.l__._.._.____.__. Postponement Impossible, AWEEENDFIW: iiuitiiiin "i;i"i:tj., ` 1'.._. VA- Fll_.r1 On the latent `rm! moat scientic; prlngfplua Awnnup He also #3 mW1_,%. :.n|_..l.-..aIir-'alom.* I` ` ` T I II mm . snngrnnnt ;AP.RIE FURNACE WORKS I j 1 Thy nulgaoribor is prepared to build `I v V E TI I .a \ win by Re1_icgn.rd with . _.._... ax!-\I-Iil'lI'I`II .1-'rAAwAsA'G/4: (ill bebffured For Sale 1 : L I C A U C T O N I E. MEEKING, Auoliond r, at the ' r' J`IfI`\TI."`. ttflln .1`- iggav gdnp -s2o- onW lhe `MI. j Fl$..F:.3.'- 315%: of every article. c_----_- , Ilo0AR'l`H Y.: AT THE Fu l`l Aaaortmut of all Classes of jflbh BUY A Imronfs, l 1 3 -Preinium. HH . opaed ea,w r f Duf- - -v--.. 4.0 sin 39-3inX |J. J. 1330 wNj.| IJUST TO HAND] |~`- -1-. BROWN.` | .I. J; i2R0wN._| |J. J. nRowN.| Sclnqg 1. 4.1m IJ. `J. BROWN. IJ'.J'.BROVVN| lc. A. PERKINS | .1:-` ' The medicine: a e sold net pncen. n` q mitic worth-V-viz... 8s . ., 5 boxes of Pill: or _ mitumces must be {me Pill: and bin sorted in the local he|je- . N..AmeI-icnn Provinces. . -Each Pot and Box bears the British Gavan).- ment Stamp. with the words, Hoiloway s Pills nndoinlment, London, engraved thereon. . It has hamme nenessarv to make this announce- Hollowaym `Pills and Ointment `me neilhu manufncturrd nor so in any pnrt of the United Slalemalthough lht_yI ay beobtnincd m the B. N..AmeI-ican Provmceq. > l'`...b. P. nml Rn! hnnrn the Rrirish ('.'-rman;.- nndiutment, uondon,"cngravcu tncreon. , It has become nqcessary ,xtnno_unco- ment,becuuse the New York Chemical Com- pany [vs ho ggy no`uody,]4nding`ut last thatitheir name has an so ex sed. hnve assumed the title ol Holloway G: 0.; but. even now,t:o one will but! their mtrlicines direct from them, so that they have made arrangements to supply ex- clusivelv the rm of Messrs. Hem & 00., of New York , with their so-called _` olloway s Pills and Ointment ~ In :. nuuzumed lhnl- from the Iarue connexion % 25* c A s E s 7 GANNQBJBM goons 2 L Q -A G > -F pa ca, rx: pa - tr: (/2 (I) U). Pills and Ointment " It is presumed that, from the |ar5e Messn. Henry -55 Co. have in the British Pro- vinccs and elsewhere, the public is very Htely to be imposed upon by .t_|r.scrupulous vendors and othcrsunloss they exercise-grearcaution to pre- - vent their being misled, by nding these medicines bearing nestamp with the name ot Holloway dz Co_, New York, rinted thereon. ' v ` ` Mnnv msneclnl) e [inns in the British Provinces, i-Ila; s.`. `ounly , _ ea,wi:h rn|'u'\AA& March 11, 1874. New York, rinted thereon. ' Many respeclal) rms the Provinces, who obzain my medicines direct from here, have very pro rly suggested. that I should, for the heiietito themselveseiid the public,iiisert their namesinthe papers,that it may be known mm m med cines can be lied genuine from them. - . I`he (allowing isalist of the rms alluded to_; mid]. particulerly recommend those who desire to get my medicines to apply to some of the. Houses named -'_-_- - ` ` - Messrs. Avery, Brown &`Co. Halifax, N .S. Meurs.I-`orsyth 65 C0,, Hnli u,'N.S. Menu. '1`.'B. Barker :2 Sons, St. John. N B. I Mr. 'I . De: Brisay,0harlotte' Town,.P.E.l. Messrs Langley 5500., Victoria B.C. . Messrs. Moore 66 Co. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pollen Chat am, N.B. _ Messrs, Munro & 00., Montreal; ' Messrs. J. Wineroz Co.,H_an-iltteu, Om. ` Mr-N H. L Rose. Toronto. -Mr. A.` Chi mun Sm th, St.- John, NB. `J M... mm nd.Goderich..0iit. ` - A PUBLIC CA`U'l_'|ON! Plllli LISTS IIHMIY. Chi mun am tn, 51- Jonn, nun. Mr- John nd.Goderich..0nt. Messrs. Elliott on 00. Toronto. M_r.'J_- Chaloner, St. iohn`, NJ} ., Mam-s. Haniu on B_r'o;hoI-3, St, Joan, LLB. M.-, R S. P:-i v. Windsor. 0.1!. \ I -'-JUST TO HAND- ` L AT Hanin byouxers, :91, Jonn, mp. Mr. R, S. Pri v, Windsor, . Mu. Orpen, Morden, N.S. 'M r- Gage C,- Hqnl, J an Fredericton.` N.B. ' Mr- J. M. \Vi|eg,' Mr. W. Thompson. Harbor G1-aco,N.l-'-L . ' redericton, N. 8- * Meson`-8. W, on uilo,Monueal- `sold at the lowest wholesale not mities of not less th.nn,S0 worth-v1:....8. -., 294.. and 34n.,per dozen In in advance. ` . m..mam ...d vendors ofloowayh genu- ol Oinunvm, fox which no? WHOLESALE` ,AN.D_`- ` * L RETAIL. A ;uiddla-Ied$:t.a_,' `who will make harsalfgenonlly useful iluha house where - lhell lr9Von1y _lI`o of i'fqm;ly,cin hears! a oontonablg` guggpi, by p;s1yipgnt thum. V 4 ".!-~ Ai,}Q! _l_4._yp;-rs II I. A . `an...-I mun rain. %`:'. .`.`.'.`V.'%`c';:. ..:%'J.3"..',:?:.:.;:':;:.;:io" fa}:-`rs ' ofngouvill ho, ' j fo!-0||.'*'=l_`'f `7'A`/"'2 n.;..:.m an." mnunri ` v tJl'0|l|F_I` half 0 P.- L ck." "cl go, mu _b~O{lII_On 0l.up`uI ._u P'.'.3 '9 ?"3"".;1""!!"`" % 0:"1rd` street. - C:.:w'm~' H" London. `[mJ.sxu.`us74. DUNLOP STREET`, Barrie. sh11,1874. . . 114: PEKCEEQ: M PEARS-, % DAMSONS, TOMATOES, BEANS. covr: OYSTERS, SALMON`, LOBSTERS, sanmnrzs. THOIE [NT ECOUNTRY. Oonsistin g 6! FARM L "` `* >SEEDS WATER LIME. in advance. oflollowuym genu- nlmny have their names in- peusihoy `will please apply wAnnosu.| gmral Fnd)` _ Vraouas nonnown. = 1}9.g_yI_u V-Iullvt _u-Ivuiunusp Ilulg uusuu Ulltllulvu lsuuxlvlulgl UIGIIQO `llI""l-Ill? Billy!) ,Ul \al-Flip and elegant designs in new and fashion`: e p.- B 5 TIM denizans of Barrie wizl nd an mlvantnma in nnmhtuim-r no mir nnfnhlinhmnnt. AFUILNITURE & CABINETWARE 2% % H. BEN N'ET 1`, TAILIOR. and Lo'I=3:-IIEEL. ~ - V v THE BEST IN THE WORLD: * , The} Wheeie - 8; Wilson Mvanufnotnringn Oompanyhuve received is despstch from Vionnn, Dnted `August 19th. 187.3, announcing that the Company have ben nwntded A 'l`1D A`k1`l\ RH 1l'\ A I` r\l`I nnnnnnnn n A run . nvnx 11:1-sr\ n In rrl Il"1!|`l'$`III'I And also tbs; they were the only Sewing Machine Ocmpany recommended by the Internon Jury for the Grand Diploma of Honor. - VAN `TASSEL & MORGAN, Q ,3 Annumq nnn mum nh qfunma - _- _' .... w_-u--.v... - Av vvM;ru|-J uuqvy -n-vu -u .&'GRANI;_1;1_E-IDAL -013 PROGRES--,_-.55 A GRAND MEDAE HF M'ERi'r ]cmTHs,nEAnv-MABE 6l.UTHlNG, 0|J5'S"l`AND.B!ll'CIABL0Cl&. -, - - -TDUNLOP s'n`.,BAR1:1E; Barrie 0ct.'15m.,873. - - ` v ` ' " ` **'- ' ~`~>- --~-'~~~- .----~-.--.., - ._.__,.:j ...,.T."_-:-;': __ __..___ ._ . ll. I'I'6H5ll|`e-IOOI. can DC reguiuwu IV` "l5"` V` heavy stitching. . - ' _ i 12. Can be regulatedlhc uxke`-upspnng accord- ~ ing to stitching. _ 13. Ian regulate ihrow-off loopm shuttle-race _ .10 suitsowing. > A . 14. Has square needle-bur; has two lhronl }.pla1os, &c., dzco ---1-. % SIANGER sewlne Maomus, INIIII I9! {:11 Im- _rvv--.. naluuinw - GEOEIGE "M1Tii,W menu ; it is well nmtlu. 2.~ Non-liabilitytu get out olordor, either by orstnnding ` 3. Parlcction or adaptability nfall its parts. 4; ' Easy of workin ,iight running, and not 0 5. Easy ofmanagcmenl; no great skill req ed to operate it. 6. Reliability; it won lakipatitchos or break the thread . 7. Simplicity of tensions not hard to manage -them. . -* V - - 8. Simplicity of stitch gulator ;ensy to be ttndersloml A _ 9. Capacity to do all kinds of work,;hght or heav . 10. Ignakesthelock-stitch firm and good. 11. Pressure-{dot can be regulated fox light or henvv slit:-hinxr. -. ,,.r - nnouyce to the Public of Barrio am they hnv`. purchased auagfemzme of Mr John ;---=.:3_-'y90V_ Ulblllei Merchnts and made extensive additions thcre.o - *1 e shdp_ or cheap / _. ` and fashion`: `I "I rI-I1-`P ta 4-` ` _ ru - -u\-Um-o-unc-w--cc--c . 1-` u-Q A ~F.(}.\VILLmIS` Mmxc mm; 00. lll|'ClU 0 ("E-anal-hu Ir ASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTAffSHMENT -o.-u-------1c----- |rAM`i i_?_ii[|3`t3iIINE1 Is oxollont for thd Vfolloiving points T Highly. ornnmenlcd Machines on Iron `Sum Black -Walnut Table and Drawer, [P_o|mhed.'| ____...-'-1 -4` :3 . Isa} " Barrie,_Aug. 27, `.874. . Simphr.i|,y of ('onslr.u(`.ti0h, parts and m we > . Mm. 1.: ...a.. nu! nnl ..l.u.Im-. nillmr -bv We furnish with each Family Machine one Homme},one'oi Hall's combined Tucker, Bin er, Buster, Friller, and adjuslalre Hemmer, one extra . 4 Throat Piece;oneGu_ide and Screw-,| one Wrench,()nc Scrowdnver, one Oiler, six Bobbins, onedozen Noodles. one Bmidor and one copy o1 Directions 1-ligihevr grades of Machiigoa oquuily reasqnqblelgin v . . P'.'- ' Gentlemen ; Furnishing Goods, Hats, Cabs. &c. THE JU I`f.1f:_CELl+JIIi;{'I;E.B` [i'cKiiii' BBIG|_( em, _ 34..-`. `II.._.. A ll-'Q--l- lliunlop stret Ba":-rle 0n'u;I--I; 9- N OTIOE. Y be subscriber begs to call the atlomi ' th ublio to the fucnbal he has open d his N MMIIIINH VIII , . (And is now nreDiIed"lo o ` -parties wanting C: I r `and have 3 var _ n ..I'\II`UV BI JUU IIIU ( Particular mlhe Iron Dep unenl,anohaa turning lug `Pn1leya,.5 i t '6 inches in 1 dinmeloiglnrning Shall, liiqgt 6, inches` long. This is kind Difor boring Cylinders proper - igh'| 8`tona. [have ngood supply of 5 I r lmhes, nnd a `rs!- olnss Iron Planer r almouiuy "ob.`. Any nun supply them on day in Bradford. . 'ty. of patterns. I short notice, as I 2-nu wI.1n-h:`n'1 f nnn V L k inlhc wu-ane- Bel. 21! Black -Wn|nu1'1`nble and uruwer, [r0Ilino(_1.| PF?IOEj_40.00. . long an - ._ SewingMa- chines have been _ atoll widely known to the people, the Singer has boon in pro-_ minent existence, and during nll these years has been nndergoing im- provements compatible with the demands 0.! the age * V Il.lll.lD_ incur Va.-I-tun. _` -11-. w ign g` 3 one qnmdr ore qtgf tn` [the ommonbnr. In thog ountuno 4.4.1. I` 9 uh. Ilnnnynhl Dlunnh o 1 non v dam!` kw ....1.A . nl nfll %.|. 7.J:|ii'."_!j$ 1.33973; =w:.usn. . ,,__.~,.>:- A T A! home mule or female; 335 'p;I` `week, day for or evening. N008 I- tal. Ive lend valualgle muck e or/Ioocg by nail ,6. Adilresa with Mann; *1! Y ';i'I3fGmu-. Has now on hand a chouce stock of Seasonable Goods, u-Jnsxstrng, or VAL Ti '\/.L.-K-.JJLLo'.'LJ..l. " JI-LWJ . The denizens of Barrie wi:1 nd An sdvagtage in purchasing at their eiinbliahmaht. o _ v ` A v . 1 QGALL AND SEE IT, _@ --n-Ina. `an-nun `Sic. Iiutohtfl-'l4T Ihalni ._-.ulII ' _XIlIDKIlOQIInQJ glgyyggv _._`I,..,.. l H Has just been f)urchased, lheml n ites cf every clescription will be suppli short notice. _ T` Poialitymsde in Picuiro Frnmep. All work warranted to give satisfaction. \I\nuvu A.------_ __----- .-n -nf\l` D L Lisazesmg. s 1211 an naogj.-;%k% -nnnnn. in ex... -...$.l:.. .: n-__:_ n_ . .u.-.. L--. _...__:____.a .L_ a..u.m'u..?m__.:.. ..t u ..~L-n-:Kav Hahn In n.1`l In; an Manufztcturcd by [5 IVIIIIIE Q IUQ `And ig now p;ep`qred_'1o q ' Mi uninn nu-` Inn nun U UIIIIIIUU VII: `Ill lu & t_ the Buuareld Plotig Loumng them on a large scale * - 11, 'nn'oIUlIwmu1 _P L A_| N . ` ' 8l_I34ayeld street, near `sew:-oy s Foxnndry. IIIUIII UH I lIgU L. nurrni"r"i lull HI 0 lug U`u|l Buuareld P1aug& 1 % , . hum nn n `hum: mu: ;%s.1hi71{ Ann vm1"o%a!0us:l ms? wan WE HAVE ALWAYS sun. The- Wheeler & Wilson TA. Nnaw V Beautifully Tmatpiju earse ! 1 ti GROCIJRIES, FLOUR, FEED,~FIELD 5 GARDEN smms. FRUITS, VEGF2'1`ABLES, GENERAL PROVISIONS, - AND EARTIIENWARE. Everything bought that Farmers hlV0 to sell, and the highest Market Prices paid. . n n :_._._.I.. ... A- 1.--: _ _ . . . ...I ..:u ,...n an un. Ilnanauui u.-..-... - ......- .-...... S, 0. intends to do buainoa5,aud will sell Cheap for Cash. Call and See. nomnmhnr Hm Plum, i`.mnm- Stern Mm-row : Unep [of U331! Ull Ill DUE. Remombor the Place, Comer Store Morrow : Brick Block, close to the Market, a convenient place_for Fefrmers. ' Barrio Jan. let. 1874. 1 ,\JI\-I-`JD E Nflh. MARiiI3`:r' i'9!i.E| Machine and Paint Oils ' con- stantlv on hand. 0 0 A. L G EL. NEARLY OQOURLESS. Best Grade of Oil Manufaclured SOLD WHOLESALE ANI5 RETAIL BY lawns! Ysmsn) W. Edmaneon &Son, Hnvina henn nnnrnrml unln nannln in Ihn $IIIII ZIIIIIIX 3 I Y H XII? I Would beg to state that as they come direct from the packing house in Baltimore, they can be relied on as being ' A'\ `3..\"l1."l!) A'\ : -IljUIC_lLUUGCV\I&Lf 591 Having been appointed sole agents in Ihe Counly of Simcoe fonhe sale 07 W. J. Ellis, 8: Co : celebraled Stores, Hotels; &c.,supplied at Toronto prices. Oysters served in every style with Hot Coffee. As we have tted up acomfortabh room `with private outranoe, parties can rely upon being attended to on_ the shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. T ' N..lI.-AlI oysters Guaranteed Fresh, or no Sale. A.. -.._. nan. '1c-u -nu` .{ Ie!3._$.|iIi*iIi1YVi:`2%TAIts! I .a:_2.wcv..mr{:~.:7a' z'::r:~=>:::.~is*.1:::. - .. .._.._ ..-v ma-. I August_,'2:3;h,` 1874. IMILLLQIERYII II&O8_I0l' l`8l'|"lR.'[B- Bnrrio let, DRESS-1x_/.g_aKINGx wuznnnaas aggq_HT AND sum. _,-___ ___ .,V_ `.2 . Lately from Eng1:nd,reapectfully informs the public of Barrie anddvioinity that aha has open- e outs ' ' I~{x}'IE"on ni: imn, ,,,_1 I... IMILLINERnD%l_EqSS~MAK1NGI E$I1.'I3XIII WIUIL-I C 2 doors West of the -Wellington Hotel, and will . guarantee to make the most fashionable` rs: rm-iv.-av rm [I'D N . v !lA\lAIIJ V.- ,!1A9.9.E.Tm*1.=_.I_:1 n uvvnu nun: V: out) '1' .gnn.rautoe ` IB`BS" .|I` - man...-1" VII I ilh 1 iii F-V Of my house in town, and as cheap as the cheepent. Hrs. Rowell having had In exten- sive experience in Bnglend is prepared to full an order: entrusted to hex}, promptly, stylishly. end cheep?`-' ` 7 ` Ladies en gentlemen can be supplied at this A eetehliehlnent with very good `SK FOR Du`F171EEns REFINED 5- L L: \lRNll:!.AI!ll__|1iJITHlN\ gnu `4-up-pr uuuyvuo Ladins walnid upon at their residence. V P.S.-A1l kinds of PATTERNS conotnntly on land for sale at 3 low gure, - ` . Front shoot. Bnnia.-halrmnith W, Emir. `on IIIIIII I01 BIIB II I IDW azure. Front urqc, Barrio, -b_eIwoen B.& Ron-he sud Puma ; stone. - j 30!. 3', '73: I 36_~ly| J a.Gl;EM,THEJOBBlNGBUILDER , -Combines dispalch, economy, and durability `in carrying through-A eudh branch ofjuafpcn, bricklayer, plugexpr, a1alog-.`_v_vhi1a- vnshIug,`co1oring, [gtIpet_-Lttangm, .3! 4 _A_ (rial will o_nsnro?s,aHahouhn .`~ uive only otdon for show M/(ention. ` ' ' Dim_lopLSneet,EAut. V. 4' `A 5 Paymn: the Billie ; 0S'l_`.-- A: P: ckeppok pxnuin'irhg _ gnd Q Note of HuV,u_i:[ot 8,153.95. Any - Ja I: having found mg agmg will cantor 3 ;`av`o`r`Lby returning it lo} _ , A 2 ~ , V` - -. . E.S.`MfEEKl1G.. ,. ` "`V"`Tf"k`%'%`4.""`~""I`:`'""f,i`%,`; A U lIll I&I:I `Inn 1, _ AGENTS FOR THE 00. smcoxc. Has just beezi opened by 1 - - 1 m_'.`.."` 1 I THE NEW n`-`T 'IIC" (XIII; %Wii;I:iAiIi%n}i'6oRE.' WATSON & 00., NEWS - . mzlnaaimzasr : L azmmrm .1.-- 2.. 5-..... _-.A .. -l.--_ __ AL- For the sale of -'-At;.he_ap Rating. .mlb.fA .....\.. -n u._:- _--:.I `I \A LILKLJIJ aroma: on _ '3IIh'I( ' when umzh n Druggists, Front street, Barrie 36.-lyl 5-uf R. N EILL $222123 ms::;1?2:` ..'::;: xeady with ajull assortment of Goods for the Spring Trade, which will be found of first-class quality, and of tho NEWEST STYLES. As nmml ha will ha fnund tn ohm umhm fnr mnnnv. quuuuy, uuu 01 um nnwnol. Dllun-D. as usual he will be found to aive value for money. He will mall f`.FRA`P WHR (SARI-I, ` Wli 1"` BOOTS AND % SHOES, RUBBERS, &.c. IIBUBI I18 Wlll DB IOIXUQ TO EIVO VBJIC He will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Order work in the Laleet Styles. 0"Spec2Tal attentwk given toVR7>a2'-ring. POW DER, SHOT,CA vs, and AMMUNITION nf all kinda Ennl nnuqrnnllv nn hand Ul I'll! IIIUUS IUIH UUIIGLJIIIV, UH HUI!- rs`-sawme MACHINES" REPAIRED..g1 MI wnnv um'nn1un':n trvnivn nntisfnntinn DVVLIVL7 4'V'l\iK.IlDB l1lI'[|1l\l!AU..a 'HLwnnx WARBANTED town sntisr-ion .-__...__.._.__ l-`ifman months credit on furniahinghp proved omlonwd papur. A discount of Ion per oenl. on the amount of purchase money, imcnah. u..._:.. :.g n-...s.... lQ'7A DUN LOP` STREET, BARBIE. One Door West of the MARKET STREET. N .1/usvuvuf Dllllla L, naunzn, Where In; is prepared to `execute all orders entrusted to him wilh neatuea and despaloh. `SAT DUUK TU I'IU'l' U DRLUDNLI DU1Vli0P' STREET, BA 121113, I Whnrn Kain nrnnnrmi In cunnnln all nnlnra Illo A Anvulpa U-V.LI Would respectfully imimale lo the publiclhal he has REu0VED1oehe pmniisea late. ` ly occupied by MR.- MoHENRY, Swnun, [NEXT noon 10 HuN1"s S.u.non,] nrrNr.nn-mrnnravr napnzn _-L IHU I'IUlIUIlJ_H|IlII U? Lfill In the rub Can. of Toy, bexng Lot No. 8, 1: cleared well, timbered with Pine and Hard- wood, wilhin `a mile of the Midland Railroad, two miloafrom Hogg Bay. Fax particulars ap- ply to - MARTIN MOORE, Rm-- V. [GUN A%Nn`L`iiz s J A4: 1&1`:-n_ 4; -t- ILII %=:. The subscriber offer: ,> o cheap, and on easy tr-ma, the following 'luabIe property viz. :-A one storey and who framo dwelling house ondl acre lot, situate in the vlllnge of Sunnidale, township of Sunnidale; there is a good pump and` novoryfniling water, supply on the lot. He also offers for sole 8 1 sore lots ajoining the aforesaid house The above property iselipzibly situato(I,wltbin one mile from New Lowoll Station. For further perti- calsrs apply [if by letter post paid] to - Wu. GLENN, u .4` Nelson Hnngm Barrie. C :3 LADIES , GENTLEHENS , `A ND (1 FT 44-If 5-KEN El.M.--A yearling Cheslnul Coll, oulof "Fanny," (No. 2) by Extra, almost ` thorough broddnrge, and ahovn great bone _ and power. (I,-z\1ARl\1ADU`{l":.:; -A Bay Gelding by Jack the Barber, dam Elaclross, ve yours old,would makoa line elaeplechager, , stand: I5-3. 7-`l`R(lllBAl.)OUR.-Buy Gelding, ve yams old, 15 3, by "Harper." Good in rslnglri and double harness, and 0 good we:-ghlcarr)ing saddle horse. 8 --"C0llA."-A lhornugh-bred brighl Bay Zvlure, out of "Bull ' of $001, by KenneIh,' hall hieler lo Bruneue, aged, sound, has been wall broken to the saddle and used as I Indy`: saddle horse. ' . S).-l~I(TL)N()._\lAY."-A lhorongh-bred Coll, three year: ol:l,by Extra, dam by " Sir 'l`nuoa; .\'_vlu:-l," gnnfl size and bone, ~promi..-- - iug; lurllle Qucen s Plato. 10. .-\ Clmslnrll Cull, three years old, by "Emu, dam, imported mare, supposed to hes lholough- bred, good size. ll --A Chestnut Cult, lwo your old, same one and dam as No. 10, ' M l'2.-A Blauk alum, lunr years old, has been rluven rn single harness. lil.-J'l.u'l`HAlR_."-- Buy Gelding, ve years old, 153, by Harper," dam, hialf French Z\lare,Buby." by imported Harl_mwey," A splendid saddle horse, would make a , capital hunter. . n .. . .1 In. In I..- .. l`I..J..-.l..l.. VALUABLE FARlV;FOI't slfz. mm. n... W.-mu Lat 11. in 1211: Con. Town- V . Being t.he_Weau Lot 11, Con. Towp- ship of Innial, diutantfrom Barrie 3} miles, and from Allnudale 2 milea,and within the circuit of a mile there are several Grist, Saw, and other Mills. the Village of Painswick with its Churches, Post Oico, School, Stores, &c. unu mma 31.. I.-mm. 50' nmren eleuad. well School, Stores, kc. Soil good clay lonm, 50` acres cleared, well fenced, with frame Barn, Granary, Stsble, Oow Houses, and other buildings. Ten acres of Fall Wheat in ground. POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. n..:. ..t .......1.... uinnnnv nnn rnmnin rm Mm-t. I'UIDDl'JDA).l.U.LI l.l.ILIl..l"J.l.I.L4I. a .u.u ;. Put of pnrqhuo money on xeynain on Mark- gato. For further Articulate enquire of T ROB RT COX, or This Propgrty lien on the shore of the Geor- gian` Ba , being composed of Lou 114 and 115 in 1 e TOWNSHIP OF TAY, contnining nnn An:-Ac. his nituatod within H milu from 115 in the '1'UVVnDrur .Ul _u-u . containing 200 Acres. his situated witnin H mile: from Penetn.ngnishene,1 mile from Midland City, and { mile -from Handy : Bay. There is I 'm.`-clnsslknding for Vestal: `at the hatch For particulars applyjtguns ROBINS" V Midland City. Inlu nu. nun; 29.1! :PRING -IMPORTATIONS. 5 bus `\n cal [.50 Mn, 0 3n lhn in | on SALE on '10 RENT. West half 0! Lo! No. 20, in line lib Con. of the TownahipofVeapr.-1; within 2 and a mu miles of the} thriving Town of Barrie. There are 40 acres cleared; 150 young Fruit Trees in a thriving condition, and a- new Fmno.Hons_o. For particulars apply to the 1-0923 , .1. owner. \,..l...u. .......-. i4-ACu1tout 01 No. 12, by a Clydesdale House. '11 1:`. Z M R u . ,wn. - . . .. J. LESLIE. Bame, July 29, 1874. :3}-If Barrio. :: ` VI lJl`4l\,DI'l\I I ,\4I|r\`D l1llll IIUHIJULVI I. I of al! kinds Re I constantly on hand. -mawmlz MA .nmm mapanmn .I._L --- Store_ and Dwelling House, corner of Amy and EI`zg.beth an-eotn,\o Benz, on and After the fix-s__Vtw_>t Novenlbor next. Apply to At_l'l!vAun'nm v,n-tun: ` ' Barrie Much Std, 1873. FARDWARE. u--u-n miulnintily-.a1u_m_od~ near ihq adults of the town of Ba._rrio', w1_th ntien attached, phnted with wen grown shade and rmmmu, baring- _0ot.Inna '1-nntninn dlninu and. nlttlnl IOOIIII. WWI V"-`H KW\'".`. ammo Ann INIHIMOI, ounug. .0.ot.tugo containadining and sitting rooms, g_(1,9_;Ia_9d/ roortaagkimhen, mum : apartment, ` pant Qty; . Wm: an Inn gjgbpr gum: or hull up `den Tr-with`oottVgc."`L ~ ~ ~_ .. r~.\\r'.\'\ ~/\\4\. V`~\n\'~\`.\\-\.\\-\\W\/`-I\`.\ -~-.\-x - \\/v | O R S A L E ' TWO HUNDRED ACRES BF L:\i* e:I2 Lhn Mh Gan. nf l`nv. bema Lot No. 8. July mh,1m. _____:.._.._.;- 4l\d. g, lull! V raclitrl Ozosite the Old Bank of Tornta. JJVJ V-uvg--- - _` 5<%'H9P=4=o FALUABLE PROPERTY FOR -SALE. . . 1 . `IOTTAGE 'I50B"'s'A`I.'E.` .-nu-- [OUSE TO RENT. NEW PREMISES, _1) UN L0 P STREET, IFJIIIILV Arm d mLDnENs', ' W A _,4f9.,5}1*F; uv_gI-ow -our-v4 vi-._ .7- umber edq Jnsunpn 10. win 119 seen at MR. FREEMAWS `I'a`nvnntnpn Hint: UTICE is hereby given that an application wilibo made tn the Legilative Assembly at the Province of Ontario, at its ngzt Session, for an Act to incorporate a. Railway`Company with poweia to construct a dou`ole track air line oflluilway between tha.Georg`a.n Bay and Lake Ontario, with power to purchase existing Linel. or Anmlgamzite with existing Companies, and to lay one or more additional tracks by widen- ing the line. ' Band at Tnonto, this 24th Sept, A D., 1874 THOMAS FERGUSON. Solicitor for Applicants. an A2, |V`V' `I'll-ll IV .;'AI-I:`o1:KA.r. !-AURIE ;-.: 3. `I ' JOSEPH noonns, Ru-`Ii: w y. uun-nu, . Nelson House, Barrie. S. I` l.1ul.`AIh!ll\1"D Furniture 81019, _ Dunlap 8%., Hume. EIGHT LOTS LI_SUNNIDALE. [.u1DwARE. um", WARE IN -1r'rn11r1. ulna, _ Barr us no, Blrrio U y o 9- uv"' ON saturdayghe 17th of October; . ..,.|. nnnn nl Hln Ru! Slnllan r `[19 . ,. _ V -----_---:_.. N0TiCE `0 8 !lb'.'m it may concern. Take ` in _. N0lI09,lb.1i the Council of the Corpora- trrie. tion of the Townehip of Flats. at their moeting `-- to '39 held on the first Monday in November next, et 1'-`orgneonvele, intend passing 1 By- Lew for opening the eide road between the North halves of Lot: 16 and 16 ( Fifteen and Sixteen) in the Ninth Concession of the said Townehrg of Floe. > By order of the Council. ' - * WM,jlARVEY,' _ \'vumu:.'tt. PRIZE Mnmmsw or "ms Loxmm, Dnnmzv, AND ' ,PAR.lI Exmnmom. A Maker uflhc Chronograph by which the Derby nd all mhcr llama and Grunt Events ol the Dng are timed. I Mzmvmczonv mm ' '1-v Hons:-58 4'. 60, LUD- (}A'l`ll HILL. GATE HILL. W331` Em: El'l`ABLlSllMla'.NT5-25,0LD BOED ST, ....; no wwm`Rnnn'.w-`. nnnvlit. l.().'\!)0N. MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, AND WHOLE- SALE BUYERS are specially invilod-bc-(`ore sending their orders. c134.-where-la nhrzuu !rom the Mnnufaclury the ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE of WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS. JEWELLERY. and ELECTK0-l LA'1'E.wh1c|1 are senl pout 'e.e, as. not Onlv are me duscouuts liberal, but a selechon au bu. mnde from the |arert stuck in the world. 9 ml...-.. nnn h.- uunl dim.-1 In [hr Mnnlnfacmrv. To lhu Queen nnd Roynl 1-`zumly . To H. R. H. the Prince 01 Walt-s (Spcmnl Ap'n1) ; And to several lmiiun Potnnxmns, F reign Governmenln, and Rrulway Colnpgmies. Established 1749. ()0 11- ..n.ra-....,.,.... WATCH & CLOCK MAKER. GOLDSMITH. SILVERSMITH, AND Al\'I`lS'!`l() METAL WORKER. ' D....:p M.n.:..w nu '1-nu: [.A\ln.:u `nnnvm: Au: Ill ENGLAND: WATCHES CLOCKS Ofalllrmdsfmmzznmo Gm. Ufqll ln'm1. '1 to 1000 (in: Lover, Vertical, _' Chun.~h,'l'urn:l, _ . llnnzomul, Duplex, Carnage, Chime, Chmnomuler. Chrunngrnph, Dining and Drnxvmg-room, Kcyleu. Cemru Seconds, `Hall, bhnp, Rcpealcn. Indian &c_ _ ,Libmn', Rm:km,l9t.c. cunt 1c:u n unvn m.nnmz .|...;.......a 3... Peruouages I Pna'nN'rn':on PLATl-Te3llmOllIll[8 ordikrenl sora. `Racing Cupi,'nnd Jewellcd and ulhcr Boxea,as provided by Mr.BF.nuo:1 for the Cor- poration of London and olbot Public Bodies, to enclose documents conveyin the Freedom ofthc City tdglhe Prince of Wales, ukc.- 01 Edinburgh, .`k(:.. c. I hunger! stock In the worm. rdcrs can be sum dirucl to the Manllfactury, Ludgnte HiIl,or through Mcruhnllts or Shippers in ENGLAND. II7n'I"(`lJI2`Q l`Y_[;r`|(q Rcpealcn. }LIbmn', Mm:xm,d:.c. ENGLISH oMox.u<:1.0cxs, designed by English Aruula. and Munmaclured by J. W. Bax- sozc, far exceed in beauty those mannlaolnr`-J abroad. Thov can onlv be ob\:m.cd at this ealaL-- liahmenl. FINE ART BRONZES AND CHIMNEY rm N A M I-1N'l`s-1, nflhe m-west dcimzrm. from Con- InII., FINIS AK] l51tULVLc.a nnu ux_u;vu1 r. I ORNAMENTS, oflhe newest designs. lrum Con- tinenlal ah:/[ell ol the highest rcpmnlmn, at mod- erate prices. . - _ A n'ru'r1c Gama JEWELLERY. of the nchest and pncen. An'ns'r1c(}or.D Jzwmnsnv, mostcxqunaile designs, wLlh Monngmn1`1,Crcslu, and Device, Euamellod 1n Colours. allcr Designs by the most zxucomplishcd Artists in the Prcciom Metals. Brooches, Bruc-e'.uu, Necklaces. Lockets, Ringu, and all kinds of />1'ja2ztcr1'a, as supplied to Members of the Court and other Distinguished Perlouages Pnn'n.N'nT|oN &c.,&c. SILVIR AND El.ECT_l10-PLATE in the most recent fashions, and of the most durable make. In Elaclro Plate it is neccswary to sccme sound mn- terinls and a suiciunl coming of szlver to roam dail wear and learpalistaaxxyrnly No other Is real`; cheap at an? price, nor worth bu mu. 0 \ ufchex and C (-kl ropaired by ski ied work- __.... n1.Is:.'Im. Inumllm-u Hlnmlmn An. A... _ HIE lilllitl llh| A|'lIl\'I_IIlI I _ Wn be found well mocked in all hues. Pam cular attention cal`ed lo"l`oas. Wheat, at-icy sud Pork bougb*, and the highest marks . price in f`.nnh will he nnid, > F88 QIIBIP 81 price, W()l lll DU 0(' In men. Old Silver, Jewellery, `.`. alche.~ 6zu., ex- changed. Merchants. Shippers, and Clu ulupplicd Watches.CIockn.Jewel`erv. and Plate sent 10 changed. Marcnunu. amppera finuI,1un,J;u H.` Watches,Clockb,Jewel'ery, sggtfc, all parts oflhe world. . [The Tailoring Department !I I. nnrlap u. nnnnnntnndnnmx nf Mr. A. CREE 4-nu ILIIILUIJ-Ila auutu-.u...-_- . is under the snpenntoadence of Mr. A. Mckae A` complete t guaranteed. IX DDIAVDB ILKVU JUIUJLV |MuT`AL |usunANci:o'v| To r.-M)/ rIn1'nn fho Rin ?nm'mpm- Comprising new Bisck And Blue Broadcloth; Whltneyu, Melton: Bsavcrs} Pilots Scotch, English and- danndian Tweecis, the but in the Market. maa. . -cumzl-26:5; M R. .H A R R H Baytiald Street, BA.?E?.IFI.] , .- .n.....Znn vnhmhh H W331` Em: El'l`ABLlsHMIiNTs-2f),ULU xsugu) :> 1.; ANI5 99, WESTBOURNE GROVE, L0.`\DON. tulu L'U5Ill IIIIJB \J\l\l\lK Lkg1_)113:'s' DR1g3ss Gdons -__ m._:_..._........ Llnllnnu Ru-shin Insured on Cub System and on Premium Note System Premium Note Policy Holders are not lisble for an losses on cash system poli- cio. HI th-3 are In a different branch. Horses and `Cattle Insured Against Death. I I'll! IIIIIIIPII IIIH THHIIIITII .E'1];1..LVL l.".lZ1.k).l".Ejl?i.'1' X ` NI l'0l'IS DOUgU', IIH. `in Cash will be paid. rm. AND wlmn uoonsl HR. NELSON begl to inform he has just opened out In-go < In the only Canadian Company doing this class ofbuainoaa. General Town and Village Busi- neu done in Mercantile Bunch, which is en-_ titeiy separate from Branch. utexy BCPBYBXG H0111 nrancu. Dwellings in Towns and ~ Villages . Innuxed at Lower Rates than those or` any other | ' I AAAIN vu any Company doing business. Our motto is T Avwr 'Dnlna (14-uni Dinbu and Uillplly 00103 DQ510055. UB1 IHDHO 15 Low Rates. Good Risks and `Prompt Payments, Allnwinu nlhm nmmmian the Dnublful RAM`: mm AuI<.`N'l':s, Ubmcuxamn, `Annun- EIH, Poaunastcrs, Farmers, and Wide- Awake Young Man, Wanted, to canvass the "l .m1.n Lommcu-Guns. 99,0000 sold. Coulrnct nusdc for 50,000 lIIOI'O. T811113 free. Address, . A, H. MEGAFFIN, Gamma, Our. Sept. 29, 1874. ` . 40-ly ,_._i LVIILRIU Q (R: &ll\ILlllhl' Allowing other Companies the Doublful Rasks at any rate they !:an'gct._ Who ever heurd_ of difficulty in scouring the settlement of clume for lnss'in.`.bo Beaver? QAHADII M.-nnnln Dlnbn Yuan:-n in Ha [Of [U53 Ill-'-U0 DEQIVE-1' I Geneul Mm-cantile Risks Insured in this oice at very low rates, fully one fth lean than 'Stock Companies App! to R. JUDSON DI YLE. l`- V NEW muck BLOCK, [Dunlap Street, Ban H IIBVBILHJE Ag ;lJI, ' Barrie. Oice over Wells Bros. Drug Store, opposite McWatt`a Barrie Hazel. 7 !y-i-p 7.4-e...r ,[Ni-:LsoN%HousL# Barrie October 22, 1873. .'Ii.o'I:}i}.}my october, "Barrie Ho- tel, in the own of Barrietin aid County of Simooa, by irme of n powe ol sale contain- ed in a cam ich will be pro- duced as the ' - _-. qzpuzmwg R `marrow. Gents Furnishing Goods, ' I' A I'\I"I'1r\I I\I'I`lf`1(`I t1r\l'\l'\C7 In XALEABEE. FA! In the 'own.ahip of 0:0`, in the oumy Sn ooe. There will be 3 don LIJILILLHD` JIl_I1.'.4uu uvvuu Sl_1ch as Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Brnids Glmpaaibbonr, Prints; Oottona, &c., to, Uncle : Monghge om ames Mahoney, aat half of Lotnumbe w Iy~fouriu1hoelavenlh Concession of the a Townshipvof Oro,.non- taming by ndmens out 100 acres, of Land, more or 1ess,exce 0 acres of!" the north entangle of mi an!` run 59:!` On kn UI| HIIKIU UI Bill Uh Thu followin mprov ems are said to be on the premise A good me home and log stable. .,g-...... . - . - uvnnvnvl e-tenth of III nrohne money n on lha day 0 ale. For bal- ill be made kno at the sale. I particulars apply I 1` int` .n 1AV\LVl.`(` -FARM FO__lR.__i@T W.-u nah: n Rnlndi lrnrnvnd Fot sale, a Splendid Improved Farm of 55 notes, not: the Race Couree-Cheap `for onh. For terms uni other particulate, Apply to J. H. JOHNS or to * .1. n. JoHN soN, Baring, June, 16, 1874. 25-If |Bamg, 16,1874. J, v{ffBEsoN. .u-nu -_ 1\lI\l\u' nqnvrnu nnl nuMl 1 Int. aAv.f;iT'i,unuNI0A FARM PROPERTY med on_Ggnl; Systgm a.nd_op Pre_mjqm N `The undersigned has I auuolious I ms cnocsnv DEPARTMENT I lhe fnnml well ;.mcke mi mes. E IIIUUIIIIIIUE V" w I Ian I: std! doing the Big Business`. n. Luuuuu vv, nu ., z ` _ Barrie. romo, 29th August, 1874` THE BEAVER AND TORONTO ITIIHI Illlllill ll; n. JUUDUAV UUIMEI, General Agent Saugeen District, Owen Sound. Or to GED. A. ROBINSON, 'l`rmml!Ina A 5 :nt. MA.` MORROW, Eaq., Ban-in. gm. srrxv: 1-`on SALE. ___ Z 3S{p'.{f.}'s `"2391? '{o""` R. JUDSON D YLE, Gene:-nl Ammt Sm Aucnqga SALE 'A'A {Jd T Soljoitcr, Masonic Hall, aroma. Pusifuyriouj KND UITY l1()UIE- GATE HILL. .1)! unnvuuu-r-707.` R. NELSON. (I . 1UU1LVDUKV, Travelling Ag an, Ear the public that conltgnments o Barrie. bgcx woo%ns* DRUG swoqg. am Take notice that the Council of the C0! Psxfalion `of the 'I`.o'V`Inship of Elna, at `their nxl meelmglo bu -hrl.l at FetgusonVl!1_9 0 MUNDAY the-`ind day ol NOVEMBER next, imelld In inlrminnn nnnl lnltn inln nnnnideralion Patent Medicines, &c; J`. VJVCDCJIDS, DEALER IN I PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. FANCY PERFUMES, Ail kinda of Home and 5939.10 Medic1nes.`,&: - Physicians` 1 ;cecrip11'ma;1'.`-d Family Ro- ceipts prepared with .`.`v:r- care and accuracy. 0811 in . 7-fv -~._"'-;*.: ~;-;.,-.' _ 7- '~~ -.---`-' "T STE. `PU RVTS "iO'S. l QHIKL` Al:`.'.`?\2 l\: L`r\'D 'l\.1r`{`\l:` " HRST-PRIZE l EAD our Rec~ord Vi Sfxcceas, which Ma .- never been equalled by any Sowing Mr I chine in Canada. OK T,`l'l)O'T` `l`D`l\`I"7l'L\L` CHIUC In uztuaun. 25 FIRST PRIZES, 3 SECOND PRIZES, .) I\1'DI' 0 [ILL 11 For Season on 1871. 31 FIRST PRIZES, 7 SECOND PRIZES, `) UIUT moz Accmssmsw` Ar ALL nouns.- -wimra tl past has been planted at the distance _u.t vn 11.1 1 ma-`gnu ugy 0| nu V n.vlIJnu Hunt lntentl to introduce and take into consideration the attviaabtiity of passing it By-Law to estab- lish a Road to connect with the new bridge. ldlely built across the Nottawaeega RN91 : 8' the Townline between Flag and Vesprar -`ltd road to be one Chain w_id6. Ind "WY b belle! known ant`. `is described as lollms, namely :--'["ne Centre line _to commence t.t fty links Eantetly trom the high Wile` mark on the East brink of the Nottuwneagtf Her. and on the Nottherty limit at road al- )W1tncs between Flu and Veapra. Thence N.'~J|'ll| Twenty-aemn degrees and Ttiirty mitiulatt wnat (N 27 0 30 W) Eleven chiina End Fatty ve links to a boat. Thence North 5"X'y-twotlegreed and 30 minutes, East (N_ 53 30 E) Twenty chU.lnI\8lld'j`31'|nkl, more `" 1'58`, to within Fifty liiik ofthe line between 1t3ls'l`wonty-one and Twenty-two. Then!!! btguth Twenty seven degrees and Thirty mmutus, East (S 27 30 E) Eleven `chains, Elly ve links, more or lune, to`-the said road lnownnce botweon Flo: |nd`Voepm. i F;-ltnvate, September 24, 1874. ' WM. HARVEY, . ' ` 40 l "Township Clerk of P108. .1` _- . _v. ' rrl limo H1 * `I|l.Il.Jll:IL&4u` (1 Eli. JD. uuu 514/LII `PE1zFE};:7`"71_T1sFAc'T1oN. Every Machme Warrant.- ed and Guarantep;_1* , vvu vwzun v- vars-vwjvvv At nearly all the principal Exhibition `to Oauudw for tha last four years, the Oaboxn r ` triumphantly carried off the --.-y\.-.nu as-x1rpwn.~ .- ...u.-.-..--..-. L"lLB\}L L LBIIJIJIJ \\/ LII` l.JylVl{IL) over all competitors. Not the least brilliant achievement was that war. by it at the Guelph Central Fair. when for three davs i\ was pm in competition with the Howe, Wlleclor &' Wil. Ion, Raymond. and olher lending American and Cauadlan llachilxca, and was awarded the -uvrnnnw 1\I\`|J`--1 Av ' 'Il JA\lA'Yl[ln V For Season! of 1872. Thousands are now m use. and gi-cm'g plan 1:`Rn'r Rn I`I.`I`Al."P)nM L` A bill! L L It A (4 L31 ` _` by competent and pmcticz-I man, not iutenit ed in any of the machines. Such judges` we are sorry to say, axe not to be`fcund4:t somo 04 our County Shows. - . v r ""`LIl\nr: vu n-vnum-nu A` . Imgoit and` Boat _8oi2o.'ed Stick, in _ Barrio ct _Druga`Hodioines,a.nd Oim_niuiI,Per!umory 3 and Toilet Articier, Pnigm, QM` and Vaxnishel, ,0QI;l.0il, sud Burning maid, Dye Swift, - A Pipes,` Tobaocou, and Oignri. ly speciality in universal utiafnc- . ` tion to I11 pur- ` ' c b I 3.0 3 . CLASS MACHINE, .-.4 .. Iu`lIQ -24:-h;.\ ux -nnnh nl f-1I n....u.r A.. Vuwu -svA4.a\llA-Lila, at :1 {mice within the reach of km, guano: da better than 1311 and Examine the`0nbom. G E N E R A L l M P D E A L E R , ]llcCarthV7 s Brick Blopk, Dunlap St., South Side. -BARRE. `Noun:-nhnr `)0 1 RTQ, AG-Gm LEMENT & T DUN L012 S'l.`., WEST, BARRIE. ' other snmunns xmmi .-mvv you me RES: \ my no SATURDAY. ? n ....... an ' Arnnullnh .1-lnx: nnahnur T I I U I 9 Is}: 7, T W SOLE AGE-.\i l`b` FOR SIMCOIC. For the Ctalohrmccl ` I` FIRST-PRIZ \r"11\ t\1`\\YII Ax AAVU on-unu 1. . Passwcsn A c c on: u on AT xv >: Unawalkxr, . Rates of passage from .`3~1an(-uaion Bridge ` or BuL'1'a}0- To .G1.Aaoow, Lm:nrooL. Loxpoxnnu, Qulxnlarowu or Bxnnsr : Cabin 965 to 909 gom, necdrdlnz to steamer and location of henh. - . Return tickets lssuzd :3. reduced rates. Intermediate and Steicfage, as low as any owe; me. . T For passage or furthc: information, apply to Henderson Erothcra, 7 Bowling Green, New York, or their Agent, A. If. MCPHGB, Clerk and Treasurer, Barrio. o.cm.- g`_ -------.:-j._... --..-.4. -w- --.__ ..._-.--.nbo---~-. > _ . --AND- simrncs on sllBsT lt'lITE Pure Eragihn , ,;Oil_ ! ANTI - FRICTION METAL F:us3i'{>Ei'iEs'Ixl' '51 i~'L'6"m`As `gr all comnetiturs. Not the lmint hrilfin November 28, 1873. `um four feet ,m-[Shanna] hegato remind the citizens .: Bu:-lo. that he has `Ihd will heap conatanty bu hsndnlar qnnntty of Hardwood, in Lwh gsgthn, which he is prepared to -nnlhnr in nu Inn ortha mum- All orders Tiiorough-b\1;:ed.Ha1f-1 Ax\D um tour xeu unguu, wnxun us In pnspnrau U) deliver in any part of thetown. All ordem V leftat thq Anuncl ohe or at my stables, .lor\Irot \ln`Bu':-le Foundry, will be prompxly mam to. TV.) h'n-clan Ou-than For Sal-,. um _ _ 5-_ _,J._ BBANACY. `.lLL._'n-v M5!fHALL 2. RUG `STORE . DISPENSARYY 1 r\J..1J \,.' .I..\lL` .\SEWIN|3NliAOH|NE 2 Amcnqg LINE. '1-mu: nmcmnnnv oil}, v.....J ...--~~.- ALL mon IN WANTj0F Ln. - -_; s. c. DUNCAN-CLARK 5: acre _; Jan -4- - -- - - `i - The {allowing valuable Horses ; l'_. mu` |`[E" --Buy Marc by " Tester," cm 0, s`UulJlICh':" `diam; 1,1 valuablg Bnood Mare, Ill foal lo " hrxlru. ' .2 _.. _\'Ny_~`_A Ifuy. Mare, 15-`), by ,;Kcm,,1," dam l)r. Moalou s lrollmg mare, -. p,,,m u,,o,v aged, sound, well broken lo duuble and um,-la harness, and lo the sad. d1, a promising lrutlor. 3-~`CHADl)Y.--A Black Gelding, by ` Chavlcs Douglas,` dam, 0 Mesaenger uzaro, luur years ol 1, partly broken,a prom- _ mug lronor_.nlanda 15-1.- ...m`nr.~'|-n A HIT!) 77_lL.u llnhlinn IKJ) '"Iv'"1'ii".'?F"%i3'I: \-on-.0 an! n - a A . n ..l Dunn-. T0 13$ inn Afr \'Dl`g ll` Will` St *pa[::v1s'%:;1:os AB All 111111 _UUUo :. `AND'1kEE'Ar.` uylL4|.a|J, 2 DIPLOMAS LUJlJlJ_\J` 2 WI PLUM A >1 .I'IdII - : :_n}ix 1 I1 I 1'. 46-6112 lam; uv.....'..r..... ,-FRF.I'l`RADER.-Bay Gelding, 15.2, six years old, by Jack lhe Barber. Hand- sumo saddle horse, up lo 12 alone, also good in aingle and double harness. .r1m1|1l u )9 A ........I:.... (`I-...-n....o (`Ala 13-Y` Iiarfa, 0 |U| UIUII. Barrio, ` j eph Rogers. of the Cuunly ofsimcoe, have been in Ihio matter. IP.;d;;o:I are requested to me their claims helorn: me within one monlh. - - . ` JOSEPH ROGERS, Aasignde. . n... xh. 1874. 41 Qin- `iooo OLD MA IDS. UHK A('rEN'l'S, CLERGYMEN, TEACH- ER4 Pnihnnulnrl, Farmers. and ` `nn , rough a unlonml, pimlion. _ml each F.".Vd'. 5 YETOR. -V.` - hunt , In ti!` "M" of ARIEL OBI! . 61! W Inst 40-Gin. .4. an tko notice that the 'C6unci1 of the Cor Poratmn of the Township of Fl-is, at their next meeting to he helil on MONDAY; the 9W1 t|n_y of NOVEMBER next. e't~For"gueon- Ville, intend to introduoo and teketnto eon- Ildmuon the advisability of passing QB)`- Llw to eetebliell n ma eerou,th_e Third (3rd) Concession of the sud;Te11_1Ihip of. Fine! which line ofrond me`? `be knovin end I! described tufoilo ws, namely: Goth monomg et epoint on the N6l1ht l'I*ltt'l|f'il;o ~ I V 'I1|~I.wenoe`tor med between the Sand . . V .- anoH`tni-it Cooeeeeione, .:ie`idz`peiIit liei ` the 03" **oenlre'of g." g; "2 iifa -' sTEiM,HoTA1a&H0TwATERe U 0 ?4_n_om, ,lUAVo wifgfbacb. ;. 3 mi ' `h I 10703! ~ "".T.: ~" '"-;'1".?.:."`...".`.-`il -5m ros; "F I :3; her in In) ".' I n '3 .. ~ SHIELDS .n1"`' JAMES <=`"EN\ 4\.3 in. .,all`1 a..HARRY HUNT,` n , ..s:..v.l Qlnnnl , 7 dchck. noon, at the Sale Slallea of 40-ld ,o:;5`;;TT5; 6 fair: hs old. r _reoo.v- 3050 Ngrxcxg ,, 0o|. am, ', am October, 1874. JOSEPH JOHNSON, % w signed been favored with in. to lo by AN D I-Iorses. IIIS Iv , Insolvent. i Auctioneer F-bred V'.a-.'~.~'-.- zw: . ; A, j; We beg to apvrise our Jrinds glad the public that our STOCK for the Sgaon is now complete`; _and would briey'_stnte_ that we luve spared no pains to make it comprise all that should be found in a A a.sIaIuA`UAlhlIJIJ- IJAVVLL 5 We have brought to in it! Selection 3 long practical expex-ience-ga.ined in First Marketa- nnd can. with contidggute, recommend the 3'1` van; qUAL1"i* i&'::};1`;I'::-.{s;)N- ABLE pm on All_ Wool F}e.i' i\)IVi33_1;!IN0ES, all Colors, at 45 cents per yard, WINCEYS, a full assortment -from'l0 cents pen yard. _ American Grey COTTONS from 10 centsper yard. _ American Canton` FLANNELS from- 12_ce'nts per yard. - ~. " "Together ' with Busineava done one the ONE PRICE" plan at the lowest living prices for Cash. E. B. cRoTnit13'i61w'7&i:6.{,T 7 In -nhu mt! I; c IGULDEN BEAVER} WI! INVITE A_ 0ALI7.uA`Nl$;3OM_PARI8ON Dunlqp Scr eet, Barrie. `elm ombeen at preson-`t.-i-n th oodpstin of the North Slrccoe Rnilvny 'Go'y.-next. door to McCarthy 8 Boy Luv L-ied. Then is I good re proof va.n`.t. ' Applicgtion m be made to ` IR. JOHN DIOKENSON. _ - -' or to HOOARTHY & BOYS. R:-.:.. onn.u-_a-._.1.-- um. FULL %_sj`ocK 2| DRY GOODS, T % { CLOTHING f 1 _AND MILLINERY. I -.. -..... Bag .30 September, 1974. IN 3311 TOWN OF A1u3.IE, . on the _ 15TH Y OF 00'!` ER, 1874:, Al Twelve `clock, noon pursuant lo a - Do we in the 0 (99 of - ,,-..-_--I-s 1111-11* the Villagoofv there are Millt, hurch 9, a A.Scbol House, 5 the armis cleared and all Fenced, end it ldmgs. The landia IJLII-'lBIIII|ll |.lIIvr' A large portion under Cultivation, also has good Farm B well adapted for gr ' g Wheat and other gram, and the soil is I od. ' Th: uid sale will a subject to a certain IIRST-Mas. srocx! 0` III! UU&I Bun-io, somseptqmber, 1874.- grain, um: um sun I The said sale will Lease to the present me First day of Mn .D., 1876, and me purohaiaer will be en 11 to" all the benefits d Will be enlilled to possession upon 1 e ex Lease. A n__ m.....L. no` uh Dnmh `ration of the said. Lease. One Tenth of th Puroh required to be pa on the ay of the Sale, and a further sttm ufoient make with this deposit Eight Hu tired Delta it must. be paid within one mont after the eel without inter- est, the balance o_ be scoured y a Mortgage on the premise payable in fi years with interest at sev it per cent, pa able yearly. The Vendor ill not be boon to produce any original ti le deeds; (nor giv evidence of the loss otth ,) except the Mor age. And the Sale wil be subject to a reset ed bid, or toabtd oft e Plaitttiff, the par culars oi Money will be. which will e made known on th day of. Sale. Th other conditions are the tapggb conditions f the Court of Chanceri`. ira For fort er particulars apply to ois `W. La.11y,Es ..the Guardian ad litem, and L esars: Ardagh Smithy, all of Barrie. . ABDAGII Gr. ivrlui Vendor- s Solicitors. " Alllnluln a. 31:35! Vendor- s Solicitors. . COTTER, Master at Ba . _ pl. 23,1874, 39- Moss rum uonmm mum mu N. Y, Iunpstgut Icxnlnmuu cn., G A V flxivi .1? "GAIN; Authorized by the Legialturo of the State ' `of New York. . and Series Ii:-awmg, Oct. 5,1974. 2nd Prqsmlnm Draw.,`l)cc. 7,1874. c%A%Pi'i`%fI335.iiT%E%iiJM!990001 uuu 11111.: a. n-.`..........-, ,--_-._ Adah-ens. for Bonds End full information, - ------urn: all Rlllllln . D. (I ,FFI-CES T0 RENT. IIlIluIa---------, - M I _ I Financial Agents, 23 -Pmj-k llow, New York. Post Olce Drawn; 29. -- - ,1 V 39-sing "URI! 0 I M1 the so Ibo _.. Ill