r- .3: C_Iunn'1I:uu.uuI, u: 15 pm."`wuu1.y-.u_1`ear. snag .,.;-,; diswate Mons loyal would- `\`:\`A .1 at,t.ah-d. Im." at ;.;epe3!'e!..`3V9mmnt.;Wh0 1'-beliye im`- -- ..pr!>p9nderae. .,v;'1u1d% lend . - `li%iiliii?} '` E-; ' V edat. `Q31. .1q mstlpte_;-dutss .' 5 V'?`` '3` .` m ~ ~ THE W1:ns'1`.ERb.--The Filds Bros. are still rushing the Webster Sew- Machme off at a rapid rate. V Both the rm and the machine have the con- dence of the public. Gnoczmas, GLASSWAEE, &c.-For Groceries, Glassware, Deif and Pro- visions, our readers cannot do better than deal _at Mr. Perkins, for they are sine there :9 getifull value for their money. LILLLI 5|-I |IUiIVlllJ All V1113 `o 234 the bill was dismissed. F THE mason & HAMLIN onsnn cu. ; . umlerluh to Inrnlda [ha . .~.~ .;gasp:::'L A-_-'.v,__ s N. 1-Home, pm i 1 raw. 3 ;LYnammm. 5: hm yaw; mi, U060! And Ilnpol tern of In . ..\_-_ EDWARDS J: LAIRD ` Booksellers, &c., V Barzfie. I-III Ullllllll IOU. lnrnlda the HFST AND CHEAPEST CABINET 05.;/ms ch lhn world; sud uzvnlelll to send for then ILLUS- TRATED CATAIDIICE ud'I'E51'Ill0NlAL CIR. CULAR, Ind uu-naln what the have Io My fur- ther h I emnuor. San Unn uni rousrun. ` A WAIIBOOXI. 95 Unhm uuv ' the t1if7inv;p;igattba,`as they legitiziitelyj I might _l_,:a.ve dohe, and as. it is now evi-, dent they oughtto have done, Mr. Cook s `if so A thy may be called, `ignor- _chief s admission 6f the expen-, di'tu1-e'of y$28,000`in the two prvioua .- -u:uuII-UIJIIIIB tn! ;-*.lna.clbc ill tho fore-I noon, andidl minus open until five of the f l:o .afto:nooq,~nndno Ionggr. V .. V , . " s;;... a '.'.';;.#g=:.._-A .;:;'_.;;. "' _,w._ (};|_:_ I BE_NMMlhI: 11033;; snf ` .;:.. '9~xzn-hm Ch"?- Couiiiil Roqi, Pgin wicks, 1fIovo_mber30,,_1 4. V L3,. -5ch..1_ootbml lbivinion, fun bounds and qignita ggdenned By By`-Law, No. 147,0! Ih1a7 ofpbralibn; `Ind Staulev Brooks Wonk S_h_bp in Ihgrgniunormxnted Villa n An--- uumcurparaueu vmaga ql Thomtun,lhc polling plaoe_ therefor; Retn:_qing_ Officer, James Soyqggie, junr. ~ 4th Electoral Division, its bound: and limits, as defined by BY-Law,No. 147, oflhis C-Irporaliony and thanngo Hall in the un- incorporated Village of Victoria, the polling place therefor; gglurning _0i Doda6u.- M _ ;: ` ' --1 i . _.-5m;,~ __so.!bral.`:DI!infnn, ,iIl. ngnilo { delled. by By`-l.aw.`No. ulna`.-. o`rp6r`a1ian;.'1m1 s....:... n..-.-- - ogr, James J. . if. - - ..-...... .uuuuv '71 . 3rd_ Eleclorial Diviaion,'.ila bounds and limits, asdangd by `By-Law, No. 147,'of vthis C_o_tporgI'ion . andlhe Orange _Hal1m the uni`n cor1o'raIe qf Thorntun,lhI polling Retnggipg sorqggle; ':{'vi,g:lz'F_1iA`acIbral Diviidn, iu bounds and limits, as kdfefined by By-Law, No. 147,` of .thla Corporation-nd the Orange Hall in tho ' unincorporated Village of Churchill. the pulling pll6Q;~[hQlj3f0r; Regnrqbing Officer, fumes Mathpu, _Q..I DI.....-.'_| n:_-, - uuu uurporauon, and Sc-.hnolV Hous No. 2, the polling place lhekefot; Qicgr, Richard Hnu, A . .I.. .1 `I3! ulc um], uour aua. ptace totitakina the votes at the Electors on the proposed By-Law, No. 150, having. for ite object the Prohibition of the Sale of intoxicating Liquors in Shops, Stores and Places otherthan Houses of Public Entertainment in .the Municipality of the Township of Innietit, The Council of the Corporation of the Township of lnnislenecta that the-places for taking said vote, and the several Returning Officers, who must be appointed to_ take the same, shall be as fol- 'lows:--- - let Eleotnral Division, its bounds and limits, as dened b ' 'Bylx_a.w, No. 147, of i this Corporation, end St-hnoly House of Section No. pollinrz claee lhnl'nfnr- no-----=-- To Prohibit the Sale of Intoxi- catmg Liquors in Shops and Places other than Houses of Public Entertainment, within the [Municipality of the Town- ship of Innisl. -WHEREAS a large number of the rate. payers and qualied municipal electors of Ihe Municipality of the Township of Innisl have prayed the Council of the atoresaid cor- poration, to enact that the sale of [intoxicating Liquors shall be prohibited in 8hops,Stores_ and Places otherthan Houses of Public Enter- tainment in said Muniuipality-and it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of the Therefore, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of !n`nis1enacts:-'I`hat the sale of intoxicating Liquors, and the is- sue of [_.ioeuses'therefor. is by the present By-Law, or as soon as the same can come into effect. prohibited in Shops, Stores and Places otherlhan Houses of Public Entertain- A merit within the Municipality of the Town ship otlnnial, under authority, a:.d for en- _ forcement as by Statute permitted. AND Wnnams. it :. ............. .-a~ if .?E?`*f'*1*:'?.'8'*t`* *"".. , ....- av- forcemem pe;"r_-`i-tiled. AND WHEREAS, it is necessary to fix the day, hour and. place fornking Dronnnml n.,_r ..... M- l PUUNDKEEPER'S SALE. 1-an-1 IA 1.. ...u n... n..|.u:- ._-.,--_ -. . bo sold by Public Auction at 12 o'clock noon, if not chimed beforo, on SATURDAY. the 12th DECEMBER. I RED DOW and RED YEABLING HEIFER In Barrie Pound. ROBERT BRADFORD, 49-2ln Ponndkoeper. STRAYED HEIEER AND STEEB. do...--.a :..n.. n._ __..._.z._. _I u- I -..._|_I:.. Hstrayod into thn premises of Mr. Laughlin Cameron". on Lot No. 20, in the 5th 0011., 01-0. on Heifer and one Btenr one not old. Th. nmnnp nap. luau: Olun n--ng Inc nu-nuinn -__ ..___._ - V..- uvnaauaz v \/A .5` .551 DJ, In imitation of Rosewood and Walnut, from one of the leading Estabiisbinenu of Detroit. Alaoshronds, Linings, Handle-1, Plates, and allnquisites for Funerals, including a First.- Ciass Henna. Rates Rensonable, and order: punotnally lled. OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, BARRIE. V Barrio, Doc. 15!, 18753 . 49-ly ' Oil! nener II!!! 0118 DIED! 0119 VIII` 0!!!- Tho owner can have the sung by proving property and paying expenlen. 49'-ly L. oumum. STRAYED from the premises of the under- signed, Toronto St , Barrie, opposite the Drill `Shed. on the 3rd of November, u. LARGE BED HEIFEB. with henvv. wide horns. and A niaco DUB. Ull ll!!! OF IN IVUVUIHUUY, D unnun DDII HEIFEB, with henvy, wide horns, and A piece out of the left ear. Any person giving such infomution us will lead to bet recovery will` be suitably rewarded. 49 3h. V HRS. P. MURPHY. The but of Board. ample And good occommo- Cstion for man and bent. A--4-.-on c--4-so-4.-5.. ._--n A-.. -.._ _`U(`-'-1-. mviw-w V..- r-v-v:--u .. doetin ihging gained the chief `iii viow,,did not further pursue "1-;-'-2,: .- " "1 L, The Insolvent has made 3:: Assignment of his estate to me, and the Creditors are',notied to meet at his place of buulneu, Egbert, Town- ship of Essa,`on m_.,_,1_,,-1,1pr.1' rs, :n,,, 1,,,oI-IA FUNERAL REQU11TEs. -VII`: l`|I-I-I\I \Il'l.I'\r`ll"\lVl, Has just received, and will keep conatzntly in stock, alot..of IITIVIITTI 7)f\.TTC71 11:1n l1t\l'I11IIv1V HIGHLY 132)Z`}:}1`}375 IWCOFFI NS, Y- 2... - ._._ .3 "`~-- BY-LAW N0. 150.} T1-adesVmen"n Books entered o_:.- Rents and Accounts ofnll kinds Collected. Doouumnu Copied, and other aimilnr work executed with due accuracy and desputch. ' , 49-ly T 7 Box 140, BARRIE, P.0. `UNION HOTEL, COOKSTOWN: J. '1`. V GLASS!-`OED, Proprietor. --nun nu. -- v.- -u.- -1 01101013 LIQ UORS AN; 510.41: s, STAGE TO AND FROM GILFORD, ROSE- |lON_'l` AND ALLISTON. _a_a\L___-_ --"-.u_-.--_ , ...u u I At 2 b clock p. m., to receive ststemanta of bin a.ffa.irn and to appoint an Assignee. 'I I`|G'l3`I)LI 'D{\l`1lIDQ THE RECI [5iOCIT3;' TREATY. 'P`(II-1%~VIS,BROTHEr]vE%z.S, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE It has taken more first prize: than any other Snwiug Machine, and to-day stands unrivalled for lightness in rnnning,benty of stitch, and general adaptibility to :11 kinds of work. We furnish the best outfit and can do the host range of work of Any machine made: either in the United States or the Dominion. No cog wheels and no noise: Terms liberal. Great inducements for cub` ._._.sa-=`.a.~.d-.2`:-.sT MR:--"ALEX. GRAHAM,| inst received. and will keen nnnntnnilv JOHN `HOBLEY, Accountant & General Agent; nnrmu Q'l`DDI"l' DADDIE I\N"I` |fsoLvm{_g9_T or `I361 15th Day of -December, I 874, _ _ L2- COUNTY OF SVIMCOE. I DSBOBN SEWING IMACHINEJ PURVIS BROS. , Gen. Implement, Stove 3 Sewing Machine Dealers. Barrie. _ 49-ly In the matter of I A IRPII 3 yllv QIIUIIKIUII U! 1113 81905103 EXPED- ..:L_U... `.. ` . . Ni th proaecutoraiof the hm-.:A.. -..`.u.....a. : J.-'..:__ ....:_...J u... ..'1.:..t Barrie, Nov. 27, 1874. [0IiN=*Ab1LL,u.bV., o.u., PHYSICIAN, : '__A_c , Residence. 'l`uonurou A 49-ly 7 New -Jtbncrtiaenmtts. [EIFER STRAYED. vow-------- --w -.v-.---- --o. OWEN STREET. BARBIE, ONT. nvu_I. .n_uu auuuununn rrcharges M oderute..u 49-ly 7F;oVr t7ho`Geleb;nVte:l Fir-s`t>lr rVizr.: Ill-O05! U] ARCIIIBALD 1-non. an Insolvent. "'_""'?'.' Inc no long ` Sign-id mi-sa.z.a, " ' . W; nrlrlvm yrv-nu -an --wan` uuy. JOSEPH ROGERS, Tnlsu-hn A 9 `"fa" 'i:, ill`! pillluv ( % ;,n%rLIw~v~- _, U330, Interim Assignees. ' 49-Zins 9gca._ 1 0| ouollon Rolurning T At;o"r1oNnrc'a. lonie,Nov. 24325 1314.. 9` " Cutters. f` ' sleigh! A: 44 -. llafhdsl llW'!"wl _F_O.ll'?;SKIaE camp For; CASH` -'.*'.- 3`! .- . ......-a- . " ?~g70on I3KDInonts Soli91td*fg1 : -. 2;:-unni 9` `_' Harness [l""i' 4.8-If. MORHOW'S :.uciJ Mm COMMISSION ROOMS. j 3'99lid.l_land Furniture, . IUIIT Hula - er':-" N0, 1- Anlhem-The Ea.lh is the XAm3'~`- _ lb!-Iullneis thereof: . _ No. 2. Three Choruses; Greeling GM`? 9 ["` no1lorTu mo:-row: and, Name: ll.~n~.cl. . N0. 3. Anlhem-Hark 3 The Song 0; Jul- 5:, and achrisnmns Carol. . , ` No. 4. Chums: Action for the 1-`munj. V0-9*_~ male voices-0, I am a Me.-rv -`H-'3*",. H `_ and u moonlight cl 0:u1-Haul Iv 1-- Queen oflhe Silent Nxght. [claims to be, good, easy, and cheap. h'V't*'Y 3 "" lion il tried by H16 Pllbsher and his lrlulnl-vb`-"" "5 `its aoplion. ssh lhc can 1;.)-operation of the nunlfl . hoir Leg en! rougbont the DoInrIW"- ' " getting up clubs, ind ac-ndin in you: Ul,"."`;"` soon as possible to MR. C. ASHLO N `\`V`: .6,,_Aml:_o_n|burg, Essex County, On is W` `- M _mg'y hug some`. good lively mum`: 1 -` `mule: Re-unions. -vnnon on-nlu ~- This is no catch; you will nd the nznslc W ' The Publisher, withing to make Ilm n wit`-' you can by showing lhi~ to your lnuslcl I"""" 1. I113 \Jll\J[\-LID I HAD. The CHORISTER, the rs! number ofw` just issued, will be published momlv. or . on good paper, ltiving I-`our Octn vo rag.-. o. put, trio and duct music, at the fu!L)w.|~x_.' '~ tow rates, and postage f:ee:- Smgle Copy: - . . 7Cents. Two Cofics to one address - I2 -` Three ' H 4- 15 *' six to U u , 35 `- Fourteen Copies - 30 " Thirty H - foo '- Th: following wilt be the contents or :12: four numbers- - Hun lnllnn-`a I |.-..,u` . d "D"'_".-:' ' |,1ie_ fluid better `clap ~o.`Am1}Vg_zle` Sn... ...-.._-..L-_'*'_ 'A`|_`:: ...L.. Knowing lhal Choirs, Glee Clubs, am} (V' Sociexier, have long lei: the want ofgmml 1 ,Munic, easy otexecution and Cheap :u Lmn subscriber ai.nn to meet I is want In a-u.---g ._-_.._--.____ _CIgT1'EnN TANK I `ND WELL DIGG -'\lo ....-.'o._. The Subscriber 53 prepncd to d_o all kind; or Gfmm, Tank: and Woll_a, enher Brick or Ourb from 50 cents per I031. And upwllda, Pump; furnished ind put down on the Shorten notion. Pumps repaired. ---- _,4 A HE CHEAPEST MUSIC PYTT LISHED! PROSPECTUS oTfH cuunssm uj'Oarts'ng ' Dane -o-1:-Re.1sonable , _-..-. 'G'TAYLOR'B Celebrated Bnlllmorr Oysters in (Jan and Keg.'_arxive dug. J - M . BOTHWELL. A" kind: 0! work done by the d `no '".`d "0 K`V.3 anti:-Ifuclion All ordarn Inn. me u. n n- . '. ....--you I-U KIV_3 llllh w'-`Ali'6rdors left at Mr. P, 1 Smut. or Bun-is Pom. Oice,` nuentio:-. LARGF QUANTITY OF HONEY l.\ L`! "F Barrie, Dec. -is`, 18'?-1. -----v-- 200 Barrels C/micest Van rt."& ('- and Eating Afplfs. IGRAUNQEL C0_\' `}:`.R.'!`l g 7|` "IV DI: n @'cAI\_JNEp GOODSN Pouches, _P; urn, Grapes. Strawberries, Quinces. I im- .- Jams, Jelliesf Thu`-Ihnr IIIHI nvnrv war-iaiv .." I. JIID8, Je Together with every variexy ORANG ES, mamas, Uk(Ul1b.31'r.\. 2 V|lge-- An der Schonuen Fla ODIVIIDAITD I 13 L'0nC|U(]0 :HH 03 `-' God Save the Qneenf . . . .. . . . . . .. (Theme vuriee pou. \'i.m.:. Doers open at 7 Concert at n. Ad 25 cents; Reserved Seut3_.30 ceu:~. ; EVERY DESCRIPT:(r.\' ..1- 1 HOME AND FOREIWI FRIK/:= GTWN {`I-f~'-L, Bmm, - ...g..w V. uuv_u1uDlUlU L su\_'|u\:.uu wmu 1'9- I gard to their several agencies; 5In. - tion to the agents of the -Dominidn` Go?- . mment, ' the Govemmeniof v0nta,rio Vi1i~ . @1873-hadoertain agents emgloyed,` with unun EST RA. 3 song-- Far Away. . . . . . . ..\J A MR. ROGERS. 4 Come: Solo--" Selection MR. MOR'l`IMER. 5 Indra Mnizurlm, mnccma. ammum ll mI( l`E.\I.'~f7 4 Song- The Scout," A I'b`.an sbmgu MP. MORGAN. -(`u H Dnfnnnrr-I 1-J Ngoh...-.l A: 1 Orpbeada Gnilop... (Vocai`)....( UROHESFRA. 2 Iriab'Alr-"Tbe Last. R93; of Hm Q-'uu'u:t\.: :5 MN. D 5 Indm Maizurka.. ,l\D! ; nuunu _LuIIIlUIIt - . . . - . . . . . .. V ORCHESTRA. 6 Polka-' Dobrs Noe . . . . . .. l\DF[!!7G'nn . I Ovetture- (`aliph 0!/I2n_g!-.d, ORCHESTRA. 9 vn`an_ Au AAD Qn` .... ._ nu 3 Cornet Duettz mm. .\HJKUA\'. 5 Potpourri of National Airs. . .. To Concludc with .1 11...: s:..... .1.. nlllinil - ' FRW17 DEM Wednesday, Decrember 92//. '.r;.:a qr :; 819 _ ___; mqyqla may _ex1su 'm1 ey` \.vou1a T71`, `:}1a.',vo"., fqehng. There "Is an- :7` I-ot1er`f_' 9136 the _qu8tion;=while, pro-. " ,`tra,de we are boun'd to *1 &'`'wU `'tbhe eculiarfi osition of Canada in " `QM _` ' jxjm thp.Un'i{-.edI S_ta.e_;'we Mm .110 txnncessany ob- the way `of the fre_e_st;4co;1mier-.- gmf `ions between tyesg ycquntries, , V.?:"n,.Y3-`1PP5d. _ . 7 9,}: :4W;`.9;b3`?dA.*9: 1*=&ty.s%B1ishing ma suqh;f=949!I. '1t1sy,.P9Ef9.51- clear: that -41; dhmnhzihamonc lovsI.Gans1din.n'1vni1ld l Galop Mllitaire 4 no 49-1! F. S. ALMONDS. 1 ENG. wurwrs, A BRAZILS, A FILHERTS, nnnn (xv ' nuuu WISILZCI . . . . -.a . . . . . . . . .. _ ORCHESTRL : Selection," La Grand: DIM he-age," ORCHESTRA. PART III. V Comic Song ~ Eln Waltzes.` I` UKUHESTRA. \ Recollections of Scotland... URCHESTRA Vio!in Snln so -~.~.......-n= Vio!in Solo ` .`|ln1ru1y, 0' -A81-SLJANJQVVN, PUBLISHER. I3-{NUTS 019 'II:=- ' Au uer ncuonuen t'Ix;'.:: 17' ` NRCHESTRA. _._,,, 1 7(1) Mir; ()`?\'o'r:m .. , mrnet Duott S (2) Allegra Mmmw mnssas. Susan)` 5; .\Ic:1cT:.\.7E:i5. lnna-. Thu gonnl " A Vivian :1 k.. ,. `sit to look to impose dierentinl dutiel, the Governor-Genereljvonld be oompe . ;tent to reserve such an act for the] 0011- sideration of the Home GovernIneI}_~! ' AI make the statement clearly and V , tinctly, that there is nothing _in"h18` treaty which, considering the mum -of the Mother Country with the 001 . niea, would mat. :4-, m....:x.1- c... n.....I. ORPHEADS. TO TAKE PLACE IN THE rnn-{rrvgu .. - _ - up naavut I no vvuul cnalsrfz. lt\l.)'Ii'I`I_VD .L, A--. _..-,L._ PROGR-AMM IS: PART I. |0Dlo Yours truly. & A at ' ll'ZII1l1"l'8l " Eh SHANCEY. 7 C0COEN['TS.I Ill ? a . . . . . . . - . . . ORCHESTRA. n nf .Q4uul.....I Consisting of LEMONS, DATES, rm on, u Ian. 6 Iil_.Ll.1\ul cu JUL . A Bill extendimg the provisions of the `Division Court Law, and to allow of more than twelve I divisions in a County, was read a second time. In the debate upon this Bi_l1,severa1 gentlemen express- ed themselveshs in favor of doing away with these courts altogether, while others wished to have their jurisdiction `in- nreasmd, ' - ' ` 1:. cu-mnnm, I Buy '3 [Slug-k_ _..__.___.._.__. ___` rrl HOG" . .. ORCHESTRA. PART 1!. nmam 1 lo pposite Ruilwny :"..'. `PA . 4`. ` Stoves, UHQOIKA ' Trhmmrei Qivcv '. Hickey}, Duuh; :3, ml] FOCEIVC [rtcluyg 1879!. ()E11~:sT.\ I`7 _nn'x-ms Pm .\`:"r.~'. l*'EC.`x.\.'i.` , oices were procured, and alarger amount ~ ion Government then suggested that the : tageofethevJ1.rgehui!ding they: had `"591 L ' `Dominion Governht and Gohvem-~ --------~- ~-- v-v--~u j uuI_y: Isulni. you'- a new agents was appexnted, larger of energy was infused` info-: the work of the Dominionagencies.:. '.'1.`hevDomin- A di'er'ent Pnovinces should take advan- cured; andT`.:'ma.-kejit also their oteiml oice e. -fqonlioction -eswithd Th`ei'e should -'b'e :/more unity hetwebu the 7ments of. the. APm_v_iuc`gs7 nu-'-A dvn I-lagdmranuinngnl ....-.._....: o'l`_v - 1...} . WG-7 v . ._(i`|_ ,1H -1 I3 Jtb out: A. LULLIIUL "(M1 uuxv iaocnuls UU 31110111. MR, Gow said that since the [retire- ment of the first principal, the College had been very well conducted. V MD lfruwnrr AD 5.3::-I `J-`Ln ..L:..,LI. -1 A1... uuu uccu. vol] wan uuuutluwq. MR. MCKELLAR said the object of the motion was not to obtain info:-ma.tion,but to make an attach upon the Government, who had nothing to conceal. The College was now in a very ourishing condition. After smmp n-Hnnr Jnlmd-; Flu. .~.-..J-.5`... vlvuuvu, On Friday the Hougewent Conn- mittee on the resolutions relating to emi- gration, which had been adopted at the conference held-at Ottawa,_to-settle upon. a joint plan of operations between the Provinces of the_Dom.inion.~ , .Mn Cnnnua nah-I H-".4 ......I.... LL- -~~t - ~ Luau UVLUAU uuw uUul.l.Ul.'_yo Mn. Mowu denied that there were any irregularities in the institution. On the contrary, the College was quite full, and everything was going on harmoni- ously. There had been diiculties at first, but they had all been surmounted, and it would do no good now to fake up. "such matters, and some of the correspon- dence asked for was condential, and could not be made public. lfn nnunbnu uni.-I 4-`In.-.6 ........`I. 1...! vvusu nun luv uuauw lluulllio Mn. CAMERON said that much had taken place in the management of- this in- stitution which was very dlscreditable to the Government, and especially to the Commissioner of _Public Works, whom the Premier was now seeking to shield. :1-`I2 (law irill fhnf. cinnn flux 'nl-:.u\ wan uuw xu. u. very uuur1.sn1I_1g conaxuon. After some further debati, the motion was amended by leaving out some of the particulars e,r_zquired for. A 12:" nv}nvu1:wu-o `Ln .-.'...,\-.2..!...... -1` LL - uu.|.oLcuL L xuvuums OI Ull6_ .IJ0lII1n1On.' . MR. Cnooxs said that under the system which prevailed in_ 1873 and 1874, the Dominion Government, assun1ing'_to`en- courage:immigra.tion to Canada.,had._in_- its employment 1:. number -of , canvasgele Ol"_ agents \_vhose businese itwas to -go about the d1`erent_countnes of Europe, lecturing and in every way givingj In-~ formation in connection with Canada ta eld for the emigrant. T-.The~Dominion' Government had a. large. oioe in `London; with a: chief agent, .a;-large, numberof. clerks. - Early year a . nawf aggn -wag C.gnmi.'.'.4...l- L-._....... % .:`E"f'7l3'f-t"r_ cregting ha; _ ' ',th37!t'9tY:r; I 1 ` ' suh provisi 9 "X 7. ,11%#.1did 15116) " ' r. , , , ` 71 L`: V`.-.' f.1i "'T`- ;.o&erif-3:` to` the que `.4 .1 LLIVULULA W an van 1. ICU. Mn. RYKERT then moved for a. number of returns relating to the Agricultural College, especially referring to the ap pointmentsmade in it. There were, he said, a great many reports in'circula.tion "about this institution, and it was desir- able that the House should have full in- formation as to what was taking place in its management. A commission had been appointed to enquireinto the irregulari- ties which were said to have existed, and the report of that commission ought to be laid before the country. _ Mu Nfnunmu Janinrl $1.-` 1.1.--- _....- Whatever` may be the resnlt,as regards ` Mr..Rykert, of the investigation of the . committee appointed to enquire into the charges made against him by Mr.` Mc- ; ;Kel1ar, one much to the discredit 9 of our Provincial Legislature, has been clearly established, V It would, no doubt, be unjust to say that, as a whole, our ~ legislators are renal, yet it is unfortu- nately true that it has become the prac- ` tice, among promoters of private bills, to give fees to members, either as direct bribes, or in the shape of payment for Parliamentary services. It matters not under what colourable pretext. the thing is ' done. It is enough that in various ways,- directly `or indirectly, the inuence of money is brought to bear upon men "whose position requires that they should _ be as far from any taint of corrupon as" the Judge on the Bench. The evil results of such a practice are too plain to require comment, or to admit of palliation. Let 4 us hope that the exposure of the mischief will suffice to work its cure. Mn. CLARKE, of Norfolk, moveda re- solution asking the Lieut.-Governor tolay before the Dominion Parliament the pe- tition of this House inifavor `of a Pzfo-` hibitory Liquor Law. In support of his motion, he spokeof the number of peti-I bions which had been sent in in favor of such a measure. He also thanked the Government for having closed the bar of the House in deference to .public_ senti- ment on the question. MI) rinnnrn n4u'.J. LL..A. 4.1.2.. ...,:- Vuuouu vu vuu niumsuluu. ` Ma. Cmmm said that this matter should be left; to the Dominion Parlia- ment, which alone could not in regard to it, and in which this Province was re- presented. Aplrnvv nnrnn "nnLLn- .1:-A----.=-- ll - [IL UDVII UC\-In After some further discussion, the motion was `carried. `II . *n..__.___ u , ' 1 an - -_ --v au.vvLlUl' mm the Uoloo Itliejl, would jnako it possible for Canada . 9 m.`P86 dxbrmtial duties (in England In favour of the [United gum: Lord Camiiwon {spoke -in similar Mme, P0ilIting-out that Canada had %n9:9r:.*sa'zn;a9y intention. of imposing dunes aga.inst*Engl3:pd. On Thursda.'y,'in reply to a. queetion, Mn. Momvr said that it was not the in- tentionof the Government to make any provision for the maintenance of a Nor,-. mal School . in. the Western-section of, Ontario, nor was it the intention of the Government. to introduce any measure having for its object the applioation of the principle of the representation of minorities. ` ' IMPURITY IN PARLIAMENT. PARLIAMENTARY INTELLI- GENOE. oxnnxo` LEGISLATURE. He said:- I do not know that we ever received 9. deputation in Whose views We so entirely concur. Your case isin substance acceeded to absolutely ` and entirely. We agree with you on the main point, that in every negotia- tion of thiskind it is the duty of the `Government to see that English trade ` I and commerce are not placed `at a dis- advantage as compared with those of foreign countries. We should fail most _ grosslyin our duty `if for any consider- ` `ation whatever we allowed the imposi- tion of a. differential duty against our own manufacturers. That never was ', our intention, nnd there is nothing in the proposed tasty awe understand it ' `leadingto thutlullelllsion; and I learri fthesii thst.ap1;ehension_s are entertained on ject with some surprise. As re- "gards the diiculty of dening the arti- `feign mentipned in the schedule with suf- . aunt clearness smething must be al- Iowed` forlthe good sense and `faith of the " `t\`v_Q Qgyerniiientswcharged with the in- - h_.; te!p'tti.t_i1?nj_of fthejtreaty. As . for the -A CIIARACTERXSTIC piece of _ Govemg ; DE MAWLLX; ` M * , I meant habbiness came to light in the ;`7WM- BOYS E59-'..MaymA-ofBr1'ie. _ - Housflast night. In seems that aft9`r vinnz MANrIN9.'Es9u_of Bradford. ; - 1;he~new- marriage lioene law was Mr._i Boys Lqimmgdiably, 4 "On ` being 3 `theyovemment profehsed to understand` nomin`a12ed,a1;oae' and` ,tha_r;1gd"the- gen-. -` -thnt~`ib disininsod"'a1l _t_he`*ld ljiasuer,s 61 itlggngn whdharl pyoiiosed `aixdjjseconded i- andvthezfeupon they _t11}a"\'1io;nina,1;ipn gTbr& gheir kigglqss, 1;. 1 lledtlge vacancies with em - Ifthe . Bt6etf`thii;f__6x1je;j;1ieie`adh; `for_e\'6fpalti`i1i`e gs could g9 imih b eyim_d apd:;_1aue_,; an _ih,;uge%de1ig% a1.: - -* :V . , :` _-I .`~ IL. % ~ por'vers`,;=o~?9r-r.~;o,r tJ: unuuv DOUIATON, 11289., " -;r.- '- ~~ ago to whohweie 'ntod-in l"873,w.9;8 , ~ themfore by two, one at Liver- _' pool, and one _in the ' south of Ireland. i All of the [Provinces had oicee in Lon- - -.don,and at various points outside of Lon} 3 don. 1874 he had had-an opportunity - ' paqondly of lookinginto the workingof 1' the system not only in connection with I the ebrla of their own agents, but also - in `connection with` +1.. ..1.,.1. .: +1.. - -_ , * v~---v~ '\-` -.--v`-4-' .'~*-JVHI--V\-I- The sitting on Monday was occupied in taking the concurence `of the Houseon various items reported from the Commit- tee of Supply. The Central Prison was again discussed and an amendment af`rm- ing-the impro `of. of ' ' o1;t:Public Works witHo1ii:nten{ler,v1a:1:pposed by the Government and voted down. An amend- ime'nt' condemning " the course of Mi-p. Crooks in'selling.the municipal debenture": at 15 per cent. discount,waa also proposed voted down. V MB. RYKERT showed that in the our ' years of the last Government, the co1itin~ gencies the Crown Lend Department cost $27,000, while in two years of the present Government they `had cost $42- 000- After a. long debate the motion was lost, and after disc'ussing one or two othereitems the House adjourned. T rm... ..:u..'_._ ._ an---_,1:,, . ' i bxfruesaay, the"remainihg `items "of ` the estiiimtes were cbncufred Sveral bills `were read a' second biine, after which : M'r.(}a1_npron moved` a resolution of which he had `give nbtice appqining a. commitr inquire into the condition of (7119 Agi-iultural College, `and into the causes df th`irregulariti_es o1pp_la_.iqed of. Mr-, 7 Cameron bgsed` this m_6tion'u:pon a letter 9?`?di*i*1I<"f `hf -A_.?1`.`?89-.f` . from M1: Megandxegs, `late Irgigcipal. of` the College, ,h.'dd1`e_s,sed Mr.'\"Mbwsg.t.,41'e- _ Iating-_;to,;1:h Institution, ; mid`.evere1y ` re5cti1ig`6i1"tl1e k_$oniifit,`Of M'F:._McKellr.; . This Itgi` is of gum_`1eugth;a:Ia wi11Abe'. . thg sgbjgcc `g: future ,f;`re;nc T1i`e" 3Iw.t.i,'9n 9r'9h'9m'mitfez ,bts*i Q upon ia.1t[;:atio1`1'in_._th` fifnis bf_ refer- enc _ehlin_1itinAg' the id fe pygseqt V 1; Mn. RICHARDS oontrasted the expendi- ture. sincevthe present government came" into oice with that of previous years. Forinstanoe the amount spent on news- papers had risen from $ 7 97 in 1871 to $50,000 in 187 2, and that on telegranis from $83 in1871to 8233 in 1872. By thelr reckless re-vaInation the Government had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars; and in their expenditure for Colonization Roads, they had laid out money solely for the benet of their own friends. 11', 1\ o""" 1 '-'-" ." ".l"` """"`"" Mr. PABnnE- admitting the large in- crease in the expenditure but wed it on` the ground of the correspo, ' g in- creuseinthebusiness. There~valuat.ion.ha.d cost a. great; deal, and the number of `pa- tents issued had. increased from 1,923 in 1Q 7n 4.. 2 Ana .'.. 1050 mm. ____ vents msuecl ha.d.1ncx-eased from 1,923 in 1870 to 3,402 in 1873. The expenditure on Co1oniza.tion;Roads`ha.d increased very largly as well as the receipts from woods` and forests. [ ` ' - -----v-W. ~- ~ .t l"J' . ; On the item of $57,000 for the Crown Lands Department, Mr. Rykert moved a resolution condemning the large increase that had taken place in the expenditure for contingencies in this `Department. 'Il'_. T'L.____ .1 o..- .- _ V v-up vb -awn vwu lsvu, Ullla luau in joonnection withfthe, whole of the agencies under the control of {the `Do- miniml. and he had found when the ag- ricultural laborers strikes took place,the United States and di'erent1 other countries were. repeesented by ` agents - who tried to induce the laborers to emi-I lDnn`n - -...I gL..`L A.I____.l'.._. 31 l - ; Ullll Jill .VlI3\lIJL\o'LI- 1 Julius U11. \/UUL D ' - own admissions as a basis, we venture to any that $40,000 would not more than cover the total expenditure of himself and his friends at the three elections {.which he contested. Or, at a. rough cal- A -eculation, that he spent somewhere about -. -four dollars for every vote he got! And yet this is the party that talk of purity, and this is the man for whom the elec- wars have such deep. sympathy that he is ::to be returned by acclamation! Sym- jpathy! With what? With electoral cor- ruption in its worst form ! With hypoc- risy so bold that it hardly seeks conceal- ment? We should be sorry so to libel the electors of North Simcoe; sorry to imagine for a moment that they have any sympathy fora man, who, in fact, if notin words, admits that, as far as votes were buyable, he bought them; and who insults the common-sense of the commu- J znity. by the childish fables-he uttered in the witness-box. M r. Cook is no more -gentitled to sympathy than the detected" thief who is compelled to disgorge that which he has fraudulently acquired. He was plainly told, before the last contest, that if he resorted to dishonest practices he would be punished. ~ He did resort to dishonest practices, and he was punished . - And,_what is more,he pledged himself that - he would not resort to such practices,and `that pledge he broke, as all the country ' knows. Let us then hear no more of `-' sympathy with,Mr. Cook. En :1`; Order in Oouncij in aid of the Prince Edward County Rail- way, theToronto Grey & Bruce Railway, * and the `Northern Extension: Railways were ratied. ~ The Treasurer then moved the concur- ence of the House invthe Report of V the Committee of Supply. n- LL- :;__._. _t`.EH Ann 1! .u IV .- u an: vnnvu vv I-IIIIMUU UIIU lII.Ill.'U.I.'B C1111 ' grate," and that, therefore; it beeame ne- `eessary that Ontario should not neglect t!x'at~e1d.q ' The Dominion Government would not have been doing its e duty un- less it had also .sent an agent, in order that this country might lbe. represented when proof was required as to whether Canada, New Zealand, or somewhere else was most suitable for emigrants. Oc- casionally some of the other Provinces had an agent present also, and frequent- ly, therefore, there were three or more agents representing Canada at the same place. There was, consequently, no half- mony among the several agents, and they appeared as if they represented hostile" States of the American Union. ' He foundgin Liverpool three `agents representing Canada,` each assuming a portion of the responsibility which ought to_be assumed, and could~be yproperly discharged by one. . Itappearedto him, therefore, that there was a waste of ' strength so far as regarded the general question of promoting emigration to Canada by all legitimate means, and that as the Dominion Government properly `represented Canada abroad, it should be charged withthe whole of that duty. These resolutions showed that the Do.- minion Government was now taking every means it could to promote emigre tion to Canada. It had undertaken the entire expense of this system. -`It had undertaken to pay all the agents to dis- tribute pamphlets, and to make the Emi- gration Oice in London as eicient for the purpose for which it was intended as possible. ' But the peculiar position of the di'erent Provinces with regard to this question must be considered. One Province might require a different kind and a different number of emigrants from another Province. This is a matter _ of which the sub-agent in London - had charge, and for which he was responsible. In that way the interest of a particular Province was not overlooked. The re- sults of this system, not only in the way of increased eiciency, . but `also in re- duced expenditure, commended it to their favour, but if the results to any Province were not what were expected, the blame would have to fall entirely upon the Do- minion agent. In order to provide against any contingency of that sort, it was arranged that any Province might employ its own special agents if it desir- _ ed, but he did not presume that this would be necessary. Some further explanations were given and the resolutions were adopted. .'l"L.i L3]! ...J..L1_.._ 1- 1'! 3. n 'A rjfiigbiil giving municipalities. fuither power as to the manner in which they might [employ payments made to them, under the `Municipal-Loan Fund Act. was read a second time. ' A - -___- -,- ----._---,.- ...,... ...,..,..M.. _ 4 The bill relating to Limitation of Ac- tions regarding the Qccupation of Real Property was regd a ;third '.time. and I10 br] .......-`.._.._....,, :_n:.uuu u_puu1Vn: u_1u5, 110111] ;9 `tion, a.i1_d b.i1'y ix1 u' b: no `Q21 11:9-electiiin wbhld 19.6. ,.I?1s_ed avou' jojt 1iI_i::vBm'1,1t4;n.' ;1W`her`e n: . `_, ~_ ~- --. .1 :3 *9?!` ,.----.-.-V vv\rA\l nvvV\A KJJ uuw DUUl.UlJl1l'y. xv ` T. Banting, Esq., and conrmed. After ' some formal business the President stated the object of the meeting, and addressed those present -in general terms on. the business before them. It- was` then I meted and carried that D'Arcy Bonltozi, V Esq,, the sitting. member for South Sim - _. _,cvoe_, 1 who wassknownto be ixrthe Vil- 3 la.ge, should be invited to attend the Con- - ,v__ent_ion.V On Bonlton entering the Hall he was received with loud prm ~ 1onxd9heers..;mdj.pr0ceeded .to.the plat form, Where;h.5.Wa8 invitedr.to'_..take a" 9 156% r;1.{.v.W98r8ftexvWt\.rd8 requested. to | address the meeting, which_h_e,did in his V S1131 h3PPY 3tY]:".'i ?9.l10hin'g-* tin- several :. of the politica.1queqtions of tl1Q.d.ay, and explaining his iC.01.l1'se:_in Parlia'nien.t.- ` _On concluding.-he saidvhejwould leave the Hall until theyenhed ma.de_their. qhoi,be*'bfi ; g.;__oe.ndida.,te, :- es wished v the, delibera- `; .'tio`I1,3; 00:59 I.I;nd',.uuchecl;ed.- by his F ...,Ml':;.Bo1z1ton loud- ` J I ~ll0;ii8fts..th6Hll.z.1'When ' t e meeting had `Qnce`e`mo'1Ieeettleii:.down 1 to "}1af.=.'f0,l_lnwing ndmingltions i were :pxop'9eed:.nnI1-eeeonHed~:_ 2; A`; . .I)"A1itiv , ,; ~_ 4, . ~ l i~'i."Wt;,*Boi;%'E&; ,7 -_ -__-..- `a-`av-Iwvl-DU ur-Au. vuvsn. `.nn.I.i* in making a choice. The meeting was held in I the Temperance Hall, and every foot of space in the building, which is a large one, was oc- cupied. W. C. -Little, Esg,, M.P., Presi? dent of the Liberal Conservative As- sociation, occupied the chair. The meet-_ A ing having `been called" to order. the Minutes of the last meeting of the As- opiation were read by the Secretary. R. T `Rani-inn `li`.a.-. null ...._c_;...-_1 A 1': -7, ---G9 The Liberal Conservative Conventio11 held at Alliston on Saturday last, tonomh nate 9. candidate for the` Ontario Legis- lattire, was a. complete success, both as to the number of those presenttaud their ` .... .4..A.L|;.. _..-`LA'-, ` ` "" -_ .,__,v.- : idctuallylspeak as though, in the . iimple fact of the `setting aside the elec- tion, they had gained a triumph ! Are `they so lost to every consideration of de- cency, thatthey can exult because they zhnve notbeen proved in court to have iblon guilty of the corrupt practices which -everybody knows they committed? Grati- . rtude for having been let o` so -easily ~ought"to.keep them quiet, if regard for the unfortunate man they have bled so lfmely, has no effect upon them. Do they really suppose that there is a voter in ` .*the.`North Riding so simple as to be gull- cdvby the precious story that $195 was the total of Mr. Cook's expenditure at `ithe last election"! Taking Mr. Cook's l\WTI Iulininainnu` on n hxnuiu Inn urnnl-urn fn n. cmqggaoa arm` - nanny: withth Canadian` ~I a`cic Railway; , nvnu. uuu auuuluuu l.|l:u|_WU.yu- We are aware there are some per- sons who would like to see no Railway go beyond Barrie, and who believe that _ if the Northern Railway had never , passed on to Collingwood,Barrie'would to-dayrbe ellarger place than it is. We ` have no sympathy with these views, but consider that the general improve- ment in the country beyond Barrie, - causedby Railway facilities,more than ' makes up for any loss sustained by ~ Railways passing beyond us. We may not do busrnessnover so wide a space, but the smaller area of our trade con- - tains more wealth, more enterprise and more energy,than existed in the larger eld which years ago contributed to our trade. ' Let Barrie offer to the County , the best, stores, the best machine shops, the best lawyers and doctors, and the besttof everything to be had within a reasonable distance, and we` need not fear the country beyond us being open- edup by Railways. If Barrie cannot offer these advantages, then it is her own fault, and we deserve to fallba- hind; Our view is, let as many Rail- ways bebuilt into Barrie, and in as many directions as there are spokes to a wheel, and the more we shall feel the benet of them. So do not let our in- .uence, or the inuence of the County, be thrown against the place ofjunction at which alone will insure the Hamilton line running to Waubaushene. IKE QUESTION IMIPORTANT T0 BAARIE AND THE COUNTY OF -smcon. T li i;,e.a:;:pc..;aa:.n 'Pi3aa*: Railway Bill the Dominion Government are em- powered to grant a bonus `of $12,000 per mile to any`_Compa'_ ny who w,'ilI se 011113 the construction of a` branch line from the "Eastern `terminus oi, the Pa- cic` Railway. to connect with existing lines, of Railway. [This bonus" is a large one, and consequently a struggle has aris'e`n`to'secure it, and the matter` is of very considerable importance to this County--more "especially to_ the Town" of Barrie. For we. feel it de_ pends, in a great `measure, on which party to the contest succeeds, whether the Hamilton and North Western Rail- way will stop at ` Barrie or continue on to the North of us. The strnygle for the bonus -is nominally between two "new Companies who received their charter during the last session of the House of Commons, namely, The" On- tario and Pacic Junction Railway Company, and The'Neutral Link Rail- way Company, hut, in reality, we have no doubt the former Company is ~ our old lriend, the Northern Railway, and the latter our more recent acquain tance, the Hamilton and'No:th -Western Railway.` If our surmise is correct we may look forward to another battle be- tween these two Companies. As far as the County of Simcoe is concerned we have only to ask ourselves which scheme will be best for this County, leaving the question ofthe two original Railways out of our calculation al- together for `whether the junction is at one place oranother has no interest to us beyond the effect it is going to have on this County. And` looking at it in this way we. are clearly of opinion that Waubanshene-the place of_]unc- tion favoured by the Neutral, Link Company--'is the place best suited to the interests of the County. of Simcoe. The Pacic Junction Railway are in favour of, Gravenhurst for the junction, but if this place is adopted the Hamil- ton and North-Western Railway will go no further than Barrie, and will then use the Muskoka line to connect with the Pacic Railway. By making the junction at Waubaushene the Hamilton Railway will have to push `on their line to that point, "and in this way serve a section of country through Vespra, _Flns, Oro and Medonte; not at present served by any Railway. To the Town of Barrie this question is one of extreme importance, as it involves the question of another Railway from the North, leading into the Town or not. Stop, the Hamilton Railway at Barrie, and the Northern part of "the County will be drained to Midland, Orillia and other stations` o_n the` Ivius- . lrolra and Midland Railways. Tn nw: numna Oluara urn anrno uni CONVENTION AT ALLISTON. * again received yvith great cheering. He` L `thanked the [meeting for the Imnm'n' Lcuuauu. uuuu 1uuLuuu illlrl aelendant are of Gaelic extraction, both live in 01-0, and both rejoice in the , eognomen "of Peter. As the Chancellor has reserved his judgment, it would not become us to speculate on the ca._se,9.ud_ we will simply remark that the bill prays for the setting aside of a conveyance" of the north-half of Lot_ 15, Con. 1, South Orillia, on the grounds of undue inuence, misplaced condence and gross inadequacy of price. ~ `Of course the usual amount` of contra.dic . tory evidence was given, tending to show that the plaintiff _.was altogether ,._cra.zy, or the shrewdest man in Simcoe,.and:that the lot in` question was worth la.rge"eu_m_s, `oi'l1e,rdly, worth having at` any :price\ Some excitement waecaused .by.-,one old V man (Mr. John Galbraith) giving an ac-- - count of the plaintiff digging up his fzftJz9i} 9`5.hb3y fi! n1.the:'zr'm're :-to see if he had been -buried alive. The witness ac-' count qt} Peter toiling and grubbing ' ' . the earth` likes. ground-hog, and oh] .` ' ling times to the orpse `in English, .. and .i97.G.91i$ `V%8.;'198%. graphic, and not ` 11nw6ifthy~of`tHe "pan"="of the Canadian n9Y'9:1i?.*~i1`V.`1'=f`1.*l??- .~.:; * ` "T ' ) Cmwronn -v. BoYN'roN.--IIector Cameron, Q.C., appeared for the plaintis, who were creditors of Thomas`Melclrum, and D Alton McCarthy, Q.C., for the de- fendants,~the executors of the late James Boynton. The suit was brought to let in the plaintiffs to redeem the _ tavern stand at the corner of Dunlop and Poyntz Street, the equity of redemption to which had been regularly foreclosed, by .Boyn- ton in 1865. It was contended on behalf of the plaintiff that Boynton had uo.tic_e by conversations with Mr. Meldrum and Mr. Rogers, of the pendancy of asuit` by Me1dr_uu1 s creditors, to set aside the con- veyance from Thomas to Mrs. Meldrum, , as fraudulent, and the Chancellor held,in giving judgment,that this had been prov~ ed, a.nd that the foreclosure must be open- ed. He, however, gave e`ect toan ob-` jection raised by Mr. McCarthy, by or- dering that Mrs. Meldrum, who was the actual though not ostensible plztintiff, should be made a party to the suit at her own expense, in order to be bound by` the _ decree, and also directed that the plain- tiffs should only be allowed to redeem on payment for improvements and i (at de- ifendants' option) on their taking an ad- jacent lot at the price given by,Boynton. 14- r: -- 3 uvu_vLvuIn yyxuxtslwu UllUUl'll1g_n . thanked [meetmg for the` honour conferred npon_,hi:n,, and eoeepterl the - poeitionjas their et`en"dardibea;er.`nt the forthcoming election.` Mg. Boulton after- wards addressed the meeting on the New Election Law and other niatters of V. in- terest, when the Convention adjourned, Cookstown Abeing settled on as the next place of meeting. Very great interest is now being taken in England in the proposed Reci- procity Treaty, and a general apprehen. sion appears to prevail lest, if carried out in_its present shape, it should place English manufacturers at a disadvantage asoompared with those of the United States. There is also a fear that so close a commercial connection as would ' be thereby created would tend to draw political relations more nearly than is ' desirable in the interests of the Empire". In consequence of these apprehensions a deputation representing fty-two Chambers of Comlnerce, waited on Lord Derby and Lord Carnarvon, the Foreign Lnd Colonial Secretaries, to point out the objections to which, in the interests of British Commerce, the Treaty as now published is liable. The deputation ask- ed, in effect, that measures should be `taken to prevent" England being placed in a worse position than any foreign - country in a treaty negotiated between that country and any British colony. Lend Derby's reply was as follows:- MCCALMAN 2:. _McAiu~11Un. --D A`lt McCartby,AQ. 0., opened his long and tedious case,_ as the Chancellor aptly described it,'on behalf of the plaintiff, William -Lounvt. appearingvfor the De- fendant. Both plaintiff and defendant sum nf` amlin tnrh-on}-inn I-mo-L 1:..- :_ n;__ ` His Lordship the Chancellor commenc- ed the Fall Sittings of the Court at Bar- rie, on Monday the 2nd inst.,butias,after a week's work, it was necessary to ad- journ to give ample room and space enough for the more exciting business of the Election Court, wedeferred giving the usual resume of the cases until the Court was closed. The unnished cases were taken up on the 18th inst., and the afternoon of Saturday, , the 21st, `saw them all disposed of. As usua1,gthe in- conveniences attending our present un- sightly and incommodious Court House, were not so much obtruded on the.;senses of those in attendance, as is the case at the Assizes, or sittings of the Division Court, owing to the smaller number of amusement-loving spectators who are at- tracted by the Courts of Equity, and to the absence of jurymen. ' mkn rnllnuvdnrv do n alum-n.L n A . _ .-._L -5 ll - cooi:smw:t.-rrank `is lying dead on the road, and the horses are standing l-up cu.-- LL- ..L`....L`u'nn- Q\AI'I1 lvu ueu Luau, nun U110 IJUIIIUB HID lvlll bylthe fence, -was_ the startling hrnllht {VI fn IIlI`l`n`nt!Q nur1-nan vnnfn uuu .u unvuvu UL J Lu. u.lUl.l. The following is a short account of the nature of_ the cases heard :- lby,the-fence, -was _ the news brought in to our `stage owner yesterday. It seems Frank had gone for a load of freight` to Gilford and was returning to Cookstown when he was found about a` mile and-a-half from the village in the abovex. Excitement and pity marked every countenance as Mr. Fraser and the Doctor proceeded to view the body, and bring home ..the horses. After all, it was only 9. grand sell. Frank was not dead, but according to all accounts had fallen o` the_ loe.d,when horses and 3,500 lbs. ` freight had passed over his chest, with no other result than confusing him a little, and thus the horses had to stand in the cold an hour-and-a.-half _for their ul- vuv UULII uu. uuul:-uuu-u.-uuu. _lUl.' IILIUII carelessness; There is such a thing as oversbepping the mark sometimes.-+ Coo/cstown Advocate. T A M OR1LtIA.,-D. ' L. Sanson, V Esq., has consented to allow his name to "be put innomination for the Mayoralty. There is probably, no other man in town` bet- ter fitted for the position. He is con- versant. with the a.'airs of the town, both from long residence and active` par- ticipa.t"' in every project for its ad-' Vance t. He is possessed of the hI1.:nAn -nkihrnnrl nvnn...-........ ........-..........-. uuv u. .u.w us pussusseu OI businembity and experience necessary to` preside over the Council, and attend with judgment to the interests of the people. Aschief magistrate of the town, his experience on the Bench will be of service, and is 9. guarantee of his tness for the duties of the oflice in that con- nection. ' It would be 9. well-deserved compliment to a. public-spirited and en- terprising townsman if Mr. Sanson were chosen first Mayor of Orillia by accla- mation.-i-Fac/cet. A The annual [meeting of the O1-illia Curling Club was held on Monday even- ing last at the ofce of Messrs. Millar` & Chase. The following officers were ap- pointed :-President, Mr. Melville Mil lar; Secretary` and .l`rea.su'1-er, Mr. J. B. Berry; Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Gray; Patron, Mr. Ja.s. Jackson; Pationesa, Mrs. Patterson; Skips for the season, Messrs. John Perry, James Jackson and Wm. Brown. The names of sixteen gentlemen were enrolled as members. 7 I 117 an n U -- -~-- ----v ---v---- ~.-- --v--_--W I John Wallace Slaven, charged by In~` spector Stark with selling or bartering liquors upon the 18th of November, without license, was ned $20 and costs. CHANCERY `FALL SITTINGS. nasal V)IuteIItgcu:g.m . COUNTY NEWS. u .11. Tnuuau, Pimps`, Ni, And Nonmnm-. ;LYM4gqg_1f9_;;_.n;.; a_.._ Bole Agehls tortlei)oIdi'lon.* _ Nora-Eckclra.-_-'qlmod and mogggiggq. -. Eclootrln Oil.-' Mr` No R1sx.- l`HoMAs ,Eor.scrn.1c Om l-Wox1`H Tm: Truss ma Wnxenr IN Gox.:..---Do you know anything of it? If not, its time ycu did--Pain cannot exist where it is used [tin the cheap- est medicinal ever made. One dose cures rom- mon sore throat. One bottle , has cured an old standing oough. Una or two bottles cure bad cases of piles and kidney tronhic. From six to eight applications cure any case of intcd nipples, or intrmed hreaais. , `has cured lama bac of eight yeartfstnnding. V Ask Mr. W.Ma.guire, Merchnnl, Franklin, Ont. how he was cured of Chronic Rheumatism, of .eight years standing, and h'_s 1-sply,will be, h the use of 'l`homas Eolscmo 0i|.- Mrs. Lee s son, uf'Cavan,,0nt , was sjclod with':.se'vcre n,.'ln above-the 0,C"b'0g*whICb caused him in- tense sulfa-.ring for several hours every day, ask, and` he -will tqlgyon that~Ecloctric`0il cured him`, after trying svarythin they_ then heard of, `thn't`wbnldnbo`"'of bnet; ~-Whafcnred Mr. C, Burrows, ofthe r`nn`ot` Burrows 1; Winatanle ' 3;]-u_]a>'a,nd fwllkns rt,` 0 j`lnamn1'-.t{o n, of lg: Lnngs--`-Ecleotrxc il. 1-`. Thomas Roblnson, Farnham Contra, .a., will tell you that ho, was cured of Rhenmst am of ton years standing, by J. `H. -Eula, Hotel, Keeper,- ,v_ns tI,onbld!:.-,viiIh__ Liver` `loin lqinrfqt several`, eqpgm . _-now well. A if;-_ ngukod him I, `tented him, and u El : 01 he" 11 I `c?""j :0 ,,w.1 00.0.1)! A.` 1.?! 9s0,corV ' .-:hnit;.li_ 3-1ly.;u`1obd , hon . no`a'ar r 1 . cuts wonn &o.,;n fo::nnIl`.".%&v . hha;inIo;!orl;_., 2 ll V. r- .v'v` Banxusiu--En>s s GOO0L.-GRA'l`EZ-`UL nu) Oonnon'mo.- By I thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operation: of digestion and nutrition, nndby acnrefulappli- cation of the fine properties of Jveilselected `cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with 8 delicately avoured beverage which may save no many heavy doctors bills!` -Civzl Service Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Water or` Milk. Each pocket is labelled -JAI(El'El is & 0o..HommnmuMn n1.-...:'...' -aatn;| As theyhld no-deed of-1;_l1e',propert_v_,`tl1ey brought V -thi suit _for specic performance. . The .di_spu at laali nhr1~owgt`l'?its.elf. to the `question, whether i stock`; of logs at the mill was or was not included in `the pur- chase; {Judgment is reserved. 5 An in- terlocutory motion to commit the Sheriff (B. W. Smith) for contempt, in selling some lumber in contravention of a. writ of injunction, was also heard, and the .ql\nn:' nucz nuu.J &n run:-v nnufa nv\r"+}IA _.-_ -_.`-um 554;! VI WALL PAPER, DECORATIONS FELT ROOFING-, BUILDING PAPER. DIALERI IN Pianos of best makers. The Masoht Hams nln Organ.~,and the Canada Organ Company- Organs and Melodeo`na.'. Organs and Meo deons to rent, `and for sale, on the monthly payment system ' `I!l'\IXTAnna I. 1- .9,-- =3 i. - 7 - " '1 mvaau DECEMBER 3, 1874.1 IJJJ ILLIII IIIUII '7 H5 GIHU - `gheriif ordered to pay yalue of the lumber. Sutrsox 1:; S!1IfPSON.4-H_:. H. Strathy for plaintiff, William Lount for defen- dant. ` James Simpson; a very old and inrm man, had conveyed certain` pro~ petty to his son, the present defendant. He now sought to "have" the deed cancell- ed on the ground that his son was to have maintained him, and had not done so. The Bill was dismissed. Sonar 1-`oa A1'r.--We are sure that Mr. Nelson ; numerous friends will be sorry to henrthat on the first of March next he gies tipbusiuess. .But though this is the general feeling, it need not prevent any from securing the good bargains there to be obtained. It is a fact that from now till next March goods ofall kinds are to be bought at the Nelson House at from '20 to 30 per cent. cheaper than anywhere else in town or country. Go try for yourselves. Bo roe-Kilxvn. - ` _ lqun,Nlw Your: 154 - , Trcmoal Strut, Bosrox; so and It Adan Bun. CHICAGO. ers, Stationers, Ilnpol Union - EDWARDS & LAIRD, ,__.____. ..--.. wvnavnlc This case ended the Fall Sittings, and, to use the language `with which Mr. Meeking was wont" to dismiss the as- sembled nudience so sonorousl_v,tha.t some of them almost feltvas though they had been listening to an edif ing discourse in church, All manner 0 persons having any business with Her Majesty's Court; of Chancery for this Province, may de- part hence, and give `their ::.ttendzu'1ce lhere ' " ' next Sprinv. MCGILL ` v. ` Anusmona. - -H. H. 'Stn_athy for plaintiff, William Lount for defendunt. T The .plainti' alleged that the defendant had fra.uduh:ut1y obtains; .1 an absolute deed from him `of the-east half of Lot 25; Con. 2, Tossorontio, in- stead of a. mortgage, and that he had witheld or destroyed a re conveyance of the property. ' Tho tlnfanrlnrsf nun] .K nnnnd-nnnn w";l`:aUPc'l;e;tte'1lElzint, Colonel Axnstrong, kept the good fortune which has attend- ed him so steadily in this Court of law, 1111!] +110 tuna tI:nnu:aan1l I BROLLY Iv. Fi:a`ousox.t-,-William` Lount for the -plaintiff, 'D Alton McCarthy, Q. C., for defendant,Thomu.s R. Ferguson, of Collingwoodj -This case turned upon the question, whether a mortgage of land in Essa, given by Mrs. Brolly to the Canada Pernument Building Society,was collateral to a prior mortgage given by her husband, of his property. This the plaintiff` alleged to be the ease, and she claimed to beentitled to redeem on pay- ment of the sum due on the two mort- gages, less the price realized by sale of her husband's property. The Chancellor, however, could not look at it in that light, and held that Mr. Ferguson s mort gage had priority, and that, therefore, that gentleman was justified in the course he had pursued, as Assignee of the So- ciety, in selling both properties for the whole amount due on all three mortgages. Bill dismissed with costs. rru HA1u)w.uuz.--'Mr. Hendexson s harri- wara store is all the time crowded with customers, because he keeps everything in hisline that the public requires, and sells at me very lowest living tales. `-!!:Qt!9. .965: '6PPrf9i,.{6f`his who hninmmenne enough to`1e_t dnop,if they (of his election expen- hi ":" 11511` ~ .." . `....