certify cues of ug: lady us think 39-3m. Defendant. Piaint1_7[fs , 39 -Sins Ialla Tiny. 0'1 AI- qallgnee 111 mm Creditors (who are requested to file Within one month, a ot already done I0) ,elr_ claims before me notod that a` meet- ing will be held at , No. 7 Toronto Ex- change, Wellin DAY,the NI. nmwrnb 0331: next at two o clock. . mu,me 111. TEENTH O 0BER`next o'clock, .m., for the pu the Insolv , and for the orderin of the thin Anaounnsn SALE or TIMBER _ LANDS, Gnowlnm TIMBER, SAW MILL AND PRIVILEGBS. IN THE COUNTY OF - SIMCOE. ------ By virtue of 9. Mortgage dated the 15th Nov? ember, 1873, from Julius Czeser Mc0a`|-Cy (end his wife as to dower) to John F'redei'ick'Wood. which will be produced at the sale, (here will be Ield by` - ' > -- - '----'`--V--' _---*V `I_ . In the Town of Bgnie,-in the County of Simcoe, On Tuesday, the (uh-day_ or Octo- ber, 1874,11! `J0 clo-k, p.ln., , All the` Right, Title, and Equity 0! re.- demption of the said Mcuarty, and his assignee in Insolvemy of, in and to the tollowino lands: 1}. I 1314/ uempuon or me am: mcuarty, und hisvassignee Insolvemy of, following lands- in the township of Vospm, in the county of, Simcoo, namely, the north half and south west quarter of Lot 14, 4th Concession. 150 acres. ' 13: in 4Lh Concmunn, Q00 DIIIILID u-an-n nuuucu, u rnuuu Dam, and 011101` outnouses. _ The property is encumbered prior to the Vendor : Mortgage by 3 Mortgage .for unpaid purchase money, to one David Garvin, to the extent of $3000.00 and interest at 6 per cent. from 31st December, 1873. I The Vnndnr wm nnlu vuinnnn on H... v.....1-.. nu ma pusucsniuu arm control. ' The purchaser will at the sale, pay downs deposit ot ten per cent. of the purchase money, and the balance within one month thereafter. The deed to tha Vnnrlsm mm kn ............a i... ..-7......-, "nun: 5: u Iv AA`, Veudox- a Solicitors, Dundna- At the Oice of McOARTHYA& BUYS, Rn!-I-in D3|'l'IUo At the Oice of HARRISON, OSLER & MOSS, -Toronto. At H19 Oman nf J I M AH{\\T _- ._- -._..- V` -.-. ......,.,.., _ _ . _ Oicial Assignoo, Hamilton. Dated 26th August, A. D. 1874. 35-6in. Lquurucr 01 um. 14, am uoncossnon, 150 Lot 13, 4th Concession, 200 acres, rose;-v. mg 2 acres. . _ Nnrnwpnf nm-nor nf` Emu}. 1...u .: nu--. mg 4 acres. North-west corner of South half of , East half of Lot 14, in the 4th Oonoesaion,l acre and Lot 37, in the 2nd Concession, and in anti to the pine trees-growing and standing, lying and being in and upon the following lands in the said township of Vespra, namly: Lot 15, in the 2nd Concession; u lot containing about 60 acres, oslied the-Dutcher Lot; Lot 19, in the 2nd Concession; Lot 32, in the 2nd Concession. Unon the nronertv than rum m-Antoni . mm..- ll'UlIl mar. uecemner, 1813. The Vendor will only produce to the Vanda-e a. Rx-giatms abstract of xbe title and the deeds in his possession and control. Thp m1rnha,um- will no nu. gun. man A....... -. OK Hill" n ction mprova nRl.IB' rsnu we Balance wmun month thereafter. The deed to the Vendee will be prepared by the` Vendor a Solicitors at the Vendeo`e expense. Further particulate may be hid, and fn1lcon- ditions of sale, may be seen at the Oice, of OSLER, WINK & GWYN, Vanda-in Q..l2..26...... `l"|.....I-- At the Otce of J. J.. MASON, 1, ma unaers ed,Wn.mAu auson Mmmo ! of the City of route, In . been appoinleci ; Aalignee in this ter. | Uraditnrn I-kn an no -I----`- -`--- --` auu uuuceuuruu; not oz, In me `And Uoncession. Uponethe property there are erected a water power Circular Saw Mill. Five Frame Dwelling Houses, e Frame Barn, and other onthoueee. The nronertv ia anmrmhnr-Ar` n`..in- on 91.- anu umunem, uonuoncngraved thereon. It has bl`.COll]C necessary to make this announce- ment, because the 1\ew York Chemical Com- pany [vsho pay nohody,] nding at last that their name has been so exposed, have assumed the title or Holloway 6:. Go. ; but, even now, no one will buv their mellicines direct from them, so that they have made arrangements to supply ex- clusivelv the tirm of Messrs. Hem ` 65 Co., of New York, with their so~celled ` Holloway s Pills mid Ointment" ` II in ru-Aunrnntl that rrnm [kn Inn... ..A..........:..... PUBLIf`.Al'JC'I`%lON l . . 3 Hollowuym Pills and Ointment are neither inmiuliwmrvd nor sold in nnyparl nf lhe'Unitod Slmesmlthough thcy may be obtained in the B._ N'.Amcricnn Provinces. l<`n..l\ pm! and Rnv knn pa cl... 1)-- Lvzxuncrucnn rrovmces. Euch Pot and Box bears the Britikh Govern- men! Shlmp. Wilh the words, Holloway; Pins" and ()intmem., London, engraved thereon. nccessnrv to mnlm lhinnnnnnnn- flllz! lld Ullmnl " lt is presumed that, from the large connexion Nlessra. Henry 65 Co. have in the British Pre- vinccs and elsewhere, the public is very likely to be imposed upon by unscrupulous vendors and others unless_'they_exerci~ie great caution to pre- vent their being misled, by nding these medicines bearing a stamp with the name at Holloway zv Co., New Ygrk, rinted thereon. Mnnv resneclal) :5 firms in the British Pmuim-nu, LLXBAIA nized bg lation I: A 241.4 my meu cmes cun De nnu genuine lrom them. The following is a list of the rms alluded to; andl particiilgirly recommend those who desire to get my medicines to apply to some 01 the Houses named :- Messrs. Avery, Brown Co. Halifax, `NS. . Messrs. Forsylh 55 Co., H:-.lii)ax, N.S`. `Messi s. T. B- Barker 55 Sons, St. John. N.B. Mr 'I`, ns: Bria.-av. Chnrlmln Tnum. 'P;R':l U0. Ne! IQTK," rmleu UlI'_Ol1- ' Many respeclah firms an the Bnlish Provinces, who obtain my medicines direct from here, have very properly suggested _1hnl I, should, for me benelonhemsclves and the publxc,insen their names in the papers, that it may be known than, med cines.cun be had genuine from them. The {ollowuuz Is alluded ln: Messrs. rorsyln 01. \;o., nszmax, 94.5`. `Messrs. Mr. '1`. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P;E`;1_ Messrs. Langley 66 Co., Victoria-. B.C. Messrs. Moore & Co. Victoria, B.C. Dr. John Pallen Chat mm, N.B. Messrs, Munro'& Co., Montreal. ` Messrs-. J. Wiuer dz Co.,Han'illon, Out. Mr. H. J- Rose. Toronto. ` ' V .M;-_ A. Chi man Sm th, St- John, NB. Mr- John ond.Goderich. Ont. Messrs. Elliott & 00., Toronto. Mr. J- Chaloner, St.'John, N-B. Messrs- Hauington Brothers, Sb Jonn, N.B. Mr. R_ S. Pridd., `-'-'ru!so'1', Q,1t. Mrs. Orpan, Morden, N.S. t. I Mr- George 0. Hum, Juno Fredericton. N_. 5`. Mr- W. H. Thompson. Hnrbqr Graco, N.F-L Mr. J. M. Wiley, Fredericton, N. B. , Messrs. W..& D. Y4uile,Mumrea`l- , 1:--_,_ __. _'_u 4. .r., |....__. -._|_-I... The medicines are soldht the lowe_I wholesale net pnces, m quantities of not less than 20 worth--v1z.., 8s. 61]., 2%.. and 343} per dozen boxes of Pills or pols o10intm?nt, for which te- miunnces must be sent in advance. _ _ lfhnunielu n :1] nthnr vrxvhvra nl'|nn"nuvnII nann- 'lL`B5|'a- V7 . xv u~ .l4ullU,U1UlluDlIl' mmnnces mus: oe sent m auvance. Chemists a.:d other vcr.-tiers of:Hollowny s genu- ine Pills {1ndOinlmenl may have their numeav in- serled in the local pnpe.s iflh'eyIwi)l please apply l1ere--- V THOMAS HOLLO WAY E\BI, ,w'wu'n STEAM,HOTAlR&HUTWATE,R;% FURNACE& A PUBLIC CAUTION 1 On thelateat 1-nd most scienti principles. He also makes, .__.-_.-u---_ -----.----_._.- A8-2in . Application for a. Patent of which is being made. Iro Pipes and Pumps of all kinds always on hand. All kinds of cornice work, plumbing, and bell hanging` done. ' rnr nr 91 11,: I In trI"\1'r1 4| 036 A um, debillly been sq little to I T13? "'1Vii' "!"fifI`G J ..L.V \J .1. .1. \1 ..Lu- :. The subscriber begs to call the Ilton_!ion of the public to the fact that he has opened his. _-_.:. -- A -1--3 -inn |W.Vl.]!!4E!!!.!!.d"P.l 1 the undefd, Wrnmm ouso Munrno: : Of I-nnln. In: l'|AII n.-..m:..o.1 ; ;n.a.u..-a a... V Ozfanl street. '0.` ` Lomlan. .Md1rh 31:1. 1874; "I-H PIIIUU BI JUUUIIIU Particularly tn the Iron Department, such as turning largo Pu1leyI,6 test 6 inoherin diaugetergtnrning Shaft,` 21 feet 6 iuchen long. This is the kind of Lutho for boring Cylinders properly, 1! weighs 8 tonal. I have kn good supply of smaller Lathes,` and La ret- class lron Planer t fomlmmt any `ob. .. Any parties wanting Cutingi I out supp y` then: on short notice, as [cut ovoty.d_ay tn Bndfnrd.` '-nndmave u very large qnqntityv'of_p_Iufo_mI. I be`g"to'oa1ttonolio'e tI'Iyf~~' , TUnvLX1iW1i"i`."1Tnns: IVE-w=i~.Vmh?4st%? U9` Iu vuau IV uvuvu Ill lMPROVBl) GRATE BAR," which gives one . Quarter 5 more dnf lhanthe common _bar. In the Inunlime, V mnI_1fjoIuring`thdn_xfoh'EIIIEQ.-scab. ` 1;: .-nnonvnnyuu-nun don ! foxget Ihd Bntirld*l _loI}ghn; t teraf T . V J E3 MEAKIN, of B5 sq o_ or 111090 HEATERS4 {ARRIE FUBNXCE WORKS 1` r-_-.._v_.-'..":, > sJLvi:1+u* :'AC i" oi`. .1;51m n < &HlNDMENT3 THERETQ." ' ' A The subscriber is prepared to build _ I ll jvlllulinavll I VA nd- is now plopured to dq u u umnn ms mnnml THE BARR_1E_HOTEL. _' -_.. -1 n, , ' Am? prapuero dig , ALL KINDS l.`F JUBBINE `\ mhulv in (ha [rnn Dannlmam. an WILLIAM F. lUNB.O\ Jlnim AND JOHN n Barrie. IDl\trh ":'6.'{;] [JUST TO HAND] |J. J. BROWN. |J. J. BROWN. |noLnni"BEAvEnl |J. J. 'BRoWN.[ BARBIE mm: m EAPET ANS In Invltenll ILLUS- DDGUI IALCIR. IJ. _.}.' BROWN.` `J. J.`BRowN.| |J.J.BnowN.| l0-"APF'?K|NS f| Iias recewal NEW Goons in EVERYDEPARTM NT for FALL and W;(NTER EAR. E S hnx:-, are tle their If - counts on or i _ y of somewhat, d In huidn for ' Moig` 11, 1374. . 25 cIA sr:s;.. GANNE33; GOG.1}.S%!,,T nnninig I! A, WHOLESALE `AND RETAIL. , I) I. Ijeeg l0VCl 0 , him in- ny, ask, cnrml rmtu L131`: nanny. -J-I_`J_'S-T TO HAND-- ` {AT [anon T0 DEBTORS. `DUNLOP STREET, .` % B`a.`:r1ef; =h 11.1s74. 11.11. /- - I6.`1I--- PEA.EHE:- ._ % rams, ~ mmsons, x , TOMATOES, nuns I %covn'Ys1fas. sumon, ] Lonsrsns. 353`N33' `N]&Co.,[ . > .1z1v .BvE./1 VFR; BARR E. . THE I.n.n-n.r um- Odnaihting of FARM ~ SEEDS uurull Fears! of, u. I` WATER "ah LIME. WAREHOUSE. l_ IJJLVEI 'evlc's pa- MING 1. Simplicity of construction, parts and m ' ments; it is well made. 2. Non-lishilitylo getoutolordeneither by or standing; 3. Perfection or adaptability ofallits parts. 4. Easy ofworlrin , light running, and not I1 5. Easy of management ; no great skill req ed to operate it. ' 6. Reliability; 1lWOn llklpBlil0h08 or break the thread _ . 7. Siniplicity of tensions not hard to manage them. 8. Simplicity of stitch gulatoressy to be understood. ~ . 9. ,Capncity to do all kinds of work,~;light or henvv. ' ni ` mm snsr m THE wonm. b'l`h._ Wheeler 8`: Wilson Manufacturing _Oompsny_ have 1-`eceived c deapntch from Viennn, Dated August 19th. 1873, announcing that the Company have been unrded A l1DA\Th `Mll:`T\A|' -nxr nnnnnnnn n . nu .;1n ..-n-n.u- nu arr-nun '|3ENlY]:3'I`T.7 TAILOR. and 3. Jiapllclly to do all KlI!(l_l OI W0nL,~.u5Iu Ul' heavy. 10. It mnkesthe lock-stitch rm and good. v 11. Preqsure-foot can be regulated forlishl OT hanvv min-hina_ u. rreqsure-toot be re5"' " "5" heavy stitching. _ 12. Can be regulated the take-uplpfm 5900")` ing to stitching. ' , 13. Can regulate throw-off looptn Shuttle-H08 to suit sowing. . ' 14. Has square needle-bar; has WVOI "'3` _ plates, &o.,6zc. - * _ _ _ _ _-_ ....-_.-_-.., ow _. \an.Un--IAa AIQJJQIICQ-I \ru. gum..---- And alsothatthe `wargzia oi Se ' M h o ' db 1: I ` 1 Jury for the em3'1 Diplomas o';1yIn;'."' no me Cu-lpgny mcommmde y e` nugmmn VAN TASSEL & MORGAN; 33 - umwm wnn mum nn dmnnm. 1'oNs, ER. T Fax. no; - Edge of ion: of appli- elected nkfasl verage; bills. with shelled jets. our STAND, nmcunnocn, - - [ - 1- DUNLOP s'r., muznm. anie Oct. 15th, 1873. [3wIunMAc[nnE,l E.G.\V|LLlAMS Mmumc TUING co. GEoiz"c;}"'1?ff715ii,'f nnuvuuwlu I I III`! LIIIVC UUUI-I DVWHIIIUU A GRAND--l:l -PROGREZSIE, 85 A GRAND MEDAL OF MERIT A_.I -|-- LL-1.'AL-_ __,_ jcmms, READY-MADE 0LOTHlNG,| |rAMi[iIT1IjAfbi1INE| "52i33ii333IWARE H {I T'.l..I.J.J. II-I-J. vs; uI&L\J-sac. `I0 302 io Innonoo to 185 Public of was am they um purchnied the Black in ride or Mr Joh_n Loo; Oabinet Manhunt. ind mule extensive additions the:-e.o, in the Ihspe of cheap ` T and elegant designs in new Ind, fashionable ' 1.'1-r`r>""I`."`;"Ii 1;T1 I\ on 1-. `n -I\"l~1-1--virus`-? n 1-` I"! I ---u:-:--.-2: FASHIQABI.E TAILORINGJ Esrmatfsnmmif ornamentgd Machines on Ir'on Stand, lack Walnut Table and Drawer, [Pohn_hod.] j-1.-Qj L-1 LL Is excollet for the following points A * `- Family Machine `-195- - furnish ' ` K _ with each . , ._` ~. one 1-Iemmer,one.ol ' - 'I{nll'acombined$ucker, V Binder, Buster, F_{i|ler,' and adjustable Hemmer;-o`he exyu J Throat Piece, oneGu_lde and Screw,| 7' . one Wrench, one Sqrewdrnver, one Oiler, qix Bobbins, one dozen ..Need|ea. one Braidor and one copy ol Dnrectionl. mgm, Eng; of Mng'f:quuy reuonablehin .k I _-..v ___Y __ Iircinnnrs amok _n_.ocx, _un_lop' Bu-out Bu-rIAe_;;._ n Barrie, Aug..2,". mum 1=`tlHHinn*Ls. zivo barticnlusuention to the ulectin IIIII ECU u t! Ijwqwwpuu ' give particnluiettention to- the selecting ' Music for uhpol purpom. - Teachers fav- oring In with? their orden need onlyv agate whet clue of muilo they demo. and we will gumm- amm mnka theme nti- futon Ialqntion- ' 3 : I I I I 2 j :3 The Boat NEW School Singing Book.- Fnirv Echnu.. . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ , _Prim. Tno nus 311'. w nunom oxngmg noon: Faixjy Echooan ... . . .... . .....Prica, The Best Standard School Song Book: The Song llcho.....'.......' "Price, The Best Pisno Instructor: ' A Du.-.7 Inlnnn, , , _-, , TBA.- III1 25- cu` CHI! Iuu v uuu WU I unqua- 0 m.kJ'{'h37- s".I.'i'aT:.ozo:yue1io`.`a, F5%T THE BEST. IIIL- Dgno 1&1 Rnhnnl Hing-8-um 11..-]. . rGIBl'l' 5|CuCn I I Ii 0 0 I o 0 o o.'.mm The Best Read Organ Inulrnclorz . Kinkel I New lletnod .. . . .. ..Pg-igg, The Best Instructor forxhe Voice: -' Luddenh School for the Vales, Ppieg , The Ben. Guitar Innrualor: , = IJIIGQOITI BCIIOOI 101' Ill! V1 The Ben Guitar Iuatznctor : Wan-a1I!nT3nHni . . Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods, Hats, Cans. &c. T".I5 11'1~:`._.'ITI"J.s"iI:f3( CELEBRATI~i]37- `rue non uuuqr lllBi_"I0|0l' : _ ; Won-all : Guitar . . .. . _. . . . . `. .Px-too, 0 Best Collection for Halo Voicn: Snniorfeit. . .. . . . ..` ....... . .P-lam. g'|1'I`o-,oooocnnoooaouonQPH The '53:: Oolkction for Iixed Voieol: 3:. mm TI Itn.'GInn Bunk. , , ma- TUB DQIF UUIIEGHUII ID! IIIXEQ V0100]: No Plan Ultnloo Book. . . . ..P1-ice, 1 50 _'l'he Best Collection for Church and Home, TheClI1lh0!.........uu....PcG, l 50 The Beat Instructor for Accordion: ' Bodgwioku Com lot Method, Price 1 60 Thu But Instructor at amino: ' 7 8odgylok'o'OompI$to`Iothod,.'Price 1 so '1 ,v0b1i-|iI1`It,n . ' 2 A qz _ long at` . Sewing Mo.- . chines hnvebeen atall idely known `- to lh 0pl81 the _ Singer as been in pro- minent exnstence, and during all. these years has` been undergoing im`. provement/8 compatible with the demand; V Oflhe age 5 "I3i5}iE3`"E"::2I666L' THAT er by In to _.ETJ:|iil!f"_1Ri?-4 O. -CALL AND sEE.'1'i?,`_,g ---Inning QQAIA :2:-I.n..;.;\1'..g_y|_` \_/..L.;.l...lJJ..J.IJJ.I...IV .LI.&V-l- Tie dniisns'of Bsrrie wisl nd an hdvsntago in purchasing at their eltsbtiahment. . -. -L - ' Has now onhand a ohoxce stock of Seasonable (#0083, uutmstnng or: 3 Deal rllno IHIWUQTG P030?! 313106156...-5.... no 1."; u. n.'.o Dnnal nsnnn Tnnlnnnhu-o v .4 ,1`-.-,/_._ _ T_ J `Hus just been purchased, and'1ememl1I:.<(1lue8; '. =*' 4r~*`9"` ' ' ' ' n by ;::;:;:::? `" V J A Ipo'ciI.lity made in Pictum Frames. All work warranted togive ntiafsctlon. '\!'|nIvw' pug`--p-no- . 9---- w - . up guru:-sr|`l'! * -. ~11`.- ~ I but uouluuou ml` Illa vowel.- 3lng Il fOI.'t.-,u.....`........ 3 Best Collection Yoian: 0'-""" Nirs; Smith as '.lM:o'ore. nnnmi-.. 0.. on. _..LI:. -2 n-__;, .L . .'L-_ L'._- ....--u._.~-.1 .n._ 13.--`- :.. m...:- -1 ll .,...<.___..__.-....._.. %%F}IRMg_1y B`AR`l`.I E 2-% B E 31-9_v A-Ly} ;Manufactui`cd by SINGER 'r?:.'A]i~I._' _`8l_:IIynoid lreclai, near Iewroyhp Foundry. TSEWING MACH1NES,| AGAIN VIOTORIOUS!l 5 DUDE? ` XI V --Prices 60 . Ladies waited iookz -P.S.--All kin "Price: 75 on had for sale 9 ` Front street, I -.`.Price, 3 25 and Pullm a atoz - Sodt. aura. rum, 2 .- . T LGILLEB I, P1100, 3 50 J. J ` 50 durability in or `.. Pmo, 1 im,: - of rnhuon, brick up * run my colon` ,;... ',' 1 50 trial wil.1 ennui P213, 1-50 order: forlhurp ad Home, 1 Dunlap Stroo `.iP3`'2. `.5 I: ~ ~' JUST WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS SAID. V The Wheeler & Wilson A, NEW AND Beautifully made Hearse !% not 34- ' of time, n AHA`: E Front street, Barrio Machine "and Paint Oils con- atantlv 6_n hand. GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, FIELD xi GARDEN SEEDS, PRUITS,VEGE'1`ABLES, GENERAL PROVISIONS, AND EARTHENWARE. `Everything bought that 'FarmerI have to lull, and the highest Market`PriceI puid. (J 11 s_.,,,:_ A_ 1, \.__:_-__ -_.I _9n __n S. 0. intends to do buainesa,aud will sell Cheap for Cash. Call and See. Dnmamhnr lhn Plum nnhmr Qtm-A Mn"-Aw : ULIUIP [UT \J|l3U- uuu IlHl`DB3. Remember the Plsce, Oorner Store. Morrow : Brick Block, close to the Market, 3 convenient place for Farmexs. , Barrie Jan. 131. 1874. 1 7 THE NEW MARKET S |`9BEl 0 0 AL 0 I: L, NEA.-RLY ODOURLESS. Best Grade of Oil Manufactured |lj[S_'l`jllS!llYS'l`RllS!!I W. Edmanson &`Son, HQVME been annoinlnd nnln nannln in lhn II I --u.;uuu.uvu. \lI IJUI-I, Having appointed solo agenls in the CuunIy.of Simcoo for !he sale of W.J. Ellis, & Co : celebraled ' u), vuuuul Iiiirllill V I U I Ell? i Would beg to state that as they come direct from the packinghouse in Baltimore, they can be relied on as being \|'1nTK9 A`\ Ttrts I-ru-tau-zgrg-ru-n.-; II&5.,i@if3i?_II! !_~| ...-..... an an navel! 4m:rnv;4;'sr6:3 ElNl.'BEE#.`.tc V Stores, Hotels, &o.,sopp1ied at Toronto prices. Oysters served in every style with Hot Coffee. As we have lled up aoomforlable room with private entrance-,_partiea can rely upon being attended to on me shorleal nolioe,end el reasonable rates. ` 4 - 11' 1 nc. v . 1 Iv:--vuainwlll nu! N. B.-All Oysteri Gnu:-ameecil Fresh,` or no Sale. A..-..-o 0cn_ idnu -- V- _ _ _,___, v- --v pawl I August, 26th, 1874. %M|LLl_l|ER'Yll `Lqtely from Englnnd, respectfully info 5 tbs mas. awmgg ,,_-__- vww Umg Lately Englnnd, respectfully informs the public of Ban-io nnddvicinlty that Ibo has open- ` e out I ' II?! I tlilliunoo A u---.__ _- - --- , DRESS-n_/QKINGI % wmmnunzs ngqgnr mu sow. I . 2 door: Won of the Wellington Hotel, nndwlll . nsnntee to make the most fashionable {TWINS |M1LLINEavEEss-MAKINGI STORE ON [L|zAn"i;ii"1nT I 2 door: want of th \w swiid-IDVDHIIB Of any home in town, end use eheep en the eheepeet. Ire. Rowellhnvingbed In exten- sive experience in Inglend is prepared to full elfordere entrneted to hr, promptly, etyllehly, and cheap! Lediee end `gentlemen `can be supplied at this V eetebliehxnent with very good _ HBC8 I01 1' Ifllllla Barrie Jan. 131, - uvvnl II VII Ill IUD ` |lIiIIIINI1:I!.Ii.P!1|_.lI.1-!I"TlIINI=| OII lllllll FBI IIII I5 ,I IDW Inf . Front Barrio, between miw. nom Illd Pu1lm'a Itoroi. Huh 1! ill, -A 0-- t:w--v- xqnnvx m - 3.3 A! Cheap Rates: upon at their residence. .1 . S.-All kinds of PATTERNS eonountly At A low gure. . Front nal. Ban-in. lmlwhnn It W nub. U . _-Combin'u diii>l-:l;,__$comm , and injonrryilig through each mug]: muon, bruok1uyor,pluIn _m', alum. whin- wuhmg. coloring, pcporhangm . &o. A ODIIIID Illiufnnlinm 3': nnrlv 'Z1Z`I'l5XT"lTI~.I_E OLD Film HALL, 1 1' _ _ , _ A L , , _ , _ , 4.1 1... Filed: -~~---V-, vvw-V. nu--w wuhmg. mu ensure umfnolipn. gin qt]; order: for nhup altentidn. Smol,.EnI._ _ - ksx FO R Du.FFTEws REFINED LOST.-A Pt ckel Book conllinin pupon and a Note of Hand for 0153 . Any .pll"l0I| huinn found the cum will mum . S.` "K'['h'W'E L L, For the 5110 of sou) WHOLESALE AND mmm. BY ~ 3; am: 3 nine Ul nlllll I0! Il06.9D. Ally non huxng the nine will confer a not by returning it `to A M ` J8- .9 unnmun Ivnu U, IUIIIIIIII` I| I ' TE. S.MEI-2`Kl14lG.. Phyuohtith nohhuboon` ; "st I` J. GlLLEM,'l`H EVJOBBING BUILDER -Combinu dinpatch, economz, lllbilili in llffilir lhmnnh `nah canal: -'Ae}aE&s'poIz EH1? 'o9'. 's`:a?:on. Has just been opened by - I I L E-I - I d of tho. - md, the : b- Mums. % mzzmmmmmsr a Jmmmns mnnn in Gary: and an .I..._ -- u.- Invvin vv ..-- ._.-._._-..-_. WWILLIAM MOORE. WATSON & 00.,` V ' Druggists, .1 UL ULUJIJ . STORE 0 35-_lf" 36-! V R. NEIL v:;::sm:::;`2:*:i: kerldy with sfull assortment of Goods for the Spring Trade, which will he found of rs!-class quality, and of tho NEWEST STYLES. As usual he will be found to i_vu value for money. I-In will call! nmuv um: rusm. ' V ` '5 nY|_i iI1E i;{I:bia'fiiiiI';}'6H `Hamid, T " tr EWING . MACHINES I_mPAI_rmD ,5; All WORK WARRANTED_`__" 83"5f**'n- iers, % now ted by rats - of Eustob House- W- [Chi 1" BOOTS AND sIf0Es, RUBBERS, &.c. 1` IXT DUOI TD FIUNT I DA LOOK ) IDUNILOI STREET, BARRIE, Whnrn Iurin nrnnnuid In nvnnnln all nnhan _uUAVJ4U.l., loaloyux, .Ul1u.l.'|1D, Where haio prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him with neatnes and despaloh. attention given to Repainng. POWDER,SHO'l`,CAP_S,and AMMUNITION nf All kind: kam nnnnlnnllv nn hand Ullll LIV Wlll U6 IUIIUQ ID KIYII VIII. l He will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. OI-dnr wnr-E in [ha Lnlnnt Rtvlnl an. Inn l`lUlIIJlII|l_I|lillI3 ur Lnnu in the 41!: Con. of Tiny, being but No. 8, is cleared wolhtimberod with Pine and Hard- wood, within a mile of the Midland Railroad, two milelfrom Hlogg Buy. For pnrticulsrs ap- nlv to .~ DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. One Door West of the MARKET STREET. IWO Illlll ply to. 39 `L &\IL& IIIILI Wouldreapebtfully intimate to lhe publiothat he has REMOVED tolhe `premises late- ly occupied "by MR. MoHENRY, ' SAnm.m, [Nut noon to Hon : Su.oou,] nrnvrnn gmpvvm zuppnp .I..' UADX1. 11-" A six and a-half octave Piano,by Paxton, in good order and tune. Can be seen at 9 MR. FREEMAW8 .42-tf ` - OUSE & EIGH'1`_ LOTS ' FOR SALE IN SUNNIDALE. The subscriber offers for solo cheap, and on enay terms, the following valuable property viz. :-A one storey and n-halt frame dwelling house and i acre !ot,situnte in the village of Sunnidnlo, township of Sunnidale; there is a vgood pump nnclnever failing wnter supply on the lot. He also o'e_ra for sale 8 i acre lots ncjoining the aforesaid house The above property is aligibly situMod,wlthin one mile from New Lowell Station. For further porti- calnm apply [if hylelter post paid] to _ Wu. Gl.llNi-l. 44-tf I Being tho.WoIt} Lot 11, in 12th (1011. Town- ship of Innisl, diatantfrom Barrie 3} miles, and from Allandalo 2 mile|,and within the circuit of 3 mile there sre several Grist, Ssw, and other Hills, the Villnge of Pninawick with its Churches, Post Oice, School, Stores, to. Rnil mm! Maw lnnm. 50 Anrei elmu-ad. wall NEW . any AND LO0KSM]lfH S]T ... 4-.u:;_---g u `TVALU1.\B.LE}.:111'1\t7IW 1?'0R' SALE. Rnhmr Han WAC Ln! `II in IQH1 nnn Tarn- Unurcnea, roux umcu, ocuom, DLOIEI, ac. Soil good clay lonin, 50 ucrej cleared, well fenced, with frame Barn, Granary, Stable, Oow Houses, and other buildings. Tun notes of Fall When! in ground. ` POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. n--. ..r _....L.... ........m. -... nuumh. An Ihno- L \IAJlJl2BlJ\I! -UAVlLu.aaA/L41. 5.11.14 4. Part of purchase money can remain on Mort- gato. For further pnrticulsra enquire of ROBERT COX, or JOSIPH ROGERS, Barrio. This Pm ty lien on the shore of the Geor- gian Bay, in composed of Lots 114 and 115 in the T0 NSHIP OFLTAY, containing 200 Aaron . It iuitunud within Ii miles from Poriounguiuheno, 1 mile from Midland City, gnd } mile from Handy : Bay. There is 3 utpolul l_|nding for mm]: at the bench For partncnlnu apply to _ ;, JAIES ROBINS, _ ' Iidland City. Jnlv 17th. 1872. ` 29.1.! v _ LADIES ,' GEN'l`LEMENS', A ND (1 n u IVIUIIII nonlhly 16 Wlll sen UIJDAX BU UADH- , Order work in the Latest Styles. |FdP; s'AI'.E on '10 RENT. , 117...: hail AI 'nO M4; on 2.. ul... 7. _-_ -1--- ~ Wen half of Lot No. 90, in the 7th Con. of the Townohi of Vespta; within 2 and a Inn` miles of I a thriving Town of Barrie. There are 40 acre: cleared; 150 young Fruit Tgggg in I thriving condition, and a new [Frame Home. For particulars apply to the ownol, ~ _ J. LESLIE. Bum, July 29, 187i. :31-lf Barrie. Barrio, Feb. 25th '73. gum nnd Dwelling Bonn, corner o_ Mu-y and Elisabeth mum Rent, or; :36 r the that of November next. Ann}: `ta lw um nunuuu mumw mm, my at Novembuj nex. App} to Alllv A In 1 v Pluuntly situated non the centre ofthe ton of Barrie, with don. attached` planted with well `grown III: e and (ruixmeu, boning. ' 00% contains dlnlnj and sitting rooml, v v t t, ?'~ *"""= `W . . . V Jithor quarter or half nn 3 ~`- or . v 0.` ~ V0 and ua1'oome.i' _ ,_ . . gPR1NG__I_1__uPoRT`4:goNs. Barrio Much 3rd, 1873. July 1711:, ms. )1A-N`O FOR SALE CHEAP FOR -* pass. A n . - . ..A nJmI! m.o-.m Dhum I... nnvnn As.-.\.x\.-.-_~\\~.\s\\s \.~.\ \&\\\/xn. \-_ ,._\\\._,.`~,\, I O R S A L E TWO HUNDRED ADRE8 OF LAND the 4th Can. of Tnv. beim: [mt No. R. ` IALUABLE PROPERTY FOR . SALE.` ' `1)b'1'PAGE roa SALE. DUCI -l\I`l-Q or ::- 'iiG3sH915,e3o [cuss TO RENT. manna. AN D OHILDR ENS , W A ._, -_ --v... nu,` uyu uuuu - tqt. "to ALEXA IR LAURIE n-...L URI! 00 HEOH Ml winz. FREEMAW8 `Il'n-n:o.1.- Rn-an MARTIN MOORE, Barri: :1 pass para] to WI. GLEN I-I Hehqn Howie, Banjxjie. in 1` KIINDIJIIAYD Furniture Store, Dun1opASt., Barrie. no`, WARE [W -`q I"l'r\`l1r1 unn, Barrie. 9_ tf IDGD, Barrie. 1 n ny. 29-tf rersonages. _ _ . PEEBENTATION PLA'rz--Testnmnnmls ol'dn'crcnl sons. Racing Cups, and Jewclled and other Buxes,as provided by Mr. Bmtsou for [be Cor porazion of London and other Public-Bodies, to enclose documents conveying the Freedom ofthc City to the Princeof Wales, Duke of Edinburgh, &c..&c. mm SIORIHGB mmuui mu Ann Luunvnn. An!) 'lUnU.Nl [MUTUAL msunnnca `i:o'v Is ml! dcring the Big Business. wunnnn. Panza Mzm1.1s'z or THE Loxnox, DUBI.IN, AND 'PARl8 Exumlrxons. Maker oflhe Chronograph by which the Derby and all other Races and Great Evcmsof the D..y.nrc timed. Mmunctomr mm Cny HnUIE-5S 4 60, LUD- GATE HILL. erale prices. ' ARTISTIC Gum) JEWELLI-IRY, ot the rn-hes! und most exquxaile designs, wztn Monograms, (trams, and Devices, Enmnellmlin Colours, after Designs b, the most accomplished Artists in the Preciolhs hzelals. Brooches, Bracelets, Nt_:(',klaCe5, Lockets-, Rings, and all kinds uf bijm/./enle, as` supplied to Members of-the Court and other Dis!jngui~hed Personages. PRI!l|l.N'l`AT| nu PLATE--T08! lmnmals nlim-rmnl ' Smvxa AND ELECTRO-PLATE in the most recent fashions. and of the most durable make. In Eloctro Plule it is-neccsnary to secure sound mn- lerials and a sutcicnt coating of silver lo resin! daily wear tlnd tear aatialaetnrnly. No other is ready cheap at any price, uu_r worth buying. . niches and Clor-ks renmrcvl `m: sltlliml wml.-. To the Queen and Royal Family . To H. R. H. the Prince 01 \Va|vs (Special Ap nl) ; And to several lndinn Polenlntvs. 1-` .rci;zu Governmenls, and Rmlway Companies.` Established 1749. MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, AND WHOLE- SALE BUYERS arc spucialiy invited--bc{ure. sending their orders eh-mwhcre-lo nhlam from the Manufnclory tho ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE of WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY. and ELECTRO-PLA'l`I:`., whu-h urn unnl nnu! G-am. an unl nnlu nrn Ihv diartnlnlls In Jununnnun WATCHES Ofalllcindsfromt . 30200 GM. Lever, \'erticuL ` llorizonml, Duplex, 1 Chronomuler, Chronograph, Kcyleu, Centre Seconds, Repenlen. Indian 81.0., cunt tau nn Mn! .11 ncycuuuu. ululun mu, ]J.uIunI y, uuu\.nx.n, u.;,. ENGLISH ORMOLU CLOCKS, designed by English Artists. and Manufactured by J. W. Bu- son, far exceed in beauty Xhosa mannmcxur`-d abroad. Thev can only he obu\iI.cd at this unlab- liehmenl. FINE ART BRONZI-IS AND CHIMNEY (`HIM A MI -`N 1`.Q nfthn m-umsl tie-uinrnu, frmn (Inn- FINL Alix D1uJJ.Vz.r.o nuu L-Klll-_V r. I ORNAMENTS, oflhe nuwesl dcbigns,!'rom (ion- linenlql atelier: or the highest rcpultuion, :11 mod- prices. Amnsnc JzwaLr.1-mv, rea\l`I/v cheap at any price, not worm Duymg. niches repairc'| by slnlled work. men. Old Silver, Jewellery, `,, mc|mr, kn, ex- changed. Merchunll. Shippers, and Clubs supplied Watches.Clockmlewollcrv. hm! Plm'esex.1n. Qutl Series Drawing, Oct. 5,1874. 2nd Prclum Draw.,Dec. 7, 1874- changed. Mercnunu.-::`.1ppurs undmubssu Ii-I w!|l0h5.Clock: Jewellery, hm! Plate 531:1; all parts oftbe wurfd. _ THE IEHUISEIH U|.'I'AIII|!|tI|I I Will be found well stocked in all lines. Parti cular atte lion called to Ten. Wheat, arley and -Pox-dough , and the highest market price in Each will he maid. ' 9 11- A;...--..v-.. WATCH 6: CLOCK MAKER. GOLDSMITH. SlLVE[1SM1TH,ANI) Al`\ l`lSTlC mrmx. - womn-zx. `D...-no MnhAv1n'v Au ru-ur: I.n-unnv hnnln: AND JEWELLERY . an(1bl4r.'U'L'ltU-1 14A 1 L, wmc-n are senl post free, as not only are the discounts liberal, but a selection can be made from the largesl stock in the world. Ordnrs man be sent direct to the ;VIa1nu!`t\L'-lorv. largest stock In me worm. _ Orders can be sent NIz1nu!`nL-lory, Ludgate Hill,orlhrough Merchants or Shippers in Enemun. Iiynrhnvlm n1[\rw1pq |The Tailoring Department 1' I. ....A.-.. H... nnnnrlnnnnnn nf Mr, A. MCRMI. Ina -ronj)ugn', am in Cash will be paid. , uzur. mun. . Wis? Em: Es1*Am.1sn.\1m1"a-25,()!.D BOND S'l`, ..... on \xIF`_.<'Y`R()lYRNF-`. rnmvl-`., LON DON. `EU Aunavnasuo nlvrvun v...v- Is under the supennter-deuce of Mr. A. Meme. A complete t guaranteed. '1` AIELVL .l'.".I.T.\)l"l'1Ll`C.|_` Insured on Cash System and on `_`.-gmmm Note System Premium Nate Policy Holders are `HM B51070: any losses on cash system poli- 1ias,\3 they are in a ditfereut branch. g aioraes and Cattle Insured Against Death. fM_THE BEAVEHAAND TUBONT ..~I.. n.._._1:.._. -..._.._..J-:_._AL?- - II. Y. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION 00., Is tnw only Canadian Company doing this class ofbnsiresa. General Town and Village Busi- neu done in Mercantile Bxnncb. which is en- tirely separate from Branch. 1\_--11.'...... .'.._ nn._.._. ._ .1 HIE ' BCPBFBIB H'0lII D!'BIl a Dwlivellings inugfowns and % Villages Insured at Lower Rates than those of Ann other aznauu-gs. csauaaso ames. 1_hlt.P0@a llr I III H V D U I U Q U V LAD1' mu_;s Gdbns __ m_:__.._-.. u..u.-um 12-shin LI.` VII . than of any other Company doing business. Our motto is T-.. 'D;.4-M. t:1.....: n:..1-.. .....: uujupuuy uumg Dusmesa. UH!` motto IS |Low Rates, Good Risks and] `l3........_L 1).._... ....... JJUVV AIRBUS) UUUU DJBJSU ~`auu Prompt Payments, Allowing other Companies the Doubtful Rl*:lu`.\ at any rate they can grl. Who evar heard of diiculzy in scouring the settlement of claims for loss in the Beaver? ' nnnnrn` "nunnnO:`A D!-\.- I .... _,..I i... |I.:n -4NEL$JN7HOU E V ', NEW B-PJVCK 1LocK, {Dunlap Street, Banjie. .._- ____ __ ,_ , .. LI!_ AL-L lUl' IUSB Hal UJU DCHVBT K General Mercantile Risks Insured in this oico at very low rates, fully one fth less than Stock Companies Appl to ' R. JUDSON D YLE, ('3...-xn...-`I. A ..-..p U.,_ _.._.. |'\:_A.:..A FALL Ann %wnm-:n nouns] cm PREMIUM, $10u.nun.| lomprising new Black and Blue Brondclozbs Whitnoya, Melton: Beavers, Pilots Scotch, `English and danadian Tweozis, the `beat in the Market. was? Sun rjsnnr.mmr::'ra-z.1,u|.u nun u c 1, AND 99, WESTBOURNE GROVE, LON DON. LLJVUI-lug ZISJUI, Pxerrie. Olce over Wells Bros. Drug Store, opposite McWa.t1 5 Barrio. Hotci. 7 !y-i-p MR} NELSON be 9 to inform the publit; that he has juuopone out large consignmentso iAAJV_I:|ll!A|?1EJ FM 11 In the Township of Oro, in the County of Simcoe. There will be sold on Tuesday. the 13:): any 01 October. 1874, at 12 o c1ook, noon, at the Barrie Ho- tel, in the Town ol Barrie,iu said Counly of Simooe, by virtue of a power ol sale i:onlnin- , ed in n. oe_rlain Mortgage, which will be pro- duced al the sale, the following property : ' PARCEL 1, , 1: n no, . _,,, A _-.__ l__._,.I\A_l.__,_. ,,_. ` -3 > Under Morlgage from James Mahoney, east half of Lot number twenty-four in lheelevenlh Concession of the said Township of Oro, con- taming by adrnsasuxemenl 100 acres, of land, more or less, except two acres offlhe nonh- eaal angle of said Lot, 'I`|-us fnllnminn in-nnrnvnrnnnln an-n Laid In kn anal angle Ul uanu nun, The following improvements are said to be on the premises; A good frame house and log stable, _._....---. ' I` . .. I.I . wunuuu '1_`ERMS-V0ne-tenth of the purchase monev to be paid down on the day of sale. For bal- ance, terms will be made known at the safe. For further particulars apply to VA`?-A 1! A I ! '1 \\Y l".`(` Barrie dctobor 22, 187;?` vn'{1J1 one Illulun uum nun can-:: wuuuut uuul - ear, the balance to be seogred_ by a Mortgage, on tho prexnnscre payable In me years with inn-re-at at sevvr. per gent, paynb1e,yeurly. '1`he\'onlor w;H not be bound to produce any ougmal hue deeds, (nor give evidence of llmlna uf1h.:.n.._)_z=`.'cep! the Morlgaga. And the .\'..la will bi aubiecl 1-) a reserved bid. or [n;1tI:.]I`f|U l`Lun111f', the particulars of muunu-.1! bro nmdc known on lhe day of Sula. Tue olher:'u1:`h`.i0nH are the standing comlmons uf mo (`mm of Chancery. Fur further pnrticuhrs apply no Francis W, Lally, l{~'q.. the (.'uur~.imn m litcm,and Messrs. A:d.1-,;ht\' Snnzkxy, all 01 Harrie. - ' Mm-r.u. .um..u.:z 5; wrmvrllv, I":-udnr ~: inll-llnrl Toronto, 29th August, l'8_'1_I'1:- .I. To be lot by tender. for a term of five yen: from the 20th day of October next, ai1.thnt part and pnrcelof land, No 27, [and situate gt Shanty Bay, 3rd concession, of the Township of 0:0, County of Simcoe, containing about 85 acres more or loss, of which 60 acres nre cleared {anti nlmont without a stump. Alan-Hm puma.-_ Hanna and nrnmiaea than-anti LIIIJJIIIALD. JIIIJSJLBJ \J\J\llJlJ Syich as Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Braids Glmpa, Ribbons, Prints, Oouons, &c., &c. T0 LEASE. Tn}-nlnf luv 0 Imlon wlwous a stump. Aleothe Public House and premises thereon called by the nnme of the Railroad Hobel,on the Ridge Road from Barrie to Orillxa. 'I`nmlm-g will in racaivad bv the undersigned muge noea Iron: name 10 umuu. Tendon will be received by the undersigned | on or before THURSDAY. the 20th day of AUGUST next, imlnedigtely _efter which the person Iccepted will have notice thereof. Deted at Shanty Bay; 20): J 0119, 1874. WILLIAM HEARD, no-1! Prnm-imam. |FXf"1{4"3'Xiil" I`... no`: I Rnlnnid VJIDHJVCN`, J-i"or Isle, a Splendid Improved Farm of 56 acres, ueu ghe Race Courae-Choap {or ouh. For mm lad other puliculalo, - A--.1- in J. H J0}-INS nr In `mun, Juno, l6,_1_874. .___.._.:--.-_..e._..__. WAGGONFOR8ALE.---For Sale, a Single inzopd order, and as good an new. Apppto L , ` Lorjiti V . FIELDS B503-y ' Ihia~0'w,.:. nlo ro .. , n can`; ' .`~5' 0Q`_lC` p St. Address, fur Bonds and full informanioa uulng. ill, OH`. lillll, 01' 1 J, vs7f"BgN SON. n-nu ._ nv nnv xi. won an: hLH\.|ll'1 -FARM PRO}- ER'.l_; med Svstem and on `fmmmm N Or to A U I IIl'|h IIIUUIIFIIIUE .9 Big I'll. run u: App! to jg-1 THE GROGERY DEPARTMENT l 1 k :1 HI I he fnnnd we I aim: e n iucs. ...,s,';;;..;,"% THE BEAVER AND TORONTO IlIl'l' Illnlnnnunn A. UIUZTK I 0: to GEO. A. ROBINSON, Tmvnlnn Aw,-.1 liiICK5Hlltu ~'I~1'I ` ' ' ,\ tme porlittn 0! the Farm `ts cleared `and un`|grCultt vattoti, and _w:,-ll Feuged, and it 1.1.0 has good l-`min lqtldttzgi. The `nd in weuadapleli for growtng_ Wheat and other man], and Ibo vimi IS QOUU. . The ma uuiu W1 be sttbjecilo a cprlain Leasu to the present tenant. whtch expires on gym!-'ttsIday M May, A.[)., 1876, and the turcilsdi wtll be entitled to all the benets ufizmdiord t`:wrut1nder,an_d V7111 be entitled tttpewession upon the expttatton of the said . S6. ' hiine Tenth of the Purchase Money will be teqntt:ed to be paid on the day of-the Sale, am! a iuflilelvsllnl stifoieut to make with this. depot-tl Etgitl Huttdrad Dnilars-mus! be paid whtn one montit after the sale wtlhout inter- ,. .t.- b...1..mm on has nnnnrmi hit in Nlnrtanan JONAS AP JONES, Solicilor, Masonic Hall, Toronto. WA. Momzow, 23.3., Rnrrin _ t _ Gents Furnishing Goody, r-u.su 1\I\-Iirm l'1(\l1 Aucruqg SALE. .: uuoun uux um, General Agent Saugeen Distxict, Owen Sound. n1d`r\ A T7I'\l!T\YQ[\\Y mu UITY nnUlE- GATE HILL. .1 |nII\ttIu'rn 07 R. NELSON. U L4UU A5 1. Ofalx bindxfm 210 1000 G21: Chmjch, '1'urrg1, Carnage, Chunc, _ , Dining and Drawing-room, Hall, Shop, Mall, Shop, Library, Bracket, kc. v nu Anita I ,-, KI . IVUUI KVDUAV, Tmvelng Agmt, P101` iVI{'.`Il'I'!. :\l'nl!:llIIl:R 8 '1-lltllllllg H-m`inr s nal:-luprs. J. ll.()0'F'f!.-tn, Mmaor an Bmvrlo. jyli-B Barrie. IIIIIDI POI lllillll J. H. JOHNS, qr lo` ` J. B. JOHNSON i _ mini.` CLOCKS ninth fnxlnl :1 unanu, Proprietor. ...... --._....- 36-td- EAD gut Record of Sucoss, which hu, (3 new b 11 ' H - chine in Cumfgglequa ed by my Sewmg 3 25 mas" P`.-'.".zEs, a`\ nIVp1. \\1v\ r\r\vrp-1. J. TKTCDOJDS-, Patent} Maaicines, &c. ; `"'r`i:i`f1`i>':' i'`' ? K SBORN R enunun nnnnunus | DEALER W was nnuss AND` CHEMICALS, ` FANCY PERFUMES, :Lx%so{LvEa=aL1`g\cT or ?s77I.I rPuR\7n B'o's,. SOLE A(1}`..\I'1`_2 Irnn Qlmhnn` C All kinds of Horse and Game Medicines, &c Physicians Preacriptiona, nnd Family Re- ceipts prepared with due care and accuracy. (Jail in. My -2 1-`,":' ` '* ' -' -:-::r::-1-'-'?"i" =7-' For Season olal`!4";;. 31 FIRST PRIZES, 7 SECOND PRIZES, 0 HID ; SHOP ACCESSAl;_[7:7E- AT ALL `nouns. ..:w...u-.1 nuw us 15.55, una gZ Ul71 PE1?5157' S/1_TISFAGT10N. Every Machme Warrant-I ed and Guaranteed At nun-`- H OI... __._ .., -'- v---up on uuvva \~a-nv'tJ\lIL At nearly all the principal Exhlbltlous in Canada for the last four years, the Osbozn hm triumphantly carried 011" the Tiilirvvti I\I\VrI'~1ru - .__..__ _-- _ g ngsus. 1 Ltluuu Ala All I. UULVIAD over :11 competitors. _Not the 11:83! brilliant achievement was that won by it at the Guelph Central Fair. when for three :13 -9 it was put iu competition with the Howe, `healer 8: Wu son, Raymond, and other leading Anwriun and Canadian Machines, and was awarded the nlnnnu n...n.- & Ivl-UKIL LIILIJJU by competm and pgncticul men, not inm-cat ed in any of the maclzinoa- Such judges` In are sorry to say, are not to be found at some of our County Shows. A I I Il"l`l{\nv\ mnv ur n nan: nu . A. | `IL IAKJAVLIQD For Season of 1872. ' Tho'u.cn.ml.< are now in use, and giving A PERFE`(7'I' S/I '7`ISlJ`A'I`)r)M `.3 T ? .4 5.3 Financial x\;I\`E18. '21.` Park Row, New York. Post Oice Drawer 29. `:0 .93:-m xzaa--p._zn: at I price within 1 GENERAL JMPLE M1a'N'l" D E A I. E R S`, , 1|lc(`m-thy u Brick Block, Dunlap St., South Side, BARREE, November 23. 1879:. zl. -5m [Largest and BestSolc.ed Stock in Bairlo of STEKMERSFR031 NEW YORK WEDNES ` DAY AND SATURDAY. I).`m.-..nn.. A :11: -...u....n-`nu IT...-u.._.-..._ L JJIJ |)f1J.LalLL]l1L. Pinsexonn Aoconxnu/vnox llxgnumszio. Rate: of passage from Suspension Bridge or Buffalo *` To Gueaow, L1vsmvoor.,y Loneormrznnr, Quemzsrowu or Bennsr : Cabin 905 to one gold, according` to steamer and location of berth . Return tickete issued at reduced rates. Intermediate and Stelerage ee low as-any other me. [For passage or further information, apply to Henderson Brothers, 7 Bowling Green, New I ork, or` their Agent, A. B5 MCPIIOQ, Clerk and Treasurer, Barrie. _ 6-Rm-r A. Pure Engine Oil ! PURE NIACIIINERY OIL, -AND-- SIIRFAGE` OII. SUBSIITUTE W\\ I non. wW\ Wn\u_ --run`: . u.JIl\./\ly' SOLE AGE-.`i".`S FOR SIMC()}C, ' For the Celebrated r|nn1' l'\l'|l"!I' woonvmiue s'roxg, DUNLOP ST, w14:s1`, BARBIE. .j-.. .mx..\'nm m'.:'r1.\:, GEORGE BOYD: am] JUI1.\' YOUNG REID, piinm. sag. ,; .- ur. Sbannoy begs to remind ,I,hoTcmzons ct Bnrie. that he has u_1d..wI1l-L "noultunty on handallrf quqnltg II qod,in um And four feet engtlu,whiehhe'il_ pro rod to delivor in any pm of tho,owu`.`;-T. Pbrom Inh. at n Anrnnnn nlan.`-"hr At'h,:nnhlnn.. umown.=;.'1_I11 mm left at the Annual om-:0- _or at 'y:uablen, North of the Barrie Foundry, will be promptly Attended ui. , V A Two ru-cluu On-ags Horne: For 811:. ' - J. BEAIAOY. . . . .- Id.-.!rn `Quint. I - ' .. ;ANTI-FRIACTION METAL Wovcmber428, 191%. -,-------_, ..-....... \d VFIP.s7171 mzEs as DIPHLYJVIVIAS an nil nnunnnoion-n KT. 4|... 1.--. \._n.:. Dr.nI,Modicines,n mi G'hemiculs,Perlnmeq and Toilet Articles, P|into,.`0i's A and Yaxnishea, (03109. sud Burning Wltfid, Dye Stuffs, ..Pipes, Tobloccl, Ind Cigars. My speciality in univounlntlofuo- 1 - tion to all pur- c h p. I o s . -'3 $9`. `Q, M2=ms;EE' HALL 3 AHGH(}3?._ LINE. I.`1`i`HE `0UN [`Y COURT OF THE COUNTY UF SIMGOE. ' pqnandrl-I A'A4A\JlIll.`l'J' within the reach of all, cannot do better than Tall and Examine the Osbnrn. -.\--.. ___._ _1Uc;`si*o E AND- iuoIbAL DISPENSA Y. . ` ' HEEL-`THOSE IN WANT,OF A - _ b`.- 0. DUNCAN-CLARK & O0 8 .-$1` J.-'.{ZES, SECOND PRIZES, 0 Iufhf ....... .... .......... .:, -nu \ADnnl and ........:....I _.__ 1-" 1 11 s ?1"1zur": TO BE HAD A1` van In WAR L" 1st f 1>URfiS "1"3 1'ib s MACHINE, "m rmmh an an lH\r.nnO .1... DANIEL cmzw, J ._ P, 7% K_`l_D_DV Q _ ' AND Lu: (4 1): V, `.2 UIPLOMAS _.C' I EHO uxau-J, 2 IIIPLOMASI .0 IQNI gltiuns `vi 5) -.....o.-nu 1|'\lK- 48-Sm ` I34` "P0n_ resmng the Writ ofmtacbment herein, 1he_uninvit of service thereof. and other affi- dunls and pu}) led, 1 order that a meeting of the cxedilurs of the above named Daniel (raw. rn kn l...l.l .. .1... l\"`|AIl\ .\c.1._ nx....x. .wn.:. "- -~ ~- VACUILIHS ()1 H11.` llUUV\' IHLXHUU llllll`/I (""110 be In-Id at the oice of the Clerk ofthls C`l iu the (`nurl House, Barrie, on Mon- M. um Fifill lay of October, A. 13.. I217], M lhc hour of twelve o c`.ock', W: `vi the purpose of z-ppointing`nn'as- SW59: `W1 for ether purposes in accordance `fill! the suid_ Act, after due advertisement luureo - h...-).. n. . , . .. , acribcd as follows; vi . N0l`(`.l.~} oi iulcndcd By-Law I0 ultllbllsll ll Rum! on Lots N01 11` an 12 su-roam the mill, 3rd, rill!- und 6m (Iumecssions of Till) - Take notic Township of Tiny intend to introduce and Mk inlu oonsidernion the advlsibillty of passing 8 By-Luw to enablisb a Road as above mentioned and which line of road may be known and do- Z . Unmmm-.nin.. no .. '--!-# A` " 0, that the Corporation of 1119- rs any it '2: Great popular d lungs. mathma, perlie 5. y. E-`o r mcdu-inc. ,5 Farm is siluzizry wilhnri (`we `mile; of lhe Yxllage of 1 lmeaii:~,in which Vnllage there are Mails. (`hum-hes, a Schul House, mwksmnl; Shop, lac. . . -_ ...\.;..n n! Hm Farm in nlanrml and mm W, 9 cnnms on unks. Thence No"-th' 51_l0ma .,4 chums 18 links to the line between Iota 11 Ind 12. ? Thence North-westerly following Igaid hue to the rear of the 5 1h Con. Described bus go bu the centre of the Road. Baum Hnguggiqjtond to be one chain wide. ' - XAVIER THOMPSON , Towxsmr Umzx. _ rm- - ; n - "s"-`R. `(uni-Fl": Penehnguishene, Sept. 7, A.D. 1874. 37-4111. Lot 13 E03 Buy. Aonlv tn 't.h Mill sm, for safe, , 6th Oonosuioh oi .- on me [But Half 01 L `t 17 ` T6], H08 3. . App]? m3) I - . ` W- H mm IN 5ept.'. 3, 1871. MUHGENTHAU, sauna` 82. 120., Ullltn. ' :\uLho:iz4.l'h_v the Legislature of the State Known A A. "-"-- , _ '~ A miidd1e.agedwoman, who WI" make rselfgenenlly useful, in the hoIIl0 "99.? ' `than are only two of u?famvly,cnn `:.h.l|'f- `j Jomfortuhle ham ' ` ;_-`Vince Oico-`ah, _ Fostponement Impossible, sun: W0 1 _ Dated at Chambers, mh Septn, 1874. Y (/.AI'1L`L R {Q (IA IN. u"$ From f excor- bottle nding. in: Out. P0n_ reading the Writ ofmtacbment herein, 3 ldnvit uf sac-ruin-.a the-rpnf`, mud ntlmr am- win be Rcivemed with A Pfemium. 13 n.- --- -NoTT,.a WASAGTA! W11 5.; clfcred Fur Sale at A. .1-7t*1rI1'rt\\ {yb A :mrr1:L;T m..\l' \' OT? 1) A 'DD1 Q U] w ' v :'r111~: '1'u\\'.\' OF BARBIE, . nI.`.. . P-H-~ . inc is unuuun 8 In [he mu invgluabie mfocfuc Ill o-e pain u nnd.d onalil mi3:gi:;:'.f)ig;:;ea.e, . . . It 0'3 ` em:....j ma female c ,r\.` nlld WMOVQH a ` H obstr- . . ucllon. Llllllly 0,! be, h Lee`: ~ [ILL SITE FOR SALE. :24 AB "run 1 1\` Im: E: .__________._______ HOME IN m1: COUNTRY, I EVERY BOND -$2a- Ill)`-"' Y ;, [\[]IF.!~.'ING, Auctioneer, at the ,.-.uYc."( 1Yf\ rn1.1'r VJ. -_ . -- M,` (,`.~1`.v,-k, noon, pursuant Id 8' Hggrce in the case of ,-r1$11 l`lAT1\f urn: I --v my or 0U'I`0BER,18'74:, v u ..l, nnnn nu-annno n.~z .. ' , M. to, Ont. T '..7\hL1!2L`fi5.-t1ZIb!b21I1.AV -__......;. .IO AUCTION! _;.. .-..-u .-_..` I: Nu|(TH-HALF or Lrrr Tun; : Emnru Corwssslox or ' 0. New York. on Ilie nuns. `"v``. H`, smmsnoao, "l`oronto Post Oic. 38-4_in `us. ROBT. GOWAN. 38-2in ' : unfailing in lh. .1...m.mma dzseasm 1=J:'LJi.s`., Ham- Ipuny d ndeio-` .._.-|.I-