,_---,,|pu V1115 .;_lI_I_lt bulbs oi pseudo-bulbs under the .'<':apxhu`oI the soul, will oome out oom- hurf, gangs so far as V; _p ns concerned; ' " M `" " ' 1Bulbg, _, ;n'ho,`& ('(,9]IE[C.9,', J:n'.1',_ Rio, Fr0nc11(.7rca1I1, English, PI('KLEb'. 1'0'l"I`ED ME-XTS. fRrnnlzF.-mt .n.__u\/I54-Q I1np01*td1's, VVho1csale and Retail, Bzujric. a..' ur. RAMDAI, Mamiguig Director, _l_\-I.-A_V. \.J\/ Ql-II` Ixrronrnks,` DUNL-0; -S`Tmr.1:'r, lunnr uyvuul yu_:, you rOp`posit-e the Railway Stativon, GOLD JEWELLERY, ' S'IL_VER VJEVWELERY, _A1\`D` SILVERWARE. L7; has jfong_since surmounted 511 coin CHAINS, :'\Vinc Vixrogalg and JAMS` [Y Hm qumrsas. But if the farmer is able to congratu- late himself on the prices he is sure to realize for his potatoe crop,his prospects with regard to another crop which he has always looked upon as `his sheet anchor, are anything` but, cheering. There can be little doubt that the bulk of the wheat harvest in this section of country is still in the hands of the farmer, having been kept there by the prices, which the few buyers have been able to oer-and then only for im- mediate wants. As to the expediency of holding any further his not for us to oer an opinion ; but the prospects are anything but cheering as the tendency continues downwards. The advices. just. received from Englendshow a very material falling otfin the quotations or all cereals, and as a consequence our sown market. must keep in sympathy withour principal outside market. We find also that notwithstanding the partial, and in several cases total block ot leading lines of railroad, that receipts have come forward, and stocks have in every case materially increased during the past ten days in Toronto. English farmers are also showings disposition to realize even at present low gures, doubtless con sidering that present prices are not likely to be improved upon when foreign ports are again open. Taking wheat prospects on the whole, as they are now presented to us, we are torced to look upon them as exceedingly gloomy, nor can we at present see any- thing likely to arise which will at all materially improve them for some time to come. i 9;} G, R_{A_MSA_Y, Manmzuin Du-mi mvnsn. 51-1) "m | __nuuancea must DesenHi'alv;:lI`o's. I. z Chemists and other voldo;,o1gllol|oV_v_ny s ggrl-, ine Pills and Ointment may haye weir` names` in - -sorted in the lock] papa`.-`sifthay will plesevaly __ I ` ..\.. . T h0l`-..' , 391 "3 ` *. * = :~ ~. T 'v'I`+HOM-AHLLOWA-Y,_ I176; Wi`c*l%"; '. -` ' V Mr. w. u. 'L'g:ompson.:}rbo:rrac Mr. J..M. Wang, Fxeal_erIo4op_~,_;]I~."1 Messrs;-WJE _._Yuj[9, Th_medicine_:s ar"sgld 31} e {gym net prices, 1n'qi_xauz:'esfu put! I w'orth-'vaz.. ,_ 85. 66;l:,.f`Z`2s'. ,' _an ` 34 boxes. of Pilhz or- `pots-62 Olnhnu, ..., _.mit-mucus must. be:ei1tvi' dvali. Chemists `other wade-mm.n..: vv_2_uvu---u. - sq---w`.,7*,. L Wliill do vour work-it.is the 1etest,-t_h(;:he,p45_|t' and be-st,-no rnbbing_on_ "a wee]; f`gfd,j`;:o, . pounding. no tearing or `lurnin`g.;1i()_,twe`;i i `or . :1, ruamy `d_'oll:rs enxpense.--S l`EAM_ 13633-11' . ALL. Sgemii has oiongheezn k'r1`o\$rIas -!.13`(2 .l1i.9'st ` poweriul agent in removing dirt, gre``e7a. n'di _ stains from clothing, "and bleachin lthgmkghite. Paper makers have .for many yehrs u_sed_ s'_fgm_ in cleaning and bleaching cheir r rgs, nd thq succeeded in making, bv its agency, the ilthie t pickings from the` gutter perfectly pure an _' white, Until tho invention oftha,S,Lgo.,r_n W; her. or Woman's Friend, although'ofte " s.ite1n;k Il,-1. no method had been diseovered of applggigg steam directly to the claiming. which couid be used in e. protable manner, for dam t.ic.pur- -poses. The WOMAN'S FRIEND was as emu. gr out labor. It will do the washing of; an ordi- nary family in thirty minutes to an hour. _ The I STEAM WASHER is superior to all other d-' 1 ' vino: Fnr Hm fnllnwina rmxnnns: . , I ; . Mr. H. J. 11.ose'.l'orouto. ` Mr, mom man Sm`lh,St-`-John, N.B. Mr. John ond.Goden'cTi, Om. ~ ` Messrs. Elliott 65 Cd., Toronto. Mr. J. Chqloner, St. John, N.B. v E ` Messrs. Hninipgton `Brothers, St. .Ionn,N. ;- Mr. R._;S. Paddy, Wmdsor, 0.11. * . 'n1\grs.G()rpen_, (!:Il`deMI1, $1.8. F d - _, r- aorge '3' um, um, re erict N.B. Mr. Wr. Th0lllDBon HnllIo|'IraE-$.)Yb l.`.l. my meu:c_1nes_can oc n_au gcmppe lrom Hem.` The loll_oW|l|8 isa lnsrof the firms "alluded 1;; andI partxcplgrly recommend those who desire go get my mechcmes to apply to some of the Houses narued:-- .. . . Messrs. Avery. Brown &-Co Halifax, N.S. _ . `Messrs. Forsyth 6: Co., Hali?a'x , N.S. Mews. T.-BA Barker Gz Sons,S1. John, NB, Mr. '1. Des Bnuay,Charlolte Town, P.E.1_ . Messrs Langley .56 00., Victoria. B.C. - Messrs. Moore_ 61. Co.` V.ictoria`,B.C. - Dr.John.Pg|len Chata1r:)&N..*-"2, :~'_ , _ Measra,MunIoj& Go.,M ` '- s. _. ;. Messrs. J. Winer 6:. Co,;,Ha_m'nog',,om." . Mr- H. J - R.ose_.*o`I`o`ronlo., _ Mr. A. Cht"nnI'nri.qn`u"Hu'-3 Q6: T.'.i:.`.. In In . .: W - U0 , LVGW IDFK," prmleu HlC| COll~ - Many r_espe`ctal>|e _ms in _Ihe British Provinces, who obmm my medncmes dnre_cl from here, have` vary prqperlylnggesled Ihal. lshould, fun-`[135 hene1ol_lhemselvgs and- ghe public,it'\sert their uamesin_thepapers,lhn1nma [be 1; wn [hm medzcmes can be had gcxrqi 'e'r.-`pm em`. V, The followimz isaliarof the nmim :qn...:u.x ... ` Gag-den.--At prese1_1t.Jt' appears to be an open question between the V ` practical and the `amateur gardnnr, `which of them have most cause to grumble at the,pranks at present being indulged in by Jack Frost. `ertes the complnintaofourladycorrespondentsare both loud and long, as well they may be, owing to the almost whqlesale llllunhtnr nf +1-m .' nnnn ....o..77..1I -4." B'L'l.h1'.M Wnnunn. is superior 1 vices, for the following reasons: nus ana umunem. V - , - , It is presumed that, from the lar5e connexion Messrsenry 65 Co. have Inf-Ithg i-nigh Pm. vinces and elsewhere, the publtc-`is-v my hkely (6 be Imposed upon by t1nscrttpulo`tts.t1endors and others unless they ex_et'-cise great cautitm to me; venttheir being misled;hy ndingumse med,`c,-neg bearing a smmpewith the name` at Holloway .35 Co New York, printed thereon. V Mmw resncmhlt-. firms in lhn Rrhiul. D.-..`..:..'_.__ `title 01. Holloway 66 Com huh`-ev anu umimem, uonuon,"engravedtliereon. ` It has become necessary to make this announce- ment, because the [New York Chemical` Com pany Lu ho ay no!;od_v,] nding at last that their name has een so"'exposcd, have ;1ssum:d the now, I20 dne will bnv their m inc l'e_et ` _ ,them, so that theyhavevtnade ar_ e gitisto, `pply ex~ clusivekv tho rm of'M . "`i $130., 01 $I?lw- Ydogg with theit so`-called ` Holloway; isan intment. * " In in nu-ncnrnntl lluu -nun Hun lo... .. .........__.-,, .Smtes,n|thpugh lh y'mi: l"'\ l'UDI_l\J I IKJIV I. ,.._...._.'__:".A. ' HoHow`ayr s, Pills ' :m_d Ointment in-c neillx `manufactured nor sold m any part of lira Uziifed y be obtained 'u')`_ the B N.Americnn Provinces. n.Amencnn rro\'1nce~3. ' Each Pot and flex bears 1he_Br1`n':/L Govern-' mcnt Stamp, wuh the, words, Hol1oway s Pills .and Ointment, London,ebgfhvedlnereon. has become neeessarv In make this nnnnnnnn. TOH.` A n VV UI_Xl\D!\- Pzuzt-: Man/u.1a't or THE Lquunw, Dunmn, AND` _ P/nus Exumrnous. Makeroflhe Chronograph by whi-sh the Derby and all other Races and Grcat Eyexxlsol the ' 1). y are tuned. . l\1.umncIoxur AND Cm: Hux;sz.-5S,& 6_0, LUD- GATE IULLL ' MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, AND WHOLE- SALE BUYERS an; specially invIled--bcI1m: sending their orders c!.~cwhcre.-ln ohlmn {mm the Manul'aclm-y me ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE of WAT("HEb` CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY. and ELCTRO-PLATE.wl1ncl1 nrn mam `nnul 0`.-..m an unr nnln arm um 1l|aun|||IIu ' JD V' l'4|._a|4l'4" I \ i1I](II`4lJl'4\./,.ll\U-I'l.Jl'\ 115. WIIICII are Hen! `post tree, as not onl are the discounts hberal but a selection can e made Irom the largesl stock in the world. I (Huluri mm he sent din-m tn the Nlnnnfnolm-v. llsnmenl. .. . I~`INE- ART BRONZES, AND CHIMNEY ORNAMENTS, ofthe nexvest-deignsfrm Con - linenlal az:=lz'r.v o! the highest wpulz-.tion,'ru mod- erate pnces. _ - A n1'nq-rm Gnrn I1.-wr`.r_Lmn'. nf Ihp rir-hnu um! farm at}! GaiI?u,T ' EDITED BY J. M, nnrnrm":~r`7 Fersonages - . . Pass:-.3-rxrn on PLA'ra_-Tgslirzgonizs ot di}*renl sons. Racing Cups, and ._YeweIleLl and other Boxes, as provided by` Mr. Bwsox for the Cor poralionof London and oghei-_Pubh'c Bnilies, to enclose documents cnnveyin' the Freedom oflhe City to1hePrince of Wales, I ukc 01 Edinburgh,_ 55-gdzc. ozc.,ozc. - ` ` .Su.vxn AND Ez.r-:c'mo-P1..uf1:in themost recent fashions, mid of me l11'Os,l._"durab!e I make. .11: Electro Plate it is necessary to st.-4.-1m: soxind mn- lerials and u su`i'cio2nt coating of silver to resisi dai'y wcarand 'tc:1rsatis1aatnrily -No other is really cheap at nnv prico, not worth buvmg. Winches and Cfoeks rnnirml -hv nkiiiml Wnrl:_ . raauy cncap at any pnco, worth buymgz. Winches and Clocks repaired skilled work- men. Old Silver, Jewellery, \`.'all`:l1er, dzc.. ex changed. Merchants. Shippers and Clubs supplied, Wnlclfes.Clbcl:s.Jewe|lerv. and Plate 3:214 10 cnangeu.` merclnanu. zuuppers aml Ulllbs Suppli'd_. Watches,Clocks,Jewe|lery, Plate sent :0 all parts ofllze world. _ ' cu. . c ' H I `O f d `I g OMA :26" srm, - u ' V _ __ Imam. J_K`aicI_1&;'l874-A WATCH` .\-'. E:LoC'K -I'\-1-;K;JI{(.7(`i C')I7.DSI~1 ITl[. s1LvEasm'rH AND Ah'1'1STlC mzmt, woxucsn. D...-no TL`[nn.vunvr nus rruv: 1.:-nunnvu hum... Avn largest stuck In me wprm. Orders can be sent direct to the Mnnufaclury, Ludgute Hill,orlhrougl1 Merchants or Shipper. in ENGLAND. . In umrvrvrso hf I\rvY'C1 I'4.\K1.l4IDI'l UI`i.AVlUlJU \/'.1UlJl\D, UBSIKHCG Dy English Artists. and Manufacmred by_.I. W. BIN- SON, itir exceed in beauty those mamltaclnwd abroad. They can only be obtained at this eamb lishmenl. mun`. um` m2nN7I`.< AMI} mnrunrrv Atmsrtc Gem It-:wx:t.t.ER`r, of the richest and most rxqutsite designs, wzlh Monograms, Crgls, and Devices, Enautcued in Colours, attcr Designs bv the most accmn Halted Artists in the Precious .\/ietnls. Brooches, mce'els, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds of l.Lj7'oulerITe, as supplied to Members of the Court and other Distinguished Prsonages ., ' PEREZ`-.N`]"ATl mu Pt.A'rr-:-Teatimnn {ah at !i`.u-um GATE HILL.` . \V5s'r END Esn m.1.~n.\11;;~.'*r.-a--`Z .i >,'(3I.D BOND S'l', A\II | OQ \7JT7..'T'H()R ' I7. G-H()\/P. l.()Nn()N, .' vvvvvv VVOOU KWCUWV?" '- .. ." I _ orrxn 111' J. M. Bo'mwhLL. In L 4n\u1u1.\ Ln WATCHES , Ofall L-imlsfra.-n 210200 G115.` Lever, Vurlivul. }* Horizontal. Duplex, * Chrunumelcr. Chronograph, Kcyless. Centre Seconds, Rcpealcrslndixm 6;_c, I ENGLISH ORMOLH VV EST END LSTABI.lSll)lI;NT--15D,UlAU DUN I) B l mg 99, WESTBOURIV E Gl{()VI_,_LUNDON. `~/ V`/2, 2/ \/ \/ \. \.~ \ ,v\/w\.--~ /1,/\>\.-\ -\ . .7 A PUBLIC CAUTION? _____ _ 5': -~ MAG? `.....;..;.;~r.1;.. ...........1':;:n2`:..x1 Inrununielcr. Unmnogrnph, mmng and :ruVwmg-room. (cyless. Ilml, Shop, {cpealctsflndiml LibrarV.BrapkeI,5;c ENGLISH ORMOLU CLOCKS, designed by English Artists. hv J. W. Bre- ~.G g"G: Hui! Jun. Frazier` 1 ~. W30 6Thompso n; Ha `Ibo: Irc-,) g. vgyullg Auuxuro L1 ~D. N43." . -1. '14 . J..1VL_Wiley, Rrealeviotonn-.* B.- . woMAw' F?mEMD{:3 n J- __.__ ....._1. :. :. 41.; 1.. ;-..o .|... . ..|...........a` To the Queen and Royal Family; H. R.}l.1he Prince 0! Wales (Special Ap nl) ; And to several Indian Polemales, Fueign Governments, and Rnxlway Cpxnpanics Established 1749. . -sum, mum, sAnpLm:Y,V E AND GENERAL " ` -..-,uuvv-.A.. .. `\/ -FARM AND` GARDEN. Wholesale or R_etaxJ. ._1[echa.n1ca__;will I , nd an excellent aaaoixent. :A.,;long experience in the business _ma.kes him condent of giving satiafnclion to all I who may favor him with their oi-ders. ..... munq \InVl'l"'l`IT`. 674: Opposz'ze.:zhc _,Bgn(c of Toronto HOUSE FURNISHINGS ,' &c., &c., Husjust opened outin the have men: ises with a well selected 5 , Which he` ' -' . prepared to .' . ,._.;,, * H R D.7Wi`A%R 1:1, Thomas mcvigtie, SELL AT TORONTO PRICES! Importer 'ofa:u1`d deaitpi ' xpgoni gwbo; `IR;-ac'B.g re'_ergo4o__ . ?Yw1o.Mo.I s..1l V : L.\'D Urn noun.- GATE HILL.` x [21 I.-n u x- .u>r.:_,\'951 , CLOCKS . Dfszlllcimisfm 2 561000 Gm Church,'I`n_l`teI, ' (.'urrjnge. Chime, .H.'linim.' and Erawinz-rooln. '~.v,uu- v ~- Ieml Vi; 5 . _:ej9:est `wholesale - phi lesjlgmn $3.20 an 347 9 m. wman .`.g. 1- dozen. nun \|AvAn THOS.&l<:.;I`1:1: i"IE. ' I!-VI! llilll .&`aU 4 pr _iuz,en. L111; w .- m.:.*.".a:`.u'.is.. .`.' 5'1. I'./)`` 5 " -` ' ~ 1' - 5 Thu ale Gnu Snounoietxs m;ulu`u~'x> TH.` .on ,1 Bmxnem Lndmn Meolcgnc-Man. Dun `vi Le ' lo;ep_!ius,ofth_o GrgqtTr1bg ofshoahone el . _B r i hColu:bia,isworI:ing1he mosl marvelous a stqgmggggnurealho World ever bran! on. N v liegnnulsjolcdnadidn edial.Hinlc1y - h ` `_ ccess auendedthe mu. uctiono! any n V tet'oton.'j ~ . I . , - L" 4*` -* --WHY_" T . . . . : SIMPLY Bream; the Vnluableiclivo medlcmt '~: vegemb!c ingrediems,'(nnme 0! whickwe w;s _""lIl;1:nlio'!:,'6u1<:hasth`? Extracts (J Wild Che") rk Po;o vllum uni u SI Smanwi " ; 'Dp'.nd,elipn,pHynscy;1nus?(E1>Q;y?(?u|?J Exum}. $1 ' __ lot-ynlh,` Jnlap, jocotrine _Aloo.-5,. Capumum, - f . are ) whlqh enterinto the composition on In: - I cox;1_|.:t:e:l m,-,dIcIue, are such any 50 barmumox 1:?) 3 `claultpd and cqmpgunded, that ms made the mos: .- searchmicurauve In zhe Know-n world, and 1 .m- ~ noLhc1p_ utactonthe system iua vcrsn1'3l:u-1m\' `and desm1b1_e manner. No man:-.rw..a1 yuan u:(- `ment may be,qr how long slnrn!.':.~pj,11 wni Liv-X: L( spo} and aslomsh ycu by th: rapid ru:mur;\ L g. w_h:ch you arcrestox-ed to perm.-t_ h.;a!th mm Eu` vuu-I-. , This Medicine is nleazaantanzls-rt.-1.;1:1-, am. A I 1 lrom laIl~ ing,un_d romotesitugrowth and strength. Ca- nadian air Balm" renders the hair soft` and glossy; and is the mostelegant hair dreuins ever 'ot_Tered, to the irubhch Canadian Hair Balmin not a dye,it is warranted {rep from injurious In. gradients. `Ins lhe_c heapeat and best an rellorv utiye in use. PI-gee 50cIs pet bottle. , or Inc by 911.2--rniublo sIrvw'Ju- . ' - = ` 5-o...\-a~ ' SL3) 'i1.o1z~1(;s I ' ` rm....'.|.r- u.....q- ummnmzns Rnmlbi? AF) : is T. whole: Lyman Bros. 8: Co., Elliott & 00., g Northrop & Lyman, T. Bickie (3 Son, 8. . alitchell, 1: ormnlyand proved on analysis to be @I`Z3.EmE.EaEa"Y? LWUEEQ ~ SE3 CERTIFICATE OI` u nur . um,-uv1', umversny Uollcge, TORONTO Be-sure you get the Genuine Article, the Victoria Hypophosphites, with the Queen : Head stamped on the label. PRICE $l.l .e`r BOTTLE. Sold by all Dfglbli. ` nlnnnln nnh hi ur.1nIf;uAL DEBILITY. ac. V The only Syrup prepared from" Dr. Chnrchil{'s Formnln,`an`d proved G3TE'.f1}'MT1'[{ci A\ `I'T.T?.K`v7 '1'.-;i)TH?'rm m v...-.__-u-ma-awn"-v:.u.su.'aa up LT \`AhL.'IbL_ CERTIHOATE OI` ' 91205. UR_`C)FT_ University College, TORONTO you get Genuine Ariinla. the vigch. .- . This Medicine lav-pleasant and sale to lake, am. is warrame_d,and may posilivelybc relied upon `to makes permanent care at all diseases 0` the '1`ln-oat, bIm gs,Liver, Kidneys, D:g-.>.s:ive(h;: :12 kc. &;c.,aa well as S`ci-oiula`, the vm-_ic-1 2 -`5. .I Diseases, -H-umors, and.all dise:;s__:'3 e1'iei._g lxcm I: ;;(BQty of tlir: Blood, excepm {Inc fair. 5%.; e 0 I directions for using the Great 1-Liz. :`.C-':e'v.:.F.~ Ronni; 61. Pills, and containing 1'cs1imc;:;.';`.': and ,Ceir_1'; cute; 01 Cure:,cnn_b_-, obuzir._--.1 by sccm'iug`u.e "1_`rer.t ies,'tlie Hand-bwlr, or inc Almanac an , circuir rs- irom .uuy` respeclal-Ia 'Druggns1 in lice Domimon--tree, ` ' _ Prue offiemcdy. m Zmge Pm: Bottle: T `:51. .Pzlls:pe'r Box 25 cm. 'Q'F'or Sale by all l)rv.ggis1s and Dealers in -Mdicino. Aazwrs E021 ',B.u;m.':.--John Woodl, onaumpiion. Funherin1u.:mi.:!c2., with 1, iii Watson 3: Oo.,Wells Bros . Tcleu M McLean. . 0w.u.Lu.--J. W.Sl-wen. COLLIHGWOOD.-)iI . Carpenter. ' TX1"n.-xv r.-n urn A xfvnvrru ___"y!\r"IrAn V, T .......... All0_ tor the cure of DYEPEPSIA, v , BRONCIHITIS, - A_.8T.Hl|IA, ' . L058 01' APPETITE, GENERAL DEBILITY, Syrup prepared from" Dr Chnrnh! pai.~2(s incidental to Fun as; (xml all D wg ./2 Specific Rcmedy_ /`or nil Diseairrs pl ('11 Bla.ldeIand Kirlmys: Dropsiud Swcllings; (`gm- _ _ u-cams 3, me Urn'rzry Orgrns an eilher Sex. The value of this `Medicine has been proved in numborlesa insta.'nces_ now qxnecord." , Price $1 per Bott1e.. Sold `wall Druggi-xsz. ..,._. trrnmnn- - - WK L55-I `II-' IJ.I.U\JL'1\JlI4I.J. LLJI [J ;_, -7: ' Binmnxzu. 3; J. 0.CH'm3nm.Am, Esq. This injto cert thsnabout three years ago I became afiute with Broichitis which lasted about eighteen months. I Wm` 30 nfictcd for the Want 0: breath that it was very diicultfor me toapeul _ andi". thenight time frequently throwing the clothes otf sud raising in the bed to keep mu qtxangling. .It:.'icL1 t. ree of the most emiucx Hvhysicians in the Co` nty of Norihumherlm. `for about 9. year wvithoutr-'/seiving any jbcnet. lln fsctl continued getting worse all the time At lnstfwns advised to try the Great Shoahov uses Remedy. I boughtn bottle of it, and what it was about nished I began to feel aIi:t.2. better. I continued to use itjuniill had taken three bottles, when. to my satisfaction, I four. that I was as well as eve:-1'11-ad been previou to my illneu, and have been soeversinr:s~. v - JOHN SILVLR. . Sworn before me a.tSmit.ho1d,thi1 6tn day o1.Apri1,A.D., 1970. I._ M. WELLINGTON,J.P. WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEASE V 'B3ooxz.2x, April 5t.h, 1870. J. _C. `Caaunxnnnm Est-2.--Sm,-This is to ccrtify~thut my wife was very low with lung die ~ ease. The Doctor had given her Up. He shit he: Vunns we're tuber:-.!od_ undmprlir-i.-mnn..1a UIFDEHIEI. -W}IOLEBALE Amzms.--I-Ionhygp 3, Lynn, T|'D1; Lyman Bro8., at Us , Torontn; 1;; 00., TOFOECO. _ 3g w1_-I3 }d]9g W. 11. ________ ..- buuu mun um. 91 CIOOIS. It looks bad to see a dog preceding his master down the street; and calmly turn down the stairs to the first saloon he approaches. It shows thb.t there is ' something wrong, something lacking, avdeplorable tendency on the part" of ' thetdog A _ .; ' A lawyer anode-shed n hotel-keeper , the Afollowmg. quest_ibn_:f If a. man givg 33F 8.'_1iDnArl:ArqdVIpoi1uds tokee _ 1- cans. JIJU .vU_S.'Lu1'uu.ug1veu nu` up. no EEK he: lungs were tube:c_Ied, and medicine could nothclphcr. As 13.1831 resort, I purchased a bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. A1 the expiration of9._wo days, her symptom were dgicidely. better. She continued toimyrovc It rapidly that by the time she had taken 0 29 to! tie hhewas able sit up. .13} the comirgunnca the remedy she was perfectly restored to hen.` Yon mav hublisb the facts for the bmmm . u ' 1 x x V `hf ,`* : 1 Sold in Barrie by John Woods. Northrop & I..y- man. Toronto. Wholesale Agents. 111'nnFi-ii-i-r . we Luueuy use w;u1-.5 pczufclly restoreu lo nen.` may pubhsb meta for the benet; those zimil-Irly aiicted ` . 1 - . .` '1', f`. P22!`-ELWJ, , `For the. bfeveution and "cure": of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION , Also for the cure of V 1 I`RE OF 1;,c>4NCHI1'1s: , v.|.u1U31.1A - COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT I - 1 `For prevention and `c ' .M0nlAllv l".u"I1\7EIl`:rueI'E 1 a\qa..v.|.'u.I.A COMPOUND SYRUP Of` - up nu. W oloaale only by .&*Go.. . ' "wi_ll `hegtiaolessfihis`segIsoh;;en`df h .taiuea- `will; be _e.veo f. worse`-`nnext. A `Scarlet Gerammitx,"17'ujohsiai_a1xd others . which haveonli been P1!-trellr`hurt,wil_l . not bloom atoll eo.freo,_ly ;as.:il`;;trhey'1I_a,d.' l -got o `eeralllless ; -the injurieerceijqed. ha.vi_ng the vtendenoyfto _rna`k,ef,1h61 3; thmwlout e_quau'.ity*Of. teofti qucdulent ' wood, which `will nofthlfow - ower "spikes, ntil it .becornes.matur_ed or.-V_ harden ;inJeed"in no case do they ever agaln. ower so freely,and "our ndvioee1s,=wh'e.re they can be '.8B._Sily repl1_qed,t0 tum them cutout` onee.'T` With, such plants as .- Verbenas, Petuhias, 45-c., it. is Just the re- verse, as the more suit woody they make the "more freely lhBY;QWf, and the more readily they can be pro- _ pegated. Roses eandjlmes being in l cornparatively hardy class will, use rule, have csme oifuniyniul-ed", or at-the worst will only have suffered at the points of their shoots, which will not cause permanent injury. There is one thing which we would desire to im- prees most strongly upon our lndy_ readers'-however great a trial it may prove to their notzons ol`tidiness-'m no case should- the leaves be stripped off, an injured -plant, however black and unslghily they may apperr, until. :he plan! either gives signs of life again by a` renewed attempt at p.-oywth, or is absolutely dead. Immediately the slightest appearance Offresh growth iegpreoeived out away all the injured portion with a sharp knife. V In the natural -course of lliinmn um r. `vT`im::i: \\lDl`\|'Y\Yr\ oirnrrn _- w-nuv` vIc1'oif'` IND FI.mn wzrrn nvursny uoucge, '1`Uk(U.L`1"l'U Genuine Article, Dhifas with Hm nnm=n'n etr.-riv I411}. () -< f . WHERE on V0 u BUY va 1: I V b t AND GBGGERIES IN GE&EAi5: 'e T C U [I . pns-:11`. Hat Mihhfif Canadian HairBalm I` C S I 0 F88 Frey and aded hail Kc its origi- nal colour. I!` will re- move scurf l and dand- s ruffand all .` impliriliel {ram 1 h e scalp, Ca- ,nadiau _ Hair Balm ` pr_ev e a II `the, h A i r -lromf fa-ll-, i InalII.,~ d- Toronto . Toronto. Toronto. Hamilton. lnnnn-. IBUJIIIOD. London loczse SHELF AND HEAVY I-1ARmz'.G_ for rain one night at '9. farmer's house, and the farmer, whohad a horse race for the next day, was so mad that he turned the good man out of doors.` TI 'l\n`vn L--1 5- ---I ` a. HAM1s_,_ ".v ".I-:5-`..`13`2~&|`%\AVV-thejzifterition`of the public to the fact that T 1| 111 t9:l=; a1;_i kinds_of the finest `FRENCH MEDICAL WIL\`|iS. the Place 2' `S: P. H|0KF-_Yl: T ; ALL KINDS or PINE IMPORTED LIQUoS.fj (ALE, _ nAh.'-"n" V A ` . " A LARGE ASSOMMENT OF unocxmy, INCLUDING 1"1-"5 M3330`-r - ' Im: BEST FRENCH CHINA. I3: 1 ` [AN*i'I?__E_F!U!T8. : [` AI LOR AND C L().'.rH1E; V '-Ilsa nan! ti-VI hunt` (I ll I A ?`={A'9bY`;M ADi-:` 6Lo1' H |_N G:1'7if;{IE% -/\f.\*'~6'v'V`-r'\f\/\rv-vxrsax.-.. *vV~/vvvvvv-vvvxa/\ ' ms now on name a cnmce :tE0cK ox seanonablo Goods, Uull-lshng` 1' u FGLOTHS READY-MADE WITHIN I L 1 . .:::., ann+`hfnon c nI1`l|1I`:n1\':1ml-9 l:`_n.\.l.u T.T..A...` A- VVIIEIIE I" (.`.\N (-`zF.T THE CIIE.-\I T`IS'l` A`.\'|i 1: ' my M(,).\'EY.I TEA& sUGARs u jTOBACCO&% RICE, CURRAN'l`S%. T RAISINS1. STARCH, SOAP, `XI swan youo. nunared pounds tobkeep 19: h1m,and dias,what` do you'do3 VDo yo_u ' pray for him? "`N0,iilf,` re- phed the ' J"IIt.`1ik3.I.i.Iii-9f gjuindlord, `f I pray fo1;_anmhefi-_ GREATLYTO YOUR X15 . __` o . L hr . ' PI` N (:m.`..vrr v vrn vmvn .\ .\-m .` .`- n Is to h obtained. -This is nu 1;1m.v,"' but a viaii stock cmmists of Ilousu-hol Ftlrnittm.-, for rich and fur lmards, Lounges, Sofas, \\'otnQts, .\Iatt1'c.~s.sc.s, r-u\a_4.----o.` 1.-- -\ an----- Fgsmonanm rmontne nsT\LYs'1E% -tj i9;U%3E M 3 353% 1 `W Have the }l;l.ll1]S0lllCSt-, must :nrn'p1c-tc, and (-henpc.=at`:~1.o"ck of all kinds ox I-1 either in Town or County. Give u call mm ju-lg GEORGE SM_I'I`H. \ .\ \ xx \\ . \ R\ \K \ \ \ \\ X; K. `1 `i N \ lam W puaq t_ne_1_andlo1 hllst -like; lVmu."` The stock is now complete and tir T wnr. mu : FURNITURE %F%LWAREHousii;}j;k; I`WQ'I'I,I"ID`I'\ rIlIIII\-`tn-n -g -_-, _ VLARGEST, BEsr`g>.ND6"EA%PE:fg{j*M;_Tr ..........._-g';.._-..___. HARDWARE [Axasz AXES 22 - AX;.j;7 '.\'.B.---Any kind of shortest; nntici: and at I "6-`Sin isnie` 05; is:/h, 1873;" `Two -Dbors West of the IVel[in_g'trm Hotel. D11/`lu[, '. IT Ls GRISATLY TO YOUR (- A D\'A.\'TA(:I-I TU K.\'}}\\' i'll.\':' `An ~Indi.ma'Sunday- school man writes toa Bible rm in New York__: Send me_ on` some A-Sunday-sc_1iool papers and books. Let the `books, be about pirates and Indians u's far as possible." . _ _ [His now oh hand a chance stock of Seaaonnbie Goods, TEAS, aaoceau-:s, ww:-:s, L:Quo9...={.-Q _ ::~.m .-,`_A-g/g;\.\_z\.-s-`-_.. _\A;\AAnAAA---A _--_ A I ALE kept cnnstantI_).'> A: *SP.[]C'[AL_ITY IN P[C'Tl>fR1'7 FR/1.7l1I'.`.$g %15AC9i_` r-`u P;N I1'Uh' AN 0 I: AB: N E`i`v/ARE . . ;AAAAAA..-A-4--- -_---_, , J71-r, W? 11. I R .41) D 0 CA . And other GROCERIES too CE . ' Chopping Broad and Bench, Huntr,r'.< Hickory Axe Handles, Cross-Cut Saws- Lightning, Improved, Champion, Dominion, American. Perforutcd._&t., Common 8; Patent Handles, .Patent &, Com. Bucks:m's, Machine Drag Su'ws, &c., &c. - ; rn The eyes minister to sight,~that most important: of the senses, which bring us into communication with the physical world; undhot only do they snbserve this property of human in- tellection, but they also constitute a ` medium for the external expression of the thoughts and desires of the heart. This expression in -its numeronsyphases. istlie most-easily learned and under stood by all classes of umnlrind. Many of these phases, indeed, need no "inter- pretation, but are finstincfrvely com- prehended by the civilized` and savage` among men, and by even brutes. An n Ivn`\I.4|`n ('nvOrr|nc'rn'HHnnOLnnnlsl BAYFIELD STREET, mm-,' * : for yoursel vcs. column; in the \\',.,.l & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEME? W;-. FR 1m,71.2;: I mam PALAEE 213?; -.4-.-..`;..__ [1 line snitamc for I Wrml, &c., ALI. l`}H'I_\i' '..... .1 . L _.l ., :_ ..'L....,. ._`.. BARBIE, *?"'--i7 , CORN M EAL, FLO U R, 101: TER, uluvua ULJUU, uuu U uvuu IJAMLVE. As a vehicle for transmitting thought or intelligence, it is most facile. The questioning eye, the look_1ihaVH'1nswers ` Yes, , the stem gaze that says so plainly No, have no need of the,lips to act as their interpreter. The dog reads his master s wishes in L his eyes, and hastens to obey the command be fore it goes forth. nnn':nvt_\I1nn A urn?` nn`!|1r\In`nr1I-rn timt-uln:-1.5` ixi quulitv FOR Y4) [' WI`) LY Fm`. 01" THE ' (.`1U~I.~\ E f ~*~_x -; 2 Str`p .{? af. .= n u l'I\l' " ' " G3RIs1`: " .` L , 1 I IIOUSE OF` ALL NAT! DEALER. IN W '-1` uir. . at d . ,. ` EH5- ? T`.'.'*.F\ r"*"'.`` . In 91 L ._ I ` ia 0 ii} J / > 5 F``T," ) . I un-ml: Furui;~.~I .`.'3.t|.fa<-tiuu (in-.u'z .7. 11 an 1) A mi .u All N 55550??? moss: &,sLAsKwErT ` Sauces and P? M: 1%.-3;.-- _ --u ----"'7' ; ' _ > A Green Bay man-thinks itvery wrong for a boy to go to a circus, but he will keep a lad-turning ti fanning-_ mill ten _hours',hnnd him ve cents, and stand and wait for the boy. to thank _ him. . M X The largest, best uml" - ) ' Ha. . W 00D E N w.L*.'*::: Eff _ on hm_1d numerbus to mention. It is; n St3.lJ1]l:u1fJ\.t ma: BIIAND Y, I 1 !.`.t,'lllu-`I, Ml"! Fm: (.'.-\.\'ll. LI. .._ .5 ... .. fS'.1O%BE sit will pro HI Tllllll` SH! [.5-hed. ...-. 4 . Sooner or later," justice certainly overtakes the Iezgdexgofa '_country brass band. Abridge came alohg and struck one on the. head the other day, as he stood on the top of an Eriefreigh.t'v [filin- in \V_god and BOWL WILLIAM Me: Si`! aalvz-rtsc ILICH 1|.` 1) 1_'i1low.~_s I have n 110 "GIN, ! \ uunlsllug 3: .3. run. {I} $7117 Prov ~ BA uup uu tuc. ucuu LIKE OCDGY Guy, 35 h the ' - An advertisement fofa dry-goods clerk reads: Wanted, a young man` to be partly out-doorsand pwrtly behind the counter. It doesn c specify what part of the young man is to begui- door. T ' v I VIN bO_hm A All [lQo( \ `Ya: A ll. Ian; ..._ ll.` I BEG. I I8" Na. here 50: -._... M I`! ll` mtlit And ~n n I-fa-';. V rrie. O M v` Utah `,` mm lK'44\ II Gllvu A. 1) A Cafifornia preacher is preaching on the best way-[to raise boy_s. We have always found a number T 14- boot about as effective as" anything for `truis- ing them. - A I`1,,, `` .. \\~` . HNM3 I... n l'UVlI|r'.I ARR IOI (hm ~_ (E9;,YIi ,. Efne. 3 {VIC citors-1 - Ieyanc r an-. \1 _V"Ixi\g' 7 "J K\ I Sum PUlulULr_vv 1|-lb u -uuau [J uuuun In the natural course of thingswe may look forward to an improvement in the present state of the weather. Although even this anticipation looks soflike that hope deferred that we can scarcely reahzeit with the therom-, eter standing as we write at 30 be- low `zero. When. the change does come we will in most instances beable to replace many 0! them through growers and dealers, and in the mean- time can utilise our empty pots by sowing the seeds ot such annuals "as grow freely and ower eerily; and which `will at least give us something green and interesting to watch in the` absence vof~b_etter. Plants of Primulas, C'2'nemrzas, Roses, Iiyacinths, Tulips, and Azalcas, are now coming into. bloom and" williadd greatly to the ap- pearance of the windows and tables of their fortunate posessors._ ` ` ,,_.._. ........wuen me upper part of A _'tho yhnt is killed, there an: many soft ` ` `coded ones`, suchasscarlet Geraniums, . .. { 7 . Potunias, Verbcans,g-c ,which ' i . npningh-om the base of the mom while such as the White Lily ,iI;d"6h_eu of .___he some ,tribe,J;aving . , . . .. . , V . ..f on: com. ua.- . -agaulba `nae: E5`*7*3i Elm m. ' Michigan men don't feel. as though they had elopedif they don : leave a wife and fourchildren _in destitute circumstances. ` ` ' -nomy. IUAU It 6\J\ _7D IUILIII All comprehend and acknowledge the power that speaks in the aming eye, that inspires terror in the guilty and fresh courage in. the virtuous; in the commanding eye that compels awe and prompt obedience; in the `.` look that speaks volumes when the tongue fails to express the. fast-thronging thoughts and emotions. As a natural organ of l'-nguage; the eye may express all the nobler emotions of the mind; so, also, may at be made the servant of baser uses. ,The look `of coarse inso- lence, the leer so expressive of a brutal mind, the insirruatingwglanoe that hints more than the lips dare utter, are some of the forms ofthe lower language` of which the eyes . are susceptible.- Annual of .P/n'e7znlagy- and Physz'og- V TITs that Cheese rich `I V asked Bloogs of his grocer. Yes, was the candid reply, there's mil1ions'in it. It has been cold enough in Kansas to freeze whiskey, and some of the drunkards there have>beco'me solid men. W Ealifornia man. punde was fined $90, and he so dress to pay the ne. l'l"I, I ,,, d ms? wife, [ldv 11er`silk.. The best preparation to keep 9. ladv sT hand free I; om chaps is a report that she has no money. \ :1 LT, , ' I19 IIQG IIU ILI\JUUJu .7 v . Marry a widower! not 1.! said Matilda. Babies are , like ' tooth brushes." Everybody V.vants' their own. " Sally, whaftime do you {bike dine? Soon as you go away--tha_t s missus orders. - = ' `OUR E-YES. To know-' ` t thehilor and landlord,` Ad thelfsnks wh'ere_my paper is due, 5 . -':And'"hosts whom'I now cannot mention, ` V 7 End banished. me quite from their view. - V Do they miss me at homo-do they miss me`: When the msrket for money is -tight, And in haste one ursuing . VH1 `debtors , by day an by night? Do the friends who once loaned me a fty, And tho others vgho loaned me a. ten, Have a. sighof regret as they miss me, And Wis they could see me again `! Dmthey miss me at home-- do they miss me 1' When no longer I'm seen nnnn Ythnmm *9 `11: dangers of_ _the early yurs of Asuranc ' In` hi-`Inn am .s----'------ -`-v This Inntitution'hav1;ng7ben Esmteixsnxli IN _1s-17`, e G0m.pa_nje8, . #951 TM? 9` 5 ._ -`-_---- _--- til: I I l`I'- Til`? I , ' agement in the hands of persons of long experience of such business, aord PER- IFECT SE_GURI'PYtoAssuArers. These features, as well as the Company's MODERATE, s glider the lgttitueion. one `whose advantages are `not surpassed by any other, `and __ faetthat xtstainls at the head of all`. the Life Oompames in Canada. Bq_v e.xnayb'obj=a_ineiAs.t guy qf;thb.ComJanyfs Qfs= of And use may FEUI` N.`l<`.(`I'I'TI ;As we are dediroua of Ia; leun sweep of Eur Winter Stock?-and wb wnni the money ` to payfor the Bricks and Mortar" of our new store,` we have decided to offer for one month, `in 9. BONA-FIDE "SALE, our Winter Stock at Great Reductions. The following discounts on the various classes of "goods _na.med, (and which will be allowed on all purchases of $1 and up- wards) are reductions from the IHWILQT |!Fl!l|l AR BASH HATER 4 and as we do business on bile VZHHIUIIB 0138863 OI 30008 11311360, (8.110. wmcn W111 De IIILDWEG. purchases 01 51 31111 up- wards) reductions from the. Lnw8'|' IIEQULAR DASH RATES, and as we do the O:\'E _p_L3.n_on_l_3_','th_e pulgic _x_nay_ Qepend that they are getting 9. genxjinef bargain, ____1 ,, wants} reuncnons tram ne. Lu3[ uum UASII |\|, and do` Du_s1ness 9n On: P3362 plan onlyfthe public 1nay.(lpend ,a gemune. bargain: and not a Noiginal Reduction from Fanby Prices. -n. cOur._\Vholo Line of Fancy llresa Goods, -. . . . .7. .. . . . ._ .; . . . . . . it n lisconi1t`of 20 per cent. All Elegant Lot of Mink, Seal, and Imitation Fur Sets and Caps. .At adiscount of 20 per` cenf. Our Splendid Stock of Millinery and Mantles, . . . . . . -' - . . .` . . At in discount of 20 per cent. .-\n.Exten`sive' Assortment of VS"oo1-Plaids and Tartans, . . . . . . . . . ;At a discount of 10 percent. -Our. \Vlxo1e Stock of Grey and White Blankets, . . . . . . . .. . . . . .At a discount of 10 per cent." A Very Full Range of'Fai1cy and Scarlet Flannels, . . . .' . . . . . . . . . .At a. discount of 10 per cent. We have still a. very nice assortment of CLo1`m-5:6, . . . . . . . . . .At a discount of ,10 per cont, LT vjl/T. A Large Assortment of Ulouds and Fancy \Vool Goods, . ; .; . . . . At a discount of 20 per cent. A Great V9'.ri:ty' of,..W'ool'and`Waterproof S'ha.w1s,`. . . . . . . . . . . i At a discount of 20 per cent. Together with substantial `reductions on many other lines, which we have not space to en mcratc. IGi The_`. nhove Discounts will in all cases be deducted from the Bill of the purchase 1 so that former prices and actual reduction can be seen at once. - - g .n. . . .Assurers% Now Jgining 021$ WYea1?% s7%Shar. -. --------:.:.--1- jnoLnEN GR{E AT%sPE]CIAL&pisC0UN'1*%sA.LEjL upaney nus: at home-- do they me Whal longer I'm seen upon Change 3 And do thoswv 0 were wont to assist me ` .Sl.v. `.9 Hi: nnn:Ini~+.'.`;..4-'......-I1...-4.....-,. r. n "Grey Cottbns at Who1csa.lRa.tes.' mfll Wool Scarlet Flannel, 19 Cents, Worth 28 Cantu. E i"Togej:her with tho fbllowiug SPECA-LITIES, `at Net Prices `Quoted Only. 3- 3 An0thf= case of .tl1.ose ELEGANT BLACK Lusrana, at .171:-Cents, Worth30 Cents, all the Folks in Tow kfxow what they are. &5'Thc balance of ()11'r'Al`\XER1CAN CA.\('l`0N - FLANNEL3, at 9 Cents _p Xnrd, Sold Elsewhere at 15 Cents. t2J`Hcnvy Shirts and Drawers at 65 Cents. :'Amerxca x1:'Itis.an old saying and a.-true one; that the Proof of tlic Pudding is `in the Eating. :93` Come and see for 3,'<)u1'selfeu. n@'VVe;Can t and \VonTt be Undersold by Anybody.` ' TEAS. Blacks, Greens, J.'wn.< and Qlnlnlzu uvlnnru wp|rm\- .Ll`411u.`, nun. ', urccxzs, -I.'wn.< mm SUGARS, SYRUPS, F}. lU1'J`.\', CANNED FRUITS, ]%l.\.'(.`,L'I'l`[\', CHOICI . VVINES &._/A.L1QUUI'{S,. n .2E :2:l:e`:s`:a`5.J3:t " -I..'lIJ'S'I'JF:.ES HUMER, -HORRELL, & co.,T wjggmmmg %?;%m3mv@mg: lly invites the attention of their customers to the f(|0\\"ill(_' lines 1 E ! . H`ens A COMPLETE STOCK OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, AND GLOCKSDF ALL BEST MAKERS. E'WHAT IS SO GOOD FOR A` CHRISTMAS ' Present as x1G'o1d Watch and mna. ' ~ - n----`-L ~'- ~ - - ' - " * ` - ` ...,.... muumo. x.ryv;1A`1'lb' u Gb1_d Watch and Chain, ' V _ Present as 9' Coloured Gold'Set. ofjewellezy, Present use Bright.Gbld _8et'of Jewellery, Present. as 9. pair of Gold Bracelets, V Pre'ent as a Game Bro`uch and Ear-`Rings, ' Preseiit as a Silver etch and Chain fora Roy, " Everybody should know that we are the moat ` V" ' " ' .`- `Pl5.11FI7 Yn-0` .1 I I I P 8 -Rcal MINE sex; at 3.10;` Just to hand o'nu mu-y Sets, s3_.5o.-- =i- .; ,8. ,,A ' ." .o.\'1s cgsxs oz: 7,, -.4`, 4 V _" V _ "W, Ann no nnogwvno ye:-e` _wont assist nie .Sny, `.9 En conduct : mfernally-strange `Z the Shylock who loaned me his money, . 0 ` beat me to regions unknown, invain for occasions to dun me, And winh Iagain were at home? Butl know ~ that'my memory lingers . Around thedear yhce is I roam ; And` while I've mv wits and mu nrnnnnv-ca GQLHD WATCHES, _ SILVER \vAfj:C11Es, FANCY CLOCKS, VELECTR0I_ .LATED`WARE, ...-.,....u,A=uuu;u ;suqw man we the experiezicd bands on. Wst_ch`e'.t, 01ock|_and ; * , ewellery, North of Toronto. . . _A GREAT RUN ON THE? LO INE WATCHES in GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES, `CLOCKS and JEW E _ LLERY, made. repaired. and warranted. _ = SIGILD F WATCH AND__SPEO l`AOLES, neitjoor to Mr, Grompton_ s_- nfs, Robes, Blcm/cez`s, . Tweedl [1 1:1n& -uxv rIl'\r\`l\fI I - 11 U N T E R, H 0}: R. E L L & BARBIE 4.9..I. v 7. - -- - u _u v LII 'V II _ ' -S. I TOYS Fan THE` MILLION, . JxoH'I:Mu1v' W_./IRES, PARLOUR CROQUET 7.r2BLES,_ CONCER .7`1N./IS , VIOLINS, &c., 6. Next Door..to'the Bjmv/c of Conmzercq, D2l7'l_l0p Street, Ba9'7'z'_ sA NTA c LALE3 '3 `I ii amczmsi TEA8%_AN `GR E Afl%`7"EfE1C;%?I*N.LG as A. L A rn :1-I1-`111 :1 .l\.aa lvl-2---!.-:I \lI Also carefully prepared PICKLES, of the best White `V , ` put "up by- E. S. Meeking. WELL WORTH I{NOWING. pGwingy to the almost unprecedented intensity of the present continuous cold snap, and the consequent. vei_.' bad block that exists on all road: leading to the town, the supply of farm _ `produce on our local market during thr put two weeks has been merelg nominal- The consequence is the- such commodities as potatoes, butler, &'c., `ire at a premium, and in many I `instances are pratcially unobtainable, irhilethe few holders in town are re- alizing a rich harvest of profits by the .-Iornething more than -fancy price: `they are now obtaining; and which must be still further increased unless {we have an early and tavorable change of weather, as the small stock now > held by consumers is rapidly ging out; not only through consumption, but 'unfortunately in too many instances `through destruction by frost. Many cellars which for years have been con- . sidered frost-proof have been found -during the past ten days to be "utterly incapable of keeping` out such an in- `tense and coiitiiuious cold. Fears are entertained, andwe are. sorry to think with only too much reason, that the _ already scanty supply of potatoes will be still further greatly reduced through- out the country by having been stored `in cellars and r00t-houses which have turned out to be incapable of resisting the continuous frosts, and must conse- quently be destroyed. Should these fears prove to be well gi-ounded,'we may look forward to having to payour farming friends who are holders, a pretty round price for our iiidespensible i eloulent. Thefarmcr who has been fortunate enough to have the bulk of his tubers stored in pits out 01 doors~ which we have always held to be the most desirble plan for this sectioii- will now have his reward, as the pro- tection which nature has afforded us this season through the more than usually copious fall of snow will prove their salvation. e _LIFE%` COMPANY- ., ivy: -are-vw--nr\n_avIiVu VRC-spectfultly invites uttont-in: -, `'`"z --'*"`'t V-"""" "--""T `I ' ' ' ' ' " 7 -'V ' " ' ` ' """-')- -`- VVVVW And an VVOO`LEN_ GOODS, which We are determined to clear; and will sell at :1 price that` - will shtisfy any cust_o`mer that we ca.nuo_t be uudersold. I-1: ,-- u-raw`-r. 1-<-._,. A _.un_ w_,_; 4, ., - -- -- -. _ 4, HILLS, . , . ` '-_ .A3`i`t9-`n*V Secretary.` A`I'rni`iIl-`T-Ii. J A1: 15 cents pm"-yzird, 'O;`11 30 ccxits. "' ' '-`J J"'~--I vl. cnnauxilu UULHLIEHICH 717$. AMnE{ swam 7Ant%Euxns_ `W -5 nlilngement ii: the Hzmda at .x......',..... ..n 1_'__ ____.:, __ , , 115 I hl'm1'1i (`FHA 41.1-pl Ar want secretary ' 4st1n' n9vr~I=w: , , ,,,v-_-...,. 'l`<)gctl{Gl` \Vii;]`;,tl1e n;~,y1:11 :` ; Around l:ne`qIea.r place as I my wits and my creepers 'l'l_1ey`1l,:;:;' me--they 1l miss me at hbme! B.eady-Made Clothing`, of all Styles, Dryoods and Dress Gcod The largest, Cheapest and 13/est Stock of `wincevs in Town, Boots and Shoes in end1ess%vaxie_tY. -Pint. and Q4,uar-t Decanter 5," Cha' and other Baskets. % GOOD AND CHEAP? . IF YOU DO, GET THEM OF wA%TC~H:J*s, CLOCKS. JEWEL LERY. /\/\I\/\/\l\/N/\l\1\l\ -x1-x1\/\4\AAA4.---_ u .u. JI1u\o>dI4A'u~'a n-- v_ A. u vvnnwn . B. CR(51;;>."4[P'i:f(')~v:}5(7J>.. . 1.-...........-.. V\Vf Av` C`my.u.-n 1' .` \'\r\r\l L. s. & 0.1.. SANDEPSI 'l`l-'-I`. A `I'.1:I'D 1'31- Alsd ,Z1uct2'oneZ=r, $ a-l-z-c;7::Appraise&', go,-, ' ' . n n`nnu+n +11!) 1 E S=;ME.EKJN9. ..1 1')rni r r 1.1 H1 Jupn Qnalei onnnuorl relating to male uubjecas will be re- llod lolnlil column under the head of Notice: to Oovrelpoudento.) r-J\.sr\. -. -......_-_-, 4-7!, up. 3- II ':t3`.-AL:13R IN` assortuxexxt oi" Sundries kept by first-class (Racers. :0: .~suaZfm;:.} s/\ Ar ./-.z\xJ\,~,_,\,`-,-av~.... . .-- -v-----u-- w uzvgsuvcavwwrxn 011 customers ft-I1m\"ing lins of SC:1S()I1lb1e" ` ' - G_0(u1S:- *' ' or balance of Stdk of Do YOU \-VVAINT -_a 4.3. Luv --A.TV THE- All the folks in town a11d>c`o11nt1'y know them. _ - .. . ._.-.. .. vuuuuamnu Present as areal Jet Set of Jewellbry, .Preseut< as a Gold Locket and Chain. Present as Gold and Fancy Rings. , -Present u.s.Vioiins. Concertina; and Trefolias, Presents for Ganta,Ladies., Boys and Girls, to suit every pocket. - V _ . `t experienced hands Clock: and rth - ' ' guns GOLD smvmz. WATCHES, E, g1a_dg. repaired. warranted. \ ur r r._g`..`., .r:w.'1,. mo, 1f roncn Lrrcam, Jnglxsh, P1('KLEb`, 1'O'1`TED .V1E:\TS, [Brca.kf:tst, -.\`[`ICES, 'I`()BA(`COS, ( ,7IGARS,` B()T 1~`LEl) ALES &. POl{'I`ER. may uv, uwing no me almost wholesale _llai_ighter of the innocents all over town and country; During the past, few days we have been in receipt of innumerable communications, all bear ing on the one subject--the.now oh told tale of window plants, varied ocoasionallylby plantsincellars,e.nd even plants in greenhouses. Our advice is eheap and readily and willingly given, and although we cannot bring the dead !oliie,we will endeavor to point out to the bereaved how their troubles may be alleviated to some extent at least- In the notices: to correspondents in our last ,`:isen_e, we advised them` when they found their plants had got frozen, to immediately deluge them with cold water, and place in some position where the rays of the sun would not strike them until the frost `had been drawn 0lI_!- In many cases this treatment `Will have the effect of saving the plants, 3|" many Others that have been O_o.severely injured that the-cellular tissue: of-the leaves, and even the _!te_I_ns has been destroyed; ol__ course in ` 1h|loeee all such applications are use-` -10!: II practically all the parts so neoted are dead. A; however only the initiated oanat first tell if `this is 90 9t_not, it will be well to` adopt this V .. 111 Illvicases, as the trouble, is very E_ven._ when the of- Jlllllt is killed, thereare many son, -1' g-_cE.;Jg[;93`0hIIogaflet'l3trnm-'--A-b