ttj ,5. LJZJJAJ I F-RESII - MEA T, A V FAMILYFLOUR, ' _PRO'V18ION,S, . WINES, ` .L1QUORS,- . 1; 0T7 LE_D ALE. . AND PORTER, ls m'1h'n as A Y F I EL}? ~R E E T, _._-_.._A_ 41.- c:_.-L_ ,. `IlIl\I|ItIV'a|UUu, ` ' _ N; B. -- Simpsnfrs me. and Porter '-lra,ugh1-:1nl in Buulas. ' _` '_ K ' Su.mn_er'Drink-s in season; l<;%"ii?`_ ; T3r:r.rTi'a. Nov . 'i`lm;`:+-Ltmk is aTrgoV,* and tuna? - :;bsn;e:4; , as r suu, - Fa'b.`4tb, 1874. .._._.. /U >m'1d0 "M of .t`t best Scotch Pig Iron. Ian: nxunnnnunnu n... I .".%x1',h.s`..';:?;-e-.z~_.s'_ iw{:_ Atzlf irf'urn'L t'hr: pnMic of mdga.!o and '-Ji'<`._'h,I')`c'_`y`;t.hfL_`.`.Ula`.;)' inswoopezjcd gut - I V . All Small Macltinerv kept constsmtiy an hnnd,Vnnd largo rnqchines Txtrnxshml on the shortest possible notice at rnm:uF:ucture::: pries and terms, and sul_1nr~.i .. to their "warranty. I ._ LIBIHIAL ])I-SCOUNTS ALLOE/WED Tib (_YAl CUT'035_3_R.`3. IIEPAIIIS FIJI! ALL: IVIAIJIIENEQ SOLD KEPT IR} 'l`0C3Ka Sole agents for WILSON S Dnubln Action FA N'NI_NG MILLf unnu W AKIN ` . T =g`1WG,3`P$` `J ; 7 "AIi'OIu.i E'.I I_-.A__.`v1_-.`.I." V .u~:n, tvzm. sow AT ' VERY, C1:-_:Ar.> TBAA }.`F;S; . IA:-!_%jiI{i1*-.1:,I:.`f.$71-Pl 1`;1..ED*5 By cijniract oi`j (iGx``zx.7i.-so "1-.nd` - f r~AC'v'. .. . -~.-..~. .'. .-.7. . r\og\1 .-; . LT-A N. 071: 11:? Ar; > OC`.L~.~` . . 1 A3__TBiRD S l`I-:l1AE.l`J.{_'\`-/'T}T3Ii.1CF{ BLOCK.; II'It\-r --. _.\.._,._ ..... -_. :r?`:,()7.`t}3 ,m Smas- , .- 1,3- u, ,. _ _-:_`,;(.:c`h VHAzz_I>4wA_I:?b~; Barrio, May 1st, 1874. And c9.n'be_ eclveljr and-,. --__'vwv 1.1-I--`r 7ECE' BLOC1{., DUNL01 :?='l`REE'l`.._, " . ['rh'xugaa'i ':a':sor:t me'1:_t. ot_eUNs ' ' J 1 event ahdwn in Barrie. i 5 - .-pu--. .vE`1\aP5'R1{I1. I-us-~ 1 ." Smi6m,* gm GET \'oy*.: A ~21-9\ H->39-A . -.-~.- v ;4 .LJlJl\' J;'g}a("e to get gonri SUMMEB.&? ?aa %g%%@?g: cm, * 73_. " 101 all the new pattcm in jgrowvariety. -` ' L. Thu `Vt zy best plaemv Bax-:;i`\ to get the wmlh ofyqnr money u._t-I t-J:.\`;.Il rum. , umde. to brdcr, GBOCERIES .4 | . I u S, _| V Wo11ingt9n"Ho9!._ \.'ef/L:~`!*4E.7;-',-=4 " 7 1\TE'VV' ll-L _ls `at'1h`o AND - {JPJLli`J1ib' _ ssuma ::aas2s=;a%:='&:s agaraas maw23,j f'8A WIf{G MACHIN'S,_ T `V1 - BROAD CAST and ROW amen DRILLS, j % % ` % % SULKY my RAKES, L '1 a T . (.`B'AY S CULTIVATORIS, % PLOUGHS ofall kinds including the _ V _- . 'fI"`l-r: 1-+-..-- -._ l{'l\)Kl, Hill ! l! .._ . GEORGE C. lUCK, .. P1'0p_ri(`.t01' 4. -l\ `TEAS I . 29-1:? 41-5|: ` 6-31: :4?3Q:.z the EL ' A _1mm,u;cn.;_It is true t}1a(;Adiniml. elr's0p;c9i1ld, o.nd4did,1 o_n_wo.tcr `/`I1`1e<`3t a world in arms,-'_ .a`nd it_ {is cqu9_.1ly' true r 1-`?h9'. .,ii:1"LiBnd=:Nblson-, of._the N clsonhouse, ~1;nt;_._1nonopo_iy' high [ prices` to '[E ?::i%%L%`[?=*%%%%fSTi'9>2VE;s;a Bollnht int!!! `kn Fol.` ah _ we`:-,ea k, ohkfp ape Oysters qt Bing ha_n'1 8 Oyster Ocean-[ ` T ` ' . g . f `. I ` vi.) nun .: U..'.n wuu: [H7 ;:i('l, i`!|'< il i:;_;:*-ad, tin`-t r-m-'-:.*.rr-.1 {Erratum}, t}: '. '. . f` V (1 ' I . number is ;;':~2c.>z av; .m=.1'.,_:':1v:~. ..1.-M2` i I J _ 7 Iivnsm th:s hnnianrn.-2m".-azivur. Mar gnes and hr.-spitze were Vspcedilv im- - 'pYOVi:3C.d, 9.-ml an fsist as 11 viosri could be picked`fronn1nder the windows es! the min a stretcher was ready tq carry heaway. At it heTCentr:11 `Station bodies were ccld in death, and other unfortuxmtes had been taken to other -staticns and to their homes. Init/ha Mission Chzipel, where those whose sufieritigs were mtcnso were taken, the-injuries were `vzmoua, but largely to tho limbs,of'individua1s. .Every=` doctor in the city was summoned-at the eairliest moment andic~xhibii.._d the greatest solicitude foif'tI1;`ere`ra. .. It is not exaggerating to place the number killed at forty, and the injurryd T at twice that number. The extant of `_`ghe re was not us great as _I_?;lghl under the-ciicqmstaces have beix~ex A . `pasted. The_conagratiou was` undo: A control shortly before ihal-tapas: eight o clock.i ~` Then the entire roof had not ' fglllan` ih, nmghad they -,walls,,or_qmb1ed.- .Qr9xi;{g mills_1ia_v_efbehjn for` some itigre` it'!u`ni_: 1 fpi l- tim'e,7and`tt1r1ibiI1$'ut`i,009; .pipA ire: weekgapd, it .- `isiaxgpppaejd _tha_t a Acoxis"idjera'bl eAn.`mountr ` bf stiiiT:k :ia...'ruined.9ithiar'by. ,re`. water. -:pr;=smoke.: i,A_i large amount of,m'achin.- 'ery is also rndoradusgiess, ;}irinoi`pally , 4 -h,O'w.ev`er_,` thgiiin.=thaTtwb, patgqxips. 4 gtaggiignqijfi, stilH`go and .1 ; ne$,:gnf& vb9f|ii;Ijsf`!tre: v`u;t;ifnjgrd. . Boatmn, Sept. 19.-;-The Tcilowing is. a. fu ace`-nu;)t_of the re at Fill Pm er, 3 as gxven II] a special to the `Jim-ml; nlI"Nrnc and 0 n;';oL_ f`......:o.. gu_5|1Iu_|`lu_uk}!6I_alE_l_i _ lA-O t`nal`J5ufna;: . ;_ :i_Mill ` "Nd'9,f_?I i*1ind'4.j2: . ; bf . {ha Gmnite .'.Worl:s.liad been running_ abonqtwauty ~. emimites whenvt1ie`Tope rativ_c'a'in No. 1, ;Whl_l,i; i_8_`_ ,,|,l:10 ;:01d;'t_!'l'_ljll,A'We'X"e' startled" V jwith`-th`e~ie'ry5 oi re `a'nd_the eso`apeof _ .sinol:e_fttom the`io,t1rt.h stqr-"3; In tlais,.. `next to.the,upper,-30!, which was the mule -warp spinning `depanmeat, there. ' were `nearly one hundred `girls atwork under a maIe"oy_ersee1-. _O'r_1' the upper floor, the fifth, about thixty:~ girls_ were ` employedppodlrng gm_d warping cQtton,s. These were the. youngest of the opera- tives. With the alarm, the -amts terror 6fr1ll,`up the great tower in the cen?,_re oietlre building, in which were ' all the stairs conauiuuicating with each story The fire caught, as stated, in the mule spinning room, in the north)- west end" ofthe mill, and it is stated froru the friction in a mule head at onceeiguitizzmthe nil waste `about it, and spreading by means" or the oil on the oor u':'.r1 about each [piece of nmclrinery, directly and. with `great qmckness tmvanls the centre tower, the only snurce ofofgcupe for `those on tlre-fv.n.'1rth~mx fth s_t0l'iesl'>esiclr>s the four re esc'z`.pe.-.3, two on the` sides :f icach gable end- 1"-.s`it rn.-lzrcl over the oorirlgi`. instantly found substance in `tho weodworlt, and once getting into thn tower ran up to and tl*.:oi:g`;= tl.e single entrance to tie fth ratory, then spnading to the roof timbers am! lling two great rr.c~~.r1';, '1-50 :4 90 feel. \v1!.h.-dense black Sm-.~l;e and Il:1:nr:s:. While the ames were making such trmble lxcml way the 0per:tti"!~. lrecmnt` fairly. wild.` - Tl/me cve'rsec,m, at a glmice, sat`; there was no w;=.y ponsihlr .30 check the hm, and gave the-ir solo :-tlnnf?..r.r tn t'n-.:n unit... oh-.. l.m.1 .. seemed to leap" up to this attic, coming from the witidows below, and, -to the nu-.x..5i-V.-' xu luv: \1l'IlC:|'|Lihl-I\'ll U1 :.!.u1;' -.w:2'.:-. rcndrargd uiT.`lV1i}In:,; by the he. =.m;er<,;m:d- sttxaoke, the people on t'n-.- :`;mam-'1 prncttwd b-mica, and. mnm1s'.-4+1:-1 fur !.ixcApor>r xxnfdrtnuatc [n_jlm2p on, mud" !11m'xy-did throw H1:-.m. {mm the windows, in.=In1n. every case receiv- ing: {NM or terrible i lJ_UTi5ff-3, {ox Fm- dissfmmc virus _no.n.r]y fty feet. 4'l`~h:v .`gre-a.Lr.`~{ut. consternation was felt "by 1111* pcopka "olrtim she:-.513` ~;-_'rh(vhr1d amenabl- "rfi Tin` imz:a nse.n11n`nbms, am? {heir 013-15.- .. J'__..-.._ :1.) S..,.lL- ..,...._.c.`A..- `A ._-___. n.. .,.`,..J, Lu , 'hr:.:.'v t}l9l'nSC}VCS `-L'{.`E; -that gm. . d:';, lm:~.ii=,= '1on{:ing._'at the irun_ I:z-;'.d2r.-,~. There ivas: urirple 12n`.~: for (}Vt'1' one to A have b-..-an .t-me--1 had the righi; 9:.-;xr:~:.c been pl:r':s1:e(T_.Va'ud it W?fns.;u)?.1'or M jWai'1tofCdixeetiuus that 1thb`gir1*3 loi }j)_ir `lives. Tin: Supcirintgimdcnt, so .29 :1 as the alarm g`;vCu, r;:s,"i 3" iippazr 5!(Q=2'_v.,7:1I)~3 Vwi ; {ho 0vcL:~m'.~ did mhhat was p('s-:`qibIa (,o I s;:x.v.e ` life ; and" when the n1.e2.ns providr-.:i for '<.=,.:`c:;peT in lhf} `cnnst.rLucticn of nt.- . _, : , ,'I V ,,...|___,x7.... ._ 1-; .1 . It` `.1 LU\.lIIJ\J. nusu.u.:u, L-_uu -,|_-C`; V1; ,.- ,;;:) n(;t:: Sit! help grnnffy tg ` `um mm hmu.'.~,' "*1: 0!? `._?iF!*'}`-15!`s`1{- 9- ~. man and 'pt;iim".m0rI,`:".,o' goo;-i `ady V.-'crc_ar'm'n'd ia2T..:afiic..cSbt n11I1`1})-.!t~`,- `- \r.2__ax}u.d w.i:l_1 Iiwill 1:-ndh ty advantage; I1"H?l1,"-ff7JYIS.?0 L'escue(}1C g`irIs!7fnTn:o- K`\~`r=vry hfVt"n_F.f.c1 ware, ppr{mmc'd, marl. I ii 5:: :-~` 1] f`hnl':'uunu-nl (In:-nnn I`}\(`. ""v:~ AvE ,Ii.:i `Ii}VEB;,:MA$S'. g ' ....u-... ., :\/AK`; . on in t;i:-" rn1tla.vspu.3 ;::;:e.:_ hud "L-.SCV\3I}dCC L ` nerss of tizzvxi-cgt 10 the' onw tho I;-xm': crzmigvc-if the mess the 0pcr';'.ti'.'c-:i had '.1:_L= 63: L`.-l>1:IL. ' n-akin Jinn. l'.l-:4 u\..--.. 91.: L. n.'\J \ mg r;122:+=,:1:s`b!:i,r;w 1;; `_{`_a!;~:; tn did , but otiinrs, zx"'i' lb ms-c2r.d an 'h9be.- c:J:;3r, : fhr.:'v. themseivcs {L'jc;': I:iaking._'at `the Tlynvlx {)1-'30 ()1;1`Ir\!:\ l`\~.- :1 _ --7.`--..----v.:r- Bought since the Fal'!, cheaper tlmn any others; in the tradd` Sole agents fui ' ` Uount} of Simct-'9, for thu_cclebAral_od paken fozftzibly and carried to the -t,='.'cz' while yct there was some chr.2_2c-:~ 0 to the iron ladder to .tvc'o' scuttle wi`i1d`ows of the south end, whic'r.- opened `upon ,the roof balcony at.z'2;` head o'f12t11 _street._ It` vasilnpossibl to get :1 great majority to take to H. L !e_- inddezs murder to save. t1':_cir_l-ivJ.:.`:. some xvanted clr-thing, and `some i';r-' up thzif thing-thoy knew not why.` As the fin: frightened them away tum; -their deliborzztiuzzs at the foot of'!hc roof ladders lh(:j.' rushed to the xvindcms at the .um1t':_1.;;:zl;i:sTer1d-, `.2.-at thcyv were nearly sixty foe11'rom the g;-mind and _ dare not. )ump._- CuU.\`-_I`- rapes Were. pm` out for {hum in slide dawn `my, and some, took this, but:I'2x the ctinrt L-TBVCIEI} met mm death or injtlrv, f-~r no .5-'.):2I)(?` wotzld thnrope `ce. lowered bofuro thrw ,x=,-a.<.- .'; rnsl: fu: and from tin: story balcw. -'1 on many`\'-.'cuidTtakcA hold 3x 1 the ropc,v1{:i:;i;_ v.=c.I.z!d 7 part, 2114 an 23`.giz`.g $0 it w_o_ui'L ~ cums dmvn An: :1 `bungh. uuu uI.`_;55II15, !qI_.12uuuAy I-U UU auv:.*!.!, _`(';`i wxjcnclnng [themselves away wv.=:- I i I I 'x`~.'hiic szzch 5:322:23-w-:;zo L`~c;r:.t_ I an ii .i,;}` enact: I -nu vnnuvlb unxv AIIU uuu EMVU |ilCll EDIT` xwonti.-n to those whonl they had -5)! wax-k`. They called on them to save t})ein8 and{poi;r1ted out the ways of-escape . They were principally rn .*r:ddez.-, for the tinzid cresmzrsrs dared`: not run `the gmmtlet of 1.110 fire in the tower; Tim` r~w2t's.<.-or ::.{ the spooling: mom, who himself n=mai::eci tiil he- was n-rvarly srixfacsatcd in the rznxnks, states that Um some in his `1`con1~nm . it must. have 2:-con vmxse in -that zwx: bo!o_w- s1rir_s_~-'c:snnot. be` ' d pictcd. Chiidren run about wi'.ho1xt any ;nnw~ {edge of what they `were doing, crj:in,~ -and beg'gi1:g{pi_tcouaiy to be saved, `ii ? vyrnrnr-hlhcr fhomonl-ynn .....- .. ... us Vvn uuu I-.u'\4u.Ia.: V: was )pcrz.tiv.rc-;i the two` My `-4 u-bx.-a. u_f uvu; .'\-k-:~ 'l)`ai,.'_~v1,c.'_`__q!;-3 to tixem Suzy: otho.-rig, us"i2' they were 'zhg.'d, 21 ihg ba.~'c:J::3r, mt? alum-~,_;;c:iT or ixemsgves {quiz} g ...;d:`;, (making. at irun"1udder.-3. :`.. av:-1-5; .bv.v.-en `the right: mu \3.74j{'.3.:1o?.1'or ' A . - . .1` 1 ' . . .|",.~ - 1 _ror;1_*7"L'1vE$ 'x;os'r.' -JKJUQ ' II} ll 3 1 adders 1 118 I Spades, ` _ Slnovels, `IE-'_ I ` 0 _. .`_z., .5999 ring \>s';o`\'1- knr:m11 romcqy do'm nbi Vdry n :1 t`.bngz!i,'nn,av~ lnnvth-he cmtnu baIyh_ul4;u.a is the cam with most \r 2 1-`.. .I;t_3ig`:,.hIg%`i:1os:`mna {ma fllfammmz tll0`_l13I`;;B; 3% i. an ` I3 -#377017!!! scam o o ` n'r_11 w.` 2~o3v.tgI:;.:_s3 1+ ` " gm} 89 . . -....,., V1. yculuylvlj unsuu l;_U Urger. .. 'DR%E$S :3: IVIANTIJJ `MAKING, Tn `f`1l\ >nfVnal ac. .I;.. _,-.........w -3`. 'g..n_:AI A1143 ]ll.,ILI-1'37} _ V. Ixi th el:z.t;aat atyligg " ' V .MAR_K_ET STREET,` - `._ . `BARBIE, ,..m`..a.-x-. u ..._ A .J'L`J\..L.I.4I.Is. . IJV (l.L.\..|. l_J,_ ' 0ix`_Z.'3`I}1_iLA'E`EST FASHION, E0: M Iv _ Sala, or promptly Made t`o de1-. Ar * ` n11'7:nrn n. In`: -m-...-.-..-. .. -_..._.;-_. ,1 , _._.._'._'V --y.\-nrvv\I-Vga/ZI"U Wbiist thafxkful for _pnstAfa.vor`s, begs to assure `herifriends nr;d.1epub1id,thdtaho has con- ! , gtantlv on hand stall assosgment of W`,#_?,.l:,.!:_.!,Nu??? ll .-J%R;@%3{%"i>`>%%4l _ increased. Tua ru'rut'u; av Tsnxanartnr-Thetaxeema 19 be practically no` limits to the posanblitiea oi telegraphic communication. Already the l n. . ltansmisaiotr, rapid as it is, is,fou`nd tootslaw, . and many ingenious minds are itsinfiloyed aalvmg the problem how the speed can be But we behetre perfection has been attained in the Canadian Pain` Des-_ tru_var,aml that iii; the cnly reliable agent for removingpain, and curing colds. coughs, rheumatism, neurulgin, .aummer complaints, 8w. Suld.b}7 all Druggistg and country deal 8l'S._ Price `.15 cents per bottle.` ' nun uu u.u_au1.:c1ub' per 10. I . _' j;LIBERAL_ TERMS ALLOWED TO THE TRADE. ; . New Bvicm Block, `Dunlap Srzeet, Barfie. ....-.. nu u.n\,'.Ao nu puulplncl OI pills to _\'ILLIAM GRAY ('4 C0.,- ' _ "Windsor, Ont. 1 Sold in Barrie by Jolm Woods. `. Noftlgrop ,& Ly: man. Toronto. Wholesa1c:Agents. farm m';.`;a;:3:;; a.;7;.;;*c:..;;.-. ` Ncxsmep .G.'aw.!.?`TLI7f.V.Mz= rT-21$$'.n1aIns-arikac `c61'mlof`_ the mrdeg. of Mr. H9. b{a`r_; 3118 German Conan} a.t Hu kojr!ndi,` by: a na- - ! tive,jwho_` sayahe ewas actuated by. a -demon. lie killed` his_'v1ctim with a sword; slashing hiui in :1 most horrible *'mu"nner, and cutting one leg~entirc|y eff. 'I'he Grman corvette Elizabezh, has left here fer Hakodadi. A` sevele V I shock of earthquake was:-felt at Yoko- i_han:a,,on_ Aug. 10th, but no damage ; i was done. T ` QJTIIUCI 3.` V : Canzuzssmlzss.--lVlany persons neglect their horses health and condition until` it is- tvo me, `when at aming expense and no lruuhlalhu home might have been saved it Slleruld to in time.---To all who may have occasion to use an article ofihe kind wed would conlidunlly roummend DarIey s Condition Powders and Arabian Home Remedy ;`-' it is without doubt the best pre_- parmion in us-", as Ihmxsands who have used it loslifv. Reniernher the name, and seelbar the signature of Hard 8L Co. is on each pack- ` age. Northrop 8: Lyman, Toronlo. Ont. pro- piiolors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. 5 'I`n..n:\' EXCEL.-,- Doctor Jnsephuis Shorshonees Vegmnble Pills now super- iorly sugar comed cannot bn crcellad as n ` Family Mmiirille for geeral purposes. 'rHn }1aHnnv.e-.2;-.. Il\n ...v..... ..-.... + u u.|4.\ um uuu u un J.'U.lS. " .`4o1r.'l by all Dmggists c'vcrywhero." I-`rive, nnc box, 81; six lxpxos, 8. ): Rent by mail fmo of _nn' securely is(;:11cCI from .l_:.vr:r*.'ntir)I1. For (ml mrtirzulurs wri to fQr:ou1' pnnmhlot, whl c`n, we will-send in :1 r=c::Ied envelope to any arldrcs on receipt of post stamp to pin.-pay rt-tum postage. Addr(`.`=.`! nlllcttcrs for pamphlets or pins to ` A . \-'1LTJAI\f am v 1:. nn mu, nu;_;au uumeu canlim on excelled The i"_:1) cnvnains the active properties of Maxxntrake and I`r:mdelion,as well my com- pound xxtrnol of Colocynlh and Extract 0! Hyoscyamus. Test them for ynur nwn satis- faction. Ono hm: contains ahcul `28Pzlla;anx! and each Piil is a sufiicienldnsu for an adult -in ordinary` cases. Try them. 1:: The efficacy of Brvans Pulmonio Wafers in during coughs; cnlja. and all Bronchial af- il-ctmns, and cheering I110 nlit-led, has passed mm :1 nrov:rl_ In the Unimd Smnpn. wlmm -x bnulll- nun lilll`-D1111}; H1" uUllI'I!:U, HEX PBSSCCI prnv:_rl. In the United States, where _xh_e:=a mnzvollome Wafma are known, llmy bani" (In-Lvn o.l1.oppusinon and eclipse all -rivalxy; Ugo demand for them has _s19.u(hly i1'.t.`r9:m.-d for the last twenty years, until now" the Salas avu=.ra:_;o c_ver one hundred thousand boxes 1) year. 3 Etnin-ml members of the xtlcziicitl prnfcsaioxn wnhuut number admit Ihs-.1 .hv._;: know of no mepnrajion producing- cxz:-.h ; 1`-(`(`.i2;l msznlm :19 Ihc-an umfnm, ~::A::=2:aaa;m npggza mam 2 OSBO R;_N_ WINGl\`ACl{INE,l Inul nu; nuuw ul nu ju;U}mIu1I0n prouncm,q- u-'u:'.h l`mn<~c_is.l resmlls as these wafers.- 1 Whun taken in season they effegl a perma- ` .1II'(.\i-`.V._ Sold by all zlruggieta m;dcounl_ry- :L`a]<;'-.;1i" 5{:X3.pU1`b(:x. ' v4 nu.u 3 vsim ...-.....-.-.a, tqnnwxli. .ur~nstnmnon, mm nu (US`(31l.<-`_`.` knmm as Femhle \Vcaknoas.. They are prcpnrr,-r1 wil tc grcutcst ogre, undcrthepcrso1mlsuper- vsi-an of :1 physician who has made femzxlo dis- eases: 2;`.-,.,.-I;-5.1} study for xi1:!.ny years, and they 11"onI\IcL ._ichlO on wmclg, ' e ` =`v. : nrrn~n'r'n-n -r .v...... ~~ xumu uuI_'/, Z. EAflI.E, Jr. MD.` St John. N.i$., Jaztnary, 18138. will be sold at rea.sonableTratea.` .*.r\"1t:r 1`! `V1 nary 4 mm W `* ' n.\x A. _ --h - nu If I r...-I;_`,j~`g;-:.,u;".,'"*`,\- : L ..rm:.727477W':rv1r7rrxr:T Jx`~.\\\x` `Rt: we Lr-nconima (of Wl1i(c~s), Pzdnful I$l :31)- :`:::_xI.inn, Ulcemtlon of the Ul`(`_rm. Ovnrmu =.oa. Absent lnnstrnnon, and` nix mseu. mm: Femhla \V0nltnn.n 'm.m nv-n m.....~_r.n J. W; H_z3s_TI1q'G=s. T11 1; 1: 1;: JV 2 z~:gr.': 55' 0 1 pt) "_"a __ _ ""74'f_~_::'5"x~>G:-. FEMALE REGULATOR. Md luv nll hmsmrhqr. .-.`..-.......I..__ -H72i*i*S & amps, 3, `,_.l'`E.`G'I'I Innururnxv 5- V127/" "or -xevzxrtil monlhs past I have used !;<.'v.';`*`ri'.`yI'i:p in the lreiiunenl of `r hHw?n, Chronic Bronchitis, and 2-ma v-E ihe Uhssx, and I have no :1: -'.".'..'1f,; that` it run`r;s`{oremm.! 2`,-.:~ r-,'r-wdios used in these diseases. v.-:`_::=:IeIH nervous tonic, it exensa V--.:':.-rrz`. (has nervous systom,and . :;ui'nle8 lhc body`. us: me a>`.aasuru to recommend a 2.}: is really good in cases for imcnueri, when no many ad- ;-~: .`~'crs8 [L311 useless. urvs t,... \-UIU uu WHICH, M.\.RRIIED,LADIES` (1 In flu: In/nu. linnn 1.-._.. -4 -.-...4u.-.;1`.un1JJ..lLD '` In the lggmr and time of need" as 1` --...'... . I. Fm.Lows, Man-.1facu_1rin_g mun 1:::'~ 3 grnw: and-slrcn-glh. `-(J.:- renders the hair soft and "H elogtml huir drussing cvm `. (7nna Hun E` n3.-n is 4.1.! I`.-an :3-A... vnn data In. 'nJl|, Yours lruiy, 7 K WA WI nr neck for the Summer is compite, and b.-"ing well `nought, and of the most 1':-..=hinn:\hie'gomi-; themnrketwi|lai1'ord .wo feel confident that :1 cull will satisfy c::.4sic m:r-rs jhut Oil!" prices defy competition Iiemnrc uume ofIIn;n1: Ilnrxvy Grey liottnnsv, 1 ynrd wide. 10 cnta; While Uottonsa, 42: inches, 10 (`.`_lllS; l:~'as+t C;xla;- I rint:v., 10 centa;.i.lack Lace Slmwln, 50 cents; Black Silk, 60 write. Balance ofS1.raW Goods in cont, Carpets, Cloths, Twecds. Dress Goods, Lustres, Gapes,Sill:s, Muslims, Menaelwa Bril1imits,Ls\ce_,- Ourmine, Linen Suits and Skim, and a full . n;+:ort- . V - ini of Biovesg H0iB0P7, M113 Sinai; W:mi,,- Jccixdy-rlnnde glotliinggbna cu: nmi s.yio,I-mtg, Us a and liootsuud Shoes of eve:-yet -14-. ans. qua ity. ur stoc oi rec 'ery is by far P {be largest. ever bl'0l1ghtdt0-Uli pI.`y1$._lYid havilng tigen b0\I[;.}ll direct. Ifxx`.-11]`. the otlcriesin En inn we can gr-ii r-.t vuy ow, ri'ccs., mat to mm_ P 1,000 bgmglg of B;-igm, ;.n.r! Crushed, Sugars. Brightest Rened Sugar, 11 pounds for $1.00: Broken Lonf_m.d ` Ground, 9 pounds ior $1.00. Also, a very `iargo stock of Teas and Tobu-cos, bought before the new mrri`, and wiil sell .54 f'og.'mer prices. 100 gaze: of . 5 Anuu - nu-u no | xnjunous In- ncst huzr n-.s1or-.- .x H'.-..- ...n`.. Lu `-1 H131!` X`(`.dX0f'.' For sun: by ......r.-...-_.-. is . .s.iti,;;r nm_bug* nor blow, to say that ovr the `Med1`__P . cal I{uI1,.resi_dcs Simcods most brilliant Plxotagraphic artist. His pictures look us if they would walkgut of their frames and -talk tovthos who` gdnlire them in his Picture Ga.11e'ry--4they`are so life-like. *n...........1`.... o1...+ ' `I13 I. LUUIILCV \JlIlLI)1 {emomber that.` m an cases ask for Iladwnym Rom noalhr. son that the signature or .=/rs on the outside label of each bottle. 'snpp!ie'd with a now and Iran amnlr. . . Every agent is V-`sVnpp!ie'd win: a shock. Prioc 2Q cent; );:r$`()k(,t|o. Tau by`Drj.x,'.1g'lsts',(Mc.)r)(:hnnpya `mgr! `cguntry ,, . '. ` 3 . _RADWAY 8:09., 1 . 1mutuuuM.NewXurk..4q _ mamas pnsvnxzn is me am MAINE Razor." uvuuxlag Every soidicr should _c:irry with him a supply or Railway : Bondy Rciicf. 11. supplies the pines of all . other medicines ; and as u hovoraga,a tcaspoonful of the Relief, tn a wine-ginss of water, is nnicor, pleasant- er stimulant than brandy, whisky`, or bittora. g. Eighth Mnino rcgtmcxxt, Sorg t 0. P, Lord, writes that R:uiway s Read Roiior savud tho rogimtmt from death while quarto _ nt t`yheo Island S. 0_.,whcn working in the swamps, erecting, tortidcations. Every mm seized with Typhoid and other Favors, Fever and A Diarrhum D ; rf Rhet1matism' was ourod dy ,.. urge 01 we READY RELIEF is ulllclont toiiaxzkvl-:-1; and expel diseased act-,ion,and restore the pauongto l}culL ' 7BELT_INGlL BE LT|Nc9fs7 m BOS'l`ON RUBBER BELTING? Aim) ;_PAOKING;d an: ex um give warning or their presence, and it met prompta ly bororo lhey become secgxrcly lnu-enchcd within mo, system, wlll be rxxullly cxpellc_d. . , ` .---:- - SIGNS OF SICKNKQ. Ileaklacho, Pains in tho Limbs-in the Stomach, Bow- ola,nn-I manoya.--com culls. and Hot Flushes,` Cont- cd Tongue, Burnlmz_.`3kh1', Nnnscxrhlvoring, Dullnosa, In:-5 ol App_em.o, Rcstlc-ssncss Glcidlneea, &c., km, am ,pren:nnitory's mptoms of htligunnt Disohsea. One dose of the RMDY I!F1LII~.`l"is aulllclont to break up gu.:x__cxpol the mum: m `ALL M;\LIG.\'AN1"DISEASE first give warning of their l_l_zqy beoo_r_r_zo mo. _ lwbmy years he hadnut cnjn .xmd undisturbed sleep dnrfng th ` cm'1,o.\'rg:Arzr1auu.\'r`I.=.M - Twenty Years of Sleepless Nightg. Wm. Sydney Myers, F.~'.q. , or Ilavnnn. Cuba, the cor- rc.apor..'I<:ntor the I.onglon l`inu..-s, suffuroul with Acute nzul Chrome Rheum.-nlism for twenty-llvo years, and for yed Ono whole nlghvs calm rmt. Ho nmillml R;\l1WA\' Jn:-.-lintcl_v gnvo him case and secure-d'him tho rst calm 0 Iwcmy years. The continued use of the READY RELIEF cm-cil him. _-_a_ s READY m-:r.nc1~`_n Im- ' 1 r*'rz1=:vr;~mo.v BEFPEI THAN cum.` TIIEREIS N0 OCCASION II-`OR SICKNX. When` you fst feel pnin,thci1 tnko a tcaspodnful of mo m:,\I)Y RE].HF,ln water; pr qyply l_t to _1.1m parts where you feel tho discomfort, 1-x.n.Ir.r cz;rI'.~x UK}: 5 ` .l.)f.UI(`.0 maladies. This poor, l:ripp!cul, an-I pa; - h'K'kI'!ll Rhounmjic has not . to wait days before u change mkm place, but In a_fow , minutes derives case and cuml'orL _ . .-___. 1i!.l.l|'.!" czzn`-.~: the 5:: poor 1 to 1. luvs u IL Hlrlxly IUJLII-Ll" cm hnnr nrinn! 1 mum .\_(:rm, : Qvn."/,\', I-[Y 'rx.~v, .e:'ru~`a-".v() Ann " ;:]P'lOl"'-, . 0`.V 1'1` c7UI1F.S. " Tnv sccon-lary indication of lh\D\VAY. S READY RE- 1.! I-.1-` is tn (`urc Hm pntiem of the vlizie.-we or xmhidy that m--.-:n~'i-uxs the pain ; G215 it accomplishes rapidly and rniicnH)'. So sm is the patient zransfurmcd from p:1in,'1nj -ery, xvtrnknoss, nnd cXccrepH.ude, to the delight. fu! m\ju';,'Inout of lmnlth nnd strength, that patients fro- qunuuy n_scnjiI:e its tnli.~.xnnnic po7o_1-_`_v9_th9_sup_o_x'_nat,u , 1'al'h:l1i1,:ncc of cnchmn` .:-.o-_... _.- _-....v .7 ..-.. .- ..-4.:-nu .9: -I-UAIVC-ILIHVL` ` {~'!L:r>I_*I.n -mi "t',\mr..\' I.\"I`I-`.RNAI.l.Y. pun .|n_~J{ wm stop the. p:1In_; lt;:`co,1x`l`in.u`d Wm, In :3 My huurs, `euro tho [mix-nt. ` - ' w.s,uuum1mm Um stnmnch or I?-wwoh ' m:.m7`A22'.:: READY RELIEF .`~`|}!nI'1.H -1!!` 'l".\l{IZx' Y\"N.`I2NAl I v 6;`f73A5U?3f?iii@?! Ultww-u-an ----- which can .b0 cured by a` timely resort to this stand- ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the 'prop'rieto_rs.; It is acknowl- edged by many prominent. ' physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, ahd is o'ered to the public, sanctioned by the experience ' of over forty years. VVhen resorted to in season it scl- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, \V_l1ooping; .~ Cough, Influenza, Asthina, Colds, Sore -Throat, Pains or Sore- ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, _Bleeding ` at the Lungs, &e. \Vistar s Balsanrcloes not dry up {I C(,)1lg'll, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparutione, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and alleys irritation, thus re1noVin;_;' the cause of the complaint. 1-in-`.in\Iu:'n m` SETH W. FOWLE & SOHC, I :-or-Mn, M21584 And sold by 1)ru,,-I,-i.-1.-i mi-l lnllvru 1.,-cncmlly. mn.U.u.yx1sM. 1.1r:.;r:.\':`n; arm, mtmxmnx, IN)" A`.i|lE, C-IX(.`UI', l.\'l'l.Ul-l.\Z.r\. SORE `TH!-:nA ..... ... ..u_y .- ., m u n uxu-1;:-um us \Vi1lL'I', Dc WK` :1 nrtlinuz out nl` he-1 in tho morning, amI_liowovor e wax! to malaria you will escape. b me In l .;ul.~_'.:_y`.' It-\: '- the Ready liuliuf, I I .~nn:m. .-...o no` 1. THE GREATVBEMEDY FOR _ _..----3AjII1ZI R_A:>"cm1'fs. 35.5.-KDY RELIEFA n an-.I., .! 2 . lhrl um : . IANTON Ir sfbaien. I L.-H AD\`. AY S ms wikfor I!adwny"s Rqud Relief. Jmco that or way as co. mtsldolnbul og gaotg Every mom. is .nl. - .....A WHF..\' SI` .I'Il" WWW (`I()\-, or ljmrrlncm or Flm ;` 1!) min Cr:-.:u;>.':,un: Spnsluxzq; X Emu.-z Ch` `:3, or (::vst:*itis: ` ' I-`EVER. man I`-.GU`E`. l`(H1Y~3I`V` 1.. Hm \i..!<..-:-. ..r 1 ..... -. M1531. I.l7;`.1n'!.\C0, CUE-T, IE, CI2(.`I/`I , ].\'i7l.l.`Il.\Z;\, THROAT, , I-IVE`!!!-'.I!I.\. H1=,\!iSENl-R\`, Bl{ONC'IlI- " J(')!.`."1'S{ I-i.\'X :\I`.UF.I) TFIND().\'S, HEAD _PllHA'l'I I L. '6. mg or .\'ars'<.n.t. /\Sl'IJ4.\lA,or HARD ' 1:mrvr:llnv,I.~z how quick RAD\VAY S READY - "vs the :':n!}r\rc:.~.' of.tlIc. led, p.:i_n- Rlncnnnntic not , '13'|uNrhl, OI`-OH!!! JBVOPE ; $=1cn1..';,(`m;u:;11s~', or (.`o)l5 " ' - l.un!1mli0n- uflh-`a Slnnincin or ; A VIM.` `D?! A 'n'tr 15711 arr >Do'-'] Black, G:-can . .so1.'nm3ns, ahnnhl ...._.... V __:.L J`. Mv'IxI)l. Lu-V. two ta-z1';p4>ou.-u`. `, In a wine-gglns.-1 of water, be taken 1~::;':.'m_ `.7 \ I `III. 1:[15ADi'"Ti{1A3L`I1a1`; ,or (:.5u:t:~ixis'; '2 M, or.o1her'Fever9 ans. (Sold. . . ; riu of ,\;:u0, or If 5013041 H null 11 positive Antidote r..:'? l!v'| ' Ll-V. [W0 Il'Z1':lM).'Iu , `;Ei%;` ;: .5.??'CE. *.'~. :.-..1=.?.':.`-J REMEDY 37. U1 mar.Im` WILKIN%35`i`i:%,E`L1*f %`E,fi3`i-505 G118 4.-pn:.~;;, .~'Lxn_L{s of mi- }.\l)\`.a\}."S l{!~.`.U) cut iuuuxuumliounn AlJ_ \l)Y RFIIZIEI? \\' minm:-5 ru. [ml .qui4:kl'y `I |r:;rLa. In .inL's t-1' Pai- `I zunonmc EsrAnL1sH1nzw, 1| If you want to get the worth of`y'our ino.ney. ~ Remember the Stand-- R. WINNING, Onnoaim `J. Pnlln.n n Smm; ` n.wIuNnu:Is| .......... 'I'.`-_ . __ , BUY YOU'R BRDADGLBTHS, nozsxms, vuvuuua uuu uuypul` .L I\U.8!'l19, Braids, , , '1`-asasls; &c._: Toys, ' ` . Jewollgry, : Vaaaa, Glass Shades ` &'c., &c., . &c. Near thesteam Grist Mill, Barrie. . 61-ly-w .l.he`reby 1-'0n'raI:n caution all paiiics on giving Goods or Monies on my account with- out my written order. . 1 "A ' J. BJOHNSON. On! , ,-,-__.; ..-- -rvunlvl nu 1 1| novsnuonn "FURNITURE. The best, largest and cheapest stock in Barrie. Also 3 Beautiful and well selected stck of. ` Fancy Goods and `Berlin Wools, _ Ottoman and Slipper Patterns, Rrn, ' "` ' `JIISLM lm: hrs, Prcsexving Season`. U"`*'3 `. -T1 SUPPHCJ M TTM10 Prices." THE FARM1N NY ' ` MONEY SAVED ISJIONEY EARNED. g ., --n--... _ The subscriber whilst thankful for the liberal patronage given in the past, respectfully _ lolicita a. continuance of the same, and beg: to guests that his " gurxbni - 4 V or-mans. - MAS, WES W.*9V!S,1r$ I ' " _ 7 7 '_"V -_" v"" " Ounnpggbe beaten either for quality or price. Ho deals in the beat mnrketa,nnd cannot be undersold by any house in town. Ho also ' keeps on hand the best of '-Dc--scum - Q91 --ppu--A--- Pictures mu`! }vI'<>lciiv|gs' (*mI.~mmly I on hand. Franu-.5 mum-. in .....a.... I Iv QAIQIIU JAAIQI &l&fVVAUDnl Also ALE `AND PORTER, bttled or on draught. ' `I'<`u.I`Il`I.I'I I !-tltlnl-n an mnnh An in man |E.&`W:`i.5i`KE SI (Yr-Iunny nn lY...L..4nI.:..... L`. ...I.::,,:,, , _ luuzull) ul uu: lnnnl zuylnpu AMEiii3}in* OFFIN - j E. & W. RORKE. urlugnt. _ ` Farmers Produce, as much as he can lay his hands on,bought,a.'nd the bighc-at market price paid. `Give 3 call onu and you wil be sure to come again. . T mos. LENNOX, A few r'nm-1: Nnrth nf Hm \Va"in(1lnn Hnml, A HUD. llnLVLVU4\, A few doors North of the Wellington Hotel. 42-ly V V > Barrie V""`-" 'a.\I._1.._\J_J_\ _l_` . AND GENERAL Gnocmuns, Wnms A535 F:-liita. urruno As the n.d_veI-Iiaer is practically crmvexazmt `with 1:21 husinos.~"4 in a`.l its dt.~l.-19.15, employs Lin: mask ski1li'=.:I workmen, and usea limit: but 1l.e `oust znatenszl, he can wrzrrantaxll Tltwk nmdc in his e-3ta`u1i:zhrm:nt to give aha:-uugh :m1`u:!.--.:-riou to tho pu-.chnncr._ ;3'in,',-in :-.ud dun!-Is Hm`-x+.~.}s of all kinds, Saddles,, '1`runks, '~'ui}: and m'eryxi:ir.g5 connectod wizh the im.~iw:r:s urmstantly on hand at the _lo:vosL pxicvs Pari- xculnr nlleugion given to Light Hinzglu and Dorlsle Gmrxa,-ge llnmoss. 31:10 m:`.x-ut' in Bi'd'I'iB of the Bzusk and Hizs .`tr2;:a!"'o which the rnttemioaz of {be pnbc is apccm y direuled. ' ' Rnrn Innn In `no '- - mi R. R SADDLE AND li;i!i?r'}SS EMER, Corner of Eullvlrl 8- numkm .*.':,p/. 1141:1211.- u-.---.-.. Asthql-Lusy season in at hand, mxrtima w do well to cnlln|ula\...ninu ll1clr_cIneudous': on` I.U1\J'cxg_1:f>'q& ogsmz HOUSE IBREE IIOORH WEST OF THE WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP `ST. Oysters Stewed, Fried and Raw; Luncheons, Hot and Gold, prepared on short notice`. IvI: \lII III IVl_\lVd_ll.I- Has now on hand an oxzensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Carri go and Team), English and Common Riding Sad- dles, Double and Sin.le Bridles, Collars, &c., which he can tfcr at very reasonable prices. Also in ntock, some of the best English audulhcr Riding 1nd'Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, l%ru:~lu-:~: Curry and Mnne Combs, Cards, .`f;c., to be found in this market. Ann ....o:4l.. :.. LL- 4--.}, ...,__.n, ,. s n All lull l.'I\Ul.- . Any article in the trade manufactured, fur uishc-d to order on shoxt notice, m.d warrant-l to give satisfaction. v 3' :?'pnnuh-u 1-.-nllanzl .u..-Ha ......,\......1 .-.-nun AIAIKI l\.l.I of Btzgvlzl 8' Dun B:'t_ er s Ale and 150x-te_r. _ L 30 cents upwards. Eughsh Black Teasm Qaddles, mm 60 to 75-cents per lb. ` _ 'Alv` TRRMQ Afj nwpn r[v(\ nirrn fI'|`I`lAI\'r\ BU HIVU 3.U3IHClICn- L"P.epnirs well and neatly executed. Barrio, April 8, 1870. c) -_----. Shop on John street, near Bll's Planing Factory, Barrio, Ont. Order: left at E. Gmves Hardware Store. [Late Dunlop atreet,] begs to info :-m his in- quiring friends, his customers. and the public generally, that he is well, and driving business in his new premises, - OPPOSITE MR. DURZIA.':1 S SAW MILL, ALLANDALE ROAD. 7-!y .__.____._ 7 I House, Sign and Carriage, Plain and Orna- mental PA4II_TEB ! _r'ncLory, unrrm, I Int. Orders left at E. Graves Store, Dunlap street, will be promptly attended to. . February 2nd, 1873, 6-1; "szea*ar::t9%;" (T)"1'3"i:"Ii71"" M {ii iii: YA,N;1?"" ~ - S A D D L E , um_Es$&T_nu\g1g .*.ia;L*.F.cT{;1;jIap:, av n. W 1 LVLVHVU . Opposite J. Palm) : St0re,_ `Fnowr S-1-m;1:'r,- - - Bumn. Nov.28.1873. . -' ` y .4851: American Oak Tanned Leethe! }_3elting, `Canadian Oak Tanned Leathejr Belting, 1owit s Mill Files, _ ` Steam Fittings and Pipes, Lqbrieetihg eil,`.&o., &c-.',._8c., . uf 1 |Ir[,I:ll7I7l! illlll NI(3IIII"g8 (`0!INIIXI'y ' on ha_mI. Frames made (0 ordc-_r at the lowest rates tor cmall. ' .._..- cw -v -.L"\l.A..UA.L.J4 Cnhlnclund Um1crmL.'ing H~mh?.ishxnnnI,c door West 0! the Wcllmgtnn HMe|_,` PL` lzm s Blank, Hurgaz,-, 5 A `D u3':ga.nvma;v.a.-.._ . `ad get your SUITS iihe at ADDLERY AND IIARNESS? ES l`AB[.1'SHMEN'l`, V ` BAYFIBLD STREET, A 1,... 1,, :5 uprclttuy unreuou. Barrie, June 18, "13, .-.-.._ _. .- -.._`-.-a u-.0-5.1.-.a...|.:.a.a.: A few doors North of Hie Woilinglon Hotel. |RYSA'1`A1.`PA'LACE S l`0_R.ES , 7 ---`.-u Good Place to-_5;;-a Cup of TEA. c0NxrIac1~1oN1:E,-6AKrcs. &-0., ac. A GOOD FIT! -----. ' Alsda largo. quantity ofthc most stylish m I.` I) In A xv r`1(\r.1tars'~rn ' Ii/1A2E%.R.;{m; Ba0am +W{`0I 7?91iS- Just received a consignment of fresh 5 TT f'H TI"I T?` `IPVQ I` wxxir 'I{1i'13 "iiifons, \ ATJZ 'A,Ilh DODTDD [Janina] n. .A1N'M1~4G. p uN'r1i MARTIN M_OO4R' now an hand an av ` A n a u u a n ml nnn Plain and Ogxumentnl. ALFRETGRAvER, ,-nuu CLIU u Ulllirlluvlll FIIRNfT:I_RE (N II... ...........o -_- .. _.._....-...-..v, | Cabinet` Makes` and Dealer iii ___.._--- v_.-V - ..--v -u Tans: Doons Wxsr or Ml1'I`(\l\] Ll(\ l"!.`l DHM I; W. H. FREEAIAN, !-|.:_..a- Il-1-....:_..,.1 n. u, ~-...-.. \.I IMPORTER, Vv HOI.`-ISALI-`. AND pr` or. T . :4 AUAWLJ. LI ll ()1 the newest at} less, at T` T "I'\ r\ T\ 1- Don t forget to call Hi. 17'. >AlL S' I Ul-1:15` umpluys LII`: null wuugh :aatiz:! .-u:1ionn and mm. 3. Trunks, ' :L13ses, ,.1;,;, Wm: l)`d2~i`:1`. .~.~` 3.29.; nvosppxicus um! Single M4 P'`-` :1` Hip PW 120;: 3; `Van: Dar. (Yul. 5.. ly . ... ....---a4-n" 1 `mole, B.rIIu`Rll~.` I Do F. BAIL. Ann '4-,3 vmuhl .uI':-I ~ .1. nu, Agent. "13-.:r'i Lawn NE.uwr.~:, T Bztlws. VIUIHU Vslqck wounxiurun 0:113? '0} LUN_G 9%, _ Baoonnw, AP"'h . -_ J. O. CnAnzmr.AxN, EBA--S"'.` ` certify that my wife was very ease. The Doctor had given 11" "15 CI helhllmga were-tubercled, nd "3 ` notbelp her. Analnst resort. 1 W, bottle of the Great Shoshone Rem decide! better`. She con!id Wm 10 npidlyblt b the time she had tnke`li1n- . $19 the wash e sit up. 3! ` 20",; go thorometiy His was perfectly E. g .Y6|}._mnyfnhliIh tho full. M . m'ud c_ Bf "' 1. -5. 4 uzumtll 'orAp;i1,A.D., mo. J. 0. Cnvuaznuw. Esq. This is I0 thatabout three years r.;;.- Y l,~.:.~.:.r;e 4`; with Bronchitia which r.:..ti .' :.`I`:i *" months. I wr., so n=".i=w--vi my tin` W-- _ breath that it was `.12.-. d*3'I(:i`.ll for F7`- 3"" Mid in the night time " i:quv:n'.ly [})!`0'v'-"-".' clothes o` nnd rniuinp; in 1!:--bud I-'1\"~" . strangling. `I tried three of Hi" "1"!" 3,.` Ph)'3iialns in the uau nLy or IVorInub::,:_': for about a year without. rurniviug M1) ` In fnctl continued getting worse :1? At. last Iwaa advised to try the Grf-1! noes Remedy. I bought 11 home or it. `5 M it was about nished I began _o re'1 ;,,: bettor-. I continued to use it,'|m1i_ W three bottles, when. to my satisfaction, ` that I was an w.e1las ever! had been to my illneu, and have heenJa6> Sworn before me at Smitheld `H 6m :7- r. .r _ J`, u.wm.1.ma1`0N ' "name, oa. soap, 1372. i . For Ed. . that Brick St Marks! Square, Barrio, I mick BuiXdir.g." 1 I , . The Ull`.'A'l' H LU()DPIl H I H1` or 1-CL-unsingnlul (cnmng 11 im mn'nc-,1-rennnl Lo Iun l`i;(I.H or-:5. rnluia-. S<:uuvy.-`ikin 1.`. of_nll kinda it is n never-{mi cure. ~ -- v--nu nu.nuIf i)],|]| V 'l`rmlc,J'Vinrk--Bim Th4.-.(2ll'}A'l'}H.(7l,DP[l!lH"i ('!:.-nnsinznml cl.-.-,..1.,... ` Wu... Vigo VA: .1. we.) ]nr/ 117.,` l?`F`or Salmby all Dru,__, .`vIedi(-inc. Aaiwn vow. M1:-. 'uV:\'.son & Co.,`.`.'e-Ha Bro: . CHux.;.M.-J'. W,Sln';n. (7 (`ml-v\ nlnr ?waw::.: `\ NIH `.".'ni : Tomnto, 'L_v!= int. 8; 00., '1`:- ' ' Y "1 9 1-` A I ' 3 WW,:} .;H!.'19_ -'I.I3UI? 3.1 WI": I V~r"I`:`1Z}.:`3\: .'-"7;; Z`.T.'.`.:.'.`.`.`.39339.1 mui..'.`.7`..' Ll 'mnjo:i!y of lung;-_uv,nm;j, (;".?;:.':,:':':.`:,E:...`.`. ,i.'::;':.`:I:!}, :;,`:}: ';;2;;= s0CIhi smlerur: to give il I ml k _ `:31 ,"'!`- Tllllmilll of"I'c9l:nmnial-4 gm, M "MU" Solzl *1: bottles 25-. 3d each, um} iuxnr" taiuing six lixnea the quuui `Mi . . U. Hun I` cum: to meet u pt-xrnnnen: Cl `L "H CHFl. vHS'l`S nnd PIT DURS throughout Sn}? fOn!i('9'-r I4` I (`Y AT)! A. . -yuw` uunn miuugnoru world. ` Su}P,1'0pli(.'1"l` F. J, ()LAp" . . A1?o1'm:(;Axu-:. n,u.I., l.l.\ rt\;;((;.!":m; Evnnn-r um-..-... " :,-u-um AGENTS. Burgoyne. B:.rbUlgt:;s& Co.` U4) London. xmrgnym-. u:.rrmlgt:;3 5: ()0. ' Newlmv 4'2 Roma, 3'.` _New;-mm gm Burch / 3: Sonu, 9. ; F.Lrrin[;:]0n Sanger r Son5_(J,xford _=Im::, I,c An-'l all the I.`on.Ion Win. ll'l)'r I1! - Ii '1 T but. Mon.` `cal - ....,.<..V.. - .4-nun. .".`L`KC6T 6 Druggiats. Lymnns. CIMP & ('0. Toronl)--Eliiou I! Go , WI;o1e?:s ' ' Shnym-r 5! Owen. Hmm /m:--\\'inner & (.`-0. Halifax --Avery, Iirmvn it Co (I PRC}-. (71 Y` . - nan I by ; ["L3i0IAlll' I()3vFs'l,'.`\ !l"H()\ Also for '.h.',- cum at ' ")T'RE OF BI . OI`CL'I FlS. @3 E For an Z than Rm-1. (En.-- -_ - [[).V..)CI;A I M THE (5 L. - The 508! Sr:\ving Machine in Crmnda. '0. - - ll (hues oh! Smcn. ` (}urc:~: Uhseruhxli Uurc-.3 Ukwrnted ` I`?....... m.. LL, ., n Isl! SHIHI} \.'H LII H|L" | _}Kl(IE 55! P0: rail 1): u;::.:~l::M H I ,-. `wou THE BLUUI) Is A '|t\!!lnrnn.._.,.. .- _ 'J~"4|-`J.l`n.J.L ;:>;'x`P.u-r ; __L_ zusu nor mt; cult cf E -5"El 3=E,I, I3l?.(P1`'h`.iT1`."3, AFJPEKRSA. W53 03' A3 l`ET|TE, 62;.-213.. :>m:a:,In'. @- :rml'.' Sum; nrc unread frmn by 4 .. .1 Alli] nuIlUll Deuteronomy, cm on affiernerly in la 01- . 1 >.'1I...._.._ 1 11/ 1vr,IIo(lb_q I-IL NU :'jP 81'. Pills pzrr Buzz 2 nr SE18/`IV I'l`1l`l`lINr': IA uunuur.It1.rJb', Frliita, Marmalade; - Pickles, Saucc-s,P d O ' ow er`1 miia, ,' Potted Meats, Lobaters, `in Line, Salmon, V Oysters, `.` Cheese, Bacon Flo1_xr,&_c , jhat Brickito-r-0 guaze, kno ding_. ....ul and Dielling we OLA-1-3K]-:'3T Hlnnn. . ~. uuuuun vv|1UIi'm: ujbanr 1.-a manna. mmna. M:-xcer A: 13:.` `Ei(i5bI}3i;;A' Erifs; 3:.rbiIlg:;s Cu. (I4-I $71113! I/II.` `.11. : cu ly I GUI C. hteruluxl 8`-rcu mi the 3 lcnrmed Sure:-In.-g3_ . ltwkhosadx, or Pilnpl.-5 Eurvv: Srnm, . Aim`. .. \ h . uuul I;',:L-1: `VICTORIA A VHF) 1:`: run ?~ Next door 70 I . 'I1 ]C`]fE Y, D22nl;);TStreeVt, _ ' x.xi:"ram,_~; '.'Y)l`I!'\'v. I-vvr :~.. PU. . 1d`I_E.. N . chap. xii, verse 23. A1 li(I'E"I'l,: H81 and F "' Imrma ' Sxrrnm1:- ulornnu i -I!airowz,APIaffurzn Scales: 1): E. HUNTER I 9 AN RPTAIT I'\l`AYI'\`n us DEALERS _IN M ~a i1.33s. Pa in 7 ::r;i.r; w,s',`(:m-:s,- GH!.e ) (til;-YlI~fS, . summz 'vA'r ` rt.-.A.w'~." <:r.c>r,r:cs-. * <:_m.n.w:\v1:LI-tm , . , , V s:z .vmz H-:xv:`.m-mv, ` I z.:.,su:.cfz`:'2'nw.m: .9 a v .-"1 "er r. :1 2/_.~.'1.=3;-*_.i2 Q.L(.vllff'I=}RS? '-'I`_m >` _l~`oi{ '1`-ma M.ITI_.Lm.\- ' ;7,\i;i,<>n (:noqm:'r 1*.e.Tm.::s, A Rom:-.m'AN \VAR}`.>`_, . - (`nN lN'AS, ' V14-`LINS. u .1n,I`4J Ann) JJIQUUKS. ' WINES.-= Jn`es Robin ssI Clmmpagnes. GIN.-' '- Snndemau, Ba`rnsg:'d'a. Old Port, Bootirs,` Alacnnt Port, ' DcKiugl:e_ A Farmgonn.Port, RUM.-- V .." Sherry Meiier, V v Jamaica, Diamond ,Sherr y, Anemnrara; Pale " _ .n HISK[ES.-- `Brown "1 Old Rye,g . Ginger Wine. Malt; , . f B,RANDIES.- : ' Scotch, - ,Mm-nH'a '. ` '7_:_1_ .111` U1 l`iD`"' M urt.ell s,_ He nne_saoy B Sayes .. ml : .. I. D I - RETAIL DY-I ALER IN A... - - Uhooblnu, Sugars, Teas from I `EM-:'l(s=;, ' LIQUORS. ' Y..I-._ 1 1L uemnrara . . n7HISKIES.v- Old Rye, - . Scotch, Irish _ `Old brow, Ale Porter. - 'l`.......:... 11-; 1: -, . ArJVx">ig:s. IS-Gumn, &'.~. - - .-. ITINWARE, n ' - ' . unmlgn Bu-1-ie,July 1.5 1373. XVI!!!-I--5] qt VIQ>&9"-I -51`, KC \IlA-Ldutt -Atxrdept of I07 feet, which can be proved on application to Mr. Walwgzn-, 6th Con. otveapra. These -improved pnmph are . 4-xianrninrrnnr 1:1 [V1111 A.l1- n -0;-am promptljhtfen 3.: o\L . + - n..:~ Ul'u\:nxyLuLuyu_yIIu:cu 0&1 U-_ `-' _ ,7 ; 1 1:. R.--SULLIVAN, T Bayeld street, opposi Scwtay new.Fbn|xdiy ` `A bimdinggbarrie; ._ ~ .- ,M Ran-ie. Julv 1873. ' _' . i-ia_':.i WARRANTEETE on %172ir:gm. Cisterns of all sizes bail! on the 19.tetp1'a;1ia,' and at res.=c_r;L-'=_1e xgfoq. __ - ~ thqscmado by him. they are ' |uLv1:1v;i.:{:.3n1o:a_um~:_;' m,s:i um \..uuvu r E1si1;9;`fi`;fzu3rkes 1;1`)`;JV'va:{Child -At-ardent I07 fet. which moved on ~---~~~ V , ';.:"-" ` _".*'7' Asi they imvc .`w.dLm-go Expcrionc in all do. 1 p.{rumf,~n1s 0'1` the bnsinos-,1. ' J, G._vI-HLBORN-&-. A3110; _`AHahda1n,Cft.I29,.18:73.;.' _ -"4413 TEAS.-1 Rlnni-, The subsicrilwr ch:U_ien-5.23 ho co'xty o_f Sim- coe to_xn:mufa_ct_uro. P_u:{:ps Lo mgpete with nqscmado by hxm. they g-nu:u:~rnI:n`n nun nfvnn `sunny .-1 .`.I v Illlrnvu .... xrnnnalrl-IIIAVI `REMAREABLE -CHEAP 'A__.I -.:|`l1.._ '..-...._lL4.-.a'._.- p'.LL-.__._.,_ ;.;;;u;.;a.;.w;`n.;;;.-;.an.a \..z.s.n21..|. fAnd will-last iongerumn` 9.1_1y_other p1iii:pbu.ilt: 4l_n d\n ,<.hnm' -niilnygti.` Fr-miTib' r=::II111r'!y? mipplied with lh_r.- >h~>.-4 :j..f_E.-:-g;.: IN] fII`.l-\f.'eight; aha, C3':c_e's am] (3nn(' cl" hf.` kinds) in any q!1n~\Li:y; o!`_fix':1t-rjnrx qn:s!i1y; Em?! at low` 4 ` . nrxcen. " " '~ c.`)'-1ci_oijddxbzwiso 1-.nd~ v . ' SA.TIASI?A-C'T"10.I\T _(:1*JAR;AN'r: ,`_,- L`_.1'r-,___- 1:4 -. _ `;;.';_u1 u,l_I`-w()rk zuar.~.n:;ed to ilgcgggs-.`;".`~'$ '-f~. 9I'li}.'.8 . ' ~.i`\":;"Q;::=,a::x= _ Y.t`r2*v`a>2..1)1 8 I ` gg. UIOQII, J span Jun, ' U0l'l'RR.- Ilnnl... n--- Q o9ss"`p'noM`b1Lv ATTENDED T9, Hn rfi i1C:`sz'{3m;ian.e2*y ora`! |%r1N,smmTmm,ao15:%i::`&%.1{ i*m:: | In.?'-cmnmencin ,,b`.`:_, ens ss`_GOAL` VVMERV- CHANT. begs: i`espet.{1_1`n&ly_, tognnngunrcs 1;1_n`n__he. -has made` nim"'e'i: :eu*.s_ with some of jlfe most renowned Goliierice `tn United State.-a,,to, be- `supplied withuoaii: of the very but qualil-y.at_ the lower! possible prices; and In} trusts :hht by~ a rigid system .01 .'-.zi.t dealingwy punctuality- to all engagements, and byradhering to all just and rensonablerprozits, he shall be able to com- mand "a fair share of pnblic patronage and `anp- po.-t. All 'orde:s ' transmitted 1b the above -v1drea.=._ will always ensure immediate [men- tion. ' ' ' OFFICE, BARBIE FOUNDRY.` I Fab. 4th. 1874. u ->-- His Cooking SLo_v_na are, warraniod to` cook; bake and drr:-.7 IIis_I"nr1or,fH.~\1\ nnd' Pox Stowe. 11n.<"in great vnric-ty. ll }_1i e I3?" 9% E3 E1 . I V-.":11'e kr~pt.' on haw:-Tor nmdoto jordor. A-H nd1't._q Qfjoblii::g.'.I_1 the .q.--.-.'~.`...___ ..._____.____._ , l.N?SIvf1T1i%?.iNG %!` FINEsfLm:`i`;diE ...____.. . . ._._.._......~ c..- _.__4, | Line done with Aneatness and dispatch. Rf- - member the place, * us;-av-zwr-wwv ux. ;~...-us`--.-_.._. 0'pp`osit.e tho Simcbe:1Iote1,.ung1`_4 doofs Non}?- ofthe Wcjllingvton, Harrie, I G}C(:R'H<`. ft, `RfTl`,I\' lsulr 3/f,I.(*.f:'F"1 r THE v'\nnl:.On ...-o -;..... Remember I. F.m~.x-ca is no Ci;pe1' V iliouse in 1i`<;wn aimnj ' -u-._-._1--._x WES? .>mE%t| ....__- _u -u-- anal: IJIVIII: KI-21"!` M6` -1). K-`u~T<`:. 0 `His 'I`[EAS are Hm (_7.heape.,! and b~:.-,5! in _:Lndnp'4`zird8. Market. (u`t'l'e :.\_ from 41?--(;enIs' per N'P. ._9<;.m.`....'.,. H... ....a n.._.-- l $'mv A E 5 rl 13jz:~.;T_s::fR`?[12;:;L ** CHEAP ..._.._ ..g-.,. . .-......... _.~_.._.._,_--._.___.....> THiK1Ng_qF sTom:s,| A o oup;,1m:; 3-rocx or com) AND .`3IL`VE`R'VV1:TC'HF.'S, ./min (`;LOCY{S or ALL '21:}; 35:31` Mxmns. z_z::*wz1A1' 1:; so FORA cxmzmuxs - P;-"gm as 3 gem w,u1,.,,m3_ (j_?,.._3';,, .Prr-as-r.L as n rm] Jet Set of Jeweilery, Present on ad Coloured Gum . -`.01 m'.Ia'wei:e:5 ,` 1"rcsentan a Gold Locket and Chain, Pronnt as 9. Bright Gold Hut uf Jcwelle-.-y, ' l rt~80nt as Gold and Fancy Rings. _, Present. as a pair of Gold Frnceh`-is, Pm`-`cut us Vm2ins_ Concurtimm :=.nd 'K"a:'~.oi`;:L:i, . 1 Fnrent aaaarncf. Broachemri Plat-Rings, - Pn:s'Lni5 fur (.~'-`I.-nt:,L-rv.ii.~`3, Boyd zuu`. Girls, 1:: Prelent up 9. SilverVVatclxs.m1Chumfora; Buy, mm. vvory pow}-'.r:i. . " . Everybody should know thn`. wr- run tlmmoat r-zptericnncd hamda on Wmclxes, Clocks and . .:'r--z.'<~}ler.y', North -:-u"Trarcmo. ' ` - . A GREATRUN `.023 THE I.0NGh`IE `.`J.=\'!`(3HE`.#'\iu {,-'.4)Ll) AND SILVEYR. \`v"A'I`(.`l-TFIS, A ' ' . CLOCKS and .1 EW l.L[.`i~.' R.Y'_, nmdo, :L:.Hl -wan-9.n_tcd. SIGN OF` WATCH AND SI"E-'{l'i`AULVES, n-:'.xt'ir~0z` C0 I-Jr. ( lv0l}l1)l0Il`3.