or 'r111LAT1:s9i' i$AslIIo1,Fo' u,I_ __ _______n_ ll_.1_ A. 11.1.. , 15:1. Api, um. <.._..V -_. W W IRA SIZBB , - (III vsamm FARN|e SEED$ PLANTS WATER LIME. VIAIIEIIOIISE. Barrie, In all `ma bmnoheijpromptlhnently and boaly `ox.-uuled. JOH.`3...PLAX'l`ON, Dunlap SL, Barrie. Nw 5 15:7 . _ 45-lv VSEASONJ [cnurenAa. | *.:... :~`"` * 11-If Ef`r"+'c"' iixiiui 's"T'61'in's mom: ronos & owns WELLS 3120., n.'-..-n- II. .4. than " IHIJLJKF IJJ`\lI 0' ml! 14 R0131 . ' pp Dn`nr1o1: 8!. Bl,l'IiO. N. B; Phylieinn Prueripiionn carefully oompoundpd . 36:13:. Which into hoenmelutod with great; care and Imported dh-out frourtha molt oelobrutocf Europun _nd America Groynrn. - ' .-.-u: spnom.m~ms:--- _ T ? 3 TIMOTHY, CLOVER, TURNIP, 8: J GARDEN sun:-us. Window and Bedding ' PIanu x In all the choices: nrieties. ~ \_A\J.J-l-ll-`Cf-I -&lalCQQ.I-IJAU` Uur New Spring Stock is daily coming 10 nd, and will becomplctod in I few dnyl.of ".ziI:lI due nqpico will be given. We are now bowing ' V our rLo\m:s.%aoou"ns, ;.i:.. to 0am. lm5SAiIT1I I:n!Il?.hl-3! 1 -- w t -w uuv: r-1:qu---_-:_ Oannol 116 hem: shun pay our lmabllnhnoht svisit. We also hop on hand vjj Crt T -:--.-y lmf: STIJFF8. PERFUMERY -` _l-IAIR OIL &c..- &c., Tho iubaoribor In now nuppijlng om-y_ mmy of am: Nut door to he Bunk of 0ominerc;." li'W".;}hi!E!lEL;}H"PiI mm no main ss_ns,| A.` gr:--:7`--._ The subscriber begun call the nuon`Iion of the public to the fact that he bu opened hi. HLL. l\llIUIl "Ill JUUIIIIIU - Perticulurly in the Iron Depamnent, such as turning largo Pulleys, 5 lee! 6 inches in diunetu; turning Shaft. 21 feet 6 inohes long. Thiaiu the kind of Lethe for boring Cylandere properly, it wotghl 8 tom. I have 0 good supply of smaller Lathel, and a first- clue lron Planer t fot almost any job. Any parties wI.nting~Cue|inge I can nupplythem on `short notice. as I cut every day" no Bradford. gnd have a very large `quantity of patterns. I beg to cell to notice my A . [IMPROVED GRATIS `BAR, _:--- an-tn nnnrlnr In-.n|-Q u-n rm 5 13'! V HAIR `DRESSING. SHAVING and SHAMPODING . - s~A:1'..ooN, . Dunlap Street, opposzte the Railroad . fntmn. Ran-1e. IUIKZII V lair Ia-nun $3.1 a-sumo, which given {one quarter more draft chnnlho common bar. In the meantime `don't forget the Buuereld 'Plo ughn; I am manufaoluring them `on a lingo scale. -, 7.. '|l'I'T'l"IIP.`llI"fI!'I .T'$ . % Barrio, Hardb 4,18-74?` -:. uunwp Oblccb, Iqqlvaooo woo Alwvv'vww, _ V Station, Barns. Baton Gxoundjnd Set, Knives, `Sciuors and all Imnll cutlery ground nnd Ihsrpened. \/UL. V E1311 I...I-L, \_w Csrritgo Trimming and Upholstery` vbuaindu is carried on in his promises opposite the Baile- way Station} Barrie I-lurie Sent -l2. 1872. V . 37 And everything thni in to be found `in n lion-unit! run -(uni I\l'\IYII fI'II\f\I\n Ind ancmnoty lot In lnnnuucturu on DOORS, SASEIS, BLINDS, IOULDING, be and in propu-od to Inpply thue nrtiolu at the A lowolt price. m nunm nn nnmnr nlmnnmmlmr ' Iowan pnc IPLAININGOF njlgrEscn1M1oN.| TW|!!iJ1?!l;l9i1!I!5!!,!!T.\ bunuuu on. vv:.uur, . Drum}, and Tongnod And Grooved Lumber, every description, Ilwnys 011- band, and min to order. - A atria. July. - - 4'1. - ?: . s. 0. DUNCAN-cLAnK'a co-s PURE ENGINE on.: For Looomoive, Marine And Envy Stnticpnnry - Engines. PRICE-60_ eta. per 0:1- "(Barrel included.) , vs. 0. nuNcA_N.I1:AnK 3; 00's T nun: LUBIIICATING on. x 4.. -11- 1... -11 n-..__..I |!--I.:..--.. nu-n':unn All ox-(loin -quoted at Toroto Pricey J . H. BOTHWELL, " Soodsmnn and Florist, b Dunlop Sm, x.-. 3...... o- 91.. luau of nmnmamn. 9 Suihble for :1! Genoml Mnchihory pnirpolel. PRIOE-45 on. per Gal. . (Barrel included.) I` I IJIDIJ -avuv-U-`.1:---.~ -..- - ----- 8. G. DUNOANQLARK J; C0'S SURFACE OIL SILB8'Tl.`l'l`lJ'l`l-I 3 PR1OE-$8 for Single Barrel, $7 for 5 Barron. :I;-'i::'its.- Oils .1...._ .._._-- - A _:- 1.5- gang 1 lZl"No'rl --Special nrrgngononta made for larger qunnxitiu-. For less than one barrel price: will be at sumo nu-, but" pachgen will be charged for. . - 12-y ______._-_-. my bumon. name Barrie, Sept 12, genus: vgnnns 2` 1. Suns 1 z {I The rst sitting ohhe Court of Revision for tho Township of Flog, for the you 1874, will he held nt HIl bI|"l Hotel, Ferguaonnlo, on Mondsy the an day of Key next, st the hour of ten o'clock in the founoon. Wm. HARVEY, ` -- . Township Clerk of Flol. m......1. Ami: ugh. 1871.` . I aim. %|Mraov`6"]E"AnMs 21 ` - I own Ellnyalo, April 14th, 1874. `1'ULVERWELL"a \|V .|`|%i.|:.[NInV.E lava} %nBEsse_@KINGz wnnnnunts ngggir mu sum. DLl`4A'lUl.' sun;-4u. mud Mnchinotj for the manufseture of nnxm aulnln m.nms_ IIOULDING.` ` mitho Lately from Eng}: public of Bank tn . ~ ed out 2. . nd, mmc;!:I1ly_inf:rh:tlfo d~viai_nity thu she has open- ...`-,`_ _' _-_-"._ p. A c--nu-Ian): II I If IIIQ \uILL1NEaY`iiliEss-maxing} : - STORE ON lELI`2_A,3.?:'f.I5Eml 2 than won of an womngm Hotel, and `mi guqnntoo gq Ingke the most fnhionablo rm /nut (9 TH INK A ` -- ------------.7 '1 AILORING Esrumeuutzrr, if you want to get. the worth ofyvonrfmoney. Remember the Stand-. `D 1171 ltnitnvru 1EORGE BALL, l' r Of any home in town. and as chap 3; the cheapest; )lrI._ Rowan having had an exten- sive uporionec ll! Inglsnd is prepared to fail! all orders ontruued to bar, promptly, Ityllrhly, ad gin 115 . ' . - India: An gontlpmn gun he rnpplied at this - ` > cqnblinhngnt vnth wry good 3 ---'------' " `Aunt __ A_t c!|oap_IatoI. Lulios wsiud upon st tholr ruidonu. :1 . S.-.-All kind: of u'r'1'lIBlI.8 epnugngy on laid for ma I'_I low Into`. . A V -..rm.|.-stunt. 3011: iotwqn 3,3 W.` on_l'uid for and at 3 low Inn. ~ M :- v'Fl'0llC`Ill'O0$, Bank, boumn B.t Rah: '_d`P,I1'Iin a II _V .5 _, _ M `.7 ' 3 _ If - 3531 ! V _ . A" u .... compmou nu { . STEAM POWER _.a u. ..|.:......v 5'... cu. mqnnluuonnn nf nuu nu uvvv ru. r-nu. .- vv V |.`L,K|NllS -[IF JOBBING, 1| nr w in lhn Imn Danamnonl. sl Isumm DALL, . Carpenter. Builder, he. to uanonnce to the public thptvhe has complotod hi: emu! AM. POWER sc~1.oLIZ_s-Aw1NG', --.I -...I mnnnukgnnd flu-nnvrnd .I'.uvn r----vr ~_.__v-`F`v:- Whilst thankful for past fnvdra, begs to u|ure' her frinnda and the public,thu.t aha bu con- |ta.nt1yo_n hand 5 full assortment of CULVERWELUS .-. H`-u=uvr\:nm nvhl "nhn1nOnrv' `kn TTBOSI WHO WANT PURI- ioT1cE{ NOTICE. [ ...r.....:t... h... m mm ma nnomi. - ` -' `s`sn`dLiquoxsut.tho[` And in now prepared to do n n unnnnn III! Innnnln i i'1J1'-'i~nnr Winn. "i.I1.I`B, . 1`E1I1LI|'a1I'1]IB'SY T :5 IDIBIE1l A___.. --.I an `LA... `I OL- ROW Ill ppr` of pale .1 IL llllldll STORE new C0'l"l'0NS, new PRINTS, - NEW muassns, Nmv MILLINEBY, NEW MANTLES, NEW sxuwns, NEW` CLOTIIS, NEW HATS, NEW CLOTHING. I lulu aim. MANN S - BOOK` ! STORE. 1 \J\J LC 1 DLl\l.I'J|J \ll.' 1'4 V_ .l..'JlI L LIl.atJ\J1u1A. L L\.:;V Also 3 very large stockof Crockery & Glnuvnro, which we will aell at redhead prices Our motto is, " nut to be nndeuu'1d. ` nI.A1R.I-'{I1\'l` 2B2E&OS., V-... . . . "n . 0) n,n-,,, L444 ---. -r 1m.__.1._; n___.__ nus n ALL THE Lamar STYLES.-IN FACT AS 0UTFI'I`TEi) - A WE cum TO BE 4 1. ms, tiis, nsnnvlmnz cmrums, %&c., I- ..I.:-L ...- A.f.. mun-unhinn nr Crnnnrinu art: In ngnal of [hp vmv ham nnnlitu, an I "Where there has ieet arrived end opened up fifty ceeea of Spring Goods, among which are - the neweet noveltiee and design: in Drug Goods of every vanety. Also the largest and hen selected stocky! Prints to be bed in Ontano. -Grey and White Cot- tone the beet value in the market, end a full stock of all the `mode required for the Season, among which are our-immense Stock of -__._._. _ -.__ _.._.`.--- nu-:1 Q: Q1:-mu-4 A g MANNG BOOK ' STORE. 3. B. cii6ii>"i'6iif"&{ro., ` 1 'lil'`\ )lI'\l:l3C MANN S BOOK _ STORE. Y'OUT_I-I8 -A abvs3Nc3av sufs H NDI-D STYLE8.. IN N D SP-LE `MANN'S V BOOK . STORE. [FULLRANGESINA WHITE SHIRTS. %13T1a;c_;>_____r A. L 1; In commencing business as COAL MER- ! CHANT, begs respectfully to announce that -he bu mode nrrsngzememsrwith some of the most renowned Oollieriesln the Unitedwsmes. to be supplied with Gonl_a ofthe very best quality at the lowest possible prices; end he trusts that by s rigid system of fair d`enling,by punctunlily to all engagements, and by adhering to all just and rensonnble prots, he shall be able to com- mend it {air were of public patronsge and "sup-A` port. All orde-s transmitted to the shove address will nl_weys ensure immediate anew` tion. ~ OFFICE, ,- BARBIE-~FOU1NDR\'. Feb -uh, 1874- 6-3m E MES730WANL`W& nzonaa;f."3{H' 3}'A";i1,_1374. An I-'7 n nInn1r noun 1:! uu-nu. vs rLvIuyLAJ nun-uv uv vnuuuu Enanss & MANTLE MAKING, BZ.,,ER 9.S5ESi "' f `I ' ' I ` I In which we defy competition. Our Groceries are an name! of [he very best quality, 3 full sleek end the lawn: px-ic08,l0 which we would ca11_the auannon at Country [Stine Keepers, as we are prepared to job at Toronlo pncea. We have also on ' hem`! 1 complete eh-ck inll the bunches of nnnmcn 9- ot`.l`l`\1..`Q nu DITDDV `hl.`Q(`DID'Il(`\1\T R. NEILL $ v1;i2%TZ:3k?`Bi$ ready with sun} nssox-maul of Goods for the 7 Spring Trude, which will be found of m-clua quality, and of the NEWEST STYLES. As I-nnunl in will be found 70 Izive` vtlue for money. Wquamy, um 01 me unawnnr D1 tun). A3 usual in give` money. He will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Q Order work in the Latest Styles. ISUN nor STREET, BARBIE. ' One Dom` West of the MARKET STREET. The subscribers are pn_.-pared to furnisli Iml|,.l)oors, Mouldings. \VIndow Frames, Blinds. &c,, AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLEPRICES. Planed Lumber always on hunt! or `done to ordu-.. Pu-ties rqniring anything in tl-oabove line, srej inviteil to give 3 call beforo purchas- ing eluwhuo.` - : 'l`|n n.-no mnnuufnebuv;-n in Amm-hnn Utah]. LADIES , . GENTLEMENS . IND HF! The news manufacture in American Huh`:- nory just added to the Entnbmhmont, making mg OIIIWIIOIO.` . ' l it one of the most c'oInp_1eto north of or in the l `city of Toronto. lUUll,dy. llll U1 nplu, `M1111 A: 12 o o1ook noon, at MoLEAN S `HOTEL, _ -_ --. . .;..-you-Luv- Oppoailnhe Bun-in Foundry; Collier Strait. Lugnbor taken in oxghnnce. W" 1s*;_A'E:7_a':`<'3anxsroPnE::. Bu-_I-ie. April 1611:, 18,14. . ` . 18-ly _ smuunas mom NEW YORK EVERY : 'l`UESDA'Y,'l'HUB8DAY AND SATURDAY. Puqnuanxz A c c q_u`n6pA'r1ox UxstmnssIn.H * Rite: of puugo from Suapenqin Bridge ` ' ' or Buffalo ` - To Gnneow, Lrunifoon, Lox nojm>nnv,T ' `Qpnn-town or Bgnuar :' ` 11-1.9- Ann A- `An : .._n1 ---_-.12_.. 4- :ARR'IE no4L nE_F1cE.1 Ignd reuurer. Gnhin O70 to $95 gold, neeording to i steamer _and location of berth, * ' 4 Return ticket: i`_uned at reduced rates. 1 Intermediate and Stelt.-`rage at low on any other , _v For pueege or futther infometion, npply to Henderson Brothers. '1' Bowling Green, New lot 0! 31,161 Agent, A`. B. nlePneo, Olerk ' ; ~ - ` ` 8-Gin-r | \JJ..I3|J JJ\lk7J.o:J4LlD_L \)}.V 0358.1. U .l\a' T DAY lut. two notes of hand, made by John Mclntotb in favox-`of. T. B. Our, for the sommofssa each. A]! portion are cautioned `ngninutfntegotioting the said notes. 'l`.,B.CARR. ,Ap:1_1 'mi,`_1s'u. . : 15-sup MA5?1i5?i`%?!9`?$E;, Ina I complain ll|'I2I Iu In mu IJIIIII-'-|lUB Ul BOOTS `SL0 SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, .- _ -_-.. I---` ..o....b .J f`uusInn-us lo fllnnnurnrn uyhinh urn will -an at rnulanml n` raw sasa an DUORIFACTORY, Ash`; PLANING. amp. A - 4 - I __n_ . Ln WILVLVLLIUA opposite M H. Spencer : Store, FnoN'rS'rm:n'r,- j ' `V -B""'. Nov. 23. 1873- T `M . ni:dqi1o.azed ` hqtslfgenqnlly nsefu in the house where that: qrobcgnl mo o:fann%y, out ham 2'13 you on; ouIo,_-- Esp? yum-at t>e_ ' .- 1 J r6m:*IQIo1;-tgyylr-A ` T mm: ygm. mm (mm. 'n-fannmn. wok-If-3`!-1., who will make I wl my mum morons 01' ll %3i9 -Z?sn;' 99w`xra=!Iviss \T OTES LOST.--LOST ON SATUR- 'hLV In-I Oun -.(o.. -1 l....l no-A- La. ANcHo_n__ LINE. jjiw -but vvwholeaalc 4- Retail, Collier!`-..;r:et, east qf Market, -I-3:1-rrzlr. Hu'I-zm THE couwmrmn ---._._, -RIJBBERS, &'c.F* T-HE I AfMESE TWINS, Window Blinds Of all kind: procurod'oVn' the. nhortoatnotioo. ` Au ulu V I Iau1\\AL'a \. L , \. nu...`..-...--_. -, H virtue of powers of sale contninodin cer- lam Mortgages, which ow.1| be produced at the 5:19, the following property : can-ups:-I 1 Advartiumonta nosivod. for ` , - 041.- J T91z.oNTo PAPERS. MANN s Dun1opSt.., - 4- Barrie. smlummm ..l.'unam.~.s'. _ AND CBILDRENS . . WA PAPER- LBOOKS. PLAIN AND FA NOT- Bemg now dud, Ibo greuleut living wonder in :he_ jjjjjjj _-Li BOOK STORE, HANGINGS. a`:zns_..n, t} \3. 13!. 14,1, 16, 16%,.-us, nag. UJGIIII TI` Globe. V nu WARE I-N -..-1-3;-u-nan. enocnmns. FLOUR, .T T rnrco, FIELD & GARDEN - i smms, FRUI I`S,VEGE'l`ABLES, GENERAL paovxsxoxs. ' l AND EARTHENWARE. Everythinf bought that Farmers have to null, and the h gheu Market Price: paid. - Q n :..._...1_ L- .1- L.._:__-__ , ,1 on .1 7 THE NEW ,M._ARKE'l` s -u--nu o-so--n A...` ---__. _ . -_- --up -.u.-uy- uu-.-s.v A Alum-U .--nun S..0. intends to do.buaineIs,:dd will sell Ohetp for Utah. ` Call and Se. ' Dnmnmhnr u Pinon nnmr Sin... Mm-u-mm). I_ I'\ r\\I K. E ` e ., ` . Under Mortgage from John McKinnon. The East half of Lul number three, in the lhild Concession of the aaid'I'ownshnp of Me- d.nte.' containing by admeesurement one hnndred acres more or less. V '1'... r,.n-_:..._ :..._--_-......... non nah! In UIIUIP I01 UIIl1- Ull nnu D65- Remember the Place, Comer Store,Morro'zv s Brick Block, close to the Market, a. comenieut place for Farmers. V _ Ban-in Jan. 191.. 1674. ' `I `o o A L :2 1: L. NEA_RLY_ODOURLESS. Best Grade of Oil Manufac.m_red SOLD WHOLESALEAND RETAIL 1VIachine,and Paint Oils con-A stantlv on hands NICE I01." I Ililelo Barrio Jan. 191, 1674. 31-E-){71.'ITI?EuC)I..D xzilw 1'_.1'rf i IAUGTIOIQF sue: mm 81 Mann LIITZ, s. cALn'wELL, For the sale of . `SK FORDUFFIEL-DS REFINED `lGUIl:f'(-)I {'DrEl.i`JEI-ART, no "PL! :7` l`nH!\Y'T`V ma qrMr~m.~ TW~s{HH39Fi~~rsFIL% NEW nouns um Anauvms AT THE ' saxurdiif Eiii "5E"E;i1, 1374, AI 19 n :-In:-I: nnnn ' At the Len-oy Hotlel,-II : ufo VII. Iago of Lelfroy, T By virlue of pc wars ofSa1a contained in cer. tain Morgages which will ba produced at me sue, the following pxopeny; - -u-any-myuuur -- `Under Mortgage {tom fboe..1':.i\IcCotzltey. `A Broken lot number twenty-six and twemy. seven .1 the sixth concession of the said - Tnwt ,uip of lnnisl, containing by;a'!mea- zmrement one hundred and thirty acrea,.more 61' Ian. . 'I`l......' --.. ...:.l o- Ir... nkmu an .... .. -1 .__-_x or mu. `, l`hero-ue said to be about 80 acres cleared, 50 tern of which are well fenced and culm- valed. A. log dwelling, enable, and out. 7 house: are said to be on the" premiss. ' 1'11 11r11.11' 11- I 'L.l.Io\J-vI.'J.LJ Lb` Undo.-1" Mortgage from Thos.F, Mcconkey The South half of lot twentyseven in the tenth oonceuton of the said`Township_ of In- ninl-containing sixty acres, more or less, more particularly deaoritaed in said Mortgage. Thin land iumvered with vn'uable hard. ' lhg ptemiseq. -_v,vu----ry v-v---- ~- ---w--- v "T _. PARCEL III._ Under Mortgage from Robert Bxadfoui. `Village lounumber one and two in block F1 i'n Iho said village` ofGui1ford, as ehewn on Creuwickk map. A large dvelling house, b_|.|'Il,' shod, oulh0uses,&,o.,_are laid to be on is A '1-iruvnr 1--1-r llluru PIYUCUIHII UUBUlll`lU Ill BIIU |V]UI'lgHgU. This land is covered with va'uab1e hard` wood, and is dry, except about 7 acres of _ uyyamp, covered with valuable ogdar. 4" `l'1A'l)("1I:`T TTT l rnnunu 4. v . Under Mortgage from Ann Asten.- Village 10! 6352 on the West side of Mormaey St. in Alba` uid village of Bell Ewan containing one sixth of an acre more or .1eu. AV dwellir g house with Moro tewoath, ia_said co be on the Vpretnlui. ~ . `- 3 TF.RMS-nnn- lnnlh nflhg I-mmhann mnnnv 9I'8IIlIIUI. TERMS-T-One. tenth of tube pnrohaqe moey ` to be. p|i down on lhe day of sale. For balancp tony: wi-ll bu_ma'de known ondhe day of ula. F0; further particu1p.rupp1y'1o _V - or go ; -n.l.-`x.`uonn ow :_aa._ , ` ...V-uuxxaq _BUY.Y0URU-`~.` BIIOADGWTHS, IIOESKHIS, A\"Tm na::m.n<!-nn::nr.m_ cnnusmn & co. '1: .. N R`S.E. wanted`, imw. - modigtoly. = Appiy at the officii off- a rrthi! pupa:-a BY 1'1}: frag COUNTY OF SIMCOE. AND IN THE vn.LAG1s of v VHu just been opened by Tgmggo, 6:5 Apt-i1:,`l8_74_. WATSON & COL, For M rrrnrrreu acres less. The following improvements Ire said Io be on the premises: Thrrly acres cleared; well f.rnced, and well cultivated, Log'DwelI-_ _ ing, barn, elc. 3A:1I II There will. be sold oh f 'i$XR"6i:'iL'ii"L' Knox:-lacuna (nun Than I.` A isglaegz 1, , ----- -- _-.1-.- Al.l2 o clock_ noun, nlunnuv u nnl In. PARCEL IV. lnplnqng 8'5-an A nu A nlnn i.n`n'__ Front street, Barrie , -, VI 3 J0xA< AP songs, i ' sdicifqg, A g Maponncall, 1 ' ' Toronto. -a.-. `Df(uggists_, . "'Cllbwu-- _ __V . I ", v-..___'_- 831 ~ A and goffmvo Y T UITS mxdo Qt ` HUIIE BUA ur uhnnniu II vs runlnu A S warrantej tovcux-I all discharge: from the Urinary Organs, in either sex. acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pain: in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 43 6d each, hy nliiOhemi|ts and Patent Medicine Vondorl. - - S612 Proprietor. F J. CL ARKE, ..-onmtnanAmlaR' IAI.Y., I.IN O(')I.N_ ENG. UUl.Vl4U.l' DIIIEIDI, . llllll-LVLJJ Where ha is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him with neames and deapatch. (Ij'Special attention given to Re71ai}1ng. POWDER,SHO1 ,CAPS,and AMMUNITION hf o1I mud. Irnnl nnnnlnntlv on hand. ,CAPS,and AMMUNITION of all kinds kept constantly on hand. zr3'SEWIN(} M AOHINES EPAIRED 4;; ALL WQRK wAA'|'ED to EHO satisfnction. - CLARKE, APOTHEGARXES HALL, LINCOLN, ENG. Export Agents. Burgbyne, Bnrbidges 8:-00., Coiomln street, v ' .Lo,udon. ' Nawbary 8: Sons, 37 Newgate street. London. Barclay 5: Sons. 95 Fan-ingdon street.London. Sanger 8: Sons. Oxford sues t. London. -And all the London Wholesale Housen, Agents In Canada. Mo/zreal-Evaus, Mercer '&_' 0o.,- Whlosale Dxuggialu. `.` Lymuis, Clare 8 Co. Toro1zto-El1iott & Oo , Wholesale Druggista .. ' Shnpter 8: Owen.` Hamilton-Winer 8 Co. . _ Halifax--Avery, Brown 6; Co. 42-ly .-... ;' aUNANn fE6`3'sM1Tn s . `11&Ql1?I_:1u Would re_apecn'ullv intimate to me. publiolhn! he bu REMOVED tovhe preminea latc- ly pocnpied _ by MR. McHF.N RY, A Sapnu-`R, [N xx? noon To Hum : SA Loom] nnmrnn _e'rx>RE'I`_ BARR1E_ Ngxr HUNT ! 3A LUON 1] DUNLOP STREET; BARR1Eal un.,.-.. |...:- ............I in nvnnnln all nrdars -L . . _ IHU nUIII.lIIl'.IJ_l\lilIl: U!` LHIIU in the 4th Con. of 'l`xy, Dlllg Lot No. 8, is ci*`ared`well,timbered with Pine and Hard- wood, within a mile of the Midland Railroad, two milelfrom Hogg Bay. For pnrcnlgrs up-. ply to . . MARTIN MOORE. . L Uhbh. --- ` ' A six and a-half octave Piano,h'y Faxton, in good order and tune. Can beseen. at MR. FREEMANS I7\...nH....n Rn... HEATERS nuvln-IIAV ;uuwuo }331f1i'i3*i":' HATS 8: CAPS, LIV IQV-I-`I `K If-IIVQIII IVAZI-WIT` IIA `42-tr I - A__ Within the _1 teen acre: of L No. 8, South side ` Lot No.3, North The Above Lots are state of cultivation. Burn on the premis For pgice a e, eight- t Park Lot is a- large Frame ced and in I good I rms. wm.:..um I n at` tho Tm B0; br cLAnK's 3 4: plus _ S ...--.........J o.......... .11 .-Ha:-lmu-an: {ram 11 33 .-n Tlfe subscriber oers for 5110 cheap, and on any zenm, the following valuable propelzty, vl:.`:-A one Itorey and I-111 frame dwelling house and i acre logsilunte in` the vlllego of Sunnidnle, iownahip of _S_urinidale; there is I oodpunp and never felling wafer supply on me 10:... He also offers for sale 8 1 acre lots adjoining the afnreneid house The ` shove property is oligibly sitne.ted,wlthin one mile from New Lowellstation. For 1-ther perti- lar I `l if ` letter non poi to cut I PP[ bl WILGLENN, .. .n- . Nnlnnn Wanna Rn-r-ht, " -c \la`naQvI7 44-zf` I Nelson Houu.-_. Barrio. ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ma... Hm wun pm 1'. in 12th Con. Town- Bunrriuo, Feb. 251:: >73. --u-'0 ' . 1- Being the West; Lot 11, in 12th Cqn. ship of I nhiel, diltentfrom Barrie 3} xnilee, end from Allandale 2 miles, and within the circuit of afmile thexe ere several Grist, Sew, and other Mille.ithe Villege of Pelnewick vyith_ its Churches, Post Once, School, Stores, 8;. . mm ......a law Innm. so Anral cleared. well Post Umce, school, mores, ac. Soil good clny loam, 50 carol olenrod, fenced, with {rune Barn , Gnnery, Stable, Oow Hour, and other ~huildinga. Ton acres of Fall When! in ground. ' ` ~ POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. .. 1-n-_ s -r......I..-. nuuuv 4-an ram-n on Mort- 'b:rsI-1oP,=::o. %.0LPaE=_1;E1A.Y*ER! 1"Ub'-Sl9'o1UJ.V uu1u1:.u.ux a nu .u.. , ~ Part of purchase money can remain on Mort- gate. For further particulars enquire of _ ROBERT COX, or JOSIPH BOGER.S,_ T Bnme. _ . .. . -.n Inlln In ' Thin Property lied on the shore oftho Geor- gian Bag, boin composed` of Lots 114 and 115 in 1 e'l?O NSEIP OF TAX, containing :00 Anna. Itil situated w_l_I'nin-11 mile: from -Puliouingninhenue, 1 mile from Midland City, .-..a 2. mil. (mm Indy : Bab .'I`bere in 3 vPdnet':ngni|hene, 1 mile n-om muumu uuy, Ind, i.mile_fI9m Indy Bay. `There m-at,-clus funding `(or tennis st the ban: . -. '.nr....-..u-the..i1'nnnnlv to ; )1ANO FOR SALE CHEAPFORE A u . v . url n-Lnh' nninvnr Pinnn in Pnvtnn Banie March 3:d, 1873. ` TIN 13"XiiR1E. ).~'1_`}`IE-J-IVEPSON :..u:.... In in H1. nnht lint,-clus lunaxqg Ior veuwll V Eur pgrtig Ins app]; -- V `JAM '*- TALUABLE PROPERTY FOR MOORE, Rnr ric Which will I-. oId at reasonable rues. . A `N-`HI -u-unt-arm .1. l` 1|-Ilol1IlA1V'D Furniture Store, , Dunlop St., Bsme. vvx. uumwn, !! ; . nu-us nosms. . _umgnd City. 20.1 unn, Burie. 9 tf ALLY. ' ` 9-If NT `inna J. ICLIDLI \IJ\/_*L\.IL`| For the next three months, for Cash only; no J credit will be (given. All past due accounts V Inlist be paid forthwith, or costs will be in-g cnned without further notice. ANDREW GR_AH.UrT. -s 0. `nut. -nun. 1cV1A I1 Q, I ' "NEW BRICK BLOCK, Ibunlop Street, Ba: MR. NELSO-N begs toiuform ha ha just opened out large 4 s e1%11ns 01'! I . AW` mannmcn RATES 3 FALL AND wnuvaacponsf r in nu 1:. L. 7. u . Under Mortgage from Archibald McDonald, The Weak one half of Lot three in the fourth - Cuncasaiori of the Townuhip of Medonla,con- Iaining one hundred acru, more or |us.- - Thn fnllnminn Imnrnunmnnln urn 2934+ Inhn ::.I:uwI:9'6:3a . qeaanca The Tailoring Department 1.. .....a.... .1... mm.-mnamionra nf Mr. A. MCFRE FOR ! Tine subs;-.ribor wi1l;aellV 63` his` 1 . :L|..\A.IL|.L'4vv u-..-._u..--...- Barrie, Feb. 11th, 1874. - '1-3m Q -.. ._-... . ..-.-..., .. V , _ .' T H E 4:: 3 I NELSSN HOUSE} Comprising newllack and Blue Broadilozhs Whitneya, Meltona, Bmvers, Pilots Scotch, - English {and Canadian Twaenis, the ` , best in the Market. sAmsA_I_rg_%_1; .L]');]g`S-"' b}:s GOODS _. m_:__._.:...... nnnnm: R:-aid: cular attentlon called to Teas. Wlmnt, am-y _ TIIE unuutm utrnnlmmn x . . ` Will be found w_ell stocked in all hues. Pzuti i l and Pork boughnand the highest market price in Cash will be paid. . ` ` R. NELSON. ~n,,,,-. n.L_L-.. \ In'7') | K1011` .1 ---uwv-.- WATCH 6; CLOCK MAKER. G(tI.l).`,'Ml'I`H. I SILVERSMITH, AND 'Ah 1`IS'i_`lC ME'l`AL . WORKER. Pmzt-: I\Inn.u.ts1' or THE Lo.~:no.~a,;Dt:zu.t:.', A.`vD ' PARJ8 Exttmrrtoss. Makr oftlte Chronograph by '\hi('h the Derby 'and`a|l other Races and Great Events ot the ` 1);". y are timed. I .- NIANUFACTBRY mm CtT\' Hu_m:--58 .9 60, LI.'D- I _ . _ , I GATE HILL. ;ARRIE FULRNACE [WORKS ! L116 1. ussvssub arvrvup .,.......- [3 under die suvpnnteudeuce of Mr. A. Mcffae. ` `A complete fit guaranteed. -. To the Queen and Royt Family , TOIH. R. H. the Prince 01 \Valus(Sp1-.(-.u1I Ap'nl) ; And-__ln several Indian Pnlcnlaws, F reign ' Govt.-rnmems, and Railway Coxnpnnies ' Established 174'). ` UAIL 1_Ilhh. WEST END Esra1u.us1mnx'rs--25.0LI) BONDS'l'., ' AND 99, WESTBOLVRN B GROVE, LONDON. MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS. AND WHOLE-. SALE, BUYERS are specially inVild-_-bufC|'l sending'.lhrir_ orders 'eh:ewbcrc-(n ohlnm lr'mn the Mannfat-lur_v HIP lLLUS'I RATED CATA- LOGUE of WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY, and ELECTRO-PLATE.whic:: , are sent post free, as not only are lhe discumm liberal, but auelecton can be mndc from tlx la rgesL,s!ock in the wnrlu. ' Orrh-r,~xm'iII be sun! direct to the .`~1:m'.x!'nclorv. largezmslock m mu: Wnrm. Orders cjin sent to ` Ludgate Hill, or through .\I in ENGLAND. III C Tcvuba lll I'JNU!-AA\U- WATCHES 0faIllu':ulsfrom 210 "200 GM. Lcwr, Venicul. Horiaonlztl, Duplex, I`3_ru_noine1cr. Chronograph, Kuylexs, Centre Seconds, ' Repeaters, Indian kc, ...../,..' .-.. ..n..n. .- hnuman U!(.I\1UL_U uuuuno, uusugneu by English Artists`. and 1\v1ng.ufncuxred by J. W. B:$.- sou, - [mt exceed in -bleauly those manntaclurv-11 abroad.' Thev can only be obl_niLed at this estab- lishment. ~ V . FINE ART BRONZES AND C'rU-MNI-IS l"lNl'. Ant brxuuax;-a nnu uru-moon} 0RNAMEN_TS, oflhepexvesl design.1'r tinenlal atelzera on the hxgheat rcpumuun, at mod- erate, prices. An.1"|s'nc GOLD JEWELLERY, of the richest am Tll-3 M` Ianuug one nunureu more Or Ills. The following improvements ate said tube on who premises: Thirty-ve more: talented, jwell cullinled and fenced, Log Dweiling. I-|'l,In4;-an III LMIJJILDD 51111-,uu uux,-J... Slych as Dress Trimmings Buttons, Braids Glmpa, Ribbons, Pr`nts,. ouons, &c., &c. prices. __,An.1"|s'rxc most exqunsile designs, with Monograms, Cr and Devices, Eunme!le_d in CH]uui`S. aijcr I):-2 bv [he mnslvncucmplished Arligln in ma Pres Mela`: - Brouc-hes, Bracelets, "{-vkincw.-5, 1.5: .- Rings, and ail kinds of I.r,*u:z(e1fe. as supplu. Members_o{ the Court and Ollie!` Di.-mxagui Personuges. U _ Pn:nnx'rATunN PLA'rs--Tc-slinmnlnis ufX!ifT: Personages. PKEBBNTATION ut`.!iaTem~.1 sor_.s. Racing Cups, and Jewell.-.-d and -.`-Ulcr Bux'es,aaprovidvd by Mr. BF.Ns0N for lht-_C.)1` poralion of_ London and ulh_c: Pufc Bodl-us; 1., enclose documpnu conveying` aim Frccdoln unlu- Cily to the Prince of Wulus_, Duke 0! Edinb'.1rgi:, &c..&h. .l.|n Barrie October 22, 1873. .sacZ,.sz'c. - ` _ ` ' Smvxa AND Em:c'rp.o-Px.ns m Ehe xnnftt -1_.C,n._ fashions, and'_o_t the most duraulo-I rzagm. In Elqctro Plate 11 us peccs7a1`y_!<) s:ecI'_'-H, sou, ,,,,,. Ienalsanda sutclem cmgung of silver N) r`z~`i~.`l dai'y W63!` nd 19317. 5M`- 4aa0tnril} . No v.vlhr`1.~ real! cheap a1a_nV `price, um wnrlh buvma. . V alches an-`.010.-ks rennil-ed bv sknlied \'.'urL`-' W1" CDNP 1 {RV 'pr!ce, warm buvm-_>. 83". Uh):-ks repaired by .~k1|ied \\'urk-' men.`-03'} i1ver, Jew-qllcry, `.`. mc`hus, &c.,'ex- qhhnzqd. Merchanlx. Shi_pper's, and (.".ubs suppfied > Watches. Clocks,Jewel _erv.,, and Plate 5e1.l1u `ll parts ofthe world. ' V MUTAF"i9$.5#*if `W E Insured on Cash System and on Premium Now J. L-LJ.Ud.IJ- 4. A.u\../o L4.`-.;. .L System Premium Note Policy Holders are not liablafor nny losses on cash syatun poli- cies; as they are in L dimzreu: bra_nclx. Homes and Cattle Insured Against Demh. . K . .."iE._9P%#%Y!` `"9 !`T.FJi I\___.__.__. J. __ .L . .-,-_.-._`,..._._.. _.-. 7 , ,, _ . . , , ENGLISH ORMOLU CLOCKS, dusigned 1'23-`I 7.nnli.~4h ArtistsLand I\1nm1fz1cuxred bv W; N Is the Only Uanadianvcompany dninq this ciass ofbnsinoas. 'Geuera1'Town'and Viliage Bati- nels done in Mercantile Exam-h. which is en- tirely separnte from Branch. is 1'1!` 9 n1_,,__ _< __,A_-; :._uiI'uuI~pgars ,,__ 1'|____ __._- - T welli-ngs in Towns and - . V111ages Insured at Lowe:-'Rz\tcs than those of am` othzr v ishment. _._ 1 FINE ART BRONZES C'rIH\1NEY ` \RMAMFN1'S, nflhe m-west (lesions, l'r-urn (,`m.. Ll-If `Iii Insured Lower Rates of any Company doing business. Our motto is ?_L:_ `\-A__, I`__J TI_'._`4._ ____'l vus-..l....yg.. \lI- -n\/vv Low"n;Zf"'Ei6a `Risks and II.;i........4- `D- -vvvu Anal-u MOW J.\all_I3UDJ IJUUU Lwloxxu auu Prompt Payments, Allowingpther Companies the Doubtful Rix/.-s at any ratezey can get. who ever heard of diicuhy in scouring the settlement of .c1aim3 for `loss in the Beaver? ` rlnnnu-A` Mn:-nanln Pink: Ynunen in HHS! for loss 1:: me beaver ! - Gonenl Mercantile Risks Insured In this oco at. very low rates, fully one fth less than Stock Gognpnniea" Appiy to 1 R. JGDSON DOYLE, General Agent Saugecn Diextxictb, . Owen Sound. n,.; ' nun A nnnr\rc:n\! J. nunn u. t-Inn!) n1\I(t..`D I111! l\i'?\.H' ulnce over W Elli nrua McWatt a Barrie Boxer. STORES. u-----u THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT IF I he found well stocked In rr-.n.UI:I. ul. . ` `Imder Mortgage from Roberl Grltrig. The East half of Lot number on: in the 7-Hill Concession of the said Townuhip of Megioute, comaining by udmqasuremenl ono hrndred acres, more or less. Th8 follmninu imminunmnnln mm nnhl In ha FRESH MEAT, V ` _ FAMILY FLOUR, :PROV1SIONS, A WINES, , ~ LIQUORS, T L . .- BOTTLE!) ALE. " ~ ' - '~ AND PORTER, I. '... lhn [wast EnIJ"'i"E"A \s1on 2| 1fl.`fl`I'\ EU I`! IZLYPI `I13 I tilt I III `IV I CHI: - `KEPT BY D. KING. His TEAS are the Cheapest and beat in the Market. Good Tea from 40 came pet 1b., andnpwardu. _ A _ . _ N R_....Si:'nmmn .:': Ala and Potter in anuaplvarua. N. B.-Simpaon Ale and Porter n drlught and in Bottles`. 7; ` SumIner'Dtiuh in season. Strong rad intelligent, to work in Greenhouses. Apply immediately. ` 3 - B01519, BARRIE. -~ Knmal. Ilia. . - , _ ` 43.3,f e, &c.,:<:, 10.,` ` A GREAT" REDUCTION: Q .`. ...-. Hnv-an I-nnn1h:.fnr Cash onh: I '1';aveIL:ng Ag;n:. , ' . ' BGVW Oilicd over Wells Bron. Drug Store, opposite I..llr.nY. Ru-pin Natal ` ' 7 !y.j.p FARMA PROPERTY I "ml! cloizg IE; 'Busz'nss.`_ BEAVER ANB77 . Nbh 2:, ma. 3&9 R @':`.3>`Qo Gem" Furnishzng em, -...,`.~,_ cl: In -5 Jul. 8 kn AT REDUCED BATES _..:: :1, mg,`-gg I/IUCII A -Ono? GEO. mnoamsox, Trnvnllincr Ar! :1 BoY,-vs}ANmE1_S.- "'iiiAms nm an` l1u_l.'nE- GATE . u. uunu-\3r.a.__Fa `AND Th very best place In Barrie I to gel the worm of yourmouey v In GROCERIVES 1' lI| nureu OI I053. The following improvemenla are said to be on Ibo premises: Twenly acre: cleared and W? "1084. Log Dwellnng and Barn. l5Al\p\|-u :1: I 68` Is at the u." _ _ ec! to Mnnufactory, M qr >Shppcr.- 7! Uimng and Drawing-! HaH,Shop,.` ' ' _- gbibrgrv. Br:(*_e1, :1 c. V , c1.oc13;s !0falllrind5 fir; 2 to 1.000 Gm [Chu`rch. Tnrrnt. ' . mourns; : to my Stack? of ?m.>.;.ti,e.....1; ofEAGO0DS, which 13 13,39, ? ; Ethan I ever held hereto- I f0r8,coas1_stinginpa,1-tof .. . . ' :3 *-=P1e nd1d variety _.of .; _ `.9 . h - gc o1ce new Dress Goods, '- {.us_tres, a.n._:1. Alpaccae, K; E`D`{JC11I0N`1a1 2 and Flgmed; silk 1';:s%:::!;:;;n1:!F:1a?n Lusttreiis. fand an cgests wi in-61. Inense 8 00 . IW _GRA1i.A.n;{Black. Lustrses, rag}; A Q 0 ore regs i 3 f'IOUSEl,'ettons, Frints, Linens: {&c. _ _ A. nunmaun, Travelling Agmt. ' ' Ba: c-lured by J. w.`B:.\- i those nmnntaclum! >bt_ai1.ed :1 :`ANo cmxxmm :51 designs. fre.-m_Con-. ll reputation," mod- (Y,of richeslaml. - I Monograu1sCre.-15'-, Inlours. after llrsigzx-1 rtipln in the Preciou.-L 1, :1`eckinces.V L(_;cI;el:-, Nevis, _:ns snpp|od'.lu I.otl_2cr, Dislinguisixed eslimnniuls ofilifferenlu Jewell;-d 21ml v'b}}lc|' R:-...;... r..- .1. rm. the public that codsignmems o Barrie. -- u... ....~.-. ..._, .-... jMARKET STRETE'l`,T- ; - BARRIE. I qf Toronto . -'* Q wen/V Stfgzet, opposite `TEAS! IM.1 O ti'mN'r% NoT1Ci$`t`% ' SHOP Acci;ss.u1:13 A1` ALL Humis. mas aa:=.5EEEL HALL! ,3`. vvczrons, I V DEALER IN Pug: [muss Arm CHEMICALS. FANCY I>ERI`Uiv1Es, !Patent Niejdicines, &c. DU)&LOI)ST , .WES'_1`, BARBIE. i3$s.AW3393s0N\ , All kinds of Horse and Came Medicines, tc. Physicians PIcscripti<,ns, and Family Re- ceipts prepared wivh due care and nccuxacy. Cn1l'in. 3 `My I.a1gosl`9.ndle1Sok:c`.ed Stock in Barrie of Drtxgu,Mediciuos;nn1 (_}homicnla.Pe'rfumu_y sud Tenet Articles, PnintI,,OiIa, and Vmnishgs, Coal Oil, nil Burning Fluid, Dye Slufs, Pipes, Tobnccon, and - Cigan. My apocinlity in univo1n1utiIfnc- tion to :11 puz- cih n s o s . PU o-.r.r 1 -n `3V3 . ur- %`o s, ml`-' -1.`4\I') OI l\.`|!"I'\'L` lllllll In lzalllllllllll I '_||) ,n('v_er mu .-u vqlutncu 1:) an ac! chine in Ouundn _ 25 FlR'l' P},{Y;ZES1 _ V 3 SECOND PRIZES, 0 `I ITDT - For Season olalltiif` 31 FI_RS'l`PR1ZES, - . .7 SE.CUND'["R]ZES, 0 hl`Dl': lI(Uu.\u.Iu,l..$ ulr Iuuu (IL uoc, unu 5nuu:5 PER FECT SA TISFAUTION. Every Machine Warrant` `ed and Guaranteed `I ` 'IL LJ\JAVLlI .' For Seat-on ufl.872. Thousrmcls are mrw in use, and giving `ODD I'D/7'1` Q n 'rI.QI:`AI?'l`)n N 7 At nearly an the principal Exhibitions in Cguadx for the Ins! four years, the Qabozn bu friumphantly carried of the . o-.vusnrn 1\I'\If1'l.V(V 0 `I1I`I`\f rslnnn 1: u..nL I LI-llJL.4\1 up _.,..,uV.u,.._, our` all competitors. Not.the least brilliant achievement wa.s_tbm. won by it at the Guelph Centyal Fait. when for three days it was put in competition with the Howe, Wheolor & Wil- IOI, Raymond, and other leading American and Canadian Machines, and was awarded the 1.1I1')arI1,'nn~ar-11-3 r na-u vnuvn uvuu an u :1 .... ._ --~ l`{.AlGHURS'-I`,W ___.-..-.I 1.. no. in '.he VILLAGE OF, C . L A 1.5 \J .|. L [L L (J 154 by competent and practical men, not interest ed in any of the machinel. Such jixdgu w are sorry to say, are not to be found at 301115) our County Shows. . ` ` ` 'Avt munan -nrtn;xwnnI-A . {CLASS M;A c-nmn, at SI. nrjco withih the "ten-.1`. .4 mm .-.....m .1. > 51:31`-nus.-I; .--v.--: T. "I SOLIS /u -."E.`u"I".% `FOP. SIMCOE, V I-`vor the fclelnralcd _....--n nan -Ir \J+JJL&Ikl` A"-'_-,J.'\jl1l.L`-`H, at a.pr.ico within the reach othn, cannot do _ 110112: than . _ Call and Examine the Osborn. -s-aw`-cw... _._ -- GENERAL. IMPLE MENT D E A L E R s, - Me'camnv s BI-fck Block, Dunlop St., South Side, BARRIEJ Noveinbar 28. 1873. 48-8- Re first mqeting of the Court of Rovision of 'lhe `Assessment Roll of lho Tow us__r_|}_| _q_r _|u_nIsrILr EAD "our. Rvord of Success, which hu .never been equalled by any Sewing Nu- Ann in n:|Inn]Ii was 16th but or MXY, 1874 AK; '14:.-..v r~."_ L.y- 1V......... Inn--- -: t1|_.___L.n| l.,Ir'IMJ lII_.n- vs. C225 `OI : i\`t"Jd;|; _I1 Efz`-}ug s1.'l'avern,Vi|!nge of Churchill, at I I `o Clqgk'j jn the foumoon. " BENJAMIN ROSS, Tn t.-lr- 'l'.l'|l'\\IEI. IV: ' Under Mortgage from Johfi McDonald. . The Eng! one_ half of Lotlwo, in lh third Concession sf the Townghip of Med_onIe con- liining one hundred acres, mare or less. Th8 f00Wi15:z imnrnvnmnnln urn -girl lnhn FI12'f'1711_i"zs':a}.' H1 i }.3MAs _, -n ..........,.o:nu-a Nun elm lg... Inll. - Novelhboi -28, 1873. `LI '\I..l_I \/ `LII-A.` SEWING _I\0H|NE! Innis1,4lh Apri},1874. VOURT oF'nEv1sIoN. ,u,,.', .,,..v ..-u ALL THO n m WANT or A S 1 JOS, LUCKE. ":10 nu- 'fv"'i.i5L"s'"'i3 i"?t 1 z E n . _ A . _ s -..2 ..--_u-_I ._.-_ __. : 'p`.'_.fgx`.;;;zi'z' The aubncribor is prepared (0 build vV;7-'I;]-b6 hevlci on - T'T J._P. KIDD; lvfa IN A111 U1 1:: M OH 1 the nu .-I. -5 I..H ngvis`1@g_ Luu no, 2 DIPLOMASJ ..l' IRHO .\.u.u'.u, 2 HIPLOMAS, .1 I621] nuoo, Tpo C1. liming nundred acren, follouyiug improvomentu are said lolw on the premises: Fnfly acres -wall cullinled and fnfncod, two Log Dwolllnge, Barn, Stablpl, ` etc. - ' nu-cu :- egc. r I` FLU = L: V I .` . ; Under Mortgage from Duncan McKmnll. `The West one half of La; two, in the third V Concepcion ol the Township of Medomo,oon- mining one hundred and fteen tore.-,inora or , lou. ' ' Th` fnnII:nI- :------- - ` ` ` ' ---an nu;-`sauna: -4-u--uv.w Sn1o,or promptly Made to Order- IKE!` L QHICTIIUTTH `Hm? _ 1OI!. , Tl f'1'.'i"`v3 i'P'0Vementa are said to he 1 on the premises: Twenty acre: well oulIi._ gugciimand fenced, Log Dwelling, and _ TERMS---One-lez'.Ih of the pnrchnic I '.:~`::*.:z,:':..;*.*.-: ::;L:':.":;; I of -~'- -uha u1e'.? " "f ' ';1'vu&a~;1zs. size the Railuay Station. MT]. Ll N E R Y .... ......... - . .-..-nu. ...u.,-- vl \Vhh-In will L. znh-I at rnnlnnnln I-`.911: ` IN THE COUNTY or SlMCOE.- WAaI.JCT_1Q1`J__SA_I;E of >\'4.::".'\``/a ;+`\.; nnTI:eo`_nnInun nnass`.-Mnluuu /5" / In the latest stylus. There will be sold o _- u p A M ...v.. ...,. r.-r-.., . -ARCELl. l..-o_.._.. t'.-.... lnlv.-u Liinf i STEAM,HUTAIR &HOTWATER FURNACES "if3AI3.__c3EL n; .. _-__ A__.|.:|.-I.l .. -. ......-5 v----. _ u VEXRCEL Iv": M..........._ r___ LL." I Valuable and PARCEL %v.* 0NoIonfn.-u n....-.... :2 AND I |J|lIl||1- R. WINNING, moor : Sm:-n. r lII\IA`, Conlgon. W Ou thelnteatlrnd mdst cientic priniplos. He silo makes .......__-.-_-. --usurp!`-I-nan DH|'l'ICu (5-1 y IJUST To HANDI J. J. Baowni. | J. J. BROWN.` [L J. rsRowN.\' J. J. BROWN. |J. J. Banwx. BARBIE J. J. BROWN.` `J. J. Baowzuig Our goods Ire well bo nght, and will be sold 1 bottom price: for cub. Our aim is to give be best possible quality for the" money. ` N0 SECOND PRIOR. J.-I-BnoWN\ sEaED J. J. BROW-N_. %m:usu _%cnurenAe. orposxri-2 RMRRINSROS. cozmzn 8!. ---: ' ` I . 7, .._ -I.--o:. J. BEARD, hallway; 4 order, Wuhlubu, Men B: Potuh,and Beer Cuku,; E Van. Ind Butte:-.'I`ubu; E mne to order. All kindiof `A March 11,1374 T bu alwaya on had or muhsto Burnls, (:h\Il`lIl,3pi!'il,` Bqmsl ChurnI,Chca B|ll!G|'.TllbI English Barrel Churn made to Water Cm: ms mulc Cooperilig iii :11 us brnnchudona in t. work-T mnulike munner, and u reuonable I-nu. Country order: pgomlyntlonded lo. ' Bu-tie luyam`, I8 '. ` 21- I For Spring Trade. WHOLESALE Ann RETAIL. ' U|a,::_ All person; indebted to E. 8. Ileekin are re: qulr`-ad to settle their indebudneu. e the: by before the 10th dey of note or Book accounts Ilnmothorwiee the; wll_e beunluogd, withogt C -unv u.-u-as 'I`UBUL`1`lI.llE.:A'l`ER! Application for n. Patent of [which is being made. Iron Pipes and Pumps of all` kinds always on hand. All kinds of cornice work, plsmbing, and be]! hanging done. ruur -11- an `I 1 rI1.I"I I"Tt( I III Barrie, 1 --'-I-n the Gouij Gout .7 CANADA, Pnovmol or Oxunxo, of the_ Oointy 0 County of Simcoe Shncoc. ' ___ V ,, --1- In the qt`-. Ill On .tho_'lV`h`xrt_ie>thV day bf April ne_xt. m_uni3} T ` " afm IV to uu~JVdgn.crh am, 353:; {o"nfdgLyro qudlo r_:t:t.Inid.Act..'-. 1 Bgm Itixfllntn 43-! -18! PIIIIIII I.IS'l'S IIIIMIY; [.131:{rEN'r ACT `or 1369; * no TIDE 1l_I___PAY ur. DUNLOP STREET, :&`s`1iii`;f"iiirc