. ':Au"FI,B|RD?S, OF THE NEW BRICK BLOCK. ....._3- t'\_L n Calvin` ' - iii '."""""""7! Opposite the Simcoe Hotel, and 4doors_ Nor-th ' ofthe `Wellington, Barrio`. GEORGE C. BUCK, > . . ' Proprietor. `Barrio. Nov. 6th, l3. - , w ` 45-ly 4.._-..- . n. .u_._..... 4.: I. J. I \)| Line done with neatrress and dispatch. Re- ' member the place, liA'I7'I'!`l"I'w1-I\ .~.......__- l1Tl%NASML1T%1? . ! 1 1`IN,siii;"m"ii:6&;b6Ei>ia:iEl`j;i`i>}{i"1n J _' ',,__`___.._.. -..-.-.--an Ware keptcbnstantly on hand or made to ordof. All sorts oljobbing m the r11-1"-v /`.Q- -v....*..... _ _ `- , _.__.._.v_..r - .-uu-.- uznunalg Thebast, lu-Agst nhd cheapest stock in Barrie. Also a Beautiful and well selected stock of .|Fa.ncy Goods and Berlin Wqols, Ottoman and Slipper-PatVterns,`} RI-aids:-_ "`----`- *` V.-u-gun u-nu unyylu xaswruB,j `Braids, ' Tassels; Sac, .Toyg,. , ' _Jowelle1jy, _' Vases, Glass Shades, `{&c., '&c.,`. { &c.g Near the Steam Grist Mill, Barrie. 51-ly-w` His Cooking Suoveia are warranted to cook, bake `and draw His -Par1or,HaI1 and V Box Stoves are in great variety, All his STOVESS BOSTON RUBBER BELTING ANID PACK] e, .. vnnv rfuwv, B~A Y FIEIL D S T-RE E T, nnnniln Hun Qimnnn I-Inonl '....,-I A A;..._.. xv- II 17 I 1-1: I 3I'I Y] ?II3 I KEPT BY D. `KING. His TEAS are the Cheapest and. be}: in the Market. Good Tea from 40 cezils perlb, andapwards. _ ` N, R. -- Simnnnnm Au: and Jpn!-for an iI|lUU'lW|IIUB- N. B. - Simpson s me and gPoner on draught and in Bottles. ' - Summer Drink: in season. `gr-I1-3 Is. vIcT51AroVE DEPOT IS THE place to get goot_i 7 V:rx:3;@z-I an rs:n@@mm@~m@~ srovssu The {Stock is large, andom-' _ ' Tbracca Evsnv srvifii MAKE, DI.` nth gn- jwzsr !sn|i'T"i-EA 3103:: V `D"I V nv n "Ir: FRESH MEA -V ' FAMILY FLOUR, PROVISIONS, `WINES, - V LIQUORS, ~ -BOTTLED ALE." -AND_PORTER, . . I Is at [he - . Jewellery, North o`t'7'IV`bVronLo.m" A GREAT RUN ,ON THE LONGINE ':'xTClIE in GOLD . ' CLOCKS ind JEWELLERY, made, iepaircd : nru nu IT! A Innrv . .... ..__._. onnns pnommv TTENE:)_1:): and all-_:.'..1. ......._-_..x. BR1CK}L0c1<, T DUNLOI STR.w[w.'r_ . "ELVANDALE ABAKEIRY L A V -4;-bull "ARE ' ' anAlTSEWING' MACHINES .'c:r,::.~:_r.-Aa.s.i;i'V J ' . gm} ni.'1:"i. 1n' re 9'? Are inade outof the best `Scotch Pig Iron. MI! nllnnm Inna. nnnnnn n u . .. . `....` LIB'ERALI.{r SUP} L1_ED n_ ____x___. . llovsnuom) FURNITURE? IL- L__. c "'H,uzpw.mn quail CI `VERY-~ -CHEAP A RATES. L` 1RY.s;rA1. PALQACE SHORES I .. f l'he z;..,..: usmentuof etmsl _eva,1-L own in Rania. - ,,_.,, _ ..-- -annual And can be effectively and I... 1tr---1.. - J 1 - BOOTS AND szions n_._.:- A- , 1', _-.._._. .a.r.n..\.r _iJNL_o1* STREET. AND WILLIBE Sqnn VAT ;3:Rp's . W. H. F_aE15n-iAN, . 1 [ Cabinet Maker? and .Dca1er.in V. -v =..:.'ai' '`f`*" `V7 A Donna`-rm Mock or GOLD AND smvxm WATCHES, AND CLOCKS or ALL THE mcsrr MAKERS. lE?'WHATIS so ooo:)`rou A ounrsrms Preunt-as a Gold Watch and Chain, Prcent as 9, real J'ct.vSel., of"J'ewell,e-ry, Prevent as 3 Bright Gold Set. of Jewellery, ' Present as Gold and Prefent as 5 nrnet Bronch and Ear-Rings, Presents for Gents, Prevent as 3 Coloured Gold Set ofJewellery, Present as a Gold `Locket and Chain, Fancy Rings. oucertinas and Trefolins, Ladies, Boys and aims, to Prelent us a. it of Gold Bracelets, `- Present ns Vioiins. 0 Present ID a Silver Watch and Ohnm for. May, suit every pocket. . , Everybody should know that we are the most experienced hands on `Watches, Clocks and Jmvnllm-n N....n. ..4' m....-..: A TEMP0>RIt'I1'vi. ` 10! all. the (new. patterns in igrent vrie!y_.v_ - ` T AND GET YoUR'f vauv QLAVJI VIIAJ Qmade t9 order, ` ugu I | G U- , an R- SULLIVAN, 1 %wrov. n has: 13.... H. ts. BULLIVAN, %wroy?s new Foundry ;, barrio. ' . `LA -13 at the 2 9g], VI` I Ilia-- Mocha, Jan. `TEAS 1| 43-tf The Fie1ds, the,Fielda, 6 fresh,- I green Fields." Yes, t1m.t. a the talk of al1'who:Iove:natur' beauty ;'b`uti_f you ' visit `th_e'_ ]`ie_IcI_aw mean,;. -y0 ;! iicansiiye m-r?a=r * ` *1` =1? ; 9? purgmpurs gut DECK surely to ,D8l'0i, and that McDpnald.not bemg satised . with the decision, shot hrs opponent, but the wound did not prove fatal. It isimpossrble to get the correct particu- lars yet; as-so magxy rumors are aoat, but last hocounts say, that the Detroit ant}. orjtie} have safely secured ,the,.p rin- cipa'e in the ght; ` Ainost exciting and brutal piize fight took place early Wednesday morning last,a few miles below Windsor, on Fighting Island, between a Detroit bruiser named Charles '.VIoDouald, and another pugiiist from SI`. Louis, Mo., named James Urary. There were 27 M rounds fought,nnd `McDonald came bu? .the victor;_but the ght was given : against him on account of some foul} nu wt) . A mmor-was gomggaround J indsor that the Canadian ......1..._. D~V_'A.N EXCHANGE.---,-U116 oi the` best ex- clnmges we know of is the Canton Tea Std:-(1., kept by Mr. Hunter, for there for _ your money you get in xcl1ange the best ,n11d`(:heapr-stteas, 'g1'dc1`ies, provisions, wines and liqnorsto ,be had ' We mean what we say, and know where- ] of "we "speak. ' 'm1ywhero. ' Three men-of-war ships, Dutch, French, and English--while anchored in port, were contending with each other for the best display of snilorship; so the captain of each vessel deter- mined to send aloft an active sailor to - perform some deed ofgrnoe and daring. l`hc Dutch captain, sent a Dutchman, the French a` Frenchman, and the' English an Irishman. The French- man: then went aloft and extended bother-ms. Now the Irishrnanthought ' if he could stand on the top of the mam-mast with a leg and arm extend- ed, he would be declared themost dar- ing sailor. Nimbly he olambered aloft until he reached the, highest point; then;-he careful ly -balanced himself upon both. feet, extending his right hand with :1 graceful motion. -Then he ; threw out his left leg until it came in line with his right arm. In doing this - he ingloriously lost his bs.lnnce,and fell from the mast-head, crushing through theirigging towards the deck. The various ropes against which his body came in contact,-rbroke his fall, and his velocity was not too great to prevent his grasp`ng a` rope pttaohed to" the main-yard. To this he hung for two second", then dropped lightly on the , deck, landing safely on his feet. Fold- ing his arms ll'illtIlf`ht1l11l) ,u8 if fall and all, was in the programme, he glanced towards the rival ships, and joyously exclsimed:--There you frog-atirigand M sausage-stuing furrinergbate that if you can! ` - - .: `BRUTAL PRIZE FIQL wzNpsoa_. . The Whoelerk Wilson Manufacturing 0 "A GRAND MEDAL ON npnocmmss, 5.; A GRAND MEDAL ' THE BEST IN THE WORLD. V _ ompany have repeiyed a desputoh from Vienna`,-Dated August 19th, 1873, announcing that the Company have been `awarded OF MERIT And also that they were the only Sawing Mnnhirm nnmna .......... ., . . . .. _ _ Womc AND S1xo.-Those invariably do the best work, who sing . while the_y do it ; and we are sure they will sing all A the merrier if they will only p1u'ch_9.se the '\Vhee,lc1' & \Vilson Sewing Machines, mul the "ne toned, hsmdsonle pianos, org:111s, and molodeons sold by .l\[essrs, Van 'l`:1.<:sel & Morgan. '1 hose who pur- ' chasezof the above cstahlislnnent, .lmve. _som<~thing to sing` for they make work easy and delightful. . . God made thievinzmi mid the tailor the gentleman, a certain writer once penned. A\Ve, however, doubt the truth of `the .ftphorism; for we opine that no man would be much without -the assistance of. the tailor, is as the d:).'ys of y-leaf aprons lmvelong since clepzi_.rteLl., Now tl1en,`.as tailors are requisite, it is in well to ` secure the best, and Mr. R. Winning is one of the best we know of ; he is stylish in_' make and excellent in t. _\Ve have tried l1in1'aAnd can justly say ' this much in his praise. QIlUl3V\' 1l1U`Ul--II ! V Den I pronounce deae yer two couples to be men and wife, an whom de Lord has joined togeber, let no man go fur to put dem asunder. Here an uproar arose among the blucks,- l'.etok- ening a dilemma entirely unforeseen by old Jack. For inasmuch as he had. forgotten to require the usual vows ct Susy they insisted that, however rm- - ly Andrew mightfbe` bound by the bonds of matrimony, Snsywas still sin- gle, and the pair were but halfmnrried. The matter was at last adjusted by the preacher commencing the ceremony over again, by which means the couple `were rmly` united to the satisfaction ofull, unr . . - ; V "I dun ao,f was .3116 emphatic reply. Will you promise to stick cloge {no time and tarnity, renounoiag all oders, -Em oleabing to her for abet, an eb'er, -an men?" ' ' I will dint! , `_`Will you lub, honor, an bey--" Hold on, dar, Ole Jack!-interrupb ed the groom, with no little show of in- dignntion-`- tnmt no use talkin to dis mgger `bout beyin' do wimmen. Can ! promise io bey no win_1men folks, enny cept the ole miss! (I,Qnnnn (`av unn n-A.--.....|:A... -1:5- igroom, eneweting ; lo the names 0'! Andrew and Susy, were ` eld hands of" impeachable Guinea blood, ea.nd'botl1' had passe [e first half-century of life. Their dress, how: ever, showed that they had not entire- ly eschewed the follies of youth, for though rude and cheap, it was, never- theless, emhellished with those bits of gewgaws and glaring n. ry of bright, colored nbbone and ties in' which -the negro delights. ` WHH I-J-In rnnaf Hnnnvnnn nu-an-`plows Okn uuglu ucuguvp. _ With the mostdecorons gravity the preacher began: A IAnrIrnur nrr unn. Ink Ala nan mam-` guys suv unw usnuus V Silence day, you owdumptious nig- ger! roared the, wnuhful preacher, what fur you go fur spilo de grabity ob do casion. Dis vet's on'y matter ob form, an is fspensrxbie to de caaion. No `don't you go fur to opn'your black `mouf until do time fur you to-speak-. Will you promise to_ lub honor and bey {Andrew still shaking his head omin ously at the obnoxious word), dis yer nigger Susy, furnishin with all things needed for her comfort an happiiieap, an cherishin an protectin? from suffer- in an sorrow,'_an makin smoove de bath of ail her pioceedin days to come? -- - - ` r _9_..._ `I ._..__A ;,__ . 1 . nu -.1 s pose I must Say you `to dnt, said Andrew meekly. `Wnnn T nrnnnnnnn ll.-mg an... Inn`: ,, - _--__._ -v--.--- vu ; u.vurLu:.n0, 05 A out only Sawing njacbiae CL-mpgny , Jury for the Grand Diploma. of Honor. ` I UBUIIIZI UUEBIJB ;`AndreW,.duz you lub dip yer `won-` A sAILoR9S RICK. .....-. ....____~__.._......... A NEGR-0 'WvE1 )DING.7 QHT AT gynuu ALVU b'h`E IT,_ _@ I. Poon Hanan.--Thore nrothonsandu ofpoor ' Rs BRO S 1 horses d.r?gging out n _llfl`ll8el`nNo exisgencog ' - . 9 . uuorinc roinnnrietyo ia3qua,1en arm A {hem almost worlhlou, that `would be use atcrgd to nhuliny-and Ionnrioondilion, and n'|_'9P "3 337110 0IItarlo An valuo giv_eu athamof ghpoblhiir ovum" , . - _ ' u- ` never drqmnq ,'.WoD1d__lhO! bptmube mam . lb" their :9 F _ ` }.%I'-for. Sale : ;_ {hi} p4;-feet , I qudntiiy of !' ` Nan c , _.---.. uuu a. vamp givenlla them of winch ah never dreprlied, would they batman the means within their mob. F'rqm`one to three `pack- agog of __`~Da|-lg : .Conj!i!ion Powiinn um! air ownori` .__....._____.._,. Runwn Tannurrro.-Railway travel ling with all iteyrawbaoka and accidents in ! the nfest system of travelling ever organized ` --the persona injured. while traveling by this mode of conveyance only amounting to one in halfn rnrllion. Now while it is very gratifying to knovrthalil itoc much safer than the older syutem; it in pleanin to |tno~v_ that we have in that (`Canadian ain De- stroyat" a medicine equally-uqfe and sure for the cure of coughs, summer complaints. For I810 by all Drug gist; and oountry-.daalerIe Price 25 acute parbottlo. . . T 001113, rheumatism and ' ___,__________ PICTURES.--Thel`e is no it, Mr. Swphens, who 110 above Woods Store, is the [town or country to get .00: He takes themin the best Aart. Remember that fact. umu, uuuu u gm (1 )'0K8 Cf oxen._th and .you,will.aee the stump rise. > I V rum nu IO `Io cents per 1b.: LIBERAL TERMS ALLOWED 'l`O-THE , ' No... D.....'. .u. 7)7.._7. D 7 P` CHEAP STUMP MAcH1Nz.-Takethrec "pieces of common joice, put them to- gether in torm like a common hnrrow, letting the `tapering or forward ends lap by each other some six inches, making a place for the ohainto rest in. Cut off` the root at any distance you please from the stump, place the ma-' chine on one side of the stump," taper- ing end up, hitch the chain on the op posite side, pass it over the machine '; lhen_ hitch a go (I yoke of oxenthereto, and .Y0u_Will.aee the ntnnrn ..:.- Tm: VALUE or SvNrLownns.-We would call the attention of farmers at this time to the value of sunowers as aerop, and enumerate some of their values and. uses. In the first place, the - owers. abound in honey and inr- nish iood` for been. The seeds contain olenginous matter, and will yield oil at the rate of one gallon to the bushel, which is but little interior to olive oil. One acre will produce fty bushels oi seed. It is also valuable for feed for horses and poultry. The leaves are excellent fodder for oattle. The stalks while growing may be utilized as been poles, where they are scarce "and dii- to be obtained, and when drypmay be used as roong, or set up against a fence to form a wincbbreak. .They contain alarge amount of potash and are excellentitor fire` kindling. The seed has also lceen x eoommended- for fuel. The reputation of the growing sunower to Bbib migsmatio vapors, and preventing fever and ague, is well known. . No ACCIDENT.--It'is no accident that Mr. Woods is one of our most successful Barrie Inexjchants. The public go there because he deals only on the square, and sells them the very best in his line, at the lowest living rates. Then in Summer it; is pleasant to go to the Wvoods without goingvout of town, and in Winter it-is -fascinating to see the Woads in all its verdure and freshness, and above all, the 'p1_xblic visit the Medical Hall "because -they have condence in the prop:-ietor J and his drugs, Mr. Woods has the best 4 07 reputmions, and intends, by fair` deal- ing, to keen it. ' -- . _C:u-lylc says that a. man is known by his garb, and that there is a world of meaning in theword "`clothes.i, If so by all means go and secure the best, and that is at Mr. McNabb s Clothing Em- porii1m'-; for though he is a Scotchman he is painstaking and honest--sells good and cheap; and his make and fit is ofthe best. Tha.t s so. ' The Hon. E. H. Hyde, some few years since planted evergreens in a circle round certain peer-trees to pro- duce a desired landscape effect. The circles of evergreens having been ne- glected, they soon outstripped the dwarf pear-trees, and nearlv encircled them. Though it was to be expected that the pear`-trees would, under these circumstances, cense to bear fruit, the contrary result was obtained; 'for, while the pear-trees away from the evergreens were bearer: of inferior fruit, those within the circles were i nearly alweyeprolic, and the fruit _was of superior quality. 1 A Correepondent of Hearth and Home recommends the following simple, and, as he says, eectual plan of soaring birds from grain or fruit. Suspend a piece of looking glass by a string, so that it may swing in every direction, which it given the appearance of some- fhingcomiiag, and scares of! the birds. Not even the moat lool-hardy of birds will remain in the neighbourhood of the scare-crow. Cheppetl Heuds.:-The easiest and simplest remedy for chapped. hands is found in every stateroom. -Take common starch and pulverize with the blade of a [mile until reduced to the smoothest powder. Every time the hands are taken from water, wipe them, and while yet damp, rub a por- tion of the starch upon them, thorough- ly covering the whole surface. The eect is magionl. . A. -Noural'giu:-lTIiiq`tlo to; and n poultie `of thistle leaves an aid to be good` for neuralgia. -"XTTa?n:g7le-drp- of the Zneaquepqde chloride of iron In on 3 com between the `goes once 3 ay wilhaVcan:e1 s hair_ brush will effect a _marvellou:'oute. nu wcv a mud a complete stuck in 'al1{Ih oWb(r|` ;3oo'rs & SHOES 01-` EVERY has ur] lame slack of ciaokan K! m..........;. ;_L-2-: fade by subsequent washing. To Wash Ootteila.--Infuie three gills o1saIt1n'four'quuls of boiling water; put the cotton in while hot, and leave them till cold; In this way the colours are rendered permanent, and wxll not Y-A` l'._ `Ii_,,,, I To Cure t`};xefS`i_t:k Headache`.--Two ' teaspoonfule of the ' powdered charcoal, drunk in hell a tumble: ofwater, will `often give relief to the `sick headache, when cause_d,'ns in man cases it is, by aupembundnnoe 0! acid on the stomach. - Salt is need to benet clover, testif- fen the straw in when and oats, and as n fertilizer foiaspnragnl. It may be used on clover and wheat or out: at the rate of three to six bunhels per` acre, and to": asparagus a -peck` to the squaxe iod may be used with benet. 7]`- 'I.)_.......... Dn_.'_'__ I._._. (I'll 1` ` Jorfor Harness and Boots.#-Three sticks of the best blncb sealing` wax dissolved in half a pint of spirits of wine, to be kept in u gins: bottle, and well shaken previous to use. Apply it with a soft sponge." ff`, I1 A _1_...,v .v- --u we; CUF\l Wllll Uvullie .To Remove Blaine from Silka,:Linen, and Woolen Articles.--Four table-. spoonfuls of spirits of ammonia, the same of salt. Shake the whole well together in a bottle, and apply with a sponge or toothbrush. This removes ink, paint, fruit or acid stains from silk, linen, or woolen articles. \1llLlUt4lUl".|l3 U , to_ keep ESEFUL xnrbamkiiof uunntu 0l_IB OI U18]! In first honey? ` it, `A infnnp `O.-. ..l:_.- V 3 hxistake about vho holds out just I best place in get oonecb "photos." A 3 beat vln A9 `L- CmNz.-Take threc oice, : nnmn :w -'---|-- :ANTON -:5-`r%a:.[ ........ ...u uui uuunensa mock of Mrs, ms, IlEA3Y4MAnE cLoruum, as.` L .`.;_'_Q-;io[;,yg dgfy competition. Our Groceries am -- n---I -hi 1' - vi a vvu 1.1110508. style of - the gjgher grade: of Mcl_:ine_s equally` raasqnublein pkice, -j-.-n We furnish , , r with; each Family Machine one Hemmenone 0! . ~ Hall : cnmbined Tucker; Binder, Buster, Friller, and adjustale Hemmer, one extra l'I hroal Piece, oneuidu and Sen-, one Wrenchmne Screwdriver, one Oil bbins, one _dozen Needles. one Bra: one copy or Directions. T 71-Iyighly ornamented Machines on 5` lack Walnut Table and Drawer, \ f\I-I I ' `* " |rAMiLj@I__Afbh:NEi j gfcALL AND SEE IT,` , , ,...- HUI": ` S. Shnphcity ot`_ sl'it"t:,-h regulator ; easy -to be `understood ` 9. _Capacity to- do a .heavy.. IO. It mn_kesthelonk-stitch tirvh "am! good`. I]. Pressure-fool ctm be reguiuxcd for light or heavy stitclxing. ' I2. Can befregulated the take-upshpring accord- ing to stitching. ' ' I3. Can regulate throw-off loopin shuttlcmu-0 to suit -sowing. ' 14. Has square needle-bar; has two throat - n'.;-..- .x;.. - n.. H kintls of worL',;h'ght or . uvvvung. 14; in; p'a.'.:s,&c.,` zc. : SINGER - ` sawme mAcmuE,g ..-..., ...... uuuu, mu grelllell uvmg wonder ii tb MAMMOTH Hotrsa, .- AL--- I.-- SA -- R.a.\t'1LL1A11s*Mgtxmomma co. ~u1rCli(l. I. Sinlplicity . `them. -- ' L F` ..'.up.l 4.; .u.u H u1JL'.L`l DUUIX well-known Temperance Songs, together with a choice collection of new lllelodiesiwritteu especially for this work by H. s, Danks, ' Stewart, Dressler, and ther well- F known Authors. Price, 75 cents each. Sent per express far $7.50 per dozen. .-`lend your orders early, as we shall ll thein in the order received. Sent, post-pairl,ou receipt ]`]Ivf"DWD A T\Tf`.` TTCHH nf7!'. we owe: received. Sent, re [TE wu{1qRANoE USE. A.l.`l..--- -......__ -n aluulllg. J. Porloclionor adaptabilityofaliilsparle. A !. Easy ufworkiu , light running. and not a` ). Easy ofmanngelnenl; no great skill req ed` to operate |l.' V . ' F. Reliability; ll Won`tskip.1tit,clws or break the Jhread. ' . ` '_ Rfnun|(... .'. .1`. Is -excellent for the . _;_4_g J_ ,u;_uuL) .' book entitled Temper- ance Echoes about the rsl of April, complied vsgecially to suit the wans; ot"l`cmpmnce Societies. It will contain .1 large `number of `A RTUTIT (`1TT.11.1 11nnTr I ,S1 m 1*` q ` - n p tally of construcnou [1113 and 1 _ mellls ;_ll 35 well madc. P '- N0n'l!nl)I|ilv!n any ...u -1_- u,., .-.u u 1 1 ` ` ' ` " "` menus; I1 is well Non-liability to get out ofordor, either or standing. i. Perfection n r mlnm.!.:|:... ..r--' :-- -~ - aucwulsa. 1: Wm contain A NEW GLEE BOOK Tdmpemnce Songs. Ina:-thar mm. THE!BEST& GHEA?EiST rununumzl - long as Sewing Mar chines have been at all widely known to the people, . the Singer `has been in pro- V minent existence, and during all these years has becn _ undergoing im- 7 provemenla compatible with the demand: . - ofphe age _.-.-_g_ , r"` r----;w_ `r u 1 _\ll \J I UH Stay Home wlth me to-mgm. Hung & Ohorus.. . . . . . . . . . ..'I`n- ker. 2 Drinking Gin. Song A: Chorus. Heath. 1 We won'tle3ve the Farm. Song and Chon1s......... ..........I'-rsley.` We cannot give thee up. Song and Chorus ........,........Clark_.E ,The Living.'Waters. Sung and Chorus. .......'...._...............GIark.1 If'yon've a Fathom love. Song and .Chorus............;......Martin.E Addnesi, J. I. [ m~:TI~:12.~', K00 D......A....... xv \r is n n ruluuy iupurcma l0|' g6D9l`8l[)1H pQB8l. The Pill contains the active properties of Mandrake and Dandelion, as well as com- pound Extract of Colocynth and Extract of I-lyoscyamus. Test them for your own satis- faolion. One box contains about `28 Pills, and ahd each Pill is" a uufcienldose for an adult in ordinary oasu. Try them. 1 ti on-once-.... . . - . . . . - - .. post-paid, Mailed, O N G me to-night. . . . . . . A` V . ...___.___._,- .Mn..hnu:e I. Fsnnowe, Manufacturing Chemist: A V Sm: For eeversl months past I have used your Compound, Syrup in the treatment of Incipient Phthisis, Chronic Bronchitis, and otheraections of the Chest, and I have-no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used _in those diseases. Being an exceilent nervous tonic, i_t exerts a direct inuence on the nervous syetem,and through it it irrvigorstes the body. It Iffnflil "Ill nlnncnrn tn rnnnsnrnnn n I UUIB IIUI - Z. S. EAYHLE, Jr. M.D. St John,` N'.B,., January, 1858 . u m uu uuma uome '1'o-night`! andhorus... . . . . Poor Little Tim. Song 8: Che. Don t Sell my. Father Rum. I". *'l`he eic ` yet Bryene` Put-manic Wafers qin curing eoughs,oo1Js. and all Bronchial af- Teottons, and ehoaringth afflicted, has passed , into qproverb. `In the United States, where these marvellous Wafers are known, they hair down all opposition and eclipse all rivalry; thedemond for them has steadily increased for the last twenty years, until new the sales average over one hundred thousand boxes a year. Eminent members of the medical profession without number admit that they know of no preparation producing such benecial results as these wafers. When taken in season they effect a perma- nent cure. Sold `by all druggiats and country dealers at _25ote. per box. ?{ nunuugu II II lII7lg0I'I(6S me body . It afforda_me pleasure to recommend a remedy which is really good in cases for which'it is intended, when so many ad- vertieed areworse than useless. . I am, Sir, vvxvuru Ir-nlw %J. W. HASTINGS. LT111~Jc'1c./v 117zz: ,S'TORE! `:3. `;`...N9 E .---u.vII I-lEI"lI`% Throw your Whiskey out. Song and Chorus ................Leizbtou.I Papa,Stay Home. Song and Chorus. S. Ha.ys.4 Will he Come Home To-night? Song and Chorus... . ........Dnnks. 3 Abbey. 3 my. Rum. Hnllnri - f_0aii1ncl fruits .1 -e`1:$'-. cheap, - at C. A, Perkins`- . Tun Exc:L.--Dcctur Josaptuwshoshoneel '. ` Vegetable Pills new super- iorly sugar-coated cannot be excelled as I Family Medicine for general purpqses. .__Th9 _Pill co_nt_nins properties Address, J, 1), PETERS-, 4...... .. .-. . u-`nun , _ V . P. O. Box 542,0. THE. JUsTLYEEEi:Hs 1{,'A7vEB. -..................., L ;-egg](,-[,1 $SONGS$ [ome me to-uiuht. .`-`nun A. nu us............;......Msrtin. 30 ctr. Llnesi, L 599 Broadway, N. Y., P. 0. Box 5429 .-_;-o B[li1l1f; lC{3111'C(l, by 6 ' _,, , __--v-_v' --- `oi.o's1ANn,.13nIcjs-31.0015, -. - - - -nunmop s'r., mumm.` V Home 0o.T15zh,1873. , 4! ` ,ol'tensiohs; hot bird to 1 PLAlN_._ {an Iron; Sialnd, via [Pol1s[1e_d.] A--- A- - -tutu , null ar, one extra utdc aixd Sen-,w,| river, Oiler, six lea. Braidor and Hreclgona. ,:.`ur, Yourslruly, 7 R RAD! fvolIowiTng{ poi_ntsT _ n a snail 188116 5 new book Temper-, rsi. Ami}. comrxliml We shall issue i mnk ntivln l"nm-`AF _ ..mnmeuyIuo wu perYeUI|'"'d ` b"" You . my ubliob thofnotl for the beuel named. m$W quantity oflhe .mout_s'tylo'oh A, s Ml. nuulry. - . Ballad. . Fro saler. A IN. An a ..__.__:n TG$11:tlemex-1s Furnishing Goods, Eats, Cans. &c- .- 1:1- -.__ --___._ manage Flu. lcr. 30 cta. on receipt of P1ice- r In I HHJUIPL {W of 75 J: Ctgu L 30 cm. L : 30 cts. . 30 cm. L 35 cm." L 30 cts. . 30 cm. ?. "'W%t?. W, 04 *'.3m , -.-~ -v -7-rnuuuvl-Ilpuo B311? L 30 cts. ' 40 _cts. I . 30 cts. - u: me newest styles, at E.%& W. R.0RKE si 0aJb_mot__ndA Undertaking EmI.n.|........- - -_--...._ As iho bnsj season in at hand, do wall lo -ca`lla`ndux...nino' the) ire ' D. _ -uifiic--4~..1; / CARPENTER BUILDER AND UNDERTAK ER, , BAIJO I lrgo qizangjq. `aha m' > ` I 1' MERIG A M nnnn :11`: M1 As the a_'dvertAieer is practically conversant with his business in all its details, employs the most skillful workmen, and uses none but tln best xnnteual, be can wemtntnll work made in his establishmcntto give thorough setiefactiox: to the purchaser. Singlennd double Hernes; of allkinda, Saddles, Uollxire, Trunks", Vnlises and everything connected with the busines- conetnntly on hand at the loweet prices. `Part iculsr attention given to Light Single and Dotble Carriage Harness. Sole nz:u'u."ucmrer' in Barrie" of the Excelsior Back and II` Strape,?".to which the attention "of the publi; "is specially directed. ' V V ` Barrie, June 18, '73,` 24-11 -_--on A.-ILI I U 1 . Unnnammga. _ ' lei. &c., Dc. CORNER -OF OWEA 5' M.. }C'D - STREETS, BJRRIE. BELTING! BELT1%NGiT R. E R , S SADDLE AxnI1[x:mtss M{{_B_, C'omer.ofBa1)el41 & Dunlm. .e;..,,..;- -unu um Canter q mm warranted to give satisfaction Riding and Driving Whips. Curry Qomba, Brushes, &c., togeth 'plet.e otxttitliugs for entire horses; he'o`cr'a at very moderate prices. Barrie, July 16, 1873. E ~ _ V &c'., kc: _An assortment ofwell made Collarshrs and warranted to give satisfaction. Riding and Drivina \Kv'Mma Du- n ..uvv nusu D:lVlf1.Ub'I:., Having taken the premises lately occupied by Mr. Wm . Root, nearly opposite, the Barrie Hotel, begs ta inform the farming com- munity and the public genemfly, tharlwe has now on hand and Illlnllflclnrm: tn nr-r?.~.- ' su give sausmcuon. I3`Re-paifs well 221:1 n_e'atly executed. Barrie, April 8, 1R .'.`:. 1 . S A E :2 i E R H-A n\m'-`.93 VTFQVTV A D? YQlI\.'I V\vnI u-:1--n uv IvI\I\Jl'\.C.,' Hnsnow on hn'n'd an extensive and genuine stock ol Single and Double Harness (Carri-ge nnd Team), English and Common Riding Sud- dles,-Double nnd Sin le Brillea; Collars, &t:., wl_zich`he can o cr at very reasonable prices. Also in stock, some of the best-English and other Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, t ;c., tobe found in` this market. '- - - Ann .'...o:-1.. :.- `L- 4_-:1. - - A Ill uns !_nax'KeL ' ` ` ' Any artxclv an the trade mnnufacturqd, fu r- nished to ord.r on short notice, m.d warranted to give1sa_tisfac'tion. _ [ 9"R;-nah : mall nut` -u--H- ---A~-V` ` --:_-_ `.7.--I\JI oh: hand a chance stock 6! Seasonable Goods, In um nun paruunvn, OPPOSITE MR. _`DURHA\1 S SAW -MILL, ALLANDALE ROAD. '7-Py ` -,, -_ _-.--.--.... -V-----J [Lite Dnnlon strce1.,] begs to inform his in- quiring friends, his C!15t0fllr8.,II1d _the public- generally, that he is well, and driving `business `- fin [us new premises, A V nnnnqm-r.~ no ' 'n1rnu -`um (1 . rut .... . [amass &'T'l{`L`:\ !\7 M'Ljr,4oTLjnsyz, V Shop on John" street, near-Bull's Planing Factory-,Bnrrio, Ont. _ ._ Orders left at E. Gx-nvpr!-2 Harwnrn Qt}-u-a -I.` BUBUl`y', l3Il'I'|(', llnl. Orders left at E. Grasiefiss Hardware Sfore, Du_ulop.stree!, will be` promptly attended to. February 2nd, 1873. . 6-ly PAI`If_TEE.! |ms, Gnoo'EIn_1s,Nn 1f_1;ov1s1o;. s House, Sign and Carring, Plain and Orna- mental To THE FAIlMING 00 M M_UN1TY 1.---- MONEY; SAVED rs MONEY EARNED.` The: subscriber whilst thankful for the liberal patronage given in the past, respectfully lollcits a continuance of the same, and bags to state that his ,,' _-.. -_-_.__,, ..-..., .--V--u-u---u Cannot. be beten eitherfonqnality or price. Be deal: in the beat mnrkts,_aud cannot be underaold by any house in town. He also keeps on hand the best of 1 ______ ______.__` 4l~-% """" :1*1iETsfi1mns i?:`iir1N }7 ---v AAA` :1 15; I! VLIIII A.l:;o XL-JAND. PORTER, bottledor on drnught. 'l,'.`g pnnnra pmpsalnnnn an -n.u.l.. .. `L... ...... , -_,._........mno mg: lregnendom cl LFURNITURE - Olthe neweaum... ..c I hereby vrunrxxsn oumion `all parties on `giving Goods or Memes on my account will)- out my wrilteirorder: ' I V ` J. BJOHNSON. IO ml` 42-ly urlugut. . Farmers Produce, I8 much as he can lay his hands on,bought,and_Ibe highest market price paid. Give 3 call oncennd you wil be sure to come ngnin. . _ - THOS. LENNOX, "A few doors North of the Wellington Hotel, -. Barrio uuu n. xurgcn ou_cu.u lu. - p FZABAIL, Agent. .7 _ ) manna; I __ 1 -- Plaln avnd Ornamental. EDWARD BEMROSE, 'a_v_iug7aken lntelv Occuniml 1` Aouyterl Stewed, Fried and Raw; Luncheons, Hot and Cold, prepared on short notice. __;__. A God Place to eTa_ Cup qf TEA. CONFECTIONEE.Y_,-(_}_AKES, ac., to. -.._._-_ Don't` forget to_calI in. I want. 'm1u:: uoons win or THE WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. LUN'cHE?)'1v& pgs'rER HOESE I m....__ n- __ ' AND . GENERAL Gizocmzrms, WINES AND . Fruits. wnnau aI\\l so \4\lu3lsllLIlCl.l|v Ul IIUILI ' Qf'i"s ':`[_`_E R S1] :BA:Y:r.='TIj.=_=:::'; ._i5 STREET,` A few `doors North of the Wellington Hotel. _.. _. C7 1 1 .II V AND IIARXES ` ES I'ABLISH.\iENT. IADDLERY AND HARNESS I ESTABLISHMENT, _ , A -.-.--.-.-.-......... __ _._ ,..... uu II II CIIILI HUD rof Baygld _& Dunlap Streets, B.rIRRl1:` ---;- uunn, . TEAM & CARRIAGE HARNESS, IYDYHT no uu.11l.1U 01 the tylea, \ IIT ~n n v~ `1A-UTION TO MERCHANTS AND I OLHERS. MARTIN Modas, nnw rm hand n .u-..... s5{{fI%t2. " TEEERT Maasunyy J "SADDLE, mnnnn D mnnvu II A nun . nmnn AT JO3HN LEI.-17$ J nut received a consignment or fresh n `T? (Wu r'r1 -1 -rs rs. 'WIiE ANn'LIUoRs, 1 ALF! AND pnmwap mml...-1 ... ALFRED GRAVER, nu. nu uuanuw rmnd 22! mnnufacturcs to order __._-`row -av ugh; 1 Latin ll. Tans: Doons War NlI'l`nN urvror nnzun x...nind1hg:lre cudous stock . >0 at hand, 'L2nrn'e3 would :1 mac, ' BRIDLES, '1`mT\ :AIL S ll, 81 Americai1{Oa.k Tahned Leather Eeltixxg, 1 - Cnnadiin Onk Tanned Leather. B'e1tir`ig, Iowitl s Mill Files, `- V Steam Fittings and Pipes, Lubricating oil, &c., &c , &c., - ` LJPAD, TRUN KS, ' I. . ...,m. pus. uards, , together with com- borseg: all nr ...:.:..:. E21: o1m_1r;z> 4. Bita._ Cards, Ehnr with an... urr w-nu com- ; all of which rul rstock 3`p.]`.Y "III b the time she had tnken the to: the` I 9 In Ib nit up. By the ebntinnnco - Y-Mhdyjaho um perfoctlylmtored to beam: ,. . Etta tllqfltl` the beneto uni I not U Haul. . -~--, --- nuuvu UUUIJ B0 CV01 Imce. Sworn beforo mo :1 8mi:1!'1 i?1EImt:Lgth'R<-y oupm, A.D., mo. . _ J, 1;. wnnnzaron, LP. Wonnnnrui. `aunt `or LUNG msxA8R- D----._._ ' A ,, -I-"II vAN"`i`.?\SsE|, & MOHVGABI,` ' AGENTS FOR Tun: nn "134; vn IIuS]J7` 102 20 cu. - [!'F'or Sale by IIlDmzgists,nnd Desk; El Medicino. Aalun Ion Buuu:.-Jobn \M..3u, Watson & 00. Wells Bros . Tolen 8 .\IcI.em.. Omnnu.- -J. W.Slaven. Cou.mewooo.--31:. Carpenter. Wnonun: Aaurrs.-North;op 3 L_m.m Toronto; Lymnn Bros. 8 Co , Toronto; 3- iot 5 00.. Toronto. a9,"1~7J, '1 0!. his Medicine is pleasant and safe lo take. a is warranled,and may positively be rein-I u; to make a permanent cur: or all disensvs 0! Throat, Lungs, Liver. Kidneys, Dlg88ll\`(' "ism zc. &c.,as well as Se-rolula, the Varwm N` Diseases, Humon,and all dilearea arising Iz- Imgurity ofithe Blood, oxcepticgllio Third 5': o! onsum uon. I-`uri!ner.~.ntom.nt1on, wnl I direction: or using the Great Sl..sl'.o.eee Hi In 6; Pills, and containing Temmcmz.-Es" and Ctr rates 9! Curemcnn he obtained Ly :ccnxii_n ` 'I`roaues,ihe Hand -book, or the Alnmrm r. ci|_-culars from any respectable, Druggm .u '. Domiuion-trco. 11,3 , 1--rs , - - - _ - .....,...... .....mumn5 xemmcmz.-:s and `Ur 4` (-a1:s9fCnrel.cln :ccum=_n ` I`roaues,lhe -book, A Imuran no m Price of Remedy in large Pint I.z`n//- H C1. Ptlls per B02 25 In :1! l)ma.;... .....a mu 7 ,,_., -.,.....,-uuua, uompotznu r.xlm`l lCo|ocynth, Jnlap-, socolrinc Aloca, (`sp>~` .}c. tc ) which enterinto tho combined medicine, are such and so bnnum vi classied andcotnpoundcd, that it is mmlc Ii; - : uearchin curntive in the Known world, and- not help utact on the system in a very an: aim and desirable manner. No matter what v m-' ment may'bo, or how long stttmling.1t wiii :::i: spot and utonish ycu by the IE id lJ)k?hl.'."l which you are restored to perfect ettlth aim ` `ill ?! _ - composition A .,..,..-.umu mrea1ems,(some or which wt ' mention, cuchaslhe Exlracls of Wild (`In Bark; Podnphvllum.Juniper,Qunssia,Smamu andelion, Hyoscylmus, Col-pound Exlwi Colocymh, fa. ) which amp.-.`..:.. .n.. .A._.. .- 7- - JURE OF BBONOHITIS. ......aawnuu1ngUureulhe World ever hrs Never in the annals on Canadian Medivall hasluch success auendged the introdcuom medicine hentotoro, ` IIIII un _..__-u .A...:I. `J ..L_ T IMPORTER, wHor.Es.u.r:' AND 1"` p-`qr. - l mm the Gun Snosuomrn Rsuluv A.` ;.f afthe Emmenv lndmn Meaicino-Man, [N LeWisJoIcphus,oflhe Gru1Tribc vl Shusuu` British Uolumbia,is working the man In-nu and astonuhingllureulhe World hr-Hm ever Medival H - nu`-u...L -.--- - ,PR0cLA1M THE GLAD TIDI .\`n.~: l`}.....| 1- - That the Gun .2 F ' qnhe lndmn M...;n;....u... n ,, _ i__ _ --- V - For Rheumarixm, Gaul, Neurulgiu, Sciatica-, Wamlering Pain-;, Slxrarss :1 or Jom(:,Sprai11s, Bruiser, NumIu.-m Headache, Earaclm, '1'oolI:urlze, lyr." 1.:-u-__ up. A - ~ . ..`..- -,.. "The King ofall l.IuImem.~` Price only 25 cents. Sold bv all I3v;.gg.=:a , (___- .._.-_ I |Il.I. . A1-o for the cure of Dgspqwiu Brorlc/xiii: slhmu Law ([3] nit.- ` Gencrui Debilily , 5'6. H The only Syrnpprepuod from Dr Church ... Formula, and certitigd to be Chemicavly iv :2 Price 51 per Bottle. Sold by :11 Urugqxifs. "L. I .M}`E N T- , J9 Specic Remerly for ac ! ')ieru-u t Blmfder and Kit/rugs; 1)ro}m'rul Sure//:rxg<: paints incidental to Females; am! u!1 1/4 .. llaevl./r:'uary Orgrm :7; either Sex. ("Hm -.l... ..t .L:- u..n- - ,.. \' . savor! , V15: In Us rulllf 091. The value of this Medicine has bee` in numborleas instance: now or. :ecr,:. Price $1 per Bottle. Sold 5y a-H I)r= Im nrmas, cannot be too If I I . ' Igor Scrofula. Scurvy, Skilg `[)Ya'::;::m izlfirl kind: it is a never-failingand 19mg 1 uurgoynto nurnmgerrl U0. Uoh-.-nag g London. KNewbery & Soul, 3'1 Newgntn Itrect,I.m,.1 Barclly 6 Sons, 95 Furringdou sum, 1,.` Sanger & Sons. Oxford street, London. And all the London Wholesn! e House IAIN`! In Ann.-- - lilllll CANADA. Montreal- um, Mercer 8 C0,, W'b.,?,,, Druggim. Lymnnn, Clare h Co. Tor0nl0-Elliot.t 8 Co , Wholesale Drhgyisq Shnpter & Owen. Hamilton--Winner 3 Co. I{u[if'u'-Av0ry, Brown 6' Co. l ULDI0!!A:LW.`.Y7'C0NU:l;l'l()N A1 .. I..- AL- --,,, :- ror clennungnna cleaning thg iin nrnies, be bighlv ; or Scrolula, Scurvv. Skin in... 1: uurou our cores. . I Cures Uluenled Sores on the Neck ` Cures IBJlc1-rated Sure Legs, ' . - ' v 33121 si'if.'f,'5"5:e`iT """'" " the m. . Cures Cancorous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Dil(_:a3eg_ Cures Grandular Swellim-5. Clears the Blood lrom al Inpmo Muller From whatever cause unsung. AI um mixture is pleasing to :1; warranted rm from anvlhmg mjuriu delicale cumulilmion ufcilhcr .-rx. me PM W. solicits Lluererz. to give it n mu! [0 lryx ,1, .,."u"" Thousands ofTeunnmn:`al from an pm... Sold in bottles 23 3d each, and iu 0:15., W mining six times the quutity, ll: 6.-{1ch~ ,,` cient to eifect 3 permanent cum in the 3,2. mafority of long-standing curs, by A; 3 01 EMISTS and PATENT mzuxcmx mi DORS throughout the world. Sola proprietor. F. J. UIIAHK Chfmigf APOTHEOARIES HALL. LI.\'<,'uL_\'. E5`; IYDHII1 Annu-rn `Illa. 3," M 14: lbw; In. ,- : Barrio, Oct. sow, x372. wonw mm m'6nmxn:ngf Trade Murk--"Blood 11 The GREAT BLOODPURIFIER N 51,2`-:?~3(""" Forcleanlingnnd cleaning Ilium] , WEE iinplnrniu, bjuhlu ..........- "." 3 ` -BUSINESST STAN .1 FOR SALE. `In... ..L 41... `n-:-u_ cl. _ uruul AIJEN Burgoyne. Burbidga.-n'& 00'. London. .... 1 ZRING E s1'Ai3_;t.Is KING 0F%SOR*E? . ` .-' _' ` - . . Th` bet in ' B ' _ B E N N E T T, 1o;e:e:{z ;wp:1i1)o{cy?o::!;m:::r; . _ I'- '.*-.:~;'.;, A: 5". . . .,_._ It Cures old Sores. (Inns: Uh-nnnul S - _~-v-at-.55 COMPOUND FLUID EXTIIAIJ1` 01-` -j-. `won THE 31.000 15 `rm: Lln;__~j Dhutoionomy. chap. xii, vane 23. --_--_ {---j For the prevention and cum 1 VICTORIA ELEUTRIC v -Va. VLVLAI. coupouxo swam or ? . -av uvuuuu vv uUlt7!l.L' I Enczur m cnungg nu, %cLA`1{E2's lnllnn III nun . .......,u unuu. u|.1\, 1, IX ONT AGENTS. st ()0. ( Burbidgc.-H hm. Vxbkii ||lDf|IV\?v\ 1 r y - -__.. __.. .._. .. .......uu , um.-.w, wpalreu a ncrbi A r--.__ `viva Y? . nL,. I7 I Ill hrmui I .1 lrmlg-|;A.. ... n has been pm xecmd " IID. Uoleznan my IIJY A31. 7 '. '-Man, Um nl h...`n. r.. uun. !_ lions. - now dead, the gieatent living wonder it {bi p-g;j:-- -- A -"" 1 u xunuunnlls Fruits, Marmalade, Pickles, Sauces, Currii-. Powder, Mnmard, > . Potted Me-ma, Lobsters, in tins, Salmon, . Oysters, Cheese, ' Bacon 7 Flolnjbc , unyul '3 A la and Porter. s upwards. l+`.nglish` Black Teasiu Caddies, ram 60 to 75 cents lb.>. T ` ERMQ AI.I.nw an an rnrrn nrn . .\.. _ . _ V` >uuUl D .oL 5r:lUl'Jb' UF EVE Mus vary Luge stock of Crockery 8: Glassware, ` A.nouo[in, `- you to l;o.undgrw1d. us:-Grvr-: mm A CALL; BAYFlE'LD_vS.TRE.E~T.> _ Near the_mw B}icl:Found7%1,7 L HUNTER 1., \VHOLEsALii Ann nl:-nun n....... .. uvla , ` rrcscm V mains. Uoucertinas End Trfolins, l Girls, ibnm pocket. ~ Watches, of Toronto. ` ` )NGINE _w:wcuEs _GOLD AND ,siLvEn. WATCHES, ti repaired and w nrranled. . W WA"l`f`.W A-Mn onmrrm;n~.~ \'7|A-1 . - ~ Acnm vlcronloul AI.L0WED"l`(()_-1.THE TRADE.` .1?'i ::z. DWI? Srmh ...:.: _. ._._...x-_._`z"' ` ---`--* G'R..0C'ER1._E:S! _ 4.` I J . I, - __, -- h ' 1 ' d nd 0 ened up fifty cases of Sp_ring'Goods among which are whgtilte` lI`1oo'v:es!l!:1::|:a1t`i:ars"ia`:1d':lesig}:is in Dress Goods of every variety. ,Alsomp{largeat ' tndhsl selected stock of Prints to be had in Onla rio. Grey and While Cog- Ionu the but value in the market, and a full qcogxk of 9 11 the goods required {or the Season, among which are our immense Stock of ~ .an7n'-- ---5 -""" "" IS TO BE HAD, The Wheeler. Awilon JUST WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS SAID. -umger wme BRANDIES.-- Ma.rte1l s, ' Henne5sey a Sa.yer a L`.,..1:-L- D1- v v.11! 1'45) wmrcs.- ' f3l......-.- -an-U A J-ILUKJKJ 9, which we -`will .1 1'a1._H . -" Brown V 'Gi'-`Ear Wine. LA Nnms _ uj na.- - Champagnes, Sandeman, Old Port. ` . Al-xcam Port, Furmgunn Po_rt, ' Slyery Meizer, Diamond Sherry, ' _II I" 33.8 _r ._- -- RETAIL DEALER IN -,.._:_ uvn, hobahers, tins, Jamaiol. . A 00O0AS.- Eppl ' Taylor s.l T _ . BR` ch Flour',&c, - ooonto, Sugars, Teas` from 30_cents ttpwards. E2: hang. an 4. Hr -uwncu 0] DESCRIPTION, Wawill mall .6 ....z._. a TVJ1M' I FOR THE 00. SIMCDE. , , - _ --..n.as.v.I.1 ' recommended by th International S, uextdoor to Mr. Cromptonz. L.x.;_ ., ' Lrquons. `l'..'I _ ._ r uemn RUM.- I........ ` `Q9 `ILUIICI Ju"os Robin s, GIN.-- D ..........I._ UBEBBTIITB. Vv7HlSKlES.- ' ma 1).... ruonl1!J.- Old Rye, ' Malt, Scotch, Irish, Old Crow, Ale and Porter;. n.-..'.. (W. J 19 nu. COFFEE.- Ilnnhn H .'-- Barnard's. Bootlrs, DeKii1gho__ M .- ' s, wuaisnug .01 l.-'- Jamaica, ` Demarura. IIQVIEQ , , vr q v I TINWARE, ' n, |STOVES of: uuwrns or an alzeal out on the hilt and at regsc-na vle rates. Orders promptlydtte-1; 0.` 0; . BULLIV Bnyeld street, opposi wroy- a new hnilinu Ln...:.. um new urpel, DPPOSI .*iWl'0y-'i building, Barrie, July l6-1878. .. _. . Oilterns of "all sizes! nil! the luiltestplans, ` reasc-nu : wAnnA'Nm_`E oR 1 YE 1'R.T TEAS.- Black, Green, Japan, Java. COFFEE.-- auun.u.:._y In VAlI.U'.'.1 II] a U.U.Llu.' At a dept of 107-feet, which can be proved on application to Mr. Walwen, 6th Con. 9:Vesprn.. V "1`hes.o improved pumps are . D171/I ADV /(or 1.1. nun. . n ..m;_u uuyluvull pumps are REMARKABLE` CHEAP 1 And will lint lnnnmr Hmn nun An. .... .. uu uqu um: cuccuvel 8 Easily? Worked 137 if Child gdept nrnvod nn 4u.;ug4;u.u.43.;.x1.t1.J1u \.Jll.[`4j_|_[` ' And will list longer than any other pump bI;ilt. ` ._.j -- f K " J H18 BYE yvms 2] TLe "subscriber chg11enggstixco"'1t.y of Sim- coe to manufacture Pumps to umpete with ` _ thqaemade by him. they are mmmu-I nn nnn m.-nn ...... .,. - rn cHALLm_EE mm _ '1'3;;;;c_1:::t'::r. ot`l;L=:-\:'i:3o:Jn:1:u H SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, A. A1... L____ L__11-, - ` -- --~ ----- -w---.v4Aa.\:..|JI_a.|J, -_As they have had Large Experience -in all 'de-' partmants of the business.` ; . - V ' J. G. HILBORN & BRO. 'An.....:..1- n-..` an mm. In the above village. Fnmi1.iea.re'gu1ar1y suppliedvwiih the bust ofBread.: nd full weight;_ nl-no, Cakes nail Confectionery of` all kinds, in any quantity, of rst-class quality, and a.l_ low . V _ prices, _ . V _ ` Plc-Nics, Socials, Solrces, &.(-..,&c., 1- runner. A -.- - -- .____ F1NEsf"TE`X';UiEE`LE5FFEE I`, The Subvsncribr Eng to ix'1l'o'rm `the public of Allandale and viciui}y,that they have opened out In HNBIIM. BAKERY 11 [Co11te(;tionery Store`! ---... 4.1-.Jv1 .| Bam'e, ogt. 20, 1373. - BUY _? c'> UR . ' READY-MADES, awn` nnrn 'tr.\fv1-I ' _-.__`..` - --w-.--- --I III !lIIIIJIuII III. and all wdrk guaranteed to 12bc:>si:)Ik.!_s S_9Z?c-51111 8 T ' 376$? wzrcsnn 8 T ` mmdi {$73210 wanna 8. `@@@MTWm< 2! IIU \a-I ;;;u4 `Allan-dale, Oct. _29, 1873. Remember 2 more Is no Cheaper Jlousc In Town Hum: ?@``@:%'@ & -In x_vhio(h. we defy " lull. amok and II: Star; Koopm, at competition. a lowest price we are pro hood com 5,10 which we would coll th pared to job a_I Toronto lo` 'I4`.Vli`Dv. n prices. . plela stock alllho brunch ' soars &. sumas 9 ENG