..\ x\\\\ EQ 'RAlL S is-NUTS 013`. 1874.41 s. 8. ALMONDS. 0HES1`NU'!`S, _ ENG. wamwrs, moxonvs, BRAZILS, T T T pmxuws, T FILBERTS. pecans, nnnmmrrs. no mm at No. 2 man. All purchases d(hV0l 8d in any part ofithe town Shea or charge. ` ` Cash paid lorCau1eX A. RING!-IAM. J. BINGHAM. % _- ..___.. ...._ .,......... N` XLEX. nioitlfoivs! Jivrs. ALEX. MORROW . ` ' \ A Agent for the [p11ofwing- 7 'I'IYl'II Y-5 . --A. ( _______,._._____,______ LLEX. MORl`I()W, -Lt0ENsB1) 'AUC'.!`I(')$l-}E.I3.--' Ill1iII`I:-'Il Which will be sold at redsonnble rats. I (X `YEW `\f"IN'I'1 fi ' ..._.__. IONEY TO LEN D. Just received an consignment of ffesh . -C"-7 _rV r`l "I` 'I'f`\ r~ JUSTICE is THE;GREAT', BUT D ESS-MAKING Don t forget -to call in. .]4`_' sl-AJQGI A-Lld L In the latest styles. `I! IVf'l"17'| 1-1~r-nu us, 'UllI-UU CU MAKING. HOUSE- L g AND;c0UNTY% OF SIMCOE GENERA1, ADVERTISER4 1 -j___.____ u r I UOCOANUTS.- ll L" KJLIIJJL II` Consisting of ' LEMONS. xurgeJ, and Wm: promptnss. FELT W0 RK RE-DONE WITH tuna. 1" `"- JODBISUOK OI LEMON& DATES, lbrlibnalla M.\;'.a1uB GAVILLER, (LE . . F mstm Apply to s m[LA'rEs1* STYLES :3, LT RK RE-TNVNTF UMIPXNIES v. ' H H DU.I..n vv .I_uuu; p`posite_LRai!wuyTStat1on . i` " ~'." ' ` t 494`, , ,. n ea,)_-ly o1:pdsite , Barrie. - A; .\IoRRmv.` Illa -F.`BAIL, Arrn GRAPES, mes, any {lth HAAIILJLUA N ;uuuu.\n.mx,--nuaI- `am-e--Col71ier street, Barrie, Out, A vx HAMXLTON, T. c.u'coNK:v1, _ ' M. n conomm. V H-D.,M,R.C.3. LL14, Agent. l'.I.I\J. .` Ill 4-0-lyr v.yru:-- ---cw Ia-van---unit It has taken more first prizes than any other Sewing Machine, and today stands unrivalled for lightness in running,ben'.2ty of'st t.cb, and general adnptibility to all kinds of work` We furnish the best outt and can do the best range of work of any machine nmde: either in the United States or the Dominion. No cog wheels and no noise. 'l'erms.liberal. Great inducements for cash` `PURVIS BROS. . (Inn Tmnlnmnnf QM-urn Ir Qnminn Mankh... ---...--..- .. ulna; uuuu uu:.':.'1.;vu, Inimltation of`Ro3ewo.rsd and Walnut, froth one of the lading Establishments of Detxoit. Alsoshrouda, Llnings, Handles, Plates, and all r-quisvitea for Funerals, including 3 First.- Glaes Hearse. Rates Reasonable, and orders punclually lled. - OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, BARRIE. Barrio, Dec. 13:, 1874. 49-ly % "5E$1B?'6 N E _hi'i._-.???%EHi%!?.E 'l'Ul.\:VlD Dl5:U3o Gen. Implement, Stove & Sewing Machine Dealers. Barrie. 49-ly /~./\.FJ\/\I .v..x~v-.-.r /V\./\.~ .-.-\.A~v~.\Ns,-aw-...\ \l\a PURVIS BROTHERS, ' T `some AG-JNTS FOR THE Agr -.:.. I "\IIIVl u-vui Q-I-IvgI-IIl\-I n One door East of the Northern Railway Station, Dunlop _St1'eet, Barrie. Barrie, March 3rd, 1875. 9-ly l_VlIl.o I'\l_.C/\. `\3l'|_.l"\l',`|I'\|Vl Has just received, and will keep constantly ~ _in stock, slot of 1'11-I111-r-n snrr.ur.-an ..........-.... _lu Dluhn, IIJUI. Ul HIGHLY POLISHED C'0FF1NS_, I - :._.n._4:_, _c n , _ , , ,, I FIELD Bno. 11117 i|:b'Ull|A AU! IIIIU \JClUI)l'i|vl.`Ull. WEBSTER |Sl. w%@}aii: Sl. {SEWING 1VmGHIN`.,| v4gu4uu:.:.u::1xuu) (K. |:.\UP4llAl\LE1x`, I Keep always on hand a. large supply of Ameri` can and other COFFIN5 With 4S1ll'0'-ltl. and Pltstes, and the hzxmlaomest Hearse in the County. Funerals furnished in good styles, on the shortest notice and most rcusonmhle terms. n ,, -I . .......u..--vua vnu mu-3. BAY:-*u:Ln S'rusm', co u N""r`\rW ` - I}?/uuco E, | Wm` Ihn (`.ph:hrsun`I Win-at Du-{mm The wmt Simple and Compact! The most Duralwla and Economical !! `Jlmodel, of combined Simplicity, Strengt/L and Beauty!!! `NEW AND NLWTEBOUS Ii/\'l`EN'l`ED A'll`ACIIMEN'l'S. I1. Bl NGAMc 3arrle Nov 13,1872- -_,_.: `No Complicated `Machinery to be constantly - getting out of order. so `EASY t0 LFARN Tl[AT.A CIIILD.CA.N RUN IT, W111 do all kinds of Sewing, from the ncst `to the coarsest, will Hem, Fell, `Tuck, Braid, Cord, Gather, Embroider, etc., uses self-ad just- ing straight needle, uses all descriptions of .Cotton, Silk-and Thread. Makes the strongest stitch kn;-win, the cloih will tear before the scam will rzp, uses the thread direct from the Spool. The Machine is beautifully nished and highly ornamented, and ' I ` lwarraintod for Five . Years: . SAMPLE MACHINES W1TH TABLE AND 'l|')`la`A"l\1.T4`. Fnv-um-r'ln:1 4- ; an. .......L A6` H... DAULIUD LVJAUJILLV DD VV 1.]. D. J ADIJFJ AL` 1} TREADLE forwarded to any part of the \Vorld on receipt of 1 EN DOLL./IRS '! Snm-Lia] terms and mztrzi. inrhinnmnnh: tn \V omu 011 ICCCIPU OI` 1 DIV UULIJ-/XIII)` . Special terms and extra. inducements to male and `female agents, store keepers, &c. County 'rightsgiven to smart agents free. Samples of Sewing, tlescriptive circulars con- taimn terms, testimonials, engravings, &c., sent ree. All moneyzsent in Post Oice Money Orders, D.ra.fts, or by Express, -are perfectly secure. Safe delivery of our goods guara.nteed.H . A1lorders,.communications, etc., must be addressed to HOPE MANUFACTURING 00.,` T .4 V . T New Yonx. March 3rd`, 1875.. , 9-ly --...;. ,`,..__-__ - __`.:.';q`,x')_,,1.. 1:. Ma. ALEX. \GRAHV*Avl\'/I nu: `I139 Iinnaium-1 n-ul mill Inn} . . . . _ . o . . 4 !.. ONLY TEN DOLLARS. J.;.~..;_._.._. _".-&YV _.` _ 'MEsas. SMITH & MuonE,? (3ARTN"ls`. 1`\vfA1\"| u`RQ L 1"\Tn1:1DIiVA'I!Dn;- i QEEICE % -Ts , ,1 3.AB I'IE _ fEoU1j;DI{y.l Ste am, Foundry, Domatic and T ' , Black;f1zitl_:{`jUs; 0&0 0A LS-=;`J0| Mnannw7'KitEnTMKnI AND CUMMISSIUN nuums, Nnvm ..,..\n mn mum IlvAD17I`. !` l1!`|'lT.Q`In` CA71IiNEfl`MAKERS ac I7NDER'1`A[{ERS, T. ,.,\.. ..l......-... .._. 1.-.` 1 -FARM `IMPLEMENTS !- ..l` LL- \ ...l. .___ T)-I1...-. -SE WING MA CHINE .r.r W. P. QAYN ES SEWING MATw|-TIWIQJTETSTL` ,..~v. I`./\.-./\r4\/\r\I4\.Pv\I\.".v_.\ vvsr pUNEP.AL P.EQUISITES.V Ban-ie, onmio, Thugsdeay, April 1, 1875. . Keeps constantly {hi h;ndal1 kinds 0 SIMPLE'PRINCvIPLE, ,s.:` sncnm 01-` SUCCESS. IN 41.1. GOVERNMENT. j ERR} E (`Z}Z(Z):ZAL .nF1-`ICEI I?! j -`N Vl')iv'1\3wf1_'1\"XWMWWK 1 N G7. jug... A FIRST-CLASS FULL SIZED `Arqagcxlts for the Celcbfatcd viii I u \IIIVl\l` For the (}elebrs.tc:I First Prize ;`;j.;j.__ and for all the best kinds of 1 gm iajji-FHA KWITNG . u A111. TABLE AND 'l`READLE. V 6-ti - , Bumm. Corn./nunicated. - A 2 I The advocates of total abstinence have had their annual Parliamentary _ debate, but with lessjthan evengits usual eifect for by an adroit move on the part of those who do not like to oppose the Prohibi- tionists, while feeli11g_that they cannot . honestly support their proposals, the debate wasad_journed_ux1dcr circumstances `which makait alruast impossible that it - can be taken up again this session. Can J vlsequcntly not vote was taken upon the l question, which thus, as far as l u1`lia- c ment is concerned, remains in exam qua. There is no subject more fruitful of hunllvug and lzyprocrisy than this of total abstinence, "and many ofits loudest 2 I advocates are not free from reproacli in V this `respect. There are numbers in Parliament, and out of it, who express 3 their sympathy with the cause, and who ,1 will vote in favour ofit, and speak in favour of it, -just as long as they are I quite sure it cannot be carried into effect, .1 but who neither practise it themselves, nor have the slightest intention of per- mitting it to become the law of the land. 1` Unfortunately, too, for the cyst), it is associated with cant in reli ion, as well I as in'1)olit_i_(Rw ig still more [ detrimental _to it, a 1%; number of its advocates, by the intemperance of their language, repel earnest minded men as ivell aware as themselves of. the evils of iutemperance, but who cannot tolerate statements utterly at variance with truth, with reason, and with revelation. 0 (3 The Scriptural rule is to be temperate.- in all things, but such is not the rule of some tempermice advocates. By no preversion of the English language can temperance be held to mean -`total abstinence, nor can .-there be any war- rant found either in the Law or in the Gospel for the doctrine that the_ use of wine or strong drink is in itself a crime, or that the abstaining from them is in Itself a virtue. On the contrary, when a man like the Rev. Mr.ADewart for in- stance (-leclm-es that on the side of tem- pemneeqthat is tot-.11 abstinence) stands virtue, `and on the opposite stands vice, he simply blasphemes the religion of which he professes to be a. teacher. and the chiefest of His apostles. He He condemns alike his Heavenly `Master M l teaches what they never taught, and 4 nds fault with what they sanctioned. Such men extol as the lirst of all virtues what before them held no place in the 4 scale of merit, and they fail to practice ` what the Bible tells us stands the highest ii of all. n ;-., .:.:19r .I`; La.I\., ac. non` uuu uuvxsce manna p'H;;L,.,,e4j,Azeu1tfor Ccgnada Landed Credit Uunrmu,` for Iuaning money on Real Estate. OM11 ,9- Nut Frank Kcu/is Slam. ` .848 . `Va do not say that the men who make total abstinence a part of religion "are wittingly profane. VVe merely point out that their fanaticism leads them to pijofpnity as well as to intolerarice, and destroys the very spirit of their cause. What for instance can be more prepos terous than making it a cardinal. point to conlemn the use of the fermented juice of the grape in the celebration of the Holy Communion? But to come to more mundane considerations; we should like 3. little enquiry to he made into the assertion so constmitly put forward as at justificat on of the course of the Prohibi- tionist that a very large proportion of all the crime in. the country is due to the use of ardent spirits. VVe know that the evidence of J udgcs. Sheri'u, J ailers, and others concerned in the administra.- tion of justice is constantly quoted in support of it, hut notwithstanding such high uuthority we venture to question the truth of it. In the first place it is :1 very fine thing for a. criminal to have presented to him such an easy method of shifting .0il' his own shoulders his moral responsibilities as that of laying the blame of his delinquencies _upon the ` rum-sellers, as they called. What more natural than that he should in every case resort to such a. simple . method of righting himself, as it were, before the world, especially when he knows before hand that such an answer will be at once accepted as true. In the second place the perpetration of at great variety of crimes, including all those against pro petty, requires the full exercise` of the intellectual. faculties, a.1id.is inconsis- tent with habitual indulgence` 111 intoxi- cation as is" the exercise. of any handi- craft requiring a. certain amount of me? chanical skill. Thieves and burglars drink no doubt, as well as other people, but they do not become} thieves" and burglars from the e'ect of drinking, or from the love of drinking. On the con- trary excessive drinking willincapacitate a. man for committing $7 successful act of ' theft, or` burglary, as it will from mak~ ; ing a shoe, or painting a` picture. `A . m'an_ may drink to drown remcrse,`_or to V get up his- cou'mge for-a robbery,` or for . forging a check, but the drinking is the , --result of the _crime,. not the crime the ' result oi_'.the.drinking. No doubt some zmen-ere more` prone-to certain * 1 crimes of-a.gcer_ti:i_n class, when ' - .-`tll8iy',l-1`?/TlilV'ill_I_ lkk'.Uh_!3!2'l:;` wh_.-when. they .1 ` " i ' ti 1[is:we.: ap;`>r,e,li.eii ` . "i '*,M?:`:, 1 ha 111 v , 5It.c'e`r-: i W t 31 LU VCIIIUVI ULIU MLLILIIILGI VIIIDDVQI ' `Thesg doctrines will, we are aware, 4 subject as to the reprobation of the orthodox prohibitionists, but our only I design is to elcidabq the truth,` and to 1 qlear a very 4ge1'ioaAs"queion from the i . cIQuds_of_mis1:eprese ntationoang1exaggersa 1 Jzion in which it ' been -e_nvolop'd5.bj ;advoca.teI poasiiing, to thd 1 fmilast ` f0ifln} more dmoxiog, T: I . IT {ZI;ITJ2]`PERA1`IN(;J`.I-3` ys.'PR0H1BI'r:oN, uut I long`-H] JJ'~I|"5]- At. any rate. Miss Nelson, who sat comfortable enseoneed in one corner of :1 first-class cu_:rt:go, that is, as f'1r-as co:n.`o1-I was posszblo, had had no choice left her about the matter. . The governess of the Days, living four miles out of Gionchester, she had only been dispensed with at this unusual time of the year for a holiday, bccimse urgent business for her brother, who in New Zealand, had lorcwd her" to go up totown; and, as a matter of course, as soon as H113 business wuss-.-ttlcd she, returned home. And the Days house was truly a. home to her. For ten years she had in-an one of its iu.-notes, was beloved and respected by all the familv, and loved them in return. She had found a rarely good berth in their household; and even now, when the daughters whom she ha.l educated were growing up. (the one had been brought out, and the other was soon to ` undergo that mystic ceremony,) they would not hear of her quitting them; , if no longer as governess, she must , stay as cotnpanion; but stay she must. , And she was only too glad to do so, , (or she had no home, no kindred, and J would only have been cast once _ more afresh upon_th'e world to bngin y the battle anew. ._,L,I , \ n u.- The three o'clock express to the cathedral town of Glouchester had just whirled With a shriek, whistle, and scream, out of the Paddington Stat.-'on. It was a raw, damp after- noon in the middle of March; nnd the passengers, though well mufad up and protectei against the penexruting chxllness of the atmosphere. by wraps, shawls, and milway rug-, presenle_'.l,. notwithstanding, .a general pinched and ill-tempered appearance; for it was :1 day to croach over warm res at home, to draw cnrtius and close shut- ters, to try and czcclude as much as possible all recollection of the weather; but had people united for better a' this tune of the year, they might lmv: had to wait long; and, after all, it was not a lengthy j:;urney. Arnnv uuln l'\.1,ic:a l\Inl:nn nil-:1 on Iwandered in a tmcklcss wood VVhen Autumn : pensive train was there, 5 `I sat beside a. rushing ood That seemed to mock my still despair. 2 I listened to the moaniu wind, , 'l`he herald of the year s decay, And sought, but sou-vht in vain,_ to find` :3 3 A ower too fuir`to'fa(le. away. . I saw a sere autumnal leaf ' L _Hzmg trembling on its parent tree, Tinged with the yellow cast of rief, 5 And thought that it resemblem me; Its kindred fouled one by one, 5 To blighting frosts the helpless prey; . And when their pilgrinmue was done, Sunk to the realms of lamp decay. I stood within the crumbling walls Where unrewzmleula valor bled; . And, as I trod those ruined" lmlls, (omznuned l with the spectral lend. And with those b:)nes, long sepulcluxecl, ' A voice in suclness seemed tn say-- . Our (`needs have long been tale:-1 unhezlrd; ()ur guenlon is thy gift, ,Dm:ay." I gazecl upon at c()ll ll1f:Il forln, Axnl chilalish inxmvcnce was there; Too fragile for the 1'0cl(lv:.:L`5 storm,` For eartll and sm'|'u\`V xill too fair; Yet there 21. mnther7s fnmlcst love, ()`ru.sl1_c by the fell destroyer, lay, An.1 when Hope fain would point above, l)eu.th wl1isp::rell in her ear, Decay .' " saw an agcsl pilgrim kneel Beneatll his lrwl, zuul kiss the sod; _ Those sinews, once as strong as steel, \\'ere, llerveless, pulscless as the C101. I saw the sad funeral train hat bore his worn-out frame away, And as it moved along the -plain,` .The naslsilm l)r0Cz(:.~1 Hiulm Dzrau. " saw a. ship whose snowy sails Cuquctted with the tickle wind; Lofxg were they fanned by prosperous gales, And marncxl llntraaumelcd, uncon('u1cd. But now she sleeps beneath the waves- And those who ruled hcr~w11ex'c are they? Gu ask them in their ocean gr:wea~_ Thcyvsleep within thy arms--Decuy. |-IIU ll(].\.|-AU uuo." - As the train rushed on ,p1sV. fields and homesiends, pink: and tnansions. these thoughts had been revolving in her mind, andeshe was thanking Hea van for her good fortune In this respo.::. It was the one bright spot in her other ,w1ae dead and simmered existence. for she wasawomau who no longer possessed hopes and fears; they had ~ been dead long ago; she only wanted _uniform [peace and qmet now; and that, together with healthy work, she found there. . "no.mH~ gt S.l`l.`x.\ l`.- ;.Y, Barristers and At ;c.mpya,Sahcxtors m Qhancery. Notaries p.,xJ1;.;, Conveya` cars, B.1rne,Go Simooe, Ont. v". 5*v\r1`,; LH'J.\ I`_, Barristers, Attorneys at- L L.w,So1icxL)ra zq Chgnczery, &c.--01Bce- {,,;;,;L.p Street. Barne. Successors to the late rm, Buuilon Louut, BJys,& Stewart. '11 V ,mc1-, ` G. W. Lnnwm. 3), ARDAGH, 11, H. STRLTBY. *- Lost in these` thoughts, she had not taken even a survey` of her fellow- : passenger-indeed,t was perhaps total . Iy unaware she had one. It was not possible to see her face, as that was r entirely hid by the sheet of the Times ; he was persuing; and !or. t_he rest, he ' too had wrapped himself up well in his plaid. He was seated at the fur ; and corner of the carriage, and did _ not notice his companion, either; for after he had nished reading the pa- . `per, he folded it carefully, laid it be side him, and settezl himself (or a nap. Miss Nelson hld taken a yellow- boarded book from her travelling bag. i the outer covering uf whi-ah revealed it to be a novel, and was striving by the dim, grey light to `rend some of its contents, though the rapid move- ment of the tram seemed to occasion j the book one continued series of t.remtI- 'ing ts, rendering reading not the easy "work that the motto on the cover-- , Run and R.ea,d-suggested. At last she gave up. the attempt, and looked . ' out ofthe Wih.dWr` lillking `mean- _while,;andA Anotgl-B1Ii!I?g in with her L ,mi_nd-what`h`er;>eye beheld. - 3 It ' V V ' ~ ' """",-rf_'g'.4".,-.""'_-V-- - ` ' This roused th"'le'6ping gentleman, : and with a weary yiiwn he shook him self free of his wrappors,. and approach- . od um door. ` - ' ' :11` L... .....-.. ..,._.I-.. )1 L- __!J ..-I_n- don, (sxnzidgnly called oil! th shrill voice of..;hgaL -gua,t_dz S winamg lfifteen min tllo7%.\r1i:`1d Q:.l. ' Old Luv uvvla I beg your pardon, he said polite- .ly to Miss Nelson, who 3.1!. by the jdqqt nearest tl_1a station, and whom, in:<:pa"niugit,`:he had slightly incura- ; Iiui `n , = ' - " . j uau nun. ' It is of no consequence, she re- iplied; but he was gone before the {answer had passed her lips.- nu as m movcu mung we -pmln, passing breezes sighed, Decay . "'i"|"i3 bias M13 GUES'1;.` DECAY. No. 13. Whol No. 1180. Uvlilllllvvvuuuu .---..,_ EXT book To THE M-.ARKET'HOLUSE, Gonmfmn Smnr, Buuuu. '---.-- nu Pugs) .vIUo After all, it might be a chance re semblance in mu-_~. It `.'.'as very foul ish of he: to ba upset by ;uch 9. mil -V. `Nhy, her heart was mteriizg like that of any young girl! It was lillem ycarsngu novy; and cvazi iii: we!--2, she was far tn: uiicrell, and he inzn`. be so,-too, f:-r fwil'g".L re:`.<)g:.1Iiui1 And yet aha fancied me would lmcv. t.E1a .f.-.c.=, S.l1`,'Wl!6r<`, in any dlSgHi`t', under any circmnstances 0.` chziiigge. Those hazal eyes could not have alaer ed in asp-.-ct; by them she int1st:,~. \va1y:= know who stood befoie her. But. all this was vary ssly and chiliisli, hm) she scolded herse f for giving away to arcollcciion shu had been sinving to kill and bury for years, in which (puor weak girl!) she fancied she had succeed_e'd. Ho.-I Well she succeeded, this little inilant wmiz far to prom. Her ealinru unarn ilmen ..{ m:m.l...i I-nu.) snunnv nuuuziu. wrut. tux LU IHUVU. Her feelings were those of xningl-ad thankfuluess and regret when the train drew up at [ha Gloucester piatforni; the lormer lohave escaped ."ru:u :11 possible recognition; the lailer, b:=- cause if it were he-(-.-.nd that she would know by inqui:_v at FernhiH)- site determined to avoid coming in his way; and yelfshe would be 3) gmd tn see him once more, onze again tq stuml f.tce to face: with him, uud to have exp!ained by the only kip; that cnuld -v.-xplain it, the gruact invs1Fry, par plcxny, and suzruw in her life. \\.7n|Ln A41!` in"... ..,. .. .. .|_:._I_: . , tn-..\.-y, uuu aunxuw Iu HUI H10. Well-a-day! `twas no use thinking; here she was at Gloucester, uni must alight from the carriage. Befom she couid do so an expert band turned thn haude, and u fooiman stood before the ppandoor. 6V....- I...-........... ...: -3! 1., _--1 "lI"- l|- \.IkIUl I Yqur luggage, muss-," he said, touching has hm. 1eepc:fuHy; the carriage is waiting for you. l Shah. rnnr-I-nnrl him has lxnn nut` phnunh. . 1L| lulluunaa I. uuu :~ luuav uu nun Fwe miputes after shu was rolling along 1n the oamTfu: L:xbIa braugham to Fernhill, where sh_e was heaxtily we'-- oumed by `the whole fumy, but -.he fan {at too upset. and lost in thought to be abie to reply otherwise than ab- slractodly to their kund questions and ggeetiag. A! last. Mzry Day pr_eceived 8 is. I You are tired with your journey, Miss Ne'sou," she` said. "Came up into your room, and take off your things. They mustask you all these matters afterwards. Come, she added, leading her out of tho room. No wonder you look so tired, she continued, as she followed her gover- ness up the staircase, lt s -such a hzrrid :aw day; but you see there's a -cheerlul re here, she said, as she opened the door of Miss Nelso'n_ s room, `-Now you must rest yourself; and ifyon would ratharmt come int.- _ the r3rAzw-m;,-room to-night, l wilt plan.) .yo_ur fatigue has an excuse, and y 1; shall go quietly to bed. - l`n`;nlr um: oorl `M"... l\l'-I-...` .....-, -rug. nu: Laply. Miy [offer you the '1'z'me.s? ha asked next. Nlueli obliged," she said, taking it She was glad of ihe offer; she dicl not wish to talk longer wi h the man, anliaole and polite though hevseemed: ard h s curiously familiar voice h&( opened channels of recollection in hex mind, and made COl1VcrS:l'lU|1 un- pleasant. Soshe spread out the sheet` -LutiL was not to real. The voicv was like. and yet not lik3-'.o like, :1! times. tlm_.t she could have sworn i- must be his, and yet so much lmrdel sharper, that it could not lie. His {age she had scarcely seen, but that of `ht man she was thinking of was not St thickly bearded, nor was his complex- ion so bronzrd. She did not dare 2. look up nd scruitinise more closely. for shoul it h.=, (wild thought, indeed for how coull he come here?) yet, should it b-, she could not bear that he should recognize her; there-.fo:e sl. carefully turned the Times over from; rlld to end. She did not know when. shehud s'udiod it so clo :ely; and, `hi! over, the short Spring duyllght had waned far too much for any recogni tiou, were recogmiion in the case tn be possible. All... 11]` it .....:..l.L L- _ -L-.r- vuunraav xu vvu.n.uI5 IUI yuu. | She reached him her bag and sh_nwIs,~ and go: out with his help, | H.\/In hw in 1...... =1 aka .....,I. mm "l" CIIIU DQIUVV JUKI Wlllkill IL ID. Nuwithe man knew the interior of her bux as well as she did herself," and this little mtuzaexver on her part. was solgsly that she might chance to see the name of another pox?mame.xu. As luck would have It, Ihls one was hand- ed down first, and her quick ayes caught dxsfinc ly the initial-', W T. .F., painted on m large white letters. His initials! Then it must be he. ___ _..._..s.._ .,l`.-._ . _ -.Il.._ uu-u gvs vus wnvu um llblr, My b)x is here," she said; "I'll Wait and show you which it is. N nur`lhn man lrnnur Hun inrnnv nf `|3_\'l,'1 W. hnuu1,nL,1un1.1L`ax-A1`-hA\V 11 SOXiciL-)1` - in - Chancery, Cozweyaucer, . Mry Public, &C.\ ` I h L..u_.e_.0s-yen Street, Bnme, Ont. ` 47-ly wuun 5v bunny IU ucuu Tniug you, said M'ss N-alson. I shaulgl much p.'efer it. Your house is lling, I suppose, with Enter guests? ` ' \ um. L.;...- .;..a.. ...-- g_;._, .' dthers ho_urlyg stgtiol-Di | _``We have only two down ut'pre. _ sent, was the repy; "but expect the lS\Hh n nun L-.. 5- L- :0 v , - -u usuma uu_uny._ ' i fWIio. are jthey to be, if I may ask? and-.'.:a governess. You see?! have vu auuuuty lltllllllllf (U HUI ears. Fhen we are g-)in;; to the sum: .destiuatim1, said Miss _`Ta's.on. `} am the governess of, their {;uniiv. `=03: unaamllv L... ..,...I._..1 ..'nL . , 1 uul suu SIJVOIIIUDXX UL tlllf IJIUHV-'7 ()Xl,l1ld6Pd! { he replied. "Then I shall have the pk-usure of meeting you again soon. Are all the lanai!) well? ' ' z(\_'. .1 u - - nu, U1 Lvvun V` He was going to stay at Fernhil wiIhtheVD.1y:! So this was one 0 the expected E13 er guests! Whc could he b;-2 She had never met hin here before, and yet his voice .'-.ound- cd slrangeiy famiiiar to her ears. |KPl.on um ....,. ......._ ... .1., V -vuux "Q1i!e,lhank you, when I bean - l8.`i?," Was. her reply. \[n1 Inqznv um. .1. 'I'_'...._~n9 1. r`Ah, so. shall I, said 11;. I am ` going to stav with some {rinds who havea place three: miles nut of thc town. called Farnhnll; but [mean it` see the cathedral first, and go on in n day or two. (In Iuvnn .....I...- A- _A,,_ . I` 1 - ...-vu--J -.ouuvcuyuuLu WIIII I-HU Slfllllgh "Are you bound for Gloucester? hs aski d. A, -_, r .1 -n - .f reaently he got. in again. Very co}d,'he said,- as he settled himself once more; frightfully raw and dump Weather for rheuznatism. ' 5.17.... A: .. -__I..|_ n .1, - ll-Ll`. uunu cl-lb"..'."' " 9 , alnnomms an opening of the above estab_l1sh- "`;'.and7ao1icits the public pntlonnge; Goods- Furn1tm'm.1 Wares of any kind recewed-and . awnrlhl` nnou. ' _R_E%| u un-Vuul nu nucuzunuuul. "Very disag eenble, she answercc briey. She did not want to ante.- intoany conversation wih the stranger. AFB VHII hnllhd fnr `:lIII-!lIa'.v'1`I1,) In. scant us "l_go on furlhe1'from thc-,r.r~," she rephed. - I .1 '1 an oLn`l I9 -.,Z_l L. :1! And $2 on if not paid ' _V in advance. / Damglas Jerruld has said:--`.fWhen =he full gr..wu Ihiet is hanged, do we not som:. tinms forget that he was the chrld of misery and vice, born for the guows and nursed fr1'(hohalle|'I Did we legislale a little more for the cradlo, nnghl we not he spared some pains fur the huiks? Prohrbition will leg. late for the cradle, and cut of! the supply of victims to the ever increas- ing army of drunkards. The emire absence of drunkennes womd nee:-es arilv fo!low the entire -absence of drink, and the comparative absence 0! drink wrrd also necessitate a compa- ralive absence of the same vice. -l;..u-.1. Iv II\' Awqluu |llSlL uutu IIUE UUCIQ :1 1 in gar. dmnk so much as formerly,- ruzd the PUIICC iuce nlthe dieient n1:::ncipv:.lx'.|es h'.1','e had little or noth- mg to do. In St. Jean Baptiste Village there ha"e been no arresta nude since the rs! of Fabnmrv; m the 'l`annmze=s there have been no palicenm-.n1ur the last three months, and In Hochelaga there have been so hwa`resl.~: lately, that Ihe Council have discharged hall of the Pulico force, and the runmim'ng hall has b~ cums lunkrupl.-- Witness. A well mm mm rarnly, fever, un- dor:;!:'I1-l the mental trials cfacon- fi :11 d invalid. A man with strong an! I".`SJlUl6 will and well subdued passions cannot comprehend the _s1a.ta. o! 053 wlzoze will has become enfeehlcd ly eiiher vice, or inheritance, or bum; and whose untaimnd piigsions, like hamsssed but tinbioked hoises, carry him where they. will. He looks with contempt on his `unhappy neighbour. "D:n L youlknow, he so slo liinz. that you are killing your all, Killing your wile,` dislionoring .ou"r' name, and urerly ruining yourself for time and for Jiternity by your course? '3emr' .l'r:-.1, .-r . know it, by far, -replies the a`. .nar'al in his soberer and _b3,tter .-..uua:,i`:~, -Why: don't you stop tum? "He, ,Vn'1i'gh_L, _us well Ink - l'M`dR_8g\l:..,,'ln nod and 'hol}')lss_'_ on the Wildleet, , '\vliyih`l`o'6'I1n(ni-ffein him a. in gi_1r1i-- o_:` i wizdfca-f4et4 alunkan - I pe is}! vs-:.`_t|d:-a'ln8C;8Ql`.` '3aga1ns: :- yr, gu|13t God, .. (2dD.3 i`g ;,(lio;`sei wli ll ;3i!i'i".flb' VIo'rms l1t:m}l.y_ iusipieggg-~ *ri`;a_'~>'sr`_:` nearer ?il591!l*.Iita~fi1riflata:tIi?0I!?=" ..nshvin tn: ~ ddertrfa i `i ~."~` 3 . 7 M _,. .. ,..r.....-....,. .. .. 1 .--.=hil'r':x 3' 1.'q':L:r Law would be for he lmm.-ii: of `he cuuuliy. we ought 1; have rt. And 1! nu', b;ing lomgrcl ho ;'.'(:u!7:~'. We pl'u}',()'-9 mat a law he pn'~sed ex- empiirg `hrs poperzy 0flct,1la_bs[h,enc5 man for Imarmg any portion ol Xhe ex- primes of the Go'.eruuwul growing wt or me liquor traffic, inciudiug prisom, j.1ifs', -usyfums, paupeshouses, courts, junes, constables, police offi- ':m's, uud eve ything beloogxug to they iiquor husmass. Let every expensn vc<-uring from its use be put )1) a separ- .uc biH and the assessment tor slich be .n;1de upon the piuperly of those who. are nu luvnr of Ilm traffic, but ail other `axes be assessed cqu lly upon al!. If {his was done. in its: than five years. nine-tenths of all the tax payers of the `country wouid go nlid for a prohibition I `:uv.-. atwnaZ Temperance Adwcafr. Ki'n:cTs as `THE HARD Tmxs.--1u ;-,v:.ns<~uL'.'.mnce of so liule work. being curied on in the suburbs of lhe ci;y_ ps:np!c who reside there have not been ~11: tn an thunk 9.: nnnnh no fur.-....I.. We c`:ip Ihc fnlfowingyitem from he E':1c!una'n u Rescue, the organ af he Gnod 'I'unpler~J of California, U. We are very planes] to learn that w *3 V Rm. W`:H.`nm Boys, an native '|empIur u1c'Smv, has hm-n v.-.lL-cu-d Mayor of Sam. (mt-urio, [ur the Ilrird lime. 'l'u ..1i ub:s aine..'.' an: often allied '-znatics and zalmsul roundiy for Iheir .i3r.siS1e1`.l/H-Jr's in agitating for Ilsa ;:a'i=sng~ oi zx Pxohi!r2!'ary Liquor Law. Bu: 1! the prmviplc pl Prohlbion xx i_-23.1 , :1-ml fr-nudud tn .1 knmvledge of 5-5 g.:v(-:I\I:lL`h?. we do not see lbw`: here cw; he :1:-Ts` grout crime in ugh .t'n(z the '._;`!!:.; lc'lI pt-SlSlIl$.y. 1! n nu , hr-. y-rm.C\- King s and Queen's Country, `I . E. '., have sent to the Local Legislature wally 6,000 Names, praying _ to} g Pmhibi'ary L'quor Law. ' `minute and wares on any Nu 'W"" """ advanced !1_p0!1- .' Couomous PBIHWFS F1.'1'l_I:8ron;ma or Gog: ALRQ AW` ALL 'lIME . The By law, pruhibitnry liquor shops ms at last given Oailliu a better nnmn .bn.aJ. Two years ago, it was known .1 m-.xn_v plums as drunken OnHia;" wow the 0-augzvillu Advertiser styles -L ~"l`emperunce Orillia." A talented tempemnce !ectmer vus -nce asked, `Wisat sliuuld we do wnh -.3} the grain that is now rcqumcd fur lisrillimz? `Ferd!/ze I/rnn/ca1rl's wife ml chzldrew \vi.h if; they have gtnc hungry lung euox:g'~, was the prompt -.-ep'y. ' I1 - .u a -- I bfljny Iuf08Llii|hI-- yfliigouundc po;:ed up, she`. added, lryingo put. on an air of perfect . unconocm, rt.x.uigh shoarunerwmuiwhh-"Unite. meat to hear the auawer. ` (l`"a An. L--. cl.-.-. ......In `H 2' 'l he late Bishop liichavdaon` way 9, xfe long urswerving advccate of the Pempemnce Refm-maliv.-n. II',_,A!__._.I f\______I_ IV,..,,A '\ 15 u1caAv,Iuuv_I(IlIu1wqr.` v` V ' Well; you kowxthem neuly all," 3aid_miss D.n"--the Buried; Ml . Pan, and lhn set of men blmfwllfi club, whom we christened` um '_l'oI1- ables, "and a strnnger,gfu_'f|'_Ie nd df Papa's whom he mm in"London at Zhxistmas, a Mr. Fuxniul, .c very p`.easant eldery tuun,VI believe-- 'ikes him xlremelv. Bat, Min el- son, here I am keeping on talking. nstaad of leaving you none. Geod nighI!~--pleasant dreams to you. and be quite rested to-mon-ow; then we'll all: about amusing our guesu. uDl.mnnnt :Irnnmn__nh tn`... Inna Prince Edward Isfand has a strong rnhibitory League. ins-auuui. Iuiuniug U|ll'_3IlUUlIo'f \ Pleaeanldreame--ah, they were or from her pillow!` The IIIIIIO the :ad heard, and her companion to-day, dad driven all chance of sleep from ier, eyelids. Williem Furnival was iboui lobe a guest in this house, the min whom she had once lovedsodeeply Dd truly, to whom she llld plighleti X;'1'l1'0`ll, and whom she had never teen again loi fe n years, since the veninghshe left him standing in that ville suburban garden, under the lilac- .-ees, and she had run away from hini "no the house; and though his silence ad wounded hcr pride deeply, hat! 1 mliiuered her loi-.5. long time against. f we of any kind, as necessarily false, use his had proved so, yetehe felt Ti-at she was: _slill true to Ihe love of mr youth, that the ame was still, alive, though it had only smouldewal leiitly for so long. the felt as if she mid not encounter him--coldly, an in `ranger, would be impossible; and to now I-.im--no, against that, all her` uni'in`:s pride rose in arms. She lllsl iuvani rxouses not to be p'euiiL 0 n|l cl... !.`._r.a.. Lzulluilunnv nntl Illin Illat. HJVUIII I Avguaua IIUI IV VI: '1 Iauvun all the Enter leslivilnei, and She new Ilmt wonid be very diioult, De: I such a Hme her services would be ms . req:1.I1': l. At least she deter- . rl!l&(l vot.ust. to chance lelriending er; pexhafs she coul,-I avoid him some- `hat---at lerrsl, avoid all convematiun .-ilh him ` l`E.\I"[Z E[({ZA1\'CE }'['Eisx.=. To be Continued. G1aES AT A.hLn1'1 Lu mu `5 consigned to his cum` will be disposed 0f to the best. possible advantage. JOHN W. MORBOW, 1'" 4...n::mun-. .Anm'nisoi'. KG. 11 ~-"' vmncor, 'Omces-Wu__ter Slref, Pehe_t;;. guhene, Migney lo`Lend. - 13., gciitv :1 Boys, [LATE MuCARTH_Y I 5 McCz1rlby,] Bamswrs_and Attorneys, _q14'cito1s-inChancery, Notanes Public and Cm)veV8UCEl'5. Dunlap street, Barrie. 1` ;)= mux_\IcC.u:rg_Y: Q-C- WM. Boys, L'.L.B. . r\ n LVA\.7hh`DQ `Co .... .. _A I__ u :- l ``. ELLS. Graduate l`m'onto Un versily. } .\Ic'n'ner Cullege Physicians and Surgeots. .mt...mT.ce-Uver Wells Bros . Drug Store. -zvposile :lur1'ie Hotel, H0181, Duulop street. 38 { a.j(_']'5, AL`. \~.. stxect, Burma. J. '1`, Les \'o.\'. W: \\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\~.\\\~`-x -.-. \\\\~ . \~. - ` \,` ]o:1.\' 31. DILL, :.x.n., C.M., PHYSICIAN, 1-,. Ra:i. .:-non. 'l`Hnn\:rrw 49-Iv \-.;_.__-- JOHN HO.1;LEY , Accountant & General Agent`,-I :nWDn cunnnnm uA,`l)DY'l'B nun,- s. wEsLi3f' l).`5LlJl`Jl, V D .|.1`;lVL;.`1t\I\..lDU FL J. G-EON, successor to D. G. .w`utherlaml,aud Graduate of On- tario Vererinary College. - The ` srqscriber harebyyinforms the public _ that be will carry on the business 01 Veterinary Surgeon in the place of D. G. Sdlhelinlid, who is leaving these parts; and hopes by prompt attention and skillful treat- ment to secure the patronage so liberally be- mu-.v3d upon his pradecessor. Ofce and Stwfes one door East of Far.-;gl1er`s Hots`, B-irrie. 45-11 _-_.._. _,`.__. , 5/ ' V , _ ! PRINTED AND PUBLISHED " ' mm THunsn,1Hnsama, In the Town nf Rania. to \lo uvuusua 6Qaya9_v;~- -OWEN srnnm. Vnnmm, on r. A3::::s1n s Books entered 11,). Rent: and, cw-M -Ofnll kinda Oollected. Documqntl. dug __ n W1 other similar woxk executed with 4.9.1,` W lnddespntch. - T _ . mu no. .BARRIE.- '-P g%;r?cEI 2,W'iIa1I`13; -.v-inn nun nu I . -""":" _"`-----_%_<-*` `IV .3 NCIS W. LALLY,A'I`_'I`0RNEY-AT-LAW 1 \`nH(`il.H` in Chi-l[lC9l`V. COnV'l'.VnI1r-or _ . . Cfm T>PHna ,HLBB13ON~,7 1 ` `nlioucnnv -nu f, 3 [{023I.`HON,O:il1ia, Solicltor in 01.3. ;:=s'.'.:19r '.x:- 12-.R., &c. Hair and Duvisee Claims .......mA. A mm? fnr Canada Landed Crmiit * (-ery, Atxm-ne_vv-at-.Lrtw, Conveyancer, mm. Wllomous COR rnitswoaxxa or uuuuu , SALES AT ALL TIMES. Goud.........__.. .. m. ....a.~ mm be disposed ' :)`1F.Y TL) LEND on '.f)\;;r>'v< 3-(i`?1";../I/o\lJdVs\e: 1 .--n .t_v, and at moderate In`.erest.-Ap- v.o ARDAGH & STRATHY, Solicitors, uie. Z-66` ;\1T1.T.s7:n' ?17HU.{1N, Civil Engineer's, ; Pzmincial bud Surveyors. Archicts, &c. It .1 :2 I! ll`. and A I.I.IS I`-)`\T_ }"I(Hlx']Ci. 1ll.r`.lLl ourn-yurs. AT BARBIE and Al.LI l`(`)N. .......~ {lnvnv urn I`nu-unun> I`u.-xuqnu _;unE'EI::g: in--:m_~ nun. %tE&& . ie .-aubscrxuer begs to inform the xnha.-Manta or Thornton and vicinity, that his office is at Thornton 1 . O. , Sont'\ Simcoe, and then he is prepared to promptly attend to all him: ewe nni rxnnmrc: A xrn n A rnrnr an .rc.\'nY CREsiVI6K`E, Ir :i \x;o::'i:J-`:\i;.`1"I:;t_Ar1.c\1 Surveyur, Ea`: zer, &c., B`rr1e. "`[mch itiiT `{Ji76fEEfiET V` A A ,_ ._ , _A I ~--x?A'r.{w\A ' `,~ & LEN1\ ox, ATTORNEYSAT. [, '1 q'_ S.;licitors in Ghmlcerv. Couvev` MID 49-1y "_f -._.--- ----------+'..__'_' ;>.r}AR B. SANDERS, Attorney at-law. Son. char in Ulnnce`_1`-y, Conveyancier. Commis. riu U.P., &c., atayner, O0. Simeon. 900 _-, _--:-~--------- <----._, Mxvnn. "mm moirow. n --- .:._ ........:.... n! that above eatabl VITJTER KEATING, ATTORNEY-AT. I LAW.Salxcitor-In-Cha.ncer,v. and Con- I.VZ\'(,I.\ at _14gu-\ n \._ux, u. 1u1u\'1a!b'-A1`. MW, sulufxtors m (ihanccry, Convey: 9,-5, ixc. (nhc_c above 1 031*. Ofhce, Owen. L n......i.. ' A fL~;1`.t`.\`A3*DE3, M. 1)., 1..1~>.. C. 1) Q If Vhvohdnn gnrrrnnn, kn . T511r .um_)ut a Qtattf u-uuuuuu ut Lax-Lsu-nu uuw \ln l.1.uuI And anytlxing requining Veterinary Skill. Hie ( ;)nrlil'mn P011 Jars, Healing Oil. ;c., will be (.)'.m'1 very efhcaciaus, and are aoid by J. P. KIDD, Druggisl, &c., Barrie. Orders promptly attended to. - R V T H. BLAGKS'X`0`GK. `f"['[1 J. Luunuuu, n1 LUIHVISI-A1`. LA W, Salxcitor-in-Chancery, . Con- zcor. Oices-Wu__ter Street, Pennan- xene. 7li_ ney to Lend. ,\ l}l'1Z\. 1111`! HA I`AlJK`4\Jl.l\1\Jl$1V & uuiet, Harrison 3 Brick Block, Dunlun Plating done. 45-tf .`x1.iU1|1u, ;u-II., u-01., . Residence, 'I`HonsroN i*`53vD3%f*#3P-;V% .\7ohi L 1\"\~\'7E`:,AWIiL~ET);P3_(3`IV.V&I.1: 1%.? mini IJnrvi:nn'u Erin}: R}nr~L', nnnlrm mug IIUU EILSU LG . for ustudent. UIETERINARY _ SURGEON,} . THORNTON. q .... 1...,-n on :v1r\vvvv| L- licgul 1LathE._ V -\_/~/\ /`./\/\//\/\4 yALy.l|I,I| yv ylvunrutl uuuvuu yu nu DISEASES OF HORSES AND CATTLE 4,) , _. - ____vr_..,- tn-n Xn the Town of Bauie. 1`|I' `n 7; % 1sA1.Lm', vET121uNARY SUR- f`L"n'|\Y .~..<..,.....-nu. 0.. T\ ('1 I-AIILI ALEIUFIIJVIV I nuoutogr .0 run .1;--. -_-__ lnunnm onulnnuby B BUTCHERS and GEN ERAL PURVEYORS, Market St.-all No. 2. Barrie. !NGHAM BROTHERS; Rn'mm=.mz ,....z mm W. LV1Un._l.\uvv , Auctioneer. Appraiser, kc. aspatch. ' ~ ' ox 140, BARBIE. 13.0.. ."llAl1IS l\I.`. ()1.1noun Taouson, (1 . E . . P. LE `_ Haucn-ro.\' Lnxxdx.` N.i`.wi{ING, Sr. I_i [}.'I1lA|.'4-XF|A`1JL4'.\-, Lu. I/- l.ln..llo \. P`? . P. 8., K., Iflxysiuian, Surgeon, &c. Peuetucguishsne, Out. 31- UUWHYLA G. W. Loam. J . nmexum. 46-ly \./., mm 44-71 -- Pure `Vines, Liqgors, and Cigars. Good and zunple stablipg an and attentive hostlcr. The best of Board and Lodging. Li\'ery-Ho1`ses and vehicles for hire_on reasmmble terms. S-ly bT3X7rf6r1?E" BI. BINGHAM, ~ P_rc The Mansion House in a. three at; ry "brick building. It a_.`orda spnciousnesn, convenience and comfort-. The pro; rietor is-well known as a hotel keeper to nearly all in this county, and his experience will be a. guarantee as to the `merits of The Mansion under his superintend- 8.1! CO Sample Roomsv for Commercial Travewlers. GOOD STABLING AND SEEDS. D. FAR_A GHER, " - V Drnnvinnr 1541' I . Ullllili, l"I`0|lI'IOI.0I'o Late of the Exchange," Cookslown. The Dominion has been retted and renovat- ed, and now affords both comfort and s(~a1ci)us- ness. Convenient Qample Rooms for Commer- cial Travellers. Bar and Larder well stocked. Govd Stabling and Sheds, and attentive how: r . Burris Nov. 19, 1874. 47-13`. `?0iIMER0IAL HOTEL, DUNLOP ) Q FD`lDI2"l\ T.` A 0'!` Opposlte the Northern Railway Station, BARRIE. D......,. mI....m.1.. `lD"7`l OIL!- '7 1 . D., n., I u_):u.Luu, uungcuu, uu. ~ 31-5' nus HAI\IIL l`0N & r~IcbdX1{E',1Resi- I . ;.n..n_f`nHinr nirnnc . Rn rripz (hat. >9 um-tuwn-U, Bur;-ie, May 14th, 1873 I MANSION HOUSE, u11.u1.L/LU unguuno` 11._L\_Iu U.l_(:'-A11'_S. STAGE To AND FROM GILFORD,.RUSE- MONT AND ALLISPON. [ itrcharges Modcrato..;1 49-Iy ._j_.,,_____ .,_-,..-__ ___ ,. . --__- - __ nlnnnm l oqunnxy `EARRIE, - - - - - -' D. FARAGHER`, Proprietor. 7L,ARKS0N HOUSE, assure: JOSHUA OLARKSON, Proprietor. ' Corner of Mulcester and Dvmlop Streets, and opposite the `Advance oice, -Ferrie. This commodious establishment hasjust been opened, and` having been built especially for the` purpose of I first-class hotel, is tted up as such, and will compare favourably with any house of the kind North of Toronto. Commer- cial travellers, private families on casual visit; and the public generally will tint that the pro- prietor knows hew to provide for their especial requirements. The best of stsbling attached, attended to by obliging end experienced, hosi- lers. Stages leave this house dail y on the ar- rivnl-ot the up trains. Bar well supplied ' with the best of liquors and cigars. 33- ___.__.___.._.______._.--------s------ u , . . - J. '1`. GLASSFOBD, Proprietor. The best of Board. ample and good accommo- dation for mm 3 d b t_ (7FInm'I`. T.TnT7nD_Q:1\1%/`urn .' an cation tor and bealt. CHOICE LIQ UORS AND UIGARS. STAGE TO AND FROM nrmvnnn Dnam U . Opposite the N.R. Station, Dunlap-st., Barrie. R0131`. CREGG, Proprietor. Exchamze." Cookslown. .1 V ./(\z\_ /\.-\,\ /`Ix/xxx/\_/x. UNION HOTEL, CQOKSTOWN. .___.__. I II! III Ann-3....`-. _. 11.11. J. Y.l.\l.\lERMAN, DEN l`lS'I`, Barrie, U Ontmlo. (imdunte of she Philadelphia Demal Cu`.lege,n`xso cf the Royal College of Dlnlal Sugeuns. VOl"l-`IC-l--Opposite Barri..= Hatel. . .50`-ly