Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Jul 1874, p. 2

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promptly on Vthe'grou'nd,_'zmd most vig`uro;us e_"orts succeeded in checking the` progressof the conngraliun before it did further damage` than already stat-` ed. During the progress of this`. re . V two guteazxpts` at incendiarism in the same neiglxbnirhood were discovered; andvf'rustratod . In one 0353 kerosene was used. ` -......., ..u.umu Vuxtyul um C|_l}"', In U10 vicinity of the juuotion (of Milwaukee a.n_d `Chxcago avenues.. Fifteen or. twenty bunldings, co_mprising`stores, snlotms, planing and carpenter shops, were burned in 9. short timc,the ames bemg fanned by, a brigk North-west breeze and fed by a" vexy inammable material. The Fire Department were Vthe'grou'nd,,zmd by ',hH' hrrlrrrnca inf {Ln ...\.. - um uccu man. All um ll H1198.` Cmcmo, July 15, S pm.-Ar')other fire broke outabou; 4% 30, p n: , in the North,--westem partybflhe cnty-, in {ha vfcinitv of the iunntinn nf 2\}!;I`.......y-__ less been lost in the mxs, [N1-:\_v Yong, July 15.-'-Spe3ials from. Chlcago give the fol.'owing cdrlirfonai p.'H`li(`.lllm5 `about (the re : The re aw-.)_.x_`.,r11., is L:ux_r:plr:to_ls,v !.w.<`:~'.=':' r:<:~-.211". and it seem imporszble tlI:xtllv':r%:ca11'be rmzch fuztlwerldamage. Acre-'x1:t;sof'tl1e 0rlg'in'0Il.l1e re d.5_'cr. The lxusinrag-s 1 portion of the city is mostly 11nt.oucled. Some twenty blocks are bm`uc=zl. The loss `is variously estimated, and cmzmv be given accurately. It will not be `less thanfour" and probably not "av-or six rm'|lio'ns. This IS covened by about two- hs insurance among numerous -com- u. pgmie. The area burned over cnvers H fteen squares 1 Taking-bits and lml{_ blocks hereand t here and Jumping the _Wl1Qle, _th'e bumad, area is uboutlnalf a `mile long an}! a little l_ess`x'n_ '.vidth.- A number of seri_cu4sZ_casua.liliss are re- ported, and ,seven1_l persons have doubt- 'l..l.. 1: n l`l_'Il'I I l1I\ 1 I Tm: Bmccmzn SCANDAL. ~- Henry Ward Beecher has writ'en.a letter to-the prominent members of his congregation, demaxiding an investigation into the charges preferred against him by Mr. 'Ti1ton. This is as it shouldbo, and we icontidently expect that. the rev. gentle- man will come through the 012103! Right side up with care. ., - ___.--..-may Chic-;1;;o is the victim 6i":motI1er -c6n- :. K-1-gl'4lEvi(f-I1. 2.-`~ 0'N110:;sod1'cpoz'tofwhich we give as follows :-- Sixteen passengers to Manitoba. have written to the Mail complaining of the hardships they had to (endure. by the Dawson route,` amongst which were sleeping on the bare gronndvat several of the stati ms, and that after being twelve days on the route, they were not half way to their destination, and were with- out food, and no prospect of being sent. on. Nothing is well managed by Mac- kenzie & Co. - Auux vUALulI_-1 DUUUUNU U1 HUT nappy 11100173. . After the cxm11inati0'x1 the pupils the visitors 1'0tx'e:'xte_d to thn beautiful grove of. St. - Louis CI1urch,Aad_juining' the school Imuse, where :1 n1agnicen_t lmlcheonvwas served out on the gijeen, which, though px:-ups not itnexliccfeti, was a source of joy to `,L1H- =`.`xiH i1. .\I-any of the grown- jxp youths oflzoth sexes joined them to` h1xuri=.zt.:: in the delights of this well fur- nished repnst, and spent 9. delightful. e\.;;ninfri:1~d:mci11g and other innocent m._~......,+.'m. ` ' " V 'r` LOSS t'.:~`i{X i\'iI_L.T.>ION DOLLARS. I ,.A destructive rentoek lace in Owen ._Sound oneTnie3d:ijt~eIa;3t, r. Ha.rtiso'n s PIaning Mend Aluniber to the extent `of a.mi1lio'n feet. were burned. The new steam' engine worked like 9. charm, or the deetmction woixld have been heavier Loss estimated at 815,000 ; Insurance, $4,000. Emoiii-'uE&;:' 33:? :13 `test majority of profa tisnlin an noted lie, and 3 jun and sham; the reason co has taught them unmthshantiulity of the which they have hitherto ' Now, we humbly 9p_ine tab: `_.______,4;, 0 Movivr Sr. LoUxs',' V `- July 4:11, 1874. . The oiuniinntion. of _ the Mount St. Louis School took place today, with en- tire success; The spacious school-rooin was crowded with visitors, among whom (`were-ten of the most eminent teachers of the `adjoining schools. . 'Ihrough the unavoidable absence of the Rev. A. P. Mullonywho is himself a `distinguis'hed patron of learning, classes were not call-T ed untili1O`n.n1... The junior department 1 first app_ea1'c<.l on the platform and .dis< played *.in1).'irulleled' merit in reading, urithinetic, grnmmrtr and geography. A varied selection of recitations and dia- logues were delivered by those little ones, and the expression and sympathy I which nppertnined to each part would have done honor to older hltwads. Tho. senior division (senior in the various; hrmichea they pursue, rather than age) ` were next called upon, and answered the iibove named subjects and other higher brmiches with such case that the most - strict exhniiner could not be otherwise than pleased. _ \V..H .....u 41.- -~..,...4.. .1` mm l\':l.1Aur~-l vllcu l_l.I1;tlBCUo _ `VCII may the pstmnts of. the children who attend this school feel proud of their hoing in so enviable and pros-iperoua a section. W'eH, indeed, may the worthy Mrs. McMillan , to whose `zealous enter- prize all is owing, feel jubilimt over the mm-vcllo11_s success of her happy labors. l\'.(-`P HID r-\'nvn;n-:Hn'n {La xn1Ix:`n Hm. watt?` Fins? cameo. bvresziouueuce. ,` ,.` -_.. vv\,.l\4l ULXU xloc-suit n_ecdj`it.. All who :/now they can't; do better town oi" coun_tr_y, in the .0, Vtl'nn1 dea!.17_"VViU1`.\['l'. Hen- Rn H,m.. mz.-.31.. .n-v -4`- :tion of the country. So all those who wish to , without the slightest veather, to -give Mr. A The? Will nd him , liberal a,n_g1`jusb,' whii':h ;en`dn t-.inn'~in+.1..;..- -IL! nu 45. xv v Aaxull def of `Vim.-.4, Buzz;-1: and is M1`. D. King, of the ` Store.- `R1.-membe'r that `] lInI'| Li... ..L --- - v. ;_u;uu:luUUl' UIIU [with him at once. `I '1' * _a.i1d Provision 1n. f , -_.. uuuulug t8K(:S lxke it. . Miller 8 Reed, Ulvex-ton, P. Q., write---The Eclectric Oil is go! in ecjiglne dealers. Price, 25 (:15. = . -1:zmMAs,m3e1ps, NJ. % &j=1.I'MAN ; To;:nj.;>, Ont, _' _,,,.-. .......u.. pa:-La or Uoaada, wh-i('.,we think, should be sullicient to satisfy the moat skeptical. J. Collard, of Sparta, 0nt.,,seud me 6 do: Dr. Tlicmras Eclectric Oil, have-sold all I had from you and want more now its cures are truly wonderful." Wm. Msgnire, of Franklin, write-s,I have sold all thesgent left, it acts like a- charm--it was slow at vst,bnt takes splendid ynow H. H. Oole,of Iona, writea,ple1se forward 6 doz- . ffhomas Eclea: tric Oil, I am nearly out; an .- mg equals it. It is highly recommended by those who have used it J, Bedford, Thames- ville, wtites--`-`Send at once a further supply of Bcloctrio Oil,I hate only one hottlelc,-it. I now: saw anythlnghsellsowellsnd in such 'generalsn.l.isfao!ion" J. Thompson, oodford wrlt,es--Sendvmeoaome more Eclaclric Oil. have` sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it. . lilies & _d,"Ulverton, 0.. wriu--""~- V thathave beet. received from diife Canada, which, we -._..-...,,-, uuugu. 11. positively cures up. Fifty cents wc cured cxick in the back, and the eam : Emma back ofe1gbtyears s.tanding. Th iug are extracts Irbm a few of the many rent 1 9 moat 001 .PY`-F. writes.send nm at llnv n- I -____________.__________ Ei.nc1~mo1'rv I Tuou.'\s"ExczLsion Ecmzcwmc Om! --\\ arm: Tim Txuns n-9 Wnxuxr IN Got.;.- Pain cannot stay where it is used. 71!. is the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures cummon_ sore throat. ' One bottle has cured bronchitis. Fifty gents worlh has cured an old standing cough. It 'positiveiy Oahu-rh, Asthma and Group. worth has same quantity ofeight _years The foxlow- many _ letters di'ex-ent parts of mCanadn, mid! -- .4. u . _ r""' lJU."(`LlU`.l u Mwuncruhn or CocoA.-- We givo an account of the process I Messrs James Eppn . Co., mnnuf: dietetic articles, at their worksin Road. London.""Sce article in Cass hold Guido. " ' sud K:L K.'&!`;.`.l !S!. '3 digestion and nut cation ,0! the 1 cocoa, Mr. Epps, -tab1:~:=,wi_h .3 d Lwhlchmny save i -Ciml Snmi. ll _ - -.............unuu, n:q., Harrie. "SA-.\'1Z)ER.S--EORSTER--A"t Cream 10th June, by the.Rev. W. R. For: of~t1:e brid_a,assiatod-by the: Rev. 8: icy, l`uronto,-E. B. Sanders, 1231]., &c.',Stayner, to Miss Clzirs Fora more,_ _A . ,_._._._.-J- , _ . ' _ Churchlarrie, o_n Hie 8th July, by t_lx-,9 Rev. E._ Morgan, Redtor ot Barrie, assisted byvtha` Rev. W. R. Forster, -Cr'eemoze, Mr.` W. Drugqist, Stuyngr, son of Wm Sander . s, Esq.,' P. L. 8., `to Laura, youngest daughter of the lat; Junatlmn.Lnno, Eeq. - ,b`an*ie. 'SA\l')Ta`.DQ 'l:`I\nnm_.`. .- _.-...;;m:u, fun E8) ; UIO `.4 whis ke_',';- the key far c -`bites, spramb, bruises, -bu "diam Pain Destroyqr,-"' at Sold by all medicine dea"-1 BAK?AS F; -'-`-2; )nuw.m--um - u . .__..-_ V... v....vuuuuuI UJJCB, cc 'mn'1u miniuton-s,.'believe in the Irtiolol to which they swear adhesion-- in otharum-an. Hm. n... n:.... -: LL `II l_.. J deal;-y,_` _ Sheep Skin`s-$1 50 {o 2 " 1*'o_rc quarter 6 00 I. Hide.s-$5 1 Bu'.`.cr--`-175 to I70`. ` Eggs`--13`to 15. ' H1y--$15 00 to 18 00. Slmw --10. 00` to 10 00 Wool, new clip--33 to 35. .-out-~4\\n>l llLrAIVV uuvxluu)" [Hid UOHB prepzuialiml has ellecled "some n: muss. .R.~em_ernbar the name, and the aign;:Tnre of Hun! _& Co.Vi5 on pg nan 7\ nrvhu..\ f`. I --- ~ "" _DONl' -Know Hm. -Wehcard ' of fa man who ow'ne'd a harsh :\\hi'."h ihrid been for 3 .long time aliciesl `viii: a chronic cough.and wa.s',olhoriwis_s iu'a poorcondilion; he at length resulved in 51.11 him. and did so` for r. veryiriiag `sum. "Some 5 or 6 weeks after-, wards, ne meljhrr person to whom he ha-.1 sold him driving 1: beauuiulhorae, full of life, and oonc-l ii hind eiihcr exchanged hirr. forthis or purchased nnnthur; but judge of his surprise oh 1-earning that the il)i58 \_VZ1\' "the same lhai ha prevnoizsly owned and con- sidered of so Iiule value. On enquiry): to what had effcled so great a change, he \\`i<.e told that `-Darley s (Jazz-:.:Io:. P0\'-'(i$r5`>IlKili, ..?\rabla_n:Heave Rained) had doue`ii.V Ti-.is_ ))f6D. H8Xi!)Il eiim-_u..l "mum .., _.-..-.u ulil l\l\l"a.` Fm Wheat--$0 no to'l.'. .O - ,Tre'.1d'.vel --921 12 (0.311 i,4.V Spting-'- 1 in to H2 . Outs---58 to-G0-3. ` Peas-60 tovtic. ` Ba.r1y~+75 to 75!: Potatoes--per bag 50 10,600. Dressed IIogs-7 00 to 7 :30.` Beef---Hind"q_uaxter.8 GO to 8 ; ll Fora quarter to 6 Hide.s--s5l FRIEND Pz~:mu':'... _ "~.'n don't know, not care, of what nu.t u)m1lity our wad 'P'qt"kins is. All we care to know of him is whereour` pocket is eouwdv; and, by experience, we know that his :u.lvc1'tiSe- rhent speaks tho truth. So try him and judge for yourselves. He deals in the best and cheapest Teas, Fmnily Flour, Groceries, Provisions, &c., &c., and sends them anywhere in the Coxfpomtion, free of charge. Our readers cannot do better than deal with him. - "-W A'r8QlN"'&".3Go.--It is said that the Aeye'of at mastm-("doth more than both his hands. M1`. Watson, the famed'Drug- gist, has to be even so. For since he has-attended personally to his own business, it is flstolliiilllllg how it is increased, for they have condence in lxim,and know full well that what he sells is the genuine article; and that there is no duvager of mistakes being nnadeiu we medicines couxpuuxldevl by him. No HOLIDAY FOR Hm.--VVe don't knowlwhether Mr. Stephens, of Photo- graphic fzune, intenzled, like the rest of us, to tukeelxoliduy this Week ; but we do know that if he intended todo so, he couldn't do it, for the ladies, one and $11!, went into the Medical` Hall to look. bemxtifxil, and then immediately went upstairs to Stephens Gallery and had their likeness. taken, because he is just the _rn:u1' that can put in the tics in that departuient. He is.certainly it .No. 1 Artist, and the public know it, f;.-1' lessons of every age m.1Ll.citln:r sex, visit _Stephens Plioto,gr;qahic Gallery; and ulleome m\'ny smiling, because they get as faithful a picture as if` it" was their double in an looking-glass. Worms ! Wuopsoi! Wcons !3!--We Llon'b know if"tl1e1'e' is magic-_ in the mum- \Voods~:,' in this town, but one thing we `do know, and that` is, tlmt the Medical ,I;I:\ll is all the time crowded with the wit, worth and beauty of tllevt0W'I1 and surrouncliug 1 -.eighbo1'liood. Young men and mui<,lr_>ns; old men and children all rush tliitlior. ' Surely there'must-be :1 causoofor all this`? W'e think we czm divine the reason w_hy._ The people put- ronize the Medical Hull because t11oy_ like the man and the goods hevsells, The` l;cst:in his linelis to be had `at \Voods, and honest and upright dealing are the role at his No. l'estal;lishme11t. 'l`l1ut s an -1...... ,......_ ., ,,,, T I`~IA N,DsoM2.--Handsome is that hand- some does, is an old saying. Now the ha.ndsomest'sl1ow wiudow, by all odds, in this town is our friend Bothwell s. It is n'uture's own" garden, improved by art.` Who -that has 9. soul in him but must admire owers? - Now at Mr. Botl1well's, opposite the Railway Station, the best of plants are to be lmd ; then if you are thixsty, there is the place to get cool soft drinks; and if your bent leads, nowhere can you do b_eltm' than get them at Bothwell s, for he sellsucheap '? Re- member that`. -Ba RRIE H A ra'i{';:1':;_. _, A- -. `: will now mt adopted by 4. munufqclurera. _o! 23, at works in the Euston "AS120 Caxsell's House- m Goya.--A ywhere used. It no dose nront. "One bottle Y Se'nts'wo1-lb cm-Ar! an -H MARRIED. -, _,......., m, u ::yqr,` at 9.5 cm. cine dealers.-V -.. ..-.... ..._ Au!` eecled rerrnarkabl er the and See (ha: In-r-.l Co.'is vac): pack. 5-:. Lyman, Toruntb. On: -; ~1_ .\'uLl }-1' nil m. -}Un I08 50. `r 50. f1e_kf of the` palace, 1321-, . 'al;- Hm --GRATXIUL mu) *1: knowledge of the operations 01 V a careful appli- of wclfsel-acted`. d our breakfast cured hnvnun.-~ _...., _ncucf8 rent parts of suiciem I. Collard, _Thcms=s' mm vnn --U` , J`._'\. ...:v; mu the key 0; the the cellar, g colds, frost- i lhh |"(`.:nn. ;- \(II1tI|a' UK] ' all median Ina ` \IllIi1- ` per bollle. -nu me nuance within one month thereI.Iler- The d2ed`to.xh Vendeo will be pfP"d the Vendo'r a Solicitors at the VeudM'a r1P`"' -I-`Iuther particuhu-s may behad, and fun col; diilorxa of sale, may be seen A: the 03t'v'.. the said. town of Dundu, of the VeI=d` .59l,i_e_i1orI. , _ . ` .- Dated `uh July,'A; 9., 1814. - ~ - 0SLBB,'W]K qmVYN_-` ' ~ Yepdo_tl'5Q13,9*, In ml posaeszion and control. I The purchase: will at the sale, pay down I deposit 02 ten per cent of the purcbue money. and the balanc ' b :1 mu. d2Ed nl-Tlfltd woxth. on FRIDAY, THE mu Dad "0" GUST , 1574, at noon, by James S0nlt`I:Vlll:)y! uctioneer,u!l.=the right, z tle, end equlll redemption of the said McUart_y,|nd hie -osvvgn" in Imolvemy of, in and to the tollowic;1'd' in the townsbi of Ves I in the couhlY `! I. nc-131:1]! and loutb W! Simcoe, namely, the 4th Concession, 150. N-"" quarter of Lot 11, _ Lot 13, in 45:12 Coneeqsion, 200 acres, NW7` mg 2 acres. North-west corner oflonth hnlfof south-W` hnlrrfbot M, in the 4th . Conceuion,1_ `ma nndbLot 37, in the 2nd Concession, and In I to t e pine tree: growing and standing, 11".` and being in end tipon the following lxnds ;' the enid township of re, namely : 1-0` ` ; in the 2nd Conceesion; n, at. c6 utaiumg 95; 60 acres,-ca e_,D\:t,cher Lot; Lot 19. `,`m 2nd Como A ,t 32, in the and C0t10'" t Upon the we `fly. there are erected I *3" owe: Circular _u'|i.MILl. Fi_ve.Framo DIG` "5 . onset, :1 Frame Ba:,' and QlbQt'o_1.|Ih0llel`-h. The roperzy oi: ` ln0lt'm_l)IF6d_p{l0r I0 `d Vendot Mortgage by a. mug f0_' ""93, purchase inon'ey,to one David` erxlg ` uh extent cr $3000.00 and-interest at 6 pct` from an: Deceinb r; 1873. (M T The Vendor will only produce to the V33. 5 e`ebstnet of the title and W` ' to his poaeeszlon control. I l . ' ' The nnI'OhBl' Di" at lien -nla our 50'" By virtue ofg`;\1ortM ember, 1373, from . hia,wife as to dow_e ...`l.:..L ._2-- I -, ....... VI {I murI.;.{nge cmtea me ISID 30" 0|_Ilb9fy 1873, Julius ('.1*3ar .\lcUnrtj (Ind 1113 ,w1fe as dower) to John Frederick W004: which will be produced at the me, there Wm be sold by IITTIEI` `Urn - -- ------- PUBALI;::lXDlyIC'I`l0N And 11:; ilgarquia of y, `at: banquet givpn them in , England, by the Merchant "Ahoy.-- - \.r.;. TIMBER, . LANDS, anowma anld In ame, I Co`, We,ls Brus , De;2cou;Cra ighur:l, ( cine dcah.-rs. 3-:----~ run duct-tmx:s1n the p.1mphFcl an Lnd, raw `Pack _gc_, Va hiL"h Sh0u]d>bc_ L-gal;-f||Hy p[c.~rr\`cd~ Jon` Moms,` NEW. YORK, sou; PROPRIETUI One dollar an-i_twelve-um!-halfcz-1:1:for pr: age unclrscd to Northrop 5.: Lynmn,'l`u:..uw, Uri gc.-erajageuls, for the Donn'nion,wxI ,n~u.-c ba: llc,con!ain`ing' over 50 ping, by return nza. Sold `in Barrie, by John \V(\od.~ ; Wmson . Bruit, Toien 6.: M(~Leau:Bnd{m D.e..':o11';Cra'ighursl, Green 65 13105., and all-ugcd cqne ` - ` : EDWARDS & LAIRMD, , -_ aTF{.~1;s `PERIODICAL .`. 1; :u (:1: E.-11 ENVGLVVISH REMEDY. ._._.o -_ .`._,,.-... -..-.... . . . Vc speak from-experie`_nce,in the mixer, `hm.-F:-.g tesu-d it thoxougbiy, and ltqxeforo ~thosc who are uexiug f."om any of -the cum- plainta for .whicb it is recommended, mu; ide- pezid upon it being *1 Sovereign Remedy. _ The astonishing eiacy. of the Can:-didn Pain` De's"rc=_vt-r in curing the diseases for which it in recomxnzwdcd, r.nd`its Izoriderful rffecu in subxluing the 1or1u_xcn3 {sins of Behuma:inn,- nmi in`rc':i;'.'in;g )~.'c rvcuslAc'..ion':!, emi'.`.c_it so high rn.l-17in the list of `Remedies. (`-xdm . age ccming in.` fzom Medicine Dcalers. :n Iii pm!svoH'I.e country, fer furibn sx;pplie.=, and each estifyiing as to the universal auislacziun ` ix Jvea ' ' llu lllnlll lCl.'3 OI ' D WALL PAPER DECOR_A'[`]()Ns ` 1:;-21.9 12.001-`me, BUILDING mpm. _ V Dnuzna m Pianos of but makers. The Mason & Ham. 1inOxgamI,and !h'(: Canada Organ Comp;,,, .3 Orgnnsand Melodeona: Organs and Me n- deona'Io:nI, and for:nle,un Ihe mummy payment system - . EDWARDS & I.Ahm at-i Hm Jun: OLD when 1 ,(o the public pn-8851-E such curative pmpm 1 Consum liun ll nntinc I . is not. All [KM is required iT:]IEJu-!c; ,y,)(1l:)l"_l;"'S ii In (effect a prmalnctnl cure. in. .-;L('."V!1IL` Bronc-hi..l Remed `is fast B(cDlIung 15:` 1'7 med;cin:`for all e `cations of lhr chest at-Selma For insipient consumption, bronchitis. naIlImg~" conghs, colds, dvrn, no other mcdk-inc cfcr c~t|l.`n,].`( Let the ruiliclcd Irv it and prove its g-',,.,,C if" sale by all druggms. ` V` W 1 vnrp nI1xuuAIuu Ur IIIUDI`. W11!) I- have been suffering a long lime ln.-m` all compluin'(3 that have resisled all onlma methods of lrea!Vmen'; is called la l)r. ll hue}. es C;mponml Elixir of Phosphates and Calisnyn. Thin Iemarkal-lb pn'_-paratmu, by provnxming the coinplrte digestion and mslmz. lnlinn of {_ood,-creates pure vilz1.zIug-blwl Lo` restore Vdiseased "tissues, and sum 1y m.m, force to all the organs of the body. It is gpecsrsq lur lyspepnia in all ila farms, her complaint and diseascol the kidneys; am! so gpeaclgly dues ll 80!, lhl lmpH;vc_-mgm- ,_ _;(_ qumrly manilcn llvo nm may or ulw.-g 4' Being chemical food, i's_ P[(Ip( l`.l['8 3., 3.3. tritive. and cann :1 iu;ure clfvll or llllll umm any cmadition of the syslcm \_'-`lmiuvcr. '1`:-1 ' ' I ------`--"-""":'-`-`---.---- HF. ATTENTION OF THODE Wm; h_ayoA bee_n suffering along {mm ,._,....._.. magu . Irv; , ,`. 7-7 ---- v-v-----v-an . . ., , - Dn. J. Bum. SnO*sox'a Specic and Tonic H11.-. the Gwat English Remedy for all nerroua dbm1_.- from whatever came arid , have already been a:_ thproughly tented ln Ca 5 as to require little in be said In their favor-39 A certain cure fr)! llrme dlatrcaaln a{mpt.oms arising from errors or you1n_ Dr. J. Bel S mpwn was a upll and rm.-nd om..- late Dr. Willie Moaely. of ndon, England, the most celebrated authority In the world on um nun. Ject. Ina partner is now vlnltlng Cwndn. and H prepared to give advice free to BU. and roman: cir- cular, etc., if u lled 10-addreulng Dr. J. IL.-.: Slmpson a Co.. rawer 91 P. 0., Hamllwn. Tum boxes of Pills wlll also be sent by mall w any par: of Canada securely wrap from ohoervuion, on receipt of 32.60. S c 31 treatment. 1! desimz. Pills sold retail byul remll Drug reps, and whole- sale by ull wholesale_D_rugglnu and men: Metllcnno Dealer-I. ~ . _:. :r:-:_-._'- '-:.u- 7' New 2'\bncrti5cnm1i5_. f\f\/\/\/\;\.-A`--- - TIM rm: mafsou & HAMLIN emu co, ?.'i``_v'-:~"".`.'. .` .""llIh n.. . .3, r-~.--~v ~-~ ----1 "W """1 regalia of the Ox-do`:-,and accompanied by the excellent Orillia Brass Band, 'which. was met at the station here by the band of the Orange Young Britons; after ' which caml FD9 train from the South, laden with the degqondgyta and adorers of the hero of the 'g:a.meth9i.rwives and aweeth, ,_ who, `1 I `although they mightxlovo .,a love of a; - bonnot" won. yet did. they. in their heart .s h ` `*:`'-``'?? ?'` ``* *3 ~ ".J". '5", m'- *2` l>'thi*'P"!k ind T 3 - ibvuan.hprY*1F'?*..-W1. 3: T Down? yore `AT VRILE rs H0 TEL, town A! n.....a-- :_ .u_ -_ :A:zAD1AN PAIN E13sf;'1:b'fEE _ ______,_,, ....., .. rmnzm, SAW num.`Axn Pmvn.nrn:s. I.\` THE COUNTY. 01-` smcon. _-,- "**v\'t`r-fl\/\a-;_" x.HE`}E{i{fn`a`15i1 O1_"1`HE AGE `:2 Buck mu! Head,C'bulzs,('oIrI.<,Ssrc 7hxon!, ,rui7.'.:, Bruises, Cramps in Me" Slcirarich, Cico/era Marbux, Dyxenlery,Bou`t1 Corn- 1,./ugnls.-Burns,Sralds,Fro;!,Bil's,dc; `lee Gapndiim Puin Destroyer has now been o.eI the public fur I lenglb of 1an:.,n::-1 ryrcver used is well likld, never oiling in a git: instance to `give pezmment relief when ely used, and we have never known 3 single 9 of_ dissatisfaction, where the direciionn '4: been properly followed, butonllae coc- 'y all are delighted with its 0;.-emiiona. azd " in -the. highest (mm: nf in wiring: and I .1. family Mo-dicine,r it is well and fan` `known, reheviug-th( usands from pin an an: urllguiell Wllll HS OFEIBUOLS. BIC ` -tbe. highest. texms of its vi_r1uei and al effects- 'l_`o`.1_\ e1;you Si1e71-ers. 1 nm.'a...........v.. u..-_.-4. _, . ... EiIit Tfvhiii. ,, V r.--- -~ ~~---~- "-" r""" .7 if the Rev. R. Boyle, of the _Primitivet If-. Methodist Church of this town, to the Orange Lodge of this place. The Rev. gentleman selected as his text, Hebrews the 12th Chapter, let and 2nd verses, and in the course of his discourse made a passing allusion to the greatness of the character of the King, under whose ban- ner Orangemen enlisted, and said. that e their sites in the olden timeswere great and good men. ' It was thought their trust in Cod and determined persever- ance in the thing they through right, that England stood in the proud` position she did to-day; and he fervently hoped that Orangemen would prove themselves worthyiof their ancestors, and live up to their high privileges. 7 Of course, as the 12th came on Sunday, the usual proces~ sion, &c., had to be postponed tillthe following day, Monday :- uosnav; ` ` - This -year, thanks to Mayor Boys, the County Master, it was agreed to. keep the day in Barrie ; and preparations were made for a large turn-outlof the . Lodges throughout the County of Simcoe; Monday morning, however, `was ushered in with drizzling mist, and as the morn; ing advanced, the rain began to descend in most uncomfortable heavy showers and fears of a failure damped many-an. Orange heart, But hope revived when a special tra`n arrived from Orillia with 400 loyal hearts and true aboard; * the Goldwater and some other lodges riding in teams through inist and rain, and wet to the skin,but No Surrender, for they i had promised the Bar- rie Lodgethey would be onhand, and on hand they were at the l tiuie sporting, despitethe rain, the nun:-n.I.'.. -1` LL; A, I Hiortzhge dated the 15:22 Nav- from Jnlim: ('.-yum. u.l'...o- land IOQ\IL 9, KFUI-CV And Importers of DA DWI? l\li`.l"(\ EDWARDS 8 LAND Bonkaonera, &c._ lJ....-: PILLS. 5, GI!-, Burie. nu [Ill Md}! Hook CHO . notes. Dada the rs! amen": and C t . day by the Orange body, yet `the in- , Protestant, of whatever name, or how BOYN E WATER IN BARRIE. Again, has come and gone, the day to life and memory dear, the 12th of July, the day, kept more especially by Orange- men, as commemorative of the day when William, Prince of Urange, Vianquished his father-in-law, King James the Third, at the battle of the Boyne. But, though more especially a day set apart as a holi- terest in King William's success by no mesnsconned to that Order, for every e'er so diverse his opinions, has reason to bless God* that "James was defeated on that memorable epoch, for his downfall was th" establishment of civil and re- ligious liberty amongst` all who bear ` Br1tain s name; for even the cynical _ Carlyle admits that William was one of thechildren of the gods," and a true a hero in every right meaning of the word. As our readers are aware the 12th this- year came on Sunday, when an eloquent and appropriate sermon was preached by +1.. 1),... 1) n.._I- - -l`AI_Y\' . __........, uugusuu, oy me Merchant ~ Tailor: Company. These words are not A` tpplimblo to England, btit are mu` $01} to Canada; and those of our T ` Culavstive frigands who may feel dis- in-a'oa`g.t the fact that the Grits am oh," in power, may keep in heart, for as nu smnd `_____ urn`. n n In pn balan 'T`L, '1` cl 5274 A postman "' .1-koala` ve`eaidt_hat hevias` ,5 warm friend -orasanguine partisan, intluhonlgi not.haveoonaidemed_ him a Ungloiovs proihot. Perhaps in the n: Home inwlf I now have a neat we had not much to de with it; but three who repneentedour political connection in` another_ place knew how to work and ho? *0 Whit-T They remembered that therewaeno longlane but it bade taming, and that when things are at the . _wot-at they must mend; and we see the ?ault" ' Emil ul I v u A proper appreciation and \mdertsnd- ing of the above truthful remarks will make Gxfits more chat-ita.bly5 disposed to those of us who are not like themselves, so given to change; but who" act up to the principle herein enumerated. We M (ski . W3` ?ld!l.Vfl1at.oould he more felicitous- `I MP?! 01` `mbre appropriately pourtrey the men now in poyver then the follow- ing choice moroeau :- M But, although it my be . mg "'hin8'- 340` ._aoquire power, it is e much greater thing to know how to use it. It is no use being on the ooeeh-box if you do not know how to drive; or, knowing h0W to di`iY6, ifyou do not know where to drive to." , ~ _ - - , , Then your modem Reformer, whose continual cry in Reform," and to whom zfl char ceare dignied by that appella- tion, however diaaetroua'th;i-xfeii-ectae may be ; but who are aublimely ignorant of the true meaning and application of those hallowed terms Conservative Re- form." we would advise them to pay strict attention to those words of Britain's proud Premier, Disraeli :-e .. sur 1 no . . . .u e .- We shall not act up to the views of those persons who tell us in the public press and elsewhere that, being a Con- servative Government, ,we are doomed by the law of our existence `to be a Go- ` vernment of inaction. We may not -be fond of what some people call `blazing principles, but we shall aim at useful work`. (Cheer-s.) We shallnot strive after organic changes but endeavour to e'ect administrative improvements I believe that there are some questions which concern the interests and touch the feelings of the people which may be safely dealt with if they. are handled ina judicial and temperate spirit, but which might otherwise become dangerous under the inuence of the passion and partisan- ship of political philosophers. We may or we may not succeed--that is a ques- tion the future will have to decide-`-but` while we hold our posts we `will do the best we can to develop the power and stability of English institutions. ...., .......,..... auwuulg me rublic Schools commenced, and lasted till the Friday inclusive. The first noticeable feature in the examination was the paucity of viriaitors present,-`-even the School Trus- tees ,beipg,conspicuou_s by their absence, - Mr. Cradoqk the only; represent- a`tive`~of,that body. - Wetame ;u'prised _ that parents `docnot -_tal_te more 1 in,thego.pub_lic examinations, as th "re ` ' `anpvgdence o_._f__th_e wo,f}::,_ tlbn. e . On the 7 th inst. the Exhmination of the scholars attending the Public Schools commenced. and lasifnrl an 4:... run. 1'*I""' Barrie is unfortunate on the score of res ; for it is only a. few weeks since we had to chronicle a. very destructive fire ,' and now another has to be added to the list. About 3:30 a.m., this (Thur_sduy) morning, 21 timber train moving south .~ gave the alarm of re by issuing the most , horrible and deafening whistling we lmve . ever heard; and, on rushing out, we 4 found` the woollen factory of Messrs. 1 Graham dc Lount all ablaze, which-was quickly consumed, and a loss, of about 824,000 sustained, of which about one- half is covered by insurance. The stable belonging to Mr. A. C. Thompson was the next to succumb to the devouring element, losing the owner about $800, of which about $300 is covered by insur- ance. The ' engine did its part nobly, - and the Company worked faithfully and well, as it is owing` to their exertions the tannery belonging `to. Mr. Graham was not consumed, as also the dwelling house of Mrs. Graham. "It was at one ` time feared that many of the contiguous dwellings would have been destroyed, but thanks to the Fire Company, and the fact that the wind blew towards the bay, T prevented what._might indeed -have deso- hated the East end. ofvour _town. Graham and others moved nearly all . their furniture, but fortunately their dwellings were sparerlf Wollld it not be- well it a man were kept constantly on" hand, having charge of the engine and .-hose, so thzititsservices might be obtained ii! at a moment s notice ` The expense ' would not `be great, and would be.more. than repaid at the rst re. _ Don't wait till the horse is" stolonbefore the stable is `closed. Prevention is better` than . cure. The re is supposed tohave o1-i.` the ginated in the spontaneous combustion M `of the wool, as it was rst observed in S _the picking room about 15 minutes -fore the was given." - - -_ . vi he 01 A. __-.___.________.... PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATION (1.. LL- I-11 - - ,- - `.-.~. _,, uuu Auunu IHUDIJUJK. b A collection was then taken up on be- half of_ the Protestant Orphan s Home, wlgich realizetl the sum of $21. During the afternoon thefe w:1s'dm1cing in the Shed, and all t-hro'ugh it nxostenjoyable time was spent. 4 . ,_._-.- .- ...... .v..v. uuu yv cu uLqu 1.cuuu'1~..s'. The last speaker was Mayor Boys, Dristrict Master, who expressed his pleasure at such It large and orderly gatlxering, and hoped to live to see many such, as their order` was founded on truth and justice, and must prosper. A nnnnnnn u... 1.1.... LJLHV H ` _ .._. ....,....u , The next speaker was Mr. H, Edwards, who was. called upon as representing the _ Press on lhe occasion. He spoke for about `half an hour, and stated that if Williani had given us civil :1v..l religious, liberty, a free and unfettered i ress had preserved that inestimable boon to us. Hiseremarks were well received by the . audience. ; if: Fl;:'tcher, Master of-Lodge; No. 16, made a few brief but well timedrenxm-ks. rm . -' I . 4 - - - - The Rev. M. Fraser, minister of ' the Presbyterian Church of this town , ad- dressed. the meeting in a very happy manner,for about half an hour._ He was glad to learn of `the great improvement that had taken place in and amongst the members of the Orange body, and that the 12th was no longer disgl-acedby scenes of drunkenness and rioting; but that they `acted more upto the prin- ciples of their O1'der,and had learned as far an {ex Hanna 1.`.-. ,. u1:..... -_.,, ' vnlucu U1 uut:u' u1'uer,zm(1 mm learned far as in them" lie to live peaceably I I - wlth -, 7. _--.-,. ., .... ..,, ..,,e...... e '.l`hos. Plunkett, Esq., Master of the Orillig District, next addressed the meet- ing briey, but in good `taste, and was well received._ 1203-, w, u., Lu. 1:. 11,.-tne Uranq Master, who spoke most eloquently for an hour` and 9. half, explaining and vindicnting V the principles of the order; and show- ing how it was `increasing, in numbers and inuence, both on this continent and the old world.` A good Ox-angemen was the best` kind of Reformer 9. nation could have, as he inherited a. love of . true Reform from that `grand old Re- former King William; and good Con- servative Reform was just the thing for Canads. We exceedingly 1_-egret that want of space prevehts us from doing justice to either his or the other excel lent speeches which were delivered. . Ml`. Boulton was frequently and loudly cheered many it time during the delivery of his really telling speech.` 'l'Lnu `DI-q..'l-..LA. 1.V,,, it . n -I vvll-Ilnnivu U1 I486 IOIIOWlllg JJO(1g$ 0. L._ 16, 13, 432," 450, 452, 533, 605', 860-and 878, with their respective tars, together with the Barn`e Lodge," the 55 D'Arcy Boulton Lodge Orange Young _.Britans..and the True BIueg,_ With the I procession were the Barrie and Oriiliii Brass Bands, nine Fife and Drum Bands, end 17 dand of eolours. While the im- posing array of Lodges `were parading our streets, we ` were in wonderation at thdwhiapers yes, I:is him, no,; 'ti`sn t, and yes, there he goes, that saluted our ears on every side. Ultimately, however, we learnt, that it was the ap- pearance in the procession, edomedwith the regalia, of our friend Jno. .Ross, man (If Annnaln uylns Inn! 1...... ......-L. JJIUUIU, Jupua, AIL. Ii; 1}]-Hurlcta Blaster. After parading our streets the Orange-' man went to the Drill.Shed and partook of an excellent dinner,.which had been provided by Mr. Hunter, of the Canton '1` Store, in that profuse and liberal style _for.which - he ,is so renowned. Inthe after noon, the _weather turned out all that could be desired, and the Park was well lled by 9. most respectable crowd. A platform was erected, and public- spea.king'wns commenced: The chairt beingtaken by VV. C. Little,`Esq., M. P. , who made some happy and well _chosen remarks on the day we celcln-ate,Vand `said how happy he was again to meet with them on such an auspicious occa- sion; more especiallyes his health had been so poorly that he at one time was; afraid that he wouldnct have been able to do so._ i guns " e = 1 am as woum.n:+ean. ` 41 the thy-been. ne, as the recession-V take the .aidewal_k}'" or A themfog-a they; did not march `compact order they o1}ierwise wouId have ' done. We observed, however that, de- spitea,1l_thin they made a very good ap- peamnee when marching through our principal streets. The procession was composed of the following Lodges L. 16. 13- 432 um 45-) 522 AM crv um. quiet ,1: our dream by night and GI! hope by day, is in an immense Feder- ated Empire with England as its head. In view oftll these facts in. religion and _ politiegmeny believe that we are begin- uig I new era. in the history of our race, `IO whether it is to end in 2 milennium,` . %',_u Carlyle says, in grimiest unveraci- =|ieu.ia egrave question. But we have ieith in the future, and trust in God that, delpite the outlook, we are at the Bee .' ' g of an End, which shali be one Of peaoeand love. ' nun, U1 our xuunu -1110. _l10BS, Luv I05 7 Esq., qf Allandale, who had been made an Oz-a.ngeman' that very morning by D'Arcy Boulton, Esq., Q. C., M. P. P., Grand Master for Ontario, and \V. C. Little, Eq., M. P., District Master. Afhar now-a'rln.~ ....;. ..L....,u.,. LL _ n,,,,, ,,_ ' The next speaker was D'Arcy Boultoh, -941- Q 0.. M. P. P.,--the Grand Master, who smoke mnhf. pIn;..m..n.. 42... .... 1;....-v YET ANOTHER. FIRE. TOTAL T1.7<;ss,Zg2-1,000. L , stamina h " `s fo11.,oii'3;1ny, ands` amin- _ L 0oqTdI?hoti7iell hsvljsenhad, and" vouIdhstie* it 1i,"piaalis:fV61unhe in favor of Miss Leo's . :- thsf,_do- success ash {bea<':her-whsn suchvgentlemen y asthe Rev. Mr. and the Rev. Mr. rough `Morgan, "together with all the visitors, ession_ numbering about 40, Vexpressed their >dges highest "satisfaction at the p='-dnxptness V , 533, 605, and confecbness of the answers made to chive mas-3 the dibrent questions put; We under- Lodg, thogsmnd 'thaD .4. `form-: of Mrs. WiY~='-~. O`-.. .1-.. VII-LC ual VOI'.`ll. fl-`ma Comm` has disappard from V our V gaze ; but this week the village of Cooks- t_o`wn s Sunbeam is_to make its appear- a.n_ee,'which is of-vastly more importance `to theL~inhabit.gx;t'.Q.that ectio_n of . the THE Wz.u'n;:3.-There has been some very hot weather this past few days. However, if uncomfortable, it has the merit of being ve"ry,seasonable, and will help much to Abr`ing:on an early harvest. m____ n_____, _ ,, . _ . -Pro-mc.-'.I`h conchu Andrew s games, which V nished on the Queen's i W811 ennfenrlnrl (nu {n.Iu-. 7`! uvuluu un hue qpeen's well contended for ixrthe C Friday. . ' . . . - GOLDEN WORDS. The Good Book says that A word lly lpoken iike apples of gold in plchuu of silver. . Nsver, to our mind, ltho above passage rmeivea more illuatution than the recent -l-nnn..- -1` The SouthAS:'mcoe Fall Show will be held at Cookstown, in the early part Of October next. B1: .C_AU'I'IoUs.- -The. hot `weather is here-don t go out in the sun bareheaded. Many a one has gone to an untimely grave by doing so.` 1 ` ' The Col1chihing Hotel is` full of visitom. , ` T ' Barnum is who here on or about the x-st of next month. .._.--. At 21 meeting; held iii thc'VilIage of Churcinill, 0111110 101311 inst., by D'Arcy , Bou1ton,it was moved by James Mc- Kee, seconded by Stewart Gordon, re- solved,. That we, as Electors of South `Simcoe, {having heard the statenients of Mr. D. Boultori, our present Member, with regard to the Finances "and other matters of the` late and present Govern- ment, cordially endorse the course he has seen fit to pursue in opposition to the ; present Administration, and we hereby u tengler him our warmest thanks and ~ support. Ignatius Lennox, Chairman. There were about 100' electors present. ` VJ JILL. u. re. uyons, seconded by Mr. '1`. H- Banting, and resolved-That this meeting has heard with pleasure and 9 entire satisfaction a review of the services ;{ and votes given by.Mr. D'Arcy Boulton in the Local Legislature during the past Session, and fully endorses the `same, and pledges him its continued support. "Also, thisrmeeting further desires to re- cord its approml of the sound and` un- equivocal principles which actuated him to fight against what is corrupt and un- just in the. present Local Governnmnt. CHURCHILL. Elections, Motion regarding the Swear- -sion of the speech the following resolu- "H. `-Iuxusa U1 LUU present 1400211 uovo1'nment. The gentleman commenced his address by ,com1:~:u'ing the policy of the Sandeld McDonald Government withthat of the Governing-nt now in power. VVl1ile the former pmctised the most rigid economy and kept paring down public expenses, the latter. .)n obtaining power, rushed to the 0tnc1"e.x..e...., and 3q1Iz`m'l.r`;` ` the people s n`:-.'\ney with 1; recklessness only compatible with and to be expected from one of the worst of -Govermnents. H e analyzed the lixmnciril position of the Government,` and referred briefly to the Crown Lands Department, Emigration , and the Omnge Bills. In conclusion, he spoke at length of various Motions of the Opposition."---Taxa.tion of Bank Stock, N on-interference of Ministers of, 3 the Untario Government in [Dominion ing of Ministers, and Motion regmding the Central Prison Scandal, all of which . had been voted down by the Government and its blind supporters. At the conclu- tionwas uns`mimous`Iy adopted :-4-Moved by Mr." J. Lyons, seconded by Mr. T. lialltind, nnrl 1-m:'nlv:`u17'I"l~.n+ 41.5.. Una... Luna was one commencement or ofa series of meetings, to be held by Mr. =BJl11i`.01l throughout the Riding, to vin- dicatei his course in Parliament, 'and.en- lighten the people generally as to` the doings of the present Lccni Government`. Tina rrnnitinrnan ..,\........\....,..l L.'.. - 11",, Mr. `D'Arcy Betzen, Q.C., M.P.P., addressed a. very enthusiastjc meeting of his constituents, in this village, on Wed- nesdayv evening, July 8th. V Mr. John Lennox, Reeve of `Essa-, occupied the Chair. This was the commencement of nfn um-inc n6` m.-.,.4...._.. L... 1-- L;I_I 1 `\t uvuuu u_I.u.lug, ulu resolutions are passed at the close of each_meeting, strongly approving `of ,his_lco_urse in Parliament during the late Session. `Va were pre- sent at the Allandale meeting,on. \Ved- Anesday evening last, andcertainly the reception Mr. Boulton there met with" was most gratifying. Tho_.meeting -was organized by placing Mr. Beaman in the Chair, and, after a few introductory re- n1'arks, Mr. Boulton-was called on to ad- dress those assembled, which he did _in his usually clear and impressive manner. His address, which occupied two hours- 'in delivery, was a masterly ezpos of the extravagance and recklessness of the Ontario Ministry, and was listened to - with marked attention throughout, and frequently elicited from those present loud applause. .We. trust none of our friends in the South Riding will lose the opportunity of being present at some one of Mr. Boulton s meetings, for his re- marks are calculated to interest all par- ties, and the information he gives touch- ing the local politics of the day is very instructive. After Mr. Boulton s ad dress a resolution was passed unanimous lyapproving of his course in Parliament, and pledging him support in the future. The meeting was also addressed by VV. _C. Little, Esq., M. P., and Mayor Boys, both of whom were listened to with at- tention, and - frequently `applauded. At the close of the evening the Chairman received a vote of thanks for his conduct in the chair, and the meeting separated near midnight with three rousing cheers for the Queen, and three for Messrs. Boulton, Little and Boys. ` . _vy mu_ `nu. _1)`2f.BB`ULl turougn me exammatlon l `ordeal in a. manner to do great credit?` 'to thf ant] nnuna I}? Hun u..uuu uu u l1.I.I.l11UI"F0 (10 great: credit! to both teachers and pupils. ' Of the division that is more especially controlled by the headmaster, Mr. Black, the factl that some eleven were admitted `into the High School, after a. most critical exam- ination,-tells that the right man is in the right place. We also saw on Friday some excellent penmanship, and some really good drawings. Altogether, from , what we saw, and what we heard that others saw, wefhave no" hesitation in saying that our Public Schools are in 11.; ourishing condition, and second to none -in the Province of Ontario. , can can to the other, and what inay be the final issue of the struggle none ,_ know. Then look at the state of France, thfiovernment, if indeed, whilst we _ vrite, they have one at all; is weak, _ and the people as ckle and unstable as `deter. And what Government` will, in 7 the long run, evolve from the present chaotic state; it is utterly futile to at- to solve. Then `if we take Eng- land, we" nd her Premier stating that a oliliiin the world's history is nearer at hand than most people think of, nd one of his most forcible arguments against Home Rule" `was that he wished, by a Inited people, to be prepared for the crisis ` when it came. On this continent, it is admitted that the United States people Republicanism as a failure, and an longing for achange of some kind ; Ildwen vein Canada, though peaeeable, are not quiet {as dream Qfllpb by d8)`. an immnmm `l?'Aa.._. _ We11nderstand?tha.(: Mr. Boulton is receiving :I. warn/in-eception at the series of meetings he i now holding in the South Rjding, a`l7dreso1utions passed close ofesmh mnnrinnr uh-nm-1v MR. BObULT'I`0N S MEEINGS. 1" LOCAL ITEMS. conclusion of the St. in}:-In]: un-nus `l..m. A, IVY. ` ....uu v.1 uuv DD 1 were left un: | Birthday, were 5 Town Park last John Mitchell, the _ n`otoriou.s Irish o ` `ggxgamr, has lett N ew York for Ireland, with the i1.tx_sntion Qf running as a Home Ruler merz2_b-.1~ of Em-liaIAne,nt.j `}Bi1-dg ock togatheglf _ ' . _ Captain J. J. Miller, of Owen Sound, ' was found dead in his bed on the 13th ` instant. He was apparently "in "his usual health when he retired to _bed the * night. . ` - ' V W ELL Do_N1=:.--'1`he Guelph,Base Ball Club whipped four of the United States . clubs at. Waleptown, winning: thereby $500, and thehampion Base 1 -Ballists ofAmerica','_' _~.- V T. 1 MURDER. - A man named. David Searing, of Toronto, has been committed to trial. for the wilful murder of his wife, by beating herwith a bO0t:ia0k. ' ' The Hon. Wm. McDougal has re- signed his `positnon of General Emigra- tion Agenb for the Dominion, and is expected shortly in Canada, ' Norris, the betmyer of private corres I pondence, is not to be Mr. Swinyard s private secretary, A1l`the better for Swinyard, say we, The English opunionon the Recipro- city Treaty is that there is no need for it), and`t_hat the tendency is "to look tot V\Vashin'gton. A _ . . A I BIASHNIC.--TWO new Masonic Lodges`, one in \Veston, the other in Vvoodbridge, were `dedicated by the Grand Master last week. ' There is :1 crisis in the political affairs of Manitoba, and a. change in the per- soimel of the A(1minissration`is an- nounced. ' The Canadian -Press Association will take an excursion to Dnlixth, Thunder Bay, 1nd Fort W'illiam, on the` 27th instant. ' ' . An '1msuccessf.zl attempt has b made to shoot Bismarck. It has citcd`grc'at'excitement tlnbughout 0 many. . W'c observe by Q1]l"}X(:`h8IlgC8 that the 12th was generally observed by Orange- men throughout the Dominion. A very _successful Ho1'bicu1tum1A hibition was held in Toronto, on the 1 instimt.` ' SUDDEN DEA'I`II.--1\[1`. Ennis, four miles from Iiillsdale, went out on '.I`ue.s_' A ,day to nilistant point of his ' farm, mid, not 1'eturnii1g, was se;u`ch'ed for, and found dead in the evening. The coroncir held an inquest on VVednesday; Dr. Blackstock made it port. mo1'temexz1mi1m~ tion, and found death to have been caused by congestion of the bra.ii1. The jury brought in a._ve1'dict in accordance` with the above facts. ' ` Soum Smcoi:.-1\Ir. Boultoifs pro- g1'0.~,s L'fn`ougl1 this Riding, giving an account: of his doings the past session, is certainly aetriuniplml march ,' all his old friends stick to him, and 111a11_\*\\'l1o voted against him at the last election 'l1:u'e ex- , pressed tlir.-ir determimition to do so no more, \'\ ,- may zicld'tl1at_tl1c iiieetingsr are very LI" 1" wly :ttended. PAINFUL _ A.CClDEN I`. - ;`{1-.' "John Ritchie, known as John the l\Iiller, - of Eln 1vals>., met with :1 most scriom accident on Saturday last. He `had purolm.sed:1.pnir of scissors, andhad them in his pocket. In c_rossi`ng a. fence he fell, and the points entered his - abdomen under his bowels. Dr. Blackstock was in attendzmce, but entertains` but. slight - hopes of his pa_t.ient; s recovei'y. u vvuux nullUBl0Il'-' , ,_ -- .._--.. -...,, other words, that the lives of the t profesai Chris- 7 Ci`!::l_i8 htllgge impos- reason being, that the unreality the dogmue by been bound. " Nomiwe opine that the test in these matters is of the most insuicient description; for we, the poor nite, are mm ourselves in juxta-position with ` wisdom, and therefore, have even more reason to doubt our deductions, ` isn ,the savage to whom congealed appeared not only superior, hut 'qo'ntrary, to the course of nature; With `so many acting thus n religious mattem. it in with a sense a. `foreboding we ask, -Whst will F ~nd '18? ` If we ' M .. we of the moral and in- tellectu " . of us, and go down to the busy v_. .or 9` life, the unrest and dis- - uiet 48 :-acre remarkable still. e . .en are alive, and there ` om no drg .103 any longer disco`ver- ` "Ohio. `All Europe, apparently, is one vat powder magazine, only waiting 9. _ dance. or wcmedimted nmtnln ms.-..-. ..+ - \Ve be1ievetVho'Grite conspimtors have met, and decided ' to run `he ``son. of {L farmer," Mr. McConkey,' for the Local `House. The party me `afraid to "trust Sweet; \Vi1liau1 there, they didn't like his pr-oneness for being `one of ve martyrs, so they prefer to run the old fox. VVell, he's up to an the.Gx~. tricks, . ' . I EXCURSION. -- Tho gexcursioli ot th "St. Mary's congregation to Jackson s' !Point; yesterday, (Wednesday) was 9.3 most enjoyable affair. It always 13. Anything the St. Mary s congregation : does insure to be well done. OFF TO THE As\'LUM.--On Wednes- day morning` last, Mr. Geo1'g0 Plaxtnn took from our gaol to Toronto, :1 lunrxfic named Me Kithorick, who hails from .v.[j..s- koka; ` When he first came to gaol he refused for 10 days to eat food, tmu1p1i11g it under his feet. It was high time he was `placed undcv the care of \Vork- man. 7 ' after. ` r}TUIS ANCE\'S.-,_Whel`e: is our Town` V Inspector}! The back yards and premises `?of some of our." denizens need` looking VVe know of more one - .loca.lity that emits a V most horrible and noxious snatch; `J. Fitzpatrick and D. McGregor', Fm: AT Wn:nrrmuI:.-A re broke out in this place about one o'clock yes- terday morning, totally destroying two stores and two dwellrug houses, besides other outbuildings, the property of W. s. . "Recently someA fty men vfere engziged in Uollingwood as n. Surveying Party in .Ma.nitoba ; but instead of going th1'ogh .vby.the Dawson Route, they were sent {thither by way of Sarnia. Oh, what. a cheap Governmgnt ! V We _learn that there is great dis- ; satisfaction existing amongst many with `regard to our Fire Limits. It is thought it takes too wide 8`. range, and should have been conned the popu- lous districts of our town. >'Pe'rhaps 30.. 11-v -. .-- -\ ALL Cu? AND BUT LITTLE \VooL.~. Are we paying. jxxbercst to_ the'H2unilt.un 55 North-\ves_t Railway Uo., when they have-not coxnrncuccd tl1ei1~"work in thin, `section as yet? W'e are told it is so. If HO, then who is to A 121:1-me `I Is there a. `` nigger in the fence`? in connection with our_ Hamilton friends? Make :1 move; ` \Ve see that our friend, John` Ross, Esq., of Allandale, has been appointed issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ye who wish to tie the not that cannot, and should not, be untied by man, go pay Mr. Ross 11 visit. ' He 1l'tix things all. right. u - -STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL.--The Straw- berry Festival, in cbnnection with the -Primitive Methodist`Sunduy School of this town, came off most successfully last _Monday evening, Quite a hand- some sum was realized fin` the benet of the school. M A W-SIG or me END; 0! the present day wezlivin an pres- .V*iCi*CVU|t!g 5hB of which be the ultimate j passes mortal ken. A `o`recognition are sifted anew hand ; and, if it can- Iotlhntl the crucial, it is promptly dis- slthough we have great fears as to `then!-ight tests being applied in sn In bringing all things to the lento! experience we may be as unjust aim the .Hindoo who killed the mission cry when he told him, that he had seen it! lager, broader and deeper than th'e`G:.ngeI on the banks of which he lbod. become so hard, by reason of the oil, thsttowna and cities eould, for the Oil! being, be safely built thereon. The pournindoo, acting in eaccordance with Ildllodern teaching, refused to believe unything, to him, so improbable, o$u1dpusib1yhsppon,ssd killed thepreach Op a warning to others not to lie. Bub though contrary to the ignorant sa.vage a _ knowledge and experience, the `III; in true nevertheless. A writer in one '0! the British Quarter-lies says gist this is an age of untruth, and that 1ulyfew.1nexnbu-a of our various churches, nQ.-._ XL-- ---' " `I ;IBERAL.---C. Cook, Esq, of `Cooks- town, has o'e1'ed M 1'. Maxwell `:35 00 and an acre of ground, if he will start :1. Fbundry there, similar in extent to the one he is now rmming in Paris, Ont. Other libe1'nl0ff'e1'is have also been made May aucc_ess attend them. K Cmcxa'r-0oLmNawoon vs. Banms. -JI`he above clubs played a match in Collingwood today (Thursday) which resulted as follows :---Coiliugwood, 2 Innings, 106 runs; Burma, 1 innings, I71 puns. Majority for Barrie, 17in- nings and 65 runs. NOTES. been us) Ger- ;`1;a;g __ _ , ,--- .. VGIJEV uu uuv \J?1LlD0n 1' 550139. is Fans}! M1-:.u'.---Our friend Lnnox, : who holds out on Bayeld street, in addition to keeping `a rst.-class and cheap .1 lot of Teas, Groceries, Provisions, Liquors,'Beer, Porter, etc., has invented S 'a [plan to keep his meatns fresh and V: g good-aswhenjuststlain. It{isindeeda.1'nost ` excellent: invention.` There is nothing 1.'1k[eitVin1-this section country. St'm11-11:.-,-Sunnner is here and will soon be gene, Lutour friend Hunter, of r the Canton '1` Store, changotlx not, but is here all the time,-and continueso sell as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the lvest- Go try his Teas, Groceries, I ;-ovisions, `Wines; A1e8,..Port_ers and Liquors. They cannot be beat in this or any other market for excellence in quality or cheapness in price. 80 pay I at once a visit to the Canton T Store. 3 1\:l'..-.-.. f\---- " I ,,,_,.. 0.. nu uu.u. Ivtuu H1 m M }Im'Dr.n~aoN.---.\Ir. llcmlemoli, of Hardwm'o'f:.m1e,toll:us tlzzxt he doe:~:n't like pulling. l o1`l1:|p'.'.. l;<)`.`.'c\'m', the rmson is he nec All visit, B111`:-it: know they cm1 sV(lo m1_Vwl1e1'e,-in or country , H-u' lino, tlimx deal jwitlx-Mr. Hen der.~son,- A v.1ul- so they wigply deal with him, and will doubtless c0'tin:xe to lo_s0. N ELSoN.-Tl1ere zuje some men fwho have nolreputatioxi except from their an- cesfofs ; tho:-e ar, I1/Jwever, others who- urc :2. name in and of tlxexnselves, ' Such an one is friend Nelson,` of the Nelson House. He keeps his name-good before the selling the best of Teas, Gl'0Ge1`l(_?H, `Dry "Goods, Dx"m.'~=; Goods, &c., &c'. at the lowest`1-omuuerative prices. As also the best of _tail0ring is done there. Tryhim, . V ' .~ ' * Thr" liing of G` .):m'_v V3.1 Stores, also chief `Vinc: Liquor Stores, I West End Ten. Re: fact, and go and deal-with: 1: 'IT-.-.--- - " ,,.~- ----J-r3I\`I.I" pwu IIII-AMI [H3111 -% , .3..`~`-`- ;..?`E.`1`.`.".'i`.` righ hon. friend` 91:9 _ ,

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