_ `OS: ROGERS, -, , - V ` ~ CHIEF CONSTABLE, County of Simcoc, ` 'U1Iioe opposite the Market, Barrie, ` ._.._._.._._.V. __. 1'1 I'QT!DIJ'Dr\t\1In:, . nu;-uuwu WIUIOIII aeunonon. - - Security. Prompt payment, nnd.1{b}!a1ity `in . adjustment of its losses are the` p'rorni_neut features of this wee.1th'y company. _ Fire and Life Policieq innnd with vm-v Hhm-{.1 1 I ){)()S}\5Lf U18 'M1Vl1GG oince, "!`HB. . 0! . _ This commedious establishmenthasjustbeen opened, and having` been bui!'.especi:11l`y for the purpose of n rst-class hotel, izftted,-upv as such, and will compare favvourably -`with `any house 01 the kind North of Toronto. 'Gomme r- claljmvellera, private families on oaau-.1 visit; and the pubiic generally will find that ,the priato`r`ku9ws how to provide {mt their especial xcqzxifenan.-nts. The best of stnbling attached, attadad to by obligiu and expnrienced boat- lre. Staged leave thls house daily on the ar- rival oi the up trains. the best ofliquora and cigars. 33;- _,__ ___;_____% -_ pro- ' Bar well supplied with-' '[':!`ERM8 3 .jos'.'1i;q;n nggggggyxsnnnmrs vs/vv.~sv_- 4 r I "7 -.-v - ~,...__.---__.. _..- `USER ROGERS,` , ~ " g 1 ` [late (Mark in County Registry Office] Opnveyancor, Commissioner in Queen : Bane!-, .-._-a , -uunnvt v'.AJ1ctioneer, Appraiser and Commission Aggnt -fufr the `sale `of Houses; Lnndii, Farm Stock, Household F`urniiure,'Goods, Wa._rI,&o. Also .,for the oalleciion ofenti, Notes and `Accounts, `K".Cash advanocs madam: goods la!-J for Sale. - "Sale R0003. corner ofnllior and Mm-k-M Sit: ., `TE`L'i? moN [AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. . . Avmnamo Assets, 327,000,000. " 1403393. -paid, in course of l`hirty-ve -years; XC.e8d Forty Millions of]Do1Iara. ' 'Clnimn hv rnvinca-A 13:.-..v nuihnnfn no ..`.....1.. LBEHUYGF! OIIDXS wenuny C0ulp3Dy. . Policies issued with very liberal "conditions; HEAD oxrmd CANADA BRANCH-, . - _ - V . _ MoN'1`1.'.EAL. G. F. c. SMITH, ` . Obie! A-nrant`fnr' nnman;m . `Superior accommodation, and every atten- tI0n__pa.d`t0 the requirements of travel-Igrs. ,Rooma for Commercial Travellers. Terms `moderate. . - , ' 42-1y ...-av . nu-mm`. non:-um . ....-.. ug uasn advances made on goods lefs for Sale. 'b's,1e Room, corner ofOo1lier and Market Sm. Barrie. I 1 ` ,..- ..,.. inga ' . (_ FVDJ mzu { Corner of Mulcaater and Dunlap St_reets,- and g opposite: the `Advance office, '-`atria. ` S This nnmnmdinusu or.ta`hlEn1mmonthan hmtbcen -_.-.- _ The proprietor of tlievominion Hotel lhsal re- canny, owing to i',ts,gxfee.t increase in business, beelx cdmpelledto add double aecommodution to his old housen and has had the establiallment, re fitted. and re-fux'i1iahed,f and with ample stables, beds, and sample rooms , hezthinka be will .-be able 'ac_ receive all 9!` his old friends. wholmve eo.libemlly.supported him in -the peat. . Room for one, room for all. .Best. wines and` liquqrs, best _tab`.e, best accommodation, _of any country place in the Dominion.-'W.~ 0.`Eand requests the publiy: to beer in mindlhat. he is at the present. time the only Lieegsed Auctieneer. in-these parts,a.nd in that department of his business be is prepared te give hialaest unen- iion to the .in`tei~e'ata of settlers, and ii: `all cases to give fair play to buyers. K?`Sales of stock - `of all kinds promptly altended to, and prompt settlement always assured. . 42-ly __- ___ _,......- .- . 'r\ `x, , .2 --- Exoellent accomcdntion ior_S_ummer Visitbrs, Tourists, and the Travelling Public; ,Boats,, Fishing Tackle, 'm1d'V,ehic1es of allkinda for the c1onvenien'ce'of Guests. '1"i1eBt_u- is well su-ppli: ed with Foreign _and Domestic . Wines and Liquors. Good Stabling and attentive Ostlers. .N.i<.-V--Splendid Speckled Trout iufeamrs in the vimnitv. _ - 48-Ivy-w .5. n .-_-1.1} vioxmty. .-._..J . T132 wE,LLiNG1`oN HOTEL. mos. S1I}zIldl;}4RSETT.7P1 opAriet($r. ------ The`bee{tBa11aa'ra pmng North of Toronto. The igxbleis supplic-dwiih evrything in sejson. Pure Wines and Liquor:'. Good Stubling. - -`Barrie, Dec. _181b, 7'2 - _ 1os1_ T'1i"_Oi`KI: 11o1`EL, ALLANDALE. V (Croxozia om syaud.) ' -r.-Li-q--_ . WAL'fr1m TAYDOR, Proprietor. 4 The Two and -nar";11 suppxaea. Goad Beds First-`clans Stabling and Attentive Hustlers.` I .. ' - ~ 7 - ' V ' 48- y `1LARKSON.HOU.SE, 5 s-*ARRI,E: I . The`Simcoe, qnde_r HS new maiuagement, has undergone consxderable improvement, and now presents. ti) the, tmvleilipg-community 8. ' hoxise unexcelled fo`r_c9m.m o:_1iousne asand com- :....a rm... Rtu-. is aunrjlmd with the choicest house unexceiled tor_c9m_mo:_uouanegax_mu unm- fort. The B`\l_`- is supplied the choicest brands of Liquora and Cigqrs,-and in the charge of an adept compounder ofdrinks. G0od'. Stablving and Sheds. ~ g 40-1y~ :___% ,~_._ 7..-- . -....... "nun- ..ru\rra11I'\\1 1\! }PTI<.n!; \.~\r\,.//\./_\4\/xrx _'if;.otl:% nah Salolou KLLIBTON HOTEL. ; . . mmox HOTEL, ALLIS l.`0N. ---.._._. I _,___,'___ V _ H _ A, i W.- U. QAND, Proprietor and Auctioneer , _--.-.__. `Dunc AN M. CHURCH. PROPRI`E'I3.0R .A Late of Harwod IZ_u1road~Hau:a,12we Lalaq; ----_- Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, `of the `best quality, supplied at the bar. A good table is aluviays kept. Excellent accommodation for ` Travellers. An u.t(c-nti ve Hostler. Charges moderate. Stage_tvyice daily from the house to Guilford, and d_a.i1y`frotn Rosemontrand -Al- liagon and bnck _. "W . - 42-ly 7'ELLING-'l`QN. Hoi`i:i;7{o6Oi$16'WN. 5 VI ' I ":""_ ' V ~ 0.ARMS'l`RONG,. -- -PropiA'iqt_or.:.-< :-j n , V. ..-.-....V_., , _.~'l`l;o best brands of Wines. Liquors, Oiats, and the et_cete;-as of a. rstb-class bu-,alm=.3:.-on band. _~ The table is unequalled in its 'q1'-niah- iuga.- The commercial rooms are .bet_ter than any North of Toronto. The stabling subcom- modntign cannbt be excelled. .Stug,a`-twice 3., day to and from Guilford, and daily from `the house 1!: Rosemontand Alliaton and back. \. , ` . I: 1- .424 . ' CONWAY, -` "Proprietor. .0..- .. _, .. . V , _ `IDLAND HOTEL, (Late Rnye.1.)_corner of Front 'and_ Goldwater a_trects,0ri1lia,'Ont. --.- COMMEKUIALJ. r1rJLxuu,uup-v, ...-_.,_ Easfp, BARBIE... - - . .---_- JAMES QAYDEN, - -.9 ` :.PBOPE1;l'-X`0B.' ' Good Bon;`d `good Tzzcotinzqgintion for "1`rnvi-I-~ }1eTro,pgoVod negs,` `Liqp x-.9, Ind` `Cigars. An .mmtive Hosor alwa in attendstgce. _V '9~_y_ .ler:,'36d Win33, `Liq 119,` nndi `ungara. Au attentive alwa anendsnce. `9-y_ inf .4`7j)I.>"&Bz| ` " . .. HE SIMOOE HOUSE, next door West of the . Old Bank of Toronto Building, Dnnlop stzeet Barrio - ` . _ ' ----- L_ Josmm OLARKS()N, `Prdprietor; wnun-n-5 -a..- _.._-.__, ~.-.--~-. ; FEE EX_O~HANGE HOTEL, UOUKSTOWN-. o--.-- '1`:.?:ly'? 1 mom`; A :.;:,BA{l1E. M. SHANAOY, .- -5 ----u- Jvo1.'~ I - `l0M.`:IEROIAL._H0'l`EL,DUNL01?S'1`BEE'1' . m\s'r-BARRIE.. , Hz..,,.:..; in the .I.I'afN_ I .q:u]Ii.n'an ` . JOHN GREGG, --_ - Prprim. ion; n,..1ogsTTr1 f %.rrueLjip6s`t*7V`4 wxim` j...&Tq \n....I- 15...! linuimdidilistil 5: $1 per year` iip advance;` u. can 111,. _ . Obie! Agent for Dominion.` -' JOSEBH ROI . Hem. rtf:~R%m`%* .:_oi`iNs`.`;rii.oPnin*rof?L b H wii:e7:nE; mm mks III ;.'..=..It..i.'.Jlt ' l6r luwu_y:v In an ...... -. "OHARLES 'OLARK80'N, 2 =Pro`m'iot. B 10!` 11031111103: . 2 JQS :11 ROGERS, A rmn ft. Rnrrin O -`$4 9 . - `N?! ?'v))u1` '3 . f(.SL_;noI 59 at nunrveignl or heard olo Inc I H 3:11 If Progrigtor. '11 RUUDZVD, Agent, Barrie. ll} H1 DUI: 43-1y-w `tuuau n , 'P" I.P!19!-'r .. K- 42-ly IOGEAN HOTEL.`A R. BINGEAM, - Pr: _ UDLU umoqunc. -!. IVU1".A .,__\.`~ ' L. GAISSE. Pmnist and ' . -Urganist, begs to] intimate that he . ~' `K ' is prepared to give ins tructions at the residence of pup`ila_,,an'd also at his own resi- dence. ,~ Pianos,-Organu,gsndlielodeons Tuned mi Repaired. For terms and further patti- onlarssapply at his Residence`, twd dooravweatr of the Barrie Foundry, Collier Street, Barrie. .` l`Io\'eu_1ber 'I!h, l8'I2., . -tf % /\.v/\/V J~.r\/`x/\.`/`vx/\./\./\'\/\./~ 7&LExAIb'r1.'_1 . LA_vrE,__-_ _ - ,ELEV0TI?1(}IATN 49 GAL VANJS T, Harriaoxfa Brick B!onIr_ Dnnlnn Qt:-not . a hot_e_l keeper to nearly all in this `county, and .-The Mansion Home is a three Story brick! buding." It nfforda spaciousnss, convenience , and comfort. ' '1`.h'e_ proprietor is well known as a My experience ' will .be a guarantee as to the merits ot`The Mansion under hi: auporinlend- I ance ' . ` = - Sample Rooms for Commercla. A _ - TravmIors._ ` r ' . GO-'\D_S'1`ABLING ND SHEDS. . ` D. FARAGHER, I prnvnninr emolgli 1=*~1:'.A[-1" I :c~Fc_3-_ b ONE" Barrie. Jan. 7?. I812. V _ - _l-ti ' 'DRPOSl'l`0RY or THE . '. IEJARRIE BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY, ' DUHLOP STREET. -~* -~ mu. u.1:u.ub.l u1_n,vvn1u, , is now prepared to Mannmcture all articles in his line, ofthe best defacriplvidn, and at cheap rates. -Baryrje, Dee. 3fd, 1867. pm`. `K.'l\JL\1fllJ IALI VV l`Jg_ ' V ` . .- 'A Butcher and Pouherer, BEGS toinform the public thatbe ha.atnken Stall No. ` 4,--in the Market House, Barrie. where he will carry on the above business. _ arrie;Dnce'mbm- 11tl1.".86'I. . 3 60 MANsIb1I~i*E)`I}.s~1: {tantrum nni-rn-nun _ u-Z. MARKET -SQAVUARE,` ' BARBIE, '- - - - - - ONTARIO. 1). FARAGEER; Prop1fietor._ A- W.J.'.I` having bought out the Stock and Good-will of 1'. Vs Williams, is prepared to sup- ply lllevpubllc with Beer, Beef, Pork, and. Potash Barrels,Kegs, Churna,Wnsh Tubs, Barrel Churn.-2, and the Celebraled Cylinder Churn ; also, Cislerns I of allslzes, and all Work in :1 Cooper : Line 02 ,Pus'iuess. " o ' Comer -* - j`- -.-` - - - street, .NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET, ` * - BARBIE. 19-ly-r 411.11.! L)J,\_lV.D \VUI\.l\D MR; HENEESEWERY, 1'11 runny r\v-nv\nhal`1n l`2l'InM|nInI-n all l\rV:p\'nn i. l..:. u :uuJ.- 1 up aunscrmer Dogs (0 mxorm me A public of B:_u*rfe_z-.nd vicinitynat he iu'_pre- )ared'1o SINK WELLS, TANK S, or do EXCA- ATING. either bv the inb nr dam nn Hm nhnrlnnt V , \J Iuly J2 J2 K) I-1 - from the rs : dairies in the Provmce, which,for quality oan_not be beaten. Lv an: P `J _ -an n.. ` Alsnne stock of E1 5.'E`C.!I.@8 (I .... ..:..bI...- AC Mann > Qua-n-n (Tax.-- f-A~l\L:Jf$z.1asA1.3IEJQ Oouaisting of Teas, ' Sugars, C,o`ees, '. To-_ baccog, &c.,;I-`idsles, Osnn;-d Szmon, Lobatara Snrdineaand fruip ofevery description. > N R....A nhhina Int nf nnkna ~ and hiunnitn 5ZH'UlDe3.BJ1l1 xruu OI UVEPY UCHGYIPLIOQ. ' N.B.---A chaise" lot of cn.1r.cs'a.nd biscuits, manufactured of the best materials, always on hand, with g- choice selection qf Italian goods from the best packers of Europe - v ` _ _ ` .' ' I ' R. 'KTN,.Tr_. GEORGENEEPQN RmIA- The suucriber is preplareu t`o exacuie `all 91-` dera in ".ai_nting',.DecSrr.t-ing and Paper Hang ring, _&i . ' Pain .`.n:r of alidnserinnnsdone with nont. ng, .5l Painting of alldescriptions done with neat- Tnesa and-'disp_I.tch and at reasonable rates. A All workvwar;-anted to`giv: satisfgctiohp ~ naxssxssmx ants-r onmnm. T ` GEOYGE NEWTON, - Painter D-: coratora. Or?1iia..~'35b`Hny`. 197) - _ 21-l,v' ___.-- . 5 frer duv. Agents wnnledl" All`, _ . ~ ' classes` nT workmg people, 0!` e the!` sex, young or old. make more mom-.y ul wurk wnh4 us in their spare moments, pr all tho'1.ime, than at any mung else. Particulars free. Address 6. STINSON 8. V CO..Por1lund.l\1amo. I _ > _ _19--l.~lY `1HR1S`l`OPHER. , . AHAARRISLON. A Excmsa mm HOUSE AND ' CHEESE `DEPOT. .-_ The subscriber has receid a-bsplanlid lot of H H F` 13:`. Q E! A. "`" nnu nu--uuuu -if Of-the le.t_ejst-and beatstylea and of the most ap- proved constrnction, Go1lier_Street,7Eas`, se.c- . ond door from the Mnrket,'Ba.rrie`. fAs the ad- vertisers are thoroughly and practically cou- versant with their business in all its detajla, employs none but the most skilful workmen, ..-`I . . __I._ 4|.` lulu use only we host malarial, they _.an guarantee all work turned `own; at thair estab`ish-, ment to give perfect satisfaction to the purchaa ... mumers and othrsilook to your interests, Efep 0Wna5' A mail uuv .1. J.( 1.!/..u1A.v cf u'1L .l.4 YJIJJJE Harrisozfa Brick Block, Dunlap Street. __:.._- ment give parteou aansmcuou to me yuL'u_uu.a-I er. Farmers and toyour and give us A call, we progniae to give you bat; _t_:r_vn1ue for your money than you can getynt any other Can-inure Factoryin Btu-rie. . I3'A1so. GENERAL BLAOKHMITHING in Barrie. I3'A1so, BLAOK1sMI'l`H1NGin allits branches attended to. ' " , , A Barrie, June 18, 1833. 9 ~ . - 5-1, - 0 ARD. --The subscriber bags to info;`m th nuhlic Barrie and vicinitv 'that he in nm. ,--- . iOA1Ab .. - [ WA'.`aGONS , BUGGIES, oAnnI.ms;\ n-n-mm`l:|'D Ar 1'_'E'l"l1'UQ -..._.- ! "The suhbscribsrhnving purchased the enfirev 3gok`m_trada of Mr. Wm. Whitebread. is pre- pgred to make on the shortest notice and most reguonable tel-`ma ll good and gas cheap Dduble ' _ . or Single- : NS; v 1- V AW`. G_ . nuaexns, - SLEIGHSM OR ' GUTTERS, . 1; mg... . s..' .-...'a. in-tbin*or= an other coiintv I OARRIAGES. ' ', , ,Sh!1u Uzg uutznana, ' . A;'gn he made mjtbxs or-any other county \ . 1.} __ . A_ GRQKEB ' ._ h: TJUSTIC`E"IS THE GREAT, 1U'r ; . Y _Yu fI':e5h;, 1 Aniliti 4 ?1'..20P= F`: L..._3 at F3 3 `; z}`r$3{'32?{?A'rET'5"*??`i??z Y`;`.~"-'."',"r- 1 A!;;pur,_hgga~d`lt Wilnnrns. MINTINGV Arm 'D_Eco_I{;:N.G E via N Y "a; .0 0"? E; Msnnftmtm-ara of AN COUNTY0IiS1MC0EJGENEBAL 'mu>os`rrony THVE` {U} A Mn DTDT Y.` 'lUeK' UB3 IUGQIVBU 3- E Q 1l]u'. - I` rm;;?"l n `.lUJl1| V_Ll U1. U1 "DUHIAOP STREET: J. VTA`YLT)i'opr_iel;5r. .__._._ 1118-UU'L'l Manufacturers of _ I`. A DDT A (1312 ARRIE 'I`IG{1P WORK: OOOPERAGE. -UUUIEOIUFBTE OX CARRIAGE3, BUGGIIS," -V ? -' WAGGONS,- ._ g W ANDSLEIGHS \I,__L._L_1-_ ___.a _nu__ _.--; _.'. .BlNG,H.AMr, BROTHERS, 'BU'I'v1HER-S 'a.ndH GEN-` >.=-nnan-;;~Unv;:x6ns,: Mum : Raul! No.-2. BaIrIe;. . V . r` um. RARRIE `FOUN-' .DRY, AGRICUL- TURAL A, IMPLEMENT AND STOVE WORKS. B mum orauy ulnar county 5030333, .. 1 . , Collier an-net East, Barrie. 5373. : A A z_9-1; um, um. 3h08ilonc.l7 nmnvekli Prop _rieto1f. ) R! KtN'G,Ir. \JI.x2LJ.1.Lv - - Proprietor. Q . Ti". . Thx's`i:. pre-cmine mly ashaving age- iflhh as cloubledtry to trade horses and see ifym; mom gel shaved to your bean : content. But at Prof. Moore s, strange lqsuy. the w.-.v not to get" shaved is to pay mm a visit and get 2: clqan shave, and mu: get the worm cfyour m-max" ' Remember the place. Second F!r>u ax.-ntreNew Bricl: Block,fDun!up Sheet, B:_1rri<.-. ~uu'n;uu 1UUr:14!' Anu .-:15`. v: ;,s':1 Dm- curedin Cannda,1he United bzntm, ant] Eu- rope. Patent guaran1eed_or nochargu. Sand for primed instructions.` Agency in. operation"; .t'en yearm - . HENRY GRIST. nus: Uvuu ..'LL`.UA4UVV9 Announcefuhe opening of the above establish-. mnnt, and eolipits the-pub!Ic_pn$rono.go Good ,. Furniture and Wares of any kind receive advanced npou. ' Commmone Pasmsxas :70}! me Sronmdor Goons -.QAT.T2`Q Am AT r rnrnnn`: u n nan) n.:, .11 LL. .1`1.1v1 up. Goods consigned to hia.'cmeT will be disposed - of to the>bast' possible advantage.` ' ' JOHN H! MORRIWW lll W in! Hmuy `cu :-In at any nbnnx unm: 1, I V , ' ` 0na;wn.Cm`m;ln.- echunical Engineer) Sohoilior of Fmau1s_ and . Draughlsmun. ` j - . . ' ,, . . %MoHnuw7sZEc?t3h";MI} `Ann I % cammssmu moms, Nfmx'r1D_oo3 TO 'r2m.MAm<-*.~'r HOUSE, -; QOLL1E3vSTRElT,BABmB. ` - n u LL` u `:N o`.`1, No 2, and Nb 3-, of this brand, are unsurpassed for body and hrillimcy of `shade. ` Packnzaa cemain full `mm weight. The public are `warned that certain other brands are 1lba,short in every so-culled 25 pound package. Examine the brand an! do not be put off -package. ` Examine ghe an! `wixh inferior pqinta, The-`Bur is always omen-' rem. ' , Sold` by any respgctnnxo uengera ~m rauuuz throughout Ontario, and `to dealers only by ELLIOT & CO,`- Tonowro. Fvvr aisle, A_n Ba'n-tie by Jbbn Woods`, J. P. Kidd`. Wgtson 8; C9 , and,W<-11?: Bros. ____ ...---.- --.vuru rw - .1. j ` --'~ . . The undraigne begs tqinform all parties who may need such work, that he has always on hand a large supply of ' n'r Acmnnn rim DADTC1 I D_.I.\JY.l`J..L1T.u lJLl\J\JJ.LL)i Which he'wil1`sell`at the lowet rates for Cash ' 4 Wu. C. MAUEY, o Dnnnlrl Qt Ila:--in .L'_J.I.Ll.l\lU`.LI:4.L.L.LLIu . Of every description, and all size, taken at all homs of theVdny. They also keep -in connection with the gallery- -a. large stock 9f'A1bums1. A1butn:Pictnrea, Lockets, Ohromos,-VLi`thogmphs, and` . nA..n1r.` DA IT\T'[`TN(:_'ru -ymcdlexyj zch we w,l mi Chit! 1'1U Dklll c5:i11m_, Jan 21.V1e'z2. V HAIR _ I`)RE-SEEING.` 5` _ `SHAVING and S.liE53 3UING JU-`IMUDIOUB YRSMISPS FOR 'PHb"1'ORll(G OF GOOD -SALES A.T.ALL TI.MEv>. Xnna an-m.I~;.,L.I a.('L:-'-_.- ...:n L- .22- uun \' l.l.I.u Gnu u_;.&.::.,`.::.s.1. b"\UJ|-LIL! - ' S O O I}? , Dunlap Street, apposzte the` Rqzzlvoad . ._ " Statzon, Barne. _` - Razors Ground and Set, Knives, qcissotp and s113mal1.cutIpry.grox1ud_ and ahanfpend. - 4 s PLAsi`1'1`7`1i`'3f":`;'i 33.\%R1S 1 1-rrnn\rVI-| J, ' - ' ----.- I . .nU1mma,& VAN -mm STEEN, * 1 -0RILLIA.- w `$"&'&IIV'V&n1Z'.' Qb.rriage,Trimming and Upholstery business ' is cairried on in his premises opposilg the Raii- A why Station. Bariiei _ _ 'Rm'rie' Sent. 12. IR72. ' 37 ' PATENTS OF" IN`I,E1`<`.x:IL)N7 `1XP4EDITIOUSLY- AND ..PR-STE-"Z?;Y S? I .........r:.. r~-......l.. .1... nn...-i mu... nn F`. :3-r. V V V V Snldby respgctublo dealzen-3 in Paints hrnmrhmlt Ontario. and only by %-Barrie, A0`nta.1fio,% Thursday, may 21, 1874. JD: Hohseil " | Bags L).l..I.'A4)uJ. .I.\JVVJ'J.|.\- and Machinery fox thmmanufacture of DOORS. SA_SHE_S,'BLINDS, H-OULDING, &c and is-prepared to supply thes a.rt iclea at the lowest pric.- ' i m ummdnn xxmmv nlmnnrnmlmr A mvu s7ro_oF_oF FRAMES 1 '- IOWSSI l'1 PLAININGVOF EvnviiEscn1rT1oN.| .Iu\J.:.o\I.gJ.A.l bJ|.,VV.*.A`I\l' Dressed, and Tonguedand Grocr-mri Lumber, ' `every deacriptiqn, always C".-n'*_ba.nd, and Id to "order. -- n....'..:.. .1'..I.. ' ' -- ' III` -No. 1 GROUND r - WHITE LEADS, uemmnmv - E\`IMPLEVPRIN(3'I1. LAE`, WHOLE sIa:e%m:,'i~7 oF`sm3,c:ss "IN ALLf<`:.oit*n`;1'%.i5iii'i1s`:t~t`:I`.:5?Ai. % IE8 I0 0l'QUl'c ' Barrie. Jmy, . UU N 1"ISaUf1'lUN 151$! I irnas, T0 3AccosJ&%cIGA.11s. ADO 8180 OI ms unproven rguoxn S 'I`0VTE.PIPE BLOCKS! -n_:-u I;-._:11...II`..4 um In.-may I-uh): (M non DELHI!` KN. L` V ovsrans AM u T%P :`%ESIT 2` CONFEOTIONERYI Inn: A 13- mn'n A nnna a. mum . 1-(ca -----q 0 `stars Du;-lm.-.'* scnso n all the: y vTl0n St\`I(I5`lI .~ ` ' ,_._, --, -77-. )H0'1`UGR'A`;- mg GA1.LE1;Y. ----_. U) l0l_'5 lnuflllg season, In all Inez * Various styles `Dunlap St, opposite "New `Stick Biok, Barrie ' ' " Otrid. - -_ r ; A 7-: Wily DIHUDLI. DMI'llB~ Barrie , Sept, 12, 1.872. Lockets, Unx'0m0l,- ulynogruylus, ruu 0Z'r.0IL -P.A.INT1NG, .4;a wmmpd nr without `Frames ' .7.` 7 Stages running betwen Barrie and Perman- guishene, will leave B_a.r,rie. Daily at 11:45 a.m~. Retur_ning,an-ive at Barrios: 2 ofclock, p. m.: ` WEAYMOUPE 45' FARAG'ER,_ [ ` ` " ` ` Proprietm-g _ 1 ' _,>._`A,._ 'Un1`AlV|' .|.I1.NE, , t'&;=s T A;,G1- iE Ls. Mr. John Morrow; lOl1n?!t\.R`1.hn nnnnino I-K H-m nlmnn gaoakl `lad. ; Dede; WE Ll vuu. IAJl\Il.I 1I.l.I.l., _ UDHAIIDJV IALI `Q 11-.=3A?IJxr=I-E1=:.~sg ' . MA`Rl(Ia`.'l`.sInnAt`:m nn-rmn o` [.1ILLmEnY,. Moms 3:. Mannie] .` 1v1'?A.1=c`r1\rr:.~'- M.- .u um uur__.a1i.v-1511'.I.'g 15 auzuns Kextu Bgn-d Vs-Boota. 9110;: store. A:-qua: -n1unssn*s5 HAi!E~ In an LATEST Lsrrnms,` A` At moderate elm` ;apdL with prom tneas. IIL? unit? All.-Irv m{A;mosK} B N` .1_EOR'GE BALL, I` . , r . , KNIGU-S 0; GRAHA-M.; '~3>2 . xi` ' 1v.t.ibs%s.'fvi?)-12}'ro1>:',L. , `DUNIa0P,.STB-EET,- BARBIE: ;Ix'_t fa; .Bji`gl s`Boot_gt. slqoge more nail,-midi Iilillduhlj - ` _ . % CARRIAGE, `- HoUsn..sIaN, : AxD; .gImAMENTAL I-is An -$2-an-`--a-_-n._ .._. PHO T'o-RiA11=HsA -_-'1'.-iInn:v\`:/\|n and all gnnn Qnbnn 14-r\a .-..._v wA-m{ EIME7 W" Adlalio of his Improved Extent V r~nv-1rD1 DI? 12I.nn It I:4uuy.u Unuu, I V - . Carpenter, Bui1dar,&c- to announce `to tire publicthnt he has V completed his 9: '1` 1?. A M D n W 12 12 ;ARB.I'E " Nb. PENEEANGUI- . Asnmm LmE,.o1r..; V r-a_.v(Vf'I`1vA rw-r1-Irw` st: B.oL1f7`AJv.-`m'G , sad. nd Tnnauadand (I:-nr.~m'ri Lnm CU_LjyERWELL S, .....ll\ ....... ......1 TY..L..'I..A...... 1... Ffiun nnssisme Arm sumac sAI_29N.% U114 Lv'1l.L`J.4J.V\.A Frgmed or without `Frames Pklnrs F1.-amed to otdeni-V. ' ` HUMNIE & VAN `DENSTEEN. r-.. (H 1n'10 . 44 B11123 an WEEKS nnnnunn _ MARKET `SQUARE. `BARRIE- r1p1N(j s-I H16_Dc"SZ POSSIDIQ B.V8!1t.`\g6. JOHN. w. MORROW, A unnnnnr A nnu-nhmr IwF..D.. E. .4. ivio6ii`1?: 5s} I l:. I. I2. GENUINE? ...n 4 uxvln ,~,nuu-vv an II f'is4:AKI1~frG-.1 .u- H . u.L\u.vu.\J vv , ` Auctioneer. Appraiser, -to. E. U [\'11'LUI`J 1'.` . Bayeld 8t..', Barrie, - Nezyrlhe Foundry . 13-ly '1?IENRY"G}RIST, ()un-vim. (Trm:-.;! LINDA` a V 4-tf 53973? | :1, The shortest way: by half a mi1eF- ' I come so vary often`-by it-'- Ia up tharond. across the style, s = Andthrough mg meadow. ,s:..n, we in it '3? - he days,{v.ex_`_e'1iot without a chum _. _ When, talkingsoft and looking silly, My love and I walked nrm-in-arm, A nd lgnes were ions and elds wore atilly. 1 ' _Wofoi1nd `so many things to, say - That always, shiny wehther, .Wo Cook the- wall, the shorter way, 1 To be a longer time together. o We spoke show. (but goodness knowo 7 Our topics, of couf.1bulnt.ion)- V About the weather, I suppose, '1`he_cro}*I,'the' harvest, and the notion. ail evening altnough {$9 talk Was neither very wise` not witty, We ended each successive talk ; With "Home a.lread_y.--wha.t a pity I We might. have lost a little ground . Though comimz bv the rand salaried.` we uugnp nave was 11 mun gv'qunu- Though coming by the mud selected,` But both agreed that we had found .3 The journey shorter than expected. V Can Life : 'experimenl.snpport' ' 7 The pnradn_x that Love proposes 7 Does any path seem very `short, ` Unless it be I pull: of roses? - We aeldoni nd the nearer wsy : -; Audit", we hltlgponnnd takeit, ' By creeping on from day to day . ` It sems as l'ongAu length can make it: 'ihe.ro'a.d, to tame is hover brief, : 3' The way.to wealth is dullxnd dreary; All earthly routes; in my `belief, . k Are very long and very weary. . 1`lay-omz, that leads tlrongh care and strife I In short, when mortal`: once begin it, `" `We take the near cut on.` of life,- _ Although ye take the longest m_lt. .._..{.._.-->---T...._ _ ,__._.__...___.>_--__..-------.._. __ _ ._- A FORGOTTEN vALEN'1'IN1a _TCH.P.'1`EP. I. V. A Andwho hvr d$1ivered'it.' Per: haps it would have been too much to .expeotofh_im.thait he should dd so; jtoo muchtd expeonhat the httle packet, carelessly taken and thrust away _nm_ongat others, would ever enter his T head again. At ahy rate it did not. He was a. young.man,_though he had Lech for some years 9.` widower; and -he hadxfallenin love and was on his `way to know his fate. " - T0 nnunb Kn `njfnvinn n n I1f\lIV\lVlf|'r`I1- J LU 3U`-IVV IIKU 1utUo ` It cannot be attering to a young lady,` 4 ifshe knows it, that her suitor should 1. be capable of taking thought for any I g` one besides `herself; but certainly Sir fa` `Hugh Rainham tried to believe that he yo :was not making his own appiness 0.1- it, ` together the first consideration. There W was the well-being of his little` girl to 10 be thought of; and what did he know abontvbirirrgingeup little girls? Ae had u heard sensible people say, `and he was tr ready enough. now, to accept the dic- RE turn`, that the wisest thing a man in his position could do would 135 :(-,_ma,,y again; wisest both for his own future and his child s. He said this to him- self as he stood in Evelyn `Neville s drawing room, hat in hand, waiting, .looking out" upon the bare branches which were soon to-"be green again, and wondering, in a desultory fashion, if this February day wstd bring him another spring-time, or only the deso- ' late branches, the dead leaves whirling ;v about, and the cold sky beyond. He had not long to wait. When she came into the room`, ` and that thrill `went through his heart which the presence to! one we love alone can bring, it must have left some mark upon hisIIace;_ for she knew why hehad come, and in a. few rapid arguments had decided upon` her answer.- He was rich; but she did not care so much ahoutvthat, not ku_ow- ing what it was to be anything else; he was Sir Hugh Ramharn; bntshe didn t care for that `either, her pride being of a'nother`sort';` he was good,-generous, and devoted ; the'se`things'she did care `for. -1`VHe_ =loved4 her; and he cam_e`on a day` when. that same pride of hers was . `amarting under a senseiof neglect. `In ~ `the few seconds allowed her before he spoke`,E.vely|_1 Neville had made her.d- eision. She had thought that he knew and was jealo_us_'of he'r1f.riendship'wi_th that cqllain I3`-ranks, V5,-horn she fancied ,migh1__i.;~_9!te_dtt}y nearer than acousin. Butthat._was over. `The cousins had keptggfa ohildisho habit of_`excha1nging valentines; `and. 1 to-day there. was `no- . ;_ _-.orn him,'._ while` A `gown had .eg9`n;eegfgp`,nsna1, - That "was , the hun'n1i- , 1i1'!.9'!1'8~. the .9st9t!!s.;:xt;e-W9uld. have: ` ;h9Ii1.'W1I.l.rbu.? _ - at ' Tu? .8h9iI1dr. liafe j=seen=a.e srgtr naf : ' * 1* l ~ V "W " 1 | Evelyn liate11ed_tq Sir Hugh with .1 ford attention ; l'.utAhe`knewfnothmg ohhat. When he spoke of hrs little _ 'girI,:falt9riug1y,she' roused up and saw I `the strong eameatn'ess- and "anxiety in "the. man : face ; and, strange, to say, this touched her more jug: than than any _ - passionate` l'ovd; s`}vleading could have} "_do'ne. -Shoturne iowhrdq `him and} k M denlymnd ptit`.7he'r hand `in 0 his,` ind - ; speja_kin'g-Tof,.the'hma'll `eoi|ia`r'-- I .u`o|.-_ .t_n.-1.- ___,,-_ 1 %5sJ1I;}i.i`f 1}; Jy"&lZ' r3".:-a...i ; precious ~. I will care for her. gig ngdqh you could dmesjre... : |._-_I __1 an 9- -..~/.- .. .a.'.: __ J .V. ---.<:- -----v I ~ And .~_ohanf_si{'Hugh had fer: hex, sh didfuot irepent. `It is,tm6T thdt 1 where `ame_upo n` her 1- certain `sense 1 1 or ,beip`g`5our'uj-f; ` hiyiiig, on e,what : Vgotiidi not uinauhx 5*? til?` W'?i TEE: ggim. I w1ii'.`iIId,Klt_` manneri-I alth anu 3|! to take, aid relies] upol nriz-iug mu Third Emu lmnnac` in non! x |k| 3 and cans` securing II I THE m:ss1zN<;E1z xyno noml: IT, A - . x 1 `so - i SHORTISI` WAY AHOME. " wbellious desire tu be ways almost inseparable from hi` `net that sea1a,one a own fate. - Andren the draAwing-roo'm- was, rather !<;neJ_y;' the trees. outside [the window` got e ghostly look, "and 'een;ed-tb wi*hp' themselves up tighter eethe fog ga'ther- e around them ; n@:d-'-altogether,- she thought `e_he'w'ouJd*go and tell hletbro-` ther, by way at oonvinomg h'ers'eH`that the thing waanally'seltled; 5 * When aha tnl H{l1'L l1n`Hf"Az`.nv-n H357 um: Iuvu5gwnu_ 1l_!lu`lly BUI|l6Q`o_ ' ` When she told him, he` liedvup his eyebrows and stared at her, A ' v ` (`Ta 1'0 Ovnn QLVA.-' .L...7.`......`l .1; u-.;__ u -vuuuvvo uuu asulot{ Ill: HUI. Is it true1-4-You looI'aa9if"ii"wr6: Rather scared, and that-`sort of thing. Not that there is anything to big aaareid` about; only_ I suppose fit : proper. Ham ! I might have thou ght'9{Ftank Neville; but this is wiser. 1 . _q1.- mo 1...... 1:. 1-. ----------- - ' ;1uvu|u, nut uuu 11 WIUUK. ' ' She bit he: lip, but never_ anayvordd him. .S.he,w1shed he `had npt sand that about Frank; and `aha-didVuot like the word `wiser. What `had wiidow to do withn 1. ` cn__ _A_..L,,` 1,_-i_,.I_' ' `U uu \'VIlIIII'- " ' ' l She- started troin= He} sleep "that night,` with a mist bafore her yes and a great throbbing at her heart . for Frank s voice was in hm ears. 1 Would he care ! ' ' ' * n L ._,I__4 .-,_, .1 ` ." 1' I necuraz . But what was the use to` ask, now that it was too late! And that itwa too |ate no-one knew better tha'n.thr-' eel! ; for to her, having"once'-* debided. publicly as it were, ohrgngqygyongld have beeh impossible. ` T A ' A n.-I nn Hat n1ar1k`:nn t"n;1`n`\a:.I1lnn~`I`\ Been mxpuusnme. ` : And on_heVr wedding defy she 'vva.s`f6_ Sir Hugh 9, fadiant prinocss,_, far gway above. him, stoopmg to Growl; himwith ; the blessmg f hgnjlove. gnyone whd 3 had seen. him thafdiay migf_Ll_ha_L_V e, doubted ahqut 1(s' boing"a1tog'e';hi; qr : even very much {bi-`his`d:aug1itar a 'ak' , Hull `an Inn`! ("Ha clfn I ' "U ' A . `._-J">_( ):YS',::--JI".`llIi&I&!":y~` 'JtttTo:ney; E . Snlcm)l'l1n.5(x1`Ia`l:GdIl.?-Dommimixmnnt Au-._ that he Iook_this step. A _. , . _ I have reason to be 'gI"at`o_ful;A hq . said to his tivf b'i'o't}iei-in_5lavv. , when the spe_eoh'i'fyi1_1g "Was ovqt, "5u'1d"th<=, , bride was `going `awn-y to 'che'|ff1'gfe h'e r" dren_xs._ . _ TV " .' . George Nevxlle looked at .1191 And ' nodded_."" H I l W `I . 1 She s a good girILenOugh A:fo.. little . self willed; perhaps; but then, she has always had her own way`.__` u A ;..1 ...:11-1..; .;.`. n ..o:n 1 1.,..... n ...:,: CVUU V51] IXLUIIZII IHI. `[1]: that he took this if T 'lr;|ntfn v-Inuunn fn F all 111' `lllU~ Inyear's to come; ha=*ree2u-Hod {he spAse::h,'and wondered`-whether some strange misgivi_ng had moved him. :to~` uzterit. ~ % - . .1 ,._ 1':u.:_u_ xv,-n' _,_ unwuyu [NIH HUI U\`Vll Wily. Ahd wi1l'hav it still, ]I_Eop_e, said. `Sir ~Hugh .' "If I dc >n t m ake`he"r happy Ijshndeserve to b a_;miserable mgp amyh.f.e.,, . .. Tn 3-noun`: tn nnri\n..hn:wmnh.HnA H1`; ULLUI IB- ` -Just then Frruzuk Nevin}; was .aayi`11'.g'v to Evelyn`, So you do not Jhidkume - worth u`n_answer-!" ' . "Elle was passing through the throng towards the door, andshe'neve1 falter- ed "or rzused hefhend. No one hiew that the words fell 'upon'lier"'w"ith '9. sudden chill , Ii1l:c3`,aiE61dV'bzind rushing her heart. Shirhad h cousin ` amongat the guests, um? knoyv h_at _he was looking` m-serably 1, but shehad been too muchoccupied to-think abdut that, A ' " ` ro(ITL _.-.1- -._.- ...-_-_ 1.w_-._u_in .1. n"v..." tun. --V -1 Whatdoyou 1383.11:-E:ank'{ .', 1` Oh; nor!` muo'(1'. _Y:al`en_!inap__dd't;t_. ( require answers in,a.g!1g&l,_yv`n)f,;hl>qt; , Ithjnk you might have given me7a 1 few'w`ords last ,Fobrlli1fI'V~4. ` xowevdi, i you`ll keep m_y,secre't. ..No` one- knwi , i9. baryon, unless it is your hinhbhnds; ; What s the .rnatter,,,Evely1,1'l` You ` j look as if you diam ! undqrstantdji I don t._ - g uYou must hamfI ;1e1_d' iii", ' the post pvervnight and gs-ve. jg go ' Rlnhm-'`.`::'3;` as I"|nie.v`he'v'Ipti1d See you the next _day." ` `-"I`o"".1Y husband 1." 5 1 '5 UVnn`- n*.1lt"-`r;niU~-> I) -- 3 vs 3.7. Never speak of 1c-}.`ok* my ' 1 Ga , A u Gian nuu"j- 1Ttmnk,"' shp .sa._id,: \`gitA1V1.`_a`. heayy hand on hm arm, ..,(qrgetLkall thus. " '.sn'<'a.f ` ` I-In Innlrnd ht. hm: nfillh n r.Arn]A!"l3I ac have we not.`-Ie would ask pyoux-for M but the_doctors say. h_ere sV sopxathipg. ' amiss here, touching oha_s' j,ff,a_nd_ ; I-1e_`.looked qt 1e_r.4wyil,h`,a.,,;`_:rp1ex cs,1d`,: expression of mquiry, but he "saw" that` g she was-white and urried, a.nd-go.'ve % upthepoint. I ._ -' 3: Well, we have always been friends; LVGYBY SPBJLIE OI lI.'f'IOI my BEKG. '. . your good wxshes, as you hive mine; T mnv not hvn ~tn`..'.."_.ai1e'1-` mind I lulaa uruc, uuuugglfa Lgliunqa ";u_uu_ I may not ,lur_e {.07_--T-,9I'l;C;>VO`l", miq_d;!T God bless you; Ij,3w./g1yt_1. !f _ . 7 ` ` ' --I---_. _ CHAP'I EB.`II. " H rrs MARK ON THE Y,1:Av.s`frc'>` gbsi` . Sir Hugh, broughtzhns, wif home;-.` and his hall was ntgrey; n`eit?hor`-.hId` ` s.ny prematm-e Wrinklesjmlrked him ` lace. ' T9 his servants thexe ap,poar.ed.-V ` no change" inhim, .e~ther for bevtegi oi - for xyorse; 7 He wa{g"just theihme - gyav, silent`, r_ath`or' d1ibergt'f"i;1'asti I" they temeinberd. did nbtttihkl : ii1deed, _tlA1'9:.t he; wasf_rndfulfjvpO1i te ' to his lady ';h u,t_ perhaps` tlfgt` - par--before servantsf ` T .' `S:irv'Hugh;.- taking Evely,-n to"the I drawingkrooms, which `ho,,11ad_,oau_sgd I to be altered and}, h_righ_tqned.. fpr,.he1'., - turned: -and 83.i`1:.t.0 4het..`f=NVe1ooun 1 home. - : . _-,v,-1; ._ ,1` -...u. . - g r'\.~ um an .`_.`-2%-_-2|'l!. l:l.`',IJ-U|'.'l.1IZ3zII'_' Jyuutney, Solicitor`. ins(;1`aa`neeiy,; Aommxlaxuuen; kc. ..:' .(ce uvenHsnisbnssto: Eidevplop Sx. ~e1_.BrLr:1a.' 1:7 ; v;o.z.~. :I 9! ; J .` .5 ; f7~1190' ._* -.'..- 4~m __ as he said, .it, tho`: `of his.dreq.m of that hqmp stung him so bitterly _that.h'e' half pm qut t;a_s_ja`_rms . once known.,', Bin She nfev`e r's`ai.`v the ' light of which seemed to `d'a2zT6~"'Sir to take jnto`fthe_m the ,Et_r_I"yt_i "hia1ia'd movement, arid \iv puld'n:`vf't;a`vi.'"1i,33ii4eigl j '- the_movemant, if, phe.ha d` s6n1_`. She 1 7 passed on into th "room; th brilllant ` v Hugh's 'yes,' for he pill-bl! hands (war; I `= them uddenlii-[.3131 fox-at moment-ho: A stood 3,: the dodr ;:i:redolute;:then closed: , - it nnntlu. Antl. 'tlrnnh.-On .a-Ar d`fnn 11;.` V " I U111]! IIKLHUHKIMI Yes; M1 aa1<`Ahim"--4:-4.5 . ((TFvnnk- ,3 aha coir` s..H.l-I stood the doof;Liues olute;.then closed; it `gently, ahclt wantcto -see: aftomhisf : . I .umeg;x1.. =- ; ,. -n . 1`... d M; nz. .2: `;:, nu -Inuu butt > 7 v . -' Thatwas tiaturaI en_qx 1`gY1,j h 6 y aaidi --t_hoseT gpusip_s"dp'Vk'7n "n(k'xit'1%iiho` wire` alwaylr on hd witch:-*1 Bntwhv didn't; 5 he Xalio hiS.'l'W.1fe with~hiz,i-1 -` And; . why did-li sI;ay wilh`*th`e child, hour; . aep hour, till; no'_:ie`0i`vtho ev?eulng"~re-E mainpd 2` " T563 rit s ewvehrin`g,L- too{ ' 'A:bove-_a-11`, nby,'Hwheiwthe* `household I `had rotirodniud |llHwu_oquiat,f di,d';t ` tall, alight. gure, wh,i_h'rudv1od= wiitda . I win 5-pa8s_I1y_{`:gs1.Jin.&b* th.e.snm_Iemap ! .k Vaiilxtkiwn'z.bepidg1..tbQ-alnP!G&h1l< . A '-IU-' `({2} 4-9-651' NJ? ml-'v .'; .. nuu. nun u _.~. . r notsiikbiyr to_'- V keep . its: ozihnrsolf, 9ith`e_ua.:c!l .h`dw ind such Qids Fwdtg r nzzling. At first they.fauno0.*sooh} The 'au.;`fol|;. ' ableep. axAiny=:-fady`. fancied` idndwli ` av-n 4 >5. '1': ,..- I - `.7 _`4ll ifm.'.~21::-whenilio-*:1135;:4:%; . .... ...a 2:`-"' <"I"* 91 ; aq. ufi: I :1'I\\;t ?hrv.*u~.J `stunt souxw of: - whibpdringi nhd shak- jinigs of Wlvillldl ; -but? `gmdnnlly: the I glona:.of~.:nwnoos; wore ~a.\x-aywfrom ' thong, thadull `days swept on; and movhing `of he gtimnqss bmho atom! hpudsethat-guarded the aweep of stops it the haitdboriaemodt to have `crept into thezhoahemilhrwaa so..aliIl 1 and ` `silent ;=so.<.u`1onotbnouss~ But for Who Small Cecilia. itwonld have been -1111- 'u'tembly 'din_nal.Z 'But4ah,e wasa child, >and=.had'ohi1da'sh wuygwyhioh remaim `ed unohe cked.e--Sha`.wns -quite. young - 'a1an ghto.Iakq-'ver:y-kindly to the new `rnamjna,-rzwho A was so beanlitul and sogoodto hr?.w .L - - - (Mm H]... m..... ....:.i -1... .......I.a L- I "1 .5011` UYTEBI. l`XlT!'!{)'*' DFNCCSEVTIB "I0 `I56 `9.10 9 [-1 21 ffonltoxtfiouzjtif i1'oya,&3ewa!t..' 2 -._ L `\' Lrsmz-I-..`--3 9`. :, :4 ' ., :G;. W.`:-LQDNT. -........... `WWII-EU |$lu- ' ;Not like.nurno:.eoi`de' slxe would b`e-b-- ugly; and cross) : Ilia said.to hbrvlnvoun ite`~ playfelloiw--bi1t_.good. . I l:think she. could havqbrought. the little pun- cess to life=aga.in, as well as the fairy ' `did. Xou never saw. such! eyes in y`our.l1fe assbo hasgot ; just lxke the pool zundar .Ihewillows. when ._we -are not to go; Charlie, you know; down, as if you oou1.dn I- ever.-sea. the bottom ' ever-so deep.;-Andanhe-kiss, me too)` l : T0 IIhl(Ih"lhA hnlhmnnna` unioh 11-, Iulou uuyuuuyo ' . ___` MM _ _ By-and-by,` hoygoy9_:; '. as C_cc`il_ grew o`lder,sho used to wonder in her wise . ;1it1e head `what-`made her fnthr ai_1d V ,n 1ether,-:u5he'n'Ihey were ulonogltalk to . exch ~oth`er,"7'i..theyg. did talkgso like _ :`ompany'; .Thu't waalher iden5 of it. . 3$he' Jumgiud .~ap. from the piano 5oneday T,dnd2wattzedtound.to the `footatob! at Lady Bninha1n uzfoI3",` with a. tuddcm thoughttha1'she.would soon uid `out. ' uxud-up Iipsywhibh oviddntly. bar} a question upon them, "`Whtt s lh mut- . 'ter'!..Is.=/yquruvnew"music 4-lesson: too: .ha[dz _?_ . '. .;'n. . ::._';'t. I,-" `F 1 .. 11,- , -- - ' `- - V L -Wall? said'.'Evelyn,'loak.ing': It the - oval av UDO1.Ia . `l1l.llI;Bl'I9`KlIBCb, [H9 IOQ.-" ' f To whioh"lho boy;-replied, with do- oision, h&l;sh`e.ooul_dn t "be;aa.!nir~y in that case, fog fairiesxnever kiusedaany-` body; il.wasn }.luoky.- thnt waiunleas they were, Vwigked. laizioa. And. it was ail vgry.we1'l now,,r{hu: when-Gem] married him;-he shou_l_dn?_t allow. homo has anybody. I n1r~..onA_luu lru:.n.-u..... .;.;}`1:-:1 __.__, V un.u,._ -. , "H.(l v 4 ...r:'.. 1;" ; `ztylneun music le.ss'on`:`is--is a. d getw :onnk`, . said Cecil, hesitating for an expression itrongibndugh ;.'`:but`= i; a.not.. that. -. I wins rfust wondonng why youtnd pppo.-"--+f'.,`.- .A . . ' '.Sir Hunk lnf.;l1:n<` Ann. .t.n'. ...:n... -. nnt1'c.e of her. : 1* V -know I ;have.t0 sit still; `uid not _t.umb1e v'.--: 1" new vFr'*""" " Sir Hugh,leI...-shin`. bobh.fallT- with: "a quddep neise, fund-.1 weht.-out o_f.~.the noun, passing the ohil,-rbht yckiiig no ; W-hy you and papd,.weni=fm Cecil; taecbivelsf, araso"odd,"{1`he grand-~ visiwn..~f~Whan th`ere s;dny one=hera 1 my frock, nor-cross my'feeL;.but when ' her.e'.s.no oudit'a' difierant:." ` -` ` -~ : Q `.`Your .pa`pa..9.ud%. I .316 not .chil_dnau, ._. said LI\d.v3B:aihha.m.. `.*G1-`own up Vpeo~V - ple must.-.b.e;eteady:, C1s'.. 3 . - 3 (`Thain I rlunlr upon} in 1;- 4.`.......... ..-. Ina |uun.9uv.v;.uII:Iluy., Ulsii I 1 - j iThen I.duu t want to be grown up. .A.'id; I mJDra, '..quite sure,.; that I -ll - p6V6i`:h0 n1artibd~,: ifmne is.-to.do:noq -lIin'g.,-bnti,sit---9it ;nll.~,day long and he.ve.no1un'. v; - , _ '3 `Lady Jiainham bent down In kiss thPQQ1.-l'O0_lll`O, lips --that uttered this 5054;-deoisien,~ and then; herrfaoe grew ~ and. 'l`h_ere weretimee. when even to o;_prjdq'thel1f_e she led seemadnlmost. go` hm-d to bear.-.-.-'-tirneis when `sh'e;wnn: rnad,enough to; think: she would tell Sir..Hugh_that. lhmagp which stamped him in h6.I'.-ev.e8.a.n basennd dl8hQlI0\|f:- `ed was no secret lo her,-as he doubtless _ believed it to-be. ..xBut.uhe Ieould not . lie in It seemed to he: as ii .'the con-. - lsoioumesa thatslm.-knew would only. : '_rno.l; h_iI3.lnore' qontemvptible in.his _ `own eyes as well as in-hers. It would 5 ` bnt,wide`n .the gulf, and -make what ` gshowas able {:0 been now utterly in.-. ' gtolerable- `For she never doubtedlhnt ; t_ha.;,i;putpo;t=f jDf the letter was ` I Vkno"l1=tor.him,:nnd- he had suppressed ` F, m..tm`~,iuq min-ends? A.nd;.&he:poor boy i Ewhorwrote -it was dead. There was J jihe. great misohietof it all. if he had - .liee,n. 1'vi" r a._ndww'el,l,:.soutender a halo might at -'ms"?e;zed' ever the pas), and all in,-the pastbouneoted with him; so"' bitter a` ='resen`tmeut xinight not have lie`en"`n1ir`sed"?hA `silence V ugirt the ii'|Jn|iT0"\il1fhli` hmi571\`viah-n3 ~1...a "A,-...;. , `ll `(awn gnim-I I-11'l3'.'!i"m`{.'u_1r ,.-Jqocq ii.` x1x0":HzfJni4.);'=: `q;`i0'ughflT ox} ,x1;.;i ::qx.1r>osrxir nu 3,:bn.::::1w.'. nd mi! 4105;}; `rzz-:x'. _ g? `(`t.`ui;'1?H on": ,,__ _. K ('1 fill} 3385': EH uv vuvvvn u Jvwvulltlvuv I-lllllll IIVV IIKIVU he`en%n1'Ix sodf~ in qgimt won '"v`ihfbhj heflitisbund had `done . th i'm E13. _1}31_ii";F1fgpk had livid bi; ` :i`t'a \ir inbnths after hw weddii_1g`,,_8.`nid '9 she never saw him -again. He was7 dead, ant! aha bud; `killed him---no, not she . blitisir Hugh: - slid uni! Qh;n5;nn.nln|k Ohnnaukla no-n f`+1cS`h.1;\;ur;7aut;x`i`:;!I!Elil:;gvsuch thoughts .one_ daygwhen something` made her loqk upjiand she` met Sir Hugh.'s eyes fixed `anon-harp There.-w.aa; so peculiar an `qlp}QBion.in,then that aha could not pnvvepa certain proud, antagonistid in,qnir5`2'6.oming: into her own.. He Wbtltatbwhrduhet. with his" open `book i,nA'his~hand..-A5, He `beat down and put hivgermnimkipe `in. the page, draws - ing._her_.gttntia_u to it. . ,. `V _.. ;` much the wife is dean: than `.119 .1?.'.I. This} >.8.t:uck.-sine nthor. ,that?n all..~.hes.sid,.and went-away. t I4`.vglun hnI..nn Jun. 1).. nnohun. kn} .1`, ~_-.- .,-~ . :5 1 3:; Tqo`r1~%s;;,,,g9,;5;,y -: : ' }ov"fix:;4 $!'3,A,`,xii\'t`?5'rl.' .1 - A. . .1: I <:.=\';` -* J 25' ,'_.":V I -; -12.: And` :,8;2s00.. .if.not.pa1d. . ` i ni- advnnce`.* -' - 3 V say}! .1. ..h V `nun!-u Ann, ,~,uu iuptjfll Wuut '3 no}. Evelyn satron 'hyA.tho window, but thi bo'oh'-dvopped-from ' hurxngen; and am o6vjeied`t1j6,*fa6.* " ~Wh'at- ' did: ` he mean? "1f;bh hdq;`1Iy not'\goh\qaw;iy tffti !`("`' " M V. _ V . 3', Qongluded mzt 16:/EV V > .:-F -. i`I!S'i1d3L:1`iiis iii % th`.%m', that kebps sillort of a'gricuJtuz:al inplemgnta; = a9s1,.t1m;..YEehspeg ..S.ew;neaMa1.m.= ' whuih, it In s_a,id; -d;st_n1.1ee-tall .com9tI- 1 `Ana .. 1 '/Jvfimeirzyuuxwbgzllz is .a.m'.. om 1 aiyumuuunrad imomliy . 1I"M_" ma-ggnr,~.;.a.as Julaolbiuedali 0 A`) If I i -it an - -uxeollon ,., ~wol9:p_y-:-.hnL-taI.m.o;.g_n:o:.o . mnam-.-;a9re1a1s . so! .13`. .9" mm . ..,..-'. . U, .'P.!!? .3 , 4! 99. ?. 2..'?...3` .z.{%E..:.:. iiia?EBv75,$i$Ea3:7 *pEe 5;E 3;`.ii -WsWu' was , h.-`mus =oz_s` nu botlln. .'13!)1h;:uam".-3 5131", ; x. 1 gqlngkulimto Ca`n`adia'ri nip D alloy '1'-`,`_ tr! tbs iot ro1`la'!I3`o Yclliid-` Fo'foia1_it Ky` itiziwnhtbumtvm hi Prim 925*: E-Ivgxuw nurwuuuy-uII;on.' "rrloe 11 `pct b0lUo` .'~Ja11o;:u1au.y.-is asap 1) :ra-air`qr.-1?`; "weal:- :s`!V b.1121 d_ du- `rI`g;i:!1 'u.' Jwi . `3.-"J as `5; '.-. :.':.;-h &J 'r um od Hula r. xo.'~'a-3'!.xm . muoh;&; agar ,Luwna; - r J.-M: ;,;.':.zd:'-)_-tow 31."; ui ~.;, ; vJdsJrwn1w- ~ Eli! -'.1iz';. 3. ! 3 . ur. 5-1.. . '.j4.'.=;.:a;,:z1 tr .7 may -.:. 2 .2:-.4. go - have net.-thorV llkau inst. their further Vousptqh % 11 gmerh:u11to;jh_thin,o j Avioni- A sin 4:? di8PlU@ : . ' _g _tied to find that ho 5 eg diprot; have improved. lohilnn 113:: in Bzqy il_IIa_l1_o8_I lO.fl~IIiI[ pu- $LHuu35U]~U:D' .. ~ wzg : ..;..1..'.".v....L-. :;'..`..'T 'I'T.v.`..':J'. '3' I '1 If-i`,:`lLb'--a.~ exl. I")'vIIM::K'ill-`.1! SAr14T~.- -_` '___ ., V ._ .` ' . R R1)!T.\3)}{,,Q;:1l_zg..f` ;l,x or,;irg,0hg.p,-__ i . mm-`wurney-at Lw.J:r.zs.749csm Corn.--' =2-:21` r in B.R., Sap. V.-r V~'.~_i_r nd 'D_g#j9;_Q1himg. )`:'1.>m?_l\x`:ji, Agent.-f`e1:,C3l!-11,8. ,~.-I48_n1_5L__(_g1`edit_ (`~m,u!a:1<!;,for. ion!-in! su1su.r.s'a.9\9,~}.8.1;:f9:3.$*%..'-0- . 3`..848`l ._.. ,_- -.._._, .. 1, V. .. _-- .._.... 44 mg :`n!~ 1. pm am`:-w u`~.:w'l Id; I1. ; 51;` L "`*.'-5*". V ` ' ., , _- not.-their hot: ,5 n" 1 . dn9r1iaI1".3`|:iI. A59 ' 1%. iivi! find 2i1?.Z`.'5`E;`.'2..i'i`.,',.`*;2$I2;.'?."2.F.'`.'.. .'.'. Ill-_ an mnenoee II!IIlI[W per ' e.a'?s `s`v|l'teti4'eaia*.eet:IueeI- lo " ~'eh_:e'wd einough_to-'eeet!e|,., _ _de:fedeI.AIeI- :qg2;urnere__vjth when s_.is whet .tlle/58e'e@e`rn `dry `code in v `Q. _ ' `lull llli: I ?5 i`e :5"t:_`ti;irria'i:ent`i_iifytnge'geeb :1) I631; ~ireed'thenL" .='-r..~;..e.~.'.r~.*:'- - , 'lldtliqir.bnyinlergerqn_entlhee|II 3 eirgtrede demands. 3. 'I_`o.(hoir opening u`:oi'*`ieene=s&-` ' `e nriisiha`n`tllrly"wou'ldothelwbbbi: f Tbtheir sellingtgoods on e_[edtt.Ihi0h. A. .,t ey might .other1.1lI9n.|01l.f.l ,. . It lesgie to `larger reorder; by the rter. ' . ` . , r 5 ' . _ , 1 =1ne;d,:o' `exohseivd"pr0d!I0|| `W L _'t_ emnntrfseturer: . ., It leads toe smteit tot go:IlI,IlI the erlleh. _ ` Itleads to the forcing end seorrorn; goods by the holders. V _ It'lei(ds to the lose of the eeeeen'e wp ot alike to the buyer end seller. " "It benets those only who buy goods I; hentheywent them, elwho oennot ' e e the advantage of_ buying printetl uelins in Ianusry` or winter goods in `,3 1y. When the nude generellyn I o r rule (which they meet uenredy 1? ill) there will be ' Fewer goods imported. V ;Fewer goods wanted. `Fewer goods sold on oredigby country nierohentt; _ ' i . H .Fewer goods seorilloed. Fewer failures. _ g A greater number of eeteehotory bel- anoe sheets. : A gre'uter.nnrnber oi euoesstnl mer- _chents--.or, by wholesale end V retell tries alike, there W! b more money a e. 1` l The two indispensiblee of the day, no l at good piano, melodeon or organ, and e ` No. 1 Sewing Machine ; and the place to get them is at Van Tassel Jr Mex-gen e, their musical instrumento and sewing machines are both good and cheap. E Mr. C. A. Perkins still geeson in the even tenor of his way, and is holding `hip own against all comers. The reason why is, he sells the best of tens`, gr-ocerielend provisions at cheap mites.` ' .114`; 1r_x~r..1_L _o n-s-.12___ -nu, ..,-, 9, ,, lgnuv nuuuuu uu vuunll nnvvnc ;M13.` McNa.bb, of Clothing Emporium {me is,jwe are hap .to, loarn, 5 A ing; b__usiness. eo can't do too well fpg he deserves it all; go get tted, Ind. lgdies, go `look at his dry goods , dun .g'0ods`,J&c. , Sic. iifainy fogm,-' ~ _'=f 1 Gntcxntz ia`nd.fresh 1'etno'n-"I`)ico vxll didiin ymovipg tan -from {hi -Alcohol and whiting will oleuniinvu -I , _,,,jt`, ii ,,'II JLKJ4 '- I`-`U15!-LlZ'_DA (Iii/.Li .Lu.uL5tL'4.-1lJ+I.l.. W. I "D; You Iv?/u7at '1.`OJ.;i7';"'0`?(,' .lMl`C"73.937' '1 w 1,`. :u1 o1-'q'!~ii.Iiiu1`1I`o1':'{y`o`u1iVsol_!'sv:r for-yum} sons ?_ 1`&h`t>'1 .::`HmQe Gr` Mm! "131! fenc, clear, .5:-' ?.........1l....s...: `J. xnuubnm. `nun-. hand 7 a}a_1.n ;mov1pg_ tan -xrom mo nu. . _3f.vcn1nz and esh lemonlguiop will both.8.0$t_n and Whiwl. the hllisll-I` ' ; K_mzou=:nno`il willzemotc run from kniveq. Ejmory paper it also good. , E xkwsati somtion of the pormuugmtto 'f'.pp!us_sg.wi}l deodorizo you! bnolh: : `:rn__.. L--. .I._.... 0.... `L- |_-:.. 2- 4-4-- '1 1..v-v..- vuuu-...--`r-.-r ...... -- ; :I`9 001.03 Bum-mu.-'-Tutu two Qr_ ghre carrots, scrape: o the aiin; |nd'_ jhen grate them. ,PuHhe gmii:u'g'I in` cloth; wet jl; than {dip ll` in the .or.eo.m,`anVd squeeze it well. A lth experience will-enablennyonito `ve th'eAbutto;r the shade desired. ,1 ..TO olnnaoihe scalp, uh: bino` Io:-. .g'poonIu| of powdered borax,.one tublor apoonlll-of: hartshotn. and `one. quufof math: 1 NH! nhnanlhnr and nnnlv In ` QVHVIFCI-VI? MEI IDIIUIQI CII _UIlU4 `UQII U` at`er._: `Mix s1togethe;__nqd 1 `y to be head with a soil sponge :_.: I mpg tbg head with 3 dxy towcl. -Ua9_..`op0 hwenk.-., _ 1 - ._A V. __ ._ '__ A `- Onnnuni stains 1:1 shoot sine uicyic iumovd by washing it with I! aolutiop `of diluted sulphuric acid nnd wuor- `oueipnrt of acid and three put: of wt- `tar. After using this preparation, the acid should be thoroughly oluncd of. iwnth Amp and water. - To soon: or brighten zinc. usovglycerine mind with ` `sulphuric acid. A ' m- n_L-____ n . ..--_-'n-.'.._.- 1i!..L' EIIIIPIIIQIAU uvluo - To Rnsron: R.uvc1n`Bv'nn.--Wuh ._it well, first "with'good new milk, and gnex} with oeld water. Butyrio `acid, ` zdn tlr`e`pxei`ei1o of which mnoulit) de- ` pe'nde,`_is freely soluble in fresh milk. ; gflancid butter may also to IOICOYOG" ha gmeltmg in a water bath with some fun I: burnthnd coarsely powdered animal : ohamdnl (thoroughly eifted) and unin- ing through clean annel. ' . ; The Cbnf.ral_ Drug Store of Mean. :.iWaeons 8.: Co., takes the lead in Pa- ~` futnery, Hair-restorativea, and Teeth ` cleansing and beautifyera. Don't take our '.W0l'd for it; but go, judge for yourselves. _ v` The Kingof _Teas,`Grocerie's, ; iansfand. Liquor Mer'chn.nts' inthia goodly ` town of Barrie, is undoubtledly the King of the \Vest End Store, Front Stroeh, corner of the Street leading to Simpson : Brewery. Remember that fact. YUUT U00) 1 `H6 UIUIUIHK, Will `VII lyprevent offensive perspinlkin. ' zm : . - I'I.._-_ 'n___._._ 'I'I-L- A... v_u|.yuuIu_uI_z.wu| uwvuvlnuv yvuv Invduu ' I "THE best thmglfor the hair it onto! oilnnd brandy-anough of the litter to h?t1the oil. ` "' ' 0 . `A ___,_ . ___,__ ,1` LA_`-`_-__ __.n 2_ 11$...) L):~`L`!L'n--M.-\b'U.\iU iisxm.-. 1` :1. v.\.. 11)..-.` _`-;r2 `Hill HIE Ulla ' FA TEASPOONFUL of hartahorn put in yoigf bason or water when you wait your body in me morning, will gluon!- Iufnrnunnf nnnnhyn nninn`vnNl'u . A MECHANICAL M.u\vI:x..---Ml. Wm. VWebb,o1 London, has produced 1 curi- osity inmicroscopic writing. -"Ho bu accomplished the fact by means of machinery on glues, with thoaid of I diamond. The writing consists oftho Lord s Prayer, which is written on glass within. a space. equal to one two hundredth. and Anincty.{on'rth.-_ put of an inch in length, by onc;four.hnndmt and Iortioth part of an inch in width.Is space.-icorrocponding to the dot our the printed latter 3'. ;'1`ha dot of writing hm: 'heanI.anlnrdad.. hm manna n! th- ,1,uu,u.uu Awunu 0- vxuu uus U] Wllll` has been` enlarged by; lnunnof tho- photograph so as to occupy 1 lpooo of hall inches broad. The , photognpb brings the words out logibly. tho nunlv but olettou boing.227.. Such` is the noness.of;the original uniting Ihl 2_9,431_,4,58.letters written in tho tuna way would only your onqsqnuo inch of glass iJI.lfaco'-. . The Who`!-BIND, in- _ iolnding the. Old nnd,.Npw. Touanonu, Aoontninoi 3,566,480,. lemon; thou!- , .Mx..,W.obb ooulcgwiilo sh-xqntirs we tqntuio notoslhnnz-im,..l!ibhm! `hm. th,o.__spa.oe..oL we; _ i_q:ins}I-rm . _ apgsgmqn -r|a.tn s .!hu,- amt . V `-.W.m9l;i1.!!! ;be.o..n.,;nmdn. .~ .- ' .Mn.ind, tsaaa;1g.nsan.;I,i.st, -0&9} 60.293 -0135.0 ~0,Ioh. ;:'1`h. ;. _,o x%l.||i.?|;u.l39IV_.ovor.. about two inches long by one and o ' I-'E",?*;Vo\t I.' .`~-.--M .. - `*94 V*i6ine'i?`1o;rt?`!r`995i-.`*iil `12 r"""!`"~s~.<`a..`?:9! 1- 5 " . of ' ~r-'3.` III. of my9=-5 3? W`;PmP!`FR5`9 en- ! I _ W, ;`B_ibIe ` 2 ., -I k if Y -My-u/__ _ v WOR'1`-IiREMEMBEB.ING, '1`0_l'1>1! !`B?`i}0Qe G! unmv "13! mace, clear, , . . U `.162! ~ifafd, dr~o1-be twis -immnm. your land}? '1 v?Q.|E\' o !'~9.Q)Iortg-._eV or `-other dc-Mia? .(_h-. for m`_!"-;'ih.':,p\1v'p0 .ieZ?`"~ - ` :.3*'3_o'\2 610-115.?~re.!gr?: Kd:-.tex-mi.~=th:e;: .G.o.s.un' I-`-1.-..--.1 \\.~nc::t'-' '1l`5f:n1_!:*j1!-31: )`"?3A'J1?t(?_` ~Socuc'n',. xv rhh31=-r2'1_a-65: more lama -to lmnners during it" ... 2'.` ..`..-..-Alla-._;`u:;i', Eulnkw u";.l'(` (`IV-r.'xy`. t{`.I` '.*{~ ~,-;~- w- - v-- .'.,... , . uy .a'2.a .wmn-gsamjaamla,-gal` DBN.E\ ,.-,L'l`_-.,_ E V *1. ~Wg:6ol1ci19o_:e inaCb9.nc91y, '- y.nj,O_on-; zva-aadnlr.-.* -'= Qmsne-U!er.:fo&bpQl31qg,, Owen; `-:~`P*y53_31"'>i`*"-' Mll"~l0-L.hd_-. 3'z'. . .5"f ;,};J*1+y. H;o:ma::;.;;;ga;:;7gag`,;`i+g:y% . 4' K7.=.C=.:!Ni1c . 'r.%?=5S;..*.*a4!.;1`;!3 "a.e:s_.t \{':r\ new-mung: mom 1os:3_ `mg N U. `xsn 17 y`~ears`tHan~av1y- ohbr, .* ..:~.`;'a'g3_v zgug `ks L'ge;' byn~ .o;Y`: _"'U:.x1m1_i1_$"' `vt_}3),r)1_?i':"'.'Y.` u .. . m'm-u'..-,-n nrnrix.-,u l l|u.L'n:~ rxnnn .0? ' .` L;'.)`Lnuu_u_)` H1vL_ln: `1J`l)l`;2I,ll1'.l. ~_ ~ -. tum" :."as'r Pmdaw._1I:-Hajj. awn sxomagxezs.-7 Fm .u'nl3cr infor-rx;oAini:!1wi.V'- t0 -.,-.,z ~ 2 _ w ~ " .-.u:%-J.:l15RB'5I`gB . l` .~ xS'~;;N, ' .-. o......n....... L '7`..... _.-_ _'.`~u-'6`IIud 1.` 5` v r.7f \' ll. lzqgg -l i` Ii :1 .n. L`i A #.-~1 -ggzx`/\r an/.1` - `i ." :`J Ii{55};1`R3I,C(1iuto Ue;pu_!y4Re;;1stvrar) 2 "-L`r}nvi-_v'-.m'tRit`,>`Fo`. ,` =.};LI_rfav -tho R.x_x_v n,L`In- K`: rihcn (.`om,."x{y_~:i'1*.d*t' M-cidiant. lusurauce iA`.'m`.: my:`--(ViI}q;~r-"}`<.t Ofco`bui}diug,* -.,_..._...., _ l.. ... - - .. mtriex ~._?,..._-.,_.._..`.. - n.,\XA.\'[;)ER; kl ` L$R.0VV,,,: agc;1t`- for ;_,the 11' Prov_iraci4\ al.tm1`.~a.nce onpuuy, the~Qgge'n (win am Lifv, 1he'_.Pboe_aix.. the .lao1uted,;.;a.nd H` {@113 .4.hlr.*.- I*.!S.IlICD~ `CUDZlPUi0`3--0m09' I . H. v~l1`ic1 Block.-. ovc.*..Rnwaon'e Stage 355 < ...z:t;;-_:. .-_. E"(1 i`.)TC?;`I!13:;VSANDEIRSJAffp'!`Ipyf1t-1g;\,A'S;>}i-Z 4 " *ci n `Oht'L`z;`cc!`v;"08nv`2$cr;- do ffemig. aeque,m 0 lg-."'?'Pa`$-5iEna`{_" X1 838 Cards 34 per year -`S8-for sug mozilhs; if 71 )1 xnogdtun itgosz-w8}|ecm>1'c'cmti:h'tl! ;: ;;;hx1y'e!-'1a8a`b_;! 't_;gsa2yg2ag:;:~q;:sp:tr:.smuL`nr~ veM'.4 0r:1;eaa1cu<:t=IcI1n*1I=u~i*Ai!nr,sioo m 415 to be madein wnting. - _ V , -;;x_, ' .'u'yu-- d _!'ooucixmhdA until I;n x'la!n'1:n_tu' `....`..mu. ucamti-J tlmbnomdi t.hmmmm.. . ,9 pgic 610 :6: mx: upuolln mnpubllshe N.`-;r w.. .}`;_zl .50 119 =uW3~(C`*;I.". :n;'1':_.y1["_r;. >1,gf1!t'6, Qgoknyhiqonyu d.Rvm_-21 Gionelon "um ;rI-misgss-`.7- '-`{`fe e' 5 *`?aoi)ur;sto1?1 11od!g}y}!3h. in0i!'!_- M COT_01BlQtfh:`iT Uy:ic.(er;` .~'o`rm~'6?_ .. 0o6*i ostneixiisly ft'ed`~11 '19: -eVe'1`y\i_Iu~UIcu1:p.r: . x2.*uf:.", _:,, . ..a...-a.v.a.u.ss.aa.nau1-a1.maa~;=....mc. 4:... )v.:vni9n!5:utmmavanuum=*oo4. .'.'-4. .u l, .m-55-1 vmf--.-ti 1"uDHSTlf:_u Iv canny, I u` un: A. uvrxruruu _ rne_,~ ev--ry . 1 . __ ., 7 urea` 3- ' _ . pen-;_1inir2;1(.uthea axrso the E106 1<-..--... (El) fXlA.Ll',-a'.4....-.3 ..L AL- `1?TIIQUI*l w `* U perzaining tuthea axrtbg on tynyifg 51 hi .\dvsu`.e or $2.09--H-noipaid at the ne of sub rsn:1IsxNG_i1}{.:r1;5 {:xId'3K,]54zi:itVifn's e'i-tion. 5!)c;each-5ubs_equent one_ 12c.`.-0vers_i_x :.\....-. 2 -.m-Ihin nat. an.:.aAnI4TIu\a`h- hurt;-.hhill'l` icnlly pun. Druggisll. A.~ gnu ~;N.a..~>s<@.s~u`\a'~p-s:s-swsvvss - . mecce--G'o_llier.s,t;qet, B_a;,nzie.; Q.g,t_,'. " ;i;: . A'*X _hA:1L1'Q)I,V .. M,,, l.`.'g.l_ll!`I))lKSY, H, u.cm;<:`2rm.. z _ _,,H_,1;!;,-'.>- . !~'.'-0-,9-` `L us f1IAJvL'L`,QN&: L1oGONKEY;~3_M!i-` Pubtisgd 'Week1y,1nA-the~`P0w1:-of-Ba.rrie,"J4 '~_- -- \_-~u .uv;..5 ._ A Au--r1.` 1l$IIl]!`IiIE. . __ ":1 . H.\J.3~t'u -- - T .. `l`omnQ z .Ui1-`ve raity . I)` - .\!m`.:or!() omega -?hy3i.cia;ns.a'm1` Sn:-go'na,;) Uas12--umee--0ver.::\Yellsg 1 mos .7Drup;-:,Sto`re,= xmlqr-ssita 31Lrri1liotel1.II Dgxilop, street, 38, g~_-. 47....-__-_ .._.__7 . --~..... ........~.-9--r-_.,.,-.1_,__.., _,;,,7 . ~,L".s;e`t:::> H?f,r.:?f'7`-reig!'u'nEf'61 _t11'(y3`f\V6B_f'_.`3'1'!i Tohh smm,- imIu'(!'1!2t'1y- 6pd-Re3Mt*.1 Gen. 9 a `J. L, G." '.\sc02m'rHr~ ~ rm -. removed` his; 07 xx ' :3 ;=~ pmi=.ng:an'q _!s9s?xVf.=3~3ryi` Du ; Mo(;1., my t"%'(c:.'Ecy'fdr a'IbuJeuI."\' .~r`-' ..-13 5. f:'_44-71 -~-~__,_ ,5. >7 ' _:.;_. _ 1; ;l`A_.-u-n .. 59c ; each. subsequent one 12c:.-Over ai; ;;:;r;.mzi .9%sa:;z?y.?`vf gsg .1__1.. :2-A o\AIv(.':)I' .E2._.4-.u-div mnsiokn : N.`-.. ;.. sub: `to 11955 oV~u`~'- .'. mu u? `:3, afh Q }8OOH!1`K!l11llU Illll l1XDiIY[QHm} `re gait? 610 cu :lm`upo*'ud1 bhrphlighg ;..A__.--1n____- 1-`, ',I!Jl'\u `nu. cg-r`*V>4,"") " _ ""\--x vu-fad-31 n-94-+yt;q -w-evsiyvuuoam r2` :::.m.L .2 . .:vn+?nYpstm$Q)16%1=~j11o~!'xtdgH'banud! ta my . ;u`;b1i;=Ir`r,ViYot-;!.3!' I_H=a,Im~.*Z ,.;.~ .-.::.i -2 g;Ul`{'9')1~' ,3 g:5U ' `. 11TH *1 j $ihCa{Jc33`Fi TM . more iq_Q;nc9v;,,J A `gfgy _ ` fuhh HW) `3"31s:p3=P~-F M. :.w`.u Mocmtag, 9.0-` r9*i,.3`r`r_,'x._o,i i '7 Wu. R935, L .; ....'..-,.4.u.. 1 \.1.I{ Gib`, . .I{:\IJ;a~A<}J;T;Q3-.N1Wi1iT1L-`W Mlioiwr -.ra-.G3;ans9r.va.r ` ..9rgv_95`4im3r.` _twr_;`,i`:!:1Eg`&C,,! V . . 4 g :n;e.-0mL Suecf. Bn:I.5a.i)nTtj. '4'1+1;y . . :33, `!Lftf7! 3.'3.7',"`-`-,"1!i:i'z van-" " }-..e!`y`~ 09nvey`a`2$c_erg- 0o:::mis- v t`!fyne1`':fI5.";Sih2 eoe. -' 909'- momon H de the mat rld, and (II- y safafaclmi 'hal 17 um ni- mnnnfi` I lw1ii nd,lk '}};r1}mu avs1!nLf5.E;:aimtsirs-ma`Kul_ .~ lc)x'n(2_v_iI, S-qlicito ajn,`-VQ}.m`nce -Ndtarieva A}, GQ;1`ve)',=,ncer8,`BE.'i'ti , Q`{'gr?!"c E,"'0'nf; 5 ,!}_I.= ::,.f; ;`-,;:.-3 . ._ ' V `,l.,7 .\T R LK)ExI; :tt0fn`Q.\,'3),-t.. 4`. 11W.5glc+9.11..1_ ..,w-';c,erx.. cg-0.1ce:- :.`.np-`Street, P c`~ Set-cs6ru'io=heg1ate 2 `LI ffanltorunudtif 3i1uaa.ialhwnnt.' n ; . ts s`F59'`:- 4"`.'. -\~_.,_.,. 5,,` _.'._-_..,.-.i.:5.~,'~4\-.~.A.,-..->.:`s.~x.\. _,Suri'ey.;r .,1B_\rrie.`_ . ;V.-9!;-s9_~& E; `E ::".:'1' (:3mR'{V1C}2E', Jg, ,]_v6'ginia1';`9n:d , L . 4 , ......_...,; +- R. 4 s.cr_1zOc>i:s:i.5N2K.$3DI0N~R.=-=<= 3 0* iice-`}4xx 1 -riL;. .` `J -l-J'>1.%`D-i|!1l0PfS?"F9t! ` ~.r .n.;~ r.ma,- ca W.sVn.%i at am. T):-Itntmtsa /U Y.1CC--'l1`X`-.\:`.i3K'. $3!-.395. u.L!1l_Up(A D'.:_l'c\:un r.`-it -I`.-\ ., .oppc3E(c Waazi '66 Go}, Drgtgglis,` 21%` {i.r:a?.1cuc::-,, int ho(1ae" ,_E}a`t-Of Registry, 0r.=.;e._ D:-;P,!fi.: V2 1_um'rs?.-'~rroui-` Ltsgein-12; -Fore-'_ nix-_m_, a'n'd from 1' H1! 3, AfW;b`_n,` 1|-12!!) Pl` st; 0.. H 1m:s.~.~mK0,T. (GRATUATE OE. P';:imde`.phia..' Denial 4.Qo'Ll'ege), may bu louud-iu hi.I_o1'c'L envy .dgz_y, ExLra.._ ch$t885' "made; for }.:u.ie}(opa}, y.isi}3.- ,OQ1l3.I,_/W932) B3" T -2 .;.z.4: , 9*` " .- x rs- , u... E >` ,.;_~~_u.`.u- '14 O9 . Ncvdrkuowa `.5 {iTfu1"cu';in '- ' nmms1A'r1s:.;, mmvuvs Er. Dsaivilmk. "all kindred affections.-'- -Sent tomny `t1dT9333 me;-`apt of Que ; D._'1,_g;-, . 14:3 7:: z 2,4; Bmrie. f "z " " " j \lI.`AEP.'3E'I.lI`.'A.W' w2uaAs;~c~:/A -&:;-nHE:mi7i\fi`i6' * -P-HEEL S, % % `NCVv.'Y'1-f!l0W:' `H .mxrinn` Vp.UR1XI;G>'I.A.: f;_'f` _ *_j' -' _`_ ,'_'"'f;;;_:"f?`::7F5'g1i:}`:. E"IT3gB55u"a.-_3pz"ov:,d,, fxe;.}l,91c_1 gag . ;s.Vt`3.1l`l'_~y', and-at mo` ' "tt!?%:t;-~1kp- )-(`.o`. 3;` hf __ o$A3v.u}H gs; .r1f! , fSuH(~.i`t `L IS 4 1 ,.., - ..____... - s .7 5 \_ :2 1n';i :'_b:. 3 %~ 3 %-a; n. u A envy?-rv~-V! \ r T. Tr`mn.`:I~'!`n:.~ I-'%g`V1%tet'!'hay Surgdn iii" `I5?-"7`.9o f;D5\;GE" thiiie i33fr7EE`?";333,?55%i`"h;` ~_- h'ei\aid`~w1' 16: an 7'1h es*p&t`8,:7`9'i. } = 6p99~5y3p3rox;;];\; i`3,tj.;;,;:oig`nd*skiIlfnl.`.tre8-5,1`. 3*|I`0 , 3:hur;:tronaga.ho:1vibatakIy.gb9r_V W9 `Ji Bo!1'imdn'ninnnr..-2: xD(Ii'c6`! &l.\`-~ '?.'.--"3 .% arts; 3: .9` sch--I l1`W9_e!,`O!1_Q_l1 I-' 1-ii : an-Inn .- -uf _"`,' 'V"[`!r{.'vI,`)4." Ia ' ` Ira f'1`1e;Exi_b&ibE`i$a'ga' wrrizoragba A1-zo.,sa$i.ui~.stuscae,~'si_ixt1' t1!5"` 3": .,,.u. .1 ;;g4p;.1mgq1':;co;prombtiy:a{tn:-A tin.-II qr - . {i:or'i'fV .1i1vi'i}x':V:2.*`:``I`1A'" L--' of '1`ro`rmH== an'd';w'3e:in?c;;=ihr bYI`o`!l`fi?S' A . - >. ;'.'_}5&"l{E~9 .!`! lqbKI; .. .91` 105.1`; -.~=.;,-:.A; UKQRBO~Y.;. : ' v `` .x.u:'- ' o'.1. _ :?;.wviHIrdiS7 . A I i .~,. _*_ """(A7:t)"zidit';e 1$I ,'Hg jound ' `Ff-9103,`.- ---- -- wvuex.-nerpmonagu-ho:1ibe&I$t35 ` '~'$d -Jx`aummdedeseor-:v:.:DlK&-' 3351` ' :5 "- !!~ n..-:.dooa.=ls`.ast2{of-. =Ir.s1.1!? 4'?>39~"`.-J -:39-Sf.-\v: +2.:-7 an :. -, ._ -_:. 45-Iv: . .~.-.-v..pz.;5 --u_ -eVJ iss .%.~wf?&ras;A: . -v--~*.-~~ ` '4 .mut:1cc1~i '1.`r3j_'5`{ aI0=li:;.'-` . -~\ A,` ` .....A.'`' '.~..' ,___- na.uuL.~'.: units 11?. -..|.-', 4. ti Drdgj Old`), .. A ~,..:.,.." .v..,.... .;.-'L;..`~`..`.4i.~"g;'-;=~v<.\'...r I `1IAM.1IJT0N-`.&; 1\1oG0NKEY;--J__Mi-` .... _r\_'..n:m. aomm. Rm-nip_. (Int; ' . . -j`. 'v a.;zaT;:.-.::.'._.`:".:v7 :55` `J: 7;} ` ' ~ fuiam, `H; `ms;-.- `= ~ J-`v v;.,'."r 15;.) 2 2 .4254 L; A Lani .. ax ... - . .22.-..p.. .. _ ` ~-- ---- )2 -431;. . r.-1: rmizygat -:i$TQEtirl%%. ` _ -_ - A L ,._..~ ._.._ ,-N-vx-w-.-.-.-v N\i:sa_-vuusrx. ' Cn--MASUNTUH.`;LL-. TORON_ TO3" rrnrar-r 1. rah: :1: nix.-1\:~\~(\s r""' `7"U-'9~`5`0nth' _Sim'co'e- 1a'iul' thu I L .*"'P*'3"1*S*siromptzyum easa mm BASES"-0'! ?nnnnu'.~..u:.:.- ,'.'....s. .-'L.u,5'J . .!t11Slti'i)g.UiL_`_l!! -:03-;_\s ` ' Seav'i?Iwy' Sr A2`ma`t42;er. 4=Went0. 5,. Y1 A._- M.`)P.R{.)W. ,.' , ..B.A;Iwa=r..i % -, an .-am-A -`3uthEZa;`gNf;:n& ;?:lpn't.eb` On-- L 1-FE? :\qr;'px_'.}w;,Y_ _`Uo!1.a9} [7 IT? , suqsrn~;z`--hsr by(.1_ni'c$ ijp1th"iz\il51ii:.` ._ that He r.."i1`l"i , 9 3? Sufwh {E ailiulhnn ('i'fD3 GK: h ibusingssfa; % '1 `I :1: 1 \ . Hill Wu 31;- Hd Cher! ,Smaxlw(` 7 v Extra`:-I-ll , Cnplicnlllg usiliouyol III ,..I.. `L. mtii nu gmva _;v;.; 1,- --4'-Y*`I)".niO.il,TR`.`!F+~-`. `r nfnI>........ J1 hhna In '-lP,,I. Unmronn Tncxson, . . n 141,- DLS -u.!m'.v ~.'..;..-u _5!Pun:.un'1m`. . I . i ?'i'jZf>:`.'7' #:w:-,urs.! ` 71/L... ..-. my '1'no1\sou, E.v,`P. ._s.` `.1 ml] gulaang, _A_j-glgigts , ,&c:. 'E`en`\I_ V pg\;.5;\:anv_n mo `of: ` _.'EZ.! I5 ybur: ,4.:'?-.1! x--.:. ` 519950 Forty 11111110118 0f:l)0U8l'8. iC1nim,e by Clxica,-to-Fire; estimated at nearly ,S1$,6oo,o_0o, are being liquidated as fa_at'.aa_ ad;-sated mthout deduction . Qhnnrhv Prnnukt no-1-nnno nht` 121... .-..1:a... -:... lmnnac u gem in?