Easi1'iI}'5k"Zi'ir" Child A: gdept of'|07 resin, which can be braved nn aIa.jLVL4&IlL[lllJl`J . unn. I I And pill lut longer than any other pump built. l"Le subscriber challenges the co"'1ty of Sim- coe to manufacture Pumps to" )tnpete_ with , than made by him. t_`n_ey are ' n `Min I'\I.'l'!I| Inn: u an - U~BIviiE'I?ffFZ Er ms 2} -___._ .- -- - ---- v- `ldll-ill-L` J JJIJJIJ, As_ they have had Large Experience in all" do- psrtmontn of the business. - _ V J`. G. HILBORN & BRO. Allundnlo, Oct. 39, 1873. 44-157 A :--- .-__-..__ __, |n mmj_gHumrr` T pun: . 'Co.n1ec.tion_ery Store ! % In the above village. . Families regular . supplied with the best ofBread,: ad full weight- 7 9.1-o, Cakes and Confectionery of all kinds, in l any quantity, of rs!-glues quality, and at low A . rpnces. ` V Plc-Nlcl, Socials, Sol:-eon,` &c., &c.. -vs-In-nus 5-we no _--_ _ -i vuuuum. u|_ vturnnuu, {nu , sATIsi"AcT1oN GUARANTEED, A_ AL... I__... I.-.II _ ,,-- in annual. nmnv 1| - _` .1;4.\';x, . 0.QF;Fm ?'Mn,-J, I + _ __;`3-=l- _ V ' ` The Subsc_rihpr_s beg to inform--the public of Allandalo ind vlcinity,timi,they have opened out , 1 . .BUY YOUR READY-MADES! nu `...._ ... _ v. an IILJ 511.411 .1 Barrie, 'Oct._ 20, 1873. .uaoozn. zvzzrenn 3 -I ' wscromnc uvonna _a_::1;g,;{TI vwenn 3' . @T5_@MWRK 2! Remember: {here Is no cheaper zliouse In Town than}; ]@m' &s&n@] -.-.-n@uv\r.vJ..J..L LI I-L` \J Line done with neutrons and dispatch. Re- member the plnce, { D 1713111! us` nu--u---4- on 1 r Lmu u >"1'lth`E'.l`, Opposite the Simcoo Hotel, and Moor: North of the Wellington, Rnrlie. mcmzma n Immr 1`w_o'doou out of'0l:}-honi hotel, Duglop " `I . -: ` .'ureu,Bu-:10. 7 ' " [Non 12, 1813. ~ [[46-b HASTINGS, 1:! VA(:E ./v"1 HE S T 0 R E 1 G _ !| Hi: Cdoking'Szov`es :1-6 Twrrnnted to cook, his and dnv Hi: Parlor, Hall and Box Stan: are in great variety. #11 his on cozcn rig non . 'rIIv',`si'E"i1".iiz1'_{i'i:c"_1 1>i_'Iz 6 {APANED B AkY~FI"1T"1".' '15"? E E T, nnnnin n Sim:-mu nal .....1 .4 3-..-.. -u-_.L nu v nuw - UVfiD'UD.O`, ;_ Oebinet M_eker' and Dealer in HOUSEHOLD` FURNITURE. The best, Ingest and cheapest stock in Bertie. Also I Bountiful end.wel_l eelecud stock of Fancy Goods and Berlin Woole, Ottonnnend Slipper Patterns, . cam.) T m------ ., I Imus Ianulu, - M}. &c.. be. , lent the Scum Grist llill, Barrio. , 51-ly-w .-a 1.: 5.1 .l$ 2 VICTORIA STOVE DEPOT IS THE plsoe to got good provzs Ware keptoonstantly on End of made to order. ` A!) non: ofjobbing In the Tl1'I"|Tt`I1r1rn1*1-1- 11- Iv . ~81-lids , Ton, `m O'_.?"."HS A>ND_ B'Ol YS" No"BBY- su"rs IN- ` ;.`_.&.SPLEN`DlD-,S,TYLE8.1 * k .g;. _ ... bTovEsd ..-..-- \aIo\a.n-5-A-d\u'tl' .n..qs.I.\.I-I--A-g 8:3`, Inchu ljnot {o be non eluwhorc. Onnns or-run B331} nnmnh. 9 comvod ' uunn nmm. ' 1 Thu nnbncrfbcr begs to nnnonned to th pub- ' llcol Sonic and Avicinny, tbs: he has just re- turned from '1'oton::- with 3 {rub and ml! 1:- nortod stock of GBO GEBIES. FRUIT. , ' .19`. Iilhvll Innl CA hi lndn CAI-`AIQ 5.5.06 ! 5 g STERE9; 'l\'l"I=!1X`I' AT "'BlRD S, OF THE NEW 133101; BLOCK. ' .....I.. ' A if-"0 The Stock is lame, and 'em- - . brace! EVERY sTY~iEE. MAKE. onnsns pnommvbnnsnnsn/1:1.` And 91" inrlt anew-salami on Bu-rio. Nov.-otb, "I3. BBICKELOCK, DUNLOP STREET- Are nude out of iho heat Scotch Pig Iron I1 HIIIIIIM Illll nnmmn D.-1 I n I In EL AVN:-DJ -T.` 1 -..-v`"`rfi-.1n~i-is - 3 xu:u_uv.1ngnnon.nux.; :-__`-.g_- C` an A :R Y8 ; l`Al. P1:LAOE58'l'_0RE8 LIBVERALLS-I SUP1'I:IED _--., . n_ ____ ,, FRuIT_"_ToRE; VERYV VC`HEAP . as.` ____._--.----- _ -.. V- . ;.q;...4;_ By contract or_ otherwise, gud R'FAl".'I"l(Th!' l!lTA`DA"I\1rr nd all work guaranteed .to _r\_ u-n-q-_-.-\._ BOOTS A5ND`SII0ES "A;;::an be eectively and" In In--_.1__' .1 1; _ 4 . ZB U _ PORT] Qvrnvsw hunrvn -ra n n 1 I mmfauxs` r .' nhmin Bpfrio. _ ` ax}: u an men am on the M sud atjronrnx do run. _va..v-..- ..r.a_-\r sz DUNLOVP STREET. A c1ri';iEsTAUi1Ai47`i` LE` _HEM'lN DE BARBIE ANDVWILL BE. SOLD AT. EMPORIUM. _BlF;D S w. H.`F1iEl:i\lAN,` 1-L8..-a Il-I.-_I -_J I\__|_A 4.09.]! is Invited. IT! 1.- AND `GET YOUR Sun nu ;u..n.` fnfitty, Ivof Ill ilifnow I nann-m. mndcfto order, CHEAP '"3'f;9!*!dm*?S I'1'..T;:1-. A uni: n An. 'E:v"r' igtoxi, Rsrxief " GEORGE C. FUCK, Proprietor.` 3. " ` - 45-1; -`-1-`--....i BAKERS?` " ' -'3'...- ;Is; ac, ` -Jewellery, Glues Shsdu, 8:. RII:A K I -`-I--- pntidrhu in i`f'smw, `II .A-I !'\.._l 43-if ' - -...,,..,..... upmuu son mtennon de pro- der immdiabement :1 la construction do In ligne_ 3. Barrie et 3. Collingwood, et de oonpinner 1 e`xtenion an I deli do. ' msi rpide`m.ent"aue ` le! moyens obtgnus av6cH ami_'td1_1`ee dtft H511` ` _ *oot`-odeoe1;1i'g1it?Gyzn9;nent. '90. 1.1.. U041: 777.111. [to M. l HonorabIe Adam Crooks, ~T1sorwr Prmcial, Toronto, HAMILTON, 19 Mars, 187-}. CHER MoNs1EUR,-Pou1' complaire 31 votre requte, pcrmittez-moi do dire que je suis prpaf it entrer d-ans 1111 con- trat obligatoire swec votre Compatgnie ponrla construction Ju` chemin do for dc Hamilton et (In N 0rd Ouest, :1 partir do Hamiltpn jusqu 2`: Barrie et Collingwood, pour le montzmt contenu dans l cstima-- tion du cot par votre Ingnieur, ct: do prendre en payement pour la mme, les - - produitsdesjbonuses municipa.ux,accordes 9. la. Uompagnie, Paide du Gouvernemeut demand pour, viz : pour pas moins que $2,500 par mille, avecoun don additionnel de 8500 par mille, sur Ies 44 milles du chemin exoeptionnellement coteux, joint an mortgage dos bonds de la_ Com is pour $146,500 mille, et le Pym souscrit, t celui qui I on est convenu` de >souscrire,`le tout en accord avec le pro- jt-nanciel soumis parvotre Compagnie on Government. o . _ . . Votre _se1-viteur, ` . ' (S_1gn) Gu1u,Avu': HISDRIE, Esq-3' ' . If 1` H.153 N. W, fer}? ` ' " b `L. ` HSami1ton.. _h-,:oGonvom.ement_. ayant. t ainsi A.lo:'::ion nancielle do 317 .1. .`.dans-vleense act!9;?_Ilt1'a1d qg` statu da'nsf-,Ia' A lee;'eL_.,. M -, ` Zllrie`, , rut la 19 2"`-. Luhu.\2 uuxuulc crwtcntlucllb Skl.ElSI1S:'1l1tC. . "Je vous ai dc]:u' vm-bnlmnexxt, qua pour plusieurs .1-aisons, cette compagnin est eggtjcismeplent ds11':=.usede rocder 2`: la construction a la fois, de la igno 1'g1-inci- pale, et de branche de la. Collingwood en" mme temps; et` j esp1_'e quc 1 e.\ p1ication que j -ai donne concerna nt I-.1 dctte. ,ob1ig6e_'jointe avec l'e11treprisc du con-A t=.m_cte1x1- dent nol1s.avons parl plus hm1t7, obviera :1 toutc diicult que VQllSp0l11'l`(?7. avdiv rencontre relativement' Ma. recom- mendation au Gouvernemeut pour ob_te- nir Ie subside ; c est-a~dire le'don~ pour{l_c.s deux lignels. _ ' ` -J ai 1'honneu1' d Ctre, Monsieur, Votre obe_iss_ant servitenr, . Si 6 Joxm STUART Pug gux? N my 2: n Au-uJ\;uuuu B(7l.it1UUlllU-VUU. . - -- Pe1-motboz-n10i, 11mint11_ant' do. You git-g qt`-1e gette compngnie est cap:t1;1o.v so soumettm uux,dsi1*s du Gnnvm-m .....u uu ~ v nun irg cap:t11o.v!<- so so11m_etLm :u1x,dsi1*sdu G9uverne- ment; sur ce-point, eta fournir une evi- dence, lgquelle, je n er; doutc pas; Horn rezue comme en~tirement satisfnisaume. ".Tt3 vnne 41: :1/\n1.~. nu . 1..-...1..-1...._ -., E/EL; NQ1[ E]:NGff RUBBER VVous ave_z cepe11_dzu1t_1-gl que si nous \ itions p1`p;n'_ ` u fourniz l \'ilcm:c dis _ uoti'&_3 c:1pacit.h trouver nn (:o1it2';1cto111- rosp'ox:sab1e, leqnel voudrait bit.-.n entren- `en ma'rch6 pour con_struire `Ie chr-`min L; fers1u'l:1*ba.e que 119u`s mio11s SOl1mi.`4(*, Yobjection serait enlevo. > 'l)m.....-.4-+.... M: W-..` L, - v ~ vt-v-av, ~ 1 " 1 Hmnilton, 1e 18 Mars; 1875!, b MoNsIEUR,'--Rfm11t 2`: ma1_co,1m11111fi{ cationdu 16 'OO1ll`R1gt, "ct :1 vos obsexva- tions s1_1r (-110, 51 1 e11t1'evue dont vous m avec l1ono1"- ce nmin, vous me-pen mettrez de dire queo quand vous a1\'0'/. -object an montmyt do 121. dette oblig-o pro- pose, `:1 savoir : $14,000 oAu,_l.-1,500 par inillc.-,' oomuu: 3 tu11t cu cxps du montimt qni avait _jusqu a 1loi-s SL6 considm-e comma nun 1`iSO1111.'\blG' dotte "par l:1qm1le li- chemilyde "fer poltrmit tre grc-v on charge sans comptex"_l cquipement; j :ui. oubli de vous informer quc nous con- templions une issllede bonds, p01`t:1l1t six poltrccnt d int1't, tandis que le t:1u.\' "01-d.inaire do1 intrt tnit do sppt pour 'oi1't',` fat que cons.6qummnent Tissue quv Vl101'lS11\"Q11Bp\`0)0sc, quoiquc l10l11i_11:1lu- menu (16 $2.00 on 2,500 en sus n tait , 1` | on w"mHh'~ 1-{on rib I'\]n:< n... 195.. unvuu Ln: -,,'_.:,uUu uu _.',uuu on 8113, lrtzut on ralit rien `die plus qua I'q11_i\'ale11t, environ de la limitede $319,000 do, bonds` sept pour cent. ucuuv U1 lesquelle -1 lino nun 1,l50,750 ` La balance necessaire pour la construc- tion et Pequipment d_ev1-a. tre fournie par Ies bons de la compagnie, cetoeuvre sem fa- cile B. acnnmhlir ai 1 ....,x ,.,m..:.1.'.--- 1.- .0- Stock souscrit ...... .;. $25,000 Stock promis . ...... . , . 25,000 0 _.---.-- 0 Don du Gottvemment Q $2,500~ - par mille 129-.71 . .32-1,250 Don extra du Gouvern- ment de_ $500 par ' mille pour 44 milles22','O00 yuux CLIILVGI. u. uu P0111? am` 11116 (183 Baies formant undes bards du Township de Tay, et pour prolonger le meme Che- min de Fer vers le Lac N ippissing, de manire 3 -f0l'Hl61` 11116 `llhnnn uvnn mm ue rer le Lac N ippissing, former une junction avec les Chemins de Fer du Canada Central et du Canada Pacique. ` Pnlir In. `nnnu-an-n A- l\4\L`A\ -..L-..;._'_- uu vauauu 1. uuulque. ' . Po1irla.`pouruite decette enterprize, ses ptomdteurs out en 3. combattre une trs forte ' opposition de la. part de la Compagnie du_ Chemin de Fer du Nord, at de la Cit de Toronto, lesquelles de- s raient do nex-natma..~ 9+. A'.....:..1.:.. 1.. ...>._ `N_ORDV-OUEIST-.3 _ Aux` com-;buq_'zzeja-d: Nomi Sims: ' En Mars, 1872,19. Compagnie dxi min de Fer do HAMILTON et du Nord Ouhfobtinf 88. C1n_u'tb,; par`-laqulle elle ft autorise & txmstruire un Chemin de Fer, partant de lo. Cit de HAMILTON pf. nnnnnnf. on -I-mo-.9.-..... .l-_ rL_,n! , The )'...'b.:,;-;fc \ nis.m Efzxuufancllgfing Company have received 3 dupstcli frdm Vienna, Dated L _ ."e.=._;,j':a1. 19:11, 1873., announcinglbnt the Company have been umm V ' A r.;{-:_i.:m :~::suAr. ON PROGRESS, 85 A GRAND MEDAL OF MERIT 4 1 ] ' ` ` -.v'x"'1v-n Hm nu!" Qn...:.... u_.-|.e__ n,,,,_, _. ..., r... ......u uv us vsw uu IJ..:11!l.L1.'4L'U.LV et passant an tr-avers den Comts de Wentworth, Halton, Peel, t ASimcoe,| nour arriver A 1121 nm`n+. 1.... mm A---- ................., uuuuu, saw, an puncoe, po1_1r ax-river it an pointfsur des Bum formant Inn an `annuity .:.. 7I"-.......L:.. et. (16 19. um: de Toronto, slraient do perpetuer et d enrichir le mi)- nrmnle dn 1-nmmm-'2. 31.. ....-.... -_..L-._ suyuxuuv I-IU llUl'l)U|_al.ll.' Cl? denrlchlr 19 m0- nopole du `commerde du pays sepwn- trional.` ~ L ~ - `I1L,I' 1' -- ` UL Lvuula En face die` `cet opposition, la. dom- I pagnie du Chemin de Fer de Hamilton et du Nord Ouest a fermement fait proa- gressolt son enterprise. Le Gogxvemment mennmmnntmvnnt fan .... .1-.. .J..ao xnn ..;.. HAMILTON 5...... nun. I.7LAIn.7l.l_lIlBU- J46 LIUUVBITDIIIBIIU reoonnixent uyant _fait un don de$2,500 par znille pour 130mille, et $600 extmpar mille sur 44 milles d un chemin excep- tionellement diicile, a. vcomplt la. base pour la ligne principals jusq11 z`t Barrie, et la branche da la ligne jusqu z`L Coiling- wood. V T - Laiposition nancelle est 'ma.intenant ainsi qu il suit : - -i\ - Bonuses : I A : Innisl..;...$20,000 Uollingwood 29,000 Simcoe .... ..30o,000 Pee_1 ....... .. 030,000 Georgetown 10,000; Halton... 65,000 Ha1_nilbon...1D0,000' - _._.-..., vv -- vinin VA.l;L1.1;:.:-~\.) U..~t '.'..r-;.v were the pnly Sewing Machine Oczpany I 3 :n-y 1'23: 310 L.mr.dA Dzplomu. of Honor. ` ' ` . . . "f `jun T. 1551533 mus ._., .1 I 1 1,15o,_75-| . nnnnl-un n V ~ do;/`l aide (lg; M pour 1me_` telle extension, In Com- ment pzLgni_e_ `a. dcid deAden1mxder meni d`e*l aido`aux L'.l`own'sEips, at";'si leg bonuses noeasairestaientr n4ccord6', elle perfectinnerait ses arrangements pour prooeder 3. la construction de Pextenaion simultanment avec la. ligne principals at In branche B. Collingwood, faisant do Ponetanguishene u_n de leur point do . . m . 346,250 256,500 554,000 ......J, ...y g)"; I 't.ibfi la`17Ji1i;3Vj:l-i1`ecte e'I_f hemina do fer dos ` ` +';_`LI. ma. . f1fou1;i;a. aussi (comm.e Ttanf. requiia par la. charte) les facilita pour _un -libie et sans reserve trac de' bois. do corde; lequel sera. mi bienfuit. tanf poyir l11a1$i- tant des tei`res faihes qua .pog1'1-,"ceL`1i qui % vas tizblir dans la bois, au quelgeb articl eat mainenant .d 1.1ne1 ivaleur. puv-rement . norninale ;_ -`et. :aussi?=3. .l 8rtiaa`.nides cits 'o` onne pent pas se le ` "m-er 'u'uVde- do huitfor7;iqif jiio , dorde; ' A. ; _E}f`fqii1ig ntV`a "Qhcti6`nj\';ec_ I9`Cana.da' .. Pgcique Raa1wg}_i_1se " V T V` . , : :-2 : "w .1 '- ` 71 ' `e. :.E`P".;"f$""i'-`% - } V .' ;,;:si!e _ , ___ . __ . .. 7 ua. nun .Iu1U-`S. . ' I1 developem lcs industries manufac- turires sur les diifercntes 1-ivires 1e lung _de_ la. route,` speci`a1ement~s1u' lcs branches de la rivire N ottuwnsztga, dans le Comt do Simcoe, et; 5111- la. Rivro Credit, dams lu Comts de Peel at 1 H_al- ton, et sur plusicurs prcieuxx pouvoirs d eau qui n o11tV_jm1'mis t utiliss. ,Pau` le, moyen_ des jontions in Milton ct in Sligo, zwcc Ie C'1'e'dit Vuley Railway, 10:: ma.nufa.cturicrs dc l_a Rivit`.-re Credit peuvent zwoir lea zmmt-ages (16 la c0m1cc- tion avcc les dcux chemins do for. Par ~ .lc moyen dc lajonction iwec le Credit Valley et Grand Trunk Railways il devi- -_z-nglm un puissant. zu1xi1iz;i1'e.po11r_ les mbulins 3 fa.rine- sur In Grand River 2`: Fergus, Elem, Salem, Guelph, Galt, Azyr, . `Brantford, etc., leur donnant ausii bien I qu it ceux de la. Rivifar C1:odi_t,.les con-` ` I nectionsles plus directes, non seulement ' avec les, important marchs 3. bl de ; I troip oomts septentrion aux, ma.is enoorea 4 _a.vec _les bien plus grand mafrcil de ~ .l 0uest et du 1\I9'rd;Ou;est.:--Chicago, Mil- - 5"w'at_tEie et`Dulu'th."`~* Lesiumiers main-4 ` qfactureront Vet exporbarpnt `largement "leur. bois carr etc,' .bi'a;np.lie:df'co;nm_1-cc , ,qu .1Is _ant-b jusquA ,a pxsnt empehs-' . d expIoiter en rgisozxi de la gmnde des- *"i1i`98`!9`?' Pal` 18NhN`8menfs' Pine Districts-din _ ma,'anx A (13 la. Pmtmbi rm: 9.:;._;..u-_. . uun nne mamcts an N ord, aux sections de la Province qui. sont dnudes `du_ bdis d e pin ' ` ` " ' 1'1 1'-,,,.>,9 ' ' ..v..vu.;\-u. uuuuu\:u.sU [FUlll' lC.CHi.l1'l'l:lg aux"-eanx du L-.ic Ontat`io, tamdis Que les freights pai` can 21 tous les pointspm-~ tgmt des Ports vespectifs altxquels lcs Alignes concu1`1'entt-slconduisellb sjout pmc tica1le111e11t Ies mmes. : , Aucun autre chemin de foi-, qui":`L djzi -regu de l a.id_eV deg` fonds de chemin do far, 11. : pourvu 1m choix do 1nm`cns te_Is qnb {le cheminiitle fer propos lev fer . Le" L \VeIlingbon, Gray et Bruce Railway l a fait mais dans une tcncltte limit4'e-- limitc parcequ i.1 opre c6mme' pour- voyeur pour mm trunk line, tandis que le Cheinin defer que nops 901110115 con- - truire sem un pourvoyeur do toutes lcs tzrunklines. ` ' . - T1 ,1, I v - * " ...`_.....,,.. I.'\.zlllI-`:3 LL` ncru tum prcclcnsn amn- `tion aux rotates dji L -xistzmtes lesquellos `sent e11`piu`tie `\`foies-fcrres, parbievoios par c:u1,T les clis-?t:111ces o9n:p:umti\?_s~11a'i- le chmii1 de fi` propos et par ceux d_j: L on operation on on \'oiQ_g_[e c()_r_1_s_b1'uc`-_ tion, s011t.'t(*llcs' qu e11es_ .adm`ettent tune co11cm'roncc victoeuse pour le.cIm1'ri:Lge allx-e:iu1\' In T.-.i'.~`(1n+m1:.. +.....1:;. .:..- 1-. way A Hamilton, 10 Clnehix He fer (19 mu: rtmtm: dii . .\-:a+....+,... 1.\.....A11-- \,u:.uxuuuv xl. Upllhc l. I_'I'0\'lnCP. Tamdis qufil f;1cIl_ite1':1` ](;S_'COD1l1)lIl1i'C:l- tions dams 1:1? Proviuco, il ;'1C(,'l`<$itl`.`1 bonu- cpup les facilitc`-s do cmmnunication :1 l int1'ieu1' ct dnns 10s_Et:1t.=4'-U11is, ob aux bords do 121. nmr. ./X` pfscnt lc pays situ mi Nerd du G1`.-1ndTrn11k Sailxvny, et'-.1 1 Jst c]ujVel]i11gtQn, Gnxfyj at |31*n_u~c_ Railway, n :x pas .1ii1 acq-.3 _direct:1vec 10.2: T Et.a.ts-Uni.s' c-t..los herds dr.~'lz1 mer. Pm` sa cm11x0ctioh avec le Ca'r1a11{1 Trunk R:Lil- ' - way 5. Georgetown , et avecy le _Bu`n.lo ct Lao Hm-on Railway, 10 C`-alnnda South-V o1'n*I{nilwn_y, 013,10 Great Western Rail- H zunilton ct I11 No1'dOuest Qllvritjt ime V'1}`it-(10 1'out-.9 do r`hmn'in's do for` aux m:u'chs dqs Etats-Unis ct ceux do-s bords de la mer, -Qt sem c-m't:1f11en1e1\t_ d 1m e`g`mnde _v-.11e`u1' 21 to11t'lc pays. En m_n1e,V.ten1ps co sra une prciensn nr1 ulluxsu nrzmcn cm Uretut Valley Railway (maintenant en consh-uVction), :1 Sligo; Ie Toronto, Grey et Bruce Railway 21 Caledon East; le Northern .Ra.i1wuy, gavec son extension jusqu :`L Atherly :1 . - Ia-.4 .- . ; A_ ; Ie N01-the:-n Rzulwgmy, nveoson ex nsion il1snn :`x Mm Fm-,1 .\ rv,.n:.......M.w ,_..,._, >3_vxL muuumuu Jusqmt Atnerly :1 MN . . . ; nsionjusqu :`x 1\Icufor,dT;`t Collingwood. Etant dela mme gauge quc celle dc taoutes les lignes connectantes, except dil Tofonto, Grey cl; Bruce Ruilw:1'y,`1'u1e tellg,-`c_911nection de dil1'e1-cntes lignes dc Vchgxif ' de fey, doit;g1--.u1de1ne11t facilitor "_le tn: c du eiglgt et voyageltfs `ent1'e clixifilnccs qui jusqu A .1n-uintelmnt out ` t praticalement e.\'C1l1S(3 on ompchcs de faire comlnmce ensemble . 1 :u' con sequent, les :1vm1t:1gcs qui dcoulent do In construction (In chcmin dc fer propos no scmnt pas monopoliss aux Stati0'n:< Ternlinales, ni li111it':-s pm` _ les .o0mt-.' qui y pnie1`0m': .oontribn;':, mai$ ils' les ctnndront :`L tpute In Province. 'Fn11f|ic nn l l'....2l:n....-` 1, - ' -uguun uu_um:u_m_1 ae _Ier de Hamilton e du Lac Eri-, dans la. Cit dc Hamilton, et de la ayant connection avec le Chemin de for de Butfalo et du Lac Huron, ole Che- niin de fer du Canada Mridional, le Chemiii do fer du Grand Occident, et le Great VVestern Loop Line; jot passant an dessus du Burlington Beach,` il croi- sera le Toronto Branch Great VVestern 'RaiI\vn.y, a Burlington (dernirement \VelIington Square) ; la principale lignc du Credit Valley Rztilwuy _(maintenant on construction) . :1 Milton; Ie Gmml Trunk Railway, :1 Georgetown ; lc Nord- Ouest Branch (111 Credit Valley (iaintenant constrm-.tinn\ ;. ; Una runion dfarpenteura, Loom- meno R sarpeniaer dep u_isjBar'i'i'e vets le.`novd et aussitt `qne l'a1"pe1ita'ge V sera suisamment avanc pour .1ui ` per- mettre de le fair'e la.'Compagnie dniera ; 121 route, at avant qua lea contribuables so`ient.appe1s is votre pour ancun By- Law accordnnt un bonus 9. oette Compag- ' nie, lea contribuabfes seropt parfaibemeat inform sh. Pgard de la. route, et des con- f vention ssemnt faites ponrte qui regardo , la locatin def; stdtidns. l T- l'V-.........._-- -14-. I Ie-msm-. -- nn ruvuuxuu uca 5015010115. - l La. Compagnie attend par la location de ligne de donner les vcommodits dug chexnin de fer plus, directement aux Townships de Vespra, Oro, F103, Me- donte, Tay at Tiny, at elle aura recours 9. has Townships pour assistance. Ran: !!ntf1: n:n.rI'a+n L. .1_A_-:,, 1 I- at you nvwununpb PUUF lllfanoeo . Sans oette assistance, le chem_in defer de Hamilton et du Nord-Ouest no pourra. -p_,s tre tendu an delh do Ba.u-ie,- et en vue d6_ce_ci' il serdjt_ bon pour les con- tribuables de Tay et de Tiny de bien considerer avant de voter (comma on 1e" leur,demande_) les bqnuses pour d utresa chemins de' fer, qui chargeraient tel1e~ ment qu 's seraient dans l impos'sibilitt': de donner l aide_ 1"xc:A e`s,sa.'11-"e aitblieniin dc fer de Hamilton ebdu N ord-Ouesb. TOR I*n':1nnu run: nu1:~-A...L '_-_,;'I , n 1 LU}. up .Aguu}AvUu. _U|I (H1 J.` 0ru`Uuesb. Lesjraisons qtii suivent sont'le fondc-, ment sur lequelle In Compagnie se base pour d,ema.nder ou Gouvernement un aide venant des fonds du chemin de fer, chaque argument avanc appele avec uno gale, sinon une plus gtunde forge, aux contribuablesde Nord Simcoe en faveur de- leur assistance in la. Cqmpagnie pour pro- oeder 5. l ext;ens1on an N 0rd de Barrie. Le Chemin de fer de Hamilton et 'du N01x].0llAR r-I-nhmnn In-....I..... 1-- L-,_, N, J ucucx .. :.vAM;:ua`1Un an mord de'15arrie. Nord-Ouest croisera toutes les 1ignes' de chemin defer maintenant ten-opration, on en cours de construction :1 travers la sction du pays situ entre Hamilton, Bn_n-ie et Collingwood. Partant de la ftmck du.Che1nin tie for de Hamilton eti dn Tm:-. F!-ii Anna in run ,1- n___.-. _- nnmop so}. ,"Bnr;IoL W _ _ _ __ _ - ----vii rs`~:1'`?'s~f{v.'.` ,. ` ,. one Wu _ , Ilihet 3-rIAd:en 6f;Mn.cl'n_inen o`qnAu1ly4r'usonublemn- .__1__ "Hi hlyudrnumentod M:hin`a oh Iron Stand, j , ` lack W&_lnut'_ Tablobnnd Dnwox,` [_Bol1Ihed.] b3-cALL<:A'Np_1~:E 11',` 3 uoom In no or, 1131'? "`{.""a %"' .Bin_do'r,.Butor, I-`rillor, and udjdutubij Heq or, one extra |ThroIl=_ V gong. ulde nnd Screw, one W:-un`ch,o* d 3 rbWdrjvo_r, one Oiler, biiin. one damn Nuull.-, an-a D--`I-- rgjgsfrg-:;, maul-%|1IHu: 1 uI.u l_..l'lllIlI * I. :3-55-`%.?4 3:e ?C m'I-.ishing Goods, H8tl,' .c8pl. &c- 3,L -=2: u-*-~ ' o.>.rv. ' `SIN`GER S ~ I . jFAMlLYMA6HlNE ; c.",it?.B}1'y"; 1tWOll'lskipstI'tchol or break the thread. 7. Simplicity oftemion`.-; not hard to manage` `them. ` S. Simplicity of stilclt regulator; easy to be understood 9.hCapucity to do 'nll- kinds of work,;light or eav . 10. It ryrtakesthelock-stitch firm and good. 11. Pressure-foot can be, regulatedtbr light or heavy stitching. ` . 12. Ca-n be regulated the take-upspring accord- ing to stitching. 13. Can" regulate throw-off loopin shuttle-race to suit sewing . . V . 14. Has square needle-bar; bu two throat p!at~:s,6cc.,`&c. '- Q ,A smenn . siwlaaa MAGHINEN ANTON T STOR.`l-:.--:I`hiS M ore is known Sim- coe to be ust e: the best and cheapest Tea e market. as dso {he r ' s, Prov}: sions and Liz s. No dange any xghe Canton T Store, 1: pt tmter. ~ 1 uura H01) , - z. s. EARLE, Jr. M..D'. AS'_1JohVnA_, N.B., Jgnuary, 1868 ' F.G.\\ lLlmlS MHUFAGTURING 00. [ Mn.JAns I. Fluovn, Manufndturing Chemist: ` Sm: For several months past I have med your Compound Syrup in the treatment of incipient Phthisitt, Chronic Bronchitis, and other aectiona of the Chest, and I have no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those discuss. Being an excellent nervuus L.-nic, it exerts a direct inuence on than nervous syatetn,and through it itinvigorntea the (body. ' ll afrnriln ma nlnnanv-A In ....-...-....-....I _ uuuugn u n mvlgormea Ina_bo:Iy. . . It aiforda ma pleasure lo recommend a remedy which is really good in cases for which it is intended, when so many nd- verlised are worse than uaelesn. * I Am, Sir, van ra lrnlu M (L;-'u , , . fcu Z119 lo Pgmue vyay sqx amstrnitan. Siulsdu Lac -Nipiasing, um, jonctionpeut utre faite par voie .du SauIt.St. Marie, avec lTe,Northe:-n Paci- qu Railway ;jce qui beaueoup l importa;noed_u Ohemjn tie for do Ham ilton et_dIiTjN6'rd-Ouest, laquelcdeviedra VI a.nneau le jalus court de la chains qui 1-elierav- 1es Etkata-Unit do` .l'._Est at de l Ouest.' I1 prodnira ainai_"le settlement le plus rapidevde cette pairbie de la Pro- vince d Ontario, qui. est situ an N 0rd (16 _ 19. Georgian Bay. Nu` n,nf.v\o (Inn nnhnna (`Lamina .11. (`An ` IS excellent for the foHbwing_ points l v*er,<,'eaz_;j9. Suqrension.-a Bridgov at Bu at 19 Canada. Pn1'.ini`i'n Rn3lwnv >1 ucvnswtu uuy. V . ul autne des autres Cheminb-do-fer qurshddressent maintenant aux Town- `ships du Nord an d jwoir de Paide, no pe`ut`o'rir den gmmtdgee tel: queoix`-ci; `et 198 Direteurs croient dvec oonanceI' . que cea avantages` se reoommandent ` ,d'ux-memes aux oontribuables do N ord ' lszmcoe, et que--en suivant lo ban ex-; I ample do leurs voiains dos Townships du g ;S1d--ila montreront sans faute leur pr ` lference qygnd le jour du vote sera. venu, lpoul le ` quand Uhemin qui leur don: 1 l'lBl`H. VRPR Ia Nnwln {sun nnn-uonl>:n-n nunn rwul m xiuauu. uuumun. qux. wul" U0"? nera vers le N orde une connection avec le. Canada Pacique Railway, at an Sud avec les great Railway thoroughfareg de lo. Provin,.et.des Etata Unis. . .. .- I\1wI I. Simplicity, of onstrniction, part: and m menls ; it is well mad--.-. 2. Nun-liabililylo geloutoford'er,cilher by `or standing. ` . I. Perfection or ndnptahiliiy ofallils parts. _ lg Easy ofworkin `, light 'runm`ug,and not n; i. Easy ofmanagemem ; no great skill req to operate 11. ` ' E. 1_{liabihty ll wonskipslizchen bratkt thread ` ' ` V. .\`inn-.I:;.:... -t'- - ` l` ` ' V`Og'eal_1`& Suqmns" 9 ion`: at" Bulo %.~1~ 9,-siqiie` Bi1$a~.- Au cas guelg` CndaVPiacifi?1i1e RaiIv_#ii' so_it _._.A.....:.` -.. 6.-.`! j,, 1' - , 1'9 - Office He laldompgni u Chemin de Fer de Hamil- " ton, et du Nord-Ouest, 17 Avzil, l8_74. , (Sign) JOHN STUART, Dunn D LXI `IT lTt:n1Ar`E;vzcn1..--1l)ootor-.l:s_o huyghnubonees Vogolnble ills now super- iorly augarvcoaled cannot be -excelled :31 Family Medicine for general purposes. Th8 cantainn the anlum nrnnnrnc nf rumuy xueuwum wt general purposes. Pill contains the active properties of Mandrake and Dindelion,u well Pl com- -pound Extracl of Colocynlh and Extract oi Hyoooylmuo. Test them for your own satin-. fact ion. One box `containqaboul 28 Pnl1n,and and each Pill is o. ouicianldose for an adult in ordinary oases. Try them. ` 1:5 MAITLAND Yomvd, Q _ , ,,( longas - SewingMa- chines have been alall widly known __ 10,. jhe. `people, .thg Sing'or. . has bgen in prod ' mincnl-existence, and during all these year: has been nnndcrgoing im- ,pgove|nenls compatible with the demand! of the (go ` -an_j. V I`HEA JUSTLY CELEBRATED l'|'Oll=F,_IGOg on:Gu1de 'ron,cb,o>I)'Ii Scredrivqr, nix , one doze|,Noodles. no',Brnidor am * " no" copy at Diroetion. '- no dozou,Noodleo.'6no*`, B: Diroliollu -VWO furnish with each A Family Machine -ono Hommenona ol pl Chllibillll "`nnIrnI_ 1\Ib.x111f;1ct111'cc1 by PLAIN`. ?GHEPE8T,FURN|TUE| `JILL! LIL `J 111.01., Pres. H. 4; N; W. R. 4519 goozi and `and Provisions ed 7 ......u - mrgu quanuly oune most stylish . f `AMERICA1\". COFFINS. ; L . -I. &' W. B0333. Pictures and Moldlnn comianlly _ * on hand. Frame: made to order. .` ` Lalge lowest rule: tor (gash. ----- fhlio n lrgo quantity ofli:e_dosI u'yli:;h `AMEIIRWIA 1u- nnrnnn-m ' " I -L '`*'-A-41.: CARPENTER BUILDER AND UNDERTAKER, .-.-v vv '1 I ..lU\.I-I.`Il.L.'.J Gnbnnatnnd Undertaking Eetnblishmgnt one : oor Wat otlhe Wellm "on Hotel, n!- ` 3 A ` Ian : Block. Hie. _ of all kinds,.Saddles; C As the advertiser is practically conversant with his business in all its details, employs the most skillful workmen, end uses none but the best material, he can warrunt all work made in his establishment to in thorough sstisfsction Lathe pmctmssr. j 'lli]llO.i1ll5lT_dl'gll?(le1vi_Il|'_l!098 o are , n s, 9. uses, and everything `connected with the business constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Part- icular attention given to Light Single nnd Double Osrrisge Harness. Sole manufacturer in Barrie of the "Excelsior Back and ip" Straps, to which the attention of thep ` lie. is specially directed-. Bsrrle, Jude-T8 "I3. n... 4.1; jf L. R. `\x73'i=NER s SADIFLE" AQVD` AB:\'ESS- MAKER, `-C n-nefof Bnyelrl 6' liunlnp-Sh-eels, B./YRRI 1;` -. - ' . A ' &c., am. An assortment ofwoll made Collars in stock nnd'_w_arrsnted to give satisfacom Rxdmsz and Drivina Wm... on. n_,,., K VRidVi l`l g.-:l`lJ`(`l- .]5l'!i,;l;g`n`ll-i;3Ilf: "i`3S. Cards, Curry Combs, Brushes, &c., together with com- plete outttings for entire horses; `:11 of which A he offers at very moderate prices. Barrie. Julv m, mm - - - I-n.I_vvr\IlIJ DElVII"|.\J3=. Ha'vingtnken'thd{rem1ses lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Root, pearly opposite the Ba1r)e Hotel, begs't'.'z inform the farming 001111 munity. and the public generally, that he has now on hand and manufacture: to order SADDLES, A " TEAM 1: nnnnrarnz -..... :41! 1. uu uU11JUL'M.l ` UNDERTAKER, 103.. 80., 80. IvII`\IIl`l.l` lVl\J\Jr\; Hus now on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Carri ge and Team), English and Common Riding Sad- dles, Double and Sin le Bridles, Callus, 8c., whichvho can o'er as very reasonable prices. Alec in stock, some of the best English and other Riding and Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes Curry und Mrne Combs, Cards, &c., lobe found in this market. Ann'.-H;.l.` :. H... A_...'l- _,_,,,n - - - 1!) ml: umrnel. Anyarticle in the trade mnnufactured, fu - niahed to order on short notice, and wlrrnnted to give satisfnminn_ I ___ _ Cannot be beaten eithorfor qunlity or price. Be deal: in`tho but mukemnnd onnnotbe underqold by any hougejn tow,n._ He.a.lIo keep: on land the but of" - .- 1%. '39.`?iE,"3..E_'_ AN! I31*9'1!sI9as `gag -VJUIIIIBIIIF utvvllp DUIII-but` VI Y, 5.7"" . in` 1`-.-` Ja ' ' 1,. ~ ; '; - .."',n 2 "3 V '/ ~` I ` ; : . -... .~ :1 _' .~\ ;. -'- '_ =1, ` ` -- -.= x`: i...` ? ~ , 3 A` ` V .,. .5 .. ` - 1.". . K . we E:1Y:|i`.IlADE}Gl0IHlNG.vl , .y_... ,, _ `I V:-un'rutz1:Ipl'p.n.-.~dl yargjornoq - giving` Goods or Moiftesaon y icounlwiilg nut mv vn-innn nnlmn . .:--9;.` _p.u~. . ., The Inbux-ibe`I; whlln Ihlgnnkful for the gillalenl pgtronqgo : vonvinj e put rupoct u y : hlicltlil obntliiunhce of the : nmo, And begs to state that bin VI LL` Ill 15` W` 9 VII, 1 . . ,AIIo ALE AND POR_'l`l!R', bottled or on `dnnght. ' I Fnrmnrn Prndhnn. ll much 1: ho nan urlglgm. { Farmers Prod co II much as he can ' lay his hnnda on,bonght nd'tho highut market `price paid. Given call at and you wil be Inn to come again. ` , , ,. .'l` S. LENNOX . . ; my doors North of thg wom'ngzon..1}ouI, 42-ly * ` " Buirir ` ' " """""""7 [Late Dunlon atroet,] begs to infqrm his, in- quiring friends, his customers. and the public generally, thsrbo it well, and driving business . in bia:1`:ew premises, OPPOSITE MR. DURHALPS SAW MILL, ALLANDALE ROAD. 7-2y cf*8+*;'%z*:%* `*5? 1 3?** xi. . ,..L.1b,.:`E.::`CI_1;,i:' ;.:,` ,. .. an ., - ;n--_-u_ n. -IVIIJS IJUIN-II UI IWIUIIII out my written order. Vrijuvu-& HARNESS&TBLf1fI_l_\UfQ]ULl}1EB, PA.A.IE|_'_'_I'E}I-` Sho on John street, near Ball : Planing Factory, Barrie,` Ont. _ Order: left at }'l.'Gmver n Hardware Stan. )r9'.-.~`3 . . . -- . a.-:3: ,- . " .`1"`L.\,;y-E-f,- `.;i,"`."*5i~3`i*`. CE, .. _ 3- . " an -,. "~ U.i~*:`:-.<*;-r-'2 - - - ntixvnon-541*"! `A I ` ' . . L. : . _ as I. .` e 1': ... --~; .._ . o 1-'a_cwry, ISIITIO, unt. Orders left at E.:Gro.ver s Hardware Gtoro, Dnnlop street, will be promptly attended to. Febnury 2nd, 1873. My ..._.- _, ...__ _j.. V b' Luncqnoxg & DXS.TER mfvsn | .__._.,___..---v- V--V...-----v-... . Tani: Doona Wu : or ma wELLm5_;ToN norm, DUNLOP s'r. .. __._. `V 4, ._ _.- j._- .--_ .- --.-_ Oysters Sievied, Fried and izn}; Luixfcheonu, Hal: nnd 0o1d;mcmu-ed on short notice. Uylwri IW0, I.'I'lCll Blltl lSIW UIIXICDUDIII, Hot and 0o1d,'ptepn1-ed on short notice. faced: Place to; gt ca Cup 4 TEA. - coNrEcTIoNnE{'Tc`.sxns. 80., ac. -_-.- Home, Sign And Carriage, Plain and Orna- mental Av uucna nu vuly Luuuerm Barrie, Jgly 16, 1873. -----:-.-:_j....__.. SADDLERY, AND HARNESS T ESTABLISHMENT, _ ZBAYFIELD A 'nnr Ann-n \Y--1l. -5` L.. 117-111.. A. ,,, ------- EDWARD B:-zmaos, . 8.'Yil1Q`fnkI'I lthn` l'!`nh1I:na h.6..l.. ........-._ .-.13, J. J. LEAJJJ '.L'.lV.I:i.E"J.', A fsw doors North of the Wellington Hotel. uoitzir sAvAnn"Is uox nail `:1 ~ - Plain [and 0:x;amont;l. . .`4?..~.: :..";w,=..,..- ` hnrnluy `mucu-n ,_.,... .. . L-59. r`.4.~ -up .-1:. 5- >4 Jun. reeived a consignment of frlh 5 "Tl'T`/%'f`l`1"I"I" rw w1'Abfiiibns, . ALE AND pnm-`n.-n, Imttlnd m- MARTIN` Moons, n`nu nn'Ln-.J .... -......._:._ _ uuma, ' TEAMA: CARRIAGE - HARNESS. Din? 130 .\,~.\A,`-,-V .. .a -.A,. -...,~,v.,-v~..,.,~,.. OBERT McHENRY, SADDLE,` IYl|l'I!l' ll. inrvuvr II n uivn n nontvn ALFRED GRAVER, ; gvrvvtvwwi 3.; .. F i :3: Don t forget to call in. F`- *A1L, S , , . V000. LBIZIDLES, TRIM 3*. vuNrr_11}zc_. 45,, ,,,,_,A J. 3. JOHNSON." DMD TRUNK5. kn . _ us. : 3nHm-n in ca! "fr. BAIL, Ann i it; 1, 24-,1! uu, Aggnt. ""-' ` N10 Great Shoahonoes Remedy. M ` 3? two dA |,hg: symptoms WW3 ;;;z.;..;z{`*a.:rm.r;:1:$.;:;oP:.:':.,: _t . ,o ' - .{ny&.~3~. ::..",m.,.a.:.: ":':':::;... I -fpbliab tho mu for the beam 0 I ? Illlotod _ ..`'I`'C;.~ -. WN. `plum: mm: mu; -h U..UIunnum E|Q.-Sm,-Thi.= is I" V certify thnt iny wire was very low with lung an- ilu. -'1`|IeDoetor had givn her up. He said 1101' Ian were tubmled, nnd medloincm uid not help er. Aulut resort, I urchlsed A bottle 1' th . d . AI s.ul:?.h`:.?.':::m:$oen.{ were vn I-Irlll. A58. 1510. J. H._WEL_LI}IGTON, J. y. `015Dlf,1L can 01" Lane nrsmse. 3` at. :. ;Bu`6n .n,_Aprlmh,1e7c. -7- 0.,On|nnuu E -8 --Tb's ' I 001311`! that inv with I:n J3: lnwIBI,viHu Ivlmnlr S u1'rz-:;-"M J. 0. Onvunnnm, Esq. This islto - that about three years "ago 1 Income I11 `F with Bronchitis which lasted about ~--:f' " months. I wr so `nmicted for. the ~.~ . 2 - breath that it was very diicuit for me r A? f" and inthe night time frequently throwizv; *" clothes. of and raising in tbeped to ks-cy I-- strangling. `AI trl_d three of the fmoat c-'1. phyafoiansin the County of Horthunlu F; for about a year without recoiving any U1 In fact! contlmhd getting worse all {hr :s' { At laatl was advised to try the Great 51 < f noon Remody.. Lhonght abottle of it, ma ~.\ . \'l ` it wagaboot nluhedwl be an to feel ah? ' better. I contionedto uur `until I had ts-.\ .n three bottles, when. to my satisfaction, I that I was as well an qnrldtad.-.heen p=r*'=`* :0 my illhul, and ban be!1vs6ars3IiIx:'`- H I '.,z..;" ;, ..- ' `- - Sworn beforoxne usm`1ma.ra,m. em '-`*1 ofApril,j A.D., 1810. r I Il,W`E1.I_n1nn-nu I V, `0r , ' ' '- ' 'l'hlI`Medicine is pleasant and safe In H15 is. warranted, and may p'oailiVclv be rat---` to make a perrnancnt care at all dxsea.~u- Throat, Lunga,I.iver. Kidney2,Digestiu I ` zc. &c.,aIwell as Serolula, the varw ~ Diseaoes,Hnm_ors,und all ditaccses :`.n.~z: L lm urilynlae `Blood, excepting the-. '1. '.-w o! onaumpuon: Fuirgher nnfozmatfcn, `=- dircction; lorhllng the` Great Sho-.ho:.cc~ 1~; `&PHB. and cpntnining Teu:xn0r.|r.!.s_ mu! ' cares of Cur.ea.cun be obtained by rut I Traaties,1he Hand-book, or the Almn: cir<`uirr'rs l_'foI_!,I any respectable Uruxg -` Dominion-tron. . ., . Pnce o/`Remedy m large Pin.` 1; $1. Ptllsper Box ` 5 eds. II'For Sale by all 1'):-uggists and D: ...' : Medicine. AGINTB ton Bums.--.Iohn .`.`-.l. Watson & Co.,,Wella Bros ORILLIA -J. _]a.ven. ,Cou.nIewoon.-ldr Gar;-;me. " `Wnox.:aAt.I Aonu-s.- Nonlnrop & L_'- Toronto; Lyman Bros. & Uo , 'l'o.'o:m.: liott 00., Toronto. . 3:3 vnuu sesnrame manner. "No matter what mcm may be, or how long standing, :1 w sp6_l_nnd utoniah y(u by the rapid um whxeh you are renoredio petfec-1 hvallh `V! or 'el'hi.n-Mn.I.'...... ;. -.I------ - ' ' W]! Y ! SIMPLE Bxoausn the Valuuble active 1: vegetable ingredicma, some 0! wh-I; \ mention, ouch aazhe xtuc-Is or WH- Bark, Podophvllum,Iuniper,Quassin .8.-x ."Dandelion,e Hynscyamus, COI pourd 1". ,~ Coloc~ynlh,- Jalap, socolrinc A'Huc, f 4-c.'sS:c) which entcrinlo the CoIn,'Iu!.`. -. cbmbhicd modiofm.-, are luch and so `uarn. clnsncd and compoumh-d_.thaI it is mm!<- 'uIrchin curaliveintho (noun would, : not help utacton the ayateniina ver an: and desirable "No mauerw ax ~ m:_m may be, long llnmlfna n J. Thal the Gun`! Suosuonxis Rnmzuv A.` oflhe Eminent lndmn Memcine- M:-... LeWisJolepbus,ofthe Grea1Tn`lx- nr S n- BritiahColumbia,is working the mom 1: V and uslouislu'ngCureslhe Worm av`.-r 1: everin the annals oi Canadnan Mum-::. has such success altendodlhc iutrodumm. medicine herelolozjo. '1 ,1-nu III) PRQCLAIM THE G1. 10 Tu "I"k.n.|., n- .. , [Price only 2EAcoms. Sold 1: all . I I I J I I I I ' '0 I E I . For Pbeurarinn, Gout, Nu7`:Ig1'x: . -. Sciatica, Wa1u1er'7:g Puins,- 5'!`/7-2.; 1 . 1:; or Jomls, Spraips, Bruiscs, Ann-ubmu.-, .~ A Headache, Earache, Too!l:.'aci:, 4'0 ' m "The King of all [.lul;nr:-1,: JURE OF Bnbnonrm Q Id; 1. any Va: 11151.. ugvvv I U nu: I131! For cleansing and. clonniug the inn nmies, cannot be "too bighlv ; or Scroluln. Semvr. skin rm. un nrmes, cntmol no: Scroluln. Scum of all kinds it is I I cure. " ' hyllllllg U181 ! C CO. |"To1`bnIo-`--Elliott & Co.- , Wholesale L*rn3A Shnntnr k On. an , ._u-nu... .-..~.:- (I, `J. _ Th9 only S3 :-ngi prepa`.x'- e.gija,fr.m Dr (73, Formula, aid certiedgo `bu Cbcmi c`. V Price 51 pg? Bome. I -. lab)` an I): .* ivimrybo Idj ":3'2i.{;1g L I N [M $3` M 3;`) ' `J V ,., _` `V `i S 1 I-`.. Dl..._A_ _` .uI_vlIuv nun-uIy_ uuuuu |"Alv`[' Trude 1!ll nl*B--"BIood U] The an mranoonrunxxvuzn dc 1'2?-."T",`" cleunsingnnd_ blood `ER |'lnnnnlu'nn. n-iinnl HA Inn Li.-l.l.. .... "DI" 3. 5 VA EMU ucvuuuv . _ _ Also Dysprlidu, Br `me/I iii - wurull-BRIG! lhtkog. `un,Bnn'l niok'Bui ding." Bcrd, Oct. aozh, I372. `U9? XI lbtkot 8 nnhulv `R-cl / It Cute: old Soru. Cures Ulcorlled Sore! on uh: Neck, Cures Ulceralod Sore Logs. Cure: Blackheads, or Pimples on the Fm. Cures Scurvv Sores. Cures Cnncorous Uleu rs. Guru Blood and Skin Di|eaIseg_ Guru Grandulur Swl Ilin-re. loarolhe Blood from al ?npu:e 'MnI:-~.- From whatever cauo 3 nmmg. ' `I um.mix:uro in plot ling no the .,,.L_H warranted froo from anvlhn ng |I.jur.0u _. delicate conuilullon ofeid .er sex, lhu W V oolicm Iuoren to give it a trial Ion-v-1 .1. ~.;. ` Thousand: ofTostnmon ills from all [:.A![-. Sold In bottles 2. 3d a mob, ...u 1... cw. C I m HIST8 sud PA ! ENT Mlmmwn 1- .. mining nix than Ibo q autity, 113:-gen, ciuntooloot I pennu nut cme in 11% ;- o'lty of long-am: ding caaw, UIIII CUCIIXI I PCIIIII-7 JCDI In VD. .. s 0330: ,- MIST8 Ind PAT ENT MEDICINE `.' DOES` thrnmrhoul. the wmld_ `Burgoyne: nurnm;qB_ U0. Uolemnz. " London. Newbery B Son, 3'!) lewgnte meet, !. Barclay & Sons, 95 I ;r|'ingdon error! Sanger & Song. Oxfoi d streel,.L0u-Inn. ' Kai I the Lon-llvn WhOl0S.:3e H lUIUIllU"'llllIUll G U01` W Sbn terk Ow-an. 'Ha1m'lJm- innerk 00. "n n'I'n-r_LuA-up Dun-`n 1.`. j :`f't`_>`V`:_1 Q30 ce.n.t.-; Ilpxvmgds, "_.____ III` ; - -J!'SpecI'c Remedy n ail .'7i1wr1v. Bladder and Kiliillyl; DI D1181 -,nl Nuvl./yr paints incidental to I"ema. es,- nu-I all 1 the Urinary Orgrn: zn cit hsr Sc)` (VIN... ..-l..- .1` 4L:_ nun--_ , u . K` on 2121 WORLD FAIE % BLOOD lllXTli7.E. Mark---"BIood 1mu..-_. .. . - urunu Au: Butgoyne. Burbxdgeait 00 London. ' Iitll 1IiANAlL .MonlreaI-- vans, crcor 3 U . Dru `giiu. "` Lymans, 0 are & ('0. 'I'n1'-im!o-F.'lllnu k "Du . Whnln... lld1ItllJ01|-WIIIDIT C II 0. l Halg'/`ax-Avory, Browi 4300. vvvv V---pun, \Il5IlOC uocnorrcr Hv;.L. "The value of this Medicine but in numborlens instances :rww on u- Prico $1per Bottle. A Sfmd ',y all UIIDI Sole onn vlcriiiia % coupotmn run 0 axrmcr . * on True 31.000 [5 Ta`:-: 1.m:_.g -Deuteronomy. chap. xii, vane 23. ..-.-.-u For the preven1.ioE and can .0 _ ___` __ __ V_ gun mac xroqueutly 3 tbabe tbrowi-'4` km 1 (-F-.17 Oonntr of In.-n..... n,- v`Ic'rc 3 RI.A .----_.._ \ ELEu'r321c r.r.rA-in vnlvi u nuwvl,-uUu'lI;'|. L" th Lon-ll `n Hm ' CANADA. - rc_oxj 00., W nu-ndnJ nan nan, unnnu I s..`. .`,!3`}'.`_;';a.?;5,?c7`..;e |,uuuruIu1'l.I$K6c RESTOi{}:}g :..._o1unig blood ., M 1,.-goo Vhgghlv recommended. ,..km l'_!i_neues, and So.-., I" it q no or-{uhog ll1dpcI`nu:x.~_,:_ w- WHY AL. 17.` uuwu II pp]; to ` ._ .-.. . ..-..-. -,..-.u .'.-:L or .:cwe:1ery, Brown: as Gold and Fancy Rings. M 1 as-.;. g'.:;i} of Gold llxeceltzts, ` { Present as Vioiins. Concertina: and Trefolias, , . . .. - '~..'n<-c Hr - M; .`sI:\i 1L`.-11`-Rings, Present: for Gent|,LadieI, Boys nnd Girls, to 2 `\'.:.:.':;:;:n1(1humfo*a.65oy, unit every pocket. ' ` . ;.,-,..;; _.,+~../J.-my 3-... _=-.-. we cue the mm; e;xp(Iinoed_ hands on Watgheu, Clock: and _ . Jews-llery, North of l`omuto- ' em: en` 'ru:-: rmzaxma w.~x".`Gr1ES` in GOLD'AND'SILVER. -wucans, ` (flu -(`lb and JE\\ F.LI.I.J made, repaired and warran d, = = ` v`?.xI=N.,D_F-,)'.WA"I`QH AND SPECTAOLES, nextdoor to Mr. c ,, Cr ompton e. c_.-Cob vATN" f2{ssEL & MORGAN, ' AGENTS FOR THE 00.9mm V -. - - V s.- ..L.n..\/ ,j._\ ` ~' (_ AND ` :..\X.}iAL (IROCERIES, WINES v_: . : ru!l,=. wrung S -;e,9,m Fittings and Pipes, caenaaiau`-O,a k Tanned I'wu1h_er_ Belting`. _V Tow'm s Mm Files, ' ~` ' . .' Angrjgan` Oak Tanhd Leathai"Bo. ltiug,-9 , r `.Eubri%ating" oi1,&c., &c ,'a_w.,g _f V:1ij; - 11z?Jv1')=1=2}S%*02V *~S% JOHN` LEE ' s. },M?(vH1`r`.R, 'r\ :'n1-1 "1;.`~;7"I\I. A TER` WHOLESALE` um RI- .'l All'.' mu... .. 517.375-12: -. ..r .. ---\I- . Vuuguau HIRUIS Ieasln Uaddi' `mm 60 to 75 cents per lb. -' ' A A I.`}<`.! ALLOWED TO. THE TRADE. New B'rz'c'-'. Black, Srteet, Baltic. mm vIcronIo"uI -nu-.. I 1!:-3 Ulmiu, G J-.1 Set ofJewe11eI5,' .~i_d gist or Jcweery, old l.'r2cule'1a. ` vs.nu1.r.'s.`\LI-I urn RETAIL" nmunnn %;%T:V`f%EA. L; D0103 COFFEE, mr `sK1'3 a::-GIvE I-HM A CALL..n r.uu'.':s, Currie `Powder, a`-instard, Potted Mnis, Lohstera, in tins, Salmon, , 0_vstex'.='.. m........ L*l1"C`5L", lino-in F10`-lI',&C'V, ,.._--..v.-4-5. .v"`ruiL=_. .'-hrmalzlde, `Pickles, Phuona. LATEST 3'1 YLES--_IN_ m cT As_-A.oU'm3"i1fTED wg CLAIM TOBE AL `F T `V - - 3A'a' FlE_L.D smear. I - ~ 7 2, 12;, A13, 13;; 14,14}, 15,15,1s, 16). i \7c/7 dz; new Brick Foundry, ""` \J u-L-o` `I. U-SALE A ND DEALER IN 7` \, r`'TTr\Tr\1 run~ -.`{choice.'stocl1_: oflesbhile Goods. SEWING EMACHINES, Is To bE HM). msr wan` WE HAVE ALWAYS sun. ;_ The Wheeler & Wi"]sVon. L IPC ` ._&c 'D......1:..I.. .n1-..I_ m, , ... `ll \lL\Oo WINES._-- . J u'es Robin l.' Champagnes, GIN - _ Sandeman, Barnard 3. Old Port, Bootlrl, , - Alncant Port, DeKiugl:a A Fsrxagona. Port, RUM .- Sherry Miler, Jamaica, Diamond Sherry, Demnrnrs. Ps`.e ` " WHISKIES.--' Brown Old Rye, Ginger Wino. - Malt, BRANDIES.- Scotch , Ma:-'tell s. , Irish. Henneuey I Old Crow. . _ Snyes Ale uni Porter" `Black Tea;?r1"E::53:{:s:: 5 mania up: 11. .3`1V l'.l GL1-1 US? vv 111$ 53 l".ln.......... &o. com) WATCHES, com CHAINS, . _ SILVER WATCHES, FANCY CLOCKS, _(;0LD JEWELERY, SILVER Jij-IVVELERY, % ELECTED-PLATEDWAR-E u. `,I'Iq fur a --~.-._-A _ - __ - V" - uaodgllhlllllllld Present as `a real Jet Set of Jeweliery, Present :9 a Gold Locket and Chain, Present Gold Present: A . so - :-~ Tan nnsr Ii: ran wonnn. ' 1 V1`! US awn) QUARTERS A TOYS FORLTHE MILLION PARLOR CROQUET. TABLES, LOHEWIAN W.A;REs, ('.'(*NCER'l`lNA8,_ v1ou.\`s. AND Luwons. Tut..- 1 `U Iii II` "Aa1'z'17s was 00. smccm. :*- 9 reconimondd,by the Internuional &c., &c., &c 3 IDAI 155 o *-' Scotch`, _Irish, 1 ` nnd Porter _,,,_ f 1__l.I-_, :ANDERS. my THE ISTOVES: Orders promptlyutte-I; e o. ' V A . H R- SULLIVAN,` Bsyold smut, l >`|1>i1l)Ii>gg"bc`vvr;;:. a new Foundry Blrtiouly 16 1873. 29.1, Oiltunn of in sin; 95;! `on the ln.mt`plonn, ~ at NIB`!!! -saw; >1! vsnu U]. rUl.l1lu a. dept of I07 fault, whichvcan be proved on application to Mr Wnlwan, 6th Con. 'J`.Veapu_. These improved pumps are , D'l."M'ADIr4oI' 1: nun . n . wAnnm'm_1_1 (on 1-323 53. u.-uxv AuJ[.IlUV(Il1)ul1l|JII'O -, REMARKABLE J CHEA And Ii Incl Innnnp Mann -u... ..n._.._..- I-N 31.1; mi3 ILAT1ssTT