Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1874, p. 2

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Hanna Two `lilou; n: i_i:nrdlu,3l .8 in nl_ll":hhor ; in has 8260. Ind 300. "}'..`1'.'.?'f ;'?.'.`?: .'_'.':f!'_.`?'T';'T.`.-'-.."1."_*1r: r`--I:-u_I-My Inuc IIIII any XIIIS, 101' D0!!!` Domnugn Day, our country conning l`d *0 1-50 `Own by thousands to see -the alnmlmnt." am! -'.... .....n .... `Hanna-;A:!I, `I : ltI"l.inhn W6 ' ~ "9 ` 1 ` for tug, Weather 'Pifal style, ma `,3 in Pamounarxy the first da, mm` 'dd. Dominion Dav. our .' . unnun, UIIIII, oh. In. oral: 0.74;..o-a...b.o.-...'IClbO'l go 3-ann -v-n ~'-A - M" ` _! _..'_._.,`_.----vvnu -- InocctogoiooollooocllalolI oonbeun" was fa_v_oriqe Id, Broohvillo. PI. oh. 1:. L...-........ Rnahomorgor mun. oral: 0.. A Comm 1 COUNCIL. ll IAIIVIVDS 1 IR} vever, the race 3," who was six -..._...L D!` fI\!_- _ .'w,nuu'a] 1 ,O.H.`l`cm- ..[w.uuo] 2 DUI,- ..[IoIrldu] 8 n. Ponllu _..[1funngi o .ox-119,: d, mluroyj 0 e i-st! ; In ham` ~ well .. MA- met up we p0Q_!' Ienaetp to 119 yard," Swift added "you who like _the .;suri_sy`.dovn with the 3 ." charities Ioa no this .one because no Imb- Iinnunq` '45; SA. ....-AA -- ` o [008 332' ".'E'1'B':');'"}fV\I:I:uu a ww-ror iothe lendetrytg thp ]_I.ord,8"i`:1$ ff. ning 1. I L- AI age Noam Sntcon Em-:c'r1ou Pno'rnsr.- neir In shearing of the reliminary objec- ons tions in this case, on onday last, three objections were taken to the petitioner wn being qualied to act as such in the case. red lat, That he was not a legally qualied of voter; 2nd. That he bribed before the _" election (query, how or when, for he led` had no available means of his own, and N none were given him?) ; and 3rd. That in his acting as the agent of an association W ` in the matter disqualied him. Judg- ment reserved. th e RAn.wAvs.-g-North Simcoe seems to ` of becoming to the fore in the matter of in Railways.` The North Simcoe company go are vigorously pushing forward their, o - schemes, and have met with a large ' IL measure of success, Tiny has voted 850,- f ct 000 in aid of the line, and there is every t n. pnospect of a. bonus being carried in Flex It in a. few_days. The Hamilton & North I` Western Railway Company, in the per." V m son of Mr. Msitland Young, areworking 5 do hard to carry their project through, and f` are addressing the people, in a series of 5 meetings in Flea and Medonte, and 1* succeed in getting good audienges. 3, few any towns of its size in 5 of, that-is, a home for the tn 3 agedsn(_lmti_rm, endsucha me"itis ha andfitteci ,. of fol- sdl u u uuucvu uuu unuusus are considerably excited at the prospect, and are already trying their pr-entice hand at getting up a suimble address. We have no doubt they will succeed in getting up a very creditable address of welcome. The Governor-General and a. distin- guished suite are expected to make a tour these Upper "Lakes, during the "present month, when they will call at Orillia and stay at the Couchiching Hotel. We believe the Orillians are considerably excited m-osnect. and am st.-...a.. ._.J .,....-...b- uuau, vvuo, an In _ uUuUl'VU(l I30 be, a great success. Our Band, under tbe management of Mr. W. Boon, is a. credit to the musical abilities of the A town, and therefore ought to be encour- aged. There` was plenty of music and dancing on the occasion, and everything went off as merry as marriage bells." MOONLIGHT EXCURSION.--The moon- light excursion in aid of the Barrie Brass Band, which took place on Mon- day evening last, was, as it deserved to he, ll onnnf. cnnnnau f\.... 1)--J ~~- PERSONAL.-On Wednesday last, Mr. M. H. Harrison, of the rm of Harrison 55 Son," of this town, left for Europe .on a tour in which business and pieasure are combined. \Ve hope he will succeed in both, and we heartily wish him safe there and safe back again; Wm. Crook- shank, `son of Dr. Crookshank -of this nlnmn wl o'er. ac-....4 :.. ..L....; ...__ _--, --uaun, `nun Ul .lJl. . \.Il.'UUK1'.|lll:ll1K `OI ".118 place, will also start in about two weeks for Exirope, for pleasure only. Bon Voyage. Tm: MANSION ,HoUss..-This House -is already getting into high favor with the_ general public, so much so indeed thnt Mr. Farsgher, the courteous and -energetic proprietor, has built him a handsome omnibus to ply between his house and the station, to convey pass- engers to and from his hotel. We hope friend Faragher may map all the auocoee he deserves, which is u. very great deal. ___,__-- ..- ..._ an... vu|cv\.o Accxnmw. -This (Thursday) after- noon, Mr. John Craig, boot and shoe- maker, of this town, met with a severe accident by falling down a ight of . twenty-two steps. The extent of his injuries can hardly yet be ascertained, but three of his ribs and the breast bone ` are broken. Dr. Cmokshank was in immediate attendance, and the sufferer skilfully treated. Psnso1ut..-We are glad to see our friend, D. Campbell, Esq., Manager of the Bank of Toronto here, back again to his otcial duties. VH0 has had a very hard and dangerous ' time of it ; but we are glad that his sufferings are over, and trust he may long continue in health and strength to preside over the institu- tion which he manages with much courtosy,_tact and business ability. In ur -_ __,__ _..-..- _.-v --nu, nu imiimunv 0onPa.-.-We observe that -military instruction is now going on in jverioue ports of the Province. We hope our town authorities and others interest- ed will see to it that proper inducements are held out for a ` Corpe" to" be -held here. As we suggested last week. Make a move I Make a. move`! POSTAL CAnins_.t-7:I`he Globe, the other V day, contained 9. letter from our County Treasurer, H. R. A. Boys, Eeq., suggest- ing that-theee cards be lengthened so as to admit spew for endorsation, &c., if necessary.` The suggestion is a very useful one, and we trust to see it put in practice at an early date. . A ...... ._ nun . . - : Gonm Am:An.-The other" day we noticed that a large 30 horse power steam engine was carted to Mr. Wm. Graham of this town, to be used in his tanning` establishment." . Mr. Graham is still as enterprising as in" his youthful days. Success to him and may there be many` more like him, say we. A "Il'n-..n.u TL.-..... `I1- I -I - uuuln .In.uuI:|.Illl unu 'wil`l %in'Barrie soon. w$""$'. ;" would come along with it. He is Q t s curiosity himself as any wonder show can contain. i However, there is no doubt all this section of the coun- , on hsnd patronize him. Tm: Sr. Axnnnw s Socua.-n'.'--On F- ` day next, the 10th inst , the St. Andrew's Society will hold a pic-nio in the Town Park, the object being to nish up the games", &o., left undisposed of on the Mthd May last. A very pleasant time is iinticipnted. < ' 1\_ A_______ A _ A 1- .. _ i)-1t<)'w`iv-r:-1'):-A non -`of Mr. Page went intoithe Nottawasaga River [yesterday evening, neon-An`gus, to bathe along with some more boya,.and, not being able to swim, got into the rapid part of the stream and was drowned. The body was recovered about midnight. ' t1__-__ A,,#,, III- -.1-m we _ nan: am new: `, 8" agopn of Mt. ' . V _. ,` , ,_""_ workjliaa 013."-fthe':'Mill I . well F A -'1 vlthqnteither orstdekigj; _ . ' Panuc Exunnuox.-A-ue .l"?C- f `' 0'91 `"11 b. mi_annual of-"the $186!) 11631 o!he1: Wh6I$bOuIl, The pupilll attending the public school of this '}`"`m* Wows ""110 *9 WWW` town, will take place on Wednesday 0U``.".Y-. ' next. _1?Aa.mnts and friends of the school Dawn`: Mu-on.--The following is ihvited to attend. the score of the return match between '. * M531 : Cnmncn Exouns1ox.-An `mi B""'d' which tmk P19 m .,q_xc_1usiqn_in,ponnecti_on with the above B`m am 19 K " church, is to come off, to J ackson s Point, , ' BRADFORD 1331303- on.the 15th inst, and every effort is `E. Gm-mt, ct Rogers 1; Morgan... 7 _ , . Rll f01'th *0 lllk it $119 01083 lit` `J. Sutherland ct Graham b Mcconkey 13 ` veofthe season. See Bills. `Jan. Rnddv, In llnl-can _ ~ - - - V - - - - A ` 9 ,,_ . _. ..__....J .. V-v vuv lrnvsxaunf :' Rania, tications as to what the future. of the 1 on the young stranger would be; whether it nany are would thrive and prosper, or whether it mat Ger- would succumb, as have so many children gle with of promise, to an untimely deatln VVe ast en0i`- think that "friend and fee alike must be its Of N10 astonished to see the proud position in Tltramon- which Canada stands on the 1st day of coolness July, 1874. Not only have we passed smarting through the trying ordeal of infancy and upon her pupilage; but, like the famed myths of '8: d i ancient story, we issued forth a giant *5 mm` even from the first, and showed to all that d ll`: it i with due care we had a grand future he- 'd`1 f fore us. For no people in the history of '3" nw' the world has made the material progress *8 rival we have made within the past seven the -t""' years ; no, not even that marvel, the ding her United States; for, whilst they can Y, .38 show in a population of between 30 and ii if m- 40 millions of people a commorcialyalue a grave]! of only 825 per head, Canada, with onl_y l-ermany _ _ _ `26l;000 four millions of population, can show a to the trade value of 354 per capita. Then, if we and we compare ourselves with our past, the ;,3,.m,my progrem made is one of which we may ich win well be justly proud. In 1854 the t_r:ule war will Of Ontario only amounted to about sixty~ Russia three millions of dollars ; but in 1873 it 1 India_- reached the handsome gure of nearly e 11 ROW one hiindi'ed_and fty-live millions of 106;` 09- dollars, and the Dominion tradeais about 91` from two hundred and sixteen millions "of 0 more dollars. But it is not only of our trade -5 1059 and commerce that we feel proud. We '13l1 have advanced in territory, so that now 3'5 `ml the dream of 1867 is an accomplished M` i'h_'t' fact, and we now literally extend" from lV`l' the - Atlantic to the Pacific, and em- " brace within our ifolds every Brltisli Colony except Newfoundland, which we doubt not will soon be tired of standing alone, had throw itself into our lap and [be one with us in thepglorious future to which we are hastening. i .iWe ' can say in the words of Scripture that _Peaco is (9) op. within our borders, and plenty is in our l _ . midst." But proud as we certainly are, lm'y and ought to be, of our-material prosper- lbemd ity, we are yet proudervof our advance- ment in education, practical knowledge, and social and mliasm... m,.._... u. 5 l l : 1 c i u avizsr 0 sum: uusla. u UV8l'y 6110136 13- ug&th .iz;.z1Tkeit~th6 gnostae-' ` ` ofthesehson. sensing. | Barnum s Museum and ' Menagerie ' Rn:-n llnnn Wm 33:`: In: P`*93in8 it giveamanu ianosuchw x1wm9nnm-mdu farmers '?8m'.199t.`. .:!"`."?- . ' Wood for either {each}; or Wnnuna. June 18th, 1874. . Dun 8u&.--According to promises 3' made; in Barrie to yourself and other _ friends, I now send you my opinion of , this new country. nguunnwu, `1 teachers, Scnooz. Tucnns CoztvszmoN.-In a very short time now a School Teachers Convention will be held in Toronto to decide who is to represent them in the Board of Public Instruction. At present, we regret to say there are only two candidates in the el , neither of whom, , to ourinind, should be elected. Pro- . fess)!` Goldwin Smith is open to the objections of being a keen politician, and . of knowing little 0: nothing practically of . the working of our school system. -Either of these objections should make his non-election certain. The other can- didate possesses every qualication in a literary of view for the position, and has a thorough acquaintance with our school system, but is open` to the fatal objec- tion, of not being as Cwsafs wife` should ' have been above suspicionon the score of morslitv. We do Imm `n... ...._- - 3 VI IEUIDIIEJ. VVQ unobgectxonable candidate nanny}. an-I mono;--A AL- _, I! -vwuvuu Illltpalna th * in Quebec, the other day. -... . uurll`.---:1 novez legal decision was rendered by Judge "A. B. Routhier, A tavern- keeper named Derouin, sued Father Urge! Archambeault. for slender. It appears that one Sunday the Rev. gen-' tleman reproved some of his ion for intemperate habits, and singled `out, by name, the tavern-keeper above named, calling him a loafer," and idler," and advising the parishonem to run him and hunt him out of the community. Hence the suit. By the evidence ad- duced it was shown that Dorouin was `such an one as the minister stated, and It'll! inning ann6........I LL- J4` ` .... nu mm as me nnmster stated, and `me judge sustained the defendant in de- nonncing the complainant from the pul- pit. I10 nuuulu ~ utunu me," and demand that his accuser be brought face to face with him, and let the matter be at once cleared up. ` ]]1___ `I5 - 0,. The Bilton-Beecher scandal is again revived. We think it high time that Mr. Beecher should insist upon an. in- veatigation, and clear himself, if able, from the charges brought against him. We opine that the Rev. gentleman is only mortal, and has been guilty of a. few venial indiscretions, but nothing further. Anyway, however, as a minis- ter of the Gospel, and one of the most prominent amongut the clergy of the day. He should stand re, and demand that his nnmmm- Inn in-mm-l.+ 41...- L- A`. W- - - DYBPBPHC Pom-nouns. -- Geo. F. Train says he hits at last meeovex-ed his senses; and with it the knowledae that he has been insane for the past lewyears. He thought he was a patriot but found out that he was only a lunatic. We wish to goodness such a. discov would soon take place with some of thleyleaders of the Grit party. They certainly are not, and never will be, statesmen, but only raving frothy politicians, as was poor` George Francis Train; and the sooner they find it out the better for theniselves and the community at large. III! `I .-I . 1-; aaaslrnouu wan uuruvvu on H10 tract: and the engine and cars were fem-fully" smash We are happy, however, `to learn that onlypne life was lost, although a few were more or less injured. " DHHPU .lUI.I.IUVU(l 5 THU IFDIH Una FY80` 3 few nnles west of London, Ont , on the 25th inst., and the New York fast Express was thrown of!` the track and Han nnuinn and em... ........ A`_'..J,_lI__~ S'ronxs.--VarVious parts . of the conti- nent lmvc been visited by destructive atoms, which have done much damage. n_-_` 0-..- J 1 , ,, - u 1.. Oweni Sound has purhasecie Cgatham make Steam Fire Engine, at a cost of 84,200. May it belong o'er they need it. . V ` Fumnsnn-.--some fiend in human shape removed a rail from the `track four nunnn numb A6` T .u..L... n__; __ u - "-4 (I19 proixdof Canada, and we 01%;?` upon a. new era of our confederatcd` history with high hopes, and a firm resolve to make Canada. the Home of the Brave and the Fm U0 LJKJGII VI) IIIIU LRKIUJ II \.l'ul'I17VO C I ' By ooo0coooonooooo..onno.-on LegBy89........................ Widennu......n..........-og- Scrioox. Coztvnzmox.-_ vefv Ehft runs! 4- --`'---' 7"" J. Morgnn,bGarrot............. F 1!`. Jun hpa`f-nun So lhlllllllll U0 Ullllo JJUUU, U INVITE!!! Wu CLOSE, b G8Tretoooo`ooonoao Do`M`\lndrB1l, woo.---coco-coco, A. Grhm, Tun Outuooooooocooooc 'I' 113...! -5 Y D..AA.. |.`D.u.......... vguu, Ililrlvlncuanooool-cu. I ct .1110. Buddy b Patterson W. HnTpAn H an-rot- - - - .- . . . . 4 - _ woman,` otunaounu dm1nd,'A |. Weutawmimbnry. in-3. ` onuthe"Mill Barrio, `vvii -bho.nt:eitherIh'oes Mr. ~1nng,'rofourGwl,will be glad to hear of" her The unfortunate woman's 0'(knno_lly. I 7-"Pun 1 ocolroouooo-ol_nOno-Clout:-g In A unit: Iiilin : PuLPI'r.-A novel legal decision nndered bv Jndan'A `R Pn--'~-'~- _-.., .. .............uu, practical Knowledge, and religious liberty. No country on the earth, unless it is Prus- sia, has so thoroughlnnd cicient a sys- tem of education. Our schools are everywhere, our colleges and universities are fully up to. our requirements, and in no country is -the press or the pulpit so liberally sustained ,' and,` in the en' Joy- ment of civil and religious liberty we are without a peer; and nowhere on the Globe are there better laws or greater respect shown to its majesty. For` all these and many other masons we are ; proludwof enter I ...._'. .._. -e --m e T0taBlaoooo9oono...aoaouuoi mums: nnuiras. unwnoq -Um! for .'. .9`.?f;Y-'3 2 plarwood London. Hi 2`-ML .:`.e:m 1| ` e papa: ~ 0', 3 gre9n=1mn..t dietetic m$4to$4'.50 tad. I -how! '5. W """' _ - -`._.-gun vuculllim mu..- g..-w-g, urging `wgrlnZ`i`n tag I}`.1::td1j ':%i.I-.OII.loII.,-Son com m : oust` _,..._.. -..___ ___...___._- Buultur.-rm : OoooA.--W(VJnu-nvut. AND V . knowledge of the Ietnrel levn which govern the ' properties of well selected . eeeoegllr. her provided our breakfast tel] avoured beverage; whieliney eeve ue many heavy doctors bills. , _ Ila Made aixnpliy ..v:ith I Bolllnge 91*! k. Reel: pecketie eholled v:-::JA_!!I Ru": 8 oualtunopethio Obexnlata, lining--_+ - 4' an , -_. -v-nuns AU1' Ul1I1nC(4 The Earliest and finest Fruits ~. choicest Flowers at Bot.hwcll s. } On the first day of July 1867', amid ringof cannon, and all the parapher- nalia ofjoy, was heralded the birth of a llewenation, or rather, the consolidation v 0` hoisted individual colonies into one Bllld Confederation of Colonies, owing nsll-Bee to British authority; and, which, even at birth, was proud of the mother from whom she sprung. At the - time. of our debut many were the prognos- ticntinna an in mime Ll... a`..;....- -n LL- mm rm. an oh- unuu -* ] Shoo; ems-$1 so to Bnmr-l4 to 18. H J! 3% 120. A7-- 6` to 18 00. Veal. III eIln_'u on A7-H64 00 001. new ellp-.-34 to 36. 5| lllndd (Inning Spring-- 1 10 to! 13 gm-58 to 60. Bsr1{j-75 to 75-: Poutou-per bug 50 to 60. gorzuod Hop--'_( 00 to 7 50.. ` 0 f-Hind quarter 8 00 lo 8 60. Porn quarter 6 00_ to 6 50. HMO!-.-:5] Slmp In-$1 50 2 75 l_!amz--M 181-- ITHE rmsr DAY or JULY, 1374, ` WEl`l`lN-ROS8.- unlllBlI.l.II.,. THOMPSON-CARSON.-At tho reaidcnca of the bride's lath, Vespra, on the 24:1: ult., by the Rev. B. Roylo, David I`hompstgn._ of Barrio, to Snnh, fourth daughter of Wxllmm . OIIIOII. of Barrio. At tbs Weslovan Metodist Ohllfh. A"nn-'- -- "" ' nu] ma lufc-sent.,_nut that the 21 delightful and` invigonltimg nnything'oc'cur which might your readers I will send it. In time. { . Druf! ..~m. upm q-.:u 11. lIl0l1Lll upwm' Lot omignm`s coming by Duluth do this, take a first Class tlcl((`t to Duluth, for the misexi<.s of a deck 1>:xssogc are beyond belief until you lm.vo'actnall_v ox- '_ perienoed them. Then change our ` Canadian money for American, and take` 21 second-class ticket for the rest- of the . journey. Every emignnt may reckon upon $25 extra expense over and above his fare. The ingenious way in which the Americans _wring the dollars out of you is astonishing. Great care should be usedein not making friends of travel- lers. Thieves and black-legs travel this route all the season and make a. good thing out of it Thanks to two of us not being able to sleep the last night on the 0'/ueora, we saved our deck companions from an attempted wholesale sweep. M I don't know of nn_vtl:ing further to : say at present,,but that air hero is 1 dnliahful .....I ' :....: M -- ~- ~ G0 to C. Pe ljullll IIU `ILIIIIUU WIILIUUVUI, ibllll IIIIU e`ur!I'er`_:`f7'the`Winnipe`ge1`s are `both land . and McKenzie and his 5. Government for not pushing on the Rail- road to Thunder Bay", and thus keeping back the prosperity of this nohle_,Pz-evince. I` have to state that there is a very limited demand for labour, either In the town or on the farms, and fully_ half of fthosewho have come this spring have beenobliged to go back. Unless with the intention of taking up land I advise young men who depend alone upon their labour not to. come here this year. Sum- mer is the only season in which they. can get work, even if they are fortunate, for in winter all agreein saying that there is nothing to do. And to those who come to take up land I would say`: Don't im- aginethat you can come in" here with merely your axe on your shoulder, as was so often done in Ontario. That will not dohere. The very least you should have when you land in VVinnipeg is 8600 clear`. Nomatter how you arrange your coming you cannot ge here in time for a. crop that year.` So that it will be 18 months before _, on get anything t'rom the land dur- ing which time you have to keep your- self at high prices for everything. But this dilculty, once over, and the crop harvested, thenceforth the road to 2. com- fortable independence is sum and easy. The stories of the Black Flies are all myths, but the-Mosquitoes are it more serious nuisance. When there has been rain and no wind both mum and beast give themselves up as lost. But a very slight breeze blows them away, and it is only now and then that hope utterly takes wing. The Mosquitoe.-. are of. three 'kinds---the first is a small and compara- tivelyl harmless creature, the next, and most dreadful, is much larger, -and his trumpet of war can be heard from afar, and lastly the Bull Dogs, . who, {or- tunately, conne their attention chiey to the animal kingdom. But when they i do attack man they take the piece clean out, and open the sluices through which pours _the lib blood. The nutritive pro- perties of the prairie" grass, us far as On- f tario horses are concerned, are all fudge. They can neither work nor travel upon i it even with oats added, and such a thing as their wintering out is nonsense. The hardy little native pony which it seems impossible to kill by starvation does winter out, but it kills imported ;. stock. Cattle, on the contmry, thrive fl Well on the prairies both summer and u winter, and the milk yields excellent butter. - , Wages are in a bad state just now, and many men are for the present, work- mg for their i)O'.1I`(l. They get-11cr;1]]'v run from a $1.50 to $2.50 for` luhouring men. Meclmnicsi from $3 to :f:3_5o 303"} i3 36 P01` WC6k--occusio11nll_v it can be 8` fol` $5 per week. House` nu- commodiition for families is very SC2l1'C:`. Rent from $2011 month upw:1r elni1!1':m`s nntninrr I..- n..x..u. in an vuuoux uupuus uy , W But pnrling brooks '._ 4 , 3 existencein this coun- try, to the scarcity of rain durmg' d'nripg t.he" and cloudlees sum- 'Ine_r?- " The `tum has provided moisture forthe land is indeed curious. At a depth of from four to seven feet there is invariably a bed of frost down to the" clay, and the surface is thus watered from beneath. At present all breadstukand provisions are imported (mm, (the _ States. Manitoba exports no'li`ini`,l5iit \ll'tir.:-17onsei1uentl all the money is` drained away to pay for these things, leaving the Province a veritable It will be sometime before we raise sucient for our own consumption, andtherefore now is the farmers time. For when the local demand is supplied, and there is a surplus for export, down the prices must go on account of our dis- tance from market. Besides we have at present no outlet whatever, and the nnrancssf f.I\nK,i1'\ninnnne-a as-n knl-In lnnri ___1_....._,.._.-:.-. Igh ainall ar warm and`cIh1'qitable. 11 most cases good -wnfAr l!n.Il""\n an}. at 11nI';nI1u Jan!-Ln I-n1 wan: VIIZLIQIWDVC} LIL IIJUBII LTD EVUKI [water gothat various depths by diaoinmir Rut nu-Hurt Bunnnlrn llY-M Hot husband! f:id6n0P, E:`u hr; Calhnrine,` Wifd Of ` vuuuvu uy nu`. a. J. uogg: That this Committee pledges itself to use their in- uenoe to promote the coxistruction of the Enron and Ontario Ship Cana_.l. remain, _ Yours very truly, Tnos. T. A. ]3o'.'s. .. pnmuea breakfast zauly beverage any m.. ado k. packet in :.,Eou1n Chemists. V vVuu4u> nn;;nu Interest l th moun- ; ;<;1:cannod goods- .._.. us -- * uuxlls Luuauux` I . (VI ...4!_.,- uuu tun AIULU l utirng Should lni;;ht interest "4 ('41.-I --- s and tho` ._-uuuuu_ no to receive the encour- Ioment of t Government of the Do- ilnion, had this `Council rspectfully rboommuldl that tho Government, under Ihltable restrictions , place at the disposal of the Canal Company, ten million acres of land required by them for the purpose of raising the capital for the construction of the work." - ` L Pzmfoaed by Mr. J. J. Car:-pthers, Ee- oond by Mr. J. J. Hogg: That this fn nun Oiunh. 3... , m'xrr.&:g, of Thea. U11, 0! iIha.m I 2,1-3in` _ -~ ---v uuuuuluvlllluli I| Hi I" `M9: in the County of Simcoo, hu'Ibia day 509" dissolved by mutual consent. '5" '3'8" debt: due to the `alt fi :21 lllllll bapaid lo the firm of Mccntig I & ailay. who ueoatrying on mm id luninmi. All dcbtgl dudby the mo firm will b paid by 1110 Ilitl MumMoCmi In 8: Bxrol y, who usage alg Ih assets tndgpny all t a deb . ot '"1)ml`m|i A 1874. p ale { I -J I 2 d " -3 .;;'-STRATHY, Rnlinilnn in "business is Shin Take notice that Ih:patInetahnp of Mo- Crajghl & Rilohie, heretofore carrying 0" glo Mnnufacumu, at Hi"l' vdale, Siincoe, has Ihia d_II on mutual consent. ` . Olllllnmlinn A-hm A~- -- -'-A ` uno uonnr nnn lwZve~and-hnlfcu use enclosed to Norlhropdt L-yman,T gu--era':Igenls for the Domnuionn bottle cmlainiup .over 50 pil!a,by Pi Saki in Barnc, b John Woods 3 00., Wells Bros ,_ oh-nz ML-Lu Deacon.Craighurz-t, Green 5: Bros., 3 cine (lrnlcav .73-. .--p -- --vy umcr Lune they are safe. In alt clher cases of Nervous and Spmnl Affec- ljuns, Pains in` the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight pxer1ion.Pal imion ollhe HearI.Hy|'.urvI 8 _ amlvw l:itcs,Iheso ills willelfccl a cure" whru all olher means it ve [tiled ; and although 0 powerful remedynio not conluin Iron, ulomv`p antimony, or an ything hurtful lo the con|IilulI"- Fulldircctiona in the pamphlet around owl: pad: ~ge, which should be carefully preacrVcd- JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, 80].! PROPRIITOW One dollar and twelve-and-halfcents for ll ago englosed lorthropdz Lvmn.'l`...-.\-.... M.- 31;"-L Pu_culinrly(' Vllgl-!`:-i-:1`! will, in I lhorl Lme bring "on the month y period with regularity. Th-.:c Pills should not ba taken by female: rlun'ng llze rs.` three msnlhs offregmmcy, 01 tiny are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at as: y `other time they . In an cases or N-m....>. ...: ca-.. 7 - - Ir ,.._ _ .__.0...... fhin fnvalunbfe nzadicine is unfuilin in the wt: 0: HI (how painful and dnrgewu; spam in w:uc.n the female `constilulion is subject. It mrdernlos n!` execs and remove! all obi-truruonl nd a speedy 4 ure may be re icd on`. T0 MARRIED LADIES lN:_culinr|y' sux!ed.It shot! momhy T/L-..-`c iS should no! In 1-1.... L Ir -~--tZ'." "**-t-~------_ _, . .3 "--?r New Qtbntrtizennteanfi DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ---u--- $5.. %";'} ;?J.'.`;`1' `{`S..*3:93"P!P .' M9; h ' ` "l'hoI"st isolation was proposed by Kr; D. Morngw, and seconded by Mi`. R,. l Wilson: Resolved, that in` the opinion ofthis the inland water com- ` mnnieotions of this country should` be improved end enlarged so as to admit veuels (having not less thanlfourtcen feet of water, and that the construction ~ of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal as. once! the great links in the chain of water communication from the tide water - to the hood of the great lakes, is a. com- meocisl necessity, as by the construction of the cllnl, and this alone of an the projected means. of transportation be- " tween the West-and the East, can ade-' 4 qgnts be obtained for the M maa` of the surplus freights of the - Wat and the metum ' freights of the 2 Fast." . Proposed by, `Mr. Henry Sewrey, and seconded by Mr. John Csrruthers: R69 solved, that a work which was calculated tgbenel to so large an extent the whole Dominic ouht to receive the ` nomnnt nl I . n l'!.um..........._;. -c .1 , -n JOB KOSES `P E R `I ODICAL ._-n.____ _." van VIACUIBQ . .Wc' spea.k from experience in the hgving tested it thoroughly, and 1! those who are suffering from Any of th plainzs for which it is recommended, 1: pend upon it being a Sovereign Rcmed A Tbc astonishing eicacy of the a Pain Deatroyu-_ in curing the diseases fol it is recommended, and its wonderful. e` snbdufng the tonuxouu pain: ofllehuu nnd in rolioving Nervous Affcctlona, on tn I-An}. -.\..I- 1- --uvc oeen properlyjc trary 'a':1nre dtlighted 1 speak in the highest magicni affects. 117,; __ _, I ' .- S-.", Back and Haul, Coug}zs.('oIrl.s,Sor '1/u':'.:.`. bprniiu, Bruises, Cramps in the Slamxn A, C}':1Ia`Tll'1l:'07'b!l8, Dyscnlcry,-BoweI Cum- pIamts,Burns, Scu11s,Frnxt Rites, dc. The Canadian Puin'Destroyer has now b`-en bofoxei the public for I length omimu, nml whenur used in well liked, never ailing in on single instance to give permuent relief whon timely usvd, and we have never known A smgle case -of_ dissatisfaction, where` the direction: have been properly _tollo'wed, but on the con- trary ll are delighted with in m....:..... ...a As n fumjly Medicine, it is well and fan ably known, relieving tL( umuds from pi: the ' _ . Snwv CnnI.Aug The Cumpounxl Elixir of l`ho.4phnu:.9 and 1 purvd hv you I have been ummz Jnrg_o:Iy III 1 and I nwurc you that in lll) JUdglHl:ll1 more I! 'li_on gfixs kip}! that can compare . wixh il wh` mm 0! us plxlcublc-. have 50 m dnsemic-s I it. In .')\ -,,_ _._-_--~-- v- V. AAA!-I JILID J, Con_sump!ion is not incurablo,.DoL-Ion say .1 is not. All that is required is the pro I nuedu-M, lo eff;-4-I a permanent curc. D1. '3 then Bronc-hi..I Kemc ly is last B; coming the pom`. Inedicigx : for all affections of the chest and lun'gs. For in.~i;vienl consumption, bruuclnlis, nmhxm. coughs, 4.-olden, Jrrn, no ozher mt-dicipe cvcr ctlun-I to {hr public Do-sesscs such I-nrnlnm n..\-.... -_ 7.- _._. _-., .. ....., ...,-..., a nrnn. xyuwac m Pianor J beet makers. The Mason & Hum. lin O:g.".1l, and the Canada Organ Compunyi Orgdns and Mulcdeonl: Organ! and Mom- dcons Iu rem, and for sale, on the monthly payment eyazmn L i . EDWARDS &. LAIILD Rank:-ll." L. rur :n,~n;nenl COHSLIHIPUOII, bronchitis, nil. ozher mrdicine cm public po-sesscs such curative puopcu Let thcmlliclevl trv it and prove its eicucy. sale by nvlldruggisls. ` mmpaon .2 Co., Drawer 9) P. ., Ilamuwn. I".'.'o boxes: or Pills will also be sent 1 null I) my part of Cmuula, securely wrap from obsorutlon, nu receipt of $1.60. - kamwt 1! (lulu- Pills sold reuxll by retail Dru nu, and whole- sale by an wholesale Drngglata an `fawn: Xedlclgo Doalcx-s.~'* - " " _.._.__. ,_ -_. - vouw -vvullvlvl UI . Q - .-u& n... - .._ A , Dn.*J.~'i3zu. Smrsoafs Specific and bvue Pwo. _tIze Great Ehgliah Remedy for all mrww ddqdl; from wlzatever cause arising. have Already haw pv thorou -1111 tested in Canada to to require mug It be 5:11 in their favor--33 a certain cure for true.- dietrcssinfsfmptoms arising [Tom errors 0! youth Dr.J. Bel S mpson was A upil and (Hand orrhe late Dr. Wiuia Moscly. oi` ndon, England, mu most celebrated authority in the worid on this sub: jcct. a me partner is now visiting Canada, and 1: prepared to ive advice free to all. and `forward cu- culnr, ei.c., r a lied 1.0-addressing Dr. .1. 15:1: Simpson At Co., mwer b?:(:`-en or` wit} ago} m_Ail my pan 0 . !l|')t u cnnn-A -- -->`~' - Cxuuoo. `. I Booallers, Stationers, A [Li Imnln tar: nf in: kl" LL- nun nunulnur 6 LIIIAN, Toronto 0;, Sole Agents for the Dominion. ' Non-Ecleclr:'c--Selected and Ewclrized; Ana xmponera or ' `WALL PAPER, I)1~:conA'r1oN~;, { ;1'm.~r zz;;o1`I.\'G. BUILDING 1 -nan. DEALER` IN `oh womt '`f._,,'-3 P-In o4-3'9! . nth,-.I.`. o is 1. `ma. ohupqlm, 0 Ding gve; mm. 0.. .1, m'n,.,n 5," `nite; One `bottle hgg 51 0lI'W..i-`9. -fty ooim worth has cured M Itandiygpough. It positively cu... g`: Allllllinnd Oroup. Fifty cam. w,,'h""'- cured odd: in the back, and the nu. u h {Ann back ofoxghl yearn -standing. 1~;',,5',"` mg are oztmculrom n tew of the mun] 1?" thnt hgvc been method from ditfemn pm. Oanndn, Whi('., we think, should be gum - 0! to uamfy um most aim-p:icn!. J. Collnrgwm Spa: la, Qm.., wriu-s,scnd me 4% dox. Dr. T},,,', 0', Eoleclnc UH, have ao?d all I hnd {mm you "' want more now, its cures me truly woud(-,(u;~d- Wm. Mnguirv, of Pfralgklin, wxitvn,`-I |,,,5 ux III the ngrnnt left, it acts like a cbarm-i1 0 (1 nlnw an {int hm mlznn m.In...l:.1 ____ .. ' _____, _.,.. _-.. ._ . . V - .-'u -n\..|.I|ll Wnucgfulln 0} Rraqklnn, wnu-9,! {tom it like . chum--il wu slow al,I'9!,but tqkes aplemhd ynow " 3 H. Oolo,v=! Iona, wntce,ple1se forward 6 d Thomas` Eclor.-trio Oil, I_nm nearly om mg equals 1!. It is highly rocommondod 5, those wlm have used 1! J. Bodford, Thames- vlllc, write; ---"Sand at once n fnrlhor Supply of Eclcctriu Oil, I _hne only ono bottle lea. 1 novor Jaw anylhmg sell so well and gin such Ill` ,' nr IL. A general sntiafaction." J. Thompson, Woodfmq. writes--"Sud mo some more Ecloclric ()i|_ hue gold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller is llqgd, Ulgerlon`, I . Q., wm,._I-Th. aqd ll(i:.._y c no or. an up: an etluppl yntbom. dllgly. Lexgoyno`, Gibb 5 00., Buck. mzham_, I. Q, wrno_--`Send us one gm, Eclectnc Oil. We nd n to take well." Sold by all medicine duleri. Price, 25 cm, 8 THOMAS, Pholp;-, N.Y. And NORTHRLP 8 l_.YlAN,'l`orouIo, Um, i > V... .__. ..-uwu ausyurlalbuv JDPLC ' i 3' um,-I was Wm! I from Toronbo,_ Ilpaltlloouncil the propriety and no-/5 oedtfof giving a handsome bonus to the Geotnn Boy Pmject. Mr. Caprool, ' the old `war-hone, on bhisxsubject 941- I hue! the Council with all his old re imlubility, Il_ did also several others. And, after miiaiden-able discussion, which In ldininrnnrl fill H... .....-L - =---- L Wanted 'imm(diatcly, two good [JOE'S PAIN TERS to whom good wagon will be paid. - ` Apply to . A n`nnvnnA "iANADI EDWA xgmg MIED, _. ,(.------j- "Ii: mason mum oncnn co. . g \mdr!\h la I--ml.) --- . gr su-1-.-_ - -7 - D'n."J'.~' `he Gr.-mt ),;xxviic':{ \3iIunb;~ `HE R. WHEELERSCOMPOUND EL|\'lK HF PHOSPHATES AND C}-\LlSA\'A. Snmv Clnuur Ana ru 1..-a {E TRIUMPH OF THE AGE 3 Kim! that when: 11 :4 Wm: fe-.-Mc.nmt::n1c women of Mmm many, and In cases conwnlescixxg from pram: should hardly know how to get along wvh i_\'spcp=ia it acls like a charm-|n fuck in nu) l:s_| ofexhuuslive.-_ dm-uses :1 II the remedy. ~ I am. your: truly, . J. LYMAN BUCKLE-LY. M , . `*1 moi impo t; eopig ;1m:; Otlllo banvn ltlnurn mu... _ _-___- DUIIUIIUTS I Mcnucnr & Rcmg sp`t'iEI1&fo]iEI:f --o-_ ' 3DT(`! A '1- `;`.'`L.'155`';9": luv 1' (In.-u.......v- n_ . .1 A - IAN PAIN DEs'mm*1.n -._.-,. ..nncu:-gu 7.3911190 - bung nnadian r_ m for winch (led. and it: un-uI..a..n tun'.\:.I< :- .v,v-;-1; lu.-uuwl, DINO]! CD0 ltlighted with its opontionl, and term: of its virtues and 5. (AQUA U -IHIIJCO` And Importers 0! PA PER h1`("r\ nuunuluu, pmcmcal knowledge, the nnrlzh ml... :1. :_ 1*- 3P9rience mum-r, Qhommrhlw .... n....-r-.. I-'Iuu'llI|.l CC!!!` [07 I" P 53 Lyman,Toro:uo, at-1 Domini `H i I Dinl .(;:I rtllnlrnnufxrilo. LII] SI Dll Solicitors 1 llJI1'l` E. DI xn I no Anu pnhlb SA rwv Cnnx. Aug. 51.1`-: r ('nhu\'u ululll gmeov. VUEIIIZ Duxtvlq 5-: and all nml.~ `nun C. LAHLU Booksellers, &c., Bamie. PILLS. zc Iulswr, tbeleforo the cum- . mu: dc- -dv_ up. :11. I`-7'1 I (`nliuyup HAY Drurin lfnfonu .v ms,- Blrric. -,__`__..a, an O in the1jight- xvug run, are me cheapest, for 'o'ne \of the best places in the dryibgoods, dmas goods. ready-made clothing tailoring and l more A_,ineg,(_is at the Nelson House` ` hont or better - business. man "than Mr. Nelson does not` axial: in +_m.. .... --i , ,___ __.._J vvuvn LUl5UH3 arex , V - _1 _ I t proud of Canada, upon The C`" t-Y C"`"_` a_`h`'nd as new confedox-atgcd` with . stwdyo l:"_" 3 355751011 0` '0 Yeah t high "1 "1` "1: *'tj"8"P Canada "*'-passions this .yo:u- instem 0 two, as F n -/hgrotuofbre. Hoivlaver, `from what we , mo. ' ----"*---- ` .- 4 I, fcan learn, the Council "are quite right in . HIGH SOHO`-)L"`DIsTIBUTI0N arranging for this special session, as ur- ' A OF PRIZIIS. , 3811` PW: b ::} demtnizst t 0: It ill but aeldom_thnt we can honestly ""' :3 { _9F:h,_ t) to any that the public take an interest in V. thoxnannua exclusion, us me, school mm We however are ha _ `Hamilton where they were warmly - 4 ' P la} the Hamiltonians and were P to say that thTwn Ha -was Iv crowd- : (man the guests of the city. They also edon Mud evening to see the dis` _ `did the lions!" and were tnbutionof totheecholars attending l l ' a .-1n the most heartymannerlby - V Council, and ot'.her`distinguished thehieehwhichhlnd W '1 "_f`!_Iamilten tothe Count} *fI`lfey rowmgd _, .. . 2Y*dn1. f o Gm can 1 iilln. _iz`B,:s'r.--G00<.1 . inthb the cheapest, for ouch! in ` \.uu._y uuuru :z"3i't'T-..,vTvi;1`)ii11g gold `With: Ban-i'e Hotel, and for which the owner `offers a from the 0! 0118 reward of $15.. We wish he may recover it. ' uuvvu yuan ( themselves I ....... -1.- -- -- ,,._--... - naval Asznnolznccd in our Strawberry Festival was he tion with the Episcopal St of this town, and we tire ha` was a thbrough success, as,` ' gall expenses, it will net 372. - I . - ` - , In... 3.2, ---u&-I Gm znii B351`.- \hn|` .1... -;.; it IV IKIUII boys. . BASE-BALD. I We forgot to say in our opening re- marks that a boat load of Freemasons, from Beaver-ton, visited their brother- Masons of this town, and were gallantly and hospitably treated. `An, excellent lunch being served out to them by the Messm. Edmanson & Son. In connec- tion with this visit we may add that a. Base Ball Match cagne of between the Boavorton `and Barrie` Base-bull clubs, ` which `resulted in a victory for ourtqwn boys.. V` vul vuvvu, vuuuu W118 RI -the N on-smokcrs ' \ A splendid game of Lacnosso took place in the Town*Pz u-k, between Young Canada of Toronto, and the "` Young. Cuno.dians" of Barrie, which, after 5 hot contest-, resulted `in a. victory for `the former by three straight games. A CRICKET. . . A game of Cricket was played between the Smokers and Non-Smokers" of our town, which was also well contested, ~ on-smokers" Winnino um nouns All Bari-ie, young and old, gentle and - sinnplonliko, were nstir last VVednesday, Dominion Day, determined to take their 3 ll of enjoyment, for one day, at least ; ' and not only Barrie, but the contiguous neighborhood were also up bright and early, and pouring into town in every innaginublo and unimn.gin:1b1o vehicle; and right well were all repaid for their exertions, as it is rarely that our town [` ofi' many attractions as it did this last Dominion Day. Perhaps the most imposing event was the County demon- " -stru.tionofthe strength of the Temperance cause, for an imposing array of the mem- . bers of the |var1ous Temperance organiz- . ations throughout North and South Simcoe marched in rocession over 1000 I M strong, through our principal streets, to the music of the Ivy and Thornton Brass Bands, to our.Town Park, where a sump- tuous dinner was provided by Messrs. Edmnnson & Son, of which about 800 ' pnrtook. After dinner, speeches were made by `Mayor Boys, Sheriff Smith, Rev ds Fraser, McDowell und,Boyle, and by M. McFedris, Esq., of Orillizx. After which the company scattered, some to take part in games, and the rest enjoying `themselves after their own fashion.- - very appropriate i , -- --....... mu, . --- umuuuy -meo.m_4 mischief, nnd the gun which be the signal for the next great war be firefl by her. Then there is end Turkey as well as Russia and ' Then again Prussia, Sec-via and mania. have entered into alliance, tensibly to protect the two latter Turkey, but really we fear to-{do more Vmoreaerious work. Altogether it 4 an if Europe were sleeping on a volcano, lxich at any moment may burst, bring min in its train. God grant that, despite an this, peace may long prevail. uu vnu uu j 0, J.` 0111. : . _ WnmNG.-Opon to the school.--Wm. Gilpin. ` _ ' FORM 1. GENERAL PRO!-`I'ClENCY.---_l, Gunn ; 2, Edwards ; 3, Neill. . ' q 1 .111 `A/nmunn IL.-- ;- n - .I\l_VVo BTo'rANY.--Margaret Bird. I-`OBI H. [ GnNEm$LPnonc1sNcv.'--1. Sarah Ap- * polbe ; 2. Alice Bourno ; 3. W.THowaon. LATIN.--1\Ia1l'y May. . An1'rmsua'r1c.-_-Formg u and 1.4-W. Dymcnt. . - GEOGIIAPIIY.--F0rn)s` 11 and 1.- Iiornsby. Fnsncu.--McDona1d. 7 DICTATION --T.-UrsulaV Pressey. II -J..I.ul.'lUyo - . Enamsn Hzs'1'o1w.-Janet low. TN , Gnmzmu. PROFICIENCY.-I. Isabel Munro; 2. Crcswicko ;`3. Mary Brem- ner, (presented by H. R. A. Boys, MATHEMA'1`ICs.--Isabel TMu`nro. Eu- _clid-Specia1, C:-eswicke. .Arit_hmet.ic- Special, VV. Hewson. ]>i`nn-unu ,, ,Ll'..._.. D-----~ ` nllvvlzhl, V1 . .l.1UVVBOna Fm:-:NcH.--Mury Bremner. Lower Division--Isabcl Munro. Exausu VGu.umAn.--Forms III and u -Hurley. T Fnntmu `I-Ivmnnr... f...-A 1`! "" .2. McDonald. ` uwummx.--acss1e oss, (presented by His Worship Mayor` Boys.) Fnnncu.--Jessie Ross. ' , ANcx1~:ru~H1s'romr.--1. J esaie Ross ; Enomsu Gunman.-+-Emma King. Exousu HIs'ronY.-Jessie Ross. V Ewuomav AND Dwiwrxox.--Li_zzie Applebe, (presented by Rev. M. Fraser.) M Bo'uNv.-Jssie Ross. N ATUBAL 1 1m.oso_wY.--Jessie Ross. Bnsr COLLECTION or Dnmn Nuxvn -PLANTS.-Lizzie Applobe, (presented by the Headmaster.) `being the possessor of uqh an eioient `inistrucbor of our youth as` Mr. Spqtton. May 110 long cohtinue at hisjpoat,` at the future of our young men and maidens will be all the brighter -therefor. For tho imporahce of mental ultum for the yongcan11ot wll beoverestimated. Th follcfwing is a list of the prizes awarded: -` van 170 GENERAL PnorwuzNcY.-l . - ruuu-_-U. IIUWBOD. . MA'rnExA'r1cs.--0. sonted by Rev. D. C. M GEOGRAPHY.--Jcssie L... '11:. 'IIT_,,J 9 -- .' '_l_`l-IE GRITS ROUTED IN WEST PETERBOROUGH. ' V We feel very great pleasure in an- nouncing that West Peterborough is xfullcued. from the hands of the Grit 5` Philistines," as Mr. Scott is elected by a majority of six, over his Reform ponent, Mr. Dumble. True, the majority is but small ; but, be it remembered, "that for three times in succession this constituency has been carried by the V enemy, and that the very man who suc- ceeded this time was beaten in the same" -4 Riding at the last general election for the o Commons. We recognize in this issue bf the contest for the Local House the . fact,' A that the ~ m`mn"" ..1.:..x. s. 7 - " undwriting is on the I uvuvV\4 II] at uugu Uowanf` CLAB8ICS;--McDOW8 I `sion-e-C. Howson. 1ur.......... ._--- ~ Judge Gowan 3 Judge le Mayor, the S_heri', Rev. and the Rev, Mr. Crompton; andlaat, but by nomeans legst, fa veryjaleaning fea- tuneof the meeting was the fccitations of several of the pupils, amongstjvhom we must single out `Miss Jessie Rom, of Allandalo, whose rendition of the Song 'or the Shirt, we never heard excelled, not even by professionals. `We, in con- _>clusion, heartily _congmtulate Barrie in timing the possessor of such eioient A I xDOMINION DAY _1-NBARRIE. TEMPEIIANCE DEMONSTRATION. snmvnnnnr ' FESTIVAL. d 1aSt`issue, a .ival held in connec- piscopal Sunday School 1 are happy to say it success. as. after dmlm-+ . mcnossn. FORM III. ........ was All uu M10 _$Va1i;" which nsila a. crushing dofeatof thgparty no .r .1: power in the Local ` II6i1se of O:- = Keep the ball l"(`)"inn- PR1 Z38. ....~ won wuuwwu, winning the game. I , `In U0 3;]. Lower Divi- aavyu W VII Wm` ?; 4. C. Hewson. l l .2 T.......- `n: . _..g __V ' P1'iea;v(vanied : Goodfel- ..... uo uuu an we Icnool-house of this ; town; forlstmdrd class oartim W . and on_ the 27th inst, for :,rI-It clam certicates. ' T Pic-nics and soitees are dl tln ' just now. Weknow of nothing. for yonI_I folks, aye, and old ones too: . V -4l`The,`.' . ,1 9*?*L1:9,"I='5i9:-$99 An'forox- ` .- _. ... ....... wvvvlllllla DPIFIE ' The Presbyterian Church of this town of has been lately `renovated and "repaired [1, and looks well. The Presbyterians 9, this place are evidently a live people." ` Daownnn. -A young man named Samuel Robinson, who resides neu- Rosemont, was drowned war the mill` p pond near Alliston, on the 30th nlt,, ; whilst bathing." . ` 5 concourse of people wem present. 2 Scnoor; Hor.mArs'.-'!'he School Holi- da commence next week. Weexpect gang Canada _will be on theinlertfor afew weeks now,- and very b , `ll at nothing else,`it will lie atqnischiei ` Cxgaur. - ,l`l_1e return match, -from - last year, ,between_the "uni Barrie Cricket Clubs, will he on ~. thegmendoftheformer, nezgtw i `_ `_` day. , Wickets to be ;e,t.pl0 e. In. - -Exumu-uoxl.-`-On the 20th s of.Pnhlio School A _ Z " willhe held in the school-house of thin ` town ; for `certies fee, .1 A9. .&L .. `DUAL ,.I_,-. being the order ofthe day, and a huge Q ` ,___...._.._ _-. v-u squat VKVICHORIA. - The Victoria Orange Lodge {intend keeping the any in their` own village, and are mnkingpreparations ` to do so with becoming spirit. IQ pIn`\u`nss:nn l`1I.--__-I_ ' ,1 .u -. . day in Barrie particulars in Lodges will celebrate tlme this year. We will give our next. _ .u.ain'A'. -vauuuay 1835 I `day of the season so far, Lona Inn` -.....I.._.A-L- -- any on the far, since then have hsd moderately cool weather. ' In..- ah... '.WeV hav'e heard of a few pockebpioking at the races yest VIVI... Il-.._-_2A "5 " ` " " ` ---- -- -- -vvv I58 01 yesterday. The Masonic Ball, at Bell Ewart, last Friday evening, in their handsome new hall, was a very great success. Hx.u'.--`Sunday hit was fine hottest (`BY )8 season in fur chum LI-..- -. previous heats. Time, 2.45. . _ \Ve congratulate the Management on their Success in giving the public such excellent sport for Dominion Day. It was a grand success. Next issue -we give thh nlnr wanna um; um gnuxu aucom. . will give the other races. .u0I_uu L xcuasu ' uuu D9811 D0101 HOW- ever, the judge s decision of all bets ofi" iii the heat, gave general [satisfac- tion. The third heat was` won Ahy St. -John," who had been first -the two previous heats. Time, \Vn nn..u....L..I..:... LL- `ll s was rather than political mm-m,`...1 : ' are well content that it should a _, -00.0 Therevis, however, a cloud aris- >. which, though at the moment of writing, is no bigger than a man's hand, bring about abreeze, but we cannot }'drfI`I`: fmement imagine that it will amount . like a storm. It is announc- Otlthat Hr. Gladstone, the High Church jiirty, and; Noncenformists generally,` coalescing together, in an unnatural _ /aorta! alliance. The House of llavepassed 9. bill for :he regulation of ' Public Work? '~_ in England, and on ltd A brougc down to the Commons, Glajdstone,-aii -~~` `~-y High Churchmen -nd Dissenters. 3-"sad oil` in opposition '0; It "to it. Howeve ., is a trie light as air, f compared . ..;. what is taking place In the rest of Europe. England is. again anxious as to the designs of Rus- - pm in India, and latest accounts urehy , 0 no means of`a re-assuring charaefer,.'for fit is stated that the _Ameer of Kashgu` ' In/llseized a Russian envoy, and, fear- ing reprisal on the part of has concentrated 10,000 troops - frontier. Then Italy and Germany ' not on the/best of terms, for whilst `muny is engaged in 9. struggle ` `some, and is bending all its vast to make it how to the behcsts Jtate, ltaly decidedly favors the Ultramon- tone party, which has led to with Germany and France, still milder the severe blows inflicted by Germany; is fast recuperating, and is . evidently bent upon recovering its tary prestige in some shape ; and is averred, threatening the independence of Belgium, as an easier task, just thunfighting her late victorious rival. ,_ .'Prussiu, moreover, is uneasy at atti- tude of France, and is, husbanding her resources, and inc:-cnsi_ng her army so as ' to be "ready for-any emergency; if, in- deed, it does not, as is "very feared, strike the first blow. Germany has new a. standing army of l,26l;000 men~-a force nearly equal entire forces of Austria, France Italy ; and the Times says : --```Germany - -mes.ns minnlniaf, nnrl H... mm ...I.:.-L .._2n fou ,,, __-__...,....,,-..., u-;-an rnuw rnnce U (I _The rsbheat was a close one, the horses passing and re,-passing each other in gallant form, much to the delight of the spectators, who cheered luetily. The .second_ heat, however,` did not give satisfaction, as many` believed that Nellie Please" had been held How- ever `tlm inrm : `Isaiah... .4.` 14.1! 1.: nv I000-|IOIII_Oooolnonunotlnnllnnal Wm . lloGingin, Lonaion, Honest luck, IcGIngin..........................'00: A. Peneld, Ponold, Ponpld Bounty B. -o-oo-notoounncaoonunoouuaovu 0 d H. Iohun, Adioln. Adjnla Print Prince 0 d first~'heat the mssimr and mmnina .....I. ..u.... uwv nu; In Auugou. 1.11110, 1.50. The next and last. race for the 1st day was a. 3 minute Trot, for which the'fol- lowing horses entered the lists :- 9 II--n-cu h- `onn- n_. I A - a ;:ldu.1'alo':1o!, I300; In om,'$20o, and 9'10 1'. Oatrom, Barrio, St. John. . .. ..Untmn I l 1 Harry Pinhr,I.ondon. Judge Lane. .D|ly 2 I 0. 0 E. Bay, Whitby, Nollie Plum. 0. ll Ry...........................:_..t. 33 2 Wm. Ilnlnain 'I'.m..I.... u____. __ ___a _.v...... vu-vnvu uuu Ill}!!! 3"` girluun T102, 0300; m hone, $200, ' 3rd 030. - --.....-uu...uuuInwI 6 II This race wee also 3 good one, par. ticularly the second heat, when Lady Washington and Spendthrift" were twice neck and neck, but just as they neared the stand the whip was applied to .I.ady Washington, and she, answering the call, made a spurt and `won the race by a length. 'l.`i1i1e, 1.46. next nnd `nnf. rann 4`... n... 1... .1-.. uu--uu urn BA0l,I400.Inil0 hall; b rd 840. 8215, 2nd 3. 3 Hun; Bmlm. b. m. Lmly Wnhingtoh, 4 . yun..........;.......J'. Euwkenon Jon. lcbonnld, V Spondthrifh... . . . . . . -- nn.I..n.h.`....... gnu. uwonua, uroolvulo. S ndthri!|............ J. 1-shun, Ottawa, G., 4 non. ..;. .......... -. ||-M--- .....v.. nu ma. nowever, the r was won by Mignonette," whojvas lengths, in front of Tempest. Ti: 2.46}. For the_Running Open Race the ` lowing were the contestants:-5 Bmnmll 01-u Raon,34oo.milo be 8215. 305. am no. -33:- Dog Da'ya`a1-e h_ero-so look mit. 117-! vnmn 3 Wallace, Onngovliln, 0. H.`l`om3 on...a.............;.......[] _:o nstuton, Whitby, b. .. sumuod ............nunuaui We Gouin, Thu: Riven, b. I- I `ea--nuance ..`.-..a.... '-In- Tuck Owners, loltrul, b. m. Morris , I ..... ........[Jn,I.Ituoy] This race was hetutifully and keenly contested, and was a most exciting con- test throughout, as the home kept well together; and till the winning post we: actually reached it was doubtless as to which would win. However, was won luv u `M&...........n.. H -l ~ --- ~ - S. Lungloy, Adllho. soonoceuogoleooogooooculauoo[Wu o -Moonbeam" favorite {mm the first, and the result fully justified the confidence reposed in her by her friends, as she did her work in capital style and won in a center. Time 2,43 . ._ For the Dominion Hen cap there were five competitors, as i'ollows_:-- Donmnou Humon,330o, helfforfo.-it ; slut horu . 0200, and $70, ad 330. . R. B . Pringlo; Ooboug, b. I. Iignonm, I #mOlOOIIlIlOIIlIIIOOO I mu-It Wsllua,0n.ngov ,0. !i.`l'om- xut.Iod.... ....... ..: _____ 1 William] 11 i capo" . M1 yw not "fair eld and no fuvor"wero `:90 could bedesired. Forthe Dgrbygha var. ito was Momhan,3.'.s;na;,5;1nd; can- Tani: '\IT..|.8....o..`..n `mL_ 2.... _.._.._- --luv. LIIIIU 'InLU - 'fhe seceond race was for the gunned Canadian Derby, for which thus were ve contested, as follows :- _ . ` ';`g?i'.* .3:,`;'3'.t'`3m`t'`.. ..`:. vnlallll nun. I Illa and oltrnoo nanny` lohl` _ 3110.000051] tub. ' Y: 1?. ;, , . . .?.'raow m wnn.-3'1 ` .. _. ...,...., nun uu-nu, monouns- .`.................5o--[HOWN1 , . Id `v.`3:``.n'1'.T3.'2.";.$"u`$;.'J?.':}c..': u..1 '.".'. . .'i'.'.`T'.`.`t .`f`f'.`. .'.'.'.?:.""`' -"-- -'33 :

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