Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Apr 1874, p. 2

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% '7 "1'i{{hs ba"&3nXcL}LL:";he con- ` jqryave Asaositgtioliu-: Edward agmg ' ` its agentin " o cial apacityr ong~ s_eghe could not`be`e'xpeeted[. 39. A -V . ` .psrt_iz9n (frees 7.... `y -Fvvq, \ luv lull] RB ['0 la! Qno 'l`_(_) MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a """ `:3 .`=.'i-1.-."'-.221 I '.". :`:`.:*_*!';_'._Ir; , - .,_.,-7....,.- nuuvuaqo than timg on tlIe,I;gaI.l y period with rogulnity. ac Pill: not be taluh by female: during (Ia: n! three month: of Pregnancy, as they are non to bring on Miicar ' 0 but at ' other time they an cafe. nag ' my ` In in other cases of Nervnnn -ml Quinn` A a-._ y msmmur,-9.anro and speedy remedy for Consnmp-ion, Bronchitis, Asthma, Ooughu, Whooping Cough. Colds, and all diualea of the Uhoat and Lungs. Try this Great Remedy and be convinced. For 3:10 by all respncublo - _ M Druggists. and DI GQIIV s-nzauo __.o . _ JOB IOSES DICAL PILLS I.Io :1. K : L` I. I U PHYSICIAN," Diseases and rules sent by maihfre dingtheir addrea I to `H4 Broadw uruuo " FAMILY containing descriptions for thoi; treatment, will 0 of ehnrgg, to ENG L.l -nus: gammy; S_l1l_=lEM-ED-Y.l , nnuzna ut Pianos of best makers. The Mason & Ham- lin Or gana,and the Canada Organ Com puny : Organs and Melodeona; Organs and Meio- deonstorent, and for sale, on the monthly payment system. ` , ' EDWARDS .8 -LAIRD Bookaellerl, &t~`.', RAI-I-In ; v cu-Id? Pifln nf has! an QACO U, \ WALL P FELT R0 LWUCIIIILIII-IV` B, And Importers of APER; DECORATlONs, OFING, BUILDING PAPER. align- 'I"L- '|'- ~ ` " --1-rwujj iBpokse1lcrs, St:&oners,l Importers Pijoxr'in?:her;1V[ax1itoba who was the cause. - gfso much` trouble a few years ago, is determined to die` `hard no '_.0}L)[")0Ii}ents.A. g'Du1'i1ig the elections for ` Prenr, Ml`. Mackenzie with his friend if-THE If;;EM1;ER AND MEL. ; . - '4-`*:B:ak-_In;side;it iouis ma `M.P. 5;- hvl much he is Adiislikd by Kiss the Legislature in 1871, the 11".. ' -n1,I mclectnc U11 1! getting a great reputation here, and is daily called for. Send as n fnnherlupply without delay. Lemoyne, Gibb 8 00., Buck- intzham, P. Q , x_vrit_e-~"Bond us one zrou Eclectrlc Oil. "We tind it to tske welh. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 26 cu. S N. THOMAS, Phelps, N.Y. And NORTHRUP as LYMAN, Toronto, Ont. Sole Agents for the Dominion. _ No'n.--Eclecln'c--Selected And *E'ootrizeda E&W A slow at rst, but takes splendid.y now H. H. 0ole,of Iona, _writes,"ple1se forward 6 dos. Thomas Ecle; tric Oil, I am nearly out ; nett- ing equals it. It is highly recommended by those who have used it J. Bedford, Thames- ville, writes.--Send at once 9. further supply of Eclectrlc Oil, I have only one bottle lett. I never anw anything sell so-well and give such general satisfaction." 1. Thompson, Woodford writes-Send me some more Eclectric Oil. I have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller 8 Reed, Ulverton, P. Q., write-" The Eclectric Oil is getting daily Send ns n rnrihn-nnmu. Enscrmcmrl Tamas` Excxnsion Eoucraxc 0ILl~WOHTH Tax Tums us Wnonr In Goon.- Pain cannot stay where it is used. lt`is the cheapest medicine ever mode. One dose cures . common sore thront. One bottle hu cured bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has cured on old standing cough. It positively cures Oetarrh, - Asthmzrand Group. Fifty cents worth has cured crick in the-back, and the nine, quantity lame back of eight years atending.- The follow- ing are extracts from a. few of the many letters that have been received from diferent parts of Canada, whic'_, we think, should be Iufcient to satisfy the most skeptical. J. Collard, of Sparta, 0nt., writes,` `send me 6 dox- Dr. Thomas Eclectric O_il, have sold all I had from you and want more now, its cures are truly wonderful. Wm. Megnlre, of Franklin, writes, I have sold all the agent left, it acts like A chsrm--it was slow first, but takes 0ole.of Iona. writes."nle me fnrwsu-ti A A... , V ~--.-%-------'- 7 In your throat sore, or or you annoyed by n |- ponmaiiroough2- Ifeo nee pmrnptly Bryen e 1 Pplmonio Wafers. 'f`hey will give you in- . slam relief, They relieve the air panacea , of pble-gm or m'ucoua,and ellnyinarnmution, ' and no safer remedy can be had for coughs, I ? colds, or anyoomplaint of the throat or lungs, and iftuken iii time their efficacy will soon I be proved. Sold by all Druggiele end country E dealers. Price 25 cents per box. U IJOIH-IOU: Manna-was or Cocos.--"Wo will now give snsccount of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps & Co.,munufacturors of dietetic articles. at their works in the Euston Road. London."-Seo article in Cassatt`: House- old Guido. - Bnnxnsm-.--Eves : Oooon.-Gannon no Oomonrxns - By '1 thorough knowledge of the natural laws which governthe operation: of digestion and nutrition, and by a. careful appli- cation of the fine properties of fell selected cocoa, Mr. Eppe has provided our breakfast tables with e delicately avoured beverage; which mey save us many heavy doctors bills. -Civil Service Gazette. Made aimpl with Boiling Water or Milk. Each pncket is shelled --" Juan Ex :3 & Oo.,Hommopnthic Chniata. London. `lnuvlvnlmrvnn ._ 11....-. n 111. ,_:n n, ms mason & HAMLIN ohm cu; . gn_d_a_r_tq[o_ joy bull! HM - . CANADIAN Orr. \Vn:I.u.--Enuis|ri|len, 0nt., , is situated some sixteen miles from the St. Clair river, and nearly opposite to Newpolh ' and is one of the riuheut oil districts in the world. There are new sunk and in progreu near 300 wells, mo-t of them yielding largely ; in one one the well hu been overowing for some time, and it is estimated that about two barrels per minute is running to waste, and __ jao farthey have not _been able to stop it. This truly_ is one of natures wonders, though not more wonderful than the power of the CI- nadian Pain Destroyer in caring sudden colds, rheumatism , pleurisy,epinnlaectioua,_ sprains; bruises,&c. "Sold by_ull medicine dealers at 25 centsper bottle. _.-.--.--av, vs -nu nunauv ,.......... DIED. IlERRIGAN.--At his residence, Venpm, on the 8th Inst, of. Uommmplion, Hr. Archibald Hcrnignu, In the 45th yaar of his :30. It Hexrignu warn son-in-law of the late Miles Kenney, Esq , of Vespra. ' -..___, .___. _. -._..._..-., ..-.--. .....a ...v.. - 7B1ake,"st\;1;1ped Ontario from `en; Adenouncixig the Govcrnnient of "the lt_1te.-J.-Sandeld Macdonald because BIRTHS. PASS-A. Barrie, on March 27th, the wifg 91` Walter Pass, Esq.,'o{ 3 daughter. WATERS.--At Barrio, on the` 10th inI., the wife of Goo. Waters, Esq,-of the Queen`: Hotel, ofa son. ' --v..,., . . ~ . - -. - MARRIED. BAKER-=-GU l`TING- -At the residency of Mr. Rich, lnniel, by the Rev E. W Hurphf, B. A , on thc'6th inst... Mr. Emanuel Baker. otthe Township of Vesprs, to Miss Hnnnsh Cutting, of Collingwood. ` - ' SMITH-l .UTLEDGE--A'tlco Bwrio Hotel, by the Rev; R. Boyle. on the 8th inat., Geo. Smith, of the township of Essa, to June `Rutledge, of the same place. l`II I.`I"I ) . LEPS GREATJBRONGHIAL RE!/lEDY,-5. sure Oon_anmEion,7 Asthma. Oounhn- ""'Vf R. S. S. FITCHE'S "FAMILYI PHYSICI AN-" (`nnfnhnn .a......:..-.-_- ueer'--mnd quanta: 7 00 to 7 '15. ._ Fore quarter 6 50 to 6 60. Mutton- 7 to 9. ' ` Vea1_--$-. oo to_6 oo. Hides-3610 6;! ' Sheep Skius-$l 50 to 2 50 BI_zt!er-25 to 30. Eggs-14 to 15:. Hay--$16 001.0 18 00. Slraw-$8 00 to to oo.A u ||\AI|.|Z xun l\l\I'Al U0 Fall Wheat-$1 15 to $1 20. Traadwel --$1 10 to $1 15. Spring----1 05 to! H)` _ OaIs-48 to 59c. Peas-55 to 60-. -. Bar1oy-l 10 to $1 25 4 Potatoe2-per bag 55:10 doc. Dressed Hogs--7 00 to 7 50.` Beef--Hind quarter`? 00 to 7 75. quarter 50 60. B &RRlE _'.\1AR(I*(F`2TS.Z THE IS}! R gunk F '5. III vllllllll UH. gm!!! 0 to {mulch EST ND CHEAP CABINET 0 AND II mu wod; an named! to und for thou ILLUS- TRATED CATAIOGUI Ind TBITIIONIAL CIR- CULAR. ml uculnh what lhzlhvc loin luv- than it mount. an H sad ran-I-no. vuvuu IIIERIOI iubjog . It Iolm non: b F`:'...`'`` . `nslitulion. Lin `0 uuulult nu mu IIl|l 1Iuu,uI Iny an Inoreol. in I aired on or before TUE DAY. THE I-`ll-:l`q(-I DAY OF MAY now out ensuing, go (Ho 3 statement of hlo clwu. vetiad by nfdovihat m Chombora,in Ougoodo Hall. in tho City ol oronlo, nnd to upon co y on Muoium I-lookln & spans. of the Guy of Toronto, in the County 'of_ York, Sogaciton for the aid Willill Gol1|q.her,und in dofanl: ovary cool: chin will be 'bmed,nnd the {mo ollho nid Willmm Gallagher beoona ohoololo and indofouiblo on Law and _in oEgo,ily, nbjoot only to tho reservation: R `out'ioIo_d_io tho thkvoctiou of the aid Act, _ " ; lhdfoiudnpdbon _ono!uvo, three, and Street [or rruperd purouua money, and a oermn Morin; u: do try the eaid William Gellegherto to nude Landed Credil Company. Whetelore my other pereon Ahevlng, or pretending lo hevo. any lirle to, or interest in the eeid land, or my rm lhoreof. aired TUE THE mlrr nnrmnuv ....... ..-... -_-_,-7 . " Iv nun cuguw In gpput ulnaua," Ind bu produced evidence whereby he I pears to be the owner theroofin fee free, rrom all in oumbnnooqoxce tube liomof lho Vonet. Ib1a`Amhducon 'Fhomu BI-o`ok Fuller and Riolmd Millonulruateoo of Ibo last will and leulunonl of the his Thomu Clark Sun for unpaid purchase many OIIIIII Mnnnna undo in um um am... ---s; NOIIOO is hereby given. that Willis Gellugher, of the Township oi Touorontio, :11: the County of Suncoe, Yeoman, bu made an `opicelion to the Comet Chancery for q oemcele of title to the above mentioned` ptopony. under The Act for Quintin; Tim. :I.`..`:...'`::: 13:25:22:9,':.';::..S:.':*:'::::::`.*=:: IN cngoanvi In the latter of Lot Number -Elglnecn, In the Second Con- ooujgn of qgg "Township 01 Topmromlo. In the Cannty of- n Ilnncoe, In the Province or on- ta:-lo. %`i.'rHI3R_sDAY APR`1L 9.. 13.74.: .;, the order received. Sent, pout-vaid,oTn}_ TE MPERANCE USE. Add:-an I I. Dvmnnoznm n -_ g 1.1.1 .1. .uJ.L'JLJLJ book entitled T . ance Echoes about 11:; first of April, cofn'I;. f$d 1-a;gci_a'lly to suit the wants of T Societies. It will contain a large Erfrnffr A I`! T T313 `l"At\ n `rr ? any name vmn me to-mgm. Song 8 0horixa.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . ..Tu- hr. 5 Drinking Gin. Song 8 Chorus. Heath. 5 We won'tluve the Farm. .Song and Chorum. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Perriey. [We cannot give then up. Song and Charm ..........v........Clark E The Living Wgtprl. Song and Chorus. .-.....'......._. . . . . . . . ..l..Clark.: If you've a. Father`; love. Song sad 0horus...; . . . . . . . . . . .....Martin. 1 A.u...-- 1 ii nnmtincs . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. prcalmr. .30 cu. Hailed, on regeipt post:puid,S O N G S . of Pxice. Stay Home wiih me to-night. Song Ohorlil. . . . . ..Tu- kar an .o. un-ow your vlgmkey out. Song and Chorus ....._...`......"Leighton.2 Pupa. Stay Home. Song and Chorus. . . . . . . ..W.S.Hays.4 Will he come Home To-night? Sou; and Ohorul... . . . . . .......Dnuks. 3 Poor Little Tim. Song 8 Cho. Abbey. 3 Don : Sell my Father Rum. Ballad. -......................' Dress!-Jr. 3 It.:i..I L ; . - __ -nuvuu in-IIr`\II\g Tl'n-ow your Wgiukcy Song 0110! !!! ..u....' . . . . . . ..Lniuhtnn. C Ul omy par: cash to state time required, and to mm: the security okored. The undersigned does not bind herself to accept the hvgheu or any Tender. Dated at Ban-io, this 8th day of April, 1874. MARY SHERIDAN, It Administrntrix. renders at-so much in the donut, per inven- tory, will be received by the undersigned at Barrio, until the FIFTEENTH DAY OF APRIL, inaunt, for the stock of Dry Goods, Hoiiery, Clothing, #0., belonging to the estate of Bernard Sheridan, d'eceued,1M.o of the Town of Barrie. Thus .I...-. -A--I_ --!-I 01 nu-ne. The shove stock, with inventory, can be aen,on applicntion to the undersigned. Tenders of only part cash time numb ucuritv The nnd.m'.....a I I s I 5 r 3 I s l 1 9 e l t` 9 a Ai-uh ?;i.3'i1, `iedicine, it is "well and favour- ably known, relieving the usanda from pain in the . ~ . 3.40, Back and Head, Oostghs,(,'oIds,Sore 1Irreal , sprains, Brutus, Cramps in the Stomach, ` Cholera Morbus, Dymtlery,Bowe1 Com- plaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, 5-c. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been before the public for a length of time, and wherever used is well liked, never asiling in a single instance to giv_epermnr.ent relief when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction, where the directions have been properly followed, but on the con- trary all are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical eects. We speak from experience in the matter. I having tested it thoron hly, and therefore those who are suffering rom any of the com- plaints for which it is recommended, may de- pend upon it being `I Sovereign Remed . The astonishing eicacy of the (ivsnadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful effects in suhduing the torturous pains of Behnmetism, and in relieving Nervous Aifections, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming in from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the country, for iurther supplies, and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives. The Canadian Pain Destrover never oils to smcx or m 600118,} ammo, &c.| `rm: 15th13VAi"bi:X{r, 1874. A n 1.3.. n--__y- rn_____ ___._ - _-__-, -wu-a Al Jo!ni(37rvagg s Tivern, Village of Churchill, at 11 o Clook in the forenoon. ._ _. H... .|.lJ.IlLJ.J.I \J.IJ IJ L111: Oil. Address, J. L. PE1`ER8_,}c99. B:-ondwny, N .Y. ' Bo_x 5429. % `U55 unula 1' I'll.` lull l.t\.IV.l'4U F Patent Lnth Hill, which is wan-muted to cut. 25 to 30,000 Luh per day. For particu- lnrl nddreu SAMUEL JOHNSTON, Dalston, North Simeon, Ont. 15-4t-pl T`t;o first meeting or the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the TOWNS__l_l__l_If _Qf _m_msrI|. I u:u.vvvn,_ uuu. 181111] Wllvl'll(.l IKE I 0fPWlt3/ that any braach of the I rhulr urm In nannml - ' on SALE-AN IMPROVED warrnnfgfi GA nn OK 6:. on Ann Y All. ___ .I-_ E _ _ _ . _ ;' DAY Int. two note: 0! hnnd, made by John Mclnfoah In favor of T. B. Our, for the sum: M865 each. Allpnniea are cautioned ugninstnegotlsting the said noten. T. ECARR. I April 7th, 1374, 16-3!.-lp l\JJ..l'JlJ 1J\J|JJ.p".l4\lIJ.I. \lLV 5.111.; uJ.\' l ILL` 1.121/"11 IJJ-'-ILV V LKLVJ. \J-LL` --ono who understands cooking. Ii quire of Lin. B. W. WHIFFEN, Bell Ewnrt. A-.. HAL 1051 F `T IR. 1-..- vv ---. no u u u o... - ..--I ..-.. ....... -. April -uh 1374, E.U. 15. T OTES LOST.-- LOST O-N sATfi1>.. l ..l... u..l...'..-I.. 1.1.... .o m :1 1'1... I..- ob... it given. _ V 'T The Oenedien Pain Destroyer never to give immediete relief. All Medicine Deelere keep it; Phyeicienl order and use it end no inmily will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twent -ve Gems per bottle. Sold in Bertie by ohn Woods, ,J. P. Kidd, Weteon 8 00., and Well: Broe.; Bredfoxd, by J. Deacon : Oreighuru, Green Brothers, and by ell Medicine Deelere. I v I ANTED--A SERVANT GIRL Eu- tnn:IA nl ll-n I ` EUTWFWN Rn Wwnri .'DB. WEEBLIWB OOMPOUND BLIXIR OF PIIOSPHATES AND OALISAYA. - Bun! Guru, Aug. 31, 1872. The Compound Elixir of Phosphates and (Julian pljepuod by you I hue been using lnrgely in mypnctice, And I assure you thnt Hi my ndgxnent there in no fl-epantion of its kind t at can compare with twboro it in up pflonblo. With leoble, nnamlo women, of whom we hnvo_ so many, and in can con- nlouing from proatrntlng diseases I should bu-dly know how to get along without it. In Dfyspcpuinlt nctl like 3 elm-m-ln fact in any o the `any list ofexhnustin discuss in in the remedy. I am, your: truly, J. LYMAN BUOKLEY, ' 1- i . _,_.,.........4.4.. .... .._.- ....munm. JU cu. Add J. L PETERS. ` "535 Broadway, N_.-Y., P. O. Box 5429, Tenders at-so much ory,will received bv undoniamul -9 'ia_1~;NJ.u{uN aoss. Tp. Clerk. Innisl,.4Ih Apzil. 1874. THE PROTEST. __.__.____._______.__._.._.____ [IPOR.'I`A.N'l]SALE BY TENDER. `IOURT OF REVISION. New 1lhnertii1m1t5. ueu. u mu conuun large number 0. NEW GLEE BOOK k_novn Teiznpornnce Songi, lozether with ________._.__..___.___._.___ VANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER sis 'v'v'aI{b. Q15 onl-:1`-in-13:` In: as... ;u:--.-- '.'?a'o.s. aonussmo. _ Iofgroqol 'l_`iuu_o._` We shall issue 5 new book entitled Temper- first April. comnland I IVUIIIPI *1 of 75 J. cu. I 30_ c_ls: . 30 09.9. 30 cm . 30 cu. L :16 cts. .' so gu. . 30 eta- : 30 cte. . 30 (!`L`_'. ' 40 cu. . so cta. UZUCIUZ IIIIVC Uxwn:-r A! Chen Bat_oo_. LUIS Jlllad upon at their ruidum. 2.84-.-All Ind: of PATTERNS coal!` at 1 low -Inn. ' * ho Bcnio,lmwoon.I.hW.M` !wii?_K;ilEif` DIIIPVIL -Ila IKOWIII DIV!!!` 11-16 In Us-' Ii" Olllllhloe in England is prepared to M all order: antrumd to her, promptly, uIyliI*' nd Ladle: L Iluhllnbnont with very good Aguntiouon on be lupplied st 9 A A1QQhn1 1 n can: and -1$II" 3 4 `- & c.uq.ud.nvxn--- Of unyjouu inow-nhnnd an cheap-H ollupolt In. Rowoll Vin; bad In 01 Olnnlanoa in Innlnnd In nnnnnd M` 2 dam won or thrwollinglo . Hotel, and '- ` jnrnntoo to make the men fuhiocnblt DIUISB UK` _E_|..Tl l__A B_E_1'_l|__% s In :51 m<':i>i?x:iE: C\`II'Ili I-n v__-v vv `CZ? bank from Englnd rupees! 1) I form! public of Barrio sud Hoinity tgulynhg bu off` - ed out 1 In" 1 can-an . ............ -..u.u' IMILLINERYEEESS-MAKJFII ALVU DRESS-1\__zf_g_1KING! wammunss agygtr AND sms |...`. 4...... ._...r.u! uInV"'I2I-IQIUU DU llljllre me every wgzy possible, and hope he `will. continue to .bla.ze;away,".as the ` Upgblic-kn.0W fu1l:=w911ritii~1;bn1x-th.bra ` ` - uv Iguln u.vvva.:,_ nu nut Wu1' .. ff rtg ofpumg/ any brew _"dI;c`::ion'Iaw would be rsented. N .-in. n ." .2 a . .`- - ~ MILLLNERY . J _ .I_heraby I-`Unlln cumion all pnrliel ("lug Good: or Monies on my ac(_3ounlF- out mywrillon nrdor: I h InvI\vnn\' >W.naL*l\ v nan wlmea.-` madiatoly. Apply ut the ofc: _thia paper. H ........ . .._._f > ;ET.-N U R s E _v;nnted, .: oiff old. ._._A., nuuxn. 4. 1us:A'l`lNG,A'l`TOR.\`F.Y~ W LAW, Sohcitor-in-Chancexy, mud _t veynncer. Oices---Uver Post Oice, 0" street, 3an-ie. Mon|ey to Lend. ylulu 5585. TERMS-One lenlhoflhe purclnanemf to be paid down on the day of sale. ` balance terms will be mnde known on I?"- of sale. For further particulars apply I: -.........o ucuul wm be made known '~ _ , or lo ' Joxas AP Jens, . .\'o/m.'.rI. ALEX. asonnow, l:eQ., ; ., Masunu: H-` Barrie. ` Tu`- Turonld, Gih April; 1874. U;)dar M lo! 63'} on the said villa sixth of an a prmisea. TI.` 1) rue cre more or less. house with store PARCEL IV. ortgnge from Ann Amen. Ihe`WesI side of Manna?) 5 ge of Bell Evnrl conluimI..`V A dwlf. be` oath, in said to be as I\, I V ..w---.-J uuuvllllu ll-I BIIU (HUI ;.L PARCEL III. Under Mortgage from Robert H-a; Vxllage lols number one and two in b1 u _ in me said village o{Gui1ford, as shear Cresnwickm map. A large d velling hr: bum, shed, oulhonse.-, 81.0., are said lo be the premises. an-..:_,' rnnunp 1.1- Umter Mortgage from Thou. F. McCal- The South half of Int twenty seven If- Ienlh coneeslon of the said Township c: nieIA nonlnining sixty acres, more or A mo_re pamculurly described in and Marga; `INA-r\ ~...-- _.__ _- -.-- ..3.--w. v, fvvlubcf .d.UUG_7IC8. Sm,--Permit me one word in reply to the Gazette. The writer says I came here through mistepresentation,-_that is true, and he was the party .7who,did'it. J As to my ability a.a.a. writer, I would ; advise him help:-esuines to act E '. 'u e, toga to , oo_,_a.q.d eerne to JVV(hgen I spoke of not-descending qeslaw . as to write for him, I ineant oicialy, as . any one brains well know, In W conclusien, I say that the chat"-actere ' of 'my.tx-aduearv-it $00}-W611 f_6i` spiteful malice tolhurt s,nyVioxie.h1iti e so1f.': Ih.luwe lived. \sImrd gf. two; . iei3>5m2' ndaffvm tQu omihln.~?n' -* /~. n An VUIUUI HUU At the Lelroy Hotel, In Hm` Inge ot Len-oy, By virme of pr were of Sale con:air.ev1..'~ Iain Morgaaes which will be ;vrodz:ueJa' aala,vlbe following property; "l'\A1~.z~uw- _ _ ._a.. .L.xL|\J-L1A.LJ VJ.- Under Mortgage from Thos, F, .\TcCc'L'~ Broken lot number twenty-six arm Iw: seven in the sixth concession of lhe -; Township of lnnisl, containing by a.-`rr. snremenl one hundred and thirty acres, r: or less. PARCEL II- Umlpr Mnrlnnnn (M... 'I`L.-_ I.` \v_r~..- Auulo wlu U6 IUQLI OH Saturday, 25th of April, 187. Al '9 n n)m-Ir nnnn AU,GTHl lg:)1*l%E mm 81 vim LUT: GUILFORD &__1_2jr;;.g. mm: , .____.. -v V-.~v;u, . Coulaon. Toronto, 6111 April! 1874. TOWNSHIP OF lN_NlSF. V The foilowing improvements are said':_. on the premises: Twenty acres mu c, valed and fenced, Log DWeI1:ng,Bafza:~ Stable. _ TERMS--One-Iemh of the pum; money to be paid down on the day of n For balance. terms wxll be mado know: the sale. For furlber particulars Ipply 1: JONAS AP JONES. Or to. .`_4o2ic1Ior..\lu~u:.,I.l!u '1; ' [Auou nnnr cn|- ' r '- -j--.\u;IHo_- C. laining one hundred acIes,r.1ore 9,1. _'I_`he following improvemems a... ,'ad', on the premises: Fnhy ucren w.p'm', and (weed, two Log Dwzllxxngg, 33,, q " ,. em. I It PARCEL V. nmlnr Mnriannn r...... f\..__ r A nu I`. L V . Undo: Mortgage from Duncan The West one half of Lot lwo, in Concession ot the Township of tuining one hundred and 6{:een leu. McKe:r2 Int: 1; Medon!e., IOYGF. mm 5.;-.u-J ;.us:uyu JUL um BPOIIB. " _ ` ` In disposing of the` public. funds it was enough to know that innocent honest Archy 'IcKe1lar was at the, head of a'airs. mm, wreg, mple or Ian. u The fol1ovfxu8"m19: gl?:;?:2,,e on Ihe pl`8l`li1|l;o.g' Dwgnlg and well nag p A 5 rs r- n -- * are sum ';3. I cleared 4. Ram, I I1 l\\I I: L I V Under Mortgage from Jam. The East one half of Lot lvm Concession sf the Towmhip oz .\ acres, r.u,re The fnllnurinn Inn -........__, _ I r\I"\\/ELL 1. Under Mortgage from John McK;,,..` The East half of Lu! num " third Canceuiop of the a POW dome, contammg by admeuurgm ' cm W hundred acrea.mur_o or Ian. " The fnlln-ma um.-....--- _ ,, ir _ and Iown;h,' ` bar lhrca " b \ rAUELH. Under Mortgage from Arobibam 3, The West one hrlf of Lot three In Concession of the Township of Medon:g,. mining one hundred acres, more or Ian The following improvements are mi .. on me promises: Thiny-ve acres 91.3,] well cultinled and fenced, Log I)weylu,3 PARCELIW bnder Mortgage from Robert Cm The East half of Lot nu Iobgm "'0 hi. In bar one in foonh Concession of mo uid 'r,w,,.h.` Madame, containing by hundred ncrea, mom ion. The followiim ilnnrn-n--r--u - udmcauuremmrl `r---` A! J2 o'clock noon, at M0LE\N>S ':..n.- Int 1' AI`?! nn .... Al 12 "0 " , imho VILLAGE OF cRAmURs:E . By virtue of pow { . Iain Mortgagen, v:.t1`i,ct:at:.1cI';)`:'nod in c.. the ul-9, the following pmpeny produce!` DADMFI I be on the premises: Thmy nunureu Icreu more OI tau. "W. "` The following impronments H ", ICTQQ cluw wall f. need, and well cultivated, Low 1), a 2 ing, bum, etc. V own an ItIonday,TT;`2`7t%VlW1"c'af April, 187 M12 noon. MaI.L`.A xx. lT"?!!`'wE9IE?0JNrr vWho. vs;ot11d dare accuse -Archy'_ of sgyganding a. giollau-' wrongfully? Surely nbt the honestzfarmers of Ontario. WA `ann a\o\I- J--- .__'LL A I 1XU'r1oN'1'o MERCHANEAN I organs. VALTER J . KEATING, X1`M1*o'rz.\*1Tr.x'-.-.' LAW; S0llcitor-in.(`.hnnm-.-u and I . _IN THE COUNTY OF SI.\IC("E. 0| *0 .`!oZicnor. 5; JAMES COULSOIV, AND IN THE v1LLAa'r:s 0F - "-- -vuu IN THE comm; op s.MCoE T N {I119 mnmninsmmsr _ as mmmmf. mum In'Innn -mi an A nan AAUGTIION sm: op` Vllnlble and There will be sold on __ l\P.| PAuIi(ZL`r}vi'1vJJI4' TI. uuu nu: ll\`Jl>-lUB|I`l3l'u1( .3r3 OI U_!ltRI'l0. We have not done with Archy Next week wevmay. have 9. little 1 to say. :3A"ri6E'i_"7i"v"f Mrurt-nan (M... L. There will be sold on J.--vv-Q CA5` I Al 12 o c)ock noon, VFARCELIL Ollnnoa Tram A ...s.-.L, . bl IR Idlll-JLJ STORE 0 wmuwwm ll ARCEL 'nrlngnm I...__ .- -w-v 35$ Valqlblo and IN THE IN TH]?! ---- - a... an; lAU\4\!llUU\l U110 _ cak. Who 1}; {1I .pure.m`.'guzed MC-_ Kc11ar-the hero of` the Elgin Associa- `.`_tion F_ra.uds, and the midnight plotter of political corruption, had the effrontery to step into Scott's grand -bursa:-ship of the model Ontario Reform .15/Iinistry? Was not Archy 9. veteran politician? Had he not growngray in the study of human nature? AAnd,therefore,byA virtue ' of age, and the cunning practices of `a. long life of .tre_achery,andi an innate love` of mo!`1'ey,. so characteristic of his `canny cot1ntx yn1en,\vaswell tted for the posi tion of general paymaater to the Government , and his `obedient following, and with the power-ebeliind thethrone at his back ' honest Archy could have the hafdihood to brave public opinion, with these props at hand ready to keep him on his feet. .. V A .1 . .1 - - ...J... ._-.. _.V-- - J. B. Joamsox." 13 lulu) hes H. pay .. Iimn 31;. `OHM Iho duo` M . o'l.Iy 1 lnu 5-null by 1: in nu. _._...._. _-.....J vv -nvvr annals VII M43 1060. . Archy was equal to` the occasion and Archy rushed for the spoils. - _ . Tn `A:unnn:nn Al` J.L..'..._LL'- II I ' Ilia lho -nL. I In culua . Bt)'.'1, `a. A` lv';)ai|1 In!` P1 _llI BBC a--n-- To thej of 1_`V'ar`zI;nernAAdva_ncs. Run _'D)......:L ...- _ - L` V ' 7"\I I But `it seemedhto be necessary for the very existence of the Mowat-Mc'Ke1lar C `Government that some one of his col- leagues should play the role. of the pom- pous Scott. -`W11ether any other Minister than the hero of the Proton _Outrage--- V the innocent, kind haarml hangs: farmer, Ar_ch_r/ Mclfcllar, was competent _for the work, an question. At `all events, McKe1lar ._was the man select- ed: and McKeI'1:;x-' accepted ` the haul: XVI.-Q !m+ nu. .......- ... :._'.I_;r mt- In this way Ontario fort1inate_ly was rid of one of the most "extravagant and lordly Ministers "bf Mr. 'Mowat s Gov- ernment, not everi excpting in extrava- g,9.n<:e Llxe pious _Archy McKellar._ A? ca _Mr. Scott, the, ,ex-commissioner of Crown Lands, in _order to cover up the enormous gaps made in the` surplus. by the prodigality of the Governmeat--as well, pe1jlmps,:as to accommodate his_lum_ be1i11g`fxie,ug1s-in whosepay he was-hesi. tnted not 120 threw thousands [of square miles of our valuable forests on the market, and by a. secret system of in- trigue and chica.1iery,. induped the tolue- sentatives to swallow the jobliing. I'l'\'I__ .___:_.`___LZ-._ _l 12.. 1.1, A `II';_ " fact did not dare to show his face in Ot- W-LUll KILL UUUL1 11.: LVLIUUWILGIU WUHIHI '_ `take in the event of Riel taking his seat, were not spared in order to inuence the -people against Sir John. Riel, how- ever, did not nmlae his appearancejn Ottawa, did not succeed in getting him- aolf sworn in as member of Provincher, ' did not draw his travelling allowance, in ~ tawa at all, All this time, however, John was cliarged with acting the Rpart of a cunning, deceitful sympatliiser. ' He was accused of having culled God to witness that he was anxious to lay his `hands upon him," (Riel), and he was de- - nouncod as a wicked and profane sinner. for giving'expression by such language .- at all. Of course it was all right theii to cast stones at Sir John. i It was all right ` to denounce him, and to charge him ` with wrong-doing, whether guilty or not, b so long as he conducted the a{i'airs of the country- That tune is altered now, how- ever, Sir John having given way to his opponents, it so happens now, that the boot is on the other leg. . Mr. Mackenzie contrary to all his former professions, chnt:'a1'y to his vehement c_rie.='; for ven- - geance, nds that Monsieur Louis Riel, has not only to be protected by him, but that he must also be provided with ' a safe hiding place, in the public build- ings at Ottawa, as a. protection against the oicers of the law, who areiarmed with authority to-arrest him, as a `fugi- tive from justice. ` e Whnfo |.nn`3I3n4-.`.1... 'un..:&:.\.. 9;... LI... ` The resignation of Sir John VA.iMi1c- dona1d s Governgieut gave Mr; Scott an opportunity to espape from thestrictures of the Opposition" in the Local Parlia- ment by taking 9. portfolio in the hetcrcggnons ministry of Mr.A16xander McKenzie in th Dominidn. I --.- -.._`.______~- .._- The accmnulated surplus of four mil-A lions of dollars so industurious-ly saved by Mr. Sandeld Macdonald, melted away like snw in aummof, so that now in the short space of three years it him dis- appeared altogether. n 1n.Ont-.irio' the unaccountable and ex? tra`o1-rlin:u'y recklessness of minietere came a nmttep of wonderment to the country, and even their very best friends _ bowed down their heads in shame at the conduct of the ministry they looked up to as= the model` of pu1'i_ty,: and as the Oxponents and advocates of Itefbrmp nu , 1 1 , 1 ,,,, ._1_,'_ -1.` 1`._.__ ._:l` ` `VVhen fo1'ced*to- resign his position as President `of the Ontario Goveljnnxent, as if afraid to entrust the ixerest or his faction to such an unscrupulous -ancI'c1_i- honest man as Mr. Arhibuld McKellar, he had the anifucity to nppronch the Bench, and for. the first time in the history of [responsible Govexjmnent he seduced and induced the `Hon, Oliver Mowat, then Vice-Chancellor of On- t:u-io, to soil the iennine by taking up thofole of the politician and partizan. as the lewler of the Government. This `matter went on from bad totworse, Muntil by downright falsehood and ucret con- spiracy the Government of Sir J ohn _A. Macdonald was driven from power_._ . -u r\. o..-n, ,,_,,_,4,11___,u __,' Thn his tgkiatmcnt of -the Dtizil Rpre- sentatien question showed the insindelity of his vmotivos in `bringing aboilt the ulolishment'of that act. ' oice, and made himself the President of his Cabinet. In tliehcond Vplaehiie formed a Coalition Ministry by taking Mr; Scotti, 'tl1 ".l'7`61'y, into his , Cabinet. In the third .ploe, instead of announcing `I -,,P,, , S1 , _, ELL 1].. VII? 1-v.--J Govt_ernment, "lie `satised h-imslf by adopting the very policypfv the Govern- ment which he had {sq prsistcntly assail-' ed. In every ingtancg ' in which he depzn-ted'f1'om that policy, subsoqxlenbly, be displayed his incapacity as a leader, and his reck1_essness as a. statesnmn. 1 i the Government of "0nta`rio a G I Mcliznun `A Vicng. - ' V "1 We are net'far astray in d ment of surprises. From _Mr. Blake launched his motions V `7`iI- ing the address from the thmne in opposi- tion to the Administration of the late Sandield_McDonald s Government, down to the present time, every act performed of any importance has been a surprise ; `Ii- u,_ -1,_i-_,_ 'r_'n_- 2...... -1--- ..'.....| 1 1 `-1 V: 2 I E 1 I 1 I V Titrary to the `aid all precedent-co'1;1_;.;ary";1;o_ :3)rot_'e`s-. signs of Ebis `pb.rtj'*`-5-he "5!:rezit'td"i1 n.bvv"' "' "' """ ""`_I "<""" '- " -""'C in new vpoluicrywin;i"t.h.~tlLe! :, .t`I,:A_,,,,L-_ L- _____v.J_21.`l_ L`..- -ww uuxjuuuucu. , A point of corruption had been rech; ` `Ed in this riding, at which it was thought at no man had 2 right to vote except `tor the highest bidder. * '1'}... nAninunL;vrA -u\_J-.. .1-L-___..:__ _ I: A _ . - -- -~ f v--., `-..--- ..,-y..V..._-.., I _-~ antecedents of his party,to accord hm constant cmrpings of his followers against the policy of the Sandold TMacdLona1d '1- --,;:_c-.1' 1_:_.._.uL- L_. -..._.-... _-.4- ..__ __ |-A`(};)V}2I15IMENT or svnrnrsli. 1;; AT ME AGAIN. ""`J 5'93: jet} IV! [nun 'l`h_ongh these prqminpnt leaders of $134 ? the Gut puny prove rampant .10 gheix qga _speeches and 21:9" pledges. Phrlinent .- - a7v~*""` " 'll;.4gI ` I1 of When Sir _John Macdonald was at the head of the Governmentthe Op- position leaders at Qitawa and in '3' Toronto busied themselves much in as denouncing the foul crime with which n_ Riel wac so closely associated. It was ,i_ while at the head ot the Ontario Op- position that Mr. Edward Blake made a speech which, however` well founded, was exceedingly inammatory, and n- delivered with a view to political ef- e. feet. It was in the. course of that speech that Mr. Blake said: "He (Riel) #19 receiving depiitations fromthe poo ' ple of that "country, asking him to -1 ! stand as a candidate for the Local ,5 Legislature and for the Parliament ct `fGanada.` Yes, for tlze Parliament of Canada ! We nd him declining for the good of the country and from 51` patriotic motives, to allow himself, to - be nominated. But, sir, I say that ,5 unless this Province speaks out, it d " will not be long the case that he will act thus, and we may yet undergo the humiliation and disgrace of seeing the `-' murderer `of one of our people elected to 9` the farlianieni of Canada, and re72re- , 9 sentativeafrom Ontmio sittmg in coun- I. f` oil on th'e.a'a2'rs of the wuntvy with d one guilty` of murder. I warn this House and this Province that unless H we act in this matter the murderer I` will go unpunished! This, Sir, is no .. ordinary -murder. It was no murder for revenge, for money, or for any oi " those causes that usually provoke a great crime." When Mr. Blake came into power he oered a reward of $5,- 'r 000 to any one whowould. bring Riel 9 to justice, though he refused a few hundred dollars to a man who solemn- ly and positively. declared that if he were assisted _to this extent he would I bring about the object which Mr. r -Blake and his friends aeernedsc anxious f at that time to accomplish. At Ottawa 2 Mr. Mackenzie wasa feeble echo of 3 t` 16 ['8 )8 of the Grit Jupiter who thundered from the Toronto Olympus. In what ` position do theseimen stand to-day`! It , `Mr. Blake were -the earnest, `honest man he professes to be, he, an eminent lawyer, instead of Mr. Mackenzie Bowell, a layman. ' who finds himself hampered at every step by the techani- I cal.-objections of.the professional mam` hereof the House, would be found con- ducting the case _ against Riel in Parliament. `Why is it that at such a ' l.im6'h_e isnot evenein his seat in Par-t - liamentt Surely the people ofOntarib. i whose votes were snatched by the cry which he raised overfthis question in , the Fall ot1871,fhave reason to `look. L for a very di'erent_proof of , his con. (sistency and devotion to `principle. * The. $5,000 rewardzno longer exists to ; sharpen the zeal of. an active detective, _or_`to_spur-the earnestness of a; prints. _ . citizen-anxious to see, a notorious fugit-P t ive from justice` brought before the ' avengers of the .law,'5 but Mr; `Blake. is A still` 8, tmmber of-Pa'rlis..m.,Bnt,,belieired` to have some desire `toibe cfggjgidm-ed" . honest; whyf.does, not takehis seat in t the Hoiise`.of.Co`nimons:a_iid; aid-Mr; rilsokonzier-`Bowelliih I1.` Jprsispwonhy - sohdsct. ssn if'he'7does`nct Ila PUIID IZUIIIIUIIIIJE I! |I"I.I\lIII3`U her for North Hastings, is-.du_e the credit of having brought the subyect ' before Parliament, in a practical shape,` at the earliest possible moment. By 7 `the examination of a few important _ witnesses he is clearing the eld for the closer encounter which must follow. 5 brought into prominence ;"the Govern- ment 0!. Sir John -Macdonald did not promise an amnesty to M. Rieland those who were associated with himin. the rising at_Fort Garry. M. Masson, in hisable speech the other evening, ' declared most emphatically that his ; reasons for `declining to enter the late `Cabinet were because the first Minister could not satisfy him, i.n'_the rst place, ` wi_th respect to the New Brunswick ~ school question; and, in thenext place, with respect tothe amnesty to Riel. . Having been directly appealed to, Sir John Macdonaldstated that M. Masson was entirely correct ; that he, the Pre- mier, could not give that gentleman l the assurances he required as. to the school question, and` that he would not promise him thatan amnesty should be granted to Riel and his friends iii rebellion. '|'.he organs of the men now in power had so persistently de- clared that the very reverse of this made by Sir John and M. Masson would have been received with no little astonishment had not these same newspapers, for some time previous to the meeting of Parliament,` felt it to be necessary to say that there was now no evidence that a promise of an air- ing authority to make it. Even Arch- small hope, has notventnred to assert of this kind, not to spealrof a promise, tions with the Dominion ..Govern.ment. It is well to have this point settled at the start. Mr. Mackenzie s Ministry need be in, no way governed by that has declared would be a great point in M. Riel s favour. ' To ,M_r.,M_aclre_nzie Bowell the meme- )ne important fact which must` he", was the case that the declarations. nasty had been given by any one hav-_ ` bislinp Tacbe, upon whose statements 1 Riel s friends have been basing no _ that any binding or denite `assurance f had been given to him in his negotin- f promise which, ii,given,.;M. Dorion ` . Mn vuvunsuonu-uI.uul:1'. `V ,The, Conservative party determined` to` put this do_wn,_ and fairly "warned the Q ntnitu nfnurztai iilml-. only I-...'.\....I. -1` 11.... ~- * " \':V ; . t; -It is no longer ycapableof question`; .:.l..1.!mi*.. -0-` fI.f. l5-~l.:r"' !'9.`>!i!3 pr9`9n.. tE;;represe'nt tlioonstituenoyeof Proireneher in the ofgonmons is cohcrneditherb are two distinct parties * :i~n::3,fa`rlia_ii{t`ent,ll ,Oua,_pN'ty_-_I_`9gatdl~hitnV;_' i i'0li"l`!Iurtie`reriwho should be tried for _ the crime of wbichhe is declared to be guilty ; -theother party alleges that the killing of Thomas Scott was the f l act of a defacta Goyernme ' the oon- 3 sequence of the nding of a properly 3 constituted court-rn`ar_tial, `and that whatever offences were committed by the -chiefs of that Government `should be blotted out by a general amnesty. These two parties are in a great measure separated by the distinction of race; to some extent by that of ' creed. What the issue will he might b"e"{airly enough predicted from the facts if the French Canadian support- ers of the Administration had not so large a voice as they have in shaping its policy and controlling its conduct. "I"n My Irfnnltnnrtia Rnnnall Hsn mam- .TE'nIE} A1n. [0 lllred cord? .ur`.$te11`' ,.,;cho`!` '5 `1.l"`. - Ia? I'*".` az*% uzwz . aw ugh 9- ` ` The Webs 4 . 3'91` `_M9.chinp wl do 2'32 ` 1.`If.'i.29`:::::` 133`? 13929` - ..... .... um mm In mucn mud as pleases you, it won't" hurt I, nor `clear Cook. And,` though I am not rich enough, as are some of ' my detmctorl, to buy the a`9c.ti9ns of the ,p19 of this Riding. I expect , by cop .u,cing- mysplf in the future as in the ~n`nni; +.. ....:... st... -.-- ` future in the past, to gaih the un-' respect of -' thosp with whom I come- in eontast, 139 their political `opinions what they may. ` - Iam, yours respactfu1ly,_the'Petitioner,' . ~ _ H. Enwaims, _R'oeording Secretary of the North , _ ~ Riding-of Simooe Liberalco-.. _ . ~ _gr_vq.jf.ive-Asdciation. , grd, And1oah.1m, = .. ......w. UV uuu lm1`bz'.\Vll2Il whom 1 am oicially ggd by po1;tica.1syn1pathy_con- nected, [I cgunted the-Acqst, and can sgzy in your elegant diction, blaze away ! Pelt at me with as much mud pleases You; won t'hurt I." nor .Jn.... rum- ... mun us. um: ueieuuunn (UOOK) before he is tried, and without knowing one iota of the evidence forthcoming to sus- tain the `charge. In your case, doubtless, the wish is father to the thought-you wish him innocent,hence pretend to believe him not guilty, I}; cone-lgsion,I merely say that on becoming the petitioner I well knew I should be traduced, be-littled and be-lied by those who, as a party, possess many of l`8t'C183 sh-wive proc- . T 1ivities,who,as vi:-ages, might be matched -against Biddy Moriarty herself. I con- sented to. act as petitioner becausejhad I not done so I believe I should have been a traitor to the partywith whom I ofnislv and lrm m\l:'a..'....1'......-...;n V .....-.Auu.-. , uuu, an u_y your own snowlng, if such were the case, the protest ;is jlxstifiabla, I gs}; why am I denounced as fatl1eringgros andiileiiberate unt'ruths,'i and made the butt of your scorn and derision? But; any you, the charge is not true, which assertion reminds me of the decisionof `a-. certain niagistmte who ac?uitted a. prisoner of theft because a ne ghbor never saw him steal. V I respect- fully submit, however, that your course, as editor, ismost disingenuous and un- justiable. You'unfa.i1-ly entera verdict in favor of the defendant (Cbok) before i8'tI`i0d. and wimnt lrnnu-yin... t\Ihl\ 0110 l.LU1l-I JUDDICVJI What a. humiliating position for the vpure-minded, honest sanctzmonious Pre- mier of the Dominion of Camulu. - A . `year or so ago,iwl1en it suited his pm--' pose, Mr`. Mackenzie was the most vio- ient agitator-thc bitter enemy of Louis Riel, now what do we find? ' Wliy we ~ ne Mr. Mackensie encompassing heaven and earth, -to invent some excuse to get out of the difliculty. He has his prom-. ises to his French supporters to full, he has to make good his argument with the" Catholic-league, and he cannot do either, if he allows anything to interfere with Rio safety, without losing the support of 't e men by whose grace he happens to be Premier, of Canada. _Mr. Macken- zie, by his eagerness for ofliee, has found out that it is not all gold that glmers, and perhaps {before the. present Session of 1 arlia.mei1t is over, he will discover that he is not,the wonderful statesman Iris vanity, scl/'-assurance, and the attery ofthe.G'lobe would rimke believe. It is ' possible, but very improbable, thatiwe -` may be mistaken, but according to `our _ wey of looking at the past -and `present of this Riel business, or so fares Mr. V Mackenzie'e_conneetion with it is~con- ~eemed, he wauldgive a years salary, as A- Premier of Canada, if hewuld recall the past". This he cannot do, and therefore .' {having made his bed, he must lie in it, and reap {the consequences. We wish `; `hing joy of" this business,.ud trusthia ` . gouty, and purity, may not be sullied V in : wthe Ordeal. uJuov uus lxuauuuu. VVU DBIIGVB "unuue and; improper practices" were com- mitted by the member elect and his friends ; and, as by your own showing, . such the case. tha Ilrnfnuf 2;.. . ..u, ulunu mcmacnvcu me now snows who. But you pity vpoorv Hezekiah, -do. you? Well, my advice is that you re- - serve your pity fer'_ those who need it ; ' for, whilst I highly prize true, genuine ' sympathy,_I-,kno\v how to meet scorn with scorn. My action on the Protest is thus truthfully stated in the last issue ` of the ADVANCE :---The North Simcoe , u Liberal-Consei'V'a.tive Associati-an de- , `f cided to enter 9. _ y ' -return of Mr. 1-1. H. Cook, which was protest" against the done by Mr. H1 Edwards , the Record- ing Secretary, who stands as the relator in the case by virtue of his oice. At an _inuentia.l meeting of the party, held" shortly after the election, it.wa.<: decided - unanimously to protest Mr. Cook-`s return ; land I, as Secretary, appointedat the formation of the Associa-- tion,` gave effect to the resolve; there- fore, in attacking me on this matter the party is -gttztclged, as I. am, inthis in- stance, its_e;Iione;1t, but not its tool, nor 2 the tool of any man orset of men. From the evidence we (the Liberal Censerva-- tive Association of North Simcoe) have, we most rmly we can prove he did so in a court of law. But you say .th'a'.t had there been un- due and improper practices at the election, then indeed theproteat would have been all right. Mr. Editor, that is just our position. VVe believe undue anti dvnnmnnnan nnnntlna- " believe that _Mr.V Cook did violate-`the solemn compact he entered into; and we doubt not that uusux nu. nu: 'U_Ul:6 unu. 'l7l_l_luWCG, are the first to treat him with contumely on his services being no longer needed, `or on his daring to run counter to theirwishes. Ofmany such it may aptly be said that,- I-`nu-annin..c\.- .l....-|.:n ...L__-. . _ . --. -, nu. -nu-u-nu: u DEAR Sm,`--As an act of justice I ask permission to reply to the strictures made upon me by yourself and others, consequent on my being the Ietitionver in the Protest against thevalidity of Mr. H. H. Cook se1ection. The small- _ beer witticisms. on my given name 1 pass over with a. remark of J ohnson's who, on the approach of ' a would-be` wit said, look out for your silver spoons. With regard to the unfeeling sneer at my poverty, as poor this and poor that, I would advise those who use such weapons to remember `that the Good Book says Despise not the oor be- ` cause he is poor." And as to w o I am, my answer 1:, that I can show as honor- a.ble'a.ApersoVna'1 record as the best or wealthiest of my assailants. On this point, I will add, that a dearly bought experience has taught me, that'those' ` loudest in praise of the poor man when eager for h vote and muenca, are the I`St t0 t)`P..'3l.i`. inl Witil nnnfumnluy nn La`- Dun Sm,-I_ sent the enclosed to the Examiner`, but they had not `the mu.nli- ness to publish it, telling me I must de- fend myself in the Conservative organ or not at all. This may be, but it is not British fair play. Trusting you will admit my defence, I remain yours truly. . H. EDWARDS. ~ "isih .. V. , Q um p.positioii:_ ,`li`it`!h7i'1;irould. have `strongly a`p`pes1od~:vt thogclemenoy of gigs `Sdv;;g;g|'j._ is 11.9? &,_llII_lld0rel` {.'n_t~ lar'ge; V For years thsoicers oi the li_i'w hevejbeen upon his scent-tliey `striving to catclizhjm he seeking to -,elude.'them. It isfsimply impossible ?that such an enema be -permitted to `l=t`ak`e his seat in Parliament. And we '-goffurther-: it,i_s simply impossible that Parliament, however Yettered in its action by the conduct. of Mr. Mac- kehzie's followers, and. by his own on- forced silence and inactivity, can do less than clear itself of the stain which rests upon it by `reason of the fact that a fugitive from justice is` enrolled among its members. It will become Mr. Bowell's duty by and by to move that M. Riel be expelled the House, and so long as M. Riel sneaks about from one hiding -to another, afraid to V suuender himself for trial, there can be no other issue to such a motion than its` adoption. The royal clemency which, under dierent circumstances, might be fairly invoked, is now wholly barred. Trial [must precede pardon. it is not the duty of Parliament to try M. Riel; it has but to vindicate its own honour, dignity, and privileges. We believe it is quite equal to doing this. We cannot for a moment sit pone shat the House of Commons will permit that a man with the mark of Gnin upon his` forehead shall be of its members. Though Justice may be thwarted, the High Court of Parlia- ment has it in is power to protect itself; and we do not entertain the slightest doubt that it will do so.--Mail. l l `To the Editor o/`the Examivur. -"' LTa [he _I3ditor b/'_ the ./Idvahucc. J7JJvw -THE PETITIONER S DEFENCE. ` ,,,,_, .._.-J vvrvv -rv uuou uuuu Forgetting the dunghill whence they grew, They mnka Ipemselvol the Lord knows who. 1); ...-._ to-_,!4, , `PT ` - ' `- ;UvE|v'_'I1 nu P ' @0t?l?251l0UII- ..4\J\.-..\.-\AA....___ :`*'*1W?? mine 13 an-a_.w1ng nigh, it is well that the public should know that if troubled yvith a cough _or cold, the 7 best place to get cured of it, is at Wood's_ Medical . . ` > - ' , `Tho Messrs. Powell & Co. ' still main- tain the reputation of keeping the beat of [Family Flour Groceries, Provisions, and u9rs:w4se1!i3g' them asicheap as-any, y,'glsa, ;gt;._ al 'd51i1f6n,ng them, ffee o_f.,c1inr2e. anvwhhm 1-:ri+Jnn as aEi>3`?f" 3ie them, free of_,ch the Corporation. --I~uE- ..__._ J-.. I NorxcE.--Dr._ Bosanko wi_ll his oice on Monday, the 6th of April, after which date he willremain there per- manently. " . 13-tf The change of the seaaonsds `always a critical time for health ; and, as that time in drawing nigh, well the s}I$I11J I-.n.-my n...4. :1: L:4`** I ,' __.-. --.-.--vn- It is a. trite but true saying, thatthis is an age of progress ; and per haps in ncr thing is this more evinced than the art of taking likenesses. With the aid of `jlbtography, even death itself ` cannot rob us of dear friends, as such artists as Mr. Stephens, of this town, can give us life-like photographs of our friends, which Willi outlast time. G0 at once" and secure his aid to. keep your friends always with-you. _ 4 _- V \T..---- -rs ~ --- .._!.--..D .uu1;u;uuuu.-nu. Tris Ciuwan '1` Sa'mu;.--'Fhia store is known {air beyond the limits of Sim- eoe to be just thp house to get the best and cheapest Teas in the market. as also the primest of Groceries, Provi- sions and Liquors. No danger of any one forgetting the Centon T Store, kept by Mr. Hunter. The days are beginning peg-ceptibly to lengthen, and the gladsome season is fust.appi'o-aching, when all nature puts on its gay attire. Friend Nelson, of the_ Nelso,n House, is pt-ep:_u-ing for t_l1is_ joy- ous tzme, and is selling o-' his winter stock at very low prices, to .m:"Lke room for Spring importations. T YI`u'n l Y'.-,....-- rn cu..- , mu - -T-he Marrin Bros.` are in f{1llblast,_ and have done a good winter s business ; .- but, in order to make room for the -stock `whe1`ewith~ to do .3. heavy Spring and,_ they are `selling 011' the balance of their winter Dry Goods,Dre_ss Goods, &c., at cheap mtes. Give them 9. call. ' `It is wellvknown ere now that infr- 'ma.tion from all quarters igbeing co__1lated,. to carry the protest ggaluat Mr. H. H. Cook s return to a. successful issue, and there is every reason to believe ho will =2>e disqualied. ` .A nnnl- nf.u..........J.:-.. L-,1 I,,, " I ' I A WARRANTY, It `i5 usual, and often necessary, in the purchase of cer- tain articles to getn. wax-ran_ty, but in dealing with Mr. VVabson, of the Barrie General: Prescription Driag Store, nothing of the -kind is xiecessziry, as he is very careful in compounding Phy- sicians Rresoriptiols, and his drugs,&_Szc., are p ui'Q, 7 ' ' 7 I "Zl`llorWhoo1er and Wilson Sowing Ma chine still more tlmn holds its own `against all rivals. Agents for this sec- tionof the country, Messrs. _Van Tassel and - Morgan. ' T The inventiveness of` the piesent age. - is truly sometllingvwonderful, for uo_arly_ every man we meet is an inventor, or about to be ; but, head and shoulders above all others, stands the nainel ofj Elias Howe, the inventof of :the cele- brated Howe Sewing Machine," which invariably takes First Prize wherever shown._ George J. Boattie, agent, Barrie. ' - - I V I A I " At EWan I, one door west of the Me dical Ha1l,is.the place to get good bar- gains, as he is selling o` to make room for his Splfingstock. n1! Mr. J. Henderson the widely and fa- vorably known Hzu-dware Merchant of this town, has onfhand a large stock of Leather and Rubber Belting, Packing, Steam Fittings, Pipes, &c.---See. Adv t.* Fresh meat and salt meat, in any quantity, can be "had Cheap, at D. King's, West End T. Store. q V Simpson : Ale and Porter on draught, for sale by D. King, of the Want End T. Store. = A T '(3;r;)-df I Family Flour delivered "in. Town at Mill yrices, by Mr. C, A. Perkins, Family Grocer, Sic. ' - - - ~ V u u A A\4 usu uu. vvuuu Ircauuy, n.uu_ WC can see no rez1s0_n why his creatures should not`, only in worshipping him acknowledge the bounty which" spreads a. common feast for all that lives, but also practically Vrender homage for the beauty and glory with which he clothes the ' world. We have hezu-dv that there, has been some dispute about church or school decoratious-a.bout their proprietv &c.-- about their tendency to ritualism and_ allisorts of dangers, To quote an apt distich from a lady poet (Mrs. IIowitt) on the point: . - e God might hrive made the earth bring forth Enough for gm: and smnll. The oak tree, and the cedar tree _ Without a ower at all. Such was not the Sup1'o1nd will. He has decked the earth with beauty, und_we (`.f`l.h sxen no I'nv|u;\11 uularr L39 .-m.-mJ........ \ It was the natural consequence of this foolish, tmstatesmzmlike, and we mnyadd tnlawyer-lake conduct of Mr. Blake. who was than the leader of the opposition in the ,Locul.Lcgis1ature that compelled his 4_gov'emment, after defeating J. Sandeld Mmdonald to offer 9. reward of $5,000" for the apprehension of Riel. For 9. ' time, many of the electors of Ontario ' 4-1,- _., `were deceived by the apparent honesty -of Messrs. Blake and. Mackenzie. The rolling on of the wheels of time, devel- the secret motives and dishonesty of those would be sympnthisers of the unfortunate Scott, and Riel s election for -Pnovincher in 1872 was thought a capi- tal thing to exnbxums tho Urovermnent of Sir John A. Mtwdonald. The Globe went into xtacies over the circumstances and predictions in reference to the action which Sir John ' A,l"I\,`,ll I` A. Macdonald would ` .-._.,..._..,..._,=..;. .._.-.---o _ l The ,S,wis,~Bell-Ringers were, as we inoticedlaat W991`: engaged .the $018 `of Temperance here to give two enter- itainments this `week. Financially; the - enterprise was not a success, but the Sons of Temperance may, at least, pride themselves on procuring two of the best i -if not the best. entertainments from a. peripatetic troupe ever seen or heard in Barrie. One of the gentlemen perform- ers uzppeared in character as hailing from 'Va.terIund, -Olld Ireland, and from the .-region where colored gentlemen grow, and as a comedian and a. mime we should set him down as a perfect success. There are so many fl'1l.l1(lS:ll1 the world that it is really refreshing to meet with the genuine article. 'l`l-in 'Rnllct__H\nt:n nvnninrt ~nRll9 sxnff. T ` _At,Arth'` urete, n upfthe`. Tobiqne River, the house .01: George Campbell .eeuht `fire, and he, will (rat diiculty, got his wife and children out efthe'burning'house; .4` use named Jones, 9. well-known pedlsr, was burned to death with $1,500 worth of pods. ' eonstattt cough 7- "Bryan's Pulmonic and safer coughs, of.the Sold Druggistnnd per . CANADIAN some from Clair rivm-_ and nnnrlv rmnnnita to Newnort. an-an nu unz vuuu cu ILIIU ll vvuu I-IlJll`lo , E The chime of the Bells was mixed with that music, sweeter" than anything else, the I1umz1n'voice, and some of the vocal accompaninxxdnts of the balls were of a high order of "merit, Home, sweet Home_ and-9. number of other popular airs were perforx_ned on the Bells, `and to sum up we may say that a. more pleased ' and, in fact, deligh ted. audience never left that Hall. ` -rrr 1 . .1 (1 . (x H... gun Inc U. l' lIl.Ul.Uo ?'The Be11s-those evening -`Bells, soft and sweet in their cadence, rising and `swelling like the far of!` music wafted on the summer air from the bells of theLand of Bells. We have a passion for the music of the bells, and only found, or thought fault, with the entertainment that we had not enough of this peculiar music. The imitation of"the real chime V was good. Chime, chime! pleasantly chime; The Church Bell away: with a solemn rhyme, Solemn and sweet through the soft still air As` the villagers go to the House of Prayer; And chime, chime, mournfully chime,` Alas! for the changes that ring with time. ml". ..1.:..... -1` 4.1.. 13.11.. ._.-_. _._-__-.1 _._:n. Illltloll .A.|.u:Ah VVQ hope to sedthe Swiss Bell Ringers ''. V137 _ , H3180 gellvermg ..ch9.rg9, anywhere within I `Said i1_1~Barrne, by Johh W'oo3s ; Wu; (o;Wo1In Bros ;B;adfo:d , Deacon ;Cniq ;.Qmaa_-&, nq gn ngdgcipe deglqu . JOB uosx-:3, xuaw roan, sou: PBOPRIETOB. Ono dollar an-1 twelve-and-halfocntl fqr_ 3;- ageenoloaedto Nonhropdc mnn,'l`orom_9, . 1., _nera1I,gonlI {on-,Ih,o Dom nion,w`ll iluur n otue `odniiiqing our 5012111: by, re on man . Sq` gin; Bgme, by John" oqds {Vinson dz ;:;W333m `B _. . ,.'.uw In poweriql reinedy,do 1'10; oanmn fr::;."::l|:>wol: nngm nymrqnytbin hurtful to thoconautug:>n. ` ulfod nrectlonqin t o pamphlet ugauud each pIcl_r~ge,whi5:_h should be carpfully pruervodo Jonuosns, ngw 203:, v Onejdollalz Aunritwclvo-in-d-hnlrmnn n ......_ omcr nme uuy cafe. ' ' H V; or Nervous and Spinal Affec- tiuns, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight excl-tion,Pul igaxion omn Hem. H i nnd_Whitea,u:eee ills will elect a curo":laec;: all met` mean: hgyc (Tailed ; aim! although a pay; ql rem_edy._!o not oanmn yon, cgloqcl, .u`lm0nVa or IIIVHIIIII hnnfnl In Oh; gun: a....._ This invaluable medicine is unfnilin cure at all them pniuful_aud daugel-out to wine. the {sump constitution in 'qubj.. m deyalga _ ll oxgesg gm] mmqgol all olmn and q upoettyun-e `may he re iod an TO MARRIED I.A.nn.~,a --v .-pv_rv. -4uvn~uA.nVJA\Q gnuvuvusunu uuvguuv it to countenance the ill-legal caqrtie recommended "by the opposition 'ii1:refe1_`nce to that il1dl.V'l.Ll1lll.l. The Globe,` too,.clisx3cga_rdless of the Vcoxlse; C qnences went so far as tourge the_go- vernment of Ontario to take "the m_att_er -into its own hands by organizing and qgipying an armed force Ont.-u-io for the` express purpose-of proceeding to `' Manitoba: in order to punish Riel. - On- excited beyond __rcusonalole hounds by the inammatory speeches of ;Musrs. Mackenzie` and Blake, as well as the violent articles of the Globe. ,,knn1'de1' of Thomas Scott was in pvery mouth, and it seemed according to ` "these gentlemen, as if the Ontario Go- . `Vemment at that time was chargable ivvith that murder. .0110 day it was the bungling and Vhlundeting of Sir John A. Mwcd9nald;_anotlxe1' day it was the fault ` .'of'J. Sandeld Mnpdenalcl, and nally it /was the late `Hon. Jos. Howe, then So- tzrotarypf State, or tho Hon. Mr. M:\c- . dougall. `At all events the murder of 1 A Scott, opportunel y served the purposes of `the `Globe, 1\Iessrg. Blake and Mackenzie; 1 for a political enmity against the Govern- ment of the day. TL-__,_:L1,__,,1_,...-I _ _ _ 4 , ,. _, . V-`PA!-'

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