_ f1"~;.;'[c'a;1:.;;,,1ejt,.-,1 1...; ;;;,;..;;..';.,.. ;::::e:;dz:.:'::::.;:1`:`:i`f`;g.`,':;":;;i3 in-=;s,;.%*eoq.;x- [ . % 5 "35" `'1'?3 f"3'8W8 Vwltlon, _wh_ich last tribute of _ respect by Ydllqyxng tlie aftl;e'.party.vfas.`-ieftfin `I)ll11- 353$}, .-pug aid? 7' svm*df'.* P*"'vs.*` bunsms body to tnesnm. ' `- and-onoivbntqousoeut-th mea3 `Mg % - "3-'1`*' ;- ` mower regunentf. of wntnegeqa, It `. .-hid__,.tted--' _9el10t_er exemplxcatugno`: ioqsuif .Dr..Ka1nedYa'-lipmnng of hm Tnwhynr Himg-V_. - .. ; :-deb _ .4 V. H siidih ,2 of!l`uffks . we clxent_s,.haa 1-esolvedtoc:_m cupim salon` 9}`: 5:`_, ~ frd - .. ma; ggt;l he has .-which cmin:*w_._ ._. , 7 . T . dfthe Judges or Jan kn . '-V...-4-an IV, J39? _lnl'0l.lg _. 7/1-If n`._; . }%1;u.m t"P'1`=2" r"*?@*?*"?*`**M~ For good and {cheap Groceries, Pro: risions, Crockery, China. and Glassware, rou cannot do better than pay Perkins I. visit. r ' , `vvvxn nuuu uuu uuw 0011.105. For the iriformation of the friends of the Temperance cause, I may state that the order of `Good Templar: hero is mak- great headway. In the Lodge of this city there were fty-three persons joined _ -in the last two months. ~ .I2....:...-..... :. ...u.-_,, 1 n 1 uxuuqmzuvu my 615] (II vvmmpgg. Them in quite a. furbro here about the tint Municipal Council, early as it is, and I',guoss there will be pretty hot Vworkwhen' the time comes. Wan I-Ln ..`t`.._......:.:-_ -0 .1 n - u .. ' -unuu 1 VA 0 LHUIIOI. Last week the Provincial. Parliament `was in` session here. They passed a. bill; to enlarge the Province, and one to Indorpomte the city of Winnip_eg. Thel i Ollif 2. lm`):-A ]'|A\-A uhnn} ALA .. ....u-u--u v, nus vxuvuruc. Dmgn Sm,,-Since I v;v1-ote you last the1te}_lins been nothing very. strange M in operation here. We have had very pleasant weather, Sunday, the 2nd, was the coldest; ye have had, on that day at 10 pan. the thermometer {hood at .110 below`zero. 5 Since that it has ranged from zero to 36 above, the average being about `20 above. This morning down as low as 3 below zero, and not at all unploesant. _ Until to-day we have had : very little snow, and noyr we have only ; some 4 or 5 inches. -r__`______1_,15_ a on C\ .. .n.-nmuuu uuuuuu. 11610 1U.`O_llll:l.y OVER- , when at very pleasant time is antici- pd. V This question was opened by Mr..But'- tel-old,. who applied for aid in some shape, in the event of his locating his -works"-in Barrie. ' b M -fnov. am, To 't7:.`E'i!i!o'r` oftlu V./Idvunce. 'I'\_..A (1., PI` r"mE."eJi": {F 1Z"y"Z3'1y"w" th the conditions so to be settled by the Council."---Carried. ' lHl_3_,.,., 11 It 1'\ . gxnat .3117. uewrey -and Mr. 4 efd be entitled to the benet . ....--._____._J_LlA_ If ;`I, _.__ , i*;I%9r*bLern3?!9%%zrta uuarvuusunn, nun uuscr Luuuunuzuuruns in aline of business likely to be success- ful in part of she country, and of a. description from any business already established here--freedom from Municipal taxes for ve years, consecu- tively or not, and on such conditions as the Council may determine. 6 That .M1', Sewrey and Mr. Butter- . Rafa I-m m.+:+.I.A 9.. H... i......;:+ ..c n.:.. ' A 03 motion of Mr. Perkins, seconded a by Mr; Hunter-,--'-it was resolved: That this meeting are of opinion that manufacturers should be encouraged no settle in Barre, and would recommend the Town Council to publicly offer to foundry men, `agricultural implement manufacturers, and othermanufacturers in nvlinn nf lune-lnnna Nlrnlu in `La ...... 5, LOCAL wxmms. Yours, &_zc., MANITOBA. Wxxzursa, MANI'I.`OBA, . `Nov. 12th, 1873. J 9`,.`fu.- A.) .... -- T. E. Rursox. I . L jaiei ltewed, Fried, or: h_e'Fg.shio:;` sg19on.- . IIHIIIIQQ I0: ' ' WI are agents for, and sell the but makers `in Pianos, Organs and Melodeons. The "West- onnnnn" Upright Piano in on exhibition now at our eptablishment. Call and examine it. Thu no!-.HAr" Piano in nilv making Sn 1-..- 1 Fol,` 8'0sL% vF.s_gxr;ily .Elou}? go #9 ggl `re: 12.}; r . _: _ g . ,1 1'uq.mg :9, poeplgonsj rgxotovraph Gallery asit isrwell Ispoyn that M? Stephens i_ my all adds the beat. artist in North 0; fsoaxthsixnooa ' -1 ' % ' take take; fh mm-m.t` 9f living 3'7 ~ - -uurur!9V mum aw -W WWI; 41 SUV Q18 P10: I tis_ts.A This is`.-juswhat. ev'$:," .939 doing in this _s_ection. They are an ; lfns 99.-5*?P'1}n3' 'P.ht8mP1i Gallery, I ff"i%. ~5`9`'?11.1999_*h5*_lr:'$t9ph9ns is. . u_1e new. mqngy Qmxtgp fol:-` permission to take hi8.1.i1.ten9$8- 383111` fe*$ive<}.' the A [1 lowing chayacteristio 1;eply.':-_- Is ' t_ 3: 'seyva_.1;t a, dgg that he _should do such 1;. thing? The retort Was witty, but, like I sensible man as he was, he got h1's'pio_`- \_ . _ j " '-that Irreziteataof -h`m'm. ....T _ 86 "}.3_1.LD.--':|.`1;e` late; Vv1(Y)t`e;l:1'1-i.1;1a1 .IJ4}_lnter, Landsegr, opoe sent a reqxzogggd -1 39 _si4n!-?)_' .I}t.b fol` permission to tk llkenedm .m'aJ-' 15n 1`1'a3'on.I ` H... 1.-.1 - OUR CHEERFUL Fmm.'D.--We have beforeeus an excellent little sheet hailing - from Hamilton, with the above title. is The editor and` proprietor has been locat- - ed here for some weeks taking ebches of the towns and villages in tlie county, and has introduced it, no doubt, to many of our readers. To those of them` whom he has not reached we -would sa , BSPB: cially if theyhave families, take it-A--the r `price is" but a dollar, and the paper can * 3tains a large amount of excellent reading . .nutter "fan" the M3}. and it at `.3 very high ' fmoral tone Parties wishing to .gub3;-ibegm; do so at most of the country Peat onfmeg, .. or by sendlng a- dollar to White & (3_c_,*Pr9pzi.' .;.`..Hm}=i.1,t9n: `T ` ;of this .,,.w_,...._,, an u|50'cu1,01l, lamps, glasses, 0." Remember,` the Medical Hall is just the place wliere these , good things are to be had. ' - V V nuurvu, uubu 111 town and country, that M;-. W'oods, of the Medical Hall; sells to those needixig them,` the purest of drugs and chemicals. Ho also dispenses p1'esoriptions with the greatest caaro ; but what is even of more im portanc to` the fair sax, he has any a.mo"unb of beau- tifyers of the complexiomand toilebarticles - *ge;x as alsovcoqlgil, lamps, glasses, 0, _i'uSt nhlce wlinm I-Juana mm-1 A7--'- --' . Gqpn N'r;ws.--1`I1.re is 4 t-vita saying to [:he effect, that one has to go away from home to hear news. But it is well known, both in town and thug \Voods,of- Medical Han` ...n.. our egatauusnment. Unit and examine il. _ Tic `*Decker" Piano in daily mnking its way intorthe Drawing Rooms of the but society, Iolely on its, own merits, as attested by the rineipnl Municiai J ournnll .n the United States. hen purchasing leave your ordon with us for a Decker. . J. IDWARDS 8 SON, |(nn|(nnI Inn: in Tigixigrv CHURCH [Sammy SCHOOL Ex'mm'A1:uIaNTa.--The third of ` the se- ries of these interesting entertaiumwts will come, oil` in the Paroclxial School House, on Thilrsday evening next, and in azlditiqu to Vocal and Instrumental Music, in which that populiuj 3inger, Mrs. Murphy, of Irm sdl, has kindly con- sented to take put, Readings and Reci- tation-,' the Comic '1`-rial scene; Bardel vs. Pickwick will be given in character for the tit*stltime' in Barrie. Such 8 vs.- ried progra-nma will doubtless d-mw a. crowded `house. Admission to non- 4 ticket holders, 25 cents. ' V A PUBLIC Baxsucronr-It is said, and with truth, that he is apublic bene- p factor who makes two blades of grass - grow where only one grow before. And : he is no less so who alleviates` the toil- - "some monotony of womaus life. This praiseworthy task is ebctually accom- plished by the Osborn Sewing Machine. The agents for this machine in town are the Purvis Bros., so widely and fa- vorably known as agents for some of the best 4g1'ic11lt11asl Implemonlzs in Cana- da. Read the Osborn" mlrortisements in anotller column, and their go buy it, you can't do better. ' Wmnm Pnospacrs AT Nm.so2v's.-- Crpakiug is rather chronic at present, and tight times are prophecied, and we . were 9. trie inclined to join in the gen- eral dospoxidency. Last Saturday, how- ever, 9. visit `to. the Nelson House dis- pelled our gloom, for the store was crowded, and money was being exchang- ed for goods at 9, rapid rate, and in the Tailoring dep5a.1'tn1en_t they were as busy as bees. N elson's_ winter pnospects are bright enough anyway. i `Cause- Good andVCl1eup Goods, accommodating manners, and liberal and truthful adver- tising. ' A ' CHRISTMAS is Co1uNa.-In a. few weeks Clnristmas, the ae:-won for good i cheer, will be here. We may as well inform` our readers of the fact Ttlmtthey will find the Marlin Bros. up to time, as they have laid in 1 hea.vy- stock of the primest Groceries, Teas, and Christmas Fruits. They have also on hand a large and well-assorted stock of Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots uml Shoes, 410., suitablovfor the present cold weath- er, and 'a.n excellent Show Room to ex- hibit them in. Don't forget the Mam- moth House. { WHAT ~wz: nu Expzor.-_-It is but reasonable to expect that the recent fail- ures in the States will affect us some- what, and make employment scarce, and money.ltigl1't. It therefore behooves us "all to be careful of the ailler, and m to it that we buy only what. we need, and at as cheap rates as possible. We must live, and to do so comfortably we know of no better place in town to get good and cheap Tea.s,Groceries and Provisions than at Powell 6; _Co s., opposite the Wellington Hotel. . I Tun BANK I{0'l`EL.--All must admit that, under existing circumstances, ,a first-class is 0. public benefit, and there- fore it is we hail with pleasure the open- ing of the Bank Hotel by Mr. 0. Clark- son, on the premises lately occupied by- tho Bank of Toronto. The accommoda- tion for boarders and trzwellers is very superior, and sl1o`bzu"w-ll stocked with the best of ales, porter, wines, liquorri and cigars. ` The proprietor is well and fu.vo1'v.b_ly known as/9. successist in his line. - `Music AND Snw,nto.--Tho marrying season has,a.:-rived. To all and singly who intend `committing matrimony we would advise our male friends to marry a girl who can both sew and `sing, as they will thus secure a good housewife and 9. cheerful companion. Buy 9. good Musical Instrument, and 3. Wheeler 85 Wilson Sewing Machine of Van Tassel & Morggn,_ with -some other triing etcetoras, and then you will be happy for life. " i A GO0D,'FIT..-fwie know of but few things more annoying in this life than to have good cloth spoilt in the making, which is the case when it is ill made or badly tting. Now both these evils may be avoided by purchasing, and geting made to order, units at .Mr. R. Winning : Tailoring establishment, op- posite M. H. Spencer's store. The most fashionable goods are thereto be had, and stylish makes and good fits are : guaranteed. - T - ' can be had a._tW.etson dz Uo's., who, in padditions, keeps on hand pure drugs and chemicals," "coal oil, machine oils, lamps, lamp glssses, toilet!sets,. and all that is usually kept in rst-class Chem- ist and Druggist establishment. Phy- sician s presetiptionsste also there ca.re~ ` fully compounded. Give Mr. Watson at call; ' _ ' - J 01638 Vnm-x;.A'nn Amusnnnn Tnuu um Svnomnx. 4-- Those Trusses are. without doubt, the` vary but in use, and can be had at VVatIon dz Co I;, who, in nrlinn In-Anna nu I-aunt} nu ma Jan A..- .`U IIVC, BIN! Willi we DIVE DOE WUGID ge Stationery! Smtioneryll Stock incl Foolscnp, Poet, Note Psper, Envelopes. in nlllnnpeyaizel Md prices. - ' WA Pnnerl Wall Pnnol-H Wall `F -u -Im9r'!!I=H.l nave!3I'_ o" Wm` vhouzh 1: powerfu) " ""V-GUROIQRMEIHlf9n,c:uom?l,anlimopy,oy [ _n~:nm.,,`~ v. . ' . -' - --umhuhon. uylhinu b')Yl,rl]lI_|?_.l.ue -..,_ V. ' ' _ - -'- F directions uix'll1e_g.a~mphlex around ea. .. I p_ac|:n_ge,,w`hichuhould ccgrgaluny prtserycd. Jo) Masts, uhW\3r_onx,_$: PROPRIETOR. _ 0:20 do`lla_r and ,lwelve.and-a.-`h'al! oeri'n~'!or port au,enaMio'd Nrorjlggq Va Lyman, Newcastle- J;[2'b....'~*:::':;z:- "f;'~.,~* *:5s:4%,1.'2i;;:::;.::'.:, .:;::?." `Sci -4 9 -, "g -W ,'y,"*n;*.,,V.Palmer'& ` 3 3 g!1_ju;B:qp.',`J Dapon;nndT. '~- "3Y'e.Bn`-`t "B1-0.301 : - J ` _ .:`-T._. .... av uaufu . Tlgma Pills shautd no! la :a1enI3/mi: dz: 7- - mg`th'a FIRST `T R.;6'B _iMU_}V V `Prcgnancy. a.}I`LljHl1(i!"!{1"t_{0b[g'{zg' an 1|Iz'.- iea'rhaga,6utata_rr_l] 0!l7ar this Uze'y,ara m 9. 14,21 or. rcqIgIufNgrvm9_andSpinal Affec- i'3q|. xii sintlge B_n`ck.~and Limbs ; -lz`uu'g(|e- on Vslaghtegokiyng Fllgfluiogwtlha Holt! ,,HyslcricoV is-:4 -Wm .hH;_. -110 mllworm 9 care when an 51I9!!l!9.9.l ave. Jlgd 3 and abhoueh n. _aowe;ru) h` `f-7'-dl1.B0l|}_6MB_ll!5gaGlX1E|.!nl1mnnv n- mm a rpt cuv cure mav bmrulied qn. .' T0 IARRIED LADIES ritis peculiarlyiuiled. hwill, in a sh` [bun outhemunlhly peri`o_d wnhrcguluri Ir ,.- n."n_ ,1, - _ - "'V' . his :nvalunblemo unfailing in nu dine ol all those painful atmlalnngc.-ans disease: to which lhelamgle.c9nstitu1iou io.subjeg~t. H moderates al Iext-us: nggl removes ll0hsll'U(`U(m5 am! a`;p cdv mav bewolied oh. .. . _'l`0 LAl)'vnc ..--.....---..~_.---~o--- l.m}snAI Ve_g1,;__Lusu REMEDY .i03,u0sBs'Vrmtmnwn ms. vvuusuu 6' umand W0! J. D3sooq.' _Crn(gM1-ct`, 1 by all Mediulne Denlofg. ` givoivnmodinte rnlicf.' All _ , ._ _... ..... ux A`~L'l8Ul98- Orders 21 coming in from Medtcme Dcalern, in all par` of the country, for further supphes, and cm testifying as to the universal satisfaction gives. Thovcanadian Pain Destroyer never fails t Mcdicine Deaiex keep it; Physicians order and __ `nu.-lt;:x.ndn family will b_e_-withoqz It utter t _ ryngh. Price; ou1_v'P'wonr_v-`ve U__vntn per bcftle. Sold in Bun-ia_by John Woods, J,. P. Kidd Watson &' Om and Wells Bron , _ _ ` Brmilord, b_` Dasaonp Cralsrb.-ac- nun '3 uuum uuu l()l'lllI'0ll8 pains in relieving Nurvcua AR`: high! rank in the list of Re .' furtba nniv 'l'|-m nnnrlinn D-3- "-A` l_I lllInlpeI,`sIlel nu paces. ,W1l Paper! Wall Paper , Wu sewn: offat granny reduced pris. Order : for Books, Magszinu, &c., pmnded to. W. ..........o. I..- -...I ...n n..- u.__. us pecunsurly;-1aued;"1?IJs1T."n":z.on um. muff an ~g13;nu;:Ihly pernidwnh `rfglllurily. mo iaiauldnat atalgn /'_ 11 .1 . :13}/s :/f1_fIRS_?' rt; 33 .'rz5"s?fzfq.' nl ..A_.._,. u uamg a a'overe_ign E The astonishing t=ff'-3 -Desfroyar in caring ll rec ommendcd, and its dmhg ebo torturous pt in fulinuinn U ---- -A .-_ - nnlhlli magical elteots. V ` We speak from experience in the matte:-.2 oroughly ; and therefore I wbo- re suifering from any of the compla ' Qnich itia recom_mended,.me.y depend u it being Sovereign Remedy. astonishing: Pfcslcv nflha n.......x:__ - 8.'ie,`Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sara Tllzroall ~ bptuins, Brunet, Cramps in the Slomac/1, Cholera Morbuis, Dyxenlcry, Buwcl Cam- plamlx. Burm, Scalds,Frusl Bites, c. Tax UANADIAN Pun Dssrnorsn has now been befor_e the public for a length-oftime, and whercve: used in well liked, uerer falling ix; :1 single insyaucg to give permanent relief when timely used, and we ha.ve.never known :1 siuglu case ofxlissatisfaction, where the directions two been propezly followed, but on the can- t: My all are delxguzed with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and `magical efects. W.. W... rm ---~' ' ` As 3 Family Medicine, I: is; well ably known, in :1: " 7/: ma! Morbus, qv...u......... and favour relieving thousands from pan EORGENS PILLS. -- Warrantcd to cure Coughs, Colds, Gstarrhs, Headache, Dya- pep5m,and Liver. Complaints. ["For sale everywhexo. . V . 23-Xv-r D010 in Barrie by John 00., Wells Broa., and J. 2 v\.'ll Illll. Prepared bfsjii 'l`m)MAS, PHELPS And NORTHROP 2 LYVIAN tario, Solo Agents for the D , N. Y. NewastIe,Uz: , ._ .-.. ,....,mmuunu oi medicine.- which have `withstood the iiiiparthljutlgnient ut the people to: any great lcn th at time. One at these is THOMAS ECLEC `RIC OIL, purely a reputation at six of.-some of the best Oils that are Known, each one possessing virtues ofiis own. Scientic physicians know that in.-dicines may be formed of several ingredients in certain xed prpportima ot greater pnwer, and [l."()dl|<'ln.`,' ' _c v:cts which could never result {rum the l1`(3('l any one of them, or in (m..`t`t`t)l r-ninhiuntiniis Thus in the preparation of this Oil 22 c-heniicni di'erent from anything ever but re made. one which produces the mo.-u astonishing rcsnlts, amt liaving a.wi~Jer range ot'_applicntion than am medicine ever befo;e discovered. It contains i.(, alcohol or other volatile liquids, couscqm.-iit'\ losesnothing by evaporation. \Vhefever appi,'..f5 you get the banet nr..........-.i_,._ - - `J .-._-- As 3 i ` bly known. ralini..- u.~-- Booklt! Booki! 1:! Cull and see what .10 lane, and what we hue not we`-an get. Sinlionerv! Smtionerv 1 I Sum): includu 1110721113 BULECTRIC 011; 1 ! Worm Ton Times its \Volght 1:: Gold. Do you lumw am`ll1Im; or u 9 If not, it Is time you did. Then; n're.but (cw praparaliona ol mrdi.:im,- withstood nnparl'ulAju(lgn|enl-I lcn ol tune. ml THONIAS EC[.F`.{`f' `Rll` In I - I uu. nu unvu uuuy prams oi the gxcat vnluu (.1 the"Cana.diauAPaxn Duslroyt;r in subdumg the lorluring pain: 0! rheumatism, nou.-n-`gin, &o., and removing pains nfeverv nature from the body. For nla by all medicine dealers Price 26cm net bollle, T510751! ' ECLECTRIC Times its \v....,:.w --. tics and for spreading Ti: :1 Nalure a S:-.-eel Restorer, Balm} Sleep." But tn.-re are ums \Vhx:l this "Ru neyver-of S1i'erfglh"is-denie,d us. time: when oiar minds and homes have been an over- worked and are so worn out that we woo Jhe drowsy god In vain." The Peruvian Syrup (In Iran Tonic) renews `nur arreng'h and make; unr real sweet and rryfrcshing. Vums or LIn.--Life hat no val n.- except in so far as we use i_l for parfealiug uur'snu.s, or for enriching our mmdp mrh ml-. qunl happiness -a_rouml us: but we have daily prooh uf the the"Canadiaul azn [)ustmvm in ...n-.,o....... um uuuy. ror sale by per bottle. __._._._...__.___ MNADIAN PAIN DESTROYERQ , . .,......-,.... nypl nun pruviaed our breakfast table: with I `delicately avoured beverage, which may Inc as mun, heavy doctors bills. -Civil Sqruice Gazette. Made aimpl with Boiling Water or Milk. Each pucketis abellcd -" Jucu Ens & Co.,H_ommopathic Chemists. London- A V " Mnwuown: or COCOA.--" We will now give an account of tho proceaa adopted by Messrs James Epps '.`Co., msnufncturers uf dietetic articles. :1. their works in the Eush-n Rand. London."--See srticle in (':mse!l'.s House- hold Guidt. Ci1rIing s Ale A at Saloon. ` GA; tlxoovbigazhuiioin Sdoou 0. good glnu of = Bx1:nxnn.'-EPrs | 00004.-Gnnuur. up 0oIno3'r1Na.-" By a thorough knowledge of the natural Inn which govern the operations 01 digestion and nutrition , ahd by a. careful app}i- ostion .0! thrao ptoportics of well selected cocon,Mr. Eppa has provided dolIcuto1y_ nvoufed whinln Ivlnw ---A ..- --A~ 2&'KnLiN`RpAN cu. BA\RRlErM_Al_{KETS.' ' - .,'.`L` _ Nov. 27, 18 3. We are indebted from week to week to Mr. Milne, the Market Clerk, for market. prices, and as this gentleman is thoroughly acquaint- ed with the business of the market our farming I ;-iends may rely on the accuracy ohho quota- t on. , Inenus may rely on we accuracy 011.119 qnoj tioun. - A 1m1whe;t-$1 05. ` '1'readwoI!--8x 05. Sm-in-cl 05. - - 'Onu-36 to 38c. Peas-45 to 50. 7 ' Ba`:-loy-95c to $1 00. _ P9tszoe3-30c per bushel- - Beef--4 50 to 5 00 ,- Fore Quarter, 4 `C0. .llustun-.13 :o.7c. Pork-$5 00 to 5 62! . Turkey|~65to 80c. Geou--45 to (ion. Duck:--30c. V Rolllunox-22 to'25c. Tub Bntta'z*-20 to 32c. Eggs-l6c. to ma. Hldos- $4 50 to 6 00 SkinI--90 to I 20. HA]--$14 0010 17 00. Stnw-810 00. and , ,_,u_(D_,lI!l .lD ,~,5uut!iliUN -1 [ho residence - ~ tits:;`y'tt1`Bdv.tn).-sifcbx. ~. Wi:idah:-fdlhagggugg `R .' ,_qn the] is! ' , A 55imi'ter;esr.'<. ` V to l(sry Anderson.'both of0xo , 7 ` "y `P . V` - ` , U9`OA-BTLHY---Iii` `Baffle. on .t_h 11st instsnt, D'A;l,t0ri Helrthy, Esq , in the 68th ye rot his gs, 8HER'iDAN--in nnia, on the 21st inltsnt, lfxiizrnnid ,Sherid|'n,_.I:`.sq., in the 42nd year of 030 I V Mr. Shot-idanwss one 01 t'~oss who saw Barrie in ittinfoncy,-,nvd grey with its growth. lie was bbrn in the county of Onvnn, Ireland, in the year 1831. and immigrared to Canada at` the age of 15 or 16. SoInet"ing over twenty 2 years since he settled here, and has carried on i` during that time u very considerable business in Barrie nndpt Allsndnie. Mr. Sheridan was highiy esteemed amongsthis neighbors, both Catholic and Protestant, a large number ot both bodies followed his remains to the grave. EVANS-At.Bat-rio, on the 2nd inst., Mr. Geo I Evans, aged 66 yetus. .ROB'ERT8`-ANDERSON -At the rcsiderico " -`=l`)ll|`ne.H'ridA a Talk`. .4... I)....I... .-,.. H... -n_.. ' 11?. from experience matter. havt it thoroughly mid those suifering me complaints itia upon Sovei-e_ign misliing ef-cucy oftbe Oanndinn Pain the disease: for which it is dad, _won_dex-fnl etfects in sub pains of Rheumatism, anti 1;: AH`:-ctiona, entitie it to Remedies. ()riiersun'- Dculern, pans. any, nndcacl. to ,t_he universal sntiafnmim. :. var uero; other v 1:: Inn on. 7- `,-oquuu muugn np`vcl.f") matron ca` ' * _,,_ M!':'fI|-:::l;l.,tI1nl1;_;;ony,or _I.uu.-.,.. .1 ' ` - -|_ a4umEeuA1_un:Ts_. "*`t' MARRIED ?_tiI':fu'is_"(1i'i{'eI"n-m' Iuiiiiii c'o'.' nodoeulclob-ushlha 3 arm: Hrmilord, . Gree n_ Brottcx rs, Iu W 0068. .-P Kidd. ;.i`t36x"l;r.:Y tle. J Kidd, -Hrmilord, by-. otlzczn. an}! the Fashion rfaila to Deniers. ; and ac .' U1` SEMI? 28-ly-fr DISUH ' (C 37-41120 lBar Eiq Nov. 18, is DU! '13. I-`CVIII IU UIIU III I a_f'No1einbgr. TIIIIRSDAY. Nov. [lL3El', C0") llllllg UH 1'1-iday .'26th Dec- at 1:30 P.Dg; Thu mual notice and les!iv1:0nin's mus a.-uuayravyu uv\.- `n... _,._... _ .--- The usual notice and lesnmnnna 3 [)0 .s9ntld'on8 oflhe I-nspgc1oIsAbefo1o I99-pvt! ..'f ? Mnnginknp : ) ' place, comment-ling on in In (\n.1 f\_- for Third class. The examination for First 7 Elm Corqnticms will be. hell at me mm I CIIIIHKIQJY LVIILI `'99! `W `I `I C`.V 3 vs 91\.\.vll Tuesday. 16:1; ii$}.' }&"5 A. M fnr 1'hinl I `an. 'I`hn nvsnnnlinn (nu F5!!! Mohd'ay, L1V5Ei'i$`}7' 1.3`o1>.M; pnr gut-nnrl Plug: - nnzl nn ..-._:-.- ~`}f1 examination of candidates for Pablo chotl Teachers Second nvd Third clas-1 .cerlimIe:-, for the County 0! Simcoo, w.l` be held (D.`y ) -m r_n PUBLIC SGHOOL HOUSE, m_nn;. 4 (.`omme x:':ir'iq n`n' M3551 K037 'P.S.--The higtlgest price put! for Eden and Skins. . V | --mu vvul um; umuu H. DCSW] nuonmon: 0. Bears new semss ulnl. wnl L- . an -L.-.. - (cL0TH mnxvrs ron rm: A Qonchu on. Aug: We are living in an era of grea'ttria1s. &`he~trisl of Bazaine, the great French V7~][n'rs|u`.ll, who was so long; shut up in Jlatz, withvthe finest army of France, is going on, and some state secrets pro being brought to l_ight. Whethor nd insult wi1l_o:_- will not be favot-able *l_D him, `cannot at present be surmised, A ,'lZt"II` -.1 I,I`I,,, , n ms, t;m'1 cmsg}." }="iitJ`\I`i"s'1r4s.. - . 4 TI-IE - 0m 600ns&Rmnv-3mnEOLOT:uxu DEPARTMENTS 2 Are ileiup wi'Ah the best and cheap.- :r.atucks,in the market. ` -._-._ CHRISTMAS Fs, ---.-. At the A- M M O T H M Also will be found a. heavy nuortmu 0. `am ` mun: A-1-4---- gvnuc scnom. Tl~)A'.`HERS _ EX- T AMINATION. ,_._'\/.1. A: as low as any other hons in town \ country; as also good and cheap Pfln 3-u-um:-u-....... A -- W BUY YUUVR Bnaacmrns, assxms, ..\1\D<`x\ `u-~.-.._ -, .. v - -y uremia: willib which Will be snld chap. "Custom Work promptly attended to. ' ` MADDTAI non: uuuu.\'v.'l'l`a' xumUL.A.R Y.&LVT,t have been marked` proportional:-1': I: ou3L.nsners wo xld do we 1 togive Mr. L - ca1l.:znd satisfy L'1:m4-Ares as to the I be e Is G000 GOOD? 1: "now pxicea Furniehinm 2: Fun-ainlim IV BIIIIDJ C WU] uoukulleu, J R .. ...- .; uuuu uUUU`\' new mi. Furnishing: 2:. specinlizg Barrie, Nov. 27, 1873. 'IAu.omNc Esmrvxsmnzm, ifgou {vant to gt the v.r~.5L11 Ofymyr z1or;c_.. Rem_en'iber the S!uz:d- ' ` R. WINNING, N( Y`. 25,1873. Fain: Purchsed 11:1:--at'er put; of BEL()\V.TH F} REGULAR VALVE,` marked` m~m.n`-oi.-........I.. I Opposite M H. Spence_r's Store, Fr.oN'rSTn`EE'r, - - - Buuus. `v V n. ...-_ ,/__;.__..._una-..x" -'-- -1- \HR1S'1`MAS & NEW m.m , Io` comma. ' .{f.\:I:D ' 2:31:-'z3.;.`~:>'a:sB1."3(=::'-J vxvlivlli and gepycur SUITS made at B.-nurie, Nov. .---..p The Insolvent h-.5 madam nslignmr.-.t ... nut: to me, aud,tha O_rodilQr.9 are .w.'i'? Io mcata: Insoivenfa Store, Vzllnge ct. \`.'_~ brings, on TU('ldi). the Sixteenth day at I camber," 1873, st 2 o'clock, p.m., tn rccrtl statements of his straits and to Ippoiulnu A Iigzzc-o. ` 7l\(`lIv\-.. _ R. E `i W AN, .____. Lost,` about ve weeks ago, a RED COW, in full milk, with White L straight home Slightly tnrnad in top. _ _Any person returning the Lump ... _: small ; g'm3cIAL No`um5 K PUBLIC. uuu|guI. uorns sngmly "gs Any person returning : information about her, will be: ad. UIJJ AIIULI. A1000 Gill JIUU For Second Class; and on ._ CIIAI, 1\ , A ll Strong and intelligent, Apply immcdiataly. L. In the mauerol hlllmn Ja xzuuunqnuu` l_"H 151014001314 ` Aiia that Ncurniggu u the cry of the hm, Inervuloflhair apr-_cinl _{a-od. which phogphqrouu conllmed III lhe byoud H150 p.;,,gn| d'jggj&`_il'l.lul)llly followed 3, proglrnliO|.|.0 acgount ol the great walls ,3" lzuue and up-qonenl -upaly ofncrve force ,,mn_ lnin1he.:nclIonl9flh_ 3113' 0rsnns.,'1' ., om man cause q[Noum|d_u-_ 1 nd Rheumunc P.` depraved`-Numlion unsung from Dcrnn . , . . . , Ken! [he uumuch, Mal-nsmn hm n at l'nod W M _ ` _ y. Ind P 3105,]; Dr.'_Whenlcl"s(-n}l1Ip()Ilnd LInx1rofPh?,(:: phmga nd(Jahsas9_supp|xcs Fhqspiloroua 6 nervuius alem.LIuu: as n`a1'o.fxc:lnnl cl n ' ' (1.-on fur I 2: blood, an}! Qauzuaya for prt)Ino1ing strength. N_u pfeparnlzgm In cxulcnv-e as no _ liable to nnannxlanp the "Il='.."ln'ce1 and ewrgize an we (9.-guns and mines ul \ ~o budy. 40-1; awimsasw `Qua that wnll gxve {mun qunm; pa, nonavoiher need apply. Uh 27. 12.473. I London Ale by the G] . Quart or Gallon at tha I?-'Ph`P'n A Gc)T>I7fF! [NSQLV ENT AC1` OF 1869. B-zrxfic, Nov; 26, 1873. Neg. 28,1873. h_JL.4_I I.a:of'tI1o oalab!I~hrnen| of W. R. Graham 3 Co ,`5:`ga to nnnounae lo the psnplo or 'u.-uric and Vicznily, that ha has opened Vugx in ah- _( ;;1;a3i:;:;3}.:;; UUIAIJIIL "Am to Wall Paper I New 2\tn_.n'rii5n1c1xt5. : COLLIER STREET EAST to he had 1!... ..-:__'-_. K DISTINGUISHED laid lhll Nnnrnlain I-ICC TCIICCII ll?` K Commeircitig o'n' C .L'- I'\ , ` , 1 u .a Ta la and Bar wen supplied. Gou1'Bea... -class Stubling and Auentive oatlerz. ' 'w1._1'3o&_'s, _ _. Sec. Board at Enmim n, ,, 1873. ~. V ma; WALTER TAYLOR, Pzopric -uuz--. -l...L.I. M F URA1 &c.. &m, &c., kc. l!!!` the , v} 26, 18-73. .-.__i vvon U: mu; vv_u-nuvu snnuvps, The remains` were i;_1the' burial ground of the C_hui;ch_ 0f'~Eng=- '. land on Monday last, `with the -l`1o2":ors .* of the harder. an immense eoncbuue, of* .e the deoee.sed s' fellow Otahgomdn, `Is 1 well as of 'perso,nsfyh9 kp,_Wn`aud 1 him.through_ l_ife`,` 1' nsnbute _rospect_:_by` olje '~ ?`ywtheI*'3_'e.,'_- " ' " 8 ----. Any quantity of n`r1`m W rpm ox usrne and vn,;x:il_v, 4!. I he pronniuen roooutly oc- cupied bv Mr. Locke, 3 la go and vsrled Asian.- mznt 0! GENERAL `DRY 300.03. com- pz'i|?n'g th: l.'.eit mat... .....a A- c o W L oms '1` . nn. o1nm.`41' EAST, be had the primes: pl ounpuy nuecuau I0 . M ARRIN BROS- nrirn nnvd fm- n-an nrul pzmng u;: |.'.es1 Shaw and dc- sianain -Oren fl (9 II 1 Q ___._..:_..._. kL'H0'I`EL, .(AL LAND.-ILE. (C1-oxou'a old stand ) AT THE Pfomptly I `iacob R-`hzpntrick. an Jnmlerent. U \IU Shaw 0 4 V n I U - hons, 11,3 -Z1`1;.V.s;|r.x1vel,or giving , be suitabl] to.-wazd. JOSEPH ROGBH.., Interim J13-;ntI_. 1.7.7. I , to work in Greenhouzc 7nYs1oLog n 1.; or '87 HA3 WCIII rm] ..Lls.h"lu P. HICKEY. T1) - in former years, Mr. McCarthy took an` , lwvipg been abdut fourteen years a 209.1 ,5 cu I`},uu. In municipal and oducatidnal mattars,.. active ;_pa,rt', especially iii the litter ; nus p1'0'11.O*9}' `of odgicati6n- in -his paciy` pf the Board 0f~T1.`us- ` toes of the Cqznmon Bhnls, ` v ` Ting `uni:-nnu.u\u`. can-In "n`-;n'u|us.` -.'.'. 34.1.`. art, .R.A,rzoY-s day; A9" rietdr. rf the atnck , the gm-ds low. an! , L`..-.. _ Sized hnllr ` "Z ti in gel. includes I .l|.Al I. n `1l\`h]active and xaeaiqus member of the Church of_ EngIan'd--for 3 mgppber of ` years Churchwarden-and even at the . time of his death one of the-delegates to : the Synod cf tl1c ])inces, heowyas yet no bigot--_tirn1in his own convictions, he nevertheless enbertuinocl no prejudice against those who d'iifered-f1"om' him 111. ` `religion. T * ' T In rnunirnnl and -.l......1:.......1 .....u.-._- I, ac., Bnrtie. , weak, but regaining its elasticity,-and 'treac1iery practise .1 against him, causing Grip 1'cp1'esc-11ts V John A. exl.iil;it_ing` ".hi Jack in :1 Box to McK(:n2ie and the other ' school-l>oy.:, with the question, ` Do you think the little fellcr s spring is` broke, in) tlears '1" His face, one vast snibstmtianl u1ni.lrc`, as he looksiupon tlie little fe-llows, facing him in astonish- xm_un`t. The coils of the springiare sound M cgnouglx so far as tested. Tlieio 2783 the. Ottawa coil, the East Middlesex coil, the Vieut Toronto coil, the Nova Scotia coil, 7t.hc-Lonnox coilmreparing for at ho uud on , .`a`3I.ti1i'day.: the English coil, temporarily` `J the grand main spzing of Canadian p'ub-Q l lie opinion, getting enlightened as to the I such I rebound, that we believe to-day Sir_Jonn A. Mnodonnld s populavzity is greater than at any previous time. vucuucng I In Politics he was always Conserva-1 _; tive, and was at one time a very active. politician. He had been connected with the Orange A.'1soc.iat,iou in Ireland, and shortly n.fter his settling in Bgrrje he associated himselfwitln tj1_ebrethe_r_1_; in , this .county,_:\nd was .by-f.hem ,hel1~Ain high esteem. For many years he eat as- Master of one of the Lodgespfthin town, and for several .yezu's:lled the Grand . Master's chair `of what was. then the Pmvince of Upper Canada (noyv 0n-, tano.-) ' An unfiva anti uanlnnn ......L-.. -1` LL- .1 Illll UB5 :5. 8c ,l 5,r,'.a_I,_iIl IU. ` Until last .~spring"Mr. McCarthy con- tinued as active as ever, giving his per- sonal and unremitting attention to the business. 1` .o.- 9 - -- --...., nxvvl I-nuun unc J.l.ULl. ans. .l.'}lIaEO.. On his ' aclmihsion he went into part-' nership with D'Arcy Boulton, Esq, and together with one of his sons continued the partnership for about fourteen years, since which he and his son have carried on a very successful pi`actice-said {to be the largest ` county Law business in .O;_1_t_m-io. IT..:! 1....` ...\..:.-.;"1u_. ILN -v 4.11. urn, uinuuuug pmu; Dy emigrating he could nd in this province a better opening for his large family than was afforded him in the old land, he embark- ed for the new world, and landed at Toronto. After qpending some l_ "time there, he was advised tosettle in` i this neighborhood, which he did, and tried farming .somowhere near Shanty Buy webelieve. In this evocation he mzmaged, like many other amateur agri- culturiutss. to sink more than he made. l*`imdl_v, after three years experience as 9. Canadian farmer, he settled in Barrie, and again devoted himself to his o1cIpro- fession of the lavc'.--having, however, to servean articled term [of three years in order to entitle him to be admitted to practice in the courts of this province. This term, we believe, was served with Mr. , "afterwards the Hon. Jae. I atton.. nn 1.:..' ...1...:.;..:.... in - ' L _ ___._A. u.|uLu:lvl.VU ruwuuc nut` miu1_V years. In 1831 he married Charlesina Hope, youngest duuglntea? of Thos._ Manners, E.s'q., of Ellinlmrgh, a writer of the Sig net, and had [eleven of a family, of whom all but twolm-2 living. Tn 1347 f.`hinlr`nn Hm}. In; nuninnma-.... uguumu ;uub' cuvugu to grauua.t-e. Mr. BIcOaI'tI1y was subsequently ad- mitted an attorney and solicitor -of she Irish Courts, and enjoyed 8. large and lucrative practice for many years. In 1331 hp nam-u-{ml rIu'r1n1:nn Un-xn Mr. Mk.-Cartlny was born in the City of Dublin, Ireland, on the 15th of June, 1805. He was the only son of Backnall Henry Met`.-.artl1y, Esq., 9. member of the Irish Bar. His mother was the young- est daughter of Lord Chief Baron, Husse-y Burgh. He xnatricnlaterl at'1 rin- it-_v College, Dublin, but owing to his fatl1e1"s ill health and consequent em- burrassment, he `was not per.mit.ted to remain long enough to graduate. :\[l', h{r`rln1"H\v wan unl\unnnm..H.. -.l `\Vc have this week -to record the death of a gentlcnmm who5e')1ame has been associated with this neighborhood for nearly thirty years`, and who has for mtny j.'e*n1's past occupied As more or loss pru- mineut pdsitiunin this community. We allude to the late"D'Alton NcCu'thy, . Opposition, u_.s-lie would probably be the .m1,a`ebility and gi-t-zntiless wu nugui for the avunn|uauI3u1Iv ."-' Sir John A . Mucrlm1u_ll, imleed, has `been conspicuous among Canadians as the man among them pnssessing a more tlmn`Coloni;'1l mind. Withmit ceasing to be` Uanadian to the core, as indeed, his whole c.'u'eel' is identied with the _ ggreatriess of Canada, he has `yet proveil. ` Hiimself `capable of seeing disputed ques- itious from the same point of View as a citizen` of the States` or as an English- man also. " ` ` ' " His title to ifanaxlian honors rests on the legislation uf more thunla quarter of a century of office. He brought 1! long dispute to an and now uni\ e1-sally approved by the -Act for the secularization of the C'le1'g_v- `EBOHBIWUS, he coiisoliduted the statutes of Upper Czt-mula and gave to Lower Gan- aula its Code, he \\ zlS. a main, though not an exclusixju, agent in ln-inging; about the - (_!oni'edemtim1 of the Proviiices. and from `the tinie of the estahlislnneut of the .lD0minim1 he l1:1s'inspired the whole of ttihe legislative work of its .l :u'liament. Ho has been assistetl by a vigilant Ilirst to acknowledge ; but in giving up 1-he lnmlon he lms susminacl so long he `may bnxist that ho lime written his name in the hisxtorv 0fC.mmh\, and that the ]1)ami-nion will in no sliglit meamnre be due to his genius. One by nus: the lirsl, settlers section are passing away. `Iv, |_,__, L`,,' ,,,, u . . .. THE LATE D -\ l'.TON MCCARTHY. \)`I Auvu u Lu, Uvtiu w lU.lI_' 6 cut lflll Dllrlll. - Justclur is in favor of a compromise, ~ but the Spanish people are greatly excit- . ed ovm-Atlue attitude which the Amcri-. cant: have chosen to assume, and any unnserial concc-.ssi<'n made by Casbelal- s g0vcrmneut_ would, no doubt, seal its loom ; and to add to the complications, General Stickies, the American Envoy at Madrid, has, by hiswant of tact and (_liplmnauy, become in ill odor with the nxcitulplo Spamiards. The United States Umxgmss mevts in 9. few days, when, no doubt, tlu:'Amorica.ns will blustor and back down ; and that 1'ea1l_yV seems to he the only way out of the difficulty. ' `-1 Huh uWU_l`.'S XLVIIIE. In 1847, thinking that by emigrating I3 nd in 13111-52 hrnv5nm: n hnHm- -...- .-.u-mg----u..-. u-nu-av-o-' -ow-cw V..- the Americans, over on the watch for an spread-eaglism when there is no great danger in doing so, at once claimedthat their sg had been by the cap- was of ` American register. V They also crew-a large number of whom were in- hnnnanly massacred by the loyal Cubans -were American citizens.` '.l_`he vessel, it is true, was captured while onithe the capture an ineffectuali attempt had _ been made to land the men and supplies - upon the coast of the island, with the that Spzfnr luv: a. navy, for which the Americans have a wholesome fear, and at best, that the only gain the war will give them if successful, will be an accos- lion of territory inhabited by rebellious ready) depreciated greenback, and an enormous increase of their already enor- mous national debt, it looks as if our ecl into \\'.-:.1', even with efetc `old Spain. l`..u+..l...- in :.. ram... 54` . .,m.....-...:..,. of the captain of a libuutoring iesael, the Vz'r5`im'u:', while csrryihg arms and `vol-T unmet-s to the Cuban insurgent! ; and excuse to" annev Cubs, And. always anxious for an opportunity to display- ture of this vessel, which they `alleged claim that some of the passengers and high seas ; but only a short time prior to avowed purpose of aiding the lDSill'g7 l ents. Although the` Virginia: is now ` considered by- almost all as little loss ` than _a pirate, the Americans still on- ' tinue to arm; but when we consider _ people, (of which they have enough al- ' neighbors would pause before they rush- . nu] DC III! Ull Wlllll I uluua Q Amflast, but not leaIt,-the. {vase of the Northern Railway 1: I Town of Ban-ie. T some iaelitgnqn .for'j.a' _f0Y9.1'w.!*`tY you-slot` age; but no doubt like Stakes he will get 3 new trial; and will eventu- ally be let off with n trie. J A...l 1... Inn, nnt lnm|t.._.tlm m-(mt . ctnm 1 This international dicuhy iron out IL]... ......L..:.. -1`- cI:L-.-_A..._.._ .`.......I L`... interred i;_1'th' like. of Eng; mg] with the-honors ,tin_y` nse concourse, of -._act r` r Orangqmen, gs door rhidh k;1o_'wn and cai life, gnytn their ing t `T of I oxcit: ah ume, by lnnhf nan] :lu K 3fV('.3(('1'i(v1't/1') 2 Iius 5 18 con- ve - e ahe L, , , . j w- .:- *=w`=:r lid: 1:"? ~ % . . 5'3'%"=_P.4 It ; ` ulna nan-`il6 m =-.`m..' 'c.:..;.- ___ FW__,.,.,,_ vvv g,u)uTVh |!.V.z;`. :, ='A""."~?` V ; 'killed.-. =ey..-._ m.arena;r 1% -J "4 V .jp]1Il1:'i"9i;a!?' 9 n . - _; .._ in mi. ,....._, w..., .5`. uIIu|4lje_a m_t_ne.mo4st ex- fe .act.~Ityle. fiuat .nin.e,txsen eet (mm, the ; door bf their :tent, _an_d jahprg greeted 3' , imitation-of the one_ qoqhgm :1.-.,;i`.,e..e which fell on ,Fig1;.A_.V .,o,.e \ thg-tantjol gipg, imgl-one .to.cut:thg .mei;,;v(1;i1e ..5 ~-1il!d-' P*.'`'`9d ~39-59131912; it` l_]l"91l6I!!,I;said.Tthe:,.t?l.51;g;`;3 j%` ` ts: i- ft;-i, T _., , _.,T,... _.`.:...,`..-`:.`v-vv-J vv uvuuvullh '` _ . A_sma,llhLti1biIig party not `long mes" -, left Ba.x-ri_e 0;-Tufeyv dgayjd s`po;~_t_,'1m_,kjn with them the neqe-qty ;':s[aee.riaij_fo"i ' . camping ou. Aft9r`pitc1_1ing_th9i;`te11 t; ; . they opnqlndgd to" .o1;v:in` the1g1e1t?e3' Q : -ofthe (4-uth,of po9r`Ged;* g`'s gq_ilt,' . ~ ' !ikp a- lot of; lgttle 1gyh'o'q_i_d;it;13j'- ; 112$ _PVr= `I>!' uet to in 393 ..$my- way and moaauygd. in: the i:uo.s.t`e`x;,"f M.a.ctr=ntv1a..:iunt ninnifnnn 4'44`; 1-.`...._' ` I? `I. can '73; -nu. nun; uni nwuoli, uuurmulg 0.1111 that I9 he and Mr. Fisher was goingto the hunting- ground, and to meet him in, Collingwood on a certain dziy. Gem` e did so, not knowing but his father migit 1~eq_ui;-e him togo to Durham. He took. all` the money `he possessed with him, which an1oun.f,ed at that time to a trie _: over eighty dollars. ,.,VV.he)_1 in Co11ing- * wood, Mr. Fisher ponsuaded ,J;4.in;_t9 go- company them, holding out such induce " manta" as 3 imlly o\'e1'camo. hi; betgtex-A } judgment, and so jumped on board about g . fteen minutes before` the boat steered 1 off; . consequently ho.took .his;e_ight_y t dollars with him, as any one_,m_ight `f natui~alIy`e'xpcct. Every` question that .1: has been put to'George has been amwer- ( ed in themost satisfactory mannor.,,_BVut, 3 thou` who know nothingof the case {ex- cept theou`t,side circunutantial evidence, are the qiostjready to condemn. ' i . " :; yr: . - um] snuuus |uu;r:--Lu 1/uunuu, The Times pays the` folluwiug tribute T to Sir John A. M zu-donulds :Ll)ilit_v and statesnnanslnip :4- ug.'.. _T..L.. A u..,.,:,\....u :...:..,T.. 1-.. hlbans. vessel, mthe rior to lt had lppliee ;h nsurg- I e 1 nsider ll ,_ r uunnucu uu. uuuac R753 uc:_lv1'vu1g. ' ` .1`he, m _nrderer,_ John Tryon, is 9. man of 585/ears of "agefstends abolit ve `feet eleven inches in height--of a bony, muscular frame, andlwhenyoung had sandy hair, orid complexion, and was of a. very active temperament, but .?he lacks cautiomconscientiousness, and van- eration. . He. possesses extreme nnness, with combativeneesand destructiveness l large, and large secretiveness. Such an organization` would naturallyi produce just such a mind as that unfortunate. M man possesses :. impulsive, decided, and `very determined. He would make up` his anind in a moment, and act on` his decision just as hastily. Such appears from his `own confession to. have been ',`,(fc8' the case when he committed the diaboli- glioj cal `crime for which he isgto be hanged onthe l6tll-of December next But an-A other very painful circumstance con- _ nected` therewith, is that of his son f 0m George being inculpated witll him in the mil" `murder, and who, we have the strongest pa. reason to believe, is perfectly innocent mnle of the crime, and that the old mall, and he alone, killed Fisllel-; did it quite`un ' known `to George, . and kept the secret. well until after he was convicted and re- ceived the awful sentence of the law. 1 its George all this tinlesincerely believed, 0! 23(1):: that botll he and his father were perfect- i ly innocent of the crime. A large por- ill tion of the public, however, are unwil-V CC ling to believe that George knew nothing `Oi about it, and all manner of vague opin- Vw ions are given at random to condemn ,W him. Very few of them, however, have di ` ever taken the trollble to visit the prisi oners, or question them in the matter, some to enable them to be ill a position 11 to give a reason for their opinions. They, b1 of course, had__lnade up their minds that In certain ciltcnlnstances had brought con- hi viction honle,--that a man had been hil murdered ; consequently, if twenty per- 38 sons had been in the shanty that nigllt, 111! all would have ;been equally guilty in he the minds of such unchal-i"able persons. 111! The old man confesses that he killed mi" .Fisl_ler,-te1ls exactly how he did it, and SIM his reason for so doing. Hctells how fel he struck the first blow, and all the 1'68 others. Bllt there are very wise heads 0f in this community, and many of them mu tax their ingenuity. to sh_ow the admiring Th public how much keen foresight. they 360 posssess above their fellows of the small-. as : er il1tellect,'all the time keeping an eye hat single to their own glory; tlloseof the nt smallintellect, and who never think for themselves, listen to the opinions of the wisevand govern themselves accordingly; Consequently they are quite prepared. to hang both. Of course, George. has no feeling, neither has his wife or child. Hang him ; itis only asmall affair, any" how. But then `again, the Government he has extended all the clemency they V81`) "1 could from the light reflected from some hapl great _luminary, through a. smaller one. time "39 George has received the benefit of the Wen 15 glilnmer froln _the'co_met s tail, and ill very :1 mercy is sentenced to-the penitentiary fath: for the whole term of his natural life. thel Isn t that lnerciful`? `In order to show at 01 the public George's guilt, one man says, He 1 that before he left: for the hunting sear; gl'0_l_l'l_1d,. he had `not a dollar to callhis p11lei own, anll_c_l_ln;e to him to borrow twenty- to be ve. iHe `inferl'ed that "it was to leave on, t A with his wife when he wel1t'away"; but court he don't tell the public the whole story" man This was about .si,\; weeks prior to he di George's.leaving B{u'r_ic, that he asked that this rich man to lend him twellty-ve he w: dollars.- Just at that time he had're- ,Fishe ceived a letter from his unfortunate anytlg father, dated at Durham, telling him _~_is'in that the pending suit ill chancery, relat- lnetll ing to his tavern stand, had passed the '31 through, and a favorable judgment had tne -E been given; tl1.lt_the deed had` been had b issued in,Gcol' e s' name, and that about then 1 [ one hundred ollars of costs had been made ' incurred, which he would be required to Mr. It pa.y._ At that time `George possessed dising about sevcnt_v-five"dollal-Qwhicll neces- he ha sitated the borrowing of other twenty- Morga live, to make up one hundred dollars." you ha He told the .1-'ich man. at the same time, Why, that if he could not raise the money it have; might result in a loss to llim of one t_i2_|OSe4 thousand dollars or more, but he failed me? -to touch thesympathy of the, man, and been cg t.herel'ore,- he dl_(l'.n0l5 grant the loan. At other that time` George had noyitlea of going known to the hunting groundf_ Inrabougt gig minet follndl weeks after .he received.:anoth,er} let- tnr from his gfatller, informinghiln that and Mr. Finlmr um: main... 1.; LL- _ er murder,`-'-nea1~ Lake Nipisaing, in Feb: ` Dan : Slit, With regard to tlie'lFish- ruary last", we must say that every cir- cumstance in connection therewith was wellilifted, and great credit is due to Dr. White, of Parry Sound, for his indefati- gable labor: in bringing to light 9. most. heartless and cold-blooded murder ;' in ` fact D1-. Wnite :-1 invaluable services have been ove1'look_ed;_ and greatApro.ise lavished on those less deeefving. ` ' The mun-drpr Inhn 'I`n-n'n u`. . V-nnr. A gentleman` who had in u`ch' inter 7 course` with the Tryons- since tbgir innl Prinonment*an.d- condemnan. "hay 00% to' t1aqsttled`c9:1vi:tgi6n "they? young. Ear lnbher ;i_g:;e113:irly of 'ihe' `a`ga_inst nndlias fexiua ni. ld!1g`1-esunie of -the` base, and given his `opinions in the matter. It will, no doubt, prove of interest to many of our` readers. ' 1b` the Editor of tie Jdpanc. V 1 THE .'.mYoiN`s; awful I01. 9;-_y.:vnt.\o:c fuuuuwuA5u_y ,the'i_1'-t en't , % -:-.-V` ;.- lag 11au.|.( .unI:.a.--zuu uuala Wu] H ` _ , , Q' -)B1;evver_1t hafd timgsniis fn everybofglyc henlselves .; 1 '7 H. Pljfaa they go. _ A r: u_nter, 0 t 1 .~- ,. _ L `- " ~ A -. . _ }}T_Store lsdolnghts level but gmligiiiitf m1.?* 1tarsVT"?:`.`3.`!?o;?$`?.;`laa'..:i}1?.?a`. ggfske cash 951;??? *1" "` `* I '1.":" - ?' "X -- ' I '>. ' h I. a.t In __ll'l"10, ?m`.f %?.d;ff;"3f;n?ha75!a1{ 5s':i7ua1ue zreat~mgumsn*= $.~! * vugcheff f . . 1 _ , -~- J -_ .,, -'~ 1'93 ; rocerles, mes an q 011, (rpm, Tprogmmme,'wh1c1:`w_ - _ *'i, 515* `A-' - ' - - gnectedh' ,ti`ibctiv9',V.V.'. .9Iie 1:11":-"E`:i"`g }i' i` 5?-vgl"?Pc?,:,;}l;;) only Prune m qmmy but 3:;oqt31;- _j%A.:,_N,w ;; .V1;:-.5A':?b`'chea - a.' _. M mu 1 s net F . ,;;:, , E--+. pa -4 ' '-,_._ :7 > %t.qgmg. ';'?9'I1. ` km 1;;eit?1= iX"ffLt `iJ"Z.~. below " gm? 5!` `?"` ;-`H Erin Quad` or he would havfo i9u`hwa`18t!Hat. ?w`%5V" Jwgq ` his 0 inion Ins` now`v'v l1iI;g..jg`s`-x -aiiu?fr`dnr ~ ;;&.;...,';;,a;..a;;,,,g, . J . ' . W . . :` . .` V ,. .e_ 1- 5: i cl6QKmg:J81n1_!ery;!99,deg;gg(. _I_oy- J` ' 2" ~47 sow. K! 7 _ We c1ia*~`na" A-' 39F*` .`. Y'-M. * 3* ~`I' . 1,` A,( :`.`q . . ..- . A ., ........ tab-m1u'-\1IWUlb'U uuu _laWU.`DIIQI`8 Ott `assistance to make; escape, but refused . them Both, undfgavy thlo Govorpor of the ` gaol notice `of _1t, sqhas to,_ put -}x1,.m'o11 pin u_g.1-_c:l. That; .doe;s,;,I1ot loo]; glult. _ ndeed there 15939 ,d9,1;bt,th31.t G;g;ge `has t gong the p_en1tenha1`_y DIl11.nO99lj3 map, 1 under. 2-. life --iongy: sentence` ntlmough - ,th'e3 r urri,ble 'misf6`rtun`e~'?of'havinga. wicked` J h father. -Hilwhple whp_re;1;p has ` t lived-;.:fo.'rT Iyahi:yj;'1`.`'fjin`t119.`$01111 ! of `I - Grey, is due, ojf_.;V1heV `i_n91Tit.]bro_diif.157leV " ir ch.a%%em;7" AH6w1;u:_h;ye fiszaxfegnd ,' - "mt :9. _ H -_':en-vu'1c_o : a ; o in H 5}5`iF'>hO 21.31`? HQVO,` g .know1iT the:1eut*c>}3:'m.ar9'.r92di to braijd` ,, .. mg chmgceif in;hae2:unohariubli.. ;, . her-`SO. !!$`Z5`;_T3.'ik6i`wfu}1!_g;q`h;1t`np1 J _.. lbsvnhumani * -;rr .`.4_ 5.11 A A`, gvu._,\_. `|u_.g|, pR.V_ UUUII pr0Ye(l ` gpd I would g95{..191.':; 8.11d if " 11191 seqrt 7 it .w`o\f1_ld .hm` _bae;n my '9m`;,,,. 1'3" * "*"-H sWa.~;+-9u';~.tm I; J 89:`! tab, ~ Srt `Vault! .hm`a boe'nV `mm ' s . . J , Th? again-*Georg bud ;two.:o era'"of assxstance to mnlrn 111: nunn-nn kn! ....t'.....__1 1 u 1-31 I .l -.-J .; vuw u an; Ivan) HUD _ uuseuv more than at minute and a.` `half when he entered George, who ves still singing: He laid down in hia.becl'and._yva_ited till Gegifge stopped, which he thinks was about ten minutes, then he said to himfin ar very cellected 1nan11er as if _netl1'ing had happened. `Is not Mr. Fisher but 9, long _ time ! What keeps him? ' George then went" _out `and found him, and became very much. frightened, and called father, who came. ., George then called the bby across the river, who answered once, audcame as quickly as possible. never examined deceaeedfs head or sea.r_ched`fer wounds, belieifing it to `be purely an accident, nor ever `believed it be anything else until the trial came then on.`._seeiVng the skull exhibited. in court. he came to Hm mm..I....:..._ L`.-L L1 , intqjthe hduse `again n_unvnoticod by ' -uv-n. uulu b'OllIICll.|Ullp We take p]ea_s1I1'u in cluol /illg ffulrtlner from the Times, in_ 1'ei'm-enco to Ca.nada s' a'taes1u;1n, as it intimates that the tide offneling is setting in in England in the same direction that it is--~:1,11dis every day gaining force in Uamulu. "'11: `n'nnn5 nntrn #].n'4'nH.....!..... L.,3I , 1 ....n.mw._; Wasanlp Business to do all the cookingjmake lthof res, and do all the housewoi-k. ,The duties` of the othex-swe'_i-e__-to` trap a.And,h>1mt. ; He`, also kiiew tha.'t_.. Fisher, `had-igone ; out thegfe dozzons of times before, ahd uotliing had _huppene.i `him; and even if . he had heard ' a blow or two of the axe therewiis doth- ing in that to alarm him. ` He-never know that his f-.ither had gone out and i come in, _ again; The door was fit least fteen feet behind where he was sitting singing, and!` a-192,11 with gnogkinsoiis` on could easily steal behihd' him: Quite un- observed, and go out of the miileddoor witlwutmakizig a noise; V '_ A1i'd_theii"there was a large pile of wood hetweeri the door and the ,sca'ol_d, which would help to break off the sound. -Now we ask how much noise 1. would,..a blow. on the head by the fall oenaxe make? The first blow felled him to the snow. Then how 7 much noise would be made by striking him with the at side of the axe while his head was resti_ng_in the snow] and, the old m :_m says, the only blow that made an` noiseof a".ny accou'nt was when stru_'c _ t`he'b_1:acket, land` that` wasfnot much. i The fa,llingLoi' the scaffold would make -b,1':t,_' little,-ash. it fell .in the deep snow, ex;qept.the end_ of one plank, which ' fell on Fisher s face _while his head was resting on the snow, so that. the whole the" noise ' would `not :u1_1o"unt,to as _ much as splitting a bit of ll. thin board. : Thex1~-.1gain,', hail the sca`o!'d - fellenby accidentit would_h-ave made just about . m11dil.nCil(3`1l.8 had been Emade, so that had George hestrd v 3 little `poise when nding the scabld down that `need not have excited any wonder. ` The old man says that he \w?as'not absent iiiiore than at minute and a."l1nlf' ,1.-- 1.- __L- i - . uoor In-nnmed wxth deer `skins, with tlip hair on them, tq prvent the drqttght, and consequently capable-of resisting sound to a. great -dogrefe- Geopgo sat leaning on tho table witli`his4;.head _in his hands amusing I1i}nelf7: singing 35. ,1 4`ng," and perfectly aware that Fisher had gone oiit for the purpose of cuttingitho meat -breakfast. wnshis businhssi do all the kina-`uvnolvn win`.-. ' ...'- -._ J 1 Then there was another di`erence,};,u very great one, that G1-eeniesh pevqr thought of, that is, AWhat is a1Ied $33 shahtie is nothing more than a ldghbxtb 17 feet wide, made close and warm,'a11d banked to the eaves with snow, and A door t1-im'med'wih de'ei' `skins, the hair nn I-Jmm +n .....i;..-..L LL- .!._L__ .1 . as w4.wu&.J,9!.,`1'.il9`l` 991.38. `$9.339. 3` all. Fisher never heat-ii the" oldhii ' coming after him with the axe, or he would have been `able to have dodged him. ` ` T -__ .. ..v__ --- ---..J ----.-v nnvilt. :"(()h`no:"1h:boysvdid-not ' know~the.d`;'g;-. ence between `walking on dry frosty ` leaves whenyou. cog1_d.,hear the sound of a. foottep` wish eet3.I00 ;u?;rds:'.dixa;ta;n; or the slightest crack of .9. dry twig _ farther tha.n.you. c0u1d see the person who broke it, in contrast with 3: or 4 feet of well packed snow in the severe February-frost W:1l9n{,;1_ngr pould walk up to within three feet of you or even do as .to..to;zc1;.y99.v.rih91t.t being heard at ? L1]. Fisxhnr nnvm-`I-m`nr}1 Ahi nl; L`.r."I.. uuu ssvlunl, AUL uuu.ul.u'ua U1 IILLIUH amugd, ;ith 01;.4,'ff'aet` gf 1 lpa.`cked~-snow`, *lda1'iost.to roi {Ln inn`-nrnnnf AP ann-n.-I (`nu nnnuu .33..` . Iynvnwu nuuvv, vwLurn:u.I.I' IKUHILI/U PLUVCID the movement` of sound for any dist neg, 1 AL ._- -.AI-'L-_.- _'_'-_`:.__L I__ , .1 u... I ~1t quite ' -of guilty rntistbe _ poor fellow; go he, could n_ hearing it. 2` It is qgite1`vident't1;easpqr green- ies quitexnatble to ioqihjirehend the i=. "btween stepping on dry, ' leziyga, stilfenqd by a slight `frost, ope1iji~v*eathe.;; whom the atmos- Iilunirn {E inn!-Fin fl-uh nag:-mu cl-aha >5.` lIl\C'l renciered against the`: "-`VA \i58 .{'M4NiIi?#0rUh#s. . wasfhelcr in the Town" Hall on ThTu'sda`y_. to consider` the abovo subject,` - when the following resolution was passed : ' A On motion 1l_Ir.'Perkins, are mnnnf'nnhn-AI-A nhnnl Lg nnnmn-anm vn .-._.._...V_...._`..,._..._,..- ; ~o. A.i"Borki_n sVhas b _ on hand a. clxoioo lot of Ten, cheap." - I The'FaIhion isnloonl foi-.l oystar suppers` ; they are the`re"got up in style. V ` . ozu;a' Vnxwxunn ADJUSTABLE Su1>x>on'r1in.'-- Those doubt, the *~- 1 A _ce, anu he. cold month 6' Feb?na15y;3' when everything is locked up by frost into one sold body, and the whole surface of the ground, for hundreds of miles all nnrnnsii rnnmn `343: C Area Ar1';u.4. .4` .....`II H185, ppe1z,;~weannqg;.wnon5 H18 9.311103- '. lihro tl_9'%qu3pe; s_a.te to con- ' yo`f.8.0un any"-`$a`@n_, ce and the youth 0 Feb i`xnar"y',`5" x,when __-__.;'L_'.__ 1.. I_,1 1 uuulunu. Ill l.lll5l.l\ UU USHU. "It is It matter of wonder. with th Times, little short of miraculous indc-ml, the tenure of power held by the late A Premier"-a genemtion grown up know- ing none other tlx-an John A as the ruling :lpil"lt of the country. `Vere the 'lz'mcs as conversant, with the polilnicsi of (Jan- ada an it may be with those of England, there would be less cause for ma;-vol. Amongst theranks of his opponents than; is not a statesn1a.n to be found-- not one ; and should a solitalylulnimu-y by chancelounn up, he would be A lone star` 01' .1 comet with a murky tuil.- ' The party" has produced some able men, but they became diglgusted with their murky appc-u.l.ages, and turned themselves over to the . states- nwn and gentlemen, W. o.1,.-. :.. .........:__ -.-.__.l. 7 V .,MAN';s `WA.V'r.-=-Th :1.` .._ Man wants but little here below, __1f;`qv@fTlived `in `have , _ _ his _91Jil1i0n.": Ins`. now warm cl6$KingIiai1IY1'y 8.l'B_1ii.,.den;;gI_1d. How- BJ lv]'1:iIt* {than Ht ' ~nnnIu,. On. 1. . -_'.!" 2..-' `1g_cu`I_JJ.( suuvxaul Auvvvu, hllltlb IF U11` _ ` blishment the yery.be_:t of Cloths, Dry (3.18.%n-.D1'9B9 '9 3 5 11943)` ji1`dfc`>i1ly` so`, butfp 191:. -Macnab `em. ig. .. ysnene. best gvorkpneny 800.4 In 'i3na..a. " adiu.b s Tanoring` 'and my Goods. egl. *5 WEn'ggs was oggp of the} gravest =4, smumen`: the United States ver pm- ' duced, Canada's Webster is also a '1 great man in-the sewing Machine line. ,_as ix_-Lproved by the excellengp of the machmethat bears his name, for it took 3` the rst prize at the last "North Simooe 5 Cbmxpy Fall _ShQw,_ and took prizes `1 .wl;1=cI r_er showy, Fzsalds Br9m__,. are the ' > agptsm Burma. ' V ` _ . A 1 5:` ...`:q, Hum Tunas`.-`- l_"he best way to. I nevent haid times is fnr everybody to 5 1 T` g'yas' {they go. Hunter, of the 1 L ,(}`n9;_1 T Store, isdoing his level bolt ` .{ td mak_e pgy ggts or " dxiy, at lea.'st in _ll_ld put F ` gnagvjng1uc>em9nt1to_caqb=purchggqps'g {Q ;:"1`ga1q,' ` _'Groce'nes, `__W 1_ms _and Ifiqqogj, ti ' aybioh are not only pnme 1` re I . . '35` , ..;_ . `Q -`O .._t_~. ._..L'. H _4 "}`To .KIlG m FRANCE.--For, the fprgsent _Frange1xas_decided_ to `do with- _,k9i1`tVa Kmg _; but {:1 Barns we have 3 gixng, who keeps t_he \__V0, -End T93: .. f'01'e,aI,1d*wI1ose dehght 1t xsto sell to -_l1`1s.'customeru-t`he_ best of Christmas I fru1t,fToas, Grqcerxes, Provisions, F;-ash m_at, Beer, _VVmes and Liquors, etc., at pmcfeg that sunply defy" successful com- V pgtltxon. . 1 4"" mnamun nuns t\l|n\ Al LI.-'- _._.-_n__,. . 5 Hill . lull W. y known,-[that ii M2 ! '..5.'.k. m.;;I.;..:....` `ma n-... n-...a- -.._ Hovsz or ALL NA'l`!ONS.--P. Hickey . .Im1iQrter, Duqlop strppt, B_grrie, respect. sfully invites an` inspection of his,im~ ` 1'ne_nsa gtopk of Groceries, Wix;ea, Liq- folj, bash in tho! b.8l_fZ markets, cannot fail to give satisfaction b0). in price nd quality. .No bankrupt stock offered "to the public. - .1303, '&4_:., which, having been purchased Ans xro Gnntn.---It is said that `nearly-ovary man has an axe to grind, iwhich, in Canada is literally as wail as mataphQ;';'9n.11y true. Now the plac to get good axes, as fall as everytlgiqg else in the Hardware line, is at` ` J, Hender- 3son s, opposite the Railway Station, ,Bztrrie. Everything kept, by him is good and cheap. - . MECHANICS IN3'_1`I'I`l..'TE.--The usual ' monthly business meeting o_f the Insti- ,tute will be held to-mo:-row (Friday) 7 evening, and on- the ful1owitig_ Friday pveninghan open meeting will 71): held, ,consisting of Readings, _an Essay and ` Recitations. * mat" The Lmuluu Imp:-rs, ;\'m' which th Glcb.-, rloutcd so uucbiou.-sl_v in the early days of the I zu-iiic scmulal are, aci- ' fuller inf'ornmlvi0n, and a (mlin review of the nibji.-ition, taking 9. di`.-i'cxlt view. of `this Pacllic question. Of the man whom tlm whulv hirce of tlirej (.-h:u'he was (li- ,_ r.2cted M by his enemies, the Times A says it was lll|1)0H. for him to 'lu'.-u'e > what; it calls it ton r:lv..5uil_y pi-ovml _ ulia.rge()f wholesale con-npbion, and _\'~l he llllllifli. was pt.-r.son:illy -incorruplz. The clreclamtioii he made last Spi-iug, so often `since quotwl ugaiiisl: him, `These. .luu1:ls:`u-e clean, waist:-:13. .But it re- \quires explanation." Tho explzumtirm will folluw, and it will be one that will be emirieutly i1x1.~mtist'acto1'_\' to the con- spirators, when that sen-wt chgunbcr of the l)luel)e:mls of " the party " is opened" 5 ed to the public, and some hidden things therein brought to light. -If in u In-,)ff1n-"n" ll7l\v\A1n|I ....'L'L L1,`. ST. Aivmu:w`s Socxmr. The above Society will hold its annual dinner at the Fashion Saloon next Mmulzzy 1119. when n. V!-.rv nlnncmn+. H.-. 42. ....:-: ..-Av vv nuuvv vvuau uuuu lb KGPX? Dy OIII` Town Bell. It looks as 1f the ringex- s convenience is about all that {S com" HAO UU On BELI,.-We`woul much like to know what time is kept by Bell. It looks as if :1... ...'....,...v.. Mr. Thou, Moss, Q. 0,, hss receivod and accepted the a. nominactiolg of the . Pairty Ato contest West Toronto in the Grit integrest. ' . I ,_ 2 vlsxons, you ( n `bier --v v-was A JAJAIAIJO Meals at all hours at the Fashion Saloon. [ yuu U1 UUUICBC. ` For the information of Bakers you . may state that a 4 lb loaf here is worth ,_ 25 cts., and ;ou1* is nowv88.50 per"bgu-- rel. Oats are $1.25 per bushel, and there are very few grown here yet, though one man was in here a few days . ego "and he stated that he had 300 `bush- els of!` 4 `acres of land. - He will nd. it rt paying biz to grow oats. ` The Court of Queen : Bench is sitting here now. Mr. J. tW. MacAuley will ` have to stand his trial for the part in which he took in thelkidnapping of Lord Gordon ` . A l -or - ul vuu mm uvvu uwnuns. A :Business is 1-u.th'er dull here at present, `but when the nleigbing bocomeggood tiuiea -will look up. The evening that ivo.hem`d of the'rosigna.tion of the Min- istry there was a demonstration in the -shape of a. bonre, some speeches by a would-be Mayor `and a I rintor's Dbvil, and thus ended the demon-stration. N o pun of course. `IV-.. L1, , 1' -' ` ` THE GREAT TRIALS.