Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Jul 1874, p. 1

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ID '.l'0l80l, C.E.,P.L.8.| In W Punuun. 57-1! 2.21:,- use The proprietor c; the Dominion Hotel 1.3.; re- cently, owing to its gxest intense in business, been compelled to add double accommodation to his old house, and has had the ostnblishment re-tted end re-furnished, and with ample stshles~,heds,nnd sample rooms, he thinks he will be able to receive all of his old friends, whohnve so liberally supported him in the past. Room for one, room for sll. Best wines end liquors. hest table, but scconunodation, of my country plus: in the Dominion.--W. 0. Hand requests the public to hear in mind that he is at the present "time the only Licensed Auctioneer in these parts,snd in that depnrtment of his business he is prepared to in his best atten- tion to the interests of sett ers, and in all uses to give fair play to buyers`. l37Ssles of stock of all kinds promptly attended to, and prompt, settlement slvnys assured. 42-ly _ _-'n- . --- -A u--n-.- DUNO AN H. CHURCH. PROPRIETOR. v Lou of Hat-wood Railroad Houu, Btu Labs. Excellent Aooomodotion for Summer Vinitors, Tourists, mad the Tnvolling Public. Boats, Filhing Tackle, and Vehicles of on kind: for the convenience of Guutu. The Bar in well suppli- ed with Foreign Ind Domenic Wines `and Liquorl. Good Stabling and attentive Ostleu. N.B.`-Splendl1 Spockled Trout main: in the vimnitv. 48-ly-w n. D .-u} vicinity. CL.utnsox HOUSE, rsARRIE.- JOSHUA onmxsou; Proprietor. Corner of lnlouter and Drinlop Streets, and opposite the `Advance omoe, Perrle. Thin eommodioue eitebliehinent husjuet been opened, end lnving been built especially for the purpose of 1- x-It-clue hotel, ie_ tted up on Inch, and will coinpnre fnvonrnbly with eny honee oi the kind North of Toronto. Commer- elel travellern, private families on euuel visit; and the public generally will nd that the pro-. prietor known how to provide for their eepecinl requirementu The best of etebling atteehed, ettended to hy.obiiging end exp-riencod hoe!- lere. Stage. leave this he me daily on the ar- rival oi the up train:-. 8-trwell euppiiad with the best of liquor: and cigars. 33- _..-_._...__....__..._:..__ Tan wnnmxcnon. noun." T308. BUMIBRSETT, Proprietor. The belt Billiard Parlor North of Toronto. Tho table is supplied with everything in union. Pure Wine: and Liquorl. Good Btabling. Barrio, Dee. 18th,18'I2 ` 1081 E. OONWAY, - -' - Ptoprietox-. u:---u Superior accommodation. "end every uten- uon paid to the requirement: of travellers. Room for Oomxnereiel Tnvellere. Tome moderate. 41-ly ________._.._._..___.+.__.___- t`II.ARI'(m\u unrruu .. - n-on r\.r~../\;~.r\.P\/xa-s/\J~ The Table and Barrel! Inppliod. Goo d Beds" First-olau Stabling andnmntivo Haulers. ` ` - . 48- v The`Sin:eoe,'nnder in new management, has nndergonreonlidenble improvement, and now present: to the travelling community a house unexeelled for eommodionlneu and eon- fon The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of Liquor: and Oignu. and in the charge ofen adept eonaponnder of drinks. Good Btabling and Shedl. ' ' . 4O-ly __ ____.. . --__ _..__- _....-.n-mango`: - " - HE EXCHANGE HOTEL, OOOKSTOWN. Join: GRIGG, - . . reoimesor. `_ .__ cwinou, Ll uou, and Olpu, of the best quality, supp ind It the bar. A good table is always kept. Igccllent Accommodation for Tnvellcu. An cttontivo Houlcr. Ohnrgel moderate. Stag: twice dilly from the house to Guilford, Ind dciLy troxn Roumcnt and Al- linon and back ` 4241 W-nnnlxarox HOTEL, oooxsrown. 0, ARMSTRONG, - 1- - -Propriotorfv -- _.-uvun ul uuulrl. 0lnim|'by' Chiongo Flu, qllimntod at nenrly 3 000 , on being liquidated 3| In: an - nd'z,med'wiv.hont Jednolion. entity. Prompt pnyment, and llbonllty in` ndjnnmont of its lone: are the prominent features ofthll wonlthy company. Fire nnd Life Policies iuned with very liberal conditions. HEAD on-Ion, caruiu muxca ` molvuiznn. o. r. o. sxrra, Ohlot Agent for Dominion. `JOSEPH ROGERS, . Agent Barrie." 71;. at brands of Wines. Llqnon, _Oipn, ma the cotoru of I n!-clan b_nr shun on hsnd. The table in `unequalled In in furnish-' :..... um... ommorchl rooms are better than table le unequalled ill turnm:- inn, The commegolnl my North of Toronto. The nebling com. modstion esnnotbe excelled. Stage twice g day to and from Guilford, Ind dslly from the house to Roeenont and Alliston Ind back. 42-]: .1. an un Ell INSURAN vuilnble Luau, 097,000,000. lmionl of Donna. chilil `Iva nnouialnl -1 --- POOL. LONDON AND GLOBE OE COMPANY. in oonm o'f'l`hl:-ty-n yarn, Good Board`, gobd ucommodotion for Tuval- len, good W nan, Liquors, and Cigars. Au utontiye "Hustler slimy`; in ntmndance. 9-y HI LIVERPOOL. LONDON = INSURAHO `Q-lI_n_ E_ COIPAIY. re of an-'r1o1wi,' I-1 Ohm-I WA :1nn\ ham '11-115 .D.1LVx\ uunuu.-- 1 Ohm-Ion Clorknon, (late of the Turf Club House) beg: to intimate lo` the public that he has opougrl on! r, -:3:-class Hotel on the pre- mizesluely ocenpiedasthe Bank of Toronto. The bn: in mtod up in am clsu Ityle; and Liquor: and Cigars of tha choicest brands can always be had. T-The Suhling is good and ample. The but-of nceomodstion in cloud to travellers anti bopedon, n the room! no large sud six-y,nnl sh`: but at bond`. . An-ntonvtlve omctglvm ,3 infitbndancc. ._ `_ V-ans` __ ogmxsox; 11.1 . Pmnriamr; Barrio . ,,,--.... ..... --mun, nu-ne. V JOSEPH BOGIR8, [Into 0101-kin County Rngistx-Hy Oioe] Oonjeyanur, Oomniuionor in ` Queen : Bench, Auctioneer, Apprsilor `and Comminlon Agbm for the sale of Honour, Lands, Farm Stock, Bonuhold Furniture, Goodn. Wnren,-to. Also for tl_:__o c_.Ille_ction ofkonu. Noun and Anna!--`-H J V55 NUUIKH ' # cam 00: : ~ - um, mm `hf:-:33. 323? of simooe, -~- 603431 HOTEL. ` n._n;na1u1,t. s % Propr_letr- %"A "} '%"%'5 - U-`oIv-, am:-.;n-vi ; __...____. JOS.BOIiE BB ADVIBTIIEIBNTIN v-.... ~..~......,.~\ av vxn/s-v-v4\\v\` .1 u- - `1. 1] nuns : n n, um. ' 3hoshonc-tl I mnlvufmll r he-uni ol. {cal Hismy ztfon of spy .- HE noun nomn, ALLANDALE. , (0roxon a old stand.) HE SIMOOE HOUSE, next door West of th Old Bank of Toronto . Building, Dnnlop shunt Rania Dolllumuuu nuuu.,.. EAST, BARRIE. j: JAMES HAYDEN, '- . . .....~. I ' . W. G. BA.ND,*P1-opriotor and Auctioneer IDLAND KOT1lL,(Late Royal.) corner of _ Front and Goldwater utroe:I,.0rillin,0nt. ---:$':' V VOIIERGIAL HO'l'EL,.DUlLOPBTBEE'1' n ruwt BARBIE. I O8; ROGERS, CHIEF` Omen u. SHANAOY, . .[ xuxruox HOTEL, .LL1s':o_N. UIQ DIIII 01 street Barrio WALTER '1'A-1r?_<-iii, 1>:op:iezo:.9 -\/\,\/~.r\_r~._/\;.J\_\,\ _ Vol. 01% n adv perlyear anc;_ (BANk HOTEL- ._ nI;-Iuuu. (I-6; nf Olen W`nIf>nII|h - Proprieior. Pnonm-on. msuvu, Proprietor. II III ll]! 48-ly- . v LA 1.`. n 0 1'1` from the Brit dairies in the Provnnee, which for quality cannot be butsn. f .__j. aurumuu Illll Iran 0: *_v vescrxption. N.B.-A choice lot of cakes and biscuits, manufnctm-ed of the hen materials, always on had, with A choice seleoziou of Italian goods from the beat packer: of Europo { ~ ` R. Rmn Y.- T'"'aoMAs LOWE, ' . BEGS toinform the ublic Athsthe hattaken Stall No. 4, in the arket House, Barrie. when he will carry on the above business. orrie. December. 11th. 1867 50 Butcher and Pohllereri V.J. 1` `having bought out. the Stock and Good-will of LVe Williams, is prepared to sup ly the public will_1'Beer, Beef, Pork, and Potash arre|u,Kegs, Churna,Wash Tuba, Barrel Cbu rn 1, and the Celebrated C llnder Churn ; also, Cislerne of slicing,` and all on: in 1: Cooper : Lino-01 Business. V Collier - - A - - - -' street, NEARLY OPPO`:>lf1'E TH.E.MARKET, ' n BARRHS. ___` 19-l'y`-r -`i-I\vI\r Inn nvvnv -v.-....~.. . . _ - Alla A ne stock of @ :JSR 3 Opuaiating of Ten, Sugiu-3, Coffees 1`o.| haecou, kc... Pickles, C-.-.nncd SaImon,Lo1'nmg Sudiuen and fruit 0: -:-:'er_v escription. of cakes mm +.:.....:.. | 'PAIPITING mo ursi GEORGE nzvgx, GRILLIA. .42: The Iulincriber is p.~m;,-area to execute all or- der: in "aiming, Decorating and Papsrr Hung- Ing, 8:. - Pninting of alldeacriptionsdone with neat-_ new And dispatch and at relannable rates. All work warranted to give: mtiafsctlon. IIBBISBAGA BTRIIT ORILLIA. A l'JI?.!'|Q(11l! tfwurmnxv l Olillin. 26th Mnv. 1`?'U $5 per day}. Agents wamcdl All vclnsses of working people, or either sex, yuung or old. make more moury at work` wnh us in trielr I re moments. or all the lime. than at any lhlng else. articular: free. Address G. BTJNSON 3,, C0.. Portland. Mnmo.__ 18-a-ly . """`Lf5 -"`.. , InVe-lJ a`ftf_; wnuuunu, f aunuun DA W113.`-U , ' AND SLEIGHS Dreued, and Tongued and Grooved Lumber, Of the lgtest and best atvleu and of the mosu.p- every description, Always on hand, and ` -proved construction, Collier Street, East, sec ode to order. and door from the Hal:-lket, Barrie. . As the ad Barrie, J my. I 4'!- vertiseru are tboroun y and practically con ' versanz with their businees~ in all its details N GU S C. GRAHAM, employs none but the most akilfnl workme mu ,3 and use only the beat material, they ca guarantee all work turned out at thvir establia 0 Y 8 T E R S D u ! mentFto give per&ect:atis`.' theipurcha goxpggvrmgnny I V er. srmers an 0! ers .00 to your interest _ ~ and give us acall, we practise to give you In & f . _ - . .::',;*J.::., s:3::;:;a:::,;. :: 312;?" =* ` om-. n-was man we rt-um m:'.mm,u. RI.AYN\(`l"I`I1T\7l1 .. Vaflolll Styles. wusu.-'1`ne subscriber begs to inform the A public ot Barrie andvicinity that he il pre- ared to SINK WELLS, TANKS, or do EXCA- ATING, either by the `ob or day, on the shortest notice and most reasona In terms. A h to - V R. c{}"r _ HBERT, or Mr Mnundrell. Barrio. 40~lv Bahia. I-I" A150, \1DV1`Al$AlJ L311! all its branches amended to. Barrie, June 18, 1873. 2{fI7TXKNv1foi: mI. XW,N'/Viv" " | _ELEC'TR101AN- .9 GAL VANJS '1`, HIl'X'i0l1 I Brick ~BYO(`.k. nunlnn Qty. PLA.'1:"r1\T-'_c3_- D ONE Bat-rie.Jan. 3, ma. . . I-it Thu Inbacriber having purchased the tire stock in tnde.of.Mr. Wm. Whitphrend. is pre- pared to make on the shortest nntice Ind ost reuonahlc arm: 1: good and as cheap D table or Single ` WAGGONS. v- - V OARRI ES, . BUGGXES. ' . SLEIGHS OR" Gl'J"l`TER8,, ' A: an be made in this or sun other nmv WASGONS, BUGGIES; 0A!!B|AGiS, nmmvnc .9. aturn-no I" DIJIBHIEID UIV UU'|."1'Ii5', As an this any other funny ' A. CROKER.- , at very moderate pnceq. V ' mfned Be-:1, Suuaagen and Lard, to ;.'::`:`:.*;$:t`;zs.".:.;'"` "=mdm~~f All numhnnan dchverod in nnv nnrt [ID1N(.* [NGHAM smo zs, BUTCHERS an GEN- ERAL PURVEYORS Market, Stall No. 2, Baltic. Have` constantly on him] a good _pp|v_6f 1-`reuh Moat, Fowl, Game. &c.. of chance quality as the markets abrd, and cab: he came d 1 rice`. "f:i:el:`l)3ee-rt: gttaazen Lard. her with be had at No. at man. All purchases dehvered in any pan free of charge. Cuhpaid for Game; A. nxnaxux. ` , Buiie Nov 13. 1872.` . .' Ill; UUII In In-nluun II II ru.|.u ' 8 wa.rrn_nte:l to cure all disqhar ea from the Urinary 01-guns, in either s_ex acquired or conatifulional, Gravel and Pnina the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4: 6d etch, bynll hunists and Puunt llodicino Vendors. , sun. PI-nnria-ftnr- 11' J . at nine. r\]j IIIIUEKIIII a.aaauu, un Export Burgoyne, Bmbid Valli`, DAV KI Axen . \ gas & 00., olemnn street, London. Nuvbory 8: Bonn, 37 Newgne reet. Lonon. Bu-clsyt Soul, 95 Farringdo treet.Londo. Sanger & sm. Oxford um I. omlon. And illtho London Who uh Bouga. ' Agents In ' D. V `Montreal--EunI, Herc;-2., 00., Wholenlq Dzuggipts . ' ` 2 nnn1;--yome; V 07-E int: #209 . ,9 DrVug'gm`I , I ' nn.i.:m *ov.u;*'= V `CT taunt laulclnu vcnuors. Sole Proprietor. F J. CRKE, APOTHBOARIES HALL, LI ow, mm. Ilriuni-`I Aonn _ _ -__. v`--wvv-I The Mansion House is a three Btcry brick building. It atfordl Ipociousneu, `convenience and comfort. The prop-ietnr in well known as a hotel keeper to nearly all in. thin county, and his experience will be a guarantee an to the merits of The Manlion under his superintend- nu` . 7 Sample - Rooms for [Commercial 1waveJerm GOOD STABLING ND SEEDS. ` D. FARA GIIER, g - V pVl\l|l`:h`l|'- 1'0r0'uU"'W!|lDlI 5 U0, "D ' "` . Bhspfett Owen. Hama'lto_n--Wiuer`& 00., v ~ABulifut-~Av!m,3;ov,n`-cal +NGLlSH BUN HOUSE A. D CHEESE DEI O l`. V --_ ' _ The nttbscriber has received a splenjid log at ' C`. H '31:-F4`. Q 14`. ._-......- ,--..;; THE MANSION HOUSE, up.-......._ _-_ hxzauvv`. `I Hvlur-1', J1 . uanxmr SQUARE, mznxn, -' - Tn} 'o'h'Jr '6}? rJ_.}e'ir"a"c13r33'}E' 3}[r"ieT"" "' ' u-Mao, GE21EP.AL BLAOKHMITHING n M in hrnnnhml ntmnrlnd in Bnnie, July 16. 73`.J` -.._.---._-_ _....--..-. EVIGNY & cows, Manufacturers of ' _ n A max A an: uuv 4 nuzuuv- 9 (H11. VANJE 5 Brick -Block, Dunlop Street. -_:..- , CARD.--The subscriber begs inform public andvicinitv that he in M..- /' zxrsax/-. \._,. LEXANnr.: `?:1iii `"">* ~ou Box or}LXnka's 3 ms _.---.-n.l On nuts: .1! .1:...l....-. 6...... cl uanxmr SQUARE, HIE, - - - - - - ONTARIO. Dg FARAGHER, Proprietor. ` NIL- u; ,o llluvsuu U v u u A nu, currnns & sL1:i"'1's':" _ ` .. rs.x`ce.- and slice` `Up 3 was '0` 6 JUSTICE zs THE GREAT, .13U_'r swcr uun wcexveu 8p .CH1*.'ESE` bnh-In: in 01.- /\/\`/\4' w x/.4-\/\/\/\/x\/xxx/\.,'r\x I USIC LESSONS. -- PROF. ? L. OAISSE. P-Ania: and _0rganist, begs to iutimatathat he as preparedlo givoinitructions at 2 ofunpila. and aim at hiam.-.. ...L AND COUNTY T 013 _ TAYLOR, Proprietor. .lsnl]lBCIlll'Ol'E OI CARRIAGES, BUGGIBS, WAGGON8, | AND SLR h,1?F5: 4 /,,-\/\j A a in sun any A. CROKER,- nnllinr ah-ur gARRIE TIGHT WORK ' OOUPERAGE. alet: ln_ Woodl,` McLean. -~ _'|lv_ n 'l'KIl'T OMLLIA . GEORGE NEWTON, ' Painter Dacontor. wn , V - n_-lyv .. u:suxu:m,- Collier street Ens: atria. (_'.l_ 00.1 n INBEAH a 46-`ly IJ-.ALL'JLl-, `Px opriewr. n always E` lhe lovjnl EIJU &CDlll6f_V I0! `BB IIIBIHIIICIUTO OI OORS, SASHES, BLINDS, XOULDING, tc ..._______ ml is mounted to sunnlv those article! at the V (2-*f-i_ ` 4olY M IJ]B|.Ul'l, uurln 3655011, III III H10 j Various styles. M ' Dnulop St, opposite-Kev Brick Block, Barrie ` ODCEHO. _ ' Stagou rimning between Barrie and Ponetnm 1 guiahene, will Ienve Bnrrie Daily st 11:45 am Returzging, arrive at Barrie at 2 o'clock, p. m.` 1 WEAYMOU Ni q" FARAGHER, Prnnriators . I . van, any U5unlll1\1AU` 'l:5:iiJST'I'ZE3ZE{S MARKET snnnm nnwnnr o,_ _L _.-._._ The underlignd begs to infqrm |!l parties who mny naed auch work, than --l~.-.- `ms always on ` hand-A largo supply of `DT A QVDIDD nm `D I DTQ I s 1. 11 VI 1 kl U` 1|: I} 1. 11 A) Of qvory description, and all sizes, taken at all - bouts of the day. Thby also keep in connection with the gallery jlsrge stock of Albums. Album Pictures, `j Lockets. Obromol, Lithographs, Pnd lr-(WIT. PAINTING I-n niIi[INEnY;{[nTEss &. MAMILEI` - IJA 'XY1\1'fl. V uuu nu: D.l.lB.Ial'.|l', nnlsnllia Next to Bird : Bopt a. slum: store. DRESSES nun xx m LATESTTSTYLES, I At mntlnrnin 1-hm-nan. nnrl uvin nnninnlnnnn via-.v-4..-.- No. 1, No 2, and No 3," of thin brand, are unsurpassed forbody and hrilliancy of shade. Package: centain full nott weight. The public are wuned thnt certain other brands are 1 ilbmshort in every no-called 25 pound , ,packae. Enmlna the brnnd an! do not be nut an `long: in m1i_0l 2!! the meat , and 1 all- s;!l 5lq5'luIV . 11 vml 811-" miiwltbe >. nnnnru I | V _ . 1. nonoxlro. For sale 2: Bu-ne by John Woods, J. P. | Kidd. wmone Go . an Well 5Broa. 5J'.l\JV.In.'JL.|'JJ LII-l\J\/L\}J Whid_1 he will sell at the lowest mites forrash - Wx.C.,IAO1Y. _ .. Rnrn` 90 Running ---v--v ---- ---- ---- -u- --5...---.1 I `A! moderate ch;r;f;9, and with-promptnou. BTRAW AND FELT WORK` RE-DONE `anon : nnn An 1-. pncxage. Examine the brand an! do not be put of! 1yi.h inforior paints, The unit nlwaya oaurl *1 IE1`. 4 l81'._ * Sold by any respectable dealers in Paints throughout Ontario, and to dealers on! by . ELLIO1` & 0 . |!!AfDlULllU|lDUl AKVII KI\rs`L'lI1\,l4.l DEI- curcd in Canada, the United Sung: and Eu- rope. Patantgunranteed or no charge. Send far printed instructions. Agepcy in operation ten years. ' HENRY GRIST, ' ` Ottt1wn.Canadn. NICCIIEDICII . Draughtsman. n Guuanleeil 16 give Perfect Satisfncllon. ` This is pre-emiut nlly n shaving age--' iflhis 1: double: try to lindu bones and nee ifyou wonlgel shaved lo ynur hen-I : v_.-olztcm. But a; Prnf. M(nore s, strange \ I0 say. the wav not to get shaved is to pay him a visit and gel 9. clean shave, -and lhua gel the worth ofyour money. Remember the nlace. Second F360;`. centre New -nnu mus get me warm or your the lace, F_!oor, centre New I Brick Black, Dun op Street, B:\me.~ ---uuflltled` 5: 3 Dd ` nd 5 UUBD, DADUED, DUILVUD, IUUMULRU, CC prepared supply article: at the - lowest price. ~ in nmmn nn mmnv nnanlllnmlnnv . 4 F03 BALE BY J a_W.' HASTINGS, -- ~ Bu-1'ie_,0ntu-iq 7D uo:_iptl t.`. ircu_1_nr cn be hgd on nppligsticyn ` 'lP'l'il529li?4`- w " O .7 tf `nimm: G: `vX1~}-BENT mm , _r ORILLXA. ~ - ........... uuu "area or any mu-1 recenvea and advanced upon. ' - Colunmovs Pnnnann Ion rntsroiuna or Goons SALES AT ALL TIMES. Goods consigned to his cuewvill be disposed of to the best possible sdvahtage. JOHN w Mnn nnur WOII H PLAINING or Evnmsculrwlom. Ivuunn-ulhu I I-III: $1 IIITIII I III: Xicxne. . MISS -133-RT`oN, DUNLOP STREET,` BARBIE. Bird Boot a. slum Sun-a- us; I II U1-Ill. LVLUII UW 9 Announces the opening of the nbove e'|tabli|h- meat, and solicits the public patronage Goods. Furniture and Wares of any kind 'received and ' ndrnnnotl unnn uxusaan-3 Iuxun xx In hA'1'.lSB'L' B'l.`!hh`B, A: charaea, with promptnou. STRAW AND FELT W0 RY` mumma 1>LAs3i'6i _':_' E1318 1 .-o..n-u. . I I 9 E0.` _' ` `,. Churchill ! E5 to be n.m.-...... '1 F BLACK"S.P1`ENT A % } SPHERUIj).A__I,;__1.`:{}TACLES lg Ioad. Giiai --351` Mnnnuws Aucnnu MART mu ' commssmu nunms, NEXT DOOR TO THE MARKET HOUSE, ' Connxn STRIET, Bnxun. ' -2..-. V l`4Ul\\1E4 Dhldg .- - P Carpenter, Builder, 8w. `gs to announce to the public that be bus I completed his. R 'l` Ta`. A `M P D .W 15`. `R Jully 31,1373. =:"."T LIUBIVIU in1i.,33n. 21. 1312. )a.nnnr_1n nary dancer-I-I - II JIEJJBUQ ' CARRIAGE,` HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAAHENTALA -tux 4 ---1-r---c--.1_ .._. nxnuu uxuzu , Ottawa. Canada. Mechanical Engineer. Sohoilior offalenta and Jramzhtsman. ' > ' ADO IIIO OI EH5 IIXPIOVOCI l'llBl'.`I STOVEPIPE BLOCKS! 7L:.|. L- __HI ...Il AA cl.` 1..-..-.4 .0..- l'__ I`-- `ia"`Ef"iz?KL i.T T r u was - (if I 1; filings; ._){.". Dxsruste-1, , . IN '(:oL11.s'iL`iii"""A'}v`n% srm L J2 Kl UL J \I V' J] LI and Machinery for the manufacture of Flb QAQDEO DY_Y\!l`\Q Ilnl` Y'\l`\!l'1 w Hf`? :3: "`iI:-:".X`D s. -".. T"{.3" -.. . ; PATENTS oF"1'riVi3'1'I71di~1 T WXPEDITIOUSLY AND PRGPERLY SE- 1 ........l :. f`-.....J- ml... YT-nu...) 09.9.. ....J 17.. ;ARRIE AND PENE:I`ANGUI- SHENE LINE OF A r"I-.CVf'I'1 fN'T'-"f" FINE Asmcfor `FRAMES .r mssnvmonor me mzsunn. SE60 ll, comp: STEAM PO-WER _.1 \l_-L:_-.._ 0-... LL- ...-._..AI. -A'.-.__ -1 `Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, July%23f,' 1874.; v yroaonro Ar:ic|e,: (ha he Queen'l`> SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, SCROLIT--AWIEG, Ind. and Tnnunnrl and Gran-and Lnm` pHor6FR4PHs ..... .l.....-:....... .....I -II ...'_-.. ._I.-- Bum: & DARRTAIII`, V &C `Q jj I MARKET SQUARE, BARRIE- Mr. J oh-1-1-`Mor'ro%w. touncea the naming n.` Hm nhnvn 5.9.1.: M WATER LIME. And also of his In proved Patent POVTETJI D??? `R l.!'\(".II1 ocxeus. unromol, mtnogrupna, Pnu -OIL PAIN'r1NG,.q V Fn.xned.or without Frame: -> AIAAJ Lo'll.&VLl.L`\J withou; Frame: Pictures Framed to ofder. YITTLIUIF. L V A N hill hemist 1- , N, ENS.` Illlll IIIIII-ntunn nun au--unu- FAIR nnsssmn Ann snmm: SALOON, L * llllflil IFILIICCI I0 0309 0 HUBNE & VAN DEN STERN. 91 15119. .41!` me 058! P0591016 SGVEDKIQE. JOHN W. MORROW, Aunnem-_ A nnvnkar *zr:?aIo"G`mInI?YT `Are (e but fomhep VLHIILI II` E9 (l':[e_rcha1Igeable) , [III IYII II I-I1!` an Iv . LILVLULLV VV Auctioneer. Appraiser, kc. lo V-9-.n1-aunx. Bnyeld 81., Blrrie, Near the Foundry. 13,-ly ` aler: ll tx....h, `"21? a3ETe:'o:i' 8}" manor & 0,. l`nnmi SIMCOE GENERAL [ ADVERTI SER. msunms, Proprietors. 2, Aux) 1931: WHOLE sncnnr or success in ALL < 5 UV , v` Tonouo. -la I `D l - 4-tf I JU It . 40-ml - Sum.-as MACHINES. -~ The English Punch says that the best Sewing Machine is it pretty girl ;" but than such Sewing Machines as are sold by van Tasse &. Morgan, were not in. V vented then. Now were we as young [ as weaned to be, our highest ambition [ wohldf the o'wner'ofaSeu_ring . - Mankind 'Pip.i1o, such as `Van Tassel? '-tk . " I have if9r., @..`:vif6 The Mail says there is very great- irregulerity xn the-school attendance in Toronto, and urges the necessity 01 L enforcing the law in this respect. Other places need a like enforcing of the law. We know of farmers and others of undoubted means in Barrie and the neighboringtownehipa who _ are letting their children grow up in the most shameful ignorance. - The West Peterboro Election is R thorn in the Grits side, and presages their duwnfall at the next general election for the Local House. . A riot occurred between Len : circus men and some lumbermen, at Montre- ul last week. Shots were frealy ex- changed, but fortunately withqut any serious results. - The peace armies of Europa reach the enormous total of nearly 15,000,000 of men, each man of much it 13 com- puted costs $400 per aunum to keep. Is not thus a fearful amount to spend to keep-the peace of Europe! A The`Cana-diau Ministry are very un- popular in England on account of therr supposed American proclivitiea, and the Reorprocity Treaty propositions strenthen the belief in the Annexation leanings of the Grit Government. Dr. Livingstonds pension `of 200 per annum is to be continued to his family, and his debts am to be paid to the amount of 1,000. '1 ` T The -ve-mile race and the cham- pionship of America has been won by a Canadian, George Brown, of Halifax, he beating the American Champion, Sohar} as a. single-scullist recently. v George Brown is a. failure as a Treaty negotiator, for even his Grit ttieuds ad-' mit that he made a sad mess of the Reciprocity Treaty. Iteoan t puss. Po- litical friends and foes alike will have nothing t9 do with if. Poor George! Fua1.ns;--We need V not say one word about this establishment, the firm can and do speak for themselves, and that is better still, the machines they sell is the best recommendation of `all. Deal with them, and you'll be sorry you didn t do so before. On the 6th instant _a rzulrond accident occurred at Stony Creek, by which 78 persons were wounded, some of them fatally. I ' `The election for the Council 5:` Pub- lic Instmcuon takes piano on the 3rd Tuesday of next month, M` ` onvghe Fqcgg A serious famine ia threatening" Minei.-sota on accoum of the damages ;2;;: `.9 `.he can-. 52;; ct ..j~' `'3' !ho Iuousts. Hum: RULE --Mr. Buu's H_ome_Rule motion I-`Ms raj rated In the British Parlianwut by :1 vote of 61 yeas to 145 nays. V ' T ` ' C0)lPE'i`l l`10'X.--It'iB said that oompeti-' tion isthe very life of trade, and we be- lieve it. Now, the Messrs. Powell 65 Co. can and do hold ` their own against all comers. The public patronize them ` in the Tea, Grocery, Fresh Meat, Pro- vision and Liquor lines, because expen- ence teaches them that they cannot. do album ` ` ' Save:-91' htindred Mormons arrived `at New York, last week, en route for Salt Lake. V Immigrationlto the States has fallen off this season so far upwards of 50 per cent. ' Harvest prospects in Canada were rarely. if ever, better than they are this year. Franco is agnju m unrest; and at any moment we may hear of McMahon's overthrow. _ - ` HnxnensoN.---Mr. Henderson, of Hardware fame, tells us that he doesn t like pulling. Perhaps, however, the reason is he doesn't need it. "All who _ visit Barrieknow they c2=.n t dofbetter anywhere,-in town or country, in the Hardware line, than deal with Mr. Hen- derson, and so they *-wisely deal with him, and will doubtless continue to do so. Iiglurtgertt gilijancml ATHURSD AY ' JULY 23. 1874-. NOTES. Bqtitlel iucu u IIrII.uuvu piurucuuuuo Elsie Roland, the girl now leaning on the arm of her lover as they walk up and down the. pier, had been living for many years a secluded and happy life with her father and mother in this village by the sea,l Some time ago Mr. Roland was an enterprising man in commerce, living in New York, and making money very fast; but he broke down in business and health together, and having saved from the wreck of his fortune, after piyiiig all his eradi- tors, just enough to maintain himself and his children in a very our and stinted sort ofway, he fouii out this little village, and came and settled there. Either he had too much phil- osophy or too little ipirit to tempt the chances of life any more. He yielded his broken sword to conquering Destiny; escaped with barely life from the wreck, he hung up his dripping ger- ments as an offering to the sea-god, and tempted the winds no more. Elsie hardly remembered vwhat ` people would have called the better days of the family. She -lived a pure, poetical, delightful life, and even knew that she was happy. that ran out into the sea. They were walking slowly, she leaning on her arm, on the little pier Her li'lle brother and sister were playing on the beach not tar away. It was evening, and the sun had gone down. and Venus was just beginning to shine` in her mild and silvery splendor over the quietwaves. This was a delicious, hardly known little village by the sea in one of the Atlantic States. Trade had little to do with it; fashion had not found it out as yet. Perhaps some day it is destined to have its strand covered with batliing-machines, with young ladies in costumes that would lizwe. astonished Nereids; perlmps there will be a liatid playing every evening on that pier where now our lovers are wt-.lI-zimg 'J.l l. (!()SL unseen by lll'Jl.".Rl eyes; parhu,-i~: there will he la.-ihioimlilo lin- lel-;, and six dollars it day [or board ; perhaps there will he spleiidul carri- ages and amuziiig teams; perhaps the correspondent; of newspapers will de- vote halfsi column weekly to .~.u sie- cotint of the visitors and d_ui'ng.s at this spot under the general liile ul "Our Fnsliimmlile \Vatoriug-1 lace=.. Per- he;-< all this may-liappen. It in pI_tM$liIl6; it is even prol.-alile. But when the place li-.~.cunir.-3 thus Inn-liIoiiaili`:-~, `dear render, it will care nothing about you or me; arid we, in revenge, will care just. aslitle alioiit it. . At.` the time this story tells of. a very few years ago, it was a place as daliglitlul in its seclu- sion as in its seeneryega place. certain- ly, where happy people might make ' love, but which as yet idlers trom hot cities had not deseoraled by_ turning into a `irtation promenade. ILA nisl nan. l-_.-2._.. Especially did she recognize the fact this evening as she paced the pier, and leaned upon her lover's arm. _ Let us look at them. She is a tell, hand~ some girl, with {air hair and blue eyes, and an ex ression at once thoughtful, simple an noble. There is a certain peculiarity about the expression of in- telligent and rened people, wnnen especially, who live in secluded places, deep in the country or by the sea. The serenity and stillness of nature herself seem to be reected in their_celm, conding, contemplative eyes. '1 hey do nothing suddenly,and by starts. They do not dart ashing glances at you, but look at you frankly and quiet- ly, without hastening to let {all their eyelids or avert their eyes. "Elsie Bo- land was of this class. Calm nature had set his solemn stamp on her; and you would have known at the rst glance that she was not a town-bred girl. You had, on the other hand, only to turn your eyes upon her lever for one moment to see that he had bathed pretty -freely in the rough spa of life, and in most of its moods. The first impression conveyed to you was one of striking disparity in to age. Elsie surely was "under twenty years old, and this man seemedto be at least forty. _'He was ratlieiitall, very dark, * with wavy hair and theardvliiclr were , a_lready,sh9'w`iug the .irst`/"taint dawn not-gray; and hi_a=`ha_n_dscme with- `: its broad_ -forehead innit` - de_licsre V chin, i vu-deeplyu liiier!-.'f<"~?-ltlireh Jexp_erieeee_' : `;,nwroaui92*auiaii:: it risen a-ur-my-nil . ` !,ii1s`1.1. .,1. "|.'v Iii?! .s6`mi.=%t ' ii: ` 'xTnct!r iv-ftor`nbw.. , tiuteeitii ore. THE TREAD OF INVISIBLE FEET. Stern the world and bitter cold, lrkeome. painful to onduregfz Everywhere u love of gold, Nowhere pity for the poor. Iverywhere miltrns, diaguise, Pride, hvpoeriay and show. . Draw the ourteln, close my eyu, ram weary, let me go. Others chance, when I am gone, May reltore the bsttlvonll ; Bmvely lead a good cause on. Fighting in the which I fall. God may quicken som_`- true soul Here to take my pleee below In the heroes muster-roll, I am weary, let me go. Shield the buckler, hang them up, Drape the Itanderd on the well,- I have drai.xed_tho u.nrt~.l cup '1`o_the tinish, drugs and all. When our worhis done `tin bait, Brother, but that we should go, Pm weary, let me rest, lam weery, lay me low. Ley me low, my work is done; I em weary. Lay me low, Where the wild owers wo_o the inn; Where the balmy breezes blow. Where the bnttery takes I wing, Where the aspen: drooping grow. [Where the young hlrde chirp e.n\d sing. I am weary, let me go. I have mine bard end long In the world : unequal ght, Always to team the wrong, Always to mainteiu the right; Always with e etubhorn heart. Telklna. nivinnr hlnn be him: mwnya mm Ituhborn hurt. Talklng, giving blow for blow, Brother, I lian played my part, And am yvonry, let me go. GOVERNMENT." LAY Ill LOW; MUD. v, . Houses.` 1m 30. %Who1oNo-A1144. wuu V4 uuuu ulu, uuau uuuu, Will you !' 5 "No, oh no, vropiied El: ie. slowly, j and with a tone of hesitation at r.-er. ; No, Christie, I don ! mind that. But A I don't like to see you disturbed by 3 anything Indeed, I-shall grow jeal- ous of this {anoy which distracts your- attentiou from me. For you have had _ it before now, Mr. Christie Clevehmd, have you not, Sir, Come, confess." .nr-_ 'I'I1,~ n n .1 4 -- ...--, `..., vv--nu, vvunvu-u J Yes, Elsie, he said, and he shrug- ged his shoulders. I `don t want to conceal any thing from you. Twice it disturbed me before while I was withl you ;.but I did not than think rt worth tclkmg shout, and I didn't. know that you observed any thing strange in my A manner." What ialit like. love 1" A Like the sound of footsteps, Elsie- didn l I toll you so?" he said, with some sharpness in his tone. Like the sound of somebody waking slowly round me. It : detestable--it's damn- able! Oh, Elsie, my aweet, I beg your pardon for such words; but you know what a rough, uncouth, badly trained sort of follow I am ;and this cursed, nonsensical fancy 0! mine di3~ tnrbs me in I. queer way; and you. won't mind me, dear child, will you 1' "ND. Oh Hfl , rnnlinrl R`-in nlnuvlu u|un--uu auuuu uuw ULUVU uumuu Ill! Nothing, dearest. Surely them I! no snund near us except the mlk of the children and the sound of the wnvas."r I un....u ...... 1.....- .......I_:..,_ ..-._. .u,- I uuuuuuu nuu IJIU svuuu Ul HIU \r\v'l\VB'?. Don t you hear anything now--!hiu! very moment while I speak to you---~ like the sound of feet; of somebody walking round us`! D. yml really- huar nothing of the kind, Elsie 1" "Nu, Christie, dear, not a sound. Why, it grows louder and louder. Good God. how"! hate to hear it I" n 1...I--.I nz._:_.:- :. bulll unvyuul l|LIIs|Ul$|lUH. "Yes," he said in a low tone, and with a'nigh which well suited the hag- gard look on his now pale face, it must be so ; there is nothing in it; and yet you oan t- think how it disturbs mg I) [Valli auu WUIIUCII 7 _ "Elaie, ~ he said. Jo yau hear no- thing--no sound now ohm: buhmd us 1" u1\Inrhi.u. .t.........o c..-.... .L.__- ._ uvuu uruu, uuw I III!!! 0 near it 1' 1 "Indeed, Ohrislie, it is only some- thing m your imagination. `!Vnn" ha mid in . In... on..- ....4 I I`orc`nTo: ." , Toronto; " Toronto? HzuniI1on'. Lnnrhu. Oh yea; I have quick eyes, dear, for all that eonoerna you. Shall I tell you when it was that you had this fancy betore in my company l" "If you can, Elsre. Indeed I can, for the very same ex- preseion came over your face then that was on it just now. The very first night that my `father brought you to our oottago, the very rat moment when you and l epoke together, you atarted and looked rounclon all aidee. and your face had just the expression it had an instant ago. Am I right, dear 3" van nrg rank! vista" `I: -ah` lII|IJlv Ball: l'IlI.I I. IlIl|, XI 3 Younro tight, Elmo, he said, gloomily. - lA'I_- ._,_.A A?_-_ II AI, , ,!_I ,,,.,,A , , The next time, the girl went on, lowering hex tone, -and looking on the ground, "Wu the evening here, when -yon know-when you told me- .'.n1n , v.',un.,,, .| . 71, u nuu Iulsuu ' Those two lovers, than, were walk- ing on the pier this beautiful evening and talking in low, "grave, h-.5.p;~.;,' tone: (I don'Hhinl: lovers indufgo much in loud bumzi of `laughter gul1eruHV, do Ih9,y7), when suddenly C!cve!and came to 3 stand, and nmgh: Hr: hvmd that rested on his arm, and Imksd mm` Elsie : ram: with eyes th:~_t .-,-3 `.:u with pain and wonder. - . ' - I`'lnn `in -:n'/' ELI.` an... L-.. . .... "When I told you that I loved you, dear girl,` better than all the world !" ssidclevelsocl, shaking 05 the excite- ment of the recolleotioh all the gloom and pain ol the moment-"when l told you the truth, my love, which l will say now again and again, if you will only listen to me. What do I care about such nonsensical whimsies as these imaginary _footsI.ope! I. am sshsmed of.-myself, Elsie, and I don : know whet you can think of me. Never mind---and` forgive me. Elsie. ' `You hove chased away the ghost. I don ! hes: I-sound of her conlounded` _foolsteps_sny mor'e.__i u 21_ ..`-1._._..;.-y,, :4-.'. - .- . - .....uu ve uiuo is auvur---llllu D6911 8. 8OI~ man, a merchant-captain, a lieutenant in the navy, an explorer in the Rocky Mountains, a dealer in furs, 9. wanderer [among the -Indian hunting,-'grcunds_. a whaler in Greenland, a_ teacher in navigation, is professor in a mining -`college. He had lived many lives. " He had somehow or other got into dealingwith Mr. Roland at one time, and the latter owed him, moiiay--e considerable sum-which Cleveland did not come forward to claim atthe time of the settlement. Mr. Roland put the money aside, and waited, and then advertised in the papers for the missing creditor; and at last Cleveland tnrnednp quite carelessly and unex- pectedly one day, not to demand the money, but to inquire how his old ac- quaintance was getting on. He seem- ed a little difdent about taking the money, and looked as it he would have liked to ask Mr. Roland to keep it a little longer. But he did not venture on this, being afraid of wounding the old man s feelings; so he lumped the , bankmotesinto a handful and crammed them into his packet ; and gradually or rather timidly contrived to make useful or handsome presents to Mrs. Roland and the children, and so became by de grees a close and cordial friend of the family. They all grew to be warmly attached toliiin. As a companioii he was very interesting; he had seen so I much, experienced so much, and could t'alk-so iiiipretentioiisly and so well. In short. he became a devoted lover of V Elsie s, and she soon made no secret of her deep love for him; and her father and mother were deliglited,anul everything on the horizon looked may and bright. Thane: hum Inn.-..... eL-.. ----- ---- -"""f-I`; Christie? Is the ghost a woman. then 1" ' fulll.` u-- A..-` _a I_._._ 12.1.. sugar 5 wvusun. uwn S Why, you, dour-`-nt last a light trqad, you `how ; Iomothjngliko 9 mm younger than the rst appearance gave him ont,nnd to tell that the hair was prematurely losing their color, and that the forehead was seamed and lined too soon. He looked into Elsie s face with an expression of deep aeotion and tenderness, and she gazed into his eyes with e regard of condence and love unspeakable. l`,lnar.'- (H....-i.-...r -.. L --. V -- `"(l1`;i-s.tTe`'Cleveland-auch was the name of E|sie s lover--had been sea- mnn n mnmhano ......s..:.. . 1:-..-. And 82 00 `if not paid in advance. y In ruuur urul ruepeul loll. On Saturday morning. Mr. Thorn Tinning went over by the CH] of Toronto to the scene of the diouter, taking with him edditionel sweep. At twelve o'clock, in company with the former party, he proceeded to drug over an ore: of three miles with the greetlll care, and then, considering the tenth hopeless, abandoned it tor the present. returning to Tomn'm. There reueiu now no hope of nding the bodice until they come to the snriaoe. Hr. Weir Anderson ha ou:~- 1 :1 large reward tb an , non who may nd any ofthen. e may add that Ca t. Jena Did. 2 of the eteerner City of oronto. etettfu -that he new `the .brvkqn rng|_t,_pft'i_bV M Poem in the water seven! dd}: I34. = but. taking it to be e ehumenhybnq}. ` he oaid noqttentionyte theeirennllteii IVE` B Vlllslc JIJKVIVUI. About eleven o'clock on Friday morning, and soon after the steamer City 0! Toronto `had left. Niagara on f route for Toronto, Messrs. Win. Milloy ` and Thomas McGaw saw, with the ` aid ol telescopes, what they took to be t three miles from the mouth of the a portion ofthe meet or a vessel a little above the surface of the water, about river. The steamer was at once put about, and a boat having been lowered, it was found that the meet was that of a yacht sunk in about thirty leet of water. As it was. then impossible tt. i do anything towards raising the yacht, Messrs. Milloy and MoGaw tied their handkerohiefs to the top at the mast, in order to mark the spot,and the steamer proceeded on its way to Toronto. On her arrival at the Yonge street wharl, Mr. Win. Milloy reported that the Foam had been discovered. As may be- imagined the antiouncement created intense excitement, and a number of gentlemen, including Colonel Shaw, AniericanConsul,Ua rain W yatt,Alder~ `man Tinning, Mr. V eir Anderson, and Mr. Milloy, at once volunteered to gt. to Niagara lor the purpose of raising the foundered yacht. Preliminary preparatione having been made, tltn pzirty lelt Coiiger s wharf at five o'clock in the afternoon in the tug John S. '(}iarlm,Uapsaiu Jaokman in command. The place where the yacht was lying was reached about e _ 2 o'clock, but as darkness was i-oping -acting iu, the tug steamed into Niagara and stopped. ; there for the night. A ball past three o'clock on Saturday '1Lu'l'-'.;'a she pro ceeded to Youttgatown, i.-id took in tow the American .-zcnoo.-or Uoisiosn, which Captain Wyatt had previously. clsort-er ed [or the express purpose of assisting in raising the yacht. After some limo had been hprttlt in beating about the jmonth of the Niagara, the Foam wait sighted at a quarter to six o'clock, and a rope having been fastened to her lmatnsail, her bow was drawn` to the- :top ol the water. filings and other iappltances were then put in position, land by a. quarter past eight she was e_ttcc-esslnl-y raised. The pump Vera I then brought into requisition and the. I water exhausted. As may be supposed. a search was then iinrnsdiately made for the bodies ol the tttito:tuIal.o~ gentlemen who had composed the Foani s crew, lot with a fruitless re- sult. The rst thing that came to View was a. shirt marked J. 11. Murray, and it would seem that the ill-fated young men had changed their clothes shortly after leaving the Yacht Club House at 'l'oronto, and had put on their sailing attire, as their ordinary every-day clothing was found in the cabin in their valises. In one of the valises was tonnd a watch belonging to Mr. R. C. Henderson, and which had stopped at twenty-live minutes past one. In the cabin were discovers! two other watches; one of which ha! ,.stopped at hnlf-past ten, and the other let. hall-pat eleven. In the meantime, two boats, maiinedby Alderman 'I`inn~ T ing and Mr. Milloy,and Mr. R. Tinn- 1 mg, jr. and Mr. Cox, were draggingpia the vicinity, but no traces of the bodies _ could be l'ound., ` _ - l I\ --L- ----'v- | vvuou vv l\l\eIe\.I- Oi: examining the yacht, it was seen that the botostays had given Way, emf that the bow spiit was broken. It was supposed that this caused the meet to fall over, and the weather being tough, the yacht tuundercd. From the posi- tion in which she lay,stem down, it ' was conjectured by all preeent thet the had sunk like a stone, end this in the more probable, as one _ of the cabin _doora was open. which would allow the wing: to enter with e rush. At chi. spot too, the current was running at the rate oftour milee an hour. Tho meet was broken halt way between the deck and etep,eud eleo ixntnedietoly above the bounds. The hull wee mg. injured, The canoe which wee eup- .poeed to have been on bond could not be found, but the peddIee'vIexe in the eooker of the yeeht. - AeL_|I`___e ._-.__ _ee 1. -- uuunlu us uu: ylullio At half-put dine o olock tho uoov- ered vessel was towed into Niaguo, and anerwnrds to Toronto, where the now lies moored near the Olnilioun. Yestexdsy the was visited by lhoaundc of people, and aubjeotod to a clone out yet moumtul inspection. On Snlnrdnw Innrning II- '1"------- A disgusted Milwaukee` olamu 083:: I. ohromo to every sh that Mn. take the but. The rciroumItaneea"`IttliI"f "the nding oi the yacht Foaonon Saturday" morning lust force: upon III thcudr conviction that the gloomy snticip-` lion! which were excited in the `any as to the fate nfthe crew have, been __bm too surely realized.` As will be gathered from the account given below, there remains scarcely any ground !or even the most sanguine indulging in I hope thct the dreadful catastrophe has left a single survivor. A Hnni nlgunn n'-InnIo -n 13-5)` ~ l"HE FOAM musno um nnouannwogrououro. It was growing duh and the Iowa soon xqtumed to the cottage, and Cleveland presently had to make his way to the houoe In the Villa when ,he had tnkeu n bed-room ; nu so I101.` and he were ueparatcd. 110 vs: vs) tender and nbotiauto to hot on It r parting, and she rammed his aloeuon with hank, mnidenly winowlodp mam. And why, than, did also go In, to her bedroom with 3 and and sand flaco, audshed some ailonghmor Inn? 1 1 1 ix : gone now, Elaig; and, p1aud,'~|c t us not wuto our time by saying any more about it." And ha be _I to talk rapidly and vehemently a In their tpproaching marriage and their man. peots; but in the midst of his talk he paused every now and than .19: 1 no- mont, and seemed as if he we}: listen- ing every now and than to: some I, L _,j `L- I_.__..._ V Wbolsglo Ill! YAOI[1'_ALMllTY. N0 TRACE OI` Till CIIW. `}2ia}.}z;& fag; 1.341;.) Drdgg_3slI{' 1 r1zunmon.. [.ondon_ non been cord. n streri.-iv, `tic R J. L. u. MoCAR1`H1 has removed hi: aice to his new residence on the West side of John Street. iu:medinte1y.oppo.~it.e Dir. Geo. BIL`: planning and sub factory. Dr. McO., hu 0 vacancy for ntudent. 44--71 ----___ ,_,__,...__.._..._.'_._..----- II `CHICK PUYFHJIBI {306 do the reduced terms of `the CANADA '__Ptuun1n` BUILDING um Sulxe Soorrn, vi: bu made l.l101'0'l0&YlI :0 Farmers during lb `nut 17 years than any other, afford greater. kc-mica and advantages than those of any le: Oomunn; iu the,Dominion. `H-`ulmllnv puma sum Inn nnnn unn-panama. `I-1: xauunuuug Ill !|lU-lJU|LIl|JI\Illn I!-`Inxalni mun Mm. 109. 000:) xoxu-emu. lumtbor information apply to J. HERBERT MASON, Sernmru Ar '1`:-annzrar, T:>rm1to *||J HAIIIDLULV C 'I'lCUULVl\.lil,"'I\BlI- . oaeo-Collier nreet, Barrie, Ont. , vu xunuox, . 2. c.u coxxu, I. 1). 0930533, .D.. l.B.U.l. -.....`_,__` av xcuuscl auu. JJllv.Ll\l.V\ 1l.I.l7l.D0 D. You Wamto Baffaw Money . To 12.; more lsndfor yourself or for you. mus? To bszld 1 house on barn? . To fnnce,`clear, nAo1duin,oroIberw'|se improve your land? 10 pl] otfn Hortgage or other debts ? 0: for u -other purpole? man do this rpdnr-afl tn:-my .\f`1|n (`..nunA - -\- ~_,-,-- 4 \/\_,-\_.-s/`.,'\_a`\/`\-\."\ - JAABS HDWA ROS, (Late Deputy Registrar) Cbaveyincet. &c., agent for the Rnynl In- vmnou Company`, and-the Accidentnsnnnce .0UP|h]. -01ca-Poat Oic-2 building, iarrio AIQAXANDER xomzow, agent for the Pronncinl lcsu.anco lonpnny, the Queen _ Vin an-I Life, the Phaanix, the Isolated, and M - Lncaahira Xnsunnce Compnnien.-0fBce `lav Brick Rlm-Jr, aver Rnvnnnh Stars: 955 IIAIIIIIIS I Munro: Guxnun, U.E..P De. WELLS, -Graduate Toronto Un versiYvY' - Member College Physicians and Bur eonl, Ont.-i)nioe-Ovdr Wells Bros . Drug tori `Fpoaita Barrio Hotel, Hotel, Dunlap str- 33 h-_,' --- n- a- :3. Uh'UUKD'ANR\, Uununnn. 09- 0meo-~ln Brick -Black. Dnnlop. Street. Brut at, opposite Watson 5 00., Drugzilp 51- Residence, rat house East cfezmfl 0560- !3'Umco hours-from 10 till 1'2, Fore- loon, Ind from I '.i1l3, Afternoon: ll-12m p B. 0.8 BOSANXO, (GRATUATB OF` Phiiadelphla mum College), my be iouodiu his oice every day. Extra chu EIdI for professional visits. Collier street, Barrio. ..._.. J BAILEYNIITERINARYSURL . GEON, successor to D. G. SuIherlsnd,snd Grsduste .0! On-` tsrio Vererlnsry 0ollega.-- The snqserlber hereby/informs the public _ that he will esrry on the business 0! Yelenury Surgeon in the plsce of D. G- lstherlssd, who is lesving those. P\rts; and W0! by prompt sttontion sndskillfel trest- Ient to secure the pstronsgoso liberally he- slewed upon his predecessor. 7 Onion "end Shb!se one door lint of Psrsglm-'s Hotel, Ionic. . 45.1, '1%F[bA T'ic`ium`m'r .'1'3U'1LDING `jfsn sA\':,\'us Sr)OIETY. bu.) Om:-I -MA-SONIC HALL, TORONTO. (`ATJ!'l`.\ r a:h1`r nun - nu. unwl -mnnuruu nnuu, zununru. ()A.PI'1`.-\.L, -I 1 500,000. To Earmers an tandowners! II V... Tl/..,_.4-A- D-._.._-._ f|,_..,_. . _, V , The subscriber bag: to inform the inhnutsnts of Thornton and vicinity, tint hitocc is at- Tbornton P. O. , Bont`rSiInooe, and the , he is nnnnnd to nromntiv snend tn nll V Jll 1U unnu on approved Ireohold I0-A entity. and :1 moderate In'.erest..--Ap- ply.o ARDAGH as STRATHY, So!ic`:`.:ra,- Bantu. 1-RR I IUIIIOII I . U. DOIIIKI 510.1006, Ana `I18 I10 15 prepared to promptly attend to all DISEASES OF` HORSES AND'CATTLE And anything requiring Vote:-innry Skill. Hi! Condition Pow-Jon, Healing 011. &o., will be hand very eihuciotmnnd are sold by J. `P. KIDD, Drnggiut, 8a., Bnrrie. Order: promptly. attended . ' 3.} - . `H BLAGK8'1`OOK.- 31` DIIOIITOBY 0! `Pill $13313 BRANCH 3131.1: socrm.` DUILOP Iflllf. . Orillin. Solicitor in 011:3- I ) eery, Attorney-it-Law, Oohvoyancer, Com- 'n.1u1-.uer in B.R., &c. Heir and Duviaee Olaiml om-nled.Agen for Onnadcr Ltnded Credit. gong.-any for loaning money on Real Butte. 0F'l`IC.x.~.\'ul FrankVEeau'x Start. B48 ,-, -__..---~~- -~~~ OUNT & LOUNT, Buripters, Attorneys at- L law, Soliontors in Chancery, 89.--0ce'- Dunlap Street, Bnrriq. Successor: to the late tun Bouhon Lount, Boys,& Stewart. W. Loan. ` G. W. Loon. RD.-IGH k S`_[`8A`1`HY, Bsrrilton and At- A u2r`noya,Sol1o1touin Ohnnoety. Noun-lea mic, Oonveyr-oars, Bun-lo, Co Simeon, Ont. "I. I. AIDAGH, I`. H. ITEATEY. xaons 1*. 4. BOYS, Bmm.,, A%R:y I ` 9olioitor in Ohsn 0 ~ -(Alec ovdr Ha.-ri|onac:g1"e, 8?)!L!:t!:1";:n1";D). P Ive 1.3:: ie. H90 '-- _- ' _"__ _.--._......;___.._: `-"-:---------_.'_._._.. 1|)GAR B. SANDERS, Attorney-at-law, Sou. oitor In Obanoory. Oonveynneor. Co.-nmig. gum In C.P., 50., Stayner, Co. Simona. 900 3 uuciamra LDSUISDCG uompInIen.--Umce Brick Block, over Rnwsonh Store 955 -`E--_-_....' " "n.:::-'.. ---'----'~ .cuz1~m. 1. ms, [LATE .`la0AR`l`HY M lilacs:-!hy,,] Bsrmtera and Attorneys, 0 ualtorn-in Chnnoory; Hourien Public nd. gpiuysncm. Dunlap meet, Barrio. 1 jumou oC.umn, QC. WI. Bou, L.L,3_ _%--- . ,- ~K%g;;aa?mmm "KERR -;.hcitor-in-ChnnI'.Yo '3` 0"` W 6: w,O;a../0..c Posdt omoo, Owen nil ' k )1on.eytoLen . ",4, 3m - 1 . .. . -.- .-.-v\~s\~~.s\x.-.~-.~ss~s\\\\x~-\-sssxus HAMILTON & McC0NKEY,-Rui- \ Oaen--(`.n|Hnr nun. Run-in Ont, 1 unum vv. u_nuu 1,; L Lunxuix-AT-LAW Solicitqr - In - Oh-ncory Conuynneer, Remy Public, &. _ . ._m,....Owen Street, Bax-Vrxe, Ont. I AVILLER 3 THOMSON, Oivil Engineers, Provincial Land Surveyors, Archictl, be. BARBIE and ALLISTON. Aual (hvn.r.nn ns-nun l`|m|nnl_ W`J' in 1! > Mon ' "3 Town azrgatnewaot gornu eou~?:n:utrlg,' pn_!un|n tutha .g,guo7r' Mi an m3 `M at us ndvsnee or 5100 l `he ooh ntton taco! Iubu-riplion - Tnotp.,d ~Prio. 'r s:y-3.1.221`-Bixbli.;ie",r NM; 3 M the ' ; -. III | 3 f . im, 3 ,r1x,,(:`};:::i one galzflaaortion ' OIQICIH 0l'|>|,2`\_ Profen5.9I[|n; an 'CIfix -"W 5` Peryeu g"'" or h.15~ a)lmore!lnnteu'liq` 3 70!` six mo XIII. nu be made by the" speciggcmhu it '9': Ofdell to (xi VGA! 0` p`n`fIcQ-. u~ was to be made; n :'in_nnue A51: , of . spof discontinued nh.nR. `Ye;-mo . n pud,_oxoept .1 `he opstl, al1'.."` norm; . an 'Pbli.h_ Pablishe-1 um Ta! or. hlIO,Bdogn[ ., promim. Th: K`:-?.`.dRUL1xgd mat ire more co` I0! or `he .2 on thg H0l"h of T0l'Ont Tplele `h`n Utlbrglh mod out in "B, "in: b.,.! c.o., haumnnicatiou. ghoglghrtncuyar. ca:-arm, Plblilher, powpam be addmnw t . _ . _ V 0 an '-- 1 `an . I).,_ `Laxmvc n`i2s?f6?iii:f3`s ,'i5FJ{IJi1iV12Z}?1 Surveyor, Valuer, &`c., Barrie. nu}, ` ---____._._._ ,_,_ 3- 3- S. CROOKSHANK, CORONERy `G. 0meI--ln Eric-.|( -Black. Dnnlon. Strut. {DHEY T0 LEND on approv:l_freohold Io- uarltv. and It mods-an: Tn9nr-ac! _An_` `IHBISTOPBBB HARRISON. - -v- /`--K.-._.'~-`\/\r~ \/\/\/\J "om +0 'mND.-App1, to JAMES ED- WARDS. Rovnl Inaurorjna nm.-.._ R...-I. |'l;EHl'I`!T| If 1: duo 'l ..._..._- 1 .A N018 W. LALLYATTORNEY-AT-LAW 5 Solicitor in Ohnncarv. Can:-nu..- lebiralj iprofmsiot Alusurmuc Notice; --- . - R. OUT!`-ER, County Crown Attorney Mrrluar. 6'6 ..Ba'rrie. _ 3' 4' - ...._.___.._.._...__.__...j _-an: IU l0 JAMEI4 [GD- WARDS, RoyA1_Iniuror.ce Oce, Barrie. _Urto j'11rpc1_1or 5 tllarb. `-.- -\>\\ - '\' \\.\'\.\\-xx` i HE NOR'l`HERi'. ADVANCE` , hn.1V1862. %1T1l%uT11Jcg_L1A_tpj{Zc1.1b. % ; WI Yil Be Rcmuw nd Cerf .:In`ingV!l.Q `anac nil" `net in _il:o AVILLIK, O.E., P.L.8. fegal maths. prnrnrgxxunr 7* sunenon, 1 . raonmox. _ 1 J. UDIXDHISI 5l1'.DL y Setnlrzry 6; Treamrcr, Toronto, 7 A_. MORROW, .nnnn'nr_ n3 Barn`: --p- .--..-.-.-vvgvu DIPOIITOBY III! A Nll III? II uu-uxvu DLDJ _ DUILOP ltllf. . x BARRIE FOUN- DRY. AGRICUL- RAL IMPLEMENT nun srovn: wonxs. V- ` RIJIJIE I I71,` p Cunonn Tnolnox, (`..E-.P-L.S Munnv vv , .Jx:praiser. a: Barrio m F',E"' ` .4-

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