V ,a'?3 '15A1E1as. STATIHNBHYI ` Aav'e_m. AND PAPER . PLAIN AND FANCY. H:_\NGINGS.~ KJJ. a~v.a\;- \4I -.5` Vu.vnons' Souorrons D. CREW y 91: cure Wnpl d although] `on, culom conalimli `I around ea_ pre1-erved- I opnwrop n1: for Ii- oroznoggst" will inxuroi elurll mmlita nti rec Lived for -" 21.1.. ' In! N Puamnp |J.J.3noWN| J. J._ BROwN.` lJ. J. BROWN | {I J. J. BROWN." I3. J. BRowN.| J. J. BROWN.` uusT To HAND y. . be Cnngdh, see. for wbiqj} f leecuiai J. `J. BR0WN._| J. J. BROWN.` |J. J. mown. BARBIE Booms AND S_HO%ES, RUBBERS, sic. . -, Bsvin mind-.most of bin '. _ Winter oc ,- is now R NEILL M ' s. k xudy with a full usoljtnent of Goods for the Spring Tmlo, which iii}! he found of rat-c|I.sI_ qnnlity, Ind of the STYLES. AI nuns! he will be found to the value for money. ;Ho will loll CHEAP POROABH; Ordu-.,wo_;k -i_n_Vt pgzggt Style! .V I THE Ii 5 I/53.313, n. rt .i>UNt.or TkEm,BARa1E.` . 03 _Do1r Wu! of -lAhc M'.4RK\E>1` SREET. DR. J B. OROOXSEANK, CORONER. to. Ollloc-In Brick Block. Dnnlbp, Stpvot, am fpt,` opposite Wagon, 8 06., Dragging, &c.- Residence, but `hens: llut 0f._RO!tl y.~ Oilco. l:l'.Um_ce hour!-from 1o;tilI,12,`1jx ~9-j noon, gqa frogs: I 31113, Aetnqbn =L 1le'1!1n pr LADIES % - GEN LEIIENS . L - up omnnnmxau I | CH!!! I: ehumatill nn, emitlo I dies. 0:393. ealers, in II uppliel, 1 utisfacligl Much 11, im. Fo_r._ 8p xing[" Taa. mm: mm mnY_. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. :.__.__.;_?` gPR1N.G _=I12oR1goNs. " V wAi{liiiiiIs. momma mas. - w..':.....a tbfcure I-Conn '0 la `~Ec'iadtc|ie* V" DUNLOP T_ ST;1EE'I`, VEGETABLE PLANTS FARM % {SEEDS WATER LIME. Barrie. sEAsop, ma-, WARE IN `f .311-tf Which hgwe -been ielectvd with grgat `care . and imported direct from the most celebrated Em-nm-an and -American Growers. The aubsoribdr is now au p'ply`ing ovary variety of pune ' 7 ' mm Ann moan sEns,| 8.1111, xmponeu IJIFGCL Il'0m In! mun European and -American Growers. V SPEOIALITIES:+ ' ' TIMOTHY, CLOVER, TURNIP, &: GARDEN SEEDS. |_cur rmwsks, aoqu:1's,&c., to onnsn. I Ncxt'door to the Bank of Commerce`?! |t=AJ:N':'I:-;E31=Ls:| AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PBDEERTY Window and Bneiylding Plants! In all the choicest varieties. I I 11:45,: _.|_.vq,'\,;., Opposite Barrie Hotel, _ x `Dunlap St Bsrvie. N. 13.. `Physicians Preacripaiona carefully compounded I 35-1):. ` CHOIC E TOBACCOS & CIGARS T WELLS ,BRO., A .... .:4.. ..-..h. Unonl At 12 o clock, noon, undeta power `of sale comained inn morlgage -from Isaac Hons- bergerv which will be_ produced at the axle the following property : PUBLIC Aucwmm The west mm of M29, in the 51h concea- sisn of the Township of Mulmur, in the Conn- Ly of Simcoe, comaming one hundred and ten acres more r less, '70 notes are said to" b cleared, weil culxivaled, and,we!1 fenced.- The lot is well watered, and in a fine clgared country. IIJBUESENE EHEMIWS! Oannot do better than pay`cu1"_Eatsblish ment. I visit. ` We also keep on hand F"1'1is"l`3iRs`' iih 'sio1iE2] mu: STUWVPEBFUMERY .,HA=.rs#93L+.Fes;:as-1% - Thexresl half of lotvtwenly-five, in the first con. of the Township of Tossoronlio, con- raining one hundred acres more or less, 30 acres a;e said to be cleared and lenced, upon `which Ihere are agsaw and shingle miIl,a frame dwelling tmufss, IWO barns andjslables, an-'! other oulhouses, ` {?99?-FP;W*``*"` JQEEDS : QEEDS! 1 SEEDS}! sl One tenth of the fn1rchase"money to be paid down on the day of sala,for balance, vrerms will be made known at the" sale. For funhe_r paglioulars, applv to arm _ zaoxqns AP JONES, n nnnnnul can I.-...-4.... Illnwnnr out it. i fact in cl: not it In A. Monnw. E1q.,1 uI 7`1' _ The sttbscriber begs to call the attan`ion of the public `to the fact that he has opened his lNEW..P!&E_!MH0P\ And everything that in to be found in 3' -nu:-.1-nu nu Arum -usniw-rm (l!`lII\`l'\I'\n ` IN THE o\;vi'-axvs 70*F W MULMUR `ANIIA TOI\SilHONT_|. VILLAGE-"OF ANGUS,_ l'\ K? Particularly in the Iron Deparzmenr, such` as turning large Pulleys, 5 feet 6 inches in diameter; turning Shaft, 21 feel 6 inches long This is me kind of Lalhe for boring Cylinders properly, it weighs 8 lens. I have a good supply of smaller Lathes, and a rs!- olasalron Planer {it for almoerany job. Any -parties wanting Castings I can supply them on short notice, as I cael every day In Bradford. and have a very Targe quantity of patterns. I beg Io call to `notice my _ I`II I)`IIlII7`I'.`,I'I I2`) AOI`I'.` `II A I) All orders'quote_d at Toronto Prices. J. M. BOTHWELL, G-_~.1-__-_. __-A IN. HOUSE, SIGN, AND oRN.mEN'uL lull J`? V -13.7 IJIJUII ll] 4l_llIII which gives one -quarter rrore dr`af' lhanlhe common bar. .In the meantime don ! forget the Bullerpld P ougba; .1 gm manufacturing them on a large some. 1'__ 1I'l'f'l"l`I"D1'M"l:|'l' `n sho|_-I Iii: gnllnly. by /emaln regnancy, 4 1. but at :1! T ON SATURDAY, 2lSTj0F MARSH, I874, Barrie, March 4,`1.'l4T` IYIVEACHER WANTEl ) WMEDIATELY. One nofI:`af.'.I.'"i~zIa'.Z:'cn'..."."?:;'.Ifr.I:. ~ Ap. ply porsonIl1y,or wrilemtaung salary expect- Ad In . ' . ` ` > r-1 gd, to :E5i1i'-c}'s7,"i:'5':i.i.:s nun...` .. Toronto, 219:" Feb. { 1874. MANSION.HOUSE, m'm`x_1:'r SQUARE, - `The Msnaion House. is 3 three ate :-y brick building.- It nordanapaciousneen, convenience and comfort. The zironietor is well knownis syhotel keeper toeuesrly all in this cpnnty, and his` experience Jli; be. 9. _gn|ts_nt9hI to the- nierifa llnI$0n.nndeA_r,V eenfe. *lntnd- Mormon, Feb. 21, i374. l. AppIy: trio. [3- Iuiipilioo!iI$fiir_l-iiherial { ' V. 'FI`,ninwn`-In'-an n. rnnnermn, Propyiotor.` u.-. I`: -.......v . `5l.1`;lPl0VI~}l) "in.rrn nun, hi.-h airs: nna -nrmnnr nrmvn Jr`- MARKET` sQUAnE,` BARRIE- 8-y mm &; wmaxs, THOSE WHO. WANT PURE _ ALL K|NJl bguaglns, F-y pui'];ol el incliil` mLuiIR`< j.4.YA. 9!! HALE oli-:MALI':._ .__, - 'I"LZ-J (VI--- IW-.a2 __n. ANOTIQ E. And is now prepared to do There will be aolqj by - .F5f:.CEL 1. +3:-B31_$&s`; TERcEL2 CARRIAGE, HENRY DIERKS, Treasurer of SI S.No. I, uonruson `V l!._L HI 16571 In A..- I3 - Barr z"e v1 . AT THE ; llllll UH it llllg EUIIU. L- BUTTERFIEH); 1 `Out IN THE rsruru-pu _:u .\m AT?Vof"IcrD.? ' M50 "V --- .. _......., Seedsmnn and Florist, V Dunlap St. I: nl Cnmmnrne. - 9 .1 .v Eaobjns '0lit:itor . Masonic Iunns Al dump, Solicitor, Hall, I oronlo. DHJ "Q - -' cnnnxd; IIIDUI-V 10 41:: eoLnn1i:1aA.mA:; \I.a4.na-__- .._.<- Our New S[ring`Slock is daily coming to hand, and will be completed in a few days. of u-hicli duduotice will be given. .We are now thawing _ DU\J I D 00 |3.l'.l\)'.l.`J|J \J.I.' Lu 1 1.11! L 4;: l.4|J\/Av ` \, , . . . - - , Also a very large stock of Crockery & Glassware, which 'we will sell at reduc;d pm,e5 Our mono in, `~ nut to be undersuld. A1}_l2.{`-_S.'El.I]N' Enos, -4 4--.: -1"1IIl..__1,_. I1 , A*- - -` - - .. ms, ciii, KY"3:h1D.6LaTii38,&. I In which we defy compeuilion. Our Groceries are as usual ofkhe vgry hes: quality, 3 :..n 4.-.... -...a n... 1.-_...-... mi.-n_1n which we would call me allemmn ol` nuumrv `NEW co'r1'oNs, NEW PRINTS, NEW nnnssns, `NEW IMLLINERY, _ NEW MANTLE8, NEW SIIAVVLS, New cnorns, NEW IIATG, ` NEVV 01.01-IHNG. u-._--- ' Our goods are well bought, and will be sbld . . .. . n_ -~A t`~- ---J. ... ..:m in on give I at bottom prices for cash. Our aim is 9.1 the best possible qualitv for the money. ' ..N0 SECOND-PRICE.-" E; B. Ciidivfrbx & so. 1 nnnnuml.` , F'gllU"CH, 1, but an I Where mere has inst arrived and opened up fty` cues of Spring Goods, among which are the newest n0velli_es and designs in Dress Gocds of every Variety. Alsothe largest ' and has! selected slack` of Prints to be had in Ontario. Grey and White Cat. Iona me best value in the market, and a full mock of all the goods required for the Season, among which an: our immense, Stock at A- ___._____ ___g-. 4- gjnnn--4' A _ Opposite the Rlway VALUABLE REAL `ESTATE FOR SALE. ' l -..-..u-: I - . T . . . . I THIS ISA GENUINE SALE, AND WELL WOBTHY THE.A'`TENON OF ULOSE BUYERS. f\---.--:- [If not previously disposed of by private con- tract], at my Auction R'o`om8. Larrip, on At one o clock, p. m., that valuatle 40 acres of land, 1 rmiug the West part of Lot 21, in the 4th `Concession of Veepra, close to the limits ofthe town of Barrie. _ rm...:.m1 in nf x-at aunlitv. and cloned and PU BL'IC AUAC'I`%lUN[ oftlxe of xsnrne. The Eandis of first quality, fenced. , V V `- In`. (nu-H-mr nu-ht-nlars enamre Of 1.118 owner. fenced. ."For further pnrticuldrs enquire of the ; owner. Allan Gunn, Esq , Bar;-ie, or to ` - msmnn nnrmns nnv nomJs,T% nmsss nouns, ETG., ATAA SI_AL_I{ ADVANCE ON COST! - I sum enema saw? f EA'I_'_ P. P. g WAN $, -- - -mg-nu ...__- ms. :1: Anal __'--_ _--_._ w anon q zcrnighnru rulers. lmncnxnnnvq rmegnth Tor mmcn NEXT.` wnblgmsnu, 1:1: 'A.p1 uL, '74} NONE BUT FIIRST-CLASS WORK-' MEN EMPLOYED. mu V Pub won Llmnm:,' And taken In Trade. MAOEY dc CHRQISTOPHEP-, NEW nouns uMLvjAamvnNa AT um . __..-._ 2.-V_.._q.....---.-......___._ - .. ...n_...._.-;.... .. _ Lugn and Boatselectod Stock in Bavrrieof, DgugI,Modicines,nnii Chemica1a,Perfumery `and -Toilet Articles, _ Pni_nts', 0i's, 1 und- Vnnish_e9, Goal Oil`, and Burning -Fluid, "Dye Stufa, Pipes, p'l`obncccI, nnd Cigars. My speciality in nnivo: til u.tisfo.c- tion to all pub; .f ohsge: Auunuuu V To be sale by ` sub? AO0ESSA!hAT ALL nqmxs. ` J. P. KIDD; fmov 1:13 In order pg make rocm for Spgizdlgxglr2:I;: 1;:;`;h`I::I;:!e;:_!ged _wi1l dirpos of 1113 Large Ban-ie,Feb. 17, 1874. ._._._..-._____..._._..__._.__. A middle-aged woman, wbo_ willmake herself generally useful inlhe house where there are only two of I famvly, can hear of a oomfpttaue home, by applying at the AII9 - `Vance Oice; also, a boy, from 10 to 14 years of e, will bolakenfor one or more yam. One frgm the` country preletred. ~ ; 1-. os'r, about Seplemhoriau, a` Inger sum ~Gil Sell with Yellovyfslone. ' - 5 P An: nu-mu ramrnmx I to L.`S.: Emu February ma, 1314.. Gil; Seal wnn yeuovrmone. Any person rel-xrninig 110 L8 . 8:; Q, E544. will receive the show; reward. _ _- .. x J. .A_L_ LATEST AND Vmasr` STYLES or PI I 3 TI`! W Iiuuult - --w----um-. wu- - ----v-- n which *9 fun suck mu me xawesq prices. lo which we would call_ allemmn ol` Country _$|ura Keepers, as we are prepared to job al Toronto prices. We have also on hand a complete stuck in 911 line branches of nt\r\rnn 0- c11'I l\L"Q (ID L7IPDV r\l?,Qr`1)lI)'l"l('\RT EW PLANING MiLL, BA.RRIE, omslra tn: smut r_ouunn'v; Thiq mu will be iiropemion by the |l inognd ` hand complete smcx In PH um ,Ul dllI.'lH:lI In BOOTS 3; SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, _- _..._I. .: n..,...b..n- R: {Hanan-urn whit-.h'wn. will I0 1:! rmh-mm! n MAifi?i"55`737i%%J%i?Ti?$B:% 1 U.II3liUlB|J IlVlIU'.uUl.V`UUf 'I.'liE J : mgr, BARRIE._ A 1 ounixdx; no1EL,1n1ix_Ldrs'mmnr 2!` `HART; 'RARR'E.. .` .' How, in THE counter. I 0 And will be tted up with the msmwzxm mfgiwlmzr mlwmm. ` _ I % P. F.AEWAN. ' _-. ._.______.__...-_j____i_.V._.-..__..__.... on: noon wasr_p_I_=_yaons' phuc sure- .l.?&ju1p :12 - jack. is Wholaal }- Retail, Collier `Strut, east qf Market, Barrie.` "Ta?3.[oo_~g:_;_gvAnn. :37 SIAMESE 'rw1Ns; _Be.ngno_w dead, the greatest living wonder is :he -_.-n... 1'.`-:1 1jJ=:. ii-33; :&;"5;g. xv, vn nu JOSEPH Rdenas, A nntinneer run: vw - V. IMPOKTERS. Pfoprietox s. ` 8-tf IVUKXIILVLJ Aucucneer. Q I nu nun. | to give L4- ; -1 I-n STEAM,HOT&AIR&HOTWATER FURNACES cos ` l'l`[1_`l'll or 5 Blrr A "F: Ox-1 theiatest rnd most scientic`: principles. I ' He also mgkea - Iomvunuvinun --an-----_._._ .,ur-w--._.-- ---an-Ln-Anna: Application for 1. Patent of which is being made. Iron Pipes and Pumps of all kinds always on hand. All kinds of cornice work, plambing, and bell banging done. ` In all its bnnohesfpromptly,noutly and chapfy exeeuted. ' . ` `lnIJ \1 `DI Avmnwr ~& J. BEARD, has always on hand, or makesto order, Wash!-lbl, Meat Barrels, Hhurn:,Spiril, Po1alb,anl BeerCaskq, Barrel Churns,'Cheese Vaxs. Ind Buuer Tuba, English Barrel Churn: mudedlo order. All kinds of Water Cxsuvrns made loor er ` , (Ynnnnr;n|7|'lI all at: hrlnnhn: rlnnn In 0: ulnrlru N915 187 ENGLISH :_ ` oproszm nmxmzunosx COLLIER sill. ...._._._. ,3, '1' INS M 1 '1`171"ING 1 to order Cooperingin all us branchearlonc in` a work- manlike manner, and at reasonable rates- Countryoxde,-: prompllyauended lo. . - Barrie Maylnt. 1873. 1 21-Jy -. uuuv ausuntu TUBULAR` nnrrnns: l-- _ `I'I..A-..A ..t_ THE NEW MARKET STORE Gaocmmns, FLOUR, . ' FEED, FIELD s GARDEN , s1mos,.r RUITS;VEGETABLES, GENERAL PROVISIONS, ` AND EARTHENWARE, Everythin bought that Fm-men he to sell, vand the h ghelt Market Price! paid. a A` 2..n__J_ A- J- L..-!.___.. _._.I -!lI --I1 -...u. u... ...a.--.-- ...-.-u- - nnvvq "unann- V -S. G. intends to do buaineu,n.nd .w.i,l| sell Cheap for Cash. Call and See. - D-...n_.L-_ LL- DI--- !V......... BL... Il....--_I- `v-\u-r -vs V-an v v-u uuuwp www- Remember the Plnce, Corner Store Morrow : Brick Block, close to the Market, a convenient p[acs{orFnune1s. . , _ ' Barrie Jan. Int. 1874. ' - - 1' HEATERS CA0 AL (:9 if L. l_;Iachjno_'and P.a`int Oils con- {ARVRIE F'UhNACE WOF.KS ! s. o A_L MEL L, NEARLYIODOURLESS." Best Grade bf Oil Manufactured sou) WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL NEXT THE OLD EIRE H ->.LL, MIC!` [UK !II'l-Illeln Barrie Jan. lst,.f874. . G;;oh(}aN s nEunAinIA '& nnaumflc 1IL1'S= ..refoe1pt:l.o.f**0-9 T!><.>I.I`-s.-1 Never. known to fail in curing NEURALGIA, BBEUHATISM, NERVOUS HEADACHE; and al1~kindrid`uEectloua,.--Sent to any address on : Atmti : B02132, `SK FOR DUFFIEL-D8 Rsymmp "The uubs_o:ibor is prepared to build" Hf: jdal:-been opned by stantlv oh WATSON & c: o., 1'61` the sale of Eovi. THE AND `JOHN PLAXTON, . Dunlap SL, Barrie. I V 45_-IV Front .311,-aef, Barrie Dinggita unn. uvn Ul Ill-l`|I|l\ 0 [I `H FILLO IS war:-ante! to ctire all discharges from th-e Urinary Urg'a.ns,iu either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravlahd Pains in the Back.. Said in Boxes, 43 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent_Medicin,e Vendors. Tl K:W `;)leKvIix"l)w1ariet`)r. F J CLARKE, - APOT`HE_UARIE8 H_A[_.L,, LINCOLN, ENG Export Agents. -Burgoyne, Buxbidgea & f`-0., Coleman street, , London. ' Newbery & Bone, 37 Newgaze street, London. Barclay & Sons, 95 Fanriugdon street. London. Sahger & Sons. Oxford stre: 1. London. And all the London Wholesale Houses. T Agents in cannula. .- Monlreal---Evans, Mercer 8: 00-, Wholesale Dmggists. - Lymans,`Clare 8; Co. Toronto-l-Elliott 6: Co , Wholesale Druggiezts . Shapter & Owen. Hamilton-Winer & Co. " Hulifa.1:-`-Avery, Brown 5: Co. 42-ly ,Sore Throat.` e Stomach,` wal Com- '3 `les, 'c.b . as now ll, of time, iailing In a_ relief WIN: own A I o direcggu 1. on the eo'I_I-` ermlons, and a virtue: sq} [uvv u:un,onu I ,\,nro.,uuu A.\1MU1Vl'1'H of all kinds kept constantly on hand, 'll3'SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED` All Wll IIIADAHTEII 4;. ion uao:c4'..-.:. 0:`rSpecz'al attmnan given to Repaivmg. I 0WDER,SHOT,CAPS,nIId AMMUNITION ' nfnll kinda luanl I-,nnalnnHv'nn hand mrnn vv uxu m zgurxlnna tu:.r'A1Kh`U All WBRK WARRMITEII to Hi" 33135-lotion. |I~I*= 1/uLI.l..4l.l`1"D.LILL 4Dl., 1:a.ntx.u.u'., Where he is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to `him with nealues and deapalch. jg un---conga:-w\r_QI Would raspeclfullv inlimala lo the, pnbliclhat he has REMOVED Iolhe premises lute- ly occupiext by MR; McHENRY, . ` SADDLI-`P., .[Nz:xT noon Tu Hu.~:1* s Su.nox,] DTINT_nD..Q'7'p!?L"7' J2ADD71." I .[1V EXT DOOR Tl) l'|Un`i'l"8 DAL0N,] I DUNLOP-STREET`, BARRIE, Where he in nrannrsd In pvnnma nu nnhara uw Iwlumtu Aunts ur LAND I ,_J_ 7 in the 4111 Con. of Tny, being Lot No. 8, is _cleared welhtimbered with Pine and Hard- wood, viilhm a. mile of tha Midland Railroad, . two milesfrqm I-Ibgg Buy. For particalars ap- ply to. - - MARTIN MOORE, D......:- -a----. % aEW' ~ \. julm Am: Leu4sM1'rn s M9_vALzf3_Aaem; .l.. _ unon; ----V-_ _ _ A six and 9.-half octnvo Pin.no,by Paxton, in good order and tune. Can be seen at ' ' .MR.FREEMAN S V ' Furniture Store, 42-tf ' V Dunlap St.,Bame-. LJ """"` . For sale that Brick Store and Dwelling on th Market Square, Barrie, known as the McCo'r- mick Building. - Appiy to - . WM. RDVS_ Barrie,,0ct. 30th, 1872. I 1 Within the limits of the Town of Barrie, eight- teen acme otLand, being composed of Park Lot No 8,-Southeide ofsteele Street. Lot No. 3, North side ofNapier Stree 1. The above Lots are well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. There is `a large Frame Bun on the premises. For price and terms of payment, ' apply to . MI`.SRS_ STEWART 1; `I, A T.1 .V Ea?`s`K::E. w;`n.;.. Hm nude. nr u... m... Iply I0 " ' MESSRS. STEWART & LALLY. Barrie. 2891: Feb. , 1872 9-tf The subscriber oera for sale cheap, and en easy vrms, the following valuable property, viz. :.-A one storey and a-hnllframe dwelling hqule and i acre lot, situate in' the village of Sunnidale, township of Snnnidale; there is a good pump and never failing water supply on the lot. He` also o'era` for `lo 8 1 acre lots a('ioining the aforesaid house The above property is` eligihly situated, within one mile from New Lowellstntiong For` further parti- culars apply [if by letter post paid] to ` WHEGLENN, -Iilotf ` Nelson Wanna Ran-in V , _ Being the `West; Lot 11, in '12th Con. Town- ship of Innisl, distantfrom Barrie 3; miles, and from Aliundnlo 2 miles, and within the circuit of a mile there me several Grist, Sow, and other Milla. . the Village of Painswick . with its Churches, Post Omce, School, Stores, sic. Soil naod clnl loam. 50 nnraa sham-ad. wall uuurcmrn, IUSI. \l1I.|L'U, B00001, DIOICS, Co _ Soil good clay 1onm,50 sores cleared, well fenced, with frame Barn, Granary, Stable, Cow Houses, and other buildings- Ten acres of Fall Wheat in ground. -Poss ESSION IMMEDIATELY. 1)..` ..r ....-.'I...-.. .2--- ;-.. --._..:_ -.. 11..-. J UM-LDUDQAVJLV .1 J.ll.Vll2lJll1 L .El.l.1 In Part of purchase money can remain on Mon- guc. For further particulars enquire of ROBERT COX. or ONE BOX GF GLARKFS B 4! PILLS l man-nan-I u. ms`... .11 .a:....1.-....__ z___. .1 ---n-j 5 This Pro y lien on {he shore of the Geor- gina Ba . ingwconaposed of Lots 114 and 113 int 0 T_C'_`.'o_'NSHlP OF TA7, containing B00 Acrgsa. It iuimnted vmnin 11 miles {tom , Pgnot:ngn_Ish_n_ej,4_l` mile from Ajdland City,- .a...'_f} |:i{lg;S`_`ft`lI)'!Il'H1;I_ldy".I.p3_lIy.. There is; ;. 'tgol ag|;}qigdpg.f_oz:. goasab at `)_e u_:h {in egg npplyato-` " - ,. .1 |"ARDWARE. IIARDWARE. gusmnss STAND FOR SLLIIE ; ~.\\\`. \\.`_*-\`. ..-~ .,~ `. .`._._ _._ 3.. :31+.i;m;` TWO HUNDREQAGRES OF LAND 11 of 1m the 41 ` ubemrr Lot Nu. R, Sal` _Bu-x'iVe Hgreb 3rd, 1873. IN B`A1:_:_1 .n.T.moE% V NEW PREMTSES, 1) U NLO P STREET, Oppbsihe the Old Bank of Toronto, ~o:;=s:Ia01>,=20 -Iwvll A III M you anion of i .|. an =-J FALUABLEFARM FOR SALE. fALUA"BI_.E PROPERTY Foal [OUSE 8; EIGHT LOEIS FOR saw` IN SUNNIDALE. fur fair. |lI'll,'l' ]Jll'HClllIl'8 en ROBERT COX, or Ilbll H` vvl. umsmn, N elsqn House, Bnme. ' JOSEPH ROGERS, V - Barrie. me: in ' vim, BOYS, RFl';l fx:r.:'.,s `L 1 D, Barrio 34 tf -To1he Queen nnd Royal Fannly , . T6 H. Kl H. the Prince of Wale": (Sp:-.c"a| Ap nt) ; And In several Indian Pomnauw, F .reipzn Governmems, and Railway Compnr.ies.~ Esmblisl1ed'l749. ' ...J:44.v-.Jv;.1, WATEH GJCLOCK MnKER. GOLDSMITH. SILVERSMITH, AND AhTlSTlC METAL WORKER. ` Buzz Mznu.:s'z or Tm: Losoox, Dunnm, up Puus Exnusmoxs. Maker ofllm Chronograph by which the Derby and all other Rm-es and Great Events 01 the . - . I). y are timed. . Manuucmxv um Cnv Huusa--58 J, 60, LUD . GATE HILL. v . Wssr Ens Es'mm.1.~um:.ws-25,0LD BUNDST; A.`-V'D 99, WESTBOURNE GROVE, L(_):_\'DON. MR. NELSON begs tvo inform `me public um he has just cpsnod out large consignments o Comprising ' new? Black and Blue Broadclmbs Whitndys, Meltons, Beavers, Pilots Scotch, Eng In and Canadian Tweexisv, the _ " best in the Marke. . 531%. The Tailoring `Department L1 nndnr Hm nnrnnntc-ndanl-n nf Ur A Rlnflnn I V. NEW BRICK BLOCK, Dunlap Street, Barrie. wul uzpeul subject. ` I obmucuou |m.L AN wmm uoonsl _--- --.------- -- `-1- v._v-u [5 under ihe any anutendence of Mr. _A. McR2\'e; A comple_te t guaranteed. Ill! Iilllillll |IlI'_l'\II I IIIFIII I _ I Will be found well stocked nu all hues. (Pam L-ular attenllon called to Teas. Wheat, arley and Porkvboughl, and the highest market price in Cash will he paid. D `|\T`lIl Q{\\Y V A MERCHAN'fS, s11,:111>.z-;1cs,_z{i*}5 WHOLE- SALE BUYERS a:e:specinlly_inviled--beforo / sending lhrir orders el:-ewhcre-to.`-oblnm {mm the Manufaclury the ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGI7'E.hf \VAT(`-HES, CLOCKS, CHAI?,`'_3, JEWELLERY, and ELECTRO-PLATE. which are sent nnsf free. HR nm nnlv am n-.n".1:....m.m. `V ~. `A. IJLbJ2,1'l. l.|v.I2IIlJ\/l.1\J.lV Err; the next three mon'1hs,!ox- Cash only; no crew: will be given. All pasfdue accounts . mus` be paid forthwith, or cost: will be in- -curred without further notice. ' . _ ' ANDREW GRAHAM. I Bar.n*."_F_eb. 11th, 1874." V 7-331. l'NELe.JN HOUSE LADI EST W Jr. W nuunru , and r.Lr.U1'nU-k`_1;.`\'_l'l-Q. which are 2-em `post free, as not only are} me discounts liberal, but a selecon um be made from the largest stock in the world. - Orders can he :s_en:_ dire! to Ilge Mnnufactory, Lunlgatg 1`-'z:iH,or through Merchants or Shippers in ENGLAND. ' uynnvwvuwa Am r------ . u unxvugsxx U. WATCHES `CLOCKS Of:IlIn'ndsfro1n2 1020`! GM. Ofczll kindsfm 2191000 Gm Lever, V'er|ic.~. - Churv.-h;'I`utn:I. . U} xuI:mds_fro1n2 10200 Gm, Lover, Yerlicni, |!m~izoutul,Dnp1ex, . Chrbnomeler, Chronograph, Kcyless, Cemre Seconds, Repeaters, lndinn dye. and {Avon rom pcin 1 -ENGLISH ORMOLU CLOCKS, deai ued by English Artists. and Manufactured by J. V. B33. 5021, "far exceed in beauty [bone Inanlxtacuzxml abroad. They can only be oblaiwd at this escuh. Iishmenl. . ._ FINE ART BRONZES AND CEIIKNEY V 0RNAMEN'l`S, oflhe i1ewest des.=.-gm` ,-,.,,,, co... 1ivienlaI_at=lier: oi the hiihegi repmamm, M m0d_ erale p!`I(`.(`3. ~ .A x'ns'rH~ (`vnv n Tvuvv.-7 I rov nf III. .;,.I...... .....r emu: [)X'l('-CLH .A;ms'rxI: Gonn .h:wx:Li.2:nv, of the riches: and niosl exquisite designs, with Mcnogiams, Crests, and Devices, Eumneiled in (u!-yji.-s. aft;-r Designs by the mnsx'acucinp!ish:-J Artists in the Pro.-ciuu: Mela : B:oo';1u-s, Bruceiels, Necklaces. Lockets, Riuga, Ina a:i_ kinda of b;'outer:'e, as supplied [0 - Me.-nibera of lhu Court-gmd uiher Distingiiisiicd Perazmugs. _ A _ PRESENTATION 'PLA I`E--- i`estinx-nuais ofdi'crem sons Racing Cups, and Jcweilgd and other Bu::n.:-,-as yu-nvidu-d by Mr. Bnxuox Ibr the Cor por:'v~.~uV of lJoh\`.-.11 F\l1d- ulhai Public odieu, eo {'i`.C`v`-`,'~' docnmeiixs qnnv`ey . nb.i.',I{r"5:edoxn oflhc City e ihe Prince 02 Waies, like. u. ""!jburgh, &C-3 `-. V , ' `A ` Su.v-.~'1_ _ANI E1_.:c'rr.o-Pun in the most recent fashions. and 0) the most durable tmnke. In Elecih, Plate it is neces;ary to st-cuie sound ma-A leriaishnd 9. suicienl coating of silver to resist >dai'y wear and tear salislalorily No other is reaii ' chew. at any price, IXOI `North buying". \ niche: and Clot-ki renaired bv slciiind wnvlr- uvu, unvv, ans 3 , _n;rAA i3.EA,T REDUCTION u. Cl`): o.n_A 11.....- __..._'.L- I-.. IV-_L -..I_. __ Iron 5mHs.| ! The ' subscriber wi1l_le_Ilo hii entire stock of se111 ns-wort] -AT RRDHHED `RAT . rcan cner. at any price, no} worth buying . C!0('L'i repmred by skiljed woyk. `men. Old 1-':ver`, Jewellery, `.`.'uXcht*l, 5rc., ex. changed. I\!c;-I`,-ham-. Shippers, and Clubs supplied Watches, ..`ocks,Jewel cry, and` Plate ll.l 1;. all parts` pfthe world. Puifif .n. ;;.n_s;v.-n. .5. .l.I.\/J .n.J.L.IvJ. .1. Insuxed on C-ash System and on Yremium Note System Premium Note Pocy Holders are riot liable for my 105523 on cash system poli- cies, as they are in a, ditfareht branch. Horses and Callie Insured Aalnsl Dew h. .1'lll' .n|-nurn Ann "l'tinnu1-In -u-- -u-u-_u-nI'lIII|0 UIIUIIIV is the only Canadian Company doing this clas's of business. General Town and Village Busi- ness done in Mercantile Bl8!_1(!h, which is en- tirely separate from Brhnch. "I\ 11- 0 In 1 lper DOIIIU. _ J . `Kid! Bradfmddl an uvnu unlluwlla `ivgfiigs in Town and Villages Insizred at Lower Rates than those ofanv other _ I LAJIG VI) Insured than those of any other `Company doing business.` -Our motto is `I`-_-'l\-L,__ l'-,,1 -I-u-1 - -I .. ..`-.--J wvnll. uuuuu Ava: V1.1 IIAUI-LV iow Rates, God Risks? and Prompt Payments, Allowing othar Cnmnnnian thp nnublful Hick`: ...--..:...-.an1 'JllIj.2|~Jkl \u\.I\.IlJkJ Sqcb as Dress Trimmings, Buttons, Bums ` Gxmpa, Ribbons, P1-`ms, Cottuuu, &c., &c avusru .5 av luIlIJQlIV' _ Allowing other Companies the Doubtful Risks atmsy rate they can get Who `ever heard of diiculty in scouring the settlement of ._ claims for loss `in the Beaver? n......-.1 M.-....o:I.. D.'..l... r_'........a :_ n.:.. _ , 1.1.. Barrie October 22,1873.` I0!" IUSB `Ill {DC DEBVOI` f Generul Mercantile Risks Insured in this 03`:-.e at very low rates, fully_0ne fth less than , Stock. Companies Apply to ' R; _JUD_soN DOYLE " Genogal Agoul gaugeen District, Owen Sound. (1.. Or. man A nnnnmrnr UHJCQ OVEN" IV CHI! DVD} _McWatt s Barrie Hotel. ITHE Kmq1)I'frES.\ LJIJKI I FRESH MEAT, . FAMILY FLOUR, PROVISIONS, WINES, LIQUORS, - 'BOTTLED ALE, AND T012 TER, [S at {him `A eon-pro mvvv- I Is at the &!IT um TEA 53103: 2,. K`EP'I`- RV D IIIMI1` In-Iv; I-III: II-l'| .I}lUn|'. i` V K'EP'l`BY D. KING. - "C L `A S S" M- A ch}-1~~1.N 1 HisA.Ti`.AS arelhe Cbeapestand best in Ihe at a pziee within the 1-eu:b~of.nll, H5: Market. Good Tea from 40 cents pm 10. bmx thin ' ` angqnpigvardas. . , . v ` Gun and Examine thaosbons; imPwn a Al . d P a -` ` `, :7 7" M - . ,- ~ 5` -Snmmhr Diihlri in n..'..... . _B_i).Y wan NT E D\. l1','I5`iI'$ :L3`$il._..l-ll$iVlp!_t, $9, work `dggbghousea. Sh-ongiA;d t,.to work in Grgught A1 man 10:7--v.- " ;: P ' 301.19. 3&5 IICHRIL - .I*!',`~_YE!`nA!9 { T930879. xruvemug Ag.-nc, V , Barrie 4 Oica over Wells Bros. D;ng Store, opposite lcWatt 7 !v-i- n THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT I lbe found well stocked in 1111 Hum. P FARM `PROPERTY ' nnul Ail l`....l. 0..--.. -...1 -_ n____..___ u cugi MIITTIIIIIIYX 3` VI`; stzll `day/zg, the Big Business. one at cpgel ; fraught and in Bottles` , '_ Snmqner Drink: in seanop. .--.-,-..---.-....__...__..-_..:_... `TAKE !-5EAVEE`. AND TORQN'l`0 . I R097! A Or 10 GEO. A. ROBINSON, Tmvllimr A0-r Gents DRESS G:9'09 m_2____.___ n _.. j . Fm-nishixng Goods, 'B'1iI`:AINs 1| L:;a`;a The very best place In Burris. to get the worl.h of your money ` ' m ' Gnooaniias I 55% _R. NELSON. I. Ur all Imus/m '2 to 1000 Gm | Chllrd.-h;TlIn c|, Carriage, Chime. ~ _ } Dining and Dmwmg-room, l Hall, $1.:-p. , 3 Library, Bucket, &c. A. xsumnauzv, Travelling Ag.~nt, Bur: LENSON, Ill?!) rr.t n ..... n y. $;!P%e %1}li1IP08o `TEAS! Irv -.1. -spans. .5 -I-CEIE" _In commencing buziness as COAL MER- UHA N1`, begs respectfully to announce the: he has made arrungemews _with some of the most renowned Gcllieries la the United States. to be guplliiad with Goals nf_the very but qualify gt the lawn! possible prices; and be trusts that by . rigid system of fair dc.-aling,by punctuality to all engagements, and by adhering to all just and reasonable prots, he shall be able to corn- mand as fair share of public pntronsgo and sup~ port. All oxde n transmitted to the above nddress will always ensure immedinte atten- tmn. - OFFICE,` - BARBIE FOUNDRY.` V Feb 4:1, mm . 0-am .1 _r. `nu Bradford,-7 rothou, THE minim. HALL! FANCY PERFUMES, Patgnit Medicines, &c. Vv.P. J3'*sr1\TEs In cnmmencsmz hu`i1.css nn nnn. M:-n, `er. VVOODS, [ANc;H?._S3 LINE. u.rLA.J.L'AAJa.aur P-l.lDI'lIX.l nppome the Simcoc Hotel. and cdoon North of the `Wellington, Bauie. GEO RG3 0. 3001:, ~ - Proprietor, _.*1e'_r._'s~....Y-_*3_thJ_?'.-. my A:R R] E C()AL 6FF_1c1.;, -nu-._- . DEALER IN rune nnuss AND CHEMICALS, All kinds of Horse and Cattle Medicines, kc. Physicians Prescriptions, and Family -Re ceipta prepgred with due cure Ind ' accurncy.- 0911 in. `My Steamers sail from New York every Wednes- day and Saturday. Passenger. accomodaliona nnsurpuud. Rate: of passage f_rnm Sulpenaion, Bridge or l .u'a1o to Glaugow,_Llvetpool, or Londonderrgr Sabina, $65, $76, and $80, gold, nccording to location: Intermediate, $39, gold; Sleernge $34, gold. - - _. Dxafts issued at lowest rates. - For nassaza or fu nhet infoxmatlcn Ipply to Henderson Brothers` '1. Bowling Green,N .Y, a-'.`.r`tbeir agent. A. ll. EMPBER, Clerk and '[`res.aurer. Barrie. 6-Gm-r lfI1N1Si'i3i51TfifNG J ron- pro inn. 1 t which! .;gu-~--.-4-.-an.-.. .-- --v sou I.i;e done with neainesn and dilpgtoh. Ro- ' mamber the place, .`.._-caucus nx an--w\:_._. MILLINEBY, [mass 8:. MANILE 1A` A 'fT%1'I'?{ _.v----_, :2----:. N~oxvt_:-1: E3}:-d~ s- Boot shoe Store. Tmmia6s;em'&"j;i;s1;o 1 1 Ware keptcopslantly on bond or made to order. All sorts oljobbing in the ri1'1'\Tra`nr1r:1T`l'f\`\'rv A `BA. Y F I%1i"1}1)` "i` R E E T, nnnnniu the Simcoe Hotel. and Adam: Nmn. C---.._ "DRESSES MADE m m LATEST STYLES, A . nnnln.-an. ..}-....-nan ....A unit}. nvninv-(nal Al IIIKHICTIIIB CD8.l'[[8,?'- 1103 Will} pI0lIl[Hl';85l. `STRAW AND FELT WORK RE-DUN usvmu n-nlv .1{\.IIv~ His Oooluing) Ssoveu are wnrnnted to cook, bake and draw His Pulor,H|ll nd Box Stoves are in grey: urioty.` #11 his BTOVES 869; $TOVES! Street, opposite tlw New Bank `qf Toronto. I-3 `U0 3.5 `S VICTORIASTOVE Dnmr-Is -THE tune to to} mod `V MISS Y1-6_R'roVN, DUN LOP STREET, 3 ARRIEs RT-:4 an l'Dl_4l9- 31.54 1- n.'I...__ En-..` IIINDCDDO IIIAIID Ill I'll URIDIDL DI KIJIVD At mudomte charges. and with pxomptness. STE? A`? AND F`EL"l` W(\RK RFLDHN1 PUP\7IS BRO S, : CIYI L` Al1`l3`N'|` 'la`(1R CIR/H`(\lu`. <.>_.:'."<.'3'.'Ii3.;_N CIIIDC Ill UIIIIIUI 25 FIRST PRIZES, 3 SECOND PRIZES, 0 `I ITDT EAD ouir Record 0! Succen, which hm never been equalled by any Bevin; lla- chine in Canada 0!: `DlDQ'I" DDTVDQ l I For season otl'8f';;.u i 31 FIRST PRIZES, *1 QI..`l"r\\TT\ DDIVUQ co's` 011.71 E{r';? iiaiciiih'i1i?;}}Eiits 4 V ed and Guaranteed Ac na...1.p 1: IL. ..-:....x..-\ !_\_|_xL2-.-__, . D1754 L01 51, WEST, BARRIE. 4- - 'IL uumao, For Season of I872. Thousands are now in use, and gi/virlg PF.`RF'F.`C"T' S'Il'7'TRFAl?'l`InN van. writ. cu unvv-vUnllIIUKo ' At. nearly all the principal Exhibitions in Cnnadi for the hat. tour yurs, the Onbom bu triumphantly carried of the ' -runs`;-urn 1\I-u1rprn:u - q\--.- _-_ ' . are ma`de out of thrbaat Scoich Pig hon. Il.'..' nunnmlnnv nnnnnn D. I|nA|1nn ;,';|.-u; u LIJIJIJNJ U0 AJII LJLl1.D over all competitors. Not. the lognbgiuing achievement was that won by it II the Guelph Central Fair. w_hen for three (`J I it was put in competition mm the Hove, . mg, g wn. IOI, Rsymonds Ind M50! lending Amerinn uni Olnldiln |'+1MI,hnd was awarded the 1? T 3 Q U` 1\ II 1 n In -ll-`vJL KIKLLD by competent and practical men, not intercu- edin any of the mnchinel. Such judgeo we are nony so say, are not to be found at some of our County Show. 7 . _ ALL THOEE IN WANT ORA _ S(;1"J~`: A(:'E1'~:"1"s 1~`(')T1's}.\E(>1? V For Ilse ljelebrmedi _ "*_3T'?_'Z_E D E A A - llcamthrl \ .` Dnnlnh Rh. Iuluouuuo cor: uuw on. Inc, una `I/W) PERFECT S11 TISFAOT10iV. l the -mew md 5616 of the -on |..A yuan I --..._r_......., -.....-- FIRST rmzss 8c nxigms an n" nnmnnthnru Nno Hm 1.... \_ms_ \/ 7\J AI \.J ~.l_II .5` SEWING MACHINE ! so 1 r.I.uano, 7 SECOND PRIZES, 0 TWIDIH ------ ---vv--mu-, Inn was awn: FIRST PRIZE ugh:-no uni .....-u--I __-._ _-. 1 ICIJHIWIII 'I Iflcl Dunlap 81., Song] rs uavv I-`J IIHIIKJ run to go} good Lam]. VI \_ WIT]! RAKE. U05 IL` WAS` St ......._.-..- -..- V-vvu an Pulms BROS 'I'_"Il-D1 13.11:.` --- ugqa motlf Llu (J I30 g 2 nIPLOMASo If I I9`) LDLIJXJLI, 2 mpnoms, :1 I I7] - BI` I/\IAV3 40-lyr 53:03? ' I 1 11150101 iling in I was dzncu nohinu ' DU51 .43?! Auctioneer, the following Lands and Premises, that is to say: The West half of Lot No. Eight in the Thirteenth Con. of the said Township of Sunnidsle. containing One Enndred Acres, more or less. The Fax-m is about seven miles `from Stayner. There are erected thereon 5 Yrmv Route: and nmhrnilriinmis nhnnt 26 Acrnl Il'0ll| DIE-yef. '.l'lJel'6 IFS CFOCIEG UlE!'l'Ull I Log House and outbuildings`; about 30 Acres are cultivated ; a Greek runs through the Lot. The Property will be oered subject to a re- lervcd bid. ' ' :1 un . 4.: . n q In uix-nuance of Powers of Sale contained in we ndenun-es of Mortgage, hearing date re-' pectively the 15th day of January, 1861, and he 16th day of February, 1872, and bothmade y Ephraim Dean and Wife, (which Mortgages will be produced at the time of Sale), will be` sold by Public . |Auc1'uoN 2| " "'__-_'_""' "'-.', " U I. 1 o'clock. P.M;, comprising his entire herd Short Horn Females and Bulls, mostly im- orl-xd or bred from imported stock. Thirty 0(,g\Vold_ Ewes, (in Lamb. or lambs by ulr side ) SIX EIANIS, imported or bred on imported stock, and some Borkhlvirc 1g: of both sexes, gotgby son of Sumbo H." :1 . or` imported sows bred in England. u\r.\v)uQ . nan n91I"I1v\n`n- unk. ,....... 41...: um vl nunllvnvvu -vuu -uy-4 Inn ....,....--.u... 1`!RMB:--$50 snd`1inder, Cash; over the} mom! 6 months credit'on approved nova. Birch Grove Farm is situated 3 milos- east om ThornbillSta.t on, Norlhetn Railway of anada. - luzin ' -Condition! of Sale will be made known `at the time of Sale. V Belonging to ' . . R. J. BTANTOEE, Esq.. i- c`; Grove Farm. Thgrnhill, Ontaxjio, Uunadn, -n glltgjln -:nn- 1 Cl-AA pmal Aogj , Fatigue oj nn, Hyatejgl-,, cure an L\JkJ.lLLL` I. Dated l4th Man, "14 1:""`- Far further `xu-ticulars apply to the Auc- oneer, to Messrs. Ardagh ck Strathy, and Mc- 0nr;by_ & Boys. Barristers Barrie :_ nu] Mesa:-'3. Bo-kin 43 Spraggo, Ventfozs Sohoitors, To- rah. ' : Tron ). [ OLA II:rHEIvwuucfn-r-on--r COUNTY OF. SIMCOE- 0.1% Hoar HORN CATTLE, ' COTSWOLD SHEEP, MANN S `DI\r\Ir `"6E$i< STORE. 5.; _fusnmi, Aym;1', ~74,` SALE OF A _' FARM OF 100 ACRES ! IN THE TOWNSHIP _g13msuNN1Dr.LE. DI TUISDAY, Till 7th T01` APRIL, 1874' At the hour-`of noon, ever fails cine Daniel 9 it; and n in; it. " per bottle. ; J P, mm `WHGAR. B.-`SANDERS, Attorney-at-law. So 1 ON)! in Chancery. Qlonve anoer. Comm hnetil C.P.,&c.,`3ti3yner, o. Simone. 0 KEKKSHIRE SWINE 2| ;l T<'OMAS T. A. BOYS, Barrister, Attorne ` ; Solicitor in Chancery, . Oommissioner, & `.4 {Ice over Harrison: store, South side Dnula t. '1 1,811-:10. ` 11: "to:-neys, Solicitors in Chancery. Nothrie 41..-,, Oonveyancars, Barrie, 0o Simone, 0n1J, `J, BROWN Ir. 3. names, 3. n. nan-mr ~ ' A #RDA(} & SPRATEY, Barristers and A1 0 .AN0lS W. LALLY,ATTORNEY-AT-LA Solicitor - in - Ohnnnarv. (`.n'nuu-an I1` MANN@ I BOOK ;8TORE.` t wi I ' Eetbte _}'ay an_d /faded hair to i`: ginnl color. It removesscurf and dandrn. ' top! the falling of the h.xir,nnd produces zurioltlgrowth. ' ' _ sk your .d1-uggiat for CANADIAN HAIR L. - V 1'1- GUST & LOUNT, Barristers, Attorneys at 4 law. Solicnors in Ohaneery, ac.--0mce-_ n1-vnr I-?1*t`r. K-umnnnrs. tn {Hg 1. F `SW3 o'II`ti.|'.4a'v.-0'1-vyl Trii'c"u1.:'-."' ""'"' pormnuhutlona aboul he addressed to! ' P bl` h t- ld.. ' _ n I! er, pos pl . DI mmw m .' fO;d~e:; 13` Mt -i_Ioontinuc__-`Kirti` ml \ to be mndeln writing. I ape! discontinued until all urronray m pg,_o[eepf at the option of the public -or. ,1 mane, Boonnu-um and 30141116 done on t promiooo. The facilities of the Bomb! V mont on more complete than any 0. North of Toronto, having been careful" ' Ithd outin every articular. Hnmnmnhntlnnn nhaul ha nddrnnnd tn 9. uric, In`; L "1861: l` I. 1 um um vv. unuu x,n'u'uunnsx-A'1'-1. Solicitor -_ in Ohanoery, .m-y Public, to. ' U! ye--Owen.Slreot, Barrio, Ont. Odnveyancd 47-] POARTHY 8 8023, [LATE Mo0AR'l`H N & McOsrlhy,] Barrinwrl and Attorney Mloltors-in-Chance , Notaries Public ax '_).-mvoy|nOel'l. Dun p Itroet, Barrie. )`.`u.1-on MOUABTBI, Q.O. _ WI. Born, L.I..' AT THE BARRIE HOTEL," in the town of Barrie,` in the County of Simeon, 7 '-' Of all k$g::::<;: t:::l'_ on the "1.-IOSKIN &VSPRAAGGE. BY MR. E; 3. -MEEKnv G, 277\ foomrav [LATE mama-ra A Mnm-lhv.`I BIIHIIAPI and Annun- UGTIONHA R. OOTTER, County Onown Anon -'ne Barrister. 60 - , Barrie. . IIW. noucnoru In unnnuery, ac.--U1_nc PUBLIC'S AE'F.BY egal martta. V Window Blinds %