Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Aug 1874, p. 1

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BAlLEY,VE'l`ERINARYSUR- . GEON, successor to D. G. Sutberland,end Graduate of On- tario Veterinary College. - The _ snqseriber herebyyinforrne the public that he will carry on the business oi Veterinary Surgeon ' in the place of D. G. Sutherland, who is leaving these parts; and P08 by prompt utteutiouand skillful treat- ment to secure the patronage so liberally be- slowed upon his predecessor. Ollieeaud Stab_!ee one door East of. Yaraghefs Hotel, Bdrm. ` 45.1,. . -vi`. "' "', ` 'u-om1'1'r1, . - Chief Agent for Dominion. ` JOSEBII ROGERS, ' Arzent.Ban-in 5:. $1 per uyearu in advance; .......w maul on goons ten. for Sale. , corner of Collier and Market Sta.. :7: J17:"3.y'."x:'."3.'Z':3n'.'i._'.c'.'a_`f "' onam.-as omnxsox, ` Promiau : AnvnTrsnmqrs . .\.\,-- vungn BUUIYICD, Agent, Barrie. ..._-_V,.. _,-_ . AV ' - , p1-ietor. Auxnxomn mormow, agent for the ' Provincial 1nsu.anca Company, the Queen Fin an.iLE!e, the Pbumjx, the Iaolnted, ai1d_ lt Lmcvabim Insurance Companies.-Oice N4-`v Brick Block, aver Rnwnnn"n Qlm-A 965 M Prop:-iztor. ["1 4-8-1; , and "The subscriber having purchased the e_n`tir stock in trade of Mr. Wm. Whitebrcgd. is pz_e- pared to make on the shortest notice` and most reasonable terms as good and as cheap Double . _ or Single - 7 WAGGONS. . ' OARRIAGES, j - BUGGIES, SLEIGHS OR CU'l`TERS,' , Ai an be made .in thin or nhv nthnr nnfu be had at N0. 2 Dllh . > All Purchases delivered in any part of the {own free 0 chnrge. Cash paid lor Came: A0 Bllllllta _ ` J , BINQRAM. Barrie Nov 13. 1812. ' ' 45-1}, am-umos and Inn: or (`very uescription. N. B.--A ohoice lot of cakes and , biscuits manufactured of the best ,ms.teria1s, always on hand, with 3 choice sclectiou of. Italian goods from the beat packers: of Europe ' , A. -' - R. Inna r. 1 ' ' ; 2 per day. Agents wunu-d! All class:-s of wurkmg .pc0plr:, 02 either sex. ynung mold. make more money 111 work Wu}: us in .mclr spare mmneuls, or all [he time,-Ihnn-:11 `any thing else. 1`urli-ulursfrcc. -Auldressli. S'1'l.\'HUN 1:` C().. Portland. Mame. _ 19-a~ly z=5a1*....:j 4" *U Of the latest and beststylee and of the most ap- proved construction.G01Iier Street, East. soc- oud door from the Market, l)r.rrie. As the ud- vortiaors are thoroughly and praoticnlly cou- versaut with thoirhuainesra in all its details, omploye none but the moat skilful workmen, sud `use, only tho best nmterial, thoy'oan` guarantee all work `turned out at th sir establish- ment to give perfectsatisfactlon to the purchas- er. Farmers and others look to your iuterests, and give us a call, w_e_ promise to give you bat- ter value for your money than you can get at any other CIu'riu.9;e Factory in Barrie. . I:1"Als:n. GEHERA L Hl .A(`.{.~4 !lH1`FlYN (1 in IJV H130, UDIJUIXSU nut `suits branches attended to. Barrie,.J_une 18, 1873 . nu -:_1ucr[mx'pURU I ' ` , Lvou do the reduced terms of the Ouum Psunmur riummm no Swma Soomn, wm 5: Ins made more loans" t0-Farlners during EU` `as: 1} years than any other, afford grelter In--IiLius nml zxtlvhnlxxgos than those of any oil ( : Unmuuny. in lhtrbominion. |l`HImlu~z1` n-uwn nun Inn nnnn unn-iutnnlu, _ Dunluua Um Ul'J'l'v'.l.'hilt5, _ A: can he made in thin or any other county ' A..OROKER. '-`Aw-5:: - ' "" - ' Have constantly on hand a good `supply of ' Fresh Moat, Fowl, Game, &c., of as choice qualityas the nnarkgls afford, and offer the same at very moderate pnces. ' V * - `Corned Be-at. Sausages and Lard.tmze1her with moderate - 'Co_,rned Be-.21, Sausages Lard, together with a variety of other us:-._lul commodities, can always be had at No. 2 Stall. All nnrnhmmn delivered in nnv mm hi` {Ha in-an vv. J. L`. mwmg bought out the Stock` and Good-will of l.Vu.WiIliumu, is prepmed to'sup-v ply th public with Beer, Heel`, Pork, nnd Pomslx "Barrels, Kegs, Churn.s,W.n:ah- l`ubs, liarrcl ,0 hm n 1;, and the Celebrated Cylixrlcr Churn ; :nlso,C1'st4:nm - Business. . Collier" -_ - - - -- -_- lrool,' NEAKLYv0I P0$I'J`E THE MARKET, \_RRIB. - - ]9.1y-r. (if all sizes, aml1ll'-Woxk in u Cooper : blue at -Iwunv Inn -v -rv'nvvr- I u u. .1`. 4 0 I`; - from the x -st dairies in the Prqvmce, quality cannot be be-nton._ -_....._-.. ' AIIO 8 DUB SIGCK of @ !J3- 3 Cnnaiatino` nf Tana Run-u-an rV.`n`._.. nan: 3 Consisting of Teas, Snggrg, Coffeeg T0. baccoa, &c., Pickles, Cnnued Sa.1mon,Lob3tora Sardines and" fruit or description. N.B.--A cakes sum? i.:u....:.. GEORGE Nnvgx, oRILLIA.| The subscriber is prepnrea to executes]! br- dersin?"ninti_ng, Decorating and Paper Hung- (ng, &('. Pinn`nfn11nr\r:n?nnarInnn 1-niol. ......; ug an _ _ ` I Fainting of alldescriptions done with neat-` nous nn'd'dispatch and at reasonable rates. ` All work warranted to give mtiafaction. _ Inemaswa s-ran`: -onmnu. rlmrmnn wwmmnxv v---~ v<--uyu-1'1. Ill |.IlV`Ll\l|Alllll\lu- . wuuuuusr muca tum ron GOOD Ionmaols. Forlurlhor information apply to - _ J. HERRERT MASON. I 0tII1ia.25th_ Mnv. 1` 71 \VA5GONS, mains, ammns. ' `nnmmvna 9. c-`I-1.1-rn-n-n ' Ullln IIUII VI ,IIInrIIIIIlu U II `I ! rlll-I-9 IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either` _sex_, acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 45 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. idn Drhnrinfnr- F J. ULAHYIE .. Mpnlfeval-`-Evnna, Mercer 8 00., Whol6glg_ ' llulfl IIIUIIIHI Burgoyne, Bpuxbndges & 00., Coleman street, `London. Newbery 8: Sons, 3'! Nevggntb atreet, Landon. Barclay & Sons, 95 Farrmgdozr street. London, Sanger & Soul. Oxford stret t. London. And all the London Wholesale Honsea, A V Atonn In Canada. V 2 D"! SW99` : .: . ' 0 _qro;&;Qo,. - ._. 7 v. 1-`stem ueulcme vcnuurs. , Sole Proprietor, F` J. CLARKE, . APOTBEOARIES HALL, LINCOLN, ENG. '_ Bxpolftqi ents. f _3`'Ky2 B..`bidEf5 -ajoolfmln street, vgx/'AD.J}ll\JlIL'J . . `Butcher and Pou.'!L-r , BINJS toinform thdpnblic thathe has taken Stall No. 4, in the Market, House, Burgie. where he will carry on the nbovebuainess. . an-ie. December 11th. 186'! 60 ' c.-xp.oL- he V subscrittcr bps>f;;s`to.i:1:"_:rxn the public u!B:1rric and vicinity that he is pru- `gated to SINK \vz:L1..`~', TANn S, azr an x:x(:_4- tor Mr Maundrull, l_3urn'e.r' ATING, either by-the jobor d_ny, onthc shortest noticejxnd most reasunablq terms. Apph to . 4.-W nil] U I I1 [[713 -<--_.` Al-` R. VCUTHBER-'1`,- 3:901` is prep:':.rcd_to give instructions at ca ofpupils, and also at-his own resi- dence. Pianos,Organs,und ll(e1odeuns Tuned Ind Repaired. For tezgms and .fur-ther parti- cularsapply at his Residence,"two<]oora.waat of the Barrie Foundry, Collier Street; Barrie. .Barrie,:. November 7th, 1872. . -t` n 22:73: :-*~~` `- *j K%%m*N5`:;:w1;:[+? *5 I ELECTRICIAN 4 GAL VANJS T, ' Harrison : Brick Block. Dunlon Stu`-M , ,`....._--... The Mansion House Q3 :1 three story brick building.` It affords spaciousness, convenience and comfort. The proprigtor is well knownas ahotel keeper tononz-ly. all in this county, and his experience will bs a; guarantee na to the merits of The Mansion unrlcr his supo.inlend- nuce ' ' " - Sample Rooms for Ccmxlnerclal - . l`rawc1lors. G000 STABLING AND SIIEDS. V1). FA.1{AGHF.R, . ` ' ' . T`rnnv-:n9nr U1 .13.-.i.<*__!11.1.!._1_`_1I'_~ .-_. 5. v.-..... ...- _,V..-. ...v.... . J '`l"`` JV. (LOLA but DUI .ny m |3"A!so, GENERAL HLACK:iMITHING in .11 in hrnnnh!--1 nnnnd tn , u JJDAIVU I 9 . ------ . ` . .'1`h'o subscriber has received a splenjid lot of ' ' C H TC F`. R W. `TI1E MA15I0N~ 1I()[ I'i_1`3; MARKET SQUARE, BARBIE, . . . . ' uuuv 4n1u.uuv qr GAL VANJS T Ha;rison Block, Dunlop Stsect. . PLATING, `DONE- Bsr_ri n_. Jan_. 3, _I872. . ' 1~'..f. miaeg`MAE` /\ rxz-Vx,-\ ,.. .\ 'H_O_USE AIND VVOIIEESE VFL4. a.ul\:sn...lnn.. `\nn - _-.1 - _`1 :5 . . . EVIGNY &'COTE, Mnnnl...-.0 .... .. ..r J" A v. KSBDWA RDS, (Lute Deputy Regmrar) Uonveyaucer, &c., agent for the Rayal In- rmnca Company, mxdme Acident lnnurnnce $.`ouwauy.'--('t!ice--,Paat Oice building, sarrie one nox orfcunxs-s n 4: plus 3 ..._-......o..-l`n. nn-ca ..II .I:.m|........... 5-..... .1 1i{oI\?1'.3.`S, . ' I .u uuu IIUDI ynunula Ul MINTING HIUKU `"6ffi?in";ini5i3:"f KRRIE, 393' vARA:.`.rHAER,T Pr Til..- ll - oprietbr; JUSTICE is I`HE GREAT; BUT` having bpught )f 1'. vu.\Vliull1H. in nrmm:-u.l I.\'..:.n_ ...._-.. Alan A ne stock of 3.059525: 51-: S'r'rym 19:1 ms: xcueweu Sp C HE {E S E r.1.:..:. :. u... n_-,,,, AND% COUNTY 01> s1M00E GENERAL ADVERTISER. " -JI. unuuu IEIWBDI1 in ` mu Mnnutncture all mic iiin his Bn:f:'r':?:q;.a:urimion, and uAchoupm!u.- ; '|!'tlo,Docu , 9 5 . z .. , u_..uu unnpumb. 7- L R()F'. .. L..'OAISSE, Pmuiat and Organist, begs tohtininte thavte is at 2 ofpunila. and also at Ma nnvn vnn: n 1 a `U U '!.'.l Manufacturers of l`..l'DD!A{1'D|;I INGHAM _BRO I`__HERS, , BUTCHERS and GEN- ERAL PURVEYORS, Market Stall No. 2. Bnu-ie. . nxulu runv1:;_L Stall No. 2, Bmrie. ,uuul9.CHll'(3l'3 OK CARRIAGES, A _ - BUGGIES, . -' . WAGGONS, V _ .~ AND SLEIGIIS L...-4'..o'l.... ..._.I .c.\_. _,--. ., U -111 LLHI 01' any A. BROKER, Uninr uh-an .4.\l%11.`i.c. V ` \."-/\1\/` . "\/\.v Usrcijmssous. 5 . 911017,. plnniaf nu./I ARRIF T1GH'I'"\v01"zK . coupmmum. T Collier stret Exist, Barrie. I3`. ._ Iv 29-.1y av uucuu auu. JJGLQHUWLLOLDG - "L I M You 1Vunt to Borrow Money A To my more land for yourself or for you Iona? To build a house or burn`? To fence, clear, uuduxdruin, or olhenvise improve your `land 7 '10 pay offs Mprlguge or other debts? Or for lui Inner purpose? ~ you do lhp rnrhmad tnrmu ,1? Han nnlnru I IITKXIEK '0K!IaLIAo GEORGE NEWTON, V Painter . Dsmnrnt __.:.- , TAYLOR, Proprietor. xyuwuy 1Vn-W'1'U.N, ' V . Decorator. 1 p 21-Iv :e, which for '|. \.l..II.J,'4LL`, Prop:-ietoir. ` vy nun-3, uunng BIJIISOII, In all me - Various Styles. Dunlop St, opposite New Brick Block, Barrie . . Ontario. . 7- - `MISS -IV/-1-3-1fTON, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE: Noxtto BIfd I Boot a shoe store, A DRESSES MADE m mi LATESTHSTYLES, At moderate charges, and with promptneu. STRAW AND FELT W0 BK RE-DOZNEI WITH IIADI. AlLI-- ` EDD lBCDlB|"_V IOX `HQ I_IltLll1lI.CHlI'6 01' ] DOORS, SABHES-, BLIHDS, MOULDlNG,:c and is prepared t_o supply thuse articles at the . lowest` price. In nnnnm nn n.nmu\z nnnnnmmmn! CANADA Pl.HANEN 1` BUILDING AN15 SAVINGSSUCIETY. tun om.-mAso.~up HALL, TORONTO. (JAIPITAL, 'x 1 500,000. Toglarmexs an Landowners! n v.... 11/..-.. .- 13------ 1m-.,... v I v I EHO I1 12:: rnull I V GONFECTIONERYI '1_`EAS,'TOBACCOS & CIGARS. Oyqtors, During season, In all me Slvlnn. Stages running between Barxfie and Penman- guishene, will leave Barrie Daily at 11:46 a.'m. Returning,s.1-rive at Barrie a.t`2 o'clock, p. m. _. WEAYMOU EH cj--I-'A3AGHER, '! l ' . Proprietors. jilcovou " II GIJIHKI ,0 ' ` CARRIAGE, - HOUSE, SIGN, -AND ORNAMENTAL -1.:-vAJ:1.\T-I-Eris: MARKET SQUARE, V. BARBIE `8-y Mmv, n | . 14-'A\'Ft?1\1'r:. . KJ\J.LIv\ILJ.lJ kJII._VV_.".L`\.I, Dreued, and 'l`on`gueda.nd Grooved Lumber, every description, always on hand, and ado to order. Barrie,'.I}1ly.. _ , ' 47-_ ,b - ,l.`\JK|DA.IJI!iDX "4. '.'W_.`HASTING3,' - Burie, Ontario De'aor_l_ptivo' 0ii'cu1o.r'c31I~`behado`_I applicgtion ` `APril"29nf1974. 4* i.'_`134'..-, P . IIUAMHISI Oriig, Jay. 21. 13372. \ I;.unun Dnuu, - _ (`I ' Caxpanler, Bu|lder,&c. Begs _t.o ahnolxuce to thopublic thathe has '- _' completed his ' Q 'l`-Tc`. A M P H `V F`. R mum oF`"iaiz`:sii3?i)nscac1PT1oN.I ~ /-x.-V-. A P\/\_ . Mei +0? x.xNDZ'-App1y :5 Emma ED-_ VVARDS, Royal Iuau.|o-gee Oice, Barrie. Dioif TCA)LEND on apprdved' freehold se- Iunrity, and at moderate Iu`.erest.--Ap- -_lyo ARDAGH & STRATHY, Solicitors, Ennis. ~ . ` 2-66 Gnn1ft aA1.iteed4 to `give `Po :-fec2_';;8nti'a{:cio 1b F"0'R`SALEBY_~ ~ vi ' -1 1'=.'.ui~-t 1a dmnrn:I.- . Q` . _ .L*l.l LI 1 IJKIJD-11.1. JLLJ Ofevcry descriptiomnud all sizes, taken at all ' hous of the day. ' They also keep in connection with the ganery. a large stock of Albums. Album Pictures, Lockets, Chromos, Lithographs, Pnd [P5-OTT. `PAI`NI'I`11\I-(1 ~.:~1\ _l_ . . V _______ . 'I`I1u undraigncd begs to inform all parties who may ueedauch work, that he has always on 7 hand 2. large Supply _of ' , 'l)T .A'QYl1II`l) HE` D A DTQ I |'rI 1(513'1iI*I }i 5_IE`;i{S !`a -IJJ.\Jv.lJ.L A-"12- llJ_I\l\J].\kJ; { Which he will sell attho lowest rates for Oab - w.. n .uAm.:v VV. TI I I I: |- E. . " ` GENUINE No. 1, No"z, and No 3, of this brand, . are nnsux-paused for body and bx-illinncy of shade. Packages contain full nett weight. { The public are warned that certain other brands ` are 1 ilba short _in every ao-culled 25 `pound ` package. ' 7 * 4 ~ Examine the bmnd aul do not be nut. 01!` AUG, package. Examine tho put. 01! widx ihferior,. The 13:51` is always onxu ` I-`.'l`. . . ' ' . ' B010 Dy BUY TQQPGCIBKHU UUIIIUYQ HI` 1'8. throughout Untano,9.nd to dealers only by ' r ELLIO1` & C0,, - V ; l`(mmn G.vxLL_1:R_ as THOMSON. -Civil Enginers, Provmcml Land Surveyors, Arohictn, tc. BARRIE and ALLISTON. ACRE!!! Av.-H1:-n (`yuan-nan 'l"unuunu- f K J`. fI[ 1ETrET -mice to his new residence on the West `side 0! John Street, immediately opposite Er. Geo. Bull: planing and nah factory. Dr. M00-a 11 t vanncy for nptndent. '71, ' - ~ ' . IUICUNTU For sale a Barrie by John Woods, J`. P. Kidd. ,W:.Lqn'& Co.`1a.ut_irWcll l Bros. ___;_.__. _ :.}L J2ll|lL\J|lkJ])l nnu Kliyl gnu; om- l L'lll'r:d in C_annda`, the United States ind Eu - yope.~ Patent gum_|-mncvd or no charge. Send for _pn"nle\l instructions. Aguncy in operation ten y<':m`s. . -. 1-mmnv (`.IH I`. ` This is pre-o-mint mly a shaving age- if this as double: try to trade horses and sec ifydu wont get slxuvcxl to your heart`: r,-or.1;m. But at-_`Prof. M,oore s, strange `\ lusuv. the way uozvto get shaved is to ggggpuy him a visit nnd gel .21 clean shave, and-(bus get the worth of your money. Remember the Dlnce. Second Floor. cmure New anu-mus get thuworlln uf place, Floor, conlre New Buick Block, 'l)u|i__Iop Street, B1\l`l`l8. _ ' _ .1vLccnnnu:n1 1 Drnughlsxna 11. % BLACK S PATENT ` SPHEHU`,Q.1;,,PPTA9LE3`1I vir A` FINE S700}-or `mamas! . has 1 IIUlLLl.' .LIL_UL.l UW9 Announces the opening of the above establish ment, and solicits the public patronage Goods. Fumitnre "and Wares ofnny kind received and advanced upon. Commmons Pnnnsns r'on 'msS'.~nnVmu or Goons SA T.F`..Q`A'l" AT"? nvlnnrno umu-nmous rnnusns ran 'm_sS'mz:mu SA LES'AT ALL TIMESo' Goods cdnsig-ned to his care will be disposed of to the best possible advantage. -' Jnmcr ur Mn!) nnnr c\)51'I' 3: LUUNT. Barristers, Attorneys-ab .law, Solicxtors iq Chancery, kc.--OicVe- Dunlop Street, Barne. Successors to the la 3-nu Bnultou Lount, Boya,& Stewart. W. Louln-. G. W. Loon. J.'|u'mnI'I'-1 8; VAN DENTASEEN, . .40RlLLIA. 1I,A%S'Ii`?;__1i:i` :'i 5A ms 1 1N noLn,"iL3iEii*"iiin srm, s*.a9anuwtIc`r'i'iu""ii1i AnT Tmn commission HUUMS, `NEXT book "To THE REARKET HOUSE, ' '_ Gamma S'nm:1~,_ Bunm. ` ` AVCHL `July 31,_V1s73. W-____ |)H0`TuGRA?_Ii(5 f G'A I1LEuY. ' 8.01-rd by tiny rdspectable dealers in- Faints lirnnnrhnnt. Hnhu-In. and to dealer; onlv hv UDLVIKI |J.l\lD.|., _ . - . , Ollaw'n.Cnnm!n. _.Mcuhnni<:nl Engineer. Sohcilior o1 Pa`tenls and )rnuzh'1:sxn-.111. ~ nuu {HID UK HY!) 1u.pruvuu l'X1lUI.`l STOVEPLPE . B`LO`CKSV! 71 :-I. L- ...:H ...H ..4..n... 1-..... ....o.... f... (V-.. um.'1wLu, uurumuu, unuugmpus, rnu 0j'OIL `PA I`NTIN'G,'.@. Framed m withnut Frame: . S ROBINSON, Orillin, Solicllor in Chan- | cery, Attorney-at-Law, Oonveyancer, Oom- n.1ui-Iner in B.R., &c. Heir and Du.-visee Claims prom.-uwd.Agent for Canada Landed Credit Oornuany for loaning money on Real Estate. , 0[ l'lC.'.-.`\'ex'l Frank Kean`: Store. 848 LX.I:'L..` .3: :2` C :__......_:_ I.)`.ll-'ll'IJ.l.l n.uv1:;;u and Machinerv for the manufacture of '\f\'DC! QAD!J1I"Q Rl`.Y`1:T\Q unnt`.nn.1r1` 4.1V. .1. \,lA.|-\l \_tv.;; WHVITE LEADS, "GENUINE I3A l`EN 1`}.S" ` QF T1NvEm`i5N%- pxpmomonsnv AND PELPERLY SE4 1 .. t`..n`...ln` oL.-. H..n.\.X Qt-0.... -...I I.".. NG.[UTST 0. GI_:AHAM, K --...._- ._ ARRIE jAI.\(T1D PENETANGUL . SHENE EJNE OF r-z_..cNr11 rw-rnrw %Barri_,A Ontario',,Thursd_ays A1igust13, 1874. rnpssnvntloil or Tli:_jE:E$IcT, compxaneu A M P E3"Vv E R ...I Il_..I_:_-._.._ 1- ... ;L.. ....-....t`--';...... -1` ASIMPIIE VPRIVNCIPLE, AND TI-IE WHOLE SECRET oir SUCCESS IN ALL GOVERNMENT. SCROLVI:-'-S*A,WING,` Ind and 'l`nnn-mzdnnrl My-nfnrnd i'.nm RDAGH at Barrisrs and it- torneyS.S0l'1Q1tors1n (_)hance'r_y. Notaries Public. Convey:-more, Bat:-19,00 Buncoe, Out. I . D. AHDAUII, - I. H. BTIIATHY. V,_.---- ~A-" Bum: & WEEKS; (`.`ARR.YAl1F`. ` .' Mr. John Morrow. nouncos onenino nf Hm gum .-. ..o..m pnpT6F4PHs _ I--- -___.1 I1 W ll I 1`4l\ IJIIIADA. And also of his Improved Pate:-ti nnv1?.DT wt? R`I.n`nI(: LII-ll J.."l|L`LLAV\ `Framed or without `Frames Pictures Framed to o':der. IJTTTIIIIF Du VARY ]'\I2`h .1)ROF. D._ E. A. lllll I'|l'I|I-nnnun nun nun--nun lirnnsssma AND sn`AvmcJ ~ SALOON, J'.\,dL&KI]..\TC3-. IJIII-UV \ll -. ll .u unmmsulm Insurance uompnnnes.-Umce Brick Block, over Rnwaon"a Store. 355 Are the pest fo_'r'thAeV HUFCB 1` FEIHEO K0 O`.'(lCl'- HUMME & VAN DEN STEEN. 01 lawn in me DESI possible advantage. JOHN W. MORROW, A nnlinnnnr A nn-ah-an vnuuu UL JJU (Interchangeable) nu nun. '1 am "vvC{rrp.r{` lain. an nf 1.3:: Tvrnlnlrnt` nnalal IVKII WITH CARI . ll 11` L110 IUWUBL (`M103 |0l' UEHH Wu. C.hlIACEY, A ` Bayeld St., Barrie, Near the Foundry. `. - I3-ly `u vv . |.1A\JA.b;b\l V1 , Auclionear. A pprgiser,_&c. mmy GIHST, ()lmw'n. Cnnml I \.u.-, Tououro `As. I D HHUMM5 *1. 5. auto 1). rnswr J Solicitor in (Jbance ry, Oommi,as:)::|fny ..l:l1ice our Harrisona store, South side Du'vlocp. Sm: I.Bar. ie. H90 mien-uv.1.ALLY ATTORN . Solicitor - in - Chancery, gzn5.'.I.'.`2`.,`f ) .'Lmry Public, &c_. mu.-e~0wen Street, Barrie,`-Ont. 47 1 I`LlU1V D 40-lyrl` IBIIILV : 1 . 4.:r_ yiuauuou HIOILI UUIUIU leuulllllg IJOHCIOH. l On reaching London, the party camped in aeld on the outskirts, The vessel in which they were to take` passage was to sail in two days, and everything was made ready for the voyage. The day before they sailed one of the women who had been in the city selling a rtioles of different i kinds, and telling fortunes, came inn`) `_ camp having in her possession a bee.uti- . ful little girl about-two years old - From 'what Polombo eouldglean from- r the exeited.conversetion'oi the woman and the others, the child had been taken from its perambulator in oneofethe grks in the citrzly no rilulrse or attendant mg near,- .) e _e id was richly dressed, arid were inecklace pendent, . from which rgvas e. locket set with _ `diamonds. at-it was the offspring I of some family belou`ging,to_ the liighe? classes was very apparent. Its grief atpeing separated from its protector wee heart-rendering, but for thefear of `being arrestedthat possessed him,would he_ve{_ started} at once for the oily and ndee.vur:d`riiind the . parents of the - idapp ..!;_6i '0|1-77N_o1.l1'ing- was ' ~`heit'_d,_in the`oe'r:l'p, pWever,.'ua? many ` fr` beinglimf er,'i{_the'.*4ehifd.;eeand. . 1.47 d.'*!I~`{`.;li `h1e`:P.iiF.!eW9i}l i 1d_.te.- veas __ `stolen; being 1 . Chrincph l`oIon1`oo is ha native of V Portugal, he says. yHe was formerly :1 - seamen in the vavy of "that country, x but deserted fteen years ago` and went to England. Fearing that he would be recaptured and pu!:i.s_hed, he Jomed a company of gypsies, who wezo encaxxrped near Hawonh, and who were on their_wny_to London to` arm bark for America. leader was known by the _name. of Moro. Whether he had enyeother [name Polombo never knew. Two of the `women, there being three, were ` nun N/Tn-2.3.` Jnnninn running (Iran There were sxx. beaidesin-the party. The cuptam or. -any Ivvlulilll 'lll\Jl\J _lJ\ll|lb' UIILUC VVOIC genuine gybsies. One was Moro s wife; She. died giving birth to achild at the camp where Polombo joined -them; The child lived'but ashon time`, and both_ were buried on the moor. Another of the party, a man, _desex_ted them before reaehing'Lond0n. On rennhina T.nnA.-m- nu. ......o.. ,,_-.- -gypsies landed _in New York, and gt once ataxtedtbrough the "country; Th'ay' trAav,ot_ of NewYorl__s, M01311` P1.-sAs A.\"r, I`a.', July 212.- This little village among the moon-. mine of Northern Pennsylvania is greatly agitated, owingto most ex- traordinary revelations made. by a gypsy, giving. his name as Christoph Polombo, who arrived in this town early this morning, on (not. He was here two days last week as a member ofa party of nornadstlmt camped near the place. The gypsies were five in number--two women andthree men. _ Of the latter one was a young `man, . evidently` an American, not over A - years of age. One of the females was a remarkable handsome young woman, her fair complexion plainly showing that the mongrel blood of the repre sentativas of the strange race with Whom she -was associated, did not course through her veins. She was well schooled in all the arts of the c vagrant` `race, however, and by her" fascinating manner added largely to, the exchequer of the party in telling fortunes and selling charms. ller age could not have been more than lo`. The other woman was a gypsy.` The only other noticeable member of the party was a man who seemed to bathe leader, He wasya true gypsy, his .` swarthy complexion, lautastic costume l and general `bearing, betraying the 1 Moor that entered` largely into his 1 composition. His age` was about '40 j years, and he was not an nnpreposses_s- t ing man, save for his sinster and lowcr- 1 ing expression that played halsittihlly on his dusky face. , l`l_ros_e of this vicinity` who were spectators ofthe singular party in their picturesque en- campmentdnoticel -that between the `-young man mentionedabove and tho gypsy. leader, there was a very marked coolness, ifnot hatred. On the contrary,` the young girl and the American were on the most intimate terms, and were constantly together` when she was not visiting the inhabitants in the neighbor- hood, plying her art of fortune telling and selling curiously contrived nmulets. Close -observers now say that they noticed the dark features of. the gypsy captain frequently distorted with. an expression of-the deadliest hatred as he gazed on the marks of affection that passed between the young girl and the young man, -whom words were not . necessary to designate as her lover An air of deep mystery hung. over the gypsy camp, but since the party took its departure, early on Saturday last, all thoughts ofthem had departed and comment ceased. They would, no "doubt, have been entirely forgotten in a few days longer` but tor the return of . one of their number, as stated, and the most V . _ i ' r 'EX _I'RAORDlNARY, smmr in; nl-`.LA l`l(-ZS`. nomwcn or` A YOUNG` 1iAL'rmoR_1.\N I . , . _ . THE H/.ING}ARO"S `REVENGE. }imuMAs 1`._I. BOYS, 3.:-riswr, Attoi-ney, Solicitor xn (Jbancerv. Commissioner. Am, AND `A GYPSY MAID. p foflowed, according to the story of - the mountains, having left the main . settlement of any kind in the vicinity Polornbo, the truth of which is now being investigated. On Sunday night the party camped in a lonely spot in read about 60 miles from here, taking an old mountain road that shortens the '-distance toiythe New York State line. There was n`) house or to Polombo s _ knowledge. A small stream run" near the camp, and about dusk Frank went down it shing, as it xvas found to contain trout. While he was gone Moro'sat'-down by the side of ErfI)Ul1dCi`.l, and a low'but apparent- ly impassioned conversation ensued between `them. More nally became .almostI fi`erce- Wlthtl rage that he had long suppressed, and evidently A made i a threat, at which Esmondela. began wringing her. hands and weeping wildly. Just then the young Balti- morian entered the camp, and seeing the distress of his mistress, and the captain at her `side, he rushed up to the latter, and with an oath demanded thecause. __Moro replied by slapping Frank in the face. The latter drew a revolver and levelled it at his rival. The gypsy woman and Polornbo sprang, forward, and the latter caught the young man s arm, and the bullet missed its mark. Moro, as quick as lightning, unsheathed a long -Moorish dirk he were, and sprang towards Es- mo'ndela s love with the weapon above hisyhead. Frank's arm was still retain- ed tn the terric grasp-of `Polombo. As the knife in Moro s hand was about to descend Esrnondela threw herself upon `her lover's" breast," and -the long blade entered her neck under her right cheek V ' and she tell-shrieking to the ground; The furious -gypsy", his long ' pent up hatred now gaining the mastery of him" did not cease inhis murderous onset, , and as quick,-asvthought, plunged the. knife, red with the blood of the woman he professed to love, into the breast of the young American; whotvstaggered back and fell, \vith_ both hands pressed ` over the wouV_nd,,trorn whi_ch'tho.bloed ` was}-spurting., , 2Moro,` throwing the - knife` to the]g7r'onnd,' ran `wildly oil to the wood's.r 7 `It-wasvgettingdark, and the g'_athering"gt, ` iii added to the _terror- - . in therhen o I ` u.\u'I..lH- fvuuu Aygruzoalty mzunptsxmu llllll to. Esnumdnla am!` the` unknown Aniericuu lived in :1 very heaven of bliss, and were never separated when in camp. The latter held no cunversa- - (`ion .wi:1x ouleiders, and 'shrank7from the 'obse'rvuLion of spacmtors. It was :ipparnnt_ the-.t Mano rmvrained expres- sion of the `feeling within 1118- breast with the grates! eI')rt,.and on Monday mght the occasion came when _the .Moor- within `him manifested` * itself, "and o in order --hf be xviththe c'bJect_ of hi Vlove. ' B:-twe.en Moro and Fmuk,fr0m the time o-{the lattgr jO`ini'ng the party `up to Sunday m'ght,Anot n"word ever p'a.s9cd. Mom mumtained :1 sullen and - m0-dy silemze, and spoke to no un_e,` except when xngcesiity compelled him On T\`.un11n'-Hnln nnrl Hun nnlynu-.-nu 'bet'::-mie iuured to her new existence, - gand grew to .be a beautiful woman. 1 It wasev_ide'nt that she had nu denite lrecolleetion `of any life` except`-that of 'the ,gyps y s. As . she 'budde_ into womanhood,Moreprofessed the most profound levelor the girl, who had -' been given . the fantastic name of Es- mundela; `She always treated Moro! coldly uudresented all his advances, exhibiting, as Polombe s story. would seem to indicate, an, inborn sense of moral eonscieusriess that she did not _ belong to the race of which she was - an ostensible member. Mere was not 21. violent man, and seemed to stland In it certain awe ol_ the girl s determined spirit, and never uisedghis u uthority to subdue her, uu aurhu-rity which was _ supreme, and respected by every" member. Ltljil fall the party, te escape _ the rigors 0f."t.*o:thern Wir.t'er'=, went south. .Returning'with the spring, they cncumned near the city of Balti- more. While there hundredsyof people . visited the ca-mp,and the beauty of ;Esmou;lcln,;and her singularly tascinat-A mg manners became `famous through- out the iicighborhoecl Among the others who were drawn to see the ' gypsie:-;,, was a party cf young and taeliionabirz dressed men b.-longing to They had plenty of money, and used: `it profusely in payingylor fortunes told by Esniondeln, and in buying he: "trinkets. One oflthese yeurig mu, who was called Frank by his cuinpz1niens,baceme a perfect '-sieve to the charms of the girl. He spent most of his time at the c-.1mp,nnd lavished rich` "gifts upon thebeautifnl _gyps_y._ The feeling of'e"ection be- came mutual, and when More gave ordcrs-,to_ break camp andhegin the sninrnerks wandering. Frank express- ed a determination to go with the party, Against this, More entered a most determined protest, and ordered zlie yuung (main to leave` the camp. At this l?si11emlela._rebeled, aed refused to gu with the gypsy party miles Frank--' u'oi:~r,her name being known to Polombo ~-~m1sx'~.;In1:tted us a member. Self-A i_ntex-e-st t-ivrced More to submit, and the young Pnxltiniorean, bearing - every evidence, us econ here, of culture and refinement, became < and nally got as far as" Illinois. For V yenrathey iwamlmjed Aabout the country, grading horses, thieving, telling {or- : tuneu,and leading lives characteristic r0fth>C race. , , . , I I _ A vo`x.uN'r.mY' oL~1'<:5sT A BLOODY TRAGEDY THE -' s"ro1.I:N YJHILI) __ - char in Chancery. Conveyancer. Co:umis.' Dnuxn B. snomzs, Au may M-law. Soli. oimer in C.P., &c., -Smyner, Co. Simcoe. "900 T story of now 1:: int: Inf`: Hun rnn;n No. 33. Whole No. 1147. Cast Iron Sinks is written upon the sign of 9. Hamord plumber. "Well, who in the (hlc) said it didn't ?" chuckl- ed an mebxiate man, after reading it over three times. . A greenhorn sat a lqng time vary at- tentively musing upon a cane-bottom chair. At length he said, I wonder what fellow took the trouble to find all them arholes and put stiaws around em'{- ' ` ' A cow rushed into a Troy Millinery atom; causing a` stampede among the ladies: pnesent. The lady in charge drove the animal out by exhibiting the pnce of a spring bonnet. QUEBEC, August 7.-Great excite meat is being occasioned in the parish of St. Bazile, county of Portncuf, by the occurrence of certain natural phe- nomena. oonsisting of peculiar noises of internal commotion in the earth, and well dened shocks of earthquake frequently recurring. e The `noises vary from low distant muttering to loud re. verbeutions and concussionaas it from the discharge of heavy ordnance,-and some airm that -they -can distinguish the sound as of_ the rush of troubled waters They are located on a small hill, covering an extent of halfea league, situated about half way be- tween the river St. Anne and the vil- lage at St, Bgtzile. On Tuesday the concussions were so violentand threaten- ing that the rrioreimmediate residents ed their homes, and others are pre- pating to follow. Opinion is divided among the startled as to whether re or watter will declare itself, and the I result is looked for with much trepida- tion. - ln epeekmg tohis father : coach- men-{of a neighbouring family a young man remarked that, they were h|p~ pyganlil so1_-row sudenly camp end left .he: tnoea there. The ooeoh-V wlnnn nnnnlg Lin` ..-iI._ 2-- um. um unuuu uu-ru." Inc COM!!!- man `looked puzzlqd, but `nally `re- sponded. ilndaad, and what did shq do with the rqsm! the; hggnous 1 I. CHir.nai:.~:.---Place a young girl Lldct the care of a kindhearted and graceful woman, and_she, unconsciously to her- self, grows into a graceful` lady. Place a boy in I19. establishment of athorogli- going straigh-forward business man, and the boybecomesa self-reliant prac tical business men. Children are sus- ceptible creatures, and circumstances and scenes and actions always impress. 'As you inuence them, not by arbi- trary rules, not by stern example alone, but in a thousand other ways that speak. through beautiful forms, pretty pictures, etc- so they will grow. Teach your children, then, to love the beauti- ful. If-you are able, give them a corner in the garden for owers; al- low them to have favorite trees; teach them to Wander in the prettiest wood- lets; show them"wher_e they can best view the sunset; rouse them in. the morning, not by the stern `time to work, but with the enthusiastic see the beautiful suprise!" Buy for them pretty `pictures, and encourage them to decorate the room. Give them an inch and they will go a mile. Allow them the/privilege and they will make your l home pleasant and beautiful.-- Willzam 'H. Busbcy. Accepting the story of this Portu- guese desertervas true, will the mystery attending the birth of the unfortunate young girl ever be cleared?" And what family is. bereft in the death of the murdered Frank, whose passion. forihe beautiful gypsy led him_ to for-I sake the walks of civilization for the half-savage life she led? . ~ -u . -rv~Jv\/n~ - ~`- .s .\-`x-v.s~\\`~`\~\s~~~\~.\x\s-x-x RS. HAMILTON & McCONKEY,-ReIi- \'8nc8-Collier nirnnt. Rnrrin. Ont. nucuu Luz: young man COIUQ not SUTVIVC his wounds, and that no duubthis body will be found buried not tar from that of Esmondela. A _ . _ _ g_ .. _ . ` _ .. .. - THE CROSS EXAMINATION OF POLOMBO . revealed ce_rt:un inconsistencies in his statement, which have caused some to look upon him with suspzcwn. `A day or so_ will throw light` enough on the subject to decide the truth of the state}- ment. Polombo says that in his judge- ment the young man could nntsurvive hid urnnnrle and okno ...-. .l.\.'.L. L.'.. I._J.. wuc luuuu uuu L-3'l'(*.'i1l. DHOIHY RN81` the burialethe gypsins started on. They could. not proceed for, however in the darkness, and were compelled to await the return of day. The wounded young man lay in the wagon groaning in ngony,but manifesting no conscious- ness. Polombo 33374 that the oppressive- noss of the horrid deed that had been committed was too great for him to bear, and`:-.bout 3 o c!ock in the morn- ing, he deternnned to desert the party, axhe feared some git-at responsibility. lIe reached this gaacothis morning and told the nbovelstrery, first casually in a bar-room, and then under with before Justice Martin. - On this deposition warrants were issued for the arrest of the man Mom, and pm-ties have gone, accompanied by Polombo, to find the spot where the murdered girl was bur- ied, and to seek the gypsies. r gypsy woman" made bandages for their , wounds, and was endeavoring to stop - the blood when -Moro returned. ' He : was very pale. and-his fury had given way to anxiety {or the fate of his vic- tims. The rough surgical skill of the gypsies was unavailing, however. and in less than an hour after the fearful scene in the gypsy camp, Esmondeln . died, never regaining consciousness. THE KEENEST PANGS OF REMORSE seized More when it was known that she was dead. He tore his hair, and moaned and cursed his Sims and was [almost crazed. About midnight he " gave orders [or breaking camp He dug a grave with his own hands some 30 ) yards from the camp, and in it the- liody ofthe murdered girl was placed, just as sh'e had dir-:72, with no box, no shroud, no funeral ri:,cs--buried in the wilderness at lhe-dc'ul of nigrat,a r'nur- dered outcast, and yet, pephap3,born to adorn princely hulls and move among the proud and great. Shortly after burial [h `VI'I%Ir-u ufnrfn nn '1-non l l fl And $2 00 if not paid inadvance. In! I "" CANTON T S'ronE.--Our friend`.Hunter of the Canton T Store, is still monarch of all he surveys in the matter of pure Teas, Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquors. Good'aml cheap in his inqtux Heis unsurpassed in his line of business byany rivals intown or country; either for quality or cheapness. ` III.__ 1'.` N V T` Tm: FIELD Bnos.--Thia rm is doing 9. very large business with their " Wob- ster" Sewing Machine and Ag:-iculntral lm'plements_.of every. tieacziptiom. ~'aThiI firm is excelled by none in the Provincc forpnsh, energy or entm-prise. .,; . _ Van M91-gun ardigg Au ` 5 fseason in"' ` `JD -_-_`-1.`-ll -lbw - Mr. of the \rVest AT Store` is, as-usual, up to the mark, and as cheap as the chenpestmnd as good authe- best. His stock consists of Tau,Gmeer- ies, Fresh Meat, Provisions, ' Summer Drinks, Boer, Porter, (draught and bot- tled) , Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c. . - Mr. Watson, the genial, ofi`t'he'Cn- tml Drug Store, still continues to {attract the public by civiland obligjng mggzpeia, and, above all, by the quality, _of__`h`is Drugs, and everything, else xsdld `by ,him. It is also a noted fa.ct_,tlin,t 91-9- scriptiona are liyhim most curefqIlyfc_9m- pounded. 4 : `_ ."`u` Uon vayuuuu u.v u.......,, .7 D'.\LTON .\icC4R1`EYy Q._C. A literal minded youugsta`r was pm!- ed up by a visitor of thejamily, who dandling-him on his knie`,s "I with I had this little boy; I think that than in mono: in him " Tn ...t.:..L _..-_..- .. nu nun; AAIJIILU y 1. nuns snnlvlnero is money in him. To which prompt- ly responded the child: I know then is, for 1 swallowed a can! when I who at grandma's the other dpy. ' . A painter being asked to estimate the cost of painting a certain houho, drew forth a `pencil and paper ond made the following oulculatio:A nought is 3 nought; three into ve twice vou can't--Pl! pamt your house for fifty dollars. A ' - What is your buuiuuss ? " asked I judge of a prisoner at the hat. 0 Well I spose you might call me a,locksmithV.. When were you last at your `trade 1" Last night. when} heard u call for the police, and I made a bolt fo: the from door. - A St. Louis paper End: two column . account ofa hotel of that city. Thu bedbugs after reading It overoarefully, heldn meeting and denounced the paper -for not mentioning them. According to the.` census there Ira only two men in America wlio unto a specialty of the manufacture of hand. organs, and yet they still live, and are free from the tear of assassination. A Texas town was recently viaitod by n clergyman for the first time in its history, and the inhabitants, hwxahingh to do the handsome thing by him,oer- ed to get up a horse-race fofhio enter- tamment. An old clergyman spying I boy creeping through 8 lance exclaimed: What! crawling through: fence! Pig: do that. Yes, retorted the boy,I.nd old hogs go along thogttoel. A New York paper gravely ohoorvu that the suicide of a farmer, which it notices, _ is singularly strango, inasmuch ashe has not been in this habit ol doing such things. - There is a mule in East Wheeling, W. Va., who has kicked the tool oi! his stable every night for the put week, in addition to knocking the squeal out of a family of pigs. A Illinois editor returns thanks for 5 centipede sent to Him by mail from '1`exas,n being, he says, the ft cent of any kmd th,at we've teccivod for several weeks. = OUAKH11 as Duzo, [unln mcunncry l Mc_Curlhy,] Barristers and Atforneys, Sdicitors-in Chancery,` Notn;-ies Public and gouveynucera. Dunlop street, Baryie. 1 nu.r../m \ O.C. WI. Rnvn T. T. D . J 3. ORJOKSHANK, OORONEE; kc. Otce--ln Brick Block. Dunlop Str_60?-o Hm at, opposite Watlon & 00., DI-ugg_1ats, 386- Residence, first house East of Regutr-y Umch I3'0!ce hours-t'rom 10 till 12, Fore- uoon, and from 1 v.ill'3, Afternoon. 11-12m p ----..._.____j} , ij An Indian paper thus politely ex- presses an opinion of a judge :-" Ha knowsjuat about asmuch of lair , u a mule does 0! minerology-Ihe chncu being in favor of the mule. [7 Have you seen mrblacklnced 3111- ` elope !inquired Mr. L_eoacope,who had a collection of animals, No, I hum not. Whom did your blaoklsced aunt elope with 2" `-Yes, sir, said a Michigan Fourth of July orator, Putnam went right into the wolf's den, dragged her out, and the independence of America was secured. A Boston correspondent of the Tfue South wmes that Boston may be built on seven hills, but the streets are to mixed up that you can ! toll which hill you are on. A Tennessee man wrote his will on 9. paper collar, and it passed through the Probate Court as well as any other will, though a little unhundy about filing. ` T When the wife is `detected showing unusual a'ecu on for her husbundat may fairly be expected that she will appear before - long m a new bonnet. A widower replied toasympalhidg visitor at the funeral of his wife, Well yes, sir, lshall miss her; she was I very expensive woman. While an lndianupi 1-is journalist was writing an account 01 a butgluwhia own ` room was broken into Ind ransacked by thieves. There is nothing more oaldulntod to weaken` a boy s moral chm-actot than to get his shing-hook fustonod on rubbish in theriver. V/Vvhat is that which the rich man wants, the poor man has, the minor spends, and the spendthrifl nova?-- Nothing. Where is money first mentioned in the Bible ! Where the dove brought the green back to Noah. Wl;at;'s that whnch has momband never spanks, and a bed in which it never sleeps 1--A river. A man who has noihing to my, is `sure to take time, and use mnny words in saying n; V L dead hen 1: more valuable than I live one; she willlay whordvol you at her. What a graaghoppot. won`! out, can never bejnsed around 3 blnohmithf shop. | `What e'f!eot would ;h'e spuvz of the I moment have upon a clothes horn! .4 Everybody is anxious to gotohuven; but nobody is m a hurty oboutit. .6-o . ;- Onion Saoiali ? ate isndolwnt Ro- chester, N.Y. . - LNever tell a .secfct` in 3 ohm eld-- think of the carp! ' . vWhen is a f;:;;nr| } nleok Me a bolll When it is wmng 19: `dinner. [ri.&"P;Y c'R'Esw1cK'zE,'Jr ,Pro'.'inciI.I Land Surveyar, Valuer, &c., Bnrrie. -.--- .\,-- .\\.-.-.-.-._x----~~~ ~ `lgostv-.-L-' buttonjxftm In paint. ' - ' How many feet`aro~tvhonV'i|-3-N_V! Yard? ' ' [ _ time 0 er. V Pnmxl, ed Week1y,'i n the annann morning T301 9f.B'l~ro awe of the dgy rand tuning the _ he atfairsofzthe 031 matters 51 m advsncg or $2.00 irnot KY-Price t subsgnplion. `kid at the vxamsxxo -. ixlinesor u . 500 ; each subsequent oienfgfstgnlartiou inn, -8 ,;erline,1-st insertion`-c` Over: sequent one 2c. ` Profguional inch |u'b_ Cards $4 -per year 33 for Si " Business nmuore than ten ling3_ S 8 Xi months, if v d by ' 5 year pee `I '"4PI.<:t| vent. Orders to .=',5conm m ' Puts of` V,,,. as to pa madein writing 9 Advex-333$ ;`{a;ic```{. ` 311 an; % I P . p an eoption Ofthe `raga Pllblilh; Pubiish even 1' Boonuzwm and The faci1itia:h:)`t111t'tfli done on the men: _are more complete `H, '3Btgb]'3h_ North of Toronto, hum b"! any Rb ned out in every pucu3i.0n carefully premises. Uoxnmunicntious should be A A ddreiiod t 0 the Publisher, post-paid. '~ I you; me, Jun. 1 1362. ,`Iehi'cal Iprofesaziau. $35-5} q as NOR'l`HERI-. ADVANCE. 3u5m:m1:e Noticcsg ,` ....-..\.-..-.a\/\,_,\ VALTBR J. KEATINQ, KTTORNEJXTIT}-. V L W, s`ol1cilor-in-Chancery, and Con. _,'m,.,-, 'u{hces-Uve1-`Post Oice, Owen met,-Bnrrxe. Money to Lend. ~_ 13., foCARTHY & BOYS, [LATE Mcoguiray / A V:-.Curlhv.'l Barristers and Anm-mm. Or to a.>CU_T1ER,4 County Crown Attorn'ey:,. . Barrister. sc.. Barrie.` - 41 " - - __.~w - or D110. II BOBANKO, (GA gTA:E M Philadelphia vent.-I 0 E8; ch_,g,, totindiu his otce every '33? x . , .. -' 1, at` made for pf0f6l8lOlJll vmti. 00111` `' '. 1 Barrie. - 511rnn_)or s Kathi *IL1II?E9.II}: uxnum, . .E., .L.S. cgal Qmrhs. J. l`1|"4lSDI h!S. 1' MIlD\.'.'.V, . Secrctaly 2:`; Treasurer, l`.>ronto, A; MHRROW. ' ` _ ._ -. ..--v-gnavai I DIPODITOIY 01? Till RRANMI` nun. vnnuvu. DID] DUILOP ITBIIT. Inun apply I. HF.RlE;'l` MASON, rnlmwu A`: 7`)-msurer I`.)rm Hilly q I IUUSUTUT A; uormow, ./Innrnicnr . hm. HENiz?snwEn1. innlnnlurn Vnll nu-ninli-"In M.` I)-..\V"El.LS, Gmduale Toronto. Un"veraity. Member C`o1lege,Pby5iciuns and Surgeons, Unl.--()Ice-()ver Wells Bros . Drug Store, Uupoaito Barrie Hotel, Hotel, Dunlap street. 38 5.. ."._ . v 1:115 uuum IOUN-' mu AGRICUL- mu. impunuzur AND srovz wonxs. ` IIIAIAIS I UL`: Cnurronn Taouson, * C . E . . P_L.S IVIUHKXU W, ./Inpraisef, -. :T'*<----2 El BA I .1 nu-`iE.. .2H"_ gun, uauloo 1 WI. Bows, L.L.B. ED 1 UOISUN ' c.E.,P.L'.s._` ,-at Barrie I]! W Punmnn. sue proprlelol` or we uominion Hotel has re- cently, owing to its giest incrcsse in business, been compelled to add double accommodation to his old house, and has bed the establishment re-tted and re-furnished, and with ample stables, beds, and sample rooms, he thinks he will be able to receive all of his old friends, who have so liberally supported him in the past.` Room for one,- room for all. Best wines and liquors, best table, best accommodation, of any country place in the Dominion.-W. 0. Hand requests thepablic to bear in mind that he _is at the present time the on1y,Licensed' Auctioneer in these pa.rts,snd in that department of his businesshe is prepared to ive his best atten- tion to the interests of sett ers, and iu's.ll eases to give fair play to buyers. ,l3'Sales_of stock of all kinds promptly attended to, and prompt settlement always assured. ~ . 42-1 - -or-\v . |vI\ I-vr\n|vsr .2 . I` . . - Excellent nccomodation for Summer Visitors, Tourists, and the Travelling Public. Boats, Fishing Tsckle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. The Bar is well suppli- ed with Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Good Stablingnnd attentive Ostlers. N.B.--Splendid Speckled Trout streams in the vicinity. 48-ly.-W VETERINARY SURGEON, THORNTON. ' Tho anblcribofbegs to inform the inhabitants of Thornton and vlcinity, that his olce in or Thornton P. 0. . South _Simcoe, nnd-tln0. he is prepared to promptly attend to all DISEASES OF HORSES AND CATTLE And nnythlnz requiring Voter-innry Skill. Ell Gonlmon Powders, Healing Oil, &c.,will` be found `very elhucioumand are-sold by J. P. KIDD, Druggm, &c., Borrle. Orders promptly attended to. ' ' s-y . H. Bmcxsroox. _ CHRISTOPHER HARRISON. , nlllnnlmnnu an an..- The boat Billlsrd Parlor North `of Toronto. The table is supplied with everything in season. Pure Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling. Barrie, Dee. 187.11, 1872 V 1061 u---.--- The Table and Bar wo1lsnTpplTied. Goo d Beds `First-clan Stabling and Attentive Hostlora. ' 49.1: The`Simcoo, under its I`.-1-xv management, has undergone considerable improvement, and now presents to the travelling community I house unexcelled for commodionsneas and com- fort The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of Liquors _and Cigars, and in the charge of an adept eompounder of drinks. Good Stabling and Sheds. ` 40-ly HE EXCHANGE HOTEL, UOOKSTOWN`. JOHNVGREGG, - - - Proprietor. V Wines, Li non, and Oigerl, of- the best quality, supp ied at thebnr. A`good table is always kept. Excellent eccommodstion for Tnvelleri. An attentive Hauler. Charges moderate. Stage twice dnily from the house to Guilford, and daily from Rouemont and Al- lielon and buck '- -ly Wnnnxxarox noun, oooxsrown. ' The best brands of Wines. Liquors, Cigars, and the etceteru of a rst`-class but always on hand. The tnble is unequalled in its furnish- ings. The commetcisl rooms Ire better than any North of Toronto. The subling accom-, modstion cannot be_exeelled. Slugs twice a dsy to and from Gullford, and daily from the house to Rosemont and `Alliston and back. 42-ly oppositeathe `Advance office, Parrie. This comrnodious establishment has just been opened, and having been built especially for the purpose of a ret-class `hotel, is tted up as such, and will compare favourably with any house ot the kind North of Toronto. Commer- clal travellers, private families on casual visit; and the public generally will nd that the pro- prietor knowl how -to provide for" their especial requirements. The best of stabling attached, attended to by obliging and exp-rienced host- lers.- Stages leave this he use daily on the ar- rival of the up trains. Bar well supplied with the best ofliquors and cigars. . e ' . 33- Good Bond, good accommodation for Travel- len, good Wines; Liquors, and Cigars. An omntive Ho|tIor_ alwaya ln'o.mndan_oe.' 9-y Oharlos Olarkgon, (late of the Turf Club FI`nnnn\ lung in intimntn In Hm nnhb that ha 11112 uansx Ll.\JJ.l.'J.|Ju>: Olarkpon, Houae)be I tointimlteto the public thnt he has opone ontant-clans Hotel on the pre- misollntely oocupiodutho Bank of Toronto. The bar in tted up in tint-clan: Ityle, and Liquor: and Gina of tho choicest brands cm Always be bod. The Stshling is good and gmplo. " The heat ofnooomodntion` in` oorod to tnvollon and bou:don,' uothe room: are large 3'4 litigant! the but of board in to behnpd. An atuntivo outlornlwo 1 In nmndgnoe.` ' . UH`-R SIR HLAVDFRAVH '- ' Corner of Mulcnter and D-mlop Streets", oppositethe `Advance This commndinnn -ac..m:.x........o I...-. :..-...: nu. u.:x1u1u1'UAV G BICUUIVISIEI,--hell` U\'en,ce-Col1ier street, Barrie, Ont. aux names, 1'. c.I('C0NKlYx ' I. n. conona. V I-Du 3`-"' .I. V . ' E. OONWAY, - - - Proprietor. Superior accommodation, and every atten- tion paid to the requirements of travellers. Room: for Commercial Travellers. Terms moderate. .. 42-ly _ . t`1I.ADl(Qn7u nnnnnn n A n---n `OCEAN -S7-ll nu uuusu WIUIOIIK \lCUC'.i0Ho ' ecurity.Px-ompz pnyment, and liborality in adjustment of its losses are `the prominent future: of this wealthy company. Fire "and Life Policies issued with vtu-n m.n.;.n' wuurel or ms wealthy Policies issued with very libornll conditions. HEAD OFFICE, CANADA nmmcn, . MONTREAL. G. F.- 0. SMITH, Antoni. as. nnmm.-.. _.. _.- ...__...._.__ THE LIVERPOOL. Loxniflxnn `<;i]5E Insurance company. Available Assets, $27,000,000. - Loulu paid in course of Thirty-ve yearn, exceed Forty Millions of Dollars. ` clim by Chiln WWI-A nnwu-In-i AA ---~' ` uceeu tony Millions " A ~' 4, Claims by Chiongo Fire, estimated at nearly $3,000,000.31-e being liquidated :5: fun as ad'uated without deduction. ecuritv. Prnmnv nnmm.-.9 ....A I:L-_,I-- u unto Ulork in County Registry Office] Conveysncer, Commissioner in Queen : Beucl-,A Auctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses, Lands, Farm Stock," Household Furniture, Goods, Wares,&c. Also for the collection ofR9nts, Notes and Accounts. u"0ssh advances made on goods let; for Sale. __ 8u_le Room, Collier and Mmlm 9- gg uun save. Sale 1 Barrio . BAKRIE I huaxc: Guxnnm, 0.R..P us. ROGERS ` " . * I cnmr oosusnn`, County _of- Sim coe, ggica o p_;:o_aite the b_lar_l;et., Bgrrie. osnpn ROGERS, j [lute Clerk C,oun,fy Regiifry 00l1H1Ii8IiOlJ01'in Duluth : Rmmu. A .Ios.nou1: as -.,`..y ..,`~......-.v. ~`\ _ DUNC AN M. CHURCH, PROPRIETOR. _ Late of Harwood Radmad Hou.w,Rm 1.43135. TERMS Uunlllninulnu nu A nu, uugwuur nu-Mun` EAST, BARRI/E. _ JAMES HAYDEN, --Z ` Pgopgnz-oh . '5. ARMSTRONG, -V - - L-Proprietor. The proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has re.-' znntlv. nwino on in chant |....-...=. :. t....:........ womnmom. HOTEL, DUNLOP swam I HART`- RARRTE. - V [\HE.Ro3uL HOTEL, ALLANDALE. - (0roxon s old stand.) ---- HE s1uoon'aoosn,nE door West arm; Old Bank of Toronto Building, _Dun1op street Barrie - IPODITOIY IYARBIEVBIIEANGH BIBLE socmri. ` WEE WELLINGTON HOTEL. V mos. sumunnswr, Proprietor. `1LARKsoN uouszc, u.mn1z:` J JOSHUA CILARKSON; Proprietor. I . { W. 0. HAND, Proprietor and Auctioneor j0&lINIOI"HO,;1`Is`.L, ALLISTON. [IDLAND HOTEL, (Late Royal.) corner of Ftont and Coldvater streets, Orillia,Ont. ngunu, pa; BEE. fotels nub Sula FLT EL. I os. nouns, Cons ILSHANAOY, -A -f :---- '.*.'::;i.'r1:I_ TAYLOR, Proprietbr. Vol.

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