1f\TN T. , I1. 5. EA` S! .Yohll,~N.B., January, 1858. `-_-_.-_..---___-'-----_L----------------- Begorra, I had a. trelret, and sure" I .ve lost rt. Then," said the conduc- tor of n_ sleeping cnr,_ you can't come in without it. After some alteroetion the conductor asked Pat if he could re- . member the number of the berth for which the ticket was good. Me I berth, sure I `can tor. ween ! I born on the 26th_de'y of. June in the year 26. g ::_.1Iuu>) .Hl1ul.`lllUIDl'g6K1t?|'lpUl'p0E5. Tha Pull contains me acme properlie 0! Mandrake and Dand_eliL_m,u well as com- pound 1-Ixlracl of -(.`_u10`cynlh.'md Exuacl ol Hyoscyamus. Teal (hum tor your own aaiis fac.'ion.. One box contains abau1`. 8I :11a',and and each Pill is I sutcienldoae for an adult in ordinary cases; Try them. .115 `:' ' `. MR,.]A.Xll I. Funowa, .`lauufac1ur`iug _ Che-mielz - 1 , Sm: For sevral momma past I have used` your Compound Syrup in the `treatment of Incipienl Phlhisis, Chronic Bronchitis, and olheraecligna of the Chest, and I have no hesilalinnin smina Hm: it rnnlrn r.........--. a oaa state of the blood, oi-aiil oompomied by debiutg or a low state ofthe a stem._ eing free from Alcoho in any form, its energizing efects are not fol- (_rwod_ by corresnondinn rnnrn uvuu ; unr uumanu for lint"? 27:13 slemhly iI1crc'aecnif(>rt:`xclasI twenty _ t'.'!:8. until now the sales avuxaaggg over nne E`uu,-red lhonrand boxes .11 ;'u:1r. - Bruin-mI`1n::n1bers of [he medical profession wuhout number admit Iharthey know of no pxepuralion producing .-Lich bem-finial msulrs as these wafers. When Iaken inseasou they effam a `perma- nem cure. Sold by allvdruggisls an-J coumxy dealers-at 25cIs. per box. > ' ` J 1 ladder. and all die a bad . A gentleman whose proboscis had uui- ` fared amputation was invited out to tea. ` My dear, said a good woman of the house to her `little daughter, ` _1 want you to be very particular, and to make no remark about Mr. Jenkins_ s nose." Gatheredaboat the table, everything ` was going -well ; the child pooped l about, looked rather puzzled, and at las[ startled the table: Ma, why did you tell me to say nothing about Mr. Jenkins s nose `to He hasn't got any 3 Oapan um Ss'r:u.-In every branch of cultivsviun--whetherin the eld, the orchard, the "vineyard or the garderf, there must oe order and system to insure successful resul`a, and this truth is rmly established by actual experience.--Another great truth has also been estzbltshed by" the same means, which .is: That as a preventative medicine, or a smedicine for the cure of colds, coughs. rheu- rnalrsm and summer complaints, the "Cana- dian Pain Destroyer is the most reliable. For sale by all Dmggists and country dealers. --Price `.25 cents [or bottle. A REALLY Goon Aimci.i-:,-- We would call the attention of all interested to an article of iindoobted merit, and which we would advise all in want o_fto give a trial. `We refer to "Datley s Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy now being extensively used by many of the largest horse dealers in the .country ; these men have discovered that it improves the condition of the horse by puri- fying the blood and removing iT0lI! the lungs and liver al_l that prevents their healthy ac- tion; its effect is soon apptiroiit in the im- proved appearance of the aiiimnl. which is one great reason why i |()l .`~.3 (is: his use it as they are thus enabled to gei better prices and at the same time give their cost .-me-rs sound and `healthy horses. Remenibar the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & (Io. is on each package. Northrop SL Lyman, Tor- oo, 0nt.. propzietors for Canada. Sold by a. medicine dealers. !`IAS.-. VA RI...)- The efficacy of Brvans Pdimonic \Va{.:.'s > in curing Cullgll, culJ_s, am! all Bro1`.chia!af- {ec`4 dxzs, .m{| (thee.-ing the nlzms-d.,l2aa passed into 9. proverb. Vln Hm Uuiwd S:-mus, where thes_e mzuvuflnus '\"'afex`a' are known,`zhey . bear (luv;-n -all oppasmon` and eclipse al-. ` rivalry; the-demand for l?m:1`: F7335 sleeufily I lwesuv t'.'!;n'. mm: ..r.-.u' Tu av Exr7:L.-- Doclo r .,';)sBphus Sha3hoVnee3 V6g5la_ble' Pills now super-_ may sugar-ualed cannot-be excelled as a F_amaly Medicine for gn::ra1pu1`posea. ` contains ma; amxm nrnnprlin .1 ' P1cTL'nEs --The1'c is: no`mist-ake about it, Mr. Suiplu-.ns, who holds out just -above \Vood.s v Store, is thc best place in town or cotuxt1'y to get correct photos. He takes them in the best style of _the` _:u't. Remember that _f:u:t. uweaaa to eat upon, ' " i ' This is t_ a secret of the won- derful auccess of this remedy in caring Dyspepsia, Liver Com- plaint, Dropsy, Chroma Diar- rha:a,Boi1s,NervousA ections, Chills, .and_ Favors, ` Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor. of tll Kinnwa o-II The Fields, the Fields, the fresh, green Fields. Yes, tha.t s the talk of all who love n:itu1'r,- s beauty ; but if you visit the Fields we mean, you can save many a dollar, and many an hour of slavish work. The Fields we have re- ferred to sells The Webster, one of the best sewing machines in the wide, wide World. - ' _ T Canned fruits get d6z very cheap, at C. A. Perkins . ;-.--- ~=- -.:v-.s_-.- -.- !'!`!'.`."| :'.`!l "`.`5v, ' 'i_I.r2- i Inn.-1'1-cc. gun. It Dtpooun ontnau-1,, ThePer1wian S3/ru , a Protect-' ed Solution of the otoxitle of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aument, as easily (Ii ested and assimilated `with the load as the simplest food. It increases the ' uantitu of Nature's Own tauziug Agent, Iron_1'_,n the blood, and cu/res `.`a thousand ills, simply b Toning uglnvigoratina and - ttalizing t S stem. The en- riched and vi [zed blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tions, and leaving nothtng fog! disease to eed b ` t C SBOQVRI fin 0101114.. 83} ed Rnlillitnn 4:? ll. ` Jewellery, North 0} Toronto. ' .7 A GREAT RUN LON THE LONGINE WATCHES in GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES,` ' ' OLOOKS und JEWELLERY, made, ropnirud and warranted. * nun nu uv A man . uvk nnnnnun nu van :- MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. VVAIDUIUI V Y : z.s; E.-1RLE,.Jr.M.D. Inn`. 1868. V . ....., . ` mus unluea, ` V 1&3` &c.. am. 1: gm sx_uu_G;up um, sum. 51-ly-w 3 Cabinet jakr` and Dealer in % novsnaogn runmxwvnn. The best, ingest `ahd. cheapest stock in BlI"l'i0- b ' ' ._0QtoI_|n ant} Slippu I_ |,m'rn',_ , 1 Also 8 Beautiful and well selactpd stock of ` {Rune} Goods and B_e 1-liq Wqols, Rnidm. . ----2 Plotures and Dlolsllngs constantly on hand. Frames made to on-do ,_at the lowest rules 101- cash. ` IA! I large quaiI}' at the most ulyiiah AMRnIAKT fVf\l .`T.`t|'rn .. I-1:35 {yr guy .7! me most stylish A1\::.vRICAb_ COFFINS. . *3`. & W. RORKE. `A Ooupmn-1:Ts1'ocx 0} GOLDIAND srvmn wncnns. AN D onocxs on ALL" ra it b 2 Iii 1 c` ` ' mnsr uxxas. ' as-wan IS so soon FOR A caxzxvsrus emofllogge In 9:3\:un3uan%np vlnlnnl an A I1;-J4` Kvnnlu and nHnI'n >9:-Aannl an a nun. [A6 gs 4' Y._-Il--... * j - j 1; - 3 . v: we npwest styles,` .-,2 ~' As the bus seaso in at 1 do wall to ca II1d.:.t..JIineJ .-.0 V; b ` ' - y tsquare infra!`-0.8-`k:"`.nd *1@hJ . .,~7583.9!F!1.9B=v~.`J..;El".%.~ . - , "`"=IHho :5 ;%" " * W)! sci`: . 'J.%:`J SON. ` `*-- V ` ' I. V A l3_ Barrif:f):?0tb,_1872. -,.\J~j01'H?u;.___ :3 ; -I-I . gz 1- as ` `an. g ' ` `- -,`:-a-:1 I3 `*3 E? ` > . ll e HOUSE CLEANING, .._-._ `III... 1...-.. -44, . .__.-Q- As the advertiser is practically conversant with his business in all its details, employs the most skillful workmen, and uses none but the besl. mhlerlal, he can warrant all wurk made in his establishment to give thorough setisfection to the purchaser. Single and" double Harness of e_ll.kinds, Saddles, Uollera, Trunks, Vulisee, and everything connected with the business conetently on hand at the lowest prices. Pert- icrilar el.tcnt?_o2x given to Light Single and DoLb1e Carriage ll:;:1:esa_. Sula z'.:9.r.ufacturer in Barrie of the "icelsic-r_ Back and [lip Straps," to wlxichlhe nltcmiou of the public is specially direnlqd. - Bax-rie,June I8, '73. ' 24.1; L.` R. W"17?N E R S SADDLE AND HAIKXESS MAKER, Corner of Buy`/ield 5' Dunlap Sh'em'.. R,- lRRIIo` nu u u u u .1 II .I uua) Earner of Bugeld 5` Djmlop _Strecis, To TAHEZFARMIWNG oommuunfv I ------n uomnr sum) is uonnrununv. ;g'n4;{ LQIQQillR;ES;AND P_n0vIs10;.s A u.u.\nC, V , . ` &:o., 510;. .An assortment ofwell made Coilarsin stock and warranted to-give satisfac{ion.- - I Ridina and Drivinrr 'hina Du. rV-_-I- T , .::.gs,p mmag wogm; . ' Tho Whoomt Wilson Manuraon - Ag 0o:upr,:.f { .9 roceind u dupotch Iron: Vienna, Dam] August 19th, 1873, announcing a. t we Company have been uni-dud A A annun IAIPHAI {TM `nnrxrvnrv p, . t1I'IA\'rI-\ .._...- -_ -______, zulu .warra.n:ec1 to-give satxstac{ion.- Riding and Driving Whips. Bits. Cards, Curry Combs, IZrnsbes,'&c., together wi!h com- plete outttings for entire horses; all or which he oifers at very moderate prices. - Bnrrie, July 16, 137:. 2.0.1; . l SADDLES, - -TEA saw v v`: ,|_,`\,' L`: LLJ4 `--;al'nueI and Undertaking va.'\bl is`hmeu: 4 door W93: 0! the WeHm~-Ion Hole}; tgu lan'lB|6k, _ 'ie. ._-<..._..--... ._......,...q.......~.-. - {A"UTION'l'0M' RCHENTSAND ` IHESS STAN ` ;.f 01'5E38.` E , " H ---D FOBSU43. I _, = ` ` Fainnl; thnl R"I~h-1: _cn...--_. -. , ` The subset-iber whilst thankfuinfnr the tliblral patronage given in the put, respectfully lolicits a continuance oftho ume, and bag! to Its); that hi: I I -----v, ---- -- ---- ----- - 9 `Cannot be beaten eitharfor quality or price. 1H0 deal! in the bolt markets, and cannot be undex-sold by any house in town. He also keeps on hand the beat of n-;- a nu.` COIACUQCCQ IV QAICQQI AQAIQI aulaivvacrv-V Also ALE AND PORTER, bottled or on draught. - , * runners Pu-nduco. as much 35 he can I-1.: vvI*|It|J |..JI'_|VlFL\JCE,- liavingtnkcu the ; I'Gli.'I38:` Lately occuuied by Mr.'Wm. Root, nearly opposite the Barrie Hotel, begst'\iufo:n1 the fzuming com- munity and the public generally, `that he has now on ham! uud ' i'lIAnlIFn0I.')~*c: n. ....A..- anugnt. _ . : Farmers Produce, much lay his hands on,bongbt,and the highent market price paid. Give 3 call once and you wil be lure to come again. mos. LENNOX, Afew Coors North of'theA Wellington Hotel. 42-ly _ ` Bun-lo \._.________..______.__.__._,_._._.. [Late Dnnlon unset.) begs to inform his in- quiring friends, his customers. and the public generally, that be is well, and driving business _ ` in his new premises. , f\'fI`I'lf\DI"IIU| 'l(T) -f\IIX )Ll A \l`:' C I Y! ll?! 1 Allsluo that they were the only Sewinr Hachi. Jury by tho Gnnd Diplomn of Honor. ' I .. ..... ..-.. ,. ..... ...., A OPPOSITE .'MR. DURHAM -S SAW MILL, ' ALLANDA`?..`7 ROAD. ` 7-ly nvIr\I_\a-,||I 'I1I\J\JI5l-, Has now on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Singlgcle and Doluhle ihzncas (Carxgge and Team), nglish and Conztuou Ridiizg ad- 5:3}-.1:,`Do11b_leund'Sin lc Brilncs, .Cgl}nrg,_&c., v'i'n;.'u he can olisrsat very `xeuso_uo.m,e prxces. Also iustpck, some of the best Finzzish and other Riding sud Driving Whip:-,` Hits, Lines, Brushes Curry-;xnd_Mrne Combs, `Jams, lire , to be fuuud in this market. , . Am. ...o:..\,. :. `H..- .....,1- _.__..'p, ;u Lula umrncz. _ . V Any artzcle m the trade mnnlxfactpred, fu niahed to order_ on short notice, a..d warranted. to giveuatifactiou. ,. -- I l'Ranrzir: wall and n._u2n vn.-.OnA I LU glVI`.-S-'H.lill'.CUOH. 3'Repa_irs we]? and neatly executed. Ban-ia, April 8, 1.`% I0.b ' ' sanntsv `A \1n n.\ n\'r.'u'_v I1-vrn . ... ..-.n.....'... I Factory, uarne, unt. Order: left at E. Graver s Hardware Store, Dunlap street, will be promptly attended to. February 2nd, 1873. 6~Xy IWPSS &*Ti ?\J 17 WTPBEB, LUm_I_ETg& 0_]{S l`ER Ham: | 11 Good Place to-Q;-a Cup (J `TE/1. CONFECTIONERY, CAKES, &c., am. ---..... House, Sign and Cnrriage, Plain and Orna- mental ' . Shop on Jorbnv street, near Ball's Planing Factory, Barrie, Ont. Order: left at E. Gmver Q Hardware Store. _...--- _- -_, ._v.... ......\....w. .. u um uunuyullly uuvc uuuu [mm `A GRAND MEDAL ON PROGIG3 65 A GRAND MEDAL of MERIT A -1 .l.- L. ah . . _ . .. Al... .....I.. c,....:_. .:__L: `Oysters Stewed, Fr-ie-d and Raw; Luncheons, Hot and Cold, prepared on short notice. .'E .A.IN_'_'_I'I-.11=I.! THREE UOORS WIBT OF THE WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. ....._; |RYTAL P.`I4VA_vCE STORES l- ' ` T . W, .Ii..)I'?':iJ{I2E;\1AN,- 5 . l`1'.`I.:-`.4 "|`l`.. l.`....1 '__J n - - .----n-.. - --._.g Mm doors Norm 5 `ED`v'VAR.DM'-&MR'OSE;. Iaving taken 3 Isiah nc(`.m.iori 1- ANr) HARNEs:s )~:3'r.-s. .".LI:5`II`-1'11-Z`.\"`.`. vvA DDL`(mXbEn` - 11;-;I1NEs's' 7 AEs1'am.1sm1E:n`, V 3 A 1/-:1`.'1::1'r -1%` Cir!-I-I-\ r-vl-I-I u v- ..--.... v... .n. ms AND Lrdiibns, . A I` I.` A h DDDTWD `\AOO`nA nu THE BEST& CHEAPEST rurmnunzl J nut received a. consignment of {rash . in"? IN" r-r1 -73 -11 f1 .A1NVI'.1mG._puN'r1NGL ::%?i`??%{ 4 FF OBEB/I_` McHEN'I'{Y," % SADDLE IIIVIIIIII n llIl\IVII l\l`l'\ll1ll|l V J MA.{`s"i!.*JF-.f!\;-{OOFt.E', nnw on ham? an s='(:r:~.~.<'-.vn and nan .. vuul -nu-:.\. ..JI|l mu ircmcndoul _FURNiTURE ' `Of the nnunsm Lo. 1... -. aura), . V ' - . -TEAM & CARRIAGFZ , HARNESS. DUI? IZVL` Plain and 0rx;auien1al. ALFREI3 GRAVER, I-lvlIl`l ` > '01 the newest tyle:-, `YT ` 1`; l'\ 1-x`-' __j..-.-v ---....--__. Tame: Doons W351` ow -rm: KI('!'I`l'\!\1 Lll'\'I"[.`f DYTMII I i ` . "II which we defy com rr 4, our Groceries an um I {Inc ' - A (ll; moo; and mo 103:3: :riou.C whiobwa ;o_uld 0:11.01: lIlI'I.i:I,l by 3:313 ` me upon uw ::- ' ma pl otonlopnau," ` WV _ V ' .?:.I.L;1'1....'. ua...1i::--_.br-no:--at ' "" '`'`"w % 5 us. nnnrru 2. crcrnua nn nnnnnr nnunnrn-n...-- nu_ Ill: nus now n manlnfnclqres to x -..... Doh t forget to call in.` ` ' F`. >_A1L S lisp: hand, pair-tic`: yould ...nme the tremendous stock 6-! LV nna. BR!D_LFIS, -- '. Tram __ _ ....-..... _ n Tasscla, kc ,_ i VJIwelIery,' Glug Shades, . 2-. 1 kn. V ' IJFID, ` TRUNKS, 8:13.. , """ "" 3 '.".`e`.Iix.gt'on Hotel. MIL) IL} urder- 11.`. F`. BAIL. `an our rump, llrntcninnocn, -' . - 1- 'mmno_r I`I'., tumult, hnio Oct. 1501,1873. ' ` T an-AJIIIJ II 9 :5, 3.43311: 24-I U10 P021100] I110 WIS perfectly YOIWI T You may nblinh dzcifuul for 1 L than similar named 1 0 B! N In: -uuuu, lulu nave poen |o eve; nncc`. uoax am. 1:. 7 Swan; befou xne_,a.l. Bm_ithold,, thin Btn day 1- ll. WELLING`l`0N,J-7- woximnrub OUR}! or LUNG msueli Bnooxnn, April 5th, 1870- -7-. '0. Cnuunnxmx, EIQ.--Sm,-Thin it " certify thntmy wife was very low with lung 5`! cue. The Doctor had given her up. 80 I0` 11!! .1095; were tuba-clad, andjnedicino col "u`9.lP hit. Alalnt resort", I urchin!` : 503310 of the A Greavshonhonces enody- ` lgb agitation` of two day, her symptom! W" (lucid: y bunt. 81:0 oontinucd tolmpro lial! `hit it tho the aha [ind taken me W --.l|.o..Ihq nub map. 8: thileonlinuw ' um ` 1 ' '11 ` t be-I" `xr.','a."`.?i . .`}:..`.'.:: 2.2:`.". .'.'2-'?..` -a. u. unvnnunv '. Thi in to ctr` th_ntn.bout three yesgngz; I bgzunlo elicu vmh -Bronchitie which luted about eight" months. Iwr so aicted for the nut 0 hrea_th that it was very dioult (or my low! and m the night time freqxiently throwing `" . clothes of and raising in 31,. 5,4 10 kcop trol atran`gl_ing. Itriod three otthe moat Ilnil physncmnsin the County of Nonhuxnborlan for about 0. year without receiving any `b0l'5" `In fact; continues} getting um? .11 zhnimo A` 115 Wu udviud in tr I at Show` 9" R9m5dY- I boughfn Eftiet, and I5. IEWFB Osbollt nished I began to. feel alill/'. better. ; cdmxuuad lb m:n;unmI had uh- \1ir0'b0ttlel", when, to myhntiafnccion, U' W3 1 `VII 1| well u ever] had been previol to my illneu. and ban bum in nvnr men. may 1 WII II 1 my illneu, 1 Inn - -rut: per 1102 :60 cu. U'For Sale by all Drnggisla sud Denier ix Medicine. Aaurn you Buuuz.-John coda. Watson & Co ,Wells Bros . Tolen J McLean. 0RmI-'!A.-J- W.SInven. Cou.ua9woon.-)!x. Gnrnenter. ' wlinv-Al- A .... _.. \1-_.L _ L v,._ . UIl'|'K'DlB|'. ' Wnonsaul Aonlrs.--Norlhrop I Lynmi Toronto; Lyman Bros. 8 Co, Toronto; 12 i0` & 00:9 '_l'oroIllo. 3-`!o'1`np J- W. HASTINGS. T113 (:1;./v'1 1:1; STORE .r c;oIHs, READY-MADE clornmc, \v'uu;n yuu an: X'Cll0l C(l l0 PI'l8(`l. LCHIUI ID `3 'lIOlv This Medicine is pleasant and safe to lake. I! - is warrauted,and may ponilivelv be relied u;-91 10 Inlie I P0I'mII,ncnt cure at all dllelbea ol 5? Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidncya, Digestive Org H 650. 5&0-ins well as Sci-ofuti, the various -`I-I Diseases, Huznors, and all diacaeea eriain 1'` Im urily ofthe BIood,cxL-eptirgllze Third 5'15! ol on.sump'.i-on. Furlfiarinlotmmlcn, win In directions tor using the Gran! Stcetctece Bx-n..:'. & Pills, and containing Te-u'n:on:as and CW5 cine; of Cures. can be obtained by securing M `1-oniagtho Hand-book, or the Almanac m cu-culnn Rom uy.xespe Druggm min -Dominion-lt . Price ornnmzg, in large Pint Bozzln .I.. P [tun R4005.-Io. WHY` SIMPLY Bscnrss the Valuable active med`!-T5 vcge_1uhle' ingredient.-n(mn1e of which we "` mention, su:-h asthc Extracts of Wnld (act I Ba"k:'P0dPhV"llmq-IUhtPfr,QIlaai8,SmIr!W: 2' Dnndelion, Hynscyaxnus. Co: pound Emu-L H` Cnlocynth, Jnlnp, Iocotrine Aloel, Cnpsirmm 4c. 9512) which enterinto the compomnan of t`; combined medicine, are such and so harmnmon I)` ciassthed and compounded, that it is made the rm?! senrchimcurative in the Known world, nndH'|`i not help gm act on the svstem in a verysat'sIIt'l-`V! and desirable manner. 'Nb matter what vsuruiv` men; may be,or how long stundinptlwxiir-10' spot and nston1'sh`ycu by the ra id mnnn-.-M B which you are restored to perfect ~ealth can `I: Vllfo `L . Thanh: Ga:/rr Snoanosns Knuth? up 7 1 oflhe Emmen! lndam .Mcoxcinau\1au, Du Le_-wf:'sJoIcphua, oftho Great Tribe on Shm-1r.:. Bnush Cohnnbi:1,is working the most nmn-e'u andaslumuhingnresthe World ever bran! 3 _Never m the annals or Canadian Medic-I Huh. H83 am-ii Antwan. :nn'am-IAA I L. 1nn.u!nm.'.m "I -~ _....u nu ma aumus_ox unnauxan mum-`av nuu..,' such success attended the Introduclxon 0! 1-) mcdicmc hcretoloro. , urn un .,,...,u._.--._.7u...uuuu u an ' jforcleimsingnnd c!ean`i`l;;`1`e` blgogsolll hp unlian, cnnuofbe loo inghlv xeummem` `I -.L or Scrofulug Sc-urvy,S|u'n D ' or all kind: it in-a never-rairmfa oh nu _ ' PRocLA1M THE GLAD TJD] rm` ThnonL- n__ _ n 4.....,;.. OR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE, ` F Disuloronomyychap. xii.v-mu "1 UDIEHJ Lvymen E:-_Os`. 8 Co, Elli u a` uo., Nr.n';n-op ii Lyman,` T. Bickie 8 Son, . B. A. Mitchell, pure: moou and km Discus", Cure: G|:ax;;llulaJ Swcllinos. ' Clohrsl c >00 mm :1 1,12 u; From Whalevgl cause : rising, . Mm. Au Jhna mixture in plaguing no me 1 yqrranled free from anvthmg :z.jurious1o.x.I:' ` dgiicate consmlion preyhar `sex, the Ptopyh" golicm auercr: to give I! .3 trial to In! it: n` - Tonunds ofTe-lunomlls from all pm,` Sold in bot_tles 23 3d each, and in Gum, taining six tunes the quunity, 113 each...` cientjo effects pexmnngnt cure in the W majovily of long-stnndmg cueg, gy Au CHEil l`S s_nd AP_L'l`EN'j` MEDICINE vn BOSTON RUBBER BELTING "AND PACKING, l1l8]07ll)' or mug-Hunam c e "" cnmusrs and m'rI:N% u'n1'b1B1y$ DORS throughout the world. " Sole gropriotnr. F. J. CLARK, Chemm APOTH .0ARIES HALL, LINCOLN, gs; EVIMIIIT A nru-in .4 Spec;/ic Remedy for ml Dmavu o} H, Bladder and Ifirlnvys; Dropsirul Su~c1Iingn;(u. paints iCidP I1f41!I0 Funules; and all Dwau; . the Urimrry Orgrm m either Sex `l'r`I...' .._I..- -r41 :_ u__:-,- s unxmnan. lJ.l'al.)Il.4l_l'l. me, The only Sx rup prepared frcm Dr Churchfl V Formula, and proved an anslylia lobe NTf_R`.`u.iW' A.` [\ T`! 97 (`FF R\l"l`|li-If |A.I\ll-| uuu I-nvvnu us: a IIJIIB 0 2=I'm:-:'.?:_r;r:.,s\_m:m:z'" L9`J'";:i. SI-ll CE1i'lH`lCAT[>2 OI l I'l\Jl'- \/I\.\J|' L` ULIIVUISILJ UUl|CKC,- lllN\').`['..` Belsure you get the Genuine Ar`ic`.e,:lI Victor`: Hyp=)phosph14.ea_. with the Queen Head shunned on the `fuel. DDIAI1` an ll`... I!lI'I"I"l"l` u:..u K1830 SUIUJUEU U11 U16 'IUUI. PRICE if-`l l'cI' BOTTLE. Sold by all urugalsts. ' \\'hnlmm! nnlv hv nurgoyuea nuruxugesa U0. Uolemnu m. L -London. `- Newber as Sons, 37 New ntestze Barelayyk Sons, 95 Farriggdon sttbc-ret: Sanger J: Sons. Oxford street, Londm : H` And all the London Wholesule Ho um lI'!lIl1 In nuunn ' . _ sun CEH'|H`1CATE or PROF. CROFT, University College, Tnmoxm I Resnre won an [be Ganuinp Ari-`.$_uh -.-- -......., v.5:-nu up cuucl UCL. "The" value of this Medicine has been prom in nnmberleas instances now on xecord." Price $1 per Bottle. Sold `Jy all Druggl u, '..______,.`_,._ -...____ ._ - AIPU I0!" U19 CHI`? OI nrsmapslo. Buomqluns, Asnnn, L095 01 Al l E'l`I1`E, (.:a.\`muL DEBILIIY. &c, The onlv Sx run m-cum-ad frrm Dr (`.hm.-h;I.". Ohooolno, Sugars, -1-in `.9;-inn ' APOTHEOARIES L1.vcbi.ii`] mom At&_ENT8. ' 3 & Bu rzoyne. Burbidge 0. Uolezngn , litlll III URIAIJR. MontreaI-I-guns, Mercer & Co;, Druggiats. - Lymans, Clare 8 Co. I'nrn-nIn._F1l`linn & (En un...1...-1.. uymani, mate I Go. V Torcmtuo-Elliot: & Co , Wholesale Him. " Shapter & Owen. . HamiIIon-Winner & Co. Halifax-A_very, Brown :9 Co, 42,], :J1URE or BBONOHITIS. - V. .u-. rnvvuuilvu u-nu vu. Vl PULHONARI' CONSUHIPTIOLN Also for the cure uf II V: 'l"|...'( ['8 it Cures old Sores. " Cnrnn nh-nrnlnci S n.-A V1352 COMPOUNID FLUID EXTRACT OP - .1 Euro! %1;1aor:.s T ures cam era! 1|; (urel ggceiahleddsore 11:25.,` och C 3:: Sc11(i'vvS::eT: `mph. on `M F- CurlC ncoroun Ulcers. _ Cures load and Skin Diseaseg, Grandular Swcllinu bflzemed large Pin: 4 81.- P lsper Box 25 cu. '01` bv Ill Drmroinlu and D: IANTON 'I' STORE. 1:: Anna uuvvu AD In Deutoronoiny, chap. xii,1 --.-- For the prevention and cure oi Illlaylili` twnmlniv.-nun:-u n wnu ll ever: had bun prev` a have been `so nine!`- A IYnIl|l' QTY.` I LIIL 33$ COMPOUND SYRUP OF EAVIEENT m GANAIJ ans, Merger n... ........- .4-.n-uvu vv uulcsllt 4 I y named - 1. c. use me. lvllogpl lubed! Iinhw cL[izE2's Inunn lllnnn . `LVIIISI IJIIAVUIJM Also for the cure of D8! 5 IEHIBIH. Wholesale only by k Ca . vxcwonm Yxrn urn v n n v run VICTORIA |IlY !\TY\ Y Q I 7 V n!'1'| Win an Dllflluuw 3, Eat}. This i||to CI?` hrs ago bocung inh lube! .x...... .;.bml ..-II cw r vis3;" '::`u8I:t V'a e3'$rai*i"` `` P. or.` `O Mlpu `J50 benefit I I UYUIW. Hnmi`1an,. , London` ucllll `N, BN3, Gentlemeifs Fu nishing Goods, Gans.,&. Toma. Toronto. I'.... J1. I ubli{ _1YL 3.133` Bani J11. ply Pii 1;uu - D'.lx. MA1VIMOTHE<"):frsB, \J0`lI}l Ol4'l'!\ ----4 311 V0, Elf.) _\l huh II To VV-'l| ' Ibo ' {Mali 0:! 1- . aw` - Um -:-sr-`innd a complelo stock in an the bmuchusof 9__%;.s' &. SHOES or EVERY Bsculpwzon, [ll monk of Grocknrv & Chum-non nI.:.l. -. _:n .16.` do .-..|4.`.`.| . BELTINGI BELTINGII - `W -vv `nu U-I ussvaau \l.I.' In V l`Jl.I I 14; o..;.....`* \.'i.`-~:.%.*:.::.::.'I.'.`3.':...*:" * *"'~- M r AT JOHN} LE E-s. GENERAL Gnocr-zmzas. ' Fruits, :- Marmalade, Piukh:B,_ Sauces, Currie Powder, ` M'...;tard, ` V Potted Meats, Lotstrtrs, in line, Suhzfc. - V 03., .8 u Ch!-. - D--. THE s1_ALMEs1aj: TWINS, Vliw ssf & MQ.ti9AN.. vuuuuluu UB5 l.ll|IUU_ IJUIILIIU Iow'm s Mill Files, Steam Fittings and Pipes, - Lubricating oil, -&c., dzo ,- 8:43., American Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Canadian Oak Tanned Leather Bolling; Ynmiln Mill Filnn, _ Bomg now dead, the greats)! living wonder i| th6 jjjj j rrjv -.._.-o.. n.. .u u .-- -.5 ---11 mponnn, wx-1ou:s.u.xr RETAIL nunnnixc ru-1 r-'1-w%n . ..____ VWM. .ET.T+T1\TTER, IMPORTIR. \L'i-lntl-curt: . -. .. Dl."I'9AII nanvnn 1 angau, ~ Sayea -. * Ale And Fortel Teas from 30 cents upwards. En1g1ish Black Teasin Caddi A tom 60 to T7-1- cents per lb. - _ , ' LIBERAL TERMS .".~....'i-...LO`.."ED TO THE TRADE. New 1* Bloc/n`, Dunlap Srteet, Barrie. - -.._ ...._ - .......---, ....._.., nvvr-uu-4- nun. nun--uouauo em): or wucn AND spncncmcs, next door to Mr. oromptoum. _'G|VE D110 ' Flax; ....\.. . :rv uo.- acotcn, Fluu :, `1.'u`te1|'5, V ' Irish Jennem-y l Old row, _ Sa.5_7er s Age Porte_r.` s ~~Eug11sh Caddies, 1o['7a.. V . ' `RMQ V . `L! n\~ l;`T\ mn mun mu A nn ` BAYFIELD STREET. Near the new Brick Fmndfy,` A651? am I Whdid time bu inn! arrived and opened up any cues of Spying "mm: `high _ Ibo wen novellieu and desi nu in Dress Good: of our] variety. nu, 1| 1"...` sad but selected slack of rims lo be had in Ontario, Grey and Wllilococ. . ' Ir a r - ""'A"` ': .?."n7.."si'.7.l3..',."...".I.'{, 3.'i.s':. .`::."3.'.J"s'.`. .'.`.."'.'. .` g::t:'i"*~"i"'. IS TO _BE HAD.` JUV.: .1. IIEJVIJERSONS L. 8.810. LS cow wncmas, cow cnams, su.v1:n WATCHES, . A FANCY CLOCKS, ` GOLD JEWELERY, V SILVERJEWELERY, T ELECTRI PLATEDWARE, 's1v1'1 0 LA US lIE/.DQUAR l ERS TOYS FOR THE un.L1oN PARLOR CROQUET TABLES, BOHEMIAN WARES, C0, \'CERTlNAS, VIOLINS. S;c., &c., ` Present an 3 real Jet So: of Jewellery, Present 3: 3 Gold Locket sud Chain, V Pruen: as Gold And [may Rings. Present as Violinu. Concertina ind Trefolial, _Presents for Gonu,Ladien, Boy! And Girlg, to suit. overv nocket. ,, _____ --- v- ananabb lcmpany reconixnondod by the International %1NT-TS AND Luwons. A .~ ES.- V Jam Robin's,` t_"1a\_-apagnu. - GIN.- " memnn. Ru-nanlon_ ' nu, Iochs, Jan, Junnica . ` I"`(\nA_ JICE COFFEE, xznger w mo '1 )1 ES.- ` ';M'te1l'a,' Jennessefl ...1:..L. DI- - xuemun, - Port, v.CHDt Port, . crayons Port. zherry Meiser, Diamond Sherry, ,_`=.:e Rrown _ ' Sringer Wino. `DIES.- 5unra'a. Bootlrs. DeKiugho_ RU}! .-`- J unaica,`~ Demanrn. w'HISKlES.-- Old Rye,] Halt, Somali- ..4A9E1NES V|GTOR|0US!I CALL.-4:0 V Qneeler` & Wilson ` WE HAVE ALWAYS SAID.` uuuii II-` 'Aa;z2'rrs FOR THE co. swoon. BE-SCLRIPTION, . . Iyg hwillv '35` WW Junucn. 000053.- lppa' Taylor's,` _ j "an. i3|rnarda. Ill... :ANDERS., ;2-`Y first time 1 pop it," The dog is not mId: - M.Id.! I know he : not mm` +- .Whtt has he gotto be mad about`! =Itfr;nm.h-`- ms!-T , '""7` 3: 0! yam e ' I lnonnng and bi` hi. 0 w at me this "`_'Tv you that '1 mega 21 11` 9' I t W" 1"" '-" "`v'1`.ho 7:o".}"sL';.'L`1 94! Elinor he : m.a:.-. V. Iv vvuu uuunga Inll` opmnona. '-Wtall, said one, I've never cried ` Loni live auybod l ' `` Quite so, what gdunothey, -but than` you're `a ,, _-- _- ---v av-vnv `One evening at a. Paris cafe a group ofidlen were discussing politics and pen lo V who `change then opinions. 3- n. anQ_ .] vn nnunr mo..I .' A Connecticut man, whose son was ill, appecledA_to the physician: Do bung him out of it right away, doctor; do break up the {ever at once, even if -you elm` as much as if he went through (whole oourscof the fever." " M son; you look like a boy who has been brought up byvaifectionute parenta,1eaid a kindly stranger to a golden haired child, and the latter, in on excited ~ tone,'exeIaimed: Do I 7 Just look at my back If If I put my money in the savings- htnk, when can I get'it outngain '1" asked one of the newly-arrived. Och! said his friend, sure an it ye put it in to-day, you can draw it out tomorrow by giving` sixty days notice." unrsmrs, nunv-Mun: omrulua, ac.," . iqvhioh defy competition. ID uml of the vm Inn nim:a. . " Mother," said Ike Partington, d.`d you know that the` iron horse has but one ear 1" One ear? Merciful gra- cious, child, what do you mean 2 Why, the ongin-eer of course. ii .-Here is e chine cement; take a V thick "solution of gum erebio. (dissolved Iv in soft water) and stir in plaster of ;iPeris till of the consistency of thick V 1 mean: ;with a. brush spread it neatly r [on the bxoken edges and stick them - together; let them lie for severe! days. -l , __ - A lecturer once prefaced his discourse with My friends, let us say a few words befo.e we begin _ This is about equal to th man who took 9. short nap before he went to sleep. ' up ' A German in New York bemg asked how much uourkront he had put up for winter'use', replied: I s not got much. Little more as ten barrels, shust fox sickness. Kissing your sweetheart," says a trifiing younggman, 15 like eating soup with a fork; it takes a long time to get enough. A l\i __ __ A LAUGHING PLAn'r.'--'I`he London at.-(Zen copies, from Palgrave s work. Central and Eastern Arabia, nu; I ount ofa plants whose seeds produce Qeetsysimilar` to. those of laughing gas. his a. native of Arabia. A dwarf Vltiety of Oman, which attains to a height of from three to four feet, with Woody stems, wide-spreading branches and bright green foliage. Its owers are produced in clusters, and are ot a bright yellow color. The seed-pods re soft. and woolly in texture, and ontam two or three black seeds of the ize and shape ofu,French bean. Their l avor as little like that of opium, and their taste is . sweet; the (odor from them produces a sickening sensation and is slightly oensive. These seeds contain the essential property of this "extraordinary plant, and, when pulver- ized and taken in small doses; operate upon a person in amost peculiar man- ner. _ He begins to laugh loudly, boisterously; "then he sings, dances, and cuts all manner of fantastic capers. Such extravagance of gesture and manners was never produced by any .other kinds of dosing. The effect con- tinues about en hour, and the patient is uproariously comical. When the excitement ceases the exhausted ex- hibitor falls into a deep sleep, which continues for an hour or more; and- when he` a'wakens he is_ utterly un- conscious that any such -demonstrations have been enacted by him. .-_-_j--._.-._...___ Pnsnavu-1011 or Mu.x.--Dr. Saeo, of Switzerland, recommend: us a pre- servative of` milk-for two days from coagulation even durmg the greatest beats, a spoonful of alcohol per gallon of milk. -French dafrymen, judging from the odor, employ a preparation of chlorine. Won}: up Sxso.-'1`l1osc invan-iubly 0 the best "work, who sing while" they 0 it ; and we are sure` they will sing all he` merrier if they will only purchase the ~ \Vlieeler & \Vilz-son Sewing Machines, nd the fine toned, handsome pianos, organs, and melodeons sold _by Messrs. Van Tassel & Mo1'ga.n. '1 hose who pur- chase of the above cstablislimeiit, lx:u'e- something to sing for they make work easy and deliglitful. ' Mounts Pt:.-0no and 1` holfoupo ofmoluoos, one hull cup of vinegar, one egg, two toblospoonatul of our, one , cup of raising` season with `lemon or ; nutmeg; this makes two plea; bake` with two crusts. ' ` -A writer in Le: Mondes eayrthat he is enabled to materially reduce the number of insects which prey upon the owers and` fruits of his garden by covering the insideox a tub with liquid tar, and at twilight putting a lighted lantern within. leaving the whole out over night. The huge, attracted by the light, try to reach the lantern and are caught and held there fast by the hu- FIN Swaawannar Siren-r-CA'n:.-Rub a piece of butter the size of an egg into a little ower, pour intuit two cups 0! sour cream, one teaspoon of soda and a little salt. Mix into dough and roll into cakes about one half inch thick and ten inches in diameter. Prick with a for`: and bake in a quick oven. When done split them open with a knife and spread with nice butter; lay the bottom piece one plate and cover it with strawberries nearly an inch deep. (It is better to have the straw- A V berries sprinkled with sugar a few hours beforethey are put into the cake.) ` Put over this the top of the cake with the crust side down, and a layer of strawberries again; over this lay the bottom piece of another cake and more berries, and put on the top piece right side up. Serve with sweet cream. Short cakes are sometimes `made in this way, substituting raspberries or ` other fruit for strawberries. V - I`IABDWARB.--F01' general Hardware, there is no place in town or country, where you can be so well suited as at enderson's--good and cheap is the lotto he acts upon. BUTTIRMILX AND ScunvY.-'l`he Colorado Agrabulturist says : A corres- pondent informs us that he nds but- termilk to He an almost unfailing cure for scurvy in hogs. To prove the fact, among other cases which have come under his notice he says that he owns several pigs which a few weeks since were suering terribly from the eects ofthe disc-ase,innd that a speedy cure was effected by merely pouring the buttermilk over them a. few times in the pen. Readers will do well to re- member this simple remedy. - ac nnompas, ETC. ma. #3353-'3a. eaa'c $u.'Iz;?d uazZz."3&' ...`?.".-aa.`3.".'3 3'c" 5 `4_atto9vedatri.al. .`` 8aotJ5ateachboulohaaP,EBU. I ` VIAN sxnur Noam mecca. : Pamnhlnr. ta..- - - I V I I Iv: vvv-vrv nu WOO UUWUUQ PmPh19et4.I. Fmg sift! Em: as sens. Efspdetogg, `.90 I Xlltolvllnee. 114....-. "" ":po..a ?..$$!$ mo 1), can 9 . mu, but are permancm, ine- at In vigor and new Wfcmrfffuim of t he cg/stem. T and buildgnq up an Iron Con- n %housnd.9 have been changed by the use 0 this remedy, from, ' 2%: .:`....*.'.:.:_" .....-. ....m.uuuo ul tuc uncut, auu I HEIVB HO llieaitationin stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Being an excellent nervous tunic, it exerts a direct inuence on the nervous syatem,and through it it in'u'got`nte5 the body`. It affnrdn ma nlnmmm In ran:-r=In\nv-J - R Vweatorn "i`r inAker.o `pu`.so*me~` reek candy in nbottle, rub the neck with eounphonand than go`-and coax inno- ..-....._. ?_ * -cent~ dmggista into lling it with. .whisky,. saying: My wife's got an `awful headache, and wants 9. little 1 oamte.--_-Boston Pou. I . ;uwugn u. H HlYIgOl'llB5 me Dony. It affords mo pleasure to recoxmend a remedy which is really good in cases Io; which it is intended, when so many ad. verlisod are worse than useless. I am, Sir , vnnru Irnhu -.-..r. ._....._..-..v nun:-nu Pruont on a Gold Watch and Chain, Sci Proton! an 5 Coloured Gold Set of.lowe.llox3, Prann: no 3 Bright Gold Sat of Jewellery, Pruen: G_old _ ' Preunz on n pnir of Gold Bracelets, Praront no a Garnet Broacb and Ear-Rings, _ Present! Gum: Ladies, Girls, Plonnt so A Silver Witch and Olmn fora troy, suit ov_er_v pocket. - H- ....v- -Vanna Vanni lnrybody uliould know that wn are the most experienced hands on uwntohelu, Clockn and on AGRRAT rmnzmr mm: Lnwmmc WA-mm.~.sz ;.. r;m.n urn mnvlan urn-inane`