- V,--,----r v 11%` 3% .In ;`emnmen'cing"bnJinesIu` Odlia tuna-J7 GRANT, begs respectful): to announce tint be his made a.rnngemeu's- witheome of the most renowned Collieries lathe United States, to be supplied with Goals of the very but quality At the Iowa! possible prices; end he trusts that by a rigid system of fair des.ling,by punctuality to all engagements, and by adhering to all just end reasonable prots, he shall be able to com- mand a fair share of public patronnge and sup- port. All orde.s transmitted to the above .4ddtass'will always ensure immediate atten- tion; ' `I$i*1cE, . BARRIEA ovm DRY. l `Feb; 4th. 1874. 9 9- THE K%ING_9_F STORE.` _.____ -`r-auv-qQdCI Thejlstock 18 large, qndem. - ` T braces: --r:---- Lxnnnn 1 A .._ _ __ T-Si FRESH MEA T, * l"AM1LYFLOURL ' PROVISIONS, WINES, 'I'_lnrrnnu' use-2-xgsysavaa uu ya.-av 0i{DERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED and an -n|-It nuns--ulna! on BRICK BLOCK, TDUNLOP STREET; KLLANDALE BAKERY- Barrio. Nov.{6th, "I3. tuna, Japan Java. DIIII. _ LIB'ERAL_L\-( sUP-Lita` stuugm gnu In values. Summer Drink: in season. _4___ ` - Kn J1.` J` IUD, J "Feb. 4:5, um; --:_._.:--.-___ VERY` ;QI1EAP `BATES. _._.___-__......_ _ _ .7- . __-.-.. By contraci `or otherwise, And Q`n`A'l`1('\}\T r!l`rA1)A1urr rfhe lugeit smment of GUNS ' _ . ever ahawn in Bnrtilg , . .2-j _.._-_ ,..-_V- ____ .- And can be e1'oc;i,vcl;,v and ._._.._ . ..'.... --- -II ---uynx and all work. guarnnteed to rn.T|m Tf3rn;T|Tl 0 ., 300%" Aisixi Eitons 'Barria,|Nluy lat,A 1874 . u an am.-_a mm on the lst< and at revnecmy nle rates. .v`__\/.l...L .|.JJ_Jb' ,DUNLO STREET. g0 HE A21 'AND WILL BE SQLD AT TV TYVW 'E_1'm_.=>oRIUM. . `In an inn `RBI 3 great uriety. |iR%"$:" EAND7 ax-:'r YOUR T lll I `TR RCTA 7-Tnma uomns n--.- -nun: IUQI mxde to order,` A -1.. I summm A'i':j:HE ;mMMo.TH I ?all`tha1iew pnttarna in root urietv. ` .-sao\Ivl.JJJ.l'JL\J `place to get good` The. V4 ry besfplaoe In Barrie to gel the worth ofyonrmouey GROOERIES 1 I _u-913.-.wv~ NE715; " LIEKJ LLJQAUORS, BOTTLED ALE, AND POR TER, Is at the` SJ] u. nuun, Proprietor. ' 45-1 y` 29-l! `TEAS/V 43-tr North I IJLILI 6.-3m v... ~-v-any " Sharpener, value..._.....}...,,. 7 50 . Second do.....~ ....... ..`. ........ .., 0 50 . ,__..-Best 12 Aberdeen Turnips... o 1 00 ` Second do .......... ......_.......... 0 50 10.-Best_ 12 White!` rnip.`.,... I 00 ' -Second do ......... ........... .. 0 50 . , ll.--'_Best12VVhiteFieldCarrot8` I 00 Second. do...........;.............. 0 50 12.-Best 12 Red Field Ca.r_rota.. 1 00 Second do ..... ., ......... ..; ..... .. .0 50 13.-:-Best 12 Mangold Wurtzel.. 1 00 Second do..,...;;..; .... ..'.;....... _0 50 14.-T--Bust 2 _Pumpkins........`.;.. 1 00 Second do...A.... ...... ...... 0 50 1 .qARD..EN~ PRODUCE; `FRUIT, , f!IR L ui-U Us pxulg; Dl`08., moxie Sharpener, va.lue..._.,,.,,.,_ `T do.....~......;.; . H l,_...~B9st Aberdeen tmips... Snmn Jn, the 1P3 . u\IuIADcI l Vmlnnssaajmscovazdrs Avl`;l.:;.'3U\-v;',E'l') 'ro'CAu f(}Us'l`oAM[-:'|:.g.. II`:3P,lI!:`s rm: ALL MACHINI-In sonnjmpl` IN stock. Sole agents for WILSON S Double Action FANNING MILL -ajnxuun A-am. 2- -nu--.-cn .4- v.---unav unu ~ y}_z_uuu1 pucxeye _ . . . . . . . . unnuun,-.-_-in. 'SecOnd do ......... .. 1 ' 7.-Best `half bushel of anybtha kind of Potatoes............... Second do ........................ .. _T:i3..-13est 12 Swede Tumips, Sp. `Prize of Field ' Bros., Sickle R}: avnan an -uoinn Vdopill;`IIllIOOEIII6IIIUUI#`; 12 ' _.... d0.._.~...._........`.ou;-.,....' '~'D_LA. .1n `r u"` -. r- Vof"JJ%l0 0 U&1u1110W6l`8...u....... Second do..'....,......;...I........ =.--.-Best 6 Tomatoes AV_ ntoaIoco{uoIool' .--uuau 0 UEDIZ Seoodd db...'.\ A `I')...`:. o'n, 1 ._ `Second do....V.... u.--uUau uuu. uuuucl re_acn_ 15 Second do....... 4.-Best half bush} 5.-- Best half bushi `:.eq._9nd do ...... ........ .. R__'R.'$+ 3...`!!! 1.....|....1 ~'D._-L IIUUUIIU 'lU n o o : u n - u o n c u u u u o u o I I I o - t u I 3.-Best half bushel Peach Blow .Q.....-.'..,1 ,1- ' ' -cuss xxxuug ' (The bushel measure mnns ceimtal or > _ A A V 100 lbs.) l.-[-Best half bushel [Early Rose _ ' Pomtoes ...... ......... 1 00 Second tio_.,,.,_ ....... ... ......... .. 0 50 2.-Best half l)t1si1 Gznnet _Qhil_- 1:... 1' M wan: ............ ... ..... ..L.....u ` Second do ............. 42.--Best Rustic Work ....... Second do ........ ... .......... 43.-Best specimen of Tinware... _ Second do ........................ .. 44,-_est Specimen of Boots and A Shoes.'.;;,,,,,,,,,,_L,,....... Second do;....'..... ' Oilttloiilflyct % J. W. H_./.}TINGs. TI1Iy' Cla`./VZRE STORE! :u.--uonu Luucx uUUl', D8811, anu . Window Frame....`...... 41.-`-Best-collection of Catiilli fa -an . 33.-Beet Root cul5.'.'. Second 31.-Best Straw Cutter, hand.... _ j Seconcl do ........................ .. 31.-Beet Straw Cutter, horse ` power.................. uaooontlol Second 'do........ Second do ....................... ... 34.--Best Turnip Drill, hand..." Second do ........................ .. ` 35.---Best Turnip Drill, horse power ..... .................. .. Second do ........... ..; .......... .. 36.--Best Pomp ...... .; ...... V "Second (104 .......... ......... .. 37.-Best Churn......,............. ~ Second do....e ................... .. 38.--TBest \Vashtub and Pail .... .. Second do....'. ................... .. 3_9,J-_Best set Horseshoes .... .. Second 40.-Best Panel Door, Sash, and l Winnw Ii`:-annn A 1-uv - -;9_v_-..uxu uu . . . . . . --`on o . . . . . . o . . . odu S.-- 31; half vb,11_B el `Buckey Potatoon.......A.,, l.'hi1'd d0...'. c u u n u o u u o u - o n oioounhoo 3 C b 88 u n o o o u I I ououovnl mad aef ` ~u.-ur;au owuule anu bmue... Second do ......... ......... . . 24.-Best Heavy Waggon... .\ Second do .................... .. 25.-Best one horse Waggon .' Second do ....... ......... 26;-Best Buggy single ...... .. Second do .... ............... .. . 27{-'-Best Buggy, double` ..... .. Second do ................... . .A .. 28.--Besq Cutter ............... .. Second do ..................... .. `29.-Besh Cutter, double .... Second do .......... .." ........ .. .30.--Best Sleigh ........... . . . .. Second an Q JIUB U IICIIL lies ... . Second do.. 'I'\.,| I In -u-Iu".lJUDU \J&l.'I'IgB J:1u'neS8.. Second do ................ . . 28.-Best Saddle and Bridle: gonna J A l\ L v.--JJUBU 11l1l'I'UW8, Wooden . - o - o n Second do .... . . 19.-Best Harrows. i:on....;..... Second do ...................... .. T20.-Best Broad Sower and Culti: vator...I ........... ... ......... .. Second do ........................ .. 21.-_-Best Team Harness ......... .. -Second do ..................... .. 22.--Best Carriage Harness. .; . . . Second An 0 U o I o - o o n n 4 : a c o ooO :.u.--uvuu J.ul'llr3llll1g lucnlne... Second do ........................ .. 1'4.-BestoMower.....'.....o ..... Second do.....' ................... .. 15.-Best Sawing Machine, small Second do ......... .; ............. .. l6.-Best Sawing Machine, large _ Second do ........ ....... .. l7.-Best Grain Drill... . . .. gnnnn J A A LI---uc:IU \.Xl.`&LI1 1Jl'l_H... mu ".0 Second l8.-Best Harrows, wooden...... Snnnnr] Jr. -.-- V. _ All Small Macinerv kept.co1)stz'1nUy on humiand large machine on the shortest possible notice at mnxxufatzlurezs; prices and terms to their warranty. `I Ilxnn ! `r slrnura l1.1\`lYl1Is11.1 - I I 1.:-y--. .-.... .. ...; L.____ , _ dooaooooooooao-Ag.`.. A28.-'-:Best `Antimacassar. 3. . . . . Sxondfdoacgiocoouoooooooo Workouooooo Second d0.....Q....o-or... IIUlAJ'~oon.oggg.,......`.~ Tatngo...-.....;. Sm-nml rln_____,A,, 30..-'-Best `;.1.Be8t"Ice W0l'k..g...'.'.. ' d0o;o-o'IoooooVo-o`..... V32.--Best Embroidery. : . . . . . . . Second docqqdonbuuoooooggg 33.--Bes't Leather.Work...... 86001111 doioonovoiuaoooaooor 34 W0l'kouoo`;.g .. S`c0nd dbuooaggononoroonaoo 35.-Best Feather F.'ower. . . . . . d0o'ooooo.o........ 36.--Bes't Cone `Work. .. .. . . . , Second d0.....'..u..u.,o.. 37.-Best Shell Work......... d0noooooo.ounoo"ioIo dI.I'I`I COCO.-CICIOI IE. ` U.U 00 50 00 50 00` 50 00 50 00 50 1 00 0 50 1 00 0 50 .1 00 -0 50 IMPLEMENTSA & HARNESS. ;.a.-.uonu .1. xuugu, 1neva1.........: Second do.`.. .......... 13.-Beat Threshing Machine.. Second (In ' ' \Ju-`J-IUDIJ \Jull.IlVlIl.rUl' - o . - - - o o o u o o - n n on Second do ....................... .. 0 9.%--Best Sewing Machine, Can- adia.n_ manufacture .......... .. Second do ....... . ............... .. 10.--Best Gang Plough... ....... .. Second do ........ ............. . . lI.-Best Plough, wrought. . Second dd... . . . 12.-Best Plough, metal ......... .. Sat-nnrl An` `A ' 27.-.3_3rgst` T mi v.:.ucnu on-ngu. . . . Second do......... 1 , ..-uu-nu gmuqug .Il.l1.l1.......... Second do.... .' .......... .. 3.-Best Horse Hoe ............ .. Second do ...... ..T ............. .. :.-+Best Horse Hay Rake....... Second do ...................... .. 5._--Best Horse Hay Fork ...... .. Second do .......... 3.--Best Pea Harvester........ . . 4 . Seqond do; ................... .. 7 ,0! ,. 13`.....a. IV___:__ rt I vcquuu uU......--.......... If.--B'est Grain Crushen. `Second do.... . ' upuuuu uu......... !.-Best Cultivator: CA... J .1 - -uc Vusmvu nernn. W0rk. ...'......... inn}-mu.-I An Spades, ROOTS, &c. IJIllUIIIOIOOO.IICOOO' Berlin.` Wool 9vc`oon6`o:oooonohoooo mica! 'n....1:.. nu-` >IIIIOuuIOloIol4oIncnl0 Iarveater... . . . .._... . Crusl}er........... rat'or................. LUV 501 cyv 0 50 1.00` 0 50 `AKA - _-<. -..------_u- `-113 Bought niuooithe Fall, cheaper than any o'he1's in the tradr. Sofa agentsfcr A County of Simone, {o_r the celebrated ' '.s .. .__ A 200 -1 00 2 00 1 ()0 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 200 100 2 00 100 2 00 100 .2 00 100 209 200 100 200 "100 2 00 1 oo 2 _00 1 oo 3 oo 2 oo 3 oo 2 on 2-00 1 oo 2 oo 1 oo 2 oo 1 oo 2 on - 1 on 200 100 .6 VU A1 (00 200 T1 00 2 00 1 00 2 Q0 1 00 :MA0HINEs Potted Meals, ' ' Jan, Lobsbera; in line Junsiol. Salmon, _ 0OO0L8.-- Oysters, Hppi Cheese, Taylor's. Bacon ' 0 l"lonr,&c , . " V Team from 30'cents upwards. Inn-un 001-- 5 o 50. IVY 0} 50. lO0 050 I00 f\Kl'\ How TO an-rum now To xnnr.-It is all very well to advertise and so to get customers, but there is only one way to keep them, and that isnever to promise more thnn is performed. - Now, Friend Nelson, of the Nelson House,` is well awn:-e.of this feet, so,.whilst_he ad- V=*i=`.i @:`.fu1"' 51 '9r;!*:P!P`F? gay. .. an . ` V- whom 3 00 2 O0 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 ,1 00 n.a.-"J)I:|I I Dllllel 11m0tny...... V Second dO....... 13.-Best Q bushel Flax Seed Second do.....-.;.. ............. .. nuunoooosooooo-out l4.---Best } bushel Clover Second do..;.;..;. ......... l5.-.-Beat 12 Fan of oon{,T,. doI.IIIIIOIICIIIIO.I`.O#Ol'.. 1;} -1)__._ n___ ,;-rm song 16.- b`e.cond do ..................... ..,.-.. 4.-Best bushel Farfow Wheat ' - p__, Prize T. D. McConkey: ' Esq ...... ..,.,,,,_.,_._._.,,......... ` 5.-Best bushel Spring Wheat, any other variety ............ .. Second do ........ ........... .. 6.-Bst bushel Barley ...... - Second do ..................... .. 7.-Best bushel White Oats. . . .. Second do,.._._.,..,,;,V..,.........,. 8. -Best Bushel Black Oats. .. ,-_.",' Seooxid do...`..A..-.'.`.... . . 4 u." -"9.-Best bushel Peas. 1ar'gIII I szmma dn._....,LH Second do........................., 10.-`Best bushel Peas, sma.ll...... Second 11.--Best bushel Tarea..... ...... .. Qlxnnwup` Jo. -uuuu uuuum .l.B1`8B..... Second do.. rIIlllI'DlO)yIIIoo9IIonI l2.-Besc } bushel`TimotLhy...... ` Second do..___.,, J. 1146 xxunau Ilfilll, lhSq.... Second do ....................... .; 3.--Bestbushel Fyfe \Vl1eat, Sp. { , Prize Messrs.` Edwards 6'5 1 .uiwl' 8AWVI;G MACHINES; ---.-- ---r-uuuuuw Illlillfl`-ll l`l'| BROAD CAST and ROW Lsxzm) DRILLS; _ % > SULKY HAY RAKES, . um Y S .cUL'1`1vA'roRs, PLOUGHS or an kinds including the |-"1'? .'--I----- - --. - - - c1_._Assxxm. - (The bushel meixsure means ccntal o 100 lbs.) A T T 1.-Best bushel \Vhite Winter VVheat, Sp.'Prize L. Butter- eld, Esq., Cutting Box .... .. I8 00 Secpnd do ......... ....... 1 00 2.`-Best bushel Tiezydwell or ` Red Vvinter VVheat, Sp; Prize Alfred Amall, Esq...;. 5 00 Second dn.__.,,, ` 1 N` A-V030 uuauvt J- UB8; H-1 I Second do............... n D._). L.__`L -1 `l')-___ J.J..II.1.loIou1 Second do.. 'D-_L I. ,, _,`I ucuuuu UU . . . . - . . . . - - - . - - . o . - . o o - u 2.-'-BeatiBo1iquet of Flowers. Second` do ....................... 3.-Best collection of Scarlet Ger- - aniums in pots ............. Second do ........ .; ............ 4.--.Best collectioniof Variegated Geraniums in pots ........... .. Second do ....................... .. 5.-Best collection of Balsams... Second do .... .. ................. G.--Best collection of ' Stocks. . Second do ....................... 7.--Best collection of Asters.i..... ` Second do ....................... .. 8.-Besb collection of Roses ..... .. Second do.-?- .................... .. 9.-Dried Botanical Specimens, Sp. Prize H. B. Spotton, - Esq ............................. .. u.--uoau nyuu11uUn puun umyon Drawing........................ Second do ........... ..' &.-Best Water Color Painting. Second 5.-Best' Grecian Oil Painting... Second 3.--Besb specimen Velvet Paint~ Inn Iuvuvllu LIU.-o-onoo-a nlaanalanuouu 3.-Best specimen plain Crayon V DI`awnn a.u.---ucav a uni. UJSUPBS, I house ...................... .. _ Second do ................. . . I8.--Best collection of Fruit: Second . do....V ....... .. ` - - . o n - -- CLASS XXVU. 1.--Best Photograpll Specimens, Sp. Prize Sam. G. ;Lount, Esq., by Artists in county. Second do ....................... .. 2.-Best specimen _Pencil Draw - . Inna ....... .. Second do ..... .` - __,. -._...ry..a, Bnvvih-I An open A Second do ............... ...... .. 17.--Best 3 lbs. Gropes, Hot-A house... CHOICE co'okaE\5aE s1'ovI.=.s, B0021 since the F8". channnr Hn acond do........ uoltcloobouototlgl -`Best Bag of Flour,........... . scoml (In ;.a.-+ucau La vv u1u:1`.I.'e8.I`S....... Second do ..................... 13..-Best 12 Yellow _Plums .... .. Second do ............. ....... .. l4;--Best 12 Greengages ..... Second do .... ................. .. .15. --Best 12 Bluo Plums ....... .. Second do. ...................... .. 16.-Best 3 lbs Grapes, grown in (men -air, _ . .-.ucau J. a opuzenoererg, Sp`. ' Prize Judge Gowan .......... .. Second do ...... ._. ............... .. 8.-Best Russett ..... ...... .. Second do ........................ .. 9.-Best collection of Winter Apples, 3 of each variety, (varieties to be named) Sp. Prize David Morrow, Esq., l0.-Best peck of Crabbe ....... .. Second ditto ....... ., ........... .,. 1l.--Best 12 Autumn Pears .... .. Second ditto ..................... .. 12.--_Best 12 Winter Pears....L.. Q nnnvx J A II mgg...j..... Second do.. 16:13'$e""'6}3,' 'I';1x3'l(1'tL ringham; ......... "Second do ........ . .L .............. .. Al7.-Beat 8 Pan-snips ......... ..-. Seoonfl do_....., .................. .. l8.-'-ABest' .8 Jemsalem Arti- chokes ........ ..' ........ .._ ..... .. Second do ........................ .. 19.-Best 2 Garden `Squash ..... .. Second do ............. ...... 20.--BeSt 2 Squash, Mammoth Sn:-nn J J n ,\-v u o I o o o n : u - v - u - p uuoouunaoo 11::13t 6 Heads Celei'y......... Second do.`..' ................... .. no 12.-.-I-Best 6TEgg Plants...; ...... .. Second -do .............. .; ...... 13.-Best 6 Sa_lsify...f.... ...... .._. Set-nnd an ;u.-uunu V Dullluyuuu-u.... Second do ........... T 14,--Best 8 Beet.s........{....,..1.~... ` Second do ......... ........... .. 15.--Best 8 Early Horn Carrots Second do.........{ ............... .. 1n n-_;. o n - '-"' Ouuuu uvuaouunoooo 21. Best2 Melons.. ......_.I J- 22f _c3"3'$c &5i{;{ff Second do...` .... .... 8.-Best 12 Rea_ ouijong.-. B-_........l V .1- at stock for the Summer is complete, and being wovll bouglit, and of the most fashionable goods the nuke! wlllafordnve {eel condent that a call W1 satisfy customers that our prices defy competition Here are rune ofxham: Heavy Grey Ootrona, 1 yard wide. 10 cunts; White-Goltona, 43 inches, 10 ct-nts;~I":1at Color Prints, -10 cents; black Lace Shawls, 50 cents, Black Silk, 60 cents. Balance ofstraw Good: at cost. Carpets. Oloths, Tweeds, Dreu Goods, Lustres, Co.pe5,Silka, V` ' Mu alinI.Mensello s Brilliantsg Lace Curtains, Linen Suits and . Skins, and : full 9.::%;-3? I?otf;e.;"cs;;;;;;'i";,:;;.;a -Second qn D14. 11:!!! A - . 1oT ._3t T5 'i*L}'{ Second do ............ CLASS agxvl. ly-BestAcolIection of Cut Flow- . n;g.i.i.i.':2i..'..?."I."."....f`.iTTfff Second do ........................ .. '7.-Best 12 Spitzenbexefg, Sp; Judge Gnwsm lV.--Best 12 Astrachan A pples.. ' Second do ...... ..; ............. .. 2.--`Rest 12 Alexander .......... .. Second do ................ .; ..... .4 0 -.n,_; -In 1\ - A- ~-- Ufuooaaoon Second do.. - T)__L'1`n, 1.-utsav La .|.JuUllt388- OI Uluan` burgh Second do .... ................ .. l.--Best 12 of any other variety` Autumn Annln .... " - V -. yuan Au U1 any uuwr V Apple ....... .. Second do..{. ............ .. 5.-Best 12 Snow Apples_.. Second dn.._,, ,. -~.uuuu an uuvw 1pl)lUS..,....... Second 3.-Bent 12 Rhode Island Green- Us j'JJCB II E Cl Second do.. . 1 `l)_._Ln II ' ansort- " Uni of Glovomoisery, and Small Wars. Ready-pngzde Olothing.bast cut and style. Hr " 0.9;, and Boots and Shoes of every style and quality. ' Our stock of Crockery is by fair- the inrgeat our brought to this part, and having been bought direct from the 'potteriea in England, we can sell at very low Prices. Just to hand 1,000 barrels of Bright and Crashed Sugars. Brightest Rned Sugar, 11 pou1:d3_ for $1.00? Broken Loafnnd Ground, 9 pounds for $1.00. Also, a. very large stock of Tea: and Tobsccoa boughtbefqre rho `now - tarri`, and will sell . at former prices. V . b ,, .- V 100 cases of .- " V _. , ` Gem _ _ ' . liiurlara, for the Preser`vin'g}_Seasozi. V 90"?! deirliuppliefl atZTrnde.Prico;a. --1 A :--_..____n_._._....-. I lo: JJV|I -'1 J1 Second do.. 0 `l'I-_L A n aoond, do ............. ~--Best Celery. mnnd dn,, unaccou- HORTICULTURE. FINE ARTS. . illnn GRAIN . % n o o o o u o a o c c n - u - . o u . - - o - a at Duchess. A of Olden- FRUIT. UURQWHIBI` _~ W W. fwI1;K1NsoN GX1i"i_3 Ldi}GHs, Hnrrnwm `Plntlm-m . an . 555 0:50 lIl\ 520 vvv 100 100 (\P,'l\ 50 00 50 00 O 50 -_..-..4.-.\.-'.J..J AND ` 0 GENERAL Gnoczams, WINES AND LIQUORS. ' ' . Fruits, WIN ES.--~ V Jwes I Marmalade, Champagnes, GIN."-_- ` Pickles, Sandeman, I . Bax-nan Sauces, Old Port, . i V _ Bootlrs Currie Powder, Alacant Port,- _ 'DeKi_ug ` Mustard, ` ` ` Fprtagona Port, RUM.--- Poued Sherry Heiscr, Jnmaic line, Di1;1mond'Shex-ry, Demnr: Pale " WHISKIES > Brown F` Old Ry` , Ginger `Wino. gm, . nnA\tnnIIu 400 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 90. `5 00 1 00 O 50 1 00 O 50 1 O0 0 50 I00 0 50 . 1 00 0 5.0 l 00 0 50 ,_v--, L`\'I' Sula, or promptly Mada to Qrder. ngss & MANTLE HART G I ; _ ' A - In-_the1e.toItI\:!u. Shovels, l 00 0 50 1 00 0 51) or` 1 00 0. 50 l _0O 0 50 1 00 0 -50 .1 00' 0 50 1 00 0 50 M ' 3%.] I V nsmm -Fmingnna Pipes, American` Oak Tanned Lenher Belt 1 Opnadian Oak 'I'anned_ Leather Be_lting,'. .Iowiu a Mill Files, ' ' ` - ' V f I. -I-vbrwnnsoil-cu aw! I % ing, ___ _,v v>W$U"9v" Whilst thankful for paint favors, beg: to nature be: friends and the.public,tbnt she humon- rathntly on tnandxstull assortment of daor. 0 in Btm-ie by John Woods. 'Northro nuun, Torpmzo, wholegale Aggntag um n1n.:I:.1I1u memcme is sold by all D: at 81 genpackagc, or six acknwcs for $3. or sent .ma1l ' - 1 - r 51 , 9" '\v`3.1AM eA"{ri o eve one. ` V " "-' T e specic Medicine is sold I: atsl rpack c ackn" 1 mallagn race! of 5103 ' dressing`. \.Vll .,1 A`Al' nn I '-'r' s3;ec_mc Mediclnp is the result of. mo study an many years of experience in treating these sFec1a.l.discases. .Full pnmcnlaxs in our pamph ct, which we desire wsend maeby xmu go` evgrfx .. u.\.....m.. ur..Lx:_n_- - - - - ._ _.. ............,, uutu nu Avulullllll weakness, Spermatox-rhea, Impotonc . and all diseases thaL follow as a sequence of 1! Abuse as Loss of Memory, Universal Lussltude. _aln In` the Back, Dhnness of Vision. Premature Old A e, and many other diseases that lead to Insanl orcnnsumpuon and a Premature Grave. all ofu:I_1ich, gs a. yule. are tirst caused rw .:....x...z._ ,, t'..---- _ __ -,.__...__..,.....u uuu u KIVIIEIIIIOV 'h1ch, as mic. rst caused 3 from the path ofmuure and over - Debillty, Prostratlon, . which..1n.'mo.ny ` cases, are produced by over Indulgence In the use of tobacco and alcoholic spirits; but (hes cic Medicine is more especially recommen as an nqfaillgg cgm fox; seminal Weakness. `t11_aL_fo11ow*a g_sqquencz_a 0 cmc medicine is cspccihli re" "W" as unfailing cum for Se1nII)I'al \g'13a?1lfx?esa, Impotoncgg 1' Abuse. Long . . --.v---- -l.-I- U -1-` IMPORTER, WHOLESALE AND I11 rI'11'-1- ' , 4 lrom (all- irgnnnd rmnntssitsgrowlb and strength. "Ca- nadian air Balm renders the hair soft and glossy, and is the most elegant hair dressin ever oered to the publsc. Canadian Hair Ba 17:, in not a dyu,il is warm ated (ree from in'urious tn- grodienls. I1 is the cheapest and beil axr restor- alive in me. Pricc-50cm per bottle. 'For saie by allvrgsputalnle dmggisls. nerare X ;Aau sPE'6|kITc MEDICINE Cu:-mall mam. nlam... ......a. -- ..._-A,, =TH9EAT T FENGLISHMREMEDY GANADIAN 35:2 BAEII Luura lrmy, ' Z." S. EARLE, Jr. M.D. St .Yohn, N.B., January,` 1868, uuuugu u u mvngoralea Ina body. It` affords ms pleasure to recommend a remedy which "is really good in caseafor which it is intended, when_5o many ad-. verlisod are worse than unclean. I am, Sir, Vanra II'n`Ir lV|n.J:.uzs I.'FxL_Lows , Manufacturing Chemist: , ' Sm: For several months past I have used year Compound Syrup in `the treatment of Incipient Phthi.-is, Chronic Bronchitis, and other aftectiona of the Chest, and I have no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Being an excellent nervous tunic, it exerts a direct inuenceon the nervotza syatem,and through it it invigoratea the body. It`afI'nrdn mq nlnzum-.. in ....-............I - The efficacy of Bryan s Pulmonio Wafers in curing coughs, colds, and all Bronchial af- feotsona, and cheering the utliicted, has pnssed into a. proverb. In the Unitedstates, where these mat-veilone Wafers are known, they bear down all op_positron_ and eclipse ell: rivalry; the demand for them has steadily increased for the loot twenty years, until now the sales average over one hundred thousand boxes :1 year. Eminent members of the medical profession wtthout number admit that they know of no preparation producing such . benecial results as` these wafers. When taken in season they effect a perma- nent core. Sold by all druggista and country dealers at 25ots. per box. ' r.`auuI1)' rvmulcrtle ror general purposes. , _ The Pill contains the ACIIVB properties of Mandrake and Dandolion,as well 95 com- pound.Extract of Colocynth and Extract at Hyoscynmus. Test themfor your own satis- faction." One box contains about `)8 P1115, and and each'Pil1 is a aufcientdose for an adult in ordjnnry cases. Try them. ' " -bl C,Rsu:ssru:ss.`-Many persona neglect their horses heal-h and candition until it is too 1118, when at a triing expense and no trouble the horse might have been saved if attended to in tirne.-To all who may have vocoanion to use an article of l_he kind we would condently recommend Derley s Condition Powders and Arabian He,-ave Re'medy;" it is without doubt the best pre- paraliorr in use, as thousands who have used it testify. Remember the name, end seethal the signature of Hunt 8:. Co. is on each pack- age. Northrop 51. Lyman, Toronto, ()nt., pre- prielors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. 5 MARRXN 2B1-oIi., 1`v55};iR s. nu. con-n.- unlu- Tnhv Exc:I..-DocIor Josephnvshoshonees vnnnlnlxln pi: nnuy -non, ...... u;wu..-uuuLux .maepunB'.)n0ln0n9B8 Vegetable Pills new super- iorly sugar-coated cannot be excelled as a Family Medicine for general contains the acluvn nrnmarlinc nf MEnnVMmmoN.-'1_'he mere mention . of Mr. Henderson's name isenough for] -.our readers `to know',that we mean T the Hardware Merchant of our town. He | is noted far and Rat for being no puff- _ist, but one who is unrivalled in the I Hardware line of business. ` - PEBKINs.--;The cheapest and choicest Teas,` Groceries and Provisions are to be obtained of friend Perkins. That's why he is so well patronized; '_ .He' also de- livers to any part of ' the town anything. boughtof him. His Family Flour is 8. No. 1 article, and no mistake about it, for it is even so; " V _Fo15vhIl. 8;. still. "hold on the eve:-Jtonor of their+way,and `can, andndo set successful competition with 3 them at deance. - The` `p}1_blic know 3 they tell good and cheap, 7and therefore liberally patronize them. They deal on the square in Ter.s,Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquors--all of the best. Va'n_Tassel and Morgan are doing _a rushing business this season in Musical "Instruments and Sewing ximchines. We `know of no rm more worthy of support. They deserve success , and are. getting it. So mayit long be. i Mr. King of the West End T Store is, as usual, up to the mark, and sells as cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the best. His stock consists of Teas,Groce1'- ies, Fresh Moat, Provisions, Summer Drinks, Beer, Po1'tc1',g(d1'auglit and bot- tled), VVines, "Liquors, Cigars, &c. hB,L_A'r1~:s'r l?A[][oN"FB: I-10, promptly mm. WA is .1. .mnr-ans .93`-__"' __ _; ,,__ __.. IVA y .35e}.~_aac result : m _zx_1aL1.giyL-,x\ra o_t_` Qgpeence tn.-at rtf1VE;$__3;1f{5s L; nnzssemnxmn us uuau sun I III the latent lblpp. I`: QVITD bum ` v ._._ -.....-v -nun: .`;3TREET,._ ~7-`J: " . \otrsa ,mr, _ Yours truly, ZS R-Am. - B41?:3%| BJIDHJ ntics \1 0 monev. h 'IV-..41 Lawn Mowers, _ vnacnnn HairBnlm prevenjs Vlha hair n nth `-nu- ?&Ia7' - __ -U I` 3 - a 'I AILORING ESTABLISHMENT, . | ltyou nut to getlthe worth ofyour money. m _ Remember the Stand- _ . V 11.. WINNING, -,- -rjppoulto Ii. H.Spqnoor n.Store, ;`_,f_Exoy1f.Sri:n;- 5- ' Bums- - " :.`K6I L:ln;-~InIn - '2 ' ` Nut the S 80., . . &c., mm Grist Mill UNT DTRBI 331- E- 1873; .. - now a 1.uJ.'JLu4 , .Cabinot Maker and Donler in % HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The best, lnrgost and choape.t stock in Barrie. `A130 3 Beautiful and wall selected stock of ;l'ancy Goods and Berlin Woola, Qttonun and Slippbt Pntterns, ....u u -urge quantity ofthe most stylish AMERICAN COFFINS. A ' 1:. & w. nonxn ,,,_ ___- - _ V ..-v.....-v- , ...w-.., pwrru-Il\.V` uni! vvnxnnusvuu SIGN or VVATCH AND s1>'1_2cm_o'L1cs, next door to Mr. Crompto_n s. Idlngs comlanlls on hand. Frames made to order at the lowest rates tor cash. _--_- Also I large quantity ofthe ANI'lo`Dl'r`I A x? nnr-----' ul cue newest styles, at E. & W. RORKES Ca_b1ne!VgIAnd Undcrtalzimz RunM;..|......... LL j---- As the busy season is at I do ml! to call andux..nine~I ' Al ii-` WlNN lNg1s Allhnlunn D..- . __ As the advertiser is practically conversant ' with his business in all its details, employs the ._ most skillful workmen, and uses none but the best material, he can warrant all work made in his establishment to give thorough satisfaction to the putchnser. _single and double Harness of all kinds, Saddles, Uollsrs, Trunks, Vnlises, and everything connected with the business constantly on hsnd at the lowestfprices Part- icular sttention given to Light Single and Double Carriage Harness. Sole manufacturer in Barrie of the "Excelsior Back and Hip Straps]? to which the attention of the public is specially directed. , Bun-in. Jmm in "19 L. R. xV1?wEns. swam AND uumzss man, CornerofBm..1,1, nIIl'lI\- o...-...- .. ,......n .......- vuu uu u u a. ll LI 310;) III H E U n, `Corner 'ofBayeId 5' Duz.-lop Streets, B./YRRIE A GO_9_I_D FIT! !`RYKS'l`AL Ill UNI IIIIYKCL Any article in the trade manufactured, hr nished to order on short notice, and warranted to givesntisfaction. a"R|Innh-n wall gm-I -\..4l.. ....:....._.1 I IvIr'\Ill ll` n'I\J\JrI.I:., Has now on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Carriage and Team), English and Common Riding Sad- dles, Double and Sin le Bridles, Collars, &c., which he can offer at very xensonnble prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and other Riding And Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes Curry and Mane'Oombs, Cards, cS'c., who found in this market. An... -..o:-1.. :_ u_- .__ .1- , n - - - bu gum . snusmcnon. G'Repairs well and neatly excutod.` Barrie, April 8, 1870. 3 apecmuy ulrected. Blrrie, June 18. '73. __ -. ..7 7 .m_~--._~rv----, [Late Dunlap st.x_'eel,] begs to inform his in- quiring friends, bis customers. and the pnbiic generally, that be in well, and driving business in his new premises, nnnncmnnu IID h'rYDn A uvo G I 111 int v nu Mun nu." yA\.u.uIvi.I1 OPPOSITE MR. DURHAIWS SAW MILL, ALLANDALE ROAD. 7-ly_ [amass &'1nEvk l_i_.&-5\"L?E,}0@ll}AEB, l135%W'I1!9aa~vJ:B9v!s!oesI Sop on John street, near Ball's Planing F'act.ory,Bnrric, Ont. . Orders laft at E. Graver : Hardware Stores. ; . I hereby l`l11_z1`Hln,;cl.I1!i0n :11 parties on giving Gouda or Monies on my account with. out my written. order. . . i ' - 1 n mmugnu .-_.__ .- ..-.`.u'\a1 .L.I..l-.l..I Theibest Sewing Machirie in_ Canada. To THE EARM-ING COMMUNITY 5 __ : MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. Onnnot bq benten eitherfor qualitfor price. Be deal: in the beatmu-keu,and cnnnot be uuderaold by any house in town. He also keeps on hand the best of _IP.A.I1:U_'_'I'ZEIFl ! racwry,Dl.l'nc, uni. Orders left at E. Grsver a Hardware Store. Dunlop street, will be promptly attended to. 6-13 --j- I . The Inbneriber whilst thankful for the liberal patronage given in the past," rdspoctfully lolicltl I continuance of the name, and I begs to atnte that his ' AIUU Au draught. Fun-nu arlugnt. Farmers Produce, as much as; he can In] his hands on,bougbt,and the/highut market price paid, Gives call once and zou wil be Inn to come again. ' ' THOS. LENNOX, A few doors North of the `Wellington Hotel, 42-1} A `Bun-io Home, Sign and Carriage, Plain and Orna- ' mental 7' `CU X3 595' CI lm 3 3LUw Also ALE AND PORTER, bottled or on u-nm1ht_ SADDLERY AND" HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, .BAYPIELD STREET, A few doors North of the Wellington Hotel. %I-*-M- _..-- Oysteri Stewed, F'r;e-d and Raw; Lupcheona, Hound Gold, prepared on short notice. A Good Place to get a Cup of TEA. LU1\Tcrgjr:T)'1~g &:0'STER HOUSE | "1833! UOOBS WII1` 07 THE wE;.L1NGToN HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. ims. bran mmavmuaaao ` and got your SUITS made at PAINTING. ])uN'1"i"iic'. . CONFECTIONERY,, CAKES, &o., lo. uU'r1oN 1-o "MERCHANTS AND I OTHERS. .. ...... uuuu ..mne~ lne tremendoin FURN.IfT`URE. On HEWPAI I'l_|an -I L ALFRE1; GRAVER, ._r \/x \-\/ 4. - ,v~.v.~- .. . .OBERT' MoL1'ffi~i BY)" .1 -_ SADDLE, I\IlI'IfIfI n llInI'vI1I1 II n nvvvnn nnllvn MARTIN` MOORE, nnw nu I-usual an --.....-:_- Just receed a consignment} of fresh . -1'--r run r-Iw -:1 -v-. (- WINES TAND%/I'.I.T1'iORS, \ ALF! AND PORTER I-uunln nv Plain and 0:!-Iamental. V AU 1.1 I. .I. L}, 0! the styles,` ttr - 1-` A - .-__-v-vv-v v --u 1- gnaw - `Tani: Doons War MIITQM lJl'\'Y`l1`l l'\ITRYfA Don t forget to call in. F`. - H. Spencer : Store, r,_-3 -_ - Bums. K = .58-III %33%}5#3E?+%F \-/ .., v\.v~ )D hand, partial iould x..nine~the tremeudoits stock of 4 :A1L S - -nr-GI , GU. Jewellery, Gllll Bbadu, ll, Bu-no. - .51-fly-w i J. B. JOHNSON. ..-nu- Tassels, &o., In-nil--~ no F. BAIL, A an cox-ti! ' W m""'""' ' : 51" ..... ;-'.'.';`;:., ..'.',;':..v:.';i:::. :,:`::,:fisf`~-.~ " h" "33! Van tnbotcled snd nodii"""`d ' S aotholpher. Alnlut ns'ort I purchutd ' of IO 0;. soueg '3" Glliitltion on \yO bar 2ylIPW '"` _ deem, mm-. a. ....a..... wimp "1-I widlythst u-ui-at-Ina um rgzlhowu map. syn. ~ ting" 24-1! Next dbbr to P. HICKE I/','Di:zl`0; smez, . uu, Agent. -v -A-1 maul; Ind have hQeI;Jl6`Si%';3" Sworn before me up Smithfiold, 111" 5 - fAp-X. Agni! LP: 3 SK- woxnxnruz. align or Lvxo DIS . 10. - "B1_1oon.u, AW` 5,` `'b:'8 5, ,ga J. O`. Onnnuny. Ema--313:4. . . a`: certify that my wire is very low vI1h""" '1 Gilt. The Doeto ninn bu nu. He nf) "134: J. O. Onvunlnunf, th_It about three yen: With Bronchitis which months. I Ir ` Watson & 00., Wells Bros . Tulcz. 3 1M.e.-1 0R1LuA.--J. W.Slaven. Coumuwooo.-Mr` Carp-ntor. Waouuu Aoxxrs-- Northrop A: I.,m;= Toronto; Lyman Broa..& Co, Tummu; 1' .iot 5 00., Toronto. V 3%. :-" , V , .- ._v -u.-ounvl I10 WHY? - SIMPLY Brown: the Valuabic ac-m-e mu." c 1! Vegetable` ingredicnls,(lomc or whziizwv ' mentior:_ such asrbe Eur.-lms 0! WM ('1-'*' rk, Polophviluln,Jumpcr,Qunum.5u.uI ' 7 Dandviiun, Hv(sr~ynmua. (`up pdzzud hnr . Colocjymh, Jnlap, socolrinc Ah.-es. "-P I` 54:. kc) which CHIP! mm the com; ~ hi 4." L - coml` I ctl medicim.-, are nu:-h and so cllniui and ('(`mpLl1n(i(`1i.lhul il ;. m. v` sen:-chin curnlive in the xnown war`-2, .::c 5!` not hcip ut aclon the ~yslem in :1 Va. and dc.-sirahie mam. -r. No mane: vi men! may be,-.r how long -::nm!in,,-. -: spolnnd aslc-hi.-h )1 u by lbs; rapu! IL... . | which you are rcaluwd :0 p:ri'cc1 in-a!'.h am. 6- 070 V ~ V his Medicine is pleasant a'nd sat}: lo wig, Iif in warranted, and may pom-Hive?-. be run": Vi to make a permanen! cure at all d::e,:m-s u 5* Throhl. Lungs, Liver. Kidneys, Digest:-c "1 "9 &c...`.'.-:.,as well as\ Scrolula, the Vr.m~'.` "lg vnvx.."~`7 Dispau.-s,Ilumonn_.nud all dim-as ~ arm. . P lmaurity ot the Blood, ex'upliI.g': 1.; hm. Nut 01 `onsumpuon. Further mt. _i..c`..m, `M N directions lur using xhe (irunltz. `Ly -i.ci"~` 1`;~"-J ~ 6.`. Piils,nnd containing 'l'cslum.:i;..': nu -rt - ` cats: 0! Cures.cIn be Oblmm.-12 !-3: -cu.-im ` ` '1-`reahe:,Ihe Hand-book, nr lhr AI.z;nr.nc `vi circuit rs from any'respectnh!e Un:.~g.sI =11 I-' Donximou--myse. ' V Pru.e'ofRemed zn Zmge Pm! Bow!` T 81. P lsper Box 2551:, lJ'For Sale by all Druggists and Denier .1 Medicine. Aanin ton Baamx.-V-Jo1:u VW" Watson 00. 3:. W.Slaven. Wunlunny-. A.._...... \v;,.: 1 'r-- `ma .1. . That the Gun`: Suosxro.-uzr-:2 l{n:.2xuv A} L? dflhc Eminent hidnlu M euac:v:e-M2-.x:, in- Lewis Josephus, ofibo Great Tnbc x-I -"nu-1.1 British Co|umb5a,i.s wurkznz (he n.o.-I nzarv and nslonxshingnurce the Wurl-I cw: n.-am Never in the annals 0! Canadian Medium: 11.: has such success: attended the xnuoduul on. 9' medicine herelolore. II`!!! un VV H0183` lyman Bros. 8: Co., Elli It &: Co., Northrop & Lyman, T Bic-kle 1; Son, 8. A. -ditcLell, rnur. unur 1 l. u1ve:sn_) L,'uli(-gr,'1 Be sure you get the Gcx.uIm.: `. Victoria I-Iypophosphizr-.=z, wm; 1 Ic. Hem} stamped oh the I:b:!. I)Illl`.l`. Ct` I"nI- =2lh'I`7I`l r rnnssmm: fiA6Hiiigf RiEf`APEBS amowsnsy % SAWING MACHINES. SLE 1 PRO}. CRUFT 1. : On anon ...... ueuu sulmpeu on me in) , 7. PRICE $1 Per i30'i"rl.E. by all lJl'li,'.'::ht-. /I.n'.n'.-:.3.- A v '\> .uuuI .ctI ( n-91. -.-_ .,......._-, u;5ru; m e`:/4:! -`M31. The value of this Ivledicizze ha-I been ; in numbcrlees inslanccstnuw on zecu.-d." Price $1 per Bottle; Sold By all Dru .____... _,._..__..._-_ , .1: " Fora} K thnt"i Market tiquate`, 81 mick Building. V Ban-lo, Oct; 30th, unnmmm mu L51-1.;N ~ DOR,S throughout the wogd? Sole , to r'ct.. F, n APOTHMCI; :'zu{~.r. u ..`1'.("`." Singer" t Sons Oxford 3: uonuou. v . ' ""` Newbery & Sons, 37 Nezvgnie street 1., Burch; & Sons, 95 Fnrringdon Streak!` 7 . I: In `And all the London V'?>`les:`JIl:`}i :' l!IIl'l' Ill nnnnn Montreal - Evans, I Harxows, Platform Scales; ...-......-..- umuz, m_ercer 5 U Druggiau. Lymani, Chm & Co. I'oron'l';--Elliott 8 Co ,Wlzolua ' Shnpter & Owen. Ilamiltrm--Winner J: Co. Hul:_ faz-- Avery, Brown q (`o. it v..I.JI.1S-n,]`_:'s `I wow. mm: mmm mum Trade Mnrk-- R TbeGREAT m,m..n....5S.'.9.`.|_ Mix:-"Q. -.' nonc topnclnr, F. J, () APOTHMCARIES HALL, Pllllnnc - -- ,f_ - _-- ------..... unuh, |,1;uj: . EXP Burgoyne. Burbid%2.sr&A?}EFT(U'. London. ' NTn-}\no.-o I. 0.... an .- O. / ; UIXTHIAJI-w 5'-50`!!! t!:'r'e?un E'9- This iftolmf Igo I became nmicxe 3 . .. _ . ronchml which lasted About oighmf tbs. VI.` - In nu-om! r... .1... WEI .3. majozuy 01 long-at; d` cmmsrs and p_yFg';}'% 1 DORS throunrbnnt ah. ...\-u` ..... V.-c--uuu ax.-.1 cm 1 PULMONAIH :o;\s1`.m*'s _ Also for xhc curo. of nrspr: Pun _ {YRE QRQNOHITJS. )1'.3cLA 1M THE GL.SD'f!D1.\'i- }:$TAND FoR`S`;tF. Porn} thn"n.:.1. a..,_, . _ TBELTING _ANp?_PGKINa,% jog nu: BLOOD 1s_' . Deulolonomy, chap .-. -I pares U Cures B -`fnrnn (1 For the pre.'eu.L=o;, ..,_,1 ( Ila-a Awnar funny ..t - 4.v4.uL'..LD. CO.`.lPOUND sync? or '-1------ -... nuuuuu vv nolesznlr _EAl}ENT IN CANADA. vans. Mercer A 1:..- ll'i.'l`l'- Wholeealc o..:. `Iv 1"]. VICTORIA nlvrmvr. t\*z.nn 1:, us I- I 2. DEALERS-l:I` :III III UAHMM. xl, Mercer 00;, Dfulruiain , . . . V .u (III purra. d each, and `in Case: quuuity, 11:` etc-h- Ic5. anent cuxe in the gym mding cases, |'.Y ALL '[`ENT MEDICINE VB]. eworld. HE 5 U0. ,Wholu,alo4Drnggin. en. 3 ms 1.m:,.` r. xii, vane 13. Uynll Drugg} \I\?n' bmemsn em London !, Loud`, ml.1'(eII'l, ` Irish ' Henneasofa . _Old brow, 4 V Sagexis A_lo.nud Pox-Vte_r. EugI1sh`Rlack Teas1n Cadd1e_s, 5 nenfn nm- 11." ` s.,..| man, I tend V `And i -._ Uondit fnnvnl `This an .M "W DISI-I Thorn Ll! {I umger wma j BRANDIES;-` Mm-cell's, Hennelsoy a Sayes 'l.`.....I:...1.~nv- V! flllu [\).H}t[' I11? ,; JR ; Rakes, _ ... -.u-..v, RETAIL n1;u.:R IN \`I'.r\-rs ' d,and macinas Tfuxmahd .e nrinna an) 5...... _.. -..'1 _ . ' Forks, null-"" Jamaica, Demnrars. WHISKIES. - Sic}, _&c; D-ZOIOI .`{.`"z.` L`o'.' Barnard '9 . Bootlrs, ' eKiugho_ $90 V`. I:1'es Robin's, ` N. nuv-J lul IIIIIIICU 5, and subject -1;*6.,,.,.| 7* `T ': ` 'r1,NwAmq FINES'f sT0vEs`:':; uaquuu sure: I, opposl We may`; - - building, bu-e, Bnrie, July 16 1873. _-._-T-...._---.._.__:___ order". ;'>romf2tl:"a t-te-_; 35 o. -_ - `J y 0.` R- SULLIVAN`, Bayeld street, opposi Gewroyinew Foundry bu-tie. V . 9` -_-_--A Oiltorn of all him:-_al~izl`l'I the intent plani, repecms I wAnnANn:_1_1 % FOR .1fYI-JAR. .`;ggJ .: VJ-CD955 I! IN VLILLIL M I dept of 107 feei, whichvonn be proved oh application to Mr. Walwan, SH: 001:. 'J2Vespn. ` `These improved pumpsax-'6 I)'I4`1\ A'I)`l'fnl`)I"n l`II"l`1!n n n Auvvupuulyalre I REMAEEXKLE CHEAP !_`_f, Ind `HI hue Dmnm. cl..- ..... ..u_-_'__., - 7 -.u.-.4;;wx;;1;-um ull1`1t1l' ' And will last lbnger than any other pump buil nu van: us; wuuvg-n;vpI' null fEasm? Worked birachild dent of I07 feai. whichmsn braved on The "subscriber hallenges the c"'1ty Sim- pgoe tomnnnfactura Pumps to -2 :mpeto with `thosamnde by him. they are , riunnux 1 nn nnn nrmn um. . n . UNRWiii"*5"1?5WfI" W8 =! in cannnmn mu 1] -7 _-_,, _ _.-_.._--_-.-..-.-ga, partmonts of the business. -. - - J._G. HILBORN. an BRO. A1lLai;!Xe, Oct. 29,1373. _ 44-1`,- ..j.__:.-.-...--..j.-:_..-.-..;. As they have bad Large Experiance-innllde-. In the above village.` Families regularly supplied with thebast bfBrend,.~.nd fuweight; n{so, ($d:.`ns and Confectionery of all kinds, in any quantity, bi first-class quality, and at low _ - prime.` _ { . Plc.-Nlcs, Socials, Salt-egg, _gI_cc., &'c., co-n-nu-s AII-IP vv A...-._. .. ..__._ vn nuvu vs vIu\:| IVIDV nnu v sAT1si"A'c'1:1oN GUARANTEED, In swim MY :1 Confectionery` Sntorel % The Subscribers beg to invfobnn the public of Allandale and vicinity,tbat,Lboy_bsve opened out ..-.._.. -.-. IV`. Barrie, Oct.` 20, 1373. BUY Tova R E A1;_Y ; n;__;n E s, nIv\` an-. 1 . . ` Jewellery, North of Toronto. . -V ` _` ' A GREAT RUN .01`? THE LONGINE WATCHES in GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES, V CLOCKS and JEWvEI.LILRY, mmle, repaired and warranted. Qrnxv r\:w In A man . \vv\ nu`:-..-.r,~. . rub u.,.. . u-nu nu. uv--. BuIlL-|lI-UOII IV Baocmii- Vtrcanns WiJ" ` Wzbllna ` _ 5:\`tl1_Cd.l was V.I!`cIa11n8l 2! llqmembcrx more Is no Cheaper rgllouso in Town than: j-jg--Am ._..-.._.uu\z`un..L.L. J.J.I-L` \J 9 Line done with -neatceas and dispitoh. Re- member the place; DA'I`r"I.W`l 11r l\ moi--n-'---- ,_...._--_---- --_:.IJzl.'J.I. Opposite ths Sixizcoe Hotel, and 4door's No:-ti oftho Welling-ton, Bax-tie. . T GEORGE c. max, Prom-iatm [am & @@J 17|1\A 1")r\,151'1--r mm! STYLNEWE` MAKE. `nun turn: an anon .... eua@=m7:- fs;75Em {wags . SEW" -. * .A'r"BIP.o's OF THE NEW BRICK BLOCK, His Oooking Stoves are warranted to cook, bake and draw His Pm-'lor,H:1l and Box ' Stoves areingreat variety. 41] his Acourmrn BTOCK 0:? GOLD AND smvmz WATCHES, AND CLOCKS on ALL Tar; I nnsr MAKERS. :3-wmvr is so GOOD FOR A CHRISTMAS ' Prong: 5,. . Gold Watch and Chain, . Present as a real Jet Set of Jewellery, Present on 5 Coloured Gold 8ec"ol'Juweller;, Present :3 a. Gold Locket and Chain, Puma: 3| 5 Bright Gold So! of Je_wellery,, Present an Gold and Fancy Rings. Prount u 3 pair of Gold Bracelets, ' Present as Violins,'Conc_ertinaa and Trefoliae, Pro-out on n Garnet Brooch and Ear-Rings, Presents for Gents. Ladies, Boys and Girls, to Puunt u 0. Silver Watch and Chain foru. feoy, suit. every pocket. ` Iverybody obould know that we are she most` experienced hands on Watches, Clock: and Jewellery, ' ' AGBEAT RUILON THE LONGINE WA Z`-(`.FH`.*-`. in r:m.n um .<:n_mzn n'rAmnrrmu f1N,sIiE'm'ii:6&}b6E13ifEiA?Xin . __ _ __ `:6 v.-- Anny-nu a I Ware keptconstantly on imzid or-made to order.- All sorts ofjobbing In the f'I'1"T`1T/*;-n ---7-'-.-::-:._-- A l,1?l,l1_ilL!Ffif1'?1ijifi*I G .! QA:-c made out of the beat-Scotch Pig Iior. ml HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. nnnhnin n I,-'------' B A YF Ivi~iuI~.l;v 3 R E E T, .._... f I; is qA L TOEFICEI :1 . I ' ( sTovEs: _ -nut -I &fI ~? I VIII 7 _KEP l` BY D. KING. His TEAS are the Chevapas! and beat in I Market. Good Tea from 40 cents pa! 1 andnpwarda. N. B. -- Simpson-'s me and Porter draught and in Bottles. Snmmnr n.;..u,. :.. ...-'.._-- . } `B130 1:. s VICTORIA STOVE DEPOT IS THE nlnt-A In one nnnnlv |s T o v _-.. ..r .. ....uo. IJIISIIUII .ludl_Jl 183.51 ram 60 to 75 cents .per 111-. , '_ '_LI_BERAL .TERMS ALLOWED TO THE; TRADE. . New Bce vBloc/c, Dunlap Sfteet, .Barn'e. '- -- f - l