Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Nov 1874, p. 2

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n.,',:,." gun} gnuv Jullulusylru BA, _-uuuuug ;,;jg{gturnVMr. , k v_yil].ofooum,. in for all ,the diIiu_teraa_t_ad.;.9orta' `V V . _1n_mlI~iM.,!)qhnlf,: _Mr. Mooonkoy fol; 3' 'np.rA.f. *h.,.Wh!9. ,Bidins-T H6 % ` , #1::-.b61il-;d-1?-he-:n j ~t9 Iny di viIi9n'o itf. ~*i`fv;i!I..;0a:s!,i ."1F%`='r'f.i_ %pI..ri;1i-, ' VF" ` 731`; IH`rem'ain,V Mr". Editor, .. yoqrs Rgspeptfully. ' T. T g n. R 9.I}V1"19L1f W.9:9.f. T19` quasilf s,`1;3"1 ;1'; ,;1;_e5;` "":Btoi~'` ' t vbgab *ix= to-` jicle whh |`c:"1: i`|"m?o;3 r -if I>)'r'urn'-mnnnl> a an n gnu spncyt general provision ' respecting appeals ' bgen gdppted with modications neces- safryg} {gv1yero:;the Jpdgq is tp `act without '.W"T--:3.`-`V v`7KP, ; J` y. V . . (f) The JudgePshal1 have as full ` "i-t6`;'8l`vec" " t*92ud`*ISmeif&"iany";`f6rm1' ` objection as he would have to smend any proceeding in a civilcase in tho County Court. ` The first thing that strikes one in con- ~aidering this provision is:.-.-The -. high itn-. -probability that the .Legia1a.ture could have designed to restrict the powers of the Qudge acting wit_honth_`a,ju,ry` within I ria'11"o*i'i `limits thi1`the'e` laid'down for . L- ..-a.... 3.. Qnanin-nu That M tia`rrower umus man buvau nag uvwu IVA him when he acts in Sessions. That as A` ,, 0' ~-~~--`l1-__ ._ ......mI unrlnv nkhar him when ne 8.01 .-8_ In .DUuuLuu.a. Luau an t . r _;.d'.. -2 .i,s1,..&21>.9;aL.:,u.xc.1e.r ot_her. . c aus_eVs_b 1n, _t e; A,ct., fol`. ob_]_ect and*end'tlie'se'cut"ir'1lg', 'tHrou"gli `the "t1*ibu- .' H81 appealeci tom; naldidecision upon A the. witssxtotwithstassdina any defect ii: form or gtherwise, and have. power` to accomplish it. It is not unreasonable to th9.tin:workin'g all jiroceedings in appeal tindei` tgl,1 e'1nost prominent a.n'dT Z;p'1fc>yii9n in the Act as .grea.t . or__ men larger-gapowerjsi were conferiedl .= upoxrthe Judge} - - ' ? ` 13` ,Lf__.._ 11.. ..I...:- `Jun upoxrthe Judge; 'VVit_h thee ydsidgfations ih Vvie:j.i;l1~e Division (f) inis eo`l'~ 44 to `fatfmit of T_:1n,c_Va_x11;a.,1'g.e>d _ congtrugpionl as_ I sall <>.Ia<,1;W9;*1.1;..ts?s.1119r`;-.. ,.~.. L 'I`Hn ~m-nnar...-mower ~is to correct and ,;,.*~'.` ;=;e."-`2. ' 1=`f.':z'.~. : if`. = V` - The .`p1' ~15 amend ;u%yAforma1"objectian m the con- _ \}itioi1; j i thse`timS. are not gijama-_,` ; tica_11y`incoxrect I. must think..they - cove;-:asol`eciem. Objections in-a. cc_>n'- ~ viction corivy no distinct idea to my thing objected to. mind, Igeither can "I see how one can correct or hqw amend an objection tq an instrument though one may amend the min I ,1. ---,1_-1.1- vu-.. u.`.. ; : who was chosen by the Oqnaqxvptiye Amochtion of North Sim.` to contest the Riding with Mr. `..lI-.I. I.-- .I'_-I2__.'.I LL- .__.:_,.L:_._ :_ 1.1.- m...`-5 ...._,...-.M. W. . `V The "pi-ominent 'pa1pab1e ' idea. the cwhole, 91, (f) suggests is that there -may be's'o1 thing iii. the form of the convic- tion -which requires correction oi` amend- ment. - Seconrl_ly,T that the Judge is to have'peWer to de'a1._with it 'aL_ml as full `. he,'wou'1r.1 have in respect to civil proceedings irrthe County Court. _-L ;', };.Y`gl_'ds.givii1g~.th0;]19wr to gorrect and amend an3:formt1:ob_7ect2'o7z in the conv_ictio'r_1 ._"<:onvey- in'themselves no `dc-nif`meani11g; but, in conmzfction` with,_the w<')rds, as jull power as the` J udgc: would to amend any proceed- mg `in cwil cases in `the (.`oz`mty. Court. They ixidicateia very _broad range, and _ if _:the words` for1_1ial objection were i Iuszd 1je_stricti\:e_ly-mea.nt to limit to _ob 'je'ctions"of in oohtradistinction to objections of su,bsmm:'er--then the words as `i any pfoceedings in :1 civil cause in the County Court, &c., would be un- rrecessaryiand pointfasi. , In 1` L1, ._L, _,,,,,!,,.;S,, -1? . ..,....,.,.. uuuuul, mu way,m1engagegrtp'pecure ' - owe, "v* '.6'f.?.."' germ: '. `V A . ` ' 95` :2 L If the Appollanhcommittezl thenuct am- . 1 o ;6h9_'.fre" 1" M ` t'a_xid; uBti9e_go A`, am,aa gg?PW#pun. . atmdagmose , , . ta18mnoJw:..u;ppen1e_.i`:fromx `were tpuhnid1'm"?tg1ioupOv = W, , $0, would `owe. gr qngous, _qq,d~ vygherei the. . 4 1- ' ` J :[;;(} 4. o. .: . ` _ . r ,x;Am,.99utr9x9xsx.13qtw9e;1th9 ' ie&=i`a%." w ether-.the..d_efendant fIia'.9 . been propqglyjcblited, it cannot .be _ -jishi cezkn e~amendman%*{t;ke;}"ig .n'9b. 9 '37 " ntqof "'"-"W `V-"'7" ` W'.77." . . To pursue further the exa.m1n:1txox1 of Division (f) sec. 44, may be unnecessary, but I `do not desire to leave the topic till I 1_x-ave "s;}i<`la 1I`that c>'c11rs`t;ovme'. I fi-nd in t`}1dI'1peria1`Dic"'ti`ona.ry the following denition of f thg pa1'tiulm' 1I'n'vr`cI~__ . ____. - ...... wmuuumvuu unmet} In_ .0D .o`rt>' A_ '5 . `xggnt-gar` f"`. * m am? he: 45 , ,1._....J. -JL's..L. -....I.,L...n _..a.. 1; . . . 1.. '_t1_1e;` Judge. acti_ng- in afppe-al. V'; \rVha.t' ` T1'f?:L tI1e`_.lQ'_'dg a. power to ancnd `? Spqxcthing ., jm the fQonvig:tion.? The - prczposion` points out whgre t_hn't .`some- 3 .1hixigfi8?'t0 be fQ1;nd2`_" It`Z"(:a1nnob lie the objection tI1;Lt,]1e `is to snieci, for ainy T_ ngugbgr _of object;ions.da.n betaken, and - if; my; mibqvas defective it could be put; r forward" in fother shape as 9. fresh, ob- jectiowitliotxt the_r any neces- ._ity to a1'1 p`ly for an amnHh'1e11t. If we -1ats`t1_s:s_ `what e'ect= it .w'~ill "have. For `objtjoh '_ .st1bstijt1,e_ _itjs["_gZquiifalenh as gii?e`_ }'mBo\fe;"` _We 'm:ij':_t;Qv,*'i'ewLd_,--Tl1e J _}1dge s1i2_}11l .l1YgW-0 pJow'er_ to nu1oui_I that zchic/z gs presented iiz -.oppos_i&_z'on. in the a obliged to take H1'`iseEi'1ln}Iiera11y ' . -,00".V1I.I&`&.5!17l," .o_r,_ by` coILV_.eL'sion, ' any.-_. thing which in. th comtictiiml 5K'I)l'96Y1t- ~ bd in opposition, _`\i!1iic'h'of `c0`n1-rat,-"is "t-|`rtS "` " 16' `nu-fa! -1'!-L.-.`.u\l'.-..;..` I-.7- nont 1;` qggitq xggggghizxg e con" victjo Be;ngq19roneous accordin `to h<:_.T..e:s'id9nc9~.;;.1? in 1. =.C`iv.ik- case.` 1.1; 11 Gounty.=.Conntathet.Iudgb.`.t11Ks povie to m1;ml,'t1feJ1ldadlngs1_;(5_ nieft ch_e--evidence` '?---`.uie1i`r. hitanm 1.3. use-A;-5-2.. -- . __,`., .1.1 i I u; in [13 a'qn1l.v. uI1lltfq- %.\1.l _J.1\.\.ULu,.lu5 uv LULLII ' a.greeu.ble`to cst:'zblish- - . .qd mode, regular. A Done in due form or A with` solen1nity4ex- M `press; according to regular "method. ` Having the form or` `appearance without , the, _substance or es- sence. 0bj9;t'ion.-Lga1 . definition; _that Act; 1873,; V _ _ . .eiche1- a!~la5W'.3l(_`)_1',/,in qfty slmll be de- which is presented in ` opposition; adverse 1`aS0l1 or argument. in. " ' The san1;gWo1`ds)'l.l` formal objection _ occurs in tlxqlg-'Ad[x1.i11iAst1'u1:ion of Justice l 4957; N 0 `proceeding feated by anyfforinal objection. Sec. 50 following, 1`6`t(lS, "` * etc., both these and all other powers for :1me_ml1pgnt. in A o.s's:i.1i,3tlx'e"CoL "County; Court belong to Judg . gcpgg in 8:p'pe'-.1l. l 1 . . 4 ._ -. an un`a Hxn .-rnrlrrn -2 nnuynv l-n aannnrl "I ,|_-.,.1,_.-, . .,~ .u.~ -- " " 1'." V: --- `gvmqndvis `given it'1_an'tic4ip2 u2ion of an 50 _}ect1onho1ng`rmsed to sometlning. The "Am1eaZ'is f1-om"=?4<>':.:"`m~,1ir's+. ,.?.~n ...:..o:,... ;P. 3e:P0oW-63 to fwl_l,-an'e1;.*.ent' to amend, but a no call for `fresh evidence h&.In6'f:.0n1y ex.-z nnrInv'c~f.`1)i , mI'is.'si)`, .;A:'..L: _. ..:u,`, uuxwuu, under?" LI 1 _,ww.m uunus rumcu co somecllmg. The `-47X `Tis fI:,m 39'!`-*a*4i1sTb =v?9<>'W.itin ' an l'30j3?lS t!'9.i'Yfii`O!18f3hiI}g `nmsh be of- fcrfl "q1_5'ediOg1 _tJ; f3j$<)'1'1,v`ictim1, when. :b}f@L`:`3133 q{)jet__r'ti6x1; of 3; paiculgu` sore gzrd b'1"e`d a`powa1i,is` fl?-.`i1ei1tIy"Ainte1u1ed " to be given to th Jud to amend t11_g3 D __ . Q i 1,011}bgmee.6.hosbpbjeetion' til fu3-. , . .t-m%.Y' b9.a'wen to 560- 50J`3.f : . % Act` `I $?`3. *Tw_'o bbj_dt'35ps age o'e1"ed, one to the conviction -iiasalf-.='m: 9. mm...1_~ _ sec. 5Qj6f Lthq Actii `F873. Two ale convjchion :i1:self- a record,` the oj:he!""b0.the. insuiciency of the eAvi-M fgxxbkury Bg mean . pnosb pqjectiouz,` lm u 5 sustar the no V t -4};- )of een1j .:g'omi:. Jnsm. ,..*1=.9m? ms 9 W .'t win .3 I __a'rI - _7If u ~.- ..-u _ ,1` v,.:{ ',+131iLP} 1,i9F151U{.0,1L1iisqxgt th;:rewou1d- bwm`nedessity {o"ame'n<`I` dhytfxing finkgsg V 1, `H. wm-n n}\inF~f.:1H"` in Hm nun n4 H ........ .. ;According to form -11 rrvonu H] o` in nah": `\]1'u]1- \I\A All u1rl1uuAu;Uu, _ vv-111.!/XL U1 VJJIIIITJ 15 `f1 i66gY11b\is;"It 'n1ust,'*Jtl_nercfore7, be so1x'3tihg`Ib tlie tirfiitioix that; is +n kn ....m.'.,Jn.l +1.. ,.L:..-,.c:..-~.~-1..-. .-;-.. _-`_,- uu nu uuvu-:uuaJ u: auxxvuu any unlu;.', lll1|k}.5 it \vQm__p '=cg c t"j;_ the 1y;_e of the ward obj`Etit';" (1`;&l1_i6n(l,: so qontigvlzoug io"`61ch"`oth1;,pshowsvtya the pbve: t9 3., Q,_.. `2 .-_--__ I * take, had I a seat in-the House of Com- ` as I am,vand must, therefore, beg to de- .' To such an expression of condence on -the part of a large body of electors it `would be aeotetion on my part-and ` efeetntionis not much in my wa.y-to T pretend to-be,indi'erent. I highly value the-compliment which has been paid me, And most warmly return you and the Society my thanks for it. - I regret, however, thatit is not in my powerto accept the nomination. This determination I am sure will not `be in tprpreted into a dread of the conse quenees, for I believe North Simcoeis at this moment actuated by a spirit which `is not one of friendliness to the Ottawa Administration. The Northern part of `your County is the natural outlet to the great North-West. To subserve the in- terests of party followers the advan- tlgesof the Port of Collingwood"have V been spurned, and parties `in the employ of the Government sent hundreds of smiles around via Sarnia from Colling- `mood; while the general policyof the Government is such as must receive hearty oondemnation in all parts of the Riding. I donot, however, feel that at present I could be of much service to you in Parliament. My political pre- dilections are well known, and of the course I would be compelled to xnons, no one who has any acquaint men with me could entertain much doubt. I believe I can best serve you cline the nomination so warmly and kindly given me. I am, my dear Sir, Very faithfully, yours, NOAH BARNHART. D A LTON MCCARTHY, uuuouuuasx 9:00 015- nun: UHIIVLUULUJJ DHRLU` 1-3 9 he g1uehdpd,tho.Qteb}iOh7 big so1:no- !1if`;g;ogti(1, &;}gl-in. 9_j`Poit;jor. to "it? c I'..'. nu...`...11,-I4-..-.;'-l'u_-3- ___, 1 M I 1 `*r -Hf: at-ww can _ro_r Iresn endeuce ld6rWhb5`0`I1:VibiO,m' V?hfcIf,"`WitH0df art? *W},d ;b.9;}`1IL60ll8. _1}djy`{Ihere the; 1. `i|~'1,7.Q&8i0Xi.`1Ii,ednf:ro3zans\z bm.u}mm. ? 4-; .5 wunuuvu Down. 118 1 sum D8l`Ql`0,t(I'i`3-J iY`iii*59f***3"`.-?`;I; 'Wl'yyUv, llllillull 01 (I116 LEW. .f" To the e'eot intended, as I `think, by the Legislature to this pro- vision. . I may read it in this way, The Judge shall have as full power to cor- rect and demand the conviction upon any objection made to the form thereof, as he would have to amend any proceed-i ing in a civil cause in the County Court ...,',e`eot-o-tlaat if a conviction be not framed in a formal manner, but is un-' conformable to established rule govern- ing such matters, and so it is` open to ' objection. The Judge may amend &c. , ,_I,_LEA L- L- J--- 2.. LL---` vwdwv----. -~r - N appeals in the order prescribed : V -1. The Judge issues his `summons to shbw cause. I A .2. Heairms or qasshes the conviction` or he hears evidence first, and then . qnashes or conforms the oonviction-- . msking order as to costs; and lastly, $3.` In connection with the above he cor- rects ox: amends theconviction if neces- sary. , ` The conviction, I take it, may be amended in? the first instance or after . hearing the evidence. T aka" at-nfn wlxnf. in "H7 view 0f the mm seewhat is $5 53 dogs is these 2 neanng EBB UVXUUIIUIL I shall state what in my view of the enactment is the proper procedure under the power given. i A 4'4-an Lmnninn H-yin nnv-HA: nnnn the re- ne power` guyuu. c A After hearing the psrties upon the re- turn of the summons, if the facts neces- sary to a determination upon the merits appear to have been brought out before the justices, and the evidence shows, as in R. 12:. Haworth, 33 Q. B. 537, that there was no reasonable evidence` to justify. the conclusion which "found ex- '-pression in the conviction,--not a con`- flict or weighing of evidence, `but no evidence that could reasonably support the conviction--the Judge would order it--to be quashed. ' DU qutusucu. _ If all material facts appeared to be brought out, andtthe evidence was suf- ficient to justify a. conviction, the Judge would order it to be reformed, amend- ing the former conviction if necessary by the evidence before him, or, if the ends of justice appeared to require it the matter should be re-hea.rd--for example, if such a case was made out as voulvd entztle a party to a new trial in ordinary cases the Judge might rehear the niatter upon the" evidence of the-`s' or fur-A Hanan u1i+nnauou.;n:'Ir` an Alan in 11 r-yum LIIJULI ULIU UYLLAULLVG VI. vuv naunv vs 5. _ ther witnessesand so also in a case where the Jlidge was 'iIn,plv of opinion `that in weighing the evidence the M magistrates had come to a. wrong con- c1usion--or in a case where, as in R. 1):. Paslee, 23 C. P. 359, the existence of some factnecessary to support 9. con- viction was highly. probable from the evidence, but not actually. brought out. Inn 1' 1 . `,3 . ., 4;-f-null slllpltl:l'0f ` . . PAPER. DECORATIONS A19-gp,a;;;g`91x;c_G-,,nv1r.n1No PAP! 2. /"_;.,.\.L>,,\c.. ` `: ' `Hades of best makers. ..'I'ha Mahori &'Ham- iln Orasnesand the Gen-4! 9mn.:Qomp.uny - `fiiinfoyntenz, ,,.._ Orgnna and Melodoonty Orglnl an}? M940.- ""- `Q.`E v9..'9I5 99f."`.' -9.99"?! V 35,5: ;..;;.:m;!mwAngg,g;;;~I,s:g..%%` T.s:;:;-1:s.a2a< `:a...... _'=n.'v;,., _ `We regret Mr. Barns.rt s decision, though we have no fault to find with the course he has taken. An enterpris a ing and successful business man, with i large interests in the Riding, Wit11_9 thorough knowledge of the country, and well versed in public a'airs, he would have been a candidate well worthy. of support; and, if elected, would have V been found a. tting representative of the `various interests centered in this impor- tant constituency. Our friends must not, however, suppose that in conse- quence of Mr. Barnha.rt s determination Mr. Cook will be allowed to walk the course. The party is now too well -or; ganized and united to admit of such a possibility. VVe trust, however, that of ' the manycompetent man who have been spoken of sscandidates some one will be found who will receive the united support of the "Conservative electors. In the meantime we trust our friends will make no pledges, nor in any way oommit themselves. On the contrary, let them use every means to perfect their organiiation so as to be ready for action . when the occasion arrives. The Judge acting under sec. 44- is in- vested with power which does. not belong to the Courts above in dealing with a conviction brought up on cevtioran, and also with larger power. than belongs to the Sessions in appeal. He has power to rehear the case upon the evidence of the witnesses originally examined, or upon the evidence of other witnesses. But the Appellant does not appear to have the right to a. rehearing or to sub- mit additional evidence; it rests with the Judge to reheat the case if he shall think at. _ __--_____,. Such being my views of the cause to be taken in working out this enact; ment, I or my brother, Judge Ardagh, will rehear this case, for I am not quite satised in respect to the evidence -taken before the magistrates. It may be that the respondent has further testimony, or that the Appellant may desire`- to call witnesses, and the fact of his notnhaving dohe so may possibly have operated ,d`.'gainst his plea. of innocence, in the .`nature of the case I think it would, as _a.x'gned by M1`. Harrison, and at such hearing the Judge will have the benefit of hearing himself the Witnesses, and have all material. facts brought out in T evidence. ' [funs & LAf RD, ..,--.., ...... -anvu uuu: uuuauu U. U!!!- _e'ss.par!ne_r; so that the'publio_ may rely upon` the {not they will be hot. ~30:-served than even-,as the rm are da- . .l9Hnin_ad to selllhe best t:,md"che-rpest "Tabs, Qtoceries, Prov1jans, Wines and Liquors!" be`-ha'd No;'th of Toronto. .'l`hey7wi;lLb (_ V 'anj{;.more thau"m the past. Buy your Gghgas;-{ruit.tMre. `vzhen the ptoper time_ 1 95-. ' ~ " . 4 rdolpno nvals in the'Itul_`_:' J In. case the Judge reheat-`s the case upon the merits it is then, with the evi- ilonce before him, to amend 3 by that he should con-eqt or amend the conviction if necessary. ' 0..-]. L_:,, _, ,,,__ ' n .1 `Stationers, 1` - Sorter! -of i 4 3 I ` My order will be and `the Judge will hear the witnesses already examin- ed and such other witnesses as either party may desire to produce. As this is 23 case in which I think A re-hearing xxecssary, there is no occasion to say mo1'eVthaz'rI'heve already said in respect to amendm_ent of the` conviction, except that` I cannot now amend. . . _-.__. V- .v. V-\I onvu-A5116. The other case between the parties stands in several p9_.rticu1:irs on the some footing -as this, thcngll thcire are addition- al objections ,both as to law and facts, whioh I need not pa.1'ticulari7.e,,:1s I will hear evidence` in `this also ; a similar order can be pvzepzired as in the other case and for the same day. 'l'),_,_,3_ Iain \v A--- -An order giving effect to the forego- ing can be prepared by Counsel for the Appellant, and communicated to Counsel for the` Respondent before being sub- mitted `for my signatum. Any day be- fore the 28th of this month may be named for the hearing, mkn l.\`LAu .--n--- `-'-l---- `.1 . ` _. A` _ . " V A`. CHNG`i: .x:n*.\ Cruucn. -- Mr. I?|},!Bf {A0f `he ceiebrated Cantozi '1` gore, has taken unto himself a busi. n n:n-Inn:-' cm 9|... 0L..'_..Ll:- With regard to the Ontario Legisla- M ture it is rumoured, as already stated, theta division of the Riding will cer- tainly take place before next election, The townships of `Nottawasaga, Sunni- dale, and Vespm, with Barrie, Co1ling- wood, and Stayner, will, it is" reported, form one constituency, while F103 and Tiny, with all that part of the County lying to the East of the Penetanguishene Road will form another. n v`--` ' ' . `. I" -'."...r or Cxuxcmw.--We-are oblig- ed fromjwaxxt of space to leave otft of this `number our report of the procedings of -the Conugt of. Chane ezy, last week. nu: msmj a Iimuu onenn : .undu1.Isl Ia. in-nl. lsmip, 14th 1:I$ v".J,T`1s_7-1;. Gnu`...- _ _. u l\`|` V-an-Ava II, I-WWI _~g*And lmpomn-or us ..-._..- ....__.......-~.._._. ....~--r iontQdpV;tIe3:1:lge_of 9 i-kl ainndment and . - um, ;' na ummu `34 "xzx'>'c'."v'x'-5.1`f'<`:'-3:6 mmoxm cm`. ( I - and _IgIIl_nyInn u"u':?.'.'5 nu! vuullli V . . as u 'x'a"a'-r x'vtc`2`1':7':'.x~:: ` No Rxat.--'l`umuI' Eouonuo 0u.l-W; 'l'nui'l`nua 11'; Wnanr xx _Gox.a.--Do you kn `anything of It ? If not, its time yru did-P.;,, . canno` exist where it 1| used. 1: l: the chen . oat. medicine ever made.` One dole cures.-om. Inon sore throat. Ono-bottle has cum: 3 old standing cough. Una or two bo bud cases of piles and kidney trouble. six to eight applicntlona cure any one of kind nlpoles, or inamed breuu. Ono 'ha.| `cm-ed lame back of eight. years` Aaihrlr. W. Magnite, Hercbnnt, Franklin, 0m_ hovi ho was cured of Chronic Rheumatism, eight years atmding, and In reply will to, b, - them`: of "'l`bomas` Ecleclric Oil. Mn. Lee`; Linn. uf Gavan Ont. mun .M:......: _x-t from 9100;. home standing, ltlcl cm. , standing, re ! will'm'm :{ don, of Gavan. Ont . was elicled with . mm above the eye-brow, which caused him in. tame suffering for several hours every daymk end he will tell you that Eclectrlc Oil cured` him, eftertrylng everything they then bend or that would be of benet. Whet cured Mr, C Burrows. of the rm of Bu ` _ rrovva & Winamaln Sarnlz and Wilkesport, of inammation of mg Lungs-Eelectric Oil. Mr. Thomas Rohingon Fnrnham Centre, .z.,will tell you lie: be we: cured of Rhenmetfsm often yearn standing 5, Eclectric on. Mr J. E. Earle, Hotel K..L., Went Sheord, p.2.,wea troubled wilh LE7; '3om::!ainl for several vearn Am! in M- -... I UB0 0!] 0 Mann: [(93 an n "cu oueuuru, p.z.,wes troubled with 1.17.} '}ompleini several years, end is now am, A friend asked him what cured him, and in reply w~s Eclecmc Oil; he will also cerm that it is equally es good for horses, in cases 5', cute wounds, &c., as for men. A voung lag, bed 3. severe attack of asthma, and did u at lm,, , she could live until morning. 'She now am Electric Oil saved her life. What cured my, J. Mallory, Wyoming, U.S.,of Bronchl`ls,in on, week ?--Why, Thomas Kclecirlc Oil. Ask an, of the thousands that have been curcdofcoum colda, Bronchitis, Asthma. Lerne Beck, Rbeu. mntiezn, sti Joints, -&c., in Canada, for ill-3 last three years, what did it. and they w;,[ reply, Eclectric Oil, it is ecknowledged the `Jll.. verse! rezneiy, and is never known'to fell. Qnl hv all mndininn rhnlm-n D.-in. ux -._ verszu remu xy, uuu Ii never Known to Ian. Sold by all medicine deulora. Pxice, 25 ct; Prepared by R N 'rn3\u9 mg... `iv rrupuruu u] s N. TH))1AS,)"r.e!ps,:H', And NORTHRUP & LYMAN,Torom.o, urn Sole Agents for the Dominion. Non-l`.'cle::m'c--S.[acted and E`e<:tri;m3_ u . ----- Strayed into the premium of Wm. 33!?! Lot 13, Com. 7, Ve.-1prA.n year old Steer. T5; owner cnu have Lhzsnme by proving ;v:ox.;-,, and paying expenses, othexwxse i`. m`: !..,m'_ 7.8!,` ..... u... _'_ , Being composed of South hm I 9'. ~.',,_; on 12:: 10011., Iunisl, `25 act"; unv.!r_-u1~;. tion, aunce or L0! well Limfmed. CL; with hardwood, 100 news; 1113.; .\'.,,-H; 1:, parlof Lot Zt3,ou 11th concession. H ac.- Fo: urtLer panic-u'ars apply go R()y,g. BOJTH, at. the prezniae.-3, or JA.\1 5001` in R2-.rn-in .143... v . i0?J MAN, AND ccmmzssxorq ROOMS: DIVISION OF THE NORTH.- RIDING. - ` Notice: of!/re Prcst. - The over-incrcasipg circulation tt'rh=sv1l`* monthly provesiwcoltntted uduplultun tn :7? delifcp and neds. Indeed, when M` ` `x,` -how many home: it penetrates every m-`PW must consider it as one ot the edtt(`M0|'-` 8' `- entertainois of the ppblic mind, tor -5 "& farity ha: been won by no nppt-.11` i0 _"tI` - gndioga or depraved ,ta%len.-Bmtz.n (714 1 he character Whinh thin l'.I/mad!!! P-"" #1 RPI~:n's m.a.\zm:~:. one Wu ---:-:"".: . ". . .001` D0"!!! Includes prepayment uf L5. |v~ .3bcu'pn'on; ta Hn.m:k s MAG- lhe PIlbliIlleIl,' 2 ms, W . . ' I town addnm jar out '/;'; J, `or (Iva of arpar`: Pon'odical:,- to 9" gg;-gag; soyap Lbollnru. pwmgl 1"" ~ n 1.; t'..'n..- ..... ..l oflbpr Ill! MM .W:;"'*``aw., W `Y OI BL"1'.'/ U, 1 Club `Zn: - . V . q` 3 101} ` ~~ .9-:ll;`?7" rc~:,:-YE sU!`3sCRTI1:l) H `*1. ."II~ '- Watlmm "Mice, or SI~_r" , U'0ur Dulvurl . ` ANun.5, """" "W. j>""`1`:'T'=" co$9pht. .':~ " `vp's.3m.`w' J 10]` H `V Iny Iluze. " W:`$y Volumuiniil` *1 3 Mgmzm ` `.`Ix)pr._.., fremlit: `item 1,.;._. us. . ,3`. I `zllllrghm `W `$5080: 0190*` . g|`$` um" b `Ply '9 fenn p! ` `I303, f I, g.":" 1`"`}~1l1!,Th:l I .. In mg; .;3 m,:,;, ,-`Jinn! .;,,, , . ` V " `` ` `xi-I. adrm I. 3.0,, .. Q FOR SALE CHEAP 1-`op. (rm. @'Consignments So1icited.2.1 1uu1cs_ deptaved ,taslcs.-1Jum.n we 7' The character which this 1.!/zga-'1"! P,-`j for Varioly, euyterpriza, nrtisuc \t'cnl!hv nd-':~ "culture that hill kept pace with. A n has n_~ the times, should causails conductors to rv:'.` withj atizlblecomplaccncy. It also calme- `ta ggteut qlgiua upon the pubhc a_zH!N"" M8azi:1c has done socd and not em :11! tin" of its life "f BYQl`g"ly7I Etzgln l.HiA,Rl5.Hn's MAG.\ziNI-;, your-. . our Dollar: mt-ludcs nrcmn mum T vvu,:.anng enmrru Lmu y ship, have taken and retted the grreuns ly occupied by J. Plaxtou, Tin \\ u.-3;.-, you will nd our Ilazars keen and clean. Our work willspenl-: tor iueir call once yea; will b sure to ccnge agai Rnn!-5`.lArr}zinrr allnnta u iQ'n'nc1 '41 !`.-c. AUUTIONEER. Barrie, Nov. em, 1874. DUUIU UIHILCU Wlll UC IILICHUFU H) i. A U` ' CL.o'nn:s CLEANED --I ro!' Binyw. fnv had large experience in this branch. IE 2-:-..n ed to receive ozders for cleaning 211'; mu: clothing of grease. pitch.~tar, c.,vs!.;ci I be promptly attended to, uni suxisfm-non ;.= ant_ee_l. ` _. l"'E.r\;vIc. 'P "`88.0l`rco to all Bubnurlllff` In tho Ulxltocl Smu-s. ......'..._,_ __ .14 President, Lib. Con. Association, _VU,II Ullflo Iluluga /I-vv 4'3 Ezkfa Copy of rilkcr the M} wlllmr, of BAZAR, is .supp1.0</ f" -mun. Inn]. A: 9.- .Qx'nsCllnERS at Four` -named Insolvengand under the [HOV Public notice is hereby given that `Ind by virtue of the powers vcutvul :n :21: Ufoial Assignee of the csmzp oft}:-.~ sr ..., the Imolvont Act of 180:9, the t:x;m>r,I3 wi.1 offer for eve by Public Auction n` Ls co, Market Squaw, Tewn of Burma 2: County of Simcoe, and Province or Ur.'A- _on MONDAY, the 28 th DAY 01" DE(,'E.`<`.I A.D., 1874. M12 o'clock noon, all the e<" 1-ightgtillo, and ._.;quizy of r'.'d9u1pL.oI1. 1 the following rani `estate, viz. Lots nu four and voin the seventh CuuL`..\3:o:1 .` 'l`ownsh7p of F105, in mid Coumy of wt containing four hundred account 4...: - I--. MED-`I " , ._ __,.:: JOHN vi/.7/1'ora.raox~$. UBII OHGU ybk! Will Uni EUKU K0 Ctlljt` Blhh Boot-Blacking-Gents wisinng `n `.1319 Boots blacked will be attended 01.} a b = Ca.n'rIn.-Q i`I.r,A\'ln -Prnf Rinv..n_ T. vnn vr I II: nlnu In HKnPn's*MA h2Vn NE? conu-unmz luur uuuuzcu Mirvluu --- ion. 'l`F9"-" ` ` . ,'__......; unari. C Dated at Barrio, this 20th day of A.D.,_ I87-1._ ' v(\1VlVr\II rm uh!` INsoLvn[A_c_T or I864-9.` In (In: :nazt=r of It\Il If uNQu:'s1'IouAaLv THE BEST sum-ms. _ -woax or THE xmo m we woam. Tonbmo, 13th Nov.,1874. (49-3iu 1 p \ SAL(?)OI\'. We,Lming ems-n-d Em. ihin hsum taken 32:? Irftml Hm ~51 New 2\'hncrti5cmcnts. `um: P01; SALE ON may 1~r.x~..1A.'. Second [Hand Purniturzs, L.~}ie,.\'ov. 1874, ' ':.6~TEL;Eb}_.-D. uA:ncuIIsNe& Ii"<}'nu"'Iv r_~,u:n.;n, nu I SHAVING AND SH AMI-`O0i.\l. PROFS. MOORE & BlNY8N'S `If EWFACM s. I08EP_H EUGI`.'~ lnfnuu. \. \\` `\ `Q llarnct-s-[ Double Stow-w, lll`i2("s! jlnglt Slctgmv, `Us. ~.....- 8 l i.'.S. pusum. l.I..! s!'!;wt--fGrawe!l.ror::'.s. - ]`1|tIl`=!lI9liI'IInd.m";l0.Ist ~tieniy`eo`n`sti "a heneiuzih 0liti0.-. ,Again's`t-'; _ .1 considerations `cause of`.vg(':`4`;a;,_(G-?i"t)' 3;; ~' `Government oughtto prevail; and'v`*ipw--3&9; . taste the interests of so able a supporter '15,] u the gentleman in qnesticn`.,_- *Bu.t-, the "4-,1 V Government havingbeen forced to t:_i_ke: ' M up the question, havingvpromised are-. distribntion oi seatsinthe speech from - the throne, what wasto be done`!_ The . division as stated by their Orillia Times, naturally-suggested itself. ` it was the _ fairest division` in r all respects, and at ` first sight. there could apparently be - no objection to it. How then does it 3 now come to be condently stated that Ora is to be added to the West? That the principle of Rep. by Pop.- is to be again violated`! That some 4000 voters r. in the western division are to be placed 1- on the some footing as 2000 in the east- s am? Why but decause e the fair and 5' proper drvision-the division suggested L1 by the Grits themselves-would leave ; a possibility that in the West a Conser- . vatrve might succeed in nding ama- .. jority of votes; whereas,`if Oro was thrown in, despite the immense dispar rty between the two constituencies, such an untoivard result could hardly arise. Mr. McConlrey would be sure or his seat, and the East would also pro bably return on Ministerialist ! `In all seriousness, if such a scheme is in con templation, we ask those of the Minis terial party who are not blinded by par- tizanship to all considerations of ' pr1n~ 1` ciple, to set their faces against a plan 15 which would be in itself so unfair, and n so agrant a violation of every princi- e at I ple upon whichithe representation of Ontario is based. -- -`I -a IL .--L L- -..............J Linn! nnn nv`n ;..j ers Hal 1:4 `JHHIYIU 13 UIBUUn `Let it not be supposed .that_ we are afraid of a contest, no matter how ` the constituencies may be cut and carved to suit Mr. Mconkey or any other Grit politician. We defy him to do his worst, condent that the public sense of right will fully. outweigh the anticipated result of any` scheme of poiiticni chicanery; VVe have been waiting with some anxiety to see how our Barrie confreres ' wouldcarry out theirapromise to aban- don Cook if he .was proved guilty of ` bribery. VVe of course felt that after . he had .himself admitted spending the ` immense sum of $28,000 over two elec- ` tions, `our contemporaries would when i rather cornered on their promise;` and, ' although we were sufficient] y wide awake ' 1 to the fertility of Grit `resources when in 1 a pinch, to know they would not carry - out their promise and abandon Mr. Cook, still we were not prepared for the i masterly manner in which they get over the diiculty. In our innocence we ven-V tured to say the trouble they were` in A would he got over by their saying Mr. Cook committed no briberylast "January : -it wascin 1871 and 1372 the bribery was committed, and that their promise. only applied to the last election. But it seems our ingenuity in nding an ex cuse for our friends to creep out of their tight place was all lost` labouru No such sophistry was required, for Gliit generulship was quite equal to the occa- sion without any aid from us. With a master hand they struck out of Mr. Cool: s evidence all he said about the tidy sum of $28,000, and ignoredhis confession altogether. The tour state; ments in his evidence which would inter- est the public most were the case~of bri- bery admitted at the last clec'tion--t-he outlay of $13,000 at his first contest- the outlay of $15,000 at his second con- test-and the outlay of the'$l_05 ("he ommitted the odd cents) at his last`,elec- tion, and of these four the second and third would attract _the most public at- tention. But in the Grit report of the. evidence the second and third state- ments are omitted altogether! This is reporting with a vengeance. It reminds` us of a eeiehitated company of actors who performed theplay of Hamlet with` * the part of Hamlet left out? Of c_ourse, as according to the Grit report, there was *4 A no bribery proved. there is no `,` corner - Grit ways are past nding out. __ ` on their pIomise--don t you see! Verily A` On Thursday :MR..-C,RO0KS made this nancial statement. He first spoke of ' the assets of the Province Aas they.stood' on the 30th September, 1874, and gave, in detail, all the items of which they were composed. The totals were as fol- lows :-Invested in Dominion securities $2,7 47,805 ; on special deposithin various banks bearing interest at 5 per cen_t..$1,-, ' 5933,3843 `.cash ba_1ance ~81.8fi.670'; 5 per. cent. drainage debentures `$89,449 ; rent charges for drainage _'wo_1-ks $190,284, municipal `loan fund 'oie1_1en! .g'1ra;.31J::`f$:l~`,'581},-7 858; 8Pi&1 H119 fFi`1?,.1'1 `.-t- yi,.`-i."`.1.` D5- minion o_Cane.da' amounting-to,-$2,699,_-. -1,07; share-..of Dominion library $105,- . 541 -gnpremium on-stock :eand.d61>eI;;t_t1res`- ' $267,113 ; the am'o_ui:t ,6?` thusi=$,9%6?,485:; M1"-` that ` 1 _'l__L_ .__ ' ' X ` r~-: -- -~ -~,~-v. .-..~ --..... ---- entered into" an :1, rgument gdme length. tblshoyy that he waaentitled "to enter. amongthe of the -the items. .%b1..Vzhioh .t.h`e.r ben .. nnmn mnni\nuin`I`un`ii`f-35in 'ni -{.1 `In; nLn'{n".\`J In the hope of enabling our 1~e{t{l0r.`$ $0 form for themselves a clearidea of the position of the nances of Ontario, we give to-day a summary of the budget speech-of the .Treasurer,and of the speech of Mr. Rykert in reply. ABotl1 sides of C _ the much debated question of the surplus being thus ex1ilained,aLnd the main points at issue elucidated from the maze of g- ures in which they are'enveloped, by the speakers on either side, the most cursory reader will understand the grounds upon which the surplus is stated by one party} to be over ve millions of .d.oll_ars, and by the other is reduced to less than one, We shall; in a future issue, return to this subject, and point out the conclusions that may fairly be derived from the data.` thus given. ` . L GRITVTWAYS ARE PAST FIND- ING OUT. . PARLIAMENTARY INTELLI`; ._ ` VGENCE. _ ONTARIO mzqlsmwvnn. The proposed division of the North ` `Riding into two constituencies has put Mr..,McCon'key somewhat in the posi~ tion of the amourous youth, who, in the fullness" of his heart, exclaimed: f` How happy I could be with either, were 1 other'dear'charmcr away. He would like to woo the West, but then-is not . -the East the.-safer card ! `Our friend is Ambitious, but in election matters he is - very wisely cautious. He has known the bitterness of defeat, anddoes not > like to 1'isk`..the possibility of his .,jpreeent venture ending _ in disaster, ' . either to himself or his party. Can nothing, therefore, be done to serve the endsof both? Is there no dodge like _. shot so happily tried in Huron,whereby \ .-rfgood sound. constituency can he carv- *= wed cntwhich will be safe to return a ` `friend to Good Government " in the ' ` person of our respected fellow towns- -usnlt ..Mr, Moconkey, though alarge - J property -1rolder,nds the payment of local taxese. very" easy matter, and he v;thereforefnstural1y. wag. to aid ` " friend Mr. insrn_ooth_in'g thee` . :~_ "At,-Luv -.r-is ,h;wisb e-A.9e.t9m9oth hii own. way int. . .......tuen.d bow is .t.!.I-.M..;bo:. - ' divi.Ii9A..of;the. miv.., t l i - h1i..u!.;c1.ve2:`:I99h*99i OUR FINANCSES. . 1 3 more thuinftbiae wssitin December 1871, .01 *~ andso,fartall.~`pnyments been met fl without diminishing the surplus. The (I! I available annual income he estimated at 1- . $2,500,000.,end the;aainu'e_l-expenditure r ' need not exceed`T$l ,800,000. ."The` _re- 11 '5 ceipts from all local sources of revenue, ti " such a;s,stamps_ and licenses, would in: -11. l crease'5'prosperity`of~ the country, '1 l The estimated `expenditure for the year. 5 l 1875 was'$1,8(\7,594, _as compared. with l 3 $1,792,413 for 1874, a.nd $27.0,000 on 12 3. capital account as compared with $618; V 1 295 for,l87`4._ "The, total expen_di_tn'e _a `u would be, about $2,200,000, `leaving I it asurplus of about $300,000. He then I 3 went to show wherein the increased ex- 1 D penditurc since 1871 had aiisen, and all ( ' of it, he contended, had resulted to_ the 1 L benet of t the country. -He denied that t 3 there had been extravag'ance' on the part : V of the G_overnm_ent. On the contrary)`-by .1 `9 promoting railway en_te1'pt'ize,- drainage, I .V' and `settling the municipal loan fund ' 7 they had henetted the `best interests `of : the country. He concluded hy` pointing to the large increase of banking capital,` and of railway mileztgeas evidence of the manner in which the country was pro- gressing. In the course of this speech Mr. Crooks also gave some explanation of the manner in which the sale of the municipal loan fund debentures had been " effected. . _ l ' "_l&-I'1i.mI_{i'1ir:a'r spoke :01.` the flail-ge in; crease of expenditure which had taken place since 1871. It was than $1,800,- `000,,a'1'id it was now $2,360,000. He pointed out the many contradietory state ments. which had been made by ministers with regard to. the surplus, which they were now told was over vermillions, and he wenton to show that neither" Mr . l Woods, Mr. McKenzie, nor .Mr. Crooks l himself, had, in any previousfnancial statement, `included the trust funds, the value of ],the library, or premium on stocks, gsopm of the available assets of the Province. , There were also liabilities which the Treasurer had omitted, -one of $339,000 of railway subsidy, so A` that al- together the liabilities` amounted to $4,-. 965,759, while the assets,dedueting those never before reckoned, amounted to," only >3T_5,378,023, leaving the surplus in reality a only $1,412,264, while the additional liabilities to the close of the year would amount to $693,500. The a-zlditional $200,000 so that the total surplus at the end of the year would be only $918,764; This he contended was the real state of v the nances. He then quoted from the estimates of previous years to show how largely the expenditure had increased under the present Government. _ rm... .J..L..a.,. -....,. ..,. .'.l.:._....,1 1... . `M1. 1 revenue to meet this wouldbe only about . \naa\A\tA-V vuv l..\.~~-.- ~nv....-.......\._-. The debate was coixtinued by Fraser and Mr. Pa17dee,'on the side of` the'Government, and Mr, Cameron and Mr. Lauder, on [the part of the Opposi-j tion 5 but the chief matters in issue are given the gures above quoted. {\n Wu-~irLnr ifhn Jn}ui'l-.n um: 'nnnf.inI1m] g1VU1J. ULIU HSULUG `lUU\ U llllULU}.l. On Friday the debajte was 'contin11ed, uuti1Atl1e.I-louse went into Coxnnlittce Of - supply, when severaljitms in the esti- mates were adopted. ` ' 1\/Tn T?vtrnnm {nan rnnvnrl rnv o r-run- Luuuca "G1 I: auurl UU\l'. Mr. RYKERT then moved for a com- milgtee to investigate certain charges made against himself by 1\'11f. l\[CKel2a1`,_ who. - accused him of having taken bribes to ` assist the Canadian Southern and `other - x'aihvay companies, in obtaining-the pas- sage of billsin which they were interest ed, and which he had previously oppos- T ed. ' He denidithese charges, and desir- ed the fullest investigation. - st, 1r,"rr_,_._ .1" V, 1,1 L; Mn. MCKELLAR then proceeded tb . make other chzu'ge's of 9. similar nature,- whfch Mr. Rykert also denied,m1c`1whic}r were 1'efe;`rec1 to the same con11n_ittfee_. The House then}adjQurned. On Monday the House spent the whole sitting in (_Jommitteo of Supply. A -There wr._cS a. good deal of discussion On some of the estimates, but notahing uf iu1po_rtzmce took place. ' ' ' ' A 111- I I .1 1' ;_ ,,,__,'_ ._._-- _-_,_L V, ` On VVednesday the estinlates were pro` ceeded with, and a number of itenils car: ried without much debate. ' A ` V ; 4' V !151:;\ils, _o` :,_.the, Y Waahago.mu_r_de1: mgke ihigappgarimt , th9.1.`im.e ohatsesigisainst; ms- 7 . ._.!$;.and. v ;th&,t..b0!!ev9r :.431k6a$`0W(bism~:q o;he_ deceased may havedeseryed`pnnig5hx_i1g;ig; ` : .n9th.i..t.1g was dona:to~s21xecl`hid1 mimnm duct, nor wa_s_ any a'ortsma9;to} J . ;.a;: tnumbgp. hf A s;Vn9I'=19ns:!:zus.hama: V. 1 ` ` :9f:~:~!"bv?: tsk9#:P18A:;tiiine?ei .-::T.ha.had~been1n`ien_'V .6, , V :`f : 5......` ~,sm.1. - n : The vP(ub1i`c Accounts CotI'1'm`ittee, and ` the Committee `appointed to examine into `the charges againxst Mr; Rykert, "began. their sittings. ;Maor Boys has been a1)1>0iDW1 $113. -1 Trustee, anl.he duly zxccptd the t1'.`.St- Thesewere the last `Debentures due to the "Railway, and we trust the line_ will now.'so0n be cominenced. ' " .-Elsexvhereiwilll be found th juklgmehf of His Honor Judge Gowan in` refercn'ce. to the Appeal in these 'cases" Knowing that they have excitecl very coiysiclerablc T interest it; the 'County,: we have, `at gon- s_idr_a}gle tr to 111'seives; dbtaixied, and pxtblishetj. 23; full report `of _t}'1je'-able judgment'Q`f'His Hon_o1`,. " " . ` . . ,-` 0R1LLf,L_<-We were sliglxly in` error] "brick. .It is"by' long" 6dv,1_8` :th m_astj % ' block in the town. Booth and Corbtt i new 'Houae":`is beixig 4m`a e 7 concerning Mr. Qu'i.'!.11'3 b_u11diI_lg8- ` It is a block-of sbores which' hehas nea1_'_ly- compiet'ed.V 'Il1e1owristory `has 9. -cu : stone front, and the *re1,i1ainder [is "of buildings on one side,' q.nd`tl1e new hotel ` on` the other,` will render `tho " mai ; iihoroughfazfe ` of Orillisv/' a , litle ` "Sack- ville "s'1:met.` -Thefoui1dation iofi tlfe * `n'.:;.' ;-.1 : ....;.: LL41 1... .-m.-:.u.`> :.;::a. 1. . _-_. The ACo1'pomt.i of A Innisl handed over b11i1'Dbenures`i;1 a id of he above I Railwv to `thei1`vT1fust`ec la"-at weekf we % - 6 > V , u ' , ' Fuua: yr Ono.--A week ago, aarlyon Saturday morning as a farmer, who re,- sides. in Oro,was hi,{ching'his horses ton. \ Waggon, and `of them 'kic`ked, upsetfV1g' a_ lxghtegi-_1.81tern, thp, a3i;6.;`9{ which communicated with _the;;st1faw gtagkg ` and soon stock, b:ir_ri,Agrja`i'n`, t'\v o_lor,e`s',` several _cattl_;' and t_o;fnj`Vf;t 11989 .Wet;`al1f I .dsx`oyd (H6 davjot1ri brl(dh}. V The inspyqnce ,\:va:As vl3I;_t; tAr_2=.xz_ 1;g_n'Q}_gh_ _ new uruua. 1101.183`? " _. this fall,v;and the builiiig p1eted`as`early_*a$, p1`a.'t'i ca nw]`b'nma nn`1'nL`n p1eted`a{`ear1y;b,s 1'21-:a.<:`t.`i`c:_3V1"'n ii; Orilliaowes miich-`of sio; Mr.- Quinn's 'fa;rsig11_td i;brpris9;"- ` I `[3... ..`_r\_-' -A; .___-I_ -,_ if T113" ORILLIA I LIQUOR 7CAS11:S.._ & N; W. RAILWAY. _o0UN1*Y: 1~IEW s. . ;J.UuD .15 pcxus uluuu b11i13i"5#ii1 be 991:1- ;pmbxm`*'n3:-; `y1o;z';.I`.` N . at- rr"eq`se::e*~2see "fi i?3e?-i`iid3 7=:_;hc .1\rs\1'7 ]:~,`n 1-nnanhn nun LA ninnn;-3 nu imp a 7 ahevae out ' of? the -` ; `front door; I then leamej and saw 9 Mr. Stephen Whitlleyin the bar-room, 3 raising a row. He` then came... into this a room, and in company'with%Mr.~-.;North- \; - mp and :Er#!.1kfBtidgm&Ii threat; , ega.instMr.'Maod_ona1d. They;then.took' .hi.m' into the heels sitez-9909.. ams1I.;1?4! xx *Mac'donaldswa8_at.front door; After a.` r_ few _minutes`he came in at back door. in Whitney heard` .-:Maedopg1df[s.` voice, got :1 up_-and began 'to?'1`aise"a* 3 Northrup_ - was with him and called me for assist- e ones, i _Qn comi_1;gi_;_x I found Mr. VW_hit- g ney with a revolver in his hand. North- n ru'p`_iand _I tried to get revolver from but could not. We then put Whitney out and -"I went with him, I `came to the` front door `with him and there were three or four men there, _\Vhitney go `in at back door, I tried `to keep him back. .. Mr. Crone and La" Duke {net me and Whitney at North side of the house, d we exchanged words there; La. Duke of and Crone went on, and I took Whitney 1 ;g to front door. Mr. `Whitney turned 1 Ll, back and}; second timewanted to get in ]e at back door. I stopped. him and tum- ed him back to the N. W. corner of the house. \Vhitney then came along north side of house and stooped down and 4 lookedrat Maodoneltl and said, 5 There he is.. - He then pulledayrevolverout of . his coat pocket and red..': I then standing beside him at--the N. W. cor- ner of the house,`and after he red his revolver I tried to -get him. in rst at front doorand-then at sidedoor. I then SIR :.-Being` on the eve of smother election, permit me to give t`heRe_formers. of North Simcoe a. -common-sense view of the political eonditionof the country. The results of the late election- trials, if they .have not zrstonished our `political oppo- nents, have put a blush-`on the -cheek of many an honest Reformer. e- pared to see` some of the Reform mem- bers against whom the trials were. insti- tuted, unseated, but to see such :whole- - salecorruption `was more than we ex- . pected. `When the present Government and their supporters were in Opposition,` -` f the cry of corruption lwasspreagdpby them againstlthe Government of Sir John `A.,- from the centre to the circumference of _the Doininion, and wlifat have those trials unveiled? Nothing less than the shame- ful fact that while thefinger of scorn was being pointed at Sir {John and his su'p'A 7 porters for corrupt practices, they them-.-' ` selves were pnrsuingf it course `equally ` -disrepu_table- end unconstitutional. It was this cry,'and the belief that it was grounded upon factsywliicli sent `John A. y and his party to the slmcles. ' And it is not little surprising that the -experience ` of the past had not" taught the present unseated'Yne1nbers a lesson of caution, I lost their own sins should nd them out; w and they themselvesEultimatelyl become czistsways. ' .\4Ve`-all well - remember the an-a.tlien1a.s which Il.}_I. Cook, T. `D, Mc- Conkey znid others during the last elec- tion. _campaign, hu rleclf against every Tory cmidirlnte in the,Pro_y'_iuce, for daring to acknowledge themselves to belong -to a party of corruptiqnists,chzu*ter-sellers and black-ma.ilors ; and at the same time, 11. H. Cool: himself and agents were buying way into. a seat in a Pa.rlia.1nent pro- fessedly pure, \Vha.t.;a. farce is such pur- ity--Did T. D.'McConkey and his co- workers know at the time of the last elec- tion that the very mim whom they were so earnestly urging the electors of North Simcoe to -select nsthe most tting per- son to represent tlifeir interests in a thoroughly purged 1 -uAr1ianient,h:idtwice 3 bought his seat in the House for an age 7 g'regntes;,un of $28,900 2` .If they did 1 know it, all we havegto say is that the 3 partaker is as es thetliief; and the 3- electors may be wellfassured if Mr. Mc- oonlgesywns for `a member for either` ` House,-he will use za-ll means, whether _ fair or foul, to geiin` his election. Butjivf Mr. Cook kept the niatter a secret` from" ` them, they have now; the _ree`c`_t_ion fthit they were sold by"1x'i1fn, _zijil' consequently` he had forfeiterl. their`siip`p'o'rt. ancl`inu-' ence in any l ut_uro cleetion forif _he' would sell" his friends for personalgains.-to him- self, 'ho"l`e1:tainly would /s`el,l his-oppo`-` . `nents','a.ffCl"l1ence' should reeeiye the con-. ,_dence__of neither` party`; i_f,on'~ the con. `trary, the ,laders; ;*`off the `Reform ' Party l1`:ave_beii'AinaI{ing tlgewhoi, thing it question of party pagnd h1ony;tlie`1Ypi'ii1- ' joiple mustf`lJe_ ii 't1n'_i1 g'A_of. the-f)a`st, afnd not ' to batiroug1nj._of`in Etuese` _ party i..1.98,3 ihat.`af;wf?l'5r}b `inane ; , and;-pm .a`i*o' mi -`@.m:l?'.l&e .,'_ xincipie S Wl1Y`tl16V9l fle5l3'"l}:I(1} " t`>}i1i1.t;,"?`Qoun, . A y my-b%99e;& n@ix1:9;e..l%ar!iainsy`;l it-lh9l.1es -.meemv1.e--W1. s . M :f .vot9sWil1;l=>_ ho.ught;:.4n<.1.; .` e-9901.9 : long rab-c0.l1l.'88y-Z. 1eformer,s_., of North Rinrmnn in-`fnr vn fin--nlav '4-J-man To the Editor of the 'No1them Advance. 991 '9?.l !'*5'1,`.3?:;`H-.`1:';111:11-`st U00 "say Sirl`John- did right 11?;->,\v3mi9ave ' thenqge :t3.psw_r.-.`,,.,; , it _o was [ 7 `T. .;939}'fp,`;z%yc,t;e. h}9 n~..H3- 11- . `$131!? ti*;::`,1. S1-E973n W .0 .. _ Q r-;._:v': ' rE,!4~}}.9l:-.s, I-st)vs,!.. _; ..s!;sa9z12!2;=a;;m;no1zp;'mav ~ .> 913- 3 -bYL -.9; - r`.`ln`I1;:)\ll i:`:nf(;'?.{:.f';-;i'..5.II`I{;\;_t\Z-31.: oh)` -' ........ I J IJWUI-I WEI-UV!` UL} I1. (I $11/lV;I~ `tibq formally tenderingme the nomma- v V I I V , - U11 3 I~Q\K1'\I\J\1l-DVI J~\_\Il\ILlLl\4fP- UL J.`VJL_Ul-I , E Simgqe, iblig for yqu up ggy whether, these ,things sha_.11 be .9}; 1.12;};-wwillgyou return . H- H- 0091? :`V.h b-ined-.;:131i!%t` in gPa1rl.i.arnent by`, pplawful -means, or ` will you repudiatqe ,the. _ man; and V his nloney, . .gnd chqqsegjas ..youfr f. representativo dn_ / who has!abi1i,yTa.nd 11on_esl;,_integri.ty. to, V __qp_1;;mendVhimA . to yo11ir` po;`;gide1-zgtign, . `Ways _the.13at;ie~Gz.e.;`-f.`Cook? `libs ~ fairly sP9rwf1d~should be ,a1..-.. `: 19We !=.11em~ .w .WeA:ihn"of % believe tahat; }!Y?n.8=-3:59?-t:iIi.t1!e..H86, A Whig,`i:_99`fi-';%?Ystl`;;3W1:f`iF.*f-iF,t31D8C- . 53:` `J L99 .; ..9.wJ,i.d.2n1ywhat` vneanshmiva Sir . _ t1sag1s1's!9l.1.aa*9fn,r.e1ec- . 3; ' 3.1:. cook; -..2. 9:.-s.I.m.-ac .a:.3' ..:.-. . " an ` ...`.Il. Inna-` _ aorresnouimuc. PARTY vs. PRINCHPLE. re! _*j:'-; A:-x:u.r_ :3.`- ' Sm:-i-I take {lie IxberI\-r.-<.)ffered in fang : tidn of th6 OblIh`cilT,i1_'gclfo(_thdd/i"g? v'alunble=,coIun_1ns of drgwingue attqn_,_ e] ' ed in the M!i:'0ipa!it3!,;jt)AVBa' _..l.:...-.0 nf tnrhi- ., - ~ 1 J5. au 1 Ann subjecg of Ttgijgy. A Whn a , 9I('!l 9 rem`! 1, is ill .........'A.;.a mm`: Tani . :- aano I Tb the.1?3de:tor of the Nm_z__zm{n 'Aiv`a;_nce.. VI'I|U!:_fu_3_',l1_.I- 0 . |o- V: uu Kg expeniind .63`? fewita T a _ object to the percentage, even thong it reach the large levy of almost": ` cents on the dollar, and not from :1 de- sire to shrink their responsibility," do-' "they disfegntd the ilrqurxnitie of `at Collector; ut knou`r`ing'_t horeT tili 'some four months in which they may I.'_ ._._.-A I-__.....l:..~.... as; nL....r..mnh/BOW` ' l "3 `M H` Sm,--TI teceived your letter. -7 -` _' ' me that "the nomination for ~`-No1"th Simoee in the House of Commons has been unanimously tendered to me by Conservative eAssociation of '2 the which you are President. ` "I have also been waited on by a delega -5' 'lneoInn`1u I-nuJnw:nn'v-no Ir`-un nnrnii-In.- &5UK!lU IULIX IUUUHIS Iu WIIIUII I-I19 . u--I-J -he`pa1d,=(aeoord1n g*Y%`1hQtYs8B`!1!` lx umc u-nu-n\ Vi! '11: hut natural. -when ' D6` pain,-(m:wuru1`ng' unuuxguuugn. u-L V1.-u nous,'it `.18 but natural, `when 9 money i_s_a_s close as. it is novir, that the f.Vi5`.1"'*?'i.;3Y.!?.f';815?;El Ii'l33I Q:1I..fP.`!': ' far off as the law, or rather, the collector -will allow. As a large tax payer, Mr: A Ed10r,"nd' with "en ex'tnsive' rner`ctiFr=' , tile connection, I can find use for my money_'by which it will bring me some - return for the-ha.ndIin`g;and`aI1lcng 519- the Council place no limit to the time in whichltaxes may be paid, it is hut naturalthat men` whoarevnblevtot -pay will rxot_do so, while there is an oppor- tunity` ofyusing that mo'6Y_td`their'owr. edivajntege till the last ofzldlejghw . 4 The Co1'1'ric_i_l are in urgen`tneed-<' - money; so seyeth _thc"`I`ax.Uollector. Then I ask, why_do thev not pass `a, By-Lew es other town: and cities_. do,[ ' limiting the time ijhvihich' taxes m_ay-.. he faaid, say, to the last day of D e`ce'm-" her, and after tha`tdat,e charge two, per cent, and if at the end of afnother rn'oiit'h it is stillrunpo.'id,impose another itwzo "per cent; thereiwould then be some in- ducement to those who are otherwise. inclined to hold; back; to discharge -their obgetfong tptbe wig, and the large`s'_t r1_ebt`or"Wfoiiitf'bo t _e begtcserved. H'\L;_.'. .. _._.. AAL-.. ..._n.-..,-.*.. Launlnrl Lucu uprxgquxvu 1;, _n_uu Lu_D ' 7 - ,1..!v.w . W debtr vsfoflf-be any-'b9t_Ls`erved . V = LTh3x 1s opg 9n__11_qr_ mattbr:"i'g;9onnec-- tion with this desireot the C6u'nc11 for` money; they: s_V1,_-they -gust have soi muchmoney"by a ertni Hate; at least- this is Mr,King's excuse for his_bbnox'x- 6113 visits. _ Nbw; Mr? Editor, I shoufd like to know have the members of the Oquncnl set a good example by. getting a. receipt for their taxes. I tfid to get, !h;u Cnfnvnlc-30:.-un `vnnn {kn (`.1-n"-Infnl hlif llrlU|iUl.P|v IUI bucw uuacu. .l. Luau Lu `cg; - this information from the Collectonbut the attempt washot suecessful; This I- do know, in former - years _preminenL. members have beenlhe ms; tohpay that which !hey`are so anxious to dlraw hjom others, and herein lies the suspicion j thatlhe case may be, {and '_i's,"probab1y,< l Ihe same as last".ye'ar. Sliold ,the Council in -their wisdom see t to x a. ; boundary to the time 'for ta'1;pey1ng' and by the un'posin'g ot a good rate of interest a{t_er'tha't _date',mnke it an ob- ` ject. to thdse interested` to 'dishalr're their obligations, I `should cheerful y comply, for then` would all be pervade alike. .Ho'ping you Will, kindly insert this," \ , _ 1 ' T -p..M..:.. TUL. 'IaV.l.'I-.-.- appgafing for Appe11anb;_.._ II:zrri'- L-.. A m I`. 11,: ,, 1,,,-I3".-t` 3' A'1fhi`s caS6_Wzus:3.1'g_11e(lf befoxc llis 1-Lonor | Jt 1dge_Gowan ; D A1ton`McCa.r'E11y, Q.C., *'P!Idm `.. ;;a.%is2< . ` i 91;? .95 qsii. 59 N-f1"* h.1 nnonlvino` Ivnlun "1' GEIBBEN, -Appellalna '1:ARK, Res- appearmg mr Ap1)ex1ans;_g.. A. ` . _"3.'7 P` a_on, Q.C., for Respondenf: 3; n1 nu o B`arr`i'e,T Nov. 23,1874. `ix THE SIATTER or APP'1alxi. ' mom: CONVIC- TION, QXDER 37 v_1(_2.', CAP. 32. I '1:`ht=: foilowig is; the judgm;1tA 1'gndex-- `ed_ by the Judge :- "j b b T'he .&1>1)e1lant was p1"osecutec1ur1`de1" Sec. 35, of 37 Vic., Cap. 32, before two 1\rIagist.1-ates, and on the 16th October last, was con\'icted'ofseI1if1g beer wibheut 11'.-.. cause and adjudged to pay $20 and costs.` The Appellant appealed. The proceedings and e`y'idencobefo1"e the Magistrates were rem1'11ec1 to the"C1e1'k of the County "Court. A ' ' " S " l - 7:; M1,`. IL'.2.-riso11,_.__C-_3ounse_1` for t`]1(1,]:'0Sp0TI)_,.-: ` dent, c_1u.i1us that an . nmQn(lIx1B;tMS11Ql11d_ ` now be made . under sec. 44- (f)-c;oi1- . `of .Tusice Aob 18.T357--'1`hzznt]1d'61}Py `in- deuce \vau*o}' at sa1e_to'l,VIcG'cj1;v'1:1i;E: .- `proof to the co1.1t.'-ai'y.%.1.1.sI`_'ci,to;1_ au_t1x>ri.-~ - ol,1z_u1 the wit; essges before them. On the 28th of Octobey upon applica- tion of the A'ppeI1nnt 5 Conhsel xi - sum- mons was` g1'aiitLl u1;de1` sec. 41 lo) @11- ing 11pox1't11e Co. Atbau`-.'ney_ to show ca.u._rse., why the conviction shou1d;not_~be quash-, ed. -.A(: the return of the summ.011s_ the: County _A ttO,1`n5 >(leoc"li1_1=cdVto` :1p1.\-`:1.-1`, and upon application of the 1S[.`U11'.`xCllb= in person the s_ummons;w:1s (:x11:L1'gei 24th Oct., when parties were h0iL).'_(I' by Counsel. 1`he.qon\'ic,tio11 on ifs face it is. admitted is bud. ' " - tengliug that; the provision: i3 }_y1'bp,d, enoggh to give the o3.,w'c1'L,,;.a1)/`(Iv 1:5` '9;-ring _ to scc.`49 and 50, 1:110-.4Ld1m11i5t.Lg.hiQu ] fei`en(-.'eA.that could bof d1`:r\vn 3t'1'bui` ewis pQ1lunt of 0. cask ofrber. o'1`l1-.u ...x;<`) Oyiclun_ i` was given by Appe1`lai11tj.;-_:mTd g`,h`oi1nf_r. 1 ence Wt8c1oa1`1y-121'op`_e1' in the 'l]?$i{00 vgfl; 1 _t.i sh0`\_v tlmt unles&\.th;.-igfm'qh1ce wz:;s cI'ca1`1jv'wron': t_l1e'_ f_}ou1~:j1~o=z-3_u_:11 '11ot.~ .distuih the nding cs"m'etgf:ss;~:mt5s 90 lgat N _ > g.i$t3;;1L\\*;1S a. 1n:1}tey; ' ' H. ;h'6"`v;d11tsy M J`'t'};'e a _ "."in').tl_)9 goon Court: to 3 .- V` A `A ` `Tlxat ftho,` oc611cIusi`0i1`1;,.ioI5j`ek3t31`1`s'to the "fort? of 1. .the conxistiqn should, not; .prevai.1. itho .' .~".the` udggg : :~-:` 11.4.. a...`_..\'..-.-.?.- 5 VVQWLuQl\: - ,th,a qoxnfmpqg gholghj not...,prevau}1, `,thp iegislature having pmviggl ;nea.:ns'_ t Hist; ` . i_t.-r,' ht; Q19 nzamr, bein-fp,11f;`be;ore" 5 1 if ` vvvsuuo uu U110 AULI U1 ` Mi`. McG`a'rt-lhy` c'9ntondingV-` 'o1'1 `-"th_Q . nmr hand tH.7if.'{:T1e nnvm` to amnmi am. , _Qn_nga`1jVn.nc_1 t.n;Luq:ug1 e _)p\_\_'__e1j pg: gr`11e11a;._1s.- }r9t`ri9t?dL.m..ter1,zi."t9'.L`1!i%&:;.PW1$ of foi-.m.-in contmdmtinctionbo .-matfer '_ ,0 ~ (1 `m @i1i:.'-1_ldEy;f .iBS s e. A 3 4% At?tjlu;:1_'<;l:h' -" ` `images ! 3933' A -... 8trorf15 *` vf, sne,sirree~j ) ' .E.`.`l.`:.'.i1`.2 7J M 1 n. .`_rizz2m\ e.=!.:.y.4 i33a"*`"5 S3ZE??7'%"}?lg"`$e 11$ ".1 the`i%"wa,`1u'i`ciii t tfrwarrant a. co i - *; pion atlmnder 35. It w ` ar- ' ..........A K1531 1-`.:;l.*'..5 ?.:.;:. ;_- 1.- 1'.-- :41. _~ 7 7.7 yvvv `NOVEMBER 26, 1374-. 1UI.=u1, 'L|L ,uuuga;m._u.|nuLuuvu:I_;, up _; 41u_:.ugv1' Iv; substan'ce,? 'm|1d.the- defecm ine-hheaooxivic- `itjnibeing radjqaf arid 5t1)p'tg1_{ive_ yhat : ;t.hy ..;w5; :.`:izbt. `,`aJ!1.*.i. a??1sf:iI 1 M3.e5V1` that`, than :,isno,o i;an;aa@e,-.snba.ingnL1- rpen,t'*wi;'~,1`l1ewed, `any hp Inuntxvizj zeavi awe not-ipzaaeniz'2`"f'acb$.-. Amiend `kn?! rnad-_~uuM;anh a'- Annkbsl nn.l.`ml&.-m `n `% %;....~?vXxi%sz4=`th9;:2dgetcn1.3eig,:@,;tKe ' .vu.uIuuu uvmytvavlualus Iavvyn-,,vr-( gfxwuu ._by; it mot;.:raisi11`g 92 .dogbf11_1 gmd*atc_nj- _ `native presumptipjx;-"argid`b61i6o?fdinig hat? V is she. .;3s1z:~Vict1i<;>*_1;"iMi$;".`55` n... 31, ...,:.1.......;.' `..1...`.'.T`A 1...` ..;..,1 *t;:.~,.:.' ` der,.ac;M wag` ' ";.-igitto be-fu is_h- `7. hTi31.-3;`; i1}i:`i`i1andA 'yesterdl113l L-by Mr. H rri-.~ n1n1incl\`nd!t}mi: ,i+'rl -,;-.l..'4`...-...;u...! +3-.~ ` i9$W.5dL.i ..ft3,i57?t? .i:ii%!f`3if.?*?`tE9'5` 5` % foim,-in .c0l1iJ`!.. :i!1.(7tiD1,;J'9.,;'.K!l_I.i5f_.e1` nu`-un5nn'AA 1 n-ht: '`1n Jncnfn. 1'91 ..`-Jnannv-u'~y:n JILL: -LV-LU./K./rl UXIJ VvlLL'UllLIL1lb'V" UI1 U11? 7 loth91:.h%n<.1t1iit;`3119 r9\,v.ex: 1:, men 'm%}:`r:'nm1 in tm-`ni`.`tn {z:.1 . m`mm-`n nr I: q; - `Thu; case _wa.-s: ax`? _~}1ed befo1e_ His Honor % __.__._. gat ;zitt1It;fzg':i -3 gt-Iww U-ulzmu ans :1 uuug ycuuuru I ,')}g&`ndzcEtzjf.r,I=* Hd giyfin . Q, A"A'.II'l`Al ':" ' tn nrzlv mu 4\` ' ` M..~aunE:.'a>u3';: mwhiaf $53`; '4-,;' ..`_'- vv . - v ..._...a .`_.-n':uu:=_,g, A In; E.;'uneIa"he nm:na{{."in'{1{;|

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