Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Feb 1874, p. 4

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FRu|T:ToRE. FRYSTAL PALAOESTORES I .' LLANDALE BIAKERYV L. EVEY m1e`.m:, Mi.1 n:a' I. Fm.ow:,' Manufacturing ` Chnniu; . D... ..-....1 ........L- _--. r 1.--- ._-...I - \ . a- - ' T3081; wao WANT.PURE' us... _-p g_..;_ AND wxm as how AT VERY T CHEAP ' RATES. By contract or otherwise, and an A nrmmu an A n . um and All work guaranteed to ,v,,,_ --..v-_u\/ya UV LL \Jl|-4 And also that they were the>ony Sewing Machine Gcmpnny 1 Jury for the Grand Diploma. of Honor. ' ' BOOTS AND iions And can be eectivelf and I..'Ir~r--_1_--1:-I A- CITY LEESTAURANT TEARRIE 8 BE 'B?_J1:1I:0-1> 7r1:::T. EMPORIUM. . W} H. FREEMAN, V .--L u'-|--_ ,7: vs I Bn:D's A Call isluvited. GLUTHS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND GET YOUR made to order, CHEAF :r}:'vE} ' , mt, ' Yours truly, Z. S. E-ARLE,Jr. MD. nnrv. IRHH i ml`! on the latestplana, nu de uten- '"z7oR 1 ram. nu ouuu1,VAN, ` cm-ey s-new Foundry bam. - `. T o_ T R- SULLIVAN, cure) :-new Fnnm The Wheels '& Wilson Manufacturing Oonapany have` 1 August 19th. 1873, announcing that the C n 1111 A-|11\".\lr.11\A r I\\'r -...._.._- |Ic_us R. SHAW, n : Flmnl. nunln Tassels, &c:, `I --_..lI-____ JXBIIJ 7 W1 29-1!: 43- t_f of attraction }yl;o - tl.ze.r!.1se1ve9..or friendi 9:. 3 .uu~.- .oAu.o'r._~--it seems, most pro-H bable that voting by `ballot a.t_election ` will aobn be $116 law o1;1_1o .When this happgng we don ,9,_y`w_ fch `art will be beneted,-J B,i1_t this izvg a-3 . i;noyv,, tha_t,ballqt :_..or no lgaob, Mr. _'] Steishntf Picture.Ganaan> 1.-.~ 4;... ~...`.-: _ I ,-_.. Germany, it is said, is a musical coun- try par excellence, for there every one either sings `or plays; and we opine that this section of Uaneda will soon be ' second} to none in muslcal judging frag the number of Melodeons, &cC,"Mesers. Van Tassel & Morgan are selling. Their Wheeler 8: Wilson Sew-- ing Mgchinoa fro also very general fa_vor- 1 im ' "I l V l . I` l V V f -="' "'"' --"'-z ---uuuumug sum rue uompnny 21: A GRAND MEDAL ON PROGRESS, 35 A GRAN A-.I -I..- I...o cl... _..._.. AL- __14 :1, . 1 erkins_,- Family Grocer, &c.. {stood Family? Flour dlivered in Town `at Mill prices, by Mr. O. A-. J A good glass r A16 can be had at the `Fashion Saloon. " ` `At the West Fd `T Store cheap Teas, Groceries a_n'd P may be obtained, ` Lunuu uu umun wun their disapprov- al. The vote was taken and the mo- tiou was carried , seven voting `for it, and five in tavor of the arn_end:nent. The meeting was thanduly olo3ed.--'- Alefld p1"nr Ia:I.:nm'nu Luv ulccuug was mendulv olo Biitish Amencqn Presbyterian. VBIIIVIUIII in Mr. Gordcn s overture on Forei n S Missions. . Returns from sessions and poved unanimously ofthe Basis, while two desiderated, as essentially declarationof the supremacy of the ' Lord Jesus Christ _as head over all were ordered to .do so at thetnext or- dinary meeting. The Presbytery proceeded to consider the remit, when Mr. Fraser moved, seconded by Mr. Knowles, That the Basis sent down by the General Assembly is considered- suicient-for the accomplishment of union between the negotiating churches. In amendment Mr. M. Fraser, seconded by" Mr. Geo. Craw, moved the following:--The Presby- tery, while regarding the union or the Presbyterian Churches of these Pro- vinces as highly desirable, it the same ceptable to all "parties, and while cherishing the hope,_ that at no distant period, the way may be opened up for the attainment of this end, ye: regret thatinasrauch as in the propcsed basis of union :4 novel and exceptional poo . tion `is given-to the Larger and Short- er Catechisrns, hitherto held" and classed along With` the Confession of Faith as a part of the doctrinal stand. srdsof this church; and inasmuch as in no part of the proposed basis is there` any recognition of the mediatorial -sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ over the church, or over. the nations, clare the said basis defective and no- satisfactory. and therefore return the Remit on Union with their disapprov- al, was taken undo... ....._ The Presbytery took up the remits from the General Assembly. Respect- Missions it was thought inexpedtenr. to pass an opinion at present, though the Presbytery desired to commend the zeal of the author in the interest of congregations, on the Basis of Union sent down by the Assembly, being called for; nine reported having ap- neces- sary, an insertion in the Basis of a things to the Church in the future A Sessions which hadnot sent in returns, t could be accomplished on terms nc- ` the Presbytery feeliconstrained to de- ` nusv. mu. :2. u. uzuueron, uonvener of the Home Mission Committee of Presbytery, tendered resignation of the oice. The (loan accepted theresig nation with thanks to Mr. Cameron for his attention -to the duties ofthe Con- vener whiie in oi,-e ,- Mr. R. Rodg ere, Cellingwood-, was elected unani- moualv to the office resigned by My. Cameron. ~ l'I"I.-I"|, I ` ADVERTISING rs A*13'IJIsT1?R FIR_s1'MEl l`1NG or` INNISFIL which drew: cusetiomen. Ad`rertisin:g ` T MUNICIPAL UOUNOU [ `is like'the celebrated megne {co tone; ' Jen. [M1, 1874. `t d"""9"."YbdY id `,h`1"Wif Vih` . The Reeve, Depuly -Reeves and Counoil- up to the point. -You might as well ' ' ` men signed the Dec1ara_Iion of Oice and i try to; make ,0 dead` man. swun up Qualxcation, and lodged line same with the ` stream an '10" keep peo'ple-frbrn buying Tfvwnanip C_l9rk, and leak their sem,-W. C; of a llberal adveniser. This isthe_ L`'- E!-N" `"9 h - ` experience of every man who has tried " d by Wm H""t'- `*d by .Jh" THE JUSTLY CELERTED. smenn sawma MAGHINE. IL Scou-ThnI Bemamin m... -I... ..... ...-,a| vn uuunuu null! If ` Advertising goes even. beyond that; it is taught and" mennoned in the Bible. Here is one verse. thus has something to the point in it:-, ' And Ilhnnaht cl--A SILKS, DRESS GOODS, . wsvuvj-nTJ'NG, -WIN4CEYS,. Hosuggy, FANCY QUILTS, . . SHAWLS, : GREBE; BLANKF`-TS, FLANNELS, MTNK, n GERMAN MINK 65 ENGLISH cowjxfs sE1`s'o' MEN'S & BOYS: READY-MADEL CLOTHING mnnufactum _ _ Tobaccol, and the fullest stock of the newest GFOCCPIGB In the F FURS in great variety. In [every style and hes ` And the great show of all is in our stock of Fruits, Sugar, Oranges, Tens, Market, not forgetting our stock cf Boots _& Shoes, which is now complete in all Departments. Wholesale J: Retail uvluwtulllp, LU um POW)` In 3':`-, And Ithought to ndvertnse thee, saying, Buy it before the inhabitants, and before the elders `of my people. .lf thou wiluedeem if, redeem it; but if thou wilt not redeem i_t, then tell me, that-{I may know; for there is none to redeem it beside thee; and I am after thee. ' And he said, I WI xe- deem it.-Ruth, chap...-1. V, 4. ' -_._._--j-___; .Lamertine was asked a "friend if he didnotepend too much in advertis- ing. "` No, was the reply, ad'ver-A tisements are absolutely necessary, Even divine worship needs to be ad- vertised. Else whatis the meaning of church b.elle1. ' ` A A-..-n1....._ -7, ' ' The Presbytery of Simcoe rnrt at Barrie on Tuesday, February 3rd, at .11 arm. Present, 12 ministers and one elder. The principal items of hu- siness 'were the following: Revd; _Thos. MoPheraon,oi_ Strattord, was nominated as Moderator of next Gen: erel Assembly. .Mr. James Ferguson tendered his resignation of the pastoral charge of Knox Church, Oro, The resignation was the-tabled, and the congregation cited to the heart reg-A. nlar meetingof the Presbytery, to_ be held at Barrie, -on Tuesday, 24-lh March, at 113. m. A meeting was agreed to be held at Barrie on Tues- day, February 17th, at 11.30. for the diiposal of an application by Mr. W. Wright to the General A-ssernhly for re-admission as a minister of this Church remitted by the `Assembly to the Presbytery of Simcoe: and for other emergent business. Mr. M. Fraser reported that,` according to in?- strnctions, he had ordained Messrs. Alex. Hamil'on, Neil Drumrnond, and Hugh Gallagher, Elders, and constitut- ed the -session of the congregation lately organized in Adjala. MI. hfnrnlnu Miuoirunnrnr in Nlnnlm. iutvly Ujgtllllzeu "1 'A.GJ8I8u Mr. Mnrples, Missionary in Musko- ka, presented atreport of the work? going on tl1ere.DeIails of plans for the building of several churches were giv an by .him,'as well an a statement 01 moneys` procured by him from sub- scribers, and expended. He present ed further resolutions from thecingre` gation at Braoabndge, expressing thanks for the attention of the Presbv tery to the interests of the Church. The Presbytery received Mr. Marple; report, and tendered thanks to him_ for e diligence. _ Application was made by Mr._John Knox Wright, of Muskoka Falls, Muskoka,` to be received use student of our Church. ' After exam- ining Mr. Wright, the Presbytery agreed to recommend him as 9. student . of the first literary class of Knox Col lege. Mr. D. B. Cameron, Convener Of [1151 I-Inntln Mranilnn Al" PRESBYTERY OF SIMCOE. \'r._--It _seeins pro-g sing bv ballot gr. .Im+:n-- n l_z_i1gywh;chparty` STILL AnE._4D.--.Ahid. all _the keen ._ ' (1 mpetition Of,-this Ijnurpyingl age, M1}. _ Mr, Y Hu'n_ter, 6f th`e'0antqzi '1`. mm `still diia- iallery `i8. gs` centre ttgances all >1-ival_in thg Ta line especi- gylgo w;sl;,sp_eaking ally, for no better or cheapof {are to by a1ye__p9;: V mfany mzgrketg; Groceries, Pro V visions; Wines afndL`iquqrs`aIgo, cannot to good and Provisio_1_1s i V; IUVLHIULIB OI Una D`1eS8I' * keep the pot boilin ; something to put in it. 1 ; j ` ' I fa us fsulu mat; _" knqwledg is pa . whxch ls true, . gspecmlly these- times, when a good housekeeper ca urchasing her `Teas, Groceries, rnvisnm. .-.4` `L. 11' ` "- `* ptsorg. .:.uv|U Ltlid H. good world,'-tho,eld of glory, but of all the Fields W33 kl more justly celebrated in gt] the Field Bros., Sewingl ,Farxi1 Implement agents. . K al;er,' it is_ said, is ahead ...-.A.:A...-._ 'INDUs'rnY,--_The Beaver is a of industry and sagacity. both of qualities are the pre-eminent tr `Messrs. Crompten J: Co., of the I .House, for they have always in goods suited far each and every t which they sell at astonishing mu -,9 V in ordinary cases. Try them. ` " V .uuuIu|Ui1ll(l uanueuon,aa we-11' F5 cam. pound Extract of Colocynth and Extract of Hyoscyamus. Test them for your own atis faction. One box contains about 28 Pills, and and each Pill is a eufcientdose for an adnl: - u 5. uu.nlJi'5Uu. 5 Ale and .l.'0I`E8l` for sale by"D. King, of the T. Store; - Those who want good groceries at olow igore ought to pay the Canon T Store 3 visit: Pure Wines and Liquors at the VVest- End T. Store. Tun ExclL.-Doclnr Josephus'Shoahonees . Vegetable Pxlls now su`per~ iorly sugar-coated cannolbe excelled as a Family Medicine for general purposes. _ ` The Pill contains the acm-a nm.......;...- -1 .....,. uuu mmuuers or me Uouncnl. -Carried. Moved by Ignatius Lennox. seconded by Wm. Hunler -- That the Councvl do now adjourn, and stand adjourned. Ulll Monday, the l6Ih day of February. 1874, than to meet at Richard Muirhead's Tavern, Inniel, atll. o c1_-ack inthe forenoon.---Carried. Council Room. Bramley. Innia1,Jan. 19, 1874. n.`-.....a._..-, N o. 1 Teas and cheap, can be had of r. C. A. Perkins. THE new cums? FURNITURE] J V..__._ yavuuy mt-.ulcllI_6l0l general active properties of Mandrake and Dande1ion,aa well Colnuvnlhaml 12...... .1 110% 6!!U 1 Up -Muved by John Scott, seconded by Wm Humer-Thal the Clerk be instructed lo pro cure six copies oflhe Public Suhnol Acl, with explanations thereof fur the: use of `he Town- ship and membets of Ike Council. bv Ignatius Le-nm.y .........a...n L Separate School, Barrie ' and Allandala. It :5 skid that _L 1'\;n1\ -'~ 4----~ School Seolion `No. H H .9 01.--bill ! Ieu. Moved by Wm. Hunter, seconded by John Scott -That the Tteasurer be instructed lu `pay unto the trustees of the aeveral_ Schoo? sections in this To`.-mship, and the Trustees of the .S_eparlte School of Allandale and `Barrie the several sums here below men tioned. on account of the children of School Age residing in such sections, being at the rateof twenty-one c_ents .and each child. the whole of the money amounting to $392.` accruing from the Clergy: Reerve Fund 31 lotted to this Township for the year 1873.--. Carried. A uuuu, 9514., nu ma cnatr. 2 _ Moved Wm- seconded John Scolpt- -That Benyamin Ross `be appointed CIBIB `and Treasurer', to thin Municipality, for theonrrant year, at the salary of One Hun- dred and Fifty doflara, provided `that be per- ml ovary duty appertaining to the. said office! According to the Statutes and By- 4 Lawn of this Townuhip._- Carried, . Tho minuleahf Int n_..i:.... ...-A --`Ii yawn Ul sun! x_ownnmp._w Cl'l'i8d_ V The minutes of last `meeting rend and ' adopted. `V e - Petition of John Coulter and others. for the formation of show School Section. `by Hugh Truetnnn. Communication `from R. G Grelg,_reqneslihg informntion regarding qual-' ity ol soil, and other particu'l9rs,ot this Town ship, by Wm. Hunter. Cprbnlar ffom Copp, Clark 13- Co.. calling attention .to a copy of the new Sohoul Aotpublished by them, by Wm. Hunter. Account` of Wm. Heweou for re- pairing and building a Bridge in this Pawn. ship, by Wm. Hooter. T Mnvnrl hu Tm u.......- _,, I I ME @E@mE3BA3@Ni amp, uy vvul. unmet. V- Moved by Wm. Hunter, seconded by lg- natius Leunox--That the several documents. now before the _Couno:l, be relerred to their respectiye`committees.-1C;m-ied. A. Moved by [Hugh Truaman, aecrndei by Ignatius Lenncx-That the Reeve be`requent- ed to appoint" the Standing Committees for the current veer.--Carrin.d_ Ullllllllllln Charles Pauling appointed Auditor for the cuneng year. ' Mnin hu lnnnli..- I -__.._ UIIIIUII! yI:i`l.|'. Moyed by Ignaliua Lennox. seconded _by Hugh Trueman-- That Robert McKee be up poinled one ol the auditors for the cur_rem- yerzr.-0arried. Mn-.3 L... m... n.__., - -- -- luv um: may 0! March. 1874.--Carri ed. ' _ Moved by Wm. Unmet, seconded by L Scon-..Thax1ha Tr -asurer be inirraole pay unm the several Returning Ofoars sum of Four Dollars eaohrfor RBTVICGB formed during the late municipal elec held on the firs! Monday In January Ina!-.* that Five Dollars be paid m each of the prietors of xha various offices wherein a duties weto performed fa and during : occasions, and an addifionzkl sum of] Dollars to the Polling Place at Victoria, t 6 use of the Hall for the nomination.- ried. `- .I-.._I L -- -- s | IOU. Moved by Wm. Hunter, seconded by lg _ nalius L-annox(-Thal the Treasurer be in strucled lo pay Wm. Hewemn s account_for the balance on Bndg . on 13m con.. amount- ing to $7.50, and .8834 for Plank and Spikes llor Bridge on Penetanguisheue Road. Total .$I5.84.--Canied. Mnwml I... In. H There are a -....I .1 ' Al I` uuu. nugll 1 H181 ! HUI: Rows AND BVmna:.--HuAxgh Tnlueman and John Scott. The Reeveelofcio lo be a mmber of each, committee. !IL..._1-_ n_..I- on w -mm-m me Minding Committees for year.--Carried. Fuuncz AND A`sllsMBnT.-Wm. Hunter andrugh Tmeman. Rnnru-I-mu _ Lu... 0--.. -,, 2 I - -- - Iuuly, m:;u.-uarrIeu. Moved by Ignatius Lennpx, seconds Hugh 'I_`rueman-Thal the time for the collection of taxes for 1873. be exlend the 15th dayof March. 1874.--Carri'ed. bl] Wm [`nnlnr annn...I...l L_, J. W. -IASTZEWN Gs. T11 19 (1 19 ./V1 1.2 E S T0 RE 1 _ `_ -...uu ua vum oefd glnyz renown, &c., ;he know, none are * their line than Bx-os.. Sawim Mm-I-3-M -`~- ` ,., ,-.,.....5 .u.LaUuLllU and ment agents. Their Web ahead of all gom_- {Ale and Porter` on draught, D. King. of the W..+. 13...: -Jom; Scott and Ignhviuu Len- .auUu ll]. gwelr une than Sewing Machine and agents 'N...:.. 11117-1: mun unu season, cheap knwldge is ., nsneciallv +.1.....?o Gentlemehs Furnishing Goods%,TI -Iats%,% Caps, &c- _ V Fruits, are. 1:, mo-'.'EY, Importer, respectfully invites an inspection of his immense stock, which he has purchased for cash in the best markets 7 , and wh1ch,he feels condent, cannot fail to give satisfaction bath in` price and quality. As the stock is large, -r , intending purchasers will do well to give the Honda -of all ' ` lnglmes can be had CHEAP FOR CASH: amen Teas, fresh ground Goecs, new Val Re ' p A` .M'alngas Raisins. Luann Lu-gs Rolsinl, 8a., to`, No._ 1 `Om-rants, ondexcellont old No. 2 Om-r_a.nts.lar god good fresh Figs, Osnnedlrntls Spice Mnrmolade; prime dried Ap . ma sniu mm. Also Wine:,BnndIoI,Glu. mm. s . Bye, Holt, Oolehutqd Diamond and Ronni 3 i has. Almond, Filbert nd Champagne, hlskies-=-suol as 011; 1!-proofswlmkies. 0 best nqrsnteod. _ _ In stock slargoqnnntlty ofpmvidons,Pish~of all kind - ` ` A ~ ~ ` 4 [aking all for ;npt'fovon, I wish my 1: l .`.-. . . e .,oz:31sr;tgss"4zI4>?4H;mr'3'I_nl ,- _.,,...-. us a. u.uu'VU1 Lgacity. of .which traits of 1 .(v. nn .4` n... n-.`:. iii 15 --2- 1 if 12 1`). V !-3'E`N,JA'1/IIN Ross; ` Township Clerk j__._ IIIHHP Beaver a. marvel `In.-.1. -1` ___I, ' 3 tun UL uuU DUEVCP stock Uh!` ova:-rr a-an---- Ohihhen I00 02 ,_,_------uI.I\J U dlllll 'er ins`:-aoled lo Inrning the h,V,fur per election, In Januarv Lmlv nlnn Lv I 1.\JGII IUU. ll`, John '61` in.R'YH'\lo1. In JU 140- 90 150 mm 105 195 102 165 nn ilas _n6w on `hand a choice stock of Sasonable Goods, oonsihiilfg of` 1794 390 CVU 106 201 l gulltl 120. On mpx, secondd by ` final 3. exgended IL: 74 __nnrrin.! out 95 93 - r-- ~-.-uuuu, lual; also. the pro- 35 Whfill nun. 2 draught, West End uuuug HUUU sum orxrm Victoria, To: V Gllpxh 1-- -.. -. I}!!! pull` uvhe:ein auqh such Sm nf Viv -V"-I 11:11.5` ' can, by ERR, nn:-I P. : has nnmhuna (. nu 20 a 35 1 9 23 43 On vs at U5 U1 Beae __; I 9.6 521 19 30 19` on 78 0.0 71 65 22 -uz. 75 18 18 Q0 BARN UM: NoWI'-1ERE : J! 45 '57 KO Hachino "and raipt Oils con-:' 1 NEARLY cpoumsss. Best Grade `of. Oil Manujhptured . v.|.u \/.L.L|J.IJ.o V. ' < Don t forget the place, 2` Doors E'aa\`.of the . Queen s Hotel Dunlap Soet. Barrie. U"B00'l`S and SHOES PROMPTLY MADE T4) ORDER IN THE L.-`.TESTSTYLES- 19 _ _A_sKJFo1>. DUFFIELDS ELEFINED H .:.u- .u .l'J.l..lJ.lJ Is nositively SELLING OFF his presentslock of 3()0TS and SHOES at LOWER RATES THAN WERE EVER BEFORE UFFEREDVIN BARRIE The Stock must, without fail, be sold to make room frr , --.. -........ nu 5:-ung stocked with BOOTS and SHOES FOR CASH._%_ QHEAP Dnnlt fnrnno n... -1-`-- NEILL OFE` Drenam. mm- As the advertiser is practically conversant with his business in `all its details, employs the most skillful workmen, and uses none but the best material, he can warrant all work made in his establishment to give thorough satisfaction to the purchaser. Single and double Harness of all kinds. Snddles. Uollsrs, Trunks, Vslises, and everything connected with the business constantly on bond at the lowest prices Part.- iculsr attention given to Light Single and Double Osrrioge Harness. Sole manufacturer in Harris of the "Excelsior Back and Hip Straps. to which the attention of the public is specially directed. Rnrrin, Jmm In "10 -.4- LU smmw AN'n'u.\mss mm; Corner of Buyeld Dunlap Sfnwerg. lump in uAlll uuu AIL! II II 1| II A` Q0 ill J U ofBc;yeld * Dunlap Streets,.B.dRRIE M GABTHY'S BRICK BLOCK, l)nnIopA street. Barrie Ontario SOLD WHOLESALE RETAIL menu ; II is well made. .2. Non-liabilityto geloutolordergeilhet by or slnuding. _ 3: Perfeczion or adaptability ofallxts puts. ; 4. Easy of workin , light running. Ild_ '10` ed 6. Easy ofmahagement ;' no great sknllyeq to opbrnle it. ` ' 6. Reliabimy; 1: won ! skipamchon or break the thread. ' 5. mmpuoaty of stitch regulator scary to D0 understood. 9. capacnyzo do all kinds of work. sh! ' heavy. 10. It mlltesthelock-stitch firm and 300`)- ll. Pressure-foot canzbn I'68'`d f' g or heavy stitching. - 12. Can be regulated the tako-IIP5P'ig `rd" ing to Itilchfag. 13, Can reglato throw-o` loopin shuttle-race to suit sewinr-` furnish with each . Fumiiy Machine _ one Hemmenone of Hull : combined Tucket, Binder, Buster, Friller, and adjualabe' Hemmer, one extra :Tbl'0I Piece. oneGm'de and Screw, 3 one Wrench, one Screwdriver, one Oiler, six Bobbins, one dozen Needles. one Braider and one copy 01 Diractionl.g Highs; grades of Machine: oquzgiij reasonable in price. ' A1" JOHN LEE?s,. : F.G.WlLLl AH S IIANUFAOTUBING 60.4 I. -Simplic_ily of-conutruction, parts and m menu; :1 is well made. 2.'nu In an! l\I`U ..t..-.:.... ' ..:olmo hv o. neuammy; Ikipsliwhol break me ` 7. Simplicity oftenuiona;-nofhnrd to ran8*' them. ' - 1. aunpucuy of tensions;-not hard 8. Simplicity of regulator .` 1" Highly ornarizerilml Machiho on Iron Stnd, Black Walnut Table and Drawer, [Po'i1ahed.] ..-. vnu naguluxo ulrow-on xoopm Inuule-nee sun sawing.` 14. Has square needle-barghu two` :h.:|-out plums, 6zc., dcc. rAMiiWIT?IINE a specially qxrecteu . Barriq. June 18, '73. _._.._______.:__ L. R. xv}i1.:;s;: s, III'\I'\lII nnvn Isexcellent for the following points MAMMOTH HOUSE 1 PURVIS BRO S. Manufactred by PRICE, $40.00. @'cAL_i. AND SEE IT,` no longs: Sewing Ma- chines hzivobeen - at all widely known to the people, the Singer has been in pro- minent existence, and during all these years has been nndergoing im- V provemenla compatible with the demand: _ goflhe age OHEAP 3001' 8 SHOE srbmz. uuuuuu o D3115 BOOT. & SHOES A GENUINE SALE OF` I['\1 \!'lL n .-an.-- wATsoN-00., VANMTASSEL PLAIN. I5 ak 3()0TS mm nunrm Dmssitg V I I .rnm street, B_o,ttig.9 24-LY V` ,5.-u I mrge quangny ofthe most stylish 'AMg,nIC.xN COFFINS. . ` . . _____ , , A` Kmctgxes and Moiqjngg constantly M on and. y _ _ ` ` atRth9 Iowegt Pyle! tor caph." ` ` ._ {Alto rarge qunhyiiy ofthe IAMRRIH A M nnnnta-.n Frames made to order. u: me newest styles, at E. & W. RORKE S C|_bu1et and Undertnkinn.E}nn}.I;.;....-.. . -_ I 4.1. ~ f . - A: the busy season i do well to cnlland cxau svruruu-'nillIOIl 5 U0 , W "` ` Shnpter & Owen Ham:'llon-Winner E Co. Hal;'fa::-Aver_v, Brown 5' FREE 'LI`()_EViERYONE 2 I MontreaI- vans. Cibluetaind Undertnkingf-2'9 door West at the Wellin .- ` lug : Bl \J..l.|l 1113 I lablishmen I, one on Hotel, Pul~ oc_k. urge. ` ' Urnggia ' L mans, Glare Toronto--E lion 5: CO ,V' Shnmer & Owen nurxoyne. nurmdges & U0. London. - . Newbery 8: Sons, 37 Newgnte street. London Barclay & Sons, 95 F-u-ringdon street; Loqdon. Sanger & Sons. Oxford atreot London. '- And all the London Wholesale Houses. IDIEIIHI In Annilnl Udletnan street, _, ..- rvl ...uun.uI cure. it Cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerled S ` res on the Neck. Cures Ulcrnaled Sure Lugs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvv Sores. - Cures Cauceroue Ulcers. ` Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Grandular Swellinsa. Clears the Blood from ala Impme Matter, From whatever cause arising. _ As llns mixmre is pleasing lo the lime. nml warranledfrev from auvthmg ll-jUl'lDUS to the nwat delicate conslilulion ofeilher sex, the Prop'i-.1'vr uolicus suerer-. I0 given atrial to nest its value. Thousands 9f'I`esnmonials from all purt8. Sold in bottles 23 3d each, and in G_uses,co:- mining six times tha quamit , 1lseacl1--su- cieut to ofect a permanent cure in the great msjo ity of long-standing cases, BY ALL UHEMISTS nnd.'PA'l'ENT MEDICINE VEN- DORS` throughout {he world . Sole nrnnrioc~.- I.` 1' `hr An-rr m EXPORT AGEN Burgoyne. Burbxdges & uuna ma-ougnouv. the world. propriet `r. F. J. CLARK, Chemist APO'I`HEOARlES HALL. LINCOLN, ENS. { EXPIIRT nature ' .... ......w, u-'.uI|Ul De xoo_ngIm_' recommended. or Scrolula.Srurvy.bkm, Diseases, and Sores of all Kinds it is n never-failing and permanent cure. I.n ..,- uunnnl wonm mm BLOODDMIXTURE. Trude Mnrk-"Blood xvllxlnre." The GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER at RESTOR E It . For clgansingand cleaning the Mood lrnm VI 1 neu'r1usA'1' BLOODPURIFIERGKRESTOREIX Forcleansingnnd cleaning the blood from all im nnlies, cannot be loo higlalv Diseasax. mu! =------ lI'v'Gl\/E H_IM A CAL-L.-A-(:0 V ' T I A ]sT0VEsEE |=n=AI=_sI `?TI.'?FrF?T'| M A N`f~i_3" `1"r?3~'6"i" fs"3r"`o a E. -___ _L-2__ _...I .._......L _g1_...-v..`..p 2 )?vuvvIf' l3ARPE\NnTnP,I1nTAB,Un1bDERl vE_I'1'iLfoWJEs'r'1>i1Ic1a:s IWEST STYL@&IPATT_EBNS| I SADDLES TEAM . 511., so . An assortment ofwell made Collaxsinatock and warranted to give satistaclion. Ridino and Drivina Whin::_ Rio: Gard: sExv1NGm%;\aMAg;11NEs,4 IOU WBYFIDICU I0 EIVU SIIIIDIHUUUIL _ Riding and Driving Whipa. Bits. Cards, Curry Combs, Brushes, &c., together with com- ulete outltings for entire horses; all of which he oera at very moderate prices. ` Baxjrie, July 16, I873. _ 29.13-- , ...____._ ....____ s'13;i'i'cV>'1'~{Ei1Y WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT 4 BC A.]'K TIIIIIU (`fT7l\' .JJ'\I\IA.n. ya`. \I saga, OPPOSIT THE RAILWAY DEPOT, DUNLOP STREET BARRIE \,v\-.. .,V../,. _.,.,.,\,~-/. x.-. . , ,.,-_, ._-.,.,-.,.,-A. Elnntnw . un rr A nxvnnn nnm A hr Ior1ur>I\rII\ .w" _"j 'iIVIICT&W Having taken the [remises lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Root, nearly opposite the Barrie Hotel, begs to inform the farming com- munity and the public generally,` than be has now on hand and mauufnctures to order Q A I'\'|'\T.'l7'Q V1: ', E'[A'|D aq;:.xn.L.IuLs.JJ.1. UULIJULJL AND UNDERTAKER, 5 `Q1. `Co, *0- CORNER OF OWEN (3 MJCDONALD v- STREETS. B./IRRIE. EDWARD BEMROSE, fnvina lnlrnn the I rpmiuma lntnlv ncnnnipd I- .. ._.... ....u ummna me tremendou: FURN?TURE ' U! the nawmu nu... -- i1ORT*lE'BLOOD IS THE LIFE. Dulrglntxmiy. nhnn -.'.` .._--- BA.`/FIELD STREET. r j AND 151AnNIcs3-Es1"T.nLH.\1r':-N-r. Consisting of very choic IDWARD BYRNE To puifany kind of Room; &c , at the ,,____..---u-u.nn--.--.-.- 1|) ;.a1u DLJUUU 13 VIVHE Deuteronomy, chap. xii, verse 23. AT J" . P "U' L L A N S , FA > I ` Near the Wellington Hotel. L I'1T_i:`_i;';'V1;-i.;VR E ofthe day. All kinds 9f SCHOOL BOOKS, FANCY 000123, Juno, TEAM 4!`. CARRIAGE HARNESS. DDIPIT VG 9 no A` 1 U 01 the 2 ' it)` 1\ r\1\ ... -nu uuuuuu IIVIJOIESRIE GENT INGANADA. - Mercer S 00;. ,,`_-- ---I- IYIIV _ our stnaas` Groceries. _Wines. 1:`-...o.. 0 - __---. sy Qenhoh in at hand, `pan-ties would Lllnnd examirtne the tremendous stock . 0 ` nun HHJANAIIA. 00;, * - Druggials. . & Co. {giant 1: n w|.,.1-....I- r -(-)f-t'h; 'I:own-, i-s to7bVe seen t --u.~ nrxrxvr ornr\ E,- . HARDWARE and GI .....u-4 unuu, uu.VUl. EXPORT&AGENTS. Burbxdgzes U0. Unlo _-.-..__ CLARKE S lhllnn in Ann f'l`he largest assortment ,of GUNS ever shown in Barrie. . --.-.-- Also {he choicest T 11.1 s 2.1;) Io`! all the new patterns in l grea't variety. -----. 10.; ,&c., to. VI" A II'I`ll'\`fI'.` D DON T 0! theiety II A314 and SEWING MACHINES A1` ' LOD- BRIDLES, '1-Rm "E.05'K STU RE, AT? 1171 T7 I'IY.`I')I'I'I" nnuac III Illlg. mung either sex, the` i; a trial ten" onials from ail nuns. `00. ll ? 6 U0. , Wholesale Druggists. an. Near the muzsnck Fozmdzy, THE~ re, a_t `MOD, TRUNKS. Inn 3 I I Uolernan stlfeet, );ce rind sup |uul_l. ' 2 Whloleaale _42-U Par}; see turing Company received a despatch from Vienna, Dated , Company have ben awarded DWDIJDDQG 9, A nn..v.\ ..----r- -- ~ clothes off and riising in the bed to 1"? - 8312!?-i J. C. Onvxnnurn, Rug. This inlto "1' 3 thatabout three years ago I became I5`? H` with Bronchitis which luted shout OWV 41., months. Iwr so afflicted for the W` '-.. breath that it won very dieult for me 10' and in the night time frequent]; throw!` ntraugiing. Itried three oithe moat Wf '" ` physicians in the County of Northuntwi m for about a year without receiving an! 17"" In fact I continued getting worse all *5` Atinst 1 ms advised to tr the amt 51;, at uses Remedy. Iyhonght A game of it. In` :4 f? it was about nished I he nu to toe` 9 ljetter. ' _I continued to no t until! 11!` . three bot11u..w1,1on. to my mtuution. ,2 . that Iwuaa we1l4ne,verl-had been P" 4; to my illneu, nnd hue beer: so ever H000 `.54 * V `- ~ . M031` '9" 4. 2.... `Sworn befan no It Bmithhld, thu 09 I" ofAprll A.D. 1970. _'f_ : V" V ' J. x.wnLL1Na'_1\<)N,3-" .1; , ' - ' &--- - '.u ' wommzuruL- arms or LUNG Dliff - '1 ` ' Bnoognn, April W : 18 '. r J . 0. 0aoginm.- lpq.-8n.-3? 351" i'%`;`'..I"&;.I3" 325. ii`! 3.. we ' ht?! .1lIni" VII?':'6`:u8er ed andnntliim. '2 7 , Knothelp hen; an-lost`ru,'ort,' I, I ttlef of `thee goat Bholhoneea II ' ;;'_:.":?:{",:g; :25, I " `I ' .-" Tlonmww` Pm` of_Remed in zargg pm as $1. 1 lsper Box 25 ca. 5' For Eye by all Dragging and Deals: Medicine Aaurrn ton Bnm__Jobn if A. V. Palmer & Cop, Watson & Co., Wells: Omnnu -J. W. blavem, Counmroovm Carp nor. * Inn--n.... A-_- - -4 uurv nor. ' Wnonssun Aen'ra.-F Newcastle; Lymnn Bros. liot A: 00.. Toronto. auto: 01 Cures. can be obtain Trotuic-l,Ihe Hand-book, or I circulars om any ' tupectablc Dominion--mic. , '5 1- vs - - - I _ ZWHYI :: SIMPLY Bsc.w|.n the Valunble active unt V8`I.:ble xngredxeuls same of whgkva ' ` m"""-J": ouch aslhc xlrncu of Wm.` CW 3'71`: P0d0phvl|um.Juni r '1: Smart: Dandelion, HyOSy3IlHls?eC,(iupuo.:lnd Eu _ C"`*'.~`|'I!h. Jalnp, nocolvine Alon, Cum . 5r- 51.0) which entqr intov lhe composilioncf J Comlhpcd modncine, are such and so.bIrm:I\ claszn._adnd ccmpoundd,thu ixis madam: , Eerchln curative in the Known world, udu. nolhelrg ulac-Lonlhe syalcmina vor mm. and (curable manner. No manor wgax y\|H L` men` `MY 5.1!; or how long standing, :1 Wl;;.'.l`4` `-' spoland auc-nish y(u by the n id mmr` 1.5, `::'i<`rh You ate reuorod to pcr{ocx_ um: um ' This M8Hnln.- E. ..l---__. -- 1 _, p, . ._L. . : 1 -J_ The! the Gun Sxosnouno Rpmxuv A}. If oflhe Emxnem lndmn Medncqno Mun, Lu Lewisloscphus, ofthe Gren1Tnbe o[Shc.-act BrilishCo{umbia,is workin the mall Hill"- and n.~:2oniahingUureslhe orld evgr hflfr Never m 1110 annals otcanndian Memcllll has such success attended the Ingrodnolion oft mcdiqane heretotoro. .I1r'n Ira PROCLAI M THE GLAD Awznw "l`|..n.|_, n .. ,, '-8U"?. . Eat.~h.Pot and Box of my pzpnxaticnz bu: '- tbe Briusb Government S::.n:p_ with 11.: um`. Ho!?oway_ s Pjlls and Ointment, Lr~_-d; -1 l1~1.iam>dl 'rmwIA9. L`lnYlnlln.' .. mm wcmmoussl a.Iu:x> n Iucy vunuuuc ID Venn IDG Mme, ` The followin nretha name: and nddmu ` ofsr,-me ofzhe ouses who get my m,;,.. ` from here direet:-- . " Messrs. Avery, Brown & 00., Hnll!ax,.\' ?_ Messrs. Forzytb & Co., Halifax, N S. ` Mesera.T. B. llnrl'er& Sons, S`.'Jol~n,N,a_ ` Messrs. Moore & Co., Victoria, B.C. J Mr. T. Des Brisay, )ha1|o1te Town, P._1. Messrs. Langley & Jo , VicIorin.B.C. I My Pills and Ointment are sold attbelor. ; ' wholesale net prices in quantl-les or gm , 1 than 20 worth-vi:., 8a. - 8d., 22g'_ 14. ,,. dozen boxes of Pills,or- pole of Uintmem . wheel; remittance must be sent in advnza. Tbesr medic nn are not sold in the `'z`- " Sum-7. Dank Did anal Dav A6`-.... -_---._.2 , -'n;2x'owuy_'.I rgus K -.311 Umu [I*3igni*d_] "mums 533, Oxford Strest, W C.. . Loudon,Ju!yl 1873. .4 ecs cRauIl " nV:.u-rib Bladdgr and Kidvfzyag Bulky; `kil- painliincidanlal to Fmalu; and all Dunno 1 the Urinary Orgrm an richer Sn. lUl`l.,. ....l.... ..r `L2- u-.u-x__ I.-- L... _--....A ' ""'"ZIJr3; uI.;7.I.}Z Er " " ' 1*':.:'::.*::'z 5: M"- The only Syrup prepnroli hon D1 Ohlnobhlfl Formuln, and certied to be Chemically yin. Price 51 par Bottle. Sold by all Drnggbla. For Fhcumariun, Gout, Nwnlni, luubqo Sciutu.-a, Wandering Pains, Sthua ca the lhh or Jomls, Spraim, Bruiun, Nwlbnup, DWKQ . Headache, Earaclzr, Toothuho, 41' --.- _. rvvvvd ID! no In vuunvv U2: The va'lu:a or this Medicine bu been panel In numberless instances how on xeoovd. Price $1 per Bqte. Sold by All Drug!` gen "'i'he King of mi i.mInenB.?o Price only 25 cents. Sold In all Dune`. TCPIIIIIIUD I III EH11. As it is not at all necessary for this CA; to incur. any expense in the sale of their pxodnc- tions, or to a vnry limited extent {trading on they do upon my name], they are in a Ponirvq ` to of}?-r them at: very low price {n_n; " yvhere_thoy are purghneed by a few Wham'a that I can name, and will name I. 1': after} xf they continue to vent! the ` `r -4.12 The fallowinnr are the namcn "A .44 I-EOLLO wmrs Plus and OINTMEHT. I have for a oonuidenbietine putoonaiaowd it to be, my duty to advertise the public. 01 the Britie in North Amarionn Provlnooo'agulnaMmy- ing from nag:-inoipied dealers medicines nan Ming from cw York, and sold an my "1!ol`tr way :_3 Pulls and O1ntment- in which much luv Dz * ::;:*:=**; ;:*.`:.:'::::--.:*=:`* as my ma e. er c oe a temp: to enumente the many devices to wl.ld1 the zactiea have had" reoomia. They eoy, amongst other things, that 5 new label has been adopted by them, and with ban-fr-ted el- front:`]r{ caution the public against being de- rive s urious imitations. A nnni mpan hv the name nf Hnljnwn-r '1: Ina- IS- To BE HAD.` ( Ivzu uy upunvua uuuIuuuI- A poor man by the name of Holloway '1! un- ploys d by the so-called Chen ix] Com; nil} in New York. vsho lends hi: nnmn for a small weekly sum. The medicines sold by lb1aCmn- puny are palmed of upan the public on my Ho!!oway's Pills and Ointment," so 11 it won they to injure halfthe community no dmmue wouhl fall upon the fabricator: of these ten- pounds, but would considerably damage the reputation of my make. A: it in not at all npnmmuv for OH: PA in so |L {N I ME,N_T. Punmouaiur conwnrnctl. oGus MEDICINES. TITXCC Xfj QTIX Z"IT ooupomvn inum nx1`1iAo 1 7 Fbr the prennon "and can o( Vatican COM'P(.)UN D SYRUP OF` VICTORIA ELEUTRIO f_VI.r9mJ VICT9I_e._ The Wheeler & %Wilson VIVO ZWHY? - AL- `[1,! we omnmoa oy lean" lfbook, the Ahlll" teapecublo Dmggm fl 5 n-..-u unnlutenh L.f`.r1: nuLLo\\ AY. W D. .7. -Northrop J: L}! a. & n ,Tm-nmo: l'ln;-0 . as 0., ,`3,;;m-;.-_- ao_.?. Burl!!! Ln- 1- I`. n! `34-2!: ~~..w'-In. ova:-.2 `C315 lhO|l'"ln;f 5(- ."t. ; their e1_ 3E .1rlaptilla. ink; ." Sui '. Radio. A nyil 1 7 K " ' ll _f`_Yotcriu~.x; gxtiaerfuul, u j.-hopes by pro: an ant to li'J':'.' tnltnt LU! sawed u `8 `Sb es 4 14 trio. G`RE AT snow or .. For p; N`-go: $4, .. ` . airy`, April} .uu.. .11]: JSIC` .1! 5` %w-s ` I rcddenc nan` D`. .i mi.- AND THE ` `HKNB 1` UUUUI November 1 --u'|`ul :*1v/< 2 _, ....u\. null qaon ` his | Ann rlnmv IE A_'I` THE JUST WHAT WE HAVE A'L'WAYS SAID. &c., &c., com WATCHES, GOLD CHAINS, . SILVER WATCHES, . FANCY CLOCKS, GOLD JEWELERY, SILVER JEWELERY, _ ELECTRO-P LATEDWARE' .5`/IIVTA OLAUS 111:/1) QUARTERS TVOYS-FORTHE ILLION PARLOR CROQUET TABLES, ' BOHEMIAN _WAR'E`S, . ' . CUNCERTINAS, - ` VIOLINS. ' ' - V... n v.u.1.Lu.D1.Lu.BU `Present as a mo] Jet Set of` Jewellery, _ Present as a Gold Locket and Chain, Present as Gold and Fancy Rings. 7 Present as Violins, gonigertigae and Tref D;-o=.....o. 4*-.. 11-..`- THE BEST IN THE WORLD. .v--:- -en II 1 ':XGENTS FOR THE 00. smot-2. , iAND'M'i'D_AL OF `MERIT ' recommended` by the Internatiodal uulul '.unnDn.D. LTYVDAIIE , Present as a Gold Wastchhnri Chu, ` Preunans s Coloured Gold Set ofJew P1-went as a. Bright Gold Sn. of Jewellery, gs Present as a. Silvenwatsh and Cbaln fora ellexy, resent as a pair of Gold Bracelets, . re'ent as a Garnet Broach and Ear-Rim `icy, Evervhailv nhmda Ian.-;.., flan} .. ..-- -L- 4, neitdoor to Mr; G:-ompton s. . ' V l AgtAR'ii5~ bias. we s, Wines, Jzca :ANDEu 424v THE` &oV ------- -u BI! 13-, And -everything that is to b Ionnd in a msT~cLAss BRIUG swam: Icno1cnronZ'6os clams j 1 . wELLs 3120;, K Obnbiih-Bud-Hana` ` T W] 's`1*umi-3, \PEBFUMERY, T HAIR on. am. ac... `n .ggnpboI.:.....' 4|.-. 1,, ,. ~ -<` - ' - l,!!!!"!I9.8_.1.:i;`p':af i:a`i,niicnnst V , . Ayuuut up uulu uuu E8-DCy mugs. Present Trefolias, Pre'ent Ear-Rings, Presents for Gents, Ladies, Boys and Girls, to suit every pocket. Everyboily Should lmdw that we are the most experienced hands on Watches, Clocks and A Jewellery, North of Toronto ` l A GREAT RUN ON THE LONGINE WATCHES lu GOLD AND SILVER. WATCHES, ' CLOCKS and JE\\ ELLIERY, made` xeraired and warranted. ' `SIGN OF WATCH AND SPEGTAGL_ES, nextdc-or Mr . G:;ompton _.____.___, ""'JI - v -v -onvx` C`-IQILIIIUIIHH Cannot do better than pay our,ialim..ent a visit. We also kgep on hand '1?!)-_-l....'_..-.-- ~J'-- 0|-'iers promptlysttg; Hayeld svtret, 1-Jpposi 7 ' V vbnildina nayueuu auger, upposl ,` uvrers v building, barri. Bnrrie, {My 16 1873. al_-avlnvpsj II Va. naval (ll V311 At a deptpf I07 feet, which can be proved on application to Mr Walwan, 61110011. 'J2Vespra.. These improved pumps gfe ' rx-at`: Irrr . nr 13' an-. .- n Oisferns of alrsize:-I z and at was :1 ~--........_ The subscriber challenges the co""xty of Sim. eoe to manufacture Pumps-to :mpete with `those made by him. they are rnsnnulinn nun nnnn nun..- _ WARRANTEF Easi1"i%}1E;i`By;{chi1a At deptpf feet. be nmved nn UNB|I1V'2i:"l?ffF: W8 2| F} TAEBEENG Esmvanxsnmnur. _v___ , , 7? `\ ~_------gs`.-an-41.1, As they have _`had Large Experience in all de- partments of the business; _ .J. G._H1LBOR.N'& -BRO. A11a.n_da1e,Oct 29,1873. 44.1, ___i H _-:_.-._.>.__._._.... ya EHALLEEBPIJMPII }REMAii{Z4'i2'Lif'"5iii}A P 1 A`...l nil] l-..o `Anna: L... ....;....n.-___, I.Ir&JL'l.JI.IrJ&Jl-l.Fl-JLA g/11;-`[1. . : And willjast longer than any-otherpumpbuilt Ilvu um sA'.1*1si"Ac1716N vgl}`X1?ANTEED, in the above villages Families regularly supplied with the b~:si ofBread, nd full weight; alco, Cakes and Confectionery of all kinds, in any quantity, of rat- glass quality, and at low prices Plc-Nlcs, Socials, Solrees, &c., &c.. LIBERALLY SUP} LIED (A mmn BAKERY rl The Subscribers beg to infofm the public of Allandale and vicinimthat, they have opened on! ?C0_utectio1,1er y StAore-! "name, Oct. 20, 1373. - rag; ""`l7 Ur? A COMPLETE STOCK OF GOLD ANDSILVER WATCHEQ, AND CLOCKS OF ALL ' ` BEST MAKERS. !. 'WHAT IS SO GOOD F0-R A CHRISTMAS - aGoId Wm-.h'nnr1 (nun. - D..n...\... -- - __ . . . .. . - - BUY YOUR, READ.Y- MADES! Lmn nnm 1r.{vvvu % P83 K nmTTfJi;H 1\!'lI\f|r!I7rv-uus- aacpozn vwoh 8 ' vvcsmue vzrcpnn 8: aumgu mac vwaann 3 vuuuuui . - $13: For 8678701 months past?! have used your Compound Syrup it:-the treatment of lnoipientPhthtsis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other aections ol the Chest, and -I have no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the remedies used in those diseases. Betng an excellent uervnna tame, it exerts a direct inneucqou the nervous system, and through it it invigorotes the body. It nfunln ma nlnnnnm In rnnnmmnnrl n IIII'U|lglI II I! IUVIEUIIKUI (UH "GUY: It nbrde me pleasure. to recommend 3 .-emedy-which is really good in cases for which it is intended, when so mnuy ad- vertised are worse than useless. .- ' ` Inn, Sir, Your: lrnlv, la. D. Er St John; N.B.. Jahuary, I868 Q>y'a0o5:Pa3 omvodlgaimr E0333} - A l'\,Il`I 1 %@nJ:mE@M WTCQEEEIEE 2] `The subscriber begs to announce to thb pub- `lc of Bvrrie and vioinxty, that he has just re- zurned from Toronto with a freehand well as- xorted stock of ' - GBOGEBIES, FRUIT, Ar. nun}: an h: an! tn I-ua a}:-n A`AnIn'\`Vn`A ,, , __. _ --_....,. .., Cabinet Makeyaud Dealer in W HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.` The bst,1argesc and cheapest 'stock in Barrie. Also a Beautiful and yell gelocted stock of . ` Fancyoods and Berlin Wools, A Ottomanaud SlipperPa1tsrns, V Rrnin '" *' ' ` `. ., BENNEET.` . %.*J?.'.A%.IJ:.o1-*2. and Eraida, Toys, Vases, .. --u-nun, av. Toy`, ' A Jewellery, ` V . Glass Shades, . #3., `C. 1 ' kc- Near the Steam Grist, Mill, Barrie. ' 61 ly- ,. Bmembef 2 there I no Cheaper House In Town man,` jwm & mggl % % AT Bl ants, OF THE NEW BRICK BLOCK.` _ @w a. SEQE mama -1*-u-iu- - _-_-....-an The `Smelt -18 larae,'and em- bruces BRICKBVLOCK, DUNLOP STREI`.'I`- rI.n4`..\4 `nos-.n.u.-..n..-n, yuan.` \./.n..n. Am, such is is not to be dean elsewbxo. Ovswms or run BEST nnmns. ORDERSAPIOMPTLYVATTENDEB T0, and n'll linrlr anon-nnfnnpl In opp rmmn, BRICK nnocn, - - - nvmpop $1.: nL_nVn1E". `Barrie, Oct. 15th, 1873. ' - ' A

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