Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 May 1874, p. 4

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.1 11.121 tJ1t1J.V1.l.`4BI.`1 1' `iv 11` 5) , Bemg now dead, the greatest living wonder in me MA MMOTH rrotrssi ___ 7.._-___._ __.---,-v----- `- vAnn AILUJJIJ Ware keptconstantly oh hand or guide to order. ' All sorts ofjobbing In the. p--I-r-Q-v;-.-_' -----.-....:Z_. __ A, B A Y F Iifli" rs?` R E E l'\nvu\n{OA am :........ 11-4-1 ..._.a 1 .1..-__ {v_: .. xEr1"n_Y- 1). Km .- . Hi: TEAS are the Cheapest and ban : In the Market. Good To: {tom 40 come pg: lbf, upduptnrdo. . N, B.-- Simmnn-n Am ind ,-Porter on :B.Uc1 K v s VICTORIA STOVE DEPOT IS THE an.-- 0.. ...&.......I [sir o VE 3 1| west mi}"'1"EA stone 2.] II|:InvI-'nv n vlun . 1r1wsn,uzM.'; V - ; FAMILY FLOUR, ` monszozvs, _ muss, - 4 LIQUORS, \ BOTTLEDALE, . - ANIIPORTER, `! ..... --....-......... .._......_... . ..a~.;_.... ....... ITHEKIME .: firm 5i1.**"=*i ..'l`h Iiock to large, and chl- brace: amw as an wantg, `I\'l"=`.'\'l'f BOSTON RUBBER BELTING ANDVPACKING, AT B I Rois, OF THE NEW BRICK BLOCK. _ vu- may swla & MAKE. van n..-- .._ Blrrio; Nov. 6th, "13. BRICK BLOCK, DUN L(TPIS'l`.`R.`F.`lc`. l` - onnzns rnoumv ATTENDED "T0,. and A" -:u-Ir nun:-nnhgad on . uousnnour `rnxlivnnf -u,. L...` n, T 953 E13? - In/:n.$p---\ -- LLANDALE BAKERY 1nYs'ru1. PALACE suonn r W, H. FREEMAN, av Armwxu. an sou) AT VERY CHEAP RATES. . I ....,,..... ......., mm, vuuuuuuclug mun x A GRAND MEDAL ON PROGRESS, A__.| _'u_- .L-. . LIB'ERALm_'z S_UP} L'IED' .uIIX1?WlG HACHH5 rl_`.'.}*,r%"u.';I'..`-:I:-..A.::~r.-s-% = B|RD S ' -mnbmnn `In El By contract or otherwise, and 21I!A(V'l"1 r\\`I HITA13 A-nrr noors mm gioEs I___.I- A- _ _ ._-- :-.-A jig; at be effectively and I._"1I'r-_J__ 1-u - ' i)?_:x7zxTo-1>;,'i-ECn:iTT ' | Onbinit lnker dud i);;i;r in V ___ _._ --. _ nuvng-a.sJJuk.!, lb .L`\l'LH and glraiofthtt {hey werezthe only Sowihgv Machine Ocmpndgv 1 Jay {at tho Grgnd Diplomaof, Honor- ` EMPOR}UM. _ pfugut aua_:vu_:ent{9r GUNS : `cur lhwn1n Bum. a--Iuj - AND an mun! o{:ull gh?. IIIW tv 2` gm; at `1 A `-1. .|s.|J#,J5~iN"S - v {made to order,| AT I u\JJ.\Jvl.HJJJ`4.l.\J place to get good -. . - I _[ UFGRUCERIES I a ':?rE:"w5&' . - _ - 5- ~---9 .--- nrafp u vuuvg -`u Whoolorh Wilson Manufacturing Company have }oceind a denpatoh from Vi ' `"85" 19th 1873, announcing that` the Company have been nwnrde ` MRn'A 1'. {WM Dnnhnnnn n I ~m;~n . g-y-..--..... - _ __ `CD If at the _ u. a. uunnxvm, 7 SIl'QI n nan IF--- up 5' Sawy : new Fon ndry_ ;, bnrie. - KUUII PIIDU Ill DIl'lIU_- 3 worI`h of you: money a tVta1-n`nV in I u nuun_, A i roprietor. 45-ly `TEAS/E V29-ly 43-tf -4 v:~ `ql Conn.-Ilnnlla V3 _oI.b'j1'Axn,nn1cu Bnocn, . min, 1813. ` - . ucnuuy Cu uy. UU In raising stock for our_ own (1 we long since nlllg." airy, observed that constitu- tional delects and a tendency to disease inthe parent` animal were to be tranemiti particularly was this tie c very liable pring; and ase i_nA uni- ed wthe offs mals disposed to scrofulous affections. Cows that have a. milky habiL'are not unfrequeutly taxed to their utmost capacity of strength and endurance in the -production untrcqueutly_ b to meet the` drain on tliir vitality, . less of robust consutunon and free from a hrgditary te apart, from the` of milk, an (1 they _not teak down e arly, unable Ull- ndency lo disease. But losses liable to be`su's- I tained by raising. stock tainted with scrofulvrand other diseases, there are. considerations ofa sanitary character which oannofbe overlooked when the milk of such human cousum If _the fstatem the elfec__t_ .whiol,i'- gnilk ha_s iuponi "chives, is it gable to Hsappoeel` _ V V Jurious as an itgiole of hiiihan food? - ` .A`ga1n;,.if't1_iu_a fvi positiou.itVhut;it is ooyriqd into `th -boiling ,w`ia`i-them ovcteim-we .7. I `cows ption. ems is "A employed: for V _be" true`_cono_oming h1`s_ t!escxi_ption ol V _ giot resoin that `it- would "be in-' E ms i.s1_n_ ot` destroyed` V noti 9. resoxjab_le sup- 5 A Aedaity Ad front? wok. milk; and` 3:` b.oon'I..n; fill prop: of ' ` `gator, M.`Chauvenu. _ `statements referred to, M. Chauvcau * culosis or phthisis. We have referred, heretofore, in these columns to the importance of selecting healthy animals trom which to raise our dairy stock, and the conse- quence likely to result, in breeding from weakly or diseased animals; The subject is again b. ought to noticefrom arecent paragraph in the New York Trzbune, giving the result of some ex- Vperimentsmade by the French investi- Accnrding to the has recently made several observations ot-the,'ecIion_ upon healthy calves of milk from cows suflermg from tuber- The calves were perfectly healthy, and after sixty days feeding they were slaughtered. Tlioy were then found seriously diseased; numerous` tubercles were found through- out the lymphatic system, and the lungs were full of ca`seous`cleposits. Similar investigations by Dr. Klebs, u Germau-physicmn, resulted similarity, arid he concludes that the infection first attacks. the -intestines, then the liver and the spleen, and nally the lungs. `Vigorous arganists as may re- `sist theiinfectmn; or"`ovt-rcome its ef- fects, but the virusis contained in the milk of diseased cows in proportion to `their-Tcondilioin. 'Scrofulu.~- is thus com- municated toa healthy animal by `a `diseased nurse. The virus is contained` in the serumjof the, milk and is not destroyed by. boiling; i ` In rniraind wknnlr 5.... ...... -..., 1 - To Mum Cuwnnus Giiow.--I ' used -to have a great deal of trouble to make current and gooseberry cuttings or slip: grow, until I tried the following plan: I boiled. some potatoes until they were nearly done, `and then stucke one in each slip and put it in the ground {Every slip sprouted, and` grew well all summer, with one or two exceptions. the idea of putting the boiled potatoes to the end_of cuttings is toiumish and keep moisture enough for them to grow until the roots become large enough to gather . this `moisture and substance from the soil.. It nave; tried it on grape cuttings, but do not see any rea- son wliy it should not does -well with grapes us with anything else.~- Cor. Wisconsin I'amzc2_'. ` CHARACTER (FMILK. FROM L _DISEA_SE.I) COWS. _ I Pmzas ron Escu'rcHnoNs.'-It may interest many breeders of cattle in this country to learn that prizes will. be given at the Fan of the Royal Jersey Agneultural Society, to be held in the Island of Jersey, during the coming summer, for cowshhnving the best as- outcheons or milk-mirrors.` This is the first time prizes were ever offered for escutcheons. : I.s'A'aN1N(: FAmnNc'.- The D ew York World, says: Again and again--an_d es - pecinlly at this seasonof the year---do young men ask advice of agricultural edito s as to the best w2._v to learn farm g. . The answer i1_i-allfcases is simplehnd brief: Go to work on the best farm and undojutlie direction of the best farmer you can nd who "will [accept your services._ There is no oth- er way---no schools nor system ofstudy that will so quickly make a farmer oi a young man; but he should not neg-' leot to study. ' Eveiy agency that he can employ to give him aibetter `in- sight into the scientic` fe"-tures oi hus- bandryshould be employed; even when his bones ache with labor of the` day his mind may. work; and two hours daily given to wise_'reading 0; study will enable hinito accumulate" a vast umountof pm-biciili information from the tecorded information of others. i I - Bor;Ar9..="13v<.= Ami .IA.rs1:rA..I*A-1-e+:Thel -_,1_vw Fanncrsgysg The potato ;_`;beetle_:o_r5Cz.lora'da bug xsjiscoveredl to be an ioncljof Al!nll'a.oi, Luoirue, as of its own peculiar plant, sothat if,it4ever_` should'nd its way" to -California; the ; vsuocessfnl cultivation of this valuable forageplant there would have to be a_- bandoned, unless some new and more` effectual method should- be discovered of, destroying this insect pest. In that {country of rainless summers, the Alfal- fa, with its roots running down adozen feet or more into the subsoil, is enabled to grow and yield _'pastmage for stock when no other plant could, without a system of irrigation. .`1VI rrrI:n GaAssEs.---At the annnal meeting of the Agricultural Association a paper was read upon growing grass. . In the discussion which _followed, it- was remarked that farmers should be careful to sow" together only -`those grasses which ripen at the samo_.. time. This is a mistaken idea; . The `chief reason why a_ variety ofgrassos should be sown, is that them may be a con- slate succession of growth. The weak- est point of our` meadows ispthat the grass ripens, fades, and suspends grow- th for the season, leaving a brown,` withered, or bare surface. If there were a succession of consecutively rip- ening grasses thre a continu- ed greenless verdure, and if the pas tures were not only overstocked, this would be as great an approach as we can make with our peculiar climate to- wards a permanently green meadow or pasture. But if all grasses ripen at once, we mav' as well continue to grow one single `good grass, as several good and bad ones. ' B`A`YAFlELD s`FR _EET. . Near Brick Foundry, ` _ THE"B'E8T& CHEAPEST runmwni the olfsprivnig; case in Jfulous affections. ` habil.'are qr] In than. an... A mo muu,uuu gequueu oonsfant nurs- ._in`g.- `In a few weeks he have pomplotglyi gaqcvered, and jt_hut _ ugvcu_u| ycux, LID. Wnlle "Wing Mr. Letettre _that he was `bmep by a mnd"dog,thoug.h7-how this haypened no Vunewknqws; he suerad mnoh_ pait_1.'at ixhe `time , un'd_ .,;eqagr_edb oonagqqt unis- ;j` -If; :`f`w.`urn'.h. h'... ~a...;: ;-.1. ; :- suu-u_nu.I, WLIU I5 l1'KE'Sl(lUn[ 01' eadlng: -My brother whe'n Ia_even years old, want to li_ve {with a Mr, Lefettrd` at 'Farmingda]e; was, raised by him. and during all these yam h'as`been of in dll8Cri08habl'tE,` aobnr god _.wpll_-Inked in the community. Itwas during his sgvqnjh year, and while living `with 1M1`. Loteftre thnrhn mm ~h-mm I--- - SHINGULARV CASE V. OF -`HY DRO- PHOBIA. ' . . ' '.Mr. Daniel -C.` 'JVeidner died in Fanniugdale, N. J.,`a few days of by-' drophobia, under.the following bircum-9 stances, as alleged by the "Reading (I_ enn.) Times; on the authority of his brother,`-who is a- resident. 01- Reading: --My brotherewhehjavan mane. A11` ......,u_o bu no puuauiuo V In al1~the `cases consndered above; and in every departmcntoof farming, i n'a1l i_ts phases, and ti its detnilg, the success of each man, and the benet to the whole cduntry depend [mainly "on .the fundsmental condition of the cost y'produ&wn.' . ~lV.`-.....- 111, ,, Itll Ill! Inydeciriing what crops to cultivate, V1 farmers now nd it necessary to study more closely than ever before "the cost of transportation. To those especially n who are remote from business centres if the bulk of commodities, as compared 11 with their value, must form a large i element in all their plans for the future. g It is no difcult matter for every clear- e headed farmer to` adapt his business to n his own locality. Ifhe is too far from lr the sea board to raise wheat with a :- prot, at the present average cost of i- production, he must either learn how a to reduce his own cost-belotwthe gen. :2 eral average, or substitute other com- 51 modities that will bear transportation. If As both of these alternatives are yet - within reach -of farmers east of the a Missouri, they are, under no present i necessityeither to abandon the crop, y or to make it a special and exclrisive ; business. There is a possiblegcost. of - production for wheat enough below the present average to leave no doubt as._' . to the profit, and there is also a variety `=- 1 of substitutes that can be `made to pay , _vrhenever wheat shall cease to yield as r ,pro't. Flax for its filler and seed, r sheep for the mutton and wool, beets 3 -for .the value of the sugarand the pulp, condenscd milk, butter _ and cheese, e . poultry and eggs; these are a few of :,the mrmerous prsductst that remote farmers might to be able _to_raise,- and, with 0:: or two exceptions, could. raise _ with o. ;r;'r>(it i!reight charges, it` their system of {arniing were Whatit should :_-..-:~. . Tliese same conditions are also true in_ regard-{to I_udian._corn. If Western _iarmers"are not now raising. it atacost to wari-ant shipping it in bulk, there yet remains aflower cost of production than _'the present average, mains the possibility of `converting `it intoiothler commodities of higher'value an_d.sur_er prot. It always pays in the long run, if upright '.system is; pursued to convert c,ora_into' pork, beef,_r_nu_uou, wool, butter, cheese, et_c., and this modest` eeonyerting `it ,is, _in, `fact, so rnue_h.mere rernunerative t_han.selling it` in bulk as to render .jt simply, as, toriisluag-_ that the lattercoura'e.oo`n'. `tinuesjto b'etpursud. V ' - - and, whatis better still, there also re, . In nllsihe `canon nnnnirilnrm-I "..l...;...V. uavutluo un: UUUUULIHUS U1 H13 VUCEUOIL Again, whenever a new and Import- ant use rs discovered for any of the, regular products of the farm sufcient. to materially increaaethe demand, for rt in the general market, this gives at once an additional value to such com . modny, and adds another source of profit to the regular business `of the farm. ` ~r._ J__:1-,, I - - - - ruvulo 0 g'I`.he attention of_ farmers has lately been wisely directed to this" subject, and the -discussion growing out of it can hardly fa1lofuset'ul results. Among the products of agriculture can always be found various articles oiutility ahd A value that are only` occasionally raised by farm_ers,.l:ut wh"ic_h, -if the market price were a little higher, or the cost ' of producing them a-little less, could at once be widely and protably. culti- vated, and farmers would gladly avail themselves of such opportunities` if, prices were a matter within their con- trol. Now, in reference to such "articles of production as these, although it may be true enough that the producers can- not always determine the market price, yet it is eqally true, and `even more important, that he can in many cases do` what is better still, he can reduce the cost: of production, and this; in the end, is a gain for thepnblic as well as for the farmer. If, by thus reducing the cost", he succeeds in securing for his new product a fair and remuner- ative-prot at current prices, he rises at `once to the position of a successful `man and a public benefactor, for he establishes a ne.w_ line ct industry, and extends the boundaries of his vocation. >Annin nrkannunu n ........ .....1 .._.,- A There is perhaps nothing that would tend more to advance our agnoulture than a general `disposition among far- mers todiversiiy their industry by en- larging the variety of, their crops. There is abundant room for improve- .me_nt in this direction, and it is always easy to add to the assortment of larm products either by introducing commo- dities that are entirely _new,'or by re- viving and improving the culture of some that have .been comparatively neglected. Every new commodity that farmers can successfully raise and protably sell, `tends to diminish the uncertainty of theirbusiness, and to increase the average `prot. It also diminishes the liability to injurious _competition, and by adding to the re-' sources of the farm makes the owner a more independent man. Mixed hus-- banclry is undoubtedly, as a rule, the surest and safest system to follow, and in the long run the most protable. Cnecial thrininm in lllln-110 vnnrn nr lac: cgmns, nAnv-MAmsvcLaIHtm:, I From 1/u Rural New Yorker. acme. ,{ xaioev-:.nn-an? one aitdidetl; and "with this viowwe urge the subject upon theinltention of duty- the dizitying season, that action may fnultfsl `n'6 wacom'mon. in practice may be` man .now, at the obmmenoament of n `be taken accordingly, both alto the - selection of salve: to to reared and the employment of unhealthy milk for the manufacture of dauy produots,-Rma,l New Yorlger. VABIBEY oF7}0PSN?M1xED E HUSBANDRY THE TRUE . POLICY or FARMERS. nu uni` lungs run nu: uwsl. pl0ll(8.Dl6. Special fzzrmingislalways more or less h-uzardous, as the increased risk involv- ed in it is usually out of all proportion to the prospective gain. The great point of .lierenoe' between the two systems wry "be briey stated. Spe- cial farnzmg is a. game of chance; .mi_xed lmzmzndlry is 9. game of skill. The man `who devotes his acres to one for two leading crops, runs the gauntlet of so many chances that he becomes rather a spculator than a farmer. But he who pursues intelligently a system of general farming,.inoluding 8. varied assortment of products, plantsehis busi- ness on a` broad foundation, and has the chances of success nearly all in his favor. mu. .. .- I r - - ' Comm!) WILSON. -in/C&I i - At !7m1f`retailprices,Na guintity of GEN`! rim l_*A'n;N1~` nmnm1_Nns,'a'c 4; ng- -_a_ b;ll;I_0p sfroot ` - . . > `Higher grades of Mnchiqqs equally roau'onablo)]lnA ' - ` pnce. j ~' J. W. E[AS'I`INGST.%J TIIE, 014./v"11a1: ST-033%.! we . - furqish with nch ` . FamilyMachine one Hommenone of 4 Hail scombn_ned'I`ucker,` ' Binder, Banter, Frillor, and .adju.a!abe Hemmer, one extra . lThl'08l Piece ,._oncGu(dc and Screw, [- one Wrench,nn_e Screwdriver, one Oiler, six Bobbins, one dozen Needles. one Braidor and' tone . copy 0! Direction. T Hi My orha tad "M - ' . .....k w..;`:.`:'1m.,.e..*:,t.";;*;.::%[:.':...?,'..*15" I3E)lf\r" A . I\ A- g UALL: AND SEE IT, _$ PURVIS BBO , M5 I lI1'I.l\l! n n I n u A n . . ..- FAMi`i3 f_?f_A.t}"i-I me ...,,V lnem. S. Simplicity of slfu-h_ regulator i91`9Y Mb" V underslond , - ` - _, 9._ Capacity to do `all kinds of worL u"Em 0" heavy. - ' ' '10. It mnkesthclnck-stitch firm and Q0011; ll. Pressure-fool nan be regulnxerl 10! light or heavy stitching. 12, Can be regulged the take-Iylpspring l"d' ingnlo stitching.- v cuuul xume and Drawer, `[Polxshod.] i5iIoE;_4o.oo. U . ,3:-:wme Mncms, -jj gg-CALL" AND SEE _IT,. -.._`_._.__, . MR.JAux:s I. Fnnnoxva, Manufacturing Chemist: . _ V ` _ ' . Sm: Forsevaral mom-he pas! I have lined your Compound Syrup in the lreatmeclj of Incipient Phthisis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the Chest, and I haie no hesitation in slaling that it ranks foremoep amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Being an umellenl `nervous tunic, it exerts a direct inuence on the nervous 5yale'm,and through it it invigomes the body. It abrdn ma ninnnnro In 1-nnnmmn-ul - Ohoolnto, Suxmn. uuuugu u u mvzgorutes me Dody. affords. me pleasure to `recommend a remedy which is really good in cases for which it is imendgd, when sonzany ad. verliaed are worse than useless. I am, Sir, vnn ru In-n'In F.G.\VlLLlAMS JIANUFAGTUIIING co. H_e_r.4grew- rig":-`vvijthotrt. `amaspicion of e the wfnlideat , " 1` _ __ A ' `and waited fonly'th'edr'e`ad mmmons to , -bung him to an. untimely grave. Last Wednesday n1orni,ng'Dan'iel arose and attempted to perform `his Tahlutions; as he neared the ,water he was seized with convulsive spasms that shook his body-like a leaf, throwing him to the `floor, accompanied by- frothing at the mouth, and-from that time he oontinu- - ed in this condition, with short inter- I vals of four or ve seconds, of return- ing renson, throughout the whole of Wednesday, the night, at Wednesday, and the next day Ip to Thursday night I at 9 o cloclr, when death relieved him of his sufferings. During all these for- ty-two hoursiie did not eat or drink anything, but was seemingly convulsed with "pain and in the greatest agony. A little_ medicine was at one time force- ed down his throat, but the great exerr tion which it required, and the tea that personal injury might be done him prevented its repetition. A few weeks before his death, Daniel called on a physician and then complained of a stinging pain in his left arm. `The doctor prescribed for him, and when he left remarked, `that man will not live many days. Soon after Daniel was taken sick and died as stated. He was twenty-tour years old. N, ii -which lizrlreilin his veins, e y nxuu AVIUUIUIIIU In; general purposes, The Bill contains the active properties of Mandrake and `Dam|elion,a3 well as com- :pound Extract of Colocynth and Extract 0! Hyosoyamus, Test them {mt your own aalis faction. One box con}:-.ins about 28 Pulls, and add each Pill is a sufcienldose for an ndgll in ordinary oases. Try them 1:! ---5 my auu:umg." !3.- Can regulate throw-o` lqopin shuttle-race to suit sawing. - ` I4. _Hns qonrc noed!o-bar; has two throa} plum.-, &c., Ye. ' . A citizen of Uhxcago tells us that he recently travelled two thousand "miles in Ohio, and that everybody he met called potato tater, except one young woman whocall '1 it_pertater." This evidence ofn. gugior culture on the part of the yout;:...iy would seem to indicate that shhad recently gradu- ated from V some rst-class boarding- school, - , DUNNVILLE, May 18.--AThe oice of the Monck Reform Press was broken into~last night, and `a large quantity of type in the ciufes, and "one, ,sido M the paperset up, was talmn zinc! probably thx-o\vu"int6the canal, gs the emptyvcases were found in the water. ,1 N o tmce of `the lmrglars or type has beexl found. _ -.j<-2----_L-.-._. * Tun Excn..-Doou~r Jmsophns Shoahon`ees Vegetable Pills rgow-super-' iorly sugar-coated cannol ba`exce1Ied as I Family Medicine for generaI pufpus_es_ Bill contains the antnvn nrnnnriing .( ..-. unll ne fglll ing to ' 3. roxznlnm: is xcollcnt (`oi the folioxving _1/)oi_nts IANTON -1- s'ronE.# _ . menls; ll. is'well madu. ' L Non-lialili1y to get out olordcr, either ' by or slnnding. ~ ' l. ' Perfection or ndnplnl-ility ofnllils parts. ,_ . Easy ufwurkiir , light running, and not n i. . Easy ofmanngemenl; no great skill req - ed _ to operate it. ' . Rcliabimy; it won ! skipliichqs or break the Ihrcaal . '_. .\`imp.l.`..:... .z-- - ' ` . Si`mplici{y of construction, parts nnd th nwnts; it is'weI| '_ V - tr N0n-lial.ilim In (Yul nu! ..t....J.... ..:.L-.. L.- lung as." yn. - ' . Scwillg Mn- - --._ chjnushnvc boon ; alf widely known to line - people. the Singer has been in pro- minent existence, and during all -these years has been nndergoin_g im- V provemenxs compatible with -the demands . ofthe age V L. 5; EA t John, N.B., January, 1868 ]`JIE JUSTLY OELEB1{A'l7ED no uozen Lvaodlga. B1 one.oopy Dmsclionl. "7-1-pa, an "9 W85 Ivnn A inn 3-2.- -_ 7 1\I:ix1\1fzict111?cd bf G ontleme1'1Ls Furnishing G miijrnn, nnwu '3 ' oftcnsions; ncrhard to manage ` slfu-h_4 5 asy to` be 1=r;;.'~`.f --w-I\Il-cl` $9 ,1IxoHAN'an orirton, M _ QV9! Q SIN GER , - __ .._`vuu 0 . . ' Barrie. Ontario ,uu,, I ` Yours truly, z. s.- EARLE, Jr`. MD. Iarv. I868 . .. . `*"'t`.- `.',j . `nwv n urge AMER.-IC 4, v`-~ quanuty oftha mot: atylfn AN COFFINS. _:_`l;_. as w. non unmneland Undermking Establishment one km : Block. Bania. &u-$ m3t]I 9,-ii! -.=}-W!-'5 it-'. , _` I ('(\t.\I'.\r| door Wont onhe Welhngton Hotel, ;ul- " `ML u---.- A: the bus? season in at hand, parties do well to on I nnd'ax_ni::o the lrernendaul LA! h-7:3 'a"2o'-i:"p'a33 e" Tu:Mi n';li_ ' .`L"_`:."..` BOOTS J & SHOES ~ VERY . llilvbrv lum slonkof Omaha! R} m;.-...`...-_ ._u_. .4: `iv 1] I Cabluetaud Undertaking 1 Wul_omnq_We!l|nmon Hm-.I_ $3.. -14! . sAnm.nLAN'n' HARNESS umin, Corner of Bagcld 6' Dunlap Streets. BARIHR unnv II II q auu warranteg tovgivc satisfaction.` ` Riding and Driving Whips. Bite, Om-ds, Curry Combs, Brushes, &c., together with com- plete outtting: for entire horses; all of which he offers at very moderate prices. Barrie. July in, 1972 -~ - L1iUV!\' . &o., &c: ' _An assortment ofwe made Collarsiu stock and warranted tovgivc satisfaction.` and Drivinrv Wh3na nu. n-_2_ ---..~.;.u.-suu IJU1.lJUL'Jl.l . - AND UNDBRTAKER, ' V 1035 80-, B6. IYORNER on oW1z_2v 5; MJGDONALD _ A smzmrs. s.azuuzc. I 8ADDLE& TEAM n_LJvVl`\l\IJ DILIVIRUGL, Having taken the premises lately occupied b; Mr. Wm. Root, nearly opposite the Barrie Hotel, begs to inform the fnrmlng com- munity and the public generally, that he has now on hand and manufactures to order SADDLES. ' I go there has inst arrived and opened up fifty cues of Spring Goods, among whiolr be newest novelties and designs in D resa Goods of every variety. Alsollge Iargeet. god but selected stock of Prints to be had in O r maria. Grey and While. Cole Ions Ibo best nlne in the market, and 5 full amok of all I e for the Season, among which are our immsnn~S;wn of . 1: good: required` 4% Bu-rie,June1 '73. ' I 2 ...__.._ E 15 W A ED AY i`N`E "" guru-sun` lVl\J\Jl'\C, Has no? 91!. hand an.oxxer.sive and enuine stock osingle and` Double Harness ( nrriugcv and Team), English and Common Riding Sad- dles, Double and Sin.lo Brilas, Collars, kc., which he can obr at very zeasonable prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and other Ridingaud Driving Whips, ifits, Lines, Brushes Curry and Mnue Combs, Cnrds, &c., tobc found in thismarket. ` An..`...o:..1-:.. 51.. s...,:. ._-_.LA-L ,- I - nu unu-41ua.nuL. _ > Any article in the trade manufactured, fur. uished to order on short notice, az.d warranted 0 give- satisfaction. [3"Rnnnirn wan am! nun]- .........o...a I-I IS_8plYS well 30` Barrie, April 8, 1870. I III! HUN PICLLHUIUQ opposxmmn. bnmuws SAW MILL, ALLANDALE ROAD. 4 7-13` M WIB%!v.Law:B9v!s! :O'annot-be beaten `oithex-for qnnlity or price, IE0 deals in the beslmarkomand cannot ha Tundorsold by any house in town. Be Kind . keeps on hnnd the boat of -udcuoccnu nu-1 uvojtccnalu - * * * ""1 [Late Dunlbp stroet,] begs to inform bilin- quiring friends, his customers, And the public genem1ly,,thst he in wen, and driving business_ in his new premises. nnnnorrnm 1'13 nrnn A Inn :1 1 117 urn 1 ` I hereby ijUn'm:n.op_aIiop J11 |>,aneo_ on giving Goods or Memes on my "account unth- oul my written order. A ' ` - J. B. JOHNSON. 19 at THE s 1AMEsE TWINS, The snbleriber whilst thankful for the liberal patronage given in thelput, respectfully e_ Iolicits a. continuance of the same, and ` ' begs to stamp that his ` uruugxu. . ' Farmers Produce, as much at he om: lay his hands on,bought,nnd the highest market price pnid. Give 5 call once and you wil be sure to come'sga.In. ` . . 'l1`IOS.LENNOX, A-{aw rfnnsn Nnffh nf Han Wnllinatnn Hnfn`, rncwry, pnrne, uni. Ordersjeft at E. G1-aver s Hardware Store, Dun`lop street, will be promptly attended tko. Febrnarynd, 1873. 6-ly -mmvnss < ] L. R. NVT?NER's. llhhln 1 n -u ..-_ _ I II an-QIQIIU Q-nial ltyliaavwj Also ALE AND PORTER, bottled or on" draught. + - l I`nI-Inn!-H I):-ndnnn, an rmmh an `ha m.m . 'PUD. IJHIVHUA, A`!e,w doors North of the Wcllington Hotel, 42-11 V ~ - l - L . Barrie A Good Place zo-`Ez-a `Cup of TEA. __:__ CONFECTIONERY, cums, &o., to. -___: Don t forget to call in. F`, mun ileum, Sign and Oat`-riago, Plain vand Oran-4 mental IPA, I1V___:_:I'VEE.!'l CL... ._ - II - I)I....l_.. hand Ighnce hock of SeqpoInb}o j Shop on John street, near Ball : Planing Factory, Barrie, Ont. ` (`n-darn left at R. Graver ; Hardware Store. .._j_.....~_.._.__. |I)AINTI1_VG.L.l)&IN"I `-HING. .-.. .. VIIII .....,u..mno me Irernendoul FRN?TURE G! the` new.-no nu...` .- | LUcrg+3Fq& ogsmnn HOUSE | nan: uoons wzs-r or mu WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. `Oysters Stewed, F :-{:41-T .-t:nd Raw; Luncheons, Hot and Cold," prgpored on short notice. -._.-_ .u uucnu nu vary xuuuurnl Barrie, July 16, 1873. ..Z_______..____ %os`? 2| SADDLERY AND HARNESS _ ESTABLISHMENT, BAYFIBLD S'I`E!.IE3.'E'.E`, A few doors North of the V3 ellington Hotel. lu g|ve- SIHISIECUOIJ. l3'R_epairs well and neatly executed. Zurrie. April 8. 1870. - """"* EDWARD BEMROSE, [Ming vremlsea latelv nccnnian h V APED-HA-ENESS ESTABLISHMENT. *A'E~3i~r7F6"x&EEE:T?f&163` ,/_~o'r:1m;s. - - 5 [I0 THE FARMING COMMUNITY MONEY BAVEDAIS MONEY unrmb. -.-_-- Just reached a consignment of freh n`TTf"'~4r'l'1-1-Ir MARTIN MOORE, nnuso on k..ul nun .u........:_.. . uuno, TEAM & CARRIAGE , HARNESS. nmnrma A/./v~;.. 4-4. ./\,,..~..-..,., .;. ...,.,,~.- .,v\,-V-.. OBER.T MGHEANRY, ; - . SADDLE, lIIYI'I!I n l`lII'\I III`l.' II: l1I'VI'IllIIl1I'I wIfv'1s% ANI3 iratibns, 1 A'Y.`I` ANTI DDDTED Innnlnd nu . _..V _..u v nu-nu HUB Jl r Dunlap Streets, BJRRIE --q--2 BELTING z BE L4Tl NGH 4-. Plain and` Ornuinontgl. \.I II A` L I U II the` newest styles; at `If 1'\ l\ 1-\ -r ALFREDAGRAVER, ----.,v-v ow - Q -a - gnaw -- Tann Doons W131` `I\1t1'rnM urvrnr nnran '; ".1: _.:-_'.~ ___ %%[s;aamee2`;%` ,.-.,v .-..~ ., .a....;~,.-.,. an would x...nir`:o stock . . ~A1L9s _ % LYDDD. BRIDLES, - 'l`RTT'l 11155?) TRUNKS, ID. 17`. mun, Ann nu, "Agent. ..__._.._ _ 29-1) T13-tr " -4 '---v--2 um and been so ever since`- 8' bet _ IJOHN S'IL?-W ! fAp`;'l`:A'[`) :`1:1;o'ItSnnthold, thm eta dd ~ 1. l.WBLLING1`ON,J-P- woxpnnrm. arm or LUNG nIs1mss.' I '0 C V Bnoonu, April sun, 1910vta ' ~ lnlnnuu ;. .- in in `"1_! tbs: my yrifo W`! 13:; lo:`v Iil2'1l nnl `Hr * ; _;:'- The Dogtor had givon her up. H0 I! `"08! won tnboicled, and modicineeon 9` 5`? 56?. AI slut resort, 1 urobm` ` .553! of tho Gm: Shonhonou elnedya 1' W 3P.3!|ioiI oftwo dayo, her nymptoxnl W` `.'?m.7 batter. Bhi continued 1oimpro'0" . M '1. than Ibo had taken one 59` Byutlao eonthnr " ` J . . I NICO?! -W1 - V . "" -J 0 0 . 8l1'rnm.`.: nmgab` 3""`"`": Rug. This iulto W` `in, B0 ". 3"." 180 I became ntictt month ronchitna which hated about cighksf breethsth xv!` '0 `mmd f' `be M 0 ` d . `W 3 Wu very diicult for me tow` n In the night time frequently throwing uh: _ clothes. of mud ruining in nu 1,; to kw mi '""1_KlI2- I tried three of the 1 minor. Physxcnns In the_ County of }::g1;,g.LerInn, [or about a year vnthout receiving my Was. An fact! continued getting worse :11 tin um t lest I was ndviud to try the Great Sham- '", .R`1d7- 1 houghtsbottle ofit sad '5' it was about ninhed I be In to {Sc} Hill." "'- 1Wnned to an nzunm I had M" -n bm'! 'h'|l. 9-0 rnyutilfnction, Hour. that I was at well u out-1 mg 1,, p| IVi0I _' "7 m": Ind have been so ever since`- nnuu an] . R. -11- Iucsper 1502: `$0 cts. . U F'or Sale by I" Drnzgists and Dealer: 5! Medicine. Aauu-I ton BnmI.-JoLn W-ndz, W-3" 3 C0 Wells Bros T0101: 3 )lcLe:n. Oluualt.---L W.Slnven. or.mmwoo:.-Mr. Carpenter. WunI.nnArn An-..-.. u.'-.u . . ,, ,UIl plHBl'o .W0Ll8ALl. AQINTB.--NOrlVhrop 3 Lyman Toronto; Lymnn Bros. 8 Co, Toronto; 5.- liot & 00., Toronto. - 3s.'1-1:, I , - - - v - v I w - - 1-0! Ill`? VIl\'|` Diseases, Humomand all d`is' (arising .':o.! lm urity ofthe Blood, exceptinglhe Third Sm! of onsumptlon. Furlhorinioimgcn, mi`: in directions (or using the Grant Stoehoneeu Eclxi-H 53 Pills, and containing Teuimomaia and Car 5 cuts: of Cu:-ea.cun be obtained by secnrinx IN _'I`reaI Iea,the Hand-book, or the Almanac mt circuian from any relpectnlxlg Druggist in_:it- Dominion-Iree. g... .--u u . _ , AND ' , GENERAL Gnocnnms, Wnvms AND LIQUORS. ' Fruits, WINES.- ' , Jules Robin Marmalade,` Champagnes, vGIN.- - Pickles, . Sandeman, _Blrnnrd's. Sauces, .Old Port, .Booth'I, Cm-tie Powder, Alncnnt Port, Dliiughe Mustard, Fnrmgona Port, RUM.- Potted Meats, Sherry Meizer, Jamaica, Lobatera, in tins, ' Diamond Sherry, Doxnarara. Salmon, ` ' Pale 3` W'HISKIES.- , Oysters, Brown Old Rye, Cheese, ' ' Ginger`Wine. Malt, Bacon - BRANDIES.'-- Scotch, Flour,&c-, Martell a, 1. Il'ilhL ` . D ______ __,_ . -. . uuu|vu-"lI'UU. -.`l, u1ice of;1Remgd;y v1 or. ~ 7 _ 5|! Medicine is pleasant nnd safe to ta'..c, l In warrantcd,and may positively be rolfe-ll L ; to mnkenpermanpntcnre at all d;nea.-.-.- or Thmv Lungs, Llver. Kidneh, Digestivr Urn` 550- 5950-, as well as Serolul-4, the vanmhir 01898599: diseases !: lmnurltv oflhe Blond. Avnnntimnlkn "I`L...l Cu _ WHY? SIMPLY Btowuz lhevalunble active mgdicirl vegembio ingredients, (lome of which we wl mention, ouch aslhc Exlracls of Wild CW Bark, Podophviium.Junipcr,Qunssiu,Smnnwe 7 Dandelion. Hyodcyamua, Compound Exum . 25 Colocynlh, Jalap; Jocolrine `Moan, Cnpsscmn e. Gzc ) which enler into the compomlmn at 7|` combined medicine, are such and so hnrnwnmsi cluued and c mpounded_.1haI it is mmlc Iizc n..`~ei aearchin curative in the xnown world, and.- not help maclontho ayslemiua very ant :-mm! and desirable manner. No mauer whai V\I.'i ul- menl may ba,or how Pong Handing, ll wxil . :urM_0 spot and aatoniah ycu by the ra id mnnncr: I which you are tailored to perfect with nnu `R. vigor. L. Thanho Gun? Snoauomzxs Rxmrm A511 F S oflhe `Eminent lndtun Medicine`-Man, _Dv~. LoWiRJo|cphus,oftho Great Tribe 01 Shtmuc-I-_o-! Britit.IhColumbia,is workinglhe moll nnnm-~u| and astonxnhingures the Worid evelr 1:.-mg :1. Never ixi the annals ot_Cnnadian Mednqal lhsmy has such success attended the Introduction or My medicine heretolore. "I I I!!! PRocLA_1M THE GLAD 'r1m_\'<.s 'I`In.o'.L_ I1, ... LA JURE or BRONOHITIS. Jlspecic Remedy or ail Diseatcs of 1'. Bladder and Kidneys; ropsical Swclliruguz (L -paints incidental to Feznales; and all 1)uc.,,.. I the Ufinary Orgrm 11: either Sex. Il"I"|.- ...l.... .(l 4|.:- |l_.!,--1, _ 1 c .:. ' '_`" ,"`.f """ BUSINESS STAND FOR sun ' WA- --1- AI.-AlIi-3-I_ Q; .A. u _ _ f or Scro[uIa.Scurvy.Slrin Diolcu.|l D WORl.D FAHED BLOOD IIIXTIJRB, Trade Mm-k-"Bloml min,-0., The GREAT BLOOD PU}_{l!-`IER 6: REs'1`o1{;-R For cleansing and cleanlpg the blood m.,,`,.[ up m-1lies,cnnnol be too lughlv lc('UnlnN'm.'nd ` and Son. of all kind: it is a never-{ailing and pcfmanul cine. I. n..-__ _|1 a4-.- .' Thouundl of'I`estimoninla from ~--val cure. It Guru old Sores. I Cures Ulcented Sorea on the Nock, gures g:calr3`teddSorc1l)..ogg. , ur_es nc ea 5 or im les 0 ' Cures Scurvy Sonics. P ~ n we h' Cures Cancerdus Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. ' Cure: Grandular Swcllinn. Clears the Blood trom al lupuno Mung, . From whatever cause arising. AI -this, mixture is pleasing to the `ante, W; .w-arrantedlfroo from anything lhjllllouglu H, mm, the Prupunr It It'll its vulut 4 delicate comsIituti0n_ofc_it_bur sex, l0ll|ll suerun to give It a trial to all pnru. Sold in bottles 23 3d each, and Mining six times the quantity, clout toelfoct I permanent cure in the gm. ma orit of long-atnndin ~cAses, 0 EM srs Ind pmmc mcmcm: vm", DDR8 throughout the world. ` ln Casn_c0,__ ` 110ICll\gum e 4 l l l 4 l BY ALV ` ..L_V..l..o J._L J.` xuroman, wnonnsugs AND. I".V ( Ir TT`l".I I 1 v -r-1* A avt JJ . . . ~ ' For sale thstfrick Store and D 1 ' Igrkel Sqnuo, Bun-io, known as 3,0.-7 e( nuok Building." v Apply zo_ ` WI! nn.._ : Bnrrio,`Oct. 80th, 1872. ...- V. "nu, V: 511.`: no zuncl or`. The value of this Medicine has been proved 1 in numberleea Instances now on xecord." pm. $1 per some. Sold *;yn1lDruggi-1. 1 0fRemed in large Pint . -31- P 181101` Box 25 '01` In I" nrnan-Sac. .....I n... FOR THE BLOOD IS THE I.lFL:_n_ _ Deulamnmnv. nhnn. vii m..._ M III ...... uuuvu La 1l"lI.'4 mr Deuteronomy ehup. xii, verse 23, ---..-._ CLARKE S IIlIII'!l\ hl nn WHY? . .L_ 11,: FVATN7T"388EL American Oak Tanned Leather Belting, Canadian Oak Tanned Leathei Belting, ' Iowiu a Mill Files, - Steam Fittings and Pipes, ,' Lubricating 011, &c., Jzc , &c., . ..-......_ _...-.___.. -.._.__4u..--.-- 4"`1iii inzannnmmmnr n-GIVE}-um A?c 5eu'.` ` -T--AT-- E. HUN-TFR WHOLESALE AND luv-.1-nr. nu-um. .. SEW1_NwA9H1Ns; Aunmsvucromousil iwhvolo arrived nndTo1.3e_ned fty the dag` ' stock uf z'i`?.'.'."... ::.d:.G.a` &Il1 I!_ I-nV_l l`~V_ll .3, Is TO vBE[jH\`Ii.3` =-`.r- -" The` -VVheeler Jqsr `WHAT-WE -HAVE ALWAYS sub .' ; com) WATCHES, com) CHAINS, SILVER WATCHES, FANCY CLOCKS, com) JEWELERY, SILVER JEWELERY, ELECTRO-P LATED wan: S1.VI'.1 0 LA US l1E/,DQUARTER.S_'_ _ TOYS FOR THE MILLION . PARLOR caoqvm` TABLES, BOHEMIAN WARES, C.UN.CERTlNAS, vxouns. oayerls , ' Ale and A150;-tar. English Black TeasinvCad.dies, K nnnfa nan "- umger wme. ._. Hennesseyh Sayes Inuit:-':nln D14 - 7 you ; .3 `Oh onunb 1):` EV]; V . Mu`: wry! siookof Crockery & ,ln aw ` h,`f:of`:p ho nndguoid. _ . fe mm 3115'!` IN THE` wont: - - `...__, ......-. vuvu -uuuuvu 3} Is; L.`(3RANn.MEDAL OF MERIT and J. 5 'e, which we wgll sell nt'mdno pliqoi an `7`o"*rHr: TRADE. 5 Blqcl-,> 1unZg_;g__.Sr;_e_et Barrze. RETAIL DEALER IN \ T f\'I f` f` uuvuul OI ' -DESCRIPTION, .W0 will null -r..._:'_'___. , ._. --. j: `W II ` AGENTS b-.FOR THE 00. 81110015. :%:-_-x. ' recoimncndad by the International munuo_n -olv aye have-(H tee a unoeomo, zgn-:;x`o':'1?s"e'y I"1 Sugars, Teas from 30 cents upwrds. EnglishvBlack Tea . ram 60 to 75 cents per lb. T LIBERAL TERMS ALLOWED -'}`0 THE Noun 1?-rial; 'D7,...7. fl. ._- 7 9` u1o1uliB.- Irish Old row. `Porter. ,_,,:_ r~1_-.I1: , , '\lLIbUI J ulea s, N.- . :ANDERS. Vienn, Dtod -.1 . Orompton s._ 42-`Y; - . _ ,. _nnwAa:; ' l$ToVEi uuwxnl U1 nu ullel I um on the III! and a.t,ru.scns ale rutei. O:-den promptlyntten ed o". . ' HULLI1 Bnyold meet, opposi SWl'0y'l j building, Barrie; July 16 18'I3_._ . ~ I TEAS . - Blnak, ' Green, Japan ' Java, ' . Mocha, Java, Jnmnicn. TOOO0AS.-- Eppa l`nylor l.! w.AnnAN'.rr:_'1_J'-g`oR 1 Yngn. T0i|t.ornI of all sizes`! umon the in.testp1ns, ' -aunasaq II vs. ALVLI. U. a. U:_1u At a dep} of 107 feep, which can be prove; on application to Mr; Walwqn`, 6th (Jan. otvespm. ` - . -These xmproved pumpsare - . DDR1 A1317 4 or -m ~nn-.. . .. REMAiif5fE""5ii"";p 1 And ii In. lnnanr than 4:... ..u._.__,, fa ,vu-u vv vuuuuvcly nsuu Easily Worked by a Child dept feet, which nmved nn;4a:.|.1.|JIJ \Jl[';[1 r I And will last longer than any other pump built. "NB'VA"'2EfI'ff %MS 1! The subscriber challenges the co"nty of Sim. coe to manufacture Pumps'to zdmpete with _ _tboIe [nude by him. they are nnmlrnn nn mm nr.-nn ' V m... ...T - '5 EHMEIMWW vvln the -above village. Families` regularly supplied with the'bu_st of Bread,:.nd full weight; Also, Cakes andonfectionery of all kinds, in any quantity, of that-class quality, and at low Q , ' prices. Pic-Nlcs, Socials, Solreea, &c., &c., -____ -_ __---v --vv---9-van-` a.;4-.451, As they have had Large Experiencq in all de-. prtmonts of the businels. ` - J. G. HILBORN & BRO. A1Iu.nda.1o,Oc1. a9,_ 1a'73, V ` , `44-1, yvu IIIIVI1 VI \llvI-ICI VV IUD DH SATISIEVJACTION GIJARANTEED, The Subscriber: beg" to .i:;form the public of Allnndalo and vlcinity,thM_tbey have opened out %%BuY+oUR R-EAD`Y- MADES . {XII nuns urnwunl Barrio, Oct. 20, 1873.. |I|7lBNBllAI. mmml Cfontectiohery S_tore! _..__..v . ..v---- .-- --u u--1--- 13;. and all work guaranteed to ` 2000111 vwcnnn 8 ' 'J:roa:u- Susan 8 tntncn mono wean 3| lU mM"Wm< 2! I Isiah at T ? '`""' ' "".".'- '--III I! {we oynom tit , 0 G - ' ` {Ill click and the bran! l{::inn:,:::rwhr?:lf 13:: :?a1:l.o:ns1ll":L:f ".10 ' $36! ! Reopen, u we no prepsred tcjop. u momma p,;' ma? " 2 ;:noo'rs -" -&h'i':'$(`ir?.3 ?{.`3":`t k`{4':a?"22`L:'.2. Blnemberz more Is nil Cheaper `_House In Town than: .-..1.- 1 vurupv.-..-..A. gnu. n.J.I \Il Line done `with natneu and dispatch. (Re- member the place, :1 AT7TII"I1"I\ - n-..`___. __._._ __:-. -w-no.4`, Opposite the Simcoo Hotel, and Home North of the Wellington,` Barrie. . ' , anonon 0. max, Pmnrietnr. HA1-Lo nude out of thabeat Sctch Pig Iroh. llllu nllnlun I'nnAI. nnhnn n -...`.-..... |f|N,Sic`ET |I1.1YSM1iii{i{N G -!l llguupwuu . I ` . N..B.--8impoon'a mo ind ,-Porter on dnughl `and in Bollles. ' , * . Simmer Dginh in IBBIDII. A The but, lurgesund choapent nook in mm. Alla 1 Beautiful and well nolocted stock of ' ' [lj'Ane_y Goods and Berlixrwoolu,` Oqlonnn and Slipper Pntternag Braids, "T8Il0ll, &c., Ton, _ . , J.9wo1lery, Yam. `L4 Glusn Shades, Mo, to... ` &e.| Nouf the Steun Grist Mill, Barrie. `, 51-iy-wv XIII udocvaiing Stove: are Warfahtec-1 to cook, bake and draw. His Parlox-,_Hall and. Box Stoves no in 31-eatvnriety. All his 7 brovzsn A eonrnmn STOCK or com) ANDSILVER wucuns, AND cnocxs or ALL ms 7 BEST MAKERS. lC5"WHA'l` ISS GOOD FOR A CHRISTMAS Pmont u in Gold Watch and Chain, Present as .a real Jet _ ` Set of Jewellery, ' Proton: I O Coloured Gold Set ofJeweller3, Present as a. Gold Lo 7 1 cket and Chain, reveal a anright Gold Set of Jewellery. . Present an Gold and Fancy Rings . Puput-u a air of Gold Bracelets, Present as Violins. Concertina: and Trefolias, Prawn us arnet Broeeh and Ear-Rings, _Preseute for Gents, Ladies, Boy: and GirlI,_to Paul! :5 I Silver Wnlnh end Chain fora. Hoy, suit every pocket. . ` lnrybody should know that ye are the most experienced hands on Watcher, Olockl Ind Jewellery, North of Toronto-_ AGRIAT BUN.0N THE LONGINE WATCHES in GOLDIAND SILVER`. WATCHES, ' ' CLOCKS end JEWELLERY, made, repaired and wnrnnled. V SIGN OF WATCH AND __SPEC'I`AOLES, next door to Mr. 'Orompton j .....-<--.-ov~v-&~ . I _ _ _. .._._.:;r... .._.._...._. 17,..- ...__.. -.- ._..__:>

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