....u 1; `. L the ' F-.Lir~n *- 111I'7h _ J. J. 13_RoWN.i J. J. gaowxi IJ. J: 3owN.| J.J.BROW1Q`| orrosxiiizu J. BEAR D, has always .01: ' hand! ,'or makes to order,` Waihmbo, Meat Barrels`, lahurns, Spirit, RR1Nbaqs."bbLL1E'R 31.; Potuh,and Reorcuks, Banal Chums, Chen: You. and Btiuor Tubs, Eu linh Barrel Churn made loorder. M1 lipda of atcr Cmcrns ma/1IVe_ 'toorder _ . . A ~, Coopnnqgip all us bnnchoadone in` a _work- unnlike manner, and at reuonuble rnlu. _ _ Barrie \hy8|gt. |87- Coumryordeu plfomptlyujondedlo. ` " ` '. 1914} '`E-!`:'- .54....` ' 3- . All person; indebted _to E, S. legkiugnro rc- `uiradto sump the}; 'indet;dncu anther by` - ohm: Bapk pccbutu befoxg . mu: bag of _a.y othu-nine tho1.,ynlhov.. xed, nit out ,qrt1e;notic9,in" putt fog-co Iacon. ' . V Il.S.1ll}EKIjNG. ' ' " "7 1 Linn. wH%o:LEsA L&; % AND AF,o,rM Spring. '1'iaci`e A` win: good you or T ugd `protable employ _ PRICE us1's1mm. Marc ~:2T!2F..!;9-" 1.. A n`B_ S. Hlckillsu -DUQNLOP ` mu -113:1`, vecamus % FARM sEEDS PLANTS l|lIl|ll\.'l' mi` mu} _\'-lzuy, plums cctzrs, 1;: (H'- of 11$ - Bo ii, at the- r:~sda_\.',. ' it on-.1 WATER % LIME- &wAnEnous.% AB'ar1 1e. 1 SEASON. 11-ti '.' W `v -- --uv_:_ tr-:uv-->- Uinnot do better than pay our Estshlishmeni 9 visit. 'We also lgeep on hand j _ _n _`._ 4.`__ L41 |.1ilI!`r_S!l}!i& With! notcz 103375608 .1. crews WELLS 3120., nc.....:o. no-:24 Wnfn` IV I-ll `kin, _0pfmite Barrie Hotel, . ' Dunlap St Bu-vie. Prelxtriptionn carefully A `N.'B. Phicisna oompouuod A 36-13;. Which have been at-iectod vith great cure; % and imported direct from the most celebrated Em:-opeau and American Grgwera. :"cfi0 1 `Dive 1 law Au time! 85:09! DYE 'sTuFr-sTi>E1TB%unu"1:Y 'HA.|R`O|_L' ac. &c., I EfIis"F-"iITA sf DRfU13`. 'S"i`(`)IflE!| &rLi4--- The auhnoribor i now `supplying ovary vhrioty - . of pme_ ` _ ,, -_,_ __-A.____- ____.-_ - ' -11: Next door-_ to thoBank of Commerce. V `yo---an- .-...-- T-hAe subscriber begs to call the alxufion ol _tho public to the fact that he has opened hi: I -1... .,; ,-...'.\.....A;.J.`_ .. . SPEOIALITIESJ:--" V . ' ` TIMOTHY, CLOVER, TURNIP, &: ' GARDEN SEEDS.` ` III `II II": I7HU|UIl~ VHIIIHJICUQ cur fiowsns, sui5_t?',_s,~a.c.,.1o onm. 1?J%H" iV'.[f!|lTAi3;H1fli.;$H"Pl ply way , ~ it-V ml in 1-"III!-11' ;~ w,' hr.` Window and Bedding Plums! In 111 the chqiceatvnciatiea. 4.3L. V-[And oviytlning that in tb be found in gv lino-snail nun an-II-'Id'O94U nlilluii. V 1-IAIRV DVRESSING; SHAVING'and SHAMPO0ING* AT.("l("NI" uug IU you LU um-.7. u ` ~'IMPROVED G ` which `gives one "quartet Lhanlhe common bar. `In the m" don ! forget the Buuereld Ploughn; I gm mzmufaclurirxg them on a large scale. ' T. . "RT'I"l"l`I'a`.'lI'I"I'1o`.T.1\ , Barrie. March 4,`-1.8-74`.-. DILIII I ILIU uuu. uussnua vvalau S v.A. In .0 O N` , Dunlap Street, apposzte the Razlmazl ' Stamm, Barrze. .. Rnzorzi Ground and Set, Knives, xcissora and 111 small cutlery ground and sharpened. I v-IIVV-E-v&&, - Carriage Trimming and `Upholstery business is carried on in. his pxemises opposite the Rail- way Station. Barrio - ' _ Barrie Sent. 12. 1872. 37 V_J;1.nuzn. nm.u., A J Ctlpgmer, Builder, &c. Begs to announce to thebpnblic-thst~he hue ~ completed his ` Q'l"T."A\l DnWF.'R` b1J3_An1 ruvvnu. and Mschinary for the mannfactureof DOORS, SASHE8, BLINDS, IIOULDING, kc and is prapu-ad to supply those In-tiolu at the lowest price. A In nrnm All llltllnl.-` nlmlhmlnlf L'lI.|l'.ll holmlf _ In `JH3~ H09. Immu 0r"Efi1? nEscnm1oN.| bb1`U1J.u on vvzzwu, Drelud, and Tongnad and Grooved Lumber, every d'ouription_, always ea hand, and nde to order. ' * ` " ` Barrie. July. V -41- La u_uuu Igooda AU 0'l`dl'l quoted st Toronto Pricol. J. M. BOTHWI:`.LL,_ Q1-..) _____ .. -..l `IMA- ' the Township I The first _ e year 1814, will , Fm-guaonva1e,;ou he held at Hat _ -Mny next-,2! the hpur Monday the 4u_:~da. \IViTI I\ my human. Lmrvm Barrie_ Sept 12, :f%inBEss-iE"AKING:' ' wnnnnpazg agggHT ANDSOLD. v' Ll. ;. mm .' I nt-her` ted in -rt_y ill mutin- 1elwn- {E1-:D_s: Q1-`.EDs 2 2 gasps >2 2 2| \&@3=;.,Ti0j%z.2%.\ I-Cvvv vw- V- __ __ __2 'Lnie1j from_ Euglslidg iqlpactfully informi the public of Barrio angdviciuity that ahe has opon_- ont I ,___ _ _---._-- A yawn:-unun III 11:11}! iMILLlNER[EnSS4MA_KlNG| |_=.lI l,.!.|?.'.if1EE.I,A.E'EnIm;,%l $$I1II:7- _- _v -..-_.__ 2 door! Way of thetwsllingtotza H0131, Em; wiii gnnnnfoe to make the most fnhionlhlo =1. /a`.:-:wq-nrnm! aij `D11 & Hvuuuuunwtviur Of shy `haul? in town, 1nd :5 ohup u the on post. Mu. Bowollhnvingmnd an"uten. s'v exporiencein~lng1nndis'prpsred to full nlborduu enu-u|I:ed_ to her, pg-pmplly, uyliahly, and cheap! . . _ ' _ A .. Ladies tn gentleman panba aupplxed at this L , uublinhmont Wllh vpry good ' ` - ~_._..._ _ . gun can an-`nurnnl NULVERWELL -5 I`IU|lIllHlII.|L Wll v_v I ) ` v V`. F: W" 2uv}Fl'}"_ r mmip 3,5 H:e_ lip of ' 7- 5.5 Dllvnp Isuqv-. . 'Ludins wiitcd upon at thoil rnidonco. . ; P.~S.-.-All kinda of PATTERHS'conIQunly on lnnd for Illa It I low guge. . ' V ' Front streot.iv_rrie, iewrgen B.& W. Rorke nn Pu1lnn s stoma; ' 2 ' _ _ v['O 9ll'$`|._`2'.. and Paula #9!!!- V u. 3. `I3. . Ti:6'r7 EXL'i}', T F cyw`_, V, 8TEAIlBS...El.!QM Nnyv YORK mvnmr. ` - 'rUnsnAy,1'_HUr_:.31>u AND suunnAY..' ` Pnssniu ""A"cdx"i|o1!Ai"ibi mummm, Ram ofguage from Suapeuion Bridge` H V ' - otnqnlqj _ A Ta Gm J-`1v.Inio0I. I-osnoamnny, - nnlpgrywaor Bung: : Gnu us I .~ -u.-we .- M Er`JuanuVc, n roll |)auar!munL1| completed ma STETAM POWER` .__a u- ..x.:..-... c-/.. L. nm....r.Mm-.44` 'ntos'n fmxo wan mm: sc1=.oLi-lwmc-, --.a -...I '1` .... um`! ant] ('11-nnt:m'l T-'.nIn` CUL\_/E`RWEVLL."S -. m_:_..._...... .....a YT..l.r.h.oa.-.. 1.... -~ ~. ceeim nm_1ici- I` `I ( _ luyju e, April Hth. 1874. I , IVCCIIWXO IV I IV And is now pxgparod In do I n nnlnnn nr nnnnnun ~ A4xcn"'%q;:;._jL1nn. _ __..-- nun unt? nvun T-i"ii";iE75f' W ,3`z._T9mEaIIN'lE1B'R' "An Th\T6)T(Nl j uunu DU 11 nugu euiuc. In BUTTERFIELD. A 10-A .1 R 1453;; STORE ON Jl. IIVLIA u nun, Seedsman sud Florist, -Duulop St. ,` Ir nf l`. nmmArcp_ 9 :1 wiifir _ >11-_\.:~'<(l _ I noon m.HARVEY, I Town ' Clerk ofFlos.'l we? Qinn UIJGU T 3 5s @P_jPF.9 3ina. 3:=`~_*3"'l ONE noon w|=.s1'%or wodns*:%%n]u}:i%7nfe;_:~ ` SPRING STOCK QO.MPLETE'! !Ff!!.!!iE.!?BP!":m"" "**`5i g;;;:'1;qa`s.;2~m.;g, ' ~ BROAD CAST and `ROW SEED DRILLS, SULKY; HAY RAKES, mmrs CULTWATORS,` PLOUG-HS of all kjinds including the- . -:9/-v `l`\I ATT. 2:, us, (2 Sui ,' [FY3113 ` Spades, WWI TTT-"""" - _ . , - _ - , - - . 1 I ` fv Bouglntaancevalae Fall. cheaper_tl1}1n QIIY OWNS ll`? $339 5" 8 839 3 0' ' 1 County or buucoe, for the ce e m_ _ ,_, 7 __ _. A.;c~-d`I`T;P"f'`Y ra nrr l`I`1TTI"!\T'IW 081% 0 All Small Machinery kefvti-constantly on hand, and large machines furnished on the shortest possibie notice at manufactureis prices o.nd.terms, and suigccl ' ` to their wapanty. , . ` xgunmgu. DISCOUNTS ALLOWED `mo cmsu cIIs'r0.1ums. --_nEPAllI`s I_`0l{ ALL ~MAclu1h'I:g sou) Imva` 1-`: STOCK. Sol agents for WILSO`N S Double` Action FANNING MILL` s !;BA36AI,|&Sr -IF ~u_m \.1 ]:`T.(T `.r. .!;- Barrie, May 1st, 1874. Where there has insl xirrivedantl opened up fty cases of'Spring`Ci.ioli:, among which are the newest novellieshml designs in Dress Goods of every variety. Alsmhe largest and best selected stock-t.f_PrinI.-. to be had. in Ontario. `Grey and White Col- v Ions the best value in the marker, and a full cloak oi all the goods required V, for the Season, among which, are our immense Smck of um, cKi;``ERV3i:}[mmnma, &s., 1..v..s.:..;. nun Jnfr nmnnmiuinn nnr Groc-.eries~ are as usual f the verv M5! $139155`: 1 Vn "II he in VI DU-`J I $3 $4 |3.I1\J.I J|) `J1! 1'1 V .l.'ll.I .l. .IJ I.l|~)\JLI-ll- an --z..u, Also a very large stuck of Crockery & Glassware, which we ml! sell at reduced prices ` Our motto inn nu! lobe under_su1d." % .-J\lZ.-3.}?!-`i.I].\'l' 31305,. .A_; Lt` 'lIIl__-.1__A T)......-..'.. -_--- . .._ -9l\n!lc' L_1ANN S' `BOOK , STORE. MANNS i BOOK : swoma. r----- ---- V ` - V V V - I , lnwhioh we defy competition. Our Gr_oceries-are f`-.he veryhes1qun1ity,n `full amok and the lowest pg-icesuo which we would call Hm auemion 03 Country Store Keaper6,1_is we are prepared to job nu Toronto prices. We have also on ; hand a .cnmplefe-sl-wk in allnha brancha nf nnnrno o- otjnna nn DITDDV hl?Q(DlD'l`ln1\T MANN'S BOOK STORE. ~Spl.endid --Valu! A J sate THEM BEFORE VPURCHAASING ELSEWHERE. -MANNS noox STORE.` .n-n-nan `U.---1-r--` ' '.-- _-' 7 `--'-- In coznmegcing business as . COAL MERe ` CHANT, beg: respeogfullv to announce tbnt he mg intde atrnn_2emena with some of the_ most r`enowIed_Oo1lie1-lea ma. Unmd States. to be I gupplietl with Goals of tha ncry `bu: quality ut the lawn: noulble mines: and he trusts dnt hv \v1L1{fKIsQN" `t}}`if{LhUGH;', Iuppueu Iuw uoaxu I tho.l0'P puuiblo E .- uid untem of l|l[l|II|v\s IIIVOI `tinny Us -uni van, vow: `burn, tholcnpul r.ig:ep;; and he by a rigid auteur, of. ll denling,by punctuality to all nga\_ge:nent.1,_l:nd by adhering to all jug: snd-`x-eneonablo prole, h shall be able to com- mm; fair than ofpuhlib lpnltnnsga and sup- . pg;-Q. -. All orde I transmitted to the above addl-bu will always en8ur`i1i1nedip.l.e atte`n`_- _ . 3 hcE,-.- .: BA-RRIE:.EOUl\DR\ o : Fbb 4_cl_: ,.1s,14 A L. = a-am` %`'EARRIE AGRIGULTURALLWAREHOUSE 2 ' A' mial-ilela2e_d,_woman, wl1foi'wiHma,ke herself generally (metal in the houss whte when an only mo`of- tfamnly, can hear of -a aomfoniblg home, by applyiniz at tha Ad-:' A of "use ..will tee I.n.1!9." !~?..9"ii Mm`: icy: = ,t st-9tl'eT91i!1!tr.W9ar.; 7 J V . 43. ._".' ,_.`_ -._ Ivinco Oioo; also, a boy,`f:om_1,0_to14ye,ir_ ` hand cnmpleie-slut-,K In aulua DTIIICIIER In B0.0'I`S & SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ...u. .: n.....u...... 9. tn...-,....... ...h;:-h wn \x~|'H ah nl rmlnned n :ARRIE (`3Q1_L`nI'FIcE.` Shovels, pour; in ma covm;R,v.`?V .'-l.Uq5-an-nah 1.0:. `satay - -u - Wholeaale Retail, Collier Street, mst. of Macet,-3;`!-71'ie. i?i?1 IL:43 %L}S1A M l?=1Si.~} T WIN: `SOME RARE ATTBAGIfIONS' 1 Window Blinds Of all kinds procured on the _ aborlesl noticg, dvortiaementa recjvod for . t;vI..z.. ' V Laiwn "_M0,_Wers,' Rakes. STATIHNBIIY ! T91aoNTo PAPERQ. Dunlop St., -T - l3rffe.` MANNS RLCs.: 1`\I:`Af1:`T?Q `INT P'(]RV_I 3303., 1: 1n -.r2v1; .. gems now dead, the grggfes! living wonder is the PAPER; 1>u_m AND user. BOOKS. , and De- L. -.m_V IILV P-J41; II .5..--V 'l'he best -Se wing Machine H ANGINGS. BOOK A STORE, 1Vz2:vt dbor to: P. HICKE Y, D-male; Street, L - 1 ` Barrie.` UJUIIII II 91191;. BAR R v._u.- - Hazfrows, Platfoxm Scales, H D;I1TEns1'S* "_ ' V THE NEW. MARKET %s'r91j._E I '. '7 7' 7 ' ' | GROCERIES, noun, 1 FEED, FIELD &GARI_)EN . L sm-ms,` r RUI1`S,VEGE'l`ABLI=2S, I GENERAL PROVISIONS, t AND EARTHENWARE. V l Everything boght thst Faljmeir hfve to tell, i and the highest Market Price: paid. - I G n :_....._.I. n. .1- L....:....-.. -...1 ._:n ..-n S. O. intends to do busiueu,:ud willgell Cheap for Cash ~ Call and See. nnmnmhnr Hm `Plnr-A, ffnrnnr Rm!-n Mm-mw I Vll I01" V3311 uuu Ill D38: ; Remember the Place, Comertore Morrow : ` Brick Block,closa to the Market, I convenient place` for Farmexa. ` - I Barrie J`nn.-1st.'1S'l4. 1 OQALQZL Mahino and Paixif _0ils con- atantlv pnbjhandg [NEARLY ooo.uP.LEs,s. Best Grade or Oil Manulhctnred sow WHOLESALE AND. R_rc19A11. 1 :.- . am...` `an -_ NEXT THE oil) F {1 5:1,,` VIECQ [OF l'.'IX'lIR`.lBv Barrie Ju_n.-lst,'lS'(4. __....__.. s.n ALWE LL, For the axle of . Lsx ma DU'F`1'7`IE']E.lDS_B.-I-31'Y`INEAD srsoAncLei;in,`IioisKIus, .11 38215 L)`ar'I3-|..A\ uprmrua zan- 3`!-;v9Ps-,;.,:.. . . 1'9"` - \II .sv.-gun in Cnpada. TForks, B_Y Hf: just been opovned by `P. F. EwAN.1 `: L nlt; uO rI"\n nl-`Han nl WATSON 8; CO., 1;oo1`s ANA) 6i`S;| DITDDI? Q -For &_c., &c. Frolit street, Bmie Drussists . ' aztentimz-_.qi~ven to Rnpa1.'?`1$zg.j POW F.R,SHOT,(?.-\ P,S,and A.\IlUNiTIO1\' ..I`aI! l~:.'ui= Lonm i-nhumnih-'nn hand 'bvNLop` .s'z.'1::m-`._'t`.,.'.. "$1344.12 2. T;?ii '_,TCvv W-ozuld reqpectfnn1lx' iu'1'Irx'na'le:t{ uh}, gigs 4 , he has RF.MU\'RD lblhe rfnjse ~+. 5 ` V ly eoupieil my R3 :)tIs1lI.NR,"! `, _ _S.pDLFB. 9.` . . [Xnxr noon Tu HuNT'l 3&0PNg] Q Where heis prgparedlo cxcnte all order; vemmsl,e_ him wi'h noa{ue's"?in-I de=spalc!.|.! po\vm*.R,sno'r,c..\ns,an.1 A.\I&lUNiTlO1\" of a1Ik'mu'; kop: bohs'.nm|y`m hand. _ 1, . i`!3'SEW!N(;`- VTACHINES REP}\IRED;!f_v, [ I All. wARANlE:[L;givo ~;>a.t.is!'ac'.1 L `_""`:._ _'f.: _...--. '--:i...L...- ~..-.... . .. --` ."l`l.c s-xbscrihers at . an-In, Doors, M I Frames, 1 :\'I` THE LOWEST Sold inxeu '_l"atel"! t~edicino'iVen rs. ~ O0ESl.|t|ulUll\&~__,pl V:| _nuu uuua I>u`uu.: ulun-` 6?. 1., Q, Icngisisxgjm am ~ ,_7 ' .-I ` - Sole Proprietor. F .J. CLARKE, _.-\ POTH EUA MES` HALL-,`j `L1 NOOLN, ` ENG. Expoi-,t cuts. .. Burgoyne, Bmbidges & ..-0., Colemun am-ex, I .uu`lnn -Rm-c1'sy.& Som."95 Fm-ring J1 newggu-: uctl, uuuyn. do` stredt. LoEdo n_. .'~'eu1ger 1; Sons. Oxford strea 1. London. '_ mgd all the.London Wholesale Houses. Newncrv a: mug, :- -""*E.A nn In-Ca d ;;,.I `lcrone-r3az-*.r.`ms, axrm-;e'e lo:-3W$JeIi!e ' 1 V -, Dtuggilts, . =L_\`mI\ns, Glare as 96. ~ " ' 'I'oronlo-EllioU 3: 00, \`VholeaAJe Druggisla. ~. Shaplc-rItOw1-nh. -' ` ' Hu1nilI0n4W!net&U6 . 3. . 5 _ 4;`.-ly Halifax`--Avcry,Browu 55 Co.` . . , ..._ __ A nd-\_" : ."-.g_,`>;A_ 'IIN|'.jHIIl._UI'.\i|J\IiI\I`a_'._I H l',lLl._.` ; S wmramei 1'0 cure'n1.I-r1i:~c_)mrges fromllhri Urinary Organ-,,in Fiber 9:-x, acquired or` cnnSl.'\__lnv.i0uql`w,Gfsqelgincl Eains iulhc BI_ck._ Sold `hi!-inxes-.-In r!`-Inch. W`! C1`.I'is.l!7 L`5|d l.`al|I|)l',I. A ' ~ ' Loudn G " ' - `,.Loudnn.-% __ . . .\'ewl art` 8: Song 3 ! Nwzgitree` `1Lon5.`|5- .Rm-.-1".v'.\z 8mm .95 Pnningdo stret. Loddn. ` 1IA_RmvARE. Ilnpoitbr ofan-.1 dctler in 1 slum, 01`l!R`:\{;E', sxnm,mnV, 3 I, I H [L I to cm ';53_tn (hi Mrs aalreas E North. , -__- P; -.ued Lumber alwa 3 on handj .or done to n: it-r. Parties requiring gnyzbingin tl-eabove 11- , are invited to gi e 9. callbeforo purchas- 1,`; elsewhere. Tim newest nmnufa :ture in American Macin- _ 1;. :;.~ jut added to th Eatablishmoht, making ,. ....-,:- of me m0'~:t co xplete north of or in the R *_~. uf Tcroulo. ` _-I- III) llUlIIllI:ll_ll__0 IQ ur,|ug|I_II in the -uh Con. of Tay, being 03 No. , us cleared Wollnhhbered with Pine a_n-`I Han}- wond, within a mile of the Mizllaud Railroad, two milufrom oggliay. For psrticalua Ip- ply to . M.-\ R 1`lS .\lO0Rl-1,, Hit-rin. A I I.\T,I3"AR];].1`-: L .,' .. 1). TH6 mrs.ox%[ __ __-'_.r..n.. :...'f...-.'cn'n.` uh. nuuh`3-`WW3 A six and. a-lM1f:ctavo Pinnd, by Paxton, in good order and tune. Can be seen at MR. FREEMANS ' . 42-if Withinkhe limits ofvlhe Town of Barrio, ght- teen actesoi L:\nd,bo'mg composed of Park Lot No 8, South side ofsteele Street. Lot No. 3, North side of Napier Sue: I. The above Lou are well fenced and in A good 7 stay: or cultivation.` o'l'hAcn; in A large Fume A n....a.. anzh Feb.. 1a'12 Bum onthe pxjemisea. , . . Efqr price and terms of_ payment, V` . .sDply,t`o I MESSRS.>51`E`\VAR:T Q LAQLY. 1 - ~' ` ' 9-an Fun SALE. Within the limitlof the To` - nun ,.unu..c-,-"` ' -,_~ . __ - . _ ......`...__ _Q.,_._ 4...-,.___.,.`4-`.5 '\ dis a_ fDl-'.cLAHR`$'B'5 . -an.-natal >1` : u n - n-av n r:n\Inr i\Ll'4DDli.D.ri 28211 Feb., 1873 .r=::sn- ~ __ -T A The aubacrilger tafelrs fit: sllol ciiap, and Eli ' a trmI t e _ 0'! .3` van _ '..._1-xppe: y ~" :vis.":-A on,e Itox`ey au.d l'1lIUI{J\lII`;: dialling; house and 1 acre lot, situate in the :v|llage- of ii 12 'Suunida1e, township oI_ Sunnidale; than is l ` good pump and never failing waver supply on 'I_l1elot. He also offers l0l`. all6`3 imcxe lots ajoiuiug the .nI:nre|a_i4_i` house j The` lbole pup`-"Hy is ehgtbl a1tm_tteB.wi|.b'in`-one mile from New-Lowe'1l align. `F0; _utl_1y;r parti- icuhrr appiy {ifby letter mttpl.R.l]:'t0: - .~ Wu.GLENN, _=_-, ; A An! -- ' ' V ow. Bifrie. ~44:tr .=..'_=-.1 gvtgrour 3:5lI .l'l`b` mldo-at gr._uw/annuals Being the West .l;;.`l_}:;-in_1-2th,$o_n.. 'l;own~ ship of Innisl, tlistnnlfrom Bani: Bl haiku, and from Allandale 2 mi1eI,and yilhin thagircujg of > a mile there are several Gun, Saw,,and'o:hu'-. Mills. the,_."Yillnge of Painswick wit}! its Chugclge, 'P_9at0t,;e, School, Stores, & . Rail m`m~clsv'Inu3|\ 50 acres clean well iVALI}:BLE FARM .Eo_n SALE. n'.;... Hm Wnall [ml 11-.-in 1-2th.on.. 'l'own~ R1 0 R SVAWL `Flll IIIIII Barrio, Feb. 250. ":3. Uh\l_l'\`.lRB, IQ}; vlggy, usmuux, uwwa, Iuyv Soiljooylohyj cleared, fenoQ`d,"with fatlh ,Gru.n.ery, Stablq, Cg hIl ,_hut'in_g:ouu6. , .-YE` .. Hou,.a t'nl~ vobu:~--l_!p1f:iglinga. Ten um-eio ' 1'87` . `vi P `ah; ._ -;)_5I1-p~oa7'7>f'L69l14 and ;u`EiIn\ e TOWHSHIP OE -opnuining d 100 Acres. Iggissiwg . '1tn'in`i milei from -EnoxuIgula_k,e_n_o_,,',1- m e` tom Midland City, 333+; intmnl: a' "' ""``' '1 "3. 3."' " c ;I._ I__ g In tt- 1 m~J;2!za9rti.;1|'gy ts V J ` ~.~.IAllEB:;lQBI `Sn V 2-'.> >r:`~.f': Q. ,'.;._.({- 3." .9 s V _ j , {W 17.43353!-1. .3. 7.;;'l::;Ei $5.1 8355'. A n U N Lor `STREET, _ Oppasit the Old .l'?q2i-Is bf Torrmt0_ .__..___.-..._ ._._._.._...._ .-. .__..__. )lANO FOR SALE CHEAP FOR IVAOII " `. '~m..,,_ _..- _. Bax-ziAe-Mu-Voh_3rd; 1:7 1- '-x 3.- ;?'T ..7_.-;.___...__.... si'3RI N1? I87-4.] ' ; -.__o' ~~ M ALUKQE. P BARE.-4 - `maxing u, . .1 .`3.`T.;;. .' Lvmwwsmp 0n.a'.Hr.-co IIIVKI 1. _CASH. n--1 Thomas M(i:_Vittie,; E:-CI". iw $3.9. 9.'r"'u`~9;'3.E'3s9W 9\5,.%,"a'3 vollnhubered an-i .I.!_. - ....!|.. -4` 1].; \l!.H.u-..`l' l')n1-no.1 .A_ri __ AN NEW [u-milsfzs, IIIALJ "* Ill` . Z'.`."L2 `for ulc. [OUSE 60 EKG H1` Lo'rs ` `FOR SALE 11? sUNxg_:mLn;; - . 1:. .3: will-I 3 ma} anon R"UB1':' 3 3.. ` .-.....n--- = NEW !.").`nIr I 4131;. lc. van 0!: seen in I-`REEMANS . Fnrnitur Store`, Dunlop St, Bame. ..-0. , Colehinn '\_ UV I J nu v 1:41; W ' , 1 is VI.-xrranlenl 1' day.` 'For particu- 0fINSTO.\', Da'slon, . 15-4:-pl .`H [L \v I. ubmv N, )3mT_6u -House, B_mi'e . ' pn rennin 0 Es enquire 0 . Of ' . . .....,...... W; , or ' BPH ROGq anus." fromlli A T T H `.5 <=<>mm.NE%Rz uongon. ,, `AONOIH. Unt. _ `B rrie. 9 if L} r . Geor- D $14 and % -op mining mt... frnm no, gale. 4 m sF0" rh ` _ 9-1; 4 2'-;` ntini :'d1dcInIhr `Com T , . . . . wzz 3:, ecmn-, k vm,Pakmu, Scotch. v....I:.I. .....1 l`annI-.r '|`w4l:_ the `AT U,l`J.!.aA1 l\~I'JIJ\.I\JL.l\JLV: ' For the next three monllxs.f95' Q;-_h pnly; no credit will be given, All pxsi0,'d_ue scoount : must he paid forthwith, or cost: win he i|- ' cm"-red w`.t!mut further nolics. l ANDREW GRAHA M; n, -_ 1.1 L \|.L tall: . gun` ` NEW BRICK BLOCK, `Dunlap Street, Ba: xm. N1-:1,,.3(~a.v bogs to mm be has jtfst opened out large \',| \.I`_IJ.l/JJAI JJ-LA`; I..n.a.n.v . 0:11` .`.'s_-iv Suing Stuck ia daily coming to `.v..1,:.n~l will be omplcted in a- few days. of `:':'1I d;|-:. !`.ot'Ice will Le given." We Jue now u - uv'n-r` V - Ei3&`E|9$. @.:P6-539 -"'..':.rg3 " _ `tfa %lluf1:ri3a I` 3 Geplg 'Fu:1)iahing (`nu vi-.A`1isr1-x.h3 I\n`1.\ou hnnne (V Waeptf _Fnrpiabi?g (`v_ooda, ` L*ABIE$ 5- l)l\"lf`.SS - GOODS . unnnna Kn-mid.` The Tailoring Department I. .....a,.- n..`..m.....-...um.lun-n nf \lr. A. Mr.-so` lllv Jnlllmvnasuo -cur-vs.-...v_- li '\indet \he:~;su-,sermlcn-lance m'..\lr. A. Mx-luv. A ctum-`Icky li'_*`_'_llal`al|4\."`f`(l. J E.-ll 5 I In: A IMIIII` Will by, onunwfttoikedginnli lines. |l`Art`.i c-nlQr3 It'em1n`1I.oal1ed-to..'l`oi4.f Wheat, nus.-_'. ' llld Pork bough ,;~a.prl Uxu-higlwstlxnarkol price i in Uaaln will be paid. _ l "' R. \IELSON.; n,,_,:_ :n_. L__4.xn nu!-u .. . E ABTMENT Al J.e.5}9v55X.z:9.a;.. pn 1` n.-nlqr3'fute'm!oh.daed-m.3|`ou.. 3 D....l, |........!. . ....I ah. |.iuhu:L mnrknl I VJ . vvf .34--"-~-" wxrcu \\: r;r.ucK M.-\KEli._ _G0l.DS_}ll'l'l|. Sll.VER.\1lTH AND 41.rt.~;V-.11; m.1'.\L. T . ivonm-.n. I1...-1.-VV\l`-o..r.cr nu Illl. l.n-.tnn\- llruvuv A'. | . '_ . wunnnu. Pmzs; M;nAr.::`r, or nu; Lu:no_.\', DI:uLn::, A.` u ' Plum Ijxmnxrmrcs . _ , ,\]..t.-gr oflhe (.`fxro'n`o;_:r:m|I by '.-1 hivh Ihe _Dcr!-y 1 and all ulhcr l{a`_-cs and-Grunt Event: vl (In; 1). 'y arr: tuned. ml . . ...- .,.-v'....\v A \h (Tu-rv ll.-r'.1.1.`~rF:S J. an, l.].'IL I I 1|.` HIU \U|"L`|l u'll1ll l\()_\d| l`|1IH}' . ' 'r..m_ n. 11, W. I-,....;._. m \Vnlo.`(5110:-.al.'\p'l)|); ' T ' And lo !\'\'e|M lndmn l v.rtnlal-'1-.'l rugn 3 T 4 V . . .Guv.-(;;n'1m~;i|s; and Hu=l\\'mj.' l7umpnr,i,--. ; '3.)- I'}~I,nhIin_-sl I719. MA:~m~`Ac'iw:\' 1 mw our toys, .-mu; m:_m'1's, ruzw nnlassns, NEW MILLINEIIY, NEW nI_A.v1`I.|as, NEW smuvns; slaw currns, - slaw nA'|'s.' - NEW cnormma. ___I.-- \'.\.I[l Illllllh ' . I \Vr.s1` liwn l'l:T.u:z,|.~u.\u::.1:- `35,0l:D HU.DS_|_. ;' x.x~n'99, w ESTBDILHN 1; GROVE, 1.o.\ DOA. E MEI \CHAN1fS, SIIIPPERS. AND WLl0L}".- .`.'ALE BUYERS arc 5peciul!_\` nn'1(e:d--L-elczr: smdmg llu ir urtlcrs c!:Ir;\vhme---to oblum hg -c the ;\lauu12u.~tury (hv lI.Ll.TSTRATFZD (.`-A'I1\- LUGIIE or \Vt\'l`(`rHE-*3, ULUUKS, UlIz\lN.\`. _I]-JWI-SLLJSRY. nud ELl-2U"l'R0-l`LATE.whm. urn ..-m nnsl In-9. us and unit` are liu: :}|}a.'n|Ia|!s .|LovI'uuuJnl 1 v "uu_n are will post lrue. ms`: hlwml. but A scleul - ~uu post lrce. us In lube`:-nl, ivn ` lnrg-2.-l elimk in the war!-.1 - Duh.-(rs can bu sen! din: LtulgnlcUIH,'0r1lno-Ig;h in I'2.<<:I. /VD. - ~ V -\VA'l'|'7HES , mun L;..1. {mm 2 no em) mi , llm:/.uulm. uupu-X, _ Uhfqnoml-te r,-Cjlxvmlwgl Ki-.y!es.-: denlre _ecmI- H4-pealcr-. lndin.tVI:x`c, .~.- 5,... Anni _E;\G-LISH ORMOLIT CLOCKS, uleuigncd M Bngliah Arliels`.~.nn_I Mzumfaclnred !.y 2. \V. Bur.- sox, Jar ex(.'Ct{d in bcaxu_\' _li\<-st: mamuhu-lur~1l abroad. They can un`.\' he ohmiu ed at Ilni: camb- li5|nneu1- . , , , `FINE ART mu-)Nzlis AM) (;HL\l.\`.I~:\' unuxnnv - )1" nun - \\J\JlJI) Sill-.h rs Dress Tg';u\m':ug4, Buttons, Brnids Guups Ril)bo`n.=`, I`r'n1s, Qmfonz, &c., kc. E'et:lro Hale ll |.~, ncces my In H.-cure Ion lerials and a .~_mT|cicnl L-hating of silver I lai'_v wear and tear .-qtisInot..ri|5' No 4 really cheap i1_lam' price, nm worth huvlr Wmches'_nnd (`fag-ks rf3pai_n~oI by skih cheap ]1l'lC(`, worth hII\'In.'. Watclleai and (`Fm-ks rnpaiml .l.-ilml work. men. Old Silver, Jewellery, `.`. n1cl-.4-z, 540., ex. changed, Merchzmll. Shippers, and Clu`ua .`|I]'r|`lx'ui I Wnlchcs.('locl;s,J-e\\'5. . cry, gm} ,P'.ale 391.: 1.". v `all pnrl:`,0l`llu_: wurl(I.v N I ` .I.\lu Barrie (>ct,-.ber.', 581.}. ... I . iMui.II"A"Li'ii'A `how 1 I - Iststlzll doing the Big Bmivzss. | -u--ni-x Hur gnnds are well ho ught, 9.m_1 w_i11 be 391d 2- `-mtom prices for cash. Our mm II to gh we |w.=tpossihlequa.1itv {nuke mougyy "NO SEC\.rND PRICE. { ` --~ -_ --.._-_-3::-uncut A 3" - L'llI._I:AIJ.. 4\\.IJ 44.p.u.n. [named on Cash System and on Premium Not Systeux Premimu Note Poiicy Holders in.` not liable lot` any losses run (`.3311 sy5 .'.u pm}?- cits, as they art.-"in n dirfen.-n't. branch. Iloracsullql Cattle lumrccl Against Dcauln. . I we ssnvenpgghn `moms 1, .|.- -..I_ n-._...I:.... ._.....,.l..:..,. ALL. _' .. . Wt)'m\'E!:i1 3., '"f ?,Tr'"' 7143'- gnu wnuuvuuu -uuw w-vw vuv Is the only Canadian CcrAiu-nny-doing this ciass, of business. General Town and Village Butl- uels tluuajn Mexcautilc.B|nm=l). whiz-kg is wt- tirely aepaxzue mun Brnucb. ` 1 `I1. - ' FE` ifiiizlg"-S "iii`?i`owns.ana;i % ` % Villages ` 'r`I. u`a6xed at` Lower Han-a umu lhmse, of any nth-r % l?_`. 1 I `|QAOI' Viv dsnxeri at I-lat;-as than any Uompnny doing business. V Our motto is ` '1---u_2 1'--L-_:. II__.1 'u:-1_- -....lt IiI3$3f 1EXEZI`7'E$a"Eila" and 1% i . Prompt Payments, a ` Allnwina vnthur Unrnnnnio: the l)0Il`H`lll RE-,`.'. 1 . ax gsvzupu Auywvuuu, ; l Allowivzg other Companies the Drmbtful h'~.,'.~. at-may rate they um gel. Wbo evor heard of -, dlicuity jn wearing tho.-. dohlemcn) of claim! for lospitt (B nve1`:'?; 3 ' Genital 3 :rm,ma Risks lnsrdi "in this -a:..- .5 -....u bus .0... full. nun fe}: l-an Hmn r9r.l09,9 3UIlgtf!pnve1'_,'g- s - r , -` anm Insured `in o&`ce at levy low rates, fully one fth less than ` &-Amok Oompanies kpply to . ` ' n. mnsm: 1)()YLF.. V I n g DB". 9I`J\l\IlU m-g,t-am-, seam English and (7.-..nndiar. '|`wee/IF: We bucjn the Market-._ Ollie!-'ov._cr. \\',cHsJ_3rds. McWp.f\'s Bdrc Hole}. " _` .\[\`\]\IL`II E. B. 6ioMpr6"& `C9. 1 nnnnixmt` J5 nnnl!lc1h1\1(' _................_. - .-._..._. - sT0RL`s L ..3Y;, 0 N- 1l\I I\\'.\I I7 I -= -- ~-~ . - 1*?%25!Pe;`E%n%T?F`%?i L`""--' ;E`n+`;:*;.N2;: '"" ' iii: TEQAS arelhe Cheapst and best in the -larket. Good Tag from 40.cemo pox 1'0.` . o marten. vuvu-nuts; uvuq 1--g.uvu-u (VI Av.` andupwards. ., ,..__ ; _ ` N. B. - Simpson : A_lo and Poms on .I__.._LI an-ul hm Allin: ' IV. D. Dlluyauu u n_m - draughl and in Bales. Sgmmer Drink: in season. . .. ,...._._...., 1]! Cl\J5 VVlLA\J..Ino- ihvong and intelligent, to work in Greenhouses. `Apply immodiatbiy. T_ _ T ` - . V BOX;19, Bzuznm. (l|&_.ivI .9 v .. . :48-If FA HM. 1 RO} I _..,1 -4 n ._...._ GANADIAN _Iggp Tu the Qn--en and Royal |*'mnIl}.` . H II, Hm l r|fu`l' nl \'\':1Iu - (I<|.`-Al rmvlrr-`nu nu wv - Isfstzll doing: the `1}i;l`3_u.<:9er-sis. 'Fmi gr";m.~;a Asa: ;aa.;+1; _n. auunun uuxun, _ _ Go.-nenl AgouL:'.'w .cn Dram-:9, g .- -' _ : rm Egmml. Or to T U!':U..A. ROBINSON, 'I`rxvml!inLv A av :11. u 1 'I'FI'1C.l' ' 12177.!` PROVISIONS, `III I -1\7E`,Q nnpnnles apply to _ R. JUDSON DOYLE, (`lunar-11 A arm! .\`.u.z adv WANTED. _ 9- I1..__..I mg; and iuuuvmy L; 1%!-`|Hl||I:l1 7 I-Nil \lLV: ..`i'.r7r . H. l\.l.'J.L.|JlJ um. .`.:_s with nal 2 -- -ring l'ra-1e, which wi-l'l , -.I;'.3', Ind of the NF. 1 .A.nH1e will be fannd 1' H will son CHEAP F0 nrgler work in the La `J I-bl.` In" isasne to an 0 tlw. ns (sf- m('}:,` x pm` ' 1 .n.. nu no urn . GATE 1 . I`! nun- I lnwemug Km. v ` Bun `r . -I . . v 3' %.;.`r..*i:`+*:- . ~ ` . -7 I . The very bcel piano on Bania ` lo ggl the wo|t'h 0!" your money I A III _ '_"G1.zoCERIEs ! Ol\E`l,Q Ii f'3fIoRs" 7 : ` BOTTL"EITZL1 AND ran TEE` 7 Is at me ` z-_ .1411 nl rf: llmeu. ' s'}Jur1at;~-_.5, .9 00, L17!`- I HILL. ' ;;_-.1:- BLEND S I _, ` l:L'(lVl`. Lnxmm 4I'1`IlI'\U'l'l4 mt onI_v are I I`I`\I| 1: um L , M. v cc! to the. .V|unut'n_cJ.uI_\, ` Nlcrclmnls or` ShI|`||Vt'|` ' 'nrrm5c. l'NIuIc. Mining: and Dnu\}'im:-room. lInl|,Shop. - _ l,juran`. Bucket, am. TCLOCKS, nufuclnred !~\- 1. \\'. Rn. A. numnnun, .'I`nweI!iug Ag. nt. Bill ; , tlo `puiuliv um conuipzncnenta L, V I L5: n l'.VJ.\J A `\ Upiragilc 31 -_ H. S1evvcer sr!jore, lNoN"r rms ET,- - - 3&8 Nov. 28.1873` [ 4! , , , C LOU K `Y rnuI\Iu: '2In1 Barrie. "rm 1 n. wrm-ur v 111-: diiscounss `....i.- o. m H... In [95:- other Illa! irsxsf DA KISI I`: u tmvomuwr NOTICE! I , , |SH(|P ACCESSABLE AT ALI. HOURS.` I}ugulnnd'Bn:1Sel~'.otobd Stuck in Bank of ` ' Dr-.xgn,Madi>cines,udCiomiul:,Porfumny Ind Toilet Articles, hints, Oifs, \_ and Yuunishcn Con] OH. and Burning Fhaid, D30 Sluh, Pip", 'l'o1.vaecco, and Gigs.-I. My :1-ocinlizy in unite: ul utilise- Jul: All VLUUAIQA ova- IMPQB (Z/I/msite the Railway St_att'1m. . TEES. .&e7[ `J . vvoona, DEALER IN S fruae bnuss ANII CHEMICALS. 1 V FANCY pEI Patent Medicines, &c. All kinds of Horse/and Cum: Medicine), kc. P|n_u'u.-inns PreIcrip1iuns,nnd Family Re- cv.ip1I`o|'ep.;-cal` with due care and ` viccuracy. (Tull in. My `PURVIE BRO'S, `. urn I." \1'L`\"I`\' rrnv ;;I\1nn:` (>s"i"i3'i{N ; sEwIuc__M__A_cuIuez I IICAD unr Reculul M Surcou which bu 'n9r(-r bun aqnnlio-l,h_v In, Sowing 3!- ching. in (Jana-.!u. .).-. 1.`ll\;'I` In.-171.`; i 4 Mn "1": 1%???" m":;"' 3.1 ` S ` ` C :8, E ` 7 snc`.:u.~.'n If'Pd7.E.'_~T. .I I\I'I|' l)UIVLOPf 5T., W.E-5'1`, BAIEIRIE. CUHIQ. Ill U':\llI`JI- 25 17l,l1$'l` lA`l.{'.Zl$5, 3 S|'lC(.);\'1) PRIZES, o) If] HY ` Every Machine Warrant= ed and AGuaranteLed E A: nearly an Ilm principal Hxbibinu 1| Cqumli fo: the TH` Your _.'Ol`I. tho Umu hu` t.-lnmpln-ml} corrhd ulht hchI|_.I[1 IIII1'3I_\g" I, Pl". l\HC A (1 4. I vg; ;J\_:uI an,`-, . For Soumu at I912. _ _ 1`hrm.s-unrls are mm; :1: use, and gar`/'21, : DTPD I4`L`l"I' .\`/I 'l`I.\'Ia"ll."I')l: V I III`-J Ir J l|lIhbl\J' CI I-"L ll\l|'l.l\\` unr an toa1pr.Ii!ora.. Nun than Iuubrimuu ..,;}.+mnegt won that won by it I! ibc Guolyh ;c.uml Fair. when for three don it us put in I(-ompgtiliml with than Howe, `Mu-olu 8 Wu- non, Raymond, and other main; American and Canadian Slu-vhizm, and was around the 1.1 r I) _ run" as n I n 1.` Ill ! \JIIuIIuu-u- ~'.'II-".45":-U, -cu "Ia -was--vs u--v };`1'Rb'l` 1 IHZE us com-otr.~ut nnd pumice! mau,` not inurm .21 in any of the In-tchinco. Such judgu we on gun] to say. In not to bi found u use at our County 8110!". ~ - Al I Tllsll.` I\! XIII? III` A E'C`I.'ASS `1\i(.-(CHINE, at I nI'lcI'W'IIl|in "10 Much of LIL 0--um .ln.' , (rt: s'ro1u.c AN 1) ME-D-l'(}-Al. D1SPF..VSAR\'. ' * I I v I ju I 3 vi S0[.lI A(:h`.\"l`.'\.` I-`(JR SIMCOE, For the 1`:-I1-In-alecl '\Jll`3_`-"J "">s\/IIILVD at n ptico within I50 touch of wt, cnlot Jr` hotter than V T (tall and Examine the 01450:. `l\lrI\Trn4-u -int` A GENERAL 1 EMx% DEAL 3 E . lllcc r1Iu IBl'lck llook. L. A. V Digop Si... South Side, Novcnbor 28. 1873. 48-In V 1.. ms` ~ . ` GE.\'!IL.F.MENS .3 ANN} I`. e lst mooning 9:!i;e1'?onI:t of Rnviuion of - `lbs Assessment Roll of the ', was!!! .9! _"!_~Is"rIt= um 15;): pig orii, 1874 1 . 1-1.- n....:-"lv......_ Inn.-- _ lUpu.vLIlr1.\ urc Iunu rt; unc, 1.1;". 5, ,1 PER l"El."l` SA TI-'>'FAUT)lIN -V-- r-7. .-7" -' `* '1 '`"'` A: John Gr s'l'tvoru,Vi$hg: of Churchill, .1 ll o'CIoo V In the fonaoon. A BENJAMIN ROSS, Tn, lmy}- v I 9. 5:5 1"`1 . 1Z`1'~.s:` 3}.` 'n`It*'I.'{i.~1/xs -_ -n --..-.o.u-. N. 01.. l...o'h.:h:. 28, WOURT OF REVISION . 3_:,;{uE.' :a":;1:'a' x5uEEEs'.' -gm! :1 1-- .\...- l4f`~lTl|` __..l_ _. vu |q|'v -(lav VI 1 ALL '|'|I0:5l-I IN WANT U!` A `Ims. Lutflm. 'i$fJii" '\Vs;:_b3 5:13 on I-::'i:a;;~:` `JD"- I.` '7 A!` 1st "1?t3EiV`i'S NJ. K4|_l.).D_>._ Liuu to all pur- I\InA.`4-.7, -2 Ul]`LQbiAbf, I Iunb L llnllao, L . lHJ`L0.\IAS, 2 Il NEW euous`i_pggj`gY Anmvms` Olunon. UBO, Tp. Clotkr `I rs I 5 I 40-Bu ---vv-p-V, _-7-__-- `v'.'Z:Ist ".haixkf\11. for past fnv0'S, bogsto `Millie * Le; frionds and the puB1ic ,th|l she has con-'. ~ afautly on -hand Mull assortment o_f - .. - . . . . n -1- -A \l _ mm nor? ,um.=,ile the Ba rrie 1?7oundry,'0ol!Ter Strept. Lu-nhc1' taken in `chance. \p.4..-._ - ..---_._.__,, ,,,- V-'1)._,}- 71".}: o',"'!;:' % 'F.'i' SASH -{Duo PLAY N V '1AIx.oxur~'G EsTAm,xam~1m~:1`, r` yam mun. `vi get the worth bfyour money; lleuzembor the Stand--- R. WINNING, . Hn-m;U/v \l .` N gvnavu-an`: Rina-p . ._._,._ _. _...__.. -..._.._..__ 31>R11*c;.41% 'ORT20N;| HUELUUJ Ull 'L|l1L|Ll I nu: Innvl uuv-an Y ` MILLINERYg un - u no": , vi ,. _-.'..-..-I.I_ ..-4... ;3;:m=:?5;:;` HATS & GAPS. ... ._.--... _ .._....._ ..`---n-zrli `En J\.J\-&-' J5 V O'--'`'` or nu: L._u'Es'r i`AIlll0N p F0 0.1. .__..__._._,.c_ 11,..- 4... n.Anu. -' can, or prompuy man: In mu... V @188 an MANTIJJ MA1I_1'3{'_ In thelnlu-1t|tYI!!'." A Gqgp FIT! yy Q9090` WC -----'--|-: - In thelatcst 111328. ; J v - MA_RKET s_'rm::I;_:'|j, . :_ -` BARRIE. STEAM,HUTA1AR&H0TWATERv: HR A 0.5 1.-ms n Is |_ue .-_-ne apes: and best Imrr resxor. .. ;~ i.n:.--, } r,1r:c:_)U s pgrboule. "Fm-.s:u'e.by 3 3~,pf`L`l'lC dmggnsis ' ~ > 4. - n nu n>n'_n* . Hairj Balm __ btev nu . rowilx and strength. Ca- :uul urmnmes its -nders the haxr sov and ,.;. Hm Balm" -.y. and is Hm Inns! ` i lu1hcpu!vl'c. , dye, in i- wzmu 1! :d free from injurious In- : ~m.~ It is the c-he-apes! and beat `hmr re:s!oI- . ...-.- Prim: We `.9 her bollle. For nnie .bv ~- um hair ` ` ' ;`1rmn m1!- _ elegant hair dresiing eve Canadian Han Pntm" Isa" Q}! tholateut rnd most scientic 1.iipcip1g_I,g , He 1.150 mks: ' TIJIIIILA n" nu.-. Avian Ill-!~ nu um mug! : _V -'"5lH LAll"l'l`l=`oA'l.`1:3lS1` A AppHcaIion_ f P gg L f hi in` bcin V '49- 1""! sip; La:d`-lPu?i1p: 0% till 333355 ` II?! on hind. .A|i kinda of cornice. WM; Pkmbing, and bell. hanging done; VIVI RT (`1 1: 2 rs` I"'I' r't`r.(`1 I --1-\Ju.I..I.r.I. -I..l.IL-V.`-" ' 1:: org:t:t;.bnfxc1,uIfpromptly;ngQ]y i';'(5_ 7. % xo' 5 18' ` . I . /3.! fov .5 ,' ,.._-..>...`._____' H--wIuz,anu ueunan 11 none. .'. ...':1_$$.i`;I 1Tf1f1N\..3 L '- "-5 5 . ~ At I" retail price. Q use PATENT nBn1g1 pig;g,.c V-*_ Which wil1'be soul at rousonnble nfel. to 21:6 : T {6_ CHPJSTOPHER-. Aplil 16m. 1874. ` _ T 13.1; , -#_.__....._..._.__ HEATERS >;A':{i.1I.?i4uTEA65woa1 g 7?`2".;`gJii'_FL\;;'-:`3C-[TS undo-at ___l , I III) 11.1 I I28 I. If txvlu U`--V Sale, or promptly Many to 0I'd9|'- Inns 1.. `I 1 nwlurwzi It A V1 ? The subscriber is prepad (0 build r%_Il'Y YOU R -- DRESS-MAKING ` .._ .7 V. llH'H!g_` mures, M0 at (`:2l,.:1_t. IE!` `I ..11u:m:'. ~ T AND CATLDRENS`, ' \\7 A: AND V Ullllu .-\'l` H`-'3 .-I prepared to furnish _ uldmgis. Ivlndow Blinds. an-.,, ' P POSSIBLE PRICES. 4 BAIMI M, . \\ .*;RE IN, i`I`C"l\CC:.n (pf die mancil, 1...1...u' `BARRIE. V 48-ly IJUST To HAND I1. i. Bapw} J. '3. BROWNQE | J. J.-BnowN.| J. J. rsRowN. J; J. BROWN J. J. 13aow1.'