I-llll'0lll gully 1* magi: __...._._.-.------e-----------. 1 O1\1MERGIA L HOTEL, DlINLOP_ ST_R_EE'l` p mam!` RARRYE. V . .,,_____,__ ___,x______, , ._1}E'3_!"'I v""" iamelaa L'rTL1`i`b`1vVBi*IETf`" ` E. CONWAY, `Proprietor. 1 '4 0s; ROGERS, . (mmw nnu` M. S~HA_NA0Y,1_ -V . ----_-- mos. SUMMERSETT, Prgpritor. -........-- WALTER TAY_LpR, Proprietor. u,mLru; f' Chxef Agent for Dominion. ` . JOSEPH ROGERS, I Amen L Rrir:-in spayment, and liberality in losses are` the prominent - Lltby comnnnv. ' . - V ,-> - ..-V~. \,*\`\r~_-xx-1 5.:-.z--,r .7 I] EDWARDS, (Late Deputyvcgfatgar) U C`onveysmcr>r, &c,, ngetit for the Raynl In-_ M ante Company, mu] the A(~cidnntIns11rai1cn linnxpnny. -- Ufics~ -I ost`O'1ce bxzilding; -attic - Proprietor. ll: ' It, and liberality in are the nrominnnt Proprietor. . u nuuluya, _Aent, Barrie. Pnox-am-on. 1'5. 48-1 _v "1961 and. _!I`HO1VIASLAOWE,' -__, ...... .3. vuyuy uucpa Ba}'_l _le7,: Dec. 3rd, 1.867.." ; Butcher and Poullerer, "B1168 toinfonn the public thgthe hattaken Stall No. 4, in the Market House, Barrie. where `he will carry on the above business. nrrie.Decamber 11th. 1861 _ 50 N ' V ` ` .\--x~.~~.-.~\-.\\AA.~.~.vvs~\-s~\~r~-sssx` 1 R8 H-A;`\IILT()N 8: MCCONKEY, V . ` Cc~vce--`Col1ier atreet, Barrie`, Ont.` rvx mmxnou, ' - .-p.o.u coNI: '.u Gun ...... VI!` --- -._-- ---_-==--S" .uLu. um1n_1 DHWDHI7 is now prepared to Mnmllaclure all hrlicles in his line, u!_Lhc best description, and at cheap rates. Barrie, Dec. 1867. i.T.- N.J.'I` having bought out the Stock and Good-will of 1. Va Wiliinms, is prepared to sup- ly the publidwilh Beer, Beef, Pork, and Potash arrela, Kegs, Chm-na,Wash Tubs, Barrel Churn.-1, ~ and the Celebrated Cylinderchurn 3 n|so,Cis!erns of ailsizes, and all Wonk in a Cooper d Line 01 Business.` - - Colllcr - - - -.,-.-- -_ sn-cot, ~ NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET, - BARRIE. 2 l9~lY~r --u-nu-vnv-r `nrrgo v-n.o.~-. -._ _# if IIYARRIE-_BRANCH_BIBLE SOCIETY, DIPOSITORY OF THE DUNLOP Bl'lI.F.E'l`.. _ , U u. .r.v D. D In from the first dniries in the Province, which for - quality oahnot be beaten. ---- Consisting of Teas, Sugirs. Coffees, To. baccos, &c., Pickles, Canned Salmon, Lobggorg Sardines and fruit of every description. N. Bu`-A 0h0iCO ' I C8-REE and `anntu nartxlnun unu Iran on uvery ucscnpuon. N.B.--A ohoico lot `of cakes and biscuits, manufactured of the-bent mate:-ials,.a1wnya on mad, with a choice selection of Italian. goods from the best packers of Europe _ . L ' V _ R. KING,Jr. _...___._..___-_._..___.___.___.___. lemons]; Nnvfirgn, ORILLIA. | The "subscriber is prepared to execute all or- ders ikn "Mating, Decanting and Paper Hung- In t`. . gainting of alldesctiptionadone with neat. nose and dispatch and `at reuaonnble rates. All work warunted to give satisfaction. n`maxssAeA s-mu! onxx.mA.' GEO`-%GE_ NEWTON; Painter . Dacm-ntnr. . I Orillia. 25th May. 1R'1I .u_ pllbllc olnrrie and vicinity that `glared to SINK WELLS, TANKS, or ATING, either by the "ob or day, on I noI,ic_e and most rensuna In terms. Alp] ' _ -u n r or Mr -Maunddxfell. Barrie. ILIIOI DUB HIOCK Of Q 83@:m:::3u:m 3 nninfina nf Tana Qnnua ('1..u`..... T per day. Agents wanted! All $5 0 classes of working people, of either sex, young or old. make more, money at workwnh us in theirs ure moments, or all me time, Ilmnat any thing else. rticnlars free. Address 6. STJNSON_'a., 00., Portland. Mame. . ' ` ' 19-n-ly x/V-v~-././vx/s/V x \ -..-xxx, xrx/u/x/-V vx/`V,-x/~ A_LExAN_DE_R LAWE,- `ELECTRICIAN .4; GALVANIST; Ham-ison s Brick Block, Dunlpp Street._ -___.; (tn ll uullluuu j Of the latest and best styles and of the most ap- proved conetruction, Collier Street, East, sec- ond door from the Market, Barrie. As the ad- vertisers are thoroughly and practically cou- ,versent with their business in all its details, _ employe none but the most skilful workmen, end, use only the best meter-iel, they can guarantee all work turned out at their establish- " ment to give _nerfect satisfaction to the purchas- er. "Farmers and others look to your interests, end give us a call, we promise to give youbata ter value for your money than you can get at any other Carriage Factory in Barrie. - rl'Also. `GENERAL BLAOKSHITHING in < 11., OAISSE, Pianist. `and ,':1-,.',b- -Organist, begs to intimate that he _ 1:5? is prepared to give instructions at the reai ence 'ofpupils,nn'd`nleo at his own`resi- dence. Pianos, Organs, and Melodeon Tuned mi Repaired. For terms and further parti- '-cularsapply at. his Residency, two doors went of the Barrie Foundry, Collier 8troet,_ Barrie. Ru-rie, November 7th, 1872. 2 > -If LTAIBO, `urns! nusnu DIJA all its branchep attended to. Barrie, J un 18, 1873. \VAsW)Ns, mums; LGARIIIAGES, %cum'Ens _g_sL1-nuns. wmoon uvunam Dnulnnno, `BUTCHERS and GEN- . ERAL PURVEYOILS, Market ' Stall No.3, Ban-io, Hive `donsiantly on hand in good sup-ply `of F,-9.1, um,.'Fowl,,'Gam`e. &c..- of as choice quality gage _murko;a afon], gmd ofolf hefnme V 0% _ K . _ . 93:33 8:31: Snpuugglglnd 'Iq:,t9scth.e:~gi_t_ - -nu un1\.nu!a-1"UUN- 1] DRY ,AGRlCUL- T RAL iMPm:M1-:NT AND s'rov1: WORKS. MR. HENITIF SEWERY, nreuared Mnnmac-mm all m-.:..I... :. s.:.. :1 ven-`y mbderato prices. ` - Corned Beet, Sun and Imygtogetherrwith ,n.va_riety_of other use nl commodnvxpggcnn glwnyn bahadat-l{o.28ln_ll.1 ,` . L , _ ' . `All g:rcha_ses dehvud`in:nny pan of t|:e_ tosyn. OCEAN HOTEL. -----n-- B. BINGHAM, - Prc `, _ _ . . . _. The Monsion House iso. three story brick _building. _It- affords spaolousnesa, convenience and comfort. The pro; rietor is well known as `a hotel keeper _to nearly all in this county, and hi; `experience, will be a guarantee as to the _u1`e'rits'of The Manon under his. eupe.-intend: once ~ MUCH . - sample Rooms for Commercial _- T:-nvezlera. GOOD STABLING ND SEEDS. ` D; FARAGHER, Prnnrir-mr, 9`! PLA-rtNG- `DONE Ba.zjrie.Jan."3, I872. A _ 1-ti. L] UDIU I. o --- The subscriber has received a splendid lot of (`S H F! 14`. R In -- 1 ` ' MARKET SQUARE ' ` : BARBIE. - _- - - - - - - cN'mmo_; _ _ ' C-AWLLER 3z~TH()MS()N, Civil Enginet-m`,i " P:ovincia1Ln_ud Surveyors, A:-ahicts, &c. BARBIE `and ALL_IS'l`0N.L ` !sI'Aumc1a'(}Avn.m~: n, . , - Cx.ur1ron1>`TH_os1s:ox,f n.m._pr.9T . n.1a..P,Ls. -.._..,_.__, *'*`J.._.__ _" ..___*'-""""---*;._..._._....._.. _,_ ` Adiirntrui 33i1iainw:zr : VHRISTOPHER HARRISON. I. . -Lu.-..........___ ,_ , my other Uaunsge ractory Ill barno. I:rA1so,~GEmmAL BL~A0KsMI'l`H4ING in .n in In-nnnhen attanded tn. _ ` p_mL1sH `BUN HOUSE AND cfilns J DEPOT. v V Vhn nuknnnilnnn Iuuu on-nl_-1 - _._`l__ .193 1 ,. , . "IL- D. -FARAGHER, Prop'rit<'>r_. EYIGNYI: OOTE, Manufacturers of OARRIAGES, , BUGGIBS, A WAGGONS, AND SLE [GHS ,, g 1.--; -4_I-_'-__.I _:n__ __.-_. __ I pAIN'rING AND DEOORAHNG 0ARD.-Tbes bscniber m the , public olB:1rrie and he is pre- ed WELLS. TAANKS. or Hn Ii`.Y{`,A , JUSTI_CE_- Is THE GREAT-, BU'T_ 1,.` u. u,\1~-1llUU1llI.l'Il1 .l]j].3 YCIHUVUU HIS oL`ice to his nw residence onlthe `West sid. of John Street, immedisstdly opposite Mr. Geo. B`-'--'3 Planing and sash facts:-y... Dr. _M:cO., h ?-5 9 2 zoancy for a student. , .44.-`7`l' ...._ , - - < LII n'x_rosn'om: o1=-nu: RH A Nnn nun n =AND } COUNTY c')1f S'lMCQi+]"4 fi?Al3V EA1{*1T1SER vnll U11 _.DlD DUHLOI 3TllBIT.. .__.__...___... ._..-._- W.~.Tf TAYLOR, 15-oprielor.' ----_ `M12112: I TIGHT wonx , COOPERAGE. gmcnawl BROTHERS, RU'T`l'!l-[ERR and GEN. .,.,.,...-. havoc ul Aulullu nut: ml .S, do EXCA- Iiob or dav. on Hm ihnu-hm: IIU`IU.Ii 1` 1 Putntei: `Ar.;xx;x DEn mo1moW,. agent `for Fth - Proyiuci..l lnsuxamca Jonpany, the Queen Ficv on! Life, the Fhrnnix, the Isolated, Inrjd` 'l~ Lmcsshim Imam-n.nco_ C9mpa.ni_es.--_0f_ce -'Va".v Brick iHock, ove1-`RVawaon sStore, ` 355 Inn: BARISIE FOUN- DRY. Ann Imn__ I n D, no nAU.`l- the shortest '*'i . `_ : }`1 r`Ixie 1:1:1~, V 40-Iv . Prdpiietbr. '%-writ:-ant-; __ r nu-;, xiv xun, Decorator. '21-Iv u.u.;.'1.LI.,, Proprietor. IDDH. l 40-ly -5-1! ' 1 vnuu A -1. ' For tale :1 Barrie byAJohn.'V-Voods, J. P. Kidd. Wntaon S` Co.. and Wcl1 s Bros. , C; ._ ..';':I.. .. .-..4 ..'. ., ., I puuuuu, pcbI7`nU. _ Razors Ground and Set, Knives, `Scissors and all small cutlery ground and sharpened. \ 1 n! R J \)'.`1C Y.'*.`nv uLun'_u1 IUVVPJIX. fund Machinery for the tnnnufactuxgdof DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, MOULDIN ,Jzc and is prepared to supply theae.9rtic1e`a a. the , lowest` price. ` 3 v m mumn nn mmunz nnnnnmmmav _|J\J.I. uLl.lJ.l.J'|3I_. `?.LV1..`lU",' 'Dreued',` n_nJd Tongued undrooviad Lumber; every description, always on hand, and sde _to ordet.- ~ m....:.. nu- ` ' -- They also keep in bnnction/with :the gallery . alnrge stock of Albums; Album Pictures, . Lockets; Ohromos, Litbogmphs. Pnd %TT.' PAIN'l`T.Nl3 441 \1v_u.v_uu vv I:;.I..|.. O Ca.n-iugye Trimming and Upholstery business isparried on in his premises opposite the Rail- way Station, Barrie. Ran-in. Rant 1) 1R'l9 on "axe unsurpassed for bbdy un of shade. `Packager centain iull nett weight. The public are warned that certain other brands 3.1-`e 1_|ba,. short in every so-cal1;d.25 pound P=1kxe- ` 0 Emimne the b1-nnd'an`1 do not be. nt of? No, 1," No 2, and No 3, of this bmml, _ YXCUITUS K` YBHIEU In 0'.'(1CX'o HU.\I\lE it VAN DEN STERN. Orliu, J5 . 21. 1872. . ~ . .. 4_tf \/ A `HAIR _DRESS'IN'(}. _H _AVING and HA1'E?.5?9ING Q A T. r\ rw \T an on I 51.1 vs wuu L..x'u.L ','.:3. L uunnnu .`- SALOON,- ,D1mZop "Street, Inszte the Radvoad T Statzon, Barnc. ' A V Pain}: u-nnn .-nu! Qua` `l 2'.-..m.. <`.*..:..-..-.'... .....1 I J.'A\llI.\1l.'J unuu, A Cmpemer, Buildar,&c- Begs to srgnonnce to the pubI_ic_ that he>hsa completed his S'I"'WA..M'Dn1'X7'l:`.D PLAINING oF`iii }sf: iiinsumPT1%ozs.| _0I"l'!CE-~ T r;j.S.R01sINs0N, Oril1id.;' sqi{c_1.im- menu.- I ; ccry, Attorney-at-Law, Oonvcysncor,.Come jxuaai-zner-in B.R., &c. Heir and Dcviaee Claims` prosecuted, Agent for `Canada Landed Credit Uumpnuy for Imuing money on Rgal Eatate. .`\'e.rl }."vri11ik Kriais. Store. - , "848 g--- _ __ , `_".-_:.*:`_""_..::'.*__.~_ 4_ -_.__,_,,,, X Q G\ " II _ 51331 GE, _ 4 ; ~ HOUSE, SIGN, AND QRNAMENTAL j Q Tjijjjnnqn ' `AKIYUIIKUIIDDI [It'll KL\Ll"I\lJX |jl`l_` cured in Canada, the United States and Eu; ropc. Bnlenl gnnrnnleml or no charge. Send for printed instructions. Agency in opcmlion ten years. . . HENRY GRIST, Onawn. Cnnndn. P=wKuae- - . - . ; - Examine the brand an] do be put off wixh infez-ior'pa_iuts,. The mm` is always emu?- mw. ' ' ` .v . aomny Elly l.'H31|ll0llSUlU_ UUIHCIB li1I'U-ll thfughout Ontnrigi, and to dealer: onlv by" ELLIO1`. 82 (30, Tmmut V a To BUILDERS: The `nnddrsigned begs to inform all pa;-ties`who may need agch work,_._ that; he has-always on _ baud `a. large supply of - "HT "A C1fI'1D"l) "'f\T D A TITO I .l.J.1\J.l.\Ju'.l_.h11.l. 11.0 `Of every, description, and all (sizes, taken at all - :1 ` V homs.o_f the day. Iuu _w oruer._- Barns, July, b UUN1ISiU'l.'lUNE |'I`EAS, TOBACGOS xbxaans. PATENTS OF INVEN ION XPEDITIOUSLY AND" PR-;PERLY' SE- Canada. Eu- -. 1:: 0? 1., 10 ANKO .(GRATUA'1` . V R"P(lniiaIclIe\pf2ie.S Denim ! College),-m? be ha. 95 laumn his oice every d9'Y" mum C rg . - - - at.reet- nmde for profcssxonal Vlllt-3' Cu r- -_ : Bnnie. A . nnmn 1 UJLLD 1', ' 0tlawa.Cunndn. Mechanical Engineer. Sohcitior of Patents and Dmughlsman. ' - ' T iv s T E n7"Aii`n . rnunr : ' OONF ECTIONERY I oysters, During sason; In all the Various Slvlen. ' I V .._,.. "TM! is pre-cmiyiixllly a .'=.Vuxving iu;- it`-thi.- zskloubtcz try to~!rnde horses nnd seeVifyuu'won,! get shaved to your he.,rl s cor.lcnt. But at Prof. Moore's, strzmge to any. the way not to g'ct':lmvc`d is` to pi1'yf_xim a visit xgnd gt:_l :1 clean shave, rind thus gel lhe,W_0I`Ih of your money. Remember lhe`p|u(-c. Second Floor, conlrc Now Bqick Block , Dunlop Street, Barrio. k)L\I'.|2LgI`JZJ .IJ.IJ\J\ILXL)i Wliich he will aellat the lowest rates for Chain '~ . w.. n. ummzv - vyguvru, uurlng season, In all me Styles. Dunlop St, oppoaite; Brick Blok, Barrie v Ontm-io._ ' . '7- _______________________________ u.u.|.Iuv.l.'- LEl4JHL', D5.Dl1.n9 Noxt to Bird : Bootqibhoo stongo. unusaunu AMA-wnu luv ..u- -a..-....... :At1mod'erau charges, `and'with iomrgz; __.8'l'BA.Vif :1:_LND _rI:L'r, won an Stdgas runningbetwee'n`Ba1-ria and Panama- guislieno, will leave Barrie Daily at 11:45 a.m. Returning. arrive at Barrie at 2_o'c1ock, p. In. . A WEA_YMOU`l`I-I 6; FARAGBER, '1 ' Prnnatnr: J I -plbl I | IlAD'l?lE'l\ nnuu unnatu- u mmmn & spr_mi':-f_Y, lsrrist'e1}s md `At-`;' 1 norm-ye, Sohcltors-m Chancery. `Notsiries. Public, Conveynucers, BMrx_e, 00 Simeon, Ont.` E`. 3. ARDAOH, _. ma`. TgAffHY. & L()UN'l`,, Barristers, Attm-uc-y.s-at~ '1 `1nw,- Solicttors iq Ghx'Lncei'y, &c.--,U]ce-= Dmlop SLr'ee`t,. Burne: Successors t`o.the'la{e' , In) Buullon Lount, Boya,& Stewart} . ` W Lonxr. _ _ . _ 1' _V G. W. Loam.` |iMlLLVINERY,' oats: &.A .MANTu[ ' ' -1IAKI'bT( 1-_ nnnsns mum Tm in I,AT`ES_ l' sinus; .: V;;1alt=iitoderalb and with `_r oInp gas. _ -an-Iuw ..AI'm' -RlI1`.'!'~ warm; .1! ma . up .u'no A-l.'_.l`lh.La -'1'11v.u.s:~`. ; Goods consigned to his cum will be disposed 7 of to the bag: possible advnntagar. 5; Innn Ull lmnn D nur A_uAs-IAILILU uuu V_V llI'U,Ul Elly` &ln__[ece]VQ:nu` 7 _, > . (Advanced upon.__\ _, >; Oorummons Pnxmsrs 2-on 'raaS'ronmo-or Goons` RAT..Ii`: Am 'A T~`r 'mt1mr.~'o nhM1u1': &"v}f1z_1TEN suinm, , - ` `ORILLIA. ` a.u.1.Vu v\._u.;.g..L MAUI LUW 9 Announces the opening 0'? the atiov es;n`nlish' mam! `sud -solicits th'opabd:pntrcmg6'"` Goods. Furmture and Wares of any` kinajreceivedxand} advance:-d nnnn - ' A` _1~* 1NE ALS'7DCE--_()_F FRAMES 1` PLAS'i?i}"3i11EiW3if`_`:`:'i :3xRIS 1 .-o....-.. - GEOBGERPS NEURALGIA 3. nusmwatic: Naverlknown to fail in nnrimr 'N'F.UR.ALGIA; Mnnnuw7s";sTu3 c`fr}J7Th%MR7 ma j :-CMMSS!0M'RUOMS5 [ NEXVTIDOORJTO TEE MAmE*1` I'i0UsE,' V > Couxnn STREET, !3An1:1`i:. '- {ul- . .~..M I s -s M (mix? 0 DIINI-0.1 . S1`ElIE'l`,-"BARBIE. '. min to nmm B'oo`I.=Il|'n`u Sta:-dag my 31, 1373. -...n......-.-. . :-.. V11! DlBUOIl' unrne. Barrie, Sept. 12, 1872.. '1". * - . . Soldby any respectable dealers in Puinis In -imnrhnut Untnrid. and to dealer: oulv lav" )H0'I`0GRA1I'lIIO GALLERY. JXUKLIHBU UI HIU JILPYUVULI IKRIBUE STOVEPIPVE BLOCKS! n.:.;L L- ...:n ....n--5 cl... 1----.. ....L-_ r_,_ n;- IJOCKUBU, KJHIUIIIUH. IIILDOEYRPXIS. PIN] n:roIL-_ PAINT1-NG,.;;gV Framed or without Frames ."""'-'*" "r"'._~ .1,` : hxxomons THESTORING-OP Goon SAL-ES A.T ALL`-TIMES. lnmia nnnahu....A an L`:.. .._.'_ .._sn 1 , 12___-. w H `Fl: E "C7i 7x D s`, -_.9"""`.{". ."" -.. . .1. ..LJ JJ I3 3' A ` ` Nam'knov7v` fan in curinit NEURALGIA . HE ` mi j lml-`.UMA'I`1S.\I, NERVOUS HE!`-DAG r" - idresa on all kindrud u`ecIions.-Sent to any. `I32 receipt -of One] Dollar. Addr83~ 13` - . Bag-rie. ' - 1'ULvERWELL's T N`-GUTS c.jGR{iIIA1\I, . K ........- .. EIBFEE BALL, I` r -.-- ;A_RRIE AND PENE'1"ANGUI- SHENE LINE OF . Q 711 `A IN -111 (1 BAarri`',.0nta;r_io,< 1`hursday,f may %s;{m7?4; COEIIPIOIBCI D13 STEA-_M{ POWER mi Mm-Man.-.. 53`. n... .........x-.........'_;- ,TscRoLf7'AiW:1s1G, led`: and Tomzued nnd.'=Gx5oov`nr! Lnm LM%i%.= John Morrovis Ioimced the ni-mnfna n ? H-in .1;,.~..;. ....o..$.I PHOTJFRAPHS nu... Jun-`....4!A- ..-..I -1! '....'...... 5-1...- r .. BAILEY, VETERINARY SUE " . GEON, successor to D. G- . _ Sutherlnnd,and -Graduate of On- ' - lrio Vererinnry Co:1ege.--`The that hefwill carry on thebusinesa Of Veterinary Surgeon in the place of D . G. Sutherland, who in Ieavihg `these parts: and mqscriber borebynforms the public -P98 by prompt ,auon`tion ahd.s,kii)fui"trea.`t-` meat to secure the pat;jo_ungo'ao_ .1ibemI1y- be,- alowod upon bier predecessor. .OI!ice and Stable: one 'd_oo`r-East of _,Ferngher sHo t0}.- Barrie. ` v , _ 1 ':_1`5~1_yr 'f . ULVEEWVVI-:LL s inh '1`:-irnvunn and 'I'TnL,.`l.. a.._.. 1... BURR & WEEKS. (V.-ADDTAIIIP . jid-? A-uEL1FE i MARKET sQU_n;1;, BARBIE-' .8- w A 115.1: mam, And'.a1so ofhis Improved f a(ent PHVWPI PT? R LOOK __._. Pictures`Fra{med tn order. 'HTT\.{\lTT! y VAN TY!!! KJLJ-J_.J1.lJ.V.l..|.'L`\`l' `Framed Frames an` nnfsliic ; Ami snnmt: - sAJ?;`oo.N, .:_Pn(.>F. D. E. t '.q:Ls ix"/1'"(A5 .isT IIAIII nnl-nnnln `nun .nnnnnu| l|IIU I' I: II 0 OONFEOTIONERYI mnn A (`Inna a. n` No. ,1 'GT*T0iTsff njn-y R..J s. CROOKS AI~c`K,vCOP.0NER. sac 0ice--1n Brick` Block. `Dunlap; Stxiegt. that at, r-pposite`Wa1suu.& Co., Draggxetst Residence, m house East; 017 R0219! ' Onicc. IJ UfI`xce hours--from 10 till-12, =Fo1:'c-A 1m0n.ana from 1 1.iI13,:Ax"terno"on '11-12111:! the b-"st possible advnntagax.-.2 JOHN W. MORRDW, I\IIr;HnnAnr ` A nu:-niznr ';V-A_'l`ER' 1:13.13," Ian n6"l.a Tn nrnwnn1 n>1:ALIn_m ` ll EH: HID IOWCBE FHKUE Wu. _C. MAGEY, .n...'.'n..1.r<:; . ,n. an v;v Q` Lu,\.(Lvl.\`v\l 11 7 1 . ; ` Aucliongar.;-Appraiser, zip. I. _u._ nuxur. I , ' Baye1d_ St,.', Bn.rrie ,' - ' Near the Foundry. -13-ly Luuxnnn, Prop:-ietorah The subscribe; bgain inform th. iuhabltan of. Thornton" and vicinity, that his oico is at Thornton P. Q, , South Simcoc,nr_1d than` he" is mounted to nrombuv attend in an -- V . . UUU la Hllh l.IUH2`UlIBUu- - But the word worried him, undimade him thoughfful. When hocame to consider it, the fairy was no longer'ex nlctlyia child, though she was as merry` ass. young kitten". He did a little sum on his ngers in sheer absence of mind, and found out that in a few weeks she would be eighteen. ' It was twelve years. since he- want, that February day, to pleadher cause and his own with Evelyn.Neville. He used to` go now sometimes to the window; and ' look out, and remember the day when he had stood at that other window watching bare branches and wondering about his future. He knew it now. 'If only. he could find out why it was thus. --What had changed : her all at once, on her wedding-day, from the very moment, as it seemed `lib him, that-. she became his wife ! (V3._-.TI'.--.L _..-LAJ Lip. Ln:- nuinll `pawn S116 DBCBUJU um. wuv 2 , Sir"Hugh. pushed his hairfway from his forehead and sighed. was get- ting gray bv this time, butthen he was past forty, and Evelyn, his wife, must be two-and-thirty at least. It-occur- rod to him that he had noticed no all teration in her. She -was as leautiful as ever, with the beauty of a statue that chills you wheniyou touch 1t. He thought he would look at her that even- ing and see if he could trace no change, such as there was in himself. _ He did look, when the room was brilliant with softlight, and she sat la.n'guidly turn; ing over a book of engravings with Ceoil. They formed a strange con- trast ; the cold, 'p'rond, indiorent beauty of the one=faoe~ v`and -the eager animation of the other. ` The g1rl s one hundlrested op. Izadylltainhamfsg shoulder, - careasingly, for_ the tie of these twowas more like the passion of "a first friendship than the affection of mothery nd daughter, Snddely Cecil pointed down the page andsaid some- thing in a. whisper,andvL'ady Rainham . turned and looked a't7;h_e`r"with a smile} A: LA new tlin;lodli;'i'tist>BlI6h`I'tHl'in` Wllulv yuu H uu W nun L unu tuaupuun Married ! echoed Sir Hugh. ;" Go and `play with your last new toys, and don't talk xion`sense.7 n.-. LL- '__~_.I .........:..J `Li... nnu\nnp'n Lumen auu IUUISBU ul, nus wuu u nuum. As he saw the look,`just such a thrill went through'Sir VHugh s heart'ns lie had felt when she came to him twelve" years ago to give him his answer, N 0, time had not done her so much wrong as xt had to himself, and there was one `hope in vuihieh` she had never disap- poi`nted`hinf1'--hei cafe forhis daughter. 6` For hnr a1":"'5".v hn maid that niaht SIIIIUIUI BU , V! ' But he did not-wait` for any reply. He'never*did.` Perhaps- he mi ht not have got one if hehad; orper ups he thbught the time` had` igena; by to: any halig to ~b'eV`p'os'a1'bie.= Tr `llsidv Rnin}i1i'n'Inn|rnrI`)fr1irh'thn'| wn- UIIEII U ||J DU PUDEIUIUO ' ` ' Latcsiy Rainha`7tn' looked from the win- , dnw thenexv `morningtludxsaw Cecil ' under a tall` laurel, vreadiil something. And the sun had..come_ t; -there was a 'twitte_ring pf _.bir`d_a;.ip`. the shmbbory, and the. `sky,wt.z.s; 911...-gzkecgylth tiny 'whi!_.1wd!v` IA-.:'v.a%:.19l9nh.n -. .1 snJI4s19:1:sip.hgBL=;3vz,,th9t 3!`. `liillx l 4 W V-.h:%..r9"; - H` ` V ' xw . llwugg DIIGII IIU UUIUIIS EIIIL. 1 And so the same. front; of my indif- ference met; Sir Hugh day, by day, and year by year, and he knew none of her struggles. But he wrapped mm- self up more vandjunore in his books and his problems and writings. New MSS began tq grow` out of old ones, for he had always been givento auth- orship, and the accumulation of papers on various-su`b_]ects.V In these days a little fairy -uea `to come in from time l totime with a pretenceot arranging them for him. She would open and; slmt thestudy door with a _greet 7 show Oi 'quiemess,tseat herself on a big chest which was full of old papers, and in which she meant to have ii glorious rummage some day ; and begin tolding up neat V little . packages; stitching loose sheets together; reading a bit here and there", and looking up now and then with a suggestive sigh till he would lay aside his work, and declare that she was the plague of his life. This was the srgnal always for the forced gravity to disappear from Cecil's face; tor her to jump _up, `radiant and ` gleeful, and -just have one `turn around the room--to_ shake oil ; {the ' cobwebs, as she -said. ..n._. -.-.- 1.`.....'.. ...i'.7 ..'....1.:-u ,1,. she-said. A _ "But. you know yo" oou1dn t do without me, :iud.I do help verymuoh. What do'_you know "about stitching papers together? Ami you are a most ' ungrateful mun to`say I` am .a plague, only you don t mean it. I wonder what.you l1 do when I am m8rried. cc |\/Tun-{ml I nnknn Riv `-Tnah "` an "`" " - U10: Lsgzrnater A Solmor m 'Cha:iccry, Comn1i 5ai ot12` ' C n ..1 vice over Hnrriaons store, South sidg pimrop. 81; cc 1,B2;r;`ie. 9 1i]5_ 0 %--...__..__ PUIUIUH UllL|'-l|Ul' UKLKU LUI I113 uuugnuulo . For her sk;- he said that night `when Cci1in'v;\ri:,1s' gone, " I` uni` always `grateful to yon. - V I-In`! Inn 1;l`VnnII.!l!n;'f-In! nrnr vault, , en: @5193, l||3u_pl `_ Jun wuu uuuu u troubled-.`fa_,;a -a;_t.3;f1I1:_;fg;i-;ak_ti3.t;;te;b}e. * Wh11~!hgtsuu1p.iQtPI9'9i9l| , \.,..........-..,.-..- -... -..--., How could he do that. onavrthmg 3 she said to herself. He meant jhp lino as a. raprqach to _me,. And] would have ldved him`-'1-i_s it possible fhut I do'Iove him, i n'~'spne-of it 1"` Am I so Weak and false? I want so much to comforbhim dmetimes th`a.t*I half forget, and amtempted. But `I never wxll-I-_uever. must; ,.I mod to be . strong. Ishall be strong still}? Anrl an I-I-In nnrnn `I-nnl-,. nf {an 13:23`. A r0R`eoIT5?%SEfrJNdm] . x --:.v. v-.. u,,. v ----_.-. 1T`S.1\fA`-mi or} THr:`\5E'XR '55 COME": `(C'a'n_t:'n`u'ed om4amzasz.) i -u:-n---- c'HA_miER~I1;< . a_-{ I; IIBVU WVUIUIIIIIIS BU BB `She waiminto tho. drawing-robin, - `traigl';:vup1_toLwlie'ro her husbndht `N I mwuly injhis ~ohgj: aha window. V. :*H`a :wh`on# hcmw bar, and" said I aqnmhing arriodly about ringitikjlgt .; H. hint him. `I `mi . _ `1l)G.AR_ .*i;\I\'I)HRS,_AAttorney- nt-hm? 1 cxtor m umuwccry. Onzxrs,--,,,mc`.,l-1,, Cow. _ Bi `MT in C.P., &l3.',`3l>1y.ncr 0o_ 1 mm 1 So icitor in'Chan'ce r'y, g<:n:1:i aag:eo:,n:.%'. 15 wine nun VI uni uuu uuxuuluul wu- demess of quiet friendship; and ended with a. hope that she would make `old Hugh happie: than his first wife did; that was if she accepted him; and with a demand for her congratulations upon his own approaching marriage; since he was `the happiest fellow alive and couldn't keep the [news from her, though it was a secret from all beside . A.._a n_- ____ ._: _ . _ _ __ J1 .- It was, in verse, as Frank s valentines had always been; halting, and with queer rhymos`and`changes of measure. \ It was full of the half humorous ten- r .1 ..... .. .4` .-....'..o, t........,I..L:.. . _...l _._.I-_1 _,____u__ _. ....- _. _--..-- _---- --- w--nuu.u I And the evening grow old; the 1 wite eoked sky turned colder, and the I moon came out. But Lady Rninharn sat with this voice I;-om the. dead _in 4 her hand, motionless; `full of hurnilir I ting remorse. And she thinking of * many years -of bitterness and sorrow 1 end pride; and of ayhoavy sacrifice to 1 a myth, for she `had never loved him. 1 And her husbnnd--whom she didiova j --whom she had no wronged-how 4 was the to alone to him? . n.. ....I.I-... as... .1... ....__s _.- n n was any nu utuuu cu uuu I ' .By-ahd-by the door opened and Cecil stole in.` And she now Lady Ram- : hb.m s fafo turned towards the window . with the moonbnnms lighting it, and \ thought she had never seen anything so beautitnl In her life. ` u!m_.'____ n __:_n _L- _-o.n '.. . nu: Ipvtuul U lulu HIUIIIIU IIUI IIUUK. How "cold .you-arq! `Dear nmnna, is dnything the maIe r_1- Ognnotwl comfort you 1 . - ~ - rail! nn:n`|-in uni` :'4\'nIn inn` In.-`A CUIHUDIIIH` IIIIIIIUIII BIJUIIU K. `A 1i'8'1,!:bP`.Ih;a%PP uulu IuB`IVlll|!UWo '5' I V` . - - Cecil was saying just then,= No, i isn t likely- . Who should~ send `me ~ valentines? Theyfre _e.old-fashioned, vulgar, out -of: date. ~.. Charlie, `mind I >won ;t, have any mbrb..~* ~ . K - C i .W`1'|Y`ll0I.>'l- "'~ I p` 7 `i.; . ' ~Beoa`uae-an-Ilmi serious: ~= new--for some reason; or other they"doo t like; my having them, said Cecil, motion-1 ` ing towards the house. And it s a` shocking thingeto` say, but Pm sure _there s something not straight between papa.-and; Lady Rainham, some mis- understanding,..you --know. Pa: sure i that they are dreadfully fond of eachf 1 other, really. ; but rt s_ all so strange ; 1 do so want to do something that would i bring it right, and ---'I shall have T nothiug.to say to, you till it is right. V Cecil! .. ' .- - V -.`'``I mean it.. I am a sort of go-be- tween ; no, not that exactly; but they both care for me so much. They don't} freeze up when Pm there. I can't fanoy them without me; it would be` :terrible. . _- . ` . T` ' _ , But Cecil, you promised-- .~ No, I didn't. And if I had, I shouldn't keep it, of oouree; that is, you wouldn t wish me to. It would kill papa tolose me,and asto Lady Rainham, why I never cared for any one so much. in all my life. I didn't -know it was in me till she woke it up. You remem-` be: what I used to say about her eyes. They are just like that; like a beauti- eful deep pool; all dark, .you know,` till it draws you close and makes you want to know so much what is undearneath. _ .. Here lady Rainham oame to the window again, but the two gures had passed out of the laurel walk, and she saw them no more. 1,. AL, _'l\A,..__-A I` -" IIUIO ' He took a. pen and wrote on the cover Cecilhna just found this amongst my old papers. Ihnve no "idea how orhwhen it came into my possession, neither can I make out the hand, though it doesn't seem altogether * strange, Perhaps you can solve-the mystery. uu uvullilllll Ill HUI UB7; Mnrnmu, said she softly, why don't you come down! We ur1<='wait- \ ing, papa and hand it : cold bake. -' I win mime. said may m.:..s...m 2 1 11.55, yuyu HI, 1 3 null It U DUIU unto. I I will come, saidrhady Reinham; but her _voioe was *szx-nnge. `Cecil knelt down beside the chair and drew her `mother : arm around her` neck. uI:l'..u. '..9..IA-`.......-....`.ei =11.-. ...-.._..... . tnunnun r. V-3 Damn pxmcoe, and ma.` he` is prepared promp,t1y_uttendAto ail ' _ DISEASES OF HORSES _AND. (`.AT 1`L`I1`.-` ' And-anything rtquiug Vgtezinnry Skill. .[{ie Condition `Powdors,_~HealuIg 0il.".3'q.,wl11be found- very" eNIclous.aud.ure.aold._hy J.j 1 . R100, 1_)mggfut_, &.c.,` Ba;-tie. ~.,Ordera'.l-,om;n|,yK `";;ende(l '_3v v ' "vrBD"VAdKS!'OQ ,UUIIIl\lI 5 V Lady 'n;ix'aham bardoygngnd held _,her> in a. close embrace`, nil-.. .1-_u.__ '..-_'.r_ ju___`_._~ -7 -_._ HUI III I UIUSB UIIIUIHDC My darling, you doalways. I cati- not tell whether I want oomfrnow ` of nt. I ah : goiI'rg;dywn'-t.p'_yonr :r.n..s..;..s..=.a~e...;|:.-r` ;.a.... 9 I I vllvuwu, sun u o L1nO_-'n Vlliuuu. Sir Hugh looked at the large Miss Neville on the envelope, and knitted his brows in a vain effqrt to remember anything about it. He. couldn't. It was very strange. He lancied he` knew the writing, but yet could not tell whose it`wna-certaiuly not his own-'nor recollect anything` about the packet. He considered a little and ;.lhen said,Y'ou had bettertake it.to er. < ` . 11- .__1_ - ,_., N 17,, ?&:.1.'1.".7.nTa~e3.`1z1;'~`%"r'"-'f:.."& have something to my. `nhn up-mt" in-Ian III: (I lnvthe afternoon Cecil wentme usual to her father s study, Luthe was stoop: ing over a.book and did not notice her. He was, In fact. thinking the thought that had troubled hunrin the morning, but C8011 fancied he was busy, and looked around to see what mischief she could do. It ashed upon her that here was a ne opportunity for the old chest, and so she seated `herself on the ` carpet and began her rummage. Preo I sently Sir Hugh, hearing the rustle of 1 papers looked round. . . 4 HT nl-nnulrl Nina In Irnnuv IIv`nn I- 6.. L- . Illlli uguuo-. "I ml], papa. 1 shall give a tap with my wand, and youTwillLa9ee itall come straight. But look here. Ian ! this to mammn? It has never been opened, and it's like-_--3 valentine. .Qr `Junk lnni-no` no OLA In--4 H II}..- u`P`.i`:h.<`)lt`1l f'I1Tik'":'_3"i::;ow [whuo is to be my fairy Order, he said, amongst all that mess. :11 ....II ____ 1 _L#u 'l,-,, . IIu`s`lI-IIWyl ~ ' u Ivmeant; on Sir Haghf pa}t;=that he lmew'what ibwas and-didnii like it 3 that .he.~could. nohhelp thinking `of. his life, doubly lonely,-without the child. Bub thisvnaver - occurred to his wife. P:-osentlv some onejoined Cecilia the lauielh walk, and though of `course l'.ai1y*Rainham could not has: `them; `words, she -turned instinctively away from the -windosy. (`bu-.'I ...*_.. __...._A _',,.A `I ' -- -- and why did`0ec:i1A,-when=sho saw 1:, look (tom him tofhorself. Lad-y Rain-A ham, told-up h6rpaoket_ hurriedly and puAt1t.away !~ ` -: . . I'.JIhnnnG.' nu Q3: [In-L1- ..__A- AL-A L- CHAPTER HI. rrs u1assAan--}u1{nn MANY nus. '\V:'\hlJ`.n an 1\nx I1.L1'U1(L`V'l`JY-A.T- L W, Sglncito;--ixilchaqccry, gm; go", w-,_;-ancar. '0lIv:c.2s..'.uver' Pnst "0m`e", owehf :.m.e: 3';1r;1e._ )Ioney to Lend, ~. )3? - M'ccAm:nY .2 no?s,.[r,)yrr;" M(iiifzI*irY-T & .\!cC`arthy,] Rn.rriatm' > nd- Atgm-n.-'.y5. . Sioitora-in-Clxgtnyrrrry, I`.7o:z_1:`ios `Public Glid- mnvoynncers. Dun`Jw_n st.r<>et,'Ba`z'ric. ', '.1 D'ALrc-N .\IcCAm*m', Q:C. VIM, nm.va,.L;.D;8'_. -------"':" ` _ ' .8 . `n9wn;l..o at. 1 mad rto av. ; I I I`; - . nfunnn on-an-n no; 22. .w111e%Ni 1136.` "I .`.lie Czar was met on landing, in June, 1844', by the same ambassador who ment, his son, the vererable Count Bi-unow,--now, we believe, about tosretire; and his august master i took up his residence in London, at the Embassy, but after abrief stay there left for Windsor. That was" in Ascot week, which lives in many a memory. Nothing so brilliant` has been known, in the way of royal entertainmentsince 1814, when the Allied Sovereigns were the guests of `England. . The `accom- plished author 01 Letters from the Bal- tic has well described theeect person; ally reduced by Nicholas at that peri- od 0 his life: . V `But where is the Emperor? ask- ml nun:-v'nnn,. - `Nat hm-n unf nlnn Hm ~"But ask- ed every one. `Not here yet, was the * answer. But source was this uttered :'when is towering plume moved; the ' crowd fell back, and entramed in its r specs stood egure to which there is no second in Russia, it in the world ~ itself-he figure of the greatest beauty, expression, dimension `and carriage. The person of the Emperor is that of a . colessel men, in the full prime of life - and health, the head magnicently ' carried, e splerrdid breadth of shoul'.l- . ere end -chest, greet length` end sym- : aetry of limb, with nely-formed hends and feet. 2 His face is strictly ' Greeien, the eyes nely lined, large, open, blue, with a calmness e coldness, etreezrng dignity which can equally ' quell an insurrection, deunt en assass- l in, or peteiyze e petitioner." , But during that visit. his aim wee not vtnpu-elue but to.pleese. end he won all hearts, There was a Russian age, end. it hnew-no. -bounds. -. Everything eons ' _ ,,t9,,xnelse that Dnngtikbgillinnt ~ -. , .!P'.` ' ~ ll9',1I.6hilh of ' I r ` , - at ,,,,I_n_ 4'1; and . -?"9,!'!!'*Y~,3# ,1. ` A This week an Emperor of Russia` is once more a guest of England. _ It is thirty yearssince his father trod the hallsot Queen Victoriajust two months wns born. The circumstance brings . homcto the mind, the, `extroprdinary length of Her Majesty's reign, and the huge volume of history which has been accumulated since the magnicent form of Nicholas, toyvering above all {around him, was seen entering the hull of Buckingham Palace, where his sale ute to his hostess was so hntrty, as to be distinctly heard at the furthest cor- ner of the spacious apartment, and : drew a smile from the maids of honor. Of all lthe mpnarchs `reigning, on that ; day in June, 1844, the Queen of Eng- land is the sole survivor. Even Pius IX. was _then but a Cardinal. 0.! the Cabinet 0! England at that time, two members alone survive-the Duke of Buccleuch, and Mr. Gladstone; and time's changes are here again, (`lIl'10tlB- - ly conspicuous, and_NIr. Gladstone was . then the colleague "of those thorough- gcing Tories,Lord Lyndhurst,the Duke of Wellington, and (the late) Lord Derby,` under Sir Robert Peel. In France, `Louis Phillipe, four years later a fu itive, as Mr. Smitlr','seerned corn- fortay lysettled. ' Frederick William was reigning at Berlin, and a law months later nearly lost his life at the hands of an assassin. Bismark was chiey known to the fame as what the Parisiatrcall a gay; liver,and Bnnsan s dream oia United Germany seemed distant indeed. " Italy has been turned 1 jtopsy-turvy since then. The Kingdom of Naples, the Grand Duchies of Tus- ; cany, Parma, and Modena, the Papal States, have been wiped off the map. Th'e`"quietv Prince .Will1am, who was Bunssn's guest in London in the Aug- ust of the same year,and to whose mil- itary -questions we are told that the ; Duke of Wellington readily replied," his diplomatic philosopher host--\vho, not have been without a bearing on . ago. Who H-or nus. l. nn lnrunn :.. bcfore...tha- present C_zar s son-in-law" that summer's day at Sedan tour years 3 l 1 has more than realized the dreams of 4 it seems curious to-think, was at the ` outset, Mr. W.B, Astor's tutor_--for he 7 is now Emperor of Germany. Perhaps I the counsels of the Warrior Duke may I . uuuur Lungs years orwrexoneaness. . 1 ` Oeciliiever knew 1a`xaet|y`='what-had- ; happened`, but when her father put his I arm` around --her and called her his bleisingyshe looked up at him with `an g odd sort `of consciousness that in some way or other the old valentine found in her mmmage- amongst his papers .' had to dowith the change the saw. And it [was herdoing. So she made up herwillful mind stroxghtway to ex ` ult andtriumph over the {not to poor ; Charlie; and then,if he wanted to send her another next year-why, after a - proper amount otvteasing and suspense, which was good for him and kept him i in order; she would [perhaps say that he might. I11, 1 1 ex awn yuul lUlg|VDllUUHo"` V V ` Sir"Hu';h` '1!id"=h`ot,~unswer; -` M The spedh f5'0It:hiAm_by` surprise, and she hqd:ndirb'r "called him Hugh before, sinipe theii`g';xai"riagei* He had time edu h'to tfell himself that it-was only mit er` mookury`, and would eudiin the dldwny.` -` -- ' nm=.nh.}I.......~oI.....- ...:oL .'!:\-__l.$.. UH-I Way I I But`stn{ixngU'there, with -Frank's ' letter. in : ,hef`li2'md,. she told him all, no'spuri'n'Tg-'horaeI!,.and their asked i! he could ever forgive her. `= She was not prepared`for the you: love which answered herywhxch had-*!i`ved` un changed through al!"her doldnese end repnlseav; and whiolirew her 150`-him closer now perhaps that it might have dbne if her pridev hud- never suffered under these `years ohwretohedness. (`.Al!- I111:-var Lnaen u'vn-oI-o./....l-.-o L_A. _....~,..,_._._ , " _ [V-.. V\'I Graduate 1`o'ronto Uifversityz ; )AIemh0r'Co1lc-ge Phyaicizins and Surgeons, ml.--0!ce--Ovdr \\"eHs- Bros . Drug Store, mposito Barrie Hotel, Hotel, Dzmlop street.- 38_ \`--_ It `wizr- bo5r}uer*`c1.ns,re: what I ` have `t6a y._-"lfI'ugh,' -I `hnvfcome tn asK`y6ur`forgivb`n'eas;"` ` `sir nnk 133:! -M`nl> -unsung VIM... THIRTY YEA-Iis AFTER.- ;m: 66`. it 1iot.i3. -` -_i_1u!dva1ice. r (oonczuded) hy_e1l medicine-sleelen; Everybody euye so.-'I`hat is all who heve either used the erticle themselvee or wit- neesed its effects when used by others; ell such, and they are only (it to judge.`ero unanimous in the opinion that Derley e Condition Powders and Arabian Heeve Remedy" ieeuperior to anything of the kind heretofore ortet present in use for oonghe. cold!,Tbiok Wind, and 311 dieeeeee which e'eot the wind oi homes. A: e condition medicine it has no equal; there is nothin in itwhich can injures horee whether eio or well--nor need the horse he kept from work "while using it; it iejuet the ertiole which ell who own horsee require, end vihieh they ehoulil have constantly on head. Remember name, end eee that the ein`etete of Hard (- `Co., is on eeohpeokege. orthrep&,Lynen, Toronto,`Ont., pmptieldte for ACenI`le.-.. Sold 3 l :7.`I`;;g_,~_ .` Right and Wrong.-ll it wrong tojod win; your wife upon a subject . in whroh Ihort in danger of wounding hor fooling? gnu it i; _, ll wrong lospeak of groan virmu Another man : wife, to remind your own p_,fa_o1a; by; his nolwrong ufterlryihg lho` ?'Ch n`IdiIn _Po`in Dealroyor no foolinfill; ,, " obou, lorooolnar I; to The first torpedo vessel of the British Navy was launched at Pem- broke Dockyard last week. `The Vesuvius is a handsome little vessel, and when fully equipped her hull will only be some three feegabove the water, and her screw below. Her principal dimentions are--length between per- pendiculars, 90ft.; breadth extreme, 22ft. ; depth in bold, llft. 4-in.; dis- placement in tons, 241. She is pro- pelled by twin screws driven by engines on the surface condenser principle, of 360 indicated horse-power, with boil- ers bearing a pressure of 70lbs. to the square inch. She will not produce any srnoke-coke only being used, and the tunnel in horizontal one, lyingalong the deck, which is semi-oval. The crew will be stationed below,,snd ven~ tilation will be provided by a draught of air produced in furnaces by band, until steam is got up, afterwards gener- ated by means of as donkey engine. which drives a fan in addition to her large engines used for various purposes, This nnique specimen of marine archi- tectu repwas designed by Mr. N. Barna- A by, chief naval architect at 'the_Ad-'- miralty; and was constructed under the immediate supervision of Mr. Mar- tin, the" master-shipwright at the Pem- broke Dockyard. It is to be hoped that we shall soon be able to give some account of her performances. No Norwegian girl is allowed to have 9. been until she can bake bread and knit stockings; and as a conse- quence every girl can bake and knit before she can read or write, and she. doesn't have to be coaxed into her industry either. ---To wash calicoes and muslin with- out fading, soak whom two or three hours in a pail of water in which two ounces of sugar of lead has been du- solved; then watch as usual. If they soak longer it does novharm. _'I`ha hnnf 0`-xcnvkqnn anal.-I-mg- I-.. uvnn AVIIEOI Hy |-IUUD MU lllllllle -The best absorbing substance for easing the pain of bee stings is fresh lean meat. This will relieve the pain sofa wasp sting almost instantly, and has been recommended for the cure of rattlesnake bites. It is also used _w|th marked effect in erysipelas. ' AG.1l0RG1?.'-N8`? ~P+I`I,3L8..-> _V b 'uh!,L0.olds at-rrhs, .I_iear!aohe..- _D._J' n-.....--. Wdrrantad tb :(ax*e F91'_.381& AVVVUI uuo, Vila. 41:6 1.1031008. lfthere in anything in nature that possess a positive oharaeler, It in light. Yet the physicist may go reflect the light 1rom"a given source as to cause it to destroy itself and produce dark- ness. In like mnnnertwo souuds may he made to interfere with each other and either produce silence or increased intensity 0! sound, at the will of the operator. uapau nu J uunuuuou : | ,: ,'`Ioa.nnot cease to Vendor It the ' ?'Eniperor s determinauon to make this .jonmoy. What 19 his object? Fim, Tte vex Louis Phnlippo. Secondly, to `nmnlntn Rina Wnatlnrink William IV Water boiled in a glass ask until the upper part of the vessel is entirely lled with steam, and then dexteroualy corked belore air can gain ndmiuion and placed in cold water, reoommencea. to boil. The boiling is produced by cold instead of heat, and the experi~ ment is known as the ordinary paradox. If steam from water boiling 212 degrees` is passed into a solution of salt in water, the temperature of the solu- tion steadily rises, and pasting 212 degrees, reaches the boiling point of the solution; nally the latter also boils at x; temperate nshigh and even highlerthan 250 degrees, according to its nature. There we have the extra- ordinary result of obtaining a higher temperaturc,_sny 250 degreea, from a lower one, viz: 212 degrees. lftlnnrn in nnuthinn in non... Lime 1:9 vex urine rnmppo. secondly, to femulate King Frederick William IV. `in princely gallantry towud the Queen 50! the Isles. Thirdly, to tune the bondsef lluoen Victoria, of Peel, "and .Wellington to friendship with himself and Iwilhdxaw them from France. 4...: -15-- _ u:.n- .._-_- -_--.-I--:-.. uuwrvv Iuuuuw luau] uvlu L`lBIl0Uv And after a little more epecnletion on this last, which he accounts the one rational aim, he continues: It may, after all, have been only a whim of eutocauy that has decided him per- sonally to examine into the Itete of _rnen's minds. Under ta: happier nifspicee is this visit of 1876 rnlde. No political objects are even eupeeted. It is the visit of a father to his den h- ter and to the honoured mother of t t daughter s husband-9. ciroumetenee which, in a country where family and domestic ties are so close as in England, will serve to make the Ernperor e wel- oorne especially new table to the hearts 01 the people, w 0 will not fa ! to recognize in it that proverbial tone of nature which makes neell kin.--N. Y. Times. Water thrown into a red-hot motsllic vessel does not boil as we should ex- 9601, but quietly gathers itsell togethot. forming a more or less perfect.-sphere; and in that oondition oats about ginse- fully on the hot surface as it slowly evaporates away. 1! at the same time a very vaporizuble substance, as liquid. sulphurous acid, is thrownin, the water may actually be frozen` in the red-hot vessel. \x7..4-.; L-.I_.: _-.. , u, n - uu nu suyagrgvgg`-fr,` .- _' ;v?;{`.?`.-, V B11!`-__KQngyAh_`-'.-mg|n'ofi|| ` . lyover her r'nind'tend to he ly. 'qnd'tbi!ioliitt5 the Queen toward the {)roloagp_d _retireine_nt .vrheII_oe eh Iength mhosin signs 0! -in-runs. there are on the other htld 'reuonI' ' why the presentivieit of her former `guest's son should e'ord`her epeeiul gatisfaotion. Baron Bunaen, then no- bredited at London In! Ptlllill Minia- ter, was on a visit to his Sovereign at 8%: Souoi, and was presented to the Czar on hi way through Berlin to Iondon. Writing to the Baroneu he says: He is every inch of on Erl- peror! What courage to go for hi: pleasure into the midst of five hundred Poles who have sworn to kill hill." Then he continues: HT ........u.o .........-. 0.. .-.-....I... -e 4L- n:.;;ep;:;`*a?;s. . . benutiful a ingd-`Xi _f :c... ning lov oil1gFYii!U. hours of (hat uplondidjoxilo wk, 4 IM- ad in thognve.` ' ` ` But if: nnnh Iv|-lv|1nh=n- -..-:.... Val-2--L Worm: REMEMBERING. pAnADoxzT 1? . ,xrs'i1if 1 ` Q ;dI...'o.-u. Q (med out in cvorypxsrticulnr. Mm-y `1`Hl1R8DA\', Iuutunug, guuva[n1Vng,_i{hAH ` meat news of the `day, .and4all_> mgug"-.1 _ pertaining to the affairs o_1 the U0!'lnty':.PJ'ico 51 in advance or_ $2-0 " TtP&.id -at "t'hc:r tine bf .subacriI".19n , ` 77'? .,-,,-,mg;:;n ~%ix lmeaor under,1jglin8e1"tion , 5f)c>;eac?1 su}bge:;11ent' one .12]c.- 07-.gxv_ .im_., 3 perl1ne,rat _1ns. an-ch _mb_,_. aequem one 2;,` Professxonn.l_I OXf;IS_usii1e7ajs_'~ om $4 .ver<`"; $3 forws ;1l9nthg," "if natmorc than ten lmos. Spccxa!-contracts" can be madeby `15=_`1'eny. oz pr.r:si_ot1a. vent. "10 W,` 3","_"`}."1.. ,. A4 ,3. ms to beTmn_dmn wpxtxpg. . ' .- V __ may glisconhuuac} u,nt_x1,-all awenragh ` ,;opaid.e::cept at we ovptxon oivthepubliahl ` Pzuxrnxp, 3,~""""_".`_`.` 'R"`" done _c>n._ t.,'Ee i V p,e.me5_ Phe faczlmos of the Estab!;3}_1.j ment `are more complete than zzy. -;c,_bo1- ` North of 'l`vwnt, lminzzv been -ceretully ugmmunications; shoqld be .nddeB3o_d ..to `the " Publisher, post-;-31d. 2 ~ _ D. CREW-_ . ' 1)"... -.'..-_ _. _..I. You 1 1Qf. 1. ,,uL+, Jan.) 1862. J- L.(:`r.-M_cCAR.'I`Hl .h_p.s removed his.` \\`.*=.-nu. t.:. ..,.... -....:.:.._.-.. _...` 4:... -urns .:a;. t':"s"`<'~j11 1l:`=Jx}I1" Surveyor, Vnlner, &_c.`,1 mcbical rbfcssioxxgx Zfztsxttazttc, sz'm.% .CU'I`~1`TCR," County" Cm Rnr;i.{1cr..xS`u.,- Ilnnricf. ' ~_._*...,_,_; Published Weekly, in t_1.e Towhffi 3,j, ;.1eI` Turmsnn, mornmg, qontsmxngghe nrentllews the dn_v,.and.a.1l maa.-.;._ nnuuu 1 un, `-M. b. conomm. --...._..__V.___ -, ax. ;/5/wry` './~.r.\./~vs.\'/_'.,\_.\ }uITm: J. HEATING, A-'rToIzNE{f T. `W.Swhaitnr-in'LChnnr~r-ru 1111:` r ` HE No_R`TH_Ea_:f. ADvA1i3;"f` V {H`L1"!Il3'1_1 t!'.'f:11:`lI1`.V7.:V' AnL.L.r.'u, 0.19., P._L.'s} iisgbal `QLar in.', , VETERINARY ` V _SURGEON, 1 5. '1`HOBN'1`UN. .1 c---.- T7.,-xr.LY,ATT,9I:NEY-A*153f~.X" -.-_iu - Chancery, Oouvoynncer, `, &c: '- ' ' ` - -\\s~\'w~\\~r\\-\\\\\\\ McCONKEY,+.-Resi- ant. Ran-in` nu?` ' mu n.1\_.u vv _, 7 nprais u. vnv. .1`. 0. l! C0NKRY,V u.n,, m.R.Q.S. \-v~-- \\.,\ -.-.-._-~,- .'\.\;`4 , I ru7in c'in1.I49.nd T) . L.-u'n % ,,:;:7%/x='*`.z i / UU\V'B I - Loam. 3:'I'l `V ' 1 Un.InEn. rs-In-w---1... L sons ?, ` clear, land '3 l_)r_fozj LVD vl - rioua vininl fl "ll-Ull! _ Lu-.: pI`0pI'lCl0l` or me UOIIIIDIOIJ notelnas re- cently, owing tolts great increase in business, rbeen compelled to add do(xb_le~.e.ccommod`ation to his old house, and has had the estsblishment re-tted .and re-furnished, arid with ample s.tnl)les', beds, and sample rooms; he thinks he will `be able to ,'receive all of his old friends, who have so lillemlly supported him in the past. loam for `one. room for all. _Best wines and liquare, best (able, best accommodntion,`of.a.ny _cuuntry place in the Dominion.--W. 0. Hand 'I'!.'quC3lS the public to-bear in mind that he is at the present time-the only Licensed Auctioneer inAthesep:lrts,n.nd in thet department of his ' `business be is-prepared to give his best amen? tion to the interests_ of settlers, and in all cases to give falr playuto buyers. I3'Se.1es of stock, of_uI`. kinds prompt.-ly attended to, andippompt settlement always assured. ' 42-1y - rvnv . u-n v-u-run-av 11- . `rs -. . -` -_E:-zcellent accomodation for Summer Visitors, 'T`curists, and` the Travelling Public. B'o"nts, Fishing Tackle, and Vehicles of all kinds for the convoninnce of Guests. The Bar is well`:suppli- `ed with Foreign nnd Domestic" Wines, and Liquors. Good Stabling and attentive Outlets, N.B'.-Sp1endid Speckled-Trout streams in the vicinity. ' _ . 48-ly-w` The best Billiard Parlor No:-tub __of Toronio. The table is supplied with everything in season. Pure Wines and Liquora. Good Stnbling. Rnrria. nan. L.U1_ 1.83"} 1061 The Table and l_{4u-"W7e1lSupp1ied.: Goo dKBedsV First-clnsskstabling and Attantive Hostlers. ' v ' - " 49-11: The" Sirncoe,' under its new -mmiagqment, lias undergo-ne considerable imp;-ovem_e'nt, and now-prencn'!s to the travelling community 9. house unexcelled for ccmmodiousneasand com-' fort! The Bar is supplied with the choicest brands of'Liquor_a and Cigars, and in the charge ofau adept cumpoumler of drinks. Good Statgling and Sheds. :; H - - ' ` 40-ly ,__..__.__ |uppUS1Ee.lue`A'(1V_RIlce oice`, Barrie. - _ This cqmmodious establishment hnsjuatheen opened, and having been built especially for the purpose of a. first-class hotel, is tted up` as such,`ancl will compare fa'vom-ably with any. house 0! the kind North of Toronto. `Commer- clnl travellers, `privgte families on casual visit; and the public generally will find that the pro- prietor knows how to provide for their especial requirements. The best qf'_`stnbling attached, mt:-u.l-ad to by obliging and exp-vrienced host- lz.-ra. Stages leave, this house daily on _the ar- ri.':r.I of the up tmins. Eat well upplied with the heat ofliquors and cigars. . . ` -33-, mm EXCHANGE HOTEL, oooxswowx`. Jolm GREGG, - - - Proprietor. Wines, Liqudrs, and Cigm-'5, of the best 'qua_1ity,snpp1ied at thabal-. A good table is always kept. Excellent accommodation for Travellers. An attentive Hoitler. Charges moderate. Sta.ge'twice daily fromthe house to Guilford,.and daily from Rosemont and Al-' listen and back ' - - 42-ly Cornr of1\Iu1caeter'and:Dv1n1op Streets, opposite we `Advance oice`, Barrie. . commodioua eatahiiahnwnt hnu hmn HUI The best brands of Wines. Liquors, Cigars, and the etcetet-as of a.'r_at-class bar always on hand. The table is unequalled in its furnish- ings. The commercial rooms are better than any North of Toronto. The atabling accom- modation cannot be excelled. Stnge. twice 9. day to and from Guilford, and daily from the house to-Rosemont and_Allieton and b3ck.2 I .V _ 4 _ y _<. Good Bpai-d, good accommodntionfor Travel-V ' legs, good Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. An . attentive Hustler always in Mf,te_nd81_Ic_eg 9-y, !;if`.H E" BA NK` `-II GTE fr.-".5 L` Charles O1nrkson,'(lato of the Turf Olnb Unnmx-L.-. In :..o:m.o..m um nnl-.1in..1`n he - `IIIH .I).L`L} l.l\Jl.l`JJJ-"' 1." Charles Olarkson, (late of the Homao)'begs tointimutezto the public that he has opened out a first-clues Hotel on the pre- mises lately occupied as the Bank of Toronto. The bar is fitted up in rst-clue style, and Liquors and Oigaxe of the choicest brnnds-ca'n BWBYH ho had. The Stabling is good `and _ ample. The beat of aodomodstioq is ptfored to travellers and hoardert, astherdml Iurellm-go`. -and` nix-y,and Jho lint oboird iMnhe`h_Id,5. ` on attentive outloreelwoynn atsehdnuce. 1` i. >_ 1, 5' . omnnngomaxsoxg , {N-1! ~1=;-__51_i`ot.h`n3 ... 2-ubcu w1w10ut,Jd.llGli0n- . ecurity. Prompt payment, 1 adjustment of its losses the features of this .we;zlthy company.- Fi_r_e and Life Policies issued wit]- Fire and Pdliciea issued with very.libaml conditions. ' _ .. - , 1 iIEA.D, 0FFICI73, CANADA BRANCH, ` _ .4 . ' RIONTIIAII`-,AL. G. F, 0.. smxm, v * - Atmnt for nnmi..:... ' wunurea 0: this wealthy ` 7' 77 `9"""7`" :VU'-9 life being liqu " 4 - - - . V ._ ad - 5`d_ W.-hont Jeducuon. ecumv. Prnrnnt .`.......;.... .....r '-vI nIU V cxccou Forty Millions of`Dol1ax"'s7; 1 ` ` Claims by Ghicggq Fjro, estimated at n.e a|-lyv . 3,0Ql),0OO,_a,1fe`beingrliquidtl fast as ndiazated winhout deduction. ~ ~~:'XoA . l E\lANEN'I` "BU1LUIri`G'?~No : SAVINGS SOCIETY. A - bu.) 0FFJ `HALL-. TORONTO. 1 CAPITAL. "`1,5O'(),O()_OV. To Farmers an Landowners! 1);: You `Want to `Brraw `5C7.t -'_2/' "l':z'w;'xi:oreixL11d for yourc1for.f _()1* you; '1`uLu';l a house or burn? To fencer; under-Train, or otherwise impro'.'._c- your '1: pay olfn Mortgage or otherxiebts ?' Ur_. for any other pur`po'ac `I ' -: 1 . '- ` I1 you do the reduced terms of H19 (}AxAm I &-.:':,v{.xmr.:n - Bmnmrm AND S/mm-3 Smiu;T\', w`:i -h has made more loans to Fnrn1e:ru_d=.xriu`3g' lb `asp l7.ye:1rs than any other, rx}}br@1*;:rc:ttex` `.f:.u-ulities `and advantages than .t'r.o8:-. of any on L: Gomnhny in um Dorninion. , "ll'zIlmIM'r Ivnmn`. nlnh rm: rmrir. nqnnvnnnu- L_ossea nvn....`l 1! fvxorronu HOTEL, "nu-nxnr V 8QUAVm .-`i. . 'BA.RRI'E,-_'fz:`f`V"."_`;`,r-- '__.. I. 1` . J.oa H f umL1vana6::?iax*55;:.;`5aia 1 INSURANCE COVMPANVY; _, 0 E A"lAhI0 Auunv man than Ann -` _...,....=, uwup, vvarps_,ac. _` -Also for the collection ofRen1s, Notes End Aco'pu'n`ts, ?,"'.Cash advancca made on goods left. for 8819. . Sale Room, cdrderv of Barrie. ` - 001119.: and Marke! 'Sta. ._mu: work in Goa onveyancer Commissions` Auct1oneer,' 'ppx-a.Vi,ser and for the sale of Houses, L: H ousehold Furnitnre, Good: B a"'_Gash maa rm DUNCAN `M; CHURCH. i 4ROPRIE'l'0R.' Late of Haywood Razlmad House, Rm Laid. us: HUGERS V _- " CHIEF co2 r'srABLE,.c.u'ncy of simoae; Qlca oppositoae Market, Barrie. USEPH ROGERS, ' , ' J [late Clerk in county Registry Office] onveyanccr, Commissioner in.Queeu s Beincl-, Auctioncer,'Apprajser Cbzpmiasion Agent of Ho V , 2 I'1'ouscho1d'F`urniture, Gnoda, Wu , s,,&c. -A!50 ot"Rent9. Notes and A-.a~n-n-M `tire W IIIUIS uuu uxquuld. Barrie, Dec. 18th, 1;8 i2_Y __ ..,.:... -TERMS 3 ~ 1rs1nHuK5T rmc:-2 mun ton (goon monrcmnns. For-lumbar information appljrto ' . . . J. Hnmmt-'1` Mass` , .S'.:c2"s!ary 5' T1`eqsi2rcr, "l`.)rofn!o: `(mo `A.`M.0RROW, .- .A ~ '!'l l3.un.-n~'.-..'.- .'.-4 Thur-1.`. The proprietot of the Dominion Hotelhas FEDUV. nwinn, in HE Krvnnl inn!-nncn n knuinnan m.:,mm.~ox*i:6i::;:Td6oxsiw;; ' o. ARMSTRONG, - - -in-opriotor. Tm smcom HOUSE, next door west of tho" Old Bank of Toronto Building, Dunlap streetBar rie . H Unmusuuuu. nu unu,1. u EAST, BARRIE. Jmms HAYDEN, . 1. .,._ ..7_.; -......_._ .-.._.,,._._A 71}: ROYAL` HOTEL, ALLANDALE. L ' (Oro`xou s old atandj.) 1"L`.3fI2T BARBIE: . J t H ; . . JOSHUA CLARKSON, Proprietor. -...-.-- I _ ., _ W; O. HAN D, Prdprietor n_nd Auctioneer --'--q-- `HE WELLINGTON IIOTEL . )LLa1NIoN H0'1`EI.,V.ALLIS1`.()N. IDLAND HOTEL, (Late `Rnya'l.) corner of ` Front and Oeldwgter streets, 0ri11ia,0nt.A .= ., {\- : M-3.'\:rcif 'Ar`03`I`.1gsEi`1`5;i.-.Ai`;a}1y `to Jrzsrs Eu.` ..\\'-ARDS, _Royal`InauroL'ce V0vfce,_l5ari'i. . ores? TOLEND on kipprbvea fro;-1q1.EEe.` 0'.1rity,- and at` moderate Tn'.eru'e`t.--r-;-`\p~ ply .0 ARDAGH & STRATHY, `Solicitors. Hm-zie. " . . ' ' 1-3