Jsvnluwne Assess, Il1,II00,0I0. ' Losses paid in course of Thirty-nu ysars, ucosd Forty Millions 6fDo1|s.rI. _ . -Olnims bv Ghinnan Firs. estimated :1 manual: USIPH zooms, ` [lute Olork in Counfy Begillty 01500] Ooaveynnocrg Oomniusionerjn Queen ;-Benclv, Anctionur, Appraiser and Commission Agent for tho Isle of Houses, Lands, Far Stock, Household rurniture, Goods, Warel, Q5. Also for the calloctlon ofpnu, Note: Ind Auounu, Q`0nh adnnou nude on gooda 10!: lot 8310. 8|]! Room. corner of Collier and Karin Sn , xuuuru or this wealthy company. Fironnd Life Policies issued with very liberal conditions. amp OFFICE, cuum munoa. MONTREAL. G. F. c.;sm'rn, ' Ohio! Agent for Dominion. - JOSEPH ROGERS, Agent, Barrie. uun Iuvlnul mum gootu [OH (or UIII. 3 Room, corner of Collier and Market Su.. uric. lluxuru " FUHUUHN 5 " SALOON, (late Be'il |.) Dunlap St. opposite M00: thy 8 1\Io0mhy n Lew Oee, B,-rie. r ' V H. HUNT, rnopnmron. Bar well stocked with thebest of Liquor: and Cigars. Oysters always on bend durin the season, Stewed, Fried or Rew; Serdineu, ob- Itern, to. Hot Soups always on hand. Jos; nouns ' camp ooic: nnn Anna-H- 5|... J08; ROGER. ooicsuew, County of sknooo, Otloo oppomo the Muket, Barrio. uppuslne we 'AuVnnce onjice, name. This commodloue establishment hne `net been ' opened, and having been built especial y fo: the purpose of no nt-class hotel, is tted up as such, and will compete favounbly with my house ol thekind North of Toronto. Commer- elnltrevellere, private families on eanuel visit; and the public generally `will nd that the pro`- prletor knows how to provide for their elpeoinl requirements.-. The beat of etabling attached, attended to by obliging end exp-rienced`hoet- lets. Stages lone this house daily on the er- rivel oi the up treine. Ber well supplied with the beat ofliquore and eiere._ ` 33- 1o.I}un as'Anvnn'r1snnnx1';_ ~v~.-w .nrv~vvv~ .v~.~ - ..\.\..v~.~-V. ~/w'v - _-.--.-- Oorner of Mulouter and Dunlap Streets, sud opposite the `Advance oico, "Ferric. commodlom eatnblinhmnnt has iuu hnan KID? All ne-Mun, I be ofhqli molt Amli, I own! 1 The proprietor of the Dominion Hotel has re- cently, owing to its great increase in business, been compelled to add double accommodation to his old house, and has had the establishment re tted and re-furnished, and with ample stables, beds, endsnmple rooms, he thinks he will be able to receive allot his old friends, who have so liberally supported him in the pest. Room for one. room for all. Best wines and . liquors, belt table, beet accommodation, of any country place in the Don5inion.-'W. 0. Bend requests the public to beer in mind that he is at the present time the only Licensed Auetloneer in these parts, and in .that department of this business he is prepared to he his best atten- tlon to the interests of eett era, andvin all cues to glve fair play to buyers- I3"S_a1ee of stock of all kinds promptly attended toyandpprompt settlement always ensured. ` 42-ly TERM! 2 Superior. ncoommodatio, and every atten- non paid to the requirements of trnellen. Rooms for Commercial Txavellou. T Tenn moderate. .42-ly Excellent sccemodation for Summer Visitors, 'l`ourlIta,|nd tho Travelling Public. Boats, Fishing Tnoklo, and Vehicles of allkinds for the convenience of Guns. The Bar is wellsupp1i- sd with Foreign Ind -Domenic Wine: and Liunon. Good Sublinn and attentiveoatlorl. Liquors. `Good sunung and au.enuve.uauerg. N . B.-Splendid Spocklad Trout Iuogm|,in_ the vicxnity. ` ; _4-ly-w . S3" F{2ia'"iZu2'a`?.'2'n7x' -n`oI.Te".Iic" \'v'v'1iie'.' aiafa Liquors. `Good Subling attentive.0atlo1{I. N . l~L--Snlendid shackled Trout Iuoaml .in the '1`h'e but Billiard Parlor North of ` Toronto The table isaupplkjd with ovarytiiing in Iesgon, Pure Wine; and Liquors. Good Btabiing. ' i Barrie, Dec. 18th, 1872 1061 The Fashion has been tted hp in I manner strictly in keeping with its name, and will com- pare fuounbly with any aloon Noith of, or in the 0|? of Toronto. Steaks, Chops, Fowl, Soup, es. Goee, to . Ierved on short notice. Tug Bar and the harder are well stocked with mg but the market auppliu. _ 21.1, ,___ -.4-.-- . u --A.--.- . - - . -__ , - _, Q The '1`;VJe and Bar well mppliod. Goo d Bed; -Fin!-clua Stubllng and Amntivoostlora. " ' `R. 1 _ HE LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Available Assets, 027,000,000. wonu mid course of Thin-lv.va nan I wmuzxsou HOUSE, azumm: J -_-...._ V JOSHUA cmnxson, Proprietor. )o.\1'nuoN HOTEL. ALLIS ron. ,W. 0. HAND, Propritor and Auctioneer 'l`heS_in;coo, undo; Vin n,eI_r muntgemont, Inn undergone connidouble in'provemenc','nnd now prgmm to the tnnlling community 3 house unexcelled for commodiounoannd oom- fort The Bar is snppllo Jylth `tho Qhhioost blind: of Liquors and Cigars. and invthgehargo of III adept. compounds:-_ of drink. Good Stumbling and Shedl. ~ -' ' 40-ly --:-.. DUNC LN M. CHURCH; PROPRIETOR... Lou of Huumd Ranlrbad Hum, Rm Lah. . %J\ . IUNTIB POROUPIN:!" SALOON, (late Bulk.) Dunlon SL. onnmim Mnnrthv & K LLISTON H0 ?-`EL. `This hotel, lonig-I:-trnvonnblj known to` II`: u-svel_|i: comn`x1zniity,1ndnow hoonductd by topropneusu s t '|g. dance 01 Hr. JoI n Ilcwntgn at e "pm"? D" "anally OLCAI ntltlllhnnl I-...I.--_..' L-`-. I-A.i- ' GUIDE 0| II. JUIII `U W Ill- Nurlv thirty ulditionnlbedroons lave lnlely boeu added totln Barrio Hotel, a1l_w.hIch being bniltlof brick, Ind well wu-mod, will be found ` as` comfortable and oomnodionn sun In loud in any harm north of Tomato. - I:`l"0 than-nlnl cnnn... . .:n-n-.| .. ..`.v. --' V II III] IIOIIII IIGTII 01 TOEDKO. . I3"Oo_In'Inorohl tnvollul wan nd sup}: n; oomuolntioufor showing lunplbg. A A ' Barrio.` lllh U083. Ian. - In; `E. CONWAY, - - - Proprietor. IDLAND HOTEL,(Late Boygj, Aco:-ner_of Front and Goldwater atreeu, ,rilliq,Om. V FEE WELLINGTON HOTEL. THOS. SUMMERSETT. Proprietor. -q-j _. __ .1 THE IXCE_A!:GI HOTEL, OOOKITOWX. JOHN GBIGG, - - '- rmpmu, W}|eu,AL, non,` and Oigu-I, `of the hut `qua! Iy,Vqn M gt the its (shun kept. . Excellent` Anon:-m(IodntioI_1~..{'cu. ~ .1'mel1m.- .. An,;;gm:n_vo_ Edtcls anti alo'o1_1. Em: swoon aousn, out door Won o__rVu:. Old Bunk of Toronto Building, Dunlap- ntrogt Barrio j 3 swoon. `um L- ".Y 9 . Iumuounuon I0! moving I Bank." U083, IBII. an umou RESTAURANT, In the Star Bloox, Dunlap Skeet, Barrie, Ont. , HE ROYAL HOTEL, ALLANDAQE. (Grox9u 3 old stud.) ----c-- u.s1_auN;ox, - - Vol. WALTER TAYLOR, Proprietor. B. BEGELO W75:-xpdrintendant. I: $1 pef yar in advance; ARES ,;;.`j.Eu....F ' ` . Joni: Ila .A.TT,SnporiItIndont. - Pxopriotoi-. '3 IEUV-III Agent, E , Ti. 48-l_\ 10-` -j- ' Good 'Bo'nrd~, good aooommodntionfor Trove!- lon, good Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. An attentive Homer olwnys in amendoncm 9-y '."IJ'E` `DALI? rvzxrnu-u-"` -~- - - -n-u.uuIuvw- 3- '11 `H `E _ B A ` -N i`H o 'r"E.`L' "X _l_' Ohm-Ian lulunn, (Inn .4` on . m....c n:..u.. activd 1 I whit` I-11.1.: uaun l`lU_'1'I`J'lJ.-- .1. Ohm-lea Olarkson, (late of the Turf Club House) begs to intimsteoo the public that he has opened _out a. t-It-class Hotel on `be pro4 miseslntely occupiedesthe Bank of Toronto. The bar in `tted up in rsl class style, and Liquor: and Gigs" of the choicest brands can always be had. The Stsbling is good and". ample. The best of socomodstion is altered to truvellex-I and boarders; as the rooms are large ' and airy, and the best of board in to be had. An attentive oatler always in attendance. an A no can n1 . n-.~.-..- The `Mansion House is a three etc ry brick building. V It affords apaciousneaa, convenience and comfort. The proprietor is well known as a hotel keeper to nearly all in this -county, and hi: experience will be I guarantee as to the merits of The Mansion under his superintend- nee. `nu out or wmel and Liquor Good sud Oomnodions Stabling. }THE MANSION HOUSE, IIADYIPWU GATTKBII Simpie Rooms for Commcrclhl Traveilen. UDLU unaouna. - FHUF. 1.. CAISSE, Pianist and Organilt, begs to intimate that he is prepared to give inatruclionsot the residence of pupils, ond also at his own real dome. Pianol, Organs, and Helodeom Tuned and Repaired. For terms and further perti- onlnrnpply at his Relidenco, two doors west of the Barrie Foundry, Collier Street, Barrie. Barrie, November 'lth. 1872. -if J11-ly J. mnxm SQUARE, ; mum, - - - -- - - _- - ON'1`ARIO.: >-ELI nuunuunux null rn..rnmu.! BE- cured in Cnnnda, the United Staten and Eu- rope. Puenlgunanloed or no charge. Sand for pnnted instructions. Agency in oyerqlion ten VEITL I _ ~ HENRY GRIST, Oxlnwn. Cam.a._ . wul una,_8I ound E 1 rill-I-IGroon:..=cooxs'rowx. 0. AIISTBOIVP, -` -, - -_P_roprietor,. T The but bnndgof Wines.` Liquors`, Oignn, sad the otceum fa x-at-olnu bur always on hsnd. The table.-in unequalled in its furnish- ings. The comm;-oisl rooms -re betjor .than my North of Tarpnto. The aubling accom. modation cannot be exoolled. Suga twice a dsy to Mid from Gui _ lford, and duly from the house to Rosemont and Alliston and back. .49].- :---1 VICTORIA HOTEL, MARKET squmm, ngnnm. A . Lsoim Ii. JOH-I-I-8-.--PTROPRIETOR. nmuu uxusr, - Ounwu. Canaan. Mebhanictl Engineer. Sohoitior of Plant: and `D1-aughumnn. Ut\IUgl HEIUDSCYIUDF I138! K0 HIIOIHI `DC A public of Barrie and vicinity that be it pue- ured1uSlNK WILLS, TAN (S, or do EXCA- ATING. either by the `ob or,day, on the shortest notice and most Manon: lo terms. Agpl) to _ ' ' . R. C PHBERT, or MI` Muundrell. Barrio. . 40-ly 1). mmennn, rroprietor. -q.5l.-IQJ4I-I: `LLVJI \1'J.|vlI..lJVJ:4 It, Painting of all kinds executed in a worl:mun- like mnnm;-r,on the shortcut notjce,_and on the moat reaqonnble lerms. . (1-ly ._-___.___.___.._j____;__ ---- - W. `J; AnMs'1'_n,oua, - PAINTER AND GRAINE R, Painlinz ofall kinda ox:-mum! a. .. ......n....-.., U DIIIOIITORY 0! TI! :1\5 AR'RIE BRANCH BIBLE 'soc1En; htnn GIDIIIII Ann. u1:u.uu. _ D]! I! 211151; is now prepared to Manulactute `nil articles in his line, of the but description, and at chenp rules. n...:- n... 1...: man -` -' `IIULVLGD BU 7' E . 1 ` . A . Butcher and Poulterer, BIOS toinfox-_m the public thnthe bu tskon Stall No. 4, in the Market House, Barrie. where he will carry on the above buuinou. . urimbncnmber 11th. 186'! so Tho but of Wine: and Liquid:-a in the Bar. iood Oomnodiona Slnblinw. ' nu. '1 unnuwuu. I-!U'l`EL, DU! J EAST, BARRIE.~-. [nuns ru_u_rnn',": . . IXIID, VI IIIG UUII uvm uyu Burio, 1rd, 1867. (metal Sminm % (lturim ARRIE -rmur WORK A ` % coopmuam. ' WJ. TAXLOl_1,`Proprioior. - N.J.'l` ning bought out the Stock"and Good-will of [:70 Williams, in preplnd to lup- nlv the public with Bear. Beef. Pork. and Pouuh 1 OIIIROIAL HOTEL, DUNLOP STREET I EAST. BABRIE.~-. .`5.""`:{""??`1l`""7"3'.i'3}-"`i3`` Kc I: own 4: 0 an 1` 3IrolI?KIh~QhfnI,%rI;ah '1"::bn,'13$rroi'Ch?grnun.s, uni llIe_C0|ebI'I|-ed Cwnder Churn 3 also, Cistegnn 3|" |_l|l9l:.||Id I out in n Cooper : Line 9! unmou. . - - '5- 0o|l|I' - - - - - - - Sweet, NEAnLx orrosu-1~:.'rax-: MARKET, ` " ' BARBIQ. -A1aA.|,.; . \r -.\./\/\,-_,\\_r\. _,~,,\.~`. ;PATENTS or INVENTION N PIPEDITIOUSLY AND PR`..'PERL.Y SE- J nu:-ml in Dnnnrln uh.-. l1 nn-.lv.n... ....x 13.. vunnbli from thigflt 5Q`l_'i9.l U10 Prentice, which.{ot `j ' qulgly unnotbe botQn._ _ A _ Also`: no nook "bf . Q 3 1 3. Q 93 $ 8` Consisting of .'.1'0_I's Sulln. Oofees; To. bggcoj, &e..Picklu,T 0onnad_Sc!mo:1,Lob,ug_;-3? Sardine: sud fruit oramy deloripubn. ~ A . A I ll,__A nhninn lot olvcnken nut! hilnnitn, NIOOKSTOWNIAINT SHOP. |'5'o`. .` I '9 ., Sardine: Ana Inn 01 every uenonpuon. . KB.-A ohoicq lot of < cake: and biscuit. mnnfsetured of the but ughrinln, `hug on hnnd, with I. choice Ielpotion of Italian` good; ` from the hilt paint: of Europe . -4%+ `anonan%1z\jg1._0BiLI;IA.$l -nu: ind lupubli Ind at rououblo um.` The unbcoriiaor in prdpa;;u to cumin 311* or. den in `hinting, Donating And Paper Hug. ugh. ". . untia of nllducriptionuiqna with gggg, _All I tdlo !VC"'IIib'0\' - - _ . M I H?-`.-x1*o2i.. t T . ` pg '4]; ,. .L9a%$ ' l lolil !h5lI`.Il'lIIblIul|!l's.orAl 19.? NBRISTOPHER HARRISON. [ , NGLISH nun nous: min onmisn DEPOT. , -.-- - .. " The mbgcribor hug received 0} Ipleniid l`t of 0 H E E S E c_._. 4.1.. 8.36 Ralph: ht Haj h..-_..L_- _n_:_|_ 1;- t dlfr `RKIIIIS ,WIlEl.H `H . ` O n'u3'r.'i':'a'm?:un9u.a'i7':1-7"uu5.! `I'n`?.L 1 aithcr ux, goungor otd. mph more mon.e y_"n_t'\vu'rl hit} 1 u in mi: upmqnlc, Qllll ;n`1&un 4hnnat nn ` ** '0 ARD.-'l`he subset-il >o.r bags to inform the nnblic oi Barrie and vicinilu that he in mm. 1" - WI ?711,8A- l`'l3E:,:`"'IS;A.'_1`, IIhEV: GREAT, iB"UT SIMPLE PRINCIPLE, aooo smnnma `ND simns . D. FARAGHER, Dran-inn: yaoms Lwn, .l |A_IN'l`lNG_ VAND-fD`E00RA';I{G Ag COUNTY or S1MCOi GENEEA1, AnvEETIsEE. __-* '.DRl0ll'I`0RY D D A unn urn 7 n ....u up: 411.311 DUXEOP STRE IT. -v- -- n-_,- .- - __....u CHARLES o'1'.'mxsc;i~', Pmmintu [H2310 Lnssons.-1'>ao-. .. HLTQQR D5-mi-6 -..4I: `inm. HENE? snwmu, nnnlnmnrnhil nriinlnn in M. `nli .UA.tl1l!i l"UUN- DRY. AGRICUL- RAL IMPLEMENT AND STOVE WORKS. III! `Ilnv;-* -'Rg'antt7!IInledl |- Ohltigofnoonio. m mm xmnmn: nomi- DRV, A{'.lDI("_l`Yl._ Proprigtor. ii Proprietor. UILLJJLV, Flu I 3"? 1 ? DITA 885- 001130 Bl N0. 2 Dlll. All purchases dehvered in my part of the town free of charge. . Cash paid lor Cattle _ A. nmaxuu. :. xmaxut. Barrie, Nov. [3, I872. . _ . 40-ly _ ever In Medical I roduguony _ ' rzmlh rUKVEYORS M - g Stall No.2, Banrie. M Have connnmly on hand a good supply. or Fresh Melt, Fowl, Game. &c.. of an choice quality as the markets afford, and ofcr the nme It very moderate prices. Corned Beet. San.-amen and Ln.l_ lnanlluur ...m. u very moderate prwea. Bead, Sausage: and Lard, together with :.?::i:`zt`2+:32's:.1:"'"'"""'-- =m'~'-v- A" nun-nlu-an. .I.hu-wnl in -.... _-._. _r .\ , . ,,, an; n II vabu. AIAULJUII1 Announces the opening of _the pbove establish- mentz and uolieita the public patronage Goods} Furniture Ind Wares of any kind received and `advanced upon. Connnxons Pnnnns ton `I'll Swoama or Goons QATDQ Am A`II' rhvnnvno-5 7 tr u um: 15 uoanler try to undo none! and see ifyou wont get shaved to your hem : content." But at Prof. Moore r.-,atrnnge to sav. the way not to gel shaved is to pay him a visit and gel 1 clean shave, and thus get the worth of your money. . ' Remember the place, Second F!oor. centre New Blick Block, Dunlop Slxeet, Barrie. vvuuu I-I-nl'\II_\7, ' Gnxmxnvv No. 1, No 2, and No 3, of this brand, are unsurpassed (or body and hrillinncy of shade. Packages rennin full natt weight. The public no warned that certain other brands are 1 libs short in every so-called 25 pound package. _ Examine the hrnnd nnl do` not he nut or -7.-....-V non 45.5414 J.Jl.V1l`4C'.o Goods consigned to his one will be disposed of to the best possible Idvintnge. 'l't\`rj\'r up nnnn nun. puuugu. Examine the brnnd nnl do" not be put of wiuh infetio; pni|t|,. The nu is always oun- _li1_`. Qnlt` hrnnv rnnnanluhln Ranks... 3.. `D..:..o. _n1_'. Sold bylny respactuble dealers in Paints throughout Ontsrxo, And to dealer; only by; ELLIO1` & C0 - A ' . LUIUIIUI Far 3510- in Barrie by John Woods, J. P. Kidd. Watson 6 Co., and Well ; Bros. ' ::.ra K.-John .4 nliill -II .1. -`---- ` 7 The undersigned begs to inform all parties who may need such, work, that he has always on hand I. large supply of 'l\T A f'l\'l`.1.I\ ' I\'r\ 'r\'n1\ n Barrie, Ontario, Lrhgrsday, marfch `_2e,< 1374. Mnnanw'*'IIEc'6'u"M KnI ANB Lcnmmssmu nuoms, NEXT IDOOR 'm- T!!! MAmn.1-II ctnncn Wlrnvicl: la; {rill sell at the iowost rates for Cash Wu. c.- amour, _ - Bqyeld 8t., Barrie, ' Near the Fouqdry. July 31, 1873. ' 13-ly j-< nan moon T0` mm nunxm norm, 09u.x._m; Stxun-, Bums. ' .. __.--v---ya-.. .551). -Of evory description, and all sizes, taken 1: :1] ` hougn of the day. ' They also lump in connection with the gallery a. large stock of Albums. Album Pictures, Lockets, Cbromoa, Lithographs, sud no.rnT`l` 'DAT`LT'I'|`l'NYr1 _. IIULVLIIU 1 Orillh, Jan. 21. 1872. PLA "1`Ei{""b`""13};R 1 `nvlunm In VAN DI-1N S'l`El-IN, ` ` ORILLIA. ' Ln Tlbii D-mv Luu x a`Uu'1'[, _ A Manufacturers of CARRIA GE 3, _ BUGSIIS, 0 v A, ` AGG NI, .?*-'-`'-o .2 ` . AND snmons 0! the latest and beat styles" and of the most ap- proved eonetruction. Collier Street, East". sec- ond door from the Market, Barrie. As the ad- vertisers are thoroughly and pnetieelly con- versant with their hnsiness in all it: details, employe none but the most akilfpl workmen, and use only the best material, they can guarantee all vvork turned out at thair establish- ment to give perfect eetiefeetion to the purchas- er. Farmers-end other: look to your interests, end give on _e cull, wevpromile to give you bet- ter value for your moneythan you can get at any other Gnu-iege Factory in Barrie. - rrnm mclilcnu. Hl .AnKHMI'Mlnr(1:.. _ um: 5-----us: nun TIE D'l'UlHU' of U009 "S-AWLES AT ALL TIMES. land. ..............I ;. L2; __.. . - &}'yb't'1:'J:'63!iiS&e'Fa}i3rFE 13".?r se.""`.`' "' U AIso, GENERAL, BLAOKSMITHING in units hunches nttandad tn. v_' ....._ >-on\-s1.I..lL`\J,y Fruzned or without Frame: A ruvs smofor FRA-MES I LTIHIO; KZDIIIIIVAU nun 311 its branches attended to. Bsi-tic, June 18, 1873. WA{iGONS, BUGQIES, CARBIAGES, The snblcrihzr "ha-v;n_g.|:urehn'aed the ontiro stock` in tnde of Mr. Wm. Whilebrqada in pre- pared to make on the Ihortast nntica and most reuonablg toms up good and `Au cheap Dpubl _ or Singlg uunnnlm nnbnlunnu. F5 BUILDERS! WHITE LEADS, GENUINE" mucous. STO.VE'P'-I I73.` BLOCKS! .. .u.rpv-uunlmvuh ` Ivniflltlli \llI \lll I III), AI cn_ho nsdo'in this or any other county ` TA. OROKER, Collier In-aetv Eui, Barrie. Innis, Jh1is.'7s. V ` 29:3! |V9T5...5!!!_Fn"W! )HOTUGRAPHlC GALLERY. TEAS. 1`o_A__(:_Qs & cIGA%Bi8.%I 0yItera,'l)i'Irln:s'eaIon, In all V {lie ` ` Varlom swim- T ' 9556 1'1 ' "13"..{"1 Z ~m_,__-_1 __ A1 , . - uyuuru, uurlllx`-aullloll, In an tlI_e = Varlonp styles. Dunlap _St,Voppol_itoTew Stick B1ook.Barrie -_A , Onttu-io.` . T _ '1- '8_tgVgu runnixug between Ban,-i_e ahd; Palatin- p;;iauenq,.wi_II;xeaze Bn:;?e',Ds:g.ai1-1:46-mm. -Re "niug-.furm;u Btrg3g.u1~.2`:q'clnok,A -xwi`-A` Ifllhfc his ' vL'n m'n wnq: Mr. John Morrow. louncas the onenimr of that nhnvn um }m%vrGNY acorn, M.I'InhInhn-nun AF INGUSV 0; GRAHAM; ox-Ann-. _. - PHO TJERA1-Hs. V WATER LIME. And tho of his >11: proved Patent nntrnnrnn `I1! l\t'I1 P -\>-....._ ARRIE ` "AND VPENE'\1`ANGUI- ` HENE '_,LINE QF ' ; . _ . . -._ can -1: A J44 ~ --- gm curinns &-si.r.1ans. PROF. D. E. A. Moonms Iun DRESSING AND smwmc SALOON, , .- This is pre-emine ntly a shaving age- `lflhia is doable. made hone: and ifvou [cl shaved to vour - Pictures Framed to otdor. , H HUMHE & VAN DEN STEEN. I -.. nu unnn -- ~1---3. Jxs. . . .. oAamAams.- ' B-UGG.`ESs ta V ' snmans on cwrnns, Inn -Innun Ohio an gnu Alhnu --.._u- No.` 1 GROUND. um ucuu yuasluu: Iuvuumglh JOHN w;. MORROW, `llhhnnnnn A ...... _- I. -||nv-nun uuuuw as as V vlvvn, gg. up *"Wz4YHOv:r;H %rAnAi=`v.HBR;'*: .. Immhmn 6ON_FSO:rIQNERY 1-` BINGI-IAM_ BROTHERS, 'BUTCHERS and GEN- ERAL PURVEYORS, Market No. 2. Barrie. u u .- Luuuu.uvv, \ Auel-ioneer. A ppraiser, &c. i 1 DIALIB I15 `6 aE}'1'I-';'ox}'1'y 1);} ELLI01` & co, Tnnml :, ANn"mr7: xivnonn sxcmrr or Asvcjcnss in ALL eov1mN1_\u:N'1?. I uu , Tonoxuo. .1- I II sun- 41! 5-II For thrones Ind oplen are us want`: that swing, And oat or {:1 , in omdlou ebb and ow; But who |uv_e best have best the grace to know That lovn'by ugh! divine is Ileulhleu king, ' - - ' Mario Alexaudrown Fair uupires bmnching, both, In lnqlylifel Yet Harold : England fell to Notmnn swords; Yet thine own hand has bow'd to Tartar hordes Smce English Harold gave in mmne 3 wire, Alexnndrown And Love has led thee to the stranger land, Where `men are bold and Ilrongly say their my ; See, empire upon empire mules to-dav, 'A| thou wnh thy young loverhund In hand, ` Alcxandrowx So now my fullerlife in in the West, Whose hand :1 home win gracious to thy poor Thy name was bleal within the narrow door; Herc also, Marie, aim}! thy name be pleat, ` Marie Alexnndnm uul hearts mu change not, love the! cannot can And pence be yours. the peace ofooul In soul! And howsoever this wild word may roll, ` Between your people: truth and mnnful pence, , ' Alfred --Alexandro Elhurz and all the Caucnsuihave hard; And all (ho nullry palms of India knoxvtl ex Shnll fears and jealous haired: ame in ? Or at my coming Princess. evetyw ere. The blue heaven tealnand some diviner au- Breuhc lhrw theworld ad chnngo lhn hearts of men, . < Alcnndrownu? ` The rector of Rivington sat in his study. He was a. venerable-looking man,op whose pale face some deep sorrows had left its trace. As he sat thoughtfully back on his chair, his dark eyes xed on the glowing coals in the grate, his countenance were a troubled, anxious expression. I-In Itin Inn? ulnnno hie Jonnklnu n ll UKIUHII-I, IIIAIUHO Vtltllv-`IDKVII 0 He was not alone; his daughter, a girl of eighteen, was with him, and her face, too, was clouded by sadness. As she tossed back her bright ourls, and raised her eyes lovingly and trust- Vingly to her father, who had so tender- ly supplied her mother s place, proving that men, too, have a deep fount of tenderness in their natures, which, at times, can even be maternal; the parent's heart smote him tor the pain he was inflicting.` ` nu? O`\n vnnfnr Ar n;I);Inn!n nnnr The golden now: along the Iteepes ll blown, And at` thy name the Tartar tents are stirred; Elhurz and all the Caucasudyhave lultrv mlmn oflndin Immvn. `The vo1c'e of our universal tea on cu onflkfrica:-on clitfs of Kent, The ;\ nori: and that me or Continent, And loyal plnu ofcanndn murmur thee . ' Mane A e But hearts that change not, love that case, peuco vourl. peace And welcome, uuian ower. a people : pride, To Britain, when her ower begin to blow! From love Io love. from borne to home you go, From mother unto mother, suueiy bride, - Marie Alexnidrownut I1 '55 llllllll-Isl ` - But the rector of Rivington never paushd when he had a duty to perform; however painful that duty was, he walked up uninphingly to it-, even as the brave soldxor walks up` `uninch- ingly to the cannon s mouth. Turning his sad` eyes on his daughter, he said, Min nl-uilnl nnn Hnnnp Ohm! wnunv hon- The Son orhim'wnh whom we nu-ova for poww- Whou will is lord uu-o! nllhis world-domun-- -Vho made the` net!` I mm. und bum his main- llu (wen our Priuco hi: own lmperiai Flower, . Aldxandrownu --p--- `A WILCOMI. BY ALFRED TENNYION, '1'!!! POE?` I.AUl.EA'|'B. , 1 . III. 31 F193 UH IIIB \lGIl`lIluUl IIU Ulu "My child, you know that your hop- pines: is as dent, even dearer to mo than my life,.n.nd I cannot mllingly consent to your throwing It away." I H`/Au (nil:-v " slug nah` '-h:l. 1`-In UUI-|Ull| EU ylllll EIIIUWIIJS lb I'VE : Yos,inther," she said," while the tears guthored in her eyes, and fell down ingreathdropn on her lap, "I know how tendarly you fave me, how- you have been father, mother. nurse, and fricnd to ma, throwing only aun- ahine around_n'ry way, nnd shielding me` from every sorrow, and-5 ? Va. u-u nan; nhnrl " ;nln1vnnlnJ ORA `THE DUKE A1-VD DUCVHESLS. 7217 E`ni.`" - -ABURGH. _ . nu: IIUIH Uvvl, avuuvv, uuu*f_ Yes, you, my child," interrupted the router, with emotion, and will con- tinua to do so if you will only permit me. My child, my child, I cannot stand quietly by and see you throw the jewel happinessyaway, and not put forth my hands to stay you, "my voice to implore you. " Ilia hung: uyinvn full nf nmninn mhiln ' THE. RECTOR. OF RIVINGTON. U] IIII IUUllIJ`Ue ` ' My child," he continued, if oier e pen.-ut s heart is stirred to its deepest depths, it is when he sees the daughter he has tenderly nurtured link her {ate with that - of a_ drunkard. , I cannot stend by end see the" sacrice without crying ou`t,`My od, my God, give me the strength to her out from my home this terribleeviylhg give me the power to shield and to seve my ehild. from, this gigentic r}iisery--a misery sedeep that neplummet our sound it: depths --its fearful depthe." Alina nnrinnIn\n n 'r...-'.....-... .1-;.n.. [U lIllP|UlU , vu- Hie tones were full of emotion, while his frame trembled wi_th_ the intensity` of In: feelings. uhlln -`L:l.l 9 L- ..nnHnnnJ Nil .g-`an n _I?i;?6:"i:EFl;;l;l"s."faoc A grow do idly W19 *3 1101' father spoke. and she cried out in tones_of agony. "fl nhnr Ann:-A rn nll`ol.:- . Y L--- UII ll} 511035 UK `sun . `'0, father, spare mo allithio; I have not the strength to send from me the only man 1 love save my father. It is I drnry thing, dear lather, for a. woman to tour out from her heart the love of hrgirlhoocl tad hot woman- hood, and to walk Iqroyermorn alone. How can my lips ev_.or Ivy tuthe mun I love_, 'Go,I cannot marry you 1" = to be `a drunkud p Wife. "My child, you must. "I love him, father." "Tour your love out of "your hegrt, befordit rend: your heart," he Iaid_ bitterly. . O, lather," the mound. 4' B_oItor~tlint,' my child, than hug an affaction which oun.briig you only aor- row,--n grief whom talou laws will read up: your very body nud.Ioul., Al1oo, Alioo, you know; not what L it'_ is at ._-:n _-4-._.._. L-.. -p.,., L4,, mg: IIIIIIIUU, anus aIul,I1'UH o " Reform him m, `said marry him ultenvardu, my daughter ; but a woman udly ovetruton hgr suongth when she martin aydmnkard to reform him.. 1: l'1.......- n...`...m- I....--,...- Ln. __ _ IV Wu C UIIIIICCIII U VVIIWO '7 I will roform him after we are married, she said, eagerly. .. N Rgfnrrn"'Lim' r-L buy! m3`... Ids... Iuluuvu In Ill Ilunulu sv IUIUIHI lllh X George Granville loveeme,.lather; and youjnow where there is true love on_ the husband : put," there is influence on thut of the wife. - I ' (III... ..._-A___` -I_,._I.`I*,', I. ,,, I II '1` 1 .'""?E3: oliild, whqro the viogs of men griounrmad, woznpn-can possum very |n}le__.~ inuoncjt, our, tlio 2 =1, E. kugyv '-""1"':':,`?:_:'$':'aB'33:'. his h9|d`gdlyg`a1d replied, * ` " . M Ma nlnH`:`>- 1`|A`lA`I`IA m.` an-n I 31 ESSIE n. causnono. Ill; Ina mnnrul Alfred --Alexandrownn! Irmui lhe _ enndrowm! enmle_u- king, Alexaudrownq! me be pleat, Alenndrownn! e wire, V Alexnndrownn ! Alexandrmiuh! 51. n. ' Alexandrownn. uuuo ~ 0 4 The teen that had been slowly. t"ell- 1 in; from the girl : eyee new name a down in torrents. She laid her heed ; on the table beside her, and sobbed I passionately. Herfether was prepared . to see her grieve, but he did not anti- t cipete so wild in storm of grief es lhie. He knew that his child loved with all the ardor of her affectionate nature the man who had sought her in mer- riege. He was handsome. intelligent I end amiable; but` one terrible failin ` ovefshedowed those qualities; he was A drunkerl. He could p'u_p_ge 1 women into misery, but he could add nothing te her lieppinees. . A-A urhiln Hag :r:ue` u.-...e AL. .. .-.-- , (_ .____._._...,._. ...__ __.. .._..-.._ ._......_.--. _. ......_..., pliehmiuoles with them, and that the : drunken loverwill prove `a sober hue- band. . Ah! my child, nnny.a poor, \ foolith woman has wrecked her hope: of happiness on just such a. "follow 9.3 .~ thin." . - ` VIVL. A__,_.1 .. In - - --~ I IIWI IIEIIPIIIUUQI _ ` .And while the girl wept, the r ::or l of Bivington eat with his red eyes xed 1 upon her. He knexvthat he could-give ` her no comfort ; he might even seem, in her eyes, like the cruel destroyer. of her peace; but with the bitter remem- ` brnuoe of the past still gnawing. at his heart, he felt that he had aeetem duty to perform, and, with `the help of his Heavenly Father, perform it he would. He waited until her passionate grief had Ipentitself; than he approached her, and putting aside her curls, `kinsed her lovingly on her wet cheek. He drew her to a chair near him, and said, with deep emotion thrilling in his tonal, / ll l'UI.. ..`|.2l.I `-5 .,.._ |_H ...... aL_. L1- gull tvuvu, My child, let me tell you. the his- tory of n man s life and 1. woman : death, and than answer me, if'I do any wrong in crying out from the very depth: of my henrt, My Father in heaven, save my child, my `precious child, from the doom of the drunkn.rd n wile." ., I1r,__f__ _A,._ I_'.I,,,l __,,`.I , ,,, I, Alice Uarington looked with wonder. ing eyes at her lather ; she had never non kin so daeply moved, and there was atone of agonized pathos in his voice that told of some hidden woe. ,,,_K' II_`_,:.__ 1, VUIVV ulun. FUIH UL DUIIIU Il|\-I`-|UlI VVUU- The rector "of Rivington leaned back iii his o;rm-chair, and closed his eyes for a moment, M if iooking inwardly. His face was p;;i~=., and it evidently cost him I painful Euri. tn unearth the sad stony that had been buried so lung. At length, opening his eyes and xing them on the tire with that peculiar gnza which we .-om-ztimes see in the eyes of those who an exploriiig the dinirecesses of the past, the rectur commenced in low, earnest tones, his stmg, while his daughter fixed her moumful eyes on her father as thus hel, spoke : r`.lnvAnnn lfnwnv um: than cnn nfnn Clarence Medwev was the son ofan English gentlemen. a man of wealth, culture and renement. He gave his children every advantage which money ` could bestow, and his daughters and I his sons, with one oxoqgtion, grew up all thatthe most loving ihrents could wish. But this one, this boy Clarence, ] was a'wild, dissipated fellow, plunging ` into shameful excesses, and wasting the precious hours of youth in the haunts of, folly and the homes of crime. He gave his pa_re_nt_s many an anxious hour, as such boys always do; fortu- nate, most fortunate was it for them that they slept the quiet sleep of the grave before this boy, dishonored and de- graded, brought untold rntsery, to the heerts that loved him. "f`L_ ....-e-._9- _ . . . . A A __,.. L|,j .., :1 IIW-IIU |IlBIv JUVUU IIIILIO The rector : voice trembled with emotion, but recovering hxmself he oontiuuod: ,arnl_:_ L-__4_,_J, l__ I,` ,1I,n- UVHBIIIIIUH - -` This l')oy tenderly beloved by his pareuts,aud who had been so cure-' fully roared, grow from bad to worsd; and when he reachid man : estate, ha was 1' conrmed drunkard. u'I`I......- I1..-) -_ 4L __L __I,-. VVEQ I UUHIIIIIIUC uluunulu. There lived on the next place to l Medwey Manor. a lovely. girl, named f Alice Richmond, whom C erence Med- wey loved. She was young, younger ` by a year-than you, my daughter, for 1 ehe was only seventeen. She was a A eweet,dove-like girl, gentle and loving, ` the idol of her parents and lriende,and rich In every blessing that made life d_eeirable.; There never had been e 1 sorrow on her heart; end no minor` note walled through the eongs that the sung, Oh, that :0 fair 8. life nhollld have been so" cruelly blaeted-bl':r.zed, too, by the man to whom she had given . the priceless gift of her young allie- ; tions. ' .. n|_'___.'-; u_J... _ _ _ . . ._:.. L-.. 4:_ - Clarence Medway sought her `in 1 mlrrhga. Her hid from hor his body and soul-destroying vice, she knew ` not_that`1he man who breathed pas- - Iionato love vows in her. ears. was an i hnbiulal druhkurd. She had heard ` him called ` wild; and in her girlish fondness, her girlish ignorance, aha,` tlnqughtgshe could tame him down, and mnke him a quiet, sober, domestic husband, Her parents, however, know that sholvyu about to peril her haph- neu, Itidwxpostulntcd with her in rliohtnr. annm hi `I 1...... ...;.;......v`.... neu, end exposlulatetl with hey}: dE_l38h`9f,_ even as I have expostnlnte wlth you. But she could not see the great, black, frowning` rock standing Out in whet seemed I injiling nee; ` she knew not how, on the: roek,the rock of internpoxtnce, her fairest hope . would suffer o.'cn1el shipwreck." While the pencils were expostuluting, the love:-.Vwae urging, end, one stquny night, Alice Richndnd,` taking hot , (d'est5iny in her own hands, efolelortb item be: hepyy Equal and `"nurne_d Clurenee 'M`edway. - . rnlnr A . l'?'u`ui:nnlo'\n an-n-A 5.-.. words, `hung by the neck until deo.d.'] Then all grew black,--black as mid.` night,--and he was lead away from the room. ` All this while the girl hld refrained from speaking, but these words seemed ` to eleofrity her, and she caught her 1 falhet a hand convulsively, and said : ` Hung! didlhey hang him 1" ,_, He.wglk:_ from that dreary scene in the court-room, my ehxld, to his cell ' -in the .pr_ison, andprepered to meet his ignomlnnons fats. In vein his friends strove to obtain 9. pardon; petitions Inn _..eI._-.L-. I... "..._-.. -....n 0.. 01..-- `lent! uususn, lUWlllIl` Arpcx uunumg HID Ivuiii_- _ ' _ rent in `a smiling 3; girl rock, 3}" words seemed her to would 9, cnlel father's hand : parteritsi the him?" urging, end, one stormy , thet Richmond. her in my child, his -hands, stolelorth prison, from hsppy Home iiierrie_d ignominious vein Cie.renc'e'Med6vay. . pardon; The reotor of Rivington arose from `were sent to those in authority, but hisfseet end hestiiy paced the oor. there was no piiy for the miseraile ejeutoppecffini `front ' of his `daughter, `wretoh who had murdered his wife in "'w`ho_ %V,I`l.""Wi?fVc>1iilig- him ivith sud, et ofdrtinken delirium. . xioo'sgexe,and`ssid,_ T 9 Time W010 on, and the day oiexecu- `There .ere*sorn'e`f t31_IlIn;or`iee, .Tirh'ioh lion arrived ; he had pressed his sweet` hi3_e` "lIf1i|if_!!`Ii'I:}`I"5h'l_.h`I ohjid to his bosom tor the last time, - an only beerby end rained tears of sorrow on its young rnsniory of heed. "His friends had taiken e`sed'snd V `*"' * ' se`iernn_ Ierewetl of` him, and now all , ' tliet~w'I.s"'-- left {o'i`_liin to do, wins to nhtTthe',e`eeold`end give hisiife for . w_"l'0tIQ' he tskeii.' i I VVIIQU I `III IIIIVV ITIIIII` ,UI.l- 4 `Again-he took his suit, Itwan ovi- -djaulnhtt nothing but an overwhelm- ipgjonao M` duty undo thdhthor con- Q`o1_x_in~atity Z-A " daughter : kn ;`i.o"d%th No. 13. Whole my 1127. n, his as he eelth, e oney and it: up xould ence, lgilg sng rhme. xmus brtu- ithet nave .tde- l ruins. M:rThis dreadful act.'done in it fit of drunken madness, restored him to his senses. ground wildly, and called upon the name of the dead wife, who had loved him so tenderly and borne so patiently with him. But, too `ate, too late! the pure spirit had winged its ight above, and the drunknrd s wife had found rest and peacein heaven. Long and loud wails went up from the stricken man's heart; he kissed frantically the pale cheeks; he implored forgiveness for the pasn and an this dreadful deed; but, though the min lips smiled on. they made no answer. 0, my God, my God! cried the rector, olasping hh thin_hands, I thank thee that thott didst,at length,pour peace into this miserable man's heart, for no- where could he have found it but in thee. ` I He threw himself on the 1 [dig singing sweet songs [in her muting heart. It` took her some time Ato dis- cover whet an error she had mode ; how` she hudlburied ovary joy; how she now stood` on the desolate than: of a sad reality,-for away from the peaceful pleannreo of the old home that she had forsaken. What the suered an the hideous knowledge broke upon V her, none oevohorself could tell. Still she loved,~'ond tmIlcd,end hoped, am. prayed; hut tho dark clouds grow more lowerin,`the more deeply her huuband dran . ' One year passed by; a year of misery to the d-runkei'd'e young wife, and a sweet child came to gledden her heart. Their came; when the babe was only e few month: old, a scene to terrible that I can scarcely tell it 1: you. For weeks, Clarence Medway had drerdeeply, until, reason leaving its thron , he grew mad,--yee, mad as any lunatic chained in Bedlem. Rev ing and dangerous, hie bieia on re with the nccureed stuff he had been drinking, he was carried home from e I l( w den to the young wife whose life it had made miserable. For days, tl:.':. devoted wile hovered over his bet. shocked at his situation, cniiihei.` ` to '..e very earth by grief, ehe ye! clung, to the frantic maniec to whom destiuy had chained her. He did not recogiiize her as the bent over him: in did not know who it we: tliet'look- ed illlg) his wild eyes with pity but not fear. For days and nights that loving woman watched and wept,--wept as she heard the madman : re`/inga, and saw his Luger: point to imaginary spiders which his dielempercd fancy law on the wall. _ 3 :1I\.__..' V One night. when the watchers, all save one, the, loving wife, had with drawn for a few momentsintoa distant room, Clarence Medway leaped from the bed, and seizing a Iuadcd gun, which stood unobserved in a closet, levelled -it at his wife and shot her dead. Oh!_ `my God, she died,-shot to the hem! by th; monster she called hu.sbo.nd !" .. T_.___, J_,___ .1 _ ll uvJI.IU.uu 5 Large drops 0! agony stood on the xeotor's brow, and he covered his fa -:- with his hands; when he raised them again,Iu's daughter started book, for, he was ashen po.lc,snd his lips trembled with emotion. But he went on with his_ story; he had nervod himself in the task ; there_ was too much at stake to cease` now--even his daughter's happiness. l to This .-l. ...H..1..-n v.1....- :.. _ 4:. ,.z " It was decreed that he should drink more deeply of the (sup of suffering. When the fearful deed was bruited abroad, Clarence Medway was arrested `and thrown into prison. During the long weary days of his imprisonment and trial, deprived of his accursed liquor that had made him 3 brute, a mzdman and a murderer, he came into the lull possession of his` senses Then" his eyes were opened,aud he saw what a bitter wrong the drunlrnrd does, not only hiiusell, but all who have the mislortune to love him. Sitting in the solitude of his cell, as memory carried him back to his early lile, he wept to think what he was, and what he might hue been ; he had . sold the proud birlhriit ol his man , heed for s miserable mess of pottage. I : l'\unrurhnln-tar} nrilh rial lnr lla- nvyu IV] 3 IIIIQUIIIUIV IIIUBD VI }lU\Ill5Vu "Overwhelmed with griel for the loss ofhis wife; crushed by the fear- ful crime he had committed; deeply humiliated by his painful position, Charles Medway passed through his trial for the murder of the woman he had sworn to protect. 1 cannot go wet` the distressing details of that pro- seeding, when the lite ofthie unfortu~ unje man hung trembling between time: ant, eternity. Outhe dey the verdict nu... On In. Agliug--A `oh- Lglla A6` CHI-. U5-UIIIII-,0 \JIlvI-IIU LID] l|IKi V"`|\lIU\ was to. be delivered, {the halls of juslicenwora crowded ; silent the crim- ; jnal sat, awaiting the words that were ; to consign him to life or derh. They came, and as he stood up to receive his senIeucc,his earl hodtd the dreadful l .words,`hun; by `until dud. Than ell ornu! I-unk _|\!1n_k' on mid- And :2 oo if_n'ot paid in advance. ' . "`:~-*'w.--,-rt: Wu roa`c.hcd,`nud.gh, ~ ' V0043` to usher the con`; iTham Wan ... |.........a_.-_ `Gm Itoo `mo . . iiiabi-VI'0h`I!.b9 . ,; `ii: "Watt to this tti T r *e_n3:"_s"u,clen-ty "5I'07WIQn land Jo_lnt_lering- of `horses and a shout"we_t;t up.--" . Alice pressed her fethe'r's;h|:1d, as she exclaimed : " t '-` Thank heaven, he was saved !" "-A shout went up, repeated the `rector, `A pardon!" and the man, with the rope almost around his neck, were: me by his feelings, full fainting to the gtonnd. He was removed by his, frivnds from the scene, and in at quiet home they nursed him lovingly, fotgivingly through the long fit of ii}- nosa that ensued. "Phey utteted no renrnnnhau. fnr umll olrmu I.-mm. cl.-. L... v ' f J56 nle Di! uvqu -nun uuuuuuq LIN}, UWHICG H0 repronchea, for well they khew that his poor heart was tortured by 'the keenest pf aliroproaches, self reproach. _When he recoveredakrrig his precious child with him, he left the beaulilul shores 01 England forever. u H. ..l-..o...r .. ---I...I....r ..,-u_ _- qa,uu.`nuuu ewuvun ;_ He selected: secluded village in _Americ_a_{or his home,` and the grace of God'_ha_,v-ing touched his heart, he studied-for the ministry, and was ed- `mitted to orders. on one` aubj_ect-{or they knew not his fearful history--tl1e people among whom he liiied cello}. him crazy ;-a`nd that was the subject of tem- perance. His heart was Mined to its depths, when the saw the monster Drink ~n_1'ging' through the grant re- pubtic,-l_)lnsting with his ery breath the sweet llawers of home;"laying; liright hopes low; breaking hearts and. lestroving reputations ; killing the bully ind murdering the soul. This man went forth the sworn champion of tem- perance, xmpluxirig men, for the sake ct" the God who made them, for the sake of the friends who loved them, and for their own x-ukes, to break the nrauaclese whichmade them slaves-slaves ofthe most cruel muster under whom poo: Immunity ever served. rt To :. rm. ma r.:..i-... ..-. ,L -I 2 Illllllllllvl UVUI aclycu. {` TI. is this sad, sad hislory,.my child. ylhal comes to me in warning tones, and Enys,` Save your dnnghter, while yet vou may. from the n11serableTale uf tho l_runkard's wile, lest she, too, share the doom of Alice Medway. " Thu nah: funafnf `L nn (.......o..... .......... uuvnu UI lllu;/U HICUWI . The pale fuce'of`.Alice Carington grew still paler, and she aukt-d,'in low, eager tones, ` ` _ LII`. r...L.... -..\__ __,__, rn Au.nu way I For one moment, the rector of. Riv- inglnn looked at hxs daughter; then he suid,ina fono whose touching po.'h_us She ).8Ve|' forgot, ` at V2... (mum. ..... ..LIJ _, -vuva, `-My fnihcr, who was Cldrcncc Medway Y" Fur Ann n1}~.nngn6 H-.. ......o-.... ..r h! runuol 3 She-Vsprnng rtmm her shut ; she threw her arms drounl her father : neck, and sohlned out passionately. God pify you, my punt stricken hither. - He has pitted me, mv child, even m you pity me." -.".r;d the father r_u'.d duttghtcr sob?-3! a!.:u.! as thoy drew near to each nth!-1' in tI=r'p<=stsvrnpI1t|ry and love. "Lung years have passed smce t`.- reotr-r of Rivingtnn sn ih his qr stukiy amttctd this sad story of ht: rte: to his ynung I aughter. Na Iunggw .young, Ali.:ev(`.urt1ngtnn now sits thm 5 alone; _fnr hr_-r father has gone. to hiv eternal rest. ` its.-r nmtht:r'$ _hlStrw' sankdrwply into hcrhmrt.r.ndslt4; ch- to live single, rather than hr-ct-me drnnktud s wife. $c=.rnn'anr! happ), her day: pass in deed ' nf gentle mercy. -and she slmde nnmmt hm elm ..'....;...... uu. urn -`.v yuan In utruu ' m gentle mercy. she sheds nrunnd her the p'recinn-.-. perfume n! a pious lilo. J\'he`l1asfolde-4,. the wlggs of silence M/(:7 her early `love; the rememhnmce nf `it nevr-r disqniets lwr, and she daily thanks heaven for giving'h'z-r Khe smength to put away {rum ho: I1;-.5 the glim.-.1-in'g cup'h<'a|d by Love: in \rho'-(- dvpths we:-- cunccaled Ilm deadly poisnn of despair. ..'\/[en nrAl'lHl|'il'_n (Inf! `uni: nhrnn up V-uu4x_;uu:u Inn '-v3rIuI_y `Jul-NH! Ul ut.'.*[)ulI. . Men nf/Xmerica, God has) given us goodly heritage; Inuy-..-tic risers, lof_v mountains; vast 'fnr'est.~<, a balmy clime, and a frniilul soil. '*.~'omr-. aw-rl vvf Col:-n wn mil uh iulwnl. u! Iho: trail of Ihv- semen! in war Harm mi. . .. . 7 DIIL` :'.rVl7I IUIEUI, Your father, lather. (II 4 70f` Irul Ilu, Inn.` `,1 Ill.` /('[|ll'|ll ll UVTI HIVYIINII." This ncrpantlia infenxpcrnnce, that is trailing its hateful length through Um fair domuin, crushing, ns: it gucs, Hu- bealliiful buds ol home, \'.'itherim_:l1::rvr-.` -and deutrgying body and mu]. '.Tl:i.< serpent it is that clings ta us in our grand march um-.-ard, Io stand sid_e luv nda with our sister nations, lhfir com- post, in all save years. 'l`rnlv it in Iimn `.-xv Iln- .I......l..o...... -5 lroul III In unto ,l'7(ll3o Truly, it is time for the daughters of -America tn prnu-st, when her sons an- sallihgtheir fair birthright for a men of pottage. Tlu- \V'l:coIm- and \\'ilsuu Sexviung Mn chine still more" t.|nu1 holds its own hgainst all rivals`. - Agents for thin :s'_cu- tion of the co|'u1tx'.y\, Messrs. Vzm Tns.~.el and Morgan-. How happily things turn out. It is now declared that Gladstone. has lung been very anxious to withdraw from public life. At the `Vest }'Ind"I_-' St:-re gmml 1 cheap Twas, Groceries and l m\'isi'~ may he obtainrd. ' 'I`hc w'z{ys of \Vomen- -Auywlzerca lrom nicely to two hvndred pounds. If you are courling 11 girl, says a Caiifornnia paper, stick to her, no mat- ter how large her father s fee-1 are." There are ovcr ten million women `in America, and yet` Tom Hutton, of Georgia. hung himself on account of n girl fteen yenrs old. Never pay a bill unless you hnve the money. A Fresh meat. and salt meat, in :m_`.' quzmtity, {win he lnul Che-up, 3: 1;, King's, \Vut End T. _Stfn'e.. ` Whll :, u will; The `Wyoming-Journal s fees for ma r- tinge notices are as high as theecstucy nd lihcmlity of the luidegroovn may pr0.'.`:pt_. 1 as John Reeves_ said '0 his boy. when shaving provcdnvdiiculty, -= John. I wish you would not open any more oysters with my razors. ;' Dallas, Texas, Herald: " A .sl:ck o:,_p !he can 9.} the*dgpot yoslordzwr . !_.q"hy.w 9 any ` ..:mn .i Good` b;ttro(1 Ale, Portal , `\Vim-.5 and Liquors may be obtained at the Fashim Saloon. . . V.(`)1Ir`f'!'io`eh1l Kidd, of Ike Me-luicul jlensary, Dunlap street,. is :l_!;;1il1'tn 1- v link , in ' ` fore, and auhizunqen Ila}-ix:'g the 1:1-gm 5. ehapent and int ltoark of goods in Li; Mrs; G1-een,a Kansas wfdow, w:- :3 lg marry agam, and, as a recomm::m2- atioq, she says she has used one hno nz for fourteen years. Mr. Marrowfat rather snnppishlv :-. 'mar`k od to his wife, last Sunday thm .; mun cannftiajways Lu thinking oi hr: irunortal soul. `He nxust have time In. oughis xngala. .- Q;.;:;1:g my "child, youfporr 1; .o ARDAGH 3 STRATHY, Solicitors, ' I-66 u '.;1rII._y, man 5!. muuurl-le |n'.ereu.-Ap- Farms. -i}fX'5A"E'KiEFE"nu1LnxN . SAVINGS sucusw. .~ n...... _nAanmn HAY}. win: (E Mr.LEn 4: THOMSON, om: Engineers, 5 P:ovinc'ml Lzmd Surveyors, Arahicts, &c. U r '2~I\'eW Buck Block, Store, Dunlap Snfeet. H..vEn - FM!"-C H.-..`_u<:s G:.vxr.L;1_. ' `- n 1:! t '! .-` MES EDWARDS, (Late Deputy Regxstmr) g, Cmx-.'xyancVe'r. &c., agent for the Rays] In- an mxce mnpnuy,` am! the At-cidom. Insurance Fm. 1 my. -(\`u-e~A-Pan Oice building, iarrio 1;` \l'l;lllLS, Graduate Toronto Un`vo;llT3: 3 .`.lember Collnge Physician: and Surgeons, _(,2ll -0la`Eic.u-0ver. Wells Bros . Drug Store, (`np~IJSll0 `sarrie Hotel; Hotel, Dunlop strqet. 38 L `}R J. L.(}. MoCAR1`Hi Thu remoyegl his : 1 `zfiee to his new residence on the Wcstvside { (:1 .'J]lD Street, immediately opposite Kr. Goo. " }5.'. s'p1nning and.aa.ah.faotory. Dr. Ile0., hu "g \ mauoy for utudent. -4441 (`LIV ll` VD DUUUSII I - kJ- 2:1. )' Orrwl -MASONlU HALL. TORONTO. .4 `APITA L. 1 500,000. lo Fm-mexs an Landowners! H. You. Wumjo Borrow Money I ; Luv mun: hmd for vourself or for van. mun? ..\NOIS W. LAI.LY,A'I`TORNEY-AT-LAW Solicitor - in -_ Chancery, Oonvoynnoer, nry Public, Jzc. ` t` ' .-e--Owen Street, Barrie, Ont 4'!-ly es. .1 .3. uxcuuxszsnaaxx, uuzsupnm. ac. _U OtY1ce--ln Brick Block. Dunlop Street` ssl n, opposite Watson 8 0o.,.Druggists, ` 85:. Rzaidenca, first house Easy cfegiltry Olllca. 3'UlIice hours --from 10.3! 1-2, Forc- - man. and iron: 1 till 3, Afternoon ll,-12m p V.`>\_[`1OA3I 7S`0N, 0.:-illin. Solicitor in Glen- ` `I ml-.ue; in ll.R., &c. Heir "sud Do.-vine Claims u~:.a:uted,Agent for Cannda. Landed Credit onnany for loaning money on Real Estate. Ai'i'ICI'.`~ .`\'e.r1 Frank Kean : Stan. 848 ___...__f...____ . ery, Attorney-at-Lu.w, Oonveynncer, Oom- A Q. 941.32 \ Ll BUDALVAU, DU U EU UlIlV`l'lD_13,, - 1.-.w<- _ I 1 no on and Zanldn; or?1'1's: mm, mm D and 13:11. Hilxiuane mu,` and . Sr.-.yn.-r, on the lastbgsg ofddfehhmonh. All; 1.9 d h u is o co on (()}:.`.~|er`gIsreet,:J;l)l[1)ositeSMDPOII: Olco, Bottle. ' S-.c::ia| attention given to lliiig teeth with gold. _ Sets of beautiful Teeth at $16. A good opening for a atudenx; . `~ . . \l D _._T -i HAIR n`! nnil Inlnhlllnll f for atudenx. ~ A 51.8 --I will hold all parties responsible for the amount of money paid` to J. O.`Kc0gu|lnn f wr work, he being boundb,v tn obligation for l1.':_'e amount of money, not todo any: york; `' IV. ,rLh Simnoo. Esau, or Innisl for the noxt y e us . Extra charges malt/or prgeubnd 3.. 5 - .0 . BDSAN . V c'J.uu'n I a DU:, |_uA'l'l I1aUA.'l`I 8: McGnrthy,] Barrmprl ind Auornvyg, Lsitors-in Chancery, Notaries Pubc and nveyancers. Dun`.op street, Barrio. 1 ~`.m'oxi MGCARTEY; Q.C. Wu. BovI,L.L.B. .-um, Boonnmla and Rnuxodone on Vtvho 1-evniua. The facilities of the amt: sh- cent are more complete than say oboe orth of Toronto, having been carefully tted out in every particular. ' ' municstiou should be addressed to the ubliaher, post-paid. " V D- UREW D-is rmxmonv & McCONKE'(,--R_e|l- '-z~e e--Collier street, Barrie, Ont.` r ~ r: munxron, _' '1'. c.u'coxn-.7, M. n. conozann. . _ 3.1).. u n. I':.s.' , . ._.. __ ..__,.. .* -.._. .'. .,,s.;~ -\r\/ _ v ECCARTHY & BOYS, [LATE MCCARTHY 3: Mczu-thv.1 Ban-Ilmn ind Allnrnnvn, ' lished Wee`xly,in the Town of Bud. v-.ry Tannin; ' moxniug, conuingng g. bu-eat newspf .he day, Iain]! mgttg raining to the attain oftho County. Pride in advance I $2.00 if nqtpnid stick. of sublcri lion. ' .. , in name -81: ineaor undorrstinurou ues, 8 gfli rut inurtion; each sub- qncnt one 3c rofessionnl or Businoll vsrds $4 per ye 1- $3 for six months, it A more than ten inn. Specislcontrncu n be made by e you-, 0: put: of: :`r. Order; to - Icontinne Advertise- uts to be madein rlting. spar discontinued `nil all arroarsgol e p1id,excep1 at the option of the publiIh- I c; age}. sub quent one lziczoeriix. ._Suth.e_r|and, who leaving thou BAILEY. VETERINARY R- . GEQN, uucoeuot `to G: Suther1 up,d,and Graduate of Ono tario V_,b_`torlna.ry_. ()0 logo. The Inqscribdft hareninfoml the nbli that hoiyill "carry on the b` hull of Veterinary Su'(00|I in ?-he pllco o_( D. G.` . pa: Wand .El_!pu$Ion'I.!Id nkillf mu; ,-gnu-oun no libouilly1_-b- nrode`oe' Ior. Oeo qpdv East. of laughed-lg ;nou1,4 * . I I 45-11. twws by pro! man; to secure I s`xow`e:l upon . 8's`-`none d ':,I.`.{'xS'l`. A BOYS, B.rrisv.or,' Attorncy, "dxioilor in Chancery, Commiuionor, to. me over Harrisons store, South Iido Dunlap 2 1,Bur in. V 1190 }v.'._y on :1 .I.IurLgI1gu 01' Lunar ul.'D,l_lI UK` I01. ' .~!x;=.'r purpose 7 . .3u_ do the reziucod terms of the CANADA ..:.g:"-3:14: Buxnmua AND Sxvma SOCIETY, L U hm nude more loans to Farmers during `sex `.7 "years than any onset, aiford greater -liz`.-u und advantages than those of any : Ilomnany in the Dmn'ux'1ou.' ' .cmuH:s1` PMCI-T 1-up FOR coon nowramls. r.1.rther information apply to `J, IIRTIRRRT MASON . rt` full`:-: :2i>~XEIi 4; srRA1'3r. smimu and Te- mrnsava Hnlinhnrn in nhnnnm-v, Nata:-Inn CUTTER, County Grown Attofney, _':)n.r1-inter. Q1: , Barrie . 41 . .xL~}o1s LAI.LY,A'l`T0 RNEY-AT-LAW QI\`:n:`:\h _ 3n _ nhnnnnn nnunnnnngn tunun 8 cunt (:51. onrnsxerl an Al- torneys, Solicitors in Chancery. Notaries Vic, Conveyancars, Barrie, O0 Simone, Ont. . ARDAGH, n. `n. 8'I'BA'l'Il!. '11} Fa Loxiwr, Barristers, Attorney: at- law, Solicntorajn Chancery, &c.-0ce-`- Hop Street, Barrie. Sucueuorsto thelnte 1 Bouiton Lount, Boys,& Stewart. Ync V1`. (3. W. {.4-mu-I. -._~`wfx' 130 mm) on appfoved freekold u. -.-,urity, and at moderate In`.erest.-Ap- .0 ARDAGH & STRATHY. Solicitnrn; QETERINARI [,5 ~ summon, f 'r-uonurox. The subecgihir begs-`to inform tljiihbiuu of Thor_ I! And vieinltynzhnl IL0oo_lI`|t Thofnto 0. ,8ont'\ Sllncoe, n and to nrnmnilv nm. A on all dghs ho luv; xsoawungu-. ADVANCE x' lVW- V7 uIIlI_GU .lJU TZI`l/ l.VJLlIIU'y v land for yourself or for you noun? ..ld xt house or barn? To fence, clear, .-Ir.-xin, or otherwise improve your land? my otfa Mortgage or Qther deb? Or for -!x::'v uurnoxe? [':'; -E:. r _-.-\-~ I * .. * . ~./x/`vs -`.\Vr-JY To LEI/\'D.:'Apply to nuns ED- WARDS, Royal Inauroace Oco, Barrie. n.1ki{1Nl)ER- zuonnow, agent for the Draw nli4l1rn1I nun: `.nnnnnv. tin (hwnn n. J -."(1[1zooiA<'sY1Tai.`:i"I:co1zo;ImR. as}. Block. Dunlon Street M U "Wu ied go, tA4`LiNlIL`;I1u 4\lU|$l\IVV, llzlli I0! H16 Pl`OV.lJ(`.ia11l;E'nl anca Jonpany, the Queen ' ani Life, the Phoenix, the Isolated. and `uuciahirn Insurance 0ompauiea.-Ooe Brick Block, over Ramon : Store 355 may osicS`\v"1Ci Provinciul mud Hurvcy-;r, Val er, &c., B~r'rie. .'.iz1surai1tc% Na_tic_c5.T {Q11 B. SANDERS, money at-luv. so. uito: in Ch-mcery. Conveyancor. Commis- r'in 0.2., &c., `Rayner, Goa Simeon. 900 Or to `- ~" c=.\iu1l 1?,Jrofc*55ion. -. ~.-.~.\~ x \-.'\\x-\.\~\\\o\s\s*.\\~\.s\5.\\'s'\ Jan. _l 1862. i%*I9`Iu.%tvF!I-_ miiiiiigi-*5 Em-h. egul Qmrb5,~ \ fx/\/\/\/\/' : \'n.l.y2K. (_1.E. ; ?.L.s. J. I1I`4HDl \-IE1 .Dl.`lD\..`T|, Secretary Q? Treasurer, 'l'.)ronto, A _' M HRRDW. gdsmnxo, SURG non onwrzsrn, (mncannr to J. 0. Monnnllndi. umu uppxy 10 `J. IIERBERT MASC`-Y, o-alum: XE 7`nmnn~ar 'I',1ym Illy q IIUHIIGYCT) LJYUTHU, A.` M URROW, _ ./lmnruis-er, a.` Barrie _..__,.,._.. as Q} Dr hemiullgf :11 Dan! (;z_.n-roan Tuonuon, . n. 1.1. . p I . s D. CREW `Dnnv |II'0pTg CIIIUIIIII UH . nosaxx H/fbaoxsrooi. |:WI|'l.o G. W. Loon. up 1 IOIJUN, C.E.;P.L.S.M M AND IICDIE 1'1!!! muuona OI U0lIIl'I- [Claims by Ghiongo Fire, estimated at nearly 03,000,000, are being liquidated as fun :1 ll ned without deduction. * lfllv nrnnunt now:-ant and H$uArnI:O- {cu II III!!! WIUIOIII -ICIIIICHOIL curlty. Prompt psynent, and libenlity in ldjuument of its losses are the prominent lutgxru of this wealthy Fmund Life Policies nned with van liberal