Vince: _| hlvg` V DI III- OPPOSILC we TIQVBUUO OKIICC, 5111118- This commodious establishment has just been opened, and having been built especially for the purpose of a. first-clase hotel, is tted up as such, and will compare favourably with any house ol the kind North of Toronto. Commer- cial travellers,` private families on casual` visit; and the public generally `will nd that the pro- prietor kuows how to provide for their especial requirements. The best of etabling attached, attended to by obliging and experienced hos`.-, lera. Stages leave this house daily on the ar-_ rival of the up trains. Bar well euppliedv with the best ofliquors and cigars. .33- M Excellent accomodation for Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the Travelling Public. V. Boats, Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. The Bar is well suppli- ed with Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Good. Stabling and attentive Oatlera. N.B.-Splendid Speckled Trout streams in the vinmitv. ~ . 48-ly-w us: ` 46 -I9 %===.=.=n no U .--u] vicunty. The Tahle and Bar well supplied. G00 (1 Beds First-clau Stabling and Attentive Hustlers. ` 48-Ix ' The`Simcoe, nnder its new management," has undergone considerable improvement, and now presents to the travelling community a house unexcelled for commodiousness and com- fort. The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of Liquors and Cigars, and in the charge ofan adept compounder of drinks. Good. Stabling and Sheds. - 40-ly , _,_._...._._ -......o.- .-.-n: .-.1-uno'nvu~nuv|n. HE LIVERPOOL.LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY, Available Assets, 927,000,000. `ossea baid in com-no of l` vmu-II UMEHSKULAI4 nu Luau, uunuux Dxmuus V EAST, BARRIE. JAMES HAYDEN`, - - Pnormuon. Good Board, good ziccomfnodntion for Travel; lets, good Wines, Liquors, and.~Cigara., An atventive Hostler always in attendance. 9-y H otels a11halBo119.; .--/< _ ~\ -xxx/\/x/\-x. imnxson HOUSE, BARRIE: ; _ 1 ' . JOSHUA OLARKSON, Proprietor. :ki\ .`\\ THE BANK HOTEL.- .n_ Charles Olerkson, (leteof the Turf Club Hous;e)`begs to intimate to the public that he has opened out 9. first-class Hotel on the pre- mises lately occupied as the Bank of Toronto. The bar is tted up inrst-class style, and Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. can `always be had. The Stabling is. good and ample. The heat of accomodation is olfered to travellers and boerders,'as the rooms are large and airy, and the best (if board is to be had. An attentive ostler always in attendance. ' A 7 CH ARLES OLARKSON. DUNC AN M; cannon. PROPRIETOR. Lats of Hamaod Radroad House, Rtcc Lulu. GOEAN HOTEL . R- BINGHAM, %- Pr .17-1! opposite the Northern Railway Station, BARBIE.` - - an... 11.1. lD`1 M4` Swwllv--, ; Barrie, May 14th, 1873 .-_..__.:__j.._--. :pA:cNsvv'IcK:B, , John 1!. Johns. - PI'0l".`" u .... nrllln Vi:-in:-in Hotel. Barrie. HE ROYAL HOTEL, ALLANDALE. (Croxou 3_ old stand.) u:-- The subscriber has re-tted up this Hotel and made it the pleasantest and most commo- dious House of call of any country hotel in the Province Good Mealsyand Good Beds may be rolled on. Also. the Purost of Liquors and Cigars. Oommodious Stabling and `attentive Hostler. 41-ly. .- ELAND HOTEL, (Late Royal.) corner of Front and Cgldwater streets, 0ri11ia,Onp. Lo. llfo - mum. HE SIMCOE HOUSE, next door West of Lb; L Old Bank of Toronto Building, Dunlap ' street Barrie , VOMMERCIAI. HOTEL, DUNLOP sTBEE'i- 0 `MART, RARRIE. U . Opposite the N.R. Station, Dunlap-st.,_Barr-ie. R031`. CB1-"EGG, Proprietor. Lalo of the Exchange," Cookstown. The Dominion has been retbed4s.:-.d renegot- ed, and now affonds both comfort sud spacious-. ness. _0onvenientSamp1e Rooms for G,ommer- cial Travellers. Bax-Wind Lu-pdervwell stocked. Good St.a'!ing.and Sheds, and attentive hauler. 1~ Barrie Nov.19,_ 1814. - b 347-`ly. Tn -MARKETiSQU.;ARE,; __,___ msrou now; VOI; XXIII. V . J. . . . ' llARKE1.`:8QU1_\R , ` N oN'muo.. BARBIE, . , ,1. . . Jinn J3 , ._ The iMansio'n Hlonse in nhie storyhrick building. It affords epsciohsiiess, convenience and comfort. - 'i`hefpro1:rietoi-` is well known 9! - a hotel keeper to nearly Iii-in this. gonnty; and f meriteof 'rheMi.neion.; nder 72; . :1: > . -.-he a; guarantee unto -the his Inperintpnd- .\ _ . . ~ ' ""-__-n.'I his experience -=wi1l~ nnnh M. SHANACY, - - ---.- |ll"~' ' up!` 9' lion 0` " nnml! unlllln u- - ' lIl\II ..-.4nm[n1l?lB.Y.! _'7.* .{I3 irix ' l|`I=0 I in G1! IIJII is!-`L-'-". .'.e."~ mo axcegs =-'0; `1r. :..`.u&1-p` ~ V. ._ _ ~_-.._.... 1.. nnztlna. .,- . . IOYAL STANDARD HOTEL, )OMINION HOTEL, Dun10P E . .--:-.. WALTER TAYLOR, Pmprieiox. --:- ll. uluuun, - ; uuy. Late of the Victoria Hotel, Barrie, lel` always In auunuunue. CHARLES OLARKSON, - Proni-iau - Proprietor. for Commercial nuI1IDI_ l nuunna, Agent! Barrie. Pvroprietor- IIILDU ll. Proprietor. I! ll! LUIS 48-ly-w `in 48-1} rn M "01 20-ly THREE Doom; Wrsr or was WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOE ST; Oysters Stewed, Fried and Raw; Luncheons,` Hot and Gold, prepafed on ahortrnotice. ' LU'1~TL:H1;f)'q& 0_\_(S'l`ER HOIJSE | A Good Place zo_gZz_a'oup" of TEA. gcor{EEcT1oNEEYT3Axns, kcf, &o._ ....-.u-- vvualsuuavu Ia VI 11.- 03E'"' "_'.1_`_ E If lYSTIiIlSjll_YS'l'BllS!!I Edmanfson & Son, Havina hnnn unnninlnri anln cannot: in the .-.- -- --uauwu'9vu. Uu Ivvu-.9 Having been appointed sole agents in Ihe County of Simcoe for the sale of W. J. Ellis, & Co ; celebrated Ie6.BI'ffiii:.15%.!I wIlI_Il $lITIII$ C T I Zli I Would beg to state that as the? come direct from the packing house in Bllimoreuhey ` can ha rnliml nn an hnino uvlu unv rliynlllg IIUIIBU I|I IJIILIIIIIVIF. luv: can be relied on as being .&BaW!*AS! lIEE1:mE1o Stores, Hotels, &.c..,supplied at Toronto prices. Oysters servd in evaiy style with Hal Coffee. As'we have lled up a comfortable room with private untnmoe, parties can rely upon being attended to on .lhe shortest nolice,a_nd at reasonable rates. . - `E 3 III "wvnCd\-n n-can-nun-nlnlhni IUCISUIICUKU I(UU- N. - lI.-AlI oysters Guaranteed Fresh, or no Sale, ` A........ on. 1n'm 9:--F - -ya--, up: no an August, 26lh,`l874. NEW BOOT &-sHoE STORE! & \A LLOOK_H`ERE!I nu G In .1: II I_- I Have just opened out In the premnaee next door `to Watson & Go. s Drug Store, where will be found a large stock at carefu1=y ` selected ' w-..-s -\u--n.-- .. -g--.- .;..m`;:.;"T';;;a a.;.;;;m .|\n ucnvutwv Boors `AND SEE-ICES OF EVERY CLASS, STYLE & MAKE, which lhnv inmnnl In :91! an 0:} Order work promptly a!t:;;t;-tg. :50- Barrie, Nov. 1st, 1874: . ' 45-ly. ' W31`: l" Boowsn AND QSAHOFES, `I1 I')I')`I.`I)Q - .l..|Ja' .LI .I.'J.L.l.J..lJ bummer Dwcx, ls uuw ready with aim} assortment of Goods for the Winter Trade, which will be found of first-class quality, and of the NEWEST STYLES. As usual he will be found to give value for money. He will sel1.CEEAP FOR CASH. - Order work in the Lntest Styles. R. NEILL` .?.L`.E,.,`2Z`3i5 mad: with :1 {ml muznrtmnnt of Goods for the ` DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. One Door Wm of the MARKET STREET. . MUSIC LESSONS. -. PROF. ~&_ 1.. CAISSE,- Pmnist. and - V, - - Organist, begs to intimate that he - u is prepared to give instructions at the residence ofpupiia, and also at his own resi~ deuce. Pianos, Organs, and Melodeons Tuned and Repaired. For` terms and further parti- c.nla.ra apply at his Residence, James St.,` west of the O,atho1ic'Cburoh, Barrie. Burris, November 7th. 1872. - 45+tf Te uu'14;uu'1u|mux A111) rm. rnnux on- cured'in Canada, the Un11_ed States and Eu- rope. Patent guaranteed or nocharge; Send rm primed instructions. Agency in operation len Venn. . HENRY GRIST, nnnwa. Canada. y at-val ' LADIES , GENTLEMENS`, A NO P. H J. --Combines dispalcli, economy, and durability. in carrying thmugh each branch of mason, bricklayer, ghasierer, alaterg white- washrng, colbringg [tpet-hanging. &c.` A trial will ensure sahaction. Give early. orders forvsharp aucr:'.7t<'::. ' Dunlap Sm.-:e1,E'~ast. 1 7.{:GiLLEM,TraE :oBB1NG"raF1_L1')r2, urmuu UIuD'.l', Ottawa. Canada. _ Mechanical Engineer. Sohcilior ofPaloms and Draughtaman. . . hum ll Hiuu on of an J ust received a consignment of fresh 5 T ? (`N rr1 -77; -r-\ rw -f---. PAINTING .41i5'fifEooRA`;A:NG Gnonan 1%rEV_VE-L`9N. OZBILLIA. JUSTICE Is THE GREAT; BUT SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, AND THE WHOLE S_ECRE'l` ?-0F SUCCESs IN ALL GOVERNMENT. -V The snblcriber i; preps:-ea Co execute hll or- ders :1 "aiming; Decanting and Paper Hung- lng c. ` ' I j - ` - V P of alldescriptions dqne with nento noss snd dispatch and at reasonable rates. V Auwork warranted to give aatiafgction. . llauauu _I'i`kll? `onmnu. ` GEORGE NEWTON.` IPRIN GAILIIPORT AA'_l`_ONS . [ogmm afhbllny. 1:.-in ` ALF1zEDiV,GRA:vER,% Hgnu, Sign ind Oargiqge, Plain _s;n`dA4 Avmental-. _ . __._____,_____.____. PATENTS OF INVENTION 1XPED_I'[`IOUSLY AND PRCPERLY SE- A -.._...I.:.. l`<-......l;. 4|... TT.-.n...I Quum. -m1'l`.n- . Shop on `John strait, `near B11i s Plning -Factory,` Barrie, Ont. .0:-dare`, le_!t at _ E, Graver : `Ha:-dwa1'-e` Store, Dunlap `qtreet, will be promptly ntteudqd to. ` ` *`1ubmry2nd,1s':s.~ - V ` 6-1:, - BOOTS & TF6E"s-. &V` omcs] `EU LIKJAV t\I_`uo.I.aa.-v--w--~ - . oramngd. _ Y .. l Ill'eby;yi`1.`I'I'_;.I,&` 'Qtu3ioi)5 |!1 A'pmVia* on; } iiYih8 _G`5.6da or5M`,*?.f'"'!3'3 y nocoum igilh-; T.i.uHm`wfii(bn`n rd `V 5"" 7` lug, `.-.'-.d_19 'lVlDg U00!!! Ur 'lVlUIlIv 9?! v.'xiiti!='_r*'*-`I? ` DVD! DIJIIDD, DI. IIJID W III which they intend to sell as I|I'h AH I-'III`I1 1`1I`l`INAI)' "'?`-Ubif YLIIJJJIUJI ' THREE Doons Wrsr Nrrrnn urvmrr nnmn :{A-U"I`lON ;MEB;`.M1I.?\rizIs;AN.1 T 1 n'lIIEllR_"` >:A1 N TIN G".P'-uN'r'1NG. ` Plasnyna oynagnjgptsil. ' --__--u Don't `fo:-get` to call in. w. unit 1 that Ilka; ` lied 9 Anal 0 n. & fcnsv t nnnnnd nnf. in thil nmminen I AND COUNTY.IOF ,SIM%COE GENERA1. ADVERTISER. bus, 83;." PAINTING, ac. mmmva, AND CHILDREN'S , . WA LAIL-- S MUSIC. 1; AAAAAA; .Ulr:|qg:, IIIVIII `nuu iv Inau- . V mental * "\'\.-\`;).\ :'..vI:x.Vn:\L Dunuuxuu nuu (' :=.m.\* oxm'Y. V _ .; W;--..~z:-.\HS'*.).`"IC` H.u.L.fx`oRONTO. -3 IA P1"l`AL. ??5l,53()0,0()O. To `mnexs and Landowners! N You Want fa Borfaw Money '1': `I,-`_/I (K l::;x=n`o! km:-:1`? To fcnce,`c1enr, 2z:{;..u:' -rv.'is': imurove your land? ` ...__ ,2 or other debtn?` Or for ~, '11:.-.0 ':uui for ynurself or for you sons?- x o_nn.I.u. GEOXGE NEWTON, Painter Dacorfntor. = W1! A ,ai.1y #.:1ii*i4$`*%1$;. III: F. BAIL, Lac" no WARE IN ITTIXTNIV uu, Agent. 35-If l'J.l_I,_ : _a;nd 0t'na- Barrie, ontario; `Thursday, December 3} 1874. rvvvm.n.~\.-um. . _- - ~.\.v;. ~l\.l"\/ .I\/\_ _rv vJvJ MILLINEBY. nnss&. Mums] 'l\1l' A,K-JCLTG-. JIULI adv; tibia-Jinan, no unan-r--gx Next lg) Blrd s Root 4!: shoe S101-e. ------- nnmssms mun nu ma: LATEST STYLES, At moderate chm-gee. and with promptnesa. STRAW AND FELT WORK RE-DONE unvru runl. 40.1- |:?3?B_$,;.N%.%|@.:Bi%iS:Q;l _IIU UVZU viuru-vuvwvv Wbilst_tha.ukful_for past favors, begs to assure her friendsnnd the pub1ic,thal she has con- stantly on hand stun assortment of - - - - - n n I Z 3` ` I DIME, Ul; ltlutuypnl Auuuv nnsss an MANTL1=:'T1:f2{i':'1Nv3.| I .. n...l..o...1- and, _ I\/ifiil7i,"F5ii.E`"5:l!?ff)? I }36"i.\:%:}L\"{"-*1i"3'E"'`=:' % HATS 8: GAPS. --- ....---u i Avmlweim 'l'.VnItI\T DA. JLJLAJL 11. xi \IV was 4\..r\-r\- on Tim LA'ms"r FAs1uoN. c' Sale,or promptly Made to Order. __-can n nu-n1'l'rl1I"l'.I l A'H1'l'l'l'N '1`:i`.,': i Au pun. It-Ivuw --_, .....- \ MARKET STREET, - - - BARRIE. IIIII-'I-IIII-I.I`l, UIII-VII In-I Iuluiuun -~ M I s s MORT 0N, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. I1-..` 4.. 1nn...u 13...`: .1. Bison Gin:-an IIIU JVlJ'l1 .l.|:l.l..L .u.-Ia Of very description, and all sizes, taken at all bouts of the day. `14V1ort@m1 Ekhhancc, [W TllHlSI).\Yk WRN ING, I- :he'l'0Wn of Barrie. "They also keep in conz;c-t`ion with the gallery 9. large stock of Albums. Album Pictures, Lockets, Ohromoa, Lithographs, Pnd n4..n11'. D A T`Nr'r`1N(`: -r Pictures .l"!`B.I!lV(l K0 otuer. HUMVIE & VAN DEN STEEN. 0rill1s,'Jan. 21. 1872. 4-tf J. IIUMME Gr. VAN DENTSEBN, ~ '0RILLlA.- A mvs smcfor FRAMES! I'I'I\III` IvI`r%I: Has now on hand. an extensive and genuine `stock of.Single `and Double . Harness (Carriage and Team)`, English and Common Riding Sad-' dlea, Double and Sin le Bri'.i1cs, Collars, &c., which he can offer at very ieason:.b1e- prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and other Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes Curxy and. Mene Combs, 0a.rds,_'c., tobe found V in this market. A... ...-9:.-1n:n Hm h-min mnnnmmrad. fur. in this market. , Any article in the trade manufactured, fur. nished to order onshort notice, and warranted V to give satisfaction. rrnamim wall and noatlv executed. to give sxmsracuon. I !3'Repairs well snd neatly executed. Barrie, April 8, 1870. S A DDLERY AND HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, BAYPIBLD STREET, A few doors North of the Wellington Hotel. Which will be sold at reasonable rates. ... .....q-u q.-nu-u-uzu )HoToGRA:-1110 GALIQELKY. 5, WESLEY. iIJ.R.WfRNER S ...-`n-n vn nun -unnn IIIIJIIIV ` J40 LDC v I ,SADl)LE AND llAB1\`Ess mun, Corner ofsayeza 5; Dunlap amen, BARBIE :--3 Lgckets, ' (;'0IL I AIN.TING,.' Frnmed m without Fmmtl A with his business in all its details, employs the ,Dot.blo Carriage Harness. Sole` manufacturer As the adroriiuris practically conversant I most. skillful workmen, and uses none but the best material, he can warrant all work made-in his establishment to give thorough satisfaction. , to the purchaser. ,Sin1e and double Harness . of all kinds, Saddles, Collars, Trunks, Va-lisos. ` `and `everything connected with, the business constantly on hand athe lowest prices. Part"- iculnr 'attention given` to Light` Single? and an Rania of ma Excelsior and Bin ,Dot.b1e Uamngo unrnoas. now mlvumclurcr in Barrie of the Excelsior Back .and_ Hip Staph, to which the htteujion of the'pub1ic' is specially directed.-. -_ - ' . A T.BAarrie,J(1ne.18.-'73.` 3 V . - ` A24-ly , _ __; ' " ' ' _.,..___.__. ._..-._._ WPHAOVTOGRAPHLING. ` L f A -uU_ll_IIlIIyuIIq|I'_lyuynlvy = .V 7 `NEXT DOOR -"r_o MARKET HQUSE,` ` . Conan` S1-u_u,:BA'm`uI'. * .; - --..-_:..------ Muaaow7s'i'ucrmN`MAnI mu A :cnMM|ssmu,nooMs, % Fiiaivm nnmis unvn uA.1: 1zn m nnnmiv` 11".` 7.95.9: XEYLHIII Q Knnonnooiithe opening o( thvnbovd publish- ;mcgc,=;ond.:'IqIcin_tn P-iblie P8$ton52!.~ `Goods. .Eurnsnt9 WWI. .:-#1. .aVa'i_z9e1npon. j -. . 9 _ 1ru;n1p;e WNW! .0l__a.n_v. _nnu mgcagvqu __nu_ , . . . a.:V 3'il `dl1__D-__ 1-, Oorintnxoui Plftmnsgeo r:S1-dnineiqi Goons .. -Q1A\1'.:'Ii`.Qn5.;k"l`:`I%"!`r.T: _mt,M rm: f._ s- Q `III-I "iv T111 `I .:Gdods coxi:lg_nadt<,x his :.uro..'ulllabu digpoud - V a-nun thazbut nonibla ndunhoo. , r M IL`L'N.EF;AY ac. PHOTJFRAPHS -.._ .I'....-..:..A:;... ......I .ll nu:-no O-nbnn MARTIN_-r?iooaE, ___ .... L....A an ax-onnah-n on!` man lonlomous Pnmnnon 1~nIs1-onme`oy uopqa . sm. L?.E8-'_:`~A`!l`="`*A*T. L .-mm E-`s.~ 1.3-11. t`AI`I|.JAxfh! kh numl 'I-Ill .-I-m iinnii :sTB3LERv. ac." Ll.l.hl 1..-1L.L\-.L1n.1\a Frsmed on without Frams Picture: Frame}! to otder. unuma 1. VA N mu Aqc?rIog\n % cArw.f m.-ixairmorrow. --__...'. rAL-.. '.;.- 1.! ILA ..I....-.- --L.:I..` } naww. I-III {CD10--Willi! mun ` : 3: ` 'Aumaiaaai-.nmim. In the latest styles. I?u1f'nl~` I';3!dp:-, , uh I'IJ\JLV Ill 40-lyr CHAPTER III. It was getting dusk. The sun had set, leavinga rich red-glow on a few of the clouds, the mountains were darken- ing, the forests were turning purple,and av hazy blue mist was stealing overta lovely valley in Normandywhen at young girl, with a quick light step and graceful movement, passed along the road that ran through it. - The thick woods sloped down to the very edge of her path, and she cast from time to time a slightly anxious glance at their gloomy depths. Her dress betokened an English woman, and one of the higher classes, and the frank gaze of her large blue` eyes, the soit bright colour in her cheek, and her golden hair, were all those of the daughters of our land. She was tall and slight;her unall, well-formed head, was carried a littlehaughtily, and an air of indepen- dence indicated one with whom the world had dealt gently. As she hurried quickly along the fast darkening path her eyes turned from time te time to- wards the gure of a. man who was sit-. ting on .a milestone a few 4 hundred yards_ahead,'and her colour heightened as she neared him. Probably he no- ticed this, and, as in all bullies, the sight of fear raised in him the wish to terrify. That he was also English was evident from his dress and carriage,und she was not surprised to hear him `ex- olaim, Hello, my pretty miss, what a pace you walk! Where are you going in such a hurry 1" An I11: unnbn kn rnon oh!` ninllrni "ii! H1 SUCH I-`I Hurry 5 ~ As he spoke he rose, and walkel by he: side; but the young girl, (or Cecil, for it was she,) took no notice of his speech, but with u. ashing eye and crimson cheek continued her rapid walk. ' ` v1t"I_...-' _n-_n L- --.......4..`.'I..'l.. ....u -7- u...uL'.'.J L-I` A1\_'nDL`AD ILL`!-I \I|l1lLl-ll` H5 rnyth'mg qeqzxiriug Veterinary Skill. Hi! ( >;1.1i'.i;.'1 `Row lets, Healing Oil. &c., will 330 5:.-Vzzni very euucious, and are sold _by J- P- 5` 9. Druggist, &c., Barrie. Urdewpromptly aveuded to. _ -1 8} H. BLAcKfs1io(, K. wum. . Come; don t be unsociable, my dear," he continued, in a tone of vulgar insolence; you're much too pretty to walk alone. Will you have an gum 1 Still Cecil made no reply. Her` heart beat fast, and she longed to run, but felt it was useless. Meanwhile her tormentor was staring impudently in her face. his hands in his pockets, keep- ing pace with difcultv with her quick- step. Presently he spoke again. Kl".nmn Ann ! ha nnlrinrl V Wnn t vnu So many little things are sins, To which I feel myself inclined, Where duty ends, or wheie begins, I mm : u1n`Il amnln in mv mind. |8|UPu IKUUCLI|vly LIU BPUIU ugcuu. Come, don t be unkind! Won t you take my arm? Then P11 take yours, and-a kiss, mo, before I let you go. u..1..-:A Imm n 1.... urrnn hm -(".n.-,l VVIIBN: uuly ISIILIF, UI WIIUIU vrglua, lcan lw.e1|sellle in my mind. And ifI don : what shall I do ? A - Who cares to help me? MoLL,do you? auu-u. lslub, Luv, ucluxu 1 Let. _vuu av- He laid hold of her arm; but "Cecil sprang back, excvlaiming argrily, How dare you touch me '! Coward ! axe you not ashamed to attack a lady because she is alone ! Let re alone, or_ take the consequences. L Ru [mm mm vhn innn, Imm-hino IMITATLON. 0F_ is`1K31cii'ii:S'*oN}}T They say We wrong for you and me- To love-each other, girl, so well; But why ilshould be I can : see, And sure I am that you can 1 tell! And if it `is, what shall I do T ` [cannot help il: Mon, can you ? ll. Propriely fosbids such Ihipgs, Srciely in vain. repeats; I fen. such pleasant wanderings . My heat! will go on while it heals. And ifil doea, what shall I do? " I cannot help it: MOLL, can you I III. `U3 cunacquuuues. -_ By Jove, said the man, laughing,`!you re prettier in 9. passion; I must and will have a kiss; so you may as well take it quietly. Au ha cnnlra Ha uairrml kn? lmnrl, and may U5 WUIL LLIBU Mn liultillyu Ashe spoke he seized her hand, and ung his arm round her. Cecil struggled violently, and screamed eghel-p. She felt his hot breath on her face,and shut her eyes as his coarse features came- closer and closer, still struggling with all her strength. `Suddenly he released her, and springing into the wood, dis- appeared in its gloomy depths ; and Cecil, ushed and breathless,found her- self face to face with a young man,who had just ridden up and sprung lo the ground as the man disappeared. `Ll-Ion ha hnpf unn `I , In: nnlrnd, hnr-' lUlIUu _11` ll!!! Iuuu KJIEEIIPUEIULII "Has he_ hurt you '1 he asked, hm)-' nedly, in French. I am very sorry I was not quicker, but'_I have only just `seen you. i'l`hnnlr unn ran-ul nnnfl, nfnvina v riax-xoms LOWE, Butcher anti "l .;:.ultq'r:3:|f( BESS toinform the public thizihe !ias tak 'n; Sun No. 4, in the MarkctH' Biflje. vihcre he will carry on the Eb0VCbuIiDel_- ' . "` at-rie.Dacem1mr llth. 1.8%?` ' " ` ` 3UUll JUN. Thank you, replied Cecil, stnving to recover her composure; he ha`! not hurt me, only bruised my wrist, and she showed her slender wrist, all red and blue from his rough grasp. 'l`hn kn-uh: " vlnimn Hsn nhvananri uuu ulus uulu IIID Iuusu 5uIoPc The brute ! foxdlaimed the stranger`, in unmistakable English. How I wish I had been a little quicker! (`Anal nmilnrl and nnemnrnr` }\1'i'I1:h WIUII I. Ila UUCII E III-IIU IilpIl\iBUI} Cecnl smiled, and answered hiya`; the [same language. - " 9 T am unvu nlnrlxnnn nun-n Inni nnm I-nu _E|lIll.lU Iuuguugp. 9 . "I am very gladeyou were not qmck- _ ear," she said; th'ere~wo\t1dV have been a. fight. ~ , It was very foolish ()1 me to stay out so late a1 one. ' uDnplru:nn if um. nah-I Hun utrnrwrnr BN1, VH5 DU IIIBU EIUHUO "Perhaps it was, said the stranger, with a bright smile; but at an eveqts Imus! see you safehoma now. . 66"-sunk unn " Snip` hQ`:l hnsal-Q`"V!' l`lLIllI BUG ,UI.I 3&1? IIUKIIU UUWo . Thank you," said Cecil, heartily; "it is not much further, and V I-- am so afraid of meeting that man again-!_ ". I hardlysever walk Mono; but papajs not very well, audvcduldinot oomo sovfar. fI m afid -he'll `ndvegloit me go out alo'ne'ngain. ' .- ' UT Wanna Inn! 11933 Hnn vnnlno 1 `lfnui I u`::`Iul::;:I;ot, waaflle reply; I fur' 3 may not`-be wclose-'next-time. . I1- kn kn`: n:l`A~ Ina:`:ria Ill, IIUII IID BU UIUUU IIULH illllfa . He walkedby her side, leading his horse, his state1y.__head4 bent, over her, hip dull eyes drinking in: " th_e !l.0Bh ,.beauty of the young girl,` ml the! rqaohed. an -o_1lV fqrmhouse, with quamt gables:-:vs1d 1iIttioe .w,i.n.1;w,s. h`.r#m.bAme, untldi cards? Ami ..b~.rfn9. 8M?,les.: 9.09 .ri P8,in *1! .'?!x%i9l3.nd-f.'..}?.1!9 Cw.` . ,li9*!5%,.?m9 s!%g;*i6'~`5%9sr 33: f 9.. -LC: .; 1': E25!-.v"' ` f .0h. undead vnn1'mn't. name; .11: am} _p;a.r'ed lO,,lnqun.t'h! hpngsa. ~ -7' -T=`?9hind;9!!;Y9.#-3 1tn.ui5.`c9m -In I-ad -`see u1:>.h.. .' we f! `i..=&Ii}'9_if.*v.~ %.f`.H9... `willy je"o vgiod igybgao fgot l4o!`_ h`imf 1.'*1I1a'nk`i.'c>n.-.:.?JaMbm9"in;" .~, ` ' ~7'vm...:*.".:.`..1'1`...'... . `.;...: 1..';i `..'.'.I` .r.......' "'.""" -`.'."-';:-.T=="?`-"' `*"=?.' "'2 V . ' 5!1.`he Eentlewanwed. A:-.nd- af=_e_r-.:s-. ; 'L**a*i'.I 8;339=itn..nT99atellowsl .w;4'M`.:,. svrlx stage .9m%.1..heV;:bs:. .4 2 .ygh;19,q96i ;3f1n.J1`asI. `If9Mn"w9rn Dr.-.. V ., ';t_`.1`x% 'z 1.i1oni; :i h`er $:3`v'bifu`ie`.V ` " ` rrengn Meat, 1-`own, uam`e,A' (in choice quahly as the markets afford, and obr the a_me :11 very moderate prices. ' 3-` he Corned Beet; SausnQes`n;id I.a:irl.-1':`'Sr' >VwiIh` .wn!.I9 `-39911:`;-En?! *i,';9fr?`*! ab ,%;h%e:;2v%sm`r9`x CECIL. ,_.....- . .__. _.._.. H. ..... -, _. .._ -. _.. . .._...-.._-_ _ Taking his horse round to the stable, the stranger came to the door,and with a slight. tap entered. Dr. Lester, who i was sitting by a eheerlul re in a annel ,dressing gown`, rose, and holding out ibis hands sud, 1'n- tremulous tones, l i hardly knowhow to thank you, young ; man, fat the service you have rendered E me. She is all I have. ' l""`D '-'-"-rv `----- '-.-`V '-'"'a - Granville !-can it be? cried the doctor, gazing at the handsome, brown whiakered, strongly-built. young man before him, and thinking of the rosy. rough-haired schoolboy who had been his Edmund s greatest friend. Indeed it is. Now you laugh, I can just trace the likeness; Did youknow Cecil 1 ..uu- A. . W, , , ,,_-I__ __ L5- I The stranger looked hard at the pale face before him, and then exclaimed , a heartily, Ah, Dr. Lester, your memory is not so good as mine_. `I am very grateful {or any accident that renders me less of a. debtor to you. Many an illness and many a scrape you have got me out of. Have you forgotten that young scamp, Granville Rodney?" (1fV._.._._-2Il-l A-.. .`A L-'H ....2...I CL- tug: Jluvuvvu. ynv Jvun any n v~vu - Nit the least, wee the reply, as he ' glancedat the tall, graceful girl, who was busily making the tea and perform iug the duties of :1 Martha with quiet, lady-like ease. There was something in h6l'.V0l(.`.B thafwas familiar and puzzl- ed me; but I only saw her once or twice in the holidays, and she was quite a little girl then. .- . u u -1.: U H is the same face though, said the physician, watching her fondly as she bent over thevre to `pour the boiling water into the tea-pot. I dare say that you will see that it is as it becomes more famihar to you. But what are you doing in this part of thelworld 1 at A n\lIc:nn rnvanlf rnnlinri l\J`Y Rad- y0ll Gulllg Ill ulls yull. Ul I-HG wun Au : "Amusing myself, replied Mr. Rod- ney, laughing. "I left college last. year, and have lzeen kicking up mv heels at ` home ever since. A friend of mine asked me to make a fourth in e shing, sketching, and walking tour, and I agreed. We went. to Jersey and Guernsey first, then across to Dinan, and have been roaming about ali over the country.` We are stopping new at n Hhln nnnnhvu hnnan nhnnf hill ITIHPH H16 uuuubry. VIII: unu bLL.-ylmus nuvv an. a little country house about ten miles off, as one ofthe fellows has sprained his aukleand culn t move just at pre- seut,-'a lucky chance for me. And now it {is "my tum. to-hear why you have buried yourselves here ? 6.'Q.'.m.~.l.. k..nnnm;'(" nrlrnh-pr` the IHIVC nurleu yUll[\`,`l1lVt'U_ |ll'z1U : Simply b.-.causeVCecil admired the 1 valley. we look up our abode here for the month of September, replied Dr. Lester; but now we. are going home at laet, after nine years wanderidyg. I M . have bud a`nad cold for s_ume days`, or you wo'u':dn t have found that young lady out alone. Nuw` tegisready; and whila we discuss it, tell me :1 little Mid- vale gossip. _ ' T`Ji- Rmtnav nnnr1m1'nn hrnczczinrr. H33 <~`<-'.-`-sun: ""-"'-"'1-'-----o `- 4.-. , Have constantly on hand a good. 5upplv"of: Fresh Meat, Fowl, Gam`e.-'dtc.. of.'in choice [he marlreu n`m-A. and An`... uh. lama knit many rence to. be drinking Vdl EUD".l[7. _ Ml`. Rodney neededono pressing. He took his seat at the well-spread table, and was soon chatting, joking, and laughing with his two new-old friends, as if it was a matter of common occur- tea-wilh them in this secluded valley of Normandy. Iecil watched his ne, expressive countenance, and listened to his easy, we! -bred conversation, with unusual pleasure. Dr. Lester had never mixed muchin society, or encouraged stran- gers, nnd Cecil` knew very few gentle- man; but even had she been in society, she would have found few who could charm and facinate as Granville Rodney `could when he chose to exert himself. Dr.Lester felt the spell,uud laughed and talked as Cecil had. rarely heard him. It uunn nn 3IrL|I\;I\II n` nnrnivqd hflhiu l8.ll.!6u E3 UCULL unu. (bunny uvcuu uuu. It was an evening of unmixed happi- % ness, and allwere sorry when the sound of a clock, striking `ten, warned their guest that he ought tobe starlmg on his long xide. uT .-In lnnnn unn mill nnl` meat that 1_us mug nuu. I do hope you will not meet that dreadful man, said Cecil, as she stood 9.1 the door pazing with 'a shudder down the road, which showed dim and indistinct in the starlight. You will ride fast,`woh t`you '!W` . u'Iu'...o nan-On:nlu T elmll rnnlind NH. nae last, wulru you 3` . VMost certainly I shall," replied Mr. ` Rodney,.1aaghing, for `l shall_v not be I in bed much before midnight as it is, 1 and 1 was up with the lark this mom- I ing. The man wuftttouch me; but I don't advise you to walk out alone. I can't think who the ruian wa:,or how M . he oame in these ports. I sh-Lllokoep a good look-out for him, and come over again tomorrow or" next day to see that you are safe. Good mght. r_:m.... hin'hnL Mr- Rndnmr mde mat you are s_u1u. uuuu uxgnu. v Lifting his'hat, Mr. Rodney rods 1 `quickly away, his horue s sgeps echoing` I through the still valley, and a pair of 1 beautiful blue eyes watahing him till he disappeared in" the shade of the r woodg. Z ' I _.- _..A-.._.l AL. I. ..... -non:-I npn. Cecil re-entered the house, and seat- tl mg herself on a little wooden stool be- h fore the.fue,her_head resting on Dr. e Lester e'liu.eea, she hstened to his tales a and anecdotes of thehboyish scrlapes and It -adventures4of.the young heir of M1d- i vale Park; for Granvllle Rodney `was a theonly son of Sirliarmedukel Rodney, `c the great man of their little. village, I who laid` more stress on his long line of I t1ncsto:a,and their unaullied "tame and 1 unta1'nted.blood',th'an on the beautiful 1 estate_he owned, or the heavy. rent: roll: that ma_de',h'im .euch__a'_n; object: of : - _en&y` to: his poorer neighboie. "RnJi\Au7a nlnnr rinhlna Innbh And guy,` Lu um yuulun uclsuuulau _ . Rodney s clear, ringing laugh and yweilgiiiodulated voice was in her ears f: 'as Cegil laid her l1ead_ on lib!` pillow, - and his` bright, miinly, good-looking face biaior her eyes`, and she looked f forward with pleasure to his` p`l'0!Il'l8ed.I iviait. He dld_ not come on the lollowo I ingday, though Cecil saidahe. was too 1 T [much afraid _o:*I.he mm togo out of l 4 night of. the houso,`.,and'paoed' n * wards and :for.wn,x_ds..glung thou-oafd.txll 4 quiie -dark. castipnfroui lime Anytime` In quiclglnn_oattowuds;tlm rqad on which . ;:hC'h-_d1diV pegrgglgou tho A the previous :.{v";".' a` ` : 3" 3..-7 ' Axnhl -' vnni. _f`1. I n ..:iI.l Uyrnlnti. UVQAIIIIEB ` " " i 53.1}; ;.Ceo'il `.Vfl..'i1o.illy,J ` rt'Jmi`IlI`I4t.i.t.3 A;;lady,.t9 fa|\,iu,Alo\`ro wit-0 .0-`Ed`-, "lQ9kin$x!u!1E3!'stJ3`.'h%W9. he Md n?J19d_)h913fromiBn. -sup haunt IdV:ll.'~ `tin , .1. rut, .- ' ` , 0-IA Y..'..$:}.-1`.I .?.:.'.`."E?;tn|:`rEme1A faixinhtioh '_.|\l7)|l`D`l_ ,lI'0Hl_ll ,lllp_l?3!.uL nut vnr` : I11I_I:!-!~;..1`NVl80t D&IlI!!11;_`l1`13-Hi", ht" '1 ?t`11%4-eed;q%ia9-!$f6;` use reoimioh 4 as sxraassvaliv; -meme` -nan ~b9`e ; 9255.9 I !9`e.a85#.`iP..9m,iii` A:v:vn..t?.*. PM: ; :~.|!~.'.F rend-n.=.e.94;h6r f2`:e1*!L':i? < L-W6 % .f.1P;9h..5..*ii*` 1",`.-'i*"it.:.1-`)~`!)g L . .1 Noi 49.who1e No.` 1163. , '_ T - moderate -.1 ~ 1 *1? Bee], Sausngesnnd Lafd,16g6:er vvnlb; a variety ofoxher useful comnlodiligs, can al_wylj he had at No.-2 Stall. - ' - V 3" ", .__._ All purchases dehvered in any part of the tohil` freeofcharge..- . . ` "_ .1: :5? Cash paidjor Cattle! V 3 " 5: u _A. smasnu ' " . JUBINGIIQMV ' ; nnrn N-.. :0 `(IDA ' ' - "V"-la II] \l\llll.IlIIlC\-VII: My dear boy, vuu are always we!- come to me, said Dr. Lester, kindly; and Cecil will be glad ofu conxpauimn, the robin was the only sign of bird-!ifre; axid`Ceoil watched eagerly for the face that had grown so very dear 10 her warm young heart, "hall unconscious of are heavvhcloud that was steaiing up M over her` horizon. Inn, ___'L_J L, 1 :,.,. _ r, .,.:_,I_. laugh and pleasant face; and thus it `was but natural that she should say gaily to herselfasshn undressed that night, "Ah vvellhe is sure to come to-morrow, for he said `to-day or next day. It does.- dear papa good to have a geneman to talk to, for I am very little company to hxm. I The morrow was bright and sunny, and Cecil was up wi!h the lark, itting about the old farmhouse, clmttcrine, gaily to the rosy-cheeked Normandy woman,Awith her white cap, short blur-. pettwoats, and wooden snbots, giving their little appartment an air of con:- fortmxd home with a few womanly touches, andgathzsring the few flowers the simple garden boasted; to arrange them in a great china bowl for the table. 1 (V -I .1- -. 1 uraniu- This day Cecilwus not disappointed, for Mr. Rodney made his appearance soon after they had nished brcakfust, and taking his horse to the yard begged ` he might be fed and housed, us he in `tended to stay all day. His bright face and merry laugh made the quiet oid room very sunny and cheerful, and Dr. Lesper welcomed him as Warmly. 95 he could desire. , I I I ,, `IN UI-IILI KICGIIUI I am come to spend a long day, Dir. Lester, he said, gaily, as he sealed himselfin 9. low wooden chair in the chimney corner. I mean retake Miss Lester for a good walk this afternoon,if she will coma,so that she may not be attacked 9. second time, and then I want just such acosy evening as we had ihe other day. I found my hiends horribly stupiiand uninlerr-.stin_; yes- terday by comparison. R117 Jana Ln" nnn nrn ninvnuu Ina` Theyhad been home just 9. fortnight when Granville Rodney came, and the three weeks parting was fully compen- sated for by the joy of that meeting. Heur after hour they sat over the re night set in; and then Granville rose` reluctantly, saying, as be left her, Mind you have your brightest roses in your cheeks and your prettiest dress on to-morrow, for I shall be over directly alter hreakfastin the puny-carriage lo ~ take you to my father and mother as 3 their future daughter. I till the red sun had set, and the gusly Ln:-In Rn.-`nan hurl I-anon Inn-an lnr BIAUII IllL\lIULlI1UE. .lI|UIo Lady Rodney had been lame for many years, and rarely left the house; and Granville,`as he rode rapidly home- wards, pictured the happiness it would be to her to `have that sweet young lace and winning voice in the dull old i` I , house. Poor Granville! No thought ' , of anything but pleasure and hearty l approval crossed his mind as he boldly ll told his love and his engagement to his 1` , parents that evening; for he was a pet. ` I ted child, and had never yet been , thwarted in a wish. Besides, was his ; Cecil not lovely, accomplished, rened, : . amiable, all that man could possibly . wish in a wife? V Alas! a cloud, such as he had never seen on his father s face, rested on it at his disclosure. M` The old man's bright l grey eyes glittered and his withered | cheek crimsoned with passion, as he i exclaimed, Never! never will Icon- sent to see that girl your wife. What sir! 9. Rodney marry a circus girl! Do you remember who you are. and who she is ! I would sooner see you in the grave than know that you had been the first in the family to mingle the l pure blood of the Rodneys with that ml a low~born waif, a circus girl, a loud- liug. You must give up the thought at once, Granville, for I solemnly vow. ' and you know 1 never change, that I will leave every penny I possess away l from you,'and leave my bitter curse on Cvnll if unnvnlanncn nnv uyifn that lrnsl HULLI yuu, uuu ncuvo |u., u;.u.\.1 vlllov uu you, if youvchoose any wife that has ~ no: blood as pump as your own in her ' \eins. . 1 In vain Granvnlle argued, ingploxegl : I - 1 -L, , ., ___.1_._; 1`... l.L-....I.. L... his father to talent, for (though he knew the old man had threatened what he could not parform-the Rod- h nay estates being strictly entailed) he was too good 0. son to not In direct op- : position to his father s commands, and ;` know well enough that Cecil would foot be his wife under such circum-` stances. I'\l.I `I . .: r.` -:':`_;-4-.__; --- : 3:1-5:,Iraii1rcNutic5 .* UlaI|l7U5a Old Lady Rodney, with many tears, urged first her husband to Yield, and then her son to give up his love; but i h'e_'_r arguments and entreaties were . equally futile with both, and Granville, x alter a sleepless night of utter misery, ' l leftthe house on the following morn- . - ing, saying he rhould bid Cecil adieu, I and go abroad next day till years had `deadened the agony of the present , blow. The haggard face and wildreyes f that-he presented at the Grange show- 1 ed Cecil at once that some great grief :1 had beiallen him,and she nerved her it. sinking heart to bear it, but the reality pf surpassed anything her imagination had . pictured," and for some minutes she d could donnothing but, moan, with pale we face atirfparchedllips, "For ever! Oh `Granvlilleg. I; cannot, I` cannot. _'rI'I........ cl... nhnnv of hm` lover's `VIHIIJVLHU, L Uuuuuw . ..--..-. Then the -agony of her luvefs `face roused her from her own misery, and the heroism of a noble wo_man s ` ~ love shone forth, as, stifling the sicken- ' - mg of her heart, aheatrove to cheer . him with words of love and consolation, ~ saying that time cures all wounds to a I qertain extent, thatil God` willed n it mustbe fortherbest, and they must 1 .-liveiin-zprayerz and .hope_.- . Wick||ad (nuns and break. uv::A7ii`:.t;l::1yae;b1:.1!:"%:i:ts`e:)cf?:; and Ilzreak-_ . , A`l;s'AG*m'.`' R9d`i,'b1` 9`,`hnl.; ~iug,heu;ts%l,1ey. parted, and Granville -`Ed .. gh Q.`1 IF. t;i.w. ..h`."? ""Y --; ' . V ._ . F rnew- . aeaisitit \hr`o 5sh'u1 .10? % r:oum.a:`am h*<"'1 '" n6%=*d6iu sosror 0:. . _ . . - , D ' H 'Lt'r_ wisheawqggiuaaia 'a_i0noe and { $: ;3%3Ua}``;~;% i`:pr};, ifsgztla-"qiovxj-'-~`o.t t_h`d Gtangglbt-H`oz$ um , N .,.,,,. . .`.' _;: :W".h'[:g: week 9* 331?: w3e...'\Lss~;.si'*k'i j V ~ . ` %J|i }fa%99a%!291;&9x;;!9gk.uhar I m `$` `f",,'{'?,,`u;,,5,;:;i{;`'`; ` n'9}n\.hIp `A V in ' g`p'.;:.5`.'L L`~:`:1x9m1g.r:)-.;'3 -: ,9` v.x{:H?.' :.:.`.~>.' .`n~ w , u,i_) p_ i. .; . ':'9~.'r-.1 '1 .. uve llrpruycr uuu uupv. ing_hea,:ts Ahoy. Granville `went hqmeatq prepare. l__or his Wander-. . ingg. a,nd,1wostl_o! ,; hitagony `in 8.9-. ` litp3.e,.A,\'ypila::(!eci1,,lay on _hq;- bgd in .seuaihl..yh_ron_gh the 199 ghouls of that s 54 fun}. .;..:.`.I anH"anI i-'a'nr`nnn.h,. nlnndri`. With .pale,oonvulued faoe Break-. ' ,un.c0`n,scip,ug(; Dr. .LeVa,t*ex_ s_,. n_lu| -\_vV||l'UlI_s_lI ".50 If-lll;?_.IlU|-Ila Ul luau _;lastV.'(_lpyV_, lunconsolpugjg ` Dr. Lestefs Fi,t5e5_ grief and 3.6 I9P!,a.h. ~ uIp9ou.z ` .1 wanotrise oli_th6 damtuok hnx IQv`e': and $2 o6 if notpaidjl ' in advance. I CHAPTER IV. VII-llluvo 7 7_h_very reyoftl htfrlonr ` 3* A` v `<' nd that it tn: 'e.t1;.1::11':' I . , 1 . . I thy [Int 33%?` 3%? 4*" .r lin` mail am h '1 A 'l"-*'~"-** *M" '~-'-e"" . . '- 8 -`M13-wom,.uqtnzu,eu. 88011! that tender. young nerves ug eapable of feeling, - saying, carelessly; ll1:l.hQll'.lgnC|_t-_ln9B,_,`.,`_Ah,_~]h er. he..wu orossed 1n love,--not allowed to th'e-person of their choice. . V _ ,, - (hunna V. .. t ' ..,Gr.a,n.vilJ.e 1iodnev'.wept, and cecit lived on,at"'Mrdvale,' hei beautifulfeee pale and grave, but a sweet, subdued. resignation in her dark blue eyes, and a gentle, lovmgtone in her voice, that won all hearts. She strove to benuh. from Dr. Lester's heart the bitter self- reproach for his oarelessness,ee he called it, and endeavored to deaden the terri- ble paiu by filling up every hour other time. Though Dr. , Lester praotieed no longer as a medical rnan, Mr.`Bel- luirs said, laughingly, that Miss Letter robbed him of many a patient with her gentle care and constant nursing. Rich rind poor, all loved her alike; and even Sir Marmaduke, who for a long time treated her as if she had injured hirn deeply in not being his son s wife, re- marked one day that, that girl lookecf more like a lady than any girl of birth he knew. But the fresh colour, the ringing iaugl, and Joyous s`ep were gone, and Dr. Lester would watch V with aching heart the sadness that [rested on her brow When she thought herself unobserved,and hear the quiver- ing sigh that broke from her so many ltimes in the day. A unnpnlh-lnr` onrau Bu} :9 none-nail ~ LIIIIDD Lu nu: un, - A year glided away, but it seemed to make no difference. in Cccil s feelingl, and thaductor saw only too plainly that hers was a nature that loves but once, and that for ever. Then came IL sudden and unlocked for change iulhgir lives. . `I'\.. `I __n . _ _ . . -1..-) _ IUX 1 uu uul. IUUI ula wulg you And so Granville Rodney stayed,|.nd he and Cecil went for a long scrambl- ing ramble through the woods and over the hills, bright. and happy as two chil- dren, andjust "us thoughtless. The sky was dark and the stars were shining before they reached the farm, and an evening merrier than the last followed. Then at purting,,wtum1y, I don t like your riding twenty miles every time to see us, Granville. Put In few things in a carpet bag, and get you:-friends to spare you tore. few days." u l`hnnlr unn Dr. Lester, renlied {ha . ' LVU IIHI5 J. ouuuiu uuu IJUI-UUIO And so tlrunville Rodney came and took up his abode at the farm house, and he and Cecil roamed over the country together, sometimes with Dr. Lester, sometimes without, and days passed on, a week had gone, and still Granville remained, and Dr. Lester in his blindness never noticed how Cecil : check crimsoned when their eyes met, and a shy hesitating manner at times tick the place of her former frankness; never saw how reluctantly Mr. Rodney relinquished her hand after` the morn- ing and evening greeting, never read ' any of these signs that the young know suwell, and the middle-aged and the old so seldom discern. One morning Dr. Lester received I letter, announcing that the bank con- taiumg his fqrtune had broken, and he was nearly penniless. It was a severe blolw to him, for he was past lly, and beginning to feel the luxury of a life of ease and plenty; but Ceorl seemed to relish the idea of poverty as a break in her present lrle of nnsery. for 1 do not feel up to 0. walk yet." A m4 -1 I'.`.rnnuillu Rnrlnnu utaunr-I and UU1'1lAU|.'u.3 IU all/J16 yuu IUI II 1.0!! uu u. Thank you, Dr. Lester, replied the . young man, "I'll come to-monow. No'hmg I should like better. I A n.l on AZrnnu5Ha.\ Rnnnu nrxrnn an.` ' But the break came at last in that unequalled dream of bliss. Grenville had already been with them a fortnight when he received a note from his (riends,st:ying that the injured ankle was well, and that they were about to [start (or Caen, and begging him to re- turn that evening. He read the un- welcome missive aloud at the breakfast- Ituble, and as his eyes rested on`Qecil let its completion, he saw the look of |pain and the crimson ush on; her `cheeks, and a quick ash ol joy spread lover his ne features. i Dr, Lester looked heartily vexed,but sznd. cheerfully, Ah well, Granville, I m very sorry our pleasant days hem are over, but everything must have an end, and we shall socn meet again at Midvale. Cecil and l wnll go home now, and lsuppose you won't be wan- dering about here much longer." I 1 . `III I! I 1,_____:||_ _|__,__;.__ , ..... ..,,.-----~--- .. Not I, replied Granville, gloomilv Ins eyes on the note before him,and hi right hmd pulling his brown whiskers. [as he always did when full of thought. .11).... hot` on-unnnln A` nrrnnf In ant` I b [U3 ulwnya ulu vvuvu nun UI lll\JI-lslll. I ve had enough of errant life, and I shall be home in a week or so. Oom, Miss Lester, he added, abruptly, ris- ing (rumthe table, and walking to the 'win-fow, Let us have one last walk. `Will you put on your hat 1 '9 I`! .__L ..__|-_ 1r._u ,,.L,,. . ,-_ ,~.- , . Cecil did not reply. Her heart beat wildly, and a hot ush crimsoned her beautiful features, for she had caught the expression of his face, and knew well what that walk would bring forth; land though she knew, and had known all along, that-she loved him with all the force of her deep character, she shrank, as all woman do, from the com- ling avowal. ' hr, T.nafm- olnnnnd at Uanil nu nhn lung uvuwm. . ' Df. Lester glanced at Ceml as she sat in silence, and in a moment read her secret. A look of great pain cross- ed his grave, handsome features, for he knew that the time he had so often dreaded had come, and his darlin'g Cecil, his own pet lamb, was his no longer; but attera sharp struggle he said, calmly, Go, my darling. Gran- ville wanls you to be Quick- D Q}... Q-nan ant` hurn frnm Hun Innis` HIS. Lwss, . . lssuer~ofn;`9;l.3R;lA(.l,.lQH ' V _ _ k_ggLLmnALn STATION. - Vllle wuwe yuu Lu uu qunun. She rose and hurried from the room and the two men faced each other. 3ranville Rodney was vexfy pale, and his Iipstxvitched nervously ab he ad- vanced to the doctor and said, in low A.__-_ (luau 1 nun `mar `hr Tania-1 vauuuu I.u ulu uuvuu uuu muu, Iu Iuvv tones,May 1 have her, Di. Lester? She is dearer than life to me. `I\. `I ....o.... 1.1.! l.;.. 1......) .-.... cl..- ...-...... . Dr.Lester1aid his hand on the young man : shoulder, and a world of pain was in his sad eyes as he answered, kindly, You may, my boy, and God biess you! Be kind to her. Then turningaway. he seated himself in his usual seat and pressed his hand before his eyes, and Granville left. him. And when they returned fremlthat walk, in such intense happyinesis, as come: but once to any mortal, and to sorenever, they con! 1 not read in th'e doctor s'`eelm, ` sweet face anything of the` bitter pain that he had gone through in their ab- sence.` Alone with his`Fatbei',ihe had `faced the feet that the last. only. thing I `l'eft`io him on earth had '1eft him,- ` `that, dear as he still might be to her, "ahe`ioved another far, far mom. she must `alden`anothe'r ho` eh "with he: i'ov eiy `face and eweet oie"o'*,'and he would be atone dtfeb more4_J%ti!bub,nlone! -" A ....Ii-..:.'i~'t'1.i...`.: .lI'.5 Duhxdmrcn. 4L . TU LEND ou. :ic$vVe}1mt;-.-1. <;Ee. A ;_r, :v.\.`-J at moderate In'.erest.--Ap- A?. _)AGE1 5`: STRATHY, So1icitorl_', 2-66 .-am P?;`I;\N1C-Nf 5U1"1fI')TNG AND . l'v\7l``.` \` .AIL`1`V ~ -1 47:9.` ""- ~: `;.%r `-;?rn`3"i}?:29'* $5 vggieav. Agenulwantedf .' 7' . ..!W ' 0' ` eilher sex yo dgunkemo war .-'ymh us in tne1rmumW.w;ul the umualhm I my , thug else. Ptilsiila roe. Addrou ` wuPOHlI.I1d. M.lll`I.""`-i H - " -- 0` V S_'I lN Wm :.V A. .-....::: v\ .v r 3-1`! [H |," .Vll..`\,)iH_V l0 JAIUIVL3 DIU` H9,;:;; ii-:_\-A`. Iusurouce Oce,Ba1-ne. 3` T4 I. " .\` f) -A .u \.-` .'<`.\\'-\`. Tn:|Irn"nP (NH:-.9. Rm-rip `, mbnoym wjo'rk7'yvxth 7.'s"':f3::NfgYg;;:.':r.3 ;:he uqegmsinmi (V ree."A'_ ' . `I V `y `.2 O_0.,Ponland,Mun0n;`:1 ,_:f... -.m.:`.4.-, - u genu-. - `men in- no -9911 (Mb I _ .,- mrucnur 5. -..- re`.uc-'.~d terms of the CANADA yr iirrm`-1:-m no S.xv1t.`(=. _ Sooxmv, ah: nzore loans to Furnmers during 1' _v. us than any other, afford greater . \".i ndmntuges than thbse of any .:'..).;1`._V in the Dominion. 1 rem: mu: rcm (mop MORTGAGES. V :'.{3.-rznatiou apply to r :vur\Ixv`.'.'\rl'\ II I (`.'\\Y \'m-Iii `.1})1z_1u),=.V, ugimt for the \;`...'.i.4.l1r`S.}.:UlL'.-) Jonpany, the Queen 1'1 P`nce.n`1:;, the Isolated. and Iusursmcc Compnnies.-OfIice ck, over Rawsoxfs Store 355 _ u nu\v:I All: {uric `gov 13,. ISJ2. ...___.a-- 41:13:34; 'll1'Jfi'i'UN._,. u.x`>sc1`iber begs to inform the inhabltn ht-rnton and vicinitv, thathh omceis. qt Minn P. 0., Sam`: Simcoe, and tho. `he 15 tmwnrml In nrnmnv nand tn all `.U.\'i`. Barristers, Attor_uo_`vs nt- -;z in (3hzmco_r_v, &c.'-4')xIice- _. I-f:u':'ie. Successors tn) the late 31.0-.:u'.,3nys,& :3`u-wart. G. F. u'.nnuvr. . ,,`-V.' _ .. t`i-'.i..\"-.`'IOKE, Jr , Provincial Laud . .. ' . - K` an inn R~r1~io r11; k L`i1U.`xi.3U1\', Civil Engineers, -xi L`I.)d3'f.1rV(`y0I`S. A:-abicts, &c. { `:3 E zuld A LlJS'l`0N. - ;:u, Cnmrono Taouson, u Y Q r`._'F`.__P_L.S. 5 `INL OCIIOM cl nwplcl 'c?Jic:1i{JTi`nfe55iio I .._;.T:_;`:_`. ..__`_j. 0 __ -- o-. - I`: ,\ \ ~, \ \ ~ \.~ ~ `.\'\\`~\\ \_. 11; Sue Town 1-: 1; 33% 9W???`- 4 .________.__. wu x . n., :1on:`Immcoe,anu ma` IN_ -= :~=.vmr::1 to promptly attend t9 81,1 _ ` 533 OF H(. \RS'.*}S AND CATTLE w . -,_ cvi.:u D !- ; xi1,.U.r. ,ATTORNEY-AT-LAW`. l"`mnnnv-V ntinvnranr-an -. 13.-\1Ll2\:,v1;'rmuuAm_aun- I . GEOII, successor to D. G. `:`.uLllu-lr.ud,:md Graduate of On-. A taxi) Ycrerinury Co'.lege.-T1'l8 en 1_.~'('.ribe1` lzarebynforms the-public ` llnu he will carry on the business -rzmry Surgeon in the place of D. G. -3, who is leaving these parts; and ll -"->ru:l attention and skillful treat- .-'J:\ his m-edecesaor; Oice and 1 0:19 door East of Faraghefs Hots`, 45-1; "`CL`.re the p:m' liberally _be-. .`_ J KEATING, AT l`ORNEY-AT- >` .I:.`\;z-in-Cbzmcvxty, and Con- gm..5--\& iter Street, l enet,g,g. Mom-y to Lend. 13-y L? ;, ; (GRATUATE 011' 1`.e`u;`~)ia Dental College), may be! ... M... an. Extra charms ` wia Dental Uoucgo), may up a-.3` :..1ce every day. Egtra charges yx-ctcssioncgl visits; Collier street, \-I3):-`,R.-', Attorney at-law, Soli- ' .m:~!'`. U0ns'eyanc_er, Commis- . ,1 ._vner,Gn. Simcoe. 900 mediciu we wl Che: `Ilia 3 VETERINARY SURGEON, 1 +53, TIMRNTON. [.1 ."I`ihnr hnrra tn nPnrr~n lfh .0 .`.IaUAR1`H1 has removed his `nix new residence on the West side rec-1, immediately opposite Mr. Geo. :22; and sash factory. Dr. Mc_C., has r astudent. 44-71 ?____..._____________ ' .1; liuza, Luann mux.-nnlnx Qm-.;-.0. Wu. Boys, L.L.B. -,j Bmristem and Allorneyh,-i .:u'.r"1_\', Nmancs Pubhc and I: miop sum-I, Barrie. _ 1; LOX U, hn l I`: UL` nun vxnm ax Loyd, Barri.-xtcv-, Attaruey, 1':e\'H.:1"v:`,-etc. Oivre-f:`econd ::iu`ion Hotel, Alliston, County 451; & mys, [r..m: 1\1ocfAi? .- I I-'..uI-i(!>i`R and Almrnnvi; _1_nh 1,.-111 \.H'.\.V ['4 1 -A 1-IJAW su - C`.n.ucery, Couveyancer, 9;- s ,.~.'m, LATE` (>1-`T THE iitiiii :. 1' ..~.'. lL:n~i.1!nr- A1? Irnhv I1 2 .x' A Eff b`TiZTi>C.`b. K. Physician, Surgeon, &c.~- me, Out. ' ` 31-y -Hvcr Wells Bros . Drug Store, ic Hose}, Hotel, Dunlap street. 38 ~'Iret-I, Barrie, Out. hllvn GE .\Xc\.zU.\nu1.,-uva-- Tier treet, Barrie, Ozit. w`, 'r. o._u`co:umY, , :;u:<+:u. . m.n., u.n._c.s. out ' lyindl E".'.."rj `hm l.-, vrm: 3: .\scc0: .. 4'o..n.'9 Darwin 02 '- -`.-.9-.-I'!NI"'.' F`: '5-H` ` ;&7LLA.NDALE swrrbx. .. 1. : . ` -*-W _..;..___.___.a ' V13}-\`x1.L7y,vE'rEmNARYsUR- (:rrn\r nu.-nouunr fn D. G. _/\/\/\1\;\ .,`;\,-`p... O:-iI`.ia.,. Solicltor in Chan - 9.1 Law, Conveyam.-er, Com- rc. Hair and Du-viaee Claims `or Canada Landed Credit ng money on Real Estate. an/.` Kealfs SIUH. 848 J. 111R1zrc:RT WAS`?-N. ...I,...... 12. '1 .-mm".-nr T1}-n fab`, (Laue L>e;n1t_',' Regxstrnt) 33.2, vgant for the Ra_vn1I:1- :1".d the A(-cijent Insurance --I`r.:=t Oicw building, sarrie .|u:_-, -, ...... ....\,. `A. MORROW, mnrn in-M` I. lULK.lH\.-l\l :\1'.-xrr.-_V, `(dry 13' Treu.mrcr, 'lJronlo, A nr\DD(\\`l7 ` INGHAM - BROTHERS) . BUTCHERS and ` ERAL PURV.EY,0RSj,sM1r'ketV' SlBIlNo;2.Rn|rin "r". ` ' hlt-1.4 l:'U KVJSYU. Stall NoL_2, Ban-ie'.` ` .Y, Barristers and AI- in Chtmcery. Notarieq Ba.-`rie, Go Simcoe, Out; a :1 euro unnw M U runu IV , .m2rasc1`. - -r- R, KING, Sr, H15 IUD, U Ollllly 45`ly "J0 I` om. md Attorneyi *~ a an J0 1 C n.Boa*s,L.L.8. A3`; -.. ... IA... no-1: fnrA1 L\`VV&[`|.- G. W. Louxm. RD nionsox, C . E . , P.L.S. M B I ! r_r1;c W2.` -mums: $1 per year in ad_vance; i3i-35mF:?:E5?iEMENr os7. ROGERS, '5' N CHIEF CONSTABLE, Coimtuy of Simcoe, gmce opposite the Markt, Bun-ie. ...___ _ -I-nlninn nnrqnnn -..--.. -rr----v nun unuxnwv, Ll-IIIU ' osnpa Romans`, [lute Clerk in Counfy Registry Olce] Conveysncer; Commissioner in Queen : Bench, Anotioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent. fur the sale of Houses, Lands, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Goods, Waresgtc. Also for the collection ofRents, Notes and Accounts, arenas advances made on goods left. for Sale. Sale Room. mrner nfnllier and Marine Rn: ' gg uaan auvanccs made goods lelt, for Sale. Room, .-orner of Collier and Market Sta" Barrie. * Avuuunw Assets, 527,000,000. [ Losses paid in course of l`hirt_y-ve years, exceed Forty Mijons of Dollars. Olnim hv nhinnan Win-n Anllvnnhid nf nonwh- excueu rorty 1V11il_l0[lB or uouars. Claims by Chicago Fire, estimated at nearly $3,000,000, are being liquidated as fast In adjusted without deduction. .qnr-nnhu Dl`I\I'r n! nan--`nut nu.` I!kp....J35_ 2-. IIUJKIIIMSII WIIJIDIH. JCuucUOIlo Security. Prompt pnyment, and Iibemlity in adjustment of its lossus are the prominent fanture of this wealthy company. Fire and Life Polinien inamajd with vnrv Hhm-AI minute! 01 nuns wauuny company. Fire and Life Policies issued with very liberal conditions. ' _ ' HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANC H`, A MONTREAL. G. F. 0. smra, A Chief Agent for Dominion. ` JOSEPH ROGERS, A nnnt, Rnrrin. Corner of Mulcsster and;-)v1n1op Streets, and opposite the `Advance otce, Barrie; Thin nnmmndimm nntnhlinhmant has inst been