Town cf ,G}1in%W.sf`I V 0[_ln-we8l.euy on a unu panama nu, sum up ays_ atpidgsxance hf 5 chains from said water : edge`, until it intersects a` -line pro- duced fromlhe easterly side of Bircbfsuet, the said lake. thence 'suuIh`e`r1y'-70 d_eg. `15 min.` -west-5 chains to the utoresald `wa!e`r'?o ' edg of aaic_l1ake,!henoe south-felslerly along _ said water : edge to I-he:Apl`a,ce of beginni;1g'," I lln1 course_nor1h.8 deg. 10 mm., west mm 1 3 1 Va Iro,rt;'th`._Crowx1_ (0 as the` same is (i. a'.) `_convn'ya d.'.hyz!he_ patent; I-iiahn aiirinh`. . Ii- IIJ. `land nu nrnnha Irom me Urown. l0 D. H. muuu; 1)` .th,ig1and is etectedwwharfv inasuriug '60)}; 50; ahd cgpable of loading -vessels draw- 'ing.9l fl`. f w,aie _ ' A186. a"Qm`&!l`-ilqtilhquae. m ` 1" .5 ..`m1min"a"E:i::=.I:;:r7'.1au6a` .ii:- the .. .. __- _.,_. _ M -ing.9 fl`. I w__a.i1er._ Alsd `a qtnfgdlvitotzulgousa. ; 10., T a fpl1owing.tic:l:.::1auds'in-the 'tow[uhip:ofFps',_. M_ f -5 .(_z) Lot23in 1hT6thf0qp;sgop;1i;ggu.3;9r in 55g, 7'gbdd; `yr -V coMpmsx1}:u m.Nns 1:: THE. \/U|_l. I uuluaunug IIUICF, Wgll IQIIIUBIUU. (m) Th east paujof lalv27, Can. 9, contain- ing 28 acres; timber all`.cul._: ', V 11. 'I`irnber1andsin the township of Tiny `(as foilows): ` A ' (`a\'Lo'. 26. Con. 13. aboul'lOO"M. ft. of` Hm`- `- Ul DUI -s .0,-.UU!!UL'HSlUll U, CU.|llZ1l-HlHg VJDHUTES. : _. (It) The south-east partgof lo! 524, Co'n.'5,. ` comajningv _40 acres" (the boundary lines t he"reof bemg pralletwith the bbunda`ry- lines of tho sai:_l_1ot) 200. M ft. of umber leflon th i='lot.' .I.- 'r|.._"_._`. L_ll' .r. .'1._ _-_.L Lfu _-1,. nu lI!HUU| U|I_ II`. L 2 (j )_ Thc_2.est half of the south-ea3t'50 acres ` `of am '. 2,.couocssion 9, 'co_nlaining `. .5acres. /It'\ Tfxh nnn'lh-nnaI nu:-Inf In! 04 f"n'n '5 -li in {hes n%('h of iugiacfl llll ` llllo V (1) Tha"e;:La t half. of the north haA1fof1nlT26, Con. 7, conla'iniug 28ja`cres, wc_s1lti_mbered.' .' lm\ Thri anal nnrlnf In! Q7 f`.n}1 Q nr`mIn'm_ D81`. , - A _ '2 ((1) Nbflh halves of lof 12. l_3,,14,and 16, Con. _17,s'orne_good'lin_|_!`er laf; on muse {our last mmioned piecegz of la. Ld,` which contain I 961 . acres, more or less. 1z\\ I... OA .IL... 9 1\),I:'?IlI-Alillllg 1.0 BUIE3; . " - "12" A piece bf lam! it; the of _'I cx.elan`guishune.Tn the Goimly of Sixri'b'3e-, containing about half an acre nnd. composed of lo! 8_,` squib sxnie. water. ,, `,._, ... . g . . n. .` lllHUl'.CU' \'5'_NH \`~'lliU PINE. ' ' I (i)-.Tm,n.'_J't!h' par; and the w_es_t.pan of lot .`Z2,V,uonmzssion 9, beingra whble. Mlhe said, ` 10: except the: sou1_h-east,50`acresthereof (for- merly sold for .-laxg3s),' well liAmb_red-Awith large rw`tu',!e pine. _ar1} l_,parlAof the said`1n.t,con-. _2:in ing _abcu{ 50_`acIxes, having very heavy (imber on 'n.. ' - . . .- '\ 'm.. . A--. 1..-.u"-r.t.....-...1. ..-_.,r:n-'-___ On tiliejahd is mctcd it log dwelling-l.1ouse,_ fmnmatore -"hi-use and bzrn, uged 2.5 a. depotfor. 1umbar_iu;,,r rlperations. ' . 7 13. .'l`imhnr land: iri the tnwnszln nf'.nnr._. uIu1uc1_uI;.{ (.perIu.luuu- V ` 13. -Timber land: in the township of-Sunni... ' dale. as follows: .T _ fn\ 'l`Hn uudiuin `1-1I"I\P Inc. A non`! 0 IL`... I JUQ ?vUICU' [IIUIU UI Luau. .ge) Lot 24,` Con 3. , 4 '_ ' . T . (f)E-sst partnf nnrth half of ioi 17`, Gun. 18, t.-uulaining 1.8 acres.-' 6 -' ` '10.. A ninna '..f `lawful in lhn wnxnn nf uni? H3 IUHUWS I ' ' ` " _ ' (a) The undivideri half of lots 6, and 8, Con. X6, cqntainiug 52.53 acres, more or less, the -south parts of said Lots being well Itixiihered with white pine. . (1)) Thu xindividnrl luff bflnts H and 12`.-('.'~nn._ ` uzuuum. Q1 uznner 121;.` ' - _ - (<~)ILoI;a IS and 19. Con. 7, containing'-- 286 acres, more or`lesa--1{1rge ampunt of timbek-lc_ft. ((1) West part of-gouth Vtvmlf of cast half of lot, 13, Con. -14, 8 acres, well timbered. . in\ Hlnn nun AI n`.-\n0Ak Inn`? n` `at 0 (Yaw `IA - Hm (3.: ' bulked To1lQw:' =,`Comtx`_1encmg.' }Nh8f9- a `Lpasi: has 6en`!anl_ed iat ihe:i9ulheVvi`esl} 611315. of !h'e`sx_:id. l('>l',_l_he_ qoe h o_rIh___30 deg; west 33 . . c,hainf_s_33 lnks_`.,mor9"_o,r_ l:`;iS,,l0 lb.8 centre `King: of the sand coxzcessign produced Frnr {he nor{hrn`bon'n`dqry lhereof,.lhenc north 60.; deg'., ens; 30.chams, more or less, to th lumit lkslween 1013 25.andT%, Iheuceys'.~mh 30 den. east 10 cha,ins,mo re or_l-egss, to me, wmexs uadge of u`sni'a11`lak'e;lherjoa weslarly and somherlylalong llxes`aid,wale:s_edge to the :11. luwngce fgr ma_dbel-.vcen the`?-zh` and 81bAcou-' cessu.-u's; lhene sdulh 60 deg. West 10 chaids,` more 'dr.]ns.=,.-aia.1he. place of beginning. con- laiiling acres, mo;-3 or less,` we'll limbexed v:i;h lguge while pipe`. " 'lI1\ Tin: nus! h..1i`:.fhn nnvlh |\n1f'nf1m 05 A rue-onxaw W. we-sin 8. [ \`lln|| l`i1|;_ U IVIIIUS P.`UUa ;(/;`) 'l'he east ms or the north ha1ror1o:25, Con-,8, comaimng, 5Q`aorea. m0_re orAless, well lm:`u`9 ;ed- w_ixh Iarkje \-."1ui`;e'piiIe. t.'\- Thu nn'r!h' nnr! mm! the umn! mu! nf In! Ana xuuuw:-:;;_ - ca)` L6`. 26, Con./8,,a bout'_lO0"M. In. or timi- ber. ' V ";l.\ 1\Y-_u L_`In_.n.'I 'n,.. A ._-.:_-_L_._I_r. wxgn wane pine. _ U - (b) The undivided half oflots 11 and 1'. .`,-Con. 16, containing 372' acres; more or less_ large` amoun`t. (_)f1iznber1e't',t.` I..\ 'T.nm1u .....,I an nnn '7 nnn9:s:n:niG--OCR mrgu. w,ux?w -yum V , `(f The easu?i`y 1oo'a`E1ss"5i-'15z28fcon.' ' cesaxon 8, `well imbbrd Vwiltylargve =.whi1e pine. ' - ' .`;\' "Fl... -.;..oL4...--n ._t 1-. .11: (I-_'._-_!.._ Q Lo, vow. `Ii, 5 ncre_s, WI-ill uuwerrm. A ,(c), West p.11'lOf south lz8._`.f of lot 9, Con, 14, c0m.:I'iuing 24 acres, well umbered- ` ` (I'\ ".`.'9.<:t min. of smnll half of lot. 1. Con. 15 com.;umng za _a=.:rea, wen umue1'cu.. (1') "_`.'est_part of seuth half of lot. 1, Cop. l5 --30 acrei well tiu1bs:t'd2 ` ' 3 IA V]`l{:."{.-.0......'n} Is` -Q`-1; Ya-umnu :11 or; nvfviur. pired mm of `H dU 2Ci'E. '\YCl| LlI_D_UUlK_J.. . I "- 14. '1`_he' interest of the lessees iuan unex- yee`us`,ui1';!cf II. lease dated 15!! D ece;nb-:_r, IBEVJ, ofthe rionh'ofIot21, Gun} 3, of 1~`.lc.=.,'cunta.inix1g 1(}6_acres, gt the rent of ` L-9, rcserving tiu}_ber sold, The lessees have an option to purchaaefrr 1.50 . ' 15, ?`h:~ intm-n.:t nf the lnsseaa in an lln(=Ynh'-H _ March, 1873, of hr6):en lot 45, Glncessiou... UPLIULI LU .`:3UI'UUHL'U,\lf LIQU 15. The interest of the leesgqa in an unexpired term 0!`on': yer, under a lease'd3;t.ed 35L?'Ot - of Nottawaug::. watef frontage and land c6'v}e,red withjwnter in t"r'or;7t of the same, at th_a-"r.-ut of $50 per annum, subject to a right 05 w\1y,_one _c1miu wide,fo1~n.'r:1ilwa`y switch, d ised 'to. C. Kennedy & Uo.,'b_v lease dated-` Um of Au} gust`, 18 7':-, tor"; years and 7 mon-Ihs,- from 13: UIL-}upL(1n't)er 1.872, at a rent of $65. IR. Thu vutihtc nf9h n rrrunhnzsa unnn a par. sx,l} Coh."::{ 1, ...... .-.;;; A 7(c_:)` AB~,"_Fl-f23'in th '.7lt_1 `(,`ot."l:.esAi:<`)n,I `v7_vilhA ood whimhine. 2 ' .` ~ ` L` `V . 1il\' RAM)! `)4. "n -tho `Mb l'Jnn(In'n:3nn_ nnn . ._.e been . W H151? yuuf.. ` . (e)' Nioflh l:1f`and vieIefI3' 60 .":Ares;Tand (ha easterly 40 acres oflbe omih halfo .1013 2%? tl:;e4"]'_x_xL_(,oxxcession,we'll limbexed with arg`eIvh\ .1.e.p*Ine3,~ V ' " ; '1 f\ The Amala-n`lu Idnnrhne nf lr;I9RfCnn. Ullll Wllll PIUUA ` , I - ' ` (d)' 10! 24,.i_n 111,5-'nh Gunceasion, pon- mming 9acr6s," -"wall timbered with `large- unhiln ninn v uI.`.~_up~(ln0El` ;..u'1z, M 9 rent or .3350. . 16._ The!_<.j of the grantc3s, under 8 cer- tain _agru'm:nt. dated the 291114)!` January 1869, in 1&1. 2.), Gun 5, F103, well lmbered ~ - . 1'I.A.!"\-3 rights ofytha p,r.1Utces.i_n the, timber on the ibllmviug lands. _ TO\\"rISEIP 05` FLOS--Lot 5, con. 3, south .ha`.f-'11, (`on, 3. lot 21, Can. 3, north ha.1f9,_ Con. 4,.aoutl1lmJf_16,.Con. 4,10! 24, Can, 4, lots 11, 2f and 23, Don. 5; lcts_ Band 24 C011. 6, south half, Con. 7. 3o1ubh'J.if1l,Go:x,7."lot21, Con," 7, north hil;'5, Con. 9 ,' norlhAhalf 21, (Jon- 9, -ucrth ba1f3,CouC_10, northlnlf. Con. 10. ' 'l"(\\1-'\a`QlHD nx.` 'm'\1V A nu... 1..'u-`tn 11.". I 'U .7X'Ul Bill! 0; UUIL .!U, UOTUJ ll"llI U. U00: 1U. T()\\'NSHIP OF TINY.-Ez\sthA1f21 Con. 1, "nox-"lb half 9 Cori. -2, M21 Cun.,3,ldt16 Con. 4, lot 2l Con. 5, north huh` 17 (Jon. 65-lots. 18 Con..6ilot11,Con. 7,10: 1600:. 5,10: 11 Con`. 9, 1otH3..-2. l2,1ot_11CVn. 13, sou -.'h half 9 Con. 14, south baif 1:} Con. `.4,1<`.ts 5 Con. 15', Iota D,` and 3VGnn 16, nsrtli 11.111` 9 Con 10, lot. 24 Con. 16,1oLa E an-i 5 '00:`. 17, lot l] Goa. I7,Vl D.wA. and 3 Con. 18, west half 24 Con. 18, 1_ots_E, 5 and 11 Con, _19, norll1lm'.f2l Con. 19`,1`ots D. A. 3 and 10,0011. 20,.1ots'5'and 21, C011. 21. I Q. ' xr.....u.. -11 -4` ...1..:..I. me. ..e... .....1I.:...:.-_.9s_'; D. 21. . Nearly 9.11 of.w1_1ich lots are well timbereY1'!hd o'e.1ay.ncces3 to the lake and liver. ' ,' ."18. The rightsvof thegranteea in the timber {urchased from individuals on the-following ' anls:- ' ' -' West`ha1f`1ot 1,con. 14 Suianiriule; lots 6, 7, 8;cmd 9, con. 15. Sunnidnle; till 9th Npvember .1877. Lot 20 can. lG,Su:1xii.da1e. till9th Nov. 1877. Lot 3 `con. 14. V<*spm; L:t 23 con 1' F1os;Lo;23 con. 1 'l"m'y;north i South. i 22 `con 1 Tiny: Lots 25 and` com-1, l`iny. Most of the timber on `the above lots being !p\' 11' `nu?-I H UUU 1 1.111)`: 11013 23 8110 {Q5 COIL -1, lllly. of the timber on the V..b>ov_'_e_lor.s being alreadycut. ' V. . - Uu1g_ _ ` A _ 2.. The highest biddgr -sh-1_1 be the purchaser, and if uny'diapnle arise as tu me last or highest bidd3r,_ti_J,t` prO;3s5;ty'aingl|i2e put a. former "B. All rim mrnn In tn unit. whvfl-m FY-> 1. No p_eroi1 s1i'll.:jvmnc Iei than $20 af any bid_ding,`a nd no ;_crs'on 3:1-.-.11 retruclt his bid- ding. _' ' 2. 'Y'hn1ohauf hidpr rh..YI kn Hun nu:-`r-hlnuor. uluumg. _ ;3. All the prtiea to the suit, with` the ex- cepticn of the Vetqfurs ( Messrs Lewis, Hatch- kiss, and the .defemL.nts composing thefirm of Peckhum and og) are to, be at liberty to -bid. - V` A Jr}... n...._\........ .1... .; u._ .:_.- -1-Ln- The Coast: `,.. ~ `.\'r\c`.` `URI: 4. The purchaser shall at the time of sale sign ar_1`,agrecment' for the completion of his purchase, and my down ,3 deposit of $1.0 for every SIOO of his purchziaa money to Messrs. McCarthy and Boys otllbc town of Barrie, in -t,hejCouuty_ of Simcbe- the Vendors S_o11citora,` and shuli pay the_bv.laace-of his said. purchase . money into Ooxjrt within one month f:om the- day of Saleqogether-with interpt thereon at thelrabe oi szven per cent from the day of Sale, until payment, and-upon .suc_h payment tho purchaser is to be entitled to the conveyance (which `shall ba-rgpepayeni by the Vendors Solici- tots at the pure as_ers expi:n'se )-and t; be let into possession. V M b .. ` 5. The vendors will. within 11 dawn uar thn (aubjec't to the 9th condition of sale) such of are in their posessioryaxid wili use their best -expense, but the vendorg will not be 'b'onnd to `the pnrcbasersearclirng for'an.y muniments or- . possession or oontrol. into possesslon. 5. The vendors will, within 14 dayeatter the '1 report on sale oftbc txbove property has been conrmed, deliver to the purchaser or hia.Solici- tor, on demand, on abstract of all the deeds, documents, or evidencceof title in their (50:- segagiop or qontroli and will produce and on - the completion of the saidtpui-ehasie, laand over the originals of the said mnnimenta of `title as endeavours in` assisting tl1e_J~pur_chase1; to perfect the titles to the ecvsral properties at his own produce 1 perfect title to all or anyof the said properties, er to produce orlhenr. the expense `of% evidence of title whi'clz`a`reHno_t' in `the vendors 6 The nurcliader shall not, he entitlnd m nu. xo) Nam. hzilflot 2-2, Con. 4, nolirnber left. (C) Loft" [3, Cqn..9,fnboul"700 Mfeel of livm. mn POHSBSBIOB 01' I30IlE!'Olc 6 The purchaaer shall not be entitled tov make `any objsctiou or requisition in respect to V any thing pricro the commencement of_ the` abstract to be furuishnd by the vendors whether "the same shall appear by recital or otherwise, In to requirethe registration 91- object as to the no'n-regxstratjon pfjuy dged or, 'll?Jn'i;gen pf ' title not in 1he_ ven`do2's possesaiqn.-``` , '1 "Phi; nnrnhnnbr nhnll um. ha anmtna 9n YJUU IIUL Ill LRE VUUUUPB PU3E35lO_I].' V ,7, `The purchaser shall not be entitled to .make.any objection or requisition in respect to the title of the leqsdg or _les0ra'ot' any leasehold property cog;_1pr1s_g_(] tn the sqid Lg; 3. 8; The I')ronertia3.o are sold snbitet to am property cuggprxxscu nu um scglu _I__;u_x, 1. 8.. The ptopertiga; are sold subjtct to the several leases and agreements mmrtiohed in the particulars s.nda ecti_ng `theTsaIne properties 'respectiv1y- '. .. 9, Darwin I'bi1'.nd mriiryrnrn M` Milo on respecuveny. _ _ 9. Certain. deeds and munimenis of title to the sail property, also relate to cermtn othar property, .known as the Mnganeuawan M111 pto'p.erty,- not included in tins present sale. Until such Inst mentioned propenty be sold, the'deeds win remain in" the custody of the said essienrs McOar_lhy &_-Boy:;, who will hand them over In the pupebgger ofjwhichever of the uid`mil!.proYr`ties maithien `prove .1o"be the .g;en,tar in ya `ne, upon gun executing-to*I.h`e other pnrchaget ind to._any,'I>I1'.ty to; the u said ~ deeds who mayreq'nira:.',h_a nuns. (and at the expense ~'ot`nsdcIz 1aetmen;_ion`eg_1`.pz}r;y)Tthe_W ti_sz_1,`n1?defes;-` L nihle an_d.qus1icI`l 1:. 0 " *A"',;.:e n ~ their?" prodne-' uon. - . - r . - 10. The vendors believe that the whole ef the `titk to the said propertieurevgood holding- tiui. but if the tide to buy one or mom;-of `the aifap:apit'm`,vggn`be pgovcq to he cfcmg, _ Conn:-15103-a"ei% Asg.-E. lvaaumasafz-:a?vl _m%%gAm,. . Tbaf ,VlinI:le prbu-rfy klnowh ad Lbt num-- ber Threa, in the) Fourteenth Gqncssion of the |`1`JIr..E. S. I*.? 3'eeki:-1g_; guctioneer, I GQUNTY QP,S1 :Lvx,o_J:-2 I ` ` on T a.:ur'dny, the 2Sz,1Aday ot Not'em- L amt, R:.D., 1874.. i` : n;m,u' nu,` At 'l`.we!ve o'c`,ock, noon, "made: and by virtue of a pews; corimined in a cert-nit Mort gage upon said -promises, which. will be pro- duced tube timefof sale. 7 rm... ..|......1... :. ...:.L.:.. .. .7.--` j:.........,. -4` uuccu till)? L|lXl. 0I B2116. , . The above lot. is within 9. short distance of the post-office of .':1ihnesiug.and.abox1t 12 miles from the Town of Barrie; and is well wooded with Cedar `and Pine Timber, and the soil is of good quality. : `- . ` The nurchuner will bameijtlired to nav One Wllll Clglll par CQHL lUH.`l'|'.'5l. ". l`he other conditions will be the etanling coifditions of sale of the Uourt o{Clian`ery. ` For further p* Ardagh Sn b`t`rs:v._hy, the MorLgagce .=.= Solicitors. Dated 23th day of October, H174. _, - E. S.}-ietrking, g ARDAGH & STRATIIY, Auctioneer. _ Vendor's Solicitors, . - Bagnie. Barrie, October 28th, 18 71' 4.1 id '[Conta.imn'g 160 `Amg *1] Th`?! Dron:-r:'v is sin):-He oulv nhnni lwn 'n~.i!m goou quuuty. r - V .The purchaser will bereqtred to pay One tenth of the purchase money down at the time of sale and the balance within one month, with eight per cent. interest. ' _ ` The nthai cnnditinns wil! be the nmnflmu `FISH `>9 lFA;:R`M MN 9| T9WNsH=nF%%vE$P-==A 9UBL%0AiUc'a`mN| x`'.5 LUV .`:a`.U1b:fi) -5 Th} propcriy snuate only uh-nu . two _*mi!es> from the Market Place of 13.2:-rie,z1nd adjuins >lhe C0rp1rali_oMlimi!s uf that busy arid thriv mg Toxvn. "rAb_bu1.70 Acre-5. are cllared and free from aturps, and _Ihe rest is a_good,h:1rd- wood bush, which can be. dispv seal of, when put, to great v.dvanlagc-, owing to the 3!`.-r! dislando it has to._he le:unev_J_ The soil is a - clay loam, I`mi1':g a Good Wheat `Farm; Th9"z."d1vi1n hni1/Hn'n- urn on-n..I...l up 13... Jaumr. ' L_* ` _ ` J ` . - g [Fun-thenf a,rti_`qq19VrsTa.nd .1noymaionarete_be l,obtam'ed D gMes'sr"'McGarthy`& Boys; _Bnrt:I%, funtarxo, tb Vendgrsf Bolicitm-3, who V311'PW' * "dude the tilfe deed's,lea'sc-9 `and agrmems to i intending purch:zae.ra.-; and mm Messxs.', Kerr any] Boyd, 5ramu%o,- 31* .-s Whetmore and V VJ.uuer,' 11 Pine Street, Nev fork, and `of Mr. WI H. .2.nasq11'of`,'Qc11ipgxr-;=,r1, wbmwill-show '1.11e.S.'i1l._ _ `.- - ,: Dated 14%h day of 0ct_qL;-':_:`, J87-_1'.` _ T , V ' J.~R.0O l"I`_ER, V McCKR'l`.HY& 20Ys,' ` Masterat Barrfe. ' ' Yendozs7 ASr.1icitori. ` ` - ' 43-td.V IPuL:eiAum-sl '1-`he ful1nw}ng. Lzmds, viz:--The sou!h'.lm1f ` of L91 4, Con. 1, Vespm, T Wu 11Uz'vD1zE'D` ;4c,Rbs,[ IPUBLIGAEUGTMEI unzy Luu.Il.,I_1liulu;_; d uuuu vv new rnrrn; The `fullowig.g bllI1'HU2.! rare erect;-Inn lhe land, iviz: -A substantial Lag 'Dwe1:in,1 House,-a Frame Earn, 40 x 60. wnh :1 frame-_ shed attached, and l-h.s other usual oulbu Id- ings. . There is a1ao,an()rohurd of about 3 acres in good bearing. The above property wvll 09 snldby ' , n n nrr1~r11/-r.ur'~. . . Saturday,_the 28th Day of New}- f ACQITVVELVE, NOON.` TEIMVIS` .01? SALE :-%- I `I s%i:;11":mit,f<';,x1i.r-.:}: 1. .. .-_ V sation shah bivaow-e` :fo: the' sme f0I.1`0 . the pixrchas money. "'1`ie'axucun`tc5f*si1xihfcii`t-, ` pensntjog gape deci _ pgthe master m...Bar;i' x;2.tb'e,Uonftx:f Utauoany. , :- V.` - . ` \- ' 11. The h1`nr`&=rlv iw heliovnd. and ska ! Ba. v E{wea'= wear '1 1 ;z.cna;,zup;z1ji -1:1 ucnucany. 6 A: ` .1.1.f.-V: The Imoperty is bg1iev.ed,an d sE.ef1IL taken to/be cox-:ec`!!yA desaribedv . arid is_.sold stglgjact ato a.11~.~ ens_eme_a_xs_ (if. auy)- subsisting therein, and vitb tull nbtioe 33.10 the gate of H Mrepalxf of the same. . - 7 . _ ' 1'2 - If n: nnrr-hntnr` fail mt-nmr-`Iv with H10 "1-epa1rozI_neBame. _ . ; A, '-: W ,i- . '13) ;-If t}i,o.purchs!Qi_fII1.tOr3mr1y with 19. _ sovevcouditi-ans,-`or, nurof theni. hisdepogit and all other pigments tber eon'-shall be forfa1_t.- ; ed, and the pxem'is'e`s may be resold, and the deciency (if `an yg by,such xestfe together with. I . - 'all_chIirges atlen 21; the eam. or occasioned `by tho d_ efanlter up to bemgde good by the dg- faulter; I2'...n..\.. n...o:...{1..... ..`...: :..t...-m..o:,m mm fa hp (G _ _ g:.` ". % BARRMI Ten pe'r'nem. down-, and'ba33'nce`; within one month with inluresl at '1 per cent. The pro- party is sold subject to _a 1+.-aae [which will he produced at the salt, and can. in the mean-_ . iim; be in_specteLi at the uice of Messrs. McCarthy &- B01,'s.lhe Vendur s Svlrciinrs, Baririen], of ullihe eakl pail ofthc south halfnf ' said lot`ccntaiviihg 60 acres (of cleared land. -withthe pri-ilegc tome Lessee of using fall- ing timber for ie\'.'?\cd. at the yeariy rent of $80_,pay.ab}e on the Is! Fchumty, in every Vear. The lqwness of this rent` is accounted for by the lease aha ctmtaining a covenant by the Lessee to maintain and gxxppqrg, the Lessor dvring- the term. - - - ' 'l`l|o.'l`ltlcls Good." There {vm be an no..-....1....v'I)..u E_. S; IEi".A"`(}~1v\:',u.]A2czz'0neqr;A` `I110 rrme Is Good.` There `\VI`>l be 1: Reserved Bid. Tnanlher conditions of sale will be Similar to the standing` conditions of the Court of Gh'ance.1y T ' g?Dated thjs 24m day n_f_O'cobr;_1874. " - MoA`R1 HY_ 4% BOYS, . Vendos Solicitors, ` Barrie. -14-td. ' `;_`~] _ B5a$i;r1 5jHote1} ! :..' um m;mm M` u...r:.. -:'.. cm. ' Pnrsuanttoistatut oftbe late Province -_of Onada (Victoria Chepter 28, section 27. the late Tzrance Ne'edhi.' - '[`he.credi rs of Terrance Necdhamats of the County of Simcoe.who died on or about the-21st, `day o_Apg-il, .D. 1874, und'.u.I1 others ha_y-`ixgtgz claims again ? or interested in t_ha_ ,E,.~ts`t of notied ~ =6fore thg lg 'sxd Hy iP_ ._...x __ |ESTATE?NOTICEl Stlf Day ,0! January Next, or otherwise deliver to Mary Needhnm, Aplo 1 R0}. Administratrix of the Estate rid effects <` of the am deceased-- r to her Solicitors, Measieuxsu OUN1` &. L (TNT, ol tl_;e I"own cf Barrie- Teir Christian d surnames, addresses l and descriptions The ull particulars of their. claims orinternsls. "A'2al:atennent of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities (if any) held ;by them, and in default tliereofarid imme-' diatcly after the said Eighth. day of January, the assets of lheevgid Terrance Ncedlmrn, decea- ` aed, will be diatributedimongstthe parties en-- '.ltled~- thereto. having `regard - on` y to claims or `interests of 'whi3h notice shall have been given as above required . `And the said Adinjnistratz '1-ix will nollie liable for the said. assets or my ' part thereof l to any perionfor persons of whose claims or interests `no\iee`,qhn.ll not have been receipadeby the mid Adrxglnintgetrix at/the time ofd '1rihll!ibg;, n 2 .. V ` V - . Lmnnl `& Lnnwm ` "`1`I`- V51? \:\\:1 unu. .l.\I1D nnuuuuvu ::iI':~wiA~1; o, :\1.~o!It four mil_es distant,` 1- };l`:~f`.f<';1'1 Road. Mr. Johns has Hm Ir.-=.;.~su in thorough rep:Li.r, and V " `W 1 `vv \'is-,it,cd by many of his old '5'-. '1'}-v Jluyul Standard is just the` `V to culi at afbur 21 nice little drive.` .n:1:' plenty of accommodation for. ! 111311 and |Jeast..-See rzdvt. ' ' ' ........- .. .,.,.-.. ., _ Solicitors for Admjniatratrixa Dttqd 8th Oct. 1374.,` ' - ' ' ~ ' 41-3 ngo. - Being an $vasu Lot. 11, inv12th Con.'1`_'owne `sip of-Innial, distant from Barrie 31 miles, and V from Arlla"x'1da1eA2 mi1es,a.nd within the circuit of aJile.tbe're are several Grist, Saw, and othnir Mills," itha Village 0'2 Pninawick with its Olinrches, Post 0ce,33choo_1, Stores, Am. ' "'.- 'HMl'annrI nigh -lnAm:.5i} nnrnir nlnnrdj -oi`! Ulla}! 8th Uct. 1374.` V V ` 4l-31110. VALUABLE FA`Iu\_?i IfoR SALE, J-In`:-In 9`ua~'wn:n'l4l Ln}, 1'! `:4-n"`1QlH nan 'l`nnyn_ UBHFCDES, ITUSI ULLIUU, t00l, DIOTES, CFC. V 1. _S_oil good clay,-loam, acres` elem-ad,` wel; fahdbd, with frame eBa`gp, Gmnez} _ Stable, Ooiv -Finalnl. and nt!2'ei- ,.hnil6inu1'..'~?; an nnrannf more or less. will 05 -1,1-`ed koi ai at Kenna, Wlul trams: 20559, uraue: gauze, uow -Hoist n V ptleg .hui16ing;`: on acres of. ` Fall hes 'in;g-ound. V - A ` `. t POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. n-..c 2.: .;..-..1..-.... mg-.- ....a ..\....;..:.. .. u...;, _ in tlie County c.fSimpoe,"`:cdntnnihg NEAR BAREI.E. bAV.u.. _.n. -34`! '-B--`hVhu1 II in`.che Tcwn er Ilnrrie,'i'n the _ ; SALE4_3F M" To ms saw BY ' LOUN1` .e'i[o.t:~N r, u-|:..:.-... . c-..'.-. A.a ...:. at the` A1 a_hc o} `E:-"CE",-"' 403% F. Ten per cent ofthe purchase mnney to be `paid down, and the_bal.-.uae, with int:-rest at 7 per cent, tube paid . into Court within -_a month. There wilt -be a reserved bid. Th6 Vendors Will, not be bouviq to produce ,the original patent to the lot, which is not in their possession, but the purctmaer shall procure an exemplieation therevt.-at his own expense if he reqnires it. The Vgndurs wiltproduce the probatqpt the Will" of John Alexander, and 0. decree of the Court of'Chanuery made in a certain ctlli8U'0{ Moconkey v_. Al-exandei-, am: enter mm the usual qualied and def-a- sibla covenants for production thereof to t e purchaser at his request and expense-, and such det:ree_.a'nd prnbate"shal' be aonclnsive evidence that the de_v3se_ of the property in thesaid VVill contained is timid and of no ef- fect, and `that. there was no other devise at the said property in tha quid Win, and the put-chasersharI1'not'he entitled to'maka any objection or requisition it! re ;pact bf the said \\ i11,orot' the rgulztrtty or irrrtgu!-arity' of the proceetlings in the said suit. Thu nlhnr` nnnrhtinnu nrn Hun Qtnrulinn LIUVIIUI DKIVUI, U! D KIUUVS H} Utfill. _- ' Upon}thna1an .erdan.=.d ti Frar'ne:Cotzage, V formerly known as the Pr.-=ny1eran_ Manna`, which is rented tn a respectable t_enam 3:880 a.'vear-lhe_agreemem`w:11 be b pmduce_d at `me _:ime of Sula, and the lenar_my, is delermin-1 able on giving 3 calendar motx:hs"nolige. Frziin Ihn im-en: arnnl inr-rnuma nf lln. `1'u.l..n I KIUIU UH gI"HIg D Uil`UHUl |HUUiH' lfoilge, _ mm the {scent great increase o_iit_h2 'v'alue of propeityitt Ban=ie, and {_rom.the command- ing.,and central pcsitiou of th lot, bemgm:x_t to-the _Ganz1da>Presbyt'erian Chuioh`. itia 8V]- deitt thatthis sal oers an `unusual upp0l'l|)ll' Hy lo ibuse seeking a__esa'.Te' Investment -or an. eligible bnildittg site for a. Duvellzng House or Shop. , '~ - I l ||IU PJUUUUKIIIXEB lII`\l|U TRIM nun. The other . comlmons are me Standing Comlmons of the Court of Chancery, _ lfnnllxnr narlir-nlusz nml infmwnavinn In In. LGCAL `I1 -Ems. T.\iz;;_~..\`mor.\' .T)1:.vm.-INQUEs'r.-A .x.:r_~: \v::s ( oneFri(_fa.y last, aw liihh i1:sm11t,befo1*e Dr. Oliver, co1f- --ir-:-:`, with Mr. \Vm. McFetridge, fore ):::1`.1. and :1 very intelligent jury, to en- qllhw {mm the circumstances of 1-M death of John Cm1pbo1], whose body was` fouml be->.idc it woodpile, in the neigh- 'm'h-.od of Kidd s Creek, on `Friday noming last. It appeared from the 1}1\`e:stigation that;Ca.mpbe11 left his home, 111 \'cspm,ubout one mile out of town,- I on Monday, the 9th inst, and wa_sV-.seen' j "3' \'-arious parties on Tuesday up to four. > cIock, p.m., apparently on his way ` home, somewhat under :t11 e, i1'1_`uen'oe'of liquor, and withLa_ `jug in his possession, ` supposed to contam a. supply of_ the- zutdent uid. - "Nothing was `again ' or seen of him until his` remains,fV've,Ee,r ._V ~ found as above stated; .No`evidej;eb win` 7 T obb:;inable' as to7w,h0 furhishegI`_ v1i`1`.-F01`; but _the,jury,7 ii1.t11eifrt'.x'r" P4`*?d Strong e0enssm5'.;0n? t1i of supplying liquor eiibI~_$T1' Qf t_1;e:'1x}!-bi = ` l,UHll!llUH5 Ul EH1` `JUUII Ul UIIUIIUCTY, Fuilbeg parl :cu1.1Is and information lobe ubmilned irum L\lESSRS., =.\1,c0AR'l`HY 8!. BOYS, bf Burrig, Yendng _,S_U}'l0il0r8,. and of Francis H". 1.311) , i<.`sq., oifilbe` same place, S ~11:-iinr ' ' ` lsaniraay. 5;!` December, 1:174,` ,. `Y`l\1I.`| 17f`. f\!f`Y l\I`Y`7 ....-.. 1.. - E. %s."M;313KING,T ALic"tiQr'1eer, at the BARRIE H0.1'i:r.,._m we TOWN o ' ' `IARIilE ind County of Sirrmoe, on A V 5:; fw ELV?L0cr.<>z:z%, qohn,i:n.onq;u!'.' `The Vgxludble Propegny`-kn_uwn as-the South `part of Lo:-68, tn llw Noxhid ot _.Cn1].e( aree_t,_-in l!19_'I'owu of Huniq-and C1,-umy of Si'mdoVe.; c'ouI_aining 24 Rnda, more or uless, -nd measu`ring4 Rods `in Wldlh in from on (lather S1 reel, by 6 Rods in depth. ' " `Ynnn lhmlzuuf Ia nu-dnlxnl 1:` `1`l'lV-tIQvr`.:\.l')rv'| _tuto in that b.-'n9.l'f.` " - uaa u-.-. \.u|.'J|a _-mu u:,ux:-/uu: nus ascietsm -.1.-' aid Tetator m-non;g "Hr: parties cum}-.-zi thcref-:, lning regul only to such c!:xfxu's of which they have notice,-.>ndsim11 not be int c for the, assets so ditributed, 0; any part thczeuft.) anypersrxn of wirse claim they shall 1: 1. have had noti: e at the lime ot'-dist:il;u- mm of xhe sai-1 assets, i1 pursuance of the sta- . / Dmed this Teqplx day of Ogtbber, -l8j'-'4. ARDAGU 5: STR:&'1`HY, So_1icitora,for.Est1te L f-.12..-xzmxr-..'__ P. 0. - IQUBLIC AUGTIOMI Ema-ma c;xx:r:rzn7`ViIV,rV'} 1`;z0u.s.s c=u.\'m.1~:,,v ` 4 FOR-`SALE; a very Valuable block of 503 acregnl KEf\ IPENFELDT`. (511; acrsv hiss 35 conveyed to the R._R.-Making nu 1he.Poin_t and extending Northwani oI,er'lhe ridge on lugh land. ' A bgaauxiful and \_msuIpa.sse*d vxeiv of the Bay and opposite shore may be had from evz.-ry part of the properly, and no more desirable sue for BUILDING purposes can be fpund about Barrie. v " l`I.... ..._._. ..___L_ _. :_....,_-_._-u'.. _-..\.,:: _ .In`p-:ru.ax1:r:'e ofjthg_de`:r_e dald lhe,.7xh day of Octaber, 1874, ofghe .Coun of Q_han~ ceiy, made'mn cnuse bf" _ _, . ; l'l"!*IVrnVvv~9-1-5 -no .-u- -V-vow-1-u-Annns WHABFAGE TLUMBEBMEN. U6 U5 IUHIIU CIUUUI I)l|lVu ` The p'xop'e`Hy ngm,-_be_ a.hzaniageou_sIy subdi- vided into P}V\R_K-and VILLA LO'l'S,of Fgvev :1cr6s,.wh:'1a that portion South uflhe RR. ;.1 especia15y` :>,:lap1r=d- FUR. LUMBERING ()PW.RA'l`lnNS A HIHARF M Hm POINT` US )UUI111'_y i.I}ld']_l'.`U` [`\D(\v rlJ\JJIl)l'JI\llV\.1 OPERATIONS, A WHARF at. the POh\"I` would creaie a Larid locked Harbour, and I8 now required,'and Whzzrfage 'acQommodaliou must soon be demanded. "rIr.`n\1\ av..- _--..__..; .. L)...` .._.:n'1._ `with His aipv-pfbglion of R. COTTER, .1.'sq., _ Ma_szer at Ban'iemftl1e said Count, by _' . lLlU.l DUUII UIJ urumuucu. 'I_`ER.\`1S.--The property, en bloc, will be 9911! for $4,500, with easy term< ot'_ paymenr. A rave oppmmnity is here` oered to the capitalist or Iumberer; Wharfage accommo- dation for Oro and the townships on either side of the Penotanguisheue Road is a. neces- sity at Kmpenfeldl.` _ ` 7 Apply to " l-_-._- I1!-`I1A"I'V'I" (L \l..IIT ul'T"'I'V D.-u'e_{a,`LI3arriAe, Nov. um, 1874. `V This Property lies oaths shore ofthp Gear'- giqu` Bay-, being composed of Lou!_ 1l4'a.nd 115 in the TOWNSHIP or mcomaimng 200 Acres. Iris situated wituin 1-} miles from Penatangdishene, 1 mile from `Midland City,- 'a.nd i mile from Mandy : Bay. There is a first-c|aasVlandi:g' for vessels at thebeacvh For particulars upplyAt.o' ,' : - * . JABQES ROBINS; = V llhllavul ing ' The subscriber o`er_a.for sale cheap, and cn easy 'trms,-the;fol1owiug valuable -property `viz.:---A-one storey and n-halffmme dwelling bousqand i acrq lot,Sl'uunte in the vilhlge ot Sunuidalo, township" of Sunnidale; there is a good pump _and_neeir failing waior 1_1_pply on . the lot. `He also offers for ajle 8} acre lots nc`joihiug the-`a_fo;-esm'd _boue The above propfrty isfeligibly 9ituated,w1thin` one mile from New Lowell Station. For fnnther partii ' c_u1a1-9 s.pp1y:[ifby' letter.n] to `WI: GLENN.` ,-_ if ` _ I W ii 3.Iul.-I-J- Ululglu L7 .IH.l.`\-I51-L W _ _ - Egg (3 gnnguugB"'o ghpgilic of Barrie that they 136.97" purchased the Stock in Trude of Klnlohn h. 7 H - .. W ' 1 " _': Lee Oa_b`netMeri:'paut and made extensive v.ddiL~om thr:re.o,iu the shape of cheap . T V ' ` '3. . L ~ ` al;d elegagxfdesignu i:_1 Le.-I and fashionable .19E`_Bm1E- ;'FU1i%%N~1T RE &'F53%AB1NE.TW"ARE 1 _ ,4 ..:-h___!- _:t!...l__ -.1_,_ . -nrli 1:119 been re-elected 12.9. LTn1'.rersty of Glasgow,` am.n'iI.'.]. The Radicaliparly .:am:a21, Mr. R. W. Emer- ;.-;:,r~. to him. ` 9. divisidn of North It'[1'L`S[1'.!1?.i0II in the .0115 =;.1-.uc, will take place be- isction, I`1ottn(v`e.saga, Sun- . .,.. D.\....3.-. anal Fn`lI|\IIvn1|I1 'i}i}f',i3f}1R1"2i:'i_2" if * v%/jLi;IAA4?s, .1-cunt. (Ddt\8d 30,:h day Qf Oclober,`1874. .-1- ' IHU IIUIIIJIIIIJ Hlil Ill` I-HIIIJ in the" 4th Uon. 'ot') l`ay.,oeing Lot No.. 8, is cleared 'wel_l,timbe_x-ed with Pine and Hard- wood, within 9; mileeofthe Midland Railroad,` two mikesfromogg Buy. For Tpart_I,._-.a1V>un sp- piy to . .. `x - - . ~ '_ ; - M-AMIN Moons T '. ; ` 7 ,. ,A `Barrie. ! 9!;.'25h "I3. ' ` A 9 if FARM F9R._7.ALE= n~1.~.....`.1.i- .. gm..`..,n.a .1mnmi..I ..l. '..._.----g " ,>Fr`sa1;_.a Splendid -Imprdved Farm of L qoiep, near .'1b_e'; -Race `Cou,rse---Chenp`for uaah. ' Fpr termii an`! (`Ker parucolam H. Ainnl;-a..' .~ - .1`-H Jnl-IN.\`, or to EI3Tif$rThiio19s, h PA;a.,;: Lo'1:'s. uni l' U'. IUI lll-3 au .' WI 45912;?` -31818. 137`_x"{_' lfuly 17th; 1812. _%__1________j_ as vi; !.'.'l`i'E.M 1-: NT` I-`GR (jJ.'zlEBl'l`0RS. ' V erument ~ smlaiucd -- Baku`, !Fp!;. 25_tl{ 373.: rALU'AB'LE PROPERTY ` .1503` ommrios oP "s{1.LEs - IoRsAE5 ..vV % .1 ' . TWO ,HllNDllED,AORES OF LAND the 4th of . l`ay.,oexngp.Iqt,"ia u-nil '1:-I-I1, H-nil-ura with '_11{ssrs. \Vc\VATT & McWATT, ~ ' Land" Agents_a,_&c; n ___ Iixccgahrnw ;& BOYS, ' % Vendor ; Spliclwrs ` -L 13' C0T.TE:Ra I . . _ '.]?_la;3tor at Rim-rlc. `v'I`here` \n1! bt-1's'lV.l QUSE &; Em-1'1" LOTS ` - _FOR SALE.INzSUNNIl)ALE._ f\-iA}.I}7a..'r.E" 31' DUSI PERI] EU ;wu. GLENN,` Nnhmn Flmmp, i._\' u..'-' I Ln; npvuu vuunnuu -1.z!:xj.' (M-1zix1 but no busi- 233 `rtume \`7';'.S Lnxnszxcted. `.--;\s 2'. mner in" Innisl 'li;_'.~: Hue t}:L_V 141% week, 0110 Of bi`. his littkp nger o`. _vvx; uunnn, . Nelaon House, Barrie. {ller pal I muxtua, J.` H. JOHNS, or to LB. JOHNSON, It ` ` 19.6-If Executora. ID .KSUDlVD_ ' Midland City. * . 29.1 42-Gina. Barne. 46-Elmo: Evet-ythying bouught that Farrzie;-c hxfe to sell, and the highest; Market Price! paid. 0 A` 2..., _x. ., V ms, uni:.a`iHi3R0\`is1o:.sf UI'lLLlgl.`l. ' Farmers Produce, as much ns he can lay his hands on_hought,and the bighent mnrkvt price paid. Give :1 can once and you wil be stxre to come again. . - '1"!-`IHR tmnrnv . `-H-~ - p;,v_ ccunsel for Orton, alzas 'l_}})h01j:)e, has been - dis- hc-. bc-)nchc`;`s of Gray s Inn . ,1ha 13'-`n inst ,the express H-, {rum Hamilton to Toron- = of 000. The robbgars .4 VUI-5.4sa.I4-4.11 ffdm the rsii dgirieainthe Provmca,Tw'.'1icb for? quality Vcpnnot he batten. 3 a.._..... \-|~;`.&2..-:-.-`.u-xu---vazv ' Oonsiting of Team, Sugars, 0o!fe`cs,' To`, baccbs, &c., I iL7(1ea,'Ox`~.nged -SL .mo.1,Lob3teru, Sardines and (min or every description. - 3 -. ..N.,B.',+-A qhoiue lot of cakes` and biscuits, Iixamxfhctnred <:f1.b.o-best, materials, always on hind, ;h 9. choice selection of Italian` goods . from ch` "beat backre of Europe I ` . 2 n. m1m_.r. ` GROOERIES. FLOUR, - T FEED, m::.o is GARDEN A smaos 1=-nU11's,vIwErAnLEs, eenmrmnmmvrszons, ' AND EARTHENW_ARE', --- V... .-.a....... ......--- - ..v..- V...-.- S. G. intends tb do bueinesJ,and will sell Cheap for Cash. Cali and See. D:-mnnmr Hm Plum (`nrnnr Gnu-n ll...--n...). vucny llll UCJXLV Uilll HUU CCU. I Remember the Place, Com-Ir Store Morrow a Brick Block, close to the Markgst, a ciynvement ` plzgca for Farmexs. . . ' \ Rm-1-in Inn. `Int. 1527.1. ' `I r FOTHE FARMING COVIMUNITY i \ j MONEY SAVED IS MONEYEARNED. ' . , V - The subscriber whilst t':m.nkf'ul for the Iiberal patronage given in the past, respectfully wlicitsn continuance of the same, and bags to state that his A Cannot be beaten eitherfor vqmzlity or price. He deals in the he3_tnmrkels,aml cenuothe undersold by any house in town. He also keeps on hand the bcfst of _...._....-__.o _ ____ .__.__ `_4l:__ .. 1,- Als_o ALE AND PORTER, bottled or on draught. ' l`i1rmnru9Dnn4l-uasn nu nan!-H .3 34. M... IFRESH 1:/1521 T, FAMILY FLOUR, PRO Vzs/om, ; WINES, r TIITT/`Ann mac! M:.cdcn.eIl was shot ni~:P::-Jrn on Thursday _ lash: C'x:arg."d` with colnlnitting ~ to the woods. - vq \ mm nqaiu been reumed and M r. Kerr. for Now , :_-U131 h wing been un~=ea_t- fIi{iN( OF STORES, iwssr dEN[I 1;.?E9A 370%: 2; I i1llUU}}-VVd|UUo I N. B. - Simpson's mo and Porler on: draught and in Brmles. ' V l Summer Drink: in seascn. 1 - ! x 42-1} vii kc`. His TEAS are me Chbafwest and best in the Uarket- Goad Tea from 40 cams pm 1'u,r. amlupwards. ' ' . | KY n or .... ,v_,_ ,,, I n ,,.__ ,. ic. A. Pakms Gr;0Ri;E M1*m'I, " TI-IE NEW ' M ARm:'r S lJ-GR E: ` .`LTI'.'1rrn rnr'|1-.1 rvr f\ 'l'.1`lI11'! If ..1' 1 ..LU.-----.... -._-_-. .4 NEW FIR M0` IN ABK_R%RIE 1% 'a::;'@=.-m:.`xf.=.:1':m 8 . uu the UL |-U DUI-UV Iislihln _ V mos. LENNOX: {K fegrdoora North of the Wellington Mom. :2-15" ` ' . Buric `[2.|_U'\ I01` l`l$H.Ll|:l5- Barrie Jun. lat, 1874. jun. .:._._-____ A A 5- CASES. GANN::1ZQ goons z . . ' 1.3".` ,.Bm-tie, Aug 27, 7874. ,.._r....... ...-..... .. .7. x...,.. _._ .~1;Il_?:}{&`__'I_"`I;E__E)I..D mg :1 9.}: RIM` .1L_I&UA1. Run II A.uyu.; is now prepared 0 Mgu ` i:m_ra all articles in h`: i ot'xne.__l;esl<}escrxp1il::`1),npd at chenp`_tat<:.s..` = .Iia-_sx9,:>ec '3rd,'-186?? ' . . V 5 -I." ' UdDn.' - A six nndwa-half `octgvo`Piano,by Pa _in_3,ood, 0:49; and tune. Can be seen at ` '- ` =`.`- ' .lm;FREEMAN S ..-.5`-4-.w -4-...` uyyuyu s.s A,% , ,4. .4 --.17 US,-T T0 HANI}- w1z'{f?n"X:3ii3fiii}6Rs, .- nvvu qx.-......-... . Up): -art Garry. [Ai11)W'_XI1:3.1IAR_13WAR13: [':lm'G`zc0o.ER1_E.s 1'- )A:~; . 4 o-f.---- . T2 f1I7QeMa%ss%x:-5. @2111-an do Moore. tvrt nnn;nnnon'.?n thh lllhn nf R111-via that lhnv `n:-V Q7 nut :-Vruuorl Hm Rina-It in '1":-min of I Ga:ooE`mEs.. etc, .an.w,-v_:.-..y:._v--_ ..-- .`.-.`.,.._..-...-ma.-. -- 4-.gv.._ The deninns of. Barrie wid nd-an advdurge in purchasing at their establishment. . 3 _ ' 7 3UJosite the Old Bank of `Toronto ` k - _ ._ V ` ` ' V ~ A ' Has j!15t'bcei1 purchased, and Funeral rum . ` , K _ , ,r ~. .. . - o n _ ' "` *' 1tes`ot every dcscnptxon w_1lI be supph on ~-.._.`_I--.91.`;-d"'.""`1x short niotiqe. " MT ` ` ` A ape_cialitg7px_x:1_d`<.a t41'),Pictn_z3A Frames, Ailkvork waryanted to give anti.-)!nction`.. A _ ---`A-- ~--------- I 1I1`II"l'I'A\l nnixrxi-1-n su3Lw,%c1\nnmm,smmm, `AND GENERAL; _ A` HARDWARm 4 L S'l".\'.\`DAIlD.-`T11iS is the A Hon-1 owned by Mr. Johns,` H11 in town as one of the best "~: we ex er had. It is situated 31 _.. _'.I:-L.....Ju "Bnsjust ofsdhed out in the above` prm inn with 5 well selectedwtock, which b: A ' ' iaprepaned to - s_n_LI.- Ar TORONTO` muons: Wolesale 61' Retail. I Mechahlcs will nd-nn~"ekc'ell9nt ttssortment? 'A long ex'perlnne._in the -business makes him ` coniiont, of giviu)z"aa.tisf_a.c1ion to all `who may favor him with their orders. A -- ` mun: unvI'I"l`IE. 6:7; \",|,` \ CASE. 7 (J: ...;l Liioflron. SAA.-LE CHEAP FOR; HADH. PEACHES, %* Pnana % nmsoms, TOMATQBS, BEANS. _ , PEAS. % cove` ovsmts, % SALMQN, LOB-ST-ERS, % saanmns; , Thomas MVittie -K2951` by 1). KING. Ha-mg jvus iaeehzopened By` '4 45 '- rm as qua` nu -' I HOUSE FURNISHINGS, I ljlill, IU1IlU\l'. llll IVAIU uwvv Post `mice. We have. -mi.-:.u to this mzitter before. at put; a. atop to the nuis- 1...m..,L+ Am Hm nnfinn nf` It isrun1oz9`d 1-imcua for re; tum Legi-~'l7a1u pin` next elcl m;!n!e,\'c;~,pra,` ml" furm the v T31!` ()x`.t11riu .u ~11 'l`E:ur:sduy ' 1! NEW PREMISES, DU N110 P STREET, 'A13 o Ene st_dck of. .4_,.._..-_.a.~.u\-..r.. Theuvzry best place In Barrie Etu gemlno worth of your money -I um-3' mun Fog the sale of Importer" of and denier. in LILJU, ' LIQUORS, A . ;: V B0 Z :7'LED ALE. 5 AND PORTER, ; ' I: at Mon Con_a!'s7ting-of - JlI'OC'Ir :...|. Is at the mgr`;-. -. -.4- _? _.. _ `R74. ` Bdylfl s:nf;e.'ct, neat ,eIvroy sT lfo'undry.'- :. '.;'lll:i'iE` mmitn FOUN- -DRY, AGRICUL- RAL IMPLEMENT '-[AND s'1`0rvI~:. woxxiji, H n.-Our Town Inspebol` 2.u,~t- possess any olfactory - wullld at once puts. stop . that :u;11O`y:~.' all who have 1: . /`\:V',, 117 L.;u.. *na.% mi? SEWEBY, mnnnhnnra all in .__..:. V " ` ; u -.~, . ALE CHEAP FOR r Slrayed into the yt`.:;x3.:3d oflhe undersigned .` . _ ` Lot No. '26, onlxo 31;. 303., of Inninl, on or ict vo Pisnd by Puton '\o,$Ba he eI!, It - I * I331, um j _; _ v_ett1'.p.ay:9hanne:e :28 t:-vkghsn -my . xv` 2.4: R y.:<:..'Lr e.. _. -B31Us,;BO8`3 7,2,3?`-I V A` `$1: I about the nxjddlc cf C1`X.C'v1lbOl'Il3C, one Ewe 5' sheep. The okwnez In nc-1;-togsedto pron `pro~ I W IBM BMGIA uuuuu U! THOS. MqVIT _l`IE. PU ~ _ R. KzNG,.x+ Ei; 8.; 3, 30., 30-9 ' TEA s r. ove` Mem- , b8 ' `"f~2 iezrzw AND- Beautifully gnad Hearse! H-..,.,\ Kilm TU VV |JI`4l\,L7KI\l I ,\.Ifll lJ li|lU IIARAIIIJIVI I I'll` - of all kinds kapl constantly an hand, E9'SFiWING MACHINES P.RPAIRED.,g ALL WORK WARRANTEIHO zive satisfaction. .\.-J uuu %! Easi1'ixfi5L?Eiby a Child A . n. dent of I07 feet. which can be moved on Where he is prepared to exocnle Q11 orders entrusted to him wiih neames and delpatch. 33-Special attention given to Rwainng. POWDER,SHOT,CAPS,and AMMUNl'l`|0N hf` n1! kinda hum nmmlnnth: an hnnd EIMUTUAL7 naausmnca cow .. -...;..r.. - J ...v......, Aowiug other Companies the Doubtful Rinks at any rule Hwy cmi gut. Who ever henrd of diimlltv in scouring the settlement of claims for loss in the Beaver? rzana.-al u,~.......,m... D:-I... 1-----. :._ ..s., Iur guz-5 Iu luc n('r.vel'K General Mercantile Risks Insured in this otfcc at vrv low rates, full; one fth less this S1ock'Companies Apnaly to < R. JUDSON DUY-LR, General Agent. Saugecn District, , . Owen Sound. n..o.. an-n A nnnnmnu L1\'mm:.n ran um wms : I Lnvwwa-L} II `V-l&- -r -\I<.'l. S. I40 \IuIALL\A A . dept be proved on Iapplicaon tn Mr. Walwnu, 6:}: Con. 71Vespm. ' Them impgoved pumps Me :1-U111: n T\tr . nr 11 an-urn . n u IL `Hill 31. bLU} DU DMD JILILD` >- 1v1`Ought_ to the notice of uncil, and that at its next Iuauxed on Cash S_'.`s1e.,1 nnd on Premium Note System Priming: Now Policy Holders are not liable for any losse on cash ayntexn poli- `cicams they are in a different l>ranL_-h. Is the only Canadian Company doing this ulna ofbusiuees. General Town and Village Bug. mam: done in Mr-rmmiln kmnnh, whip): I. ..._ UPC!) `.'lL}'k`.C"s.ll!-I IFULU 1.|'UCn. Dwellings in Towns and Vi1a3-_ l ..-..~.-.1 -5 1' ..._.-_ - -t'_-- --I U J-JAIN VJFC Insmjed at Lower Rates than those of any other Cu'np:1n_v doin businma. Our motto is Low" Rat 5. `Good Risks and Prompt Payments, Anwina tnhnr (3.'\vnnnnin.| Hm nm.I.:r..I D.'.L-.- u lu.|lr;.v vnu ya REMAi'f P` In E Wdul! raspemfullv intimate lo the publlothat be has REZJIOVFID lolhe premises late- Iu nnnnninnl hit MR ovzviop STREET, ' 31172315,` U1 llu.:'luUIS- uruclux lU\'v'l.IBDH YIHERQ bu`- uess done in Mcrcauule Bmnch. which is en- tirely separate from Branch. 1\_.-`n:___._ L. m____ _ -,_ .1 (mice over We} .\Ic}Na._tt 9 Barrie I l I `WARRANTE--0R 1 YE:`sR. 'z1..---The Town Coimcil ` `L,. J I 1 I Cisterns of all sizes Nu}! on the Ialestplanu, E and at reL=rr.c nle rates. llocsesiuu: Czsulc lE2s.urc(AgalnsI; lM_:mh. .:.;;.u-4-1.:-;.\.4A;-54-4 '\/I345`)! . ! And wi`.1!Mtloagar tbannny otherpumpbuilt. I _.__ Orders promptly alt; I Byeld street, opposi hnihlinn I D&ylJCl\ BLYUCI, UPPUSJ .`W W!'ey'1 building, barrio. Barri:-,JuIy16 1873.`. ._..`_. The Subscribers beg to inform the public o Allandnleaud vicinity,th9.t,Lhe5-`have opened out [B Emi BAKERY! ;m;a:`;9`,70UKsM1'rn s In the above village. Families regularly ,supplied with the best ofBread.z.nd lull weight; `aha, Cakes and Confectionery of all kinds, in anyiquantity, of xsl-glass quality, and at low prices. Plc-Nlcs, Socials, solreos, &c.,&c., LIBERALLY SUP) LIED Pm~.<.~--Thi.=s firm is doing his full. Their store is 3 day. '0 doubt if any l0\\'n turns over as much j," do. They sell good .t is , the reason they do ( l\1sizL=::;;:.. | . ICon!ect1onery Store! ` _ Lovnonvu \4 \I`lI luv, uuu sAT1si{(v3T10N7 G`l`I'.`M?_{ANTEED, ._ L`.`_. L.._.. LAA I A... 1.`_...._.-___ .._ \JIL.LIkJJ.'1\JL.I.\/A1 \jl_;j.Ly[`L`1I`J.l'4U' As they have had Largo Experience in all de- partmonts of the busimag. - 4 J. G. HILBORN 5; B-R0, A1}ndase,Oct. 29, 1873. I 44.1, 1... \ nunun unuu, , C:up omer,`Buildar, &c. Begslto announce to the public that he has _compXeted his Q'l"T`vAll DOWWD . HUG RISCDIHULV IUY LDC U-IILDIIIIBCIUYB 07 ` DOORS, SASHE8,._BLINDS, HOULDING, kc and is prepared to supply those ax-tic) gt um lowest price. 5 V - m uunvn an nrmul nnnnunmunuv IOW C 5 I I I C E. PLAIEING 09 MY MzscmmoN.% .K3\IJ.b\/J-1.1.! u-:LvvJ.LI\1, - Dressed, and 'I3ongued aud- Gmoved Lumber-, ,e,ver'_v description, always on hand, guy. ude yp ox-dc;-. - Barue, July? 7 - 41,, `a.un.uc..u, I ram.-nrnnlnu DUILULK J . -Combmea I ir',u:z:l, economy, and durabilityin carryir through each branch of mason, bricklw.-ye. mister , nlaler, while- washprggs. culor_im;,- `cs-h Imgnng. &c. A trial vim ensure E't.'.;E{7 .C'ii0n.` Give early orderu.for_aharp t:t!cU,icr:.' ' - . I DuhldpbS1:eet,Ezm;., . IF "Store and Dwening I1aaso,.corher of Mary ' . and Elizabeth meets, to Kent, on and after the first of Novembqr next. Apply to AI` 7FVA\1'nnn-1 Ln-K... 1 L 5 4;-n of the Canuxjiian line has been com- _ V36-if THE aeavnlmn TURUNTO FARM P6i>ERTY U Ill}?! |\L'lJlLI V '1)` occupied 7 is stzll doing the Big Business. ,-.__.__ _.a.,._..._ ..._..._____,- 't.LANDA LE BAKERY LLJLI. Lu J. V IV 13 L; and Machinery for the mnnufscturo of \f\DQ QAQHYPQ I11'.Il7I'\ L"f\TYI,I\Y\!(! IN KRIE. _ D. THFMPSON s.s=s;ipp,=m THE cmvmn Arm jronozrro x the 13% line of the 7th wen) enlilled Far '0!.I.r;i:3e of this week s 4: aged sinners, should: ., ....1` TEORG13 BALL, 7' l [N)ix'r D001 . -our-tar. 1-rI'I1 'l!EEI_" 8",AYE1). -nsauann ubacriber cbsmenges the co"'1ty of Sim- manufnctura Pumps to nmpete with thosemade by him. they are 'q.iT:T1}. t."13`.-`x71,1x'F; soxmmc BU1LDiR ._..Cnmhmnn /"in.-.-.1:-h nnnnnn-In .....I yompx is T EA M 4.1 1:, ,L:.__.._ n._ [DUSE To zzzziyr. .scP.oLf._7A`w`mG, mad. and '2om-rued ma. mmmzi l .nm And can `Mi effectively and I... 11?- 1 , T 1 I By contract or otherwise, and an A rrn1r\\tV nn A D I wru- U11! '1 U)1u\.L7. ;-nu A\.`vy\4A -- \-ill app!-av in our next, Hun of the boon cox_n-` 1;vm1`i()11s Fulljumcs and x ch-.11'g(>. with poison- (N11111:, nrrixfod in town lltiill, on Tuesday last. nlmritios persuade him to g-1-:u`tu1`e'! `I 2. !i_T2~EFE 'WiLf.IA)1 MOORE. (111797! 1 GEO. A. aonmson, Travnina Aw I 'e1'.a Bros. 9 Hotel. KIEW . :- l\ nu I! U Ulllu UlUIII'4LVK\l Stmbnnz, -. To HUNT : SA 1.0011,] -...-.o. -._. r1IllO||IU PIUIIIIHUU Iule by MR. mcnsnav, SA nm.rn. FAND` 51.1.11 IV ALEX _ANnnR LAURIE, Hhrrin- A. uunxnaun, Travelling Ag I M.:.1\'a l):m)`def-mtetl be- cuznpclied to raise the .:\/1 " U0 . R- SULLIVAN, Q.-. .. an... IT... u- nuuulvll, Swwx-ey s new Foundry v. hnn-ie. mm: LIKIVUI-[U5 21` U5, Barrie. D:ug Store, opposite: 'I ',v.Ln. .u npus, Barrio. 29-1 mspiracv Wis .]`a1l Agafd A. .w`crc:d in Russia. ' rt cf she death` of the dated last xvaek. T , of snow took plqcev 13!: 1 T'hnrsdug.' hast. ' ( k1:2s'iss'ged an addrejss { North Szmcoe, asking `iur - Cvok h9.'.'S" issu "`~r.H. 3. INo:lh S; hu Elm electors _o re-election . . ..urnnr_[j of E rs benlelected Lord nv3zr.ity 01 Edinburgh, i!y. His opponent was was us :1 day in Ah11ig]1t_y G-ml for I l;;:r\'e.~st, by L115 Metho- ::mn.d'~.L ix; this 11:mV.-.- \,`'.\Tm:.--'lfl1e Vmillcrs .>\s;i;}:1ix1i1)g of :1 SC:ll'cit_V up there will be 23 good 1n-{ewe \viute1':se'.s in. 7` at of Newfoundland rd at U19 late elec-' DEN `rs. -- `V0 cannot frmn Royal Scarlet, vhicll it t1ea`sm`e al- }:-o>vi11ce. The letter `.<-,'.< Mutual Improv- ; doing agood work. Molxnlny evcning was _ 9 1-;u1ings of. high. IT`=.---rl`:\dC is; im- ini u` ],l`OSpL*(:(`S of 1 wintn"s 1.aus_iuess mu` they were.` > glad to see that a returned to town` 5`:)1'C;121T,ld, . and that _... ' :- . Q . AMnom2uoa I_N8fI'ITU'1'E.-:.A.- 06191111: of .he Di`rVctdrs '6f9oiir "town Mehajnis *- - ` Institut was st Friday} evening. i,An effort; is being mgde to, vigomuslf :. , push its musical, literary and other; sec- tions. We know of {no ldcal institution more worthy ot pnb1ic_sujJpprt. W . TnnsCoNcsi;rv rie _ people cannot music to advantage untilcethey `gprovidea. suitable Aroom ` for , the `jpui-pose. . The Town Hall is not only Auuerly tint.a.s re-V . . gards acoustic qualities, but .__it ,is'bare ~`and,._, `gdirtv walls,`dirtier oor and 'aa,irs,* angi ! generally untidy appearance, htive awmosf `V depressing effect`. Owing pu.rt1y_,_~_- no doub', to these circumstances, unv pt-. 1y_to the disappoinment caused-,by Beard s non-arrival, Mr. Scotlfe concert _ passed off rather tamely, although Wthe music was well chosen and well executed throughout. No one `can judge of -1 he qua- li'y: of a voice in such a. room. &However V every effort was madeto please, and all ' slid their best. Mr.` Shanacy s playing on the comet was` rnuch`admired, and Mr. Scott and those who assis*ed him {are old fawori'es wi h [Barrie audiences. . An excited Railwayiman,-wAhJ;os11oL?tg into the cars the name; of theattions, and who hears` a great deal of com- plaint because the names are called in- distinctly, wants to know it-the ptftlic expect tenors at $40 [1 month. an -u\o .~<.--\. .. . ` IlMr. Dubois, bf` Fall llier;-has liad the blood `of 9. live lamb ihtroduc Sd into his veins as a rnmgdy for p9nsump- tion. It is probable thalllmerp `will be. no unusual effect save. an. abnort;1hlA fondness for all girls named Mary. . -v\ . .- Boston men can t believe what they see-. One of them had to feel"a steam auger in Chicago to.see If it was really whirling. It teally was, 'and`three or four of hisugers fell down behind an' alderma.n s cravat.-Detr'a1Il'ress. - ` Alas ! said the nurse who attended the witty divine, Sidney Smith, in his last illness, "I have m_ade'a' mistake. and given you a bottle of ink. -Then said the dying wit,"` `fetch me all the blotting paper there is in the house.- --p Next to 9. rooster in 9. rninistorin, or a man with his mother-In law on `his arm, the most wretched~!oc`) thing in this world is. candidate who has just overheard same friend wanting to bet three to `one that he will not be` elected. Rev. J.` H. Todd, of Sidux Ci:y;;;;1ay-_ a rather neat little Joke on bis'wi{e,lhe other day. While she was unsuspect: ingly engaged 111 half soling his winter trousers, he quietly slipped out`at the, back gate and eloped with a tmlliner.` A Lyons man who went to see Baf- num s show in Roches:er,two "years :`-go, and lost. his umbrella,was anxious- ly mquuing of the tidket agent "on. .'l`uesday,-(while the show was in Lyons) if.l.e knew who faund it.-Rome Sentinel. A Apboutipg brAid.e,-on he'r rsfsea voy- age, writes hvma: The `motion of a screw steamer is lxke riding` a gigantic camel Lha_t. has the heart disease, and yr-u do not miss a single throb. I know of nothing to compare wilhit for boredom. A V A young lady and gentleman, agedv respectively 12 and 13.yvars,were-mur- ried at'Gouldtown. Mich., last week. When last seen, they were igxrnrreliuag over. a pound of mixed candies, and throwing out vague intjmations about divorce. A young man has been ajriested in` New York for sleeping in a. standmg position. He would stand on`the street "for four hours at a stretch, with eyes. closed, and not more 9. muscle`. _ It Is hereditarv. His father was a_ police- man`.--Wash. Gran. ~ ` ` If the times are h.rdstop your papr, butdo notihorten your 'qllow_ance for whiskey or tobacco. A good paper in 1. family is a great. oomlort to the wife and children, but thatik no reason why you should provide them with 9. weekly luxury at the expense ofa daily neces- sitv. -.-uuu_ vnuzyucu, 7 came uu um. uuuug. V `by exposure t.ln~au'gh ` the 'in.uene {of _ \'xquor--and'this jury would desire tbgddgl .tbeir st:-ongeahrem Qnstr,anoe_ again't__the tice of*V8.e1' fl 1101- `mum I-n ad The smgular statement appears In `the St. Louis'Glabe,th:1t -.G`_:Te,ne1"a`. Sheridan won't many because he does not want to glve up the_ pririlega of going to bed with his boots on. The amount of useful informnticm lying around` Q Western newspaper oice`, makes circulating -'libraries a T super- uity. ` < Poor young thing! she fainted eway at the wash tub, and her pretty nose went kr-slop into the soap-ands. SQ._me_ said it was overwork; others; however, whienered that her beau had peeppd 'over`the back fence, and called out: Hullo, there, Bridget, rs Miss Alice` at home T . T ' ' T ' __.__:..+'____.__. mun his sits on the thrbne for j eries, provisions, 'glaa They are t_ lbest elm `orany oth 3: (ion of them. 2.`; r r . them. _,___ 0NLir .iL""1`i:1'1`LE.-*-It is really wonder- ful what inuences tries light as, , V exercise upon humanity. On going up or down Dunlop st.,it seems only agtrie to" call in at the Medical `Ha.11, f kept by friend Woods,and yet manyga belle owes her beauty to 86 doing ;`Aant1-`many ;_erst-- while invalida owe t_heit,p}'ese_nt ro_1_>us_t_ iveness, to: this ` same; !.z~p`1'>ii,L .,fnt=1y.triv'i,i:I cause. Don .I;' ibrg ` t,t'Qni>ze; _~th`a .Medical ` 3 1 a V A MoNARcH.-It is tru that Admiral ' i -_..1.II ....A AM `An wn+nr"`n'ieeta, D 'II\l\-Ill! \`llOl_;c-v`--_~~ -` . Fan Wbe,93.-80 to 96. _ ~ Trcadwell-85 to 900, ` " _ Spring--82 to 951', ' ` 4 Ba.rley--1 00 to 1.05. - A A` . Peas-`-60 to 660. V ,_ __ - _ 1', Oats-37 to 39`. `V - _ . -V . Bay`--814 00 to woo. ' '_ ",7 Straw -$19 00, 1.010 00..' `. - ' ` Butter--rol1=-2'l to'b30c.=_`g- Butter-'-tub-2lTto`25c. g ` . Dressed-Bogs--$6._25-.:;3T89, ~~ ~' Hides-`-$6 an tots`-oo; ~1% - . h99P\:5n$-=:7-to:1i35 Bar`: ' Bf-.-hind`.qun;te-$5 _co.1o O 0.0. . .I;e'_c-a-ro;`9`qu,ntt:r-.334 00ftg:,_ [,Mutdi;h1r V1;%{k'W__E .3 * =E9$$P?`?S`.W" 9 Woolg`-5-+'3B y!d33. .`.,_ _. o MI'SCELLAN}E(-)US.` jig`--*-.:`_`, ( _`r In B _u1R1E MA1gKI3I_:8;_" ` An In 0125. _ 'SirJn .dfurlun,, . E 1'5 .- - >\ n3 1 whea:.`mg,,m 'l`.I'J~lI- . M 'd'``'-'--:- - . . hn`. ac nnuldl `h V` V aslon } mb`P.n ,. in `tho. \s.~. ~v..~,.v.--v.J.~.~`-V~m~ 1: I'll. IX: UUDUDIL HUULV) I11 UH!) !JUl)' ,"~ 1 _ V lholldwing properties?-." _ _`Lo'r Na-i>Tne_co1nngwona`Mn2 properly cb"nsisun g ofexleuaive saw mill in good lepair, docks and bux1lix}g's,(owz1 and water lots at Calling-xfood; ;al_so tjmbar land, I-angis a.nd1im_- ber prjyileges in the, County of Simcde. 1 111-.-... 1_...":.. .L... -l`....... _rn-u:_ ,._._-_ 1 I !,'1f1MB i"R`=I';A`N13Vi:1i ,. "=- . .'._'ITIIy1BER,. _ "` THE% C?OUNT1* OF Smmomw mm 1;s_'m..=: ` b0L.Lm{os9%L{ M n on v.` M R :a`m,.;; Thlere will be sold by Public Auction; u"-ith; _ thq approbation of JAMES R. COTTER,fE':-': ` u:re,'Masfer at Rania" of Iheaid Com1-, `by; ; S. MEEKING, Auctioneer, ` ' ' ,-.__._-_.___,_. ._.__.__._ i"ii-3.5;`*;*75;;i;I3E November, . Evillage "pf. ,.?e1;tanguisc1{g, B ' . `an ips. of '7. 4 lthzuwm gxi, _ Tl'`los,A' ? A _dix`l 'a :3d vqeprga.` .=' _ l_n'pursnance of !he_oi_der- dald' the 24!}: April. 1874; gm! the final order for qalevdsied - ;h_e'3(_)1h September, 1874,` of lh_ef Court of Ch1ncery,mzide iu_a cau`_se of ` : ` gjpgg, __'__ . _._- _. __"_ 110(11- -- ---.-------v----r--.----[ in'lhe-Town'o{Ban`ie 'an_d Countydbf .>'xmco_e,ou AT` 12 Ucnock '( NOON) IN 'ON:5. [(;OT.:- .|_`.'r_n_'_._'._- ..--_ _ .-. -... ,....:..-.,-- ...-T ---..., ......... -. _ 1. Town lots in the Town of Cc-1lingwo'ad_ and County ofsimcoe, coveredwhh w,aler,and' and conta_ini|_Ig a`cresV by adm`e'asnxe,m.enL co|1sislingpfTo1s ,6,` 7 and.8,` ens: sidq, Birch; Iota 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, was: 5'ida Beech;lota 7,8, 9 and 10, east side Beech; ns 8, '9 and 10, west side Mapls; lots 9 and 10, ust sid, Vlavpie; 191 10, west side Pme`; 10110 uszsxdc Pine; 10110, w es'..side_Huro n&a'rio `qlreat,-ah laid down on pinn reg3sI_a'red by V\V`1l:1iam Glbbara, P.`L.S\, for B. W. Sm'il h,' pan of1n4s[,'con.9,No\.t.uvasaga, together with ` allland (ifanyi lying to noxlh of said 1-:55; also lots 11, w,esI gfde Pine, amlJ.'11, east side Maple ' ' ('\.. AL--- 1..I.....-4 -......A..I IL- lll'\.1If_.._.__.,;.l 'A1`+ TH .E'B'ARR.'![-1' HOTE |~_`;` in'lhn,Tnmn'nf'Rnn~iA hut`! rnaintu t'\f.\'u-nnnn. nu On these 1ote` erected the Collingwood high, 88 feet by 145 feet , brick stack 86 feet higti',.co'ntainAitrg 3 engines, 18 in.,~ 14 in., and 14 inoh.cyltnrlers respetzttvely, and 1 steztnt pump for re. e boilers 4 ft. by 9i rt., 16 in. ue}. 1 at gang saw, 3 Cil`O.lI1-H` saws of lath mill, and all xtures necessary {or arst class mill . `Planing mull, '40 by 40; engine ra'r1d*boiler roorn*attac`neki,- 720 by 4t`-; leng,-ina, ' 10 tn. cyltndet; 2 boiler-s 36, in., \_t"tth 14 in., chin_e,and new re-saw shirtgle inaohrne and .xtu're's. 'Bhe mill and ri1e.chirtery'ar e in gnod running order andrepnir. A brick burner tor waste has been erected this year _at an- ex- panse ot4$1,.500. The waste is thrown in di rect and dues not have to be put on `cars; the burner consumes its own srnoke. `In 1873, $4 000 were eipanded - in permartentijepairs on this M111." There are good facilities `for . stripping bywater or rail; the Northern `Rid- yard. and there being a dock on the prerni:s'-J5, bnrdert an.i upwards; also boorriirag ground for . 7,000 or 8,0001og:w. The harbour does not usually ciuse up till the end of Nuverni;-er. and navigation re-opens about the middle of April. ' Also, the fol1owin'g building;-()he bakers store and d,'~\'eUtl,IZ house (2 story frame,) rented for about-$15 a month; one b1acksmith s shop (-frarne), rented` for -aheiiz $50 `a year; one re hall (t'rzune)_k with~be1l tower attached, which is rented'.to theCorpo:- atihtz of the Town cfCo1lin;zwuod for`nbout 52 years to come, at $100 p,`er.annu L, in which with the Corporation as to this fire hulli produced at the time of sale. . _ .- n._- .x.....ur..... L...'...... /I n ...o...... r-L.......\ . wi]1__be Stearrrsaw Mill, atrarna bntldirrgiwo storys ' average capacity (65,000 feet.) with trim'mer,.=,` ues_2S feet ltnig; 9. V1'r3:l-013155 1.lani21'g man the purpose ofvgettirrgrid of the ntrsaleable `way O-)rnpany s tracks'running,into the` mitt. .vhinh'wi1l accurnmodate ships bf 300 -rm` is kept astenm gs engine. the agreement One dwellmg ho'use (1; story frame), two double frame dwe1lin'g~', arid three ~sm_a!1 frame dwelvlings. The wh'_ol>3 of the "ame dwellings are rented lg lhe.mill hands, and bring in a'm0nlh1'y-rental of abodt $3l.~ -Thy: hndn dnsnrihed as hainn covered vnfh Walcl IIIIVU ||lUI_Ly yuan uluuu-uuu UIJ 1|-IHU 2. Apieqeiof land in llmaaid town of 7 Colliugwood'3comaining l4`and perches, more or 11-ss,.beihg composed of parts of the easlerly parts-of lols9zmd 10,6.-ast side, Birch, and" bulled as [o1.'ows:-Commencing norm, aide First, at a distance of-33 ft.Ifrom Jhe south easl angle of said lot 10, then in acours about sotilh 32 dg._40 min.,_wes!a1rm2 Ffist 33 ft., than in acnunseaboul north '1 deg- '20 min. west at right angles to First {Q0 ft. to a lane 12 ft. wide, then in a course about -north Sideg. 40 min`, east parallel to First 33 fI.,lhen in`z_1 course about smrh 7 deg. `0 min., east paral!el lo Birch, 120 feel.,lo `the place of beginning._- ' '- n.. .I..:.. 1...! 2- .ua..|ml 'l\ ..m..11n..u..'.u,. Ann- Bring In it luu_uuuy-u:I|LuL UI uuuux 901. The lands described as bemg covered vufh water have mostly been mnde.inlod|y"1:md 0. A nh-r\n"nf lam! in t|m,n::id fnwn nf On this land is erected "a sma.11_coua'ge cone raining 5 rpovms, "w inch" is ;remed at $5 a monlh._ ` 7 - * . a . PI y. _. .,_ . ,- ru.-- -. -.-5......" - 3, Apiece of land in the said town nf Cdlllng vond baihg "lot 3, on lots; 9 and 10, east sije Batch, bulked as folluvs:-Qn lhe mirth b'y a. lane` rumng from Birch east past lhe lot, east by a 10! known as me Gibson lot, sinoeowned by A,-G, P. Dodge, on the south by From street, and on lhe west by a lot formerly owned by James Asa Castor. 11.. LL. `nlnd-:1: nu-ndinll 'n '5':-1`:rv\n nhuninn . /,.yI`dCllCe 01- `N 8e;_uug suiuut M shmwn bo...:b'o ha_.bitI'1all[ :`h`nfn ~lD|'IlIUIJ.y uwuuu uy ucuutl rfaa` vuaxul-~ On this land is erealed `a [frame dwel1in_g-~ house (11 slqry), ren1_ed at abulli W a momh. V )1, `A n`imi.e of hm] in the said ldwn ofC:l- house (1; story), remgu at auuu: m: a Inun_|_u. 4, K A piece of land in the saidmwn ofCu;1. 1ingwou_<.1,e'umppsed of parts of 1 us _II and 12 west side of Maple, btilted as frliows: Com- mencing at n pomt at southern limu of First, dislant'9l ft.,from north east angle` oflol 11,- then wesleilv on said spulhern limit of Furs: 41 feet, thence southerly on a cnurse'p:ra11e1 to an eastern houndaryyf said lot; )1 am! L2 "to a. land 1152 ft., !hence'eas!e;1y,on. anourse. parallel w'ith"F1rst 41 ff,,'i1nd-liienc northerly on A a course pargklel with easterly "bour'ulary' of said 015 to!ho_p1ace.of_begini1ing. ,. - n tlna1; nrI iahrnr-Ind'9' 9.YnI`I1 dwelling. 0! said 013 to tlIU_ pzfdcuul ucgunn On lhislmd is erected a 2-story_ tiwllingl housejttiahed in rs!-class style and contain- gag `A13 rooms, standing; `in a garden with , "druquet ground and well laid out stirubbery.` -Lj[`,hi's`..l1ouse has an excellent view of_the_1ake. whih it fronts, and from it; c_lose pmximzly ' . to the mill is admirably Adapted for the `resi- dence at the proprietor or manager of the mill pmpe'rl'y. .1! is 01 the estimated annna1va!:xe of $300,Vand is in_t.1'a nd]. K 'Q...ul. any! on: `Al A non! izll tirnh auvv, Gnu In lu.I_auuux. 5. `South part of._1ot _4, east side Birch` street, Town ofCo11mgwood, containing one- aixteemh ofan ac;e.- . " ' -v ,. ,1-u,.z --_'.._:|_'x1:_-L-a---a Blluucuun u: my -o-vfvu _ _ . I 6. North part of lot 5,ea's!'side Birch-strael, Town of Collingwood, containing dne.-`eighth plan acre. . 5- . vi . Q..m|. In-..'If`Ino 8 coal andn l2..nnh`:|rn.el. `on'_ ma 1ii * A V ` : : IMP0ii_'i`Ah_`r"v[1 V ii. )o:_a.n acre. * , V 7, -- Squlh half 10! 6, eagt Side Beech street, lone-eighth of an acre.` _. - . V ` O Qnulln non-O `AI ` Inna! chin I-Jonah iIIl'A;IL` uuu-cI5unu nu uu -u{_u-an . v 8. Soulh p_art1ol, west sixie`Beeoh glrelg one-sixleepzh 01' an amp. b _ u ,A'..:....- ..r 1.`..-I anannnagp nf mm M one-snxleenu) on an aprp. - 9; A piece of land composed? of pa rl of waler `lot in from `of 1ol`44.,'.Con. ' 9; Nmawa saga,vcomaining I0 acres',_moreorless;buHed ` as follows: . Commencing at me wa:er s edge` of Lake Huron, on ma western limditf of me al1awmceAfo'rrAoada between the 81h and 9;h 0n0ssi0ns"_ of the 'said'iQw_nsbip,~1hence `north 8 deg.`10 rni`n.,.weat 5 chains, thence orgh-weal`eIAly on a line ;parallel logand al- .....-:--.'| n'~dIalnniI.n`;1f 5 dhainh Ham '-said sAw;M.1LL Awn{vnIvniei%V.4 (` I1(:.".'. C1;'L;LAuu_. a.\uuuwu.m-15a, -..zu_uf !1;}.\-(;.E}`r. E`._. Barrie and-Collmgwood E: the \\ esv;-ru `constituency. I-r hzftiria Legislaturewas opened 4.. ;~..`. \= i`.1 the usual cerempriles. ,In !"(`Ii.21':{{ a bali wn givgn at the <".r-rK):`pL{':XL llouse. A gummaljy oi xI:zv:1;c::'.ury prcceedings .will _be L. ,-Esev.hcre. "' ' I 1};:1"-[Fay lust, by tha Lieut.-Gov-,