cm W` `hvi M ~ aha]. PLANTS WAREHOUSE. WATER LIME. Barrie. ` SEASON} suns. [nuow/'55 \ - l!IFjST%TFiBEEirli$f%B$} cm, was 7 {ur mum. P95`-PI-4'4 . Cannot doAbetter'1hn.n pay oiu-- Esblishtyxeul . nvvisit. We alaokeep on hand jg, - , . L41 .- t5f1is'ii:.L7iI7\f`iiIii1i:' ':'o1ms cnoxcn 'roBXE6os & exams % ` V wEn1_._BRo'... -_ n..-..:.; unul iyarttgnk nun mentttucti V .l'4.l.J.L1\1 JJLi\J.,, Opposite Ba.rriI-lotel, V J - - .-Dnulop 91.. Barrie. N. B. T Physicians` P:-eiacripsions _caraf-my _oompo1mded - , ` 3lS~l3r. --.'.__.... The subscriber is now supgng ovary variety pf puv- ` . ~ Which have be}n'e1ec{a-,wim great can; And imported 'direct from the most celebrated * European and American Growers . " ' _ _..__:.. I,` j fun; w&7 & ----..- |DY*1..3.T_U`1?'T`S.v ?ERFUMERY or paw lrnm ANn<=4*"='?!!SEE' ~`| 4 sx>Eo1KLv_r1Es::-J ` TIMQTHY. cj1;_0_vER,'T'rUB.N1r,~ _&9. . .. ,'GA'1&'D'EN4`SEED.; . .. I, ` 1*" ' . \_VIlI,do!-l\d-ldIllg Plants ! (`I11-rug! tgif ch varieties; 0 |1.u+ 'I_=mv;'n'$,'i;uquTs, 8.0., to man. | iived _ Next. door to tl;eBnnk of Commerce. A.V\/..-...L\'-.-..._ ~ The subscriber begs to call the allemion of ,tho ptyblic to the fact that he has opened his _-_._.. -u-Anuuonuuu IHGIIIII iWA;"PiEEiEdE;;P,I ~'-':.A.a pr:_a.;'.%.1a;., A`nd everything that is to be found in 9. ncnnnn tun .r.n 1{}\IYt1 rvlllhh. ` LLfl\tI1I.m LI Juuwnug Particularly in the Iron DepartmenI,.~:uch as turning large Pulleys, 5 feet 6 inchs in dfambter; turning Shaft,` 21 feel 6 inches long. Thisjthe. kind of Lathe for boring Cylmdera prbgerlv, it weighs 8 tons. I have a good supply of smaller Lathes, and a rs!- class Iron Planer t for almost any job. Any parties wanting Castings I can supply them on short notice, as I cast every day In Bradford, and have a very large quantity of patterns. I beg to call to notice my '-1III)I)t\I!'I.`li l2I!A'Ti41 Il'A'Il_ 2" All 6:-darn quoted '21 'I4`orouo-Prices. - ` L ` `i J. M. B0rg_wx;L1., L __.l Ola Uuu IU UKIAI IU I|lJ|I\u\l -nu IMPROVED G-RATIE BAR, which gives `one _ quarter more drafl -than the common bar. In lh meantime don lforgel the Butlerld Ploughn; I am manufaoturing'{hem on. alargze scale. 9 T , 1:1T'!'f!"T.`!1212`TI`.T.T\ A _arrie, March 4, 1874. nmss s-:E*ALKINa% 2 _.._.._. V WARIJHUBES agggat Am: saw. and D1" mun; so. ` DE LA -. 9} Piano` gasps : QEEDS ! 1 $3395 U 9| 1_._.._.....____.._._.___....__...--. M%|LLgmaERYz} `MRS:~._?;Q:W._Ei,l?2` Ubwvwrn vv : V- -._ _ _ J Liltely from Enghmd, repectfxly informs tine public of Barrie and vicinity that ehehns open- ed out a. _ ' . '---'_ Q___._ _. .. _---_n can ~rr.1~rrI M1LLINERYQ:8})";j;11;*ss%1x2iAKmu| Q doors West. of {be Wellington Hotel, am} will guarantee to make the most. fashionable .1. /p.-wurwirnrrnmu 1s;i,g1;;;"a115_ .---n. .._.._-_ _. _-_. --u-on no-|v\ =LIl AB%`f_i3f.3T5EETEl Of any houseiu town, _n,nd as cllenpas the cheapest. Mrs. Rowell having-had an exten- sive experience in England is prepared to full ' All orders entrusted to her, promptly, stylishly, and cheaply. . Ladle: and gentlemen can be supplied at this mmblinhment with verv good I plan` \lBIII|ii`5ilZE..:I?!Ll3;V;E;i{TH13`55\ UHUUII 9 QIGIVQI tn.-v - u--.v _ . At Clxeap Rates. Ladies wnitedupon at their residence. P. S.-AI1 kinds of PATTERNS conltauy on hand fox` sale at I. low gure. -u.....c at:-amt. Barrie. between E.& W. Rorke sale at low `Front street, Barrie, and Pn1)nn a atorea.- ' . Sod: 3. 73- A . ? A 36-1yI| \MRSyVAW%%@?%%\ nl ('4. un- IIUUU:-v -~-_,- _ Whilst thankful for past favors, begs to -assure herfrienda and the publimthat she has con- stantly on hand alull assortment of_ - - -ijl-L`; ' M:fif1f.iLNAE.hB.. '\ u--- --_ _ of 1111: I;ATI-1`S;i`~ 1`Asin_oN. F0` Sale, ov promptly Made to_0rdl`- _v_...... Q. at A mar was unnnra. promptly Made to uruer. \n1zEss.& MANTLE MAKING.- tn the latest styles. - Unll `ii; sunny Lia-Id ......_....._-... In the latest styles. MARKET STREET, . . - BARRIE.` {._._..4 -~---__. -__..--9 p...r\t\n 5s {ind New Prices. - THOSE Wm) WANT PRE iAfi'fkiN Ei=1timb. /..I...1.. ;n lhn [mn Upnnr`menl..~`.l EVER.':YTH17V-Gin SEASON` AND OF THE . K)-J\.J\.J.`J\. ww_. -. ' 9 In the premises lately known as the I` W001). - . -BINE SALOON," . 7 . mnvnop STREET, mumm, _ . DILY ARRIVALS IN FRUIT, ,_.s.... :. (1~ ant` 'l`nnd.' V 31111 n uvzx-av ... .`.._,__, ` The he eat selections in G:o c_erias and Teas, the parent aupplies in Confegtxonnly. the lines! _ V A Smck in Canned Frau gnu Fish. 5 _ " ovsrgks smnfn IN ALE -STYLES, -------. . _..... . ' the Placo BlOCk, '" Sf"" W B`i1'z. SHAW; 11`.-nhnr nn("f3i'nl|P ".u:u-__ , Which Qvill be sold atreaaonnble r_ates. .. -u-u--u-v -v-cr'I'\I(1 IVIIIIFIIEIVX Ia` Andis now prepared to do I n nnnlnn !\l- Inhhlll J. -l.LJ- . . AND OF Pu=1urncDa!30 ma:\ ' ' A1` 1 V .l.'I1l..l. V \J VIII 5'34 Aqrv`-- Ecy I . Bgdy can establishment with very good _ __.-._ an A inn: :8 naXUVX wfniwviuwmm ;s:s1;:*g3_m;m .__ -..A u....1,,, nnass-Mnxmc _ Inem on.a._mry:u r~u2~u . _ 1}-BUTTERFEELD. in .1 .1 \.A S'1`O'[{.E ON _SH.AEW tL lo uUL;9 n u-nu, , Seedsrhli and I<`loriat,, Duqlop Sb, 1': A` nnmmarne. 9 ----- ' 7'V-;1ha_.I Ea-0nf'- SI} Revision ' :19,` will be" ,_ ;.2e;`h M97. ingtfoqd I\. 01141 II J Frniter and Grocer .4643 To" .1 Inn. vuvu us: an ...--_,- .7---_.,--- _ espamc sTocg rHn?2isam;_@g;nesI3TEArER, Mamas, 7. S`AWl$T(} MACHINlES, l _ BROADCAST and ROW SEED DRILLS, SULKY HAY RAKES, ` 7 V T AGR}\Y S CTULTIVATORS, - PLOUGHS of all kinds including the . art`: 1\] I\TT. gsggouce B5k!NGh STOVESJ 4...... 01... "Doll. nhnnnnr than FIHV Othef in 6 trade Sole 'agen"lm.--`hr ` 95 .`V.l`*" V " "' "`"T .* Bought since the Fal!',cheapcx thgn any other; ml ' . V _County of Snmcoe, for the (:6 < ..__ ..._. A. -.;..q.---'r~-r'\'1`f`( 0 SB 0 i;1Eif;A0f1 INK Spade ?..4..__. V, ,_..VI.` E % All Small Machinew kept consthntly on hand, an on the shortest possible noticdat m'anufa<:tLxre:s 1 to their warranty. W4-.. _ _ LU NIIUII nu I u u n .- . J` > l.IBElAL DISCOUNTS. ALLOWED TO CASH CUSTOMEIIS. _ RI~`.PAllb "FOR. ALL MACHINES SOLD ICEPEC IN STOCK. Sole agents for WILSON S Double Action AFANNING MILL_ -Barrie, May 1st, 1874. \E`s;i***Isi1%:ii: ` new Book cunlphed espccin nnrmu-E Souivlle. Il (20111! LtO;f . 5 (0 Ihii: v , ..... HOOK Cl)lIIp;|cu Cay-.\ purunce cumulus u in A NEW GLEE BOOK tms. (`Jmrusx-s, em-,,_Ingelher. \vilh_ I II`: V! ULEI: uuun tms, with as ' new mc?o0.'u-s wrmen e.-pecinllrlbr llnnla.`-, Sn.-wnrl. l)ro ssIcr,m1doxher .-..n -n-unrnum: || I )n|nl:S;'S17u\\`nrI. Dro'ssler, and other wen-an PER -TEMPEANl}E USE _ I Sam pa-.r_cxprcs.I, for $7 50 per dnz. Se: ' - ' v 7 ,_n.\ ...-.. | . I Hi - I tMI`t:m\I\I_bI: uot. cams encn. pP,r.t:3pl'(`s.i, $7 Send your orders early, as we slnqll ll them in the order recg:i\'.cd. Sen! pus!-paid, on reccipl of?!) cents. ' - - ' ` Address, J. '1. Pl'2'l`F`.R. 590. Broadway, N. Y. (P.(), Box 5429.) \_,|_g_;_g_ .n..n..a`-...._ ___- 'l-`he Best Pmnn Instructor: Peters l*Zclc('llr'.. ...... .1 The Best Rex-(l Organ Instructor : ` l{Inkol s New Mt:llI0d.. . .. ,. . . . . -The Best lnslruc-lor fur the Voice: ~ 1-udxlc-.n .< Scluiol for the Voice. . The Best Gnimr lnslruclur; I . ` \\'0rmll?s Guitnr. . . . . . . . .. . ... The Best (,`/nllcmion fur'Mulz>Vo|ces: 'SnugerI`csl....... ......'.........i The Hes`. Collection for Mixed Voices; No, Plus Ultra Gleeliookn... '. The Best Collection for Church n`nd Home,- 'l'he C|u. The Best School Song Book : - . Fairv-liclxnes..............,.... The Best instructor for Accordion .- 8:.-dgwick s (`.omplcte Me.-lhod. . . 'l_`l;e Best lnslnlclor t'9r(}unvenini1 .-V ` ` l~`_cdgwick's Complete .\lc.-Ilmd. .'. _ .... ,.v 1 -u -1.1 ..--a -..:. unuf; -. ., .__, ' V \Ve;wou1d call the amymuun 0 I Teachers In mlrnuw work; FAIIIY ECIIOI-`.S as being the latest and best work *A NEW MUSIC an K Dcyunnmn ls unequalled, and the Music is all A :10, Fresh, (NI F.'rmHing--nny l\\`o Dil'l.e.= Lving worth lhe price of r-no numm c-nunm Q 2119 W`: -'"v"= u-. l\\'o'piL-net: worth lhe prwe M J". _ . l)`1e }vork. Sgmp lc E9FE,Kl!r!p.!'c9Q},i:231330';::::.::: Address. . . ' i5[).l_eAn`did 'Vah.1eJ!-1 THEM BEFORETPURCHASING ELSEWHERE. BOOTS Am; gSfii6Es,\ -ru-rvr\5r1-In I ll II! I . tutti " INKEUH. 1) mm v 1 _ _ , . . A I n n - m Q n n ` DE R. NEILL 9.a;*.:sm:::.:.`::`::i: ready with aful`. assortment of Goods for the Spring Trade, which will be found of rst-class quality, and of the NEWEST STYLES. A8 _naua.l he will be found to for money. He will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. - Order work in the Latest. Styleh. ' J BARREE Acmm.IuaALwAR_HousE 1 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. l A(}ne:D0.01f H sI gr me MARKET STREEVT.` :7? L A DIES',` GENTLEMENS`, I ` A NI") (3 Fl .--0'-- ` , The subscribers are` prepared to furnish sash, Doors, Mould||ngs.'WInd6n' ` ' A \ V T Frames, Blinds. &c_, M` THE LOWEST POSSHIBLE-PRICES. -..._.. Pinned Lunxbernlweye on hand or done to order. Parties requiring anythingin tbeqbove line, ere invited to g vo a call before purchaa~ lug elsewhere- ` ' _ . , _ - The no out manufacture in American Mach: -nary just detjl to the Establishment, making i one of the most complete north of or in the . cxgy of 'I'oronto.l _ ..__.... - . _ b . Opposite the Barrie Foundry, Collier Strget. ' Lumber taken in exchenee. . Liberal Discount w'0..rpenters. _, .-- Sqnare Timber for building purposes ` nu hand. ' ' ' ` ' - .;:..s ruousueu (mu. mu um , L; 9gmzns, 599, Bn'('>1i1"\$i'A"i"'iv. Y. {PRINGL/IPORTATIONS. Equurc on hand. or In Ilu. Idg for lllf |'D I MOO. TE. 1?" . MACEY & CHRISTOPHER. B'an-ie', April l6t' ,'18'f4 ` 18 I! BUY YOUR mAncLo1u, BOEsl(INS, lent lWx::'st1: 1v(-.Iox' _ Complgle .\Vlc.-Ihod. .Y rIcc. Published and Mailed, postjrairi, by nunlivnn unn nnnnuluv KT Shovels, % % LBAR"R|,E;b L V one poo: war or wo0ns'A`naueAs1o:";. CEW VSASE A: noon FACTORY, m I _ L PLANING MILL.` ' .-n..-- nu, uu u ~u| Address, - 'I Atnoxqxng; E`s'rAja1guM1m'r, If you innt 19" but `I115 `worth of your money. Be>m`emVbr_'t.he.Stand`-- -- v~?~R.WINN1NG~` .-wu_:.._.g .m...."~ :;I3:'In54_m r::mua}as. and gqt your SUHITS mde aj: 7:79.009 FIT! :;%%\\ii:gmNLnrs . R. cnmuiusu luige number m we: -4 E B U knuwn 'l`en1pt.-mm`e Sung!-I. Glee:-. Quar_- :1 choice coll:-cnun 0! Lvrmen e.pecin1ly`l`orl1ns work by Hays. I. sslcr,mn| other well-km`nwn.A ulhors. unrnnllnl` IIOC Price, `.|`{. SOME RARE TBACTIONS :3 I13 I91 VI [Ll ?1fifi$ BRG$., . n 111nz-'1D"t7 1).... ., Ldress, J. '1. run 590, Broadway , ` -(V var -ya -RwIJBI-.3-17;i:`s, &i:} 3" ` ` Lb: `V! IAVa.\..g`.`.` g-Qvnd-it.2.H-__1.T?Snn6er`e State. _ is -5: * 3133!!-; V *2 xiii J. L. l'I:'l`El1s, _ 599, Broadway,N,\'_ Leasur_il!:; mmmua`, _ AND OEILDR ENS , W B. Lawn . M `()we_rs, nt.`A`I`.12`R IN .II.J.I' F.J.l.J 1- .u..-- The best Sewing Machilxe - Neajti door to. TI -`.RS. 54 29.) ,.-u Harrow, Platform "Scales, V -LKJ _-.2 :. DEALERS. IN __ us WARE IN -..w1-15-Iru iVllO `.1 E! said A, Ant` Rakes. , ' 5 hand, and large `machines furmsh'ed ufacturens prices and terms, and subject . u..u-rnn hr * P. HICKEY, punzo} sneer, A ` `1=3a.:rr1e.; 1 1 l`__- yothers the trade. Sole , the` celebmted ` " '* - nrrrrx -rww GROCERIES, FLOUR,. . < FEED, FIELD 8: GARDEN ' ' SEEDS, F RUITSJVEGETABLES, GENERAL PROVISIONS, V AND EARTHENWARE. 1 Everything bought that Farmer-a_ h we to sell, upd the lughs-at Ms.rkeL1 ricea paid. .0 .\ :._.-_.1.. - .1- L.....:.-ma- arm! will `call mlkii%5`= E%i.`Em7 `NEARLY OD_OU_RLESS. `Best Grade of 0ilbManu|'aclured SOLD` WH0Lr-:s'ALE1 AND RETAIL Machine aTm1 Paint Oils con- stantlv cg hand. ? STEAM;H@TA1R&HUTWATER F UR N A C E S V-IEICKQB-Var -- ---- NEXT l`I!E OLD 1+'1"R}s411;LIJ; 35in. s. 5 A Eu,% For the sale 01 ln tbelatest rnd Vmoat sciontic.';,riuciples'. . _He also makes A;}p1icnlion' for Au. 'I dtent :0!` which is being `made. Iron Pips and Pumps of all kinds _al_ways on-`hand. All kinds of cornice work, ` pl..mbing, and bell hanging done. `ri-run`? cw ml 1 II ! II I'\Tl`1 I n.n.L1v\,-xv.-..-..-. ___-- In :11 its brancben`promptly,nea.tIy and cheaply pxocuted. ~ , ' JOIIEI PLAXTON, Dunlop|St., Burie. Mm. El 19'! ` . ` 45-1_v LJTJ1`% i`I"""L 193i if "'5 7I1'"Vf}<%_ Tuixunn nnawnnss `sunF:Aci-:J o1=?suBs1I1ruri\ {A RRIE FU hN ACE WOB..KS-`! HEATERS ANTI-.FRICTIQN METAII!` \lI .A.I.-. -.. .4 in Canada. Woons'n.nuG STORE.` Kl -,--- _ The second meeting of the Cnurlof Revision cf A the Assessment Rollo! the 4'-______---_ .'- nnnnll-ll lrow3%iiflE;Ii}}!?F!*%`\ ' Ililliunu UI_ IIIIIIVI -- - ' Will be held on Samrday, _ . " ` nxneth nu or 1874 . n ;_._ ll ....-`. Tonal-n. v:lh` Of Vicld|`iI." Lilli VIM: -r-u Al Adam Myor`s 1 !!.."'9. C|k in *3; Fprlisv, -.-u.-- The aubncriber. isprepzired to build `Gd Iuu ' din 5 Mark! ...ohnrlI T Phlm MACHINERY 011., [fare Enginne Oil! 3' V _._...__n_.---__<.....__. -_..._ `1DU1}'l`...0F REVISION. P.1F. EwAN.| Has just been ope.-n;ed By I s.'o. DUNCAN-C ARK}; 00's: WATSON & C0, &c., &c: upra- Lgihl: I` To an ru n~A'r._ - AND. -_-QAND-_ 3]. VS IIIJLVJI, Av: A 1 Tavgrn, Vallage of Violating lb "noon. . sngiggrx Ross. , Front street, Balrx-iev Dru ggists, HUDB _TpL dleiko. mitt` 9 I mice is henreby given, that the Co oil wnll pass a By-Law_, after four 0 me- { ` . . . 0 mblicsuions of mu; notice I the ca H8 Ann.-.~cL_ ewspnper, pub)-shed in th Town of Barrie, establish a certain R0" for a },_.x'1,(, Hz_ hwny" across -Lo! _N ('a..I:amnco I erves. 3ul cone esslox aurveygd by W_.,1;m z, I1.q., P.L.., Q descnbpd by mm as full ws:-Commenc g al'a_ pom: in Ltmeenma o_f 11o'wancef_or_ r=ad, bel_ween .. ,-...-.nzLnnxH ird concessi s.'l'av.d1slaul 32, A. lsmjJ_ANnL0Ksmj"p`ii2sT1 .-..--. r\'r\ UULVLUL7 'd31l.TDl.'a 1, ya. uuuaaaag Where he is prepared to: execute all -oggn enlrusledm him with neatupspnd depp_al_qh. .U.'J.&.LvAu.L wvu Would reapooxfullv intimate to the p_ubIlo Il':_|t;' ha ha REMOVED Iolhdpremisjeu lilo"-" 2 ly occupied by MR. MuHENRY, ' SADDLM, ' [Nun noon To Hum-`a Su.ooN,] n'rn\7r4nr-..q'r'RIaF."I`. BARRIEI ' PUW DER,SHU'l`,UAl ,'anu AMMUH I 1 nun of all kinds kept couslnntly on tiilid. I3"SEWING MACHINES REPAYRED .Q ELL o wA||[|`|'E|) to give sftisfnction. UNI IIIIA [ll IILHIIIIS I) D `II rlpnu [S wan-nmei to cure all discharges from the , Uriuhry Organs, in tmher sex. acquired or aaonstitutional, Grate! nud'Pti_n5 in the Back.` Sold in Bonn, 43 6;! each, by All Chelplpta and Pntant Medicine Vendors. 1 -n. n,,,_.__ n -r Plvnnnn 03-8 ` ecial attention givmto Revvzivingi; POW ER, sum`, CAPS,'and Annoy ITION nf all kind: kanl conslnntlv hit. VEIBIH BIGCHCHIO VOlNlOl'lu - ' Sole Proprietor, F J. `CLARKE; APOTHEUARIES HALL, LI_`."70LN, ENG. .ua=&'-A-`o'_n -nnvu_ - ' 'l. aIFl|I'l:`~A[I5III,lo Burgoyne, Burbidgea &_0o., Coleman street, `London. - ., ` Newbery & Sons, 3'! Newgate mm. Ldndon; Barclay & Sons, 95`-Fnrringdon gtreet. London. Sanger Sons. Oxford street. Londdn. ~ 7 Lnll the London Whuleule Hansel. ' ` .f Agent; In Cannda. Montreal-Enns, Mercer Vt _ 00 Dmgglltl. ., Lymuu,-0lare & (Yo. : - Tor0n!o-EllioI .I. 8 0o , Wholesale Drugglsta. Slnptel` & Owen. - . V Hamilton--Wlner 8 Oo._ _ . Iiulifaa:-Avery, Brown Gr. Co. _ V 41-'ly ., Wheleaale ` Dxbluc. 46-lg ax-r Hum-fa SA Loom] DUNLO1 .smz:1_=:'1'. Bantam." IIIL--- L- 2- -...o.....-.I tn. nvnnnln all 'nld'fI Um centre of uuwunw I.U}_ "'1'"; UU|_.W=W lhv second nndx ird concessu '8, lay,d1laul 3., 1-Easterly 1.; haine,.45 1mka_ from gbe Nc.uLx-\\'es1 angle {Lot . A.; and being 1c:aain,551;nka No.11]-W a\er_ly from when Mid ceuue line of am c cessnon meets the gduetzf SI. Amhew s I. , thence South, 55 Q,;',j3.1u1 6.00 chains ; once Soulh, 76, 00 E-1.~u7.' chains; the ca oulh,56 35 , East ' .L,. K! nluu limit nflhn rnn Ill Ih av. hon nut j_' IHU ..U[l]!I(I'.lJ_I\|5|II Ill` I.l|II_Il in the 4th Con. of laygbamz _but No. 8, ll ch.-awed well,1imber(d with Pine and Hard- ...,.,..a ...m.:.. n mH9 of the hlidland Railroad.` well,1imberm wnn rme nnu unru- wood, within a miie of the Railroad,` two milafrom Hogg Buy. For pm-tienlu-l`np~. ply to . MARTIN MOOR ; , ' Barrie. V _. . _ . .....u can a,- A six and`, 3-half octuo Pinno,by Puton, in good order Indiana. Cnnbo seen at . HR. FREEMAWS I`nInH*I-nun Rlnvn J42-tr ounox or. cLAmua's 3 4? m_u.s I -1A1:-1.311015` On our: :1 hnhnroal ffi |..!.._ +_ _ The subscriber o'era for 3110 cheap, and on easy trms', the following valuable property, ":1; :-A one ntorey end 1-haltframov dwelling the fouosnug vamame propersy, viz. :-A one storey house and 5 acre lot, situate in the village of Sunnidale, township of Sunnldsle; there is a. good pump` and never felling water supply on the lot. He also oers {or sale 8 } sore lots aijoining the aforesaid house The nbove property is eligibly aitnsted,wlthin onemile from New Lowell Station. For further perti- calars apply [if by letter post paid] to WI. GLENN, Alana null B|Il'sA_ 44-ti! ,1 11" \l'IIlJJ-lfu . -. .3 :.-x_. u---:- -. -, .VALUABLE FARM FOR. SALE. Raina tha Went l Lot 11. in 1211: Con. Town- 0' we mm D-ul, Act. p.--T35-1!-I_P8'0`N .. intimate m the nubllq V V Being the West} 11, ship of lunisi, distant from Burris 3| milcl, And from Allandale 2 miles, and ' thin the circuit of a.'mile than urn several Gr > Sim, and other Milia. the Villnge of Psi with" in Churches` Post Oce, School, 1 _ Qn mm! clu loam. 60 sort! it` Barrie, Feb. 25th "13. `.`.\/\\.`~\\`.\\ WURSALE i+ ...... ..... V fenced, with frame Burn, Granary, BI;'obl`e,_ Churches` roar uxnvo, ovum, ..-,!_.,.,_ Soil good clny loam, ilvjea Hanson, and qttre buildings. 'l'on",ncra ot Fall When in.g'x-ound. . _ POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. o..+ Ar mmehua money can remaili on Marta ' P055 l'Jn3a31Uu 1 uuuuu4a 7: u.u ; . Put of pnrchuo money remain Mort- gate. For further particulars enquire of nonsar cox, or JOSEPH ROGERS, Burio. _' . up ,,-I_ 4a..) In!!!) ~ 1 This Pro any lien on the shore of the Gear- gian Buy. in com osed of Lots 114-and 115 in the TOWNSHI OF `PAY. contnining 200 Acres. It is hitunlod wltnln Ii mile: from Penetuugniuhene, 1 mileifrom Midluud City, and { mile ftom Mandy : Bay. There in I rat-clan ln.n_d`ing for lvenol: at the beach or srticn III I to F P 9? JAuns nonms, manna Oity. - t..1- rm. min. 7 294: )1ANO FOR. SALE CHEAP FOR IVAQII P`,m,0g or \)u'rAR.l0, of the County qf Sim- t uL'.\"i'Y or Smcon coe.-- v A11!/ze matter 0/ ' - ' - ' Thomas Edward Bawson, . - an Insabvent. CANADA. 7 hi the County Court Bmie March 3rd, ma ____. ___ l1L\\J I. CASH. at-- xl , Irom mu.- irg. and vromoles its "growth and Itreqqth. Ca~ Indian Hair Balm? renders Ihe_ lmr tofu and glossy .|ndislh,o_m`oI el:nt=l_:aIr dguuin ever omits: the V ` V" nulum Hur B m"in - -'..-at `.:asa.`I1vfn'-wan-muted-(rec from injurious In- Bhrd to pinbhc. " Unnauuan nur Dluu" us not Irdyegil iavnrnnled tree in'utiouI II it the clnenpeu and but . . Eb . % g Prlqecuporboltle. "I-`J; July 17th, 1872: ]'ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR J" SALE. . ._ ` - ~.~.\-n\\\\.'-\\\"~\\x\.\\/\~rs.\.-\\w~4-dw\Iur .. S A L E . TWO ..UNDRED_AcBES OF L Ill! L N 3: b 'l`ay.`lgo_mz__ 0t 9. OUSE .& EIGHT LOTS FOR SALE IN SUNNIDALE. ~~~~~ xx--\sxx\\x\.x~z- c.w---- V i~IEW . - n.rl'1 Ha. ria._ WI. ULENN, Nelson Home, Barrio. s. r'mmmnn'n Furniture Store, 7 Dunlap St., Bnnie. nun pnuu prevents the hair` Irom (all.- mnlln Ca- _-w----.- ` 3. e5 1 1 13-3 <>%`f`r} m mmnman nuns +1. '1` l_tISDDI)Iu turn 1}. _-_,.,-. .;-o-. .. -.u ,. '1' A UREA J. L\l`4vUvA4v.v Far thxext three months, for Cull-only; in` crgdit will be given. All past due account: must be pnid forthwith, or con: will it In- curred without further notion. ANDREW GRAHAM. .. .. IL1. qu.L uann rhgm Ai'1'A Fin mane: {W992 % Wt: A.?.'i.`. ..`fi'::| l`\ ,`;" ].;.1i[ U.UU Uuunnu, n wuuu uuu-u, Iv , vv g,,_.u7,1f- 0u.lh,. 56 E8 {,_11 chuinslolhe N nher lomll oflhe road .. ..... kulltfn I Is and . Pik- [NELSON Hou_sE| , ' T W` ' ` ` _ % MR. NELSON be mnrom the public that ha but just open out Inigo consignments o Ayn wmjsn coongj :\ 5 omp1;IVa`i'ug?ne\v`f';Blnk aid Blue Brosdcloth; Whitneya, Melton B.s_van, Pilots Scotch, English and unudian '|`woo(`9; the but I_n the lurk. - cuamzpaso *c..n:-'.....anR Goods. ' LADIES . DRESS GOODS __ m_:......:..... nunmu knit]: `The Tailoring. Department ll _ .._A.... cl..- -nu.-cnlnnnnna hf II`. A. KIRIB- [IV I. au.\nu.n5_ llvru-A u--_. . In-under `tho suponntendonce of Mr. A. Melisa. Aoompleu t. gunmnmd. ' _ THE GIIIIIEEIIY I)trAIuII_:Iu I WI be found well nookod in I hues. Pnrti cum attenti3n called to Tau. Wheat, nrley and Roth bough, nnd the higheit um.-kot prleo in nnh will be nnid. nun l.'_0l'K D0ugu', sun in Cnh will he pnid. To the Queen and Royal Family 5 To. R. H. the Prince of Wales (specml Ap'nt); And to several Indian Potenlnten, F.reign" G-ovcmmenls, and Kuhn Companies, ` Established I7 9. (J. Vyv All-lQVIhI\r-vv WATCH 6: CLOCK MAKER. GOLDSMITH. SILVERSMlTK.AND ARTISTIC METAL WORKER. P3122 Muuus1 or `nu: Lounou, Dvnnm, AND Pun: Exxuarrxom. Makor of the Chronograph by which lba.Derby and all other Race: and Grant Event: 0! the - Dug are timed. MA2inc1onY AND in Hounx--68 c} 60, LUD- ' GATE HILL. V GA'l'E HILL. Wxs"r Bun Ea1mnL1snx:_nn-25,0LD BOND ST, up 99, WESTBOURNE GROVE, LONDON. MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS. AND WHOLE- SALE BUYERS are specially invilod-bofore sending their orders ehnewln.-re-1o obtunn [tom the Manufactory the ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE of WATCHES CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY, and ELPECTRO-PLATE..whicb are sent post frue, as not oul Ire the discounts liberal, but a selection can made from the largest stock in lhexvorld. Ordpm cnn be sent Mac: to the Mnnllfaclmy. untgeut munmroco uy. 29-if ntiysvay II un 1:1, __1;-115.. . I f, bI1UlI`J' .|J,l\.l';DD ~\1UUuu Suph _a| Drain Trimmingl, Button, Enids Gunpa, Ribbons, P:-`nu, Ootgonu, 83., be. stock in lhexvorld. Orders can tent d3roc Mnnunfactooy, Ludgate Hm, or through Merchant: or Shippega in Enaumn. ` , ' huugnxe run,- in Esoumn. \II A "FIVV \VA'1`_(:Hl-.3` . ' . Ul)UUI\3 Ofalll:indsfrorg12to200 Gus. Ofallkiaulxfm 2 (01000 On: Lever, Venicul, - Chnrch,Turrel, Horizontal. Dupiex, ` Carriage, Chime, . Chronometer.Chronograph, Dining and Drawing-zoom. Key-lass. Centre Seconl, |HaIl, Shop, ` Rvepeatelmlndfun am, .- 1Libran:,Bnckel,&c. r:w-.t_Iqu nnMnHI CLOCKS. nninnml hv uuhiouday the Twentiv-ninth day of June nut, the nudversigqed w1ll- `nppb to the Judge usai.i Court for u mscharge undr t '0 _ .)1n Secondl, lflall, Shop, Rvepenten. lndEan ENGLISH ORMOLU CLOCKS, dui ned by English Amuu. and Mnnufaclured by J. BIN- sou, far exceed` iniaoauty Iholo rnnnnllctur-d abroad. They can only be ob_luiv.ed at this estab- Ii:-hment. ` . FINE ART BRONZES AND CHIMNEY ORNAMENTS, ofthe newest duigi1|.n-om Con- tinental atelier: ol the highs! `reputation, at mod- erate prices. ' A n1'm'nc Gom Jaw:-11.1327. of the richest and LU: Barrie October 22,1873. prices. .Axu'na'rzc Oonn Jaw:-:1.t.:ntI most exqmsito designs, with onogrumc,Crost:, and Devices, Enamlled in Colours. utter Designs by the most ncvom%liIhed Artintav in the Precious Metals. Brooches, raceletl, Neckllcn, Lockets. Ringn,and all kind; of bsjmuoric, as supplied to Members of the Court and other Distinguished Perlonagas. . . Pn.I:u.n'rA'n on Pr.n:-'I'eutimoninln ofdi`erent Perlonages. Pn.I:u.n'r:mon sons. Racing Cups, and Jewelled and olher Boxes, provided bv-Mi-.B:xooN for the Cor poralion of London and other Public Bodies, lo enclose documents cnnvoyin the Freedom uflhe City lo the Prince of Wales,` uke 01 Edinburgh, &c.,&c. _ - ` sum AND ELECTED-PI..u'l In lho most recent &c., dtc. SILVIB. AND in mogt fashions. and of the moat durable mike. In Electra Plate iris neceuaary to ho.-cute sound ma- `lerinla and a autcient coating of silver lo renint daily wear and tear utiatutorily No other as retail cheap at nnv price, not worth bu tug. ntchm and Ciooln ropaiaed by ski led work- rea`l`|,y prico, worm nu alqhoo repulsed by men. Old Silver, Jewellery` `.`. nl'oheu &c., ex- changed. Merchanu. Shipporsmnd Clu supplied Walches,Clock Jewcrory, and Plue nenllo `ll parts oflhe wor d; mun nn .1-you nun mnnnnm-n I3: Dun V nun any Ivnvu Iv Mufi}AL msunnnca co'v| ,.,n J.:.... .l__ 1).`- D....'...... [named on Cub System and on Pteminm Note System Premium Note Poligy Holdors tn not liuble for any losses on cut: Iyuom poli- cies, as they in in u. dierent brunch. Hones and Cattle Insured Alalnsl Death. _ Ayn: amen mu TBIIIJNTIJ _u_ n-._-.1:_.. n .... .. ant... chin nlnla FARM. J:'.tt.UJ-'.nu:I.'1.' 1 ` I III. Dan I an ruin: I turn: - w I: the only Canndinn Company doing this class of busiueu. General Town and Village Busi- ness (loan in Mercnntilo Bunch. which in en- tirely sepnrnte from Branch. on 113,- _,_. 1.. 1-_____ ___J urexy lepnrntc uuu: uuuuu u. wellings in Towns and Villages V Insured at _Lovmj Rqteu thnn_those pf spy other PEACHES, FEARS DAMSONS, & A '1ioMAToBs,- % % BEANS. 1% PEAS, } %%% cov{oYs'rHasy, SALMON, ~ A LOBSTERS; ' `---mp; V A rum (`D `can I `LION U9 Lower Rates thnn those of may Oovnpnny doing bnainus. Our motto is - -- .1... 11...: -n.:..1-..' ......l '31:, We BENSON. . 1. n1 nnv IJAIIITD nnr.n.sxMl" U0`npIuy uulug uumuvin. vvu Ulvtnv -- Low gates. gfod, Bigks and ' rom ` aymen B, ` gather (1% his: the Doubtful Risks \ ` rjaleit (`an at. Who ever heard of ' di(!I_ _ 'u1-ingthelomelnent of claims for loss In the Benet? . Genonl Mercantile Rinks hum-ed in this ' oco at very low nten, fully on fth less than Ron`:-Ir nmnnnipn Annlv to T4 THE GRIIGERY DEPARTIEIT IF lb: foun_d all --u....:.... ..n..-I m 'I`nA|. Wham. I OTC`-Q BY. very Iuw I'Iu:I,1 Sldck Companies App R. JUDSON D DUTY`!!- Otlico out Well: Bros. `Drug Store, opponilo McWa.u _g Ban-is Hotel. " -- '1 !y-1:!) 4 `_a-`-- NEW BRICK BLOCK,` Family; R. H. the Prince (smut SLASH: WATCHES Ln`.-J: fuim Q tn`)II'I ---- 7' ------- STEAIEES mom maw YORK nvnav 'runsnu,'rmmsnu AND suunnu. Pusnazn. Aooouuonu-xou Unonnsnn. - - -4 __---'_. 0...... nuunnian Brldn QUIIIIIVIHI In nun..." . Cnbin 065 to 900 gold, nceohling to steamer and location of berth. Return tlckota honed :1 reduced ntel. Intel-median nnd Stelgrngo as low as any cum- > - ' Ine- I-`pt punge or further infornmlon, apply to Elondonon Brothers. 1 Bowling ` Gun, New 1 ark. or wait Amt. A. ll. llcPnoo,omk 7 any! Tn`-cantor: . 3.33., FARM PROPERTY and on Sumn N Is still doing the ._h'g Business. _l'aoor by iolnrping it to ,.__.______..z_..__---__j_._____. 0S'l`.-A Pt ckat Book coutoining popoto ond o Note of Hond for 1158.95. Any pandn having found tho oomo nil! oonfot o . , `E. S.`MI-JEKIICG. Payment of tho noto boo boon otoppod u {ho Bonk. . - L ' . - - O LET.-A Inigo nun work abs and` eight rooml, now oceuphd by It. hart` R9111, ounnnlopslnot. Bank. to i " . } '1`. W. (330 N, u * Rxolmp Ola, on: Bank Ooummo. _Z.___-- "'i*' BEAVER AND TORONTO .__-_-- ' -nag-n:nlIQ1 Q; .L .l. .l. 1.5 3 `- AT REDUCED RATE &c., #6., tc..";c-`H G R E AT REDUCTION` ._A H.--` onAnC`\I hut nAlh'IIh2 ASIIIIGRR. AUUUIIUIIAInvn v--....._--._ Bstu of puugo-from Suspension Bridge ` or Bnhlo 4 .1 A -- A A No tc is hereby given that the Count!` of Tuy '11 pass a By Law, afther fo_ur con on- law put` catiotlsofthis Notice tn the ADV not z`\`.:wa.pnp , pub1tahed_ in the Town ot arrie, tn ustublis at road for a public Iii hwny tu'.tn..A Lula I (f{-m:ess`mn', y, surveyed by Pete Bumet, ` E-q.,2utd desc 'bed by him as .' .l)v;s:- (fmzfmeucittg at point in I 'l` botwe fi{:y' links. lrom centre of said Townlt concession line betwe n E.tve,ntlt Concessions 0 T '. t`-'*` 30 , East tstcnams 19 Ii -`1-2 40 , West Att- chains i\'.rtt_t 121 10', \V`s=.: 6 ch ns ltuks;theuce North 11, [Cast 8 chat 5 6 links; thence Nmth33'l()',We>t1'1c i1ins9 inke;lhenc8 Nmth l`J`-',W-at llcir ns 101-nk muzaurless ,thenca North ti; thence North Jinks; thence and Tuy, Dacet 1:03 to be centre {mad benrtngs. 1*.--ml -.0 be es at. in Width. A plan 0 ni_d Mm! may be .ech at'tl.e office of the un :- uL~1`cat'ton, Thursday May `It mbers l and `J. in We 1-` arenth -- Tc.) GI ANGEQ_B_.__ LINE. BY very IOW |'Il6I, Hilly Ulla nun was unu- Oompnniea V App! to R. JUDSON D YLE General Agent $11 a Dintrict, Sound. or to Q30. A. ROBINSON, Tmvnlnn Aunt. ants, and xunway u Eotublished I749. |ND UITY I101!!!- . av unn|:rva'rn_9H, Qf YYUUI DIIIDUIIIIVIA Univ`? , snow, Lxvnroop, Loxnounnu, Qunnx-on or Bunsr : Ann 0. an amid. meoidinn NELSON. -9 A uunmuun, 'fnvo1Hn Agant. Ban med. in ;. Ed wan! ;` Ill tlmof cmcxs Hnult I'm 9 (A10 Run I '1-3:; `mt. _ Barne- A-uusahg 7tom1ny suck h; i than I e1`re'r' {Eli re," cqnsisting in pa_).1t@ " ii "splendid varietyz ,qf,, choice new Dress Good * inrm, and Alpaccisy Warp Lnstrea, and an immense stock of Bright Black.'tres, and Mourning Goods Black 3 ands`c61orQ'd, D1.`'ess:8i ` Cqttons, Prints, Lin . n L 5" f`I`M`PO R'I`AN'f ti '1'21_:E{Eii{ET.i>/.11!`-'19; ji ' DISPENSARY. -A " V-.' ._.;. . DwgI`Modicinea,'a.nd Chem1ods,?eriE'n':dy V and Toilet Amcleu, Pnfnt'a,.;blII, and Wsxnlshel, God on,` ,1 Burning Fluid, Dye Shh, Pipes, Tobiccca, and Uigan. My apoclnlity in univex nl mum- tion to :11 par- :o In I 0 1 . _ . Largest and Boot Se clad saek"1}$7nigh- oi. saop Aoonsmuw yr A1fI._HoUas.- ms Menia HALL! :r. vvoons; ,1, ;JL- -" "" ACT OF 1359. [EL _.-'_-, DEALER IN PURE ADBIIBS AND CHEMICALS. . FANCY PEBFUMES, Patent Medicines, &c. All kinda of jorse and Oattle Medicines, kc. Pbysiciannwrescriptom,and Family Ro- ceipta prepared with due care sud accuracy. 09]] in. `I-13 __ ._ , ._T':1--_:-'*,--_'::'_Z.1'!:1*."_~.Tj4 mm L013 ST., wnsw, BARBIE. n .sr_-':- PU RVIS BROS. enru u:w:\:'r Irnn RIM(`t()l1 I <.>_.T?j'f EAD our Record of,| which in never been equalled by any Sewing Mn- ` chino in Canada. ' nr. rnbevr n12!'7l:`Q (OHIO ID U!\Il&(ll . 25 FIRST PRIZES, 3 SECOND PRIZES, n IHDT I-`or Eamon 0lHl`S;i.u 31 FIRST PRIZES, 7 SECOND DRIZES, 0 IVIDTI ' IL l.J\JL'L4| -J, I-`or Season $1.872. Thousands are now in use, and giving PERFECT SA TISFACTION. [Every Machine Warrant- hed and Guaranteed ,,u_ -n n... .._:..-:....I Puhihhinnc in \\JuIvI,\.r n-auu\p`g, SOLE AGENTS FOR SIMCOE, For the (`,cIeIn-Med FLT'f'1\ '6 | rxru '\TII [gmgmn a:-100133 2; cu Bu \l uwawaavvvun At. nurly ail the principal Exhibitions in Onnuds for the last four years, the 0abo'n bu trlumphany curried oi!` the ___...-. use-51:-rrvn 0, twin? r\!\.l IQ Ell -05 1' YILILDO co MIL uununu our nll competitors. Not the least. brilliant achievement was that wonvby it at the Guelph ` Central Fair. w_hen for three clays it was-pm in competition with the Howe, Wheeler 8 Wil- mn, Rnvmond. and other leading Arnorirgn oll Wll U10 HUWIS H uu-wr D `II II" :::weRnymond, feuding American I uni Cnuudlnn Machines, gnd Wu gwtuded the 1.1 1 D c '1" D I! 1 7 Ta`. 1` 1 u. s.) L 1. In 1 u u by competent snd practical men, not interest edit: any 0! the mnchineu. Such judge; we 3 gony to any, no not to be found at some of on County Show. 7 ALL T3021? IN WANT or A CLASS7MA -` A --=nA -Mhin in II` K/Ldxluu . at 3 price within my GENERAL I PEEE&T DEAL RS, - llccm-tin : Buck Block. Dunlap St., South Side, . BARR! E. Wnvnmhnv QR. `R73. 46-63 M E Am the bostvfortbo -' 'H|l8ElMT|0IOFTIIE E~YE8|(:|lT. Gianntwl: to give Perfect qdncllor. . . r on; n.nmnrnn . ~n...n_. n._., lvll DQAIHUA HASTINGS, _- Bpnb,On8ar;.; Duorlptin Oixouh-I on pppllouion . Ayt 20. um. ' 2 .~.`-;:"7 13. BLAGK'S PATENT V sPHEnn1pMp;gcrAcLEs I T,Hay 1, 1874. ululuyuuuu J FIRST PR1ZI.3Sv:S-c"i)`li _I.'(-)'MAS .-_ _n Nat the least. bx-illiu V\.I.LI\J _L.!I.J.I `siawmc J1l_0H!NE! ilontnbor 28, 1873. IN (MI), SILVER AND` STEEL, .prico lb 0, H, ".05 . ' than Cullnn Examine the show. 1\"TT'\'ITl ' __ - _ _ Jos. LUCKE. Illlu muuunuvu, gun: vv-u .- FIRST PRIZE --;....o .n.! vunnlh-n! mnn_ nnti ..J.-_E .__KI'DD. ` v.(7nlrclIa7|5u) '"Vi"bs fiwnb xoan NOTICE.` uima . L\, 2 UIPLOMA S, .0 I fl .\v1lJl.`4k) . 2 DIPLOMRS ' n Q~I \l'\l Sn 46-6: llcs Act, and In 0 matter 0 Nortl:-luslf rlhe East- hal t [.01 num er Iourteen`, in th fourth nncesslon oi the ao nshi of 1VIOd0lll6,1_ II the Con ty fslmcoe. Information rcquir 8 lo the heirs at law `Of 3-.;;.\ Muzrm Cums who obtained a patch: -1 the uhuve properly `ro the Crown, on the 9th day oI'Jauuurv, I83 ,nnd iw ' W '1'utz--n.v/ u`pof ' -Im1en.,i1 `I -at and A.i.l1'1I.~ un, in` the \'.~-un:u1.snn ., 0' lzrue.-town xm U.'E. Loyahsl. I mrmauo .10 be given to Mes \\-l1u_vs, S Icilora, of Barr e.__in th County 6!` .`:'.1m'oe to - GEO. E.HOLME-ST D, n..a..m= nl"l'illes. `oronlo. GEO. I-.`.uum\1n-a 1 1 _ Reteree of 'l'illef3`,V 1-at nus tau. day of May, 1874. L i1TVFmEiiINS\ QAD NOTICI EEAVERQ Dunlap Hvonlj-. ivlaion` I nah` W|+i'(;6T`;0Ii$ & paints '0 which we invite particular attention. Thso Goods are of our ownimponntion-, and are the best value wa ever pffued to the public._ 7 ,.__.__g I715 Jill ,_l1th dayvofvkiay, 1874. ? Dre`s.a Goods - --...-- ..-- COMPARISON. SOLICITEI). - Qur Splendid PRINTS at 10 cu. 4 " Stout white co'r'ro1u axle c_ _ 37 Inch Fine c0'l"l`0N8 at 1910 snmaunas at 1610 so on. St-amleu`Josepl|InTe Kllllat ` $1.00; sold elsewhere at 31.95. '- Our Blocker Plain pad Fancy MILLINERY &; MANTLES *-.... 0 in ron.t'VII'l_C`i 3 , `V and gugq pr! HI Ktvnl I uu.--, - _ and etjow prlellll a0!I0.nll!_IIpufnl.iujuho` home when - .."!#!I9oza1x..*94!f!`!.-9-It-99in' humor-.V . ---g-- We are showing asplendnd Stock of 25 cAs Es is the Ino;t +t{1d in this Market}. Onlxiaistiugv of 7.50 HAA_m; - -AT A upnaa srooxor . _ '1` E`. RAWSQ2-Y, By Ardngh J; Stralhy, His ./?llur`m'yv, (ul lilcm. hm HUM Q0.1mn AT THE In the t`|!R_- UHAKLILD nuoa, Township Clerk, Tay l9.4in 2-1.: A. middle-Izod wanna, .WhO f'li"`l.k__O If many f!V1.iIf!"|I-'lI9:iI_Io. My.-1;-er-i h0,I1r__of9. IN! I HUI": 20-lupo "oronlo. 2.0-3iu.~ |ausT TO HANDI BAIEE |J. J. BROWN. J. J. BROWN.! | J. J. BROWN.` |J. J`. BROWN.` youxaauc- nr an inn. |J. J. Bgowni J. J. BROWN.` J. J. BROWN.` `J. J. BROWN.` J. J. BROWN.` For Spring '1`r%ade. WI-IOLE8A|.`VE.` Ann RETA|__L`. J.J'.BI_lOVV1\T] 1' sum j. o. and Thence; Ix Nib" BARBIE COAL ,E. jv7.;=. .-rA.'YNEs rn1I:n%I.1s1s nnm. WW oufubulncngu ---__ In commencing hnsim.-u u~ COAL nu A 111'. Mm I-unectfnllv to announce` 1 0-T--2- Q t.----- commencing MER- OHANT, beg: rolpectfullv that he bu nude nrnngemems with some of tho most rnowned Oolllcriu In thenihd States, to be -......|:.a -ith nal: ofn vary but quality at Collie:-in In the Unmu anus, In In auppliod with Cash oftho very quality the lowest poulblo fries; and he trust: that by a. rigid nyumn of to all engagements, and by adhering to all, just and reuonsbh prots, he shall be able to com- mnnd I Mr Ihltl ofplpblic fntronsge And nip- port. All min | tmmn nod to` the. above sir denling,by punctuality` add:-nu willuwnyl onauz-3 hixlnodigta qmu-V nn. 3%":-*Ic1:,L , VBAAREIVVE I'otmDIw._' 'Fob.4\h. 1s'u I T V0-3m -nU'NmP'; STREET; _0IlE 1N_ 'm_E McoU;r 1f;_v .,' vacefnma FARM L SEEDS IIN, II ./,. ta ta vorb` y 'l`nuI-- and ample