Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Mar 1874, p. 2

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fghhjnxre.` .|...o..m-.\- :vx\-sssx-wv .x-.\.-. v\"-`d - vs\'.~~s'~ -vvvv Bzurfje, Feb." 19, 1574.; j I 31 Co. 1` ._ - N A. P:1:1'x_ms; -Moiad by T-Iug`h"ITrueu;an, by Igngtious Leunvox,--- I hatithe sum 0188 b, granted `to Henry Wise, and $6. ich d_McGnicken, of Cooks- ftownf, ` ,ut3o Ytbo indigent fund, to aid man`;-: pp `procuribf gh7f1eceuatio,s of life';*ahd that the Tieasurer be. id- `structqd to pay to Chig, Ptlling the jamognt grantgd to.` Hbnfy Wise,.and us Tgnatiotls Lennox the gr_a.n t to Rich- ard McCm.cken, and that the same be ,.-;-_,:-; ..... ot...:.. I....I...Il`. um; nlgn se66idd A RIO McUrncKeu,.auu tum. um anum vv .e_xi)6nded cu their behalf; and nits the further sum of 88 on bghalf of Widow Wilson, and that Thus. VVebb 7 be` reqqested .to- or_ward this amount in` her at his earliest coa'veni_euce.- Carried. ` nl,,-___`l. L.-. 11!...` |'_'I`.....|..'.. annnnn Ua med. "`-Movo_d:1t_r=sby stcdnded . by John Scott,-That certicates for - Tavern Licenses be granted to the fol.- lowing porsuns, since they haveloom- plted with the Provincial Statutes and tl'te- Township By -Laws, v1z:-John Gregg, Mark-~ Webb, Eli:tarbeth Hug- gard, Alexandar Brown, Samuel Cul- len, James M. Brown, Alexander Stewart;,zR,pbprt,W. Prittie, Irwin Hammer; and that certicates be grant-V 551 also to'the following person: so $pou`a_a "lTt`e f c'd1`ply'Wih the abovie` requirements, v1z.;-.Ar'.-ui- Myers, John Bradford, Bowman, Reynolds, and Richard Muirhead.- -Carried. ` .|l ._-j L... T,.L... Quads .-..,,.,.,`|A,{ ht A man of olverage tglkzitlvonepg speaks tin-e e `ham: 9. day.` and attho mia bf one, hundrelwo1'~d_s a_min1;t_e ; that is hp say '_word_s' f 150 1 -about .29 octave fjmgos -in -mbdgrata print, ev Sandford Brown,n. resident of the town olHunt1ngton,Pn., was the latest aspirant for the tour thoueeud dollars reward offered for the unfortunate Charles G. Kelsey. Sandford is u rz_xan|0f herculean proportions, standing six feet two in his stockings, and has evinced considerable interest. in the `I{eleey'oase.' While visiting New York one day laet week, and passing through Catharine street, hevhheld a person that immediately caused four thousand dollarvieions. He rushed up to theindividual, laid a hand heavy on his shoulder and articulated in no dove -like tones: `* Youere Charles G. Kele'ey,eud my prisoner. The in- diyidiial thirs -rudely accosted let out ffrorri fa qlgoglder, and $andfqrd_ went to grape.-, Sandford "demo to tiriie," end renewed . the ` attack,-A but again `measured six` feet `two , onhis back. The fv.elia'n`t Sadford .is nowlleid up for`) repgire, "with". (we. black `gy'e`gA In "39 see all; one`, `~Oetheihe` 1__l3rlr_et 9- r~ .~;-I-l:I.9_.rrt,l:'"e,m;l1=t_ `Fl.?j he I! mean xi` ,;;j:of his eneqqnter, As at Ke1y_hc W`i|1;;,|1iV9f:ef egg haw. 1 _ ` "; .,. and mcnaru IVJUIIIIBHU.--Uullxcu. `Moved by John Sco`t, seconded by Ignatiou ` Lennfox,-Thut the [Treat- aurgir be instructed: to.-pay `Chses Pauling the sum of `$8, an considera- non for his services as Auditor, and preparing . at} Abgtract `Sheet of the 'l`reas;urer s A'ccou'nt for the year 1873. Altsei, that the sum of $G_be paid Rob t McKee, for duties performed as one of the Auditors.--Car'ried. -ur ._.J 1,__ `:11... um... . . . . . A ....l-.I Inc AllL1l|.UI5.-'-UI[IlUu- Moved`nWrn. Hunter, seconded by Hugh 'I`ruemarr,-.--ThVat tho Trea- surer be f!`):S``h`Ct`d to into the proprietors e!V1h'e"variQus offices where `shunt : lctiuns for the Local Legis lartire `i2at_held, the sum of $4 each. mr,.....A um u':...r. 'P...,...-hm man'nn`(InA -_v- -_ v..- .....--_ -v-,., . That for the said acts the Honour- a'b'le Archibald McKel1ar,in his haracto1' of Commissioner of Public Works and member of the Executive Council, da- uervs the censure and Tcondemnation of this House. ..1 1.- A lady correspondent of the N. Y. Independent gives her plan of caring for house plants as follows :-I live in a f;~zmie'house, and last winter kept fty pots of different kinds of _ gemiiiunxs, roses, fuchsias, and ,1-eniontant pinks, all of which received the" same kind of treatment ;>a.nd'in th spring my plants were very healthy and` the .leaves of 3. dark` green colour. Many came to me for slips in preference to the greenhouse. Every two weeks during `the winter I would take a. handful of tobacco stems and steep them, by pouring boiling water over them, until itelooked like ` strongtea ; ,then, when the tea. cooled- enough to bear thehand, I poured it over the .plants. Sometimes the leaves would wilt for a few mo1nents,:and then stmightenl out a11d. h a.\,'e that'brigl1t, fresh look they have in summer after 9. shower. - Then 1 would Weaken the tea 9. little more; and wet thesgrqund in the pots, and had no fed spider or green y. larqre wax`m::Iu, um zsum u| .-p-x Isuuun ,.__Moved by" Hicgh 'I`ruan*.`un, seconded by John .~co&tV,--'I`hzI.t the C,uncil do now ` a'djoum,, `ad--"Maud adjmmxed to Friday; th4d"2.0}h of` March, than to n' Alaxande;' Ste\vu.~t s l`avem,T Village at _'l`hum,t'o,n, at >11 o clock in the foreno9rq.-Carriez! .* _i -RDRIV RACE ' I U `Cdlmil Boom, Vicmrxa, Inn1s_I,,Feb.2G, 1374. l THE GERlr!A_l\ ltlmivrzn-in AND EARL Russmi.--`_ l`li_" follot/i=r,g letter has heeu rooeivedfby Earl liussoll from the German Emperor: De-an Loon` Rus- bELL,+I have IPCGXVE`-Cl your letter of -.luu.28_. "with the r lotions of-the great "meeting in 'Loud.;n and with my Ambassador's report of the proceed- ings I thank you for this comninnicatinn, and for the accomps.ny- `lug expression of your personal good will. It is incumbent on me to he the leader of my people in a struggle, maintained forcenturicsp past by Gar- mun Emperors ofxearlier deys, against it power, the domination of which has in no country of the World been found mmpatible with `the freedom and wel- fare at na.tions--a power which, if vio- in our days, would imporil, not in Germany alone, the blessings of the Reformation, liberty ofconsci-3nce,nnd 'he authority of the law. I accept the `:\'.-I bottle thusiimposed upon me in full-t mont of myikingly duties and in firm rliance on God, to whose help we look far victory, and also in thegspirit of re- ;;art_i`{or. "the" creed of others and of evangelical ` fo:b"arancr, which has been stamped by my forefathers on the laws`andadministzation ofwmy States. _'1`he latest `measures of "my Govern- ment do not infringe upon the Romish Church, or the Lee exercises of their re*igidn by her vofaries; they only give to the independence of the legis- fation of the cpuutry someof the tguaran`tees' long _ possessed ' by. other coiintrtes,` and formerly" possessed by Prussia, `without being held by the Romish Chumh incompatible with. the free exercise sfher religion. I was sure, a'nd I rejoice at the proof afforded me in yc,ur.lsLrrg,-that tho sympathies of the people of Englat]-'l would _uot En`glaol;towhom-imv people and my royal holfq boundoby the remem- hrene otltnany a past and honourable struggle mainteiiieid in common-since the dnys*ot*Willium of Orange. I beg you~%t.`communicnta this letter, with my -hearty thanks, to the. gentlemen tvho`t'g?ied>thewreolution yours sincerely, ' ` u:7r`l' L!-t.V`r M n fail me in this str_t3ggie---the people of` l s. and remain,_ lerlin,_ Fpb. ' ;-3mLH-ELM." 1, 1374. ` Inllluus ` -Bum. Ross,` - T_own'ship Clerk. 7:n9nv-an ;...'.:;n.'.a...-__.a- :.._..-...--.. _.- nu` ` 1: 1ms*'oeaa'pr'o 6sed`1'n EaIan'd~:o. 'bring.bJu . :ome [dad of testimonml, Amenumenlel, or` otherwise, to oom-V` memento the return of the Conuexvm tivesto power and to give exprunion to the national condence in Mr.D'maeli. Two himdred,men in Stamford,` Uon.,ue reported to have vlormed 1 hujiding association on a new plan. Eich me'iube'r'paya $3 00 zrweek, and as fast as housgs are built, lots are drawn to see who shall be the possess- or."--Ea:change. 1VL...o Iuvvn Innnolral nnnn {I1 Klnmfnrd 01'."---Lzcnanga. = _ What two hundred men in Stamford, Coun.,aAre rporied to` be doing, has been done in nlher places Wllh the most satisfactory results; and two fhnndrud or `any other number of men in Hamilton can dcjusl the same thing, if they make up their minds to jt, and :.. Mme Quail Hnnnlhn ' unsung.-`mt: of Humans - Qua`:-aw! The vote against these rsolutions was supported by every member of the Cabi- net. ll `nay ulul up UIUII IIIIUU3 IV ily, I-Ill! in that way becomdposseams of houses of that own, and be rid of the unwelcome 01!]: of rapaoious land- lords. Shall we soon hhvp the plenum of reporting that the mechanics of Hamilton have taken hold of `this matter '1-'-8pacta_.t_or. , -- *--- uuunun ' IUI .IlI| ucuu:I| 1( ELECTRICITY I nous` EIOELSIOR Ecnxcnuc ~ PRICE :3 cu` P" Gd` 011.! -\Voa'ru 'l`x..4 Tnrts ma Wnxeur net Gox.;._--- -'_' I -"sin cnnnot stay where, it is med. ft is the S` C DUNOAN'0LA _chenpeat medicine ever made. One dose cures SURFACE OIL SI}! Summon `sora throat. One home I: 3 on d 10E". 3! :8` 1 B; '1 bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has ourgd an {Ed BR $ 0 mg I standing cough. It positively cures` Oaturrb, 'Aa_thma. and Group.` Fifty cents worth has 19,;-39; qugntitiea. For leu om-ed trick in the back,`and the nm quantity 'p,qeg wm be gang up [3 . - 1 km: buck ofezght years standing. The foilow- 5. 1m-zed for, ixxgnre extractsfiom new of the many letters 7 .~ ' _, that have been received from different put: of Canada, whiL'_, we lbiuk,shonld be Iulcient 'ALUABLE FARM tso eating" the moat` akgpticud J. Collard, of .- T0 RENTIN1 pairs, at. writes,` sen met! or Dr.'1`h;mss * Eclectric Oi I_,`have mid all F hid irqm you and TOWNSHIP OF I_vant..moro now it! cures` are ttulypwoxiderfnll < ""-` Wm. Maznirc, of Franklin. wx-iteI,"`I have sold T}'"` " ` "3 f`5' 1 all the agentvleft; it acts like 3 charm-it was ""3." *9 "`'R," V"? 3310' u. g-,g!.[,n~=;g.- gptgnaiq ,3, =9 3. the ` Kinny Farm, and b ;E.j'fonn, gxitgs pleasg forwaijd 6 don `M W9 1" f "M N` mv ,.-lqm:m.~:.Ec]_,-,g_9 OIL}, "I1 nearly om ,- 1" IL. ceuion, and the East halt of jg`_.;qu_aig _~i;,\_1( 1: 1; 11:31,}, [eg3mmhdd 5! Concession. The land is of it: n-7 'J_ Bqd(m.d"Th`m..' On 18, 0!! I6 Clh, there are lav gu...{ ad)`: ' cloned, And in grass; on 15, "Q3 "??h'I I3'No1'| --Spoclnl :ErEn| an 80 gene cleaned and Im * - fumpuild ngl eteotod 013.30 connection I` lama orch 13 um covered in Fall Who , to! ml plongying dons; TI! and 1`-ha)! mile! frog)` BI_ro " _ 7 'rh_oi`Lotc`-;:Illl',bo~ round Ann nuzgruxu.`r t um AN` .l8_oh..Aent`s for the Dominion. V --'-`Ida-'-Eclbclrina.-Suhend ... The nhin morning, in 5. long` ` Aixftilo on the` liquor trai, itz growth statistics to Ashow that from and coiuuxfation in this oount1`,gives- ` unuury 31st, 1835, to December 31st, 1873, the entire sum paid at-wholoule for liquor inthe United States amounted to 8181,- 283,7 36, enough, it remarks, at the usual retail advance, to buy out the richest State in the Union, to pay the nutional dbp on the Ipot, or to carry on anothoxpvo years war. " - - . . u . 1 c 1 Bauxus'r.--Eres s CoooA.-Gnu~nz:x. up Conuom-me - By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operation: of digestion and nutrition . and by a. careful appli- cation of the ice properties of wellsalected cocoa, Mr. Eppa has provided our breakfast tables with is delicately avoured beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors bills. -C'im/ Service Gazelle. Mada-_ ntmnl. ..:u. wulcu may save heavy doctors bii." -C'i_vz/ Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet-in labelled -" ._husa Ex es & Go.,Hommopathic Ohemigtg, London. , Mnunonm: or Coco`.-- We will now give an account of tha process Idopted by Messrs James Eppa C0.,mn.nufacturers of dietetic articles; at their works in the Engton Road. London.--See article in C'auell's House. old Guido. ' ` _.__-,-_-_.__, J In 1 rsimlain laundry, starch in mado in the uuo.l manner ; ? to a pail of starch "a whole sperm candlo is used. When the linen is dry it is dipped into the cold .starch and ironed in the ordinai-y way; then it is dampened with acldth, and the polishing iron pressed over it, To this last manipulation the linen is in- debtcd for the particular lzmndry glons which all so much `admire, but which many housekeepers have vainly striven to leave upon Que wristband: and bosoms of their` husband's` shirts. . .,-- ---=--~ 1 - - - - ' ' - - --I9 '-` from 27c to 32c, and tub at fnm 25c to 30. There was a large supply of hay on the xizar-` ke'., ranging fqom inferior to average quality,3 and brought prices vaxying from 16 to 19 50. ` ' Straw sold at (0 per ton. ' Eggs areiwox-Lb from we to laczper don. I +------ For some tune past the British Gov- ernment hase allowed soldiers to ueiet in the harvest eld, to the mutual advantage of both tle `military end farmer Last year the Labor League- expreasadtgreet dissetisfeetion at this, and entered several protests against it, on the ground that it u nduly interfered with poor Hollie, whose position at the beati: certainly not an enviable one. 'IfhAis year on farmers applying as usual, they have been met with a relusul, orders having been given that under noelrcumstanees are soldiers to assist in harvest operations. This "re- fusal has caused emaidereble ineon-. venience to many farmers. A piofessor of Legerdemain in Eng- land recently entertained a village audiende which was principally com- posed of colliers. After astonishing the ` natives _with various tricks- metntnsrphoning wine into water, and so forth--he asked the loan of a. half- penny from one of the audience. A collier, after a little hesitation, handed out the coin, wliichthe juggler speed- ily exhibited, as he said, transformed into a guinea. An is that .my baw- bce '2" exclaimed the oollier. `f Un- _doubtedl_v, _ answered the juggler. "Let's see t,_said the eollier, and turn- ing it round and round in examination, with an ecstasy of delight, he thanked the juggle: 10:` his kindness, and put- ting it into his pocket said, is e warn t ya il no turn it into a bawbee again." ` . That the payment of the sum of two hundred and four dollars and seventeen cents to men to attend a. political meet- ing was an unauthorized misappropria- tion of the public money. 11 mi ,4 1', L1,- ..-E_'l _-1_.. 11.. T1 . _ . . _._ , V .--V ~----- Irvv -v --vv 1'! H115, L which price there is A ready sale. there being considerable demand {oi-Ibis root. ' Beef seiis readily at from 6 to 7 for hind quarters, andfroxn i_5to 6 for fore. _ Pork is in demand at 7.55`, Hides 6 to 6.50 Skins are higher, ranging fxom 1.25 to 1.75`. Butter is at_ .1 high guce ; rail selling at 27 There was 3! lnrna annniv ni` has 'nn 9|... ..'._- wuulu Drang ten cu. more. Potatoes run` frcm We to 55 per be Beef sells "audit. at r.-.-.... n ... 9 r..- DIED. I . WCIODWARD--Un the'11th instant, at his Easidencg, SbuntybBat_v;_, g]hol;ntltel_y Vt:v'oodw,:.rd;' v ., a reemnn 1r 0 e own 0 Li:'lerpo:1,a`ged 73y56I3. E HOLD8WOR'L`H--In sgm_e', on the ma inst., F,ode_rick F` Holdaworth, aged 26 years. VVe_ are now near the end of activity in-the market until wheeling commen- ces, unless a. second winter should set ;n (in rl1I'Il')Gr]ut1 n n-An.-I J-..` -1` _-,--`L ytro, uuuznu n acuuuu vuuusr BIIOLHQ 895 in. On_Tuesday a good_dea1 of produce camelforyrard_, but the thaw yesterda has to a great ext` placed the country! in the middle stage between sleighing and wheelgng, consequently unless we have n, of winter, scarcely to be expecta now, _we shall have little to report as to-market operations. Tues- day : quotations, as reported to us by T Mr. Milne, ` the Market Clerk, are "as follows :. `__. - Wheat (Fall i.a'I`njdemand at $1.14 to s\.13.- supply limi ). Treadfwell, 1.12 ,to 1.14 Spting,_1.05 to 1.07, for ali classes ; 10 to 15 cants mqre could be ot-taned for good seed. Peas,-55:-. to 57:. The am n'2x- in nlnnnf .....1 cuuus mu_re could as or-tntnea so: good seed. 1 Peas,-55; The sn;Vp":y is about equal to the demand. . Olts, 55c to 57c. Iuthis g:e.'n the demand is in e'x_ceas of they supply. "Barley 1.10 to 12.3. Prim.2'sumpls for seed would bring ten cu. more. Potatoes: run rm an. u. xx. ....- I...- .- BABRIE `MARKETS. 55 bag, a: sale. them hrirn After this action by the Goyeiument of` Ontario, _wo must conclude they are . prepared to go any length in playing `ducks and drake: with the pop1e s -' -~~ '1`-R3 ' change of-the seasons`! n,` ` l : critical time for health - time in drawinglnigb it to ~ all 1, public: should know` thdflf Ix!-rum with : cough '6: cold, the loan EDWARDS & LAIRD I and ahnlf miles from Hume. on a goon raw The Lots wm be routed together, or RPM` 5 ? ately,!0 suit purchuors, (or the term 0! E" K 338:8. For further particnlun, u to tI!l'!`.~3-1 cto.,apply,,4o ' . W . . . 5` A ` `AROB'D' HBMQAN, . hsmnld.-m. -=: '1 Glnuog. " Bookseners, Statio;e;;, And Imrnrtnrz A? VALUABLE FARM "PROPERTY I To nprrr IN was rowngsmp or vnsg-BA. --v---~v-'- -1 ----v-vuv; , And llmyoiteu of " WALL PAPER, DECOPA'l`}ON\;, ram noormcz, amnnmu mm; ' DIALBRI Ill . Pianos of heel makers. The Mason & Hm lin 0rgan.=,und lho Canada Organ Comp", .' Organ! and Melodeano. Organ: and 519%; deem; to rent, and for sa!e,on lhe nmmm a mum system. P Y Enwnma 1. 7 ...~... .8. 0. DUNCAN-CI_.ARK`& O0 S SURFACE OIL SUBSTITUTE! nnvnn so 1.- a:__n_ n,-_'_I an ., - wwu--1-.v-a v-an I:IIIlISlllIJl"' _1,-,moE -s's fo: Single Bufax, *5: for 5 Band}- --:1`; tl'No-rs mlde in! _larger quantities. thud ono lnml prices will be at rule, Em pnchgefwi oharggd ` " 1'. -I ' nice of conscious criminality and oer wofiatonement is more to blame then .- before investigating committees, and _' Another, declaring that the rnnnici 1 with their own share of the surplus! The Guelph . Hera-. d sa;:s:-- Mr Mowat has stated that when the Cer- _tral Prison Scandal was unearthed, M} 'McKellar, under .the first impulse of consieious guilt, placed his resignation in his supericr s hands.,This Mr. Mowat refused to accept, and the cowering criminal was compelled to face the 3 music and ayert a crisis, with the understanding that his friends should- etand ly him and supply the necessary whitewash! By this course. Mr. Mowat E officially becomes a participant in his cclleague s guilt, and `involves the` party with him. The Premier `may consider this eshrewd move, tint the time must come when he will regret it. Mr. MeKel1a_r, by tendering his ` resignation. made 9. practical `confes- ation of wrong-doin , and the Premier 1 who refused to accept that signica- he blundenng cnlpritwho Iain would Steve made it._ But what can you ex- giectfrom a Premier` who has put upon record one resolution forbidding-underw ctrappers giving testimony upon oath palities shall not do what they like Week, pueillanirnoue and short.-sighted, she partial judge has become the in- _ discreet partisan, and ' his weekly "3hIlt which will be his disgrace for the - next electoral commotion is now incre- toasted on the oor of the House of .I1.uIaneu_/.or1:rs peblic life. That the Stilton fabric will go lorpieeee in the the probable. ploughing The progeny ip`Ih"'" To rent, torn:-f-.-T1a yeu, 209 mu ` . had in the township and known N '~ being compoeed Wm of Lot 16 in the 61!: 00` oi.` Lot 15 in th `H3 excellnnt qnnl." 0318 the on: thirty-u W9` oleu-eh, grass; on L5, in the `uh, I595: ?.'?.;?3'2l?%3.'"' p'i5p'i'r";' '. n35 ma orclIn:3.beu'ing tfrn". :1` 13 Wheat. A good 3 V 1.-lull title: from Barrie. on axon? MI`- - vn..'t _..`o. ..nn... manhnr. an sell? JIJIDII Ll'Il`I.`A "Ila? For Locomotive, Marine and Henvy Sullonu! ' ` ` En incl. ` PRICE-60 ctl. per :1. (Barrel inolpdd) S. O. DUNCAN-0L_ARK &' 00'B 1-mm 1._uamcu'Ina 01].: .` Suimbh fox-_ul| General Mtchinery purpol _PRIOE -45 (Banal inclmlcal I-I. .u. L'L.|vI.Lu0 " 1'5 lrh1>HYs1cuN" co ta 1 .3 L n 11: ng e 1 ' of Disease: and rule : for their `cl pm be sent by mail, free -of charge, trauma:-t,wiu 4 I0 lay. ` 1 1 sending their address to `I14 Brondn,'N V York . `_____,_`,_~_, 124: R. LE1'~s GREAT anomcm. F.EMEDY.-l Imre And lnnnn ..__., A second Dideud Sheet has been pro trod. oven to olvjeclion until the TBlIl.'l`Y- IRST DAY of HAROH, AD. 1874, after which divi- dend will be paid. ' ' ' lnfrvlll. ` `was. nuts. ' Barrie, March 9th, 1874; u. 1.1.: no \JLl.I-It'll. D[\ULVUfl: 1 U REMEDY.-l sure sud speedy mud, for Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Oonghg, ` Whooping Cough. Colds, nnd_ all dlsuug .,( the uheu and Lungs. Try that Great Roma, and be convinced. For Bale by ell nIp_-cum. Druggasta. H { `----'7---`-------------\ R. Vi hIEELER S COMPOUND ELIXIR up PHOSPHATES AND CALIS.v. ' Sum? Canx, Au . sx, 151-3, The Compound Elixir of Celina): preps:-ed by ,9 I have been using A 4 x bosphum mi : lnrgely in my practice, And I usnre you an -n my judgment than is no preparation of in ' kind that can compare with it where it .. ii`-9 pnoable. With feeble, anemia women, of : whom we have so many, and in cum con. 4 valoaairgtmm proatrnting disease: I show ~ hardly know how to get along without it. In Dygpepeiu. it acts like 0. charm--1n fnct in in] ot the long list of `exhaustive diueneo it In tho" remedy, I am, yours uul J LVMAN u{r'ru.'t,n-v un uo:ue,r.onImnmg over 00 pllll, by mum mu}. Said in Barrie, by John Vloods ;-Wauon 5: 00., We X9 8:03 ; Brudfo'd,Dn':on ;Craibur-1, v Green uc .'os., and ull medicinv dealcu. peuu upon in nemg 5 aoverelgn rtczneay. The astonishing ecacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the disenea for which . it lsrecommended, and its wonderful effect: in snbdu`ng the tortnrona pains ofelmmatina. and in relieving Nervous Aectionn, entitle it to high rank in the list of Remedies. Otdw are coming in from Medicine Dealers, in :1 parts of the country, for further supplies, all each testifying `as to the universal utisfacxion it ive-2. $- 1. . n....a:... D-:.. 'n-.o........- _-....- an. M .1 clear case of iobbery and f_evourit- ism in oonneclion with the erection of an: fence about the Parliament gtounde io established egemet that charming ` Minister who made such a tremendous . 5"1'ew overthe old wooden steb'ee of the ': ,(_iovet_nment`1lonee. Meedoneld-,-`e gpey ` `oid e constituent-of Mr. j ` , ,"1nd, we' believe, a xeletiyeof ' 4 ti&f-L1I1|l'.g:.. .',e an. n-id-.~dI1-4'1 --- ll IVBQ. glre Uanadinn Pain Destroyer never fnils to give immediate relief. All Medicine Dealer! keep it; Physicians order and use ll; and no iamily will has without it after `trying it. Price, only Twent -ve Cents per bottle. Sold in Barrie by ohn Woods, J. P. Rik: Watson & 00., and Wells Bros ., Bradford, by J. Deacon ; Oraighnrat. Green Brotlma, and by all. Medicine Dealers. `L n In the Matter of IIIII _._.o__ l'h;a :`nva1u.bie medicine is nufniuing in lh ` euro 0! all Ih'o-e painful nu_d c_!nng_o;uus dun-u_u to wine .'lhr2 fema'u conm mum in cuhjecl. I: m deraxei ll` excess and remove: all '-abwucuou and a speedy 1 ure may be re ied on. ` 'lY'I nuzmx.-,n LA mm: .-up muaba, nu. tuna, Iuun. rnurnlrwl. One do'|ar tn ! twe've-and-half cents for 1* age em-}<`.sed'lo Northrop an Lyman,'I`oro;uo, u., genera agents for the Domjnion,wi|l inamu buule,c.onIaini1:g over 50 pi|!s,by mu}. Sold in Barns. in John Va'nod9z :-Wnum. k THE MSOII & HIMLIN ORGII en ` ..: `W l'\:.. umrr mm! mey_m2 safe. ' In all ulher uses of Nervous and Spnnnl'MYec- ti ans, Pains in she Back and Limbs; I-`al-mam sligh;exerlion,PI}pilnlion olrhe HcIrl- Hysle us and Wl.ilcs,lh*&e Pills wili efecx a ure`o.l.n t-H o_her means ho we failed ; and Ellhougls a powerful remedy. ('0 not mnnin Iron, ulomr`. ' anti ry, or anyll iny hunful lo the ('0n!l|'.u!Iva. Fnl dire:-(inn: in tin nnmnh -1 unmul ....L A5 5 Emily meulclnt`, I! ll wen ena Invent- amy known, relieving tht neende from pain in the ' . Suie, Buck and Head, Cough:,CoI!r,Sore Throal, sprains, Brumt,-Cramp: in the St0UICl`,I' Cholera Morbus, Dyrentery, Bowel Com- plamls.Burns, Scalde,E'ost Rites, 45:. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has new ice: before the public for a length of time, and wherever used is well liked, never ieiling in 5 single insiauee to give permanent relief when timely user}, and we have never known I nngk use of dissatisfaction, where the direction) have been properly tcllowed, but on .the con- trary all are delighted with he opermlons, end speek in the highest. terms ofits virtnea Ill magical eecls. ' U: cnnnlr Frnm nvnnphn-an 3.. oh; Ie\nQh:! Jo_rgo's_Esv P 1-: R I ODIOAL PILLS. _._o__ -nu n crnupuy - unc nun In: no nan uu. TO MARRIED LADH-IS i1 is pe'~uh'nr1'.' suited. It will, in a ahorl hm brin or: the month y period with regnhmy. T cse Pills should not be {akin bu In../11.. - fvluuli, uuu, we uuuuve, E remuve of --Jthe M`eMaelen, was paid--$1.43 par footie: the entire fence, 2,777 lineal ee!,~-- exclniive of mo painting. A "ilfI;e`u__.ex'e_IIiued before the Puie `tbfonigig Dflll ll)`: IIIOIJII Y P6l'l(`d Wllll l"glHIl 1l)'. ese Pills should not be taken by /emu!" during the first three months of Prrguuncy, a: they are sure to bring an Miscarriage, but at a-, other tima lhey_me safe. In I" nlfmr nhu-Q nf Npnmnn mu! mn-l'Al.... lllll I77}. OI llyll mp IHIIHIJI [0 [DC Ful dizeclinm in the pamphk-x mound mi puck gc, which should be carefully preserved- Jon` Mosxs, NEW tonx, sou: Pnopxmm. ()nn Jullar rn-3 In-1-'1-n-un.l-hnlI' 1 .-.. .....u ,_.;_ . ....____. THE GREAT QENGLISH REMEDY. .._0 -_ i3[Z_lC1l1 QLIBCIE. We speak from experience in the matter. having tested it thoxoughly, and lfexerqn those tsizo are suffering from any of the con- pleiats for which it in recommended, may de- pend upon it being `\ Sovereign Remedy. The astonishino eh-nnv nf lha nnmihs s. CLDUNOAN o1..u1x 3; 00-8 PURE ENGINE oIL: I I ll - F n . . . .... . - _ . _ _ . _ . __.1 n____ n.-.p_,,.. {WANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER [NS JLVENT-ACT OF 1869. Ll As I 'nmi1y Medicine, is in well and {Hour- dxlv knnwn. ralievinr {hr nun-uh (mm min in Ncm bnertisctxttnnts. ;\.\p\;\.\AAA-_--___A__ - -- rA2~I1`ED-A good Sex-unit 61:1. Apply to Mrs. Anderson. Collier St. Barrie. 1241 McKELLAR S RESIGNATION. "~.f7I'~1".F6i1f;7"3"'iE1'L'y HYSl0I AN," containlnn ducm..:.._ ":'J'1Jti_al Names. x}, }'o'u?"z{u'1 " " "" J LYMAN B OKLEY, ND. V ll-(In. ' Jinan mum, ` HI! EDWARD3 & LAIRD '. ' Bookaellm, 3;`. . R...:. an, an Insolvent. a DUI; I, kE., j Bmil. ` `II FL` !g}g_.p1 (solo ghldpv the Iuxmkntfg _'.Ask` your IIALSI. i 3,. line mu 1 Uomnaun ` Publial :\,-ur~/ av -.llo l\unu '3`; Q`) (Troy: :s'Hom* L 453K f nAI..\x.` in M A` 1 O'C`.u-, `A. Of Short H H port-ml ar bro 'Cot~\vt-I nsnir . 1.1.. `. %Bm<%1;1 Roll In` Pig: I Out uh us... THAT I`.-`l`-INC}! :[..zIKELL,A.Rfs GENEROSITEEW the -Simplicity` of his soul a (mem- ,, 11",, ~u-17-1I,.....................1v lrvlll I U0 Oumda. IMRM TOWNS ' In puraxra T10 {adorn Ipoclively the 16!!) day byphruixu . 1111 be pro OI TIISDX Anclinncor, A than in to as W! UH.` Tbir of Sun nidnl -nu.-.. n. I. 10? UK" II!!! from Stayu. Log Hone I AI-n a-uYL'n:..n llrl. '1Ioue.,-r. to Clrthy k B ' Boskm .8 - VOID. vlw0.\11I nil/\H Ti:-: Prop urn--1 bid. as UUIIQIKIOU (be time of F): furl. fondness of-his heertf!` He `so openly that the full amount appears . in the Public Accounts! ~ No` doubt if L asked to rnke a statement on the -ment, in_other words the dead lylllf` r teined by the country, was a proper "and graceful act." Well, all wognn say is that the Treasury and; , '_' '1 morahty are snering severely. beeitise that m times past Mr. McKellar has been rs good Grit nussionary. The Government may lancy that the peo- ple will endorse such monstrous eon- be greattly uudeceiv:d.-Maz'l. point he would deelere the extra`-pay t~ duet. In time, we doubtnot, they will - "' uluc UV at I \,BM] 1 ' } ms , Dated Hzb Ivdq, Jail Ioozmr & Mc -AHOHOIE-i Ounvoynn fl` 5. u -...n \I V -nu NNfs "A`l` K) BOOK '~s"rom~_`. )_uNN-. . BOOK A 81032`. . TERMS PROPER SCRUTINY on THE AS-ii .1-BRSSMEME. mm. 22- % 1 `\ mL}}}e" uslzc, Co > llI'Ill9, B promiua mom I -..OL n I1` .`.`. 3.: North 0 Ann`! nu MANN - nt`.('\l! 4 `U51 '1 law. U35! U ' Ithd (Lil Aunnu BOOK ( STORE We find the~s11Bjoined letters in the!- St. Catharinea Journal.-:' ` - L a To the Ed'z'tor`q`fthe Joumaz. ". ' Sm,- The fqllawing 1eeper`w;i1ch I ; hand yotrfor `publication, will nodd no | explanation to those who are agguaingzed ' wii fwts" c`o'1`iectB`a `v`eqH`n. as.e`ssx`nn roll of Niagiira. towhsllip for 51873.0 - - - tr 1 ......-..;-an Hm}. Hm s:n.n1ta_ mmpssnr who in the to KRDAGH A N 1'` En. arm BYM 13- U! Barrie: 1'01! 0!` JV mgara. wwxmulp not -40: u.v - : ` Learning that the same assessor who 1 made up.thu.t; roll had_been re-appo_int.ed,} and had commenced making up the roll T for 1874, I feel it incumbent upon me to. write to him, no}; having th_o-rej_notcst suspicion` _a.t the` time I `_p9std"ghe`:lette1' . that he wduld have` thehardihood $0 come ____L|:_ ._.. .. ....4.:.L:,....... ......:.....L vii u-.w.u LIU Wuuxu nu-vu vnwuan. uunvyu vv vvunnv before the public as o. petitioner against e in the Electiozi Courts. ` Your obedienti servant, ' , . ' - u T `D `DT TTLI 1-` Mn, NEIL BLAiK,: ` o _ ` V ._ Assessor, Township of Niagara. , Sm,-I am in possession of*informa.'- -, tion from variou`s'ti'tistworthy slurces in I regard to vour Asssment Roll for 1873,- uniler which the last Local `tmd Gdn'era1' Elections were he1d',`*which leads me to apprise you tha.t~yoiu` roll of 1874 -`will be thoroughi_v' scrutinized by my V-friends and myself; and that v `of duly qualied voters omitted /mm the last roll are not placed on the 7011.0] 1874, or if the namesiof persons not duly qualied as voters appear with such qualication thereon, or 2] iher'e~are any _ improper addmons tcysazd roll `or onus- sions therefrom, it wi1l"h my du.y :t'o A institute legal proceedings, if` nfaed?` against you or all persons `amenable to law in complicity with you;-and`t o`ch1'1'y; such proceedings to the `fullest extent, in order to test certain questions in `regard to your acts; and while `I am ready to meet your `Party at any" time or place on fair and'houo1~ab_1e grounds, I am '-deter-_ mined to hold you and those who appoint- ed you to oice to the iost rigid account- ability. ' Of this I`now give you notice", . and you will do well to heed it. . T sun air Us .1). J. .IJ\J.LVl.LJu `l` Niagara, March 9, 1874. /`- _ The case to which Mr. Plumb directs public attention but a solitary instance indicating in a. most unniistakeeble mun- uer the way in which,-in previous years, Grit assessors have dealt with the assess- ment rolls in the interest of. their Party. It is only since the Liberal-;Conservatives of Ontario have been driven to the ne- cessity of looking more closely after the matter of organization that the extent to which the. iniquities of Grit assessors- , were carried on has `come to. be realized. It is certainly an amazing piece of impu- dence that `the assessor of Niagara. town- ship, so plainly brought to book for his purtizan conduct, should appear as a pet1tioue' against; the, return of Mr. Plumb. 'l'hat'spa.rt, however, our friends throughout the :Province should not fail to learn the lesson of Mr. P}umb s letters. It is not unlikely that the next `election for the Ontario Legislature will ` take place` under the assessment of . this year`, This is a point of. great importance to be` borne in mind. The Gnitsh-ave had their instructions ; it becomes. Libera.l.-Con- sex-vatives everywhere to be on the alert." Let a.` careful scrutiny, of tlieassessment rolls be made in every municipality, and ' let it -beseen. to that the Party which is so xnismanaging our affairs in this. Pro- vince gain :10 further advantage. from a. ` practice which hasbeen peculiarly their own. If; this znstter be neglected we shall be placed at a. great`-disadvantage when the day of-1ba.ttle`com'es..-Mail. r _i _ - t1-_...'.._-;i.:.-'_n:"` A _...A-- _i:___.. 14.---Your correspondent omitted one important resolution in his report of the proceedings of the . Brooklyn meeting yesterday.- It was a resolution con-\' a special vote of thanks to thememherszof fHer.Maj- esty s loyal ()pposi-t1qn in;the Ontario Legislature for the marked: ability dis-` played by its members in opposing ` corruption and abuse of power, and for holding.-in check thezextravagance of. the present-reckless Administration. The resolution was passed unanimous- ly, amidst rousing cheers. No little disappointment will be feltat the re- sult arrived at today by. the commit- tee to whom was referred for final de- cision the subject of petitioning against. Coon Cameron's election, After a lengthened consultation the committee" ` came to the conclusion to let the mat. ter drop. The svidenceplaced before them was overwhelming against the sitting member, and most damaging to the character of some or his supporters who make high pretentious to personal and political purity, ;,but, taking other circumstances into'account,aud_ especi- A , ally corisidering.hoy1_brrerr. Cam.- - er-on"s representation is likely` to).be, ' they decided to bidetheit time (or the F present. `Nine-tenths-not the meeting yesterday were -in favor of prosecuting the peliti0Ilp'&lld any necessary amount 1 of money, would have. been _nfprth_om _ I mg for. thelpurpose, withoutasixpence, from Mr. ,Gibhs. Mr. Gihblwonld not interfere-iwithethe decision of the com; ggittee, astbe lneot_ing.;hal1pls,qed the matter "53 %*5i' '!!:*'i P! ';!ithf9n9 . word or~aus:~umggmest.;ou.I-shin. the F ptitionwoutdvhevegone3it;.~q!Q:}|9F!9, r? f";?`3 I sbtswsip , 3" -t..'.-'.'..': r; `|l"D*fiidU i u p-Iv)! uuv Univ. V- ..n..-..-- ...,_.v-.u -._-...v. Let . our Cqnsrygsirf "Associations bear this in mind axjd _w5_31t_ch the` a.s'es`s~ A ments of North Simcoe,; 1390 many kotes have been made by Grit aissesiogs. Immox`. -March? -:16.--'.It=.'sin reorted . hate that the steitnnhig Lueonia, _whil - . P"!din *%I9~4l|I9= l:ldi*.-ar_rII.-..--m 0!! I -gou3;},o_yed l`_I/31.359 _'gqj9 , ~u'n -1 RESOLUTION or Tmm_xs--'-`I`H`n Pm!- `TAON T0 In: Dnomgnn. r Acolbm `Iii j,ng1';1-1733.; " BANEAN.' _ " .lUu1' UUULILCHU ms: vouug, J. B. BLiI1y1 I. Niagara, March 11, 1874.7, , 117 P_l,!`l80'NB: -"IWhil_P'l` vE_iin`4n`p_, L (14111, DLL Your ob t sex-v"t, ' J. B. PLUMB. 'IK'___.L (\ `IOHI H W.HITBY.. . II`. "II I I9 ion of the enm- had plaeed the bu; yvith one from him, the g 55,. and there an expuurs of nrlintimidatibn - .1'orever,thoao s9e_h pncticei. zlutixiously incisxite`? ;,vort.v lik A 4 " To 1etu to -itbhe binl Sballewz we are introduced to him (in Henry IV., P_t.`2),n;t his` house in .Gloi_1cesters11ire,' where, with his cousin J uetice A Silence,`- lne is expecting Sir John Failstn ; "W113 is going about the country 3' recruit- :':t2.oxpe`diti_on. `Shallow is a, garrulone .14"d`,"`:y_. . `e has a mind efte ' t .. . (F_rom 'thc" Jburnul.) . , V I am Robert Shallow, Sir, I poor Esquite of this country, and one '0? the Kings laaxicog : _ ol the Peace.-K-ing Henry I V., Part. V` 3 1,,.. vs cup - vi_-were ,, ___,_,u _____,_a_ _ jgtuis the jibpnlai`"impi{essien. theft wiildf be e verygsinqile mg_t_tei'iif 'it_we'oe `1 not`fo'i: thprlewyei-s.,, If J-`,.i.sC9i1inxqi1sSen:s__e.'i. _v_ v} e1e"only-allowed its p reperi_n_uence in 1 the administration of Justice, slaw -and , justice might come to` mean ' the same` thing. Unhappily the hiwyers have out . witted common sense, and hence the db- lays, the extortions and- the failures_ of) . justice. Coinfnon sense,.it istrue, is not } ' entirely denied the privilege of assisting . ijiiltice, Ydr `juries and J ustioel 70f" the 1 _':Peace still exist; but how saddening it . ' must beto the reective layman to mark how these_pi1la of the being undermine by an aggressive Le- gislature. He knows how juries have been slighted and assailed; He will per- ceive a threat of danger to the Justices in I ! that clause of the new Administration_ of 5 Justice Act` which dispenses with the 'ip2-esence of an Associate or any other E. Justice of the Peace ! at the Courts of ., (i'6n6l'8.1 Sessions.` rnL_.-..L ...,. .......`.. .. 1............. 1;. av All BBQ DLFIYIIVINJ vs um: nevus: - -vv---- `gierary `- says _Mr. McKella.r- generously .;A `Prison a half day's holiday, to the hustings and shout Qllowed the men working _at the; AMoss.` He goes farther, and dubs V T piece of public robbery .2. I - _:nst_ured act,-f _VWell, this sort of good V `V nature and ierosity st other people's . 1 ixxpense, is very cheap to the dispenser iof it. Another piece of good nature of i`4MoKellar s was the handing over of the Old fencing surrounding the Government I ibuildingsjte his brother-in-law, when it `might have hroughtvalud to the public. `It was thought good enough any how to surround the residence of one of the znsgnates of Toionto, the aforesaid - Iwother-in-law, after its removal from the Government grounds. Mc- 'Kellar s generosity again shone forth-in the putting up of the new fence, in which T ,he made 9. job for a favorite, at an ex- _pense to the country of about fty per cent. on the wghole cost over contract ,prioes.. Many other pieces of McKellar s generosity to himself and others, at the jpublio expense, might be `mentioned did !psoe"permit, such as the Elgin Frauds, A-`I--"D---L-_ `KT: ______ _- _._.1 LL ..... ... ;\'tUuura.I. L7UD&Uunu V _ Though we cgnnet as lawyers be ex- ` Pected to entertain any great reverence ;for common sense, we cheerfully admit` `the great services of Her Majesty s Jiis ` tices of the Peae. Sir Edward Coke said, Thevwhole Christian world hath not the like oice as Justice of the Peace, ?_'f'duly executed. Common sense alone does not insure its` being duly execut-. ed, but we must not. look for per faction in human beings, and it is unfair to expect that 9. man, largely gifted with common sense, should possess other rare qualities. 1 1 n `(V II _ (1,,,3_ In this country at?, if th Squire. makes mistakas, they are generally bann- ;1es'_: they are more often of "the head -t-l_:an'tha heart. He may be ignorant `but he is not usually despotic: _he' moves us to laughter more often than tq auger. Ann] xxiva vnou Tonrrh nf. `t! 9'! $15110}! HR U5 ll`? lU4l.h3KIIU1' LILUIIU Ull-I l:U_ (ll-IE?!-0 And we maylaugh at him a's;1nuch as we will, for the law, probal'ly`__ in her antagonisin to commonsense, if she does not actually encourage us, secretly joins invtho laugh against her much abused . minister. F or instance, we read with pein that, in the time'of'Holt,an irrever- - ent person wrote of Sir Rowland Gwyn, , who was a,J.P.,in a discourse" concerning , . ' v : `X . a. warrant made by him, Sir Rowland Gwyn is a fool, an ass and a coxcomb , for niaking such a warrant, and he knows , no more than a stick-bill. And this slun- derer was neither hanged ,nor pim-' prisoned,` nor put in the stocks, but :wont"scot-free. .To say a Justice is affool, said I-Iolt, G. J ., or an ass, or, a coxcomb, or :1 blockhead, or bule-' h'es.d, is not actionable : 7 2 Salk. `($88. And you may with confidence tell a ' Justice of the Peace that he is an ass and a beetle-headed Justice, and, if h`e expostulates, cite=Holt again to his dis- ccmture, and you may do this `fbecause a man cannot help his want of ability, as he may his want of honesty :, other- wise where words impute dishonesty or corruption: 2 Salk. 695. It is satisfac- tory to know how far the law allows us to go in expressing contempt for a. magis- trate who obstinatoly refuses to except our views. What barlm it would afford to the wounded feelings to intimate to such 9. one, when he has descended from the bench, . Sir, you are an ass," 9. `cox- comb, and a buie~head, and C. J. Holt says I may tell you so. Wliether it is becoming, or just, to treat our. magistrates ` with levity, we will not here discuss. his simply our _wish to note down some thoughts suggested. by reading of two famous and typical Justices, the name of one of whom hands this article. If any living Justice shall prot by what we write, shall learn something to avoid and soniething to emulate, shall be lifted up to a higher and holier sense of his duties. -`-.-we shall not only be surprised, but gratied. V vvvvV -v- wuv yvvwwo it was Squire Shallow, who lately dc? ` cided tha.t,iz verbal contract required 9. . gtagap. It was also Squire" Shallow ba- fure whom 3. f`;5ha1'p lawyervwon his case, in spite of anTauthority directly: against him, cited from Greenlenf "0114 Evidence; The lawyer ingisted that. - Greenleaf was not intended as $3.1; au'thority,"`and' in sTupp91't!ga1`_V} his 'asa_e1_`-. tion read the following passage from preface. ` . u`h....1.4-1...... - I.......:.._ ..-1....a.:'... - -1" \f 1 Some 300 years ago theirs lived a J us tice in W9.rwickshi1'e named Sir Thomas Lucy, whom accident and a. severe temper have immortalized. There was a differ- ence of opinion between the good people of those `parts and Sir Thomas, as to which of them had the best right to the deer in the ` ark of the latter. Sir Thos; sti-ongly fzi: oured his own title, and hav- `ing malgis'te1-ial authority to support it, piosectxted trespassers on his lands with- out me:-cy. It 'is: said that amongst the mad fellows who broke his fences and the heads of his keepers and stole his deer, was a Master VVill Shakespere. He offended this young man mortally by his arrogance and severity, and the con- sequence is. that Sir Thomas Lucy, who would otherwise have Been gathered to his fathers and forgotten, has come dowh to posterity in the person of Justice Shallow. ` ` V o ' Perhaps if we had `to nd a generic name under which to classify Justices of the Peace, we could not get a more con- venient one` than Shallow. Not that Justice Shallow presides in the _inferior courts alone. A1'bitrai'y-*n1ona1'ch's lha.vie_ found it protable to honor him /`with the highest judicial position in Exi'g Yhn(l. We would not venture to say that there is no colonial bench on which he may 1) found. He was well known in Irelau in the troubled times just before and after the . union. I rather think, said an I1-1811 Shallow, solemnly thinking out the construction of a will; i I '_ratl1e_r' `think , the testator meant to retain in himself ' allz'fce:tatc." Oh, my Lord, said Our- ran, Your Lordship must be taking mg. f mill For Hz: Horn] Lflrl-A, J. Uul 4IJIIl'\I.BLl.l.` will for the dead. All VIGUV Doxibt1eSs a. happier lsolctiibn ,of' these principles might Be made, and the work might have` been much better 91:- ecuted by another band; T For, -nowAiti is nished, Fnd it but an ap"roximation ' tbward what" was oifginaliy b esirod, `-`But in the hopb` that it `may still be foud not useless, it igsubmitted. to the can- donir of a `liljex-a_l .pro'fs_s_ion-. ` . m- ,,_1 , I III II 4iUSiA_`1*i`CE S_HALLOW.' "r"." [""""I ""` "` "" c * ' - the Proton-Nixon case,- and these com- bined with the Nathan Dickey-McKeL jairscandal would inake many counts in the `bill of Indictment agaiixst McKe1lar and _.lis govomment. A corfespondent of a city cotemporary asks, If there had b `been no Cenpml Prison `works and no Dickey : foundry, who would have shouted down the Conservatives T _ `_ a h&:e or o;.,.,.{e%%.;t~.;:: 15;, ' gnad .S!91low ~ A ">Lu:.ty i-Shallow then, cousm; c ~ Q1"-.11.-...." 31)" +Ln.Jvnnnn T wm: called S_hau0W" men, cous1n:_; . _ 1 . ` . -shallow;-_1By thefxnhss`, I was called 'uriyt1iii1g, find I -have" done`~g.ny-A thing ind0d:9*._n ". Tndly too. . . . Then -vr1:s"'}` `,-glow Sir John, 3 boy and pigs to `H3mu Mdfvmy, Duko _ of Norfolk. V A ' - - c121-,._- m1.:- Q2 Tnlu-. nnnn:n "Hunt ot JNono11:. T . -._ ~ A ~. . Silence-V--This Sir John, consinfthat comes hither anon about soldiers. I 3 Sh -allow-.`-Tye samg Sir ,IAohn,. the -very ysamo; - I xizvs/ }1i_1r1;"b_1'og1,<`. Skoga1 1 s,l1ead.I ` AL AL. ......'..L-...Zi`L.. and Hun unmn '. 1`sa;n1o. 1 mY'11mu}v?, unusag a, uvuu , at the courbgatev ". . and the same `- day did I ght with and Sampson'Stock- sh,a. frluiterot-, `be "1ii`d Gre`y s Inn. 011;` M the mad daysthat I ha\ze_ spent ! An edif_'ying.glimpse, truly, of he iifch of the H ma-abm-en:-{ca of`the`lai Jvin the` U1. DLIU " lI|4BS`Pl1l'DLl|J.I.l.J UL vu_I1 Aunaiugt In-U 4 days of Queen Bess, for of course the i post deser_ibes_ the manners of his own 4 age. We knew from`.histez"ia1 sources ' that the students of the Inns of .C_our.t did uotlead 9. very sedate life. They gave as` much of their tinie- to `the fenc-_ ing school and the play-house, as to the Adiscussiourof." moots. _ They. cultjgted , 9. taste for bes.ting.watchInen and other boisterous sports, from iivhich the rened and industrious =Je.w-student of. the pre- ' ` sent day would shrink with ablxorrenee. When in the mood fora. particularly in- lspiriting lark, they. plzi.yfully' took. the road and relieved helpless travellers of their purses. This may `seem incredible, but it is well authenticated that one :o_f . the 9.`blest- and must upright Judges of that day was in his youth ene'of a band ` of amateur` highwaymen. Happily be conceived a distaste for this` good time, exchanged his pistols for his . law books, and rose to iminence _in his . profession, and when he began Chief Jus- . tice of the Queen's Bench,-it `was obser_v- ed` that gentleihan of the road found no , mercy at the hands of Chief Justice Pop- lxurn - E ctill attention to the :1d\"e1*tise'iu`an* ` of Mr. N e_ill,`w1io proposes to supply `Boots and Shoes at low rates for cash . M1`: Niall has alb in full supply, of Rubbers, zu*ticlebs'whi<.-lx we fear will be much`need'- ed before We get into June. ' K313: ` : ' * . , Here, for the present, we- must take leave of J ust-ice Shallow. .We may have something mom to say about him, when we cemevto speak,.as we hope to do, of his worthy collveague Justice Silence. .UllUI.'B4DLULl`Wu.D Luuzvv; AFUIJAJ Pun nu: unvu, uuu the boys prguded ove_r the ciositriced skin_ an inhe Some twy years a'goV Mr. C-a.nrpb.e1l' sust}Line~ Se1'i0llB injuries Athmugh arfall. ,9~!_1_1,fItrt1Je}`} a11lP\1.*3' ` ;the bone became; necessary. " his `was guccessfnllyv ncciompllshed on Mgnday a 1asb..and;;;15`- Cmhlli is. .;i6w.do2ng ..w'e1l, in-f~sct.,.89 .Su.c,9eps.fu Was : .the'` 0per-' tI`:'l\Ul 1-Ln! mo urn Mr`.`nomn1\;1l H The Messrs. Powell 8; Co. stil1' rniii? tain the reputation of keeping the. best of Family Flour, Groceries, P1`ovii1i3 and Liquors, and selling them as` cheip anybody _'else, rind also delivering them, free of charge, anywhere"within 'the_ Corporation. ' .,ton,,;;nd .Jo6pI;,_Roge};a.` V `Campbell-f.th6'.139P1i Rf W59: 99m>'.' day by` U1`. JJl;_ZL'B aasnswu Dy }.1J_.l.:B. .lI13J.Ll' il_ton, McConkey,W18 nzcai-thivs 1\Io`~ HF year. gmq hg.d`,by;reason'oA an accident, 1-.o'have an agnjyutntion of his leg. The ;`ol.e1-atiTo1i`wa"s ingpifectly performed, and um `I-mm. nssnh-nnrl nvnr flmnnfntitvinnrl srin oald That the action of the said Honour- ` Able Archibald McKe1Ia.r in authorizing `or permitting the said men, to the num-A `bar of two hundred and eight, to take a 7half.l1o1iday, and paying them for their `time as if at work, was an improper in- terference by :3. member of `the Govern- txnent of Ontario in an electiento the Commons, and calculated to unduly in- ,,uence the, men in the employment of ' -the Government, and was an act subver' eive of the freedom and purity of elec-. jtions. THECANTON '1` S'ro.n:.--This stoic is known far beyond the limits of Sim- one to he just th' to-get the best and `cheapest Teas in the market. as also the primest of Groceries, Prov siuns and-Liqnors. No danger of any one forgetting the Cantoli '_l'-Store, kept by Mr". ~Hu`nt-r.' ` - if The Webster Seyving niacmne will de `every kind of work required in the house - hold. *. It hems, `braids; fella; tucks, cords, quilts, -bipds and gathei-s without bast- ing." I~t71'i111s light, easy and noiseless. Its motions are all positive, and its aim- plicity enables the. most inexperienced `to- operate it with the ease of an expert.-- Field Bros., ageute, Barrie. ' ' Fmsr Ia1PonT.u*m1~:s.--M1-. Macnnbb, of the Gents Furnishing En1porium,.has already-imported .11. large and fasllionable a`1"ock"ofV Spring and Summer (goods, con- sisting _of_Broa.dclu>ths, Tweds, -650., &c. Now is the time, and M ucNabb s is the place, to have your measure` taken, Nowhere, in town or country, can bgtter 4: Ht: has 11..-A ' ' ._u SU=RGICAL Ur1:11A1:ioN.-A' ir.'e;*y deli`. .v - u 4. .. ~ cate operutxon was performed fasf: ._Mon-" . ::%z,bxa.?:;;.f::i*::::%?;`%:I2?.% W M a1"l']1v NTRI V -WW. u.vA*\v-a...:' P~*.*c7*=..2-"+- 'V"-.."W "wr- .abi:o1_x, that we .,Qa.In_p1)e11 scarcely. lostan ounce of . -Hp hag m.l'n.-ml anvnrnlir hula will }ihrnn.f'tn- 1-n Yd U2tl'UU1y. LUDIJ. an uuuuu vx ow? Q9? sg1'qred severe13:_})x1t Wlll hqreafter in all human "pr`obs.b1l1ty be`a new man. .f {This will be satisfying intplligence-to hismainy V friends;-for iuhis bicial V capicity as the of the Bragnch of the.,;Bp,n1; of Toronto he has .wo1; ' many aid much pmt_~I'the bank. wgre hglgl in the R. C. Cliumh, and `tin, the evgning an enteryaigmegt was given in the; Town Hall by the .p.1.1p.i.1s 9* the Spuate School, -whight 1.nrge1Iy- . `atbendeduthe,-hall hiiig _' .I`...t*YA W911 lled, .T',1fhe backgtjound {bf t?1e"1;__1g_g,torti _z wmnOst'kaatefu.11 'd90. %ted.ntf:4 &'H.1ic!sb'- the dearggtions. ung th`9. 1,9 ? ,Jgg}uud n-' Plitdn aiggj "St:-; I tl;'t`:'ic}`:,,- ._..- .. gl @" Loo]: our fgoilr Sp.ringVSt.oc1 >f Wall `Papers, Ho\1'se;Decoraiti0ns,'1.u_1d - ' ' Ah`: [ \Vindow Blinds, as ib'wil11$e tlie nlargest stack ever imported to ' this Ed\\*afds & `Laird: (late EdW}a1"ds3&AS5rii),. '~ JV: -;. ` Importers, &c., Barrie.~z,;,.? ,~,;a`1A].(;N . -re. AV V W HUI. U, Lu V0 ts be had. THE BEAVER at this time of the year is a busy animal. In` contemplation of >001! losing his winter covei-irig, he. sets himself to work` to put his.-house inorder; and be prepared for Spring and Summer. His gmlden prototype in Barrie is doing exactly the same thing by providingffor his thousand and `one custjnmers a. stock `of seasonable goods foi Spring and . Sum- III 61` VV88.I`. uuuvuvvu saw u.. 5/now \4\lnan.Iuv. -...--. V. . But the Gvermnent with its servile majority, vetoed a series of resolutions, condemning Mr. McKe11ar s generosity in tho first instance we have named; put: A -- --" -1_V"-7.V,' ` -. . ` ' ` . . . _ V` S1`. PM-n1cK?s_EDA3_r wpg __ve_ry `gpxetlg obggrved in Bards, the usual services; v A. urn:-n }:n'Ir'I in Han R. n f`Ji`1i13nI1' -nnr1'?;n`-I It,is a trite but true saying, that, this is an age of progress ;and`pe1haps no- thing is this more evinced than in the art; of taking likenesses. \Vith themd of photography, even deathiitself cannot rob us of dear friends, as such ai'tisi`}s as Mr; Stephens, of this town, can give us life-like photographs of our friends, which` will outlast time. Go xii: once and secure hivsvgiid to keep your friends ; always with yoixg _ _., T r1ate11"..Fre.nht:r=... 1*-x.!.1=.1E?9`-931 .1` it 1 .ethbe9t .i!1i93_ 9_iur '_l108.fU_b)f our .. bar-A . ` :iz`dei't T 5.f.i.i!@'i=i2" V" `. ' K, - ma ' a.n'd.Na.vy B 9d,i8.gI id . M ..battou3, which remains in boiling w'afer, and `at a small. portion 0T the upper sides, and `which is exposed to" the air. The meat rests ' i on a false bottom, which prevents its coming " inc Iilrcl with that pott;on of the Vance!` (hi ii in contact with` the inter at 21 -" . i -The exftoeure of mdn th'at' not steam . jacketed causes a loss of heat that reducee -. .thotarnporature ufvthe.uloIed.s$eL.:o ghdut 210 , being two degrees less than hurling - water. As Liebig has demnnatrntad, this _ isgbe bjeut cooking heat_; Vin? the .full heat u ..`?;..lmra'. n`ni..1mrnnutiliirhdit ti xitijinn of i"_-nt{4 Iiei:c93k}ng" [1531 % k&*bbIlhig<.'v:|1er qodgn lhn min: in such 3 will box stovefor gag bug i the-|;e;tv_c oking -`,,vr_h_' the Jttlt heat. -.h.unra, .,or..z;t..:r. rmtsrtror. oi the men; in such a way as torender it hard, -tough` and stringy, this lower temperature cook: it completely, and so far from making it tough, seems to make it moretenderr The eect may be illustrated by saying that the whole mess, after it has remained long enough in the Vessel, is in thdtender-and` fuidy"-con` dition ofthe interior ofvaroint of meat baked Viggha `gnaw v or o(;u hggjreen A cooked y armrnerrttg at the 3:-,ack.ot_the stove; ` The meat is cdjtetgvithout the access ofatr. water or steemt_t`ejniqep and avor being all preserved. ffar ?t:re`Cbok_eris concerned it IS not :1 st arne_t'~, _ 'e;"etnarning chamber i_n_ ntIded_[rrar;i;gtnb1e$? puddings, 4-0. It is In oHr_ _ __tin,p jiyith bolfg at d`i:an'&1{' tred tH?'t_i,'_,`g'eok t3(e, f\ ; , ii; I .ns 1 .1-1"1;,,.,, ---- -----, er`.--v........ .. T .~T`Thccooker_ i?s_`.for sale at Hjen(le1`bn I Hardware Stor at priges rutiging from $5 to $9._50_._ J,- - i ,5 .`1'->'7'.i : 1:94` a ak Lu3_mc'_A'r1Na O1Ls.+We append her- to a. number q:f`.'co1'tic:if;es from well. known_ gentlqmgg i__n town, testifying the value of the.e pi_ls. . These parties are some, of nt'}xe begi known-mill-owners in this siectipn, und..a;s, an expe1'iC-nced__rum1 Mr. O\imber1and s ,certi_qa.te may be taken` as` uh, ixbsolqte guzmmte'e that prafctical. uses have shown' it to by the besbewl`1qtl1d1- for stationai-y o;,;gcqgwt- ive 'machinet`y;= ' " " "` Ir J `,1 ~ Mi`. Wdoda; "bf tlv1q'VM:e_lic_a1_ on hand a sunmlv of this'uuEo`I;1ibr1ca - Moved by Wm. Hqngay, Lsxagonded by John. Scott,--.'I~`h;;l the Auditors ' 'Iieport1and.Trehsure4r`: Bnlnnga Sheet, for the year >A._I), 1878, ugw submitted, -`be adopted. and tAhat.,-the [Clerk be in- ntmcted to have, 309 copies printed for _diitib 112 - - - . `Il.._.....l I UIUVI IIII-I FIUH I'j\ -(!._lu|Ju Mtivad By .aW`m. Hunter, secondbd " ` ""'1n.:$9, Us.-- gt).-Thdt ithoi Reeve "be two unit !an1::y.. ` gar 1 - rd 1: ndolsion . ` inc`? .__ `ii-iiuasnav MARCH 19. 1874. JJLI . Iv uuun, u_L l:11q'JV,I,p|Il.U_d.1 Lon_h_and 9. supply tl4is'pu_17o'I;1i1;1j1c; n .. .n..... .n-. L).$In I.IUUUUll`\4lAI|_Af.ALa_O, 1, I '_. _ _ .Genls,-l havegiven your Black 0:] a fair trial. and prefer irin every respect lo any other in the market. ` ' ' `KY A ' g.oss $200,000--cAsn, Boxes""c.um1'1~:n OF!-`--EMPLOYEES 0U l"0F NVORK. ` \VooI)nRiDuE, V March 14.-A-This morn- ing, between two and `three o'clock, some b\1rgla.rsA eected an entrance into the office of the V,Voodl_>1-idge agricultural im- blew open thesafe and ried its contents, ames totally consumed the whole estab- lishment, togethe1~`x\\r.ith`ixnmense piles of luxuber and cordwood._ When` the re was iiliscm/`c`re`c1 the oice "was _alI in ` buildinv. Alt-liouglv the steam pump was, qxiaiklji get ' into .operation,'? the a._mes iiiade s'u`ch'rayid progress t_ "at it was of very 1io1e `,'n_s_e. The bu lars opened"cli s`af``b' driving a square piece Lo'fwirop;,threugh the outside dopr,.and then inserting powder or nitro-glycerine. which blew*the~ I`e*`6ase. completely `oh , i and one`-of he"\vong'lit iron hinges. The inside door they opriecl by puttingsthe V substance intorthe key,hole. ' It is sup. posed that, not ngflmg` any` currency in the safe, thqeiiillifins se re to the build- hoperth "ll soon be ai's'ted. The police are n thleig tracks. "The loss is - o .ps;;g;;gt 9a; ,0OO ;fno insnrence. ` cash .bQx,s, containing pr(3missor_v ' ;note'sto`~_tha nine of upwm-ds_ of $100,. \ arsntlirowir out of work. plement and machine walks. Riley _ :u~,d_'then setfre. to the liuil'dinf "'1 he ames; which rapidly spread to the other ing in 3. t-of dishppoitmentg It" is to be A " _Uii)_,:'a'1`en'to have been ca.rrieclo`.' v;`,onQ`)).'_Qp:rlx'ed and fty employee: ` ` '\JUllI\lUlllt9U""K\CU['UIlg `U HXU Ellllllllu UI 7*`: gallons ofjyanreelttvbeum. Lubricaxmg Onl seril to our works, I have before me the to- po_rt of my Locomotive Snperintendenton.lba ,lesxs,`xo whibh 1! has been applied, , Wilh.2O aollohs of vom O11 nm"l6como- `v`V!'- ` ~ lfNi`iI_SFIL COUNCIL. _ ~ .'1N1~ns|ru.,.Eeb. 26,1374. . P1?esent--Wm. C. L1ttle, Reeve; Wm. Hunter and Hugh 'I.`ruemaq, D y :R=,eyesV; Ignaticus Lennon: `and John Sqogt=,' Cdtxnuilinen} = Minutes f,.-'1ast mVee'liug{rehd and conxmed. ` I ' phhnn. nf .o.Jnh'n I.nnk'.hrt nnrl uuaavung Lcllu uuu Uuuusluvu. P!it1o_n- of John Lockhart and .0-:hors,'. (9; the formation of _a new Sc-.huo1.Section, by Wm. Hunter ; Pa; tition of Henry Wisn, an indigent_per- son, {or relie1,by Ignntiotis Lennon`. (nanny-nnnnnQ:nn `rnyn-1 Tnhn 'r .Ari_ UUII, [UK IUIIUJ, U |sl!D`I\lII .IIlUIlIl\?J\u Communication {tom John Con- staiiie respecting his daughtelgin the Lunatic Asylum, Toronto, by John Scott ; froth. Snelliing and Wardrop, concrni alloivvn-iice on G1-aaa s Point, by. Wm." uigter ; from George Shtrpe," by Hugh Tmemau. to notify persons. to remove their fan- ces,` bepween `lots 5 and 6, across 5th o?6noosion.' lo their .p:opet. bounciujeq, Marina kn" wrn [Inn-Inn nnnnn;-32-)`: IIIIEII LVBIUIIIBIIO .., Moved.,by Wm. Hunier, seconded: = bJy"-HlI`gh'Trnolixan-`,--i'l`hat the` several documents new belorg the Council be tefexxed gm V t,l1pir.,>t__egc1gi\g_e. o9;_nmit- -tees.-acarriedg j . nn_-_'_j L_`_"i'1r_. n__.,. , , , s - From Ermi. Cumberlcul, Esq , lmanaging` Director of ma Northern Railway `Company. N_qIli1e1'_|x Rgilxy y of Carymla. Mul;ag?11g irac:or"s Office. 1 ` 'l"nrrunnv Qnnl la: '&R'fk' POI I\l\F IIIIIUI Ill". The Superintendemnreipnris mat in is the bet of` (be `kind we have yet had in nae," and Ihdt "he found [he `sample suitable for genqra1machinery,ns lmkea, ynnche.-z, &c. ,_ I un1,gemlen;en, _ " ' Yuunxohedienlaervanv, FRID. Cur-1n:n1.ANn, _: ` , v Managing Dlreclor. .. . 3 B;1r_rie,4,March 13th, 1874. Genlle-men,-We hzive used your Lubri- catjng 0:1 in our Sleam `Gris! Mull this win- ner; I873-4, and the. ban! we -ever used, and can condently recommend it as a..Lnbncator asrsuperior to oils of double the price. - ' ' -nvurwrkr nAvnnu .- -..- .......- ............v .. - _..,. - __.._v... The following are the resolutions sub- Ipitted to the Ho_use on Saturday las:-- l 7S.C. Duncan-Cluukjzl .nnv\In _I hnun nivnu nnnp D{.lF_|"I, I.` `,0. 1, lU5|5'|U \VHIC N Huh` DEEII zlppllvll, ' - I Wilh.20 gollohs uf your 011 unI`.'l6como- '3 tires rat; 6,883 miles, being equal to 233 lbs. per [(20 mile: run. - ` ' - M 'l`hn .qnnnrn|nn:lonI runny-!a that H II in Hun IVIASGSTU. 0. L1, lJ|`llUi1lI \4llIl'IK N\gU. Dear Sirs,-In answer to yours-of the 19th inI., I have much_ pleasure` in infsr Ling you that the Black Mrchinery 0! you sup pliedime vilh last seas.m,zmswere:!rny most. sanguine expectations. "I will mile you when my srockjs exxbausted; ' ` Rnnnnifnlv vnnm ` IJGJLIKT, GIJIU. L'UU. @i\/,'ra`. S. C, Dvncan Clark &Co.: `n_.__ :..- I - .............. .,. ......-_ -1 ` l'JuUu:.'"l5 Kl|IuU,.UI V3 KJIIILU 3! ` _' > _ Tor,9nlo',_SepI, 13:, 1866;; 7 ` vG 6lctne`i';--3Ra'UI ru)g' '0 lhdszqmple 9f`'2 zmllnnq nl"vmu.Pmn.'lLmm Lnhrimnmn il lnl'JU9 - : - -- -Dnmm & Dunuu. Manure. S.,'J. Du_ncan Clark RICO, - DESTRUCTIVE t FIRE. ame, 23m. Feb., 1874. Innn (`Int-|( X: Pu . . i UKDEIUUIUU. ' `Respectfully yours,` _ ` ` ' Joan Dunuug,` That freedom and purityofelections are essential to a just` representa.tion of the people and to good government, and it is the duty of this House to condemn any. members of this House or of the Government who may beguilty of any at calculated to interfere with such freedom and purity of elections. Ill?!` ,1 J1 _ ,,,_,,,___,L ,1` Al,_ _____, `B1,, _

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