5:353; | J. J. 1moWN.| IJ. J. B_nowN.| [JUST TO HANDI |J. J. BROWN.` |J. J. Bnowzail J. J,B_3owN J. J. BROWN.` ._.___.___________.__.___ OOIIBBRIDGE WORKS BU RN` E . . _ , --g-:- Vres clog Low ----- I-would respectfully beg to intimate to the farmers of Simone and my patrons generally, that although my W-.rks were totally destroy- ed by re, the `work of burglars, on the 14th inst.,yet all orders given Purvis Bros.,who are my sole agenteifor Reapers, Mowers and Threshing Meohines this season, will receive prompt attention. The burglars also carried off at` the eame time over $100,000.00 in promissory notes, end the public are hereby cautioned_ageinstipaying any one but me or Porvie.Btoe., Barrie, any monies due me;on either account or note. I will commence running tn usual in_ e few days. Returning f my stnoere thanks for pastT~fevors, e I nun. . nntlnmnn. grpostrz MJRI}VbROS.O0LL1ER ax} ` ` I. BEARD; hp o-aonw--In-.1-.-..- . .-3=:~h?t3E:;;uma-Skwf-it nd.'Vl.|on.0--k!.-V:, 3.! 1 cu chum; For Spring Tfade. WHOLESALE AND ' RETAIL. J % J 3-4:` Plllllli LISTS BEBIJY. Maroh 11, 1874.. V BROWN. 1\'ro-1-Ion; uvunu -........., .-. r,,, I am-,TGenIlemon Vanna I ained inf: duced in II DUNLOP STREET, VEGETABLE FARM SEEDS PLANTS WATER LIME. "3r".I.'.I.'m1,-, A 0')` III WAIIEIIOIISE. 2Barr:I_.e. SEASON. Ibo , JOHN ABE LL. 11-tf |cur nowsns, aoQu1s,&c., T0 man. I |NF?W%..!1Ep!En ;SHPl Which have been. Belectnd with great sine, and imported direct from the molt celebrated -European and American Growers. - Ill Next door to the Bank of Commerceu The subscriber begs to call me attention of the public to the fact that he has opened his ' Th subscriber is no; suppiying every vaiety - ` ` of pure ` :1. 15 |I=AnM AND mnsn sns,| . SPEOIALI l`IES:-A I A ' ? TIMOTHY, CLOVER, TURNIP, & ' >GAB.DEN SEEDS. I ' :--..a--- Window . and Bedding Plums : In all the choicest varieties. ` nu." IUIIUU In Jvuu_u!_u Particularly in the Iron Department, such as` turning large Pulleys, 5 feet 6 inches in diameter; turning Shaft, 21 feet 6 inches long._ This is the kind of Lathe for boring Cylinders properly, it weighs 8 tone. I have a good supply of smaller Lathes, and a first- class lron Planer t for almost any job. Any parties wanting Ciasiingsl csnsupply them on short notioe, as I cast every day m Bradford, and -have a very large quantity ofpatterns. I beg to call to notice my `IMPROVED (3-`RA TE BAR, V L! .3. Q nhvnn nn nnnrlnr n nirn J:-n - V_I- l.'JlJL1kI lJLI\Io Opposite Barrio Hotel, . ' , _ ` Dunlap St. Barrie. N. B. Phylicians Prescriptions" carefully compounded ` 35-1) 1'.` cnoxca womccos & crews .VfELLS BRO., l'\-..A..24.. Do.--1- unOnI lull. luv - nan: `a---y.- --4 3-431. which gives one quarter more draf' than the common bar. In the meantime ..lon tforge the Bullereld Poughs; I am manufacturing-them on ` a large scale. ' - TA. 'DTT'l"l`I`,'D'Ii`Tl`T n Barrie, March 4, 18.74.- .--..-.-I at ~zu\.z4-` \;I |SHlWINGanf1STiAMP00iNG| S2 A T.('\("|'I\T ULILI V Il\\l uuu. ULALLLILL UV]-I-\\J T . s A L o o IN` , Dunlap Street, npposzte the Railroad ` Stazum, Barns. ` Raizors Ground and Set, Knives, `lcissor and all small cu't1ery_ ground and sharpex;ed.- [:" 1 -1! I4... V|l|H_93N" EHBMIW-3} Onnot do better than pay our` Establishment I visit. We also keep on hand t__l_A_4_A_ L-1 _ ,1"1"1is"'1`36iI} 1s'_s". 1'i1ii_I' '1'onE ! | - HAIR OIL &.c.. &.c,.,~ n3's`r'1J`,'1>E1ii`LTni1+3"raY vwyu v I-ll vv I-.I-u... v Carriage Trimuligg . and Upholstery business is carried on in bus premises opposite the Rail- way" Station, Brmie - ' Rnrrio Sent 12. 1872. ` 37 harass nut! manicure. - Ixhununu unuu, - ` ( I ' Caxpenler, _Bm1der,&c. Begs to snnonnco to the public thathe has . ~ completed hin ' R '1` To`. A` M P n W T4`. `R 9.110 mncmnery l`0I' I110 IIIEIIIUIBCLUFB OI DOORS, SASHEB, BLINDS, MOULDING, to am! in nrannred tn smnnlv these articles at Um Uuuna, oaanno, munua, uuuuunuu, so and is prepared to supply those articles at the lowent price. m nnmnn an nlmnli nnnnnmmmnr IPLAINING oF'Wi?Bnscn1I T1oN. | `QE1-IDS xv SEEDS ! 1 SEEDS 2 3 1| CK/J.Ir\.I+J.lJ kllfl. VI'..'.J'J\.l . Dressed, and Tonguedand (}rco'ved Lumber, every-description, always on `hand, and Mia to order. V - ' Barrie. July. A M 4'!- And everything that is to be found-,in`a -no-an-um nan - pun viaxtvn-4 rIlIIl'II'\I` I JLH.lL`lJ `I1-40' For Looomo ive, Marine and Heavy Stationary ` L Engines. _ PRIOE-60 cts. per Gal. (Barrel included.) All orders quoted at Toronto P1-ices. V- M nn'T`W!IT`li`.T.`|'. 1 wanna -an;--v-mu-.an-;vun v_... - Suitable for till General Machinery purposes. PRICE-45.cta. per Gal. (Bartel included.) T s. c: DUNCAN-CLARK & cos sunlmclz om SIIBSTITUTE! PRICE-$8 for Single Bartel, $7 for 5 Barrels. . At3'No1-2 -.-Special armngementa made for larger_ quantities. For less than one barrel prices will be at same rate, but packages will be charged for. . 12-y __.__...___.. .. ._.-. -A W n. ,_.?._. __ ......_.d___-:._._._.___:_...._., NSOLVENT ACT 1869. CANADA, - In the County Court Pnovmol or Onnmo, of "the County 0 County of Simona. Simcoe. . my mauon, mu-.2e ' Ba:'rie_ Sept 12, 1872. In the Matter qf - :Is=isii::{["6iis On the Thirttetb day of April next, the under- signed will apply to the Judge of the said Court for e diuchargennder the said Act. - Barrie, uth Mu-ch_ A. D.. 1874 T IRA SIZER, n_ nun 1 mnxr u..n A nrnnv 3-- `I ..--_... 3.... _ S. (LDUNCAN-'GLARK&0OS A PURE ENGINE o1L_: Q5- 5...... 13-5:. A `1ULVERWELL -S HAIR DRESSING, _____-_-a-' -u --uo---u\An-- V S. o.1)UNcAN,oLAm 00's , PURE LUBRICATING 011.: in n , s ' , ,,_.-___ TUIQBUAI, Iuunvuunn any un.u.....g.. Pesenxenu. Ac counomrxox Uxsunnssnn. ' Rate: of passage from Suspension Bridge or Buffalo ` To Gueeow, Lmznroon, Lonpounznnr, Qunnerowx or Banner : Gebin $70 `to $95 goid, according to steamer and location of berth. _ Return tickets issued at reducei rates. . Intermediate and 8tele_rege n low as any other Inge ` . ` For passage or fnrther information apply to Henderson -Brothers. 7 Bowling Green, New _ I ork, or their Agent, A. B9 Holmes; 0|-ark .ml Tnnnnrer. Barrie. -. . . 3.333.; 1. L3 41. Au. L \J. 11 11 LL- and Machinery for the mnnufacturebf nnne QAQIIRQ mnnrml Ilf\I'YT.T|INY'l1 an-:1 STEAMERS mom NEW YORK EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND suuann. n...'.......-.. A n nnuumi A'l`!nN -Unsnnnssun. I on, man` 338], 5 an'l`:eaIurer, Barrio. __-----_._._..-.-___. l.EORGE- BAL'L,_, I` ' r :----_ Selad Tenders will be '1-eceiveld by the under? signed till the 15th of April next, for the MASON AND CARPENTER WORK 0! 3 three storey" Brick Store, on Hisaiaugn |traet;*Orillls.'j . . 5 A _ ~ ` mun gun _8pe'_eillq|ti_onI oag; be seen with. tVl;`9g'9hiV _ `_.`1,\,;fv`~.'G7`o'R0_b`llllOl,,10l' at the store" AL"fKi}4'ii i1'FitiIitiIIiIi;. .n`Inr1v in (he Iron Deuar:me'nLsI COIUPIO H1 1118 .-STAEAM POWER. ...I II_..L!_a._-. DA... LL- nnn... sc11oLLIT-A'w`mG, and nn"T`nI;nnInr1'nn (1r(`.n'un5 2.11m CU-LVEfiWELL .. '_2..._....!..... ._.I YT.'y.l...1..A...... I... AncHo_n_ LINE. 7.N.;0.TIQ..E'_. mesa WHO WANT PURE" IORNE u -all TENDERS. WANTED. % I CVQIITTQOUX XI And is now prepared to do u n uuunn I-in innnlnun IKIUIII U (I Mug: BIJUJU. _ I,;__BUrTERrIE;.p. but: an nvnvu-v J '. M. BOTHW-Ii.I.&:,w n--.1__.____ _._.I nu. 5" W um slzsn, ;;vas IJAAa::nv By D AL'I'ON HoOAR l`HY: , ~ His Att y ad. lilem Au. uu gg- n ma, Seedsman and Florist, ' Dunlop St., ' 9 Ir nf (`.nmmnI-en, - ` \llI_I one inf ; Pownihi uremehfrj `:51 MoKi `f men, in whip" of; ` aremongj 59 an Inso lvent. M 'T6'.} V, \II '.'|'B M7Ki:7 `i' N"`Ei if 2] Norm BUT FIRST.-CLASHS WORK-E MEN EMPLOYED. cAsi1 _l'AlD-_.;5R_- LUMBER, . , And takonjn 'l_`rmic, V -. _ MACEY -& CHRISTOPHER,` I.I\I \.r L I.) vv 5.24.1 \rJ.'J\J \JJ._ 1: I .|_`l.l..I L JJLIIJLILDLJ. .I. -I-\JL`, Also a very large ;.-wok of Crockery & Glassware, which we will sell at reduoed-prices Our mono is, not to be undc;.su-Id. - T 2lMl. .A.E1 ll=?. IN 3305., " 1:n.,.7.'-..7- 2- b...,...'7 n,.n;... 94.... ,.,..o ..r 1m,...1__. _-Fifteenitnli or MARCH ,n1ExT.| MANNBV BOOK STORE. are aaiduii I. well 6:91 `nu I !--- -' Hm, cAPs,aEAv-mug nwrnm, &c., In whinh tun rlnfv nnnnnniilinn ~ `nut nrnnurina -2 n na_nnI nfvhn van: ham .-m..1:4n .. MANNS BOOK ' STORE. - . - ' I Where there has inst arrived and opened up fty noses of Spring Goods, among which (are the newest novelties and designs in Dress Goods of every variety. Ahaolhe largest . and-besl selected sleek of Prints lobe had in AOntnrio. Grey and \VhiVIe Col- ` tons the best value in the market, nnd afull monk of all the goods required ' for lheseason, among which nra our immense Stock of ' --.__.._' -..-_ _._.__.___ ....___ __ _._......._._A _ _ MANN S 130014 _STORE.-- MANNE BOOK STORE.? MTLLINEHY, muss &WANE x I '1\' A "I:f"l'T\'1"f3. 1 Fob:-un.ry`18th. 1874} __:- , -- ----_v-: N-:5;t-8; 531131;; 1:00! & Shoe Stor;`.." At ll10(1el'B18 cuatzes, anu wun prompmess. STRAW AND F-ELT WORK_ RE-DONE ufvnl nnm. ` 40.1111- ___.__.._.____. , .._.. .._... ._._._..~. - wee. --.- Dimssms MADE m m:LA*rEsT STYLES, At moderate charges, and with promptuess. RTRAW AND F-ELT WORK REJDONE _=r11vN-Es` 0 ' - I `In which we deft] competition; `Our Groceries are as usnal ofthe very hos: quality, a full stock and the lowest prices, to which we would call the attention of Country ` Store Keepers, as we are prepared` to job at Toronto prices. We have glso on . hand a compltstenst-zck in 211 the branches of nnnrncv 9- orrnno nn 'l7`|`U"l'.V`n1l'- nnannrnmrnu - A T T - - - I 'VV'.'.l?. `-`Kn middle aged woman, who will make` In commencing bnniness as COAL MER- 1`!h: 51f ge1"1l1Y 9`f3f1f i:"1hf h5:e:h`;': 2: e an-an eme vs wx some 0 e mo L - - 11-lezsogged G-ollizries 143 the`_United States. to be Vance Office; also: a boy, from 10ln14yeal's. supplied wlxh Goals offhe. vcryv best quuflily :1 of age, will be laken for one at more years. theplowcat possible prjca; and he trusts: :n_ y one from me coungyy preferred. 9. rigid system of fair dealing,by punctuality - t ll engagements and byladhering to all Just . , _ B213 reasonable pl-o ts, he shall be able to com- GE0RGEh ` :;,1*;;:??i;lf2:ls:a:: };;&;:::d$:; NunA|.c.|A & inueumlmc ` WI 3' w 111" I 1 _ - - . g,,,,f-"3 v PILL S, OFFICE _ BARBIE FQU_L\;DI{\I_ Never known to fail in `curing NEURALGIA, . _ RIIEUMATISM NERVQUSVHEADACHE and Mt uh 1874 , 6 3m_ , all kindred a`e< :ons.-,-aaent to any nddrese on Aha will be tted rip wivh the _ LATEST Am) BEST STYLES or ---:-.-.-'q- -- on.` `-9 MISS-NTJRTON, ` DUN LOP TREET, BARBIE. ')I...I9u nsns C. RI. .... Ea-.. uvu In prodnm Jaw PLANING MJLL, BARBIE, .omsrr nuamnls rauminvy - BO0Tnmg_}`)]2 9.s_'iibE%s,] I R Hningmoved moat olhis . Winter ' Stock, is now rowdy with :1 ml`. assortment of Goods for the Spring Trude, which will be found of rat-class quality, and of .the NEWEST STYLES. AF mun! he will be found to (live value for monev. .quIH" uuu Ul JIJU LVIIW D51` 517.! I153: usual 11.0 found give for money. He will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Illlll I15 Wlll D9 _l0l]llCl I0 RIVG Vlllef He will sell CHEAP CASH. Ordex-_work in the Litest Styles. 1"'rhia'MiI1 wm b; inppemion by the DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. 01;; Door West of the MARKET STREET. |cAuAn%IAu Jggln BALM 2)` LADIES , GENTLEMENS , A `MD (J Itatepl thq iaingfof t.h9`_hn,ir., n d Ii will restore `gt-euyuand faded hair to i`: original color. It removes acnrf and?dandrn_.* _ ,xxrd'.1c,es_ , "C11 0 .91 pg, Barn I MENU H UU|UP|!5`IU HIUUA III 211 IHU UIDIIUIIUH `M BOOTS &. SHOES OF EVERY` DESCRIPTION, an a vnrv lnrrm -:Im-.|( nf Crnnlmrv 81 Glassware, whinh -1: will an nf mdm-ml n _A`RR1E_noALi OFFICE .-4-.--no-sauga `on. 2-1;. V -an-is 1 Wlwlaale ~ Rtdil, Collier Street; easg of _-Mar/cet,:Ba7 rie. f'i\ a.3Ls:'%." - :: ._.;;-._.....;'__; :;.__:5-------.+-...- 'l`IIE I SIAMESE -Tw1Ns, -. .- _.__-__, RU-BBERS, 3;}; Window Blinds 701` all kinds ;r_ncured on the shortest notice, ` '\1co=E. `Advertisements x-ec-i`ved for Globe. - TORONTO PAPERS. MA.NN s STATIIIMIIIY !% Dunlop St.., - - Barrie. EMENS V AND OHILDREN%:; A PAPER r-x.;ur w L vfx'm_ cm: . PLAIN AND uhcir. BOOKS, jMcConii seven in :41 nship of fl nrn an In Bamg now deadha gtentesl livig wonde-r is the . j1j:;1j.j--an jjL~e--.a-- HANGINGS. _ -BOOK. STORE ; Proprieto: s. ` B 64` Ms. ML-:AKiN,\ `P'Rf)s)' um , WARE I" an-pg-4;-ucru .'AlJ\JJ.V L3 40-Iyr "THE NEW ' MA Invrrvu Ouuvu-n A- ..` _____ _ RKETSTQQE` GROCERIES, FLOUR, - vrrmn, FIELD & GARDEN - smzns l'RUI'I`S,VEGETABLES,_ GENERAL PROVISIONS, AND EARTHENWARE. HUI 6 ul_ -| id Mong1 F Everything bought that Farmer} hav-1_o aeH,. and the highest Market Prices pai`d.. L` n :._......I-..`. .-2- |..._.~_,,__ .,1 -_.'n - n ....-. ...- ...a..`.... .u...-\.- . nu.-. g-nu... ,S. C. _intends`_t0 Go --bll5il10B8,8-|_Zd will sell l Cheap for Cash Call and See. Dnmnmknr Han pl-:n'o Fnrnnriqnin Rfnn-nuns ` UIIUIP |Ul' \l&SL|~ '\J8H HHU Dee-_ ' Remember the Place, Cornea-`Store Morrow : Brick Block, close to the Msrket, n. c0nvenient_~ place for Fan;1exs., , Rm-rie Jan. hit. 1874. ' ' 1 1Mach'ine`-and Paint Oils on-I 1 _ stantlv on hand. NEARLY ODOU.R`LES_S. Best Gnmlc of Oil 1!Ianui?1cl.ui'e4l SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL )1-=*iA IN'.:!-Enszl Nf1l;x&~`171I1?oin` n}: i,a1}f HEU8 lUl' I.` lSl'l.Ul[._ Barrie Jan: 1st, 187-1. .L .1. Is) 3 `curing REEUMATISLI, NERVOUS V HEADACHE kindrud a`ections.-Sent .`receipt of 0ne;DollTar. Address: Box 132, _ Barrio. IN THE '1` WNSHIPOF ES , . ~ IN TH COUNTYVOFV MCOE. in, 187! S` G I` 3'7 [1M\RovEn FAR} \ SK`FOR D UF`FIAE;-Df3'r.f~;_FINEl5 V There wx be sold by Aution, the . - I Al Twelve n c1ock, n, by E. S. Masking, Esq .,the following ands, namely : - ` , Parcel No. l.--T `North-East Qnnrlor or , Lot 13, in me 9 ' ' ` ' T_own_sh p of Ess orless. This p gage of 8500. Patna! Nn . oncenaxon of the sand on nining 50 Acres more per1.y\if subject to a mon- -L_"n.a Q... .11., ..r r .. m_. `HOUSE, SIGN, `A30 ORNAMENTAL gugu UI yuuv. Parcel. No. v A" 24, in the Ill 01 East, com ming 105 of whigb A Log Hon as! Half of Lot No. ' ` __ of. the Townahip lg! BN5 0 HI!) IHHUIISES. to be pa onnday of sale; `an lot ance I He made known 0 j Fort her particular: apply to Car & Boysklanie. K, . V led this 18 b day of March; . MCCARTHY. 5.6 \AUCTbION SALE HUN! Ho bea HOME IN, THE COUNTRY.- _BUyBR at WEEKS. T MARKET SQUARE, BARBIE Has just been opened by WATSON 3; C0,, ray - II II! II!!! V Ear ze sale of ,_ ,;, cAI;m:4GE: ` OF VALUABLE - I- Ii-(3: RI& Front street, Barrie Drllggists, . jc The subscrit - easy terms, tl viz. :-A one I ' houwand i at Sunnidale, tov good pump an the lot. He 5 _ . _ . ...:...... aha n, at I114 Ullln UIIII VI Ilhliuunu \I ll -1-: I Ihuu S wan-antei to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, uqquired or constitucionnl, Grave} and Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 43 (id each, by ail Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors. 7 . Sole Prqprietor. F J. CLARKE, n>rwn`lcnARIRR `RAl .T., Lmnhmv mm. Sole Prgprietor. B` J. Ulmrmt-2, ` APOTHEOARlES > HALL, LlNCl)I.N, ENG. Export Agetits. aurgbyn, Buxbidges & (`.c.,l0oleman street, , . London. Newbery'& Bone, 37 Newg'a.v.e, street. -London. Bazclay & Sons,-55 Farringdou strget. Londoxi. Sanger 6: Sons. Oxford stret t. Londpn. . And all the.London Wholesale Houses. `Agents in Canada. Montrcal-E':a.ns, Mercer & 00., Wholesale Dyuggiats. Lymans, Clare'& Go. - . Toronto-Elliott & Co , Wholesale Dxuggists. , V Shapter & Owen." I Hamil!on-Winer & Co. > iali/_'az-Avcry, Brown 6:. Ca. V 42-ly lJ_UJ.V.Jll.l Dlltuu L; _ JIJLLBLDLLZ Where he is prparcd Io,`execme an orders emrualedto him vguh neames and despalch. _`(]:'r}S'pecz'aI. 7atient1.o7 gt /yen to Repdimzg. powomn, SHOT,`CAPS,a.nd AMMUNITION- nf all kind: lmnl nnnszlnmlv nn hand xlicitov, non ic HI: -or-....'m VV IJX3Al`,l3I1\} I ,\JlI I Q, BKIU IIJIJIUJV I 1 IULV ' of all kinds kept constantly on hand. E SEWIN_G MIAGHYNES REPAIRED .51; AU. WORK MJARRANTED to give satisfaction .. . ......-_.__ ._--_.- Would respeotfufw imifnaxe lo the publiclhht he has REMOVED Io`h`\ premises lale-' ly occupied by MR. MoHENRY, - SADDLFR, 7 . [Nixr noon To Hvufs Su.ooi.] ' nrnvrnn .Q 1`P74`.P."I` HARRIET. l:x'r- noon TU .11 W` 1' ' -3.--W!I.J D_UNl.0P STREET, 3113313,] `XII-sin-a ha In nu-Anupnri in nvnbnuln 2 nnlnrn ""' 1 ' NEW [GUN Am Louksmmrsl -L - EWU HUNDRED HDHID UI' LHIIU in ,the 4111 Con. of .`.u`y, being. Lot No. S, is cleared; we1l,timbercd with Pine and Hind- jwood,_wilbin 3 mile of the Midland Railroad, two mileafromogg Bay. >Fo: particulars ap- ply to. ' ` . ' MARTIN MOORE, Ra!-rin . T )1ANo FOR SALE CHEAP FBT1. .1. _ Unon. -----` A six and `9.-half _octavo_`Pin`no, by _Paxton;_ [in good order and tune. Can be seen at .- ' ' ' VMR; FREEMAIWSA 'E`n -91:01` nn Hfnrn 42-ct _ -.--.._ For salezthaz Bxick Store and Dwelling on thA u Market Square, Barnie, known as tlge " McCor- mickBuilding.' Applyto . ' . . WM. BOYS, Rn!-rim 'Bay'rie; Oct`. 30% 1872; H ` ' . Within the limits of the Town of Barrio, eight- teen acres of Land, being composed of Park Lot NO 8, South side ofsteele Street; Lot No. 3, North side. of N_a.pierSt1-ee t. The above Lots are well fenced and in 3 good "state of cultivation. There is h large Frame Barn on the premises; . . For price and terms of payment, . ..avp1yto - ` MESSRS;.STE.WART & LALLY. n.....:..' onanunh 1n'm q_u- : : |-Ti`7ATaT wmazn um limhn nf the Tm RIIMDD RD; E `Barrie, 28fh_Feb., 187 - \l\JLlA'J Ll; I.J|\J|Ll. JJ\l.LkJ 3 I FOR SALE INSUNNIDALE. subscriber dera for sale -ch up, and on V the following valuabe preperty, storey and a-half frame dwelling acre lot, situate in the village of Sunnidale, township of Sunnidale; them is a and never failing water supply on thelot. also offers for an.le8 i acre lots adjoining the aforesaid house` The above propenyvieeligibly sitna,ted,wlthin one mile from New Lowell Station. For further perti- ceiare apply [if by letter post paid] to ' Wu. GLENN, A.`,_H' . Nnlmn Flnnnn Ran-in, duaux or CLARKES 3 '4: plus \ _..._..-._A..J 1.. ........ III` A:n.\l..._-.... 6-... cl VALUABLE. FARM FOR SALE. Raina Hun Was! 1 Ln}, II in IQH1 nnn Tnwn. V I Being the Westi Lot 11, in 1211: Con. Town- ship of Innisl, distant from Barrie 3} miles, and from Allandnle 2 miles, and within the circuit of .9. mile them Are several Grist, Ssw,`and other Mills. the Village of Painswick with its Churches, Post Oce, School, Stores` we. Rnil anm-I nlnv lnhm. 50 mu-an alonrad well Bah-ie, Ifeb. 2511:. "Is Unurcneg, rosx umce, acaoon, mores, `0. Soil good clny loam, 50 acres olenred, well fenced, with fume Barn, Granary, Stable, Cow Houses, and other bmldings. Ten acres of Fall Wheat in ground OSSESSION IMMEDIATELY. `n--4. ..A` _'..-.I.L-.... --.....-q --.. H.-an:-. an Art. 1-K/UIJCHIDIJLIILV llululllll 11.214`- Psrt of p'm-chase money can Iemnin on Mon- gute. For further particulars enquire of ROBERT COX, or - - , `JOSEPH-ROGERS, Barrie. ' v:|1- .__:_' u;-:la...I land 1n ms; [ARDWARE HARDWARE. This `Property lien on the shore of the Geor- gi_in~ Ba , being.composed of Lots 114 and 115, jg": e'l.`OWNSHIP OFTAY. containing [.200 Acres, Itia s1t,nat_ed witnin 15 miles from `Panetang_nishena`,i.1 {mile from Midland City, . (`ad Ti from llnn_d_7 5 `-Bay. There is 3 7 l`gss`1u;d_iug'fo veuala gt the`beach- ' iticuhra app1y;to_' _ ` _ :-.~u -` -` JA:II<*lI.nRlN'H IN B*;:3_B1E. .P- T,ET.?SN. i 0GS:E1QP,=:30 Tdii s'};r'.'r : " _ V we mnnen Aenzs or LANE Hm Athnn. nf la`v.beinn,r [mt `~10. S. . EuS1_NEss STAND FOR sA`i.`E`. ` izmie umh 3rd, 1973 fALU_AB_LE `PROPERTY FOB, V `V ' i7_th_','115... [OUSE Ta; EIG[~1 l` `LOTS lI(\I'i (W A `I `IV Y\T L"'T\YKY'T\A I` I` r ms _'7AL:_J . 1' .l\.l:an:n1nn D_ Furniture Store, _ 1 . Dunlap St. , Barrie. vvn. uumuv, Nelson House, Borne. .y no ' - `JAMES ROBINS, 2 lallgnd Oil in uumn , Hidland gity. A : ` 29. uzuu, Barrie. 9 If M 1 D, Barrie, 34-tf .___._.___-_.?,._.-&....__& ~ To the Queen and Royal Fumly , To H. R.-H. the Prince or Wales (speclal Ap nt); And to several Indian Putenmtvs, F reign Governmenls, and Railway Companies. Established 1749. . "- _-_,..-.~.__>. WATCH at CLOCK MAKER.'GOLDSM1'I'H.- SILVESMlTH, AND ARTISTIC METAL ; won,KEB. PR_l1 MIIDALIST 01-` `rm-: LOND):~`, Dvm.1:~.', AND _ Puv.ns Exmxunona. _ Maker oflhe Chronograph by which the Derby and all other Rzuzea and Grant Events 0! the I): y are timed. ' . 1VInux-mcxomr um Cm: House,-58 4. tin, -LULL ' GATE HILL. "II: IEHUUIHI |JII'I\|'H| llIlIl I "Will be found well stocked iu'all lines. Patti Cular attention called to Teas. Wheat, Arley and Pork bough , and the highest. market price in Cash will be paid. T ` R.'NELS()N. n___:- n_.`,|.-_ nn um-yr; MR. NELSON begs to inform he has jqgx opened out large 4 Comprising new}`B1a.ck and Blue Broadclmhs 'Wh,i.!ney9, Meltons, B;-avers, Pilots, Scotch, `English and Cmmdiar. 'l`w:ed.==, the b_estAin the Markec. _ IVILHUKIAKLV JD, A .`lllI'1'l'4X\B. AL\U WnU14D' -SALE BUYERS are specially iuviled-befure so: ding lhir orders. e:lsewhere--lo obln1n~ [mm the Mnnuliu:lur\' the ILLUSTRATED CATA- ALUGUE of WATCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS. Jk'\."ELLERY. and ELECTRO-PLATE. which mu: -211! post free, as not aulj; are me dlacolllllb libs:-z-1, but a selec-Eon `can be made{rom the -lzlrga~`. stock in the warm. . - (`M-.3: recan be sent direct to the I\Ianurac`.ur\'. A; n_. uuunx. u._uu.uu:..:vu For the next three months, for Cash only; 1'19 credit will be given-. All past due. accounts must be paid Rn-thwith, or. costs` will be in :- curred without furthm- notic'e. ANDREW GRAHAM. u`:A `HAL 1103. IOWA '7 `Dan [NELSON HOUSE| _ NEW BRICK BL()CK, Dunlop Street, Ba: |I=ALL AND wmm uoous`| V.II&`I`,.-9 [The Tailoring Department ll In ....a.... kn aura:-uninnnnnn nf \h- A \4!~Rrin. cuv oumnvoa-ago -awry-g Coon`!-or . 13 under the suterxntendence of Mr. A. McRs;e. A complete t guaranteed. ` . ' UA'1'I? `HILL. - ` Ws'S"r END Es'rnsLmmExrs--25,()LD BOND S1, ..... no uI|"`..Q T`R()I. R.`\H~`. r;nnv1~:_ I.()Nn()N_ L-`?,`i":3 .* The subscriber will_Iell of his entire stock of -largest SIOCK Ill me we Onhrs can sent :3 Ludgwte Hill, or throw in EX\'GZ.:\ND. ' ISBUUUBU (I111 BID FOR moN.1'Hs.~' V`: Ofnllirim I:c\'n:r, \' Hmi'1;m' sa 1 1T1ng 0 It} "I" DI`.l'\`lTl"1i`.lT DATWR rs-:y1es.~u Re-penle !sA.m.1 WEST END r;s'um.1.~1mx'rs--za,L)J.u nunu a 1, AND 99, WESTBOURNE GROVE, LONDON. -lishxuem. ENGIJKSH ORMOLU CLOCKS, design-:d by English Artis..s.nnd Mamx{acf.urc:d by J. VV.'Bg_~4. sou, tar cxc d in bcauty lhnge m`annl-.\cu1r--(I nbmad. '1`hey'van only h: uhlz\u.s.-z! at uni: estab- mnw. .uz'r RRONZI-`.8 AND xrnxxlxntv -lishxuem. FINE ;ART BRONZES, AND (,7l~{l.\I .V1-ZY` ORNAMENTS;-`uflhgnewesl designs. from (Jon- tiuenuxl uteli'u_v'u! the highest re.-pulatiou, at mud: crate prices. . . . Au'ns'nc (}on.h.wI-:Lu:x'1.>{ lhi: !i1'healnml _....._.__..__....- -- - ~ ..- ...._._..-- NL0oK S crate pncee. A1y.'ns'm: GOHIJLWELLEK` of 2 most exquniile 4`-csigmi, w:lh ilonogmn and-Devices, En xzneiieul in C-uluuh-x. am by the most nu.-cmplis':u:d Artists m :21` Meta`: Brooches, 311,100 !-'15, Ncckhzcc: Rings, and all kmds of btjauterlu, as 5 Mo.-nnbers of _the Court and alter _Df Persouages. - 'j Pm:sn.x'rn-mu Pr.1.'n.:-'['eslinmnia!s EPBEE9 Gents ' &c-.(`z~.;. rersouages. A . PR_sli:.V_'1'ATxuN PL.nu-'l`es1inmn;a!snl'._!;(i1-rmu sons. Racing Cups, and J4:wcH~_d am!` nlhm Boxes, provided by -.\Ir.B::nso.v for 15.; L3...- poralion of London nml uthon Public Badges, no enclqse duwcnlmenxxs cpuvcying _thc Freedom ux um. City to |he_PI`iI)cc ~>1,\V_i\lu3, Duke oi. Ed.uburglI,' I .I~Il1 - Barrie October 22,1873. IJALLILAJLI Jll\.I.Jl-JD-J \JI\.r\;nI~; SI;ch'Ea Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Braids Gnmpa, Ribbons, Prints, Uotmna, &c., sic HSFII. MERCHANTS,' SHXPPERS. AND WHOLE- :.\I.l`. RHVI-`.R.'\` nru nnm-inllu invih-41-hefnre we-.uu. Stun: AND Eu;c'rxm-I x.)u2<: in the fashim'1s,'. nni 01' the must durable Elecrro` I lul_e it is neccs-ary to secuu Ierials and a sutcncnl coming oz" sih dhify wear and tear sausraammy _ real! ` hclp at any price, nur wnrlh ! _ V. niches and Glo(-ks repnir0d' Ly . men." Old Silver, Jowu-Ilery, `.`. -.uc-._h changed. Me'rc-haul-. S'ui|Ipcrs.,A:1ud U -' Watches. Clocku,JcweLe.'y, and all parts 0fthe>.WurId. - ' Q1.` 1.) LI`! Barrie, Feb. 11th, 1874. Mu7T ";A.iIl'7jri";,i1s:_({rij:`Cow { .n. a..A.n.waun. A ;.u\;.- .-.;a.--... .n. Insured on Cash System und on Premium l\'<,~!e System Premium Note Policy Holders are uot Hable for any losses on cash system poli- cies, as they are in a dilYo.-rent branch. Horses an dfcntllc Insured Azalust Dcnll. ` . W5. BFFYFMNP `,0.NT. Iuu- ----uuu -vu-- -u-uuu-_v I Is the only Canadian Company doing this class of business. General Town and Village Busi- .ness5doue in Mercantile Bxanch. which is on- tii-ely separate from Branch. 1 II 3 3 III , 1 iivEiii' `iifizowns an ` Villages ` Insured it Lower Rates than those of am other V I ALAUU via at any Company doing business. Our. motto is 1'__.__' I\_L___ lV__J II2_I4... -__J .-.-J Invlua ..-....u...... v-,-. _.....v . i:o_v:r.. Rates. Goo Risks and Prompt Payments, Avllnwina nthnr Unmnnnins the Doubtful Risks an Avnutlu glint ulava-nun. Allowing other Companies the Doubtful Risks at any rate they nan get. Who ever heard of diicultv in scouring, the settlement of claims ` for loss in the Beaver? (lino:-nl Mnvnnntiln Dhaka Tnuuu-pt` 3n Hui: S P m G, 1874.1 .50! I055 HI U15 DBBVCY I G_e`ner_al Mercantile Risks Insured in this of!` co in very low rates, full}: one -fth less than Stock Companies Apply to .,R.'JUDSON DOYLE, , ` Gene:-a1AgentSaugeen District, Owen Sound. n... rmn A nnmwsznw .Umce OVeI' wens DTUI cwaws Barrie Hotel. ITHE KIN(i9_F STORES.` J, so1. rnnn n._' nrnnv xrqilvrn Jvruv r\unI1' inj-I ..--..-V . FRESH MEA T, FAMILY FLOUR, PROVISIONS, . : WINES, j_ LIQ UDRS, ' BOTTLED ALE. AND PORTER, 1; nl Hui l5 Ill (D8 {wast inn TEA` s1on;.!;`3_ "KEPT BY--D...KlNG. L 1" THE cnocanv DEPARTMENT! I he found well smoked iu'nll P III? I '1II~ I 1] 1 I $35.- 3Y~-n,.,.'1NG. J His 'I`EA$ are the Chen .1 and besfa ' the Market. Good Tenjftom 40 coma _pr -lb., and upkwards. I ' N. _`- Simnu'm.9. A . and Dnrlar on auu uywuxua. _ - ` I N. B. `- Simpson : A\a and Parker on dmzghland in Bouliss. . ` ; `Summer Drink: in genkn. BUY YOUR mmAncL*oT%us, noasxms, al'\ 'i.`PT E3 TIl'T'!D A\ '(\FTYT` , "`- 4 - '7l'I.L`L4I.'AIJI Supng and intelligent, toxvcrk in Greenhouses. Ami! lmmadimm. . L, .3 A , ` 7 . B01119, BARBIE. Lruvemng Ag.-us. ' Bttrrie Oilice over Wells Bros. Dmg Store, opposite (cWatt s ' 7 !y-1- p Ixvunu. WATCHES . .-{yuh from 9 In om `FARM Z.L-PR0P'ERTY VI A I (/21 !'nd:frogn2 `Venicnl. n"x|. Dnnla Is sxizz doing we 1;sg'}3;n...s'.e.` THE BEAVER AND TU-RU}\'T( ll'lU7l I 0:` lo _GEO. A. ROBINSON, Trlumllinn A 9 gr /5-LL`-Ll. & ./I` REDUCED` RATES 1____._ ._---n 30'Y.'Wf1.'rED. *1:-,A'l..t-|Il_-_.. . , a;wngmnsIs|.,.J, um UITY nousz-: GATE -HILL. nuv ..u.ur\--rs, ,|)` i?I%1$fS"..G0'0Ds . - ,4 I.M}i the m():l recent 01 durable Ig,mke., In I to s-e`cuxe_ sound mn- .cIn.nu nnntina .\' n;ln.:v- a.. ....:... 'I'sfIij:AIns 1} . 7 V _ Fuzjniabipg Geode, D JLWKLLEK`{ llrcl .'ii-,he sl nnd_ `-csigns, v_v:lh . Ioxuugmms, (Zn-.5_1s nneecl In 6uluu r'.-1. nfn-r I).-.mm. .lt.wr..|.1.t.nl I): Inc . I|'J|CL unu signs, .iox:ugrr:,ms,,(7ruz;_1s ' :neHe| ul)1If.~L nth-r Du.-.~:gm- nplisimd the Preciuua `, Braccfcls, No.-t:klv.cc:, Lui-kcln, Supphcd m ,C-u_1'm Qialinganiglnczl PLA'rL.;- l'cslinmnia! n!'(_!;`-.-rent" Jupa, 'and,J:wcl'n.d 11 Car Inn nml nlhm Pniluln Rum... n.~ The very best place In` _Barrie I to gel the worth of your money GROCERI is 1 I: at the en it: u : any uluul cvluuuues Ur mfuullgallonl !' n'1={. The property will be sold subject 0 lhwfifo estate of one Calhexinfa Perry, whd 9 1111 a`:z,a woman, in,the'ono1ac(e on which he !;oua.n,stable, and burn are built. The t.`x`:r_c0n(!ili0I1s are the standing-xcondilionh fuhd Conn of Chancery. For furiher parli- uhra apply to the .ofcea of Mcqarlhy SI. In--7 Hm Vnnd-5.1 : Snlimlnm. Ran-in Arclziah Id. act Manufactuxjy, . x`_Ierchun'ts or Shipper. .x. ';L0(:x~.2 T .@Chnra.-h. 'l'um::. 0/a1Un'1u1.Ifm2la moo an ugmuge, unme, . xlhnmg and Dmwu1g-romu, Hull. Shop. A. nunmnun, Traveing Ag.-ut. Bm-' , C:9.n::n=>$_e ' Incmeoasoi u the _~f>ub1ic' that consignments o Hy LV_U 'nr1h buyn E -sK; '. :n(~.|w.1. 3 Barrie`. _ qle. sauna mn- lsllvey lu resist, yv Nu c1h er.u.s .u-uh kn'um.y AT 'l`k:H GOLDEN BEAVER! ` ` I Toramoi hf. V `TEAS! "" I beg to c911 't' my l|_;::._:V'. mu -' GO0DS, which is ligger g than I ever held - 'fore, conS'isti)1`g% 61` f` :1 splendid `va.riety_d pf. choice new Dress Goods, Lusires, and Alaccas, Plai 1 and Figmed ; Silk Wa*p Lustres, and an immense stock of Brighs Black Lustres, and Mourning Goods, Blaqki and colored Dress. Silfs, Gottons, Prints, Linens. &c. e JOS. L()(,`KE. sump AUCESSABL'E AT {ALL nouns The pruhlxip heretofore e W. A Sncnth ai`nl_>George rues! as Merchants h; Barr Sm-Mh & \\ u!Lie, VF` mutual cement All' PC~.5` ,nn , ,, i daylinqolvod by L |WI\k:'ih0 Old rm to be paid V gtIf3__j!o'||ill cuntinnes the b " .-_: - ` ,3 . v _ szcufn. __ my $3-4... Wnkvnnrw `)H'I `R71. -' _ \_]Q Q. I.b.:gen9. xnd Bc_?tSr}CC'-C11 Stock in Bnriio of Druga,Modicines,und Chcmion!s,Perlumery and Toilet Articlep, Pain", Oils, ` and Vaxnisbea. Ooal`0_j}, Ia V Burning Fluid, D_ye"Stu , Pipes, Tobnccoc, and (Jigun. My speciality _ in nn.iuuql utiufncc -- tion to :11 pur- ' eh: i o s lms MeaTciL HALL! DISSDLUJIUN EPARW J . VVCJCES, i`*1PR*`ANTN992i, (`ur New Suing Stock is daily coming-W ,lmn:l, and will be cnnnplefml in a few days. Of vrhicln due notice will he given." We are now slmwiug ' ' `.u\ -nu nw1|7I'l`T=l\'-Q 1` EA LEI! [N `ma-a {muss AND cuimxcgts, FANCY PERFUMES, ` r !Patent ' Medicines, All kinds of Hnrie and Cn1llc.Hod1ins, &c.7 Ph_va'1c-`ums Prescriptions, ind Family Re- ceipts prepnred wilb due cite ind accuracy. CH1 in. ` 7-Zy ; vnne Junn smaxuvnnn. P. 1e, February 20th, 1674`. 1)Ul\LU1` 5'12, WEST, BARBIE. _ V_`-.,at,v-r-..w-.._j- .- F:w-'{lVis B-R.0 S- L"\'.'I"Q 1.'.`nD Q Mnnn . EAD our Record of Suopqu, which has never been equalled by say Sewing Ila- cbine in Ounadn m: uroevn I)DI"Il:`Q CD138 In UIHIBOI 25.FlRS'I` PRIZES, 3 srsqoun PRIZES, - `r 2 DIPI. . _e Jul u_Uun-D, For seauon :1 1571.. 31 FIRST PRIZES, . 7 SECOND P312538. 2 IP LOMAS, For Season 5418?). .' _ Thousands are `now in use, and gimng PERFECT SA TISFAGZQQQ Every Machin ed and Guaranteed Nlliv c(a'rrors's,T rmw PRINTS, I\`F.\V l)RESES, ` mmv nnLLI1_\mR`, ' Nl-`JV MANTLES, pmvy sl1Awl.s,t NE`W `CLOTIIS, NEW HATS, New - cLo1'nmG, At nearly all the prinoiphl Exhibition in Ganad \ tor the lut Ion: yuan, the Olboun bu trinmphqntly ognied of the --o-x.-.nu v\I-his-onus - q--._-Ag- -,- ' L'lI.t\IL A Uvtulavlla AJIILIUICIID over all competitors. ' Rot tho lent brilliant achievement was that won briut the Guelph Central Fair. w_hen for` three _ I H nu put in competition rth` tholowe, hecler 8 Wil- son, Raymond, Ind other lending Arnoricsn and Onnadlnu Macblnetgand was uurdod the rail) 0-! I\.Ix..I...m,g:.., 1:51.:-.1: Lllllll b mpetent sud pgnlicn n notinmen eg`i`::oauy of the mnchinu.`;`$ut':h judgu we are sorry to say, no nm to be found :1 some of` on; Ogumy Shows. 11! UIVHIIDD IIIIIPAHQ (IQ A ( 2.: _ V *4 1` . V _ 4! at a price wiihin hulk lliivno 3:-ui SOLE A(;EN'I`S FOR SIMCOE, For the Celebrated FlBT-PRIZE ...___|,..._. ..., ---..-- v- v-w FIRST pminsaz mpnoms -- -H n:--nt.n6On-a "A. Oh. I---n \_lII2_ lonfhr :3, ma. \l '\- LT sw|uE' men: is 2' ' Uur goods'm'c well boughhnnd w_iH b9 39 2:! mttotn prices for cash. Our aim is to 8'" tlzc 1.1-`sitpossiblequalitv-for the money- N0 SECUND PRICE." '.__ _ ...._._-.-:-n-urn`-I ll 1; , . thin ' "I)`VI Y`I.\I'Tloa -.. .. : vugi -uuvu ALL 0&3 IN WANT 0!` A .__4u/ . nun:-.. -a-v.-.uu.u, -nu nun DWIIIJIV FIR ST Plt~}`'E`j` .-n-..a --.3 ...--u--1._._ _-. ._ - J -_ P-. ._K_'_DA9;_ `ia.:1~smm, EIIIHI- ` BAF'H-`LIE, `UNI KHi'P'I svu.1l.\.IIv|Iun-I I`[,II _ 50 ucrcg In re 0 "be whole of lh_ abLove la 3 stale of cu! "va_non,1 my loom, and was gfodu IVS. There I; on .5; premises a La Ho as 26120, -and a mall Log Stable. -_' he and is well watered jg Good Spring C" co xyhichjwa through , mm more is a neige fading well close to nuumng _ less. is cleared and u-~91 ail bearing. .iA']`l_.ll1oforncea are in good ;>;).xZr. j ,_5 . soil. beingfioh` xu house, and an `,Grchard of choice fruit &co E. B. ;a 6ii`i:5;;;`_cq., O/ipacite the Railway Station. [um j.\`H:-1 rue uupnsu Dune Batu ten percent. I-.| ik $1000 one month fromthe (lay of Latin; to be p_:1tLL; i'nlo Court, an? the balanceto pt: smured by _.mortz_zage. tlrawiug interest at uvvan per cent; por annum, payable in five tq :.-.1 zrrruualgiustalmants, the same being my .b'e on the whole u::p}rd principal atthe ine of payment of each instalment. I-ttending;purch2=.sera may investigate the ' i 1-, at the dice of the Verrgloe Solrcitors up n ti-re day of Sale. The Veirdot will produce he Rcgistrur s abstract ofrtitle and such [me H; as may be in-their pbsaesden, and cer- mu 1 copfea of such registerd dqcuments as tre not in therr possession, rind lhe Vendor , vI- `notlbe bound to produce or bear the ex- ten :3 of any other evidences orinvestigationa n'1=:. nronertv sold snbiacl IULTIU MEJPL |U ||lC -UIIIUUB Ul lVIU_ Hlly & in-,~v, the Vendor's Solicuors, Barrie, ;`.Ardagh L S mhy, Dame, and of the Auctioneer.` 1'med this 213! day of March, 1s74'_ `. . "x ` x .1!) ,nn__ v>n n Uc( ARTH\' 63- Rove}, J. R. CD1'rEi' . v.` Vendor's Solicitors 2 _ Master at~1aitie v ` Loo vv lL1J.V.|AV\.l Oppoaite M A H. Spancet' Store, }"::oz~;'r S'rR1sB'r,- - - - BARRIE- Nov- 28,1873. , . 48_-U --.u-: Purguant to ti Degree aqd _0rdof f the mm o`[\Chanoe::y, m a mm In lh Conn; 1[`veen\ARRhLL vs : V V I ,_... __._II 3.4 ---_u -, Whi`.-.1Vt thankful for past favors, bg to ssure Lu: friends and the pub1ic,that she has con- amutly on hand a full `assortment of --u----n-jjll new eonnsiumf AREIVING AT THE rrx1~1\'r11\T 1X11 ITT1111 guiam ls-'s:'e'.' -_.I _ _ _ _ . ._ ur~rvmu',_,.u, fa I ifl '(L2i'Ii'&'3"'"10N | wnh ma approbation of the uler or fauna _ , in the Iedonlg '0; less. -4.1} pm said lg}; :11 cullinloi Iarn,Sqb): `pun. j I; TERMS OF SM`.*E_A- --One tenth of the pm- `mm money to Elie.-paid down loIhe'Vendor u uh-,i1nrs.u.l the Rijne of saw, and asulcienl .5. with the degnsit ofthe said ten percent. m ulna IHWQIII nn mnnrh fmtn thn Jan :.6' r?i..i}Lz4l --- __ . - ~- - , _-. {At 1`) we} ck, n I), the fol. sowing 11 I-ee_l o L d, that in to say The on East vquurtcrgof L t N . 4, in Ink 9m Con:-. of ti 0 '1` nslnlp of ' West Gwm mb y,c htalnlng. acre! lens. MILLINERY B551-Ill Ull l-|lnI\l D lull DEVI VIII`-Ill` -1- ' Ihiph will hp unld nf rmuannnhln rntpn. l HATS so GAPS, III? 'l`-III.` I lrninerui In-aunrnw rm.- nu uuc IIIUAIBL Bl] lc MAR;l ETVSTREE'l`, . . BA1inm. _- .._-- ah Van as-75-rm. n. of nm. LATEST FASHION, 1:: Sale, or promptly Made to Order. 711313511 n. `I! I nu-our an` up A I991:-tn -4---b-*"*:*-v * -\.r. Wixh lh_.appI'0b1-ltlcn Iheguler ol the id Conn, at Bam by n mrn`11rrtn'rn n._ .s_,, McKIl'i Ihe lhj ?odonle,og sores, mun 1'` OF ,. V - > , pm ACRES 0F LAN , \ `I\Y 'rlIl-`. 'I`nIVNSliln nn n.nn;, Vl ynulupuy AMEUU IU UIUEKA DRESS & MANTLE MAKING, I`. n... 1- BAmuE FURNACE WORKS 1 --u-- 'l`\ux ....L__ ,-I, _ . STEAMJHOTAIMHDTWATER FURNACE$ A G099 FIT! 'I.uLomNc ESTABL1sl{MENT, you want to get the worth of your monej. Remember_the Stand- ~ R. WINNING, flnnnahn \f U nr\nnnr <:- Qlnvn Og. the 1stgst rnd most 1 HA nlcn :- }HANGEAl}Y` SAL] " 7' ""'-"I-&'n'nsus! Apphostion for a Patent of which is boing -mule. Iron Pi es and Pumps of all kind; always on in . AIl;kind 1 - pjambing, and bell hn:.,7 .1'.',`,',`;`f """ rn `I 'n}l~~~l tn rm ~...'. .. __ __`_. ... ._.-..-. -- -s-nJL`\.l J In an in _bmi:hu}pmm,p11: neatly and chezplyl L%%.<|.i-,`L . ; 7 -V ` . e purclu ay of il a known` applytoi I'I'\\1Talu. .,...... uuuuuuuuuuuu uugmg none. T;.IlY..`!!;f!T!1.'NG _-__7- `- ---.n.a.I .1 ';11_-E"r_WNsu Ip 01-` kE~s'r ewu.LuMau?A gr": THE COUNTY OF SIMCO ` __n:__ Which will be sold atlreasonable rues. \ a sauna... _....-.n.,-u- u.I: IIIHU HIBKCB TIJBIILAIIJII-2ATI-}R.s: Anniicnlion for 1 Patent nr n.l.!..L 1- ...;:, v..,...--V.-_. ----. Tiers u-r:_ll"l;;, solt; -if "fV A '-'T t`\4'- - and get your SUI'l`S`mAa.de at IILLV I -AI-nbv VA `DJ IHILLU in the gloomy of Sigma ,,on . I 4111 . A 44 .The anbaoribor is preps`:-ed to bnim en. VI _ ormaey 8!. ntaining b A ..I..m`Ilin Ii :49 AI 0359? _I`Io Us`r'-`~- v-1 QIQILI-I LCJJJ All In the Iatast styles. u now --...... rnd aci He nl entic; principles. so make: IM I -E)1{"[`EI'I;S. I ill l)l`ll IIU |J. J. BROWN. \.I.J.3noWNl |_J. J. BROWN.-| u\JLVl:a c mu, Torg