Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Feb 1874, p. 3

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`WATSON 3; co, * U3 ti ---._._.____ u-_ t_hnn psyponr Establishment We also keep on hand, Li! I! I-UIUIIQII l'|"lClSU- J. M. BOTHWELL, u-...I...... - ....A `an. ., say .-.u .-nu, mseedamca and Florist, Due-lop St. , I: of Commerce. 9 "36.z}n RoG1=:Rs,. Auctic nee: ,n.H|T=. KIDD, 17":-onntzeet, Budd . Prqpristux 5. G 66' JDUU DIVD, . Auctic neer. - n Dxiuggislly iaremuy 35-135' Pennant lo a Decree and Order of the Court of Chancery. in a suit between Calharine 0 Connor._Plnin_li', and Chtlnley Wood- ward and Andrew 0 Connor. -Defendants, there will be sol! by PUBLIC ' 1 o--.-- .._._____ j 9 :1 _ lTWH$H!fuE.It!.B0NTBl Wilh the approbation; ofhms R. Cotter, Mas- letof ghxs Court, a: Barrie, b 11 (`1 II`I1Il fYl`ll`1 A .` CU lllut IIICIIUZ CII ZZCCI There are 40 acres cleared and int: slate of culuvauon, the balance being well Wooded with Mapie, Beech and Basswood._ The Buildings are large -and substantial, oom- ' prising a I!"II rlulmlrn Inn Ill'|lIlIl' Will bVe-_f->und well stocked in all lines. Patti ' cular attention called to Tess. Wheat, at-ley and Pork bough*, Ind the highest markot price in Dash will be paid. I -\ up----.-....__ Comprising new Black and Blue Broadcloth: Whitneyc, Meltons, Baavers, Pilots Scotch, Enyish and Canadian Twoociu, the but in the Markos. . sundae. canvas. . cum. . asnnau`-our. |The `Tailoring Department !I I: under the suvehuiendenca of Mr. A. Meme. .1 A complete t guaranteed. } gm s:":;m'E::i`sz:.,";i;;;;;.,,.ee,.,g A! than RARRIF. HOTEL. in'lhn~anitI' anon ion of 9" 3 opened hit van wvuvlnavnvuj ; ovvvan in VIII, 137.4, . AT TWELVE o cLocx, NOON, The following parcel of landgthat is to my -The East half of lhe Wosl half of Lot Na 6, in the 10th Concession oi the Town- ship of Madame. in the Coun.y of ' Simcoe, afqresaid, containing I59iiEiiE,I'i'i- IGHANGERYSALEI II high I II`lUllhU I-vu IIUUUI-y 18 by 24.51 L052` Stable 26 by 20; ,3 Log darn, 60 by 26, and other necersary out butldings. There are two Orchards on the premises, one of which contains about 140 trees, all bearing fruit. the other ntout _90 choice grafted young fxnt trees. The whole of the Land in good Clay Loam, and very productive. - _ rtvnunm-1.0 A gala no - "11, :-mun n If-'Ai|.|F. Ann wnman com LADIES DRESS Goons me. NELSON mg. tbinfbrm me public in he has just opened out large ooullgnmbnljo Luv: llvu VJ -vwev 'Iu .l. vrvlfvvv 0 One tenth of the pttrsitase money to be paid down at the tune .ur sale. the balance within one month from SHE. Property to be sold subject to the maitt'e' ance of the Plain- tiff, vt ho is a very aged women, during her tifetitne Intending pttrchnsets may investi- gate the title at the Office of the Va=ndot s Solicitors, up to the"day of sale. The Vendor wi'l produce the Registrar s abstract of title, and such Deeds `as she may have, and crti- I ed copies of such reg.stered documents as ate not in her possession, and she will not be bound to producegor hear the expense of any othct evidences or ittvesttvatidn of title. The other conttitions are the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. I'.`m- fnnlmr nnrtiniulnrn nnnh: A! than I'.n{n . V NEW BRICK nnocx, _ M` Dun_1op_ Street; Barrie. On sa.tuE"1`"y."":"Tit11 Feb., 187.4. ll-"LAG ,'-I THEJ NELs..>N House 0! me U0l`I'l 0: unancery. For furher palfliculars apply at the Law. Offices of Messrs. McCarthy 8; Boys, and` Messrs. Ardagh & Sualhy, Barrie, or at the. Office of the said Auctioneer. M ` . _*- 4 - :---nIn- .4 J13:- oPPosIIgQu BAHRIE Hum: pl',U(lllU|lVUn Terms of Sale 53 'Fblloebs : na mnth nf lm. nnnzhnnn mnrmv Dated Jan. 3151,1874 lmmm may mm swan: 2 IM 83.... ae%s;31s%99!l l`EVE Enema U smw m %%rac'mnvr "' WE UVTTUI Viugv Whilsmhnnkful for pm mom, hog": to suu her friandlnpd the pnbllmthn _IM,bII cong- stnntly on hand stun assay.-hno_I_ of g -I n mi Mien 2 Elu-I ll Ie' nocle Bi"1'i'i'i?:`i`I<: T1` A'l"I1C .l..l..L.\. J. B Our llL.l.-l- I OF. 'l'IlB,I'a_L'I`B'I' ?FAlHlQN; 1 Sale, or pxolpptly Mme to` Order. g .-`:$nlI 1. CIAXEIE "I IV: Barrie October 22, 1873. Ill ID! lI!Ull ",l'_'Io ` ` ' |MAnKET'sTlEET.= -3; Banhia. `l Sqch an Dress Trimmings Bttonu, Braids Gunpa, Ribbons, Prints, bottom, am, to. ptjolpptly Npdo't.oV Order. g E 41 -' w mmss an: HAN!`-LE mung, r..~n..I.'4.'.o-n -h._ I ' r Q KI:|.'a IJJLI-L` \JI, ALWVUIVIOUCI in the BARRIE HOTEL, inlhevaaid` Town of Barrie._ , V A n-4_____1-_ (I341- -on ,1 _ HAS REMOVED TO DUNfaOP ST The |nt`:ai-Lribor ho no 'ii.:6hi_ in: juxaaunu l'.horntonA an volgity omh-it 1`; Inornton I_ .0.",ouwS1 cot, .'a 1i&*t8i" h _o ` nrahnnd Io"Bi6mntIv Annual to all ` cs` it the _ '1'I0|'I|l0l'l 1'. U. DOB?! Dllllu-IIlll'Ii|II' I15 I! ` V pugpnvrgd isrngpy atgend go bull scg OF`_;HORSEf8:1Nl_}0AT !XaI !* And May! `in ; reqirib mi-ind ` im- 0onditi9I1_' lfow\lo;- ,`= ling Oil. c.,w ill tound very ectciohmand In sold by Ji. P. KKDD Druggict, &o.,4Bm-lo. O1-_l_m prcnptly _ smuicd to. - ~ T '7 W 1=; %i"i ?3 ?`;9_5T.`*5 w:LL-rINIs'iiEii`Eua HOUSE, lhn 911,2 [no Slahln `Z5 hu 90- n I',: BERLIN WOOL AND ms cnocanv DEPARTMENT I IIIZ1-Iuv-2-V-` -6 Which will be sold It muonblo nu ; . _ nu-u-nun: -u-av-with Oi Fifuy Acres bf Land it; the "iJi'i5iiiii`ii BOYS, VnntInr7n Qniinikm Gents Fulx-nishing Gqodr,' _- .-..___ ' .couN'r1'6'F*s1McoE; N ETS ~ ? HATS .9: caps. El`-_A'l`l:`.s'l` avnnlaa 1," __ ______n; 1l-4|-'oA' II`-A-u, -* Ini`he1itIit'athn. n ..-1:-'u'i.wuan| , ixrmtygng A7 , 'i`'9"-.""*d . -rnonxrprti q J - W. %Pressey.Z R. NELSON. W75 - Vendor o Solici`-ors, - BA.1u1IE"rUi.Na'c"x` ' worms -1- ~" GROGERIES, 1r__Lo1m, mm, FIELD c GARDEN SEEDS, r nmrs,vn:anum.n3, GENERAL mzovxsxoxs, ' AND EARTHENWARI. Everything bought (hut Farmer: have to sell, and the highest Market Prices pnid. (I :1 2_.....I.. L- J- In'un:-gnu: ant` will ELI` It. ry brick! . 'o3nvcnicncorV`}-, `I known II` county, au'l`,.} V zee an to tho`. unpo.intend- - llll um ulsucui Lungnwu a. navy: 3--nu S. 0. intends to do b'ue_iueua,n.nd will sell Cheap for Cash Oall and See. n.....-....$... um `Dlum l".mnm- Rtmnn Mm-raw : Ulllp nu vain vcul -nu -uv. Remember the Place, Corner Store Morrow : Brick Block, close to H1! Market, a convenient place for Farmers. . Barrie Jan. 1st. 1874. , ' 1 IMARKET STORE] ___.__.__..._._.._...._.._......._.._- Those who want. good bargains, either for` - rocerloa or provilionl, ohonld got them at inter : Ca.nton_ T Storo. |THE BEAVEM (15 -I III,v.lau-`apyaqyf--_,:-_:-v'-,Y ,:-Y-.-y--v -- ,- Zj . J. niamo, h.._".1wgyi'og;nVna; o}-:mes:_o' om, Wuhmbu, Murnamna, :numL-sp1m,- Po!uIi,Ih'd Beorcuhizlkafrolfclurnc`, have Vans. and Elliot?-nboyfl iuh- Band Churn- muleioordar. Allkiuthof. git`! Cnurnsmla lognneurol-InlI'I>: .1 Ill bt'llhndon'3"in l"Ofk- eususli ennrtnast; 5pposmz;m;aug, 'qs;i qqLL1anV4s1 _ zj i}3'JrI1i- ' j Cooperingilhiilnfa Hi _5hudou3 ; i i_`)rk- _ unlike mannontnd Ilv Isonablc rubs. Country ordain prompuyiltonded lo. _lcrrir_\l:yVlm`.l873.f-L. T '2:-1y" -_?_ .7 In {biog '.phs_;)u a few idenafraspoetlng zn9I ':gtv`gndors_of bogus _ -pu-so-wuaq cu... 1.-4-nn.AL'l5t:\ A us. | IHIVU and a lllf. y job. Any- p51_v themon I m Budfmd(~ I pauer'ns..I o.:%u..1..... ind am; . Hd'.ild`ig5g . TIJBIJLAI jlfli A-Inns: Application for (P: ' Vol which is being undo. Iron P` Am! N ups of All kinds ulwsyl on hgn . MINI . Of ootnjqe works 1 _ 'pl.;mbing, nndbqll hanging done. __'__.__ __...-----:-u;-nu I .'uuuage1 ptlnclploi.` ` =1 Th.."'I f -' . :_< STEAIwUT~AlBi&HQTWATEB IF U R s -:._'f-plgmbihg, undbqll bulging don; mm s 1v,w'r%H1NG 2 n___. - -. AA.--n @HHUU H I ~:2:.:1=::e;.*'- 5' _ _ 19 DE gnu: 3|], bonggln .oox'nct - 5- 1- ._` thin.f- -_" wh-Ia wexgclalxon at duh mm we mm W'th ` . A peed to` :- - hills gmp lot?-pc:?de'r, Lem eon! V`: j Nngajp otder . When `fcheup Inch" [:1 a ' jofte how you dd, . Jun mindulyonlrcn I willungto vievy; ` I 1'! lion ! gun a lgnvhcthor yon ro ploued or not, 1,. j thonvg you t'gda,_und um: rublquh you've -has uawr; rord or aawia iodd uztnrn nu - KIM Info oonnt`t'!iI`o.gti`bef!:_r9 onbpguu 1 7 gdh o , . . ' _ eye-5--ujggauuerr-re 5-91. men. V Jun mnom r"wh31intoi'io`uund lolry` A ns llu vhnwo cuuotlmy-- visurauu uses for urnma. Barrie Jan. 1st, Vvua-.. 69-; i .-gnnnnnmrnio v r I n I s. on_ l:[' ELL, i `ALE V 5. ANABXT THE om) FIRE HALL, Bu just been opened" by ` . MOBA!'$EfH.. un-n..."2'`J'lInnnmlnI_ ' u as m,nI. . % Jim `I Vl>'~,,'1-Phh!% ;l'hctor!;,Bsr'4.e,`_1n`?".": ~* f ` . ` I9!!!-v '|`t`3.';_7 ! T ~01-dm luff st" 3. Gum-*1 Radian 3533; nnu.,.muc,`win be promptly atupdpa co. >4 I-1`; . 3". -7...... ii . 7 -~ rut-ufannfvgfflp 5.... fr 1--=_r r A ':,-._~ 4 -3` _ `ii dgi- C-..-.2.-.2-19 . . .. , E R; S, Ill 0| ' ` is uniig, nlu I ' ;-J;..-'aa:'v'" {n`oi'n`ds1.o'1T":v'o':'-"!'o.r Gdod `cam non i.*:I!I1`~`_'I'1 *i'.'- "1_.'.!?il..!W!!!- "5 1-. g - A` 3.53.... -much;-nu.:jj~-Q j L- . ' ing on ntflil 'blATEL!; 3 mu alth ' I.-* EEKEW For ids of {once IL!!! QIII Lenvucty . imeu an of jsivo one,- ol 8 , 9 old Mint in Slw. IWOHIIII epon gn mm !I`_lJ _ repeal. - ' gig. Ion-Voolde r, ? blnguy otdexf. -goitb H wiulung toyievy; "XX, Auctioned gpztnl mu nun; 2`*'1)vJ'. ` Shy no b9,ftor' `sonnet v_v- -.v---- if Bil opiate; but Teacher," `aha nnn._ . `To the Queen andulloyll Family; To H. R. H. the Prince 0! Wales (Specza|.Ap It)g And to several Indian Potenunea, F .reign Governments, and Rxulwny Complniel. Eutnblished` 1749. . A - s Teas fr9mA30'cents upwards. V Eng uuu-uuu u try, uennnn. gguwwvvnu I x u A IIU Jmnigg. . Salmon, P110 . WHISKIIS.-- 00003.- Oysters, Brown " Old Eye, 3. Choose, Ginger Wino. Hnlt, vp, 1.,'._ V Bao-on BRANDlIB .-- Scptoh, ...._ Flam-,&c, Marcella. 4 , Imh, - ohogogfo` Honneuofu Old Grow, . saga,-3, imam Ale and Porter. ` . from 60 to 75 cents per lb. LIBERAL 'I`E_RMS ALLOWED TO THE TRA DE. Noon 12...`.-, Plan]. l'l....)-.. 0.4--A Dr ish Black %T_easVin Caddies, _-__,--1-avg`. q WAT`-63' dz EIIZOCK MAKER. GOLDSMITH. SILVERSMITIL AND AhTISTlC METAL ' WORKER. `Pun : Nlnnfvu-n nu -run r.n\v|-nun n..-.... .-._ . . wuxuuam. ! Panza Mgmmm or me Losoox, Dunm, Arm 5 ` Pam: Exmnmom. Pinker of the Chronograph by which the Derby and all other Races and Great Events of the `_ D. `are timed. MANUIAOIORY AND IT? I-Iouu:-68 Q 60, LUD- V GATE HILL. Wnsr Eun Es-ruz.xsnum'ra--26,0IJ`D BOND 8'1`, AND 99. WESTBOURN E GROVE. l.()NnnN THE MOST EFFECTIVE SAFE-GUARD AGAINST FIRE : T TET INTRODUCED 1. - FOR SALE BY` nlio,c TEAS. - `V Bluok, Groom, J span Java, ' COFFEE . - Moolu, Jug, Jamie: . 00On()A.- PP! Taylor's. MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS. AND WHOLE- SALE BUYERS ate Ipecially invited--before sending their order! elsewhere-lo obtain from` the Munufactory the ILLUSTRATED CATA- LOGUE of WATGHE CLOCKS, CHAINS, JEWELLERY. and EL CTRO-PLATE.which an aunt pal (tea, I_a not 9 re the dincountl. liberal, In a nelocvon can made from the In unlock in the world. ' an nan Inn nnnl J:InnO `an Inn `Al.....a.-n..... f:GLOTHI%hlG_ AND pay GOODS .........-... *_*;. Gun 9. u usrTEFi SEE TESTIMONIALS FROM RESIDEN PS OF CANADA AND ELSE- ' "WHERE DAILY IN DOMINION NEWSPAPERS. FINIQST T;A,L(jb"iEL'""66FFEE,| WA'1'| 7111525 Ofallkiadafnons moo mu. ( Lever. Venicul; ( Ofauluildafmmztozooana. Ofalllciadtf in 10000: Lever, Venicnl; _Ohurch,1.`nrr':l, . Horizonlnhu lax, Carriage, Chime, chronomeler, hronograph, Diningund Drawing-room, .Ropouern, lndlun Ate, Library , Keylen_g,Cenu'o Seconds, Hnll,b'hog, ktc. ENGLISH oxmow c1.ocxs,"aea'i " ed By English Arlills. and Manufactured by`). . 3;". son, {Ir exceed in beauty thou mnnntacuw-d ?b|I;oaq.` They can only be obtained at this nub, ' men . . - "FINE ART BRONZES AN D CHIMNEY ORNAMEN TS, oflhe newest denignmfrom Con. linenlnl_llah'er.'I oi the highest reputal. ion,.nt nod`- amo pncen. v - An.1'wrw`GoLn Jnwanun. of lhe rlnhom g..."I" LCHEAPSIDE! CHEAPSIDE 2| ms ,5 A` sum: sum `um wm. woa'rKr.'cnn Arrimxox or anon: mum. 3 g - ' .--`u.n ..u ueul rmnl 0:;-rg.l.i,'V`. Errumsnuzm'so-26,0IJ'D AND 99, WESTBOURNI4-3 GROVE, LONDON. ~ City to the Prince of Wales, ` 9':&- ,, - ' ante I Ax'nruo`GoLn Jnwenun the i but moot exquisite design, with Mo r 0 an uognmi, Greets, 4 end Devncea, Enamelledln Colours. ener Deg. ' b the most uoccm liehed Artiste in the Pncioug etele Brooches, t'ace'._etI,Necklacel,Lockou',' Ringsgend all kinds of byauuric, as auppligd. [9 -Membeljp of the Court and other Distinguished PGIIOIIIOI ' Puuxturn on P1.A'rx-Testimonials ordmmn eom.` Racing Cu and Jewelled ma olhgr Boxes e` rov de-d vM.Bn 1` I; c . pontio n.o`} L(l7nd`on_ end othetul)`l:tbl?t:B'o\? or enclose documents conveyinbtlllrne: Freedoml::?'tl'::. of Edinburgh, cam amine SAl.- ; A-rr..__r.nwAN's,1 Ln-1.1: C _a1 Illnh` 1-.lQ 41..-I r%nnv%%_1not_1`r_n.s1,:Ii;iI_sAs nouns, Hm, 'l`l'l\`I'I l\'| Alan:-- . (5.53. - . I F ; gm; Emerge-Put; in the most recent fa`; ion. `and or. Ila IIIOII durgblo mllre. Ii Electra Pluto it in rxo'ceu:try_tq`zeojuc uonnd mug lenls um! 3 sucrent cguung of nver to resist chi` wear and tear uluvlulorily Noothor in all `ch up at my price not worth bu n '. A Ildfeo uiclogku r_ :gng_g_uki:gn;`wmk- , _ ` nu :I..__ meal cneap at any price, worth buying`. , Vyelnhee and Clocks repaired by skil;ed work- men. Old Silver, Jewellery, `.`. eIc '&c., ex- changed. Merehenu. Slu rs, and Clu supplied Watches. Clocks. Jewel rv. end Plate an In IIUIIUIIEU IIUIISO I W" ` ` :"thMth.5:n'. of.'l'dy.uoing Lot `e. s, is clemd Vnlbtinbcrcd vim: Ping ma Bud. : I_'00Q,Ilti1Q aqlggrot glib lllnnd Bsllrold. M . g;t:0F`Hbj3sy. Io`: ggrtiullrs sp- 3 . xAn'r1xu'Oo . "`v"E.`,'a`..`..%..','c""": 3,`."xl .":'y'.' `-I'.i'a`?":"u`I.`..2".'1.".".`.', ;||pu1|of~;ho4wo.r.,. V v. . 1`: W . n , use 0 a. -I- ` " #9.-2 . " `u ` `a"u'1s'u P3':'a'" 5""' '?"1?:v:ot': - " w| 3;; 35'5" m aufaxe ; 1 nu`_% . : v 2* ;-~m. ' minus * 1 j `lug, 1.-Bldozddli;-.2 `Brig .l ,8 agave! . In cult: to Indie ioom for Spring Importation ch: Indenlgned um dhpo of 5,. Lu`. ' pm! Well A2301-fad Stock "of ` ,__.;____... ___, EANTONL '1-% STORE. J; nu-nu I. ninnlr IEAIIUSII 1uI\9 nu..- A Bu?-='i.v.7'`"r`.'=""""_%.a-` AT A SMAIZL %A;I)VA.N`CE, ON c0T.i J. %11EN:DERsQ_N,_ msmmw m@ti@7ffmI1;I;sr Wm. P.F.EWAN. Z751 . more dIf'a?I_ meantime, ghn; 1 ani cale. FIELD: In :1 ouanoon am or mans om stars; r B A 11 I3 ' . `N0 IIUIIIIII n - T Iloon". of . 'l`dy.Eboi91?nLE3 %.lf'3 nlminbond Pins ma End. ._-n,`.. .-..-_-4.a. v \.o4..n-\J U-\r.l.J \J\IL.'J..`-` AND GENERAL Gnocmu.-:s,. Wmns AND Llavons. ' Fruits, WINES.- . ' JI`u Robin : Marmalade, Champagnes. GIN.- Picklen, Sandman, V Bnrnn:d'I. 880:0, "Old Port ` Bootlrs, Gnrrio Powder, Alncont Port, DeKingba_ _ _ Mnslntd, Fnrrogonn. Port, RUM.- Poited Menu, _ Shorty Kaiser, - Jamaica, Lobuera, in linl, Diamond Sherry, ` Donnrnrd. _. Po! " . _ BRANDIlB.-- Scotch, _ Ho:-el| |. `. Annamaria I-1 I`---- FOR EVERYBODY. .fbtLEFalc. .~a.\q\.sv).s'v\vs~.w~\-.s\~u I XMPORTIR, wHoI,ns}u.s AND nznn. nnun no --u r-u--. . ....._.____ L WM. 1s_2tN':DER, can-Ann:-in u an no. . - - . ..._ __ . D. . B. GAR'I9___1\_T_? - 4-nu-`co-u -u;\_ ft coq the C9! dred 1 said M: II 1...`?- I-'-or do bays. uh...-n-.-n-an-u-nun. 3 TI II C :11 AL- --.\1vv.|4.IJ_ I \J l.1.l.lI4 I.I\v[`lIJl'J- New Bvict Bloc/I`, Dunlap smu, Barrie. `BARBIE AND c6LL11~}c.wo()D. "::'.;.. 1 not AGENT FOR oourrrf or smcon. JAMES mmxm a;, cow. athin the limits of the Town df Bu-rlo. eight- teon acres of Land, being compoud at Pu-k Lot No 8, South side of Steele Street. , Lot No. 3, North side ofNnpicr Stm I. The shove Lots are well fenced sad in I good unto of cultivation. There in I `Inge Frame Bun on the premises. For price and tom: of payment, . . mph to PIANO FOR. SALE CHEAP FOR- ` _GA8H. ---v A u - A ..J _L_Il __A,-- 1'" ' Lumen _`_ VA -.:-- v A six Ind a-half octnvo Piano,by Paton, in good order ud tune. Cube seen It . ' IR. FREIHANB , 7 Furniture Stoxe, 42-tf ~ Dunlap St., Bum. iicvnu-----A._ __. . ___ _ V 7 E `For nlo tlm`B:ick Store and Dwelling on th 5 Mnrket Square, Bnrrio, known as the " McCor- - mick Buildlng." Apply to I Inc. nmrs. Barrie,.dot. 3031:, 1872. -------_-:---- _ V- I-Iv`! an-u IIIAIIIU Ul IIUJIIIUI sp 1 . V - MEBSB; g'l`lIWAR'l` & LALLY. lysu-:le,A2eth reb., ma _ _ 9.-tl V E OUSE 85 EIGHT LOTS FORSALE IN SUN NIDALE. Tho*|:ib;orlbor ofeu for solo ohnp, sud on any terms, the following valuable property, yin. :-A one store] and "Adult fx-mm` dnlllu clay wnnl, we rouowxug valuable property, viz. storey `I-hell fume` dwelling house and i acre lot, situate in the village ol Snnnidsle, townehip of Snnnidele; there is I good pump and never felling wrer supply on the lot. He also olen lo: ale 8 5 note lote sijolning the eforeuid house` The above prop-rty in eligibl eituted, within one mile from New Lowell tstlon. For further perti- _ cllere lppl] [if by letter poet mid] to WI. Gl .llN'N _ u-uu n I u u IEIIII Doll DIICJ ID ' '5" ` `Y WI.GLlNN, u.uV ' Nelson Hone, Barrio. :&.'-:'.___'._ __,- `Being the Wan Lot 11 in 18th Gan. Town-' ship onuumu, aimnzrmili Barrio as Inilu, and from Allnndnlo 2 miles, and within the ch-cnit of 5 mile than an nun! Grist, Bow, and other _llili|. the Yillno o Pninnwick with its co, Churches, Post 0 hooi, Storel, 80. Soil pod ch) loan. 50 acre! olennd, well ` fenced, with Inna Barn, Granary, 8ublo,_Oow Bonus and other buildings. Ton urn pf V nuwimun V . ground BOSSESBIO _ IMMBDIA TELY. - PM of nureimo Inonov asnfonnin an Inn. --cw- QIIICXVQ CIIDIIIUI ivgntunnn niuu 1-`on SALE. -22- Inhi- (L. Q; I I -; 1 I 2. can, 41-- -IL, us I . INF} 0155 EISSION (MMBDIA TELY. puroliup money oshionain on lon- gs. For further particular: again of . ROBERT cox, or :03:93 nnannn Thin Prong lJu_ on the shore of tho Gur- lan In " led I` Lot! 114 and flu in Ire l'0l%?oQ!' {'17 containing ' UBL10 _no-ncgz lg Jinnnnr P- `in? :h:t3:'g:u;| of otpon:_ -Bank man 9113; ms. ?"i'.'i3'VI -- A_`n-n II -_I_-A- `Id; um, um. BUSINESS sumo FOR SALE: rALUABLE ` P`R()Vli ER'l'Y 1-`on TowNsiv;f3r`,T1Nv IV! -309 my wtr:.-was . Ihnln DA I'Cl'Il his -`inn JLIIJIU LVMUIJIJ " ginp, {hit tho'0o::ei IA_Q I`! OC`C 1 B.- the uono!tb97fA ;nI, such an?` inches in el 6 inchenv 9 for boring ns. llxavo` -...'.I .. 41... q xn uun, or JOBIPH ROGIB3,_ . Burn ' wu. aovs, Rnrrin nu I -3, Bqrrie. 4. I.a;.u4v.n. J. JyI\IJ JJLIIJ. J Iunnted on Cub Syltom mud on Premium New System Pnmium Note Policy Roldan nu not -liablo for any louon on ugh Iyntom poll- ciu,u they an m 3 diluent bnuob. - ` Ilene: and cattle Insured Against Den-h. TIIP flllfll lll TQRRIIOA Is the only Oanndinn Company doin this olngn ofbnlincu. Genu-n1'l`own and Vi age But!- nou dono in Mercantile Bunch. which in on- tirol; upstate from Branch. y sun VD Iuurod st Lower Batu mu those of uy othu Covnpnny doinphninou. Our motto in f-_. ,1|_A_-_ lI--3 1:0,: , - vv'-r-IlJ uvua.cvIIII-Ivuuo VII IIUHIU II `Low ten. Good Risks and Prnmnt Pnvm Ant: uuw nuwla uuou lull! unq Prompt Payments, Allowing other Oomponiu the Douigful Rink: at any rule they can get. Who our hard of diiculty in nearing the settlement of claims for loss in the Beaver? (Immoral unnonnlilg D:-I.- 1......) :. n.:- PERT Rams ` Scent: O '3'- , , .10 0- [or lull in nu Manx ! Genenl Mercantile Rink: lnlnred in thin oico at vary low ram, fully on fth less than Stock Companion Appl to R. JUDSON D YLE ` General Agent 8 angeen District, Owen Sound. 0: to GEO, A. ROBINSON, ` Tnvolling Apnt. ' V Barn`: Olllce our Wells Bron. Dung Store, opponjlo MeWat1 n Bu-tie Hotel. . . 7!]-1 p vuu. nun vu vi. nnliw I IV! I'll-I-0 IS warnnui to euro All diuchrga from the Urinary Orpns, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gruoland Pain: In the Bnek. Sold in Boxes, 4: 6d ouch, by all Chemist: and Putont lodleino Yondon. . Sole Proprietor. F J . CLARKE,_ APOTHIUARIIIH BALL, LINCOLN, ENG Export A onto. Burgoyne, Buxbidgea 8 o.-, Oolemsu street, London. Newbory & Boos, 3'! Newgste meet. London. Bnrcloy 8 Soul. 95.Fu-ringdon Imot. London. Snnger t Soul. Oxford um t. London. And All the London Wholualo Bantu. Agonu In Canada. Kcnlreol--Enno, Mercer & 00., Wholesale Dmggiul- _ Lyman, Glue 8, Co. Toronlo-Ellion 8 0o , Wholoule Druuim . Shnpter & Owen. Hamilton-Winer 3 0o Halifaz-Avory, Brown Ga Co. I 42- [U W unn, anu I ,\.onro, IIIGAIIUIV ITIUN ` of dl kinda kept constantly on hand. n-snwmo nuonnus BIPAIRID .g Al.l.H|IK`IAMIAITllo,li'I Iliflethn. ui;;.i`owns and illages thou of law othu uunnu: oaluxonl, 515.515. Where he in ptopcnd to enact: in onion omnuted Io him with nuum and dupaloh. MITi!".';*."l'I.i'"I"=?.'|`i I'!|"`i. I`="E'.`<='V I NEW GUN AND Locxsmmrsl is-3 ` attmtiongivcuta Repairing, POW ER,SHOT,CAPS,cnd-AMMUNITION nf all kind: inn! nnnnlnnllu I! hand W0 Pue,500 l'ZnnviugI,|nd Colmjod Pluto. Publiohod Qtllllv, at 25 oonlq. 0 you. First nmnlm fur 1814 just incur]. A Gmlau edition at Illlll pnco. Addnu, nnnnna vlnlr -._|.-..-_ H V Would mpmfuny inliulllo Io lib public till! he has REIOVED Iulho pmniau lute lv oucnniml I) : II. Iul A 7 [N nu you `:0. Sunni.) DUNLOP STREET, 3431112, Wham ha in manual an alumni: .11 nnlnra |2B,...,f..:.%;| `DRESS-i_AQKINGr wnnnnuaes I_:_oy_a_In AND sow. "" "' " ' " '.-"'y Leeely from Englend, reepectfnlly informs the nblic of Ben-ie end vicinity ghee ehe hee open- ` edoute Ill! 1 Illflhtl n nnnnn II I 71.1!!! mc ] n-1:-`on 1 . l'_`!L_':'*!`:.Y_%f!_5$`i.`13._3;`_`*1`"%l ls.tJ_z.I.s!.=.Li';iiLjI as :13! 2 (Ion Wm of the Wollington Hotel. and vi: ngnntu to-nuke tho non: fuhioublu lELIir$I'i.EZ :w- v---v---v ' 8 ton; and inbljlm, loiark in Gonhonlu K A1-gly inuodiauly. A 30119, mums. mn.n_ nn 7 . 4.-.: [MILL_IuyERY| lmfsii"-i :is"1=E Of any house in cum, and in cheap as the obupen. In. Rowoll having bu! an onen- Iivo uporicnoe in lnglnd in prepuod to full! :l.ldordhc.1-.nliu.nmd to her, prolnplyy, Ityllnhly, C 0 ` Luliu III gentleman can be supplied It tluig utnhlhlmont with very good \W7.3E;@m5l Lulu: wghul nnnn at llnir nnhlnnnn. - CI `I133 13?- Lndhs walled upon at uni: mldonoo. P. 8.-A|l' that of PATTIBIB eoutntly nl.."':::.I_& W- Rnrkn on M]! Y0l_lllO I_l I Io gun. from -hot. Barrio. cum: 3.; W. mm and Pull mnu. v . \ . as x %IavuwAm- *1. Nov. II, III). .I'!._F.5_YE!`.A!`!!_I'!!9?!I.A of Simone. enuine cue. IIIIE BOX OF 8|. II|(E 8 I 4! PILLS I -an-vnnni in Allllvnli :18-nln...-.- 3..-... .I FARM PROPERT `..--.I -.. n--L ..--_. -_: .-_ I-___.9.____ nu V cgaauaz, ` A!9?`-}.5`*a:j*!'L3'`"AI-T nu nu nnluv nu yum! prulnlau [III ly oocupiod by HB. I;aHENRY, ` Sanun, . V ` to Hunt : Samoa.) 'n\ s'l"HRR1` R19: 11: [AR.DWARE. 'lq'AR(l)"V;gI:l;.` `I-3, the Big Buuinao. IN. BARBIE. _ NEW PREMISES, n U N L 0 r srnmr, Opposite the 024 Bank of Tarbnto. `sum, eannwm, snnmnv, - AND anzmm. - -rm: auvsn mo wonmrro ujnnn n '--:4--._ _---. - HARDWARE, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, 80.. &c., Hujnnt onenod out in the shove rom- iua with 6 wall ulecud stock, vb ah ha in nnnu-ad In sun .41` `-xiorioxrro muons: Wholesslo or Retsil. _ Mechsniu will r nd an excellent assortment. A long i sxperionce in the business nukes him condent of giving satisfaction to on who any favor hitnwith their orders. A son ' fll Il.I7YIKI'|lC Lu Thomas Mcvitti, not wuIrrn.o. mnnalinsxmmsr / % ` mm??? .__-- 1.. l___- -...I .'_ j Iluvu -I v---vv vs u---uv--' nuns vtcrf: Rnohouor, my] Importer of and doslur in :P'epIred VIII IIICCWU I109 vn-v.u- 'Hl(`)-S`.-.IoYI'rTII, J. vvoons .1 `Patent Medicines, 1&0.` UDII c ' OFFICE, - BARRIE Fotmotu. F05 III, 1374 ' DEALER IN PURE IJHUGS AND CHEMICALS, FANCY PERFUME5, V ,_ W..- .--._ puuv---u-u.-Av ,, _ TT Onnnotbobuten eithervfor quality or price. H0 lulu in the but mu-keu,and cannot be undenold by any house in town. He`also keep: on hand the best of vu any-an usual JJLGUVJLD, Alto ALE AND PORTER, bottled or draught. Fllrnl D-ndnnnn .- .....-L -_ 1.- A IIIIIIIIII. Fa_I-porn Produce, u mach :3 he can lay his hands on.bonght.,nnd the bighut market, prim paid; Given call once And you wii be; mm to come unis. ,'i`HOS. LENNOX, A few Coon North 0! the Wollhgton Hotel, 4|-If ' Run-in [ONE `Amy UI, Iillfjiiilillyn gun r necom mu Inge Bufnlo ilzarngow (lab! I, 373,1 locus or [ammo-11 334, only D Iiluod 3| I< For puhn dr fn Rnntlnnnn I.--91.... ---1 -tzjjxwujifh-I In oolnnoncing hnnjnesn no COAL HER- OHANT, beg: respectfnllv to an nonuce {hit In bu mule nrnngomnva with acne or the sins: renowned Oollieries In the United States, to be Iupplil with 00113 of thy very but quality at tho lowm possible Prices; nnd he trusts that by 3 rigid system of air denling,by punctuality to ull engagononta, and by ndhering -to ill jusl and reasonable prots, he shall be iblg to com- mand unfair Ihnre of public ugh and sup- port. _ All otdo : `tuning: to the above add:-an will alwnynl ensure inanmliute atten- tion. V |rH MnIEAL HALL 2! All kinds of Horse and Cnttle Medicines, &c, Phynicilnu Preurlptiono, and Family Re- eoipu prepared with due can and accuracy. Call in. 7-!)- 0 THE FARMING com MUETTY . noun SAVED 18 non: unmm. The Inburiber whim thankful for the liberal pllzonnge given in the put, rupoetfully Iolieitl a contiuunce of the nmo, and - bus to Itzte thst his |mAs.]fn0v1slo:.s Mann; I?!-B I3"=r1>m:re'sl l'\1:`I'.`1 ; nan, .. ..-- I..'.fh |se111ns 011'] A1` REDUDED RATNR FOR .-f--- hllkl Mil hon New York every Wed nes- . dny old`.-Ijturduy. Pllalf tecomodntions unsurpassed. has up from Sulponlion, Bridge or H. w,Liurpool,orLondonderr.\.- Gab! C, I O,.nd 830. gold, according to ,I.1mrno-llsto, Q39, gold; Steoragzl 834 ol . D'n u `and Iowa! ram. further information apply to Eondmo rather; 7, Bowling Oman, N .Y, u- their um. A.'B. ucPnI:!:,AoierkVm l nuux-or, Br-rio. c-em-r -...-...._ Tho ubucxibor will tell on his entire stock or -<--%---4 -.- v- wu----pa-. Avon:/\J\JJ.l.\JLV For the next three months, for Cub only; no em!!! will it given. All put due account: must be paid forthwith, or com will be in- lcamd vnlhout. further notice. - ANDREW GRAHAM. Bmio,reb. mh,1eu. ` , 7-3m 'qp Bums I EUNCHEON& ovsmiuovsn III..-__ -- H - IANCHQ3 LINE. r Tj 80., 80., &c., to, AT A GREAT_REDUCTlON IV..- I.- ..._L 4].... ...-_u__ 1 1..%Vi`nm`.`i%csp Allli UOOII `VIII 0' `I'll ` WELLINGTON HOTEL, DUNLOP ST. molt. Oyuerl Stund, _l'|-{ed nnd Raw; Luncheons, Bot ad Gold, prepu-ed on than notice. A aod Pzaa 2a-E23} Cup qf TEA. 'co2norIonIai, (uns. tc., to. Don : forgn to call in. I`. nun. :1 The Partnership horolofotc existing le- uuen'Thos. Cuay & Pnmk Nudhnm. of III: township of Madonlo, and carricd on un- dorlho name nnd nlyle of Casey It Nerd- hanl, mill ownorn, has this day been d 5- Iolud by mmpul `consent. ~'~ ~ 7 ' ' ' Siguod,-THO.V|AS CASEY. . P. NEEDHA M. wsu,._._q..\v.`V.v..:n-:Lnmc. _6'4in-p `3UY`YOUll ` IIIOAIIBLOTHS, DOESKINS, gnslj I-an-jar`:-rs!---nA-n REPECTABLE YOUNG MAN , , who but write weIl,and willing to unto. himself gauonlly` useful, wnshes for p16 non: Io anoint in` a lm. Apply to on 3.8! CR3. C.Nnuo I Chnmpuon Inn. Qum urui Wm.` Toronto. L K . n.arl.'uu4I'a_u. v. unlit \ Quon moot Wont, Toronto. mumsnv; nnzss &. MANTLH Ll` A &1"kfr1 . ----vv uv Ivln[I.lIu,I J """""" ":'niI:A1:IN'G. .1 DBHSI3 lkwtllll`-L 3 -Amadorav l~.-Inn undrw - I>.'mP*""'-- ` any. um um woax mmoxn ` V mt! nu. 40-1}: A . . . x . . 4..`- 'I>LiLORllG Es-rumnum-r, ` llyou wan to `oi the wgru: ofyonr money. `Bomonhr the Iund-- A b `- R. WINNING, A Opposite ll H.8ponr'u sum, Fuom` S1-nu`, - - - Inna. lov. I8.u_u. - .. 4: 1y DUNLOP ST., WEST, BARRIE. :ARR}E COAL nrzci. _ . . r _ . _ _ _ . . . . . . . u u u - vl WINES AN D LIQUORS, I AND PORTER, ham"; .... Jum received 3 consignmont of huh L `('7 (N rr1 -r-.1`-r-\ I`- AGOOD FITI . Md got jolir SUITS mndo st Tin: Doon Wu: or 'N(2'l'n!u I.ll'\'l"l .`t l\l'l|1r . sauna: nI--5.lnLuI- is \- xr REDUCED RATES ownon or PARTNERSHIF.` n_A_g_aAms! _`6N'rHs.T "la 1'.` BAIL. Ann O:oqn ucuumuluu n can usua I, N; u'.;m: elsewhere. The puzlure us des1gu.~'d1m- evny sub- mribor Jpnh the [onus stlme-11 '.J':`vc-, whzeh` pleaselead carefully ,- zm-J n slurs}: u-rm." -all no dike c:ntnolm|1uiI,nh tum Ihclnznmea cnm sln:__vIy';.l $1.50 vach, 0: an '. Iuba oficur for $5.00, or in Ciubs of '.-n M $1.90 an 1:, arm Clubs _o. Iwun y M` mom-.n1$1 each. Sobsmibera in Premium (`lube wull also lhuu be emiuled.\.o in 54.151 12 _ A r..... ..a .1". |\.....;.;r..u ..: .... __ UH UIIIIIIUVP "3 I . 7 WV. B.- A few oi the hvzuutiful picmrga anlilled Misch'u~f Iirewm-_v," wlm-h mvu been given to so largo a number ul aul-s-vrh- era,uo Inn in snack, and, \\ hnle they remgj. Iobsdribers tn the Ammcun Agriculturiat 5! [3373 may ctmico l~r|\\'o-ml Him and lhe new Obtomo Up Im, hut the chpioq mus! he nauml ul lune u.` sM,*.-clibmq. .I`l1IlZ`l`l`l11.` f'1ll'I.l`L` Al ? I A, pus: `lmul. N. B.--The Chrumn ill be dalivorod: At the Office, Unmdunu: I, Frcrc. - Mounted, I5 cenls extra. Son\ 5] MaiI, Unmounte-d. 10 cc2H.'~ 91"`. Mcunled, 95 vonlw ux'm_ We advise all tqhavu mum m(.m,u,d be, fore leaving the uice, as in the large quamj- lies-__we pm up we are able lu nu.n.,H1,em fo, 1: quarter of Ihe cost of dolls; in 33.31,, gm beueuhun il can usua 1, he done vIsewhero_ Thu nia-turn in aluminum! 9... ......... -..\. u :..u:41'w, 3 Proprietor: 1 `_ .,-..... --.-., .. V..- - -..... ._m,. Take lhe Bed and Clu-apesl Paper in may Would forvlhe Farm, Garden, and Household and u-euro one of the exquisite Pnclutea to, beautify y ur horn-9. 5 i35b6i}i'd3G}`,"k?ohi 'I"..I.- IL- 1).. - ... I (`I .-. _ _. --_----- ~--- --c------v--. .- . FOR 187%. ; The` giiul sazgsfacon which has been ox- 'pre_ss=.d my mus of Ihuusnnds of subscnberslo Iinspnper who have Icruivetl the picture en- tilled .::\Iisclm.-I Brewing." has led thy. Publish:-';.~ lo pr:-v'x.le -anuI::e-r bvnnli I1 `Gift fut Iheir patrons fun the arming your. V An ninniciiu nu] Va Izlinn h\. Hm u-.-Iu|...oA .;l ulallngmauou zunn um unguwu. 'l`|n.l pb]ane1s wnll |'X:L'nl lllis beautiful `85'('.`hr'nmu'lo (Every subscribe: lu Hus faper for 1374 receivrd ufler Ilns mun, ms texaicid _`.)PlnW. II is neatly for imlnudzale delzwry at. "M513: adxsny, has of change. I! to go by mall, 10 cents must he Hem vn gun-r coal or` packing and F0: '35 i.-ma 11 wnll he Muuuled, Valuhhn-J, l ;u-kn`, and scan: posl .paid. ~ N n__Tl|n Phrnmh \\ ill hn dulivnnn. L'lL|v\JL-LII-ILIID. 'bvcompetenu,II_ practical man, not interest- ed in any of the mucking; Such judges wo no sorry to my, no not to be found at sunc of our County Show. A I I 'I`EIl'\QY.` ll! I17 ANT` OD n IUI lllcll palluus nu nu: uvuunlg yulr. An exqnishe 011 Pu min__-_ by the rvlebmggr Amefcan Painler. Mr. H. I". lleinhan, o ;. ecuted e_xpre._ Iur :|Ie America1_a Ag,`-icu[.. (wrist, and vnlnled "Up for Repairs," bu. been most succeaslully reproduced Ill Clnomo by live We known un O: Beucka & SL-0"_ Iris 3 p'1cluuOfH!~('(?l:l!i!l (`hIl1Hlu0<|, which many wn reunga in as wlvm lhvy have Ihem-- Ielviss wixlnessed or burn ::(:lur. nu, am! can no! full to please bnlh (LI and ycung. [`k;e. Chrome '3 so punk-cnly dm 0 an `L'l1iC_O1,l0 ha dislinguished from lhu mig__-il`=Il. Tin I nhIuah:=ra wnll DH:-NH! Iinic I-n..u:I'.`l E+;;im1;a;4;xva};.a,;t. ..e{d%9ns1AGnara.n.t9ed I L' IIQKJ I. I LBIIJKIKJ kl. Ll | l`Ll\JAVl{l hi our III competitors. Not the !oastb'iI1innI achievement was that won by it at the Guelph Conlnl Fnix. when for three days ix was pm in competition with. the Howe, Whcclor t Wil- Inl. Rnunond. Ind olhr-r leadimz American O S, snmr. A(!r.`N'l'.<: Icrm clumsy` l'lIIl.lC II) \."lLI.'UlI 25 FIRST l VRIZl.`\`, - ` 3 S1C()N D 1`l .l7.E.\`, n ln'Il\ HLTOY, ' 1' 8ocrelnry,_ y 4; I'll L For S1-nscum or l!_!7l. '31 FIRST P '.;zx:.<, _ `7v SECUNI) l`]UX[`:F`3. A l.lI|r. wwu vv--wn wvvuvv-wvaqvvvvn Al nearly all the priungnl Fhfbtkylxlugns in Canada {or the lust. Iour _\f'|T.4, Hm (,Ishu'n baa triumphantly carried on" the 1'\lIIz`!l1I\I'\I71'I".v I rxlvsr t\-\l .3 Oolptllulln wnu. me unwv, H ucnor G "H- gog Raymond, IDd_ leading Americun 3 Canadian. Mnchmea, and was awarded the -nut-`Ann -`u.1.-p` |'|l'|'|LE 0 5130 1,: N .sewmc_ MACHINE! i EAD our Record nu h`vxccesg` -which has n v never been rqunllcd by any Sewing Mu- "chine in 0-.u.~..u. UK `DIDQHV I)'nT'll.';\ \JIuld&klIJ at I price within 1 I A4 - 11 u\ annoy For season or I.'~a7:3. '1`/yousands are nnw in use. H/2.1 giving ppm &`l`l"I` .0 n TI.\` 1:` A/!'f'.U: .2-J 9_1:_,*;` 3, S G E NERA I: '1-.1'15I.' EH '1-; 151- ` DEALERS, nccm-an : Brick Block. V Dunlap $2., South Side`, DADHIF B to K ' s VICTORIA STQVE DEPOT [S THE Ml `-7' .'- . " fiu anking SIOVOB Are. wrrsnu-d to cook, 1uke-And druv H13 Parlor, Hull mad Bu: ' `Stoves are in great nu-ioty. Ml his `A `Beautiful. New Picture, now rpndy for deluexy lu every Subscriber lo lho rovssz . j I; 3.. A N_o`W: EBEADY. .3 f . L. 0c;=UP FOR REPAIRS." 2 g . _. -. .~ 0.-' 1 .3 .-Stelt, :5 " Vite th New Bank 0 ATovonIo. Navsi "c_1+:'R"on\/:0. A_meric'an .-v\'gricu|1|n'isH 1-I;-xv-I -. Isa.` BTOVES l.1: 1'vfsiEiiiirii&i:lnii iEi:'E{.iAi?f{`En ~Wne keptcoIi`stan' band armada to order. ' `All noun qfjohhing m the '_._-. .-.... .a"..._'4.`._._-_ _ _ mu G no,-n'\ti~eaa_ zinfdiipntch. Rm box`-3h f}i].`l'c; 2l_,n. ` `cm A 1v1a~:.'~:\-a- 1` ...:.'...... _ ` 7 - - - a V9 Inc I Q `J SOLE A(IN'l'3~`. 1"()R . IN..- . I... 1'-u..n. _... .._- 09 Knits the 1&}B:o:e1 `I a W U - l 7 'ofthe w11ingxo,'1'*:ar:i`.m NM rnhnn 4-. _-.-,- November 28, 1873. 3 A Y F 1` R E 1; G001`) NEWS! GoQD_2:'xws. In/nu -Ibuo ulc Iuuu (II unu. u/nl ,";l`UI PERFECT S/1 TISF./ .GT}U_Z`v . Au inndo opt 9! thlpheat Scotch Pip; Iron. , _ ;.;'u_. 7 --u6lIV"O" .10 2:_n.V F11 1 11IWiEs&' '1')": i"_-L'(")'.\1A s .. -11 ...-....-.o:o.... \...n at... I-...sL.ZIl1.. JJAADJIJ `vnaL\llIlL`IU, sprico the reach of '_al.`, cannot do better than A-(Isl! and Eiamino the Osborn. -y---`cw-A. ___ _ V nnum.__ Nof.'m, '13. vuu-J llllvvv -. ALL THOSE IN WANT OF A - _ '4 (\\"I'l`IL`- L'\l|\ -`lA'II` For the (`cit-hrmml run-r dune-1- nu. cu-v: luvz uu\I vvua nun "1Rs"'r .I>u1z1s -1..- -..A .....-n:_-l ...__ _-Af 's`.'gr:;`a.`z"E" plscq.-`to get good '13"1iViS Lviiiib s, In l\?\.7 '1' UDEA Ii` IVDK` MACHINE .3 uounnk Al l_Il -1- ll \Il'-II) BARRIE; Ll}-Hm v.-v-1 "nun!- TGEQRGE 0. sum: . K ' ` Proprietor. l. `, ` .1, 2 I>1r'L.o.\1As, bl IE7` 14 5.)- |'H L(.vMAS,' I a.:m.\ 1874.] fiili \llIUc'- 46-6|!) ` 10; nu run run LUMBER, i`: And taken In Trade. Immcnrelnli {T1!"u(!t. p_roviousl.y disposed of by rivate don- 1.mct`_],at'my Auction Rooms, Lmrie, on _.'-.1 one o*c1ock, p. m., that vuluatle 4'3 acres or lnnd, 1'. rming the West partvfbot 21, in the 4th Concession of Vespra, close to the mails of the town of Barrie. -rim V..m in nfr-cl mmlilv ant` n1am-Ad and D Vi T'1f1?I1~7 PERFUMERY HAIR. O'IL &..c.. 84.0., And on-rything that is to be found in 1-" i1`uHurtber particn'a1:s euquimof the owner Allan Gunn, Esq , B.m"Ie, or to YHQDFEI DHQVDQ HLIIIS 0! me town 91 oqrrxn. The land is ofrst quality, and cleared and forced. ' h`... fnrknvl nan-t-n'nra nnnnin nf Hm nun-aw BBUiW9FLE3!`1!E!| Cannot do bemr. ` 1 visit.` And uc-rymxng Inn 15 w u. .-_..~ _ :33?-masskaaua swam CHOIC E TOBACCOS & CIGARS WELLS `BRO. l\__-_2A.. Dnlu-in `Hntal . "VQiJABLE R}.~.`AL ESTATE % `FOR SALE. . V 'E UBLIC AUCTION `WEDNESDAY. 1st APRIL, "74 jtg Efiighiit. . I` (`u`iI`.`p003dGdo mu. :1 __lami3VAlV a'i4nt,0`i!I T 0311;! Lcugeu and Bostsolcted Stuck in Barrie _t_3f, Drugs,Medicines,and 0homicu_lI,Perfume);-y and Toilet Arlel, Puma,` 0i's, and Vmniahes, Coal Oil, dd .Burning Fluid, Dye Sgus, V Pipes, _Tobaccc 9, M36 _ Cigars. My speciality ` - ` in nniveIsa.1ntisfa'c,- " ` ~3ion to ill pg!- \ vs I: _s I `e :39` I ' Wanted, It [An Woods lledicll H1, arrie,l. stout, Intelligelmnnd hoxeat boy. mu, inmedintelyto JOHN woons. Medical aH,Dnnlop street, Barrie. . 8-3t }`o`;rury 18th, 18 71. JON BUT FIRST-CLASS WORK- V MEN (EMPLOYED. [ I1`o be sold by Ill. IHU IIIIIU, IIlUl' l]l|`nucUu V WILLIAM BRooKs, ium. ins, Feb. 10, B74. 7 {mp , _ ,,,, , Ai Barrie, Feb. 17, 1374. Fifteenth or muzcn NEXT. TRAYED.-About lhe middl of Novgm. zmlw, four Sheep strayed imu ht 25 ll, of Eua. They have math by which y an; be idenned, and me owner can ve mam by proving ptopeny spd paying ` expense.-,olherwiae they will be sold to my the suns, nfm thtrnolice. V WILLIAM Rmmlm :..... LATEST AND mast STYLES (or II I: blow nwvr v- ----- 71 IV pents. onus .._....-..> An 1\1'I!\'I'TlI"I'II"CH'\` `NEARLY onouau-zfsg. Best` Gtade of Oil Mapnihglnxed V sonn waom-s.u.u RETAIL ;- ;'E6F""r"'1 ~ s .un"m' JIIVEKUIAL HUT , mar, BARBIE. T AXES HAYDEN, -A -V - PBOBRIITOB. cod Dom`, good a_ecommod|1i ou for Tune!- a, good Wines, Lxquorn, and Cigars. An rive Homer always in anon huce. ' 9-y ,D V` I-JlI\lc, Opposite Barrie Hotel, : , Dnnlop St Bu ' . N. B. Pbyoiolnns Prescription: care! 1 .n'..nnnnded_ ~ 35.1 1:; qEW PLANING M1LL,BA11f{IE, (OPPOSITE rue BRRII rounuav. mans. GHER, "Pran-inc- {CY WANTE D. I18! 00. 59:- ' l door :6 the Bank Conn "Thais Mill will be in operation by 11 {II ofdeu quoted st Torbnto Prices. ' r u lln`I`|IIT`IlY.1', { `jun. `. . Ho? ACCESSABLE -yr ALI. tongs.` Rex FOR DUFFIELDS azymn ; irgnwsns, nogEs,' &c..1o onnin. `.1 huv be-1 Iehfctrd with amt care, imported direct fr-Jl the most celebrated pear: and American` Growers. ACHINERY! MACEY 85 TCHRISTOPHEIK, E, BA RBI! FEOIALITIES gaomv. CLOVEIQITURNIP, 8: GARDEN SEEDS. -' nbiorihor is now supplying ever); v_..-my ofpme . Iasz Sngnsz :_S1E:EDs_ 2.; 2| now and Bedding Plant:-2 - In.All the choicest varieties. am Ann cnnnzu suns, LTHOSE WR~O-'V; _AN'l` PURE And will be lled up wih the L 0 I "6 onranxof prieton

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