Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1874, p. 1

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RDAGH 2: SI`RA'l`EY,,Ba.rristor5- n-1-idfxt-4 I.0I'nt'.yi_,`S01i'0it0l`8 in Chancery. Notaries In P_bIc, Conveysmcera, Barrie, C0 Sitncoe, Out, r. 3;. ARDAGR, . n.-u. a'rx'u'rrir`. ' 7'11 NT & LUUNT`. Bsrri.=fters_,_Attor.ne_va art , `law, Solicntors i_n Chancery, 8_tc.-Oicc-- Dunlap Street, Barrie. Successors to the late 1-1:; 2 _Bi)ulton houut, 3oy3,& Stewart. W Ynnv1I ,- G. W. Lnriw. .' ' - ` ~.ommmc1.AL HOTEL, DUNLOP`STBEE'1' 9. EAST, xmnnxm; - L_ . JAMES-HAYDEN, -J -- -` Pnomu-on. --out- _.----- wmos. summnasmfl`. Prqprigtor. -..._._- `M SHANAOY, - `T .-:1 , ..._.-.: WALTERTAYLOR, Proprieton ------- u. omu`u,. - . . Obiei Agent for Dominion; . . J0.`aE"H Rm lot always in attendance. ' CHARLES OLARKSON, f T L , v I -toxlarietorg L10!` uomxmon; ~ _J.0`iE'. H ROGERS, ` A ninnf I-In.-u-In - Propritob - .-1 nuumna, Agent, Ba.1_'_i_e_: .' .__.. ,_ cooxsrowf Votl: Company in the Dominion. I9{ "Hie!" PUTEVJHU I .' V . ._vuu do the reauced tevms Sf tho CANADA Pazwmsut Buxnbma mm S.;-mm 'Soonc'rY,` whl zh has mndevmore loans to Farmers d_ur,ing ' H-9 `:31. 11 years than any `other, afford greater hulities and advimmges than thosehof any ll"H`H'll2Q'l` mum-: PAID yon GOOD MOI`. 1`G&GE-,- - Prqprieior. I5 H] but! 48-ly-w 1'3. 48-l_\ Ko 42-ly | The Mansion Home is 9 thre stc.ry btick__ building. It aifards apaciousneas, convenience -e.:vd comfort. 'i`i1e_pxc-niator is wen known as 1-.` hotel nest]-y all ingthis county, and his experience .will be ti giiataniee as to the `mrits of '1`ho;`.f:zus _cu undcr' his `superintend- `anon ' ` 1 UB1 U LJDIDDU_I\}Z|. -` 1'. |\;U.l' . _ 1.. 0AISSE,' Pxanii`-t alziri . U1_'gani.=.t,bags to intimate that he ' is p.-epnmed to give instructions at the ieaidencevof pupils,` and also at his rim: resi- ' `deuce. V .P,i:;nns, Organs, and _Melndeb_ns Tuned ,1n'i-Itepsi"&: v.For -tcxms_ and further parti- r.-nIarsa.pp1y_ at his Residence, two doors west bf the Ban-`ie F.oum1ry, Collier Street, Barrie. ` Barrie, November '. t_h, l8'I2_. - - -sf `W _.___4_ ance '. ` _- -Sample Rooms for Commercial 'l`r:x'n"-,'l:-.1-3, - I Iv3ARRIE,V (IEBI2I?i?i1;I `;%2a115if 111%5Vf%< iE[1irii : - ,~_. \'..- .J* z\/\ A ,_., . - 4"@`\(\.` ..r-~.*\.\--- KLEx A.,rqDER "L_KVvE, _ ELE`{7T1?I`U1AN` .9 G-.1L[VAN`1s'z',i Hm-ris.on a Brick Block. Dunlon Street. `M00 k \htCul'Yh'v'] B8"|'i3Q8 . . v PS and A` iornovg `~\/\. _ `WM voynnogr. met, '\zK\\4A \'14"\-' \,rx.r L W. Sohoitor-ii)%1 &:E`T0RNEY-AT, O[B0`3S-,U'el. P ` ery! nd Barrie. Money to tedt omits, Owe. '13-y mamms - v - ~ -[LATE YMCA ' -% RTHY ' \-J :1 l\,iJu"" 1 CE SFXUSCFEUBF (ICES IU HHUFIU LHE A public at Barrie and vicinity that he is pre-' pared to S!-NK WELL_S,.TAN{S, or do EXCA- VATING, e-irher by the `ob or day, on the shorlcsl Iiolice and most reasqnm In terms. `Atpqh to R. C I `HRF`.R'I`_ 'PLTArt1T<-A_' DONE "Rurv-{ti Inn '4 [R70 1.!` or- Mr Ma`un'dre}l_, Barrie. "rl\JD'.l4'1IJ DALI VV 12, ~ . , ' 7 ' _ Butcher and Poulgerer, BEGS toinform the public thathe h9,a'takex3 Stall No; 4, in the Mmket House, Barrie. where he will carry on the abovebuiineia. an-ie. Bemnxhor 11th._ 136, ! ' . 50 i-VPI' i~5',-*. . - | W. J. L7 navmg Duglll 0! H18 DIOCK nd Guod-will of 1. Va Williams," is prepare` to sup"-- p'y51hc pvgbligfwitfx Beer, Barf, Pork, un_ Potash Barre -ls. Kcga, Churns,Wash_ Tubs, Barrel Churns, "and the Ccic:brau-.d'Cyl_in'1er Chum; also,Cisler'ns _ of. all.-:i;:.--,,and, all W011: in 9. Cooper : Line 01 .-l2o!:tea' = `-4. Business . _. _NEARLY. `orpo.:1Tf- The MARKET, ` . BA-BRIE. - ` - s` S1:-1501,` .19-ly-.r ' D.` `FARAGHER, I"1)op`x-iot'or. from the` rs`; dairies iz1'th_Prov1i1e, which for` ' ' quality tmmzotvbc b_e;-.tm_1. ._......-.._- A 1SOVBu1l8>SE()CK or ~ _ "n`_.~-:..L:..... At an... -64.5---- n..w...... T``%'-5i`v &_}'|"'~\\`_l3-jiia ` "bnsistying-of Teas, `Sugars, -Oo`ees,- To-`._ baccos, &'c., Pick1es,_0anrg+:d S_a.!xr.o.1,Lobatera- \ Sardines and fr=.1ix.oI'cver;I escriplion. N R,..A nlanima Int nf'a and }~=.u-nit: -,- a W - * an a ' a Boox31r\u1o_&_u_ ULl2_lO one onjhe` ,l1::i!'a9_ The facxlatxol of the Esmb! 3h. :0 are more complete than any 0,1391- xmh or Toronto, b&V_'mg. been carefnlly ned out in every pnrucular. Uommunlcationa should be addresaodlolthe P"."h" ps"paid' % -v D. Omaw. 7 . 1 1 act) '1)-nu-...... from yhc__be5t p.~.c1._m.or Europe Earulmea and Ir11n.01LvL:1' ` _ N.B.-A olxoice lot of c_s,ke'a,and `rziscuits manufactured` of tho but mamials, alwgvs cu hand, withva choice selection of Italian goods R."k'TNG.Js-. 1 .G_!Eo11 rimtgm, ORILL'IA. _ Th sub-scr`iber is pmpareg t6 execute till 0 detain"-`aiming, Decorating and Paper Han tng,&L. - _ . -, _ ~Pain`.:ino' of alldnnnrintionadone with me l ..':'..J.J.3._..'- `I. J-V` ` Barri-.a'.nn. "3. I872. mg, 5;. - - "Painting of allcacripticna-done_ with ne , ueas-and dispatch and at rez$'sonqsh1e'rstes. _ Allwcrk wsmautgd to give aatisfaction. ` m.asza:xAaA srnmnr osxnnm. . ` - mmwm mawmnw _ , - .- Otlia, 25th Mtxv: 171 [Fi1Eiis:o1 f{6i7s1:, _ . 7 MARKET sQUAma:`,' ARRTE. - . - .- -z-- - - OI [$513 $25 2:%:;`;*;*'-:;%::*;:%.'. either sex. ymzugoruld.Ji1akc,morc moms; ' _ _ ' per day. Agents wanted! lI_ classes of workxng people 0: cilherne_>x,v youugor old.J'nakc.rnorc monrey 8! work` lh us in their spare mnmems. or all the. time, than at H) thing else`. Particular: free-. -Address G. STINS C0.. Portland. Mame. v_ ' 19-` 8'; ; -, , nuu _.u.. -_-. Of the la.tes!. r.`n_d beatstvlea and of the m t ap- proved conetruction, Uoltier Street, Ea 'sec- ond door from the Biatkct, Harrie. As- ad- vertisers am th()ron;zhl} `and `practical con- versant. with th-:Er~bt1-sinssv in all its tails, employ-3 none but tl:e"most Bkilful w men, and use only the best mn;`;4-`rial, 1: 'ca.n guarantee all work turned outrnt th 211- e 'b -iah- .ment-to`gi7e-_ue1~facL sat`xst'uctiou1.o the rehas- et. Farmers and others 1001;` to your ereats, and give us}: ca.`g1, we prppxise to giv ou_ bat- . ter value for your moneyhan you get at - s.ny_uther Cmriaze Fcto'ryVin-Barxie ` . .r!"Al5o. GENERAL BLACKSMI ING in '01.! C2` uuxnpuuy In um Liusuzuxuu` _ > . IT'dmOH_BS'l` PREOE PAID 3011 GOOD MOI`.'1`G.`;GE- - For further information apply to _ 4 J. HERBERT Zs!ASCN'_,"- V Sccratary E; Treasurer, l'.m;nlo,. n. m A . MWRRGW. UN '.1lJlD.D4 DUI.` DUVUDDI ` -ILJJJ VDBHDD lid VD1.`PO'1`-- .. ~-- ' . ` _ " The subzcriber has roeeived a splendid lot of . I I`! H"`T1` E`. El 13. -' ` K` Having bought out the Stock and mnd-wi!l nf 1. Va \ViHiams.' is nrenareii to sun- -.|C3"A%s,0, U-xjmxcau Out all its branches attended to. - Barrie, June 18, 1873. - ..___._..__.___..___._._..___... WNGLISH4 BUN HOUSE AND ,0`HEE_SE J H h`D(`\'1` xvmxis, Bums, cg IA9Es_ . n-nmmvhc .9. GTIYT R` . ` 'l`he.aubscr,ib3r `having purchase the'- entire stock in trade of Mr . Wm. Whiteb d. is ple- pared .to make on the shortest not and most. raaonable terms as good; and; as up Double ' or Single WAGGONS, V RRIAGES, " ~ BUGGIES. " ' I-lL'll.l `+l`V\/.`. 7 VIJLJJ 711.5?` Ha.n'ia_o;1 8 Brick` Block, Dunlon Street. ,_.---._._ _., ~ O ARD.--'l`be sti ac:-ber begs to inform the nublic-. nt Hurt-in nnd vieinihr that he in nu`; WAGGUMS, ' ' BUGGIES, 7 VSLEIGHS OR CFJTT ` As can be made _in,1.his or an 1 V A_. (BROKER, , Collier stre .. ., U-.. um '-:'us'r1c1: Is THE GRE._AT.v BUTSIMPLE PRINCIPLE. AND THE WHOLE sjzcnwr or sccnss IN ALL"eov1m'NMENfr._ everv T meatnewsof the_d:Ly,__a.ndVall mg 3 . "mining tuthe a'a1rsotthe'C0unty,. '_Ve ek1y,in t_he Towvn-of 3.`m`ef rmsnn rnornurg, containing thi 5 in advance or $2.00 if1iptpai_d at .. he, bscription. . I nu -ma -S1xl1ncs or under, x-stinsertiou 500 S ,1- `.`b5%nent- ` .125- Over six 1, 3 pcrlxne, rat xns_e1-txon; each _s`'1b_ , < 32. Professwnal or Business am}. 54 per year-_ $3 for snx months . if more than ten~l1nes._ Special contracts u be made bf :19 I033`, 01 pans `org "M-_ Orders to _< \acqn_hnue Advertise- be madeln wntmg. - - nr",.`. . . 2 . r dxscontmued ..unt:l all nrresrageg I09 AI. an, _ `pzihexcept at the option of the [,ub1j5h_ - `at very moderate prices. ~n.u_u-..,.V..,...... Huve constantly on hand Fresh Meet, Fowl, Game. qunlityas the markets afford, (if as choice Corned Beet, Sausages an}! _ __ I "odd supply of - `offer the same ~ moueruu: puu Corned Be_-:1, Sanka; a variety of other nsefl ha had at -No. 2 Stall. All mu-chases d`el1ve1 B5 Bad 5: sum. All purchases dehvered in a 1 free ot`.chnrgc; A `Cash paid for Cattle`. . .4... 31NGnAm-, , Barrie" Nov 13. 1872.5 '.l_lIU ESE!-`I.!l.I.l;3 Kill` [,`l!IlllIliJlIJl,(l -'_ ~ L 'l`rm':!lers. u ` GOf`D S'I`~ABL1NG AND SEEDS. . T` D. LFARAGHER, ` Dinnrinfn U|'_Iil.nn II In ru-nu S wjmmtei to cure all charges from the Urinary Organs`, in ei sex, acquired or constitutional, Gmvegl 3 Aims in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 43 6d ago [all Gheiinists and Patent Medicine Vendors V j8o1e_Propriatoi-.` V i CLARKE, T` APOTHEOARIl}S ,' HA LINCOLN; "ENG. % v s Iaxmm ms-" % . '.s{:ro$*n6I.' Biiibiig any other Cmrizsze Fctory 1D`l5&l`Xlt: _ - .,G"A`:so, GENERAL BLACKWM1 ING1n_ 11 :4... t....mn1-ma"a'HnndArl tn. . ' KIA \`U'3V'D55`-v plLUk'.UX'5`Ul DUIUPVR fr? ` `J U U n D _L__.`.. __._ ..-- 1.5..` `(Gr J" Of every description, and all sins, taken at _all ' bouts of the day. 7 AIE_~lT11`_lG AND`. DECORA`.1N' Patent meumauu 1 u.....-.. ` Sole Proprietor; A'1>omEu`Amms'_ - .1 Export Bnrgqyne, Buxb_i_dg`s - Bnr8i 7 ' " .1-JD Newbary 8: Sons, 3'! N Barclay &,8ona. 9.5 F _Sange r_ J: SonI,.Uxfor . Am1 all pho Iignd VI Aziintss _nni I `J _Ev1 cinyla 0 OA'{"E ,A Ma.nnlsmh1mr.u nf Barrio, Ju1y;_1_6. UIUUUU, Uuuuluu curmns & sL1:i"' -___.__ one ox orwuz 3 4: run}: ...,....+ m cure charges fr 1- reu. hommn. om: Whdlgsule Hbuai. Canada, . Also a. fine stock `of, F) (X 'S't`b -7.` YE? IT 57$} }'_:`:'E%1*.5i,. all the Load V! noleszuc 2;: Agents .L-anad_9. ' Evans, 3 4!: M_Oo._,A . .'~. \.~\ \./\/\.. \./\J \"\/*4:/\_/\.\ [U51 0 ' LESSONS. '-- PROF. HATQQTF ' D.nnal ..'.;.I _U]_ unruy, 81:10 It muuurau` Iu',crt:M..--:.p- ply .0 ARDAGH & STRATHY, Solicitprs, Bnnie. ' ~ ' 3-66 n x .3 UUAL"|'. Manufacturers of l` A DDT A IIIFL` BXITRIE` `I TIGHT 1 WORK . GOUPERAGE. me prices. __ - o `, Sausages and _, together with her useful cpmm hos, can always 0 926.11. .u.uu1:u:'.ux'ur.'s Ul - UARRIAGE3, BUGGIES, _ -" I .WAGGO_NS, 3 . AND SL4 ,1-.|,- __4 A. U11.un11.'1c, _ _ . 8t,B9-rrie. `.9113.-._; __________ L_ INGHAM Romans, BUTIBI-IE and. GEN- ` day. VA;:en'1s'wan1cnl! ` wnrkxm: people` ,5; 3% 1% nae Mfet.` London; . 961?` asaonssw.Io2=dvn~ r.93[.'.' - -. .' uuuzum, .' .' ONTARIO, \ STREET OBILIJIA s GEORGE NEWTON, Paint:-1' Decornt I 5'71 0`) ` '1`-`AYI5'I{,`_-Pi`opvrietor.' ._.-: r~ 1 ~/\/\,, \ .-~\ IA .. as EDWA ims,` (H-J{.1jepuc_ `L-onveyancer, &c., ngeut for the Rayal In- M nnce Company, and the Accidgsnt Insurance .3on::rmy. -0{1iae-Pos't Oice building, `arrie `\". V Regzstrar) .333 V7" .Lo1:1` `gnu ale [part of the t'o'wn| \l -I.L.L'lL!I Proprietor. J, muenuil. 46-ly .` D, thervcounty. on. - Houses. v I. Wholaale . 'v3Es:n\HIbuf;or tn: evssncnr. at L _I!fI:etlon. BVY 7 Q Al.A`XANl)t.`R ;\1LHuww, agcm. lur Luu. E.''ca Jonpsmy, 1111* Queen I-`ha anvi Life, the Phmnix, the Isolated, and H; L3nc`=shire'Insuranca Companies.-Oice Is`.-. v Brick Block, qver Rs.wson a'Sture.- A355, "` ""- `~~ , ;,.o_. [July 31, ms. " 'f'nWT?:33.Tr7l unin-cu 7' U` Iaal wvaa-LI. AV&.VL&UV'j - Announces tge opening of the above e:teb1isb- rnentannd so cits the public patronage Goods. Furmture` an Wax-es'of any kind received and . nvnnmlrl nnnn 1 unuuuxc uu vv Ml`EBU} any Iunu TCCBIVBQ anu 3 advanced upon. Conmomous nxailsrs :on 1'_aa*S'rbn1xa or Goons QATJS` A"l"-ATT"I1Tl\/Il'.Q unuuuo :11. n.uV.u 11 lY.llI4O. Goods consl$1ed to his care will be disposed of to e brat possibl adv'antur,;e.. ' ' . Jnnwxr w mnnnnur %Munnowcf:"6NEt`MA'nI mo BOMMi$S|0N HMS`, T NEXT DOOR TO THE MARKET HOUSE, (`.nt.r.n:`n Qmnwd-T RAm-um "1sn;;fmvr` f1~WE15I"i7IoNn EXPF monsw AND _PRtPERLY sic-. en (1 in Canada, lhe Unl,led States and Eu- rope. talent guaranteed or no charge. Sand for printed ustxuclions. Agency in operation ten years. V ' * . V . HENRY GRIST, nnwn . Canada. HENRY umau`, Ottawa. Canada. Me nnicai Engineer. Sohcitior ofPa1em and ` D;-L_1_gtsmzu1. ' - N0. 1' ROUND .HITET LEADS, GENUINE IE 76311;. SA 1 cilorin Cb sinner in>C.P.v, 6 \':'()M `:8 T. .-`-. Solicitor in I ah... nu.-nr H51 uv, .H I I E. T L. I: A GENUINE ' o , No 2, and No 3, ofthin brand, N re unsurpassed for body and hrilliancy o'f shad. Packages centain full nett weight. The_ ublic are warned that certain other brands are ilbxahort in every so-called 25 pound pac ge. ' ' E mine W! mum, the brand uni dn not be put 08` nferior paints, The nus : iaalways cnnA1>- , _They also keep in conh:c-t;on with the gills:-y a large atockaf Albums. Album Pictures, _ Lockets, Chromos, Lithographs, and n-1..nIT. DA 1N"l`1NG-.rn - V `xoxowro 3!` sale 11 Burris by John Woods, J. P. Ki . Wuaon 6' 00 ; and Well : Bros. . __-_.. _...-<-. u I1UA\1'!l|1l Orillin, :..,; 21. 1372. /-x. cwnnnn n A I I ---._.~. T uncieraigned begs to informlnll pm-tieaVwbo need such work; that-he has always on handnlarge supply of 1- nnmmn nrn DADTQ I `QEURGIS ISALL, Begs to announce to the public that he has . comp1eted"hin' Q '31 1:` A M P 0 W 17. R Cm pbnter, Builder, &c. ` D1 I`.clLD'L 1\Jvvv.u:.s and Machinery for tho. manufacture of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, HOULDING, &c and is preparbd to supply those articles at the - lowest price. . .m nnunn nn nmmv nmmnmrmmr Iowan pnce. PLAININGOF EVEBY;DESGRIPTl0N. -' ,DUn.U.La.L1 on vv.:.i.1ur, Dressed, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber, ` every description, always, on hand; and ade to order. - . Barrie. July. _ _ 7- . 4'1? . nmngsnn a Ihlmcn Gumnma, ' (1.1: . . P 1 `T ___ IIUMME & VAN DE NSTEEN, .. ' ORILLIA. _ _ (TV s TE REA}: 0 FR uTT': CONFEOTIONERY! ' . mung rnnnnnnnn n. n1-nan: UUlV1"l`JU1'lU1V13l11 I j TEAS, TOBAQCO$[& CIGAR JUIIIUDIUUS gulzllslrs 1 OR THE` DTOBING OI` UOOD SALE AT"ALL TIMES. `Janis ....-...lJ.....I 4.. L:- -_.'_ ...n1 L- :e___-_ '0ysvtVen-s, Duflc season, In all the ' , Various styles. . 1-.--- A FINE Tsincfor FRAMES .1 ` Dunlbp St,-opposite-$1-e-V: Br_ick~BIook,'Barrie _> Ontario. 7- `And also 0! his mproveu rawns STOVEPIPE BLOCKS! which hewill sell at 'the lowest`:-ates for Uriah WI. C.~llACEY, ' Rsuvnld Sf... '83.:-rie. _l`4'lV Mi 1411` Hi Ul." &E:=sT_g_GEs. __. ~..- __ _._ _ I I` .. WELL-S, Gliaduate Toronto Un`verity. Member Conege Physicians and Sur eons, Unt.--I)1ce-0ve'r Wells Bros .. Drug .`t.ore, opposite Barrie Hotel, Hotel, Dunlap street. 38 --A - 4.1- L2- uuuuuu, u-uu, snval V.-...........-.... -"I?.AI1N`.'I'2E32El.S!| uAnm:-.1` nnnnm hnzmm. 2-. Muumsav, nntss 49.. MIL: `R/A'KX]N'(3-. uunuur D.|..D-J.'4.I:a.I., nt;.un..Ln; Next to Bird : Boot a. shoe store. ` DRESSESNADE m m LATEST swnns, % At ngoderata charges. and with romptnus.- S'I'RAW' AND FELT W08 `- BE-DONE wrm run. 40-!!!` Lockets, Unromus, mwugrapua, r-nu (13-OIL PAINT1N,G,.o Framed 0: without Frames 6 '1'r3ii.1'nl:1is 2 hand I. large sup 3 m .5LASTER 0:i ARISl 1-nun-xr-vs Stages running between Barrie and Panama: guisheno, will leave Barrie Daily at 11:46 a.m_. Returning, arrive at Barrie at 2 o'clock, p. m. `WEAYMUU PH 6: FARAGHER. lllllnlnllll-II I , Uiu-UV -, nun! I lulu 1AKIIN?;3-. M I s EUR T o N,- DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE; wart. In Illivdh non: a. shoe Store H V 3: LI " IU CID-I3!-I, - CARRIAGE, HOUSE, SIGN,` AND` ORNAMENTAL j\ p ?""I'?K'.-_'IT'-C11 .5 -~--v --~---- ,7 R J. L.G,Moo.uwH_x has 1-en_:o_ved' his -mice to his new residence on the West aide of John sum, immediately oppogite Mr. Geo. 1951. : planing and sash factory. Dr. Md0_., has. I . V.3c::nc_\= for I student. 44- ! 1 - ' -~-~ ~-__ _.____..___'__....._._---~ id by any respectsb1e_ deailex-s in ?n.ints ' ghout Ontario, and. to dealer: on] by . ELLKQT & 0., 'I`nnmwn W 1 nucms PATENT spaEHUIQMSTAULES In .- uu-.....,- rErmi;ALE,T T l` NGUS C, GRAHAM,k K '__,__'_' __, V ARRIE [AND TVPENETANGUL ' SHENE EINE OF IN uow.`iiif`'i%"A5in sum. completeu m STEAM POIWVER _: II - -1.:_....... L`..- 41.. nuannfanharn AF IL4Ll\a.n..-45 _ __~-._.. WATER LIME. `Andnaluo of his In. proved Patent nr\V1:P`DT D12 RI.n(`.K1 PI1o%'.roc$`RA'1?HsT ..... .a........:...:.... .....a ;.n'.;... tnlznn .sc1ao1.i._"Aw12~zG, ..-.a -`...a rI1......m..-`I anti rnnt-A21 I'.nvh' -_.__-_.____._. R. J s. cnomiamx, GORONER. kc-' Ofce-ln Brick Black. Dunlap S"."~ ru. at, opposite Watlan-& U9-y bruggltss #3. Rgsidence, first house Ea3t_cf R8313}-T! Olce. iG'L?Ice homta -,frorn >10 1.111 12) F ' nnnn ...... 5.1,... x an '2 Art.-ninnan .x1L-12m 9 ~ '1:u(:~nA!..>m_c GALLELCYQ ._._.... This. is pre-emin: nlly a'sha`ving'age- 'lhis.|s doable: try to trade horses and ac ifyou wont get shaved to yaur burl : lo snv. the way not to get shaved is to pay him a visit and get a clean shave, 9 cl. the worth of your mnney. - ber the place-. Second F'oor,_ centre New il ck, Duulop Su-eel, Barrie. ` -onttent. But at Prof. Moore's, strange` _I.?I\EEKS.* f1A`D`D7Af1I2` -531-l--I-`C'.L uni-I--t MARKET SQUARE, BARBIE-_ ROF. D. E. A. MOORE AIR'1I`REsSINt: AND SHAVING SALOON, . U114 1..-'1t.L\.LL4.1>u Framed 01 without Frames ---_ ` Pictures Framed to order-.7 ' ' HUMUE & VAN DEN STERN. r_Q .m man V 4___f r. {I oh_{15_MZo1~row, in H1! nmaninnr nf Hm uhnm. .aooH UUQ .lU '.|.`l'1.l`_n' IVIAKIXHVI .CoI,L1}:a S'X`ElR'l',. Bumuc. I -_.__ IE D3 55 VQSSEUIE B.u\'RXlI.l`,.',8.- W . MORROW, A nr-linnnnr A nv`n-c:-nr umce. Lrmnce 0\1l'.i!--,Ix'uIu ,u: an naon, and from I till 3, Afternoon. ;,`a1-nve av. name at 2 o'clock, p. m WEAYMUU .6; FARAGHER, Prbnrieton T .:A1{o tli Boayjfor the . 4.1 vv Luv.J;.vLL\J V1 9 Auctioneer, Appraiser, &c. ILIJLII-I LIL I-IV (l-zltrcltangeable) nll `ITIIII I I1` K. U.~IlAun1, Bayeld St., Barrie, ` Near the Foundry. ' 13-ly . _, A. _ V _ ` 30810; Ontaria .....~.i:A.:;...- nauumn, Prbprietora 9 uu., Tonowro In I D llklll . 4-tf PUULV DI 40-ly'r R. 0. H ~.BOSANKO, (GR.ATUA'1`!Si Ur Philadelphia Dent`al.Gol1age)`, may `)0 tonud in his office every day. Ext:-a_. charges xgade for professions} visits. Oolher street, arne. . -' . THE TREAD OF INVISIBLE FEET. Whydid she do this?` She herself probably could not have told the reason ' why in any distinct, intelligible words She was a girl of education and sense, and she believed no more in ghosts than does Professor Huxley or Herbert ' Spenoer.- But there was something in the manner of her lover which sur- prised, puzzled and pained her. ` Why was he pained by imaginary sounds? Why did he not speak more fully and freely to her ! Had he not entire con- dence in her ! Why should he feel pain of any kind which she must not be permitted to assuage? _ Was there any secret meaning-in all this which she must not know`! and would that secret endure after their marriage ! `I"`..L ....... A1. mn:a nnlnn ~inn0inn-I Mn 85618 . uuuuru RSIBUL unuu auu.uuu5v: : Let me do Elsie Roland justice; No mean and miserable suspicion_ of the man she loved entered into her gener- ous soul. ' Brought up not in city lile, , she had not learned the ignoble lessons of universal suspicion and distrust ; and * having given her heart to Christie Cleveland, she had given him her con- fidence and faithto a. degree which would doubtless ajppear zznspeakably ridiculous and preposterous in the eyes ofa young lady from Filth Avenue, New York, or Park Lane, London. But it is enough to bring tears to her l eyes that there should be any source, of disquiet to Cleveland which evi- dently might not be fully set forth and explained to her. And so, loving him and believing in him no less than ever, she felt that a heavy shadow, the first in their courtship, had ung itself ominously over her ; and being, after all, only a girl, "she could not repress _ her emotions, and she wept. 1`lTI....n nave ll-In lnunn- n mnt lnnuuurnr H61 etuuuuuu, uuu mm way. When next the lover's met, however, ' Cleveland made no allusion to the oc- curreuce of that evening, and Elsie said -nothing, and began gradually to think -but little about it. Some huppy days and weeks passer! away, during which these two met evening after evening, ` and talked over their future and their love without any disturbing sight or ' sound to mat` the saoredness of their es- eociation; and Elsie felt more closely drawn to Cleveland than ever. A A 1-..; -_....- 91."- anvil-Lv|:I'|tI enknn Oka QYRWH LU vnuvuxuuu Luau pvcu. At last came the evening when, the nal arrangements being made, the day of the marriage was xed, and it was to be the following week ; and the lovers left the house for a short ramble toward the sea. . 111..-... AL- ...........-.6 I-Lacy hall GHQ nah. I.UW8l'(l HIU BUR: , * From the moment they left the cot- tage Elsie saw with pain and alarm that Cleveland's face grew haggard and gloomy, and that his manner was dis- . to-ait. At last he stopped suddenly on the strand and groaned out: - _ L (5 In Antwan Wlnin I nun ! `Wfit [H8 auuuu H114 SIUIIIULI Ullllo By Heaven, Elsie, I can't bearit any longer 1 Human nerves could not stand it, This homd visitation is sent to punish me, and to take me fxomyou, or perhaps to save you, poo'r child, from me ! A ' ~rn,:_ I__I__J .-.. :.-o.. L-:.. 0......` ...:ol. ..... H15 5 Elsie looked up into his fac with an expression of horried woder. A ter- rible doubt was working in her mind,_ and must have signied itself through her eyes; for Clevelgnd replied to it: Mn Plains I am nnf aninnr,mnd_ I181 eyes; JUI Uluvtunuu nspuuu nu In. No, Elsie; I am not going (mad. Iam quite sane-so much the worse foryou and me! I am 9; scoundrel, Elsie, not a madman. I am not fit to marry you 5 and the angels have sent this visitanon to pregerve' you. I thought first it was sent by devils to torment me._ ' .. 1111.... :. .5 nI.......o:..a tlnmo An maue II Barrie. IOHIIGIH. HID. _ What is 1t, Chr1stie !. What do you mean`! Why talk 50? Do you thmk I could behave any thing had of you? Not If all the ghosts came out of all the graves to swoat ' against you! Not. I, degrest; I know you better than any ot your ghosts. Rina mm: Andnnvm-inov to talk nhnnrilvn you uuuur Luau nu vs yuul guuauao She was endeavoring to talk cheerily, poor girl, and thus to reassure him, and herself as well, But she was much alarmed and shocked, lot all her con- zlent words. ' ` :11 1-1.-.. `lI.`I..- `KT- ....-.. IJLA unt; uklllll WUII-I5; Listen, Elsie. No man like me could care much about the visitation. of -.1 ghost, even were it a ghost, unless something within his own heart and conscience made his nerves week. This wretched sound, which I fancy I hear just at this ~moment-only the sound of a gir,|'h feet, child-is enough to make a pitiful coward of me ; a.nd,I have not led a ooward s life for the most part. No, Elsie, my love, you must not many me, you must have nothingto do with me! I "wish, for your sake, I had been down at the bot- tom of the see before eve'r`I saw your 3 swz=,.!, besuzifu`. face-ebefore ever I was tempted into fotgem-ngthe pest ' by Iovingfyou, and thinking thst`yo1_x could love me! Good Godighevel 1 deal: M youiylife too` `!".' *: V ` e,andseen_14j ----~ -- 1 Chriqt'ie,.(`Ju,-istie dear, can you not speak to Ind xranklyfl Tell me what V all this means. . Let xnqjudge.` A m'I' - not to :be-=_-wag-`I?nng"to ba~;4yonrwifa,V M ` (Cahqluded.) I you I ought at least to knovrtho reason ! why. You shall not -break off in this 1 way, fox I love you, Christie ! ` i Th-O nonrnnrl In Ilsa nnnv n1'v` in (viva 5 I'll]; IVI A IUVD yutl, _\J1f.IIuuu: ' Q That seemed to the poor girl to giv hera supreme, resistless right`--to be the utterance of a command which- ? might not be questioned. But Cleve- land only looked at her with haggard gface, and eyes that were almost void 1 of meaning ; and his lips trembled,and I his whole aspect was that of` one who in nnunnnnn Inn unnnvnahIrnl'tA:-vnru. is umnanned by supernaturalterrors. It was astrange and a sad scene. The sea-shore-, with its heavy; gray, slum- brous waves coming lazily in ; the sultry, dark clouds of a summer even- ing, whenthe air is overcharged with electric fluid,` and a storm is near; the two lonely gures on the Strand--tbe `dark, pale, haggard man, and the im- `IIIF VVIIUIU UUPUVF WCH Ella` VI VII`! VVIlU ploring girl clinging to his arm. Qnrlnnlv vninn-n IIIAPA hnnrrl ilfll` llllllls Elll Ullllsllls EU [5 nun. ' Suddenly voices were heard, and two other forms appeared in the dis- tance. .4 17.... 1.4L... 4...! _._n.L_._ I2Vl-_'- )9 Recovering something of composure, with a strong effort, he gave Elsie his arm, and then walked slowly and silently to meet the Roland pair. Then Cleveland murmnxed some ex- ouse about having to gtinto the village to keep an appointinent, and he lett Elsie with her parents. She watched him as he strode along the strand. His head was bent; once he stopped for an instant, and almost turned round; but he evidently would not allow him- self to look back, and he presentlyo dis~ appeared. That was: n and walk hnmn fnr nnnr -,, ,/~/ -r\.,\.-`\/*-:\/\_/\/\/\,- ,A_,'_/Va "'_/'\!`\I"\I icsxnr TO LIgND.'--_App1y to JMv!E>` ED - WABDS, Royal I>uauro:ce O1'f_ice, Barrie. Your father and mother, Elsie, Cleveland whispered . " For" Heaven s sake do not say a wor._i to them` Not now !-oh, not now ? nnnn--:na nnrvualknn nl nnnnnnunl-A uP1ki`uli`zi:`iiTras a sad walk home fox poor Eleie-the saddest she had ever had. But she would not submit, at the cost of any mental torture, to allow her father and mother, as yet, to know any thing of what had happened, or of her state of mind. ` Mr. Roland was a sweet-tempered, placid, feeble` man, utterly useless in any crisis or hour of distress. Mrs. Roland was a plain, practical sort of wemnn--what people call a sensible woman--4vho could hardly sympathize with any but ma- terial and tangible suerings. 'I here was nothing yet which Elsie felt that she cuuld possibly conde to her mother. r\L L_.__ a...`l:,..... e....a-l` ` .-n.g4.. IA-In-u .Il.lU'-HUI 9 Oh, how tedious, tantalizing, tortur- ing; that long evening was! how dis; turbing the noise of the children ! how distracting their endless questions !_ how weary every thing seemed ! how wearisome every body ! How profound a relief poor Elsie felt when she could escape to her own room! All through that agonizing evening it had seemed to Elsie that life had lelt to her no higher hope, ambition, aspire- titm, than a wish to be once more in'her own room alone. ` At last raised to the height iaf this V poor, sad ambition," she enjoys it by throwing herself on her had, and pour- ing out plenteous,lpnssione.te tears. Suddenly she starts up-she had not undreseed--and runs to the window. For she had just heard sung, in a low, veiled tone beneath, the air and some of the words 01 a song she, loved, and which Cleveland used to sing to her in his full, sweet; tenor. She knew it was Cleveland's voice which now sang in low, suppressed notes under her . window. . - ' u., u__ ___-_ .L-..- rm... .}..n....- V Azuua u :`mOh, my put. WIUUUW. . Yes, he was there The cottage was low, and he could almost touch her window`. He sang to ummon her. She ung up the window, whispering, ts nk mu Anny nhrinn I" and Inannd -Lov`el Child, don't call me by such a name until you knowlall. Yes, 1 have made up my mind, and I will tell youall. That is what I came now to say. Then you shall judge and sen- tence me. If you can endure me I shall believe that God, too, will forgive me. It you can condemn me and cast me o,I shall only say that you are right and just. To monow you shall hear lrom me. Good-m'ght..and God bless you! He was gone. Th-\nc' H annm utrnnnn Hunt ml-in dram Ulvua yuu a LLU wan 5UllUo Does it seem strange that Ellie draw back into her zoom with a sense of re- lief, almost a feeling of delight ! Cer- tainly she went to her rest hopeful and almost happy, for she could not and would not believe that her lover had done any thing whieheould render him foxever unworthy of her. This Inno- cent judge could not believe in utter guilt, and was already prepared to pardon._ ' Nmrt mm-ninn hrnnnht. not lava- yuIuuu._ . Next mormug brought, not Cleve- land, but 1 long letter from him, wtit- `ten in his clear, manly hand--tho hand of one to whom writing is no pleasure or light task, and `who, when ho says much with the pen, must be ptofoundly in earnest: , . '- A V'I`lIls is `Q and story, dear Elsie, but I must tell it. I shall feel the better for telling it, whatever comes; I shall be better able to bear the worst. Two years ago, Elsie, I was in one of the Pacific islands trading. A na- tive girl was foolish enough to fell in love with me. She had been educated a little by some of `the American mis- sionaries, and she could talk English well. Iliked her, too; [ was fond of her in a. sort. of way ,- but I coul bring her with me and bind myself to her for life. I was glad when the tirge came Iorme to go hwey ;. nd I r em ashamed to say I did not tel her, ' fearing scenes. A But she `found it out poor creature, anal hid hereeltsomeh L on,ho_ard..tbo.;.ehip ;. and the cameo I _.whei_I<-wehwere. far away. tones, and ' to men. ;`I_Avr'ies'eehen1ed_end sorry 3 i end} tn:-ah-`aide I _Re no #18 ._her.` She` ' _`ot_)K_ed ' ' ` ` w u t ygooti.-for 0 V . BAILEY, VETERINARY SUE " . GEON, successor to D. G. Snthnr1and,nnd Graduate of On- -` \ tario Vererinary- Co`.Iege.- The anqscriber herebynforms the public ` that he will carry on the business. 01 Veterinary Surgeon in the pines of D. G. Satherla`nd,wbo is leaving these mrts; and P03 by prompt attention and skillful treat- nson_Ho secure the patronage so liberally be- Moyvod upon his predeoessor. Office and Btcbfei one door Edst-of Fnrughas Home`,- Burio. A ~ 45.}, u|-0 Elsie! at T -;.`_ IQI IP sun wsuuvvv, vvulurulaus, dear Christie!" and leaned high.) AI saw the ,;.;.;; hng7 f;o just that moment, and never again. If m nnnnn T thnzmr mu-nlf intn Ih. HEB unit Iuvluwulv, uuu uuvcl $55:- Of.eour|e I threw myself into the sea--not many better swimmers than I-and I did my best to nd her and to save her; and they had the beats out in a moment. All to no purpose; we never saw 9. look of her hair again above the"waves. There was hard work enough for the fellows to pull me out of the ware-'--I didn t want to be saved! But they dragged me out somehow. 11 f1,___'......... 01... l....c-A-.... cI._A. ._t IUIHCHUW o Hers were the tootateps that of evening, Just after sundown, haunted me when 1 was most happy with you. I den t-at least I `didn t--beheve in such things any more than you do. But say it is only my guilty conscience haunting me,and note ghost, is not that enough, Elsie, to make me Im- worthy of you? -For though I never wished to harm that girl-thoughI never thought she would take the thing to heurt-I am her murderer all the same. She killed herself because of me. ' - an l'l\L:_ _'- AL. _A...... l'J'|..:_ II.-L A -.. This is the story, Elsie. But for this I have not been a bad sort of fel- low: ask any one who knew me. 1! you do not shudder at me and hateme, and shrink away at the thought of touching my hand.-if you could still bid me hope, could tell mesome. time, any time, I may be forgiven by you and by Heaven-then I shall feel in own soul` lightened of a fearful loa , and I think perhaps, after all, I might yet make not such a bad husband. But if you are otherwise resolved, I shall how my head and any that you are right, and that I am rightly punished, and I shall not repine; and I shall al- ways think that but for my own crime 1 you would have loved me. (C plain hnlrn unnr nuns hrna ant` \`llal VVUI-IISI lluvv IUV\l\l Iuuo 4*` Elsie, take your own tame, and think of it; and if you can still love me,` send me one line, one word; say `Game! If not, send me back this letter of mine without 9. word, and I shall accept my sentence, and own that it is just. Hf urn .;f}1P ulnv. nnn urhn Inxnu. II I3 JIIUUI "I am, either way, one who loves` and blesses you, N (`alumnus (`I xrvuv A run Mao), many toms did Elsie Roland let fall over this letter. But sad though it wae,1t brought her deep relief. She consulted no adviser but her own soul and Heaven. Neither told her to reject the manly heart which had poured out its penitence and made its appeal to her. She wrote to him at once : Come to me, dearest! This story is your secret and mine. No one else has any right to know it. Let it be my happy task to keep painful mem-y ories and hauutmg footsteps from you for the future." . ._.__._ R, C(}T}'EY{, County V(`;.1'()wn_AVtt`:,x-ngy. Barrisler. lye-, Barrie. . . 4i , v Cbgncery. Gonveyo.ncer.,Cat;zmis- &_c., `Stayner, Oo_. Simpoe. `900 ~--------, "`."`_. _ ._.. ;1;Tfz, 3. s.a..\' ms, Attorney-at -l'aw,-So`li-. -And Elsie succeeded, Never more did Cleveland mm at the sound of a ghostly trend. The love of his wife encompassed him, and the shadows of the past faded away. Mnmpr-znuic, July 24.---A brutal and atroeroua murder was committed in this neighborhood on Tuesday lest, the victim being a widow woman named Merkler, an old resident. Suspicion points to a Norwegian named Vilzikam as the perpetrator of the horrid deed - It is believed that be murdered her to obtain possession" of $300, the pro ceeds of a farm which it is said he in- duced` her to sell. Vitziltam had been residing at the murdered woman's farm tor some weeks past, and it is stated ` he was engaged to be married to her. It is supposed he prevailed upon her , to accompany him to the wood close ` A by, where he cruelly set to work to ` murder and rob his victims Vitzikam _ and Mrs._Merkler wereseen leaving the house together, the former return- ing alone. He immediately leit the vicinity, and, as Mrs. Merkler did not return, suspicion was at once aroused and a vigorous search instituted. Her body was found yesterday covered over with earth andleaves, bearing the marks of` severe gashes and wounds. A coroner's inquest is new being held. Vitzrkarn is believed to have reached Rimouaki on Wednesday, and to have taken the train for the west. It is feared he will escape. ,' I I r i I l l i l 1 1 1 . They f by the S. Consul. to send `assistance to the steamship, and the steamer Annie left for t New Your, July *2~t.-By rival of the Havana steamer it has been the ar- 3 ascertained that the steamer Guatemala = struck on the north-east point of Watl ing s Island on Thursday, the 16th, at midnight, being six days out trom New York: Immediately after strik- ing, the crew commenced throwing overboard the cargo and continued until one o'clock, when the engineers reported the steam-pipe broken, and the vessel bilged, with nine feet of water in her hold. They then de- - spached two boats. one to Fortune is- land to intercept hornewerd bound ves- sels, and the other te Nassau. On Sundry night, about midnight, the second oioer, Mr. Lapham, with a crew of two men, arrived at Nassau F during a te'rric thunder-storm,` having , encountered heavy weather and fre quent squalls during the passage. were immediately taken care of Steps were taken LOSS OF A STEA;MSHIP. And $2 00 if not paid T . in advance. - BRUTAL MURDER, ,1, CHRISTIE CLEVELAND. MAsAcnUsE*ij'r We are living in S. for then: ' -coming hither againetthe . my wife, whose life here leetegou the house securely closed a heen startled, and exclaimed. wes sadly disturbed by trouble Iglh {I servant who had left us with thy!" an to our future comfort as she defilled from the house, slamming ilk? 59` violently, which brou ht own {I913 its nail a heavy franie picture which hung in the hall. We had been here . s week. I had, as isrny custom; IIOII retirell. I had been aalee some ho_m's" when I was aroused by a ll nniml. violently below. I arose qnichliy ; stepped to the next room, oceupjed Y my wife and child ; she had evidently Whak is the matter ! " Qnieting her and striking a light, I took my IOVOWN` "1 one hand and a candle in the other and, opening the door, stepped IMO "I0 hall. A cold draifght swept by me. I .l:-e:....el-rhnnrri n (Inn! slum-1!!! gold dnugm. swap. disiinotlyhoud 3 door alum- --An nnl _ I ICI![Cd `ID`IIIVI -V--- -- v-v - was out. I sseurpdn anothe: and.` uarding it oars u Vow " ouslygdown stairs. I found the lull. door unlocked, but `nothing dlltlfbl in the house but the one picture before referred to, and this was turned flot the wall-rnysterious.. MY WY *`.. perienee. had taught me how to sleep. with" one eye. open, and {or several nights I did so, but "all was quiet along. the lines. Just one week from that night (it was Friday, too) I was startled by a shriek, a fall in-the hall above-,, and again that ball; opening the door- from my noin into the hall, I listened, and heard smothered sohs above. I felt the same cold draught from below as before. Just then my wife spoke, saying, Come in here. 1 found her much alarmed, but knowing she was safe, I, rushed up stairs, to find the: servants endeavoring to raise Mary, tho. cook, from the oor. It seemed` aha heard a noise in the hall, and thought some one called ; she opened her door, and looking over the balustrade, saw I. spook go through the air, felt the oowld air as from a ciinitry, and heard a bell; she gave a shriek and tell. I found the hall door opened and the picture: turned again. Now for the third and; last act. 1 would say here my wife I bore the mystery " bravely. The. 7 cook left, and I was on watch again * with onegeye `until the next Friday, ' when I not only kept both open, but I ' crept below, snd,seating mysell in the ' dining-roorn with a shaded light, 1` watched the hall and awaited the. mysterious visitor. An hour later s|. step on the stairs startled me. 1 saw in the dim light a white gure pass ; breathless, I followed. It paused before the picture, turned its face to the. wall, then opened the hall door and pointed out, then turned to retrace its stops, when I saw it was my wife.` Her drapery alniosr touched me, soi near did she pass me. Stealthily E followed. Reaching her room she, closed the door. Darting quickly into- mine from the hall door, and looking; through the one connecting with hers,` lsaw her lacethe night light in its, accustomed] place, slip quietly into bed ; . at her side,a sharp pull, with a tired, sigh she fell back on tho pillow. Th hell did not arouse her. I went. below, closed the door, and H: 3 next morning told her my story. .\t7t.-.. IIIIII Hun in n linllntd house. then, giving the bell-pun, which hung - .mc1s w. LAI4[~. Y,A1`_ Pt`)RNEY`-AT-LAW Qnli.-in-r - in .-Ohnnnerv. Con-vevnznnm-. told not my awry- 'Whon you live in a. haunted house, investigate first, thcn-" choose you:-_ nuns Qnrrn , Ill V IZDIIBUIIW I own term. ANEGDC-)'>IV`_EWi)F.` SYDNEY SMI I`H.; Lord Houghton, in his Monographs` Personul and Social, gives the follow~ ing, though we will not vouch for its" authenticity. In his Lordship : opinion. the anecdote is good enough to be- CIIIO 2- On being settled at his smelt living in Yorkshire, Sydney willingly assisted. his neighbors in their clerical duties." On an occasion of this kind he dined with the incumbent on the preceding Saturday, and the evening passed in. V great. hilarity, the squire, by name Kershaw, being conspicuous for the loud enjoyment of tre stranger's john. I am very glad that I have amused. you, said Mr. Sydney Smith at my parting, but you must not laugh at my sermon to-rnorrow." "I should. hope I knew the difference between here and at church, remarked the: gentleman with sharpness. `'1 are. not so sure of that, replied the visitor; I'll bet you a guinea on it, said the squire. Take you, replied the divine. Next day the preacher ascend- ed the steps ot__the pulpit apparently suering from a severe cold, with his handkerchief to his lace, and at once sneezed out the name Kershaw several. times, in. various intonations. This ingenious assumption of the readiness with which a man would recognizo his own name in sounds imperceptible to the ears of others, proved accurate. The poor gentleman burst into a guiw, to the scandal oi the congregation; and the minister, alter looking at him with stern reproaoh,proceeded with _ his discourse, and won the bet. Fu'.1.Ds.-We need not say one won! about this establishment, the firm can and do speak for themselves, and that ill better` still, the machines they sell is the best recommendation of Deal with them, and you'll be sorry you didn't do; so before. -no ...... _. C0)(PE'l'lTl0N.---It in said that competi- tion is the very life of txjacle, and _we be- lieve it. Now, the Messrs. Powell 65 Co. can and do hold their own against. all comers. The public patronize them in the Tea, Grocery, Fresh Meat, Pro~ vision and Liquor lines, because experi- ence teaches them -' that the}! cannot do better. ' `II if `I IIVIIVUI I Hmw:nsoN.---Mr. Henderson, of Hardware famo, tells us that he doesn't-. like puing; Perhaps, however, the reason is he doenn t need it. All who visit Barrie know they ca.n t do better anywhere, in town or country, in the Hardware line, than deal with `Mr. Ken- demon; and so they wiselj deal with him, and will doubtless continuetodo_so.._ WATSON & said that `than eye-of a master doth more than both his hands. Mr. Watson, the famed Drng~ gist, ha found it to be even so. For- since he has attended personally to his own business, it is astonishing how it is increased, for they have condence in L}... A...` Luna: cu" IIIAI` 5`-inf, htluhf, `uh 13 Iucruuaeu, nu uuuj nuvv uvuuuvuvv us him, nd know full well that 7 what he sells is the genuine, .-mticle; and that there is no danger of mistakes being made in the medicixies compounded by ' L:... ` . -... -' 7m:Y TO LEND on nppioved.f:e&l.o1E:u- L uarityfand st. mode.-ate h1`,ereat.--!x.p- .... mnma A: smuay. Solicitors. Slwuiu Mkcumns. - The Engiinlz Punch says that "the best `Sewing Machine is a pretty girl ; but than such Sewing Machines as are sold by Van Tassel & Morgan, were not in- venwd then. Now were we as young aaweunodto be,-our highest _' would he to be the`owhere`offi ` ` Machine and Piano,'qnoj ` ` - In Morganoll, = eontrho 91i&%;.. d dmfghl. swept uy lpv. Md alum--n\y light uncured anothot light,` 4~ =- --..-a..u.. want unmi- _ , \n.AxIi:{ MORROW, agent for that D . u . n n x. .. - ' I1.-an nn'n::".nl'1nnnV. [113 Queen , , , '.'!`ho'anbacriber beg: to inform tb inhatltnnts of Thornton sud vicinitv,_1.hat bin omce is at 'l'l|o|-nton P. 0., South Simcoe, and that he` is nu--mu-ad tn nmmntlv nfmmi id all _ . . . . . n-Wf,Lxa 2 Houson. Civil Engineers. I" Provincial Land Surveyors, Arohicta, &c. I! I IIIQIIZ`. nn VA !.I.'TON. on . ~.~ ~.\ 4~.~.-.. xx-\.\'x-\-x \`- \-smf-.`'\`\ `u>{riY'CiiiaswIoKE. Jr , P1-orincia1'Lhnd Surveyur, Valer, &c., B mrie. *./xx. x. '- - -- -. . A ` And euythinz requiring Veterinary Skill. Hie Thornton P. U. , Donn olmcug, nun Bill n2: 1! prepared to promptiy attend to all msnsns on aonsms AND cmsrniz Condition Pow lists, Realing Oil. &c.. willbe found very enaacious, and are sold by J. P. KIDD, Druggiat, &e., Barrie. ~Orders promptly Attended :0. T . _ . . v _ 3., T H BLAOKSTQOK." U. .\\\\\ \~.>\'\\\\\\-`\\\s\.\\ \\.\\\w\\\- RS IIAMiL'l`()N Ac McCONKEY,V-Resi- . F!-nce-~CoHier atlfeet, Barrie, Ont. . V ~ Wx muxxxroa, . 1'. C.u C0:!KEY,' M. 1). cvunoxqari. ' :.{.1)`.,'l.n.0.S. .~.\.\\'\ -U . nxrosvromz or rm: - unAnJ1n BRANCH. BIBLE Vso.c1m,j ` nunop srnzrr. f `R. (GR.A'l`UA'l`E OF Dl..:7...I..!..l.:.. n.-...n.I (`!nI1om:\. mav r1\:~'o.~u8T. .JBoY_s, u.: ` I Chaucer ' ' - -- . . . ~ I Comm .4 .thce over hzn'rmons.sto;'e, SouthxEis&:n3:; n%' . 8|r:e1,Bar ie. _ - 7 _ A Vum JIVI1Itt1'1I. Naiites . .~.-\.x.--V Provincial Land Surveyors, Aronxcra, 4 `BARBIE and AI.L1s'r0N. um: G AVlf.T.l`|R. CLIFFORD TKOXBOII Jan. 1 1862. Or to mcbicnl lrofcgsi-.m. 1BRIS'l'OPHEB HARRISON. `nu-nnnvrnnv ow 'r'n .mox1c;jta ;`3`c.11b.% I 5urm:1_)ur 5 Glatli. % . -1*\'s\ \ \-..~ .'-.-.-\~ ggal Qmrhs; AVILLBIB, .0.E . , P.L S. g:,s R0!%INSON, Ori1Iia Solicltm-' inTfia_n-`- I , "very, Altornugg-at-LP.w, Uonveyemcer, Corn-. n.Ies'n-.ner in B.R., 8-:c..Huir Vnnd Deyiae omms prose.-uted, Agent for Oanndsv Landed Credit Covnnnny for loaning money on Real Estate. 0l"l`I/...'.--. Vc:! I Kaan s'Sto7. ' 8:18 1??*`*:._1* __*D `VETERINARY ` SURGEON, . THORNTON. 1 LAIIHI .--.-.-.~v.- u. nxrosvrotur on A unu n1In.u uuuv Uu. .u1.u.| `DUI!-OVP Ila. q 11`eua".ua1 .A. MORROW, , m;r.1isr, Mulucuw , _ .zflmvr_aiser, at Barrie A hula : um . Tnoxaon, C . E . , P.L.S. . T; -. an RARRIE`FOUN- .uav- .AGRlCU.L-g V '1-'U11AL-. rMvm=:mm-rr mo sgrovr;-xvonxs` `|tU\VI`Eu G. w. t LaoU':'1'r.: us: VV Puamemzm. 00 551' 1 cc. Du 1 0! g__I.n-1 An: ~.m)uAl:!L`l`1 1' M 3; MCC(ll'Yhj7,] Barnauars Atlornvya, -Salicitoraln Chancery, Notaries Public and- gogveyancers. Dunlap s_trec;,Barrie. V 1 D'A~LT0l McC.umn, Q.C. ' Wag, B995, .L.8, _,.._-------** ` ` """` )NiGK. ac. __-- Druggists, ____ ___r _ _ lop Street. THE EXCHANGE_BOTEL, cooxsrowx. uf Registry ,3}; _ _ __ - -_ . H12 Few _ J0 GREGG A Proprxeror . 1142? Wines, Liquors; and Oinrs-,' of the best_ quality, supplied at the bar. r A good table is UATE always kept. Excellent acccmmodation for ) Travellers. ' An attentive IIoat.ler.v _Charge3 ,r a. charges moderate. Stngexwice daily from the house to Guilfor-3, and daily from Basement and Al- llier street, ` 1iat` ___.~___._ ._w_..__ ' ELLINGTON HOTEL, OOOKSTOWN. IARY - - ..__... - ' 3 r.` on n. G. n ARMSTRONG.` '-' ' ,1- -Prop:-iefor.` `I 133") mums: $1 `per year` ;inVadvance;_ ms}wsms:}~:Rrsn!%ENrs ` tb . ; OS-.ROGERS, _ * A CHIEF `CONSTABLE, C~oun9.yVof Sixncoe, Oicxjs oppoisite the Markct',.Barri_e. " ..__._.._ ._._.__, -rnaunn nnnnnn ` ` V ' _. ,7 V . _ ....-.-.-,..n.; _v- ; "`6ipi6'dic ""'**"* as,- . [late Olei-k in Couizify Relgitry Oilice] . .Conveyan_cer, Commissioner in Qu::en s Bane! , Auctioneer, Appraiser-_nnd Commission Agent for the sale of `Houses, Lands, Fami S;ock, Household Furniture, Goods, Wu-.xes,&'c. Also for the collection ofllentv, Notes and Accounts, $"0ssh advancss made on gooda lei. for Sale. 3312 R0011]. comer of Cnllir And Mm-lmf Sh: `Tan LIV`ERPO0L'./LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY.` . . Available Assets, $27,000,000. Lone: paid in -course of-Thirty-ve years, exceed Forty. Millions of Dollars. ' ` Claim: hv-nhinnnn W-iv-in nnlimantl 115- naph- g uasn nuvanccs made goods 1afit'or_:$a1e. Room, come: of Collier and Market Sts.. Barrie. ' ' ' ` vxuueu 1- orLy_- muuons or Uouars. Claims by Chioggo Fire, estimated at nearly 33,000,000, are being liqui'da.ted as fast as adjusted withoutxieduction. ' SE('.llI`il\7_ Prnmno ncnytunnf "ant? `nmn-0-o`H*er {n > HUJZIEIIEQ wnno,ut'.1euucuon. * _ _ . Security, Prompt payment,"apd lihcmlity in adjustment of its losses are _f.ha prominent _ features of this wealthy ebmnany. , - Fire and Life Polician issued with Van: Hharsl MNUID W. L.nu_L: x,:x 1 lUI\L`nIl'J`ll."lJJl\'V F Solicitor in -`Chancery, Con-veyancer, N-.l'sry Pn1p1i(-,&c. . ` . (_N`:-ye'-~L@V\'en Street, Barrie, Ont. . ' 47-ly; ncmural 0| M113 wemmy company. Policies issued with very lxberal conditions. - H1nAn01r1rxo:;,cANAbABRANCH. _ T _ ' - 1v1oN'.uu:.u.., `W G. 1v.o.smm,. ` T - Chief Aonnt for Dnmininn ` 1 Buperioxf, acaommbdation. and dvcx-`y atten- uon p_aidl tn the vrequirments of travellers. Rooms for Commercial Travellers. ' Terms moderate. ` V ' . 42-ly Corner of Miilonateir and Dunlap. Sheets,`-and`. opposite the `Advance office, Fax-rie`. ' This cnmmmlinns eam.hliRhmant'lma inst been uppusue gut: 'Auva.:u:9' umca, rarnu. This commodious esla.blishment'haajust been opened, am! having been built especially for the pug-p_ose of _e. 'rsfi;class hotel, is'p.ted up as! ant}: and will nnimnnv-n f'n.vnhr-Ahlv -with rmv pllV'p_Uk-18 Ul X1l'."I_.fCl35 HOLE! II I.lAlsl.C|-1 up 313 such, and will compgsre favourably -with any hoixe oi the kind North of Toronto. . Comma:--. chi fruvella:-5, private families on mzsu9._l_- visit; and the public ganerally will ns: that the pro- print-,' Ljowsa huw Lu pruvL".e for their eappial requirements. `.19 f~.-:'~=,f. of a -aiming attached, attended to by obligmg exp"a`iem'v= hosi- leri. Stag-sa Pave this house daily on -the ar- the best ofiiquorx: and cigars. -..3- _rivn1 at the up lm.in3._ Bar welyaupplicd `with, 1- The proprietor of tholbomiuinn Hotel has rm ` cently, owing mils giostylncregse in bL:3ine:=..~3, been compelled to add `double eocommijaclation` to his old house; and has bad the,este.blishmant `re-tted and to-furnished, and with ample stables,beds', and sample rooms, he thinks he will be -able to receive all of his old friends, whohave so liberally supported him in the past. Room for one. room-for 2.11. Best wines and liqncra, beet table, best accommodation, of any` country place in i.heDomiaion.--W. 0. Band requests the public to mind that he is at the present timethe only Licensed Auctioneer in these pa.rts`,end in that department of- his . business he is prepared to give his best. amen- tion to the interests of settlers, and in nll'_cnses to give fair play to buyers. E'.':? Ss.les'ol stock - of all kinds -pro`mptly-stten-led to, and prompt `settlemen always assured. . 42-ly 7 .___ _.'......- .- .. -n ,_u\ _ _ _ _ __ _; Excellent accomodation for Summer Visiitors, Tourists, and the Travelling Public. Boats. Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convenience of Guests. '1`heBa.r is well suppli- ..,u ...m. Wdrninn And Dnmestic Wines and of Guests. '1'nDa.r1,s wen suppu- ed with Fdreign and ,~Domggtic and Liquors. ' Good Stabling and attentive Oatlers. N.B.-Sp1andid Speckled Troutatreums in the vimnitm . __ L`: D .'*LJ} vicmity. ___.____ The_'basf;.Billiard Parlor North of "Toronto. The table is supplied with everythin gjn season. Pure Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling. ' Barrie, Dec. _18tb,18 I2 _ 1061 `1LARKSONHOUSI<), sAnnin::- I . The Tahle and Bar wall supplied. G05 d Beds First-`clans Stabling and Attentive Hustlers. ` 48-l_\ __5otcla- ant) vialuuuusf '\J\r~,/ _r\/\/x/V-\/~ \LLISTON HOTEL; 4 I-.. `I, u..; The `Simcoe, under` its new mangagcment, has undergone considerable improvement, and `now pfeaents to the travelling community n_ house nnexcelled for commodiousness and com-- :...o rm... Rm-19 smmlied with the choicest hous unexcelled for commomousneasanu cum-- fort _ The Bar is supplied choicest" -brands of Liquor: and`,and in-the chsxge ofan adept compounder ofrdrinks. - Good Stabling and Shaun. ` ' ' 40-ly -.-_ . _;.... ..;-.......- ..n.uromnixr\r - DUNCAN M. GHURSE. Pnovnrmon. V` Lau of Haruaod Radfoad 1`-[ou;e,Ru:a Lake. )OMXNlON aornn, [L-Liston. nu.--on. W. C.'HAND, Pyoprietdr and Auctioneer ..._....-- `n. oonwmr, - - - Pro;$riex}. u---`-- . The bestbrandsof Wines. L'lql10r8, Ciga.r`s,' and the etceteras of a first-class bar always. on 1 hand. The table is unequalled in its furnish- iuga. The commercial rooms are better than V uriy North of Toronto. The stsbling accom. modatiqn cannot be_ excelled. St gel twice 9. day to and from Guilford, andd from the. house to Rosemont nnd`Alliaton and"back.. 7 , l ' ' 42-1 "mo._m.c:;~'m BUILDHIG AND sA\'1N9ss=>cum~Y. A ' _ _h.zL) ~')Hrwa-.\1ASO;\'H3 Hz\.LL. Toauwro. cm PITA L , .:`;;1,5o0.0o0. To 'b"e.rx_neT1sT .ai:u'!" It 1].... 117.. --+ 4,.` D`.-.~nn'p. T`./Fr-non: iulutuuuu an-uu_,.. -.....-.V_r _ IDLAND._H'0TEL,'(La1te. Royal.) corner 0 Front and streets, 0r_i1a,0nt. Gocd.Board, gt-ed ccommbdntion.for Tfavel- lees, wood Wines,L_iq'um's, and Cigars. An 1: attgntive Homer :1} ~.~?--.33 in attendance. 9-y .._.__..._.._____....._...._.__....__.._., - . . -- -5- c-1-'r\ rn"!2` Y4 . ......._, . __ `TEE WELLING 1`QN_HOTEI.s. .-.i.__.._...-. [IRE OYAL HOTEL, ALLANDALE. ' _ . (Groxou s old stand) T JOSHUA CLARKSON, Proprictoi`; __.-._- _ HE SIMCOE HOUSE, next door West. ofthe. Old Bank of Toronto-Building", Duhlop stzget Barrie- *_ . . ` T_ ' . f'I.Q'1.3EI:._ K { % `hit. "1 ?rapria " [B1011 Bnu uuun I . . ` ' E_LLIN_G'I`ON 'I`5f;n3iT,`d66f1Z"Eti'vNI' 0.AB'MS_'1`RONVG,` - V. -Prqprietor. ---:-n 1.;-z;1vy-; LU `C NH Luv : D fauu aawuzgu n- av; u - A You - I-Vzmt to` B-arrow Mcney To Liy-more.1und for yourscli or for y.d'.;` sons?` To build a. house or barn ? To fence, clear,- ar-dw`i'rain, o:r>therWi.=.3 inxprove `vour land? '1 2 pay offs Mortgrnguox` other`deb'tn? Or foxf. nnfv umer punmse `I _ umdn the renced the

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