Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Aug 1874, p. 2

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Jtliyoounci-yh too often by A mu-`vs sold to The Hon. George has Sud the Guelph. THerald for libel, and laid the damages at $10,000. The Roehchilds afe apeculatipg in America securities, from which they have hithe;-to held aloof. J i_-..- . The grasshopper plu.gue_in Manitoba "has not been as extensive as it was at first anticipated and feared. nu nu -- ` ,, ,_ ..V._._. The Governmenf; Candidate was elect- ed for East Elgin last Thursday, by upwards of 200 of a. majority. 'I"|.n l..l.- ...'.`l.'....l_- ~_ I 19,, ,1 . .- A " " "' "` ' ""J""'.7' V The Globe ridicules and liea3\bout the Liberal-Conservative Picnic at Urilliu , on Monday last. \Ve can stand it. -rr J , ,._ .. - ---.- ..-....u .w 1 Harvest operations are in full blast all `over the Province, and the. prospects for un abundant one were never better. ' There is great `ext-.ibe`m`ontVin Pfwis over the fact that Marshall Baznine has etzcnpcd from the for_tresa where, he was imprisoned. ITVI Q 117! I I : rt! I V - u > - . ` """ f"1"'-_'J' Tim first soul of the Victoria Railway was lai-I ut' Lindsay on Wednesday, the -5th i-._-.. A number of distinguished ge: Ii<.".l1\'ZL took part in tho proceedingg._ 1).,-.___'-_, 'r\,-,, 1: .1 .1 u g ` 7' 1' ""' `_f'_ Premier Disraeli, the other week, at the Lord-Mayor's dinner, said that be trusted that the Empire" would not be `diminished, but rather increased. Th-at statement; points to a vigorous colonial policy. ' . u ` A`vory disastrous re broke out in Montreal on Sunday last, destro_,ring a steamer" and a. dredge, and doing damage in all to the amount of about 375,000. All the property destroyed was more or less insured. `IO llllp 0! UllIa8.l'lO, SRO EH33 who:-ea on enterin oice they found a` full tneuury,'they ave succeeded in de- yleting itof its bottom dollar. `Is it any wonder, when Inch is the case, that grove lulpicione are entertained as to what .eow-tint haabeen milked"so often, V and given such a copious supply for Grit nourishment, and that the "rich `van. l\nOAwi:n Lon Luna nuuln in LI.....I .. Th Hon. D. Reese":-, a_fa.rmer and}: Grit, has come out squarely against the Reciprocity Treaty. 7! I ,,_ . ___ --.. - V- -4\4vv\.In. An Opposition c_andida.t.eV lms been elected at Napierville, the constituency recently r'epr_esented "by the Hon. Mr. Dorion. ' . Th iVimb1otoi1 Team have 1-etumed to Czmadn. They have won their spurs "well in Eugl-`md,,9.nd return home cover- ed with glory and prizes. rrn .- 1... - There have been soni feai'ful`th11nder- shuns nndoods in various parts of the (Unit:-(i States lately, which have result- ed in. 2: great 1953 of ' life imd property. 'I`L.. .,_,; _ 1 1- .1 11- * The National dees George Brown to . prosecute it for slander, and says` can prove all it. _stated` with reference to _tha.t gentlen1an'8 immoral conduct. nu '- The Imperial authoritis, it is reported, have agreed to try their good oicea to in-range matters lietwgen British Colum- bin and the Dominion Govemment. NOTES. vuuuuu "treaty to ---v -ugvueuu ll` uu0Ile3u Budding muy be performed when- ever the bark will hit readily, and well-ripened buds can. be had. The maturity of the buds mu) A_be hastened by pmching the end; of the shoots on of buds nregcken, cut otthe leaveg; mdq .lgg`fe;'tt[ze .leaf-stxijk _n_tj'hhed.,to the` twig an A`, I 30:99-ethe-A! which they are borne. When -sticks tit: Insects will infest the fruit trees in many sections at this season "of the year, and they ought not to be neglect- ed. Much immature fruit will fall, and -this on examination twill be found to contain insects; this fruit should be giventothe pigs, or ifeonvenientallow the pigs the run of the orchard. Destroy the nest: ol the late web-worms as soon as they appear, else they will soon out up the entire foliage; the best method is to take out theenest by hand, "oi-`if neglected so long that they spread, out endbn'm.the infested branches. . knnzijfnnn l ` n ` ` m e?a@as%I A Man Drowned. .end3av6i-inge-to ' . -- the deckiand cahght the"fenc1er,_ i1.t,Being .-unahle:tohold ion, lie dro ped in the canal end was drowned; T e" body" has not yet been `recovered; ` ` Attempt to B'r.e'ak Gnol. ' - i Wmnson; Aug.-10.-'--A desperate -ef-` ' fort was made on .Sia.turda.y morning last, by a number of A the prisoners in Sand- wich gaol to make their escape. It seems . that a conspiracy was formed hythem to` attack the Governor, Mr." Leech, led by one Annend, who ercely attacked him when an opportunity presented itself, stabbing him in several places with a pair of scissors, his head also being sev- erely eut with 2 piece of crockery. The `noise caused by the attack brought the turnkey to Mr. Leech s assiste.nce,andl1e also received several -Nono of the prisoners, however, got away ; but had it not been for the timely assistance of the turnke-y,it is expected they would "have killed Mr. Leech. He now lies in :1 critical condition. ' \ slmcklng accident at u Imp-Yard `a--x IIUUI Ul.IUa Weuls.--aThe're need be` no trouble from weeds if they are not noglegted ;' 9. horse and cultivator between the rows of the large trees and shrubs, and ti hand cultivator among the smnll plants and seedlings; will be found amply suiqient. -.V..._,......._., .5... w ug ur ruuuruess I0! carrying it on rapidly. Bnakonxcrates, `barrels, or whatever is :1scd;shquld- be provided in stxlciant quantity, so that no time need bn lnut _for want of them. See that the packing is done carefully, so that the fruit will not be t1:mec-.ess- arily bruxsed in tmnspurtnziun. T.-y to gain a good name for quality, this wrll always sell the franf , even during limes of` plenty, for most buyers will pay more for al_ rstciass article thnnfor a poor one. A ' - - 9 `I'll, 1, nu . - - Sr. J oux, N._B., Aug. 10,.--A.:serio_uu, and it is feared fatal accident occurred at McTees A ship-yard, Marsh Bridge Road, late on Saturchiy afternoon. The ship being built is a very- largevone, and a staging thirty-`eight feet high was erectl egl for the purpose of planking it; Ten men were engaged on the" staging tting the plank shears, when it suddenly gave _wn.y, precipitating all of tliem to the ground among rough logs and pieces of timber. ' Except one man, who succeed- ed in springing on 3 heard, all sustztined . internal injuries and broken limbs, and one of them, muned_Dune2m McDonald, fell across a piece of timber, the falling plank striking lllTI1_8CI`OSEI the back. It is said he cannot possibly recover, and some of the other cases one very . doubt- ful. All but one are marriednien with families. l Brutal Assault on n. wins. :1. /1,n,,, ,,, . n A ,_, jarketzrtg will `engage the attention of most {run growers this month, and everything ought to be iri readiness for narrvino it nn m`n:.lI'u ' 1).. .1...._ __ . - August brings a short breathing spell to thegardener, if he has been diligent in the killing of weeds. If _thero are in the garden or orchard, any corners `and neglected spots, where the weeds `are allowed. to grow and ripen their seed, these spots will 'lurnis;h a bounti~' fulaupply oi weed seeds for perpetuz1t- ing the crop, so that the qur~.ntit.y is not perceptibly diminished year by" year, as it should be. Those corners ought to have a thorough elec.ri_ng out, and not a weedellowed to ripen its seed._ This will be as great aid in keeping the place in order._ If the work is well along now, a. few days of rest and quiet, either in the `mountains orient the sen shore, will beappreoiated by all hands, or even a day's picnic in :1 cool grove will give them a pleasant change. oncuum Arm zttmankr. V -A For trees thet; were planted in the 'spnng,.the presentrmonth will be it trying one, and ~un_|es_s they `wage properly n_1nlehedr,many will not survive the hot`, dry. weather; No danger need be fearedifia thick layer of hay or straw, corn-stalks, or other material, has been-placed emund each tree, `as this will`keep the ground constantly cool and moi:t,and "also prevent the grogth of weeds. ` 7|/I_..7.-4-_._ ___erI - -- can sgunpn a-uynu--a-nu III! II V` HIV! 7 ST. CATHEHINES, Au'g. 10.-Between four and five o clock on Saturdziy after- noon, a man named George Stone, living in a house in the gravel, pit _on Niagara st.', began quurrelling with his wife, and both -being `drunk, they soon came to blows. _ He attacked and beat her in 23.` fearful rnannor, striking her over tho head with a heavy stick, and cutting a terrible gash,`besides cutting h0l`~llI1(.lUl` the eye by'9.'noth0r blow,an_l kicking and beating her about the bodyrin, n. beastly manner; Some menibcrsgof -Wiotlier fam- ily living neau'.,smnn1oncd the police,who when entering found the wowun lyingin Va. corner where her husbzunl had thrown her,w:1tcring in 21 deep pool of hlood,an the lmrdencd rutliunwas lying-min bed at `the pther side of the room, cursing at her, while thrcc little children were crouc-lied in terror and crying. Stone was taken in custody 1\nl_ lodged in the police station.` nwdicul :i3sistu.ncc' being cnllunl in for the woman. On dressing hen',\yQxx11(lH, tlmy were found to" he very seven-on, though not of a fatzil character. H A CuRIos_x'rY.-A'.;,9i-iit poetvsays that an lmnc".stm:m is the noblest work of tho l)eity,7. now the plice to nd that mam is at tlre Melic;il_ -Hall, for fricmi \Vo0ds believes in just dealing; and giv- ing full value for money spent with him," _und as the public are well zxwrtroof this fact,. they liberally patronize him. In addition to c0mpounding_ physicians perscriptiom in the most "careful manner and of the purest iiigredimts, and also keeping stock the best of everything to` behurl in his line of business, he an- nounces lmving now on lianlrl tlielargest, `clieapest and best stock of Machine Oils to be had anywhom in this section of the country. Remember that. T `XCKIIUIU [Kill Lu UULIIJUUIIIUIL DHUTUWIDU be ,- that during both the last contests fort e Conimonn, the Grits have held .'n..'......'. .o..:..'... ..r n.m....'.. `....a u... Twomi IN THE gO;{fICULTU- RAL DEPARTMENTS. A '- - ynum- qiunxu, ?'IF| df`9P.',. '99 as tP,i'*iP$l, _ ,- ......... nun . A V Hvyrf nu; anything sell 50 well and give `such Miller .& Reed Ul ener.\l'astisfaction." J. Thompson, Woodford wrim--Send me aom o more Eclectric Oil. I have sold antirely out. ' . . . 4 u_n1ior.JvpP'): ,_ _` ny. Ldmoyne. Gihh-82-Go.I,`.8uck- ham .. P . 1 _ _ Q. _r'Lg-_Send 'u 7o e on , 9%` W3: B!:d.:i&,t9 uh i:e1.?!;. 35 ': cijn. vme, writes`-1-Send at 0110.1; Eclaotrio 0i1,I hue onl V 37 one hot! now; In; anything sen so tone;-ariatisfnct ' wriiu-f`_`SendV L----l - A Eclsotrio Oi , have sold all {had fro ,. -3... _,u-us manning. The follow? ing are extracts from A law of the many letleru that have been received from dirferent parts of Osnadn, which, we think, should be Iulliclent to satisfy the most slcept-foal. J. Collard, of Sports, Ont. writos,aand mo 8 d0X- Dr. Thomas in you and want more now it: cures are truly wonderful." Wm. Mognire,` of Franklin, writes, I have sold all than on: left, {Mots like 3 charm--it was slow 'It_ rst,bnt takes splendid ynow H. B`. Oolo of Iona, writes,Qlo:as forward 6 dan- Thomas Eclsctric Oil, I am nearly out ; nu}.- i:equa|s it. It is highly recommended by t who have used it J . Bedlbrq, Thames- ville, w`r'ites=3-"Send once `a fnrtlror mnnlv of Bclanh-in nn 1 L-W - -_ . .......u an ungssrrs Vt-'mmrm Gum,- Puin cannot stay whre. it in used. It is the cheapept medicine ever made. One dose cures common. sorethroat. Oue -bottle has cured bronchitic. Fifty cents wnrth hm: cured an old standing cough. `It positively curoautarrh, Asthma and Group. Il'it';;,r Genie worth bar cured crick in the back, `and the name _q\;an|.itj- haze back ofmght years standing. The follow- ing extracts from ma been mm-..a r...... 425... py mm, appiy"`"{{:1ii"`;? here us'in- the orchard. All su-plus; Iruit should be-driei or canned. ; - -- - I n 111,1-____,]} Grape:.-Use sulphlur, gs soou_ as soon'as mildew appears.` Tue the vmes to trellieea or stakes. _. n II __ ,._|-_ nL....n run BU llwllluwl UL Ullhlnwug Blac/clwrriea-,--Allow only three or four canes lo grow, and pinch these off as "soon as they reach a high! of ve or six feet, and atopthe laterals when eighteen inches long. . Allow the fruit to remain on until thoroughly! 'ripo'When_for lamily use; for market- g" V ing pink before fully ripe. .4 --- (`"6 Ann`-.h@ Air` .{1Ini'__ I WIIC \JUIIlIIl_UIL.' I-ILIU V-WI-IOU IIIVU IIUIU slolgurpntrixign or Ontario, `and that H . c niuni nn nnfn-I-{nu nh-n Hmv fnnn 4. , .......... ....'L "J 1'.1..'.`Z. Eucwmoxiv I Tnionma OIL! -- Wom-u TIN Tlgss II I gtgy n....-_. _, IKIHI HUU_lu UD`UI|D'-I Us uuuuuu. Dwarf Trees}--Pluc off all def.-med fruit, and alga thin out; when toothiok. IU5 `Hun _uUu-luv nun ..r--- 4 Rasjobernes.--V-Cut out the old fruit- ing -canes as soon as they have been nished beanng, and apply a dressing of manure,` lurked in" between the n-Acun IOWS. lUW3o this-month is a good time to pfant new beds, if the plants canbe wnlered and shaded. Remove the mulch from the old beds, and take out all weeds, and `cut u"'a.ll runners not needed for form- ing new plants. The best manure for newly planted beds is either wood- ashes, or ground bone raked in, if stable manure is used it should-be well rntted, or else , it will bung in an abundance of weeds. ' - T _._...--.u n . nan Strawbev-rzes.--'I`he latter putt ole Asparagus mas; not be neglected, as often happens, through the pressure_ of other work. It thobad is nllovwd to become weedy, the next year's crop will be injured. V Hoe frequently to kill the weeds and keep the soil light. in .I-L_._L_L ....aL..`.. Lu. 5', n nun tlau vvvuuw -an... ..-..r -..- ..-_- WU Beans.--Although rather late for a atop, a few may be planted for late snaps-orjfor salting.` Keep the pole and lush sorts well hood and Weeded. an 1 A r-yA__ -uik`..'U~ CHAPPELL.--In Ora, on the 71!; a long nhd severe illness, Jains agcdV50 years, 8 mouIhs'nl_xd 2'21.` WILLIA.\!S.V-At St. Ives, B.lrri_o,0n 12th, 1374, Isaac Yo St hos, tbs non of Isaac Va Williams. E~_q.,Cc` 6 momhn, and _17 days. ` ' Cabbage and Cauliowers. -- Hoe frequently, and as often as possible, in the early morning when the dew is on Apply liquid m2u' often as con- venient,.t will help .thoir grows}: wonderfully during this hot dry month n._I.:_.-4_ l_-s.-........ cl..- vvvuuv - n - - --J ---....- -.--- .-~ 7 a. I 7 - C'drrots --Cullivata between the rows until the tops cover the ground ; hand-weed the rows when the. weeds appear. Thin out the lute sowings. fLl_.... 13----.- Ll... l-n.l nrul an! `I'll! ll|ll'Illlll.IUlllI' uuu bull: Ill! " PICK] T boll, Ontario, has been made to bleed so fnnhir '11 (Inn (1-N-n OInunu:J.n.. I-Ln Av: 0orri.-Keep the weeds down Ly cultivation and pull the large ones from thafows by hand. Cut off and burn-all smutty;eurs. The smlks of earliest varieties, {mm which the ears have been `pickud,shou1d be cut for `fodder, and the`groundfsowed_ to late turnips. /7, ___l,_,. l'V-Al_,__I_._.,,',I-,t,, ...u..u:uuu rowdera. and -Ambiau R3e`mcdy;" it in; without doubt mo be puratian inAugr,ua thousands who hav it testify. ` A the eignalute 0! Hon! 8: Co is on each pack- age. Northrop & Lyrnun, Toronto.-OnI., pra- prielera for Canada. Sold by ail medicine declare. ' A nL':`:V 51 PM)` on used Remember thcname, and seethzn' VI xulvll i '| [""" """ " "" "' ' " ' u T Cfelery.-Pre` the land, and set out the plants the middle or Justof this month,'for winter use. The winter crop should be earlhed up und the ground _well cultivated. rv 1r,,,, .I,, _,_,,J,' j_,,___ |__ -....-..-.:.....:. ---many persona neglect !he'!r nurses !:e:l'l1_anu! cnrutilion until it is :00 Inc, when at n Ir-ing` expenw and no trouble (ha hone might` have been gzu'e;] if aueudgd to in limve.-To all who m:-y lmvao ocvanuion lo use an article of me kind we vzould oondemly'. recuxnmend r.'xI .-y s' Condition Powders. and L'{`.V' Rfncdg.-7' it 5: mZvIxA..: .:-._L. A ' 0'ucumba'rs.--GaIher for pickles every day ; the small ones, not over two or three inches long,make the best pickles. The over-grown ?ones may be made into cucumber oatsnp, to: winter u-3e. 1.`V__ 1)l.._-4- 'IVL ,- _A. , .1 1 .___,..... ......-.; us.-uu rants. -I L'_Un . W'eeds.--'I`he beat and only rule in destroying weods,hem as well as avery- where, is to hoe or cultivate them up, Just as they. show then headsgxbovsg ground. After . 9. min 1the cultivator `shouI:i`b`e sta rted, asV the moisture wm bring up a pl_en!yf. . CMii:I.:.1aNzsa --Many cm and Inn ._L;.. ,- .., -.._._-.....-- -..-..-. .' .-.. ".....u u 1 Egg Plants.-'l`h9 Warm weather of this month is, best suzted to the gmwth of theme, and they will be benefitled. by a few applications of liquid manure. Place` a handful of buy 0: sztrcw around each ' plant, .to keep the` uni: from touching she ground. A ' .`]I'_7, _ i (`V I /-1 _. ...... .. -o~alr\.(II\a\-nyvl. nun nu V-H` ' Onions may be harvester!-as soon as 9. majority of the tops fai} down. Pu}! _nnd.alldw to dry for several days Evefoie storing; keep in a dry any place, spreading in thin 1nyers.a3 that they will not heat. Stare sets in the same way. ' - 1 .-. . . - axu-Ivnu nu Iuuvu uunv uullvlla DU PFDVB NI guilt. Now this shduld not be, and V -ivduld noywere the Government at Ot- 4-..- -.'.a.:/.`.`.- 5.. A- :..`..a.:.... _.uL-:2,` 11(- O .-- .v..._-. . lelons and S'quashes.-CuItivate' In-til the vines cover the grun", and yilloh back" the ends1fdipo'Ha_d,h- run to vim. I1...'....- .....-- L- 1_____ . I H;5':};imwh.-`-SoW thelast o1|:he month, for {all use.` - 'Tomatoes.--Keep tied up to trellises, or place brush or hay around them to keep the fruit from. iouehirg the ground. Kill thegreen worm. T.n....',...- ...._-. L- - ' D, , Ha. ----- v--v`b'U`4n.l wux ul. _' Tumips_ may be sewn m sposs-where potatoes, peas, und other aally vege- tables have been taker: off. nr-...1- rm. , . . . ' uressed Beef--H ! I `I3 - .~_-. -.1 V1 A.|I\I\I' Hay, new-$_10 00 1012.01`, 8u'nw---1,0 03 to 10 00- Fall Wheat--$1 .20 to 1 20 . Treadwcl` --$1" 12 10 $1 16. Spring-_.l In to l 12 Oa:s-- 62 -to 653. `Peas---65 to 65:2. Bsulu ;-`- ;0 to The Butter-,-l3 tor22-:.' Eggs---14 to 160. Potatoes new.--per bush 6`) A Wool, new cIi,.--32 to 32. Sheep Bkinlie-45 to 55. Hides--$5 . V our Skim:-.-10 161:0; , Slgeep--$4 _00 to 5 00, Lamt.g_.-S`) m !n '2 In , mgeap---$4 Lambs -52 50 1,03 6- ). . Mutton, by _;arase-b to 70. Veal---5 to 6. " Dressed Hogs-7 00 to 7 50. Beef--Hind amu-on n M - 5 _,-. ,-.., .. -9 mm a charm--it was vi! Jolo writes, please forwnrd mas Eclec tric equals is recommended 0 who Thames- ~, wgitesf-Send once a. sup uu uoc3-7 00 `O --Hindqnarter 8 00 to .3 .50. 0:0 quarter B-KRRIE '.\'IARKF.,TS-. _ nun A- . TnU1i'nLY.iIGUsr 13 374; KITCHEN GARDEN . l uw. ' -per In` (`-Dc. n.--32 to 39' ' -DI'EDe -...........uu n.umsu'l'HlC T1533 IT! Wxzxqmm Gom- here. It is vet dose tt; `One has cuked mp has positively cures . Gntnxrh, 3. Fifty Gents Wnrv lm ;o, the 7!_h`inst., afzdr llzxeew, James mmnmm Exousian Educ`-ma IT! Wllnurru nnvn , Bax_'fE_o,0 n, A rig." t Ives, the younizest |i_ Egan Cnhnr orn-R A cut: {1}} ITISL, SING! :9, Chappell, {sud 2`? dawn. ' Iucuu " U3 II[._- wsv Ucave` uh! uh... L--. h?\ pprsona nglem mmion until it in rvs, ma Iuq-, Cdopor, aged .u=J until 2`? day. fa _,_ , y , E'ot.x`;u:'s.`-.-F<'i"r,mAIo`_~aaI 1 hearty sup. u.`R [ug?C a_r`for;the"Vplyaaofqexponenoad during :1. ` _ riaflimo i| i'"1l_(lwll the thrown. at um, '1- exp;-we M 1 -whz 1:9 night of dmurbed .'l::c[) d0fUl'"_3d nude wee-wry making in the mornin-_,v. S..-.,.,.;_ taojhlovk. [9 try an lhuremedisa in exlslanc-5 for rh.,-.,. 8'00 35 matiam, paint in lhq back am; aides, c_-.u4,.:._._ the vines cu] in, cr_nmps. gprnma, 81.0 , before nym; H... . -Can:x :h,'m P_Iln Dmlroyer. Sold by 3;` V mcdicinr.H!ua1o[| 8.125019 per tnula. three c=-*-= ..,._.;_, PETE - l3.."Rs . . a , `"1" `WW York, am . - 4 PW!- 7 w_' I. 1x 1. 3.: JV 1 Ho kissed Ina nod-b}"c at the Gnu- Tenulg-rlylhinkcho In-art. Ron It 1 Glvo_my lgvc 10 all nfllullw. on; auto ... .. . - u,.-,. ' """" .--nu-..,.......... ......\....<- '.,'I'lh'lha Mmveilxcrupirit \\-uzadgts. Son ' ~ kink ufma Iomeunne hlagguc...-.....-`I ' M! f-108?; old. Mother. ng and Cl'.o....S1o\'r! H/:I;'ll1A-.'L (1.. ._J I r n 1'5-,----- .'_,. .,y'-.0Iu mother. Song and Cho....Sun-ran ~" .W1_Gl`~So1lg3~hy J". E. Slmvarg tho dear. um il`m"m ....... .Sxo:wa:t `, cl.` Ll`, W 13.0.5`: ,_ W? {O1 Suler` Dayllng, Song nm! N. Pm!-r ,1-*%orrI'-Ir'i`;`i'.'a.'.;,;:"s;;.;g ;;.'.:?'.-$1.`. "` I 70'--aigo.--ca...-.-..................3lt'wu:l M_ W59-LlJ3I!ic,xn gm Doll. 80" ~ and (`horns ' 0`--ti nuu..'... V.................5!`\\llK `gf-".`-9 Hoxnu.'_8.`.n `and (,`hu...\`x:uun `V 9.5". ?h.'m."- \V(l3ie'- u:nd...'.....SI:-marl om Mother. Bung n|uH`.lmru -\ iviu`....` .....................3Icvrurl Bnnnuz-.-Ens a COCOA.-GEATITDL. In ` 0oI1ro`1`mx:e'--". By'_s'thor9ugb ktxovalmng or . the natural laws which govern thr ope;'n1(_.m of digestion and n_utri!ion,~ and by 2. cnrdul .,,.,H_ g_oation of. the ne pxopertios of \vo11r`( `goons, My, Epp; has pro-,i.ied `cur L1'o,,;',_f"._ ltaiglga rash :1 delicately avgurrd 1,.,m._, whichmtzy save us many heavy doctors `min: .5 | 5:01.112] Fertizlta C-'rL:'2lle. Mania .:z ,.|.. _' ELEC"'r'IbN` V PRoi91g3s'rs..'_ Bruce up,,nr lm Th:-rn_ :1 szxmclhm Walkmg on the or Fnn:\_\'e|l, Annie 1 _' ,_ __ QHLVLVLU, """`8a [Hm l'1llc|)'- how. Song: .2 Cho.Su-mm I-Dnriinaacrc we rt. Song .1 Chn..~uuun:: Q53!!!-nveiyou card xhc newu. Stews`! be A mlhl I'm drill : In nu-,, .: >'3omu,; v.-';.:;: or Milk. men packet is Elf, wn:n,I_m'.y ;_a.'.'e us many nczwy d0ctn:s' `um; .-.0w:l .S`evws Ga:.'elIe. Linda aim;-1-,. :, W 4-] -L`-.-`& ._Lsur.: E1;:s_&V 0'o.,Hommop.mgc oV;,..,,m Loa'1.0n - Il4.u-rannvnrrnu nu Ann. _ It `X7- ._!n L ' h0n'.l_0n ;7M.uU7AVo'ro`uz ow 0ok:oA.- "we vm g1vo_an account of the process a'.`l>p'.e: fhiessrs J'n u;:-3 Ep';-5 Q Ca, mm.`-,~,c,, r ` ` dietetic articles. -at their works in `hp M R'"ad' L1`-mdn'"sc snich i3 (-.'I1z;::.'l'.-, 1'f'::`. hold -Guido. ` c:!cr`.l agents tor lhe"DoI)1inir.m.Wr` "`-: I"` ollle.c'ou'tnining oven-50 pills,-by-I`='1U-, Q," Said inarne, |vy.J.bhn Woods ; ;:u` : Gm; `Wo:ls Bros_, 'l`o1en`6& Mu.-Leun:1 :I'H`W av.-ou,Craigh'um, Giean & Bl93v`aW`,"d ' ' ` cinqdcllers. ` . . ` ......_ ""I.non_y, or (myth in g hup FUN dlrcirlinns in Hie ' P391` 80: Whi!`.`h 1-lmuh! be JOB Mosns, NEW yogx, . Una Juli... ....I a...;. -._ . * ` ' ` ' ' "' ".*"- um .PuIllP1llcl ar~ km" P`1<`k_ 80;?V,hl be c:1rul'ulLv prI"""-'i Mos3s,=Nnw rank, sum: .mzox~mr.ToH One dohiur an!` [w'u.`v'e -nnd-hm` cunts 11*-' 1" : seenclcsctl I9 Norlhrup M Lyznnn,'I`mn:~Iu. ` `i"" c-`rem ngants for |he= Do|)linio|I;W}`I vn'Ur-A` ~` oy_le.c4o1nninimz over-50 mu. 4... nu-u.. `DI`11IiGYl'thefm9l.l'|_! yvpcric with reg-nun =\. 7 no Pills xhould no! he Iuken 15:; /W- 'I!l7'i11 the first (re: rlwhths of I /`-`L"-""'. _tImy arckura to bring on x`.~1acar7`x:;;-r, 51.: at/wartime they aiemfe.` ` ' _ In _uIl_blhe'r,(-uses of Nervous and Spas-ni At!` ..U"!'~`, 'I'PnI'ns in lh Back and Limb-, x~'..uv~~ .',3"8ht cxerIiou,Pal ilnlion `omm Menu. is \ .=.:--y 71! Dd Whites,vlho'ae Fills will cl-cln (1..-. J ,9 ,o'he`r means h ve zfwiied ; and xoluwh:-" P`-".V0l fll'l.l emCdY; (. O'nUl C |l)l1_=i:1 hail, In} 5: nllmony. or anyuing hurtful lo the -u::~ H'- Fhlldiielihhs in my r'.n'in..I.L.. -W. mu! - ` up\).mu! ll? Pinnoiof best makers; The :'\!z_z:-up ilin0tgans,und the Canada Organ LY. `Organs and Melndcom-. Organs a; icon; imam, and [or dale, 5n the payment system , . EDVYADHU 1. I` I r......5 vuu upu-u uxpuuullll-`B, an: the went of principle so characteristic of the_ -present Administration :He also show! ed that the Government of the day had been successful only when they carried out the e'xcsllen_t~ public improvements of A Jolinesndfieldh Administration. He A -150 Vn*iht9`d':the5959ry,inT9nneoi9n-e` -t:sI;;th`0nk-1`:?'3!9w;_`I4 u _'!V~.'.'. _i'_- ' - . . !`he Onnsdian Pain Devroyer rvvet give, immediate rulzcf. All !X.'w :i:-i_x.:- keep it: Physicians order and use 2'.` hmiiy will bx; without it after trying A! . Psficq, o::}y"1v`wen&_s'"-lire (Iehu per 1- 7' Sold in Barrie bv Jrshn \\`r.-Ma, .I, I . ----o- - 7-:'".= . i"V.nluv.-1.-la Intdicinc` cm`: on all lhoie painyl n-ad In W I10.) Ihee-female consxiv u} xnodcralesnlf. excess and rcmm and a sixecdy -urc mny_bu re i( To mumngx) L: H is :`c-`ldiurlj; suited. It xvi?!` bu Gn'th_e.`n1ox.l`|_x yvpcrickl V xlmuld cm! 1. qlu uuuuug H1 IZVJTJ )1\",.1 " 1` pm`: of the-odi2ntr;', for >{urlhcrV'iupp': ' ecij testifying na'to the universal sax} ~ xt. ms-._-3. .H 5333:: 5 U1). 8:'z:]fsrd.b3` J. imd by all Med .-.____....__... 'l.'IiE GR 2-`. 9.1` E NG LI :3 H R 5;: . ----o - - . - JOB 15.20.-=l-I"-*?' :2 B R I ODICAL _ f"*"\ |lVn_t- pain, 0!] l'`'0l`pl OX 1 B:`r._J.' L. manms, ~ V . .599. III-nndurm (|`l.AIl, AH] Av. val r.l 1!. L110 tn \-_. . |Lu in Kc Lmuln. .8. x1 and r-rvv-r4."-. WAruz<:(>uun. /:1 -.1. . Squn, Nun Yum, Int 1 u-mulxt Strut, 110.1 ,1 4' .-o ma ~s Adam 35.: Cutun-to. u.-1 ! L-..~`.Tm '2! l.'..' '7 'oks:'e', St2.ti.oz2ez:-7: ....._-` -4 ])R. Vr'-/'H l'ZRLER`S C0:`=iP()lL`h) El`. . .- P.`2qa_nh:ua _= and ":a!iu.w.---, gig indvnujriciro tunic, '1`-his c-1331.2: gunj _nr`c-pr.r:tion'is perfcsatly x-c-Xin.`,`:<- ind`. "muvun: nrnt`-Minn and m.mi.z~a) ,/hi. I-Ill nun;-xv rv Mr; pczrfcatlg Imvuus prostuliun rm jug fr<.:_n menial "or 5-1:; mac, Frrogghrlitbiis, _ '1epr.n:.m:;' upon zrgdiyr n? fun` and im'm1s u'm '.lcpI:u:.m; ` v ' . of fooinnd Impoveri-bed hlomi '*ed_::13 of i:_;ra:iio!:Ls I b1u.on:u ,nti'cn cftho sing-zn, and being gicsl hits scxicn, m.r._v 9.-a .n.k 1|! nirv-n.-vintsnnnn at i`, 'r.v-.31.! omen: by 1-J "ti "f" ""7 "`" -9? W _ tion ; .93: m_u!nn9,the _ .`.`!on rsdiaalay and 5|';Bl ul MB Bvubu, HI. - | all circgmiatanccl, at ' T l. manna: up our daily G< \._AL\K'V Kl! llll? urn speak. in the E; magicnl `effects. - - nuu ~Lmpqrurl o WALL PAPER, DEC . F813 ; ROOFING, B[,.'[I.h1 Inc mum; in to per] .'.r 1.`: `I It \ I F! I'A `I L.~'.TlM' '.\ A.` '1 n \- hull r-rvv-my -. WAruz<:(>uun . I in-n. ft 1 I ' '1-`A _'1__.'.'-1'l---A Pills 1:516 :-e?;7i1"1}y' n'1'f'?E.I1 iS'r":_5';v'aI`:'-3. $1.513. -2.. sale. by an wholesale Drngguu and _1`utcn's Memo: Demn'.,__. _..__ ., . , -.v-- - w--- -we-n-ulbl 3| J."BI:1}!.:-S121:-9o:i'i;"l9]2cic a'azi Tvmlc the Great English Remedy for all nr~r-row,-` .1. _`.,.q whatever cause arising, have MINA. - . 1/ h" 1 .- - thorou my tested In Canada as to ."v'4g!!L'L` 111:: 1 he mi in their fh`vor-as I ct-rmin cur" fur Um- . distreaslnfggfmptom arising hum errors of you-:~ Dr. J. Bel mpson was 6 npn and friend arm lat Dr. Willis Mos_ly_, of radon, England, 11., most celebrated authority 1}; the warm on :m- Eu`. jcct." His partner is noxvv1smn;; Cunndn. and 9: , prcpardto give advice frcetouu, and fl~r'.'.':lrI1 nu. -gxglar, ctc.. 11 applied to-nddri3e9-in ; hr .1 we.- pn.-pan.-u. [0 give nuvxcc trce to an, ':ur- voular, agylicd to-nddrees-ing Dr. J. i'.~u , Simpenrr .2 10., rawor 91 P. 0., Ihxmiltom 'I"."0 - boxes or Pill,-xwill also be sent by mail 90 any pm of Canadnpzceurely wrapped from oI.-cr'.'n!io:_..- nu ` mceipt. or $1.60. . S1pcc`ml 'm;1tm(-nt it rir.-.-E-~! sold retail by '31 rcmil Druggiutv. and w).o'~-. :1le._byuIlWhoIela.luDmm-inunml mmu u....... . ,*,."|,"*-"3; 0'~1JY` '1;'Wen&_v'-lire Gen ucrld Ia Jahn Vic,-J. Vatzan .11: `On.-. v.u.n. x.-.,... ~~ """` """" "'""* '4.-V-5 NR7 OI the country. He.sa1d. that `although 'u in nml_ 1'5:-the Opposition had `i009 "8004 Service to the country in ex- the lavish exginditupg, and the _ want of nrineinln In 1-. ai-ant-.3-:..:.; -2 n_- --.--, mum: unru_ng. Fnug ac (`hn, .Sluw:u( `THE FLOWER `WEED Dd.` Ship nu-um. em... ....| .u... -_'-l`o`Ne1-vonu` Suilfrex-s . _ 1" n... 'u..._.-_.v;`m, v ,nrvnuve,you hgnrd xhc'ncwu.. `omhgxgg dyin~ to nun... III lhgaimdy aide. - ug .k can. Darli_ng_ Fang & (`hn.. It! IN". `IN 1' I` Irv 'l v_` v _?_(;g ma & HAMLIN onsnu chi nr-I-ruin to 1umI.h um. 63 s:_._'7.;..--___."-T - ~ .- ._._........_._.. ....._. x; :42. peciai Notxtea. r54I.\/.5 u, I-I LLM4 And`-`Importer: of p` - I`n1T.`r'; - . u u - - o a o - o . . - - o . . . . . .- JENNIE. nah;-.n'uw. .an..,. . m.. unr uv_.mnn woous,. -I-_ l'- N` , 0.; Wells Bros, "s`_oZu. .-z 51c!.o=-.s I. Deacub: Omig`uum,Un-cu {W3 edicine DCAIEEI. _' - K. -s -um 1i`h' 2-: =1); 9: E_;M.E D`Yb_. ----O va- burdens of the people by taking off the -_-- .. .........v~-. uA4\/Ill Mr. Little, on responding to the call said that some years ago the constituency returned to Parliament a good Conserva- tive, the Hon. J. B. Robinson, whose name both opponents and friends revered. He believed the day was not -far distant when North Simcoe would retrieve its fallen character and return to its old allegiance. The Conservative cause, founded as it. was on right and justice, exciting no local prejudices or sectarian V feelings, must ultimately triumph. It was the wise policy of the Conservatives that had made Canada happy, prosper- ous, and respected -among the nations of the earth. , In referring "to the Pacic Railway, he said that its construction `was a necessity imposed upon the Do- minion, in order to bind the Provinces more closely together. British Colum- bia entered into Confederation upon the understanding that the road would be built. Sir John Macdonald had ar- ranged for its construction in a manner that would have rendered unnecessary the imposition of additional taxes. In - fact, that ` great statesman lightened the" duties on tea and coffee. So soon as the Grits got into power they broke faith. with British Columbia, rendered itfdis-*5 affected, imperilled the union,` abandoned the railway scheme, and imposed duties: on tea and co'ee ; and, notwithstanding} that their predecessors had left a surplus`. of a quarter of a million: tlinv .I...1.......: I riiz (:72; ax nan: rur- Selig xind CM. 'Ihe8en. Hunt} -nun-. wnu nu! x ai gjn6l> Icxms 1:.` `"5 I-|U_l lllll I0 lull the .paIn ph Icl rumba -.-.m.r..n.- bwxnnsne r,,~.w.;s LU`. `.--H_, I LEXLS <`} .|i`? r .tz.ken I 3-4-1] -1.. .... s `Ulfu . . .Hl\?\|`2H I & ('hn. S12-win ng and Chmua .. _;._'...Sl-wln IIHOYI II III o\jc- nH oh Inn} A n `(j1>.A'x:?n ._;\~ < MN!) on n...` . .Stn\'ur1 Ind Chow: ..8le\nm ~~ - .1 a """ ""J ' . Mr. M. 0. Cameron, the talented lead- er of Her Majesty's loyal Oppo_sition.,tlm-n came forward to address the meeting,and was received with cheers long and loud, and spoke for nearly an hour, in his imp- piest manner, and described. the state of . a.'sirs iunmediately before Confederation, and gave the reason that induced Sir J. i Macdonald and Mi`. George Brown to co- ! alesce. He then took up the political _ history of the Province of Ontario after Confederation, and sketched the policy , of the Sandeld Macdonnld Administra- tion, demonstrating how that policy had 3 contributed to the prosperity of the Pro-'1 vinoe. . He next proceeded `to criticise very severely the loose and corrupt`Ad-: ministration of the present Government, l enumerated many of the nurn_be rless in- stances in which it had violated its most solemn pledges, and exposed its reckless legislation and policy.` M In iconclusion, he explained to his phesrers the scope of the 3. proposed Reciprocity Tres'ty,snd assured them that its adoptionwould ruin our ` manufacturers and srrestythe; progress "of ' oountrv. . He mid .f.l'anf..' '.'.m.......1. PI L_L::`_, ..8le\urI 3" n,HlnumIl 9=*D0.\ , On ' Monday morningglast the that Liberal Conservative excursion and pic- nic left Barrie for.0rillia. `The morning opened rather ql0tl but not" so,: the spirits of the `Liberal Conservative`Ae- sociation, under whose` auspices this ex: cursion and picnic was got up.` At nine o'clock, despite the threatening aspect of the weather, the Lady of the Lakes left her moorings with the largest party that has left Barrie" this season. The leading Conservatives of both North and South Simcoe were on board, and the .la.die.v_ constituted no small proportion of the party. We need not describe the jvoyage to~0rillia, as nearly all our readers know just as much about the beautiful "scenery of our Lake as we do. We will only say that all were in excellent humor, and that dancing and delightful tetvc-a-testes were tlteorder of things on board the boat, and that the day eventually turned out as ne as could be desired. Orillia was reached a little before noon, and the ex- cursionists received a hearty welcome from Mr. Quinn and the principal Cou- Iervatives of the place. After. the boat was left, the party scattered, some to see what sort of an elephant" was to be qeen in this beautiful and `rising town, some to` picnic-whilst others went di- rect to the beautiful grounds of Mr. Quinn, which had been generously placed at the disposal of the party by that gentle- man. On arriving at this spot we noticed that a number were already doing justice to the substantial spread provided` by mine host -- More. The ladies were also delighted to find that they had not been forgotten in the excellent arrange- ments made by the ex-President and Secretary of the Barrie `L. O. A., as a spacious platform for tripping the. light fantastic met them on entering the grove. A platform was also observable were the speechifying was to be done. After spending about two hours and . a half in dining, visitingthe Lions, &c., dancing was entered into withzest at one part of the grove, and the intellectual feast pro~ videdwas commenced at `another part. 'l'l\A n-ionihinrv mun nu-nnniuml In: M II Siie1ice-r'ope-1:e-d the "proceeding in A short but very appropriate speech, stating that he was glad, that, despite- the busy season of lmrveet, to see up- wards of 500 persons could show their appreciation of Conservative principles and do honor to the cause. He also, at a later stage of the 'proceed_ings, readilet- tern of apology for not being present, from Mr. Bykerb and Mr.-Lauder. He concluded his speech by calling upon Mr. W. C. Little to address them. THE `LIBERAL CONSERVATIVE PICNIC TO ORILLIA A GREAT suconss. ~ vxuou vyop u_uAuI.uDu.vUu nu _ul.IUU1_1Ul P.`.!.l._l:. The meeting was organized by M. H. Spencer, Eeq., President of the .ABsoci9.-` tion, taking the chair. And on the plat- fonn, or contiguous-thereto, we noticed amongst others, Mr~.~*M. C. Cameron, M. P.P. ; Mr. W. 0., Little, M.P. ; Mr. D'Arcy Boulton, M.P.P.; Mr. D Alton ' `McCarthy, Q.C.; Mr. Wm. Boys, Mayor of Barrie; Mr. Quinn, Mr. Booth, Reeve gf`Orillia ;,Co1. O'Brien, Major O'Brien, Mr. Wm. Hunter, Deputy Reeve of In-' msl ; Mr. Hogg, ex-\Vardeu of Simcoo ; Mr. -- Stoddart, President of the South Sfmcoe Agricultural Society ; Col. Mc- Kenzie, and Col. Bunting. 11,, 5.. . uunw ugwu [uuuUcUBBU!'H 1130 1015 3llI'pll18 E quarter a million, they declared,` `there was a decit. The speaker then` alluded to the Reciprocity Treaty, and: touched upon the injurious effect it would 2 have upon`our manufactures and the. country generally. ` If- `If I`! f!._.-n-- 1' -I ' W6 in`fNo1,-th Simoos 11`a'v'e]o8t '7'l:he}[Ie`n"- vice: of our most gifted son, because ho" co_uld not or would not cope with Mr. ' '(`.ook a gold; and to their 3113190 be it said, the Grits selected Hiram H.. (`.nr\lr.fn nk} J-'lu.:.. l...u.!.... t._ LL- --1_ "' "'1... i'"`.".rI`e`I1 'B}"~"{.I3n"`w" 33$; e8l`:wI; and who have no right ihtwva to ah: test they oooupyil` If -. . " 0 oorrupfpractioea fo on v `pvlbundunro, muphwill be danctdpx-9 and brihay which .- ; . , :anrlq.nd,g_ndtu.lentand _ vvvn'vU u5uu uucxr Isuwu-:5, IQ!` we I018 reaaon that he had `money and would spend it in Order to obtain the cove7'6:l' prize of a guest at Ottawa.` Yet these_` arethe men who roll up their eyes like ' dying du_cka in thunder at Sir John 0` A f,nIr:nn 1: `nut 14- . .... ._J.. E_;.-.- 53- ` u,ua5 uuvno Lu uutuxuur BI D11` 10111! A. taking a `few thousands from Sir Allan. Ont upon such cunt and `hy- pocrisy, any we. - mm, the Grits selected Cook :to ght their battles, for the sole 1 msumn that Im km! '........... -...J _.-.-1.'I ` THE LARGEST EXCURRION THIS SEASON. 1 THAT'S EVEN so !--What. is even . so`) -' 7 Why, _tha.t Mr. Stephens is the very best 3 Photographic artist in this sectionof the -; country. Don't take our word for it,but , go, and judge for you:-selves,as hundreds - " have done, and are continuingly doing. b His picture gallery,-and the place where a he operates. in over wmm. 1u'...::-I 3 How T0 021- AND now To KEEP.--It is - all very well to advertise and "so to `get customers, but there is only one way M to keep them, and that is never to pioniise , more taha.n:'is`performe:l. ~ New", Friend L NeleoI_:,'of -$119. Neho is` well ;- am-e.Tof :0.` he ad-.2 " "1- -- an : 2 I lWinea and Liquom-all of The Messrs. Powell `dz C0, , still ` hold on the ever tenor of their way, and can, and do not successful competition with them at deance. The public` know they sell good and cheap, and A therefore liberally patronize them. _They deal on the square in Tea:_;_,Groceries, e the Provision_a,' , 1n..uI_uenuuu=a_I ,. ' next showed the hollovme '91;-the`oliim of the G1-its to be ecohom_icl,for-111 ejvery ' department they`'l1_ave 'increa'Ised the number of olcials and the expenditure. `He then ably criticised the Hon. -Mr. Crook's mission to England, _end'his fin- ancial operations there, by which Ontim V io had lost most heavily; and concluded a masterly speech by stating, that in On?- terio the em had abandoned the prin-l ciples enupciated by tliem in Opposition, and had only done well when they car- xgied out the policy of the Sandeld Mac- donald Administration. Mr. Cameron was`-frequently applauded during the de- 3 livery of his address, and resumed his seat amid great applause? "l`l)A nnvf. nnnnlrnvv niou Mr nuw... unuwvuuluua nummiausuuiuu, uuu BHQW-I `ed with what recklessness the Govern-! ment squandered the people's money. A.- history of the Central Prison job" was then given, with an account of the man- I nor in which investigation` had been! stied, the refusal of`Mr. McKellar to give sworn evidencebefore the Public Accounts Committee, and the endless obstructions put in the way by the Gov- ernment. Healso severely condemned the action of the Government in relation to the Orangelncorporation Bills, and con- cluded an able speech by urging upon the Liberal Conservatives of North Simcoe, to elect a..n1`an for the Local Legislature. _ who would support Mr. `M. C. Cameron, us the policy enunciated bythat gentle- man, and the Liberal Conservatives of Ontario, was just the policy to give equal justice to all, strengthen the ties that unite us tovthe British `Empire, and help to make the .Do1ninion;9. great, prosper- ous and happy people." Mr D A Minn l\Ifn(`.u.l-Ln vwnn .....L 1;...) 4 living Iccon n_Io- pt -o'p'I-Iota`: ol um -In ..|..-- --..- -- H A vuuu UI 'UllUl an a - J b .7 Votesof thanks were then pnssedto the Orillians for their kind reception accord ed to the excuraionists, and to the Chair- man, and the assemblage broke up with rousing cheers for the Queen. The party then made their way" to the boat,which left -at 5 o clock, p.'111. The voyage home wasva most `pleasant one, dancing being kept up till Barrie was reached, at 7.30 p.m. And [thus ended the lsrg-s eat and best Excursion that has left Bar-` 1-ie this season. All thanks to the Press: - .ident, M. H. Spencer, Esq., and the Sec- retary of the Barrie Branch Liberal Con- servative Association for giving ns :1. day of such umni-xed enjoyment-. We doubt not but it will have an important hear- ing on the next general election; and we will show the Grits of North Simcoe that there is some spring yet left `_in the Conservatives of the North Riding. DDGV alulu 5113110 IIPPIIIUBU. `The next speaker was Mr. D ArcyA Boullion, M. P. P., for. South Simcoe, who, on rising, was warmly greeted. He took for his theme,the_ nancial policy of the" Ontario` Government. Ho contrasted its expenditure with that of Mr. Sandeld Ma@onal s Administration, and show- 'Ad with what 1-nnlrlnsannnau Hm rlmmm-._x Remember` J amen Taylor's great Opera Bou'e takeia place tqmight in the Town Hall. It is highly spoken of by the press. K _.V.__ -. ......,...-4.-a A match between -these clubs was played on Tuesday last, and terminated in favor of Barrie. There was some capital` batting by Lount, Moore and Graham, as the score will show, indeed these gentlemen are not easily beaten, of their equals. The Umpires were for _`Keswick,`Mr`. R. Score ; for Barrie, Mr. 3 not many clubs in the Province can boast A. Arnall. "At the {close of the game the score stood as follows :- I ....-: -u nvanl 0 v . . !'F. Robinson, _b Birch i W. R. Barna.1'd,.b`Froy'sel, st Moore 30 ; `D. Robinson, b Froysell, ct Birch... 23 E O. Sheppard, b Birch, ct Moore...L.. 2 '1 W. Anderson, b Froysell, 'ct- Lount T 2 1 T. Sheppard , b Birch ............... .., 2' I VVm. Brooks, b FroyBell....; ..... .Q. 3 :J. Anderson, not out ...... 12 3 Thos. Ems, stumped F1-oysell`,. . . 3 ` J. Warner, b I*`ro_vse1l,_ L. B.\V.;.... 1 ' G. White, run out. .....` ............. .. 9 _ .Byes, 17; Leg Bye,4j \_Vides,1 22 Luna pm-.ux_u gaiuery,-and the Elm operates, 15 over, Wood; ; Hall. - Don't forget that. 1 it . .-a on He pan! the Government had better have wiped out the entire municipal indebted- nee! than to have 'pased-this unjust bill 1'-hay had don.4 ' The talented speaker l IDYt nhnurna-I `Jun `unllaunnoaa A` n`d:n1 uun nuu IIGPPJ !._|UUPlC.' ` ' Mr; D Alton McCarthy was next loud- ly called for, and in ascending the plat- form received a perfect ovation, whi_ch must have convinced hiin,that,despite the slight drawbacks,noticed in our last issue, we were right in styling him the strong- est man our party has in this Riding. He stated that he did notcome prepared to :2 ake-a speech,as he expected Messrs. Lauder and Rykert would have taken up all the time. He passed a high eulogium on the Leader of the Opposition, both as a lawyer and u. statesman, and stated that it. rested with the people whether Mr. Cameron was to continue in Opposi- tion or not. i The Grits` have proved themselves incompetent both at Ottawa and Toronto, they had broken faith-with British Columbia, unnecessarily increas- ed our taxes,and now, by the Reciprocity '1`:-eaty of Mr. Brown, they threaten to ruin our nianufaetures. He said that at present Canada was more prosperous than the States, and showed how huiniliating it was for us, under such circumstances, to go down on our knees to brother John- 'athan,and also -that the `concessions made by us were cute!` all proportion to those made by the United States, and that such a Treaty, instead of beneting us, would have a most disastrous effect on our commerce, `manufactures, -aud the country generally. , vnfuu ni` flion lzu nrlcn-n flung nn nzuul L1. L1... V - - , - n The gmnual Picnic in connection with V` the Wesleyan Sabbath `School, will [be held in Ardagh aV Grove, next Tuesday. E F.'_Froysell, bl Robinson. ct Barnard 0 : Wm. Graham, b Brooks, ct Barnurd_ 12 A.,Ross, b Brooks, ct White'.-... 1 P. Moore, not ou_t....... ...... 23 G. F. Lount. not out ............ ` 36 '7Byes, 32,"Leg B_re_s,3;' Wiiles,8 _- gr-vptgusir II! "III `please. Iona t_IoIh1_n 1~:":` T T l). 0 . ` mu 1s_1_4,__ _ g .3" TQt!1l,. ; I Total,with 7 wickets to go down 11 BARBIE `U. KESWICK. CRICKET. . K83 W1C_K. numm. W wu msq., wmcn 18 separated from Mr. Holt s only by affew yards; west, wag, , fortunatgly uninjuned,.as the wind drove _the;ro'in. a` direction, or that ;1!9nI6ii13w."!IaY9 son-5 . V as ithm % 31 new-ilitxof " ` Axornsn FIss.--Ba.rrie will soon be- come notorious for the number of its res. We do not think there is another town of its size in the Dominion that has snf. fered so severely from res, as this, our Town. This (Thursday) morning at about 4 o'clock M the alarm of fire was given, and on rnshing out we: observed that the residence of Wm. .Holt,.Esq., . situates shortdistanoe east of the Gram-T mar School, was all abla_ze,- sand. was quickly consumed with all its contents. Mr. `Holt and family had aharrow escape for their lives, not even having time to dress, to so great a height had the fire. got before it wasidiscovered. It appears to have hsdAits' origin in the rear part of the premises, rind as the family sleep in 2 ' the front part, they knew nothing of the - ` re till they. had literally to jump out of * ' `bed and run for their lives. It is a. great 1 -, mercy that no lives were lost by the de- `a ` vouringelement-. The engine was-along . in due sessdn, but was of no nse,u. there w_es-`_-:-no-.water nearer.than the Lake, and _ whieh could notgbe` at. , `However, A -307 mrilch` _yvntsrrioth- 'in[`-ll. ? 11?V%f89IV9d*.h9 ~'5'.11il.18.. 83 it i` We are happy to learn that Mr. `L. Ost.i'om a Spendthrif " won- thefrunning race `at Cleveland, lately; l`ime,.1:43 and 1245}. Barrie is to the; ne in b horseqsh. ' T _v. ..n.........- " Mm. Sno'r.-Thero is a rumoffo the effect that a. man` was shot in the`billia.r _ room of the Couchiching Hotel, Orillia, on Tuesday last. "We have received no particulars. ' ` ' T`-_____A_,,' --. A. The. Town Couc - mets` nex: 4:Mon-b 1-r___n 4" 1119: .. a - - L` 9 vv uauunuu IV IIEVB Drgu` into 1;1arket,.a.nd of a `prime quality. Th8 r'.n'nnnI-wAh'vnu NF Rn Auuv um: LOU` ll UK 15 P111118 quaucy, Th Liberal .(`/onsferiatives of `South; Simpoe intend having an Excursion and Pic-nic some t_ime next month.` [ 11-, .n. . .. ..-- i V- 7- ..-_... --...v .-v-v unvusu Next saturhay Ban-i wni be `visited, by, what wears assured is. the. best Circus company which has ever visited his `tbwn. See Ady t. 1. _._ -__...-....u Honrxcuurumn Exmnrrrox.--It was our,ini;enti($n to have published the prize list this issue, with editorial comments, but the Secretary was unable to give it to us as promised. ` . ~ ! We are sorry to say. Mr. W. H. Tilla. ' 55 Co. were not well patronized on Tues-1 day and Wednesday evenings laa`:.. Suice to Say that the public missed the great- ; est musical treat ever` held in this town, 56 say the musical critics. A II II .- - . aw. ya. a. savvy V M 1;JGrove Meeting will, (D.V.)`1$e held on Sabbath, the 16th inst., under some shade trees, 9; short distance east of the Primitive M._ParsQnage, Collier Sheet. Hours of Service:--"Ten o o1ock, 'A.M., un_d.ha1f-`past one, P.M. Robert Boyle", Minister in Charge. l\.-..JL t`.;_._;.z. L1,- 1: I'I\o [M VIIJIDIIU, una DUO. U.l_LlU IN UIUCLI UU fuel `for the Grits throughout the en- mlnion, We are amonst those ,- who believe" that if Sir John A. got some of his "supplies from Sir Hugh Allan, the (Mt: get theircssh from the sympathetic Grit Government of Ontario; and thus were always ready to show and spend . four dollars to the Conservative one. But if England has spent enormous sums of money during the recent general eleo tion there, she is a long way ahead of us in the matter of settling the election ' . `The elections in England took place after the elections for -the Domin- ion, and yet-punishment for corrupt prac- tices followed, swift and sure. The elec- tionl petitions have all been disposed of, with us they have scarcely begun,` ope_ as been even tried on its merits in '-as yet. Now we respect- fully submit that our Government at Ot- tawa is acting with disgrasetul _dilstori- 11-111 sis matter. Never were there aemanyproteste entered against sitting members ssnow; and had the contro- verted elections been tried at onee,we have no doubt but that many of the so-called urlsts would have been unseated. ehel eve that Mackenzie & Co. are well a ' `of this_faet-and hence the " unaccountable delay. .It is wellhnosvnvto all that delay is fatal to .many'of the petitions, as opportunities are aorded to the sitting members to see to it that ugly witnesses" are put onto! the way, and matters are` hushed up in-many ways,_which would not be idle case were the petitions tried within a brief period after being presented. In every way the delay to bring the petition to trial favors the member elect.` and renders it much more dimcult to prove '-A.iIA CIA` nnan Ohuar (Inna-.n.......a ..L'r\L uuuuay UUILUUI. ' 1110 D035 W1 IQRVB U16 wharf at 8 o'clock sharp. Ftu-6 there and,.only 60 cents ; childrcxi at- tending the School, free. Friends of the School and the general public are earnest- ly` invited to attend, ' COLLINGWOOD.---The Steamer Dumber-. (and arrived on the 9th inst., having on bou'.rd>ninoty passengers, 200 lbs, copper ore, 300 packagesof sh. and 360 boxes of whortle berries. Captain Parsons re- ports delightful weather during the trip, and also reports meeting tlienteanier 6'13! com at Nepegon. The Governor Gener- al, Lady Duflerin and suite, were then at Lake Nepegon shing. ~ An -Indian guide who had just returned, reported the fishing excellent, several of the party I having cnughtv speckled trout weighing from six to seven pounds. The vice-regal party were expected to leave on Friday evening for Thunder Bay, where prepar- ations are being made for their reception. The Cumberland sailed on Tuesday last for Thunder Bay and intermediate points._ J ._--.. -.. -~.-nu... T calm-:NT.--AfteLr the water cart had been filled on Monday last, the _driver, a cripple, amed Cameron, was in the act. of picking` up the` lines, which had `got [entangled under the horses feet, when they gtarted fol-.ward,_ and the wheels wexmover the unf_o1-tunate young man's legs, along by his, thighs,-11111'Ling him severely, but, we` are happy to add, not seriously. 4 n.__._._ m ` - ' -' W- _ _-._-_.....J. -GARDEN THnzvEs.--Fo1- some _time back, or rather since fruit have become ripe, the beautiful garden "of Henry Frazer, Es'q., as also the gardens of other gentlemen in the vicinity of Allandale, have been shamefully robbed of their contents. A It is really too bad that this state` of things should exist, for it has now become 21 nightly occurrence, and we tru9t_the authorities will inflict the extreme penalty of the law on` such. partiei -as may he found guilty of these wanton crimes; 7 I.` __ -, - INTERESTING T0 ALt..-A book pub- lishing office has beenopened in Guelph, by Mr. J. .W. Lyon, that bids fair to be a credit to the place. The work he is now engaged in publisng and selling is admitted by'a.Il_who have seen it, to be oneof the most valuable books in the English language. 1 It is one that all religions and par ties join in recommend- ing, It is entitled The i Polar and I`i-opical Worlds, written by Dr. Hunti- vig, President of Heiolelbiirg University, the oldest University in the world, and oneithat holds the highest rank. The work contains the most important in- fovniation from over 150 explorers. Contains over 800 pages, and is em- he1li_shed`with over 200 beautiful en- gravings." Over l,000,000.copies have been sold in the old country, 20,000 copies have been recently sold `in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and over 7,000 copies have been`ordered in On- tario since the first of March, nndfogily a smallpart of the Province has yet been canvassed. Over 500 copies have re- jcently been ordei"ed`in Owen Sound and Meafordg It has received-6ver 1,000 testimonials V from` the` best judges of books "in Canada. 0 ' V ,__.__.._-- _-- w...-.ov. Don't fbrget the Excursion and Picnic `to Jackson's Point, next. Tuesday, in omnection with the '1`.-anew m.......1. -vv u-v-:-Juno A vulv, llU}U_ Lucnuuy, III c.mnec_t.1on with the Trinity Church Sunday School. The boat will lea_ve the urhnr-F of Q n ..'l,...l. ..`L..._.. `I1 A1 'DVAS'I`AARDI.Y Ourruon.--4Un Tuesday last, a. party of young ladies and gentle - men, the sons and daughters of some of our most respectable townspeople,together with 11 few friends from Toronto, thought of enjoying themselv_'_es by 9. drive to Angus, which they accomplished; and after spending a pleasant afternoon at that village, were about to" return, when, behold! they found the horses aha.rness cut to pieces, which rendered it imposs- ible for them to return, and they were compelled to remain over for the morn- ing train. Welearn that such ects are of frequent occurence in that village, and it is to be hoped the authorities in that quzuter will V take iun_nediate_'action in t_he matter, andthereby put down such low, dangerous and blaickguard conduct, which might have caused the death of some of the parties. New Ozit and Wham; have beenbrouglat !1t0 market- and ofn. lllxrimn II`n`f.\1' 137;;`ir`.=;a;` ' wvuau uuv wclv vuv uuvvrunuuul. HIE U5` tawsvenxldul to do justice without rm, fevoior aection" to all. But, no 4 their _politiZ:a.l friends and supporters must be - protectedethough the heavens fall," and ' crush` foul corruption istalka the land ' til it heoomea a moral petilence ; which threatens to destroy our electoral eyetem eltegethei`, and make Parliament `e pleee, for thehigheet bidder, who will ` not fell to sell the people they have bought like sheep. If a. petition fails, , the petty bringing it forward not only Iuerl the fouleet abuse whilst the mat- ter remain: in man gun, but is even ` more roughly abused {or bringing it for- weal It All, Although at the time of so Join` theprooia' to be adduced` were irlihgible, and the feilmeto sustain the I sch:-go should not really be charged to run puny protesting, but to the corrupt -`Gevanment, who, for partiun purposes hue medejt impouible` for the `proof to be ffetthooming. . Now we hope that ithlllhteofthinga will beremedied at 'he.nexunonet Ottawa`; nil that 9. iii will be carried making` it imperative ` to` have :11 Inch `cues disposed of quickly ;-.end that no Jneinber will be allowed is am his seat who ilpetltioxled against Iill ilillettled one .wny.or~the other, - Ivoid tho Iclndel ~of'the com: 4.... i_-2__ ...'..__';_.I I... `_.'.._ '__.i__ .17, H`, :`Pnnxms.---A-The cheapest and choioebt 4 V Teas, Gmceriesiand Provisions are to be obtainedof friend Perkihs. ,'1'hst sV why he is so `w'e1l;patronize_d. ,[ -H9: ,a.lq,o:\ do- l.5V1'3 901! `'5 `*5? 1- WWII. Iadjuxthirs honsht-9f`him-1: Fan?! 3'! I `is -1,... f ....w., an uuu near xornemg no pu'- iat, but (me who is `unrivalled in the ;.[_Ia1-dware. line b,nalneaLs.V MERE MENTION.--The mere mention . of Mr._Henderuon sLname' is enough for our readers to know that we mean the Hardware Merchant ofour town. - He is noted for and near for being` puff- igt Que. who. is um-ivnlhad in H... Fnyxrs AND Fgpwxgns.-A-.-Everything in season, from 9. glass of the purest, cool- est and most deliciousksummer drinks, to the choicest fruits, vegetables, and ow- ers,is to be had atBothwell a. Remember `that, andepay him 9. up OnxnnK;-~Af_me.n niuged Jgmes Mo-_. Dougall was dro`I7vn`e_d on `Satnnluy last`, at Grape Island, on 1'A;a.k6"8iniooe,' a mile from the Narrows `bridge: He was about- twenty-ve years of age The particulars are as follows: The deceased, in company with Daniel McM.inn ujd Robert Boics, ~ went to lmthe from a. boat. Mclzlinn __,,l __..J -_..1 A.IIL_J LL- L__L J... jumped overboard the boat to one side, lling her with water, and pre- cipitating Bo,io`e`_a.nd 'McDougaI1 into the and Boiee, McDougall met his untimol y sad in.` . ~lligv:.nce,at once` generously placed ' the Ida Burton at the disposal of the friends and acquaintances of the_deceas- ed. The steamer at once proceeded to the Narrows. The body was brought ashore by Messrs. 0.` Harris, jr , J. Jan- dour and E. McGrego'r. _. An immediate inquest was held before Cor. Ramsay, at the American Hotel. , After a. patient hearing and searching investigation, the jury exonerated the two young men who were at the scene of the deplorable acci- dent, and returned a verdict of acciden- tal drowning." V The. body of the young the Ida Burton. Hundreds of people, friends and acquaintances, were on the Midland Railway wharf when the .boat arrived. Mr. Chris. Moore, proprietor, of the Albion Hotel, kindly sent his bus and conveyed the body to the residence of the deceased s sister, Mus.` Campbell, .on VVest street. The sad occurrence has cast a gloom over the whole village. - vmunur nu uuunw ~ aavl-ll: D uupv_.- J-Il_-VJ-ll!-U-I-I ' `lake; Despite the exertionsof McMinn . . fate. Capt. Parkinson on learning the 1 man wasconveycd to Orillia on bozud . |ual|UlA Uu uuu I bu 11150. 1,118 Venl speech was read by Royal Commission. The speech amongst other things states" in referenceto the Reciprocity negotia- tions, that they were commenced by the desire and in the interests" of ._Cano.da. . _George Brown sayethat Britain made the first move. As the hon. gentleman couldn't, "of course lie about the matter, he mu_st have been mistaken, as much so, indeed, as he in if he thinks Canada slnn unk n-n .i-.f4.......v.._ L_--L-- I nu, Luuvvt an MU 15 H. 116` Wulnx will allow such` an {infamoms no an Prom-a Va-yearly date. various have to'stop eorrupt practices lnteleetions; but we arefain to admit that the leeu`lte"thus"fer have not been at all the eorta put forth. p power `of money seems all but om- at glections, the world over, or tether those part; of the world that boost of the enjoytnent of civil and religious -liberty, and where the laws are made _hy1-epreeentatlreu chosen bythe people. Every devise has been tried, but, appar- ently, without effect, to secure an honest verdict of the people on their` repreaen-' tetivelf conditht,` or their condence or - non-condence in the Government of the day. It was hoped in. "England that the ballot would effect the much desired re- sult ; but it his signally failed in doing so; forjt in a universally admitted fact, by all pertiee, that more money was spent at the last genezfslelection there than in en] previous election for many years post. And we have heard it computed by one well versed in such mettera, that, had the money spent been equally divid- ` ed in each district, it would have amount- ed to the enormous sum of 310,000 for each constituency. In View of such a men of things it may well be said that " money is king. ` If wetum from Eng- I-_1 A- 4.1- TY_.L-j n4,r-_ -__, n 1 .1 . Great dissatlsfaotion is felt by all parties at Mr. Crook's Municipal deben- tures operations in the London, Eng.,* market, by which we are shaved at the rate of 15 per cent.` Whnt heaven-born nnncers the Grits are, are theynot? TL .'.. ._-:_l 4l._; 1'\ --I - nu ~- _ , _._- -..-_, _..-. It is said that President Grant is pro`- paring for a candidature for the Presidehcy for a third term. Our Republican neigh- bdrs must see to it that Grant does not play the A military dictator. _More un- likely things, have happened, ere now,` and will ngainhappen. nn 'I I' `F " The Hon. A. McKells.r, not being able to refute little Chartey Rykert s statements of hisdoinga as a niember of the Cabinetgis indulging in nasty per- sonalities against Mr. Rykert. Our Grit cotom. next door says they must .150 true because McKel1ar says so. '1`! .......... ...1 n.._:._...,:-,, m __.__ .,_-__..--.~- nun-`Ill nav- .The proposed Reciprocity Treaty en- dangers the existence of Manitoba as an integral part of the Union, and fwiil commercially put them in communica- tion with the United Staitee, instead of wifh nnhalla 'I`Ln 'I).....'l!.. 137.11--- wuu "um um uxuwu obu.w8__ msneau 0! with Canada. The Pacio_ Railway Scheme of the Government has also the like temlency. ' ' v nu 1- cu - The Impe;ria1 Parliament was pr?)- rogued on the 7th inst. The Queen's sneech was mm] hv Rmml (`!.-.......:....:,... _ Bismarcls soil has fought a. duel and killed his antagonist. ' "Fl... `Lr_.._:1 _:, n 1 1' m `I -4 _ "l"""J -"_"'J' The Orange Young Bx-1t,ons,*of '1`o1-onto, held a grand demonstration last Frid_a.y, in Toronto. `The- n.otorious Lord Gordon Gordon committed suicide in Manitoba on the first instant. _ _.. -u--vuuavnnuavo -Hamiltqh Board of Trade hs decided against the Reciprocity Treaty. 7]"... f\_____ _,'. `IT `I\ _-_,, _ _... . -. ...._...... _...... ._..,- had to the -Unload States, we find that, despite the ballot, money is equally all _powe:-fnl, and that there persone.tion" II ogrried to such an extentthat voting only and often" is a practice much in- dulged in. If, from England and the listed we look at home, we are sorry to "mu-that matters are not much, if any better. It is notorious that duringthe the put two general elections money wa.a' muttered with the most lavish hand ; and, Itnngo may the party who preaches purity the loud eet, have on both occasions, Qont the most money. Another re- nu-hble fact in connection therewith L4l_;. a.L-4 .I.-.___. I.-L'L LL- 'I-_L -__,;_,.,

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