f;:DEALEBS?`IN > same I as amass norms, IKEMAOHI sum " V Auuuv j _ 'ATBT|RD. S OF V'I`.!_-1_E_NEW BRICK BLOCK. ._--A vAAre made out` of the best Sciotch Pig Iron. llnv nll-u-`Iii-runu, 4\An.l-n\'L as -.-..-on-' BRICKJSLOCK, < DU N LOP .S'[`REF.'l`; / :9 L9} }L5 \\JV& \.l \\.'/Laxvu-.:La onnms vpnommv A Vaunsn T0,` _ -__-__,.__;__.1 .. ._.____.........___ L_LAN1'3A'L_E`. `LBAK EV.7R;Y- ryqn '_ ..`x~ 5unbwAnm; V. V" ' ` -and snwmg; ucmns. P 1tui`i1`n`x1ra11Iiii'm.'. ~m.m.' : VERY CHEAP `V RATES. ;.:-`A c~EI6L E`:}`L&`i"; ATEEn,_ my-u-v - u-wuu. ._- ,-- -_-._.._ =_.nd a11 work gusu-_anteed' _t0 _ n_ rm-us.-xn n 0' --..-......-_._--.. - _ _ - __*, '3 1?}: contract or othkrwiae, and _. ._.....\-o` .~cw.--`.1-rr \`.Il_5u, CXJUI 4 . Smal a` in"}v kpt conxstatly? nzmnd, and large machines {Dl`|'!l5'."' 3 `on the shortest -possible notice at munt!fa::!ure:s prices and terms, and am; . . ` V to t_he'ir. warranty. ' LIBERAL IDISCOUNTS Al;L0\V1flE) T0 CASH CUSTOMERS. REPAIR: "FOR ALL Malilss SOLD KEPT IN STOCK. 4' 'S_ole` agpnts for WILSON S Double Action FANNING MILL` jjjj T311. T L :- B0035 Knizi Viiozss ___.l- L- ....A.... And ca be e'-2ctiveAlyA 9. x1Ac.'lH D CCU`. Q '1.` _ I %%%BAB,R1TA:1 -W`|_\/.A..- _,I.J..a\a ya` DUN LOP -S'I`REE.'l`; KE1717 BY-V13-.-;( 1&3.` L`.....< .L_ f\ l.-.__ . _ANi> WILL. BE sow A31` rm xaiggt dabitmt -shears - 1\ev9rahovyn'inABa`rrio .' - L A EMP'(')'RIEI1'\/i.` B%a:%;;D; s LA \)'.|\/II-I .IJIJl\-J 7 place toget good mum AT ms mum: AND Gm` riuva ThavvcVr._v boa! piao in Barrie to gel the worth of ypur money CHEA2 G1_zo0z:1z1_ES .r IlI1'.I any 9...: Ivan- mado to order, `Ann: I Io! a1Vl"the nifw pu`ttr'nI ii 9grea_t.7'arity.- . ` ' -nj-n J11. `lsnt'the :53 u ungtun, mnfue. . _ ' GEORGE C. FUCK, ' . V "Proprietor. "Z3}- ' - 45-15.} 1 0839 1i,.l\IEZINGn MACHINE! S TEAS I .ILO.-l- 6-3`m Z29-l_y' 43- tf Among others I noticed :1, plain marble 3lab,iat the head-of't<=mb b.:.'.1ring thi ' "motto; I was 8. stranger and he took main." 1 enquired from a person ,wf`hu` was st'a;nding there who was" this, and -.vlmt,it nreztnt, he-my kindly tuid un- that this was the grave o_f_a pomotd . rnulatto woman, and kindly coziseaitsd lo aceompatly me t';?m1tgh, anal give me any iniumiatien that I wanted re- zxpeotmg the gt a.Ves',of the departed If. E. o . who were quietly sl-urnberzng there un- r til the trumpet at the last day will -t';a1n_ summon them to appear before heir Urep.t'c~r., Bnt lam digrcs-2-ing, we , "were still standing over the grave of _ he poor old nlttlatto-wotifon, and he proceed:-.d'to tell me she lmd bscnttirs insane, and, being` poorzand li'iet1dlv:~ss wsxn-,comnriI.ted to the County Gaol us: at vagrant, where, she threw off this` -mortal cnil, and was buriedin that portion of the Cemetery set apart as n resting place for the lonely strmrgor dc- parted. Nevertheless, it so happened that this pcorvnegleeted p.-iuper \VOl11D.l2 had a son living in a foreign l:;7,!'!d, and rlthough ot negro` origin, always close pised by th_eir,iellow whitcs,'hut 2 often to show an example` to them L`-i` ' lovevand lialztlfcetiun, Several yt-,ar.'. after her dcath, with cm:siii.e'rable dii ettlty,-a::cet't&iued her Wlteroabotits and sent the suixrof t'\{"'.fl} _V,-S8VL3`T.| dollars` to pnrelmse`tl':e modest slab that marks- her lowly bed, the tuother who once- ~;o-tenderly. caressed am`. "loved him hronggli his help ess ilifhncy`. Alli.-r` this kind strnngerylizzcl nished his brie! , n'cm`ati'.-'e I ir.nstt:1otiw`ely exclaimcd, ' '_from:the. bottom` of my heart, `= Grid bless the man or woman who contain: in heartand sonl large enetighfor both parents to dwell "in long alter their lmbitation_of clay has tmnt,ldie.red int L, -'.lust._ _' he then condugte-.3 me t) wher.- -_ an aged couple lay side hy side, so ' -;losely.t`he.tyou ryoulcl al.nost-.inigine `h-:-y hszd dtedeven death to'p:n-I rt them," {gr gleaznfrrg at the white stone standing at` their" heads I._ ohgcrtaert thereon a pair ofhsnds tightly" clasped, and underneath was written these Words, as ifitheir angelic spirits hat`: these and then met after an 78b.-!1lL`O 01 T * many long, long; years froonteacli _o.=her; end rejoicing overagain with ne`.`.' jot . just as itryouthful love they first met ' " tojoin hands and pledge, them both to . gtch other till death .-should - sepurat : thein. and now they'meet, the hits- /band addresses his wife V thus, ,`_` Dear Emma, we have met again to part no -more-,3 After reading the3e_b!!au.!iful. 9 worth) my eyes rested for a "short time on the two graves 59, elespjly heaped h together, and I mid to myself, is this i not heaven, for it.seen'.a to `me to be 9. _ f0l'_8tBSIf)'Gfv$l)'dt eternal bliss. Mythi- 'v formant proceeded to tell me that they had left no-'cl_)-_ild_ren3. `I-`then jrques`ed my newt formed acquaintance to show me any other of the -Ce_m}=_ter1es. and lortirtvitlrhe led the, Way. to one , occupied by ytlret dead belonging to lh-1`-. 'Presbyt,,erian` denomination. ..Wlren we " got there my new friendmok grantin- te'r'est,.in'pointing font a" `number of, , 1graves.,oc`cupie'd? b`y'..5' members -of the" ` oWes1eya_n.' _O,lurreh, end else . of, the ` ` -Clinreh of 'Englan,d,"ahd.whic,h seemed "to; piirteke of _,,t.h a'.t.. l_j.b'ej't1l" spirit and 'ilovingf,aen`timent` nttered . by him, who - ke ' trap. spake _'when'~r.he _r `sheep .'I d`_haVe,"`::whi - r- ` `lee eh I" yvx . an ;IV; -It:1vs.zln'M&.'ritly1d-8Isp~b.Brtp rm? ` ijne:.re`stin`g -i:p1ne;":-zto <.anp;1zer;:.;1ii1m;E 1 3 rbdsthi.th`r.'-'readies tth.-';.3i'er.et.~'iIn%_>. ; siiii""f8 AWhih-'989'99?d.i in V3.16 3 ' 'an5iearing,and; pathetij for`_x_1,rAtiie:sen:i ' .men!s1L.oVf_ love and _esteem; in-f which ihey-_.were flxieid. by* their `surviving r ` 3rii!d$-` : N8811Y`0IV_1 and handsome M -`m`arble'h1bs,`d0tted a'il`over tho Ceme- L `_t.IY._ rma,r_k.ed' (tilt the "places `Where the ` _ sashes-fofgeach "dearly beloved` friend 3' _re,ste`d-thoser hoiy -chambers of';t`he E dead, headed -by. a,bes.mi1ul clean; white -marbie monument," with exprea- ? iolis Of just and pure affect.1oi: written V thereon, as being; the nal adfgu to all that is rnortaiof the friend lying under-| neatho the `sod. o The value of each monument (as I afterwards escertaineii) seemed to be -regulated` more By the _."eeiing of affection than the plentitude .;fr1ches;'mahy`Wero mzukcdty very deautifui monuments of pure, white A marble, but there was oneexquisiteiy vrovght of the very finest _Sco1ch Granite, towering above all the rest withits magnjcerit proport1ous,:Lngi must have cost at least" two thousand ioiiars. Some, no doubt, Woufd say that this is a-t'zs'e,In'ss and efxrrzwsgant ~ expense over the ashes of a beloved .- friend, but dmiful children _wiH,"m the iullnessr of their generous sru!s,`sAay there lies the father and friend that I" have dearly. lovefd thro_ugh all the . trying vicissitories oi this mortal life, and] know that the love I bear to th-:1! T`ond. purentwill xpsipitat.e tiirough my } iieart till li!e s evening sun has set '03- uenlh` its Western horizon. I then slowly turned my footstags to the ad joining cemeieiy,.t11e home of the de- parted. There "I observed an-t._ther' > i;eaulifu1_mom.:-_ient of Scntc`n`Mmble - in sacreii merriory of a dc-parted hm band andztiier. 'I`herc were niauy , others o t'.c;>.stly tnarbia bearing in.-;cr7p 1 'tions of intense aection and teiitierna s:;. I .~}ah u? fhn 1nnm1.n.< a.....L 1. ..._:_~ 41.: hzxcaiiouhaopn or` miznin in A ,Ai_nii: -x'`ni>uHM 1{ql.._f':'3iI3 kzi Tu: 5 -ussum rmA`vI-:1.mn. ;srmii+oss,`bF;%s&i:?ii:i2;:T%`% V ` ug oa7,th`a;.'aeb eCHl1t9h}.?"l'd 0D5,1h0lsan `mate 9 he -(}_ht_1rch of England, for. the seme'nohle_ vpuxpose, ve_f!housand'do1lsps tb nus; bgiidiuig` of the nbw: magnicient uw "Common Soheol, several hundred dol- lira for t1a`lt(:`iyi:!ig_out , andheauzifying gt a grav yar M 0 which he is now an ` occupant, alsg. a_large su_m for the sup- pori of the `Presbyterian Church, qj which he had long bee'x_1__jan oicial ' 3 amember. `_ Besides this, leaving ah in- .depende:1t fortmae to each of his child 7 , {T9135 for the whole term of their natural ` 1* lives. He made man'yvio2_her charitable bequests cf th0`u$a."ds df fdolls..vs,. and now here he lies by the side.of his be- loved` wife, and the niother of his dead ' ichildren, with no stone .to telf of his T wqrlh, but who lives in the affections `of the pecplel" ~ ' ` 1 l 11' ) TD AHTYDT 1' hr u-uv vs I" "nu-".7 mmavno Urder. %_%DRES% &... Maurwkamua, .:1n .'thlg'm. m.x'.."; .{ ;. . >-'~"-"~. '-'--.-.-96-uu-uaa m.a.n.uw.i-. _ - ,I1_1.theI`s'te'atB3y1z:_'_.._ A HAa[TS.*& :APs.[ 5u_1r, 'rlIB~LA,'rn_s1'_:~1msn1oN, no ' .Si.lo', `oi pxfolg1Dtly"lql{gUIjdL-f,'I$_'Order.` `H Ffjv ' Ill 'ImIvir-`ni", .. - ----'----- VI uusu vuu DB at TQQHOBIDIC !B0NNE &i ; ' . H;ATS.`7=& 3.1 ;.1_`o.-r']jn'__:`[~_gg['n:gug7mn. -51. .. .......- RM.` 3:, .n.3?.:3%@53.?._`.5;0Lj?:3;| Whilst thankful for-Lpaat favors, begs to `assure fher {ends and the public,thq.t ahohas con- , _ atsntly-`on hand a full asaonment of, `l ..V..I I I "VI j '.. -"- - [cud uvuvo wv\Is7&7l3``k J\I1U I ....._-., vnl unuu a nun assortment. .0! MIL LI A 1| wsm. "mm 1;." .;..`u. ' V pnmt. vmun we uesue w ueuu nee ny mm to ever one. ` -'- ' . - ` T 8 Medium is 1d 1) all at $1 gala: gilgfge, or si_x:>n1_ck8A%{$'fg1' 65, Eggs W '* Wm Ga,&:asoW~ 4 ' ' wmdsor, Gut. ' Sold in Baxrig bj.,John Woods. Northrop &I.y_-v . mans ".l`oron30. W1;oles9.le Agents. Noiaop; CA-N` BT.T v1'1'.-'-'1`hi-_e "is, no question about" it, the Canton TT Stprc-T sits on the throne fo1-Lteas, liquors; grac- eries, p1"ov_isifons, glassware, and delf. :They are`-the best and cheapest in this, of any otI1e1-section of country. Go iry the-1n. I ' `llunio, May Hist, 1874. n :1 p I n n_ . [lair Ba'm prevp nxs ...`(|w h n i`r lrolri In}!- i-Pg. and ur.~'.mmi.-_~,a its growth and st'ren.;l,h- ` C3- m1.dian Hair Balm raiders _t1Ie hair go and 'gYossy, and is Hm most eleganl hnir dresmg eve! nfl"rcIl to the pubhc . Canadian I-!,n1r}?a1_m is -,,._~_{ 5 five. ilia -warratuedtfree from V injurious tn- grediarnis. `IL-1': the C`I`3D`~`S( I`.d`b'esl hmr restor- -_ativL-. if: use. Price 50cls .pQk b0m8- F07.`- r`i by nllrespuvsalwlc dltlggists. - r W ` 5 ' " '"* "i`"7.'. 7 ' - T`RA."VELIL..ER'.[ `Barrie,0ctobe'r 2st,1S?4. .- T T ' (}A'Rh1.I:ssxn: their horses hea1'h and condition until it is 400. Inc, when at a-.lr-gng expense and no .1 `-,Mai)y persAo'ns' hogleox irunblexhe house mi-ghl. have been saved if at-tended to iu1ime.-To all who may have uc-msin.n In use an nrsir-In rif Hm la-6...! u... . -us-aunts}: nu Ill AI|ur..:1U all WUU may IHIVP `u_c-m_sinn'l_o use an zmicle of the kind we would _conx_!en!1y recummehd 'Da;'xley":~ (`,ondi:'inn Powders and Arabian I-lun-we -Reamody;w iLis vxhoiu dnublglh. b;st'pie- partuinu nu uss, as_ Ihcuxaimis v'vl1:s; l1a7;; n_s=_.-d_ xt le.-.r_ifv. Remmntgep lhu name, and seeliial the sigzmlure 0! Hum 82. Co is on each pak. nrre, Nnrlhrow 81 L mnn `Tomrim. Om, "rep 3 I 3 V P pmamfst`of,:'?ana.Ja; SUI: by all medicine AdV;_aa1ars._ C ' - `T1152 : EVx`c :L.-VDuct'-r Jos_ephna F-boshcneea `Vegetable Pills now super iorly sugar c_o2m:d cannotba exce1Ied'as'a -F-agrnily .\jI9!ic'*.ix:e"f-.>r ga:nera1pnrposes. _ - ' The "P211 contrxiaa 'v.he~aclIv-e properties of .\"Iandra!:e and Daude1ion,as well 351.com- pduud Exzracu `or , Colocynlh and Exu'a_cI oi .E1';'o.=:c3':imu.., Test them for your own nzui_a.` factiqn. Una I.-ox contains abom `l8Pi1ls ,and- afnd e_a_ch P-11 is u sufilciem dose for an adult in ordinary cnseg. Try them V ~ ` 1;.` The efqacy'ut B:vz3.us Pulmuxxlc Wafers Jn curing C. -)u;_xhS, cul 9, and all Brunchim at- (eo:4Lorxs,..v1d chuafriug tbs :`,fi<':ed_, has passed mm '3 p."uVl?rlI. In me Uniuzd S:a_:cs_. _when: mesa m:-uvailnus Wnfcxa are lmbwn, thin _'v`m.'\r- (fowl) a}1 nmmsihon and eclzpse rvl _; \3:v.I`r_-g; the dmnmni for them has .sIs_,,z-._di,ly iucr.2aa'e,d ;.`m` lh_-.:_.1-nsl twenty years, milil r.o_w` `tlm gn1es'avnrage over one hundred thousand boxes. Va year. - Emin-ml mnmbers of Ilm _rnE!:L`.1.:1 prof-:\s.`ion wnhqut.`I1umber'admi} that-they knov.- of no pzveparalion p_roducin{_{ such benecial results ns_ these wrfera.` ".Vhen- taken in saeasnn Itxeyf off-cl. u perma non! cure. Sold byull druggr;ts.and coumry rlcalblp at 25cle.'per box. - .`g3uq;_n;u ||| .3\r.uu;;- nnu H. Iuun: ;u|vIuuu(_ zzmongs! the rer:`.:=iiib:. u:.c.5* in those di2;eassas." Being an er-Icuiicnl m=rvn'\} tenc, it exerls a direct inxzencceon l_!:::.- r1;'.r.7cus aystam,and Llxrou,-qh it it in':.z;_g.r.v'u'.1Iza lht.3.1=ot5\,". It a.`f'ot'd.s .rx..-'3 pleeeurg to r'v.'-.commond- a remedy which -_is_ rell)` gum in` cases for which i! is nm=.:1ded,`wl:un so many {di- V6l'li'3_d are worssx !han use-lean. -~ I Y ..n. `J ; s:.%#E::aaap.=: T_a%i:_'a%2%: Jmm - MR,J.ums _I. FmLi:ima,_ I'v 1an_ufaclm'iI{g Chemist! - V . , _ Sm: Fu.~severe~1 mon!hpaa(' I havdnsed. i yoja}* {Jq_rn_pound`Sytup in_ the lre'a&_me_m 0! 1 IncI;~1enIFZ*.?ln5:::,`Chrome B:onchn_is,.aud 3 :a!hel'acciiods oizhe Chest, and" I h`a_v'e no V g.esitat_iou in $3a3n,-lIIsxX it ranks fo're`moaz_` 1 gm ,.:nx zwrmus x.mc,`iLexerlsa i lirecl inihzciaccz on 122.`; 3 Lhrnnrvh it i! m':.ir.r,ir.1Ina lhn.hn25\"_ Amongst {G-*":*iiimv: Cm-esa1l`Nervons Diseases. such as Tremors. Debility, Prostratlqn, etc. which. ln many cases, are produced by over indulgence in the use of tobacco and nlcoho1ic,sp{rits; but the 83:1- -dc Medicine is more especially recommeu asan unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness. Spoi-mntorrhea, Impoteno . andvall diseases that follow as 9. sequence of It Abuse as Loss of Memory, Universal .Lm;altude, ball: in the Ba.ck,`Dlmne,ss of Vislon,'I reu'l1ture' Old A e; and many `other diseases that lend-to Insunl or Consnmptlon and 8. Premature Grave, all of which; as a rule; are rst caused g deviating mm the path of nature and over - gcnce ' ` study an years of experience in treating _th,es_a syeclnl l Full particulars in, our pamphswhlchwedestro wsennfreebynnllm OVGYY Th :5 {lo Medxcme lathe resulcvors. life, } J. %W. %H.g~_sTINGs. % TH E {J at E S T 0R1;1.r _ - 'E1j{<}LIsHV';REfME_%DY% E`6fgn,c MED|cIN}: Befora'1`aking." ` ` /g &.er'l'a.Hng.' 4-nun-"nn-J4 Qjljlilllj In I 1%,] I_`.-l-_l.l VI Which will by sqld at i-eaionsble rates`. b(\1\T1\'T`r:1r1nn ' ' ' K U'\|llL`If" '~.'IXXllX_'-`I riimis of, :he_Che'st, ,in' smin;';.l!'.m i: he rer.~.u`di:~z uacrh er-:cU!i(;nl !1_<=s*vr$l1= us-ncc: n_er.i .il inv.:_;o'I`a1ea-lha. its pleeaum 1 'ich_ -iqv rea']l_*,' gs - ,, , I u ` 1 -:un, - " Youz'stru1_=,r; z. s. E`.AP.LE, Jr. M1) r.uar_v,_18b'8` _ .B ELTI B E LTI N G VRUBBER BELT1NG ANDPAGKIKG 48IsrAiscn gnlmnnrr` Annlgmjnnnmi `,j LUJLJJ [1 A1. L M .l.V&as.--4 - _-.__.___._ Proves IL: superfdritylb` if! other Medlclhes at `once. ITS. FIRST INDICATION lam" relieve the.su:rer6r"'ol' PAIN, no xnniter from .wh.-Lt` cause it. may orig1n1_m,or where `gt maybe seated. If in the Head, Face, or"l'broa: ;. 3," ' It` In the Back, Spine; or Shoulder ; . If in the Anxis,~Breu_st,' oi- Side ; If in ,'tho Joints,-Limbs, or Muscles - If in the Ncn'es,Teeth; o_r Ears ; ' ' Dr in any other part of the body, its appltcauon to part or parts whore the pain exists will nlford immedi- mo relief. - part par me > mo ' ` 5 IF. EIZED WITH PAIR In tho` St.9I1"u'u;h,_BbI;y,e_l!, 91' Kidneys ; J , Ixrche Bluddex:-'5 splopnggor Liver; in the `Teeth, En;-s,'or Throat ; _ _ In the Brain or Nervous System ; Ono umpoonful of ;RADWAY S READY RELIEF to n wineglnss Q! water wi11,_in a, tow minutes, to- store` the patient to case and comfort. ` ` _ If lame, Crippled ,0: Bed-ridden ; If Palsicd, Sculdetl, or Burned ; If Bruised Wounded, or Cut ' 9 - If Struinexlujured, or Dlsnhied ; If Sun Stroke, or seized with Fits - . If Weak In the Spine or Back ; `, _, ...-.... quuuu uu=;7 BB which can be cure by a timely resm`t;,t0 this .~'.;~'.;'1n(l- ard prepzuf21ti0x1,a3 has been proved by the luniclrcds of testimonials -received by the p1'op1'ieto1's.' It _is acknowl- edged by Irizmy pitomiuent _ plzysic-.ians' to be the most relizible preparation ever in! .troduced for the relief zmcl _ 'crjute of all Ltlngiceniplaiiits, ; cure in the ~ ggnicl. is offered to the public, sanctionetl by the experience. : of over forty years. , When , resorted to i11"s'easo1'1,,it sol:--' ..d9m fails to 'a ecm..`,3pe~edy ~` xxgdste gsevere. . nnuwnx D IMIBBJIL should be applied to _t.ho part or parts ulictcd. It in- slauuy. relieves the pxmcnt. fro1n- min, and quickly ' heals, soothes, and strcu Hens the dxsabled parts. In all cascs_ of BiLes_ _o,(_I1Lub_i_' I.)_ogs,VI}e_;3liles, Stings of Poi- . V-.11! . 19:!` an n no soothes, hens the dusabled pans. In cases Bites o,(__Bnb1 Dogs, Reptiles . names Insects, the application of RAD\'AY S READY R!-ZLIEE-Y to me wound wjill.provenHnnn1_mnt1on and Inonfticatlon. nowI_1'r'cunEs. The secoudm'y.lndicat!on of mmWAY E READY RE- . LIEF ism cum mi: patient. of the disease or malady that occasions the pain; unisjifuocompllghcls i'apid}y and. iudically. Sa`nmj.ft`:is'tho patieut trnnsfgrmed om -pain , misery, weakness, arid dccrepitudc, to the deIight._ ` ful eqjoymen_t of health and strength, ghnt. patients fro- quently ascribe its mlismauic power to_tho. supernatu- ral mupnco ofouchan.meht... imx:u.\m'1s1ix. LUMBAGO com, Nznmmu. mam "nous, caovp,-mrLbExzAP`oas` 'nmo.u-,7 QUI.\`7.Y, l>I1 X`HERIA, HOARSEN TIS, 's'm`z~` JOI.\"I S ENLARGED Tminoxs, umn ACHE, (Sicl; or kc-rvous. ASTEIA, or HARD . g BREATEIIXG. - It is_.1ru)y mnrvclloushow quick RADWAYIS READY RELIEF cures tho sunerers of these maladies. - The poor. crippled, and pain-.tricken` Rheumatic has not to wait days before a change takes place, but 1n~`a few minutes derives case and comfort. BRONCHL ' ' .Iil'J`JlN_ QLIJJ DUUJM A ' Persona exposed to tho Malaria. of Aguo, or ifseilod with Chillsnnd Fever, will find 1!. positive Antidote 2.1.1 ) Cum in Radway's Ready Benet`. I/.-t two tea.spoonsn`._ or the Ready Relief, in KL _wlue_-glass or water. be taken on getting out of bed in the morning, and however ex; ' posed to malaria you will escape, .`3~`0|'l- in ! in! Glovo. Ho.lse|-1, and Small Ware. R-3|\d.`v-nnde Clothing. beat out and. seylejiats, Gaps, and Boots and Shoes of ever; style and qaamy. Our stock of Crockery `is by far the largest ever brought. to this put and having baen boughlvdirectfrom tho potterles in England, we can sell at veryldw Prices. . Just to hand ' 1,000 barrels of Bright and Crushed Sugarg. Brightest Ren ed,Eugar, 11 pounds for $1.00` Broken Loaf and Ground, 9 pounds for $1.00; Also, a. very large stock nf Teas and Tobsccos, bought before the new tarriif, and will sell at former prices. . . Z 100 casas'of,_ _ u` - dcm xunmuxuuuuu UI L110 DIUXIIIICD 0! DOWNS , ,RADWAY S READY RELIEF cunnvn no I'll \l I!.`\7 f\PT|L`D\YATIV cimox1c,Rm~:1m.msM CURED. Twenty Ynrs of SIecplcssNlghu. Wm. Syxgny Iiyfg, Esq." of Iga,31um.'Cuba, the cor I ll rqpondent ofthc twenty years he-hurl not enjoyed one whole nighvs caim rm-:2. Ho app1'cd RADWA-Y S READY RELlEF-it hu- medlntely gave him case and secured him the that calm and undisturbed sleep during the twenty years. The continued use or the READY RELIEF cured him. don 'me5;au(l`crod with Acute` and Chtouic Rheumzuism for twenty-vo years, and for . .PREVENTIO.\` _BEI'l`ER TELLV CURE.` THERE 1:} NO OCCASION FOR SICKNES. When you.rst feel pain, then take a, tenspoonful volthe READY Rl:`,LIh1-`,In'\i`ater; or _apply it to the parts where you fool thqdisoomfort. _ ALL MALIGNANT DISEASES - ~ . rst give warning of their presence, and it` met promzsta, . ly before they become securely Intrenched within um, system, will ho readily expglloa. - ~ ' . _SIGNS OF SICKNE$. ` Headache, Pains in N19 LimbVs--in tho Stomaoh,_Bow- cis, and Kiducys-Coid Chills, and Hot Flushes, Cont.- ed Tongue, Burning Skin, Nausea, Shivering, Dullness, 1.9`-s oi Appetite, Rcsucssness, Giddiuess,` &c., &c. , am nrcmonitory sym toms of Malignant. Diseases. One dose of the READ RELIEF. is sumciem. to break up mid expel fdisewcd action, and` restore the patient to ' health. 4.: ' uuvvnu uu; Ltuzuu LAILAlIA1lJ4llAI ` Ono doac will stop the\ aliz; its continued use wm,i a few hours, cure the patient. ; z ouu-pnsannan N Every soldier should carny with hirir a.` supply vf v Ruiw.iy s Ready Relief. 1!. supplies the place of all 0l_.1l0l' medicines ; and us a hcvernge,n teaspoonful or the Relief, to a. wine-glass of wnt<'3r,ls` n nlcor, pleasant, cr stimulant than brandy, whisky, or blttcrs. SXCKNFES PREVENTED IN THE 811! MAINE REGT. `- . Elglilli Maine regiment, Sorglt C. P.`I11rd, writes that . Rxzdwzlfs Really Rcliefsuved the regiment from death while quartered M. Tybeo Island, S. C. , when working in mu swamp-x, erecting fortications. Every man ` seized with Typhoid. and other Favors, _i-`dvet and Aqua, Dian-lion, Dy$CDl.cl`_Y,,RhGlllIlM.iSn1,~\)'llS cured- by the use of the Ready-Rqlfut _ - - ; ` -; - ' ' _ CAUHON. In nll _cnsos ask for Radway s Ready Rellel'.:- Take no other. See` that the signature of Radwny` Jzv Go. is on ilm~qut.sido label of each bottle. Every ngcnt is = supplied with n newimd fresh slock. Price 25 cents * par noztle, Sold by Druggists, Merchants and pountry w'k' .u8 rt RADWA; '5-.'bo.,. 7 1' V Slnittlilcu Ianc,.\'ew`.forlb J '1'.l:1E U1U.'iA'.I."-_.Ih4X\l.' ' ' l!lL|.Vt1.uJLL\.lJ Lu-1 _ ' TERNAL` ~ ` srors was axon EXCRUCIATING mm- . `INAI-`EW MXNUTI-B,` . , . AXD ' . RAPIDLY Cums mm PATIENT. RADWAY S -READY RELIEF _ , __._-_ __x.-. ... Ln ..n.-.. ITAIHI-Inna nl 'nnnA In stock for the Summer is com leto, and bcig wall bought, and of-the most fashionable goods Jlumnrkot willa`ord.we fee confident that a`call will satisfy `customers `that. our ` F pfieu defy competition A Bore nre_ shim; ofthem: Heavy Grey Oouons, _1 yard '*`a:`;:;.:i':,.::'.`::%:::;5322?;`a;:;:m8::::a"- , S, ; .6. v Balance ofstraw-Goods at cost. Carpets. Clnths, Tweedn, I'M-eaaoods, Luare_s, Capes,Silks , ` Mnshns. Menselws Bn!hanta,Lace - .. `_ _ Curtains, Linen Suits and 1 _ ' Skirts, nndafull ' ' 2\-;~'ort- .A..l `..I`{'1Imna_ Alan:-I nn mnll Wan. D.-m.l`n.mm-In lzukinn luau! out and and; `lint. BADWATS f-:7u)Y'nEI.mr- nnhl I\n nnnlhul In lhn mart nr nnrls: nlintml. . It. _ THE `GREA":1T'1f{vl;MEDY you 3|snn-an--._...__`._._. ,, Ivvgna Iv Qvalonaan A-Uqlan suoum BEQIAKEN INTERNALLY.' __ ._.:n ....... .L,. .14.. . 14.. ......s WHEN EHZED ' WITH . CKOLERA, or Din_rrhcm- or Flux ;] . Dysuntery, Cramps, nngi Spasms; f-.7 Biliou. L ' ' Scarlet, Typhoid,-or other I-`overs ; Inuenza, Coughs, or Colds - ~ \. Inammation of the Stqmacin or Bowols : KT l`,) `IT! 1\'C7 1I'I'.|I"f1'! Wirnvnn AND AGUE. ..-~.m..I on ma \n-.1... no` mo m WHEN smun WITH ')LI-TRA. or Ilixrrhnm-. nr F11 SOLDIERS. ....u.: ..___._.` ___:u. .. -.9115 `rgnrrilas oanpiori: 311 pimies on E 1-gI_v;p_gGouds or Homes on my account with- A 0: _ oq:.1'y written o~`r.-r. 1 .n Inhmgnm 'I.un-oimwc Eswannisuutnw I J ifyon want to g(.~t_ :Be wbrth fyour money`. L Bqmbembver _ha:_Sland-- `J. Ptiaxtnror. . ` V .. R. WINNING, vv--uru-7 Btiv YOUR isnonnmorus, nozsxms, B1105. 6'00` p Jinan- . __ V joug-,&c , Ms.rtell a, , V 4 Obooobto, _ . Henneueya , _ Old row,-' 5.`.., Snyes - -Ale and Force: Tans from 30 ents upwards. English Black Teasin Cgddi `mm 60 to 75 cents perlb. % TERMS rzazgnowan To THE IRADE. . ` [New Bvicld Blgbk, Srtcet, A .m.K &o'..` ten Near the Stem; Grist Ml', ` The Inbleribqr whim thankful for the liberal `patrontgo given in the put, respectfully ' Iolioiu I oontinpnnce of the nine, and l L begs to state lb, his ' l!!%:1Sa.%GI!!!9iE_"*.ES%AN'D PW;-SI V.V""I "V" " - 1" Cannotbobeateneithei'foz-"quality or price. HI deuli in the but marketmand cannot be undersold by any house in town. He also keapl on hand the best of 1---u -p. - open` 9 -piucwnt-I-not \lI||l Bfaida, . - Toys, g Valor, II A.oIuIana- cantor aanxgvv-w, Also ALE `IND PORTER, bottled or on draught. . ` - I'.`nn-Inn:-:9 ID:-ndlun. 3': much as he can cu-augpr. A - _. _ Farmers Produce, as much as hogan lay his hands oz_:.bought,and the higheatmarkm price paid. Given cull dues and A you wil be agref to come ugnin. . ` THOS. LENNOX, ` A fewoors North of the Wellington Motel, $2-ly_ - v _ ' Bare .-:-u v :34. .;_.-. Cabinet Maker` and Dealer in .. W_.-I1.FE'lEE-MAN, E? I nousnnonn. FURNITURE. 4 _1`he boat, largest and cheapest stock in Barrio. Alla a. Beautiful and well selected stock of Fancy Goods and Berlin Woola, ' Ottoman and Slipper Patterns, -.--a.ua-pu-- Pictures dud Mipldiligg constant 53 on mend. I-`rsunes made to 0: dc: , utthe lowest. reams tor cash. _ THBIF UOOBS WEST 07 TH ` < WELLINGTON HOTEL,` DUNLOP Vsr. ` AmeVrioan Oak Tinned Leather Belting, J it-her Belting. Icw`itt aMill'Fi_ias,"' V S_taam%F5, uin gs iand. Eigea, .Lubriou,ti.ng,oi1; 00., 1%" 7 1_ -_'! `T -33.- quulluly on me mo.`-:t .~.:yh'sb LAIvi5i3:"iii`5_:x1\* 4COFFINS.. i * _ _1:.&.w. RORKE' . :_:BA}1"a. S ` " LUNGi_I_-E01\_I& o_s'r ER HOUSE Oysiarb. Stwed, Fried nn~1Raw; L'anchons,. Hot and Gold, prepared on short notice. _.__._. - . - Upppaite J. P Enos: STRE 22-,- O A. M Ifzace to-E;-a Cup qf TEA. CONFECTIONERY, CAKES, 650., (`:0- ...__j la? =A`s4the busy season 3s at hand In wall to call and:x... nine the In 9! 1PITDMrm1r As the advertiser is pfaticully conversant with his balsizwss in all its delaila, bangzl-aye the most skillful ivbrlxmen,-' and usesnouc but flu nest. inalerI'2'xl',3he wnrriant all work nm:i~:- it: his esmbiishment to g?ve'llIorongl1 anti.-ufzaclioxl `to the pu1'cb'v.x=.cr. Single _a.ud double lltlru-2:1 )f all Malls,`-`Saddles, Uollara. Trunks, Vsliscs. and eyc-rythin. counectetl Vwil._h. the business mnatanlly on hand-at the ldwein prices Pa';`t- cular attention given to` Light Single and Jot.ble Osnriage-Harness. Sole mn.rufact;zser -`n Barrie! of ::he "Excelsior li"1ck- and Lip 3ttnpd,tOjwl1icl1.he attention. gt t-lie public I is specially directed. Ray-pin Tune". IO '71-: - - - .un mu ,ucw(:u'aL} ;g5, M, E.& W; R.0RKE S Cabmet am] l1 ml...a.m.... -1:, n.I.l.'..L _, ,_, . W3.1?50UGHS9 Houze, Sign and Carriage, Plain and Orna- menta`. ' u-----_. A Shop on John Itroet,.nenr Bull's Planing Fnctui-y,Burrie, Nut- ' _ Orders left at E. Grnver s Hardware Store. Factory, Hume, Unt- - Orders le. at E. Gnver Ha`:-dware Dnnlopatreet, willbe promptly attended to. February 2nd, 1873. 6-}; ` U011 ! Iorges `U can In. W V " F. BAIL. 7 A ' Agent. PA I N 'r.1'1~a GT1) 0. 1T\I'"'I`T1 N 6. -5-_.,_ ___.n An..- ............I P3. I2.\'J'__'Z'EI1| F%?!$3iif'ivE!f:7;;%-,%}! {;"i3~I; .A`1"`Lw1_ c H E N R Y, 'SADDLE, _Amss 5; m3J;\jI_< :1x;\:L%_F..r\m*a;2,% ]." ~ )7:A`i{ N SW13? 1 . .;'.`ig 1"H`.`.in3\``.\ AEXHKEI`, (V.-._,..... -1` D,.. A.) 1 .,..-awu.:-.a- Auuu i.|AIl2s.II.sl)H BZLEIIIJII C'qr:1e1f of Buyeldy 6` Dunlap -S`trec.f., B.-lRRl1:' {Late Dunlon a?treet,]*b'cgs`to informhis hf. {hiring friends, his customers. and the public gmzemlly, that he is. weli, and dz-iving'husines: in his new premises. --unnncvrnn arr) nnnxr A Inc C A 117 In ! T IVIFTIUIIIV IVI&&" ins now on hand an extensive and geun:'nc- Hock of Sin lo and Double Harness (Czmzi ge md 'l`enm),. nglisb and Common Riding Sad- iles,-Doubieunciih le Bri-iies, Guilx:rs,'.'c., . which he can o`er at very xeusozmble pcics-3. Mac in stock. some of the best. English and other liding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes; Sunny and Mr r...- Bombs, Cards, -c., to be {on [,5 .u th_ia'nm.r_1wt ' - V Ann-i r..H...`.n a.. um 4-....il. .........r_.......-.: 1..., , mm . - - . Glut Inn, for_the_ Preserving Season. Cfuuntry.dealers supplied` at Trade Pxfices. u unu lA\. u Rlnynnnluvn _%)PP(SITE MR. DURHA.\I`S SAW. MILL, T . ALLANDAIJ-3 now. -1-2, .u |:U_I5 Llttllfb Any a'rticJe?_iu. shed to 917.13: - no give sa'.t'z.=.fac-.2 h"9"Rc:nn ivu u AU EIVC 5&bI.`5lll'.'i.l UU. F3"'Repaits v. -J! and neatly executed. iiarria, Ap'ril 8. 1870. " o.:v saw I! I J.'u'\J.,l.`vl.1..|.;` L. Cabxnelaud Undertaking 'l'Z~;&al)lisi)n1en ` door West of the \yV_e||uI'=nn dxel, 3 I one (3 -,.,. lnn s'_BIoolc an ie.- ul- ADDLEILY AND HARNESS ESI`ABLISHME:<"I`, - - V ' BAYFIELD STREET, A Fun Ann-a STA:-th nf-`Ohn wn1':nrvOnn unonl 5 apvzqluuy ul_reLIe0. Barrie, J um 18, T73. Y`s|'rA1."P;XLAc1 I ` . --.1 _--.-. :7- -j.-._- us...-..-.-.-.4.---.: A f:w doors North of me Wellington Hotel. A GOOD Eff? --w---- -v- v _1-..`'. -v-.-I-V ..-\r_.-v - .-. ----- J P1I:'::,ir?Es BR`osi7.,' Alrnn-f in `W nn:n"nn\ 5 H ` '----- 0 iionny sAva`,n is non? EARNED. ---.~- - ZN): 3 '89 "lm3` oflhe stylish I \/l.|`.l2l(`!AM !'V(\lI.1rn.~rn w11}'1Tifa%'iiibns. . Af MUD `DI\`D"l`I1`D Lnoolnpl nun Just xeqivqd 8 qousiggnmezit of fresh .-an--r`r\a'r'I-r*1r'~y. I [Buss GLEANiNG._?; MARTIN MOORE, nnw nu hand an Art:-naive and ,nnn .4: . Plain and 0:_-s.amcnu\1l. j ALFREITGRAVER, um mmnvmmwa gnd gfyoar suns mac at FURN?TU3E (M lino` llullvun . . .. :+;}h5ve1s, Tun: Doons Was-r our um MDTRM Ll(\'l`D1 DUMII V _ _ _v n. WIN] posit: J. Puma : Storey _ 4;'3]s;'p._,-._ _ .{ . PM \J-IIAI`; U 701 thefneweu at}, (ca, 31 `V I T` `I\ 1*` T\ -r Don t fox -get to __call in. F. ;.the_s tn -ads manufactured, fuz- "n short notice, and wnrrantcd rm). "'!_at hilnd, parties woukf 1 WHO l|`eI;1enrImIl Illnnl ` `#1.? B. JZO`HNSVON.V r CCU . II}, Barrie. 51-ly-w Tasnell, &c., . Joweery, Glass Shades L- uu , puruel Wm) H: D tremendous. stock :1: s"ro_R1~:s Bgnizxn. "13-tr; Busi:::ss*smD MSW % 'l'........ 01...: 11.2.1. tn . _ f . Ban-moat. sow, 1372. V . t4.I!I`.`.'i7II!-'.!` J -O. Onvnnmnuu, Esq. Tti. z's".o er! _ .Ih_tabout three years `ago I be-;'.:me uiin:-`. ..Wl!h Bronchitis wuich lasted 3': -.2: in!-mzx months.` I wt. 30 alicled for r'.e .='- "' ` `5',,l lhlllit-' was very difx-ui: fox Ina-.~ loan`-t`/Ix '!`.7`~5";1henight time froquznLlv' throwiu W .19th.3 'o j sud raising in tho `Jed to keep hi 31 ;. 'K!i"2-' Itriod three of the most nmncz Phiclans in the Comm of N0::huu:l>H.'P-- {." .3, J'l.|- Ye "M1011: rhceiving any ;bcr.-n fcl continued getting wursn all the time it?-I wllsidviled to try the Great El osL' i9'0e|3emed,y. ;.I houghta bottle 01 it, sad when .;`?..33. about nilhed `I be an to feel ahll :- --Wr. ..I ontinued to use u;un;s1I bud mm ".`5.|!. b0U..|f When. to my autist .cLion, I run. `.6*mg1I0I, n_nd"huve been so ever sincr- " . Jnm: slLV.B :`53.`._1Vlllnivilluveverl had been I'"3" . tv:-`-; * .-. orunt :3 13' ~81 . ` lhrket Square. Bmfrie, k::;:d.?'rh".'.`f2 oz ihlick Building." App], go He` ` . n.- cyxuzin s ' \Y9l%f;.;:% FMIEO BLUOII 'H.|XTl'BE; 1';-;fo.I91ark~-"Blnol mlxlur .,u. 'I'heGKEAT HLUODPUKIFIEH 61. H l:S1 ()(;{L'|{ Forcfaanaingnnd clcnllixlwg the luh-(.1 im Il| l I| 9, cnnuol be lno'l,r,;|;l\' In an lntnmd, 1 MS. ruhIla`.Scurvy,-`akin Qnscmen, and Sons of an L'in.ls It is a n'evar-fmiingam: perm:-,n`m llf. ,_,-._ __..Vv \.v.l...J..\J.4I.\/.1.` ` . . A AND . GENERAL Gnoczznms, Wnms AND ' * '- `Fruits, _ WINES.-- > Marmalade; A - Champagnes,` Pickles, ' I _ . Saudcmnu, . Sauces,. . Old Port, _ ' Currie Powder, . Alncam Port, Mustard, ~ ` _ Fun-ngono. Port .Po1.ted Meats, Sherry Meixer, ' ,L`obit.ers,~in tins, Diamond Shenj -Salmon. . - . v.1. nv ` ' DORS throughout the world. cun.~ ' . - _ V - ' """"""" _.`-11 O`_`.1resold_Sorea.' - ' f _ . V C_m-es_UIcera1ed Sun: on um N,,.k_ " Curoa'UIce-rated Sore Legs. ` .. j Cure : Blackheads, or P1` . . Guru Scurvv-Soxes. ' ` }, Omen Cnncerous Uico.-rs. Cures Blood nndvskin D?seacgg_ . V UutesUi'andI)lar Swellinas. ` (3l_nrn1he Bloodtrem nl ' npute Mmler , tom whatever cause arl-mg, A0. I us mIxmre_ is pleasing 10 11"; 13mg, and yvarrazmsd {res frnm nnvlbxg n.j-.n `nus In the u'.I-~v delicate cunslflutinnpfc-ilh:-r sex, 1h PM ,.-_ ; Qolicuqsilcrer. t0 g_I'.'e it a lri:1| lulwl in, -.-;.1...._ Thousands o{Tcetrmmn'nl~ frmn 2.`: pam. Sold in" bottles 23 3:1 each, and it: Uuse|,cor,. tiining six times the quantity, 11.: o5'.Ch-- 31.5. ciont iofim-`Ct 3- I Fm3Dnt cum: in the g.-..;. mpjnty pf luyug-231:-ding cnzars. HY ;._;_-I OHEMIS PS and PA'lEN"L` MI-I1)[('.{,\;}.; yr \- Sole , roprietnr. F- J. CLARK, C'rmmi_~1 APOTPIECARIES FIAT}. I.l\.'A `ru \' mples on the Face. -' 'P7ice_o/'}_emccly i7L,_, .'7,7ge Pint \ 31- Pdlsper B02 25 5(5- [I`For Sale In all H:-m~nEum "M ' n.. \_ qu. ; was 1,-err uuac 1.0 C lJ For Saie by all Uruggist-3 nr. 1 Medicine. Aanms rose. BAm;:r.~ ,. `Watson 3: 00., Wells Ems . `illru Om!-LIA.-J. .W`, Slaven. Comm: `OIID mar. 1l1u;-.-.-..`n- i......-... \1_,.u D'"K".Y`" I "'"1"B953 U0. Uuletnan an Lcn-ion. .N9?V?{B!V E Sons, 37 Newgnte street. Lon I. Barcls : . .,ons, 95 Farringdon strut`, [,,{_ Sang:-1 `t Sons. Oxford streex. Loudw, - "' And all the Lmnlon Wbolt--vale Hons:-; AnI!M"r In lninnn spo_I nnu anxc-mm ye n.- `by list; I which you are rcsxun-d Lo pcrnc-.~ .vigo.v. ~ '1 lmhllir-zn:-lib ninhcnv 9 n...! This Medic-.'nc`i'a plezzsnm am} -Arr -is waxrzmIed,and nm; posnlively M- tovnlaken pcunannnt cure a! all d..~ Tb`l'0!I. Lungs, Iu'vt-r- Kidneys, D {re Gzc. .x.:.,as We ! as Scmlulu, IL: : Diseasus. Human. nml .-.H die. en ac. well Ecrululn, IL Diseases, Humors, and :41! disc as !m unity of the Bkvod, except)! _.=. "o! onsumpuon. Fur1her.uta. LI. dirtclinns for min: the Great Sn ! & PHIL a:1dr~.u:xln$nsno 'Y`.--nn-.~r--- 'UBl'D lllUY- _ WHOLESALI A9x>;~'a.- North: Toronto; Lyman Bros. & (`-0` "int 8: Co... .'orcnt.',. Dole ropncmr. xv. .I_ 1;hA[u( APO'l`HPZCARlES HALL, LI,N'4, D\lnAn- . . _ . .__ `, '_ .IlU'UHI A ' `_ Burgoyne. Rurhidges Z: Lcnvmn. -..- 1- v- an; .I I ..g.-v \aI ..n.---ma--I hgt:Sring -Machine inv _Cunada. mciu.1:uy De spol nnd a.-to Whitrh Unn or ~ ` J Rlihl IN NAB. . Monlrul - Evans, Merci-Ax W} . V _ ` Drnggists. ' .Lymun s. Can`? 3: ("o. Toronlr--Eiou &_Co , Wholesnlo. Dr`, Shapter & Ow:-n. ' vH'nm'I'.rm- Winner It Go. Halifaf - Avery, Brown 6; Co. memlozv such as: Burk. F'(_).lop'1xvIlcI1:I _Dandu!im1, Hvr.-.'=~.'~` . `J Colon yulh, Jalnp, .`c. L if ) whivh eu com! nc"| modicim: ClI'li=.'|f. ;d and 1-(`HI "n ulnar. 3. n1 ......-.. uuuulrl u 111 1\. Ii"l'_'/6`; painfw i:.cz'de`ulu to FL: 'e`U:'zn-zry Urg rm, 1;: `l'! l.._ _.. ._ -1;-`. ' 3irv1I JAY B:cA:' Vegelab'e ingrec - memiov u!-`h nsx: Mg: Th: T /' .` ` ' @I:'..3-_a. ' ::.-.5 1 PR(`1". URUFT U1. D 1 ~- ,9. .-` . ran n ]M'..A.1=I.:E{I.N ZBr(_)s., I 1.11po2zTER.s_. I`I1.,',~. C: N, `-L':.rop T 82`-Le D A J50- Vic`n Y7-r ' rich`) uullr, cu am I. v an LU`, I"!-.,EC-I '8! Per E l'2 `-2): all lil lE;`: 54|.-I.- . 3331,; -JA :.v.`.-, 3. 3I'R_E_ OF `BRONOHI1 IS. ms Ellcn success allcl uadzr ine hretotore. :1 7 vztiroxm " (JUMPOUND FLUID F.X IF:A - En` . ;| 39'. yf Fo'ru.-z _. an :- .-uzu ma '1.-c cu: u 'Fa9EPSl, 1'}I'):V'7E5T!, AKQTIINE \,. sea; '91 ; iF.'l`lTF, u'%".'ElCZ5. !}!'}I.'.l` . .. ... ... . . ......' 4.. .. :.. - -v yvs; Inn by were t in how A a 1 .__..__._ on Tin.-: 31.00:) is TH r:~. ' lkuloxoncrmyyclnnp. xii, van tn as _._.~- -an.-A-V \J xuror_u9I~.n',. WHOLESALE um rr11-u A --~- us-4r1!.`!.!IIq{s_u #3 III-lj I-`II,.U" _ M _ D(`}AS."I` and ROW SEED DRILLS; _ % A `-U > SULKY H.=\Y ' RAKES, ._ ' 1 - (EBA/\'Y S CULTIVATORS, L PLOUGHS of_'a!I kinds including the ,5.-.'.._ . -.__ _ 11.1] curalrve zip ut avlon usixahin nvnn .. .4 I VI HUl'."`V Ans:-ifTr" GAHABIJC Evans. Mercer A: (in, .-.....a nanny, ul JUU . XP8RT&AGEHTS. Rurhidzes Co. (hula VVHYI 2 the V':1h:: ..:.1a f.A.... ,, . ..V...._ sun on m:.'5'l`UREIll VL-leaning lhe Inhrcd hum n|l l.l00 bighl\' nxonzmcnvful. vy,Skin Discmsus, and , n`ever-failing am: pcnnnn'cuL ml. 1iper,.Q}: H. {.`.r z . {_"-:= 5 TH E 1.! F}.-2.".. ~. xli,vonu Sm-rsmnn ' """ Lziwn M o\=v<>1-s, .l ulernan '3?- on th eCot 1 Inn-O uoniuers, m H: Salmon, Oysters, Oheeje, : Bacon lF1our,& , New daor to P. HIGKE Y, Durglo; smet, ~ ' :Ba.rr1e`.j o I I A - I _ . ' _ Harrowa, }" 1:atluix_n Sonics; t. HUN;TEr,, um}-nr nu..." .. ;;n;a;;gas3; {k?$ H 1 LI DD.-- Champagnes, Old Port, Meixer, Shgrry, Pale " Brown " 'Gingex-~Wine.` 4 Z -BRANDIES.{- '- HenVnefIl,ey. a' Snyea, 1.1.....1:..|. n:_-I_ nu Ju`es GIN.`-- Barns Booth - DeKil -RUM.- Jame. . -Damn WHISKIE , Oldi Malt, Scotc ~ Irish old 6 Alan _--- ..V.....-.; K _ . - acotcn, 6,07,` ' Snsfea . -Age and Porte_r.. Engl1_sh Teasm Ca.dd1es,_ .1 nnnfn has I}. ` ' ,__ __ ---.\.'I,,, ns:1`u1. nuuzn _m. ,~<-1`.-.~. "f*`qrk, L_1QUons. - J was Robin ,!' ' D --.......`l._ &C., 8120. RU u'-' J amnion, `Demarara. WHISKI ES.-- nm `D..- . _ &o., -&c. 3-:'na.rti"s. Bootlra. ' i DeKiugbs_ FIEAST *jfiK."`"Ef FFEE, 21DAli5.- Old Bye, Scnfnh, 5;:-. A'Ni)ER$. A ':L_xi -I ]'17InviV1h 3[I(IU.J_WIUUo . 'N.B. --Simpson's me ahd Poiler ._on. Jraught and in Bonles. - - 3 Summer Drink in season. ISTOVESE: 1a raa;;@J rumr :1 4'l`Le"aubscriber ba1leugsthaco"ty {Sf Sim- coe to manufacture Pumps to umpete witli thosemndo by him. they are . _ ..-.....v...nn nnI\- nu.-nn innlln nun man on uuou-..n..; noun Easily Worked by a child] At 1; dent of :07 feet. which can be proved on I-`-lllal..J.J Iv vA.Aa.v LI. IIJ In vq-saw At 3` dept of 107 feet, which proved application to Mr Walwan, Gth 0o_n. 3iVe3pra. The; 0 improved pumpshre -s-u-u'nn-`A711 ! . `rut 1-,: 11:11: A ri I . _ I A non : g-leg gem,--,; (r Got!) AND SIL-YER WATCHES ANDTOLOOKS OF`-ALL THE P` __ ._ BEST MKms,",~_;-wan IS so GOOD F01 : A onmsmus n ,_ '. _ -. __ , `lJ............L _- .. _...I 7.4 0.4. .. I'-__-II ___ wAn1;z.A1v?1*E_ 1_a 7`o1; 1 YE an. Urue1'{prompu_yuu:n'a-.` 0- ' _ - V . _ G-. R- SULLIVAN, ` Bayqld Itreet, opposx Surrey ; new Foundry building, bnrrie. ' ` Rum. Ju;!v is 1373. 59.1." Ulllllllll Burt-ie,Jt;lyV16 1873. e . . ;;I;7i8stndd'e$ari`:gezi:gaiV-swth some zhaifuoaj. tenownidieollieu-is. ya ihiuiifad-_ _u.-a. i-'o;~be` _5l1PD'ied ivith 093'}: of n; my fcfat:"giaIalily;nt thelotmt poinibl-prices; sn`d;h'e' mist: shat by` B rigid system of {air dea1ing,by. punctuality iolu engagements, and by Adhering to an just and renonnblp prots, he shall be able to com- -mand 3 fair share of public patronuge and .mp- port; All orde 3 transmitted :6 the above Lddreqs will always "ensure" immqdiste atten- tion. ` ' 7 - OFFICE, . . BARRIE FOUIN DRY. I F`oh_4vh mu ' - no-~ ;: ` .-4-.--.-.--....._v_ _,,_________ _ ./1.3 .`t'z:z_',' have had Large Experizenerin a`11'd~e: ' p.a.rt-manta of ihebueiueae. ` ' V - I - J. G. H1LBQRN_ 5; BRO.- A.1xa.g;aa1o,`oct, 2`9,:1873_. 44.1, .. .d. .. _._.-.._.- .._.-__.-_._..__......_. _ UNKWi3Ff fl Cisternn of n1l>size:-|>`=.b1!;1 on th-e latest plans, "aid at rear-cm hle rites. . Orders promptlynltg; Q3 0;` G-. R. E |I`;$HEfKIN(}_9STORES.{ Luu:u uuynvuuu run: a REMARKABLE . c%i1i3:'AP 1 . I ,A -3 _an Inn Ynsmmr thsun anv nfhnrnnmnhnlu .vunJI. unnL\.u.uu. no " *"i *' * * ~- ~ -~~- ~----~----~ -Presentgg q. d.w,gh .1 ohm, V Present as a. real Jet-Set of Jewellery, - -"won: m mama Gold Set ofJeweN5.'.'j1 Present as a ma Locket and chain, .mz 1: a 3;-ighs Gold Sat of Jam-llary, Present as 69:" and Fancy Rinss- - fmeent. 9,`; 3 95-1: of com B;:_[.3[-,I.3{3} ~ 7 i-`xecont as V1.:'-ma, Coucortinaa and Trefolias, '_r .-:`oI!`cs.a,Ga:net, Breach mid E&r-.<.;gg, Presents for Gsula, Ladies, Boys andVGirls, tc I rbIont`lIaSIlvgr Watch 37.? Ohm; rm; '-=n;, 5.1111. every pocket. _ . ' I Everybody ahpuld know that wnrare the most experienced hans on Watches, Clock 11:23 ' " ' - J:`i:/r1l-3r_v_L"v`*'~.h of'T0ronto ' .1cImA_ r mmgon 'nsy:`1.u:4emc v. amzns in GOLD'A`-TD sarnvmz. Wncnms, 0L<)C}{b`va.nd JI<`.`u`,v E.`_.Y `:`.",'2:;s1d`e.,.. repaired and j. .1: Irnnlcdv. SVHN U17 WAT(;}-I : `TD SPEC'l`AULE'Sg nL;:i t'- Mr. C1fompton s._ nun pun vvvuu 5.... ....... n. !2a<:>I}:: wwgenna V3W@a:1u= wean 8 I _ 81un.d.l`E|f10 wean 8 Barrie,_.0ct. 20,'187. ..----.g.-- ..r...--___ lUI.'JLll.LL.LIu.a.L.nxca4:4 \.a_--.gaA.a;- u * And wilnast longer than any other pump built: I 31 11 V---- The Subscribers beg to infdrni the public of` Allandaleand vicinity ,cEm,thgy have opened out FRESH-TMEAT, 1 A . ' . FAMILY FLOUR, V PROVISIONS, ` WINES, T _.LIQUORS, .. % BOTTLED A-LE,` . AND PORTER, Eilgm Hm ' ' ' BuYT@3z0i7R J WEST .,E!Z|'5"'[E"A,,..s$,T`?-E =| \ no.-pa - --n...-a-.--v. -- and Ohiin, < 3 j of I 'r I ': rblOD'l`I6 Sllvgr 37.. .1? my .1 -=r.,v, 1 phquld most 7 , . V , J-.`\ivrH-3r_v, :5-.9-..1 `A lxbmbm bun ,-nu mum Y,n1J(J1\'!2| `L vu .....- u. u. unuuo His TEAS are the C`heapsl and best ` in "(He vlarkel. Good Tea from .40.ce,ms per lb, zndupwarda. `N R ._-Rimnnnn-n ...n non! Dnhnu .. I tlis Oovbkimg St.oveVa_z'u'.e warranted fo cook, | `bake and draw His Pm-lo1",Ha[l tind Box: Stoves are`in_ great var_iety_. 411 his lIINSM1T1i%_I.%NG%!% Opposite Hm Siincce Hot), agnd 4dbors No:-1412 of the Wellington, Barrie. , ` GEORGE C. `RYTHIC TIN,smmT1RON,t}0IPEii& JMm} Ware keptconstatiy 5n`_hu.n`d or m$dc to order. _A)l sorta ofjobbing m the, ` Line ddiie-wiih noatteas mid dispatch. RE- member `the place, 4' . --9~-I-I-r `--1 - I` f! Us` 11 -u-....-. In {he.bv6viI1age._ Familie regularly ' - pplied with the bust ofBread,and fuwoigbt; ho, Cakesgznd Confectionery of all kinds, in 7 q1:t ntity!'oflirst-clgtsg quality, and at low prices. .. A -*1 -. `es, Socials, Solrces, &c.,&c., : ,`=3ER.ALLY SUP} 'LIED TTOV E s 1| is -rov E s` :1 ;._ (lie Fnfcheapat thpn any ohrs` in jhd trazis. * $`5ole`ugenle for I . . ' .- ` " _U9il_lnt3, of Simona,-forthegcelebrated ` - IN?` _: --c-up--varx 1 Remember: more Is no Cheaper A Zllouse In Town than: --_...`:-'-g-..n,.-__ 3 A YF R mm STYLE %& r1:A%KE. ` gm Coa|_te:(tiOnery 7 St01'e`!T J5 J` LWJI3, nu, 4th, Jun` ` ____... ::3?@@7@-._s:ie5 s%?m;sagk' .`t\T'l:'YXT ` `Tho gtock.1s= large, and em- - braces A" ORIA STOV[EjDEP'OT-[S THE Barrie. Nov.:6th, '..:_.n... "- 1'I,II-