-.iq._1' 8,`i1dK'i\~ I(:)1)_Li`4;- ":1-fs.Tam. s:i_j.`.rilli '3 1`.'x'chej31:ig`i, F)" ' . u-r mas, A56 in` huge tanks smI1BALsV% u.--u_\a`.' can: -IN-S1`TI 1`U 1`ET,~ :me015R0[ME =s --. `.\-.`-.~ 4 u uauwu - -nnnvvrv, vi): andvihcisame NR1 U) \V luL.u anin1u'1S..1'n': }`~Ly `xfuujuc, Illslulillb` worm; $100] t; cost more Ii-u.Ll2y pie -_ of. water. Heat man --Jgbs 15 lbs J. J. BROWN.= _ -:5 J. J, Baowx! _ J. J. BROWN J. J. SHOWN. >1; J. .BRciwN.'. J. J . BROWN; J. J. I$1oWN. |3j. J. Bao.WN._ J. J. 1_s1i0wN. I3;-3.BnOWNi Bnss-i_/;KIN,Gz WAHDHUBES agggii mu sow. W3. 3?)? am} I Lat:-Iv frnm Enalnlnd . reahentfnllv infm-mu an` Lately from Elaglnnd, respectfully informs the public of Barrie_ and vicinity that aha l_m.s open- edvouta . 1171' `I 111'!-1r\11 A fxh `II I `If :I lihllnnun. I`lI_l) IIIIEE I i 2 doors West of the Wellxugton Hotel, and win gnnrantee to make the most fashionable - `rm /A\T.V\?TNII'n@ [JUST To HAND I [.u..' [M I LL Lu ERTY 1| |M1LLINERgo SS-MAKiNG| RE ON D IIUISII UN ELIZABETH STREET 1 1) dnnrn Want nf the Wallinatnn Halal. and mi " 'g;';ms;;; .1; am ;;.;;`.:;.;: 2;;i;aa.;.1,3."'?' m:1m*ma:m, . % mnlzzmmmxwx Mmmmmzl " At _'.... Lnna in On-am and an ..1.-.... -- `L- . X J33?! 3321 of any house In town, npd as. cheap as the cheapest. Mrs. Bowel! hevmg had an exten- sive experience 1;: England is prepared to full allvordeu entrusted to her, promptly, stylishly, ' and cheaply Ladies 1113 Rentlemen` can be supplied); this gntnhlhhlnnnl with anon anon \%BEEEHLEi`MN9| 1': u?" 1tll IIIHIIUI l'A'l"l'ISH `on hand for ule at I low gure- Front street. Bu-rig. batman E on uanq Ior 3:16 [I I IOW ngure. ` .; Front street, Barrio, bptween E.& W. Berke and Pn1lnn'a stout. ` . . Sodt.` 3, `'13. g V. _ as-lya EBARRIE 33: I nevi". I In uh- .W`HOI._.ESA`LE' AND` RETAIL. March 11, 1874. A! Cheap Rates. . Ladias waited u at their residence. P. 8.--All kinds 7 PATTERNS cdnatnntly. :11 hand lowznri. : ~ " . I PRIEB LISTS READY. For Spring5 Trade. apxyu . and gcnemen be suppliedjt establishment with very good main in nI-` nun -u-1-nu-.. DUNLOP ' STREET, th.'nhi t. I ` Av?u.n:n1.n_`- -3%.: }.'.1...'.f.! ` L1 11 uuuu STORE ON `WATER LIME. PLANTS FARM SEEDS VEGETABLE Barrie. WAREHOUSE. _SEASON. 'sans. meal, 11-tf ii- rrexsure-1001 can no: rca5l ." "5` ""1 heavy stitching. - . __ _ 12.` Can be regulated the taiie'UP3P"T"5 a"d ing to atilching.., ` . . _ 13. (Ian regulate throw-o 1P'.". h"""e'race to suit sawinr. ' _ I platsg, &c., L\'.c. I. `,nl| [uI[7w'UIl I`/VP Ivllv -Illiasurv -v-vu sewing. - 14. Has square needle-ba_r;'h33 `W0 .`h"` ``` them. - -8.` -S|'mpli<:i1y V0l. siii('l1 ;eg41lulor;easy- lu be uliderstood ~ _. 9.hCnpa'cily to do all kinds or worxmhght or eavy. 4 . . 10. It mnksthelock-stitch firm. and 300d-. 11.v Pressure-fool be regulated for light or hanvv gmnhino, FAMILYMABHENE] W `. sxmamz v , v gewme Mm:mN5;,| Highly ornamented Machines on Iron Sinhd, .I. Black Walnut Table and Drawer, [Pol1Ihed.] All Sma Machiner v AkAepbt co}1stantly on hond.xm_d large machines furmshed on the shoxtest possibie notice at n1anufm:tum.s prices and terms, and sulgect - " b T I _* to their warmnty. - _ ` LIBERAL nnscovmvs, ALLOWED 'n':;> CASH CUSTOMERS. . REPAIRB FOR ALL MACIIINES; SOLD KEl :~'.` If-'3 `STOCK. Sole agents fog`. WILSON S DQt1b1e Action FANNING MILL_ Barfio, May lst,-187L - w.o.\\*ILLIA1Is'mmuwtzma 00., furnish with each Family'Machine .one Hemmer,one of Hnl1 scnmbined Tucker, - , Binder, Buster, Friller, and edjnslab`e Hemmer, one extra Throat Piece, oneGu__ide and Screw, '| one Wrench, one Screwdnver, one Oiler, six Bobbins, one dozen Needles. one Braider and - one copy 01 Directions Higher grades of Mhchiqes cquily raasonable]',in pnoe. Dunlap street Barrie ouidrl M 0ART|lY'S Bgucx smcx, Sptides, ` L` I 083 o%GpnMAcHINE.l ic.A. PERKINS ) --tr-T-- Tuuunuwru 2-uj Bought since the Fall, cheaper tharrany others in Ihe trade. Sole agems for ' County of Simone, for the celebrated 1-\ .`. .-p. 4" H.` -_-- A. ._-._._.._._..__.. _. _...--. -....._._.__., 'cHo|cE co"o"KaNG STOVES, Bunaht sinnn the Fall. nhanner thnnnnv nthnrn in Hm trmln. Sula nmanta Fm- Is e;ccl1e11t fqr tlie t'<;1lowi1;g pcnts_ unread 7. Simplicity ~ them. _ 2 .91.: linh. l. Simplicity of consuuclion", parts a[1d m l me-uls; it is well mud::- ' Z. Nvonrliabilily to get out olordeneilher '1) hr slnndingg . L `Perfection or adaptability ofall its parts. _ l. Easy of wurkin -, light running: 9-"'31 '10` "' 5. Easy pfmanagemenl; no great skill re`! `l looperate H. " . ,. _ ` ~ ' V I S. Reliabilnyml won l skip stitches or break the thread l r, R.'.....i;...~... ..r.......-.\...: nrl lmrtl lo maua `s %jA13i{1 FOR SALE. WA! 3:13 a` eI\lnv|pl':p` Y...-...-__.l `|_ --I--- For gale. a Splendid Improved Faun of 5aerea- negr,lheRaoe Course--Cheap for '.quh:.- ortermiq jniother pm-Iicnlam; M pp1yto-._ .. J. H-.-JOHNs,ono . ; J; B. JoHNo_N, :. . SAWI-NG MACHINBS, % BROAD CAST and ROW SEED DRILLS, . SULKY HAY. RAKES, GRAY S CULTIVATORS,' `III l'\TTf`1l"IC\ _A"_'I'l `L3,. 'l_ I... .-_ 2.- _, Tnnssulm: Mnuuiues amiss, moms, 1 PRICE;_40.00. . yo- long an -- ~ Sewing Ma- ' (zhinc have been at all widely known to -the -pcpple`. the Siuge; has been in pro- _mincn1exnstence, andduring all those years has been nmlergping im. provemenls compatible will; the demand. oflhenge _ - Plmvls BROS A V 2-~cA%s`E 7 GANNEE GOODS 1% VZI`l{ F. ".1. U >3 l`,L`Y. LeEL1~;`1ii:A'19l2D 5.'cALL AND SEE IT, _;gg ...--...-u.--.--....V--na--_--- e-~.I`US1`-_ TO` HAND- A'I' w1LKINsgWm%gnTFIQOUGHS, AR'%9UlTU'WWAR%EH0'U3E%! au19ANI)1:iJ`i3T1VKsMlTn s}_' -I------s ---q--v- /-sq '1-\ -u-\ )\ \r.\l _. _.._.., ` ---` _-.;lI. Slpovepls, 1>r;Acm:s,% runs, DAMSDNS, % TOMATOES," BEANS; % ___1?EAS,- _ % covz: OYSTERS, SALl![0N,'_; 0BT3RS%% ..___:. SINGER`- SV~ TMai;_ufa.ct11.1'e, by 2~-. c A s as V of tensions; not hard (70 mavnagq.-I PLAIN`. Gopaiating df K@'EmVE?3BRG$.5 Ll&\I\J\.I-.a.n.- -- P_LOUGHSV;f all kinds inc1Ld1B}iT v-v--n-94...-.qg . --VA. -urxw ,.---. Laxvn -I-u'\n'1',`I`P\f\ 1 -l{ -L. I 7\./ L; I V .L .L ` \II ..LVJ..L.I. ` 1 1 ' . . . C lhe best Sewing Machme In Canada. `Next doof to HICLKEHY, Dun]; Street,` v ` ' ` T _ Barrie; rsrgi. \/Iy4.LLI\II .4. Harrows, Platform Scales; M owers, -B_A3R!E. '1')EX1:3'RsT. :1. HI uu1:m'J, 1 UL`. JUDDILVU DU ILULN. J , -.-Cdmbinea dispatch, economy, and sun _du;abi1ny in carrying Ihrougheach branch 95910:. ofmasqn, bricklayer,,plssIe1er,'alatcr, while-. . washing.-'qo,l9ring,-patmzhangung. sac.` A `V `gal willegiurpVnlqction. ` I Give early R akes.` 'STEAM,HOTAIR&HOTWATER ., ..... ...u Machine . and non- ! -* `staxitlv on hand. Ou the latest ind` - _.,..,.-.n.nu JJAJEALIEIC 3 Application for .21 Patch; of which is being made. Iron Pipes and Pumps of all kinds always on hand. All kinds ot j cornice.work, ` p1.nnbing,'and bell hanging done._ ` [I113 TAT (1 `III `I II` It in-v rs: -- ;et:}`:3r(.brnhchea prQmpt1y,ne`atly nd c?ap13v~ " JOE)? PLAXTON, nnnhm R: u.. ....:,. uuunp IUI uusug uuu Ilnlgl EJ28- ' ~R.*m<-mher` the_ Place, Gorner`Stor Morrow? `Brick I5ock,cIosato the M'a.tk_et, 9. convenient PIac-- for Fnrmms`. - , ' -. ` , ` Barrie .- ' `-1, 1874. _ = I GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED,` FIELD & GARDEN ` SEEDS .I RUI'l`S,VEGETABLE3, GENERAL PROVISIONS. . `AND EARTHENWARE. Evtiarylhling bought that Farmers hue to sell, Va :1 the higbestarket Price: paid. _ ..U. intendsjo do buainess,aud will s_ell Cheap for Cash. Call and See. -.p..mnmhm~'n.. DI... rv.;~.......-u.....'. :1 nnnn ...,_- Nov _5= 7187 TIMBER LANDS, Gnowlm: `TIMBER, SAW MILLAND I-n1v1'u:Gns.m THE ' comvry or SIMCOE. THE Mx:BKI%=ir smiwl K which will be produced a By virtue ofa Ho:-{gage -d-ated :11? 15th Nov- ember. 1873, from Juliu C-aaaar McCarty (and his wifehs to dower) tokolm Frederick Wood, the sale, there will bepold by ` ' I'\'I'T -qt - -- -.\. - .. . --._.__->- .uAJLu|.p `an; . _ Actors, cx;.'r:`- ,0 AL Q ; NE.-ARL-.`Y OTDOURLESS. VBe.~.aI Grade of Oil I'.Ianui :1_c lumI SOLD WHOLESALE-AND_ RETAIL _ _ _..., .....aoy.:.q In tho town of Dundee, in the county of Wont- woxth. ON FRIDAY, THE - Hm DAY OF AUGUST. 1874, at noon, by James Some:-ville, . Anotioneei-,a'll the right, t tie, and equity of redemption ofthe said McUnrty,and his aasignee in Insolvency of, in and to the following lands in the townshipof Vespra, in the county of Simcrw. namely, the. north half and south west . quar` . Lot '14, 4th Concession; 150 ac;-es. _ . Lo: 13, in 4th Concession; 200 `acres, reaeri-" mg 2 acres. _ I - N'ni-th-wont nnrnnr nf' Gnu-I lmlrnr ......u. .....s mg '1. IcreB- ' North-west, cornetof south half of aouth-e.~at half of Lot 14, in the 4th Conce5sion,\ acre_, and Lot 37, in the 2nd Cimceaaion, and in` and to the pine `tree: growing and aianding, lying V and being in and upon the following lands in the said township of Veapm, namely : Lot 15, in the 2nd Concession; 0. lot. comaiuing about ` 60 acres, c-led the Dutche: Lot; Lot 19, in the 2nd Con-Lesaion: Lot 32, in the zml Concession. Uuor. tho monert-.1 H19-mam m-onlnrl n m=.on- 1 PU B LI}:"iI(:'1"iT)N}l znu uuuzesamnz not 52, In me znu Uoncessinn. ` Upon the property uzereare erected A Wiler ! power Circulsr Saw Mill. Five Frame Dwelling ' Houses, at Frame Barn, and pthr nmhoueeta; The nrmmrtv in annumhm-pd. nrir on 1%..` nous.-r, u. rnune Darn, apn plner uutnouees, . The progegty in en_c_umbeed- prior to the Vendor's E ortgagb by 5. Mortgage for unpaid purchase money, to one David Garvin, to the . extent if `w. CC0.00`und interest at 6 per, cent. fron; 31-.2.... .-cn1b:-r, 1873. `_ A . -The Vendor will only produce to the Vendee 9. Rc,1istrur's abstract of the title and the deeds' `in `his possession and control. A r The nnmhnser will at who gala` nan Am... .1 ll) Ul3 IYUSBCSEIUIJ ED COIIIIUI. -The purchaser will at theiaala-', pay down a deposit of ten per cent of the pugchasdinoney, and we balane within one month thereafter. 'l'he`dned In than Vnni-a--HI ha m~.......a I. tut: veuupr: Dun:nol'8 IL H18 venu-:e`s expense. Further particulars may be had, and full con- dions of sale. may be_ sun at the Oice, at the said town `of Dundas, of the Vendox- s Solicitors. , . 7 Dated 7th July, A.D.,1874. ` - 0SLER,'WINK & __GWYN,,- _ 96.5: 1r-...a...:-'u-|:_':'.....-. THU B U L ;;l;Wl;`;;::;TE R 5;: Annlh-nnn ft... . Dn4,.;.4 -1` ._-L:, auu-u1e usmuce wnmu one momn thereafter. 'l`heTdeed to the Veude'wi1-l he prepared by the Vendor's Solicitors in the Vendee`a Fuuhcr nartirulara mu be had. and full enn- To every W-. dren under 9 all whg buy 1 ed,jwritLen u Greehbak `tr. Presenting To 29`-,5t -_ ... . ._. ._ .___._...-. W 1` EIKLE-, Estat Agont,Acconntant, - I _ Conveyancor, Collector of nuts , notes, or other debts Acco`untBookaudjuay.ed. `D_ee1s,Mortgd ge3, Lenses.&c.,`d1-awn up-in -the moat con-est manner. Pexqonal and prompt ntjention to_ business. Ofhce, oomer_.B yeld and Collier; Ste}, Barrie, 0. L . _ _2',S-_11-Vt ._ . ......___. HEATERS Z\ 7!;"< :L`'IT}l-E-:2)i:D Fink 1:1;-ii,- u..'.. a.... L _ _ _ _ _ . . ___1 u_., IIU" [U1 rnxuxuus. _Barr.i_: _.- {saxa m1: s. '"AA" % La, For the sale of _ ;AmuE FUhNA_CE wo_1-'.1 1 The suliacribr is prepared to` build J.~r;-|:,I:i:31,'rxaEJdi3B1NG BGFLDER.` - --Cn`m"himu tnclnnlnh Annnlunu and AT RILE YfS -HOTEL. ,__ ,4- r\,, I WIRE 'La'11;;_'~ ' 'oxact[i_mx'utiuu of T Forks, Hui just. ben, opened by ` 3 Q` 3 i~"!f In I TWTATSTON & 00.; moat_scient1c principle-3,. He also mgkes ` II'_or & c., &c. AND _D1't_1ggist8, I-"ront str-set, Barxtie .1:-' I hAA'l'UN,V , Dunlap SL, Barrie. 45-1_v ._.__....._..,_.. _.._.....__. ...u.. on u u an, Vendor s'So|ici`tox.'s' 1v:- 18-6m0; ffmx-Q T F R E M L ` mu i'WNUiitl!_Ah'Htb' Lit LAND in the -111: (`on. of - l'ay,A born}; Lot _I\u. 8,_is cleared e!`-I. I.in'1bc~r.~:d wiih Pine and Hard- wood, within _a mile of the Midland Railroad, two mileafrovn Hogg Buy, For particalus up- ply to - . - V MARTIN MOORE, Run-in. 1 I The subscriber offers for sale ` cheap, and on I easy tvrms, the following valuable property, viz. :-A one storey and n-hall frame dwelling house and-1 acre lot, `simata in the villagq of Sunuidale, township of Sun'nidal_e,- there is A good pump and never falling water supply on me lot. He also offers lot sale 8 {acre lots afjoining the `aforesaid house The above propF`lty.i.`! eligibly vaituatedgwitbin one mile `lronx New Lowell Station. For further parti- culars apply [if by letter post paid] to ` - ' WI. GLENN, 44-tr NGIBOD Hanna Ban-3: V .--_-on 'Being the West; Lot 11, in_l2th Con. Town- ship of lnuisl, distant from Barrie 31 miles, and from Allzmdale 2 miles, and within the circuit-of xv.-mile there are several _Grist,Sa.w,and other Mills. the Village of Painswick with its Churches, Posrice, School, Stores, to. _. Soil good clay loam-, 60 Acres cleared, well fenced, with frame Barn, Gmnery, Stable, Cow Houes, and other buildings. Ten mores of Fall Wheat in ground. ' POSS ESSION IMMEDIATELY. Part of purchas money can rennin on Mort- Agate. -For further.parl.iculars enquire of ROBERT, COX. or ' 42-ti 1 g1s;:1'Ba.y, beinir _:xmpo_ss;1'qf Lou; 114 .1 j lo m the 'I`;).\:VN_:>H,IP. Olf TAY, cqnuiuiug VH0 Ac,~;s._ - his 31llXJ.l_ed.v(gtnjn } ml from Il;Pu:1etaugq1shene,1 m11e.`from Mxdjgud on, `and {mile f:_'om Mandy 3 Buy. The;-e jg ; I'5tsC`3_55 lgmdmg for vassals at the begch For purucnlara apply to - _ ~ . JAMER nmmm . l 1:3 rtupcny us: uu um auorc.o,!-me Gem-. , V. V, ' ' ; T .-7` - L` I.` ` ' 2 45.1 NU U`1.3XE*a%3 _ `A i 4`-. " , ,r.-_-.-_-_ _ _ _ ... .- NEIL t:ti;i:%m::ft?%:`:5i: ready with afull assortment of Goods for the Spring,'1`rade, which wiil be found of rs!-class quality, am of the NEWEST STYLES. As usual he will be found to szive mine for money. He will eeH,CHEAP FOR CASH. ' Ordcrwork in the Latest Stil-*5. U1l_ .D0t_JT West of the MARKET STREET. Lutvu L'\I.L|r unpn \Jl{lEVl1'l.' .l`\JI\_ CASH. ` ---- 'A six and a-halfocmvo Piano,by Paxton, in good order and tune. -Can he seen at I Ill) `l2`Dl:`I7|nAxnu BOOTS AND s'iI`('31'+S,j I)l'TRRIa`l)Q X: n HT AND OTHERS: 4 ran Vsaus, 1. % ` u;nY&EHABLE,-P1NE WM 1| In. -,, - --.-un;a.a-.ac..a ; 5:144 L l.l.'\l.l1 Being Scum-half of Lo! No. 6, 2nd Conces- sion Flag This F-.xAnn has many fauilutieis fdr business purposes, be-:'ng_in the centre of a fine farming` country, and` on lhe opposite comer lo Apia Postmxce, where there me `two Slorea, one lld1l,`a11d.t\vo Blabkomilho Shops. ' -Tnrma mmln Ilnnuvn An ...\..I.....:..... a- .|._ HI ll IIIHUB Ill Uullllllllly UH HHHU. !G'SEW[NG MACHINES REPAHIED 43 All WORK WARRANTED to givo aatnsfnctlon. ";.S'pec'ial atzent1'onAg2 ven ta Rwairzng. POWDER,SHO'l`,CAPS, and AMMUNITION nf all l:ind.: Ham onmnnnolu um hand ' . J Orill?a, Ju_ly 17m, 1s3. ..__..._._.?._._...._.. Bole Reprospnlham Barnum, uu1.v.uu1' uLuL_'4aL, DJ1n.tI.14, Where he is preparedlo execule all orders emrusled to him wiih nealnes and deppaloh. V .A(:_<;3.:J 1-`on .FJS}{1 e::sI;x-e . , A Waggon in good order, and as good as new. Apply to V . . - or at FIELDS BROS., lhis"Ofce. nunlnn SI VEAT DUUK `I0 nun : U DALUON,] DUNl.i0P STREET, 1911121113,] A whnrn ha in nrnnnrnll In uvnnnin all nr ar- Bzarrig-._,`F'eb. 25th. 73. m LCDZUYQIJ1 X%Q` Wobld respectfullv inlimule lo the publicthal he his REM VED l.o`|he premises late- _Iy `ocupiex .by MR. McHENRY, ' Sannun, V [Nxxr book To HuN'r a SALOoN,] nrnvrnn .errpz'v'r n.4ppn:v , II`:-u V-u-VUI VIJIIIIIUP LII. V July 8.` 1814, 28-If V " s. CHRISTOPHER, REAL _ O_ wES l.`A.TE 82. COMHISSIUN AGENT. 'o_gII_eVc;te=% M!- k}. ' 0ioe7 our Hair]|oI; a More, Daley Landahought aud;ao_ld. IIou'scs.to_Iot. Rom: Banie March 3rd, 18737 `This Property lien on tho ahorao-h.e Gem. ; mm Bav.-beiu-.: c:.mnosad'of Lnfj 1 u.`.m3 July 17th, 1872. moms , GEN'I`LEMENS'. . AND (`J-Y .. I I V V if I 1 L57` Ieltiding Ldul:`(;'.|}.t:, Grout . , ' m puulnl. Terms made known on application to the rWl.' DUN LOP siiir, BARIRIE. _. III, . ,x- In nnr-nrn nrnnnn I l.I\I\I-I --:- 7 b't=7HQ1;::o :P_RIN (f:`r~_l-`1`..47.".1`. (ZA*>EL".-*_`;.}_'`_{ONb`. ......_._.__.-..._..____._.._._- FALUABLE FARM FOR. SALE. FALUABLE PROPERTY F0 |_ARI)WARE. '1 All), DHU 1,unrp,anu AADIIIIUAVI ll of all kinds kept constantly on hand. -SEWINL2 vunnrma.-z mapnnran sum, omwm, sfxnnmw, AND GENERAL \ \ 1 `The Beat E:u.m`e:: - And o!.`uu: un2_Inxl=, (?j;posz'&e aha Old To'7pnto. 1~1A%m) W A R I4), mo F03 SALE CHETA-P F011 HASH -Thomas 1Y1cVittie,A NEWPEIEVIISES, D UNLO P smmzr, ..\.'.'=`xI.!*j ' two sunnatn Asses CE LAND 1: l'av.- UL-ink: Lm Nu, R, in Ul II . 1l_\is"Ofce, `UB`1'ii1`: s, 355. "6"fIsi-':'"& 1:1:4:n" LOTS FOR SALE-INSUNNIDALE. '- I 1,560 Bing unuer .parucuw.rs enq BOBERTT COX, or . J'()SEPFl lL'{ Impoz-ter: cf anddnler ivn . - U mun-na . . . A ND GHILDRENS ; 1 - w A w. - man up seen at MR. FREEMAN 8 wlililuliult En..- F. 1. G 573. RIBBIN, Orillia. A 4,6 mm fXu1s noams. 3 Midland City `N uwx, or JOSEPH ROGE RS, Barri: H` H I. uhli, Nelson HouIe,.Ban_'1e. _}- .;m;\a a A m'a+' _y; L`. I lVl`4DII..1V' _ Furniture Ssorg, `Dunlop St., Bamc. p\RDw.mE. ND : . WP.RE IV `I TTf\f1 Una, Barrie. 9 If Barrie. I A u-rum-:l:1uu mm--n-n1 1-nhngz ul azlver to dafy wear and lfilr ~ali~!.1elm-ily -No ml: r8H| y (`help in am print`. um warlh buvmg. Watches and (ilorkn rmmnn-cl luv al:il....l u ream` ctnelp ill pru-.1! Walt-has (ilorks n men. Old Silvei, Jew: change-d. Merchnmz. Shi ` Wnlrl1vn.(ilm-|( :..|o2w: gnangen. Mercnmuz. .\ Winches-. Ulm-ks Jo: all parts ul Ihe wurfd. luv" `manta: uuuu A188! 8110 Prompt Payments, `Allowing other Companies the Doubtful Rid:-s at any rate they can get. Who ever heard of difficulty in scouring the settlement of claims for loss in the Beaver? nmnrnl .lln.--...c:l,. D:_L_ v,,_..,,: - -- - unx.u_I , nvvy. 2-"""' 1" AT/ircc C'o*2_st.e][ _ Whose diversied acts m. \mLq: s-.1:> ungensurat - ' -r .1... on nnnmivurn I. score L nnuumn uxuvxuuu LDULAD, uesumw English Artists. and Max-ul'ncum:l by J. W saw, v far exvced in bcanlv those m.;nnl:n alutuad. Tlujv 1-an unlv hr 0hIt\ii.t.'J in thy. .- li.'.hu1enl. INN]-` ART R|{HN'/I-`N A,\.`n '4-xnw Hmnenl. mm; A RT V ()RNA.'VlEN'l'S. |i....mnI gulf. . c .. UruVA.v1 I31` 1 .3. linonlnl at:/mx v 4.-rnle prices. A n'nrr'n*. Gnu -Cfll? PTICCS. ` An`r:~'r`m Gm. .hr.wm.1.b;iu',-vl Ihu .nt'ho:`~f 1 most cxqtlmla design-, wjh Mnnogr.-nus, (ire, '. and l)evic.-'-. Eunmellest in Cnluuin. after I);-.~ g a by Ihu mu.-I an--roInpIi.~Iu.d._z\niala in the } re:-:.- .\'1elah|. l'5mn..-hen, Bra:-:efeI;, Nm-klaces, Lm-`L. Ringn, and all kinda of lu_';'u/Mr:-:'r., ax .-upphrw! ` Menibcr of the (`mm and other Dinvin; :- Pmsonagm. Pk 151.3741: on PLA rl.-'-Tu-u unnnua is n! .I.~. Inn I-r`..'\I Int AND TUKUN, MUTUAL |nsunAuc"o'v Is ml! rlfrivzg the Big Bus-mess. : rn um 1 J{()1"}1JR'_1`Y ? [Insured on ('-ash b`_vsxom and on Premium Note Systom Premium Note l ulic_y Homers are not linble !or may losses on Mali system poli- cioa,ns they win 5 dmcuenl bram-.h. A llorpes mud Calllo Insured Axalust . Death. 1 THE m-nurn nun -rnnnn---- ...- --nu-u IIIIII vMII|lIIlU _ Is the only Crmadian Company doing this ciass ofbuainens. General Town and Village` Busi- `neu dona in Mercantile Bunch, which in en- tirely acpu-Me from Branch. . 'I'|.;.-`I1`. _. ---. 3 W` V ` ureuy acpunxe rrom branch. Dwellings in Towns and V 11111. _--_ I 1 s.|.1.ar5VD - Insuted at Lower Rates than those of any other Covupsuy doing business. Our motto is I T.l\`I7' Dn+n.n ll--.` '32-`..- _ H 3 uu'uplsu_)' uumg uusmass. Uur is iLow Rates, Good Risks and! pI'l\I`YI1\ but-vans l\Cl`lI %aAmm;g W; i .5ag',% M-,i Gi-ving1`uH, (hand :md`Co.xn`jp`lete ]`lxpQsi_ti'onTs-5 1. and 7Vp'.ViAn. . ;-15.. an r.-~v Lino.../a -1 I . an 31 ..:-g..._ wt mu m me uenverf I Genernl -Mercnntile Risks Insured in this otfce at very low rates, fully one fth. less than Stockompsnies Applyto R. JUDSON DOYLE, General Agent Saugeen District, Owen Sound. Ur to - GEO. A. ROBINSON, ` Traveing Ag -nt, Hurril. . Horizontal. Duplex, '(.'ur1age, Chime, Chronomolor,Chronograph, Diniugand Dmwing-mo..., Keyleu, Cenlra Seconds. . }fInH,Sho1v, Rcpeaxemlndian u.-,' - f1.ibrnrv,Buu:km,&c cynzv mu rm Mn: 11 :~I.n:-we .p.... ., IJOST.-- A Pt ckt Book containing and a Note of Hand for $153.95. Any person having fonnd the same will confer a favor by returning it lo R, S Mtamnm: I y IIIUII lha Bank. !NFWM3,H;!iBJ.;3J0PI! _ nu. _nuIuU Ll Juulllliug ` Pomwlnrly un the Iron Dcpar:ment,such as turning lqrgo Pulleys, 5 feet_ 6 inches in diametel; turning 'Shnh, 21 `feet 6 inches: long. This in the kind 0! Lathe for boring Cylmders propotly, It weighs 8 Ions. I have a good supply of smaller Lalheq and a rs!- olaao Iron Planer til foralmoul any job. Any parties wanting Coating: I can supply them on short notice, as I can every day 1!) Bradford. and have 3 very large quantity of panervs. I : beg to call to notice my ' lillhinlnlllsln ANII no-un up . .. I . MERCHA`N'l`S, smm>ERs,,`ANo WHOLE- SALE BUYERS are specially inviled--bx-flare sending lb:-ir orders .el.-ewhere-m obmux lrmn lhe Manufat-lorv the ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE or wivrcuss, CLOCKS, CHAINS. JEWELLERY. mid ELl(:TRO-PLAT .whicn -nu. unnl nnnl Iran a. ....a n..lu nvn ohn . .'...nnnI- J:.w:.uur.xIx.aun numanu-ru.-11 .wnIcn are sent post free, as not onlv arc the Iscounu liberal, but a lelecl-'ou can he made from the largest stock in the wm-hi. `O.-.l...-.x`..;m in union all.-..'..n on ck '\.1u.u.r..`.n;n . = Barrie. Oico over Well: Bron. Drug Store, 0]'\pQlilO lMcWsu"s Bgrrie Ho_tel. _ , 7 !y-i-p I _ Ausnslzulg Ag-nl, 4.` \/ ..L. .1. \.J LU: Fhe subscriber begs to oau the alumina of the public to the fact that be has opened hi: V "T`(A:ND i `' ,VA" .Ove1"-1,00% -an;'d;E.'orses_V urges! stock In me warm. ' Orders}.-an be sub! direct to the: Mzaalunmi-xzary, Ludgate Hill,ur through Merchxnu or Shipper.- in Enema. lIIA'l`lIlII.`(.` (II l\lvlrgw Ill |.u\\1hlhVu. WATCHES C LOCKS 0fnulu'udsmn2o2oo Gm. Ofalllrinzls/7112:0100!) (,'.,- Lever, Vertical. Church. Turret, Horizontal. Duplex, '(.'un_9iage, Chime, Chronomolor. Chrouolranh. .Dinmz and Dmwin2.r-mm. -u-- awv --A-r v---n -14 52111:, wh1.;h gives one quarter more dm thanihia common bar. In the :neau:m~.- don tforgel the Buneleld Plough.-4; I 21:11 manufa.omring'lhem on a large scale. `I , D'H'lll|!.!n'nrr.n- -n ( wugtnbn. _ Pam: Mzmnnm or ms: Lonnos, Dmsms, up Pam: EXHIBITIONI. Maker oflhe Chronograph by which `the Derby` and all other Races and Great Events 0! the - , U. y are-. timed. Mnuuncmnv AND Crrv Hum:-58 5, 60, LUD- GATE HILL. W337 END Es'rAnr.|.-nMr:.\"rs-25,OLD BOND ST, AND 99, WESTBOURNE GROVE, LON DUN. Barrio. hhreh 4, 1874. .1. To be lot by lender, for a term of ve ye from the 20th day of October next, :11 thn: . and parcel of land, No 27, cud must-2 at : ' ._ Bay, 3rd concession, oftho Township ox County of Simcoo. containing about 85 - mom or less, of whicshu acres are cleared .~ almost without a stump. Alan [ha Puhlic mun nnrl m-oi-niaaa 91.... '--__--av-`- WATCH dz CLOCK MAKER. GOLDSMITH. SILVERSMlTH.AND Ah I`IS'l`lC METAL womcsn. pnn1I.- Mlnnrun-I nu -Run Lnunnu n.u...\- nun To the Queen and Royal Family , To;H. R. H. the Prince 0! Wales (Special Ap'nl) ; And In several Indian Potemates, F .rcign" Governments, and Railway Companies. Established 1749. \ IIIIIUII. WILUOIH. ll uuunp. Also the Public House and premises the-\ calied by the mine of the Railrond Hotel,u'. Ridge Road from Barrio to _O:ill'u\. Tnndon will ha raneivn In Ihn ..m.I....u:.'.. Ill! Ulllllitl |lIl'AI|lI;lII I Will be found well stocked in nll.l1nea. Patti cular attention called to Teas. Wheat, nrley and Pork bough', sud the highest market price in Csslrwill be paid. R. NELSON. u---:.. n_...1..... no Inna lugll l\UI`-I IIUIII DITIIU LU _lJ.'U|1Ro ' Tenders will be received by the underuigucai . on or before THURSDAY, the 20th day 0!`: `AUGUST next, immediately alter which the person accepied will have gxotice thereof. Dated at Sh1u\t1,Ba_v, 20'.h.June, 1874. < _ ' ` ' Wi.LLiA)l HEARD, 23%-,tf . _ ` Proprieto -one-rt 'I`he pulneraiii heretofore existing be- tween William ilkuison and James Bell, Joing business under me name of Wilkinson 81. Bell, of the Village of Anne, in: this day dissolved by NIIHI31` consent. The bunineu `will be curried on_ by William Wilkinson, as formerly. ' ' .- III . . _ A _;_ i p Iain`: u u v - - . - . -.V.-I..- _--_-.: I The Tailoring Department ." la nnnuu clan nunnnntnndnnnn nf F A. Mnl. ouv aunfvnnuo -uw'-- w----- . Is tinder the supenmendence of Mr. A. Home. A complgto t guaranteed. Iv.-cuxull, Iuuluu u c, _n.uuuu y , unu an, ac ENGLISH ORMOLU CLOCKS, tlesmnrd Suzi!-all Arlinsu. In: J. W H- Cull l.'u|uIuIuu UVVII LADIES nR1_:ss Goons ,_ m e.._____..._' n..u:..-u. R-shin "" "whens; ' WM.WlLKlNS Samuel Wesley, JAMES BELL. Angu|,July,2_l, 1874., - -:37 Comprising new Black and Blue Broadcloth Whitneys,-Meonl, Buaven, Pilots Scotch, English and Unnndiur. 'l`weoJu,tbe best in the Market. nuaiuu-a. canvas `CI-`RUBg Qlhtlmco Gents Fu_x-niahing Goodl, -r n uswuqmn -\I'\'r1t"4t`| l`1t`\l'\I`\(`1 IVUI U IUIIJIIIIII`; II [II _ E. S.MEEKlNG. " Payment of the note has been slapped at na?Bnnk. ' rm. Ann wmm: uoonj '.No`~.1h'P'9.cic `-Iohst-': an. nnuauu ncgu wl I he has just opened out mi. NELSON begs to inform ha ha: inn nnnnul mlt }l.l'E0 ` -LU` Barrie October 22, I873. po Lukas. I " NEW BRICK BLOCK, "Dunlap Street, Barriei $. 1. Lad hmei BAv'i1`R'I*i' T0_0NTO v ,`.nnu.li.m {`.m...-\...... A . % T H E53" NEL$ON House, .--_ ...J . |nI1'ii')"\7:.n Gmrn: mug, hi.-h aivnu nnn nnnllnr ma... .4. LJl1LIL.I'J|) JIIIJJJLJDJ \.A\J\I-luv v Such an Dress Trimmings,` Buttong, B:-Aida Gimps, Ribbons, Pr nts,,Cot\0n|, &c., to. F A R 1% PR()} I1] RTY mod Syslom Prnminm .5: 2g ,%%.'I IN 01%;; Q AND ISSOLUTION sum ' OF PARTN ER` 7I:iI5i f:1:Z;:'-E:.!A{. N_l). Tf`)IA1'0_N"T() 'l'IIll lllollnnunnn 4.. TIIE GROCERY DEPARTMENT I K foupd wcl_{ sgockgd AlL};1nea_. P AL'i'kiN EF]ii'|ii;. .u1nr1y in Department. sl Vflb unuunnvc Ill : ml! -nknnvnnnv Knu- And is now prepared to do I I Illll RF Innnunnn -aw -'-u xiii Villages aver than tho: _nnI In/.l'.n `. oflhe newt:-\l nl lhe highest I _RUuzHx nfllua nnlunkl AU'l"UI\i A.1'i_`] IIIUIII "H C II[U Ucale. L- BUTTERPIELD. I Ivm `L7. pruu-. um warm buvme. ` `kl rnpnnrcd l1_\'!kilM:d Wurk-'5 mvclleny, `.`."alch1-I, 51:-._. rx- ` , Sluimxers, and Clubs ,!llppht'I! ` Jozwul nry, anvl W310 WM lu I. - WM. w1LxxNsoN. I A RRIFQ DD! I :ENSON. inform the public that large conuignmema 0 O AND '(}lI .\|N 2`. l do-~ig|1:.l`m!n (`mm rs-,pu_1a'-ion, at .1;-..: "50-31m... 10 2: ! --AND-- ggjgsuarnoa on. sunsmura - nu `9 ,-vv~1 ..,---.-my-_ -~ Invblvirig an Ezjrerzditut cf` own: .4 MILLION OF DOLL}! Rs, mid a. '1) ai1y,Dlib.x_:x$ezan;` of_ $5,000; whose arrival in town is_h_o:a!de;d gqqta g;grni_n'g`at-.Q':?Lqk.bj - in-___._` -2 4.. .21: yrs": -rt't~4 1:1,".-`I1 n .t~'-VI o `_ bun" RTO -------- READ our Record of Success, VH5!` new-r Been equalled by nny(S0W1`ll " chine in Canada. : 0). . '|.`lT_`-3"` r)1)"/ I-`K7 ! (`nine In URLlM1a- , 2:. FlR.~"I` PRIZES, E .3 SECOND PRIZES n In?!` 3 uxru 1'0!` icsson ol ION. 31 FIRST PRIZES, * 7 SECOND PRIZES. 0 Y\I'DP A 4 a;u.u4'12u 1. 0111 lDl'Jl.Ul'.lU`. Every Machine Warrant- ed and Guaranteed At nnv-Iv all Hm -...:....:..-I I_'.L.n.a.-.__- -- L`4L.\1; I Luunu IX II|I'I.}m. our all competitors. Not the Iqngtirilltuts achievement wna that won by i! ml 00 0&1 Central Fnir. when for three a. 0 it via M in competition with the Hour, V{'hoelur 5 WI] ion, Rnyiaond. and other loading And Canadian Machines, and was ovguhtlih '1Z`IDQ'l` nnarrv-3 , ..__.--:-... ---ou-no s'r1c.nn~:1zs no new You wlniixs. Du no suummr. V `pnunumm Ant-.n\':.u'nnnun.. l'?.......-....-_ us. up-nu. vu awn IQAIIIVVK AI nnrly all the principll lihihtiqn it Cnundx for the lam iour yuan, the Oiisl triumphantly curried oi the raxnzvrn `\I`II'II \t'I . -n-.- ..-. _ - 4.` x 1-5 U L I H. I L ('4 by competent Ind pulclicnl men, not me ; ed In any of the machines. Such jl no are sorry to my, are not to be found nI_Izp_c,oH our County Show. . ._ . AI T 'T\!I(\BI3 I\l an . xv: ,.a. . V .4. on -.a .4 4.75 .LL'\J IL .1 L` I I at a. price within the reach osll, cuupt an ' better than ` Call and Examine the whom} DfTD"TIQ nnnsn sod,0c@a:::A: [:Ar"`(n:~-`iv '.`. . . u. , unx Alfllv SATURDAY. Pusxmmz Acconuoonxou Unuuugazp. Rates of passage from Suspension Bridge or Butfalo To Gusaow, Ln'nrooL, Loxooxnnrr, '. Qcnusrowu o'r Bunsr: - V Cabin 905 to 903 gold, according ti) steamer and location of borth. Retuxu ticket: issued at reduced run, ~ Insarmedime and Steigngc as low as any (hp; T me. T ' For ps..=9a.: - or further information, nip} ` ca 1 Henders_o'`- 7' others, 7 Bowling Gala, `J ork. or Kin `., A gent. A. B0 Bl;-Plncn. Qlni CLASS M"A'cH.I$1s, at of hi}. cunt din GENERAL ]M D E A L E R S , Dlcarthwn Brick Block. Dnnlop $3., South Side, [ Novembe:-_28,1873. BARBIE". :4- v nne. informnidn, tip`); to Vothen, Bowling: .\;;L-ng, A. RIPlIcQ, Oink ` nvnd Tlea;-u:'4`r, Buine. 343.: ..- `-._. , . 4 I 'lfl.aLl-AK I-`or Soumn uf I872. Thousands are now in we, a PER FEUT S/1 7'Is1ur.vmmv rust mums mu cnmms. FANCY PERFUME-S, Patent Medicines, arc. All kind: of Horse and Game ldicia ' 11 Physicians Preicriptic-na, and F3311 - ceipls prepared wlth 6'-xe cu : in accuracy. (7311 in. 7-!) -5 if` " :` 3:" :' 2- ---- `- ff: ::?`:'.l`;..:. ~ 42%` Q ` Q '0. <.~,% J`. 'VVC)()I3$,, WOODS DRUG STORE; ` `?\'u 11om;;;g+L A midd1a.ag;dwam:n-1, who will an"; hoxv-self generally useful iulhu beau chap than are only two of 3 funny, on thy of g comfortable home, by spring? .3 mg 3,. ca nno Oioa; 31:0,: boy. I Olpllyurp of ago,-wall be taken {at on at log yum. Onefrom the country nroturni. ' o age, win In: tuxuu nor Ill 0| I `One from the country prplontcda. SHOP ACCESBABLB AT ALL. I93, ..N~'1`I- 1`R1c'1'1oN METAL. a Novembu-_28, 1873. vlzssuer of Mbllilk I ` ALLANDALU HTAUI Jul: 9 "M. .5--.. x-*4.-_ hfIIW., 3-\>1.:; AHl?..\"l`S Fm: smcoavz. POI` I I` 1- Fnlnlsunnt.-4| J 0 H N Iununnu nu -`A 112-I` Icousands anliuix PERFECT SA TISFAOTJON. .1431"; -I._._. A 1"- Lugosi sud Boal8oXec.od:'_8tcck il. RITE 9 Druga,lodicinu,urd ChohiialI,h1' and Toilet Articles, and Vuliuhes, (Jul. 03. Ill Burning fluid, 91: [N15, TH "J v--uuw va- F1RS;f'1- i :1_2Es at. DIP:Hum- nr :11 nnmnatimrn "A? L. I--.` |_.nn.. mm LOP s'_r., WEST, BARR-Ila. ANGHQ}; LINE. `ADI-I Max/as BRO S, ~.'\>Ll'.' A1:l`.\"l`E: mm icnumur V l lIRl~`. mAcIIl.\'niu' om, 0 SEWi!`.'G MAl5HlNE I non: IN my coumnr. Measoii. am .2` g- ..._.... ,- ..;_._..__.__.__.. ....__. --_. s. u. DU.\`GA.\'-CLARK 5; .-ull LlIIVCl' B8111. DID`-\.\-IIHE Au u.......--`.. ._..,. _._.___V _ _r ,__V_V The 001.! Fxh`bit'o:i in Kmerica rergnizcd and ondomd bf " `M-V 7 , 19- 4 - Wythelji . '` `'m`.d `ti! eInin_en_t Qlergymen and Divim: ; and the cnly gang in the w:r14g;s' 93` .7509 `Wnuun0,.`- ' `~ . ' '..-A 3"* Greaywox a 's Faig? w11x_gusojexhi_bi gt` ` _'L'.~.-----tin}-r-1;, `i 9|`): '1iI1.'%Ei6'_s xx mm or A -~.jr |I9-;2-..- RUG STORE AND M39131- DISPENBARY. Ill 41' lI_'1.I| For un- runn- _____________ xv, uuu was gnu FIRST PRIZE union! and vunnoh--1 u... ...g I I` `.r....;.;;.'.`..:;.'." FLQST-PRIZE '\ [X 'T\` `1 TO BE HAD LT DEALER IN UDIV H.` '7 AI` 1st _.-.. ... . _ - - . . s v-uulllb gun` ' _sTU/uio my-Ir '19:. 1.-.--!-'-n. - - cxgm. aiynjrultti ,,_ ._-_.| ._A'4lIu '?w'ff= x.on.4 s- .f IRIO 1 RIZES, 2 1>1PLo:uSi LI ICUI I1: 514.. wag? M-"S% Innhhu ever seen ;_ezcce5iin`g $1 THEEA:~;iou:; A `TH:E%Q A Iwio R L D: I- ` MLygg3;;Ff%, 3=zF4:NAGa3?Rf1E,:g;%{{@S; `vi-r,-ux I\' ti Oniy` Schael cf` Captive. `Li_.w:r`i:T1gV Se" .:c:. u.'__ . .:..... '1.nn.r\ nnnnrhvench.-and tr-:r00LL*3I cm-5 c!o1.Li%;Gi:s; CA_NQPi'NG-- AQ.ilES'; _-,::~'1n ~i<~. .1`-nwscment Enterprise being ver,it.~:.bly Wo:P;,I..p>s -*("""2\w Wm z:_=.:;fhibit, 5 m1 1 '1` 5'1 .-'. _1;c Luman -V1 ._ 3:4,;-, of P:xV1y'I Te}fpa'nirs; 'C7;i{11i21,3 Equesl_-timf.s:and Ape ,-a`r;1,d, ,H}l"'f\ En'.-B::1`hn:;Z frun1 Bamb:1;r`g, ,i'o1-- Ihxs season s '1 vs . vn.._....n`;.,...."\U....LH.1l7... ' ' - m ` L . gnu! Eq-mag;-iaii- I .\`5L lL(('l \(Iu_I) my `V ;~ ~ mg`: M to consmute ascore of ordin-ary cxrcuse,s,.. E-`..'.<~p;`a:unu, Cze.Inc3's,T?l`ric_k Bfm-ses, }I 0nls;`Mhleb; M I1`.'7x`;-'cyfthC,m, than we:-`e'ever,.befo,re gxhibifed at one tinie. 3 _' :z5v`.:V~i<: ' ` ' ~ ----s-- -C"\I/' f'V1"1'f"""TT' `.39 }:].~{1's.r:@ u'ncensurab1e.' More than mug: Prc-`eminent :h'L_\ic', t':.l`.I(`:&'-5. L"' \Vuuu| uvc unv V-.-.....\............ . . . , J _ ~ 11 0121.57; RIDING` GOA . 1: n.q'xu::g.gmu :.-puny. W .........V, --.__, V. OF -A u*r~oMAT|c= .TiRiiU,MPH?S--! ..:-'L_ c:......... `(mm Wmn:-n .Z:v3t7.erlnnd mild I i?Eaf of H19 can-d ring. I. :33 L1 Hy l\'Ll. .i);U.1Uu;.' HUUL J,.JuV|uu.A'16-, ,AvL tuna n)\:(h)VLl D at Travel-l in8" Wm-1a s 1.F..m.. '.~g3_`f_(")'x_r]}',, 1):" ;`c.~__-,qd;`,-giixcg ; ~;.'ViLl1_FREE Ajzxllrzsiunfgziaranted to L` `;;v.m'.:m,- \',tLi?,cn by !1iigz`.sf_'{;' "-900 phges, illustrat- wv: _' ._ ..! .... ...l l'..n.-.'~.'(`Q '-`RH Fm QT. `('1 . 50' \3\/'nrHx n Qlnn '7' - -`s ' - . , .129; 1,000 pouud;j3*es.c;h,-a_.nd tn: .I.A.`.:4 .-.-..-. -.. -.- 'naz:>':!1-(R.-vouringl race in C'hri_stando`m, and reau_ed by Mr. :71'-.`, L_" w`fmm they we're Acnndgmned to_be eaten. The -\'r1-n'!1'PtV- /~4r\ lf .. A`f'T7'I7T(V)9 REDFEBUCIOUSW1 F HU|v.Iv:-'au-v ........,._... ..-- A d Tr_z1n3f-.`:'m:1tiou Scenes, f'mmVFmuce,3Switzerland mid Gey- never before placqd on 0xb1bit_1ou.. - - ' .. .y_\.- - `A111, ;C0r::p'1'eI*1'e.1`1_r3in"g 1: \.~.-...,._:_ *:%;ixa.;?z 21: ' \".a`riml's* -langm ndT.zs the Sc}: I \. I rs:1;~.e~.-ior to many human at-i`is'ts. ...,...._'n. A -6-|f\'. "I",.'*`\:ll lurlnv l\-Ina L r7ur}fss the A agywgcaz /\;'I.1|- _'A`-.;; H __`~ ed from'$3.50 to'.'1-.q0. ..-. {- .'.:llAl\)Ij ;. , u\ .1j;x 'M1~:LV_1LLIi s ` ,mg%;?;%AaaAa1L.mac:us:A .3 5 '> ._ KS Nzist . 3.23.1; IR 0 S. % izpin or 3? as-.tr' Vu v... -.......... (.`z77{cus Ce-Ze'I2v'z7iiesf .! , ;'1`I(E&Z c=.L- x_;z::PHIi'I1E1T1;E-.1 m..g.n., with `perm;-t_ue:1cy;.i11 outic` ;;c'n.s13.Atioi1 of this pro- . 13m.i.., Liefztigas, A_mphib.1oua %"i:1Je:r`a.9$ed`A iv 1'41 TV-_vr~qr-Iuvnwrveur