Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 May 1874, p. 2

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vuu Auuvvvoan vvuauvuu vuc nxgb-Anyunb lull son, The rsolemn imlifl'ere.n,~e uith "which the leader's of the Opposizioii treat ma.ny of the supportens of the Honorable his menuces, coupled with tlu,-ll lignied demeanor, is clizu-actcristic of true gen- tlemen. But, such '.l-l)(`z1l'.ll!g inorties and astonishes the pugnucious Minister, and keeps him in a state of gloomy ill- temper all the time. Tliis state of things present such a marked contrast "between the leaders of the present Crovermnent. and the leaders of the Op_position, that Alexander Mackenzie are often lieau-d to give vent to their feelings of disgust in `gentleman. This` c-.oiidi'Lion of things language far from co1npli1n'ei1ton~_y' to that is but the rumblings of the `app:-out-hing earthquake which sooner or lnter will on- strong as it seems to be lit the present. Of course it is easy to propheg-`V. what will occur in the distmit l'utLn-e, but it is -another thing to depend upon the fulll- iment` of prophecy. it does not require a great umount of o_\'pe1'ic-nus for any ob- ervant man to preclirt the et-rtuin .'.-ver- throw of the present li0\'(".'nl!lf`.l|lJ of M r. Mackenzie; for, as the siiiznllest pebble- =th1-own into a pond of water will send -its impulse in ever \vi.loni?1g circlesrto ;the,t-shore, so certain it is thut the ig~ ;norance, iiioapacity. boorislgrzess and , {vulgarity of"tlie-1 i"eiuier and colleagues will, without, any other circumstance, work their ruin The able speech of Dr. Tupper, in reply to Mr. (,`;u'twi-ight when he subiiiittetl the remodelled Tariff` "to the House, was "so uiimmvei-able that Iieither the Finuiice Miiiister nor any s)ther,me1nber of the Government at: V vteglpted to dispute his ';.cts';u1d gures. angels fear to trea.c_1,- and bold, reckless _a\e.n- frequently enter Into lnbyrinths "fusion. We believe that sucli is the pop-.` 1-sition -of Mr. Mackenzie"s Govarmnentj Insteaul of defending the action of the Government, these irascible iucouipetents resorted to blue` common dodges of the charlutun and deinagogue by attacking ' Dr. Tupper in language lr.mll_)f lit for u bur-morn." Foreinost-:'.n the` violent. and .iutempera.t-e attack upon D.--f 'J`u,_pper was Mr". Mackenzie, the Premier ct` Uzunulu,` ~an(l next after him come the .ston_vliciu't- ed-egotistical `Blake, both- or whom fairly -writhed as if in torture on the rack of `the inquisitor,- under the masterly ex- fposi`. oftlie n1eniber for (iuiuberland. _ It is said ~tl1at`fools will enter -where gulph the Government of Mr. Mackenzie, l -which involve _.them in inextricable can-_ ' `Will our reaidera-famcy thehowl which` 1: mild hnvn Jmmx an n n 1....) ..'.m- |'.`.'.....'..... IJICIIJI LOUNT--At his residence, Bnrie, on the Jan. 11:11., George Lount. Esq.. late Registrar for the County ofsimcoe,` aged `I6, yea rs. F'ULLJAMES--On the 24th dayn! April, 1874, at Foocom e.near Gloucester, En In Id .Tho.- Ful|jgIjnes,,E!q,aged 66 years, edoll brother of John Prinzle`Fulljamea, on Burma, Ont . DOOLl`TTLE--Al-Orilha,.on the mm m: ,Alva Doolittle, E:q., aged 64 years. ' AC(.'xDEN'rs.-Parenta ought lobe my careful how {hey let their. young child- ren have access to the water's edge, for fishing or any other purpmae. On Satur- day last, three fell into the Bay from one of the slipsvwhilst shing, and on Monday last,two other lads` fell in whilst employed in the same pastime, and were with diiculty saved from drowning When will `parents exercise a. proper oversight over those whom God has com-e mitteel unto their safe keeping. III 1 on _8nuKns1'.-En=s`| Co_coA.--Gnu-um. nun Oononnuo -" By I. thorough knowladge of ihe which govern the operation: 0! digeqtiqc u;d_nutrition , and by a. careful Ippli- cntionfdiiho ne properties of well selectod cocoa, MEL Bppn has provided our breakfast nobles-lth` A delicntnlv nvmn-mi 5.-.--- J1nnw;sm>s`& Li __...-._ ...` .._... um. ysuymuca Ul WGII Blaclld our nblee-Iiltli delicately avoured beverage, which may sue uemnny heavy doctors bille. V-Ciunlservice Gazette. Made simply with Bolling Wuer or lilk. Each packet is labelled .-" Jami El 2: 8 Ce.,Homaaopethlc Chemists. London. u...n...........- '.... (1-..- u m, IJUIIUUIIO . Mulunownn or CocpA.-Wo `will now give an accaunt of the process adopted by . Messrs Jame; iippa vi C0.,xnnnufacturers oi diemic articles. at their works in the Eustou `Road. London."--Soe Article in Omen`: Home- Iwld Guidt. _m Mason a mum onnAg_o.' mm ' so `|_ |"g11_A_1;n cnurmui" mo aggnu-tor the L`"`1"- . No"$-`Eglei;hic--Selocud and mu .u nunsnu \urlI\l\I'al Dc Fail Wheat,-$1 16 to $1 20. Treadwel --$1 1210 $1 16. Spying- 1 05 tol 10 Oats--58 to 620. Peas-7_0 to 75. _ ` Barlev-100 to $1 10. 'Pota;oes-per bag 80 to 85. V u Dressed Hogs-7 00 to 7 50. Beef-Hind qmuter 7 00 to 7 75. Fore quarter 6 60 to 8 25. Hidesacn ` " lore: Hides-sis Sheep Skins Dun..- R"1~``3' ` Skina-$l- 50 to 2 75 Bjmer.-20 to 25. ' Eggs-11 to 12 HVay-$24 00 to 28 00. ___.. ._.._-.._:::____.._.__.__..__ BARRIE MARKETS. -1 Q: In._ an .. DIED. undithh ` BETAND C OABINIT OIHANB i use wall; udhvunll lo and for mu ll.l.UI- 'lA'l'I:D cA'l'Al.0GUI ud`l'B`l'I`KOll!Al. CIR. CULAR. In sand: that Inn to 3 hr. 15 h nmu. I 3'06!-rilui. R. 8. 8. Pl'l'0B_I 8 ` PAIILY PHYSI- OMNJ conulnmg dlurlptions bf Disc nu and mm for their unlnonl, will be sent by IIIII, knot` charge. to an out voiding their uldrou to `I14 B:_ondwny,' oi! York. 12-89. V` inn Lauutus I: vs .llaIa l.\.u . Connum Aliou is not incurable, Doctors u i- in not. All: `at inquired is the pto to elect I pgrnanont cure`. Dr. '3 Great Brouchi..l Rome] in fut Bccoming the popular _md.cin, for all: actions of It chest sud lung: For lillgipiltzzuumpiifn, lglqnghitic, nl&I_m:d. can co 1, ., no oz or III sclue ever 0 at to tge puhliz pounce: an -5 curative propcrticn. . Le! lhe .maaed m it -ua fmve imeaicacy.3 For I nah by all dmggina. . ugmng qqnw Ao.u..----' . I `Fae rm rwlltbo ulnd to -pay one- mm'mn:;.5 -sgrohuo mono down at the am. of uh, 1 `th'e'?1|hau $335!! one month 1 -thereafter. grit): inmost It 91313: `par uni. "l'ho"Ih "quiltidu w I In the stand! 0 P o(&ueory. as condition n!'\hI 0 _ ` _ . jot furlhqr par apply to Atdnzh 8 Stuck}, Vondoglol ton,Bm'io, or tube Anctioaoon at E. s.-nin-ic1'ct'2'z'(;',_'A_t:_'l:ioNnzn. _'l'horo in 1 large three story Brick Building upon tlunid .prope_rty.(uIngvon the South and. of Dunlap Strut. sad is on of the but mama I I to lo bun! . . "I'll: an rnmt=:: ?inirllpl::.nald an 91.. r..: All Iuiily lediciu, it is well and fn_vou'x-. 3:1} known, relieving thcuunda from pun xn ` . 8.5;, Back and Head, Cough,_C oldo.8ore ihroat, sm-m'n'a. Bruuu. Cramn in the Stomach. IJFA urn.- Should the Honorable George Brown succeed in negotiating a. szisfnctory treaty with our American cousins, it is possible that it would have some e'ect `in restoring the condence of the electors to the party in power. But will Mr. ' Brown su.u(`:8-`Kl ? We hope he will, but we have ourpwn misgivings, and some- how or other we cannot believe he will be successful. It is true he may negoti- nte kl. Treaty, but will he sacrice Gena i dian interests to accomplish his purpose? 'l`h9'p_1'0c~`(l6nt of the Wnshington Treaty will doubtless serve as a guide to the Ministry of Mr. Diaraelfs Cabinet, be- fore any Treaty arrangements are roti- lied. In that instance, tho` Ganulian Parliament was consulted about the pro- priety of accepting or rejecting the terms of the Treaty resolutions relating to the Dominion of Canada. Should Mr. _Brown_ succeed, we expect a similar ooursd will be followed by Mr. Mackenzids Govern- ment `Certain we are that Mr. Disraeli is not likely to endorse 9. Treaty, how- ever good it na_ey be, without first asking the Parliament of Onna1la-we beg pardon .-the Government of Canada; presided - over by Mr. _Alei;ander `kenpip, whether it will be suitable to the pqople i of the country or not, We ere not very sanguine about Mr. Brown's suc- cess, nor have a great deal of confidence in the ubility of that gentleman as 8 110-- gotiutor of Treaties,` to express any hope- fnlncss in the result of his mission. However, should we be mistaken, and 9. V good 'I`_zeaty of Reciprocity secured, it will xindoaabtedly strengthen the Govern- ment of Mr. Mncl;en_zi_e, and contribute largely towards the mnintemsncpo of Mr. Mowut's Governmentin Ontario. We hope against hope, but will be pleasingly idisappeinted should" our expectations I fail of :fen_lization. 3 one, name (ma nrua, wu;u,g.'owe.aar 1 Mom, sprain, Bruuu, Group: in Stomach, Cholera Morblu, DymItery,Boaul Com- plamtc.Burm, 8caldI,P`rou Bites, Qc. V - The Oenndlnn Pain Destroyer he now been before the public .`or I length of time, nnd wherever need in well liked, never oiling in a single instance to give permanent relief when timely need, Ind we hnve never known I. single one of dieeetiefeetion, where the directions hove been properly followed, but on the con- trary all ore deli had with he operations, and spook in the h ghee: terms of in virtue: and magical elects. ' Tn nnnnb `snow: -on--3-nan In OLA ennO0aw :;,'::a;,;";::.s5' 7::'.`;'. ... .`::':..`~.'::.`.:*.:".'.:`.; th Hy,-two, sixty-Ihroq feet; thence nonhorly and Q: l`if.h.|. _5:IglOl In IVE! 3Fmn. guy {got ll,0r.| or the diyiliun lino homo. Bus! and Wm hnlvvrof aid lot uumho: :2: lmdrld Ind it!!!-tun r_ thence Nopuhwue. efly slang In dwiuion Lune Lu: above men. mind to the Eastern h9IIndu'y or D'Alton ac. 95:-th{'s lot. and to I pun aimut in 5 South .on5..""| MN 350 `II 9f ommoncemont, `an qt right angle: to uinlop Street. forty-fe loot more or lost ; than Nonhorly and st riihl angle: to Dunlap Strut. to the olntof pomuonumoot. will In ugmd (gun 0 DV I1`l"l`l:iI`vll'1 A nnrnrnu 7'T 1iE%"F{I"131'li'i:" Ii"tiEji9f6'N. ' _ AT THE BARBIE ROTID In the aid Toivn of Bank, 0?! Thursday, 28:13 May, 1874, A _ - __I_ _--._ pouu upon ll corn; saovenlgn ll-Omeuy. The utoniehingr emcee] of the Onnadinn P_nin Destroyer in curing the diunles for which it I: recommended, end its wonderful effects in suhduing` the torturous pnlne ofltehnmetirm. and in relieving Nervous Aifeotiona, entitle it to high rank in the lint of Remedies. Order: are coming in from Medicine Dcaleu, in all part: of the country, for further supplies; and enclil testifying na'to the universal ntiafnction it rel. V 1.. nlilnll n-:.. n_-.-...._- ....-.i- -:I. On OI IDIO- Thet very ulueble Store and property known as part of the Eat h It" ot Lot number one hundred and thirty-two, North of M ark: Street, in the Town 9f Berrie, eeoording to I plan made by Robert Ross, Esquire. BJ, S., and more particularly. described ea follows '-C0ll- tnenclng gt e point on the South side of Dunlop Street, dletent in III Euterly direction twenty- four feet from the intersection of the division line between the Rest end West bnlvee of enid - lot number one hundred end thirty-two,|nd snid South ride of Dnnlop Street. Thence Ruterly along Dnulop Sn-eat, twenty-nix. tut, more or lees, to the Western hounder of the piece of land present`: ow.ed by-`one illiem Hunter ; thenee Southet-`y end at right rnglea to Dunlop Street, fty two feet ; thence Ent- eriy and perellel wsth Dunlop Street, seven feet three ineher thence South-Easterly end perellel with the ivieiop line between the Best And Weet halves of lot. nttrnher one hit dred end thirty-two, thin` mien teet ,' thence ut- erly nnq krellel `to rrk Strcetgto the Eeeterri bogoder or safidlot` dumber ona, t:,n<:re:hn.t:d t rt,y_-two` t et.oe n at: pt -V pry 4:, tan -MI .'.t'=-I I-'4 in boundary to links street; nee eeterfy mlong the Soqthun lp_o};nde_r_y of aid lot number one hundred and IIIIKICII CHIC. . We epeek from experience in the matter, heving tented it Ihoxoughly, end therefore these who are Iulferlng from any of the com- pleinte for which It in ncomlnended, mey de- pend upon it being Sovereign Remedy. The utnniehlmr elcu-.1 of the Cnnadien whotacr . y thuroufhly mud in C: to in llttl to bond lntholrhvor--sn`t.!:rtnlI:g1:|rofurtl:oIo dlotnulnfss prom: nrlulug mm error: 0! youth. III was Dr. J. Bel noon u npll and {Hand of the Inc Dr. Willi: nlonelv. of don. Enzlnnd. the `z'>`r'.`iv'f'1 a'.'iFf.l`....o.."`" `""" ""n.5'n n'. .i {.`}``.5.'.; 5%} late Dr. Wlllll Moiely. don, England. 11:10:! cegbnaed mtilnorlty 1n"t'I::h\`v'or1d on thin, cc a partner now cuudn. an 1 prepared to n advice me to I11, um! rorwnrd cir- cular, etc. I I lied to-cddnulng Dr. J. Boll , lmpson i 00.. raver 91 P. 0..unllton. Two boxes of P111: will also be non! by mil to my part 0! canals. securely `named non obobmtloa. on boxes of Plus will also be um by man pan securely observation. receipt 0 31.00. 8 Ireaunent If desired. Pills sold rem! ll Null 1) ti. and whole`- Ile b Il.l wholo0 0 Drlllltl tlcdlalno THE ENDOWMEN1` 1t:>I` `VICTORIA A COLLEGE. Our .x~ee.de1-s are aware that, to supply the place of the Government Grant taken away from their Collage about six year}; "ago, the Wesleyan` Methodists -have been trying to raise, at least, 3100,? ()_O) as ;; permanent endowment fund- College meetings were _held. by the Rev. Mr. Punelxon, and several miiterial agents were seutvout to canvass, 'to raise the required amount ; but we understand that only $60,0,00jn cash has been actu-V Tally received and invested. The matter was placed lest year in the hands ofth |.Rr>v, J W Jnlangnn `M A -1` '1`----- t- also um 8?: by I II |VCIo he Onnsdisn Pain Denroyer nevr mile to gin immodinto roliof. All Medicine Dealer: keep it 5 Phyalcinnu order and use. it .l!ld no lngnily will bu without it After trying it. Price, only Twont -n Cents per bottle. Sold in Barrie bv ohn Woods, .J. P. Kidd, Wnuon & 00.. Wells Bron, Talon 8 IloLun; J. Ducon: 0nighum,Groon Bros, and by 311 Medicine Dealers - . ______ _ (`his invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cute 01 all lhoze painful and dnngewun dune- lu wmca the female .con|li ulion is subject. It in deratoa cl excesa Ind remove: all obsu-ucuoxis and a speedy 1 we may be re led on. Tn Anni!-1n I.AnII.`..q arm 03 HIE IIIJLID Y p0l K`(I Wllfl regularuy. T ese Pill: should not be taken by females during Ihe rs! three months of Pregnancy, as (hey are sure to bring on Min-arriage, bul at any other time they an safe. ' In all other cases of Nervous and Snmnl Ahu. -IUD luUBb) `VOW IUISL, HULK I NUI IIII"I1JlSa. One dollar uni twe've-and-halfcenls for post- asi encloned lo Northrop 6; Lymnn,Toro;no, 0nt., geaerq agent: for the Dominion,wilI imure a boulc,-ontaining oVer50 pilln,by return maul. Sold in Barnc. bv John Woods : Watson 6: return Barne, by John Woods ; Watson (lo , Wells Bros , Tolendz McLean: Bradford, Deav,-on'.Craighura|, Green an 13:03., and al medi- cine dealers. . _vvv'vvvvvvv OEEAN HOTEIL` n. 131N.GnAM,__- rrc I. CANADA. In the County Court Pnovuqol or 0nnIo,' of the Oonmyvof Sim- Courv oi Sumo: cue.- 1 V A - . '1 ' - wu auawvvbrivn On Monday the Twontv-ninth dry of June next. the undenignod_will Ipply to the J udgo otthe arid Court for a discharge under the aid Act. - 1` E. RAWSON, By Ardugh & Stnlhy, ` . Ilia ulormyo, at (mm. Burris. 11th (In 0! Mn. 1874. 20.1"... ma Jul Burris, day May, 1874. svvtl mmvuuu U! 1118 HIWIOII ofnle. 'N..o ` ' . J)7Ii.1()1-;-E.s9_ ` P E E: QEICAL PILLS. -..-n_._ null u IPVEV! I Inc uuly Ilv II: Ivu Uu V T0 MARRIED LAD:2.S it in peculiarl: suited. It will, in n shorl lime` brin on the m.n.lh periml with regularily. an Pill: should not be taken bu temulzx Umrr um: may at: sa]. In all other cases of Nervous and Spinal Affec- u'ons,. Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on sligiu exertion,PI_lpila|ion olthe Hen rt, Hysteric-s and Whiteglhese Pills will effect a cure when -all o'her means have "failed 3 and although a powerful remedyytfo not cantnin Iron, calomel, antimony, or unygl mg hurtful lo the conelitulion. Full direclinns in the pamphlet uound each nnumony, nnyu numul lo the conamuuon. directipns in pamphlet one P101: ge, wlych ahould be carefully preserved- JOB M0338, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRlETOR.. Onn dullnr an ! lwp'|.Inll'mmIu fnr nncl. opposite the ~I;o-n_IneI-n Railway ` suulon, BARBIE. n-...~... M... 1.4.]. 1n-v-.1' , nn 1. \fVUl5I "U -II-v'vI_ Q V09" In ge matter of Thoma: Edward Rawlon, ' an Imolvmt. f\__ \l-A.l,,, Al on \ilII`4'l`II LENeLu's"F2 REMEDY. 1.----_ Barrie, My Min, 1373. F INSJLVENT 401' OF 1869. HAVANA 8 1-51.. {V .... ._ uuu, Lu nu: nuvauuu-Iv, Inllv `VII-I Ull-`III; Cl D his Government will be brought` to bear in assisting to pup up the rotten And` extravagant Government of Mr. Mont. Mr. Blake, as lord of all he surveys and high-cock-a-lorm of the barn-yerd, with the Honorable George Brown and the -lccipmcaity Negotiations at which he is engaged, with the 0106: "as the power behind the throne, are the reserves which can be rushed to the front at I moment : notice. Heretofere these gentlemen, backed up by the Globe, were ableto osjole the electors and ehestthem out of their franchise. That day is passed in Onte-- rie, and the deteat of Ur. Mowet s Gov-T eirnment will be the death-knell of Mr. hIackenzie's-scratch Cabinet.` The end is not yet ; but the small cloud which, in J unuary last, was no larger than 3 men : hand, is spreading over the horilon and will, as certain as anything can be," burnt upon the country -and sweep these trick- sters and hypocrites. from power into everlasting disgrace. Mr. Certwrighfs budget has been the means of delaying the day of retribution`, nevertheless, it will come as smely as to-morrow s su.n `will rise in the East to open and enliven Hm .`l.4\:' WA now Mr (`inn-+u...L6'- Puasumw so a Power of Sale oonmnea Vin n ox-nvain Mortgngo made by Thomn Edwnrd Rawaon, _|nd which will be produced at line ' |] "U WW, I0? Dill! no new "" '"x'17." 1}: b _ to ..w to on t f 1- min NIlld'KII..'--w M v . 0- ._...vvv~,v\n.v.n-vvlvvv-..n.. Vvvvvvvvv --.-V... '3. masts -namr punt.` no A u 1 ......a.|...u. tllnnolntlnnn hf Din nu `HE TRIUMPH 01-` THE AGE. u, I\--.___ _.l. '1ANADIAN PAIN DESTROYEB New C\`lJttillltlIt5.; rusuc AllBTl0N.W `SALE OF vA1,_mBL;g Town Property. To yorvoup s,uIto.r;n`i. -5 ;cRa| Notuzs; wux nan Lu uuv nwau IIU upeu unu BIIIIVOII the day, We` say Mr. Can-twrighs Tax-i'resoluti0ni have delayed the day of 1-ecribixtion, rather, we should say, they have been the means of frightening Mr, Mowat so much that he has put o the fatal day as long as the Law .will permit. 2 ' ; .q1m..1.1 nu. u..........m- r1...\...... n...._.. I V 7 '7 7 7.` A! 11 owiook, noon. I llnlxnu-urn A wvn-m 'ruEan:v.-2n IQIJ EPA Proprietor- an mam. 20-lmo 20-I) - av: van. uuu vv cu-aw... ANTED. for A small family. I |0|'`|85 General Pu-vent to when the hifhen` Inga will be given. Apply imlnodilh 7 tho Adnuco Loe. Barrio, Hay 14,1874 "1" . ._._._.....__._..__ `Tip Mvi.r`y 1, 1814. I, the undonigv d. Wxuux lnouaoii lunb ` of the Oity of Toronto, have boon Appointed Auignoo In this mnzor. , Oxodltoru 1:0 rcquuted to lilo thoir claim before me withn one month. Dated. at the City of Torontr, Ii : 15th du of April, A.D .1874. . ` -W. F. IUNBO, 20-Iinl. Auignu In 3/I/8 Ma-tttr 0/ -"~ A Daniel Moregor, oi `Vlfyobrldue. T ' ah Ivmlwut. I ucn-`.I nuu -ucuua UL vuu IV ezueyan Unnrch M raised $.I},000, in Hamilton 86,550, "this aecondeapplieatiou `in behalf of their ;_e_)yq. We learn that in Toronto he and considerable egmsin other places, all of which had been prkyioyely cen- vassed for this object; but the re: cau- vygej having fallen so -far short, the friends if; these places have contributed again, and this time with greatly in: cmasod lfibemlity. We Venture to predict -that the WesleyaneT of Barrigwho gunk amongst the most` entorprining of our townspeople, wilbgenerouely respond to `college. ~It'i_a impeaeible `for the body to carry en its-operations in .this` coun- try without se5c_l1';e.n-_I`neit_ntion. - tose Wesleyan Ghuroh an -the ntario well know. [that "to College it in very; 'igdebted~ for the inuential poaitioni'ooaii9~g.agnq;;g - " the leading denomimtionexaf` the-e _ V. ~ wnlnvnnn n-o.- ---'------'55 "5 `5 '3 -` 30-Ill. """""' """' ""'V ""` VUIIV U3|VIl IUI V` u b Pew? Rllrnol. E~q., P.[..S.,~ a`nd de~ctii;:d b him no fo'lows:-.-oynmelncin gt 3 poi, in the ooclteiof allpvungo for i' as. belwggn filo second and! ird cncouiqm Ta 'di'||an[ South-Easleuly 1 chuino, 45 [in all-on uh. North-Welt angle of La! 39. AL; and being '1 chain, 55 links Norlh-Werlily frrma when said cenuc line of am concession meet. xh. edge of SI. 'Andxew's Lake, thence somb. 55. 20 , Eu! 6 00 oh_cin_a 3 thence South, 760 _ p Eut7.l6 ohm; thence Sons}: 565 $5` 5."-ohlillllo the Northern limit of Ibo [ud :`.h|l| blwaen Lots 32 A`. and 43 A , mil: ' I13 Mi onhem limit n ` ` ' 7' . linknNorI'-Eurealy Iron: w.het:o`.i`: -`d'_V'i Lulu Boiri g. ,l\'IagnoIic duo} ' "I lnuotoliooonlre line.` [londlo be Iixlj-;sox A IQ ..... :IuIi1a1." ' ' 2:-r ` A .1-:~ .__.---:.:-13--.: _.__ L- _-,_ _.'...`.` `FA fofuid Road b-e `noon at ilio office 9! the nndeisigticd. - ` " -'- Dalo of rsIPublilli 1'n,_1`hpnday , My `up, 1314. ~ _ . ems. ROSS, 'l`n (`Javlr `I5; ---- In the nnnubr ofllle Quloun TIIJOI Act, and In the mailer ot the North-halt of the Eml- hnlf ol Lot number Ion:-teen, V In the fourth Cunooulon on the Township of Nledomo, in the County of slmcoo. Information required no lo the heir: u luv 0! Jouu Mnumu Cx._mu;:n', who obtained a meal ol lhe above properlyfrom the Crown, on I ca 91!: dny ofhnuuv, l836,and is therein described on or the Township of Camden. in the County ofLen- not and Addingwn, in the Midland Dutrirt Yeoman son _-I Ctemcm, of tho Township of E:-nenown,nn U. E. Loynlm. I hfogmnlion to be given to Mount. Mccanhy _Boyu, Solicitom, of Barr e. in the County on uncoc. or to - ` T Notice is hereby given, that the Chuncil of `Pay mu pass a By-Law` that {our ooneeo ontive pnblicntionrof thts notice in the Abuse: nunpeper, published in the Town of Binio, to eltablish e cumin Road lot a Public H ighwuy acres: Lot No.7"32;A. Ordinunoeteeerves. 3l(l cone nsion, eurvg gd ind dctigoil bi him 38 follows:--Commencing ml 2 nnin! ._ newn-.a m u ullcd this 13th day of May, 187$. -_.--..-- `Nottce is heteby gin-tt that the Council ot Toy will pass a By Law, either {our connect)- two pnhhcalicns nfthis Notice in the Asutscn: Newspaper, pol hshed in the Town of Bettie, to eetabltch a toad tor I public highway across Lcte numbers land `I, in the Eleventh Concession, Tay, surveyed by Peter Burnet, Esq.,and'desoribed by him as follow:- Commencing at a point in the centre of the Town-line between Medonte and Tlv,dts- taut North Entetly chains and fty links lrom the intersection oi the centteof said Tuwnltne with the centte ct concession "line between the Tenth end Eleventh Concessions of `Pay, thence North - 69 30`, Exist 6 chains 19 links; Iheg North 12 40 , West ll chains 83 tinkeffthence "North 21 10', West 6 chaine90ltnks ;thence North 4. East ,8 cheins 64 links; thence North 33 `20',Wnst17chein.~ 9% Huh; thence North I9, Weet ll chains l_0hnke mote or lee.- tc the line between Lot: nu`7t."be.-rt 2 and 3am! toapottion of the hand a `qtabltshed by By- Lew No.84 of the onitetownehipc of Tiny and Toy, -December 15 : I859. -Do-ctibed line to be centre of road bennnge. Magnetic Road to be (.36 feet in Width. A plan of said Road `tney be seen It the offtoe of the cadet- I! nod. ` = 1871. etc of, Publication, May ttllt, lfugycznm yuv niuuxus ucuumlnluolll of ma` try. The Wealeyans are num evens; mgnyof them uh`; wealthy, and we hnjvof ~ no doubt that they will their 1 College upon} good nnncia brain/W6` trust the Agfpf to H767: ,___'_I V - In` the matter at the Qnlotlne Titles Act, and In the matter ot-tholiorth-half of the East- half 01 Lot number tossvtoon In the tour-th Concession of the Township ofnledorsto, in the County or Mlncoe. NOTICE is hereby given that JOHN KIN G- PORN of the Township ot_ Medonte, in the County of Bimcoe, has made an application to the Court of Chancery, for a certiiioate of title to the above mentioned. under The Act, for` Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Ugper Can- ada." and has produced evidence w er_eby he appears to be the owner thereof in fee tree from all inonmbrsnces except a. certain mortgage to one D'Alton McCarthy, of the Town of Barrie, and dated the fi day of April. one thousand eight hundred e seventy-two, having or pre- tending to have any title to, or interest in, the said land or any part thereof, is requested on or before the twenty-third day of lay. now next ensuing, to file a statement of hie claim. verified by aidevit in my otiice st Osgood Hall,in the City of i`oronto, and to serve a copy on the said John Kinghcrn, or on hieseiears McCarthy it Boys, of the Town oi` Barrie, inlthe County of Simcoe, his Solicitors, and in default every such claim will be barred, and the title oi he said John Kinghorn become absolute and indefeasible at Law and in Equity, subject only to the reservations mentioned in the seventeenth section of the said Act, and therin numbered one, two, three and four, and subject an afore- said. ' G .8. HOLMRSTED. nafn-an A? Thin: 1:`; pursue `Uc1`1o-T VALUABLE FOR SALE Pursunnt to. power: of sale contained in two certain Mortgage: made by Samuel Graig, which will be produced at the time of sale, that Valuable Farm, known as the North-West quarter of Lot number Twenty-Eve, in the Tenth Concession of the Township of lnniul, in the County of Simcoe. containing FIFTY AUIZES, mo:e or less, will be btlered for sale .1 PnRr.m um-rmv All 0! \r. 12.9. ssnmninu. Auctioneer. The said form will be sold subject to the fol- lowing terms and conditions:-'l`ho pnrclnaserv will herqnired to pay to the Vendor : Solicit- ors one tenth of the purchase money at the time of sale, and e sulcieut sum to make with theuid deposit one-fourth of the whole pur- chase money within four weeks-of the sole. withoutinv.ereaL,lhe balance of snid puxchesc money to be secured by e mortguge on the said premises, payable in live equal nnnunl inst~..l- ments from the day of solo with inlereqt on the unpaid princinnl at the rate of 8 per cent. per ennnm The Vendor produces only such till: deeds and evidences of title es are in his pos- s_ession.- The Vendor reserves to himself on'e reserve bid at \he uid sale. Thu nehgu nnnrlhlnna A6` :.-l- .._- AL- -.__ 2- `April 22, 1874. Saturday. 23rd of My, 1874, .6 `F:-`Ian .. ..1.'-...b ......... .. .. 'DAnnvn FUBUFVB DIU II HIE II! IIlC- The other conditions of sub are the standing condition: of the Court of Chancery. ' _For further narlldulau lnnlv tn Hann-u Ljunuxuonu on me uourl or unancery. - ,For panldulau apply to lug Ardngh & Strathy, Bsrristeri, Barrio. the Ven- dor's Solicitors, or the Auctioneer. Dated May 1st,A.D. 1874.. A'Dh A nrr A. nun. . ....-- The rs! ailling of me Court 0! Revimun for the Township of Sllvnnlule, wall be held at New Lowell, on In: 28th Shy. instud pf the `(uh commencing at ll o'clock I m. A! |.\\r -1.-...- _ .. ErI.`;E`2E. aZ`3 "m b."'.;I`1?$..?";`,,ff good account` bf Since the man ;`_. _.; .,. . May 4m, 1874. -.,--,__._.,'v .-__.. V- ----vv'l -vv- 9 at Twelve o'cIbck noon, II the BARRIE `HOTEL, in the Town of Bsmio, in said County, by Mr. E. S. HEEKING. Auctioneer. The mid fmm will he mm anhi-mo In :1... cm, E. S. MEEKING, Auctioneer. 'Sd1(144'l`5;AEL7EBB RT or` REVISION.` 90,-; ICFUIIUII uncoc, * ?' ~Nm..... I- -|... -:-, , . . .. _......4.. Servant NSOLVENT ACT OF AMENDMENTS 'l`HERE'l'(`. loAb oT1cE. event. not .nl_xoge_tner impossible, would iso damage both` that they are willing to V make nnyiuncriee to retain his `Allegi- ance. , After the Hon. Bmwnl and the4Glabe,-Mr. nlmmhe mimuy and foundation of the Grit.Reforni-Lib- oral faction. Deception and double dealing cannot be carried on for long without failure, and no the people of On- tnrio are beginning to think, notwith- standing the enormoun bribes which have been scattered throughput tht Pre- vinco in the shape of Municipal Fund distributions, Railway Ggnnb, Lauri Th-ninnnn pnuhlin nnildinnl -In` suxcu vvucu lrurolzulxu are In power. ' The remodelled Tari` of the Finance `Minister, although more acoeptablia than the nxigiaal abortion. submitted by him in a three ;hour.s oration,` is still very dc- ` fecbive, and. gives universal dissatisfac- .-tion. b So much is .3115: the c_a.s_e`tha}: the Vontario Govdrnment has abandoned the ofdissolving the Loca'ljLegic1a;tm-e V ' ngtilnr _ 'ot.1-E6! .. rangem. '1 ..! : .` ;t,iIi;-,1?;ut he slz!a'11i- ` IMQY. lp , mom or man, wm ne ouereu it PUBLIC AUCTION, on arm. I: HOLMESTID; Releree of'I'iIlu, -Toron_lo. .1... ..r Mun. um; N411 _`y. .v-1 .KRDAG I STRATHY, ' . Vondnr`n Qnnin... cH-Aiu.ns 'n6ss, Tuwnnhin (`.1..pIr, 1" ".5 on g: uvnnl I III- ALEX. HISLUP, T. C. - ~ 174:! urx`Anul'.'o nuaa, Tuwulhip Clerk, Tu. _ g9._4in NIH C STRATHY, Vendor`: Solicitors. fu;_o.3uau), _ ' . lfk TI . P :-.1 n.4az, DUIJHIID I HU- Roferee of Titles. ' > 17 (in. wan yuu:uu lupin year 111 (HO nanaa of the .-Re\f..J. H. qohmon, M A., of Toronto, who Is now 1n Barrie visiting tho mem. bers and friends of the \Vesleyan church ihere. We learn that. in 'l'........a.- 1.- y. xhorongi I '"""` "II I I Iu| uuugum :..::.:..:-:r,*:: % n ma :5: Insolvent. `name : luno .-.... nnnninhd E A V E `D | . 19-3in. OYOIIIO. N~Iiu l ;;__,_g[1.Ii1iK11i:`[r` m mum: AN` "F1113 A-wuvuguvu VIII I Apri1"i8.j1`s'u. 3nAvnn: !~% s%`sw3 ~39 stir W'TE9Tf9!..?Fi'T8 _ _.|.:_ . ...- ...-2 - a.-. to which we iuvilu pnglioulu Iftolaliolz. Thm Gaga; no of our own uuponwou; and no my bus value we onroelod lo we put-ho, -_Ma`ki_z:ih'i _GQvunnont, and. is Mr. ABlnk,o'in a 9o_|'t~ofSol0mon sitting if: the judgmantaehi from mm-nix _til1 sun-down, and oxerciaing4dictatori.I1' uno- ' Lions towards bo'tl| the Ottawa. and On- - H`--- A.____ .__ ._ -- ------`-7- .G_'\|l1210Od-Ito gin Porfect ninfncIi_9`I;- " _ ' 5' . FOR EBY =J`.W.-`E5811! . `nk, Oglll `com-Ainuou soucium. Onrplendld PBINTI at I0 on, '- Stout wlalto (:0'l"ronI at log, 81inch Flue C0 l"l`0.\'l ll mg 0` LIIIQITINGS at )5 lo so en. 1` sennleu Josephine lulu g; 31 00. told elsewhere at 01.25, Our Stock of Phil: and Fnc; or to Al` "` '- "'V [WUIIIIUII ho .1! I; ",5" :'l.|';I"b"0uI:l'c.i.xn on! Plrcol oi III-n-.____ , _ 1; 1:1 II. M. S : . -one tomb of mo purobuo money (6 ha 1!" on Ihe duy of solo; (or balanoo, lotus will N nude known at the alt. ` `For funhor_pmiculm app) to JONAS AP "JONES, - . . Muonio H1": '1 1: AIM: Dress Goods; -"'---Q IIlrvII_v 0 - ~ v"Io Lot 632, on the Want side of Monnuy Slrooiin _hevVillnge of Bell Ewan: comajalng one mxgh of qruoro, more or non- Thf `I I'l'nIn;nll'n`n-u-I LI-1-): O qua- Th"_" "|`Pl~:ion'a'I-hmd Halon`) slanfl h-ch. Imh Sublu not on: H`ouua;1Iu - omall_Groooty Stan, pm; 45.11;"; .b.n, Ind Bah Home on Ilu pmniuc. ~ " ' 1: TL. D..:I_I2___ ,_-u . - . HI I ALEXANDER MQRROW, -I ..:-L .3 ; ; ' May 6ul:, 1814; i g MILLINERY &MNTLEs C 3&0 '33 l N G Mq.n1a:,ai- i'!oIL0!Solonon' : ;:;tth_-3 . ._ oxorciaigdictatorid` inno- .tions bdth the On; it th.~j`udg,m>,nt-;.:a'. ' ml wek` has 06mg and h the meanmbc; The only nu-io Exocutivoa, we may reuonably infer am he 1... ordered the child to Lt; -chino bu been Primd *"`11`'*"" "` dwided in bidhr to an an. nfootionn of- -M-sat *5-m.w**w 1* W `` ' ' an-0 3 dehilthe che nnnounoedin Mac-M thk: 5(1): Bnakofofummaysliii *'"i" ?"d'::a:"`* `"3 '"" ` broadcast during in this Riding. takes as a politician and constitutional um "nt wnmt lawyer, that he in neither trusted by his own friends xionby his political oppon- thor Mr. Mackenzie not Mr. Hdntcun fsfdd 5' th ti "hm `*3 Prinmd fully -a.._.1 A- -a-__.1 ;L:- v__1. :_ LI_-k_.. unnfinn all ha mid nn the-nubiactj WI but little has qxoeptionbeing that the hcin Railway f It will be remembgrgd 1 that .Mr. ably dehougoed It In. 1 outs as he used to be trusted. "nut neia , his Various speeches. bud Ii M0" `- 1 I I-quit I usage 0| Dill `l'.\VIll, on_ X` Satu day. the 23_rd Day of May. '87`: I3 1`- _0"Jloolt, noon, by Vince of I povfor ofonlo In a Mongag.-..{rom Ann Ml n, whnoh wall be prouced at the sale, the fol- lowing properly : V.ll...- I..| 90 __ .u 1.9 . ,~) _! __.____ v.__._._ `a li stat Variety. Wall mndo-Styluhly \,`u~... II :1. low prices. E. B. CROMPTON & C 0., I KHDFIIIVIVDH 1 IN THE Vll.LAGIi 01-` lnI.'l.l. EWAR1`. In lb! poqnty of Si,mob9. , L j I ` , There inn be sold by"PUBLIC AUCTIO5 -"5 I` "I. E VER YTH17\7G;n SEASON A NH") fl? mu:-, sHAW&i:'LL10T'r'.s _ .L- a.u__.. . - -I._ L__._, , [HOTEL QNDMSHTORE! Niv PREMISES NEW GOODS And New Prices. __ -----_._ -_ -. ..-------.~ .4 as A 5} In the premise: lnoly known u the V-` won 1). BINE SALOON," DUN LOP DTREBT, BARBIE. DAILY ARRIVALS IN FRUIT, The union selections in Gzoeoriu in! Ten, the purest nnpplic.-I in Confoctiomuy, tho xinus Stock in Osnned Fruit And Fish Remember the Place :--0pp`osite Brick B`c(-k, Dunlop Strut, Went, Barrie. nu: . nus . can . .-.__ TEN } F.R.v\ ,\(`F JUST `ISSUED ! Ecuox-;.~` the 0.. new Book complied upecully lo ruil lhr wum-. or T-: pemucc Socicnes. It contains n Luge number ..- `,\r I tm [\|[[ Dv kIn:wx1'l'rII.:r'm:` Aut yyxnuuan pnuunnuu. all . LuI|o'K_ is safe for at least thuo or four und, in the meantime, the 4 ` of LL: flnvnr-nmnnf ail) ha hlnInH#64( In-an W00nS DRqGSTOI_1, -1- __.-`j._.- __ -V. ` ' IiuPORTr:;i3, ipvNLoP s7'., BARBIE. OYS TERS SERVED IN JILL S7 YI.1'.'3. H II II ULCC UUUR 5' tell, Choruses, etc,, together wuh n v new melodies wnncn especially for H Dunk:-, Slcwun. Dresslcr. and nthcr wt rnn -rrnlnrn n nnr nn | Alllll low|llll.3O I3 UCXIIK HIC }HH'5l IUU '/`:3: V I A B lur Srngmg 4`..:-us u The 5111211;-u -U Ueparlmenl is unequalled, and Inc .\lu~xc |~ nil .\ w, P " A and S;v1rluIing-nny two pieces bcn worth we ;`r - ma Dllnl ll'| onunm o"`me mm. s- um l|.llJI..lI_l ounuuLo. com-- M .r M post-mnd_ on recexpt 0! 0'5 ccnu. Price .39`.-)0 pt.` .1.v.'. .\`ddres5_. J. L. PETERS, I 599, Broadway, \'.\. ANTI - FRICTION IVIETAL! . nLI\oK'%s PATENT SPECTACLES -nvvv uu.uau--u vv-uu.u Ln.-uunnnny IUI nun Urn : A Drex.slcr.and we}!-imyu v. F`l TEMPEH NCE USE. Elf, Scm per exprcsa. tor 5'.` 54) per doz. Send n: ...I.. -- ...- -L..Il nu .\. A` .., .. . ,.. , I III ICIVII IZIIHIIUIZ U[z: UN!` '3' `- per for ' vn-.1. unit'- etrly. as we shall fill them III the onlev Lcceivcd. .~::.: pom-paid, on receipt of 7. : ccuu. Addreos. J. L. PE'!`l>2RF, 599, Bmndway . N. Y. (l .0. ux 4:-; (`I wnnn rY`I1r1r-v-1 -y-.-an/~qr.. IIIIUI AlAIo J-ILDVAUIIIIII IIVF 13': ZUWIU aofd to otfond this Inch-in-the-box through when exertions they have so-_ cured ofoe. Neither Mr. Mackenzie nor Mr. Mount can afoul to `loan Blake` and his defection from their cause, tn `event. not Altogether impossible. would an dalnnnn hot}: that than Ann -ill}-nu on ! \JAJ'.l.. .LJ.J_AJ .lJ.l.'.llJ.lI The Best Plano hulructor: Peters I-Zcleclic. . . . . . . . . . . .. .l n,c. The Besl Reed Orgun In.-lructor : l\'mkel':s New hlellxud. . . . . . . . . ..Pv.ce, The Best In-lructor fur lhe Von-e: ' . 1-udden's Hchonl for the V-ucr Pr-r_e. The Bed Gnilnr lnalruuuv; \\'urrall s Guitar . . . . . . . . . . l :u.', 'l'he But Cnllcmion for Male Von-:1-; ' Sangerfe:l...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l rn'>- The 8: st Collection for Mixed Vmc.~; Ne Plu: Uflrn Glee Bnok.. , .. . . . . Pm-2 The Best Colleclion for Church and Hnulr.` l`he Cluslen... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...l`r:-r, The Bus: School Song Book : I-`nirv lichneu . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ,.l".cc. The Best lxmructor for Accordion .- Sedgwick'.- Cumplcle N1:-thud . . . . l m::. The Be-el lnslruclut fur Concertina,- Se d;;wick's Cpxnplele .\ltlhud. . . .l'r.;e. Published and Mailed, postpaial, by J. .l., PETERS; 399. BI0lllW.ll' N. JUST ISSUED! FAIRY HCHOES as being A IIIIW Illlom nnnv We would cull the aura. Teachers lu our lll``-\` \\ the lllflrglld be: \ Srnzune (fin and 5/vvrluling-any being 1 F03 PUBLIC SBHUIILS. `J~`.?.,.`.`.'." 51- and race: 10! . P Hocacnes. H contain! n A QFW GLEE B00 .52l::;2f`J:t* :oruses,e!c,, wuh> rhuxcc cmlr ___..4:-_ ,.,. -AND-- ' sumo: on. sunsmurs Pujte Engine Oil -' my 4, .1373 . am ;;?1`;`% `he Ihul Pumn lnnnu~|..r - w an: uvun Iv: un- f l,l8ElV`_Ai`|0"0f'fllE aslcnp We no showing a Splandnd Stock of vr ;.J`o A 4 :54`: \.I III x'.;_'411A)\] . AND or was abmuunocc A@tn5.\I1t1'.)y 4 A1` QIIIUILIQD IIIKIII I ,Mr.. Curt.wright'| Budget Spooch Spoil- ed the nice calculitions of Mr. Mont, therefore `there 1`vill be no dissolution until the regular-`time. 1 Mr. Mowat op- proax."hes}tho_ period ofhis ovorthrow, and _is very restless. Ocisia sppointed under the Governmont of the 23001 Sande1d`Maodona1d are being in nvnwv aiivwrtinn in or-Jar in I-nirn aka.-n is the nu: urlod in thin Harlot. PURE IIIACIIINEIY OIL. AUCTION sun S. C. DUNCAN CLARIS & CO S II in war "` I_cil'cIIf can Jan: `in. ` ` A SUPIRB 8'l'0OK UP vq-n-ILV TKJIJI: ,, - he Vulluge of Bull Exun, on -._. LL- l|n,,,I an n `- I I . ' Ar; tho has`: for uh; OF VA LUABLE unuuuunu Anuuvuvuauu nun UUILIU ulillljl in every direction in order to make fobm for political partisans. Mr. Mnckqnlin in patio for at Intuit H-unsung (nu- cud...` .----j 3; gay (l'alrcImugeabIe) TO BI HAD A1` ELLIOT V.}.:A--- -_.1n__, A33 1 up Jauulul I, Pruiurs sud Grocer) 46-1.` I x , `V EH59. oyxw V hnj on upplicauolo vv . I L": V . .........l`ncc. [L15 ..........Pr.ce, `. .......,..| 13! 3'8`: . . V dnuw ...... .Pn\r, 'l ..........| nCt`. "I. l;'lhI\d. .Prncc. 2 .4 |.' lclhud. ...Prxce. vast-paid, MDWAY Y. M me am-:-..-.,.v 4 3' new vowl, 'lnIrsl':uId hen um for Sin mg Cia-us , V billgilxg-C`-it hlusir-II nil _\'m Fvnl '0 e .Pnc:. 3.) ` g me-pr; c '.-I the work. .-`Imp Comes m 1 : .`t L 1 Land D1-ainago, Public Buildingl, Colonization Rosin. . , 2,4 .9- n,, 1__; :1, ,..1, 4` _si nuuu UIHFIIIIJFIOHI, IICIIWII IIIUIIC, DI 3 '10 onto, I9-ti IUI qua Imall ho eras-ks r I f\'l' _ lllulu v llen I 'O`1i`lb'1 we mu _: I L. coiuon of Actual Fu'lmg Tho bun) cludmg houu u of alone, ping nor ll n Hf - .`"T' gfrgavu mg: an nnrlnn III I\ III! There :51 -A. 'l`L \'H\ V mini: `Ha, I --ZnL.u ilte rm 031-, _| .t. . " di nary,- Aqoaion Yuuge 3 5-: ,___I vi`--~~- llhm or . lvtge g I Em c with hi .1` -...:n VGr isrokl. Puuu lhldl La 7 At one 0` I87 qcr nun .._H hi ,!.lll8 var1ousspeecnes,anu lulnuls spuuw W. Lisad that the scheme as fully ._ 'ju_stiee all he said on thesubjectj We _ still have more to say on the . ,`when it is up for discussion in the ;. (House. The New Brunswicl; `school 1 Billie again on the tapir, but does not { seem to provokethe same amount of dis- , cussion as when it was before the last , Parliament. . There was quite a lively ' L ;debate on Mr. Mr. M. C. Camel-on s ,*Bill to take the Township of Tucker- , ismith from the Centre Riding of Enron, , landattach it to the South Riding. Sir , John A. and Dr. Tapper both denounc- [ editas a dangerous precedent, to -at , tempt the re distribution of seats, except , after the decennial census; and as proof , that they were right,` Col. Higginbothaln `hes introdiiced a Bill to re-divide the _ County of Wellington for Representation l purposes. Another subject also elicited much discussion, and was ably handled _ by the Opposition, and that was Mr. Laird : Bill relative to. the Representa- Li tion of Prince Edward Island. ` It seems that heretofore this V Inland has enjoyed universal suffrage, except in the.election of Legislative Councillors, who are elect- ed on the basis of as property qualica- tion.. This Bill assimilates the franchise, on the same basis as that for the election of Legislative Councillors, thus disfran-, 1 alninn at lam-it half an. Tnlnrul .'Wn ` L It is a noteworthy ClI`CUll1St:'l1\O6 in the t:a,1`em' of Mr. Alexander Muckeiizic that he is actuated by the same spirit of dema- gogueism that _cl1ai-motorized. him when he was leader of the Opposition. Like all men ofhis class, pl`Gr3'pk!l'lty only in- creases his imp11.le1i{= and exposes his incompetence. Enjoyiugt-he ii-nits ofu - victory secured by the most unwarrant- nble acts, he sits un_easy in the high posi- tion which he `is occupying` rather than A lling with credit to the country. U tterly destitute of the ordinary atti-ibutes of of a. gentleman and of the qualifications of a. statesman, he cannot behave himself. `b.ew:u'ds his opponents with suavity, nor reply to their urguim-.n(.: in ordinary de-. oenl languz1ge;but- he insults them by the 00HI'B(:Ht lV)illh13s;4;zt:, null tries to crush them by mm`shulin,g l.t3s' too obedi- ont followers without`tlie sljglipest rea- ann 'Pl)A unlnnxn 1'`nu-znuun u u'#l. :Ti_| mm 'wodh| `OHIO I _r. 1v W1 ,-.- cepri I I. .-- an Eginr (31.osma.-Wo Are informed me in the Town .1 Guelph, the stores close at 6 o'clock in the ovplahg.` Why eda t Barrio _ of If all_agroijta t'l <'>,-,I't)'f_~!_If10`. 'PK8ENOLO0Y.--Next Monday even- ing is debate on the above subject will take placojn oonnectionwith the Mutu- al Imprqvement Association. A lively time is anticipaiold. 7 ` :9 A in`! I 1'! 1 I ._._A._... _. Hoxn AOAlN.--We are heartily glad to welcome Jlidge Gowan home again. And are also glad to see_ that his visit to Florida has had sxich an evident bene- pjgl-q}'ect on_his `health, T When-are.the navvies coming to~'Bm- rie, to commence this and of the Ham-y ilton and North-Wetem- Railviay; June will soon be here, and nothing done yet. . our +_,WpIfd9!_; .g;,meot_inx of the Pspen. .. e-_=.9_rs_ I Qltiyly it ;xo,hitc,h. _, ,We.see that 5 , 1.-.i*.W33`~".' ~ I I The annual meeting of tlm Innisl Branch Bible Society, will take place on Monday evening, the 251211 inst., at the 6th lino Presbyterian Church. Onnnpila Rx-:1::v::snu-.`--It is stated that Mr; Sutheyltgicl is again a candidate for tp e gnu as well spare lags `la-bog-I, a_g he paift ho d `the seat eyen 3 A only . The $1);-ing gjssizgs `were Brought to: 9. 91039 }ast"Satuidny. The last case; being that of the`W1d9_w Axggltwon and the Northern Railway C`o1n'pany,' the re-' sult of which will be found on the fourth nn an Ros; D'mmu.--The Conbex-t in the. R. C. Chinrch, on Monday evening, last, ways a great succeas,*ami the celebrated vocalist, wad fully equal to her repute tlioxt, and that is saying a very great I - UK BI-I.UI" VUUIIUIIIUID, UH (Ell `wonder Sir John; with all his _old -n-e,; denounced such an outrage, Thondebnte on thouron and Ontario Ship Canal, wu ably handled by the mover of the motion, M_r. B1nin,.butnufter 9. .fow man}. ant` `Ann "M 1:-.v:f`|_ chiningnt least has th Iuland. JVLIH JJIEIII - IIHU CIVUL - -IUW peechee, and con, Mr. Blain with- drewhie motion in favor thereof. On` this subject we believe our Member, Mr. Cook, did say a few words, of course in favor of the motion. The most observ- able feature in the debate, was the fact that the Premier opposed the Bill. No chance for the Georgian Bay Scheme with the Grits-that s evident. It is . said that Parliament is to be in-orogued a next week. If that is so, then the Rail- way Scheme and other important Bills- will not receive justice at the ' hands of the House, for the Railway Bill alone, ought to take up all the time from now to the end of the Session, to properly ventilate `it, and we hope for the welfare `or the Dominion that this vital subject will not be rushed through with undue `haste. ' ' ' , _ f`jja_:i;es .p mgmu'1.s. ax? ~7b`=1rrpls'was Tlo'ud and- fre- g and'swep.t all betoreit, 8.51`. was fnqmll +L..4 `LL1- lnat it got into the 'n;t:.rior" I `A The ice has left our bay` at last, - and nas'igati_o_xjn is now open. The weather during the past week has been ' warm and ne. ` Frsnlxo on Suxmv.--VVo are" told that a great deal of shing is- going on on t}no'Sisbbath Day here. It ought at once be put a. stop to. ` nu u 9 n .n - a no- his la-bor. :3 if elected. The Presidenl: `oi gp` Ladies Aid W. M. Church acknowiedgea Fm! tl1auks.the1-eceipt Q'f'$10, for the poor, from Sheriff Smith, being part of "the proceeds of Gqod _Templ;u's open meet-u inns. ' - Fxa,@.-We much regret to record,that on the of '1 ` y,.t_he 8|5h`inst;; the am home belonging to Mr, g_..;s'e1~.~ guson, Lot 4, neg: Cook.Itown,nnd ocupied by Mr. T. Carftg; wasadest'oy- a4._ re,o' T `m a efec in u.. =2 'm;. : pg. 1.n._ue_ioa,ooc~. Buildings awcontnta allinuured. -~ ` ' ` Mr. Rawson and family start for Manitoba to-marrow` (Friday). We wish them much happiness and prosper- ity in their new home. ' -Paar Snow."-_-What we should call -in the old country a Peep Show," made 3 stand on our Public Square; opposite the Railway Statin, for a few days, but nal} yoncluded to leave in disgust, as Bu-rfz sopmsd gna1)preciativo of its motifs. ' '7" ` coomowx.-;A.1arge and [thog-dughly buinea meeting was held in Cookstown,` . 93; the eyening of _Fridny, the 8th inst ,' "when a < was `entlittsiastiagy; and unanimously passed, to give very; liheral bonuses to , manufacturers - start-`= inn lmy-o ' ".W.:mn.-.-We would again direct the attention of our Town Inhpector to A the state of many of our back yards.. If "the owners or occupiers won't cleanu- them, haul them-up and ne them ; and do it at once, before summer heavbmedse pestilence from these localities. ' ` Co u_1;'r ox?` Rxvxs1oN.-TheACourt of Revision for Ban-is will be held in the Town Hall, on.Tu.e'sday'evening next. ~ M1 Igcwgyantc; I _PARLIAMENTARY.- `Loom. Irmks. The abhatuiar;s' . ~ 1; ;g..r;a..4 that Mr, `~Mol:o'na`e :the'gu,es - 'of~xAtcL!bid_l;op"~ Tnohb `on 8uhdhy~;'_.they. jssyit ih1jao6nIi@ezit:'withrhis aw wodl = 'seWhit' : mgra is 9;: _ ;1rirl1I=.i1 510 -.4: he:.L;for-` ` "6:>b!'n1r;owVrixui1i.-- l`la}:4 " g the; ins eaIlo`d I"u6T Tuudaf ginning, ael- gabtingmough with up `much Z business As! polbible, [88 postjiohed imtil nxt Tlesdhy, ening, the 19th inst, at 8` .I.I._I_ __ -; D'..-.:.. `D .-.54.] 1I1IIIy`UVUIIIIls UIIU IQIIII IIUIII-, an U ~ qfclock .,p.m.T,-at ".A!_'l|11 l:`*BQrl'i8 Hotel. A lntgexttondaixcq pf m_embers if: re- quested. `- - . ._ -uu-`v---an us 19 P H? emnttl` u;s'va:i: -"or oaoo,ooo, -origin of the fines at pt`-agent in unknovin, f'A*ve'xy heaavy thunderstorm visited 1 `Ottplwa `ongxturda ` morning last. The tower bf tho {'mumeut13a mmgs ' wa's_ struck `by` lightning, but we are happy" to any that but little dfamnge' gs '. . . ` V ` ,- .. `_ ' ` Sunnnx Dn1'u.--Lat Saturday after- nopn Dr. Ifamilton, Coronal`, held an inquest at Swsinlnncfn Hotel, Om, on the of,nn`old man._ who, _while f updr the inuoinc of llguot, suddenly died about 1 1 o cl`ock, on the night . Fri- | 1 under me umuenoe oxA.u_guo:_-, sunaemyl died llo night or Fri- day, the 8th inst. - The jury retrned (verdict That the deceased` died from disease of the heart, accelerated by in- tempo:-anoe.", F-um-. Egcuhexelt --Title QXcllr- uion of the IBIBOII will take place in cen- .nection.with the Innisl Branch Agri- cultural Society. T On Monday, the 25th inst, the Lady of the Lake (lute Emily May) will.l,eave_ Bell Ewart after the arrival of the mdrhing train from Toronto, and make for Orillih, `calling at all inter mediah points. ' The Barrie Brass Band urn` nnnnvnnnnu 61:; 4.-......._ Co:z'c1-:wr.-A mnicel treat will be given in_ the Town Hall, on Wednesday, th 20th inet , by Madame Gletildo L'Hote, the world-renowned Pianiateoud Vocal- ijte, wheelies consented to give this uni- que perfdrmence here, in which she will play the finest and meet dioult classic and modom music ever heard on the Piano; ind also hing some of the choicest nnnrna `n-nun ORA nnaanai ' 3'.,3.W9P-` .3": - . ;..:wg_s` feared tit wdiogthought the Liity 'Hall , . herculeen, and? -they . fohght Abblit twenty minuteepest one o'clock _ front wall` of Mr. Smith's store fell *'vrhichi'it'formed.a`pm'-t, ` ..`.ili'!`inuhes} and there were- ._The efforts oflthe re-e , ..-eY'eryinch'"of ground with the re demon- .' on~f`the"stret-with a terric crash, and at . , ,.;this,sta.go' there was affeeling of intense consternation among the crowds that lled -. the ` streets. The ladders, were then ."pla'oed`egainst the windows of the ad- " joining store of Messrs 1`horns;'P`arsons ` dz 00., leather merchants, and with the '. utinost daring the men gtaconded and proceeded to haul out the goods contain- the `room, and so satisfactory were * their efforts in saving the property and _- keeping` down the tire, that those gentle- ;nen'su'ered hardly z'm_v.loss, and their `bu_sinese`will not be `interfered with, as in couple of days will suice to get it into repair. Shortly before two it became evident that the efforts of the tire bri- gade `had become victorious, and that the further progress of the ames would he stayed. However, the engines continued . to play on the smoking embers until late yesterday evening. It is impossible at, present to ascertain the full amount of loss sustained, but will p1'olmbl_V be close on a couple ofundrcd thousand dollars. ,_ Mr. Smith was insured for $80,000 ,- he had goods and stock on the premises amounting to about $120,000, out of "which only a. few dollars worth could be Iaved. We ere sorry to say that one of the remen has been my seriously injured by a ladder falling on the back of his neck, thereby injuring the spine very seriously. Another man had his leg broken by falling otfzi roof. In ad- dition to these there were some accidents of a triing nnture, but considering the dimensions of the re -and the loss of property involved, there was a remu.r_l:- able absence of personul injury.---Lez1de r. uuvuuwv yuuunn .Luu JJIFITU Pl will accompany thevexcursion. 1. DH .11! Hills HUIIIUUX Wu UHUWW parts ofG1-and Operas from the greatest Ital inn nntnnnnnv-1 . __QAn nu-an-nvncnnu ' .`,I",,ll.-V-- l vro quite xtensiyo .5. 5,-ok, out ih. I:`omnb2.. 3 Sturday night ' extent` of unwn-dn last. dime h9{4t_ 11 o'clock, `bn tlunagq var mm mm` W2.-2 M `MIAMI U5 VJWFIIIIL IIVIE UIIU `H3330 Italian compose!-I.-`-S|eo pArqg_|-ammos. N031!` Sntool Pnon':u~.--`Ad _we inti- nmtad, every quilfk and trick; is bbing .re- sorted to by Mr.:Cook- gndjhi ?fl'iendi'to I\l|II'|` `1;a' DmAnn Lain.-' L-Jg Ann :-:: DUI vvu UV DJ Al.lI'o,\JUUL' _llu_llJl -{IIUIIIAI IIV preven?Lthis' Protest being tried on its jmeritslr At one time` they take` ex'oep- tion to. the `securities; and on that. being nvnrriulnrl than nlnnb 9:; Flu: hAh"::t\fvIAD The Chacery `Court is fbhing, presided over by `AV:i_ce-Chancq1 .1~pg*,:}} _li_ake M I:mionA'rxo2t.--'1`he immigration thus ; far has been of the [class most needed-- `-Farnx and other laborers. Mun vv, Ilv UI!!4'ul lUIU', ll._MI uu _UlI_l;- IIUII-ls overruled, they object td ihe petitidner. and everything to avoid the discemtutye n..n_c;,expoeux-e yhieli awaits them if the case is allowed t9 he tried on itemerita, This conduct does not much look-like innocence, it rather sav- ors of guilt. It is only criminals who shun the day. ' Tm-: Dn:u;au`ss from the seveml Ag- ricult.ura.1.; Societies in the County of Simcoe, and the adjoining C0untiea,have_ xed upon the following days for holding their respective Annual Agzicultlxral Shows for 1874, viz: North York - - 29th and30th Sop. Bradford - - 4 - nlstiaml 2nd Oct- Adjala -` - - - -' - - 5th Tecumseth - - - - - ~ 6th A` Southnsimooe - - - - 7th and 8th Rospmont - - - - - .- 9th Mullnur - - _ _- - -' - -. 10th `.` 13 1a. : The Episcopal Methodist [Conference is navy ip passion at Ndwmu.rket. They expect to get _t:)x'_1;'o_1_1g_1_1 thig ' Great preparations are being made fog! the reception of the Emperor of Russia, who hasjust left Germany for. Englgnd. , _.._,,,`....----... `Ye regret 50 obser,ve that Strikes urge sti1'l.common. When `will Ixiasbers and n;on,.frat6mize, and nd rout, .a _better memdd of sot-$11115 AiRB.3 ` 1'... 5 , -v ul uuu. ncaucua uuxuj um {IUWI WIHCD ould have been set up had any Finance Minister of the late Government submit-_ ted it budgex`. speech detailing the Finan~ tied Policy oft-he Govoin-nient, and when faced by public opinion abandontlie po- sition, and ten days after come down with it remodelled Tari` 1_ dibrent in every r.espect_rom `what was. heralded? to be the well digested `Fm-i` of the Gov ` eminent. Whegher right. or wrong that` what Mr. Cartwright has done, and yet there is notn single word of condem- Fnation from the ox-vans of the_pa1'ty. . It i-mikes-all_the.'diere11ce`whose ox is L-gored when partizans are in-p'awe,r.' I - . i ` ~ -The remodelled 'l`.m" or +1.. 12-:....-...... .Icz SHo_Vi.-`V-.-A n;ost ldisuivousl ie. shove occurred-at 5 jtfclock,` p.m:, ma 'Sa.t.ur`ds.y:1ut, atueboo, doing damnge * to the "shipping to the estimated amount _o_u5oo,ooo. }V T Coummsonv ,EDtJ|0_ATION_._--fh's sgreed on all hands that our oomplllsdry Edam. tiomlhw is sutfered to be 0. dead letter, .W6u1d`t_'not be as` well to "ex_1fo;~co it`? Wo,1ja_ther_ think i,t.1yould-T1fyit'; -..1-3-"... A Finn 2-0.. belle peeled` forth *3 re- alarm at abaut 11 a.m. last Saturday, and it was found to have its origin in the cottage of Mr. Gillem, in the Eastern part of the town. Fortunatelyeome navvies were working ontho track of the -Muskoka. Railway and saw the blaze `and put the fire out before much damage wjae done. It is but just to say thtit steam was quickly get up in our engine, which was on its way. to the re, in quick time, when news came that the re was put out before ithad reach- ed any headway. nuuu Anny. .uu uuo PMIPUDU U1 gxvulg U110 use of the Town Hall, to the Rev. Lack- lin Taylor, D.D., on Monday next, the 18th, to deliver his popular lecture, on the North-West Territory, has been kindly granted by his Worship. The abilities of the talented lectun-er-one of the ablest in the Do1`nin_i_on--and the in: terest taken in the subject will-doubtless; draw a crowded house, _J'4D|5t ' ' ' ' ' o ' ' _IlIULI Innisl A- - '-_ _- - - -13th ;` Nord1Simc9e,Bqr_r_i_9, _l4th gngl _l5t_k " Bush Fii'eIVare'rdging with disastrous results in many purtsfof the Dominion. .1... ` Hinvnsw Pnosn:c'rs.--According to English papers the wheat is not ina very promising condition in Englaxld, `mad the rest of Europe. V. ' QUEEN 7s Bm'rnnu,.L--As the anniver- sary of Her Majesty's Birthday comes this year on a. Sunday, it`wi1l be observ- ed on the Monday. U S1>Am.--It appears tlLn.t` the Cm-lists have been routed in, so t};at ~it i_ expected the Government dc `In;-`tn'wI3l hp mini-.nnul ' unxzxpu Av :51 UQIIUUIIOLI VIIU /qga`wn1 be sgppginod. "i~'i_i'i:_'i.1f)2l ":x}{7`11. i?7'I{ Pulznx LEO:fUllE.--A ptition; which was presented to the Mayor, sighed by all the members of the Town Council, asking that the next meeting of the (`5nnnnil- has mxntnnnml till 'l`nm.A.ny nu. The 1\`Iontreal Contra Elation; is now} being tried on its merits. _ ' I Heavy gale: and j'J_agnd_q1jsto1`nns seems to have been the order of t!i"d_21y duripg the p'nsc'week. unattended, we are happy to_say,.with`loss of life. " _ ` .` nonuls uunu uuu HELD Iuuulau` 0I U18 Council be postponed till Tuesday, the 19th inst.., for the purpose of giving the use nf tImv'I"nwn Hall I-n Hm `Hm. T..mI., 29th and_30th - t}: 1 -1;! I nn H 3 iii . 13:1. . -__'I 1:. M ,EIm'3'u'ioz;-'-It appears thst so keen is the competition amongst vessel ownen that the fare frotii Liverpool, England, to` New York, has been radioed tolb, but in spite of this, the emigrstioii flfqnl the old |>d*ia not,. as yet, equal to what it was last year; A _ - -1--uqanu III ' Piano: of.benl';nika`ra, Thy Mggon I Hum`- liq Qrg|nI,andthe Cannda Orgup Go punylu 'Ot'gdn| and Melodeons; Orglna and-Mboim xllqnuorenl. and fornlo, on the month!) :';1'ui-sntpyglem. .`.- I I ' '* ` 5 xpwanbs as um ` _.: no,o_kuuon,-~ae;, , no lvug fl "ii:n6m: 5: 4 im x.% fPA'PEt, D . cotiATIoI;;' mam` goons -31;: mug ;'=.u=IgI;. ~ DlQ1.lRI'lll- - ` ` ~ Pi-6*-IT 5-5%-Kwikm` mm . n H m`-1 -;".3g';l~_2)"t_g'Ln"nn,and thecanpdi Otgufauzlo putlyla in `Dd hllddhnl: nrnnn .'-AA. n.l-:., 'J,`he'1_Vaal is advocating the publieetien of in Canadian Hansard, and have the debates and doings `of the Dominion Parliament correctly reported. Thetje is much to be said for and against the sub- ject. However, there is nodoubt that its value would be incalculable an 1. history of our progress. IRA-HSCIBLE 3i'1iJSTERS. Dr; Sangsber is nominated as . a can? didate for the Council of Public Instruc- tion, at which the Globe waxes furious, [as it Ibemshe has; been dlV0l`0Od from 1.2-, e___; _,_-4-, :_ ..L_. bL_L__ _..1 Ln- Ill III @1115 MD uuu_ Iuvcu_ IAIVUAIEU nnvnu hit first wife, in the` States, and hail married hip second helpmate, which, the Globe stays, is a breach of the matri mania` `aura `of nnnu nnrl flunnafnrn ha $35 53]! 13 H UFQKII Ill VIII! IIIIVIA monial laws of Canada, and therefore he should not'be thought of for such an oice. T D1s:nssu..--'Dr. Wiggins has been dismissed fromhis position as Principal of the Blinzli Asylum at Brantford; the all-suicient reason being that he has an- nounced his infant-ion of writing the life of the late Mr. Sandeld Msodonald. ml- n_:-_ __,_1j __L ,,_-_1__L _,,_u, U1 IIIIU club 1'11`. WIIUIII-I?Ill l!lIUuUu`Iu. The Grim could not overlook such an un- pardonable o'enoo. His place is lled with a. thorough-paced Grit, Dr. J. H. Humor. ' ` The Arkansas civil war sti1lvo_ontin- ues, notwithstanding the President's [re- quest to both Baxter and Brooks, the claimants to the G`overnorship,to disband their armed forces, and allow the Local 'sIo.ture to meet. [We inueh question whether Baxter or Brooks, or both, are worth the fuss that has been raised, as we doubt if either have the ability to set the Thslnes on re._ Eircrmcirv l Tuons Excni.sion'Ec1.:crmc Ou.l -W931-u Tex Tums my Wmeur ix Gum.- Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is the cheapest medicine ever made. One done cures common sore throat. One bottle has cured - bronchitis. Fifty cents worlh has cured an old stoudlng cou`gl1.' ll pogl jvely pgres Oaturrh, Asthma Elli? Group. Filly cents worth `(mo cured orick 1n the back, and the same quantity Sonia hack ofeiglit yeurs'st_andlng. The follow- ing are extracts from I lew of the many letters that huge been received from different parts of Canada, Wbl(.'., we think, should be Iulliclent to semi the moat skepticol. J. Collard, of -Sparta, nt., wrltas,send.xne I: do: Dr. Thomas` Eclectric Oil, have sold all I had from you and want more now. iuoureu are truly wonderful. Wm. Magulre, ofllranklln, wrlte|,"I have sold all the agent left, lt acts like a cbnrtn-lt Wu slow at 'st,l>ut lakes splendid ynow " H. H. 0ole,of Iona, writes, plane forward 6 doz- 'I`homas' Bela.-trig: Qil, l arn nearly out ,- nu`.- , in equal: it. It IS higuly recog) ended by thoee;who have used It .l.`Bedfor , 'l`l-emu. _ _ville,,writes-.-"Send at once a further supply of Eolecljric 0il,`I hue only one bottle left. `l npger sag guythlng sell so well and . in such gonetalsnusfapligq, '._I. Tpognpson, oodford writes_--.Send- me gorge ?ore~g.`cl_ectric -Qil. l huesold entirely out. A othing takes like 43.? Miller 8 Reed, Ulyer-ton, P..Q- , write-9`! he Ecleolrlc Oil` in getting I great Arppgtntion here, andledeily called for. Send one further Iupply without deloy. I)omoyno,`(}ibb 8 00., Buck. inzham, P. Q , write--"Send no one gran liolecltic on. We and it take wan. ; "-_8o|d by all medicini dot on. Price, as am. ` ` " E N.." I'H0|lAS, Phelps, NJ . IIa.-.'_l-. ` ":...,};':j.2;:or;rnng-r 8 Lram, Toronto, am. . DULL Tnncs.~ Times must be very hard in the States, particularly in Ohio ; for, at a Farmers Meeting in the disaf- fected agricultural districts in England a gentleman from Ohio offered to send out to the districts as many farm laborers as were needed, who would gladly work for $3.50 per week, which is less than what the men have struck for in Eng- land. The emigration froxin the States to the Old Country and Canada promises to be large this year. -- VVo0ds.--By1'on,l-mew avlthing or two, . but he did nt know everything, or he wouldn't have-raved about the pathlesa woods. \V_e know of 3. Woods that you need'nt go into the pathless woods to End. He holds forth in the Medical- Hgll, Dunlop Street, `Barrie ; and is no nowned for keeping the best of toilet ar- ticles, complexiorg beantiers, and all things requisite for life's enjoyment in his line._ He also keeps the purest of Drugs and Chemicals, and compounds medicines in the most skilful manner. A

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