.. ,--are quarter 5 go to 6 V Hldes-36 ~ . Sheep 5kiDD_--$1 50 lo 2 15 Butter--22 to 25. Eggs---ll to 120 8115-320 on to 23 oo,_ u I IIIIIIH xu_r|l\|LI"al A); Fan when--`st. 16 to $1 20. l'toadw`e| --$1 1210 $1 16. sprinI- 1 05 tot I0 - Oats---60 to 55. Peas-70 to 80. Bar1o4;'-l .10 to $1 25.- , Potatoes-.-per bag .6010 660. Dressed Hogs---V7 00 to 'l 50.` `Beof--_Hind quarter '1 00 to"! '15. 5 (Fore auarten .5 no to a 95. .._n|uu quarwxf '1 w 10"! `I5. Fore quarter 5 50 6 25. 56-38 ' ` v BARRIER}-ax ...-:. `n. in ._ Au .. ETS. . - v--, . -snap uunu; V||| ,' In :_;_. u}"`a`s hi hl A` we '1'? $$1{ % -'-'30 `D1105 sgpplyp ` thin V `f U `W0 9917:0130 bimle re`:. 1 ' I I0`-QIIAIIIV niun" aunt. J.-;;.--.o..-._-- - _ ' ` ` _ .`.IAlIl.`IED. .'HICKLl~NG--350114 RTY-At the Primitive M. Dntninnnn ht: Ikn ndv D Rnah: an Qhn 9'11. 'lUlhI&H\1"'~01l`$Il|'l `-5! H10 l'flll`llHV |"J.- . Pa. ` _ age, by the Rev R. Boyie, on lb 219! ' jinx - `Hr. JonaIhan.HfckIing.of this town, -so I iss Isalialla Mcbnioy, dnho` ggwnahip of Org. , - .. ~ T nov`vN_.`n1'n.bnY-Az rsaeace orite V ;, ' bride ! uuc1e,Wo`n the 23-d,-just . shy the Rev. '5 -- Ikayle, Hr Jinn-as Brgwn; of tbs tawnship 1 7 ft? Yupra, so.:`M_!sa 0ai`3}_"jIi'ti 48a13IVli'y,_6{;.iha E ` lame p`:.cE.` .---n-.__ .....__..._.. ....- __......_.....- ..-.._-..___ __ ,.'f_f=..._.__.._.._...,. .- X .- . .-.3... . h f'B:_unuw.--Ens a Coao.A.--,G1u1-uni. nun \ Ooinonune --"syn thornugh knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations 01 t:,dLg3tioj_n and:-nutrition, and by a carefui appli- lation I of- this Job properties 0! well selected 00603, Hr. Epps ,b_s=.a provided` our breakfast, table:-` with a. delicately nvodxed beveragen . which msyutevaahmany. I:eavy4..dnotor,1ihilL1-. 3 --Ciml Service Gazelle. Made simply with ' Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is iabelled --" Jun: E1 25: & Co., Jommopathic Ohemim. Loncon. V . Ilnunnnn-Inn: as nnnnn _ WA mi rmw IwnvA%!mt silasmil :`"4 I{TI} Ell'6TI()N,. METAL 1 I UOUUOIII . .llAwua1"U3l or Coem.-We will now gglve` an ni-xzount of the proce.9 adopted by (Messrs James Eppp. 6. Co..ma.uufncturera oi 'dIetec arficlels. at their worlisin tho Enston T Road. London." -See article in Candi : House - ! :...I.: Iz...'.J. . `$413-uo IJUVUII hold Guide. .",__ ,__:,`__ __, __;- :7 `- tut. _! u-vuu-I I I Gngignt9_c_` Vt`o'T giye `Perf;ct_._ a_t_ia_facIion. using, 1631-. . .;.1r.oR=s`u.n.s;Y _ `;J.W.-'_HAS'`vIN.G_8_ , '3 -'17: -_'Ba'rtie,,0ntarin.` ` n_ao'::puu_ Cir'cqlEg can` b:d*6n Ipplysizion.` ` `I8. w ig:E:ir7ui 15`&%{>,1 Pun; E,;ga;n;; om `;..;:. Ifggn nIAcng1g;,i.x_oIL. 4 A The Fmtsitting cf the (hurt hr the Re~ visipn of he Assessment Rolls, 01 tho Town- ship of Vesqsn` for the" current year, will be held at the ovyn Hall, Midhnrsz at 11 o clock, ,4 M , bn FRIDAY,` the 15:b_day oH1AY.nex!. GEO RG3: SN EATH, ' Township Clerk .Hidn.uA:-`nag,Veapra,,A.pril'g38, B14 _ 1372-n a Lucguva Booxseuers, Statxoners, And Importers of WALL `PAPER, DEUORATI_0N_`5, FELT ROOEINC. BUILDING `PAPER. . . . D:/q.cnu"u ~ Pianos of bee! makers. 'ThaMaszm' 8: Ham- 1iuOn.zan=,andlhe Canada Organ Company's Organs and Melodeonn.- Organs and Men- deonslorem, and for .snle,on the monthly payment aysxem. EDWARDS 85 LAIM) -7 VT-W- OST.-.A P ckeruuk comaming papers and a N:-sle at Hand lot $153.95, Any Deraun having found the cams ml! confei a Hayqr Ivy t3l{z_fllpg it In ` I r\ n uannuuusn ` `v s, MEEKING. Paymeulof the nb-:.h..\Q begu sxgpped at Ihei Bunk. , ' . ' pvvv Ill UKUILIUAI. _ Uur readers will ask what in xvruzmg now >wit'l1 the great Alexander .`~I.'.u,-l I- .....-1.. ....,1...w.4.-.:..n...... ..,... 4-i...+ M.. Dlial` Do l'1lUl`J|3 "FKLJIIIJI K11101- OIAN, contain-.ng diseriptions of Diseases . and rules for their treatment, will be sent h_\` mall, free of charge to anyone. eendmg Lboir addreu to 714 Bzoadwny, New \To:k. 12-St 1- Constnnplion is nn'l incurable. Doc-tors an y i is.not. All that is r_eqnired is lhs prnpc: medmino to effect a permanent cure. Du. Lee : Great Bronchi..l' Rome iv is fast 15 cwming me popular med'cin for nil ell`:-4,-tiima of nh- L-`.1:-~1 and lungs For insipiem cou1suznp'i;::. lrunchixis, asthma. corighs, co|d+, 40., um nilwr m 'l:'fIII? cvur ohred lo the puhli" D0 sssses sn In mnr-.n'vc properties Let the a6Hiclc'| In` it and pr0\'L- its ci|i~:m)y.} K-`or sake by alldruggiale. . ' ` ` ' vie muarx, NEW YORK, SOLE PRUPRIETOR. One doliar an` [we ve-and-halfcenzs for post- Rsaenclused lo Nnrlhwp 5!, Lyman`,Turo..lo, 0m., 3'8-vcra agents for the Dominion,wiil in.~ure a blllewoulairinuz om:r50-piI!s,hy rcluvn maul. Sn.'d_ in Bgxrne, hy Vnhn \Vo0ds ; Watson 5. G0 , We hi bros ; Bradml, Demon ;_Cra:ghurst, Green &,Bros., and al..,m.edi<-ins dc alcts u is U6-`ulIf1|'l.' sn ted. ll wm. In 21 short tune bring V: the m.-uh V peri.-~d wilh regn!ariI\'. 4 TIME? Fifi/I9t;l`l not 12' taism ly /mules. '1|4'I'7l V19 's.` three monllls of _P:'rgr,)ur1zcy, us W93! `W 8108 I0 bring on 1fH.5C(II I'i(1,'e, but at any OM21` time [hey we mfg - ` ' In E" nllmr 7`QR\` nl' Nnnumcia and Qnm-xl A11`... uuu wnues,1nese runs wm enact a cure when "H oher'meruis have Filed; and although n POWcr1lll reme:l}?.c'o not c -nhin Imn, calomel. nnlvmony, or rmytl in g lungfnl to thy con:-Ii!ulion. I F-n'lldirccIinnsin' the nainnhlo.-1 around u.-wh unnlvmony, in l1y.m_ful co,'nsIi'uIion. F-It'll dirccli-ms in the pamphlet around, each Dlwk ge, which sh_nuld In c_nreFIIHy prc:crvod- J03 MUS!-ts`, mm` YORK, sou: PRUPRIETOR. One dollar nn% Iwn un.uml.ln.H'n.-nm rm. ....-n_ `PH invnlu Ne nm1z`c'in_e i-z ur.f2u':ing in th- cure-ol an tho_ 0 an-f-.11 nnn dn: ge` uus d sense [WW H!` M: lb nutn nnrtu ; nllnn `Ia and Lu`: '1 l7ul'c`Ul an mo_ anal-II um ge (1 to`w nc lh--l`enu~`c cornsti ulion 12: sulj:-N. It rn dralesnl excassnnxd rccnuvc nllvobstrur-,uor.s qud u*apee V urc mny be re ied on. Tll \lADK1ll.'!\ I A HY!-`E amer time may we safs. _ . - In all other case`: or Nervous and Spxnal_A`e- li- ns, Pains in the Buck and Limbs, Fm cm: on slight:-xertion,Pulnilminn uflhe Hun rt, Hyslc `iv: and Whites,1hese Pilis wil effect when H ohefmgnns he vn Fzilprl 2 am! .-vhhnnul. n _ I As a family .\le is well and {mour- ably known, relieving 11.1 usnude {rum gain in the . 5 ' V.S`.'7e, Buck and Head, L'uugIz.s5,('c. zl.s,-Sure "1/cram, bpmins, BI'dl-fen`, `C'ru/ups in {he ~b'toIIuu.'/1, - Clmlcru Morbggs, l)y>:L7/ltc/`y, 1>`u'zccl Com- plazvcts, Burn.s, Sr.`u(ds,1"rusl Bilco, 'c. _ The _Ga'zmdi-an Pain Desuoycr has now been belorc; the public `ur a. length of lime,-an_l wherever used is well lils:d,' never uiling in a single instance to give pcrma-".ent relief when timely mind, and we have never known a single case of diesatisfactiun, where the dim.-tiuna have been properly 't< llowed, bug on thc.con- travy all are dvlightod with its` opem'idns,,ur.d spank in the highest leuus uf its virtues dud magical effects. ' _ ` '9-nnerak l'rm'n nrnm-iunm in than mhum-' i`},{UE_is_!)A'.Yj `APRIL 30 127+. PCUU upuu IL Dlllg '1. Dnverelgn ltemeuy. The astonishing eix-.,acy_ of the Canadian Pain Destroy-er in curing the diseases for which it i recominneuded, and its wonderful effects in subdting the toruu_o_u= pains of Rehumatism and in reiicving Nervous Atfcctiuns, entitle it to highmnk in the list of Remedies; ()rd-;~.-:2 . are coming in from .\l-.-dicine Dealers, in an pars of Le countr;-, for further supplies, and each testifyin-3 unto the nnivrsril salisfactiur. it gives. ' 'T`ha Canadian p~n:n nnnfrnvnp nrwnlv us Or. ll glV3. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never ails Ic- gi_ve immediate rel ef " All Medicine Dealers keen it: Physicians order and use it and no L family will be without it after trying it ._ Price, only Twenty-ve Gems per bottle. -Sohl in Burlie bv John Wooda,. J P Kidd, "Watson 3 00., and Wvlis ros.; Bradford, by `J. Deacon ; Craighurst, Gteeu Brothers, and by all Medicine -Dealers. - V '- ~I()`l;.`l.?().'-`-Izlii PERIODICAL PILLS. _.-r;._. ... -iuu nu v.rvI-A! Illlo Illlly U: IF IV-U llllw . V 'ro..\_umm;:>. l..\DIES i1is'oe-~ulihrl.' led. It win. in u': wilh reg min... 0:11. ..L..-.l1 ..-. L. . BLAGK S PATBNT % 1SEW`,Pn..E1FTALE3- THE MISDHE HAMJ,|N,06lll unduuh to n-nlditho ` CABINET ORUAYSS II uuglcun CIICCIB} We-apehk 1'mt'n expcriewe in the m ntt.cr`.' having tested it thoxoughly, and Ltelefore those whgare suffering 1' pm any of the com- plaints for which it is recommend:-d,_ may de- penil upon it being 4 Sovereign Remedy. astonishing eiuacv of the Canndiniv {E N_ QL 1-: D Y5. If sow, jsILymi %}iinfsrE `:0URT OF REVISION . 5 GREATNESS. .E|'!3.|!.)'!\T|0,IQF T. Elsslcur. lfantnnd` tn` (vino D..r`...u Q-;:..r.....2.._ NED) J.\bu2rtisieuxe11t-3. `ms s." FITOHEE FA.'dII.Y PHYSI- III A M Innnoainsnn tH:nu-innna nf nianunzn Rag T7zEBKaT7{6ie '~I7E1`f 1A'NAD1Ari";{i_. D;i':cOYEh .i'gx; ni_x ;;_;IoLA;g 3: Loos` ._,._.._._._..__. . .. - . ._ petial I3IotIt5.`7 .`lre'tlE1eibest.for the ___..-- nun adv . (ijglercluzrageubfe) = =+4~;i?+ ' `Lana. EDWARDS LAI:{D , Dnnlpnnllnpn Ln JIUD 5 U.(\ll.\vlJ Booksellers, M.-., _ 4 - "Barrie. .uA no short time H In ruanlnril :- ='_ I :a;;x!i:?'8. Wild Lands, Steam fl` ; ('_3,rris*.;and Pulling Mill, : `iSBB,GBA-lABY my nwmm uousa. IN THE ,5, l`owns|Iips hf Mara and Ram. _r .1 Wu DI)! |.`\.' ...........,- .. ~.,........4.. .... 4 N Q11: RY k \Ve }ia.ve a.xytl1ority to state }!.:'.f`. $1,- , 000,000 of stock has been aubaom - _d for the Huron and Ontario Ship Cgnaz, :3_n(,1 `f that $100,000. being the 10 per cent. f` thereon, agreeable to the Charter, has ;i been bona de paid into the Bank. . It now rests with the people end t Government to aid by bonuses or otl1__e~1- 1: wige to ensure its constructio_i;.. _ _ . . - _7_ '. , . AIAgnII_|uglll uueruog` g AND WHEREAS it is evident, tlmt "the said Railway cannot be so cm|.st-1`uct- without iftl ~assis_t-ancc of the i11micij1a:iifie'vtlnimgll which it may p5\'s,=_and ibis clesixblo that such arid `:h5lcl hordd My-i this lmtuit.-Epulity `@z_ii,;' I A-thbfni ulolvlarsv` ...:--...... To Provide to} the Issue 01 De- `-*` 'lpentu,rcs t.0.=i_ll=3 I|!!_l0!JIIl ,0! Pllty Thousiund liollmfs, l`_ :'sd H oi. the comm-gncglon of,, no . Nor!lI'S`fgnoe7 Rgsiiya;-. `fr H Barrie lg Penolnngyglsllcllc, AWVHEREAS the ponstructipnx of ":n _ "Railway fro_m or negu` the "town o1'B:u-tie, ; $119 -.6uz1ty of Simc9,ms.sing thro1.tgh _,-th'g` _f4');vp;]1;3,o' '._l`ipy tu the {'ill::ge of .fPenetang\lisheno, onto some b_tiuer pdint "d_ the-shofe 9f lnetangxnislxetnc-Bzny. ,b.e'cpm6 glesivrvqhle in t.hc-dcvelopnzent ~o_~th&.8a.-ix1 township,-Land. for the public fdqnygpiegoe nag} a` ,_`GImp9(1a\ti0n of the `iuilitztiptirtlxerof ' l.`LT`I'\'F1`It'r1-nan~n' A r. .. '. 'W}?E7iirA3f.i`"to'hfijr a;ifd Order in I he`C'a- 3 uada La-nded Cu;-din Cnmpmly vs. Kennedy, . ' we}! be sold by 1 I PUBLIii"?ii%iiTI0Nn%} \-'J\-I:-so-45141 .A..r.\-rs;--`.__..__ _ Withihe approbation oi !hoMa.eIer in Or ` Ni vary, by Means Henderson & .~H~Fatlam=, ! r\uc.:one~er:-, (at their Aucl-mu Ruoma, on ; Yoynguiglxeeg, in. the City of '1`orouw, on ;l`i1;s}lay; the>19h day of May.` . 1374, ` __.- .9,.1.. . 2.. ...- ..........'I;. ulna fnllnminu! 1 .`-.. . a:`..Ixv-';IJ(`.`;.`. ~. -- av! _ _ , At.` a clc3ck. in 5:} aroels, the followin "7." l.auds'!\1d [E,1omis'es":-- ` g L01` 1,-V-Being pan of1m3l in lhe: IOIh (fon- cesaion nf .\ |a;u,'_R'$fming`part of lho Vnllage -nfmhmley. on (vbich ram! :1 Gris! Mn`) and Eu-lmg and Csmling Mull and engine hnuse. T Bu.1dmg is of Mona, (our stcriea high, in- cluding the hal-emvm szmy_ The engme house is also of smm-, There are tum _n)n3 `of slhnka, and a chopping mat.-hin: for 1-hop ping horaeked. 'I'h_ere is rzpaca for `:1 lhild anngnf mo: eh, Builvling. and rnacl.inery neatly new. A LOT-Q '._Rnin'n it nnnam rpm in Anhmlnr ` one two,'thrg:e gnq f9u_ In the ntattcr oi the Qutetmg Tllles Act, and in Hue xnaaltrr or tlIo.\lortIu-lull of the 11.45;- . half of Lot number tou teen in the lourlll Cancun-non If the To\vmhip o faicclontc in - . the County oi 2-iancoc. NOTICE is hereby givsn xhat J dll.\' K.'.\'t`;- PORN (f the Twnsltip ot Mulonte, in 1110 County ofsimcce, l;as.mndc an npplicaticr. 10 the Court of Ul-.anN=.-r, for R certiziesno 0.` :E'io to the above mejmioaerl. t1nderThoAcl far Quietiug `Tulsa tn Real }*'-state in Fpper Ca.:- ada.__" and has 1) _odnced evidonce wlyorohv Le . appears to he the owner tlzerecfin lecvfraelrcztt all incnmhmnces excspt at cerivfm mortgage (0 no D.A|ton Mcauthy, of the Town at -'arn'`, and dated the first day of April. ottc thous* nd eight hundred anti seventy-two, having or pry- tending to have any title to, or interest in, the sail land at any part thereof, in rcqueated on or bofore_t.hev twenty-third day of May, nc-w next ensuing. to file` a stutemguz of his claim, veried by uttiavit in my ctce at, Osgood H9":i13`3h`Ui.'}' of l`:mnto, and to serve a copy on the" said John Kingtgrn, or on .\lessi-aura Mccprthy _&-Boys, of th: Toan not` Barxje, in the County-"of Simcoe, his Solicitors, and in dcf;ult. every su'c`l.t claim will be barregj and t3`:_e title of the sgidJ0_hn' Eislwrn become nbjotute and indefqasiblje`n,t am and in Equity, subject only to the resertvationilneutionedin the seventeenth section of` the-said A .-t, and. them; numbered _ _ If, gndaubject as afore- Ilt 6- 1 ~ ' I I I Just so in thi -young IIQV ` `knownfarmdwideasthe Domin'b;nof_ For years and yeats'tun and ' wounded byoontending p0lit,i08l>f80ti011j3- Driven into rebellion and diaordu by I- mul-hculod ogotist in 1837, purgad `and Iunodby the blood 01 her loynl s'on8. Ila Olddolonies grew up and pmspuyd under the guidance of u triot Baldwin, ad the nancial genius inch, until at mat. the great statesman, now the Right _ . `nan n. Jnkn K -`"onJin1`1` than Ml . Many new. A L()T'2.'--Bein'g a square rare in Aehetley, aonsiming of four Into, on which are erenled :1 storalnd dwelng house with oulbuil-iihgs, large granary and wood shed. The ht nae is aral class frame build ng. * The granary. with bins complele, can hnld 10,000 bushels ofsrain; ..-_l.._-....- -1 -1.- -L_.__ .___ _--- .1, fl IILIV. "I Deparlmrnl 13 um -and .*1vuklmg-a tna nllm In I III! I UULIU post-pay! on Iccmp Avldrcsst 1 In A'lIAIl!,I( [mu flab!` PEf%Ei{,' 599, Inmm ' \Ve wu-IM mall the 3. . 'l`r.1chcrs In our l-ZCHUl~1.\`? us bring me lnnesl mul .1. L,` _.`.9,Iy llllc V1` `n:-chasers oflbe above two pmcela, in vase of giving mortgages, '-vizl have to keep bm1d_ inn and machinjary insured in fullamoum of` rnomzaee-money. .l.n1" 3.-R-inn mm'..t 1," 1.1 n x. ..r M... . 3UlVUUv_U|U ICC Dy illL' l'AI3.5[eT- I - For further `particulars and cond1~.:o:z:s Lu , sale`, and us In fine, see la:;;c poszc-r.,ur uppig, at th 3 law offices of M:s:1`s.l-Iu-gin 8: Sprugme. Vendors So-1ici' -",_T.'r0u:n, and Megan. Ne. Canby 8:.-Bovs, Bernie. ` hand, I'm. ..( Anvil` 1-mm /.ce;m...I.\ .__..r` (J |Jusr Issum mw Buolr ('un||)3lI-1|` cw-:1 n_m mum nun Sen! per exfress. fur S 7 1-arI_\'.u.~: we shall ll-lhu post-puhl, on rccttipl of T, z\\H-'45. J , m on 933: '|ll|ll{1_llX{U`|.llUllUy. , I _ -LOT 3.--VB'ing part of lot 14, 9 h of Mara, `I87 acres; fourteen acres are cleared; a nmall house is erected on the lot. Tqvnamelf creeks run Ihrongh this lot. ' --Raina nnrt nf I-.nrH1.H-I". of .1192 mat. um great statesman, now one .u--5-Av V o _ 3... Sir. John A.-Maeaomna, then M17. Pyopm iuacdonald, by, the moral g_reatnoeB_ of hi integrity, carried "us from a political N9!" nnmhy ton state of /}n:;u:c1::alsoo3w: P,l~e:y: Inent 8ndPN8P1'it.Y- ` . Li": 9. 2. ..,";_ equal to all emergencies, succed6d`i"`Vf"`3* consolidating the scattered Pmvinoes `of FY0111 British North Americaiineo o_ne {vast to.wn.1 dominion, extending thousands and hou'- .8V!'Y ` sands and thousands of miles, and only to #110 bounded by -the waters of. the two great. `.'h1]} Oceans of the earth, the Atlantic on the 381719 East, and the great Pacific on the West. T933011 This great statesman, efter.uccomplish- Yanta ing the work of a century in the short P5"-1 t `space of twenty years, hat ; been obliged and 83 to relinquish for `a. time the cherished 8'0 W0 . object of his Lfe bv the nialevolent lmtred the 00] of empty-headed; ignorant demagoguefi Int ant` unlit-inn` nnnnnlifinn 11:: hitter. hnivtinl Wlll UH |HUUllL'-EU Kl IHG "U18 018318. , ' LOT 5 - Being Lot 35 in l'ron1_Conces.=_inn of Rama -ab0'1v|`t\venly acres are clearc- . 1 There is a snmltdsvellmg house on the premi .\ sea. `This lot trcms rm Lake Couohiclnng and ii ve mxlas from Orillia. ' ' ln'l"t: D..:.._.L.,. .......|. :..vr..rr.. ma nun ll uvc nuns LIQIH unum. LOT 6 ~--Being lhe soulh-half of [.01 I8, m_ the 3rd of Rama,_l0O acres. This 1-4: is wild and about ten males from Onllm. V ' f1nnInnH.nl' ck. ....;..L....... ....a...... I- I... auu auuiu. {Ill IIIHCS l|'L'lH \'HlL|U. ` Ono tenth of th: ;mi'cha._ae money t_oA bo- pnidtothe.Vemtrs Swtzcitomat the time -1 sale; the balance within one month intuCm-1` without interest. At the option of the put 3 chaaetn, two thirds utthe purchase mom-_s 1 can remaitt on mortgage. ' ' II`.:mh n-..`-.;.tvz..t. L... `...1.t ..,i..'.;... In 5 The rice! Heed Urgm`. iu~Int( I{:1xk<~l .< Nvw .\lo.I _The- Best ln-trucmr fur the |Hl!dl`iI R .'\':-hnul 4 Salim The Best (`uUct'l - N. Pl: .3au4,'u'u:~:1.......... . ('oUc('1iOu for M ixrd \'n-jg; ' Ne: Plus Ullm GI-.-c l0ok.;. .. .... l :'i/.-e. The Bus! Cnlleclinn for Church and ll-,\me.- v._ The (.`]u.-`1cr..... ,......-........;I`ricx-, ['hc Best School-Song; [Suck : - . ` " I-`nirv lichncs. . .......... . . ..Price, The Best hmrumnr for .\ncnrdion .- . ' ' Sedg\vivk s (!un1p!c'.-: Vluliml. . ,.Pricc, .1`lu: Been lnstrucvor fur Cuucermm ,~ . - Scd,-1 \vic_-k`s Complete Muihud. . . . Prir-e, . I-`ublishrdand Mailed", post pairl; by I I livrnnn rnn n1uu.'n' u mu:-:r.a run Intuugn H11! 10!. ` LOT 4.-- Biniz pan of north-half of L0! 30 in the 1lth._of Mara. conjaining 78 acres, more or less` excepting Iherenut-those portions vakrn B.V_lhewi1ways. This, In! would be eligiblnfar building mxs,aa it lies bel_w-zen l_vm railway lines. :\n accume descriptirm will be bmdtuced at the lime of sale. ' rrvr K n..:..- I _. oz :_. r_..-.. r- . _ . _ ..-: _.. can Iuluam on nlungagu. _ Each pai'ce}'wnI- be sold subject lo a re- served. bid fixed by me master. pnrrllrlhpr H:I.'!}l|l*`2I`I. nnrl 1-rnnllv-nru~.' 4.!` _. \_a zu an. L 'l`ln; Ht.-.el'l nmu.ln-Iru ` > .Pelcr' l1;v!c I The 8091 Rem! Organ K:nk(~l AV? |.m2dci\ s A V Phq: Bcsl Guitar Ins: ' `Yuri. Pxxmsmvxsaa-nits, 1,874. T A meeting of the ran an of $116` Township of Tiny, was called ast cm` L 1 my, and the gmntiug of 3. bonus of in thy intexvest of the North Simwotl _ Y 'Thonsg,1;d Dollars-in aid thejref'. ' Thy ` -wem by the President, -Mr; J. ` 3- M01105! NI` hllori` ` and also by' deputationo _ ' ' 9 the and '_No;th-Witiu` " 4 ; yay. their ri vm>1ine.: rm` 5 gnootiaz mihrsely a`ttnded*`Iiyau' this mueminl n? -a.':.. -=:...'...n:`..2.: \\'ur The Best Cu!- .'.'Iun oeuuIv"hi="'6u"m:|o. ...,...l... .. . .. .._.- _--._, "And in-Ihe Vuliage of A'l`HERLl'lY, `I... ll:-.x'lJu-n.. u UUI'lUUL\`h , Cni-"4 In n in`- :-xpx ut 650.'l>|$. !'rr:- $4100 per -:.-2. J. L. m:1*m: 3, 599, Broad way, \".`.". '1";::-IE INUTHE OF a.s HOLMESTED; Referee ot"[`itles. =.`'id`1 `W5 n.`?iV5; mm::rg9g"t?a:%:::1:;? l!osrri6cI: Resolvu - h=fn1ly p1dxis..its:lff:eo_L;ju`t!iei1;_.;g.`. A ones to ob am a hnrnmn Affla iii.-.....~.;..a' 7 `3lJban.cr. A 3JETS"i"L% . Price. :1 ! 4iur.r r-g-,w.._ I (|Ull3u.'|_s I\:~r,-tuu,u`J) - , f;A'N]) XVl{ERFrAS tlu: :unr.nnnL.f um wh,o1;mtabIe_ property of this nnmi--i. gpsguic-nt roll beingfor theyem'ofmu' l.w.l. "ijaKt\', ztccoinng to the lust rtevixczl :- . F A (1873) one If`ol`.S'll1(1 eight. lmmlrml ;.,,.| [`;Bovnt_\V'it}n1,-c, `was two lnundn-cl :u..l `twenty-six thou`s:u1.l t}n?e }nmdI'r-I ,-,,,,1 cm`- ..5..-LL .1..n,...,. IF)0[`. one I-.n\ . _ 6 AN;D._:\}{;[-IVEBEAS it is necessax-y 1., 'c1'eatet1 debt ujiouthis municipality to the said mrnoltnt of fty Ahoussmd (lollanex for `the pui'po$e lfo'11:said,, by the i,~,,,-nu of IDe'hent:-ros"to that amount : A 1'I"l`\ 'llT'IV`I.Vl`l`l.V A Cl LL`..- 1, Y -ULET.-A urge um, won: shop, Ins` eight robma, now occupied by 51;. R `|.2r' -.N'~_'ii",lI._Ds1I1np Smes._.Barx5o. - July A; '- ' " ;a.-.:r. w. enonezw. . _ go Qfoqonr Bug; wmercl` :5` `A`biTi:i1);-'AVsE'umN1` MI.- __ ..--.one who understands cocking HI` 9" 07M. R`.-W.'WHlFFEV, Be|lE\ver1. `Aw! 7,h>1a74. * 3.11. 15- ,- _..._ ,,lII:I'vuu'u'n MID II Iuvuuv q A .AND .`iw7wi7:'111aAs m_e.-o is no 4. Towingfbyj this,nmnicipallty, eiiher rm. .1princip:d'o1' interest : ` ..A NIT) \VT-H4`[P.'1<`.AR Hip fnf,-ul Qlntzu. . ' . , _ 1 u Dated at the Township of '1 in)`. shklay of April, 1874. . 1` V T.__._..- Juvluluavz nu}: QZMIGUFIVB and inl!1- ` encq to ob gin a bofnuswof Thonund ,. Dqllm fmm thfo T0w!i$1!iP 19' ;i'..1;_'I !Iy.;;_'s>,,-_ A amt _1.hej - ' ` * . ix 1 " ` UK lvclvnu 0 ..WHEREAS the total amount Vto.~.,-bamisjed` annually by iqwcinl rate 1}... payfg thggnid debt, and i)lh'}'PSt tlu-y.-. on as hereixmftor ;pI'{)\"u1v~'., is ft-ur thousand tin-eo_ hundreqi unel si:;t_"-ii, dollar.-gs ($4,31i:'n.00) : ~ A \1'I\ nr 111.` Ln.` 5 Q pl... .....,..-... .r .1 .u.v uni; ).Lcl'I\I)Ul fltl-`JC. Ill --`CHOU! `H. No.1 ), ',I`i|1y,'Tor'tlu.- lh_'.s't- TE]:-cturfnl I is1'ou;.at. the 'I_'mvn lJall,'('l'iu_V). I 't_'.anguishe_ne;- for the sctrulltl I'll:-H Di\_'isi(J: jJ1itl tI_}I& Sllovol `l`I0n.vu, L. aiur: for the third Elbctor.-ll `Dix-i iw-I `qYuoh1<~a'duy the thirteenth. ,l2~h'M. pf May, Imxfi, at U duluck, u.m.. .-closga at 5 p.m., on the smuo lay. XAVIE1: 'l'1I(>'M'I`SU.\'. nyu I Iva. ._ , Thu: ubo\;'c XS :1 (Nu: ml._y 01 :1 )1} W" `-to 12.: taken intu u_msi:.lL-mtion 1-} Y?-'1' Cumzcil of this Mxlnlicipulity, uh:-r monfn fru1'n't}|c'r.'~t pllH:u"|tiUl) :1 Irv` in tho Nu1:'I'1lIw .\n\'nv;:, N1-\\'.~1=-.} * "- `lmlalishcd in Hm Town of l{:u-xi--.1"? date 0t'.,wln'ch n-st'pub!icnl.ion W173 __'l'Iu|r.~;dn_v the 16th` day of April. .\ | .~ __l87~I-, and the votes ofthc clvectm-.~ u!" 19-! {said nmnnicipulit-y, will li{3 t::_k-;~:_~. m...-V:-. 'at'tim itgghool H0use.'in .31u1nni}l ' 1\?n';.'n '1`I.'.. - -|`.~..'..4I... 11...; `In . . I lI.~_ |tVVUuuy'n|4-x I.ll\Jlll')ntll-I uuxu uuqu: fty-ei',;ht dollars, (226,35z'5.00) : A N I` R l(`.1\Q an annual u|UJ'Cl6IIS' uv.uu|I_:, `dau\l"JIJ\.'.Iv-__.} AN_ I) WHEREAS an mmun spa.-i;.1 "rate of nineteen mills u'ml two-ts-ntlm of a. _ mill `on the dollar upon t]1P`\v}v.n!.- dttahlo 1)1'fnp(;`["y of this" :nun'rci1.;-?x- will h+~.'necess_m~_\,*nnd req'niz-ml fm? ;-H}. ing' the irxtorost and forming gm t?'l;I1..I yemly sixnkixag fund, smicir-m, 1'0:-}..w_\i;=; oil thv primnipal of the mid cl.-ht \\',t`:`:':x-. the pnriorl of t\\'c-nly ye:n~'n, in-r.-iun|'ur limitrvl in that lxzxlf, 9cc0n`.'mg In :9 .. pro.vir.ions of (hr; Act. p:1ss:(l h_v Emu :1. ,1 ` ` nf an P:n'1i:un.'~nt. of Ontwiu, hold in I` .v 1.]1ix't_\'-rixth y( of NH` .\l:uj't nig , intitulr-v1"`An .\:-it x'c. .\l`nni-`ng I Instilntiom in the Pmvim-no! ()ntm~3.~ - Tn ' I , I ,' , ,, , u . I 1 _,I `Datt(`.4!l_&L 1"/'ouncil Had}, '1'o\\'1na`Ji'_- 1_`iny, tfxig5`2.*'t}`1' `of"ApriI, -A.D._. 5" Hnnmcncing at the hnur of 9 :\.m.. :x. 1` c1o5u1g_:xt 5 p.xn., of the said (1n_\.:\1x that Mr. Thus. Moth-ml. he the ll`-mv.-.~ ing)ic0l` for the 1'st'lIu-total Di\ i..f.,~n: ' MMI`. M..T. MCGNUI 1? ilctm-nin}.' W` 5001` !'O:".I::: second Elect-.n-ul Division; .mI 7 that Mr. Thomas Mm-cmmon 1,o:m-nu -2-` n..'1`\a1`...-.. `;._..n__~u- a nu . 1 n'.. nu IlH'\I1l`.'. Ill!` \Ul.1'h U] lll|'_-`ZU.ll.(`.'|` . and 31101114! :1.`.so n:1mo':1 Hr-t\11'\\iz; " ` I'I.`t*r n1-Qiliwrs, to _tako the voto.< mi ` _ said e-Im;-tm's :1towry such phtr-o: T`.- thmf.r-fnro m1z.u-tml nnd ordain:-d Ilnv :1; said vote shall be taken on \\'o_dn`~~`::_\ `tho thirteenth day of'Mn_v, now n-'\: .2. suing. :-.t_the'foI1o\ving plauos, to v-. iv. ' A a: blue School Hon:-st` in .'\'t'hool : c'i I No. 3, Tiny, for the first jE.lecmm |'>i\ iimn. .-\t`,the Town Hail), (Tiny), Pr: tan_:.~.'1ishem-., for the-` se-"cowl Elc~u.'r.{ ]*1i;\'=4?ojn, and at the School }I0us~. 1.: - fbna':_-ine,. for the tlnird Electoml Di isrimn . . ' n . . , -nuns. Al-ll. .I..Il\lllI||-3 .Ylill'.'lHIUUl_l "C ` l\|'| mg Utlk-o1'_f01-`ue third Eloctoml :s_iun, V '_ ` III-hlrll ||luI`llI-`I LII LIN` I. ll!` Illt !'.I'l I FlII.iX.' It is hemlo_v ordained and r-nur-ml nuthm-ity of the smne as fnnrnmz :- - 1 m.,_-_ f.4`14Lhd4 _1..n -'.-,.- uuuuo ul nun: bum rlyvmcegyanu the V Contested Electicjn Bill is a} copy "of the existing Dominl-n Act, with the ex- , ception of the chzuzgiw necessary as/to jurisdiction of courts: We are glad that ~ the ;\Iinister of J nsticc, md Mr. Fournier :n-ujust; enough to ta}.-; what `is good, nd it where thy may. We wish our . inangx; Minister had bgazt equally dis_- 1 creek, and followed` Sir Francis Hincks, but-he is too full of c9n_c_e:'.+. for that- hence his 1~diicq1ous blunder. upon and from and after` tho Iirnt, 'k`1r.\' ,1 ;IuIuIuLv\ lll tut nuuu. um nvu-vnn ,-- . . 1. This 1':-y-law .-whall omrm into . ail ` 1 July, in the yam` of our Lord 11%? I. "I 'T"|mt .H- u'I\nH kn `Hun Jniv r.l' .1 nun), l.|| lur, Jtfiil In vuu Jtuxu ;-~. 1, 2. That .-its shall. .be`tlm:1u1_vm Reeve n!` this nmnicipnlity, mu! 2 h0l`f'}'-} _a.llt-l101'iS0(l and reiqnh-ml tn. 3 I')r=hr.-ntnros of this n_111nic-i]m`.i1 V c. .mnmmt' not nxc-r-Ming in the xv'}an1.r sum r-F y t-homunnl (loll:-'.`.=:. in .=..::\ inot la -54:; than one humlrc--l olnll;n:-.v . `}`rH11`il"lE{il1?VI`1`le.`,L:'\1(`IO r:m- ml` six cent. per :1nxuun, and )n:uXv ;n_m\. it" filt ,d.'l_$' 01' Jl1`_\', \\}'rin'}n \\,iH ' t'hc?)`u' of nu1`VLrmI 1991. n nu - , I 1`u_l ___L.. .. I v VII`? |'i|l IF} \|l l4"l|I l\'n' [- _ 3. The suitl -Dr~bent.uu-s Jan speCfi\'0l}'- be sealed with `tho swral corpmmion, 'andsig1xqd by (In; and ,-rnlhtersigneql by M tho 'l`1-man the -zuxuxicipnlity, and .`~'}'.:I hm 1-esp+:,ut.ivul_v on"1he (lay on whi By-l-nv slmll take (.`'(E(,-1'. and is} -` matlo p_ayal)le to the bmu-v-r_ zln-n spcci ivcly. V ' ' .1 v 'I\nr'(\ aha Ln -nthnr-L11`! .u.._. nI|\l unu I||n|,11.1|:_;(l- I ; ._-\ in wm:m~:As, .2 is un- t_1m'.`r z/hrl Torr-going B_\'-lrnv slmulcl 2. the :.:<.-mn`. M` the elocton of this 2:. ` pft}ii.;\' I-nI'ov.'r~ the f'm:1l_ Vpnssiixg `.h'c~rr that a i:i`s (`nlmil should by 'thi:< I?) x &.1~.r~ day and limo, and place ur , 'i'mVm1 tho vntos of t}w_suil_(-!- _..1 -1 .,,II I - I-- [huff-~' he 1-n`s(.'Il. Iv\'ica`., and -.-olle-ct `(l'(']_l ynr, on :1_ll the '1'ntv:x1-lo prnlu tl1e.s'.-id 4Inu11i(:ipaliL_\' dxtring the` r n..x.m-. or cIm"om-y of Mn: said I tnrr-._. or :m_\t`ot' them. _ S. The :~s:\iul Sinkin-,-;. Fund ;'1n`1-~ mu-, .-m&1 the pt-nmeds 1lxr~z`orJ', :ip1}Em`l .~':'u}vi~_\' to t.h'r~_pnymmz: --t" mu }m1E_m`r.=, and tho into;-9;; xhr-u-rm. such l`mIm.11'ti1rcs: 311:1` imm'<:~t_ sh film pnid x1n<'1"c]iscl1nrg=ul .' .k'.E |'\ \`|.7`LI1.`hL\Ac- :; : _.. 5,l"J\/I 1 VIII!- '~Lr Them shall. he _:uhu said Dcbenttnwszv cjoltjnons 1`- un`cn*' of the intc-re:~ut. half _\'1. -the '-unfcncy of {hp sud-l_ wlnich (.'.;\ll_)()1).S gdmll he mad the nicx-' hf` u: 511111:-;l'V `Tom-ut'(o, mi tin; Iivstj ul:n_\'_ut' - Hi1'xl -1z~y_ol'J;xnu-.u-_\'. in ~:n"l- 1- 5. It aha}! he: tIv.dI't,_\- U` for Nu: mm Mzixlg by flue.-f"urv1 the .--um-tiuu of this `..7uHur vy l`I'?$(!l{11.iL:1l Lu IIML '_ .I_|Zl`, and 'r:nt::1- H14: aid Ilvl-."nl of L54-_uu:5 Lu u: will .\ul'|.h -` $\'u.}' TV3oxu;"u.:n_\', :1! ..-zun-Ii tin g....I. H... ..u ..:-....:.n!. ..v. up. -1:`: ;;gu-'4-.1 llyoln, flu: mu- c_.:uwnt. as tu S.f:lL.11)lI-5. M 41151 upp`lir.-.-atvionx,-1 2_I1'\:5`,-311'] the 1L1')C4`(" ::`nont't1\,,- onsmlctim xy-.'u_' xlf;n'(:s:nid, actor: l in n_\ agrecnlents rv.-Iutin-,_r 7l'i::zt ft.-I` the 1-v.1)-'p4z.~<` i1 wu %.9.T.,'..9.:, A "Cartwright; so also of such an ignorant , fugp, they find no wny__to C.'>"i.p(.`. Let , `alien: alone, already sunk to thcir navels ' _ ':4.`litt!e longer and exgcn ttheiril '-ads will , disappear out of sight and ':enringg. , Hedge school-masters without ed;..r-ution and training, they forget that Jmhing _ but decent acquirementn and ability to . public ridicule,` and bhfore long the 5:-- or empty-nmueu, lgnorani uemaguguw - and political nonentities. ~lIis bitter, t his ungrateful, `unrelenting foes have i usurped his place, having sucoeeded.there- s to by :1 system of chicanery and fraud 1 never before paralleiedyin the history of c party. In Opposition greater than when_ 1 wielding the reins of -power, he calmly `l watches the ignorant blunderersfwho oc- ~c cupy his place. patiently, quietly hiding 1 his time. True it is that whom the 1 gods destroy they first make mad, and 1 so of such a nancial montrosity as_Mr.' 1 1 1 1 brassy pomposity "us the empty-headed ehatterer, Alexander Mackenzie, yclepcd the Premier of Canada, and so of the chance:-y-lawyer, E. Blake, whose Odjllti-. tutional law is a parody upon his consti- tutional blundering. Insulting when in . Opposition, these men `are positively of- -: funsive in power, [equally wanting in - common sense as they are lacking, in .~ ability to conduct tl; nhirs of the coun- \ country, and destitm:-. to absolute her. A renness, of the sirnplext kind of gentlity and good breeding. ' Voxed because they lack the statesman ship necessary to qu;'mlif_y' them to rule the Dominion of U:1nnl.~a, created and established by the st.-stesmanship and wisdom of Sir John. _A. Macdonald, they are _'p(-tulant and irascible because the very -ground they thought they stood upon is nothing but quicksnntl, wheie, having tai. ~n their re; govern will he ucoeptablu to on i1 1t(.lli-u gent, educated and prosperous peoj."'*. Soon--even now thev are the butt . dignation of a discerning people will. . drive them forth without mercy or con- . sidc-mtion. , _` V z.-.,v...;;.,%;.:;a..,;..\ ,1 "Wu: "l'Io'n.uo, I.;cfI'v:;l-> v 'n:.'.: ...-u dun} I-sill-I1 r s:`|i01 In nuuu (`Onc- Vfixly. y, this. 16-H u il Wu.` I Di uua: uuxulllltylu U1 35- B12130!` ueneral 01 the B1-iti.-ah army. {It is evidsnt, however. Llmt some .of the Cabinet have brains enough to know that originality in law making is not their forte, for the Elec- tion Bill" is a `copy of the English Act; clause by clatlsenvith a few _tri_ing aJte r,- ationa to suit this P1v`vin'co;_;;a.ndTtV'ne Uanfosxhed Eleni-.inn nan" :. 1.` nntur M` g inrompctency of the present Ministry _ `rises to ask for the receipts of the Treas- . to ask for the` iss.1`1f6 of n..Roya.l Com- 7 Incompetent. and insolont will be the verdict of the futare in this the __rst session of the Grit Parlia.inen_t.. Although our Spring trade is paralyzed by the Budget of Mr. Cartwright, the un- really, still all remains in statue yuo. Our Merchants, Manufacturers _ and Farmers, of every` szhade of politics, have expressed their entire disapproval of the increased tu.:cnt-ion proposed, and their belief that there is no earthly necessity for it, except that the extravagance and makes it neccSB:u'y to inict the iinposts upon us ; and still the M_inist1'y have given no Aer?`-aiii sound `as to their in- tentions, or wlieller the Budget isto be modied or not -; imd w"nen`Dr. Tuppor ury from the first totlie 20th or themesent month, he iscrowded down by an insolergt Ministry, aided by (1. subserviexxt Speaker; and on another occasion, when informm tinn was asked, both the `Premier and Mr. Blake refused it in insolent terms, for yvhig.-la they werepromptly taken to task by Sir John `A. Mncdonald. V But little progress has been made in other matters, the most notable being the abrogation of property qimlifieation of menibers, and the doing away with Now- ination a"l.ays" in elections, which We think a pity, as they rarely did harm, and often gave to the le interesting ; political information, rltziie Committee appointed to take evidence as, to the causes of the North-West troubles, have I abandoned enquiry as to the Riel insure 4 rection, 33,11 are conning themselves to the gmf3tV question,,a.nd have decided . mission. The only other .'.'``'t`- '_"` 0f 5m ; portance which have engaged t-heatteifftlni 1 of the House, are the announcement of I the Preniier that it Military School is to ` be established, and that it is to be under , ,. ii-E `f'`9~Dd Of 8iM:1jor General of the - B1-itmhnrmv `Tr. in m.:;I....L 1. .... ..'.. " HU~noN_ ANp`oN'TA1z1:... ' syn? ' I -C'_ANAL._ RA-ILWAY PARLIAMENTARY. I1 t. 1: `n<:r lsonrunu A_DI'A_uul,;}rI1pn:nuu In Iuuw place, you must take 8. deep interest in everything that relates to the prosperzty ` seen of your little \ what I have town, I should infer that you, as well as resident there, would be interested know something about the opinions which are formed by a. stranger visiting 3a.i'rie`for the that time. It is fm: this reason that I thought -I would take `ad- vantage the rst leisure hour at my dis- to commit(my,.though,ts to paper ask you topublish the same if they worth anything or worthy, a place in columns of the Northern Advance. ` . ,1',,!|_-.. .1_- -4. `I1 ' .`-'9' - v, ->- ----_v - -a 3[lI~I one of (W; tilleihitndsoinely situated Town of Barrie. Whether you make any such pretensions or not. as the Proprietor and Editor of the staunch Liberal Conservative newspaper, the n..-.....-`.. A.....'..... ... .l.I:g1-ma! in t'hn.t.v an Ivan gums. no 11. uappenzg no me mere -rpoliticim and demagogue. Where are `the Eeors of political peddler.-3 who ' _ g'm.sped- power during the early days of ' England's modem aaoendapcy! W'heu _ pulre-minded and honest jIIh`i9tJs were contending on sea. and On land agaigst ,_ -the anemia of England. building up" the . V oolonsl empire,-on which tho 'snn_.never sets, `tied! `chatrltans, -like Mackenzie ~ _ mm nah" Nna-.'+_:ll `in. ;..;.:;._ ` ` L Q .. EE`.xg sf ~ ` " Sam , yuanuuu vu `lull! PR9`!-VW IBCOHQ toga, if your biinla wouid only heath- themsolvsn, and" dfsplay some dogma of jenta risqin` making im ` vemonts and 'o1i1it21)emfing` `the tefprfrontge. The .iaur:fa.!,1!'J " mtity 9!" the wave:-_ of`Lake Simo;oe.V?i; ,`::itn_z,s:a5l ofthe sicu- L ationgj Laidftha " i.i::;;i"z;o;.;,v';;.=;;f .;;.g;;;p+. Nolrmnln ADYAFOl,;pI1bh8hOd in ' u-Jana unn nvnurf. n`!!! a damn In i the `Lake and .1'A|'3\io, uv uavuywwty "I9 I thing to arrest the attentaon or please the eye". Higher up alongthe edge of of the` rising ground on a more northern Uxp Qq awunpwanl Anu- street are the Fsosbytsri ind EPiS0' pal Churches, the -latter a. substantial nnd somewhat presentaible .structure._. but. the former looks as if it had been bum 3-: stilts. These churches we bux.l_t withma few 4-at of each other. and 4 *` --`on - was informed that the "hm on sun 8A.. __ days while the ordinary sexvioes are being `conducted is easy to be heard vices by" both congregations so near to- gether are thebuildings. Fartlierion is the Public School House. This is :yneat,sub- stantial and reallycreditablelookiug build- ing," and, in Inyopinion, the,0n1y public ' building in. Barrie deserving of notice. The Court House,'higher up, is not alto- gether a. `handsome building; and the County Registry Oice would be a. dis-' ` grace `to a log village. Bad as tl_1es.e- buildings are the Gaol and sun-oundings * are innitely worse, and although situ- ated on the highest and most. eligible` site, it is, and it looks as it is, .9, down- right plague spot and eyevsoreto the ob ` server. The Market "House, built of :1 red brick, and equally well situated, if ornamented with vetandnhs and a genu- 1 ine town cloqk ,i.nstead'of n.-painted one, ` might esupe 'qriti_:ism. Having refer- 1 red to-these publig there is'no- `A thing else worth writing about inABa`rrie. 1 , It is unaccountabje to a -stranger risiting `Barrie why. your officials are so 4` careless about `your ' Public Barrie is situated so vell,aLnd eox,unmm{3_ I swell an extensive and beautiful view of fl , _ ' mnntry that : itgmustbo nothing but stolid blindness i indilibrence. to our interests that in-_ev enta _svfr_o_m;mski'ngthg 1} mo'st"of"your ' ' .3` A` In. the frst p1Ta`<':eV \.v'1;'a-itzzt -'1'-;k~e-s the at- i tention 0 9. stratiger most o`n"approa.ch- ing the charming site.9'_f_ A_.ll_andale Rail- way Statidn is the beautiful fsheet of , water which lies quitly nest1ed.,in thej curve of share torming the head of Ko=m- S . penfeldt Bay, em. its gradually sloping = `banks mupa age cur11_i1?a -uresoen or` 9. moon, rem an e the Town of Barri, gdistant over the water about of 3. mile,` looks as if_ the houses were uilt on 6. series of terraces 4_-,.i!__. .-_, ALL. -'-Vl .L_.J_ `J... 6;. LL45 uouseswere 011110 011 it Buttes U1 uvrnsvrao 4 exten ' from th'ev'in.ter s.edge to the ` high Ian above. It the day is ne and ' the sun shining brightlyit would the dif- cult to find a. more lovely prospect. The waters of the Isahle--it was ice when 4 I visitedthe spot-stretching away in an easterly direction as far asthe eye could reach. On either hand the banks seemed to be covered from the water to the horizon with a dense forest of timber, a.nd,as the shadow of night gradunllyshut out the distant objects like the fall of a. cur- tain, the beauties of the scene disappear, but over against the observer hundreds of clear bright lights twinkling like stars, ~_ indicates where the Town of Barrie is giving these signs of life and bustle = which are inseparable from all dur mod~. .. em towns. - q u g . - n us 1: any n Luci. Just before dark :1 long train of cars, pushed backwards, was observed ap- proaching Allandale round the curve :11- lucled to. In a. few minutes it came to 21 stand still at the A1_landa1e`Station, and then, in a few minutes more, another train of cars, this time drawn by the locomo- tive ahead, was observed rixttling a.wa._v over the same track, sweeping in graceful bend round the curve, and in a minute or two more the train of cars might be ob- servad stzmdiug still. at the Barrie Sta.~ tion of the Northern Railway. I cannot- dwell at this time on the natural beau- . ties 01 this locality, `but before parting company with Allandale I cannot Help` saying to the tourist zmdlothors bent on sightseeing that they have not seen the beauties of Canadian scenery without; visiting this charming spot. ' I ,_, E ' .__._ ,. -4 l'\__,._:- :.. LL- J-__I___....... -1` I-V3 JUUI IGFITIIIUGVAVW, V.` I L u,1_L\LlQsII, Esq., be excepted, tl;ereT1s actually no- thina fn an-mat u: ntfnnfinn m- nlmum II` ill!` I HUUEKIV U]-IV HLIULUCL \Il U]-LU IJOIIIAU Hotel, situated within a few rods of the Station. This hotel is one of the finest and best managed countryihouses it has been my `lot to visit; but as there are other hotels in your ambitious town which I was informed were equally com- modious I must refrain from passing any invidious remarks. After aycoinfoi-table night's rest I arose, and while performing the necessary toilet arrangements ' to make a. presentable` appearance at break- -fast, I was obliged to stop _ several times to take a look at the magnicent View which presented, itself from my bed-room Window. A Overlooking, the Lake, with Allandale in `the distance, and the almost endless strings of cars passing to and from Toronto on the Northern Railway, it wasfimpossible to avoid expressing on_e`s edxnii-ation of the locality. So, anxious to 889 more this place, I strol- led out ufterbreakfast and `wandered up and down, hither and thither, enjoying the prospect. Unfortunately, and I may add, to the disgrace of the authori- ties both of the Town of Barrie and County of Simcoe, no advantage haebeen taken of the natural beauties of the site to improve the appearance not the town i itself, Your principal street can boast , of a few respectable lwlisea and shops, l but away (from, this, if -the Post`-office and Bank of Toronto, erected,I was told, by your representative, W. D.rA_rdagh, Fun; in am-nntn tltnrnin nnf.-nn.llv nn. ` ----~.V.-a xv... V...---..-.- -.L._ 'vv . An-iving at Barrie in the darkness of night, I sought the shelter of the Barrie Ilinvn` 'ah1oh:r] '4 Hnin a cam 1-11.41: nf tho j `iuxparted instruction to their Jgyupjh us} much by resorting to corporeal punishment as by persuasion, theywvex-e` _._e.s much hatedns feared by-tlacir hope- ful or gruceless pups. Occasionally Arhqi the master failed to make his pupile . oouldnot comprehend himself, although `fortied byba. .wel1-thumhcd key, he ex- , pected them to learn it at any rate, and `times if any particular boy happenedto A understand his studies in consequence of .' mentsj he became the white-headed boy. oinments, for, in that case, the chances ` were thetimes ih.-at school teachers knew ' parissh clerg_s`m=.m or the priest conde- ~ -o record their names as Visitors. Ha I ! stripe attempts to rule by dint of brazen` ` V thing else. than mere shame, he fell: luzcl: i with unabashed eifrontery pl'esllllhB5 to _ able to impart informntion, I shall dole 9 i _he oometh. As for you Sir John, annl l Iii"-the goo a old times urhen "school! understand a problem which he possibly when they failed, as they were almost pure to fail `ninety-nine times out of _ery hundred, he put them down in his eck list as, incorrigible dances. At, other possessing euperiour natural abilities, ox from any other cause, so long as he kept within the limits of his master's attain- Itiwae imprudent, however, forsnch, a one to attempt going beyond those at- werc that his master would, make him ,a butt for ridicule, or by systematic perse- cution drive him from the school. Those no superiors in lo:-..rning except when the amended to visit his humble school-mom times I Glorious old days ! gone so fa.1'_ns pedagogneism and arrant humbug is con- cerned. Not gone however, so long 9.5 the modern school of politicians and po- litical demagogues are in the aecendant. Like the school-master 0f'?.l1ClOI1lf- times the modern politician of the Mackenzie. faced audacity ind guonnpous vanity. Like the hedge school-master, `when re quired to expiain his policy or his objects as ix afraid least his logic orhis knowledge should expose his education zmd his qualications for etatesmanship to be no upon his egotism and his ignorance. and cnstigatc his superiors, Trust, me to be _ on honest man, exclaiurs this irate pom-. posity, so long as I xetai.n force by the eupport of my obedient Grits, subservi- ent Rogues and disloyel annexationists, ' when it is neither convenient nor desir- it out just as it suits my convenience. What cure I to: Sir Jolm A. Muodomild or the Hon M Mitchell or any other man`? Is not the `Globe at my back, and is not the wandering political Huck Blake over ready to luniich out his angry suncasms, and` his meaningless law. 1 A.le:_mnder Mackenzie, the pure minded, e8Rn'cti.nonious, ever-fai.'.hi'ul `henchmen of the Iionoralwle George Brown, by ac, cident Premier 01-.(7uniu.l-u, the high and mighty ruler of these serviie ,:'upp01`tr:1"a'. I, of my own will eu._y- to thieixmm, go, and and he goeth; to anmtlier, come, and you Mitchell, and you, and you my life- long political omouente, I . lmtc you. I despise you, { f-';::i' you not. 1 love 'ou not, tl!(`l'6f()1'Clih'lu and obey, etalull in we and tremble. I 1..-. ... n 2, ...1,... :.. .'...._A... AI. _-`._.._-----q---.-----_ itcc.61I0uUmtc. 5,.-- A A ;..~,,. uqus bpou uxr nuv uuuuuw um.-nu 1 When I visit Barri: sitin and ' hope; tau. learn that _yoi1rpri'spondont huh publioutfabntion to your \ _ beo.utifnlly1ituated.'.l`qwn in vain. ` Yam-`-, ti-nlv. eaqim `}aois"ii;t11'?`I When I Barr L--- L- I-___ LL- T ED-Wlllllll DEV] BUM Illltflllu Luau: Th9 T`"1 0.`m`1'Vm m` `t' The Cexitml Drug Store of Mevsrs.` `Monday night. ` . _ ` ` Watson is 00., takes the lead in Per- There will he a gmnd oncning of the fqmery,_ Hair-reatorati'v.es," pad Teeth - Couchiching Hotel, Orillia, sonic tima. cleansing and boautifyers. D6n t take our thn Ltlzfnr mu-f. nf Maw .1-nnni far it Imt. an inning Fm vnnl-nalves. ti: "1I`o`.T'?,`;;e 3`1_'1ayf" T -_L ___A 1'-.. .._,_., A . Vluua, EVZV V0-.|-' uuu IIIEIULIJIIIB. JJUII D Dllnv vu- ` word for it, but go, judge for yourselves. . Look owtor your Auaument 5 r The Ki1ig~ofvTeas; `Groceries-, and see to it that theynr all right, 305. : ibnsand Liquor Merchants in this good! if not make them so at the Court of R_e- I town of Barrie, is undoubcledly the King vision. " . T . - " of_thefVV`es!: Eng! Store, Front. Street, rm_.-__ L..- I__... `_~._,_ Q2 LL- 2.. .._z. 1.... mu -nu} 56` +1.. Q}-.-c l.....l:.... on Q:rI\r\:nI'| l -r"."`4 `fV.'$` J _ $P_`.l`.` ._.l`E,lY_.9._ tn: _.m.1t.1} thinks we e `ww V9- /.l}.`.1!.I. Canada, but we don't think um widlt. Those inatituqima `have never undecided either in pi`, thy ._ T1 rebemot ;+-M-teen; or Vpnchihena of the` Hall. on *i'#1`8d#y.;tlie23z~d.3h1t. Ta; . `man . :'`-'I.- -__ JL; ,; ` r Luwac pLum:> wuulu muulp auxu S"V 1! Sir John AL Mucdonuld, us loader oi` Llu-' Government, hzid even ventured t.u.zLsk the House of Commons for appropx-ia~ tions u'itl1o11t explaining. The Glob , Mackenzie`. Blake, and even Patterson usf Bra._nt wouid froth with fair madness for weekswere sag}; a thing even at tempted. With the re,` economic;-.`z and sanctixnouious` ~1\ ackenzie faction, however, nothing is too prepos'.3ro}1s, nothing boo extravaga.nt, so long" as they sequin money fuxVa.uy pm-pope,_ pu:blic A or privamc, the motive, the objoctgvex-y -thing in fact is legitimate, -and odxfrct. "`I saw the wicked pxoxspor like a green `bay xtree said a statcsuuu: ofald, yet a. little avhile and I passed. that K 9.13] behold `it In gone. So it hap T _ to the nnrl Rninnunnnn `XTL-...."...... uau, uu. unursuuy, pne Z6111 `tub. The M9 -fA?`!"`=*#=% has ?*1= when; i am ` ` V4 _Was};ingt,on, tohegotiate a" Reciprocity ' .-Cl`x:e9._t.y,.is said to be a ifailule.` We . The"Honi.VGeo1-go Bi-own s mission to never did thin]; `that the way, in this instance, sent to the rim pine, * A my wtimoniosw debnfe Wk vlme; last week, in W? Btih l.1f'|!1i8'1t; re.lwtiV_9 *0 the M9 di.59< !.'?f which "was denounced byispme .mel!lbet,q .s_.v;;; ximoh warmth. Mr. Gladstone v. ; in a. bittervapeech, atythe cloaks qlzgvhidz helefbthe House.` ` *' _ Goldwin ;'. ..;'.e7v.'-' in [There Has been `some efvtlie:nest het- xing caught along" the shores of Kmpen- feldt Bay this spring,'that Av_ve ever re- member seeing. T`I'__._,__ , , n I - """"" `TD' V . Horsesare running at large` in on!` streets,` endangemxg the lives and per- `sons of our juvenile populzstion. Where is our Town Innpecbo 1'-.. rm__:_, :_ __,. ._-._,1. _1__._ -1 n.- -~ v-~- -v--.. _....rvv-v.- ICE.--Thei'e is not much show of the ice making a move out of our Bay at present. The weather has been too cold `for anything of that kind to` happen. T Wnirnb; --A_ Bu'oon-insordinkn-y, to gthe Town of Barrie. ' Application nqzed not be sent to the Joint Sccck concern, {A clever court fool would be preferred. - _ `Farmers are ` apprehensive that the recent severe, frosts, in. the abseno _ of snpw, may have seriously damaged ethe Fall Wheat. _' ' ` V V ___?_` __-..- ..`.....u. uvuuv vn nun `HID. It seems probable that Canada" will ~ have the largest immigration to her shoves this summer that she has ever lmd ' There is hothihg,nhofe as` yet to be said relative to the death of Mr.` Need- ham, re{erred to in our last, as the result of the examiho.tion'of the stomach is not yet given. e T . n_____1_ 11---..- .._ net- -.`_._2...-...-..... -,_.. - -_ _."....u-uuuu.-.nvanvv - 5 I President Grant's veto of; the: Inflation Bill, is giving goneral satisfaction, and is hg most popular event of his rule. >'TL ......_... .._._`_l_-I,I nu J Irv ..u v..- V QvnN s Bxmnon._-a'1`ha anniversary of the Queen : birthday will soon 'be here. What is to be done then ! `The St; Andrew's Society will have lots of fun in the Barrie Race Course. Couldn't our Town Council add a little to the dny s enjoyment by giving 9. t-rie? gr 1-3` .,, _ :1 uL1u;g;c1 In 1 ;uvA_ua vvulnn, ll-llll \;Uk1\` sparrow of his l\Iiniot.;-y, asked C-1|(`i{Oll.`%(l A when in Committee of Supply, on Friclny . evenin last to vote bliridi * irn.rinus sum.~.~ g 9 J of money, mnountiug in the aggregate, as the Hon. Mr. Mitchell said, to more tlmn one million of dollars. Just be! cause Sir John A. Mm-doxialcl and the B01101-able M. Mi.-*.el;ll, on the Opposi- tion benches, asked the very natural qucstioxi \'i1I\f-.8110)! large stuns of money were asked for without .9Ip18.111ti0i1S_. Mr. Mackenzie rose in his place and be- rated Sir John. in his customary coarse, 'i'i1lg:Lr, not to say l)1'11iral, s'._v_le, and refused in give him any infornnatioxi. When `reminded by Sir John A. Mac- clormld, in his l1:`lbit\lkl~H_\' blnxixl and coir ` cili-abory style of siclrlrcss, t-hut. his ques- `M0115 did not demand such an exhibi- tion of spor:s;_. the grem`.-bn.i'king-watch- dog Blake? sprz'.1`.;_1' from his kennel to the-. full length of Li clmin ;_m roared, wit}; ;=rrinning_ ii`-viii and hissing venom, tlml -?*i1`J_ol1n not only knew that his "(pies `Lions slmu3.l not lie put, but that the Premier v-mid not answer thern without .~.ompx`0mising tlxo Hon. {em-go Brown in his J1ngol;i9.l:nns with the An1ei'i<`-mi Govern1rn>n! mien-t` the canternpl.-itexl l'rr.:.sty of Heciprccit-_v.' f:l't was :1 do.-light `ful scene to wit.ncss the Hon. A. Mai-, . kenzie, the Fvemier of {'1,ax_~,~;:(l.-1., :n_=ul le.` Proton - iyliite - ivashod - Bk:-kn guasliisggi their 4:-etli in very mge iiczcailse tlu,-5 p111'+'.g minded Mackenzie wants-Tl a. million 01 the money belonging `to l1_e' people 51 Caliada, tnxcxpend in the utopian pm _.jects.o{`t12c Government without conde- -scending so explain {or What this large ~ [amount of money was required.- How these })u!'ia`i-;~' would stamp and swear i! Sir John A` WY-mtinnnlrl nu i..m.L..- 2.1` 11..., `V i V-i`l1[Veaa`:a }'oeakor ;)f the House. of Anseiribly in Nqva Sootia, has been arrested on `a charge of embezzlement. 11..--` I. 1 t Qxu:u.u'xox.--,A sermon was preached against cremation, in I_-Iamil't`o_n, last $"n . ,1, . `. ... _..' - Railway. - isi`.'1}.ryages has resigned his oice of} llangiging Director of the Grand Trunk ._._._-__- -... -..-. --4 w-awvau o I C-)1-'t;on vs. Tichgome is not to have a new trial granted to him . ' I-.________ _7 , .'v. - :l`he lieent iIe:1:,kep: by Mr. Ewan, o`ers some rare attractions fox-our town and country belles, in the shape of ladies goods of evexy descriptnon, style and; pattem, and of the latest fashion.`-- Cheap! very cheap! -\n._._.____ 1': , 1 n1 1'1-'_1r__.:-t-.. )- Ma.rrin.& `B;'os., as_ usual. are up to time. and ca.n t and won t be beat by any house in the trade, either for quality or cheapness -give them a ,ca1_l. - nu -.- -nu . . . - The Fieids.--This s th,0 rI3_1 t;ha_.*_:| keeps all sort of agricultural inplemints, and the Webster Sewing Machines, yvhich, it is said, distance: 9.11 competi- tors: . ` . ' I M1-.`McNabb, of Clothing Emporium fame is, we are happy to learn, doing a. gushing business. He can't do too well for he desgrvsssv it nl,1; go ggt ttpd, _a.;,x; ladies, go look at His dry" goods, d1'os.s goods, &c., &c. ` ' "_'"l." ' ""J ."""l.' ' ' ,`MILITABY.--Li8l1t. Col. McKenzie has written a very able letter to the on the state of our Militia, and suggests several metlxods of improving the same. We hope the Government of Ot.tawa,has brains to understand his suggestions, and honesty enough to carry them into e`e<:t. ,QUjNN vs. S\."r1wn'1.Amn.--After a six days trial, Judge A1-dagh has given judgment on this case; and has unseatcd Mr. `Sutherland on" the ground of bribery and corruption on" the part of himself and._his supporters, and ordered him to pay a-l1,the costs, and `he is, no doubt, disqualied and disfranchised for two V yea:-s.--Serve him right. ' - A tr - war 9 1 1 1 A, unuu auu utxnuon. not nu `the genius rd 9; Pitt andre` patriotism of a Pool V boldly political morality `and mum. V , _, did Egxglandriueto. ~ V ` ' 2"`-n-" . Any approach to the Beef of Old England` is a luxury to the Englishmen` in Co.nud.a.. Almost.bare' bones are generally the substitute {orebeef at this _time of the year ;. but wundexihg through the market promxscuously the other diiy, We saw on the stall of. Messrs. Beardsley & Partridge some ne beef"t_=qual to anylorought out at gut Chtisttnas Shows, which we found out came -from the stables of Robert Simpson, Esq. Besidesthe gentlemen above refeneu to, we understgnd Mr. D. King, of the West End Tea. Store, and Messrs. Powell axe, retaving the same clasw of Beef. ' The Mutual Improvement Associa- tion, in connection with the Presbyterian Chumh, still` contiutlesattractive, and has formed a. committee of seven to at- tend to the matter of Sabbath desecra- tion. W'e trust those appointed will do their duty fearlessly, and see, at least, that the laws of the land are not violated. av '""" 'U"" A Young Men s Churchnmn s Associ- ation has been formed in "Barrie, The otcersV.for the cu_1-rent year are, Presi- dent, the Rev. E. Morgan ; Vice-Presi- dent,. E. S. Lul1_/, Esq; ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Robinson ; Librarian, T. H. McVittie. A meeting. will be held next Tuesdav evening, at 7 :30, in the Pgrochial School House, when a constitution and by-laws will be sub- mitted. The Indian famine is aiaating. f\nl>nn Ann "`:;.LL........ 1.. .__L L, }ToEZ?r2ms. `J whims. { ge;..m:" > . _... .......:.. T non-anlr ant` 'nu..n tannin II`. `nit: wnv and {nu Iunirnw Bil 1>_y.>|\_:vvuf us vu-run ` Y8 ' mum ;,'::.'..-.:=,:::.*`s.=:.?.';': :.`:.:1:=:`;::; . ?`A:gz?sa$:%:`*9-' ` I i:ie_;io1qe,aggIen; : Prgg-5, 25 My 2 nd mo shame : Q9 wruljg . nnntib U. .n. Jgczuuun nu}: 3.yuo_gL.-In Inf eveg,tenor of Ins way, and 13- holdmg Inn on agdmi; all comom. The uason why :4` `an .4}. Han hank. nf hum, and Tlie ' " 2;;eu*%'& co, have long been ruiowned the exogllnt E ' qimlxty ftheir grooerigs, proviaibmg. ` wines and liquors, and for th cheaipnoss atwhich they sll them. That's so." ' I 124--.... vuie. will-.98-_-'-'36!!! I; omilnriygr sgppl; of nclecmn ml! hue ogIr_:o1aebo:tIere1g. "I newer saw anything all o~w,ll'gnoi $1: agch gcnerglutiglgctionz" J.`Thgltg_I, ` .oc-dim? "?Iriu_og-8e__ni_ ngopomonoro` Oil: vglldrlll V` lhD.IltunI:` \u_ uuq _n can any pipru, rwuy. gnvnvwrp corner of the Street leading to` Sxmpson 8 : Brewery Remember thgt fact. ` ` ` __ 1-- -.... g aggqcmtmm taken of he many Ieue.-r; t t `vc, _-cu rcve {pom i rent pn ta 0 Canada, whlc'.', YI_eb.t1:inln,-;s_hou!d be Inn`! ' _ng to expel; I e ' `t'jk" p . 1.0011 fol Shun, 0nt.,lLnEnp mi 40,6. Q1.` Juan Belts!-rit.=Qi!. la%'9.l9!d,1ii1-!M?r0.=II rim 1 v 7' am: Ir ms . ml fob` W2. 11120132 , 0` Fr in gag has :11 the agent left, it acts! `a I &Inn-;- 3, 31; slow n.:'at, hnt`RtakQ|`apln _, ynow " B.` ` R7. 0010' 9fIous,`writc`s,pk . onnrd 6.d,-me , Thomas '1I'cln:t'rIo:0il;I am n'c_n'rly out ; IN :3..- ......r- .-_-ya vuunsuu ,yuuur:u.3ulung- ' 'l.'n6I 0!l0W- ' high! ' ended by {;:Q_j!<;I.I;;9';;-~ I [ ville, writ_eI-'!30 Bela.-e.m.n' hi! 1` Jun... .'..a-;=..-... :.:.....*'.l;'-9`-f - `i~i;'Z{v.. {.1&71;{sZn}Ei.1;1:Ix{;*a;y, mi 1. good piano, melode :n or organ, and a. e No. I Sewing `Machine; and the place `to getrhhom is at~Vnn Tassel-65 Morgan s,.- their musical instruments and sewing .......L2_._ ....4. L1u`L JAAJ gun:-I pa`-nnnnn -- E1.so'nuom'l Tuonus Exousron Ecuonuc Om! ~Won1-n Tau Tune In Wines: in GOLi'a.- Pain cannot way when it is used. It is the cheapest medicino ever made. One done cures cuuunon sore throat. -One bottle but cured bronchitis. Fifty cents worth halt cured an old standing cough. 1; _'poai2ively -cures .Oatu1-rh, .AI_thms-_dn.t`0rohp. . }?ifty cans yyorth .haai on}-ad ofick in Ih1)auk;_tnd'tho'na.dr, qungity ULIUII` luunusux Lunlvl ulncuva auu uv mnohinesauve both good and cheap. 111--- 1,, ,,.L 1__-.__'I -1.` AL. I. pmxu, WEI? lllis EHO With `dcbtand taxayion. Not till `the genius Pitt and at . p....|. _._-V~r. Wno hat not heard of the [>2-ave Nelson? We think our Barrie Nelson, of Lhe Nelson House, must be a lineal descendant o the hero, for he has lung waged a sucoessful warfare against honoply imd highprioee, and: has; Oome . out victorious in.the ghlp.` _ T . Hunter.-+Nimrod was 9, fanious huntn ' er inhis day, and-we haven Hunter in Barrie who successfully -`hunts up the best and cheapest Teas,.Groceri_ee, T ro- vimons, Wines and Liquors to be got this or any other side of Toronto. This unber keeps the Canton T Shore. ."tf-__1__._,._ 1171.- 1.-- ._-a. 'L._.__.:| ...t' a.--uavw. -~-r- u... -v_ _ ..-- `Henderson.-V?Vl:;-`has not heerd "of the fame of our friend Henderson? He is noted for keeping the largest, beat ant} cheapest stock of Hardware to be found. in this or any other section of the coun- try. He locateeon Dunlop Street, oppo- site the Northern Railway Svtntiongn _ ._-.._ __ I__:.. --_..`I ,. The beautiful spring now is he're,'and we would advise one and all to` y our Photographic `Artist, Mr. Step e_mi, 9. visit-. It is `good for sate eyes to see` his Picture G:_a.llery 5 and what's better stglll, it does our frioncls eyes good tdg` 1468 our photos, when taken by him, they are so life-like and natural. ' ' Frau! me nxem xenon.-57"` 13- Uur `alert Drysdale correspondent sends us the following: The tug Duty, which left Goderinh h=ti'b,ir on the 1.5th ' inst. was making her way under the command of her owner, Captain S Talisman, and six men, out into the lake for the purpose ot settingsome . sh-tiets, and is, st thg moment on "writing, in an tee-thrail, about two miles from Hayeld. It is impossible for them, when thus surrounded, to move either one way orthe other. There is no water to be seen on the lake as far as the eye can reac-, so yon; readers may form some opiuiqri of the position of. vessel when surround- ed with ice. Nolittle exeitementwas caused on the shore when the pe|'il.:ua position of the boat and crew became known. Suggestion etter 8lIgges!]c.n followed in quick succession fee to the most probable meeiis.of= rendering :is-. sistance. At last word was sent to Goderich of their peril, and inquiries _rriacle,wi_ien it was aspertainoq tltttl the Duty hhd left Goderigh with cep- tain and crown! six, and only one meal each, Assistance was immediately dtsp-ttehed, with it limited supply or lood, whieh passed here by stage. It was the intention of those philanthrop- ists when opposite to where the tug li to take a skiffand tgorli: their way on _, between tghe ees, but whjeii they erritted at the beach four of the tug : crew had worked their way` to lgnd, lmlslnirver oarewern and tired. when they relate the tqliaw-iug` ram. with those given above; They had beg two days out on the lake, and having eaten `whatever they [had on .boa;d, were foreedtto ration themselves on liallnnv I-nhinh than l'|l\;`A4' J... ..-..__ nu _ wvnw Ivlvuu u: uuluu IIIUIIISIQIVCS OI] tallew, which they bailed in soup, 'l`hs=, quantity allotted to'e aoh man was one cupful night and morning; `After re- freshing themselves the men ataried ! beak. , The ixact siiiitiiihera to get the Agricultural Implements and Sewing Machines, that's the most important question just now "with farmers and housekeepers. . An answer is very easy, and straight to the mark: Purvis `Bros, is the exact spot to get suited. These Agriculturalt Implements, are of the Abcll make, which are, without doubt the best in the Dominion, and their Sewing Machine speaks for itself. Don't forget to pay Purvis .1: Bros. a visit at once. VVoo{l._--Byron knew :2. thing oxtwo, but he did 1_1t know `everything, or 111: wouldn't have 1aved- about the pathless -woods. We know of a. Woods that you need'nt go into the pathleuo woods _to find. He holds forth in the Medical H211, Dunlap Strezt, Barrie ; and is re- nowned for keeping the best of toilet ar- ticles, oomplexiou beautifiem, and all things` requisite for life's enjoyment in his line. He also keeps the purest of Drugs and Chemicais, and compounds medicines in the most skilful manner. THE HORRORS or THE WAVE.- THE 'l`L'O DOT? ICE ROUND IN IAKE HURON. Fmm me mum Tcmu.- April 23. llnr `nlnll I'\I-unduln Wttu I/Au: h'fIgl'b 4IlUl'uu\-tvv .-u..u,nu;u1.u;x In reply, we have to inform you that Mr. Mackenzie, the Prmniur of Canzulzu is'fo]- l0wingV up the same tactics in the D0- minion Govelmment that hp 1_'r.~sox-tx:d.1'.o when }mu1o'ng with E. Blake Hl11ll1l(1cl`(`(l the surplus 1-e\'cnucl`cfI.Tin the On t.n1'io Treasury So can-efully :1.cc1unu1:n';eu1 by the econpmitaal :()"(I7"l)IJlent of` tin: late lamented J. bmvllield .~\'Iz`u.-(lmxalul '51).) 1|. Finance l\1i11ist}r .u,$ sixes-u11 seve!is;Vso far as the 2'e-ntjmngem.-nt of the Tari` is` conmmed, Mr. M:uiken7.i as Minister of Puhlic Works, and A cock- .1.-I.:_ '7lvf. ..- ,I..`|-...1 .1... 1'l'-.`.A..