The proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has re- cently, owing to ite greet lnereese in bneinese, ` been compelled to edd double eccommodetion to his old home, end has lied the eetebllehrnent re-tted end re-fixrniehed, end with emple eteblee, beds, end sample :-come, he" thinke he will be able to receive ell of his oldfriende, whoheve I0 liberelly supported him in the put. Room for one, room for ell. Beet wlnee end llquore, beat table, beet eccommodntion, of eny country pleee in the Dominion.--W. _0. Bend reqneete the nblic to beer in mind that he in at the preeent e the only Liceneed Auctioneer in there perte, end in `diet depertment of bin bueineu he in prepared to ye hie beet III!!!- tion to the interest: of eet ere. end`in ell ceael to give felr pley to buyers. Irselee cl etock of all kinds promptly ettended to, end prompt eettlement elweye eeer red. 42-ly _.. _-..- . .._ .-Amour (I _._ n___e \ --.__-_--1 Uuiuuynnnulnv -an-,- -_-- .v.- __ ,_ IDLAND HOTE , (Lete Royal.) earner` "Front and Col vnter etreetI,0rillie,0nt. DUNO AN ll. CHURCH. PROPBIITOB-. Lau olianeood Radmad vHouu,7Rsu Lulu. Excellent eeeomodstion for Summer Vinita:-5,- Touriete, end the Travelling Public. Beets, Fishing Teckle, and Vehicle! of all kind! for the eonvenienee of Guelte - The Be: in well enppli- ed with Forei n and Domenic Wines and, Liqnore. Goo Stebliag end attentive Ontlere. N.B.--Splendid Speckled Trout etreenu ln the vimnitv. ' . - ' 4.8-ly-w Na 5 o vicinity. - -v.-..J . _ an wnnmxam-on norm... ` mos. summ-n'sm"r. Prop:-iotor. The but Billind Parlor North of Toronto.- Thn tablo is supplied with everything in union. Pun Wine: and Liqnorl. Goodtnbllng. Bmio, Dec. 1811:, 1312 1061 ' 'xidnio,Deo. 1sm,'1a12 1061 HE ROYAL HOTEL, ALLANDALJI. T T (01-axon : old stand.) ~ ` w4L'rnn'r.Gr'1:31z,r:opr;.j:o:. 4 `The Table and Bar wall auppllod. Good Bids" Pint-clul Stabling ind Attqntivo Hqulorsga I - - y agj Ti:o`S'unooo, under in now mnnogomong, has undergone oonlidenblr improvement, and now preuntl to the travelling community 3 house unexcollod for conmodiouunou uni oom-- fort. The Bar is Inppliod with the choioont brnndo oi` Liqnorsbnnd Oigm. and in tho ohm-go of an adept commander of drinks. Good Stnbling and Shedu. * 40-ly , __.._ . --,.- -A--o ;.4-:1-uv7ulIIl\IIf ' V I as; nouns, OHIEF OOIS `JLARKSON H_OUSE,_ unmn: - JOSHUA OLARKSON, Prop:-lo:to_r'. Winn, Licfnorl, und Oigan, -of "the but. qnnl{ty,|u!>D iod at the but. Agood'ut~lo in alwnyo kept. Excellent accommoddlion for ~ Tnvollon. An nuantivo Hauler. Ohsrgoa moderate. Stage twice 11:11: from the house to Gnilford, dud dnily from Rooemont And Al-' Hanna and hunk ` V i 7 IO Gnmoru, gnu unuy Irvu: nyucuwuu --. ...- lilton and back ' V42-ly _Wnf.Lma'rez noun, oooxsrown. 0. ARMSTRONG, f-- - - - Proprintor. The hunt bunch of wines. Liquor; ~ Oigu-1; nnd_the etoeteraa of n n:-olnu bl! n wnyo on had. The tabla in unequalled in its fnrninh junk The commercial-toonnun both": than . cm: of Toronto The Itnbling Accom- modation cannot be annulled. .8tno_ twion n dny to and from Guilford, null 110: from thn house to Rouempnt and Mliuon and I 1 I . V,_ _ , y Hanson. j 1/ . '\I\./ K LLISTONEOTEL. )OMINI0N1HO'1`EL; Ai.L1s1*oN. I . W. 0. HAND, Proprietor And Auctioneer GOIIEU1Au nun-u, uuuuv; p....,., F I331`, BARBIE. ' _ . uu:s'1nYn:i:, . -' Pitxgroi. Ion, GoodBourd god:doo oommodntionfor"1'nvoi- I good Wfnu, Liquors, Ind Oipu. An` nmntiu Hauler Ilwny} in utondnnoa. O-y HE ' OIIIII IInnnn\ hhil V-[`I. l..|!i DALVA l'l\lL'l.`llJu?". _ Oharlu Clltklll, (1080 of lb! `liar! Olub` House) ban to.intimutuo`tho`pnb1loAthIt' in v pan 0 huo _ nu list-elm Hotol.,on tho pro- mlnu lshly ooonpiedu the But` 9! 'l'or9nto._ The BB! in and up gin nhglm style, And Liquor: and 013111 allho eholout bind: can I! Iylho hId- ,, .'l','hI--Vllbull II. g d - . - '_1!. CONWAY, - - '4 Prqpriotor. Liquor: and ulgun ax um um:-n urlu-nu u-u_ duty: ho , .'ho--,8hbl_lVn In goodld mph.` The best of nuouodation in` to tnnlhrl ml hauaan.n thuooml in lane. unpln. The bell of nuollouluol II` In tnnnou sud bonds:-I,'II in . IN! III). ml I0 9HI.9.Ir!|;k IN - An nhntivu amp: nlwnn In nthndneo. '- 3 3 . ` . ,. . 3 An gmltin onto: old I In nth dance. Ilygllll `I3 "$3 '01 IXNI U WK I 01-`! AI .-`IQ (SEA (EON. rate: of HI cllinga; Col in-11. ; . -7 . HE SIIOOI HOUSE, next door Wm of the Old Bank of Toronto "Building, Dunlo strut Barrio , g-nj , I snmuor, - - '- Propetor. ..--T _-._:~.x -`B Y`$H.`K' -_' on`-A X """` In ms ~1an~ A 501215 91123 5al3o';is3'.-v Iuuu-. -_- .__- __ ' w an Ixosunan norm,-. Dooxsrowx. JOHN ammo, `- - -? Proprietor. :Z"`:-- _ now. norm: UHI.0P.8TIR.l:?[ Eoggm. BARBIE. ' T H Vol. 3: .31 -per yar `in advance; _ u. uxuru, Ohio! Agont for Dominion. . JOSEPH ROGERS A ngnf R--J; uITo. Lt'%`I,iTeJ.7.0I'I|I..-`- *I"I` I-.. nix. iii! ' BA N K HOT-E'L.- - -- HI--Ipnnn IIAGA 1|` {kl luh: i':""1'" "'r" t'"i " '3 " of %'n_56x.'ai"3'u,.% - Pnnth|'4 T and K3. 48-ly ` 'sr\J\'/\/\/\J\ `\.~./ x/\/\,-\/ -.,-x. `um/\/x/\x_ ~\.-~ USIC LESSONS. - PROF. L. OAISSE, Pianist and Organist, b=gs to intimate that be u is'to give instructions at the residence ofpupila; and also in his own resi- Idence. Pianos, Organs, and Meiodenns Tuned Jud Repaired.` For terms and further parti- cnlnrupply at his Residence, tn:-9-u-no-trust vx/\/-~(\.,\, - - -/-vxr -/3/K.//4 \"_/'\4`\/ \/-\4V"` ALEXANDER LAWE, b _` ELECTRICIAN` gr IGALVANIST, H|rrison a Brick Block. Dixnlnn Rlrnnt 1 I50. 0 nut! in lobe The Mansion House is_a three story brick building. It a`oi'ds spaiousness, convenienoe and comfort. The proyrietor is well knownins >3 lIote1~kee'per to nearly all in this county, and his experience will be a guamantee an to the merits of The Mansion under his supe.~imend- Sample Rooms for Commercial ' -Travellers. , ` GOOD STABLING AND SEEDS. D. FARAGHER, 9- . _ prnnv-iafnr or Mr Maundrell ,V `Bax-rio; '1-`IIULVAAD IJU FY 11: . ~ Butcher and Poulterer, BBGS-'toinform the public thathe has taken Stall No. `4, in the Market House, Barrie, where he will carry 01; the abovebuninesa. In-ie. December 11th._1_867 60 PLATtNG.=IQ1*ia: Ban-in. Inn- .'-2. mm: 1 ,4: red 10 mun w 1-guns, TAN us :5, or do EXCA- ' ATING, either. by the '01) or day, on the shortest nolice and most reasuna le terms. Alpgly lo .. . R. C T HRRRT _....__._ -...__, _._.._._._-_,__-._...Vj..__..___ THE MANSION HOUSE, _ MARKET SQUARE," ' . BARBIE, - a - - . - 1(>N1$Amo. . JV.J.'I,`. having bought out -the Stock and Good-will of I.Ve.Williums, is prepared to sup- ly the public with Beer, Beef, Pork, and Potash arrelI,Kega,Cl1urns,Wash Tubs, Barrel Churn.-., ind lbeVCelebrated Cylinder Churn ; also, Cislei-ns of allsizes, and all Wonk in 3 Cooper : Line or Business. _ I . - COIIIOP - '.' " "' = -- I SIICOI, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET, BARBIE. . . 19-ly-r - ' \J Int J-`A JJ- 5} J`! from the rs: dniries in the Provxnce, which for quality cannot be beaten. ll I HEB BIOCK OI @tR@:m::3tn:s@'8' l`|-.~..:.-5:... A6` Tana Qnnnuu HAN.-- or Inn: co Fdiell Haw! < Inulinn nl III (..{\j%Ihii$..$J\%G Oonaistin of Teas, Sugars. Coffees, To-_ bneol, &c., P ckles, Oanhed Sa`:mon,Lobaters Sardine: and fruit ofevery description. , "`Il,R._.A nhnim Int of cakes and him-,nitn sgrmneu nun n.'_uu 01 every ueucnpuon. N.B.-A ohoxce lot of cakes and biscuits, manufactnredzof the best materials, always on had, with a._cl1oice selection of `Italian goods from the best packers of Europa. ` = R. KING-.Jr. GEORGE Nnxrgm, ORILLIA5; t The Inblcriber is prepared to. execute all or; dernin "a.inting, Dec-o.nting_ and Paper Hang- ing, kt . Pnintimt of alldnam-intionaldone with neat. mg, at. I . Painting of slldoacriptiona done with neat- VIIIIB and displtch arid at. reasonable rates.- . All work warranted to givi mtisfaction. IISBIEBAGA STRIKE!` ORILLIA. nmrmnn mawmnu . -Oriuia. 25th May. 1971` 5 per day. Agents wanted! _ All ' chases of workmg people, 0! |lh6|' sex, young or old. make more man-zy at work w_nh' us in their 3 rare moments, or run the time, than at any thing else. ` nrticnlnysfree. Address G. STINSON 3,, C0.,Ponlnnd. Manna. V . ` 19-n.-ly NI Jll.I_:!lul:Ull1I'0l'3 01 - ' CARRIAGIN, BUGGIES,- . WAGGONS, . V .--_ _ . - ; AND SLEIGHS Of the latest and beetstvles and of the moat ap- proved construction. Oollier Street, East, sec- onddoor from the Eiarket, Barrie, As the aid- vertisere are thoroughly and practicelly `con- veregnt with their bneiness in all its details, omploye none but the most skilful workmen, and one only the" best material, they [can gultantee all work turned out at tlnir establish- ment to give perfect satisfaction to the purchas- ` er.` Former: and othere look to your interests, 1 And give us a call, we promise to give you.bat- ter nlue for your money than You canget at I any other Cnrrissge Factory in Barrie. ' I .l'Also, GENERAL BLAOKSMITHING in all its branches tittended to. nu-at. Inna 1. `R73. 5-!` T J-I 3. 'J.' L .L\I (. Barrie. Jan-3, I872`. u4usu.--'1'ne aunscrmer Dega to mtorm the . A; public btBarn'e and vicinity that he is pre- nared lo SINK WELLS, TAN KS, do EXCA- VATING, either. by the iob dav. Bhorlesl |WA`&|}0NS, BUGGIES, GAllBlAGES,| nrrmmuuu .0. :'r1z4'n:11:rc .. The subscriber h`a-v_i::;-ourchased the" entire stock in trade of Mr. Wm. Whitobread. is pre- d to make on the shortest notice and most reuonnblo term: as good and as cheap Double A T or Single ` waoaons. CARRIAGES,` 'BUGGlES, . snmaas on .c,m-'rnas,_ A. ..n In mud: in `thin nr nnv nthar nnuuni `NGLISH BUN. HOUSE up onmsm ._DEPOT. -v--- . . The subnci-iberhns received a splendid lot of ' I`! I-1 12'.- ahnnuup Un uu l.'\D,V A: on be made in thia or any other county" ' T V A. CROKER. ' A. UISUXSIJH, INGHAM BROTHERS; _ BUTCHERS and GEN- ERAL PURVEYORS, Mariel . Stall No. 2, Ban-ie. Jlnve cbhatantly on hand` a good supp1y_oT ` Fresh Meat, Fowl, Game. 650.. of as chance qulliw as the mu-keu.a`_ord, and 'o`er- :the aagne ~ od ate prices. - . . > ":e'5'ne-:1, Sausages and La_g-d_,tqg'athex:;'wil!1 _ vfre o. FARAGHVEJL Propritr. ~ I: `III III" III-l|l\E U ll,-`fl rnunv, ,. S wnrrsntei to cu:-e.all diaoharge `from the _ _ ,,UrinIry Urgqns,jin,eitber' sex, ncquiredor onltitutional,` Gravel and Pains in. ma Back. `Sold in TBo_xu,v`=4e 6:! each, by all Ohemidts, and Paint Medieino.Y_ond9n. k_'. , inln Pmnrietor. .F.~ J. CIQKRKE, t uyu 4 11 u/.uuv q` u'.t1Lu'V11V1E s Brick Biock, Dimlop Street. 0ARD.:-`The subscriber begs to infon the .' Drublic vicinitv that he is nrn. 1H0MA"STTE6i?x71f I Psunt Medicine Vendors. V Sole Pro etor, F. J. , nioranom ns~ HALL, LINCOLN, ENG. on " ants. ` V 3'1: as. ;~``-" " ` in 1` up ...- owzut .t.L at ;38:01-1-8.Sm.'95`~Farn;do:':aaet.`I?3n3:n; ;8gq_';er &SQil.r0;f0id_!mt 1:. London. ~ -` ' I` `.#`I*!*!I.I-nd9n`Wholes-la Bonsai. ` - ' .-quantum ` - ? ~ BI`:r_d.>ivg19,`~Buxbicl:gea `& ., Ooloinnn treiit,` A 1 0.0-.` wnm-axe" 511 ns nrnncnea aucnuuu Barrie, June 18, 1873. '1. - . `font!-`l.ll__:Iuuunuu. Montreal- -.E,uIIl; u..}'. 3 0`: _ - v.; 'Dmmltl. . wV|`fOl-EVIDI, BT09! 6 Von, nuqlununw :V': ', . .' L ,: , 1: Dingainlf - t ' `I, A 3 ,_!f'__.._Lymn|,'9lre #00. V ` _ ~. , 3v!|__rou9j-5-1.`- _lliott #300. {Wholesale Drnggim . Jusmxcnfs ITHEA GR'E'A'_I`-,'BI.J`T SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, mp THE WHOLE SECRET "op svccnss "1141 ALL GOVERNMENT. pA'IN'1`1NG AND DECORALING E.v.1a`NY aroorm, Mn.nnfn'( nf . AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE GENERAL. ADVERTISER. inn: nox or c'LARKE'sVBV.`4l ms 3 _-..-nhrl tn mu-e all di0hl'l!8> fl'0III U .`..;"'! I sew3%.i `6E;n;`"s;i.Eiai: 'IUBl'~Llll5 IBGEXVBU 3 SP 0 E- x 5-1-2.... 2.. LL- TI._-._.__ 1.1.1 5 uvrrs. Manufacturers of - .7`. A DDTA [1173 W.J'. TAYLBE:-i roprietor. T lusit. .4 x.'*\./ \/\ /\ .-\ ARRIE TIGHT womzw GOQPERAGE. .__-:- .6 xnxuw or any A. CROKER, vnllhr an-An` I '.\'BlH'! UlllbhlAn GEORGE NEWTON, Pointer ' Dscontor. I671 21-Iy uu, , vu un:,uIIUI mm `i??r'Ixi EnT, 40-ly ' Ki 3. KING, Jr, \lJ1L2LU Proprietor; ill UIICLIL Announces the opening of the above establish, meat, and solicits tho.pablic.pat1-onagge Goods. Furniture and Wares of any kind received and ' nvnnnn nnnn L` ufUlLQI'U llll WIITCH 01 any xgxnu ICCCIVEQ llllll advanced upon. Coxuobxous Pnnnaus non THISTORING or Goons Q A rue A rn1A`.1=.r. mt MITQ `K ll-I. J.-I l.VlI'J5Jo Goods consigned to his care will be disposed of to the best possible addntage. _TT-IT\T \.V MITR RHW ltf_ \-. This `is pre-amine ntly a shaving age- if this Is doubler try to trade horses and see ifyou wont get shaved tuyour heart : commt. But at Prof. Moore s, strange `_ to aav. the way not to get shaved is to unnucpayhim a visit and get a. clean` shave, and thus gel the worth ofyour money. , _ Remember the lace, Second Floor, centre New Brick Bluck,.Dun op Street, Barrie. uxrnux nuunuz Jun) rxwrnnux pm- cured in Canada, the United States and Eu- `rope. Patent g'uarantaed or nochhrge. Sand for printed `instructions. Agency in operation ten V63: ` V HENRY. GRIST, ' 0nnwa_ Canada. aeuunuy lmlllu '4 "ml in,` 1 pcuhnnoq No. 1, No 2," and No 3, of thin: brand, . are unsurpassed for body and hrillinncy of shade. Package: centain tnll _nett weight. The public are warned thnt certain other brands no 1 llba. short in every Io.-called 25. pound package. . Examine the brand en} do not be put off Munnuw?'s'R'tic?IN""MKnT AN`n `commnssuumoms, NIEYH` nnnn 'l` l`IT|`l IlA`D'l?la`,'l` IIOTTGI` wwuuuuuuuwvvpwuu a -Iww-Irv, mcxr noon` TO THE `MARKET HOUSE, Gonmln Smzrr, Bums. - mecuanxcau J Drziughtsman. package. Examine wixh inferior paint.a,. The nlu is glways emu? FIN`. _ A 1: . - ' _ MS|old by any .respootnble, dealers in Paints throughout 0ntu'io,a.nd to dealers on] by . 7 - EI9LIOI' & O.,. 'l`nnmn~n ' ' 1'0a0zn`u `For sale In Barrie by John `Woods; J. P. Kit}. Wation & 00.. and W c1l | Bros. _____ .....-.-`A. n The underaigned begs to inform ail parties who may need such work, that he has always on hand a large supply of ~ 111 nnmrnn nm DADTC` IV DIUV Drl T In u.u\Ju.v.xs,-a 'Which he will sell at the lowest rates for Cash WI. 0.pIiAG-EY, V ` Bayold St., Barrie, Neariho Foundry." I_I.. 01 Iowa ' 13.)`; 1 1' 11 U 1 U IT II: 11 .1. 1.1. u . Of _every description, and all sizes, taken at all bouts of the day. ..-.._ ; the Pa Thej also keep in connection with the gallery I 'a1a.1-ge stock of Albums. Album Pictures, Lockets, Chromoa, Lithographs, Pnd V M..nn. DA IN'r1NG. J~n l1'UB1\1m ,O_rillia, Jan. 21. 1873; ,.-.__..___ 1-`. unnnnn II A I I ` `1 EQRGE. UALL, Begs ito snnounco to the public that he has completed his! ' STEAM POWER sud Macbinry for the mnnufactux-a`of DOORS, SASHE8, BLINDS; MOULDING, kc and in prepared to supply these article: at the , lowest price. m.n1m\m nn mmmv mmnnlnmlmr Carpenter, Builder, &.c. Barrie. Ontario, Thursday, August 20, 1874. lowest puce. mlwiweor ng'Iga_1rnascn1rT1oN.| Dhnuuu on Iv 5..nur, Dreudd, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber, ` every description, Ilwnya )2 hand, and _ ads` to order. .33:-tie , July, . \ 4'!- handalargo an I o PLASTER oF i>AR1s%1 rnnmnn r1'\l1l us: vuv xvuuvu_; . July 31, 1873. . _ l3-ly HOTU RAEHIU GALLERY. ]1U1!lME_.. 83 VAN DENTSEEN, - ORILLIA. '6'vs'rL=.ns AND rnuTT': GONE` EGTIDNERY I LV!'lIUllU1VDul\yll TEAS, 1J(`) ,BA0C0S.& cIGAns.| I II {U-:3 Oystol-Va, Durlngisenson, In all the Various `styles. ' jg-- IOKHODIOUB Bllil THISTORING UOOD ASALES. AT`-vA'LL.TIMES. lnnoin -......t___.: A- Ll- ..-_.. ...:n L- .1:-........ Hr.`ruu.un1a1', Ottawa. Canada. Mechanical Engineert Solxcitior of Patents and irziutzhtsman. I-)unlop St, opposite New Brick Blook, Barrie ., Ontfion 1 I 7- A FINE s1ocE'or FRAMES .r .1 ~ Bugs: running between Barrie and Panama- guiahene, will leave Burris Daily at 11:45 a.m. Returning, arrive at Btu`-rie at 2. o'clock, p. xn. WEAYMOUIH Ii FARAGHER, I Pmnrietorl: pA;p1%<'1~s% oF`LivE'1aa-15iuF{ WXPEDITIOUSLY V AND PRCPERLY` SE- I ...._...x :.. n-..-.1.. .1... t1 ..u-A ue... ant` `li`..'u_ *wnmmm~- WHITE LEADS, ~ 1 .`i."`i"."f T - 11 n 11 _:n,s_ 1.--... uuuuu, u-uu, any. V.-.1...-..-.--.... nnnm (Inn I run ' n A unit (I F!:l`l0l.'. msmnaessamun | 34lI_A_K1:L'l'G-- - - And allo or me unproven rr. STOVEPIPE BLOU;i;'3! 7L.--1. 1.... .`-:1! nail -0 Han Inimlt. l':AQAl fnr nan I'IIEL|I`BII [ I_llII-UV `X 1&4;-KI G-. Mlss-1&'o"n'r`oN," - IUITIII I Eh ` `DUNLOP `STREET, BARBIE, . Noxtto Riga : Root 3 shoe store. DRESSES MADE nu-In LATEST STYLES, -At-moderate chums, sud withptom men. _8TR_A.W- AND l?`_l!L'1' _WORK VB DONE In-n GAIII. 4n.1u Lockets, Unromos, uunograpus, I-L_|u mg-011. PAIN'1`1VNG,.t;|' Frnmed or without Frame! h jg) igiiye` Intifctinf,y%A = v :_'-Ti`W:."3A.5'n-N.Q3'q', V _ .nA;rie..Qm9ri ` Z an he -had .91 nppgcgtion !il"28 81 1:18 . moms m'rEN'r- % | %;SPHERUIDAL `SPEC l`ACLESf 1` (Interchangeable). . 60w.snm% swam. Mr. J ohrmbrrow. Innnnna H-an hnnnina nf Hun nlnnvn nnnhl dlU.!." aI '- II quota-ug ' CARRIAGE, `HOUSE, SIGN, AND. ORNAKENTAL -Ins Q I?')"l'II`1"_'I'IT j E`: 411: I Ci` an. Dc; nun. _-. EQRGE BALL. f TN GUS 0. GRAHAM, l ........ ... ARRIE`. AND IcEmNGU1J SHENE EINE OF a-A-,(`fI'1 IWTTWCV PHOT`0_`G_RAPHS ._.. .I....-_2..;.- Ann` all auna 'Qnlrnn SCROLL sAWmG,' ..'11 no.3 mnnlnnl` ant` rnnu-Ad T.nm' Itayya.-nu.-. ._ __1_-__ 7 WATER LIME, T And also of his Improved Pzz`-ax-L r\nV'"D'l' 01:`. 'RI.()(: I5` I T ` the but to`: the v - . .rn:s8`*'*1'9!9F THE `-'.!'=*"'=*'.T- nk nnsssma AND sunvmu SALOON, %nU3.*n an wgmxs. 'l`|A`DD`l Al'1 .l..'.'|. +-J.` J. J=I.:I. .'. MARKET 8QD;ABE,' I}ARRIE- _ 8-y rmmus. 1 U111 I-I'llLVJ.lV.l.\\.l Frnmed or Pictures Fra.-n1-:1 to oder. HUMME 8: VAN DEN STERN. r._ an HMO Lt?` HIB DESI [JOSSIDIE B(lV8!1I8.. JOHN W. MORROW, A nnnnnnd A un-n`anr 13C_6F.F.EIW%E9` | Ii n I: luv I! r CONFEOTIONERYI III!!!) I Plll 1 II` J.` 1' | u1\JLlvl.L\I VI , Auctioneer. Appraiher, ajuua . II\ll win 043;. tsnunnan, Proprietors; F uu.,. Toaozno . A -' 1 D [HIDE . 4-tf` I WIN BUB IIIIIIQN ms nu! ' r-uu_n 5 40:1]! There is A tide ip the affairs ofmsn, Which, taken at the osd..1oada on to fortune. So says the sage, and`it is (no: `to be gamaayed by any man whom forty winners have chilled into wisdom. Ability and opportunity are fortune. Opportunity is not fortune; otherwise all were fortunate; Ability is not.for- tune, else Why does [genius slave ! Why ! But because it missed the op-~ portunity that tted it. What I hnvn--wif9, nnsitinn. inda. pUl'I.uLl1Ly IIIHII: ILLLWMI ll. _ What, I have-wife, position, indo- pendence--I owe to an opportunity for exercising the very simple and unpre- teudiug combination of q'uahties that goes by `the. name" of ability. But to my story. i ' ml" fathar ixznn A wenlthv nmmtnr my awry. v V My father was a wealthy country V gentleman, of somewhat more than the average of intelligence, and-somewhat more than the average of generosity and extravagance. His younger broth- er, a solicitor in large practice in Lon- don, would in vain remoustrate as to the imprudence of his course. Giving freely, spending freely, must come to an end. It did ; and at twenty I was a well educated, gentleman pauper. The investigation of my father's at: , fairs showed that there was one shilling- and sixpenee in the pound for the whole : of his oreditors,'and_ of V course nothing i for me. - n-u_, ___-s._--.. .---.. .....:..l..l I ....... ` IUI HIV. . - The position` was painful. I was half engaged to--that is, 1 had gloves, owers, a ringlet, 9. carts do visits of Alice Morton. Thaf, of course, must .bo`stopped. ' ' I . M. ml... Mnrinn ma nnf i1I-n1.m..a UU~3lU[lPU(.lu . .- Mr. Silas Morton was not i1l-p1ea.sed \ at the prospect of an alliance with his neighbour Westwood s son while there was an expectation of a. provision for the young eouplein the union of estates l as well as persons; but now, when the ` estate was gone, when 1, Guy West- . wood was shillingless in the world, it would be folly indeed. Nevertheless I must take my `leave. ~ (L `I7.-.ll ('1:-nr mu int` hurl in}: thin! IUILV Uh muss luau my as the Bank. Would not have believed it from any Of course all that nonsense about you and Alice must be stopped`now;v1'm not a hard man, butI,can t allow Alice , to throw away her life in the poverty she would have to beer as your wife ; can't do it; wouldn t be the part "of a A father it Iedid. ; I suggested 1' might in time. . ' Time,` air! time! V How much ! She : nineteen now. up to nothing; know nothing that will earn you a. sixpence for the next six months, and'yon talk` about time. Time, indeed! Keep her waiting till .ehe s thirty, and then break her heart by nding it at folly totmarry at ell. is Ah! Alima. mv dam-. Gum : mm: In You re brought. Well, Guy, my lad. bad job this; 3 very bad job; thought he was asvsafe J one--not from any one. V Bless God terrain 1" the good nimaaia, T - And wiped away is grateful tear; That we may have our daily bread, He drops a shower upon us here, Our Father! thou who dwelfsl in Heaven, We tbanic H195 `for the pearly shower I The bleesed preleht thou but given To man, and. beast, and b?r`d,,and ower. The duty earth. with lips apart, Looked up where rolled on orb of film: As though I prayer came from its heart For rain to come; and lo, it came! The Indian Corn with silken plume, . `And tiny pitchers with flowers lled, Send up their praise ofe-met perfume, For precious drops the clouds distilled. The modest grass is fresh and green; The bi-ooklot swells` its song again; Methinks an angel : wing is aeen In mun-v nlnnrl thin hrinma m: min mks. ' . BM metnmxs angers. wing :3 Been In every cloud that bnnga us ruin, There is A rainbow-in the sky. Hnnn vhn nu-nh where tamnonta `rm! - Illete 13 D r3lnUUW'|u BMW Iuyg Upon the arch where teuipests I rod ; God wrote it are the world was dry-4 It is the autograph of God. ' _ Up where the heavy thunder rolled, And clouds of re were swept along, ~ The sun rides in a. car of gold And soaring lurks dissolve in song. _ The 1-ills that gush from mountain: rude. Flow tckling to the verdant bese- J ust like the tears of gratitude That often stain a. good man : face.` -Great King of Peace, deign now to bleu, K The windows of the sky unbar, Shower down the rain of Righteousneu, And wnsh awaythe stain of War, ' And letthe radiant bow of Love In beauty mark the moral sky, Let that fair sign unrolled above, But not like it to fade and die. U uuulug H. u Ivu, Lu uunu, an an: Ah! Al_ice,_ my dear, Quy s name to say Good-bye:." he sacs, wnth me, that In; altered position compels him, asnn honourable man, to give up any hope: he may have.form_ed as to the future." 11'. r. .... -1--- 5.. ..-.. u `D_...._.-1I|!) l\|\l|IUn He left us alone to say Farewell P. --a word too hard to say at our ages. `Of course we consulted what should be done. To give each other up, to bury the delicious paste, that was not to be thought ol. We woul be constant, spite of all. ' I must gain a. position; and papa would then help us. ' I..- _.--n. -._..- ....-.. - _ --...._`.:..--_._ Two ways wereeopen: aoommisaion I in India, In place in. my uncle's office. 1 Which ! I was for the commission, Alice for theoioe. A respectable in- uentxelaolioitor; n position not to be despised ; nothing but cleverness want- ed ; and my uncle's nememnd no one to wait for ;' no hver oomplninta; no se. pays; no see voygigea; and no long sepnretion. V ` __ > V . ' Qh, 1 -_i`117pn`re it_ iithe lpgotzhing t `e * ornnnitgnralt -thenL,.Mth to I` o$,wy:>:;ong peopl, you've time much $9 93}! `J :9 bg A PERILOUS JOURNEY. 'BLE::S GOD FOR: RAIN. o} Guy. Here, my lad, y5.ou'll neg- something to start with, and the old gentleman put into my hands a note fox fty pounds. ' H T inns! Han air that nan cu?" nnf llult! u.lUII7,_Iu_I- nut! nuuw. But, sir, you out me of} from all hope; you tender my life a burden to me. Give me some denite task ; Vsav how much. you think we ought to have; I mean, how much I ought to have to heap Alice--I mean, Miss Morton-in such a position no you would wieh. Anna nrldnrl hat anomalies, and lhn God bless the boy! ` Insult l Why I've danced you on my knee hundreds ofxtimes. Look you , Guy"-and the old fellow came and put his hand on my ehoulder- it grvee me pain to do what [am doing. I believe, for both your sakes, it is best you should part. Let us part friends. Come now, Guy, you ll need this; and if you need a little more,_le_t me know. - H I)..L ah: `Inn nu! IIIAI n fnnrn an-I BUUII. N puiuuvag no Jvu vvvuau wann- Alice added her entreatiea, and the result of the oonferenee was an under- standing that if withm five yearafrom that date I could show I wasvworth 5001. a year, the old gentleman would addanother 5001.; and on that he thought we might live for a law years comfortably. TL-.- noun on `ran nn nnrvnnnnnnnnn uuuuunuury. There was to be no correspondence whatever; no meetings, no messages. We protested and pleaded,and nally he said- - 1.1"]? II .__-II f`.... . Y ..I..-.... I1L-.'I IIU Hll||.l"' Well, well. Guy; I always liked you, "and liked you: father below you. Come to us on Christmas Day, and you shall nd a vacant chair beside Alica.- There, now; say `Good-bye, and be off. I .___._a. -1! `I -..._.. 0.. I -....A.... 0.. ...... .uu_y IJUUI-l|l3o I "must bog, arr, that you will not insult--- . 1lfI-.iI_l___AL_L---l 1`I..-.-ln II [1]..- UH UU U11. 1 went off. Icame to London, to one of the little lanes leading out of Cannon Street. Five hundred 9. year in five years! 1 must work hard. Nlu nnnla tank ISM]: nntinn nf ma 2 T YUIIIHZ 1 II.II3Il VVUI! Illluln My uncle took little notice of me; I fancied worked me harder than the rest, end paid me the same. Seventy- ve pounds a year is not 3 large sum. I had spent it in a `month before now, after the fashion of my father ; now, I hoarded ; made clothes last ; ate in musty, cheap, little cookshops; and kept my enjoying faculties lrom abso- lute rust by a weekly half-price to the tl1eetres-the pit. 'I lus unnv nnnnnr` I tnnf (`ulna hi lllUl1|-[U`lllU Plh The you passed. I went down at Christmas, and for twenty-{our hours was alive ;, came back, and had a raise of twenty pounds 1n salarv for the next year. I waited for opportunity, and it came uqt. rl*.L.-_ --_ A__I ......:.... -1 -112.-- ...-..L ~ or nothing that could help "me, and in i e jdisappointed state of mind I packed Untuu uuuu This jog-trot routine of otlioe-work t continued for two years more, and at the end of that time I was worth but my salary of 1351. per year-l35l.! a long way from 5002. Oh, for oppor-t 4 tunity! I must quit the desk, and be- 4 come a merchant; all successful men have been merchants; money begets money. But to oppose all these thoughts l of change came the memory of Alice : lastwords at Christmas: (`Wait and hope, Guy, dear; wait, and hope." Certainly ; it's so easy to, . Governor wants you, Westwocd. H_e s sharp this morning; very sharp ; so look out, my dear nephy._ V You understand a little Italian, I think ? said my uncle. V A little sir." You will start tonight for Florence, in the mail train. Get there as rapidly as possible, and find whether a Colonel Wilson is residing there, and what lady he is residing with. Learn all you can as to his position and means, and the terms on which he lives with that lady._ Write to me, and wait there for further instructions. Mr. Williams will give you a check tor 1002.; you can get circular "notes for 502', and the rest cash. .If you have anything to say, come in here at ve o'clock; if not;-igood-morning.` `By-the-by, say nothing in the office. * Ineed not say that hope made me believe my opportunity was come. . I hurried to lorence,and discharged my `mission; sent home a careful let- ter,iul_l of facts without comment or opinion, and in three weeks time was summoned to return. I had done little up and went to the railway station at Sat, Dnmininn- A littla.mur_ with n up uuu Wuue Iv nu? IBIIWG, Blltlluu III. St. Dominieo. A littlerrow. with a peasant as to his demand for carrying my baggage caused me to lose the last train that nrght, end so the steamer at Leghorn. The station-master, seeing my vexetion, endeavoured to console Inn UJU. `.`There will be a special through tram to Leghorn at nine o'clock, or- dered for.Coant Spezzuto: he is good- naturod, and will pomibly loryou go in that.` _..-- .....-aI.. oI.-_I.-_-- -...I 1' |_.-.._ ` It was worth the chance, and I hung about the station till I was tired, and then walked back towards the 'llage. Passing a small wine-shop, 1 en ered, and asked for wine in English. I don't know what whim possessed me when! did it, for they were unable to under- stand me without dumb notions. V I at length got wine by these means, and sat down to while away the time` over a railway volume. . I Eat` Hanna anal-) .sLnnl'L-If -n LAT.- G IIIIWI vunuulu. [had been seated aboutehalf an heir, when a comic: entered, aeeompenied by a railway guard. Two more dill'er- ent exemglee of the human race it would be iio-Ill to describe. VI... .-n--J a-._ _ .I--I. ....-_- I--I_ WUIIIH WU |lIlll\?II|I III IIU$lIIIXg The guard was a dark, uvege-loob ing Italian, with rueal end bully written all over him ; big, black, butly, with bloodehot eyes, and. thick, houy, sensual lips, the men was utterly re- pulsive. V ~ II'n_- --.-_:-._ .;_-_ _ I'LL`. _,-n_` I,,_ ourior wad 1 littlo,neatly-dream ed man, of no age in pmiaular; pale, hlnn.AVn_ lIrniaLt.HI-nnn I13: (um um: UIJ ILIBII, VI IIU BU III Pulwull i PIIU blue-eyedmtraight-lip d, his {I00 wins a compound of gas, an nbbit that only a fool or a patriot would have trusted oufof sun : length. . Th`. iH_inn .`IQl` nnnn nnllntl (nu Ulli Ul DIIII D lvllslllo This ill-much pair called for brandy, and the hostess sot it=,b_iforo chum. I_ then heard` them not `Vito sud what I` was. She in , ind, I must be .an- Eqglguhmnn, Indvdi not tmgpraund the Iuluun to: win. She then left. 4 . Tyay pvidontly wanted to bonlono, my presence was dooidedly dis- `ugfo agblgto them; and maturing tug {lam} -n.E-Iii-hm-w.` they 9 . `L ` No. 34. Whole No. 1148. ' `U lulu UIJUKIIUI Uu.I|l l-IIU sufllu. Isat quietly aippmg my wine, rnd reading. (I W3-a" mu Annv Minhnnl plI`tllIli'i_ Ill 0100!` PI1l'p0S6 I V xyou do the reduced terms of the Onnm Pmmuu-r Bmunme nub Sums SOCIETY, whim hu made more loans to Farmers during` It: `m I? years` than any` othezyatford grotto: fsunlitiea and advantages than those of any 'o|t.'0onImmy in the Dominion. uvnmonu-r mum: mun ton. Goon |(on'l'9AGIl- E01` 6! uuguu uu: gumu. _ For the love at God, call me not by that name. My name is Alexis--Alexu Dzentzol, now." 1111}. ' nh "7 `anal-tar` Olin nun-Ava - IJZUUVQUI llUVIg Oh! oh! laughed the guard; " you've changed your nhme, you fox ; it s like you. Now I am the same that you`kne.w fteen years ago," Conrad Ferrate--to day, yesterday , and for life, Conrad Ferrnte. Come, lad, tell us your story. How did you get out 0! that little affair at Warsaw ! How they could have trusted you, with your face, with their secrets, 1 cen t for the life of me tell: you look so like a sly knave, don't you lad `P Thu nnnrinr sun for fvnm vn-nnnn The guard now struck in with a. re- mark in French as to the neness ol the neighbouring country. Ishrngged my shoulders, and produced my cigar-case- French was not very familiar to me, evidently. H Thr,cn Hana-ale nf Rnnliuh Chink Qhnir "7-Vv'iI, my dear Michael Pultuskj, i began the guard. ` H War an Inna rd and null mn nnt Int 1 lly lulvu, uuu sluu Iuu I The courier, so far from resenting this familiarity, smiled, as if -he had been praised; Mu nfnru in nnnn unit! "I lnunrl IJUUII pl lot! He My story is soon said. I found: after my betrayal to the police of the secrets of that little conspiracy which you and I joined, that Poland was too hot, for me, and my name too well known. I went to France, who values her police. and for a few years was useful to theni. But it was dull work; very dull; native talent was more es- steemed. I was to be sent on a secret service to Warsaw; I declined, for obvious reasons. ' l`I,-lI F" Al \U `I, III PUWUI B5 II |IlJ6|IIU|O The router commenced in Italian, with a remark on 'he weather. I im- mediately "handed him the newspaper. Ihdidn t speak Italian, that was clear to I am. "'57'1i;$ beasts of English think their own tongue so ne they are too proud to learn another, said the guard. I mat nn:aIll1 uh-unina IIII1 mine urn` to try my powers as a linguist. Th: nnnv-Int nnrnrnnnnn {n 1 Good ! Michael -- Alexns; good, Alexis. This fox is not to belrapped. And he slapped the owner on the shoulder heartily. (C An ,7 -nnurnnal ILA AIL-.. u 1 .... INK. UUIIIUILIJ |u bun uuluxunvun |FIIlX9_ilI1' PRICE PAID FOR GOOD KOBTGAGI!- for further information apmy to , J. HERBERT MASON, Secretary 5; Treasurer, ibronto, om T A. moanow, Cl . ,.4nnrru':n'_ al Barrie BIIUIIIIDI IIUBI III . And, resumed the other, I re- signed. Since then! have travelled as courier with noble families, and I trust. I give satisfaction. u (Inna I `]nv:n . .......1 ru:..|. __...l 9 EIV 0 oclluuulvlluu. Good! Alexia; good Mioh-good, Alexis! To yourself you give satisfac-V tion. `You are a ne rascal!--the prince of rascals! So decent; so met; solike the cure of a convent. ho would believe that you had sold Qhnrliirnn nf Qhirhv min: (mu 0: (Am kn... vv uy wuunu uuucvu uysl. you nuu SOICI the lives of thirty map for a few hun- dred roubles T "` t1A._.I...L_II' A A I -- IIIUI-I Lvuunvu I And who, interrupted the couner, would believe that you, blu, honest Conrad` Fermte, had run away with all the money those thuty men had col- lected during ten genre of lnbout, for meaning thoit eountzy from the Bus- sianp 1*` ' I` 'l-.5 up... .._._I AI.,. ,, W7`, NIH? I ' > That was good, Alexis, was it not`! I never was so rich in my life as then; I 1oved-4I gamed-I drank-on the patriots money. "For how "long? Three years 1" More'-_-and now have none left. Ah !-Times change, Alexis ; behold me. And the guard touched his but- tons and bolt, the badges of his oioe. Never mind--here s my good friend the bottle--let us embrace--the "only. friend that is always true--if he does not glndden, he makes us to forget." Tall ma. mv amul Alnvia ml-mm an gun gunuuou, nu unusuu U6 lU lUIgBl. ' all me. my good Alexis, whom do you rob-now 1 Who pays for the best, and gets the second best I Whose money do you invest, eh! my little tax! Why are you here! Coma, tell me` while I drink to your success. 7 I have the honour to serve His E. - oollenoy the Count Spozzato. ` Ten-thousand devils! Mv nnmlnmd vuuuuu Inc vuuuru az.u.Luu" Ten-thousand devils! My ncoursed cousin I" broke in the guard. He who'hss robbed me from his birth; whole birth itself was I vile robbery of me-01 me, his cousin, child oi his father's brother. May he be aoou-s d for over ! ' ` V I A_..I_ ._.'._A ___._n:-..|_.__,-' , , A I took most particular pains to appear only amused at this enuine outburst of passion, for Iaavrt a watchful eye of the courier want on me all the time they were. talking. ' Th: aunt)` (`wank n g Illvvl`-\`An all` UIDIJII I The! master or yours is the man of whom I spoke to you years ago, as the one who had mined me ; and you serve him! May he be strangled on" his wedding night, and cursed for ever ! 44 I1. __I_. ..___ x;-,,,. n 1 suuy wuus, Iucgnlua. The guard drunk of! u. tumbler of < brandy. ' ' H Thnf lvgnnhan n` Ilnnnn Ca ILA rill-Ira 3{u.VT& LOUNT, Barristers, Attorne I-at-A ' luv, Solicnorlin Chancery, kc.-0 ce- Dualap Street, Barrio. Sucoesgorn to the late Mao Boulton Lount, Boy:-1,& Stewart. W. Loon. - - G. W. Loon. Bo calm, my dearest Conrad, calm yourself ; that beast of an Englishman will think you are drunk, like one of hisown awinish people, it you talk so loud as this. uY`I`-_.-__1L_|_:AA `I . . n How {Ian I help it 3 I must talk. What Asia, that I; ought to be; I was brought up to it till I was eighteen ; was the'heir to all his vast estate: there" was but one life between me and po`wer--my uncle s-and he, at fty, married a, girl, and had this eon, this son of rdition, rnyoousin. And after ' that, , who had been the pride of my family,beoame at no account; it was J ulian, " sweet Julian ! II T Rpm!) I .};:.l-'01.. 4..-(...:-.. a nun "1'f'i.`2:.:a,~? t":?.`.'2,`oim..., um uomirdno attempted to strangle the sweet child, that was---- I" ` CI "n4unn 'n'_._Inn T en:-In I Ran-I "7'i&31"$u'?3il?e. I.wiah 1 had done it; but for that wretched dog that woniod me, I should have been Count Qnnu-nOn nan! I lpillml Chat Jan. VIII-II IIIU, I UIIUIIIH IICVU UDIIH \JUuuF Speuuto now. I killed that dog killed him, no not suddenly"; may mi master die like him! u 1.1 .._.. I-u -14-- .L_. |.AI 9 u7:::1dm;c::l'i0`;mi\`536l that `aittle af- {aitI $ T Oh yea! I le and became what you kuowme." ' `I A nlnvnv mun mu an. Danna- I ,UlI IIIUW .1390 A clever man, my dpu; Conrad: I "know no man who in more clover with the me than yourself, and, as to bully- ing to cover a mistake, you are an em- qro: It that. In it. not 30, Ooniadi o, dtink, good health to my master. --your cousin. V 1:`) A _ A . _ , ,Al_I, ,,V I --u- ww---..- `-` You miponblo viper. l ll'oxush you if you uh me to (19 that ngain, I'll` drink--H`o_ro, give no the ghu-J? 4.; -.`*lAl,I - ,nnnl . Rn.-palm`. '..IKn uuun--.u-nu, gnvu luv sue glll--" l I lieu : to Count`. 8 :mto :_~..Miiy he die like n (log! y hid OIIOQIO bring the birds sud-vtho yolvao to- _th_o`[! ` Mnyvhio-nun}; be ouroodvauct And $2 00 `if not paid in advance, _ l hated whnlo the sun uim: And r;ey mpn_ ggtory keep him till I prey for hie release! ` . 11".- ...-..!_ ..__-.`..-. ..;... nnvnnihinn UUGUIUCU Ill lay UUVIIJ They seated themselves at the seam table as betore, and drank silently {ox a. while; presently the guard be-gun a cou~ versation in some patoi Icould not un- derstand; but I could see the stoker grow more and more interested as the name of Beam -x uccurred more Ire-. quently. /`I. I I I ,.,.._n ,....l. \ lUU3UH IfU!1Ulyo ` I waited. It was now rather more than half-past e1ght.'and I had risen to go to the door when I saw the guard returning to the wine-shop with a man whose dress indicated the stoker. .1 1\,... .-..I-. -......... :...H no.3.) EMU sllulllj " uuu uuun WAN: Inu- The man came in, and I was again absorbed in my book. "l`I...... nnnfnta Oknnnnnluan n! Ihn unrhll. [[18 100111, nlullllllg [U IIIIHBUII. "`_To-night, it might be to-night. If. he goes to Leghorn, he meets his future wife ; another life, and perhaps a dozen. No, it must be to-night or never. Does his mother goi Fool that I am not to ask! Yes; it shall be to-night; )_ and he left the room. 1111.-. ._L....I.. I... u o..'..:...Lo') Qnup; auu I10 IUH: Luu .IUUluu What shouln be to-'nigh!?. Some foul play of which the Count would ho. the victim, no doubt. Buthowi when? That must be solved. To follow him, or to wait--.which 1 To wait. I! is always best to wait ; Ihad iearned this lesson already. `I .....o..A YO nun. r\nI.Ihf`IAI` mnr:-. WHUSD LIIUSS `xuuluuwu suc mvncu 30-me in, Gmdo; come in," sand the guard ; and drink "with me." 'l`I-In mun nnma in and I was nnnin The idea of a great talker differ very -the former being superficial and comparatively valueless, while the. latter (generally vented in proverbs): are. truthful, impressive, and profound. The language of the former skips along as easily and gracefully as the grey- hound, while, on the contrary, that of` the latter, slowly, clumsily, and heavily onwards,-like the ponderous and Uh`. wieldy elephant. He nds it difficult- to give utterances to his thoughts, which rush forward to the portals n[ his mouth in such .crowds, that` they. in "fact, block it up. Whenever you meet with a man of this kind,given him time, and do not giistalre his tedious tardiness for ignorance or 1111-- becility of mind' In nine cases out of ten he has lived in solitude,and because sation, his tongue grows so rusty that, when he does venture into society, no one will wait till he is drawn out, and therefore his'e continues to in- crease, Do not contemptuously turn will, in all likelihood, repay your eivil- ity with interest. The eagle is a. solitary bird, and his voice may be harsh, but still he is an eagle, neverf_ theless. Do not imagine that he is: a dead or asleep, but be more attentive: t to nature. The gun is silent until its ~ note is one of triuinpli; the tiger s fatal spring and terric roar are simula- taueous; the volcano is silent before an eruption ; and all nature seems dead before an earthquake. Nature em- . ploys silence to concentrate her ener- gies, that the eect may be more appalling and sublime. As iron, ly long exposure to the ac'ion otfresli water, has a rusty exterior, but is in- wardly improved in quality, so the rust of the reserved man is only supercal, while his ideas, over which the stream of time has passed, are susceptible of a. higher polish, and sink more forcibly into the mind of his hearer. The (Hat- mond is a rough, dull stone, when first brought frornits rocky bed, yet it re ceives from the lapidaryabrilliancy almost capable of dispelling the gloom of night. much from those ofthe reserved man. i he has not been habituated to conver- your back upon him, but listen, and hes, ed to guard eagerly. . . " "That is so, gentle. Conrad; and now, Lgvmg told you all, let me pay our hostess and go.- _ u 1).! MA AIIQ nnun fnr ma. IIHIP. `INAUA rmunnnun nuxuuxuu Ann (I SAVINGS SOCIETY. . . - bu). 0mu|--MASON_IC HALL, TORONTO; CAPITAL. 1 500,000. To Jsarmers an Landownera! D; ,You Want to Barrw Money To buy more lnnd for yourself or for you ions 7 To build 3 house or burn `I To fence, clear, utdordnin, or 'othe1-wise improve your lsnd? Io pqoffalortgage or . other debts? Or for tn other purpose? xmu do the reduced names: am 30." - Pay! No one pays for me, httlc fox; no, no,.go; I will pa) - Tho annular fnnk hit: dnftllf and I03; I10, llU,vgU; 1 WM] ya The courier took his departure and the guard kept walking up and down the room, muttering to himself: 4411.. ..:..l..o :9 mink! -kn tn-niaht_ H uonrna.-' _ "Tn hrs in the special tram ordered at nine,'tl1at I am to go with 1 exclaim- ed to guard eagerly. I! "l"I..9 in an annlln ltnm-nrtl: and You OOHIO OX1 YOU! mama: I uunuv : Baoause my master wishes to reach Leghorn "to-night, to, meet his bride. lonrad. u 'I'|I..`... L... 3.. Olga nvu.-nn:n` .I;l\ AIAQIRA I loam r . . e ._The men : Zpeegion waebsomething frightful to $ei_;`_ei'I,3= 1- was more than . hnlfinolined toleeve` thelplace; but something, perhaps 9. dietent murmur of the rising tide, compelled me to g stay: I: pretended Ileep. allowing my , head to sink down upon the table. He eat still for a few moments and then commenced walking about the room. and abruptly asked :. What brought you here; Alexis 1" My master's horse, Signer Cor.- rad. Good, my little fox; but why did you come on your master's horse? at 12...-nmm mu mnetnr wishes to reach ' A tow days ago a soft Dutchman, who was conned in jail on some trivial charge, took advantage of a. gemporary want of vigilance, and ab- anted himseltfrom his prison. The ts! ithinghdone on regaining his liberty was to get on a comfortable drunk, and while in this state he coolv walked into the presence of the turnkey and `asked if such a mau--meaning himself at nrnnnmt in mil Afmr lm-Irina uunuu u ouuu u |uuu--Iucclulus uuuuuu. --was at present in Jail. _ After locking him up, the oicial informed the Dutoh~ man that a_uch a man WM in prison. A stone ginger-beer bottle, loaded with gunpowder and nails, and with a. lighted fuse attached, was thrown lately into the bed-room of tive brick- makers in n lodging-house at Miles Plotting, near Manchester. A loud explosion followed, the force of which. threw two men out of bed. The bed, which was overturned, was set on re. but the ames were soon put out. The only lodger injured was a lad, named Tinee, who was rather badly scorched- The the men who were in the room. are briokmakers, employed in turning out machine-made bricks under a con- tract for the Lancnnshire and York- shire Railway Compi, and their doing so is known to have given grear.` olfence to the hand briok-makers in ' the neighborhood, LOQUAUYIY AND RESERVE. Personal cleanliness is not invariably a passion," even with individuals in the upper ranks of society. We have heard of a'Britieh general, whose an- tipathy to ablutions was matter of notoriety among his friends and ac- quaintances. Meeting one of the latter one day, the general complained of being unwell. What seems to be the matter?" enquired the gentleman. Ca't'ttell,sai_d the general, but I don t feel exactly well." Allow me to preortbe, said the gentleman. No ' objection being offered, he advised the ' general toloee no time in procurring I `a convenient tub, half lled with tepid a water, and (in addition) abig-sized lump of brown soap- Apply the. in soap and water ltberally, .,`.. said the ll gentleman, and `repeat "`th0__oxperi-'_ ' mom a-nu?` `..'8'*l!'.-; .-:`<'i5!lir.??-aid -the 8.`!3Ft._!l- `t`1.|!I`.> . . . S ROBINSON, Orillin, Solicltor in Chan-7 I my, Attorney-At-Law, Oonvoynncor, Oom- 'I.mi-mer in B.R., kc. Heir and Dcviuee Claims mo.-uted,Agent for Canada Landed Credit oupm] for loaning money on Real Euste. on-1C-.?\':l Frank Kean : Store. 848 n '(C`ondded next week. ) Ankh! EDWARDS, (Late Deputy Begum-A 1') Oonveyuncer, &c., agent for the Rnynl In.- ovmuce Commny, and the Accident lnmnnce Uonpany. -0ico--Past Olce building", Sarrie I r. ; /\/\x.~J\,~\.r-\/x/\/\,\ _/\_-\, '\xJ :-- -----1 nlicil0l' I ' `HUIAD I3 5 . Solicitor in -Udloo our Harril ` Itm 1,Bar:ia; .____ I'llJln|_}, vvu u .1` W I. ARDAGH,_ ..._._._.______ LAXANDEB MORROW, agent for the P.-ovinoial luau.-anca onpany, the Q00"! fire-ind Life, the Pbcnnix, the Isolated. and it - Lunouhire Insurance Companies.--Oice ' In-I RI-Ink Rlnp-It nvar Rnwnnn'n QUITE. Q55 I D1038 _ ____ . ,.-----"""-'*"`"`V* .` mg: B. SANDERS, Attorney at-law. So_l1- `1 oilor in Chancery. Oonveyancen.Cotnmus- `mo, gn c,P., &c., `tayner, O0. Simeon. 900 .'- --_--_-(:.T.T:.`-.`. :_,,.,,, - _4 MNOIS W. LALLY ATT F Solicitor - in - 0h nncor3.,RN(l.I;vAo13`v..I:;:,Y , I Lury Public, am. > U!" :0-Owen Street, Barrio, Out 4771 Y U Provincial Land Surveyors, Aronlcu, ac. BARBIE and ALLISTON. lumen Guxnun, CLIFFORD Tnonaon, . O.E.,P.'L.8. ` G.E.,P.L.3. _ 1) AU] nun.-ton, IID4 DLIILATUN 8 ICU.U1`nU>'-I".-""- \!onco-Collier street, Bnme, 0111. 1*. o.x ooxKlYs I. D_ cononm . Inked :.~~_ DE J. L.G. uoomvrax bu removed pin men to hi! new relidonce on the West lldO -0! John sum, immediately oppoaiu Hr. `Geo- 'BIlr'I planing and sub factory; Dr.M00-9 bu o_uuney for I Igudent. `W71 gA,'[`uX G Duxagvlunxn muunnrnl 3 McC:rthy,] Barmters_nnd Attorneys Nic,,.in Chancery, Notanes P_ublio an ' gonuylnceri. Dunlop street, Burma. 1 nvln-nu MOCARTEY) Q-C- WI. BOYS. LoL.8. oonuygncers. Uuulvy n-navy, uuuuvc ; pm,-0; Mccun-mt, Q.C. Boys, L.L.B. _. o--," ""` " __ A. . '1`: .. WELLS, Graduate Toronto Un ve`nity.. lumber College Physicians and Bur eonl, Unl.-0l!iee-Over Wells Bros . Drug tom oppolito Bnrrio Hotel, Hotel, Dunlap street. 38 L, - ..o B. J. s. ORO0KSHANK`,' CORONEB. 86- V - ,0oo-In Brick Block. Dnnlop Str_0ln Om u, opposite Wntnon at 00- D"IE__.a 36. Residence, am house East of Registry OM00. U"0ice hour: --`fx"om 10 till 12, FON- nnnn um ham 1 Mn '1 Aha:-nnnn. 11.12m D ALTER J. Ann Ilnu, 411. Lunnnx-A-1-. L w,Sohcitor-in-Chancery, and Oon-' _ voices--Wuterlslreet, Pongzgn. ;:{|`I:'::. Money to Lend. 13., aoumnr .1 soars, [LATIE Momma? M mm-.Osrthy,]Barr1st.era and Attorneys, d1e_Illl)l\uy uouon oi oi! onmy. `Inn at mouorate nnwruu.-up [U40 ARDAGH V 8 STRATHY, Rania. 2-66 u. U. u. nuuuuw, &U.I`AlW", V" U Philndelphin oenm College), mt! 5' hand in hi) oice every dsy. Extra char! undo for profenionsl Vinita. Collier Itroo Ijlurio. ". - V . Umeo. Ifuice hour: -dram 1U uu my ",` noon, um from 1 C1113, Afternoon. 11-1233 P . _ [Oomn ,u:ornlh'i'I'o:W'1-emfacilitie: f 1, ' _ 0 t - gun! on more complete thu: -.,"``` ` 31:- North of :I`0_ronto, having been oi. "filo: lmd out In every particular. "3 unientlonl should be gddl."d ` to th 0 Publisher, post-paid. D. DREW min. In: 1 1f . \/N-N/\/v\/\. ALTER J. KE W I. W. SolIcitor3rEg,;:(;T0RNEY.AT ry 003:` `U nA1L'nY;vnmamARY sun-. A . GEON, Iuccelaor to D. G. 8u\horland,nnd. Graduate of On- urio Verorinnry Ooilege. - T130 Inqm-ibor horebginformu the ppblxo ._. tho! he will carry on the bnaxnou of Youth: Sutherland, who is leaving than parts: and hopes by prompt suontion sud skill-fol `trott- uonc to scour: the patronage so liberally be- Mowod upon his predecessor. Omeo and hlu on: door out nf `Puncher ! H010`. II] Surgeon in the `place of D. G- _ ..;---f- . ' RDAGH t S'I`RA 1`HY, Bu-mtera and At- tornoya,Solicitora in Chancery. Notnriel Public. Conveymcors, Barrie, 00 8imooe,,0nt.- - .. ' n. 8. Manny. uowoa his predecessor. umu Inn hbiol one doc: Eu: of l'nnhor I How, iwi 5 -' - x: -..--r 475-1] .,- -Ag, N ._.........._g-__.... 4 Inimnnvunnv ' - *"' ` ynrnatrunr T SURGEON, -THORNTON. ' I .' , Tin Inbleiiboi be to inform the inhabitant ol Thornton nu vicinity, thnt hi: omen is 1% Thornton P. 0. , South Simeon, nnd tlw he prepared to [Sn-otnptly nttend to all 2 _ DIR! ll nu IIHRRER urn AVNIVLI nu, ma fholhollll II mun -oll hr hill` `- :3 mnoumre lnaurnuce Uolnplulei.--uuusu In Brick Bl_ock, over Ramon : Store. 355 ylvpnlvu wv ynvu-yu; -uwuu I-Ir nu msnsns or nonsss AND CATTLE And anything roqnirin Vetarinnry Skill. T Ell Oondltlon Powders, ling 0ll.~c;,wl be foul very o.nclou..nnd srolold by J. P.` IIDD Dnggllt, &o., Bu-_:la. -Order: promptly I` 0 _ . . Q. , _ B.BLAOK81'00K. mm 15x:.u.m1=:N1' BUILDING `AND I HAVIVHQQKWQTRTV, DIPOCITOIY 01 `III i unI1s nmumu 3131.1: socmr. "manor nun. - '- v ONIIY TOIEEFD on approved: freehold Io- ourlty. `And at moddrate Intereat.-Ap- a .n ARDAGH 8 S l`RA'l`HY.`Soli`cito'rI. -~/-_/.\/Vx/\ ~/- Fussy T0 LEaND.-Apply to James mn- WARDS, Roynl Inauronce Oice, Bnrrie. IKVILLER I THOMSON, Civil Engineers, F Provincial Land Surveyors, Arohicu, ac. llnllllll`. nnd Al.I.I I`0N. wuss-s'\--v~.~ss-s\\\~s\;vs~\s\w~.~.~ RS. HAMILTON as McCONKEY,--ReIi- .`AnA\A._l".nlH-u -bhngb, Rn:-n nn't, . win. nmuu. uuvruuu - ~A;..s-v-~.avs~rg.-~I~tV , Provincial Lsnd` Rn!-`vavk.r Val--or kn,_R1r!'ie. )3. 0. B. BOBANKO, QGRATUATI OF Pbilndnlnhin Dnntnl Collette}. mi! ;.._.---~-6- B. CUTTER ounty Grow Au L mchiml illmfesziun. Jusummc Notices. 1-\..-,\A~,. _, .-_-\J~./\/\/xa T . ` I E Nogumsm-.~ [ADVANCE , III.__ .1 n4, nus! UIIIIDWIUAIII, ll` IIIJVII-IV Surveyor. Val-zer, &c., Bu-ne. innurroran. nmmsox. nnhnnlnif AI -ru- V17iIum;_)'tu 21121. __urn2Lmr s Qtarh. .x~.-.~/\~~avvv..~...\~\;.; oliliol OHIO` harmonic! odolholl , undul- v ut`ll_V rgusu vu. Luv: DBILOP Ifllfa 7.7.}:-islet, Attomey, , Commissioner, to. re, South side Dunlap 5 V 1190 M U tutu w , ./fnpraiser, at Barrie n-ni-non-n -II nn{nInn?n Lin p "HIE B55515 l'UU- . our Arman.- mmu. V iurnsunxrv um savour. wpaxs, . BE BABRI'E'l'0UlI- my Atmcm. u. hnp1.numn- ., V -unuvvv, _vu so I. H. STBATBY. _:__:.j THE LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBR ` INSUR OE COMPANY. _ `~ . Avallab 0 Elliott. 097,000,000. Louu paid in coune of'l`hi1-ty-Ive gnu, oxcood Forty Million: of Dollars. V Olnimo by Chicago Fire estimated at mu-ly 03,000,000. ore being iiquiduod u fut u nd'uned without deduction. * nnrhv Dnnvnnb vlnnnnntu. --`A IlIv...'_I{A_ 2- nu uuwu WIUIDIIK aeuucuon. _ . curily. Pxomptpayment, and liboulity in ndjnmnent of its losses are the prominent feature: of thin wealthy company. Fire Ind Life Policies innnd with can lihaml IBIIIITOI ol lull wenuny Policies iulml withvory liberal conditionl. ` - HEAD omen, cuum zinimoa T . 1uo1v'rIiI3AL. G. 1r. 0. 3mm, Ohio! Anni for Dmnininn. Superior accommodation. sud Iver: muon- nonpald to the requirements of travellers. Room! for Commercial Tlsvellorl. ` Terms modorqte. - V 42-ly 1! A !'|'l'7(1l\|I rvnvqrun .. . run-noun . mums : Jos.1[ounss':1vnn1-isnlnN'rs 1 `I-r~4\r\\\a\rv~4v\r\rs\I~ . vs-.s.v.v~r-~ \\\"p U96 lIUUIl5l" ' OHIEF OONSTABLE, Oounty of 81111000, Omen opposite the Hurkot, Barrie. ._____..._- TI\)YI fIl\l'I-l\l'I i,- _l, ___.- ._ ---.-rv-, .r-.--an OSIPB R00 R8, . . [lute Olork in Oonnly Roglnry Omoo] Oonveynneor Oommlnsionarin Queen : Bench, Auctioneer, 1 pain: and Oonmlulon Agent for the Isle o Emma. Loads, hm Stock, Honuhold Furnlture,.Goodn, Wnreo to. Alan for the collection of Roma, Note: Incl Accounts, Q'Ouh advances made on good: left for Solo. 3 Sole Room, corner of Collier and lnkot 8u.. arm. ` ' Oox-nogof llulonter and Dunlap Struts, op ouite the `Advance oce, Ennis. hi: commodiouu utnbliuhmont has just} l|l|Ann4' nut` L.-:.._ I.-A.. I....I1o .-_..:.II- I. Dp UIIW Ill! 'AIlVIIl00' 03160, V7Il'l'lDo ` just bee opened, and lining been built eepecinlly for the purpose of e ret-clue hotel, in ttednp as such, end will.eom`pere favourably with my house of the kind North of Toronto. Commer- olnl trovellere, privote fnmilien on ooannl visit; and the public generally willud that the pro- prietor knowl how to p`ovide for their eepeoiol requirementl. The best of Itebling nttnohed, attended to by ohliging and experienced hoot- lere. Stages lenve this home daily on the or- rinl oi the up-trnine. Ber well Iupplied with the belt ofliquorr nnd oigerl. V 33-