J mlle . OO00AS.-- Eppsv . Taylez-'3. r I "' Ware kgptoonafantly on hind or mad to order. All sorts ofjobbing in the r'l1'I"|`Y/`:1 r1rr\-71-1-'-gar 1`. . -. ...v rauuvv, BAYFI_l-I-.D STREE lnnnalog u; -.....- nnaml .....a A 2....-- xv- ,.u, AT B I RD S', OF THE NEW BRICK BLOCK. zzmaw 5 5; Mon. The stock 15' lm-x'e, and em- - braces . _ uau\I\a.y EVERY snls & MAKE. Burris. Nov. 6th, "l3._ ORDERS PRDMPTLY ATTENDED TD, , . and all any-It nllnl-nhfnn On BRICK BLOCK, DUNLOP S PRFIi`.'l`, m innde out of the beat Scotch Pigzlton. ill! nnnnm Innu nnnnnn n_ I I n I nnx -. .15.. v- av `pr 1 coup;-m 5ToK 012' GOLJAND SILVER vurcans, AND onooxa o F ALL THE BEST MAKERS. I3"`Tw"HAT IS SO GOOD FOR A OHRISTMAH A Present as 3 Gold xvuch and chain, , Present as A real Jet Set ofJewr-llery, Present as 3 Coloured Gold Bet o. Jewellsr3, Present as a Gold Locket and Chain, Prount as a. Bright Gold Set of Jewellery, Present as Gold and Fancy Rings . Present as a pair of Gold Bracelets, ' Present as Violins. Ooncortlnno and Trefollas, Pre'ent as at .`. arnet Brnach nndliur-Rir.-gs, Present: for Gentn,Lndles, Boys And Girls, to Present as a Silver Watch and Chain for am My, suit every pocket." _ _. Everybody should know that we are the moat experienced hands on Watcher, Clo-ckl nnd Jew:-lie.-_v, E c_rl`i of_Toronto- ~ , _ ' AGREAT RUN" ON THE LONGINE WA l`()HES in GOLD AND SILVER. .WA'1'CHES. DI nr`v.; ....a run in v man u - - - FRUITETORE. |3YTAL PALACE s'ronn"s , . LLANDALE BAKERY% - AND wrm. ma sow AT VERY CHEAP RATES. ____,__._..-_-- - vv V - - .-`pang. By contract or otherwise, and s:1`Arvr1nn an A n A un- zooms AND:s:OF.S And can b etfectivply an .1` 'IIf-_.1_- _'I I - I` ""-"" c1?r'y_ nnsmunmr - \ f'l`ho'1ugeIt sum-uncut of GUN cur ghownln Rania; A .V_`, .-no-1: I BOSTON RUBBER? BELTING AND PAGKIN "iiXi%RIE _-_..-._j._.-._-v`r DUN LOP STREET. EMPORIUM. BDWABE V nut` CI BID S `.-7 --:2 A Call iilnvitod. `- H!) C -.-_-- AND GET YOUR - of nil the new psmrnl in glrontfvsriety; . '1 j \ u -1.: J: A. N S , . ;losrVthe_ Wplpipgtqn H090). ` LAl.I.\JV I-H JJJJILV . place to ggt good BAYFVIELDSTREET. . % - Near the :_ma`Bn'd irmdry, I ' THE BEsT& cnsmsr rummuna made to order, I csnnja P '_1"\rEFv7' 1 6' 00 % `J R-SULLIVAN, `envy : n.- I-...._ `J 5- DULIJIVAN, `array ; new Foundry g, barrio. ' 4` 3 , _/ " . _, bnv-y l1f?1l,eS :..".'a 9 `ail? "gat:saAw, m : Hnhl. Dnnln Proprietor. ' 46-ly 29-1! , 7 V.-- --. ___ >.- v-u-up Tho Whoelerdc Wilson Mann{u;:turing Company have received a donpatch from Vi V Augustlsnh, 1873, announcing that the Company have been urnrded ` Mlfn I (\\T DDINIVDTJDO o 4 nuts . 1-rox --vs-x - - A- `cook, :1 Box ___...,I........,, van w nus am such assist- ance he may `be required to effect the services whichhe is required by law to make, and in the event of his failure to effect any such eel-vices in time for the rsteitting` of the court, the court, in it's may appoint an adjourned ngtting, for the purpose -of hea.ring___the Tnppeels ferpwhioh the were not E ebotedintimejfor the rst day, and ' th"e_pjmp`eV1-`services shall be made for ~`=s16h.9 E ' -A h 13: neessary 3-the municipality may, at 'the munnmmlitv ml! 4;. I..:. ..:.a uuufvfyyfby may! 3' "19 0099 Of the call to his '11 ' 8308 HE'S ma;'be 1-nrIn1'v-4:11 +.\mxl':..?8s.lt- us uwu 13011111166 that purpose. 12. The notice to be -given to _ the clerk under subsections one and two of the sixtieth section of the said Act, `is to be given witliin'fourtee1_1'days after the first day of May required for ` of the roll, or within fourteen days after the return of the roll, in case` the same the return VLPAILUJ u_u.-L] UU 1`UUUVU['e(1." , 11. The xjst sittings of the court of revision shall not be held until after the . expiration of at least ten days from the ' expiry of the time within which notice of appeals may be given to the clerk of the municipality; and the advertisement ` which the saidjclerk is required, by the ' sixth sub section of section sixtyi of the Act. hereby amended, to publish, of the time at: which a. court of revision will such time, and the nal, revision by the hold its rst sittings for the year shall be_ published at least ten days before i said court of the said roll shall beimade - on or before the first day of July in ' uxvxn nu uounuuycu UIIUL LU]; 3 57. If-any person summoned to" at- tend the court of revisionas 9. witness fails, without good_ and suicient rea- son, to attend (having been tendered compensation for his time at the rate of fty cents a.- day), he shall incur a penalty of twenty dollars, to be re- ooverable, with costs, by `and to the use of any person suing for the same, either by suit in the proper_ division court, or in any way in which penalties incurred under any by-law of the muni cipality may be recovered." IA ref all-G~{nA.n l\t LL- -, - A vL.IuL an a. LLAUHIUOI: U]. uzuu UUll1'U. ' 10. Section fty-seven of said Act hereby repealed, and the following se tion substituted hherfor : 1: EH Tl` ,__,_.,,, - W, __. _ _-- v-...v-.,, w 5. uunnu xununu Ul.` mnnxl And mo thkt they were the only Sewing Machine Ocmpnny recommended by the Internntional Jury for the Grand Diploma of Honor. - ' VAN TASSEL& MORGAN, as 7 AGENTS ma Tan an. smmma Lumuljlv ULIULUUL. ' 9. Every member of the court of revi- sion, -before entering upon his duties, shall t9.ke'and~subsoribe, before the clerk of the Inuniclpality, the following oath (or afrmation in cases where by law af- rmation is allowed) :- I, , do solemnly swear or 1 . `D un unuvsvnl ID uuu VI Mu, u" ` `` affirm that I will, to the beat of my ,judgment and ability, and without fear, favor or part-iality, honestly de- cide the appeals to the court of revision which shall be brought before? me for` ` trial as a. member of said court. V 10 Qnntinn Rt`:-.. ....-...... -1` __.-1 A . - uvu ayyny uu xguuuvy uxuxuuikuu. uuwcrs. 37. The words``` treasurer" and war- den" in sectionone hundred and forty- nine of the said Act are declared to mean the persons whom the time of the execution of the deed in such section mentioned may hold the said oices. _ n1-:vxs1oN or Assnssmmu` ROLL. . ' 8. In each year every assessor shall begin to make his roll not later than the fteenth day of February, and shall com- plete the same on or before the thirtieth day of April, and on the rst day of May, he shalldeliver the said completed- roll to the clerk of the municipality, with the _certicates and aidavits -re- quired by 1a_.w attached, and the clerk shall le the same immediately upon the receipt thereof. Q mxrnrw '1-nlnrnknu 45' `L13 .....-..L -1` ,,___' AN. `ACT run As: ssssmmm LAW. - (OWN 0!!!-)' -XXTITBDIIAQ :; :_ ._._.J_'._A 4- -..__...1 iivnnm `iit-izrexpedq "rig? e `amend The Assessment Act of 1869, and the Act passed in the, thirty~third year of ' Her Majeeyis reign, chaptored twenty- seven, amending the mid Act: . rm.......:..... 111.. u..:...+..- 1... .....a ...:n. `. }UIuIFI3X T .l\IlIUW1_`*. 1; an property `situate `within! the of Ontario, and owned out- Vof tbisiProv'ince,Ishall be liable to as-' easement in the `same manner and eubiect, to the like exemptioneiae other real pro--it party under the provisions of ` the ` said recited Act. A 2. All personal property within the Province in the possession or,.'c;entrol of any agent or trustees for or on Behalf of any owner thureof, who is resident out of Province ahalljbe liable to assess- ment in the same manner and subject to the like exemption as in the case of the other personal property of the like na- ture under the said Act or this Act. `I TL- nLn..n.. 1...!) 1... ____ .;-__.... :.. Junta vvuauxu uuu nzuu ILBRSHUIUHD 3.00. 6. Every person who holds any ap- pointment or oioe of emolument to which an annual salary, gratuity or other compensation is attached, and per- forms the duties of such appointment or oice, withina municipality in which he does not reside, shall be assessed in re spect of the amount of such salary, grat- uity or other compensation at the' place where he performs such duties, and he shall not be assessable therefor at his place of residence, but if required, shall procure a certicate of otherwise assessed under the provision of this sec- tion`: Provided that this section shall I not apply to county municipal officers. '7 Tina urrn-{In fr-nounaonr and (K ....... en, amenalng me am: Act: T T 1 Therefore Her Majesty,` by and with 1 .the_,edvice and consent of-the Legislative Aseemblv of the-Province of Ontario, -.enecta as .fo'llowa:-.. ` A II A__I ______.L._.' _`A , I 5113,. Ill-Ill-IA U0 naawpuu I145 usuu In Us MULPIUIH` dent,` according to the provisions of . the thirty-fourth section of the Assessment Act of 1899.. and it shall not be necess- ary that the name of such non-resident or owner be inserted in the `assessment roll, but it shall be suioent to mention the rein the name of the reputed owner or the words` owner unknown," accord- ing to the sssessor`s knowledge or infor- mation. . 5. In the case of the personal proper- ty ofa person, not resident within this _Province, it shall be assessed in the name of and against any agent, trustee or other person, who is in the control or possession thereof, and shall be deemed to be the individual property of such agent, trustee or other person, for all ob jects within the said Assessment Act. (2 Ta`_m..... ............ ...1.... i...I. J.. 4.... -.. uunv uuuvx uuu unxu nun V1` 01118 ILUII. 3. The ahsreaiheld by any person in the capital stock of any incorporated or chartered bank, doing business in this Province, shall be exempt from assess- ment for municipal or other locsl rates or taxes, but any interest, dividends or income `derived from any such shares held by any person resident in this Pro-. Vince, shall be deemed to come within and to be liable to assessment Index` the thirty-fth section of The Assessment ` And A`. `RGO --.-.--- ---- - ---, uuuuuuvlus mm. um uuluyuuy IIIIVB Dean urarcea A GRAND MEDAL . ON PROGRESS, & A GRAND MEDAL ow A...| .1... n.'.o n. .... .. n... ....1_. c-_:, .. 4. In the use of real property, owned by a person not resident withinthis Pro- vince, who `has not required his name to be entered on the assessment roll, then if the land .be occupied, it shall be assess- `ed in the name of and against the occu- pant as-such, and he shall be deemed the owner thereof, for the purpose of impos- ing and collecting taxes upon -and from the same land, under the provisions of the Assessment Act; but if the land be not occupied, and the owner has not re- nnna+n4-` n kn nmuu.-maul Ll.-....6`.\_ A-Ln it J'LlLUJJ U! `fftvor 1869. A `I _ LI_-_ uvu UVUMIJAULI unuu uuc vwuur 11115 HUD ID` quested to be assessed, therefor, then it shall be `assessed as land of a. non-resi- .X.._-;. < _,..__J_'_ _ L, .1, . , n .1, clerk of the H1": nna A` H `- A Kgntuckej/`breach ofpromiso suit wherein lortythousand dollars were claimed, has been Iettlod for thirteen dollars and the Wguto; .thef ,ju_ry " would ha.'v"o `-*t!r****4 " % I mule, which ia_JuIt'about An Iowa judge has dodcided that a fella: can. wink at a gal ,in apollin aohopl without laynng lumulf liable to I bunch of promisosuit, "but the the Ipollingsolmol season has closed.` it] ,_ _.J..------v JUVIVQII HUI . Did you M oxeote this instnu without fear or compulsion from husband? blundly asked the ju Fear! compulsion 1 He compel Yqn don : `know _me.- judge. A_?-L__1'1 - 5 an II IIllI|'HI' and bandtomp eve; `nim{ni-dc um J. W. HASTINGS`. AT11u(1z;./vz R E 5' To RE .r V wherein a young girl died of 1: br . - - - - . u u u AU UV Ullljle Milwavkee thought she had a ace Si... heart, but it tinned out that her corset- atringe were too `tight, and one stroke era-jaoktnirexevmd, her; V ll1'\2.I -_--- ~ The man `who remarked t.hut "the Prince of Wales was born with a crown on his head, was not aware that all ohildxon are so `how. II": I guvvlyu F:-nice since MoMuh:n became :- den`o, ' ' I 1111.. ,.. ` - One hundred and twenty hewspa ;s~ and periodicila have been nppro ed in as: _ _-.--unt-nun unit 1` I- A New Hampshire lady gm recantlv after having read the Bible throylgh thirty-four times; ,. A Pennsylvania pa`per saya that""ten lines of nonpareil, or less, = make one inch. This isa rare urizhmbtical dis; co}r`ery.h I A J A __ / n. III! I4 -" " "An exchange says that 15.728 {and hearts were made to_ bsatm 7,964; in Philadelphia last year. ' A `KIA... lJ,_.....-l _ in `some parts of the We complain that the eountry i; with trams. 23. The tlhirdsub-section of the mid section "seventy-one is hereby `amended by inserting "after the word decreasing the words following, or refusing to in crease or decrease," and by striking out the words the aggregate of in the second line, and by striking out in the third line of thesaid section the woi-ds _m9.de by the assessors) uva. 6 II. I (111011 R11. 22. The second sub-section of ' the seventy-rst section of the Assessment Act of 1869 is hereby repealed, and the following substituted :-'-- In equalizingl the rolls of the towns and villages, the county council shall take sixty per. cent. of the amounts returned on the rolls as the valuation of such towns and villages, for the purposes mentioned in the pre- ceding sub-section, and the county coun- cil shall then proceed to equalize the _va.lua.tions in the sevefal municipalities, including the said towns and villages, and itshall be competent for the county councils to increaseor diminish the re- duced valuations of the respective towns and villages, as well as, the valuationsof H-in nunialuina ' ,9-auu vxuasc, CS5 V the townships The #11-:1-J Avavlus UL hut: uuuce. 21. All sections, or parts of sections, of the Act hereby amended, inconsistent with _ the_ provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed. Thu unnnn/l nu1..-1-Al:--- ~"' 1` V! I In -1 Mocha, Java, Jamaica. mm m * ..;{:.e*neeea..ryA % tbhenr upon oath the oompla.inantV ox nueugr, or thg patty complained against, , unless where the court deomaitneoealuy or nu-nnnn nrithudnvidnnnn nl Hm mu-('1: shall .' Buvluouuwu uuusvulr .-.- 963. An appeal to tlle county ljxhxldge . tfahm lie, not only against a decision of "thoourt of revision oi1_ an appeal to` ,the-said court, but also against the `. omission, neglect, or refusal of said _ court to hear or decide in appeal, and in such case :- l - (1.) The person, appealing shall, in` vsndnn an. 1-: L:a ..LJ..._.-_ A. .._...'.A Ul.llLU\lo 18. Where costs are ordered tobe paid by any party claiming or objecting,` or, objected to, or by any assessor, clerk of a. municipality, or other person, the same shall hereafter be enforced by execution, to be issued as the judge may direct, either from the county court or the division court within the county of which the municipality or assessment -district, or some part thegeof issituated, in the same manner as upon an ordinary judgment, for costs recoveredin such - court. 1n nu -" - "-- ULIUL U u.uu!:l'. 20. Schedule B to the Assessment Act of 1869 is hereby amended, so that V the period for "giving notice of appeal from the assessment shall be within fourteen days after the time xed for the return of the roll, instead of from the leaving of the notice. 9] onnihxnn 1... .\.._L.. .1 _. ,1` 1-`open, dz` 'the evidenoe.of the ` ' ` shall .. Be tendered on his own behalf I:::z;uired hv Hm nnnnnifa mu-tv, - `1`$i""6"'"-'t;'""""`." . 1;: m.`I..`. ;",`..;.,_ .7i`7.f.. .. " 1'3.w1'7zl .sxxty' `W sectien of ihe said Act is hereby repealed, and the tollorwipg : sublitutod therefor :-.- A . 2.30 A... __._4 ` - ' ` p`e:a on Tb; "`1Ii'{'at't'o'nT,1"or eerve upon the clerk cf the mumcipal- lty, within ve days after the first day of July, a written notice of his mtention $0 appeal to the county judge ; ' 12.` 4` TIM] irlrlan aha" nnfv u: nhh-L VU The cost ohargeeble nor to be awarded in any case may be the costs of witnesses, and of procuring their attend- ance and- none. other ; and. theszune -are to be taxed according to the allowance in the division court for such costs ; and in cases where execution shall issue the costs thereof as in the like court," and of enforcing the same, may also be collected thereunder. nnn11u 1'\. .- iv Ilrlll-IV IJIJIII-III , (2.) ~ Thd ludge notxfy the clerk of the day he appomts for hearing ap- nnnlsl 9 V Ohocohte, Sugars, Inn rrumn vnau , P (3.) ` The clerk shall thereupon give notice to all the parties appealed against in the same manner as is provided for giving notice of complaint by the six- tieth section of this `Act; but in the event of failure by the clerk to have the required service in any up-, peal ` made,` or to have the same made in proper time`, the judge may direct service to be made foi-some subsequent day upon which he may sit; (`_\ Thn nlnv-E nf` flu: rnun:nnn'|#u sxuaunll. ' 17. In proceedings before the county judge or acting judge of the court under the said Act, the judge shall, with refer- ence to the matters mentioned in the sixty-lixth section of the said Act, have the powers which belong to or might be exercised by him in the division court, or` in the. county court, and all process or other proceedings in, about, or by way of aplpeal, may be entitled as fellows :- H n Hm menu... -6` ...;......1 1-_..__ AL- . . , pondent,_ and the same need not be otherwise en- titled. - . . 1 n 11 ?! um; uyvu vuuvu uu may BIB; _ (4, The clerk of the municipality aha cause a. conspicuous notice to be poswd up in his ooe, or the place where the council of the municipality tihif niftinan nnnfninina {Jig vvuoav uuu vuuuuu ui one Luanicipailty hold their sittings, T containing the names of all the appellants and parties appealed against, with a brief state- ment of the ground or cause of appeal, together with the date at which a court will be held to hear appeals ;. 5:51;) The elerk of the municipality `ll be the clerk of such court ; . (6.) f`At the court so holden, the. judge shall hear the appeals and may adjourn the hearing from time to time, and defer judgment thereon at his pleasure, so that all the appeals be determined before the rst day of August." ' 17 In nnnAn.\.l.'...... L-A`_.._ L` _ , NV, A UL at`: can, nun] DU uuuuuu 88 ICHOWH n the matter of appeal from the Court of Revision of the ' , of , Appellant, and H n . M13; ` unfit; l:p:r`son, by his attorney` or agent, tint Aha!-Ir nf Hun nnnn3nunL Respondent, _ mt ha Afr`-\ nu-nrl |A5a-- Black; ] G1-eon, Japan, . Java, DF'FER._` % `Esumnmrr. I inatruthent I1'II'nn (-1--- -'--- -- West .they 1ntYV in nllnrrnn ` nuuuuluuul. n from yaur judge. nmhnl um. I -Higher grade: of o.qu-iwly 5&5-.511. ~: '"i.. 13` . `v 3 , H -mu neoe. oneuuxde and Screw one Wunch, one Screwdriver, one Oiler' Bobbiuglono dozen Needles. on Braid`: . on corn 0! Dinum'm.'._ Higlhly ornamented Machfnu on Iron Band, ack Walnut Table and Dl'lW0f,_ [P9lnhod.] fa-oA_1QL` AND sm: V11`, ` menu : ll 1: well mada- 2. Non-liability to getout olordeneither by or standing. ` - . . < 3. Perfection or adaptability ofalliis parts. _ 4. Easy ofworkin , light running,a_nd 001111 6. Easy ofmanagement ; no great skill req ed to operate u. 6. Reliabihty; ntwonhkipuilcheu or break the `thread ' ~ ` -.,. .. ..-.5-,uau n1acK Ieasm Uaddi mm 60 to 75 cents per lb. j ` LIIBERAL TERMS ALLOW_ED 'IlO. THE -u vyvn ut ll- lljW0n ls|tipalilchel `7. Simplicity oftensicinsi not hnrdto manage them. 8. Simpiicityyof stitch regulatorjeasy to be understood 9. Capacity to do all` kind: of work,;light or heavy.` v ' - 10. It makes the lbck-stitch firm and good`. 11; Pressure-foot can be regulated for light or heavy stitching. , ` 12. Can be regulatedthe take-upnpring accord- ing to stitching. 13. Can regulate-throw-o` loopin shuttle-race _ _t0 gyit sowing. ]FAMlLVMAGH|NEI .... van regulate throw-o` loopin 10 am ; sowing. 14.` Has square Iieed|e~bar; has two throat plat :5, &c., 66. uunfavxli aw lull ragwrvu $5.1. by.D. xing.-auto .~Wat..._ End.` I 010. . . > I`, _ ` _ - . , _ _.,_ A . 1 Pollrioellile In canons study. In England the inner: deulmg lprixee are political-the oroyn of life of the meal, illnetrioyn in rank end rjohee in. political dielinctien-end in English worh of fiction political eueceu ie represented as the grantee: IriueIph._: Bnlwe I think no grealeririnmphvhee oeelr achieved in modern timeelhen the prnduelion ofrlhe .Cenadian Pain 'De9!'royer," forlrernoving pain from the eyelem and curing colds, oouglu,rhenmamm,nenrelgiI, bowel coin- plninlu,&c. for sale by all Druggisll and eohntry dealers. Prioe26oema.por bottle. At Ewnn a, one door west ;)f the Mo- . dical Hall, is the plno to get good bar- gai.nq,Taa he is selling of to make room fox-his Sprig; stock. 1" , ;; .$---.--.-.-----.j A. Qu'u.-no'n.-\iVhy will people iten !i't:nirb or ve ill-looking niokly horses to |o' the work that one In ght perform? If the horse has the hooves, in broken winded, hu 3' gong}; or eotd.'.or ha wind in any dwny ef- eote - if Lien etite in bad or hie i eetive organe derenget[l,,"hu e rough skin orgis hide hound, we would in ill easel recommend the use of `Dar_ley e Condition Powders and Arabidneave Remedy .--it never fniis to benet and almost always remove: the disease; it is free ftom anything that can iejure,nnd may banned at all time: with infety. Try it and you will be satisfied.` Remember the name, and see that the signa- ture of Hurd 4- Co.. in on non package. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont, proprietors for Cnnndn. ` Sold by all medicine dealers. SIN GER sewms Mncnml-:, --v v-o.-444, _\Jl.Ir 13} l\L'.`.L` I. '1` UD. 1:` a term of yours, West i Lot 11, in 7th Concession of()ro, County of Simoe. About 40410:-a are cleared. For particulars address R. PRICE, Georgina, Ont. 13-49-p no out: n any menu 1. DW1'6 goqu lulu cheap Teas, Groceries and Provisions may be obtained. ' " Mmlntxs I. Fsuows, Manufacturing Chemist: . .. Sm: For several months past i hnverused your Compound Syrup in the trestment of Incipient Phthisie, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the Chest, and I have no hesitation in stating lhnl it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Being an enoellent nervous tonic, itexerlss direct inuence on the nervous system, and through it it invigortltes the body. It -mmt. ma nlnn-m-n. In u-`nnnnnen-ni-I - Gentlemeixs Furinishng Goods, Hats, Caps. Tue CANTON T S'ron1.-I`hia more is known far beyond the limits of Sim- we to bevjust the house to get the best and cheapest. Tees in the market; as also the primest of Grocexies, Prov)`; sions and Liquors- No danger of any one forgetting the Canton ? Store, kept by Mr. _Hunter. ' . W- .--. Good `1?amuy"`1*'1Fae1iver aa Vin Town at; Mill prices, .by Mr. C.,A. Perkins, Family Grocer, Jcc. . ` turuugu ll ll Iungonlula Ina DOIIYV. It affords mo pleasure to recommend I `remedy which is really good in cases for which it is infandd, when no Inlay sd. verlinod no worse than useless. ` I am, Sir, Vnnrn Irnlu _,_,_,__ . . A FOR SALE. OR TO R.'r.~N1' FOR yg-ra,_W'es_t g L9: (`.nnnm..:..- -0 n_- PRICE . 84.0.90-J Tait Exou..-Dootor Josephcwshonhonoas _ . A Vogelable Pills novuupeh iorly nu at-coated csnnol be excelled at i Family edioina for gen onl5purposel. , The P111 contain: the inllvn nrnnnrtihn 'nf runny Iuuulomu ml geuerlrputpnlel. _-_ The P111 contains the active propertis of Mandrake and Dandelion, as well in com- pound [Extract of Colooynphind Extract of Hyosoyunua. Test them for your own salin- faorion. One box contain: about 28 Pulls, and "and each Pill in I sufoiemdode for an adult in ordinary 0898!. Try them. ~ 2 :5 1.. a. r. S: John, N.B., Jnnnary, I868 1 Ma.x;ufactu1v-ed by. { VF.G.WlL|.lAMS HANUFAUTURING G0. Ia excellent for the following points I. `Simplicity of onstruclion, parts and m menu: it is well L Non-liahilitum an! ..... ..1..-.:-_ ..:.L..- I... 8impson I'Ale` dP':'a - `nan h 2! ads in: `D. Ki:l:....l4.I..r u'.t.: i no long an . Sewing Ma- chines have been stall widely known to the people, the Singer has been in pro- minenl existence, and during all these years has been undergoing im. provomenu compaliblawith the domundl oflhe age ' - At th'e West T Stlore good hnan Tana` (Iv-nnnv-{nu nnrl ,Dnt\I1:a;I\v1a Hall : combined Tucker, Binder, Buster, Frillor, Ind Idjugunb e Hemmer, an: extra '| I`l|rou Piece. oneGutde and Screw, Wunch. Scrowdrinr. onn nn.. _% THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED no noun noodles. one` BI copy o1ADirocn'on_I_. with each ` Familyvuachine one I-Iommonone o! I Hall Ioo,mbinod1`ucker, Bindar. Bang:-.. Frills -I SVING ER S now on hand a choice stock of Seasonable Goods, ooiyiting of PLAIN. all, ' Yours truly, Z. S. EA.RLE,Jr. M.D. Inn. 1868 ` HINDU, no Oiler, nix Buidor and i1n'i'i5iY:'X`1`3"'i5 3`i~i'*`fi`'l3 v ~ -V I-55W.`Bon1 `l'itnros and molding: constantly -. on Illld. Frames made In on-(Inn .. Auho-bulsyysouon 5' `do wall to call andax rluulrui una moldings constantly V I-`rnmes made to order `qt the lowest rate: for cash. 1&3 . I v_v-r II I J..'\JLIJl;L.lJ -.0ubu'letI'nd Undertiki 3 Establishment o n door Wootonhe We Iiagton Hold, 131:!-` . l|n 1Block. nrrie. A ' cARPEjNTl`;r3;,gn1LDER As the advertiser is practically conversant with his business" in'all its details, employs the most skillful workmen, and uses none but the best material`, he can warrant all work made in hifeihblishment to give thorough satisfaction -to the pnrehnser.. -Single and double Harness of all kinds, Saddles,` Collars, Trunks, Velises, and everything connected with the business constantly on hand at the lowest prices Part- icular attention given to Light Single and Double Carriage Harness. Sole manufacturer in Barrie of the Excelsior Back and Hip Straps, to which the attention of the pnblic in specially directed. B|n'in..Tnnn'Hl "I2 - A - L. R. vs7A7*NER S SADDLE AND HADWSS MAKER, Corner of Bnyeld 6' Dunlap Streets, BJRRIE I hereby rua1'z:n:oo.mion van garlic: on-` giving Goods or Monldsnn my account wilbo ` out mywrittan order._ . T J. B. JOHNSON. ,,_ IQ of Izasz `99m; AMI * V'S'0F-S Cinnot be buten eitherfor quality or ;.:i':~. Ho deals in tho but mu-keta,and'cunnot be npdeuold bjqny hou'ue_in town. He also '3 Jeeps on hand the best of The Inbleriber whim thankful for the liberal patronugo_,irqn in the put, respectfully Ioliel vcontinuanoo of the same, and beg: to auto that hil AIIU AU. drnnght. u_uu warrausea to gm: sausmcuou. V [ Riding and Driving Whips. Bits. Catch, Curry Oombs, Brushes, &c., together with com- plele outttinga for entire horses; all of which he offers at`ver'_v moderate pri-:93. ' Barrie, July 16, 1873. 29-15` `IHIl'!_"l|l1`l,'l'I1il)` onhb most Mylish >Dn'I1.A `LT l'1r\I'31urn1n VV LOWE? CLQIX KC-FY13, Juno ALE AND PORTER, bottled or onl u-anoint. uuugm. ' `Farmers Produce, us much as he can by his hsnds on,bonght,nnd the highest market price paid. Give A call once and you wll be sure to come again. mans. LRNNOX. " &o'., to. _ An assortment o_fwell made Oomugin gum; and warranted to gxve satisfaction. Ridimr vand Drivino Whine uh . n,.-.2.. . ' TH08. LENNOX, `A-TOV,~oorl North of the Wellington Hotel, `$2-11,.` " .. " Barrie IVlI_\IIIIl` IVI%I`H His new on hand an extensive and genuine stock of Single and Double Harness (Ouri -gt and Taam); English and Common Riding Sad- dles, Double and Sin la Bridles, Col1a.rs,&c., which he can offer at very ieuonsfnble prices. Also in stock, some of the best English and other Riding And Driving Whips, Bits, Lines, Brushes Curry and Mane Combs, Cards, &c., who found in this mnrket. A..- ....a:..Y.. 2.. H..- a-`...`l- _.__._1-_ _.__,1 n Ill IUIB UJIFKEM Any article in the trade manufactured, fur rushed to order on short notice, and warranted to give sntisfaction. ("'RAnnirn wall and nnev .vn.m._lI l3_.:[lJL:;Df,L".E...AB VI AT Jo_HN LEE'S*, SADDLES, 1 TEAM , n-_n.r`vv 11 new u l:.IvIr\\JUl`-_, Having taken the yremxsea lately occupied b; Mr. _Wm. Root, nearly opposite the Bettie Hotel, begs to inform the farming com- munity and the public generally, that he has now on hand and . mnnnfnmnu-an in m-Ac. LTISBIJEIFB WBH Bl]! Barrie, April 8, 1870. THEIR UOOBS VV"B'I' 09 TH WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. oyacmzsmmi, Fried and Raw; Luncheons, Hot nnd Cold, prgpired on short notice. --:._ [Lata Dx.xnl v`strse.t,] begs to inform his in`- quixing friends, his customers. and the public generally, thsi be il well, and driving business ~. `in his new premises, - OPPOSITE MR. DURHAWS SAW MILL, ALLA}V'DALE ROAD. 1 7-1;- LU1\Tc13E`6 1g& OXSTERHOUSE | A Good 1.5iaT;a tq get a Cup qf TEA. coxmscwxonnay, CAKES. &o., as. Z Don't forget to call in. ' ` F`. BAIL. .*!A!*N..Es$%&5T'!%v.~1Is mmvml I A:`DDLERY AND IIARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, - I ,,/ _- `u .a.J.. \J .J-.-\- AND GENERAL GROCERIES,` WINES Fruits, WINES.--. Mnrmalnde , Ohampa Pickles, ` Sandem: Sauces, ` OldPor1 Currie Powder, * Alacant Mustard, Fat or Potted Meats,` She?` Lobsters, in line, Diamom Salmon, _ Pale Oysters, ' Cheese, , , Ginger Baucn . BRANDIES.- -Flour_,&c., ' Mm-tell : , U A _ _ _ __ .......v. uu ; L! n uuL.l..lUJ.J1l AND UNDERTAKER. `-B0,`, 80., to. ` CORNER OF OWEN & MJICDONJLD 8TR EE TS. ' BJRRIE. _._..____.._.__._..._..._.._.._._...______ Home, Sign and Carriage, Plain and Orna- , mental l.A.I1|`_'I'1:-3151!] Shop on John street, near Ball : Planing Factory,Bstrie, Ont. _ Orders left at E. Gruves Hardware Store, Dunlap street, will be promptly attended to. ' Feb:-um-v 2nd. 1873. 6-17 a apoqlnuy an-acted. Barrie, June`l8, '73 _Z1 ' [I-IJIJJ-l1'J|&L ILLVLJ l.LIll.KJ.`.|LkJO BAYFIELD STREET, A Paw nm-u Nnrfh nf tho WnI|3naInn [Int-I U KIVIE BEHIIECLIDH. H'Repairs well and neatly execnteti. Znrrie. Am-il 8. 1870. .-_pg -- -. .--1454.-.4 -.v-A-,-I-\v.L.r.J..JJ., A few doors North of the Wellington Hotel. JIHINJP BIYQCI, Will 08] Februhxy 2nd, 1873. Ti: E_DWARD BEMROSE`, favimz thd rremnses lntelv nnnnniad 1- IIanmnFini'ngs and Pipes, '_ _ 1 n.Ih!i9tine l-A `r- 4? 96--I - Anmicanoak Tanned :Leallu.-r Belting, Canadian Oak Tanned Loathu Belting, Iow`itl a Mill Files, ` . . . A`._ I , , 1, . "EH UTIQN 'l'0"MERCHA N'I 3 AND (\'l`I1'D - -~ - [V0 'l`,.HE-FARMING COMM UNITY uoNnf'AvnD` xs `Mosh? sump. -uv-vuluyyavlllv _-v at nanu, pamel would II ...n`ma the tremendous Itock ;FURNTURE ` (H the IIQDA-I cilia`. -5 7 A231)` HA-RNESS EST`ABLISIIMEN l`. w1iI1}"13 iiions, n ALI` AMI ! `DIIDTIED Innnln nu- J as: received a consignment of fresh L `TT (`T '1'` -73 "1'? /"I bAINTING.p&IN1`ING. ;-av~,.-cvvvvwv _AOBERT MCHENRY, ' SADDLE, nhviilun ll nnnuvnvwy an n lVIvI'II nvntvn .. r\-~4 . ;,v _vv- MARTIN Moons, nnw nn hand an mrmnnivn anr! min uuno, TEAM 8 OARR [AGE - HARNESS. 'DD1!'\T `DB arwf-uc-,r_v, :'9_n`1 or_'1'oronto- > , WATCHES .-WA'1'CH_ES, CLOCK: m:d._JEV\ ELLERY, made, repaired and warranted. . \ _.;l:.``xI (Hf \UI.'T`('U 1 xvn cnn-nun . nv van . v- ` augara, - V T6aS.from 30 cents 'up\Vz1rds. -` En ups..- l_II\ 1 nt- Plain and onlamental. ALFRED GRAVER, -\.IIvA1L.I- U1` 0! the newest slyleh, at "1' T 'I`\ r\ 1-\ -u- __?v--ur v--nu.-.-gw -- ' Tans Dooas Wvsr 03 mi K'Il I"l'\KT LIl'\'|"L`I' IWTTKYIA I. uu uuu LIUW on IJIIDCI ll manufacture: to order :A1L S -- x _-`s_nt hand, parties wound ..mn trememlnnn llnnlo n moo. _ BRIDLEB, ' 3 l`P`|"H THCJS. LENNOX, Vdlun WA`!-'nlI.l\>lI "I /,-._ .-7.1 \ JMPORTER, VVHOLESALE rn rn'r1 `A ---v unu, TRUNKS km. 1 U. 17'. BAIL, Ann uu, Agent. f 24-1! "13-tr U19 P011100 ")8 W83 pI`fGCUyi|'6I\0X'GCl I0 I10l[|" Yon. Ipnypubliah the {non for the heneto tboluhnihrly aiicted . , . e *-' ~.-1'.'0.`-B `R1!- ;..... r:.|niQa&n1IIuann` mnmd "' `J `" ) "I-IU AHIVE USED 80 CVO! .-'3lDC('- swm mm 8 _ noun s_xLv R F. ~fApr,A.D', 1131,30-It mlthold, this cm H ' ' J`. U.WELLING'I'0N, J.P. -up---- WONDEBPUL CURE 01-` LUNG DISEASE. Bnooxmu. April 531:, 1570. . J'.- C. GaAnnr.mv.. EIQ.-SlB,-This is 1 cortlfythat my wife was vet; low with lurg dib` nu. The Doctor had given her up. He said . 50$ Inns : were ugbu-cled, and mfdiclno oonld notholp her. Aulnt xenon, 1 around I UbW' 9,11-he Great Blyoahonou jnody. M \ 35,!-'I!`Il'A'tIoq bftwo da'yl,"IIor'"s 7mi$toms '0?` W dqly"; _l!e_r."8ho`oonti;nIo'd wimprove u ~ ` ftlg'e timgnhghtd tahnione Ml tho (ohtlnnaneo ` . - ggr0d.to haul". niuunanta . - 8l1'm)ii.z.` . J. 0. Cnvunrnuru, Ere. This ie[to wr tltntnhout three years ago I'beceme nssmze with Bronchitis which lasted about oi::h|=?3 months. .1 wt eo aiicted for theme:-f '9` breath that it was very diicult for me iv am and in the night time frequently throwing U59 clothes o and raising in the bed to keep hf strangling. Itried three of the moat emim physicians in the County of l'iorthunii~:-rlnx. for about 5 year without receiving any 1.~em~x .h Infect 1' eontinned getting worse en the Haze ` At last I woe edvieed to try the Great S!.osi:o- neea Remedy. I bought I bottle of it, end when -it was about nished I began to feel alime- better. I continued to .uIe'it until! had tab in three bottles, when, to my eatierectian, 1 {cu- that I wee II well as ever] had "been previoll to my illneu, Indheve been so ever sin_cr- 'x_., ' .- . .` Hnrnr en!) 1'.` rm-out, uungs, 14xversl{n'dneys, Dxgetive 1.1:. &c_. &(:.,as well as Scrolula, the varioars Disean.-5, Humors,and all lseas&.= ark-ix._: ` Im urity ofthe Bland, ezceptingtbo Third cf olgonsumption. Further ;n1crt.'ttl:`>n_. *3-.1: 'direcliu_vnstoruxinz1he Grun1_l:iL(.-` L13` 7' . 65 Pills, and containing TL-stix1:cL.aLb'8r(. - ~ cares of Cures. can boobtained by su-.c':;.r:.r Traat."es,.'.hc Hand-book, or the .`\lmtIL1`.L` `circulars from any respeclalvlev Druggm :2. Dominion-1:-go Price of Raenedy inlarge Pint 1:1! . 81. - Pzllsper B0125 cts. ' 7!3For-Sale by all_Druggists'and Dealer` Medicine. AGIXJTB yon BAz cw Watson & Co., Wells Bros Omu.1A.--J. - laveh. 00!;`L1N6WO0D.-Mr , Ctir.p-`aver. 'Wndx.`xs.u.n Aanu-5.-Northrop a I._n: Toronto; - Lyman Bros. & Co, Tomnth: iotwt 00., Totontov . 39, ; 'IAfIoI _ ` ` . - ' `Y ` "I'h5s. Mcdrcauc 13 pleasant and put: to la. is wnnrzgnied, and may posilivefy be "rel:-` .~ to make u perman_ent cure of all dispaees I Throat, Lungs, Lxvers Kidneys, Dxgestive U: ac, Scro!ula.`tl-.e vnri `.`. ~ , V1- X I v . ` SIMPLY Bscnvsx the Valunl._Ie a_(~live and vegetable ingfediellla, (some at wh:'..i.: ~.- ;-- mention, ouch asthe Elnraclz; of Wm.` ('3 Bark,.PbdophvIlum, Juniper,QunsL~i2:_.Sm xx cw Dandelion, Hynscyainus, Con piund Extrm Colocynlhg Jalnp, ocot1ixxz> Ala-es, (5.1; a: dc. (to ) ~whi(-.h enter mm the cuxnym-s:t:J: A combined medicine, are such nnd so hlkfllll-."r.L classxed nnd'ccmpoundcd_. tha: it is mmlc `-gs: searching curative in the xndwn warm, :1 u` not heip bin :19! on the system in 3 vcrv sax 5. and efssirable manner. No maltcr what \' -A menrmay be, or -hovfvlong sIamlix:g,nw1.`:..~ spotand astoxiish yun by. the ra id `manna -whichyou an: re:r.org:d'lo perfect enmi rm. tiger T ' - ~ 'Thi Mc(1t:nz in nil:-nanni n.n:' ...r.. a,. o-' _. glx . ' cunnpii` _ " ..:::::..::':.`.%:%;%.?a:;:::.?m:*i.eg, u. `mick Building. _ App], .0 r- Wll nnn- Lneunnnx nuuuuxfunwllsltz RESTOKE Forclennsing and claiming the blood 1",," E in) umius, cannot be too highlv Iecommcnged or Scro_{ula,Scurvy,Skin Diseases. and Bgrrig, Oct. 30:11, `I872. un m-mes, cannot be too mgmv lecoml Diesea, of all kinds it is a never-{ailing and cure. That the G:u:..u` SXIOJIIONSES Rsruuv A.` `oflhe Elnznem lndmn Me-.o.?oIn e-Man, LewisJoaephus,o{lhc Great Tribv nI.tnu British Co|umbia,is workinzzhc mos: n.; and astonishingfures the -Wur!d ever h: `Never In the annals 01 Canadzan Mcdica; has such success attended the '1nuoducu'cr. medicine heretolore. ' ` . rt!!! Iva wom `l5}i?iI7[.l"BL0`(`)Dg Mime. T1_i;`g E`iwj"B1z'53Ln1`:.%%smgaaa-:. .. jruuu n|urn-"n$l00(l mixture." 'l`heGREAT BLOODPURIFIEH 55 RESTORER I _ For c`l_qnnsi_ngM_u! c_Iean`ir_ng_ _lhu mm, an ........ -. , uocnuh, au}IRA|(|A nuu wurrnnlcu. -.3`. 151% Oi. -r\; ATCH AND SPECTAGLES, nextdoor to Mr. T , _ _, __,~ ., __. _ Foru'1`l1emnar_imi, Gauf, Nruralgia, ].u/..3 -: Scia!im,-_Wundering Pains. Sl;_'`ne3s in 1/zr Li, _or Jam!:, Sprains`, Brt:i.sis, Nwnbvic.-a, Eu-t. .'.~ Hcqduchc, Earache, Tootfzaclze, .36` n.unnu A hr. n .'u - - _ cute. . t ` "" > ` It.CureI oid`Sores. - Cures Ulcented Sores on the Neck. ' Cures Ulcerated Sore Legn. Cure": Blackheads, or Ptm ea 0 ` Cure! Scurvy Sores. pl n ma Fm, . Cures Cnncerous Ulcers. . Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. - Cures Grandular Swellinoa. wcieara the Blood tram at Lnpu-c lttauc,` Frgm whatnot-cause Iristng. ' As thxs n_1x_turo`i_I pleasing to the taste. and wgrrantcd {rug from anvthmg xnjnrtuus to the most delicate connttttltton ofeithor sex, the Pp..pv,w`. eolicnts` suenm togtva it I_ trial to tent its value.` Thousands ofTeattmoniIl_o from ntl puns. Bold tn bottles 23 3d each, nnd in Cnsogr,-on. mining six times the quantity, In each-gafi. cien: to elfect a penmmont cure in tha p.-W majority of longmtandlng cases, BY A; onmatsrs and PATENT MEDICINE vs 1' DORS throughout the world . nln nrnnrtetnr, F`. J (`.T.'A12IZ nt......:.. Price only 25 cents.' Sold `n: all Drug; IJROOLAIM '1_`HE G140 TIDII` 1"|nOuLV.lV__`_'cvV, ' > n . -...v....._... ..u.....y, gu. The 01 13' By}-u'p'prcpared `from Dr Chu.-cl. Formulu,;:nd certied to be Ohemicailst ; Price 51 pox-_ Bottle. SoId_bj all Drug; |L%a_eN%a;Mu%*hs T. _. ___._.___ ...__ ___,.,--.__ Also for the cure of "Dpq sia `BIc'mchit1's ,./Islluna Lass ufal". * I . Ggnezja 1)ezn'1zzy', go. ' 'FL` .._1_ O.._.'- _..-....-...1`l...._. Y\_ lV1_.,,J 49 Specic Renwly . Bladder and Kidnvys: paints iwidehlal la 1": L the Urinary Orgnu m ..`l f`|.,. -..1.... ..l4\..:. \ . .-u.u.u.:uuu Iu 4vmuu..:,' ultu. (In L! ;ie".UriMry Orgrm either Sex. -The value of this Mndicinr: hm : bee in numberleas instances now on 1:-cm` Price $1 per Bottle. Sold `.7 M1 Du `1U-RE 015' BRONOHITIS. T1 4 ' . o:trGlVE mm A CALL.4:9' Pvnmonmw coNsmup'rxm.', ;USINES`STAND FOR SALE. --:.-- ""Eho.KI'ng ofaii Llantihcnts H g . -,, - . _ , , , ,. I 1:} on THE 31.001) xsmns L1Px~;___ Dalnrnnnonv. nhnn vi. .... -_ an .... ..... uuvuu 40. 111114 LIFE, Deuteronomy; chap. xii, verse 23. F01`; the prevention and cute 0!` coM'r$5Uxo smpp or A QVJQUALL VICTORIA nu r1.~!I\r\1Iv -.-.._. CLARKE% `I)lllI'!l'\ I'|I1\I\I'\ . VIC'I_`0RIn@: fis'rggIoons" `ism: store. vHm ail Drug; .oanr.3TORER ` all ecommendo-A .\.v|uIuUl1I?d. um, and Som ; permanent 3EW1m1Yi__;_3@9H1NES AGAIN VIGTORIOUSII Is TO BE `HADL 'ms 13 A anNu'm'1sALE, An 13$ . wsr wan ws ans ALWAYS - The `Wheeler & Wilson rm gong Port Shegy Meiser, ., Diamond Sherry, Pile on Brown Wino. BRANDIES.- Mar-tell's, Hennessey a Sayes 1l`n\ml:kL D`--`- ' cow WATCHES,` com) CHAINS,- SILVER WATCHES, FANCY cmcxs, com) JEWELERY, L SILVER JEWELERY, _ ELECTRO-P LATEDWA RE SANTA OLA US HE/ D Q U511` ums TOYS FOR THE MILLION ' PARLOR CROQUET TABLES, BOHEMIAN WARES, CONCERTINAS, VIOLINS; AND 'YI`/'\ IIIDAIIU--' Old Bye, _ Mali, Scotch, Itilh ` . Old brow, Ale nd Porter. English Black Teasin Caddies, cents hnr - THE new IN ran WORLD." LL` I315 * --1 Ju`es Robin Champagnes, GIN.-- ` Sancleman, Barnardl. Old Port Bootln, A1acant'Porl, ,_ DeKiughO,` Port RUM.-1 . Shegv Maine:-. , Y---`-* RETAIL DEALER IN \ T f\ `r: rv n 810., *0 &c., Java, o01m:1:.-` lI n..l... AND Lxqvons.` Yul ..- `I yd-7I_. II` `AGENTS non ran 00. swoon.` -QV V1309 Robin's,` HUM.-- Jamaica,` Demu-am. WHISKIES. - h-I `Du . ,ETc., J :ANDE}iS. Vienna,` Dated -3 In burg. . O1-om; V-n a,. T8AS.- DI..-I. , 4:-Iv MERVIHT STOKES: uuuunu ox aualleul nm on the lat: _ and atunc-ne nle nteu. O1-`den promptlyntte: _ 11- BULLI1 Bnyoldyltreet, opponi bnilding,burio. Bu-rie,July16 1873. V ' . 1 Oiuorna of sllaiiesl nut bu the lntostplmu, and WARBANTE2 FOR 1 YEAR -`wuss II vcnvu u. a ug11u At 3 dept of 107 feet. which can be proved on application to Mr. Walwari, eth Con. 3:\bg`pn,, . ' These improved pump;-g _ Du" `D? A I'll `IN I111-an . as . nu-nu nnuysvvvupulpllf REMARKABLE CHEAP 1 And I111 Int lonnar than Anv no}... ......_ L__n. `gnu vuu nu wuvuuvyly uu EasilY Worked by a7 Child braved nn F1NEsfP`fE`KTs;`bi`@Z:3`E6FFEE, Lva.Jl.v.54&l.U.lL&.lJ.l.I.llJ lllllllr ! will last longer than any other pump built; ---- N'VA'i@Effi@If'3}@".? W8 zl The subscriber challenges the co!` -aty of Sim- coe to manufacture Pumps to :unpe!e_' with` those made by him. .th9y are _ rmliiln I 1 Ian nnn nnwm m... .... In cnnLL$n_I[_su`FIW1i1;P%i] W, __,_ ,__ ...V---v---van4uA/, 7 they have had Ifarge Experience in all do- partment: of the busmeas. J. G.'I-IILBORN & BBC. 7 Allundule, Oct. 29, 1873., . ` 44.1, - _.a..-__-___..-__ __ In the above village. Families regularly supplied with the bent'ofBread,and full weight; hlao, Cakes and Confectionery of all kinds, in any quantity, of rat-c_laas quality, andnt low prices. . ')ItI.`H7Ina Ennlnln n!-A..- Q-.. I-` pncun. Plc-mes, sgclals, Solrees, &c., 550.. L-IBERALLY SUPILIED u uvuuuvn vs uuucl Will! 5110 . ' J . I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, A- AI___. L,._A L-1I Barrie, Oct. 20, 1873. The Subscribers beg to-;nfoun the pub .lihc. ;of Allandale and vicinity,thM,they bnve opened out lnsmm am 2! ' BUY YOUR READY-MADES! nuts -__. _,. -- Confectionery Store! -...._..- . .. .. .-- nu ununrpu |_u' -and all work guaranteed to `gggamoih vzrcnun 8 . _ A ' vumaanxr vcronn 3 mmdl undo vytpnn 8 3TJE:3'T[Mf WGJRJK 2| The Iublcrihor ms to unnouliu Go 010 pub- lic of Barrie and vioinny, that hohu just no Iurned from Toronto with I fresh and well u- aorged stock of - ` GBOGEBIES. mum`, .4 inch an inlnnt in Isa nnnn -Inn-'u:`rDA . j g nu annvn Two doors out of 0lsrkIon a Hotel, Dnnlo A nreoI,|Bon-Io. V "xov. 12,1978. V . [Le-1.; V tun-u9\\J snasaapsuuasana. dlnuu-I-\J-luau 80., each u lalnot to be non o1aewhe r`o.`_ ` 0157335 or 1111: 8:57 inning. Dy-cameo wozrvorn an inn &wl'l}:'laa|. lmm & saaxwl Remember: uuerels no Cheaper House In Town than, G[.0T1HS,READYMADE cumulus, gw. H. FREEMAN; ; Oubinel Maker` and Dodo: In -. noUsnnoLn rvnN1'rUnn.' The best, large" and cheapest stock in Barrie. Also 3 Beautiful and well selected stock of Fancy Goodannd Berlin Woolu, . Ottoman and Slipper Patterns, D-ah`: ll|--.-l- I... vw--u--an -um nu-ryvn A -Ivvnui, Braids, V , . Tuulu, 80., . ;`l'oyn, ' Jewellery, - Vane, :.G1nsa Shades, _ ~ to. `to... be- - ion the Steam Qist Mill, Bdrrle. 51-ly-w His Cooking 85010! are warnntod to '04 bake and draw His Parlor, Hall andvl Stovoure in grant variety. All his |rlmiaii:ii}i:6`i513I iz" |.TI1$fSi1"\'I71711`"1"I7fiTi\T G. :..1-`u`r-4-.a-.4.;a-$4.I \/I Dine done with neutrons and dispatch. member the place, 4 ng-Ira-'11-1-11-\ nu...-._. -J4.;aa.'AJ.`aL.alJ 7-l..l.D.l'JL`JL, Opposite the Simcoo Hotel, and 4doors North of the Wellington, Barrie. GEORGE 0. BUCK, Prnnrintnr. B to K _ s VICTORIA STOVE DEPOT IS THE lnnn In _.o ....;I |sTovEs is'r ov ES `GL5 srnm, nnwx BLOCK, -'- - - _'n_m'vLoVP 81'}`.llAll'l,Il3-` Bagi. Oct. 15:11, 1373. ' T